lincoln··· ll 1!1 jliji. uui u!j...

Ll 1!1 JLIJI. UUI U!J lii!.ll . .l!LLH ,IJ!!i.ttliLII!IJIR$lll!. . . ' - .. ,, . ' - . u ;:, I .. J.h .11¥.1§_11 !Ji II, iQ jpt,)t;,l..ii. $$}iLl •.•. ' ' I II' ' - t" . . ) - . . ,, t . . ,f ' _ ... '""'"' ' .. ' .. . ' . .' ' . ,. ' . . ' . II' . . '' ... - . ' .. ' .. ,, . ' ' - ' ' . . ' . '/ . · . ' -:. . .. ' ' - ' . . - j . ·. . ' -- ' . .. . . . ,. ' . ' . r . . .• ' I • ' I ' : ' . 11. ' . ' . ' . . . . . . . 't' ' ' .. • '.' - ·• I ' . . . . ' '• ' . . ' .. ··- --- .r . . - ' • " .. ...... "\ '";It • ..... ,. ··f . ' "'1 ...•• - •. . I . "' ' \ I ' . ' . . ' . . f,' - 1'•' ' . . . - .. . ' . '. ' . " ' \ ' - .' .. .. ' ' l ' '' " i. ' . ' . . .,. . , __ . ' " . . '.' .. .- ' .,....,. ' ' ' . . ' : ... ' ' . . ' . . . •• . ' )tiPtetAftiJNI!6f.N tot!Nft Coli$ .. ;;._ .. ' • • <t- l t ;;l,•rt '•' .. " . - ' . . . ., . ' .. . • ... i' ... j!· ••. ' . · ........ . ttl '... ' ..... · .. . " ' . " ' '. . .. ' . - .- . _, - . ' .. . . .. Published WfJoldy c ..... . ' " B. PAGES: : l*. ===·"':::: . .:::=. :: · =·· =·::;::. · •. ::,:; . .:_=:. =. .. ·=· .=··· :=· ·=. LRNY· .=· ... :::::.· ·=: = .. ;:::::. .=: .. ... .. :_· ·=··. V§O§L§: . ·=· === . . ........ -:- . .. -·-- . ' ' ... .. ·· ··· . . Comment• .. . · ARE w·E IN ·NEE ·. GES . _ . ·· . . .... . to · ;: The Yucca Baf "•" been .Department 'W. ·Dod- . ' ( a A. t' J. 'k )' . . . . I h . ··s· .. . rey·, l()ll ot l\f:rs; fda I<:. Tom of . A•. ·'Bur e . . t e ·erVlCe .,.., . . ' · \ · t:•_,... ; · · · · · ·. · i New Mexico;·.baa re .. Raptd ch•nges are going on OeaJiem. To ue;· thiej · . . . . · · . his ·promotion 'to Sergeant .... _, '".- 6ek . . 1 eorat"l w. _ .4 .. _. .. ·· · .. · • : ' _or .• Waeh1ngton and all .. means wou.Jd n;lrran th.e old '_'Air CJl:Ttuman Spemw·; U Rnhouneeci·· ·the Sixth eometbing-b.ut ·what doe• it aU a bin . to t,:be ll .• balrf.d . Jr. who hlid been In New York. . Ail' . ArmY. .1\JrWilf. Com· mean 1 Ae so.on aa President ,the old cre.w i& .... qne :vtsitl,!d for a abort time .with the ' ll!Unicatione System' Squadron . Truman lit in the chair, re•lgna. bf. one tt dqwn.,.· :The .folkl!: here. Spenc. r i Albr..>ok · to come a ?ne, te the·moat·rancl,d ot tn tho war: Uanal ZlM, he'is . ·l ' .. ' ; · .Miss Wh•tt; of WbJtt Onka waa . · . \ . . '' . ... ' . ' ' .. tree"efiedding its :.leaves. rn tno t:bem all, Harold ·Ickes, and let' with· .Japan. He is· enroute to · ad •· · · fall. One 'ot tbe first was ''Ma''. h?pe out aa quick as I rforfda where be been eta· '1 . • F'ormerlya,railway Juihre p, E .. of .Capitan' .h fp the Fo.rl Stanton boapitaJ. · • " ) • . •- . , \ . '. Lewia B!lrk ... e · Perkips, followed otoon all pbnJble. : tioned." · . " o'perntor for lhc Southern Paci· of whom ,w·era cloaely . :Comment on the above ait· I . fie R!lilrolld, Sgt. Uudrey 11'1 no" with F. D. R, On down to· U.tion the 1!11 Paao Time"- of ·Hel'man Kelt jr., watertender ! a radh operatQr · In . the Army (-' . ' He!pWanted- Three waltreu:o ea at ·Pearl's Coftee Shop Jn Capitan, N. M• 4t 1 ., . & ; W,. a. etoek man o! .the O<&pl\an copntry at Morgen thau, qr .{Motning Dew) Wednesday, ea.Je. in part: "Pres;., . Carrizozo, ·. Air J:t'orces. He enterlld. the Ai• ·· Belfeye It or Not .... ,.Mn. Elvin In German.· On : -jiftering bl• 14ent Truman to have a . Va., recently. to trutn ' Gorp· 8 in 'or 19-18 and a,rk"' and. II 0 n :Ufellard : 0 •(, I!Sii(lna:tloQ, which it:· is '·ill.!t{ed QUmber of. definite idellB fll a . o('. s.ent t.() this nrcathis Ml\rcb: Ancbo were here Wedueada)'f . that be prajeed tbe acUQna of Whllt he want11 to T h e. tb,e Herman as • · ·ln April of this year, he. waa Dick havinj reacbed hi• 18tb Mr. Rooabvelt, making b i m A.merlean are In a .mood of- 26 months of dpty · awuded tfru Good · Qonduet on d at e - anC1 be the greate11t ruler for changes and Con1ue•• Qb.,.rd · deatroyer·Jn the Pacific Medal. . . . . · · · ' · Tbe SP HQtel· room . and lunch room r•de• corated tbf1 Wef'k. ' '.;...· - the! aa&n toon to ha Induct· mentlpninlll word In behalf of· in (fovern· We received a Miss ed Joto the •rmed aorvlcea. 0 Mr. Truman. Tho above, tccord· If ever In our 6 .a tara .an? t b 0 ' G a r .c i a Wednesday ' log to a commentator ; Tuet!de.y I{OVernme,M & f_t ever efficiei}CY I' Pb[llppJne Jtlieratlon WltP one ... IQ which ehe enclosed a clipp-ing Stldler-Hnt ab:Jut •ome old· ,wu tbc foretunner of the the .cabinet was needed, it Ia ; of Postmaater n : from one of the shipyard papers fashioned Iovin'? which was .,a!ked now when the 11eople :: Mfa. .Kelter,. Carrt· , about the recent launching of · Omer Sptitll.)olr, Coach of the Sweet young Vert for" by the Preeldent. eo badly in .of lt. Le.t ua •. a brothnrU1ll who 1 the good shiP.• Carrizozo Hiah School, 11 attend· ·well, I'll call ;randin,IJ , . ...Bt thtJe re 11 ignatlone. it fe hope for the good that this coun' · is a Pte. an the arm_y. Herman 1 occurred R bhort time D£O. Re· .·.·· ma tb• New Mexico Univereity, . . Runla wantl 1 billion dollan .. plain to be eeep thtlt the new . try, under Providence, shall re- . is.a Carrizozo achoolgradu· • tugia hrul fn tha --- · and Great Britain 8 bllllon $ Preaident wlahea to aurround turn to ita ralive freedom and · ate. · 11 department o,f shiP· Mr. and }r{t;,l Henr1 Dale of Cor lend·leale purpotel. Tbat'l himlelfwlth acablnethe cantruat alao let Ull hope that the turn in ' Mr. and Mra. Jack Pruett of , quilding Cor lhe past 16 month• the A.ncho countr1, were cal· t h • fUIOD J!telldeilt Truman and tboee who have ,reaJgned the proverbial long lane, Ia : Ancho were here Saturday. 'fho . and finds the work very inttrett• )era at tliti rffice lr!ondaJ of thiJ wai chotea to proatda onr the bear rankut atench of ra!Ucal at hand.. , P'ruetta have 1 son. in the ser· · ing nud 11enda her heat resrarda recent mutlni of tbo Bfr8. . 1 · f •• · to ber manr friends bcr..e. ·:· CAPITAN BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN I v ce, . . . .: . . N J. floore, man 11,, of G. Howitt It BOOST RANCHER'S CAMP 1\IEETING II Oaptain·Cbaplain Lealie Coch· i \Votnan's Club ... dontloenhl Stnice Statio'!) -at 11 Ukt tbe 1tor7 of the tnao who · , ran, tal•· ctf Arizona i" now in 11 . . Capitan wu here an butftittl tdld anothu: "You'r• a d a m n .Oo oacre 5 of . thfa oaoer. you inS' and ready to a how tbctr IP· ! tho Birmingham 'feDt!ral b'oapltal f Wdl spgnaor BddJte Tourn•". •• .J... . .u;. oleo f.tllow:1end me flOO." will And a Jar;t .ad containing preciaUon ot any co mini event I; at Van Nuy 1 ,Cal, to which plaee :; ment to, be J'uly at the · ..... . SliD on the front door of 1 tho namu of Ladlea and aentlt· of lmpQ.rtance aueh •• the I; be huordl!ti!B h1• Outlook eent. Woman p 1 u b Bualdmg at 1 men of Capitan who are conduct· Rancher'• Camp meeting, There . .. ·· . .. " . ' 11 tn. E v !' ·y o p e w o lira. Winona Woollatd or Ral· tuara_, Ill Poplar Blur, - . fnJ the bualnea 1 enterpriae• of baa been iome nice rainfall• on . Gordon Bilger, aon of Mr. nnd .. P!•Y• Bridge •san\tite.d to. enter..... · hal retarntd fiO'm a two• - No boor, 08 c llttlt, 00 our ntighborin8' town, all Df the Dlvldt here of late nnd the ' .lir!r. Sam .. Bigger of Capitan, is ' 1 Entry fee ia $1, lncludang re- . mObth'J • t aJ at 'St. Yar,J'I ftw frlenctJ, oo money- whom join in booalinrt t h e ooolnet• of that ·beautiful r•· . . , , • , F; fre!hmet!t•, ntvcd 'btourhou• bpspltallo Ro-awell. OPA PI tall llott. Rancher'• camp.meetbta' to ba tr•at wUI nrve as a good tonic 1 , .. I' llte everung. .. ••! , Secrtttr.J Ickt1 II)*IWI mutt held on the Indfan Dltide srrov6 Cor'.tbgte who are det!riouJOite· :: ••· ' ' • · · -:- • . , _I' razes will ba awude.d. to Kt. and Jl.rl. Do7l1 Rentfrow ahfp 6 miJifon tont of e1)al to on the date• of Au1u•t 1 to laxntr where evoryttang l1 qulllt " Promoted to Staff ru.nners-uo and wtnuera · ot tbelr ranch act()ll Europe, In ordtr to keep tbalr 'l'hb 1 1 done b1 Caoitan nnd geaceCul. The rancbera .wei· With the Tokyo Exvre 1111 27th rt conaolalton make vl1it d tbt Wm Gallacher famiJJ. · "irarm" !rltndabJp tor Ul from t.hrcbanta who are always wilJ.. come JOU. i 1 Ok' vatlopa by July 22 through Mrs. and Mrs. Edith Crawford S:.tur• off, atatta tbt . Infantry av 11 on ° 0 mawn Oewey Stoku, Mr&: Jano La Li•sha Le. · slt•e ·In· ·Conval""ac•nt Hoaps·•- 1 ·· (Delayed) - tto; the Rue or !\Irs. Ualpb dar. · gue Journal. . "' .... ''". rank oC Stan ergean ,rom ,.,. Mrs. Frank Richard' hu. pur· all . sJl.Ued. the Robt. A•bby raqcb . eornbtt but It fa t h 1 death:;, Lfsba LetUP, 71, who 0 Box 444, <(arrizblO, New Office here for Robert HudnaU. near thctRed Ltkf'. 'l'bla proper• up•! &bat it danglf.. died at tho bome of Mexico, and. 1on of· Mr. Teofilo A flquad leader wlth one com- ·· U. A. Walker, Owner ' . ' ' ... 0 tJ f1 adjotnitli' t h e Richard bole In E ·. ·of Ptomaine polaon· Salazar, Carriz.ozo, New He:deo, pan.J of tbe. Appleknocker. r! . " Sunday matinee, 2 1). m. ... a.. m 'rjfO''iffiiiEif ___ _ an a ma· " .. Atto rne'l and MrJ.Iohn w. ebfoe sruo eon cealed bebiod aome w, although taken to Hoapital, Stooke Ho1pitat ,Cen· $}riner'• famed Infantry Ohi u (l H .... ney of Hialtatba, Kana•• are gra11, then ttan · 1 boot our boapital for trutment, he died ter, l!,ort Sam Houstog, .Teltu. "aion, Hudnall eaw aet!on " (.'rfday & Stturday boJ• down .. t -m Thiat· 1 bow th" folio· -in"'· mornifl 17 , He re•_ July 4, 1945. 'nn Okfnawa where. batllmJr .! . 1 u " .... /1< ··- H•n•eJ'I par .. otl " ... ... b a c s d .,ml (!t1 vuroette Stln!let Car•on .m U6 IQI;'.. - "' 1 1 •d a' Whit"' O .. k .. to• a .l"'"'rr alazarentere the Armv June ' i Iii th"' C'oneentra· o ' w J .a ! l Pte. HoJt Binna of Oacuro met ., ., D '"'" ' aga nh " Pesrsrr st t i lit. $nd Hn .. ··· • · , lll'lf 0 1 d th J 17 11 _ ... before "'Oin"' to El Paso. 9, 1944. lMk baaie tttining 11 Uon ·<-1 Jau artillery ·(mcour,. .. ewar n •n .. ho. . n • ea . on une • • • lUC .. ,. C W I . fi d "F b d f .ca ... He Ieana three brotbets. \Vard at amp o tere, 'l'ex11. He c rugge trr· tre ran S 0 Who uld that- Ben anP Robert. all of whom re· served as rifleman with __ rtdrf a!UJ tqwertul Cortilirnliorw, A . ;, · llrs. Pat 0 o o 1"' and a mall 1 daughter• Eyangeline and Pat11 of Caoitan visihd Hr. and Mrs. S. E. Gretaen )'eaterdat. Hu. . t? ):fist ()tatbea Underwood. alt• ter of Y.ra. Pearl Sol.tiDlf!rltU of Capitan. is 'peodln• the majot part of ller 1'JiCatton with her aieter and frl!nd•. Sht ia' high tcbool atudent in L o 1 Auge!et, I --.. Children are a great comfort aide near CapitatJ a.nd to whom Coll!pauy K •• 3(th lofanlrr the played Jl lead ina rtzona in your old llf-.tnd tht1 btlp IJmpalhi' of our pe:Jpte i1 . lJtviaion. in vsrt:ln !-he tel:t?re ot .. Knkaza :it>e in this Mmedy .. JOU nacb It too. extended. Assatac Tbeatre of Opera- Itt age C{)mmanthng lhe sppwo· wefllprn hrro ho Ia rtistaken wwwa ·o owon lOUIS ·. . lions. at lhrllndo, Luzon and 19 Nab&. for n notariOUit outlaw and Iandi .ANe.w-Ydrk Hi• .. · injaiJ. - clali&ina fn Wac· and Ware uni· Little J 1}. Duran wu . b,tn dudng June, 1945. been nine lt'or '"l'rack aml i''aeld (lufz,. and · formt haa.UU.·afan-We IOJ oat V. Day and bas the mark. to After proc:euing io the Rt· wound!i reeeived be wu award· ' Happy JCO Nutty'' gonrnm•at !Otm•.. ehow Cor it. He bu capt tal ceiYittg ot 8rook1J Con· ed the Purple Heart. For ex· Sunday, Monday. Jb. and Jlrf. S•arW•I•h and leUet V p1thd1 discetoable ·in · valeacent fto.vltal. patlenllf are emolarJ. conduct ill battle he c:"blldreo 1;a now' fn$il1et Oi&t, the ce{lter of his His to vatiou, eolrlp•.nfei.· 4 weirith:e Combat Infultr.Ytnrm wbet• Sam bu l)tJili• grtndparentt. .Mr. and Mrs. dt>I'U!tlding upon the nature o't ' Badlthmd in acfditidl'l the Carmen Minnda, Vivian Btaine, tion to the oae h.. had here. Senigno Gallego• 18 well 118 hill·· their wouod1, where a c:omvany ·· Good Conduct Medal and A sip tie O'Shl!a, ' Phil Sf vert, beina cbiet ofticet .tot the A.AA, varentlf, are YetY proud of him medied officer pereonalJy euoer- Pacific Theatre Ribpdn 'With one ·· Shelia Royal fn i&a. iane La Rue aricf aw'eet We rerret to IO.f_Jlr. and Mta, and the1 ehou1d be. Vi8el their return to .full be•llh . battle . u Something for the little daaghter-c1audia ban re- Weleh from out commuoitt; •• ' . His mother, 1\lrs. Ross (•'lately ' B . ., turned 1rQm Alb:Iquetqnt •here tbo.f art a p:tl)ula't JOUDit eoupl• N'otiM hail been received br lt 1 dr 'sale - Radio, elt>ctrfe or resldee at box 11, Csvitan. N. M oys thet tpent about '!:De week with . e•pechllylo fraternd IICtfYitiu. Ht. and Mrs. no.bert Lealie or batt,ry; 50 teet - . ' . ""'.!'' ' • ' . ... Jane'• mdtber-in .. faw. Hra.. Jane ' Cipltin that their BOD, Sell l.nquire lit this ()ftiCE!· . . . n·av1d' Sanchez, the little c)prl' A TechnicJior rilU!!Ical of itt Rue . The ltandmother•, Dr. John Crawford ot 'Oallu teaUe went. down with a Jap . . L . . : ... Store hM no·i' MaMr" near Ma!lonville. Meadamea Norman and La Rue. Tesll, i)urcblted the Carriso prhon flhiP December and . F .. I . . t W S N' . . . t returned froiD a abort visit to GMt !Jill. Carmen haa tlJo 'iltetnatf In t»lealute ot epter• damp, from .Mra. Annie Titf• the news of hls death waa r•· .. ot n e • .. ortnan !'Loa Anaeld \fhere he visited." situation well In hand. laininlt LftUe Claudia, who lt . worth week. '. i'be deal fn• . here the ftrllt. ot this ; reaidence: 1 hfg.b ,, relativet and · frfende. He wus · News and ''Mtghty ·Mouse and the .,botan of the bomaa: Ia . V'llvea tocitethint Uke '100,000. week. The Ametic:an. pritonerl!' l.ourae!:r. bed, 1 ! a!c)mpanied by Mtnuel Pa .. , . the Pirate" . fl.t·. and ·aw; JefJ Herron han were .... illg bandetrtd ftom the 1 pair . i, who waa r·eturnin,.,. to tbc ·· · ·1 .. f h. · - ... ·. · • , · · · , b a: ... ::..:v:J . aa nter•.• o •: ·• .,roper,,•. Pb'nllpine ••Iandi! to. 'l'()kJb, , .. N·o··T·J·c·E· •enlc:e. -"' . . The"liami fit to be ClDTtded loto when It w-. aunk with all on ;. . .. . .. . . # .. . f" . ·, Pte. Rott Leon BI1IJ!I wu a. Qud• . .U.neb, tiaving tinnie board Sott mant motl webt: Friday,. AUgdat 10 it the day N .. - 1 ltusttell, Jack C•tion ttl fddacted Into the Arm1 in 1 .Sep..; . pool, for do\tn and ihethet. or not any set forth for the annual ceme• · · r.J ' , , · ' i ! I J I ! . . were amon(t tho1e loat,. Ia not· ate intereat 1 ed fn the Anguda ·i. The story ot a youi)Jt ladt alfek:l ' •• < " . ' , . . · Wbo · the war wltb t lt e . I . -- . " .,, Japa o'fer by Labor Day, ·t9457 q. Jpa:i(Jd.ant aq p,not- __ .... __ . known eametery, p eu.e come prepare 1 · - •· Th · · i b ·· " to work at 't. p. · m. Bring bill· ' hotel in.AlbUqller(tue. A11 , mg a car.,er. · e career v•n. 1 • Mrs. Jobo Bell returned kelll ot food for II picnic IS Upper . to attend are 1\ .• ........ . .. . 1 . T •. . . bout"· .. .. toe'· . cor ta 1 nv te_ . . . . . . . .. .,. teaua)' rom .a r P o eAai.J. 1 .. 0 . l!i:• .. • . .. . . · .. · .. · w t.( · · · ···. · You'll like th. 'C)· · wlimibe nlativea -Angua c;emetirt· ! . . • Repu .. I .; .. . ne. .. tdeude on bet yacaUou. \ - J21·a8 t bllc;an County Chairman. . \ Conao . "-' . -/ .. t . . ' . ' ' . "' :'

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Page 1: Lincoln··· Ll 1!1 JLIJI. UUI U!J lii!.ll . .l!LLH ,IJ!!i.ttliLII!IJIR$lll!. . . ' - .. ,, . ' -. u ;:, I .. J.h .11¥.1§_11

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.. · · ··· . . Comment• .. . · ARE w·E IN ·NEE ·. ·tOii;Y:IF,...,....,~HAN GES . _ . · · . . .... . l>romoa~d. to seraea~t

· ;: The Yucca Baf "•" been Jed~-· .Department ~Elbert 'W. ·Dod-

. '

( a A. t' J. 'k )' . . ~ . . I h . ··s· • .. . rey·, l()ll ot l\f:rs; fda I<:. Tom of . • ~~ A•. ·'Bur e . n· . t e ·erVlCe .,.., . . ' · \ · t:•_,... ; ';.·~·· · · · · · ·. · i Carl'izqzQ~ New Mexico;·.baa re ..

Raptd ch•nges are going on ~l N~w OeaJiem. To ue;· ~fl. thiej · .· • . . . . · · . c~ived his ·promotion 'to Sergeant

.... _, '".- 6ek -~. '--~~

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eorat"l ~bl~ w . _ .4 .. _. ~ .. ·· • • · .. · • :

' •

b:!f~Jw~ ~!!o:O~:~re.t~.. _or .• i~ Waeh1ngton and ~t all .. means wou.Jd n;lrran th.e old N~.--D,ea1; '_'Air O~t~~ CJl:Ttuman Spemw·; U w~ Rnhouneeci·· 11~ ·the Sixth eometbing-b.ut ·what doe• it aU a bin . ~~,about to t,:be ll .• balrf.d . Jr. who hlid been In New York. . Ail' Yo.rc:~ . ArmY . .1\JrWilf. Com· mean 1 Ae so.on aa President a~d ,the old cre.w i& e•~:apihg~ .... qne :vtsitl,!d for a abort time .with the ' ll!Unicatione ~ System' Squadron . Truman lit in the chair, re•lgna. bf. one be~~re tt troe~t dqwn.,.· :The hom~ • .folkl!: here. ~ol. Spenc. r i l:leadqt~llrtera a~ Albr..>ok ~'ield, · tjon~_began to come in·Jfli~ a l~est ?ne, te the·moat·rancl,d ot b~~ be~~ c;lecora~ed tn tho war: Uanal ZlM, w~ere he'is st~ttion-'

. ·l ' .. ' • • ; · .Miss !l'll~hna Wh•tt; of WbJtt Onka waa --~· ~esterday, . · .

\ . .

'' '· . ... ~,.

' . • •

' ' ..

tree"efiedding its :.leaves. rn tno t:bem all, Harold ·Ickes, and let' with· .Japan. He is· enroute to · ad •· · · fall. One 'ot tbe first was ''Ma''. U~ h?pe h~ ·~eta out aa quick as I rforfda where be ~·has been eta· '1 . • F'ormerlya,railway t~'egrapb Juihre p, E .. Chrl~ttianaen of

.Capitan' .h fp the Fo.rl Stanton boapitaJ. · • " ) • .

•- . , \ . '.

Lewia B!lrk ... e ·

Perkips, th~n followed otoon all pbnJble. : tioned." · . " ~: o'perntor for lhc Southern Paci· of whom ,w·era cloaely conn~cted . :Comment in~ on the above ait· I . • • fie R!lilrolld, Sgt. Uudrey 11'1 no" with F. D. R, On down to· U.tion the 1!11 Paao Time"- of ·Hel'man Kelt jr., watertender ! a radh operatQr · In . the Army

(-' . • '

He!pWanted-Three waltreu:o ea at ·Pearl's Coftee Shop Jn Capitan, N. M• 4t 1 ., . &

; ;· W,. a. Payn~, etoek man o! . the • O<&pl\an copntry wau~:a ~aUer at

Morgen thau, qr .{Motning Dew) Wednesday, ea.Je. in part: "Pres;., . third·c~au, Carrizozo, arrive~ ~t ·. Air J:t'orces. He enterlld. the Ai• ·· Belfeye It or Not....,.Mn. Elvin In German.· On : -jiftering bl• 14ent Truman ee~ma to have a . orf,oJ~, Va., recently. to trutn ' Gorp·8 in Oeceml~er 'or 19-18 and a,rk"' and. II 0 n :Ufellard : 0 •(, I!Sii(lna:tloQ, which it:· is '·ill.!t{ed QUmber of. definite idellB fll ~D f~;dutles· atm~rd a . dest~oye~ o('. s.ent t.() this nrcathis pas~ Ml\rcb: Ancbo were here Wedueada)'f . that be prajeed tbe acUQna of Whllt he want11 to ~o. T h e. tb,e ~tlantfc,fi~et. Herman as • · ·ln April of this year, he. waa Dick havinj reacbed hi• 18tb Mr. Rooabvelt, making b i m A.merlean peo~Je are In a .mood .vet~.r~n of- 26 months of dpty · awuded tfru Good · Qonduet blr~hda.J on d at e - anC1 be the greate11t ruler for changes and Con1ue•• Qb.,.rd · deatroyer·Jn the Pacific Medal. . . . . · · ·


' · Tbe SP HQtel· cUni~ room . and lunch room have~ r•de• corated tbf1 Wef'k. ' '.;...· -

the! aa&n • toon to ha Induct· mentlpninlll word In behalf of· cre-e.~,fJfJiclency in ~ur (fovern· ~ Af!le~t~n ~~~. the~ ~aiatic-Pa·. We received a Jettet!r~m Miss ed Joto the •rmed aorvlcea. 0 Mr. Truman. Tho above, tccord· men~.. If ever effict~nc:y In our f· qlfi~,:,~t~a jVi~ 6 .a tara .an? t b 0 ' Reru~tia G a r .c i a Wednesday

' log to a commentator ; Tuet!de.y I{OVernme,M & f_t ever efficiei}CY I' Pb[llppJne Jtlieratlon WltP one ... IQ which ehe enclosed a clipp-ing Stldler-Hnt ab:Jut •ome old· ni~rht; ,wu tbc foretunner of the i~ the .cabinet was needed, it Ia ; 1\~t::.- ~.op. of Postmaater ~ n ~ : from one of the shipyard papers

fashioned Iovin'? r~aignatlon, which was .,a!ked ru~ht now when the 11eople a~e :: Mfa. B~rman .Kelter,. o~ Carrt· , about the recent launching of · Omer Sptitll.)olr, Coach of the Sweet young thi~i- Vert for" by the Preeldent. eo badly in ~eed .of lt. Le.t ua •. ~ozo,~~e)!a~ a brothnrU1ll who 1 the good shiP.• ••Roaw~ll."which Carrizozo Hiah School, 11 attend· ·well, I'll call ;randin,IJ , . ...Bt thtJe re 11ignatlone. it fe hope for the good that this coun' · is a Pte. an the arm_y. Herman 1 occurred R bhort time D£O. Re·

.·.·· ma tb• New Mexico Univereity, . . Runla wantl 1 billion dollan .. plain to be eeep thtlt the new . try, under Providence, shall re- . is.a Carrizozo ~!gh achoolgradu· • tugia hrul been.emplo.¥~d fn tha --- · and Great Britain 8 bllllon $ Preaident wlahea to aurround turn to ita ralive freedom and · ate. · 11 ~. weldtn~t department o,f shiP·

Mr. and }r{t;,l Henr1 Dale of Cor lend·leale purpotel. Tbat'l himlelfwlth acablnethe cantruat alao let Ull hope that the turn in ' Mr. and Mra. Jack Pruett of , quilding Cor lhe past 16 month• the A.ncho countr1, were cal· t h • fUIOD J!telldeilt Truman and tboee who have ,reaJgned the proverbial long lane, Ia ne~r : Ancho were here Saturday. 'fho . and finds the work very inttrett• )era at tliti rffice lr!ondaJ of thiJ wai chotea to proatda onr the bear rankut atench of ra!Ucal at hand.. , P'ruetta have 1 son. in the ser· · ing nud 11enda her heat resrarda w~k. recent mutlni of tbo Bfr8. . 1 · f •• · to ber manr friends bcr..e.

• ·:· CAPITAN BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN I v ce, . . . .: . • . N J. floore, man11,, of t~e G. Howitt Ht~rts rema~kl It BOOST RANCHER'S CAMP 1\IEETING II Oaptain·Cbaplain Lealie Coch· i \Votnan's Club ...

dontloenhl Stnice Statio'!) -at 11 Ukt tbe 1tor7 of the tnao who · , ran, tal•· ctf Arizona i" now in 11 • . .

Capitan wu here an butftittl tdld anothu: "You'r• a d a m n .Oo oacre 5 of . thfa oaoer. you inS' and ready to a how tbctr IP· ! tho Birmingham 'feDt!ral b'oapltal f Wdl spgnaor • BddJte Tourn•". •• .J... . .u;. oleo f.tllow:1end me flOO." will And a Jar;t .ad containing preciaUon ot any co mini event I; at Van Nuy1,Cal, to which plaee :; ment to, be ~eld J'uly ~7 • at the

'l'u~. · • ..... . SliD on the front door of 1 tho namu of Ladlea and aentlt· of lmpQ.rtance aueh •• the I; be huordl!ti!B h1• Outlook eent. ~ Woman • p 1 u b Bualdmg at 1

• men of Capitan who are conduct· Rancher'• Camp meeting, There . .. ·· . .. " . '11 P· tn. E v !' ~ ·y o p e w ~ o lira. Winona Woollatd or Ral· tuara_, Ill Poplar Blur, llo~ - . fnJ the bualnea1 enterpriae• of baa been iome nice rainfall• on . Gordon Bilger, aon of Mr. nnd .. P!•Y• Bridge •san\tite.d to. enter .....

· ~~ hal retarntd fiO'm a two• - No boor, 08 c llttlt, 00 our ntighborin8' town, all Df the Dlvldt here of late nnd the ' .lir!r. Sam .. Bigger of Capitan, is '1 Entry fee ia $1, lncludang re- . mObth'J • t aJ at 'St. Yar,J'I cf~art, ftw frlenctJ, oo money- whom join in booalinrt t h e ooolnet• of that ·beautiful r•· . f11•t11C!'Ier~ice. . , , • , F; fre!hmet!t•, ntvcd 'btourhou• bpspltallo Ro-awell. OPA PI tall llott. Rancher'• camp.meetbta' to ba tr•at wUI nrve as a good tonic

1, .. • I' llte everung.

.. ••! , Secrtttr.J Ickt1 II)*IWI mutt held on the Indfan Dltide srrov6 Cor'.tbgte who are det!riouJOite· :: ••· ' ' • · · -:- • . , _I' razes will ba awude.d. to Kt. and Jl.rl. Do7l1 Rentfrow ahfp 6 miJifon tont of e1)al to on the date• of Au1u•t 1 to ~ laxntr where evoryttang l1 qulllt " Promoted to Staff St!rg~~""'{''"nt~ra ru.nners-uo and wtnuera

· ot tbelr ranch act()ll tbella1p~f• Europe, In ordtr to keep tbalr 'l'hb 11 done b1 t~Q Caoitan nnd geaceCul. The rancbera .wei· With the Tokyo Exvre1111 27th rt conaolalton ~~at make re~er• vl1it d tbt Wm Gallacher famiJJ. · "irarm" !rltndabJp tor Ul from t.hrcbanta who are always wilJ.. come JOU. o· i 1 Ok' vatlopa by July 22 through Mrs. and Mrs. Edith Crawford S:.tur• eo~lilll off, atatta tbt AJbu~uer• . Infantry av 11 on °0 mawn Oewey Stoku, Mr&: Jano La

• Li•sha Le. · slt•e ·In· ·Conval""ac•nt Hoaps·•-1 ·· (Delayed) - !~oSmotion tto; the Rue or !\Irs. Ualpb !'otty~ • dar. · gue Journal. . "' .... ' '". rank oC Stan ergean ,rom ,.,.

Mrs. Frank Richard' hu. pur· all ~~~:~~.:~t ~~:"~ :.~~ .Ja~~r~.~~/1~~~1'!~:0~~ ~~: ba!~1!~t~~~a~!;y8~:~:;r,bu;~ .· ~:~:!d ~~~~~h~u~ft: ~~u:~; . L~~;*";;~~;-;~;"""-""''T~.,.~"*"::i~'7':~;;::::;::-~;;;:~:-;R;:::.,.E~~' sJl.Ued. the Robt. A•bby raqcb . to·!•~• eornbtt but It fa t h 1 death:;, Lfsba LetUP, 71, who 0 Box 444, <(arrizblO, New Office here for Robert HudnaU. -~-----....-near thctRed Ltkf'. 'l'bla proper• up•! &bat it danglf.. died at tho bome of bladaug~ter Mexico, and. 1on of· Mr. Teofilo A flquad leader wlth one com- ·· U. A. Walker, Owner

' .

' '



• •

tJ f1 adjotnitli' t h e Richard • bole In E ·. ·of Ptomaine polaon· Salazar, Carriz.ozo, New He:deo, pan.J of tbe. Appleknocker. r! . " Sunday matinee, 2 1). m. --~ ... a.. m 'rjfO''iffiiiEif ___ _

• an a ma· " .. ~

Attorne'l and MrJ.Iohn w. ebfoe sruo eon cealed bebiod aome w, ~d although taken to • Hoapital, Stooke Ho1pitat ,Cen· $}riner'• famed Infantry Ohi • •

u • (l

H .... ney of Hialtatba, Kana•• are gra11, then tb~J ttan ·1boot our boapital for trutment, he died ter, l!,ort Sam Houstog, .Teltu. "aion, S·~~:tt. Hudnall eaw aet!on " (.'rfday & Stturday • boJ• down .. t -m Thiat·1 bow th" folio· -in"'· mornifl17, He re•_ July 4, 1945. 'nn Okfnawa where. batllmJr .! .1 u " ~

V.t~·.t•i .... /1< ··- H•n•eJ'I par .. otl • • " • ... ... b a c s d .,ml (!t1 vuroette Stln!let Car•on .m U6 IQI;'.. - "' 1•1a· •d a' Whit"' O .. k .. to• a .l"'"'rr alazarentere the Armv June ' i Iii th"' h~uie11t C'oneentra· ~ • o ' w J .a ! l Pte. HoJt Binna of Oacuro met ., • ., • D • '"'" ' aga nh " Pesrsrr st t i lit. $nd Hn .. ··· • · , lll'lf 0

1 d th J 17 ·~5 11_ ... before "'Oin"' to El Paso. 9, 1944. ~nd lMk baaie tttining 11 Uon ·<-1 Jau artillery ~·.er ·(mcour,. • .. ewar n •n .. ho. . n • ea . on une • • • lUC .. ,. C W I . fi d "F b d f .ca ... He Ieana three brotbets. \Vard at amp o tere, 'l'ex11. He --'U!ttd.l&.th~~Plici c rugge trr· tre ran S 0

Who uld that- Ben anP Robert. all of whom re· served ove~~ea.~ as rifleman with __ rtdrf a!UJ tqwertul Cortilirnliorw, A . ;, · llrs. Pat 0 o o 1"' and a mall 1

daughter• Eyangeline and Pat11 of Caoitan visihd Hr. and Mrs. S. E. Gretaen )'eaterdat. Hu.

. t?

):fist ()tatbea Underwood. alt• ter of Y.ra. Pearl Sol.tiDlf!rltU of Capitan. is 'peodln• the majot part of ller 1'JiCatton with her aieter and frl!nd•. Sht ia' • high tcbool atudent in L o 1 Auge!et,

I --..

Children are a great comfort aide near CapitatJ a.nd to whom Coll!pauy K •• 3(th lofanlrr the regimen~ played Jl lead ina rtzona in your old llf-.tnd tht1 btlp tb~ IJmpalhi' of our pe:Jpte i1 . RP~u~eot, ~tb lJtviaion. in th~e! vsrt:ln !-he tel:t?re ot .. Knkaza :it>e "Pt~>ie'' in this Mmedy .. JOU nacb It too. extended. • Assatac Pae1~e Tbeatre of Opera- Itt age C{)mmanthng lhe sppwo· wefllprn ~,.,. hrro ho Ia rtistaken

wwwa ·o owon lOUIS ·. . lions. at lhrllndo, Luzon and ~bes 19 Nab&. for n notariOUit outlaw and Iandi

.ANe.w-Ydrk talfo-r-~b;~,-.~~-----~--'fi;,ii/ton Hi• F4~~be-ad -::~~~~:!ddl::h!U:i~!:•:::~=~ .. hep~':; !0t~nd:~i·~:r~:~P~~1~!~ · injaiJ. -· -clali&ina fn Wac· and Ware uni· Little J 1}. Duran wu . b,tn dudng June, 1945. been of~rJ!eU nine ~onths. lt'or '"l'rack aml i''aeld (lufz,. and · formt haa.UU.·afan-We IOJ oat o~ V. Day and bas the mark. to After proc:euing io the Rt· wound!i reeeived be wu award· ' Happy JCO Nutty'' gonrnm•at !Otm•.. ehow Cor it. He bu • capt tal ceiYittg Oo~pany ot 8rook1J Con· ed the Purple Heart. For ex· •

Sunday, Monday. Tttt~daJ Jb. and Jlrf. S•arW•I•h and leUet V p1thd1 discetoable ·in · valeacent fto.vltal. patlenllf are emolarJ. conduct ill battle he c:"blldreo 1;a now' fn$il1et Oi&t, the ce{lter of his loreh~ad. His usignt~d to vatiou, eolrlp•.nfei.· 4 weirith:e Combat Infultr.Ytnrm wbet• Sam bu • ~fmlfat l)tJili• grtndparentt. .Mr. and Mrs. dt>I'U!tlding upon the nature o't ' Badlthmd in acfditidl'l wear~t the Carmen Minnda, Vivian Btaine, tion to the oae h .. had here. Senigno Gallego• 18 well 118 hill·· their wouod1, where a c:omvany ·· Good Conduct Medal and A sip tie Mi~hael O'Shl!a, ' Phil Sf vert, beina cbiet ofticet .tot the A.AA, varentlf, are YetY proud of him medied officer pereonalJy euoer- Pacific Theatre Ribpdn 'With one ·· Shelia Royal fn

i&a. iane La Rue aricf aw'eet We rerret to IO.f_Jlr. and Mta, and the1 ehou1d be. Vi8el their return to .full be•llh . battle star~ . u Something for the little daaghter-c1audia ban re- Weleh from out commuoitt; •• ' . His mother, 1\lrs. Ross (•'lately ' B . ., turned 1rQm Alb:Iquetqnt •here tbo.f art a p:tl)ula't JOUDit eoupl• N'otiM hail been received br lt1dr 'sale - Radio, elt>ctrfe or resldee at box 11, Csvitan. N. M • oys thet tpent about '!:De week with . e•pechllylo fraternd IICtfYitiu. Ht. and Mrs. no.bert Lealie or batt,ry; 50 teet garde~hoae - • . ' . ""'.!'' ' • ' . ... •

Jane'• mdtber-in .. faw. Hra.. Jane ' Cipltin that their BOD, Sell l.nquire lit this ()ftiCE!· . . . ~ n·av1d' Sanchez, the little c)prl' A TechnicJior rilU!!Ical of lfJ&•~r· itt Rue . The ltandmother•, Dr. John Crawford ot 'Oallu teaUe went. down with a Jap .· . . L • . . : ... allhtl'Rollnmt·Drn~ Store hM no·i' MaMr" near Ma!lonville. Meadamea Norman and La Rue. Tesll, i)urcblted the Carriso prhon flhiP ,la~t December and ~ . F . . I . . t W S N' . . . t returned froiD a abort visit to GMt !Jill. Carmen haa tlJo 'iltetnatf In t»lealute ot epter• damp, from .Mra. Annie Titf• the news of hls death waa r•· .. ot n e • .. • • ortnan !'Loa Anaeld \fhere he visited." situation well In hand. laininlt LftUe Claudia, who lt . worth laa~ week. '. i'be deal fn• . ~eived here the ftrllt. ot this ; reaidence: . 1 ·~tib. 1 hfg.b chai~. ,, relativet and · frfende. He wus · News and ''Mtghty ·Mouse and the .,botan of the bomaa: Ia ~tb . V'llvea tocitethint Uke '100,000. week. The Ametic:an. pritonerl!' l.ourae!:r. c~atr,_lyoutb bed, 1 ! a!c)mpanied by Cp~. Mtnuel Pa .. , . the Pirate" .

fl.t·. and ·aw; JefJ Herron han were .... illg bandetrtd ftom the 1 pair etmng~.double·bed.tlte. . i, who waa r·eturnin,.,. to tbc ·· Place•~ · · 1 .. f • h. · - ... ·. · • ~ , · · · , b a: ... ::..:v:J ~ . aa nter•.• o •: ·• .,roper,, •. Pb'nllpine ••Iandi! to. 'l'()kJb, ~ , .. N·o··T·J·c·E· ~ •enlc:e. -"' .· . ~~r . The"liami fit to be ClDTtded loto when It w-. aunk with all on ;. . .. . .. . . # .. . f" . · , ~ednesday-'l'huraliaJ'~

Pte. Rott Leon BI1IJ!I wu a. Qud• . .U.neb, tiaving tinnie board Sott mant motl webt: Friday,. AUgdat 10 it the day N .. ·o·TICr.~ - 1 R·~silt\nd ltusttell, Jack C•tion ttl fddacted Into the Arm1 in 1 .Sep..; . pool, ·~c., for do\tn and ihethet. or not any set forth for the annual ceme• · · r.J ' , , · •

' i !




. .

~ ==~===

were amon(t tho1e loat,. Ia not· ate intereat1ed fn the Anguda ·i. ~!:te~:~~:: ~~m:~tt:h~8 ~(:!~! ~ The story ot a youi)Jt ladt alfek:l

' •• • •

• < "

. ' ,

. . · Wbo · the war wltb t lt e

. I . - - . " .,,

Japa o'fer by Labor Day, ·t9457 q.

Jpa:i(Jd.ant aq p,not-__ .... __ . • •

• •

known eametery, p eu.e come prepare 1 · - •· • Th · · i b • ·· " ~ to work at 't. p. · m. Bring bill· ' hotel in.AlbUqller(tue. A11 Re~ , mg a car.,er. · e career v•n. 1 •

Mrs. Jobo Bell returned Wed·~,:. kelll ot food for II picnic IS Upper . pubdl!cal·lnsfwlal~ldng to attend are 1\ .• :~ ~~d~:~~::t~l~ ~~~~!!f f~~~~r!• ........ r· . .. . t· 1 . t· T •. . . bout"· .. • .. toe'· . cor ta 1 nv te_ • . . . . . . . .. • .,. teaua)' rom .a r P o eAai.J. 1 .. 0 ~" . l!i:• .. • . .. . . · .. · .. · w t.( · ~· · · ···. · You'll like th. 'C)· ·

wlimibe Vi$i~ed nlativea and~ -Angua c;emetirt· Com~Jttee ! . Bento~ . • cG•nn~!•• Repu .. I .; .. . ~~- ne. .. tdeude w~Ue on bet yacaUou. \ - J21·a8 t bllc;an County Chairman. . \ Conao .

• "-' . •

• -/ .. t ~··

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' ' . "' :'


Page 2: Lincoln··· Ll 1!1 JLIJI. UUI U!J lii!.ll . .l!LLH ,IJ!!i.ttliLII!IJIR$lll!. . . ' - .. ,, . ' -. u ;:, I .. J.h .11¥.1§_11

' <t"< .

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CJIAP'l'ER XII .. -"It's li funny thing," Luke Packer

hid. "It' a easy to .tell when a man la lying: but it plumb falls you to ••Y when he's tellJng the truth. But thot atJI't any excuse. A thousand thinga otter told me you was only 11

· .Wlk.l:ng .horse. No such damn fool could be the real Monte J arrad. But I never caught on, Until the real · Monte fired ·from tho slope."

.. I suppose I've done more mean things in my Ufc than one man can ·remember," Luke Packer sold. He was speaking wlth great difficulty l)ow. "But tho moon thlngn you do are bru11hed over and forgot. The one thin« nobody ever forgets· . . . and ever forlillves • . • ill n

• . . Not even God'U forgive "'"'· Hlm leout of all." •

Those were the lost wordu Luke Packer ever 'Bald. lie dlrd with a atrunge aborlglnol'stolchlm, without. bltterncs!! and without tnlth. SC!em· Sngty he llt.erally bvllcved, ll!l he hod aald, that the death penalty wns n aultablc one for o mon of hlu occupa· tton to poy, .for the c•rlml' of mlotnk· lng one ~~~n for another.

Melody Joneo nhool1 out o oaddle blanket, ond Jold It over Pnckcr'o body; tbl'n lmrncdlntt>ly for~tot the whole thing, for now thl• outer door was puahf'tl open from oulolde,' and l~,m£ wide·. Ml.'lody thottght he l)lmpscd the bond thnt awung ·the door ; but nobody utomt ln the op~ ln.g that r,opt>d blackly Into tht> nlr,Wt. Jdelody cnotchcd hl11 gun out ln whot ~011 lntt>nded to bt> a Ughtnlna draw.

Georce Fury !ltt•flped U1rou£h the door, nnd flattened hlmBetl ngalnat the woll tnolde. ollowlntt the lcnfll pol!8lblc ellhouette ot hlmnelt In the door-frame unlll tho domt was shut.

' George Fury's eyebrows jumped

now oo he aaw the! form of Luke~ PoC'ku undu ltn blanket. lie looked at It for a lone time, and hiD face was vory grim. "So now they got a corpuo dcllcU." ho aald •ot loll, boll owly.

"A whut?" "A dead mnn," Ol."orgc Fury em•

pllfl€'d "It nln't le>gnl to hong you on ncrount of a dead man unlerut thoy eon come up with one. Cotpus 4eUcU Js .eome (or clan way of tl!l)'•

·-lng--thal-.fiOOn.'.a-tllOY Jou'n de·llekrd."

"Qh." ''This here Is roek • bottom,"

Owrco Fury said, compll'tely with· out hopc. "Up unliJ now we woa In bed ahape, but oil rJght. Even If


hung you for Mont~:~ Jarrod, of

. _· • l .

' • .. ' '' ''

. '

s " . '

• ...... -

\ •


; ; ; . ; ; . I


. . '

. ~'

· try to through your head. W.c ain't got time fiJr no such c~JmplJcnt­

. ed projict aa Olat! It )'OU want out of this,, will you please, plennc do Ukc I soy, jest for the next few·min­qtea?" • "Go cat'cl\ your poniea," George Fury ordered Melody. AU the dead• level urgency he could put Into })Is

- - ,..._

• • ;, _. ' ..

' . . ' ''•

1.' I ,I


Jou o 'l, now that you comt> fltltd hung him. up with a corpus deiiC'tl of your lie went atuhlnx up to the door af •tr do like ht'll," oold Shcrlfi Thin• own1" the cabin anct kltktd llll:l. gun.

Melody put nwoj' bin gun. "Some· low tcnt'n wnn th<?re: "Suddle 'em Cherry de Ulntpre began to speak tinu•a," ke aatd, "lt don't Sl'l'm rapidly, in • Jow monotone. "Wh1

both, yourn ond,Chcrry•s. Then glt don't "'ou Jet him go? What kind (lt tne like we 1et the brcnkn." min". 11· c'" "'"'-ut ;0. rtu rods down 3

G " " ulJU l' .. murdercro arc j'ou? Give h1m • · "1 suppm:e ycu reoll:e," eorgc the erick, in a tittle meadow. You chance to run for· his Uf"l" She l'ury said aolllly, "tbere'a a poB!le cnn•t mios catehing him heeausc k d f d 3 d " t 1 .. pretty near on tov of u• right now?" h"''s "lose hobbl"'d, o."d he's alto loo e gray ace &nu enpera e.., ... " "' •· tircd, but to Melody !he had never

"0f1lrge," said Cherry d<? Longpre short plrkcted. •• looked prettier tn her utc. "Thll 'lrilb deep gravity, "you nhouldn't Mc!ody otcod and woil<?d, so sure fool kid has noU~n:o with any .. luave dono thl.!." that Cherry and Gecrge v;cre en his thing. Let the catch him

"Who, me' Whtlt1 Done> whirb?" heels that at flrst be was glad to for thcmt:elves!" "Tou ahnuldn't hove shot him." have ~ot the mu!dling db1le before Mormon Sleeker snid with deep "I tiliculdn't of what? Shot wllo?" they t'OU$thl up _•a;n~d~;fn;'Uil;;·d~~h;ltn:;,"lu~n-.1~~t~Jsl:!i~~;!; "Let the kid slope." "The man · urider ·that blank:<>i T!f1rnmf:e; .. · fly nmt tJ

-.woa on nprl'!l!J company dctcc• ogolnsl o . and one ankle Jy. you gone cut ot your ttve. lfln nome won J,ukc Pockr>r. en a coek«:d·up knee. Uis bullet.. head? Be woa one of the most feared nick wns hurting very lntercstingly Sh«:rifi Reddy Thingan looked at peace· officers ln the West; every• now; ht• Idly picked pine needles Cherry de t.onupre with aU kinds of hotly knows hln name. Thl'ret Isn't out of hb bloooy ear. ond wondered bcnl'volencc. ••crime d(}e5n•t pa:v;• • sintle man In the who!o territory 1t he would Jose Uic whole shcbor,ul. he told her. "Uow (!Otnc you got wbo wouldn't hove been a better · Melody Jones now got iltiffiy Ut> your fool stuck through U1e fence dlolce tor you to klll than this inon." onto his heels, and mounted Harry lik!! this? 1 swear, I'm goln' to stop

.. Yea; but-but-" Henshaw, llidintt Uon.y nndd. lend~ this cortupt~g AmetJcnn worila~ "There's 1olng to be such a mon· ing the other VQili(IS, ho tuntc . bac6 hood around here if 1 hove to bang

hunting hullabaloo as the West has toword the adobe, on no better the• 1ellerll rlgblllrid left! .. n~ver seen before. I wouldn't give ory than thot he hod wnltpd 1png .,Listen you old fool," said George

'two et"nta for the chances of either enough. He approacllcd the cabin Fury. "don't it never occur to you one of you!" with some toution, riding wlth hi!l that you won't hevcr find out where

Oeorse Fury looked from the girl led ponies In places wh«'r& the ani· the loot went to, it you let this punk to his partner, and. bark ngnln, mals' unsbotl hoofs were lcnst likdy git hung?" , slow~. with the drent)l disttluslon ol to clop upon stone. The lhrl'c po- "ltow's .thnt ngoln?" ~ • man who witnesses an ___.J time nies movrd like ghosts n!l he rode 11\Vho do yoli think is going to tell low. into the iittto meadow. · you where that. strongbox ·l!r,11

"So now," ho drawled, "you can't And now n burJJl of outrage h!t<?d 11• F k d' him .. · · thl -lther of you think or· no t.-tt•r out him in his s\irru., bows. The ndObc ,corge uryd asMc • once y • ..... ua " ,., punk Is den ? onte Jarrad? 011 than to blilmb the whole damn ca• Will well illuminntcd now, as 11 CiV• don't ev('fl know Monte Jtrrad Ia Jen:tilY on me: •• ~ry eandl~ In th~:~ place had bc<?n ldiva 1.. . . . .. . .

"It aln't any 9.uesUcn of bt~mln« ·u~~~t,pp<?d then and IMkcd around . "Do you." Sherltr Thingan asked ~.body. Ot.qrge, ' Melody sal ~~~d· h·tm· •• Ch"'r·"" d6., A. "'"'r". *· l'ld .......... tl"' Melod.)' cynically, " what .., ~ ·~ """'••u "" u .. /V '" Monte done with that expr~.bc»t'l"'

Geor«e reddened. "Why yew be- Fur)> wer(l riot •tone, Three Inter• 11\'c!ll,"' Melod1 ISald. fowtled numpus-" Ioptrl mfide tb~ cnbin !!leem pncl<~d. "l want you to get it through ~ur

.. 1 ~u," Melody told Cherey, Their guns wert~ in' .u.teit h~Ulds; bald," Melody uld, u~hat I ain't •'wo 1ot hltn on our hands. That'• and theY bQd so placed themselves Monte .tarrad. If r &how ¥ou where how come he shot Packer.•• Utat they could kcc:t~ an eye on the money ·ls, 1 •w•nt yOU shoUld

Cherry there Oeorill Fury while thetr · · ~on• turn me ft11e. And ttt.J gal With me, bleak, little · · . · Melody at too s•t

~~~ ~~~ . ·· · · • m'bOt.'' the oldest of


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• •

Geo.rre done the . · n1cn aald urm · Shcttllf 'lt w•• • hot· Thlrilill-the bit end ot tile law in

· juat. the P•1nav1Ue, SUck ·your ftn&era 1n ln· here\Vh-:g r,~ mouth,'t he <!rdertd. aurp~lalni•

· but · •-wttuttu "' · ~ · . ·~k J01it M&tu i&l. ycmt :t:mnltn.

-~ . . tht ··Jhot. that' ISoth • banda.'" . . . .. •'"oeorp wa. plt.J._. ·~ lod"

A .

,I ~ '

'" --·•T~• --- •- ~"'~"-••·~-C.:""•_._:.. __ ,,,~.-·• ··-''" 'f,""' -•-••-··~·o•"•••••-••-• "--•"'•-• _,

• ' . ~ . ~-

" • H '

' >'

; . ' ..

·M~e T~~k M01tey . -~~. -~~

· · ilr· ··Etsl~. witXAMS li~Clurf~NewJI'Papel" l$~~c11t!!: .

WJW :F•lltllre,. . . . ·

• •

' .

,: I

. ' •

I . .

.I'CENTRAL, GiMME:· .. FLIVVER 6·828!' '

. . From we prorress

to the e:ib1by- :aoo·y. ,

Complications will ·be many once . it becomes . possible to link home sweet home with the beach-wagon and th.e imperial scdim by 1Jhone. -·--We await the 11ew exasperations of 4'\Vbat auto are you c:lllln1?", "'Ibnt sedan Is busY now." "'Ibe flivver thnt called you hall bunr up," an!J "There's no sucb ear tn U1e book." .

-·-, It \'/ill mean one more automobile gadcet to be fuc<?d, too. , •

' -·-From now on )'Otl wut never be 11ure wben somethlnc 10es wronr: with the old bull whether to take It to a rararc or to the telephone com· panf.. -·-

' \ " .

" • ' . ., ' ' .•..

.. . .... ""·.

·C··. .,__ rd .. IIPJJ~Ja · ... .·able or .Che•t

' . . '



' . '~ ="·-;-""'-=· -- ..


• P#IIIQM now eot•t•tl 1• iPit:ttlu lodutrtry will cot APPIT wlt/JQut .ltat ... mtnt of 14Vlli,.blllt7 from tbrfl logiJ UD.IItd 5111111 EmpiP:TIDtllt SrrTit:t.

==-=· -·~--llELP WAN'l'ED-1\IEN

-~ = = ~~= •'>="•' - .

1\\'1\NTED=Drpcmdnblo experh:mtcd -ell mlco, 1 parte mnn, Attrn~uvo Jlvlnlil con· diUono; mctb:mlrA cworoao, s:lOO to $tOO men till)': enJoY. J)rpoperl\ll ond po,twnr SO• cufll!f. Wrlto 1"11 dctnl!n nnd C!JtflClrlcnco. lltdph ltrueo. J.'.rll Dultr, nawllna, W1•·

= SOME O!'IEl TO rlJT. tll' 61 Jl,(lltE8 l!f Al· talfa nnd 10:0 o. of wll:J hli:V on tlbarc:oii:Lo­«!llled J:t nllt~llltOl!t, 12 ml!cn t:nrth of mra~o tnm:. tnnulrtt nt ~. Jt. I'EllOt!IION. tt mllr" nonb •f lllru•llfl', t'otorJOio,

. • We'll take n motoreycJ<?-nnd

, DOGS, CATS, PETS, ETC: no ~ ~ ~ ~ • · "~~ ~-"""·"'"· ~=c"---von SAt.IO:-(IREYllOlllfDIJ, d~er hcnm4, trm1 \>'Oil hlJ'Jild,' CO)IOIO dOJCt, t•rCJ<~ ft-m >lt>JO, bred ancl P"t:>'·

phone st':vlccl • • • •

• .Just to get ap ltelln' rested,

With no sebedufe for the mom, Anc1 no problem to be handled

So no new wars will be bOrn. • • • .Jet to cion a pair of jumprrs

Al2d a shirt the wotlie for weal', With b() strl~s 'Cir bars •r medals

And the day aU free from care •••

Not a thoqht of klids aJHl rulers­No-t a fast plane to be made­

Not a word eoneerulnl' Moscow, Londoa, BerliD or Betrrade, •••

Not a paper up lor slfDlnr-N• ueitement and no rtow


A..t.JD A BOBBIN' GO BEtOWt • • • ..

Postwar Woaders Auto mnkers are displaying the

new models. It ls wonderful to be able to get a peek at the handsome new model you willJflWe to go with-­out for another rear or two. -·-Custo er (after lookjng at a new auto m el)-Very pretty. What year rn y I expect a demonstration? -·-Ah ·· DT Chief Johnson says there will not be enough new autos to satisfy th.e demand !or three run years. We recommend Mr. John~ son !or ~ office of Administration of NationtiJ'>-.Tpykilters. ·

, ftleaD Weather Intermittent taln, I've. learned.

. . Which forecasts tell·' about, Is rain that stops when I go in

And .starts wh\ll I come out. · . . -'

t', •

. 01


C.'. T. D\'Kf~ll • • 'fullae, Tuaa, •

. ~

Mnytng R(')eky Mountain Co. C•ltr••• ll'tl11u • • • • • Ctt•rdt.

- =--- -·-.

~=· )Y~l;E~.· D='l() ~tri · Rabbit Crowds Ihlport.u-at Yor blgl:l'st ;wet cntb returtlll, ablp cr brlnlf

ycur rottilt h!:ll'll to • . MORRIS SAIZE& •

t~: l!lalle SL • t, ..... We !l!IO'eya rettmd t>arffi pest.

• -- - -- 4.-W -

Women for President

The first woman to be nominated for President of the United States was Victoria Claflin Woodhull. who beaded the of the Equ1ll Rights Party in 1n72; and the sec· Lnd and last woman so holiilred ·was Bel\'a t.ockwood, )Yho was the choice of this same party in both l!JC4 and lSOO. •

NO ASPIRIN FASTER or better-. Demand ilt. Joeep& AtPidD. -wotld'l Jat&est, ilcllet' a\-10e.l00 tabietl, 35c. You aet J~MrlY3 table"' for only ou eent. Always ask lor St. J011epb Mpirin.


toki!O'~· •

CTORY _._,il,IA&S, ... ••.

o_,- ·•


. '



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Page 3: Lincoln··· Ll 1!1 JLIJI. UUI U!J lii!.ll . .l!LLH ,IJ!!i.ttliLII!IJIR$lll!. . . ' - .. ,, . ' -. u ;:, I .. J.h .11¥.1§_11


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UNIFORM · I NATIONAL · SUN DAlY l .... ·. ·... · · · . cHooL .. · __ esson

t.~~ - . . . ~T BAn6LD L.· LUNDQU~~ ~~P• . . Of'. ~ Jol!IQ(Iy. Bible ln1Unrte w; IL.iDlca&V.

l'teleiiHil by Wl!l~em li'~w•paper Unton. ' ... . . . • Relea11ed b:V. W• .. e~ .. rewEIJiap•1

. ,. . 81: VJJtGJN~- V.U.E • . ·I·. T'S .ihe women W,AQ J:Ule. the . . · 4eat:i,ti'y of . the: .

. ~-ovie,s, ac.c·ord~ng ~Q Hunt . 'Stl'omberg, who's been · mak•

• ing g{>od··movies ·for years,· and · ~ow has ·Ais -_owp. pro4ucin&

. ' . . ' '

' - ' ' . '

lltlbj~c~ and .Scripture «exta • ani\ · CC!l'Yrl&hted bY lntemaUOIJ~ ot ll•ll&IOUII 'JI:r1ucaUcm; llftll. .,~

. . - ' - . " . '

GOD'~ PROMISE Ofl'A NATIOl'!l .. . _.......,. ' • • ·-TEX;T....Qenula l'l;J,•JQ,

T.lllX'l'-1 WUl eatal)lllh my COVe'<

··~ • • . . . . .

.· . ' .. . ....

.· ·~· . . . . ' . .



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' Pr~pQrcttion lequired . Processrng

. . ' ...

. '' "''

' ...

•• • . ' . ' . . ' ' . " . ' .~.. - ' ' •

' ... ' • • • •

' ~ .. ~

. ' • . .


· .. Scallops Tnm Junior ·rwo.;Piee~r .l ·

. Tot's Dress for~ School ·o:r Pl~y. :· .·. . - ' - . . . ' . . ..



. ' \

' ••

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c any. Women form a · ~"!<=~=1' an,d ~ and . ~· t

• .. ' .


,i •

I' " .... -



• •

""' ~ l _. " - --#-c ... , . :. '

• •

COV!lRil!'llr . aee4 ,after· . ' .

G~ keeps ·IJis PfOmisell. · It ~ay · have appeared that· God had. forgot..

t.en, but He had not, and in our les-­. son we find Him ready to fulfill His

need to learn the lesson of patience, of awaiting God's.time for the carrying out of :His purpo:~e. IS not in any burry, but lie alvva~r• arrives on time. U we travel way with Him, all will be well.· · · ·

Abram found the fullness of God's blessing because he sought His will for life and service, We find him

I. Walkinr 1n God's Plan (vv. 1, 2). . ' The place of blessing is not 1n ·some· cloiStered reft.\ge where the circt~mstances of life .and lts prob­lems cannot dis\urb. lis. It iB out iii:' the daily walk with God, in tlie· home, the office, the shop.

What ls God's plan for the life of the Just what He told

ing less a God. His law (Ps. 10:7). H~ . requires a perfect to th!' perfect law (James 2:10). Tbla was His standartl for Abram, and lt can be no .less tor us. · •

How shall we attain to it? Only in Christ can· ·we meet and ful1ill 'God's plan of pertecUon. . .

CONSTANCE MOORE · . 'l'hat means that as followers of· ;, . . , the Lord we are to seek His. ~er




PeacheJ Peel. pac:ic,

. Pears '

1-------'l romOVI ,yea, cut or alice. Pre· Pineapple ln •• ~o. eyrup ~ to 10 minutes.


• aldns. Pack. Add avn



core, quarter. l minute, TomatoH. dip J


30 20




10 .

10 8


10 . . •






Two·Flecc Fa:ock A SIMPLE and veL'Y pretty two· plcco frock for juniors that

will capture many . nn admiring glance.· Soft scallops make nn ef· fl!ctive finish on the figure-whit­tling jacket. · A teen·ngc "m\lst" for summer festivities •.

• • • p

IIEWINO t'IRt'f,J'r I'~TTEnN IIRI''t, :130 South Welh Sl. · t'llkno

Enclono 25 ccnla In colrus Cor e~ch pattern d~lllr!!d. Pattern No. _____ ..,ltd-

Namc'------~----------Ad'dre~•:.....,.---oo~-....:.· ..,.;...,,....... __



• . .




-·· . .· -"Hollywood Mystery 'Time,~• · 'SUn• i-t,.. .. --;m.-,.,.,,t. ro1rldi11Jr ()f ·llit crace in daya over the ~merlcan network. our lives. We at:e not to be content Dennis O'Keefe plays "Lawton,.. a W,Stb a ChrisUan :We on a low stand•

Bandy Chart. for Fruit Canniag - ... tsec neclpu Belowt · - · ·- .. ·· .. pattern No, -1354 -a .dcsll:ned. .for •lzea

U, JZ, 13, 14, 111 and 18 .. Slz;e 13 require~ of the augar sborta•e. Fo• thla ..,..0 , 3,_ yardl or :!U·Inch material tor the en•

...•. '' . -~- ' ... .. 'mystery-solving movie producer. .ard or lacking any of .the &races

· *: · . whibhiGi>d cart give us. . · d ...... Of all the cannin& you (lllD 0 uull . Ethel Barr,ymore is definitely We, t09, must recognize thatifGod JeaJOIJ; .. it is 1he canninc -of frult.

committed to making pictures now Ia to elve us His full measure of whlcll wUl pay that she has signed a contract with blesslnj; we must walk in accord the btegest dlvi· David o. Sclmlck's Vanauard. com· with His wlllJ walklne ln the Ueht (lends. Not onlJ pany. She'll make four picture• in •• He iS in thl\ ll&ht (I John 1:7). are fruits a eood four ycara. The first will be "Some Much of the faUure and impotence of .Ource ot vita• Must 'Watch,.. a mystery by 'Ethel present day spiritual 111e l•. ex- m1n.a and miner· Lma White, in wJtlch she will bo plalned b,y the ~llllnsnesa of Cbrls- at., but they wW

· atarred with Dorothy McGuire. H~r thtruJ to live imperfect Uves.. - enable you to

Fruitful CanAiag

mo~t recent picture is. "None But u. Talldnr ot God's Purpose (VV. save hundreds· of " ~o L9nely ll'eart," made for RKO 3-8). points this year

last season. • Abram fell on bls face in adora· as they did trust .,~ .... ' • Uon and w~rship. Inever.cnce a...., year.

A boaoJmoon ancl the Jtar1 •f a humlUty, he put himself in the place Since rationing began, fruits hn,r.l.. ·»ew radio series mak., thla &1:\ evMt- of lrubjccUon nnd: service. al,.,.s carried a high ration value,] ful summer for Carol Bruce. Carol What bnppened7 •'God talked with and yet, they am esscntla1ll :e~~~:. met ller Jnlcletroom wheR abo wu . him" (v. 3). Tbls man was ready vente~t to s.(!rve for b t!UI.nJ a hotel e&traJement I.Q MJn· fo.r a holy conversaUon with the lu.ncheon and dinner. Fruit!l .... n

aeapoUt, aacl It was Jne at lirat !.ord. HJs attitude of body WAB onlT be canned with or without 811gar, alaht. A!l forth~ raalo prorram, Ut- Ute outward: expresslon .. of an atU· the fruit will mellow and ripen t.eaers have fallen in lo'te with lt. tude or heart which was rJght.. So the jar4 much more saUnfactorily CJ!'rol anrl Curt MuseJ are replae- Got:l and he talkl!d about the purpo5e •- ed W'th oyruru~

J tho Ot .th .. Lord •or .Abram'• lit... • sugar syrup ~ us • · 1 · · ,.. >the Andrews 8 sten for u 1 .. " plenti.tul, p,rt, usually hal!, of it is in "Sunday at the N·X He had been which meam, awo~ned with a Ught or dark corn

tit1~ft;!!Le~~~~r!o.l.a.-iW..aJ~fc;' ~~~~;: is, ot n famll,y ayrop, lioney may be oubstitutcd ---;t__;. or a he bcolliJlc Abraham, tor one-half the augnr, al!lo, It wm

Vera·Ellcn, Samuel Goldwyn'a "the father of a'mulUlude." darken the trult and give it 11 somc­.,llnd" who fuakM her screen debut This is the 11rst of many instances what stronger,t!avor, but It ls good. in '"Wonder Man," the hilarlo~H In Scripture where • name wu • pnty fruita that arc -good in flnvor, Dtmn" Kave musical, was once. a cllaoged by God to mark an impoT- -..;r~ 1 1 d d " in t

"' "' trult event, or a ,change. ot hellrl. lUJ.Uorm 1 r pone an ,~rm ex· Rockctte at Nt!W York's RadJ() City For example, Jaeob "the supplant- ture should' find their way to the Music Hall. She went to Nl!w York er'' became Israel, "a prince wmi~th(+.c.ja~r:U ... Just as 1t is true of any-other

t.ers of Ami! rica cQnvl!ntion, and 18) only you .put into can. · sttlyed. --:.";:-- letter to the church Per: nlng is designed for preserving the

ini • ·•·1 h m b 1 gantos speaks of tho one who over~ frl.tlt, not for improving poor quality . Virg' a Mayo m g t st c P aJ· com~ in Christ's name ns having a produce. , ing ringmiotrcsg for a horse of new nnmc written which no man When large fruits such as peaches, which her brother·in-law wns play· knows snve he that reeeivp it (Rev. pears or apples are canned, they ing the r.Mr l!!gs ij Goldwyn hadn't •. The belilwcr on Christ is ·a require peeling tln.d should bl! plnced caught the net at n n1ght cliib ati:ltlchanged man, a. new creature, · 1n brine (2 teaspoons salt to 1 quart given her a contract.. It ·was the whether his nrune be chtmged or not. of water) to prevent them fforn 11Pansf 'the Horse Act." Virginia's in d k h'l 1i featured In "Wonder MBn., wants t6 cbfihge men-hils tum g ar w t e pee ng.

" When Lt~> Col. J'ames Stewart,

tJSAAF, retarD$ to America he'D . . cet a jolt when lte burs Dlek Ne!­

soo in the east of CBS's "Men of Vhloal' Neboa's yofce ts a perfect ether &.able for Stewart'& - anrl Nehoa eYea looks like Uu~ tainou

changed you? 'The open ketUe method for cnn· The promise is renewed tb Abra· ning :fruit bas been a favorite among

bam. It was to his "seed,"' that 15, homemakers for his descendants. He took the bless- many generatiol15 ing from God's hand, aceepUng because it gives things that as yet were not, o llUch attracUve tbougli they were. God is able to results. However, make them come to pass (d. Rom. the hot water. 4:16-18), bath bas found

. :t. . . 111. Trll!lthlJ Gocl's Promise (vv. many users be- · Many a _girl and MY went ,to Hol• 9, tl}) • · • cause the .;;danger

mone .dar.

Jywood in the days ot silent tUrns. Down through the ages every man of spoilage is re· planning to start. as. an extra and in the great bbst to de~cend from duced to a mini· zoom to stardom. In all those years, Abraham was to bear the outward mum and the ap-­only ·15 top stars came ftorn the token that he belonged to the.. cov- pearance of the frUit still retains I~ extras' ranks: Gary Cooper, Janet enant people. This was to be a sym• shape, f1avor and texture. On the

..,. · w Ch. · 1· F bol o.f and to lead the reelpient. ~le, time ls alllo given for process-Gaynor, I! ay ray, ar es arw into that attitude of heart which big in_ the pressure cooker it one is rell, Richard Arlen,· Norma Tat. would bring outward rite into tu].. avallable, but it is not essential for ntadge, Clark . Gable, Carol Lorn- ftllment ;is an inward rcatit,t.. fruit canning as it is for vegetable bard, Ramon ifiavarrp ~d Joan Obs&Ve that after Abraham; it preserving. CraWford among them: Onlt Coop- waa always the parent who thus Syrup Maklnr Gulae. er, Gable, Arlen and 'Mis!f Crawford brought the son intQ the covenant. Thin syrups for fruit canning will are still ni~g* . . Thls speaks of tM parl)ntal respon-· be most popular this year b"'ecause

. "Otheta may be used to star biD· !Sibllity. to bring the littl.e cbUdren to -· •- · · .. _ the Lordi and it also gives us the ~"g." remarked Arthur """'ft, the precious as~ance that God is iJl..

charac._l" actot, "but I'm becom· te"ested in· the c·bU.dren ..... d rea· dy· ing accustomed to wearing mt star • .... on my chest." He -plaY~ h1s thlrd to rece.ive them at the bands. of par-


•• ahetilf role in .. Along Clune lon·es/' . ents, taking them into His own ten-;.;. · der care. .

1tatt..Ug' Gaty COoper and· Loretta Thus down through the· gen~ta.. YoUD~. ' ' 1· .t.. th i t 'th

* . tions, lsrae WJlS to Duow e t, a1 . in God, th~ir assurance that He would keep Hls promises to them. and thelt collSe(IUent. eagernesS that their families should be counted ·into

.. '

. .

• •

cavl!nant With· God. is readY. and

c!nR;;:@ is sufficient, · · tor. us, also tot thbSe · who come· after us. . -His promise is to oW' "cHildren'~ chll• dten'~ (Ps. 103:17, 18), "Of such iUJ keep 1lia covenant.'' Let us trt~Jt Hhn1 and put Otlr.llelves and o~ .emu.. dren in that place of obedience wh~e lte may bless us and th.etn., .


'"'' '

Fruit Caunlar TJps~ F.ruit eometlmes discolors at the t~p of the jar if the fruit ls ltn~er~ripe

wlfen accurate processing time . or · tetnperat!U'e . Is not· maintained. DiscolcrratiCin of the top layera or the. fruit is c!aused . by oxidation whJch meaw. that air has not bee!) expelted from the at the · of prol~~

of to within a ot top. some of the may bpil out of 'tG.t jars during process-ing. . ' .

Cimning powdeu and prescrva· Uvl'lll. are not ~es11aey in the canning procedtn:e.

I '

• . ..

1- ,. • •J ¥ semblo. use 1 c"'p . ...sugar to 3 cupa water. n Heat the augar and Uquld tocethcf Pulted oleeve Dress untll •ucar is diBsolved .-nd syrup. SHE'Ll,. look ns b~;lght as a new la boUlnt. Or, . use ~ cup com · penny tn 01lS · m.tornblc ·Jitttu syrup (llsht or dark) ot % cup hooey dre:;s wUh pert ·puffed slecven, with tn cup sugar. round yoke nnd fullswlnglng skirt.

Medium type syrup is good for Mnkc it tor scl,ool or play in gay most fruita and berries, but lt reo checks or polka-dots, Bnd trim qulrea a Uttle more sugar. The pro- with bright rlc rnc. ·portion· !a 2 cups wnter to 1 c:up SUI· ~~= ··· · · = ·= == • =· . .., · =--­ar, or half com syrup or 'honey and bnlf of the amoun\ in lrugar. . ,

In past years, peache!l and pcua· · and some of the other fruits have always. been canned with a thick syrup-1 cup water to 1 cup sugar. Don't feel that you cannot can lf the sugar doesn't reach around tor thls type of ayrup. A· thin or medium syrup can do the job •

-====- ';;: =-~--= --·=~-------

Wflel:l screws anc1 bolts in lmplc­~ents or iron bl!como rusty, ooak them in gasoline for 30 ml.nuteo

HEARTBURN Paek.lDr .ran. berries and tomatoes

aro eonnldered a ·fruit for

and Utcy wlll ;?~.!out easily. ~

Clean wicker furnlhltC! by ncrub· l bing It with a nliff brunh and wnrm '

purposes) are delicate fn texture and high in juJc:e_ content. They should bo p::teked colldly in the jar to pravcnt wtduc shrinkage and consequent "empty" appear­ance after proel!wing. Precooking ot the fruit ~ suggesll!d because it shrinks the truit or berry and en• abll!s you to get mort! in thl! Jar. It takes a little bit longer to can by prc,coo,kin · but the result.'S nrc worth

snit water. The snit I:~ep!l the '! ~.. --=-_;,..· ~---wicker from turning yellow·. . li ~~~::::;::::.;::::::::~:::;:=': . . =•- i ~

When wash,tnr window•, une an , up and down stroke on Uac outnide, · and the oid.c to side stroke on the ihoide. This way, )'OU cnn .cnoily dctl!rminc which nidc nl!edo more '' pollilhing. ··


Jars should be filled to within inch of the top. It tigratly packed to thJs point, fruit and berries .., .. , rarely &at aftl!r processing, and the jars will have a much nicer nppenr· anec becauoc they are tuU ot fruit.

Make sure the rims of the jar nre not chipped as this will prevent a perfect· seal. It's a good idea, too, to wit~e the rims nfter the fruit and syrup_ are added so UGat no parU• clcs of food or juice stick to them to prevent them from- sealing properl)'.

Makfar a Bot Water Bath.

• on whUe maleriais

wiUi ammonia nnd water.

Scrub earrol;:rn1 a stiff brush. I It is easier than r:craping or par· 1 ing and naves val.ilmlns llJld min· ;

.ernls ns well. i =•= . !

- 'I Jt~SOIVe to (0 easJ Oti the V!lC• ·.

uum cJenncr motor by emptying .. • ti

the dust bog niter every usc .. Shake out the louse dirt, tie Un! ~ bag iMide out on the clotht.-sllne 1

and let the breeze do the job thor· I' oughly for you. •

4 --·-When ,.ou are doinr any paint· .. ~

ing in the how;e, ba oure to tic u paper bag over each of the light fixtures and ony others on whieh paint might -drip. Ypu will find thttt it is much cosiet' than to do the necessnry clenning niter-

' wards. · . ~

ft. water bath canner may be made from a wash Miler or any other large deep vessel that bas a close ftWng cover nnd is deep enough to permit the jars to stand upright and still have enough water to come an Inch or two above the jars. Thl5 · tJater should be kept boiling during the enUre processing period. It should never be .atlowed Your uttle r;irl's dresll enn be to boU away enough to come tess given-a pro/ess~Onid touch, quickly than l inch above the Jats. . If nee- and easily, it you -uoe pretty hand· es11at7 bave a kettle ot boiling wa· kerchiefs for trimming, 'I'wo, ter on the range; be11ide the water . which are alike, will be needed lot bath; to replenish the supply in the each dress-. The · hnrtdkcrchlets eanner. trlay be edged with lace, embrold.>

·A rack which will hold the jar!f 1,.2 . ery or have colored hems. Perhaps inch froni the bottom of ·the kettle they have. only embroidered cor .. ·is also essentral. The jars should ners, cut and use for collars •. be set wide enough apart to allow cuffs and the Ultle pocket tops. for free circulation of water. They make a dninly nnd practical


altK$ ltUaiSIIl

.... 111e11 •• tl••• t• tu lhtu thtat lhetltt. Wtillltl !.IIV•

. ltre11aht them 111ittler tllrec1 «r., meMiter• •f C.MJHIInt A. n'th '"'•"try, .stretclt .. •• ftUIU tultiil ltetW8tifl tw• fraU •ntl hvrl•• tretttulea sllflt• l!iet '••hi••· n weilce ••

1. f, o...rrldt Ml tlrtelepHI • iliiiW rilltlter te111eat whkh '" .. - , •••• , ..... ,t.c. rivets .r :

fncldl lnd;ntry hal bttun fo IN!>' duee u. !;. Army ,..,.-u~ "'"' Vllnll A.'Mfl:cn raw l!lamlo&.. rroo cfxtiota Ill Or" .. pl<:~ftt hoi lr>cna..., l'lt!,_lf)"•• In lf-.t•• ~"" of ott' er'ii"tlDi\.

· .BIGoo,drieh

How ·do you count proce~11ing finish. t1rne1 As i!OOn as the water starts ---=~-·-...._._...._..._"'"""'.....;;...;.._ ...... _~~------boiling briskly aroond· the fUled jars is the rule. The Urnes given on the 'abOve ·ta-. ble are tested and accurate. Set

J the clock with an alarm; if neces-­sary, and do not try· to f.rhittle it down. As soon as the. processtng period is up, · the . and .

z:.e~N!!'!~1L~in a place rr""' !BIA>f==:l~

drafts and to 1!001. '!'hen store in a cool, dry place. The fars should ~ be set tar enough apart to allow for free cfrcutation of air w bring them to room temperature aa qulcldy as p<>sslble

IU~eued.lli We.ttern New•.i7lPtr Unl011. I • • ..

• )

..,.. '


J '

• •.



Page 4: Lincoln··· Ll 1!1 JLIJI. UUI U!J lii!.ll . .l!LLH ,IJ!!i.ttliLII!IJIR$lll!. . . ' - .. ,, . ' -. u ;:, I .. J.h .11¥.1§_11


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. . . .

• • . .

CarriZ•IZO Aaaembly No. 7 Ordtr ~of Rainbow for Gli11

Subs crib., to the Roawell , Dally lticord

Thta PVflnma newt" Jl1Jhllahto~ I 'U! tann:• u•y - ne~8 ftom OUf

WortbJ Advl.O'r-


h '

neiiZhboring county.

.. 'C£1TIJM UTS' If tM llltt


.. .

KEEP ON Ptltk{it!fllt~ .-/!ltlt /.' I/f WITH


n " 1\

COIII'f. OliAI'TII NO. 2i •

mDEU Oft' ll:AST~ltN ST.Ait Carrizozo. N•• lbxleo. ..

Kll.l·U&.u Mallttlf~ o!

tflr~l 1'hura-day et till l MnftUi,

All Vlalth•wNtart eordlallr . .• nvftltd •

Manraret Hoffman, W. U. l11a J. lbror, Se~J

0 . ~-u

Notice fhe Mancha Shoe Shop b • •

•ovtd 'to theRell bull-dinJ fiCratt · ·om~tbe postofflett,. for~,,rlr OC• ·u•ied b)' Llord'• Cite .. ·.

' . ' -It Cl -~· ' ,- f '~ •

Resolution .. ,

· A tood raaofutlon for &H N•• Yur It to·kt"P wtll drn·ttd and to keep your clo ht• w.&l c1eantd

· •ud prtattd"""IAI PI help 101.1 IO make thll retol.JUon J(ood,; .


Nu .. w A v cLElNEfts, ----------~--·· ------£(; Citsll .. q __ ,,_,,~ ··~4--0.4W4i~;.iut;(.¥4;-4S I auai ... ~,,_.,J).&.¥t;W~acil

" • -------------------------Try Our FOUNTAIN' s£itVlCE . 1

NoV.tllt.-M•IIaa:lne~ Sotttlo


' .. : . .

GI(JAR$ and t JGARr.;l'lES 01'' AIL KU~DS · · . ·. SILK HO~l"llt for lu\QlDA MBN · I'Rlf~GIUPl'lONS Careful\1 Cotnpound~d .. · . '

'1. ·•'

' i . .. . . ..

• ,. ,.,,- ~ it: ·,/t "' '! ' • . ' ,, - ...

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. . ' "

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. • ... -. ~. . I$ . . . . . .. ' .

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• • .. •

' · · For every . •lne.aa tll•t· iltarts.em•lt and


• •

1,.,' ..

... .



• . . .

• •

• • · bring th~ir owne.u ··!l t~•tld~ctory livbllli, These eJnall : e!l·

• .1\h:tbodist Church · tabllehiDente ~e au h:np.ort.nt part of the A,l;llerican buali· •

• ••


Church Sth~ollO~ · · Preaching Service 11.

Youth .FellOwship 6:80. We are bere to serve. WIIJ:you

ruu' your part? · ~ Y gu are wetcooie~ cqme and

· worlhii·~· Johil.LcudiF,~Minfat~r, . ~· - . -CHURCH. of CHRIST Sunday aervic.,rs: : Bible school, 10 a .. m. Worabip.lla. m.'and 7:80p.m.

· Midweek Bible study, Wednea4 .

< •

'afc~~~l1~~~ d~y 7;80 p, m. 0

~t~~e~~~s~~~r't~~~~·re Phe- Preal)bmr at Capitan each Sun .. .:n~ 1~~~~~~: <lay at 3 p, m., in· own church

mul1~iply ii building, .



Rn. ~alntore Glonnni, Paator.

--- -.. ' . .. - - -· -' . - ....

·Furnished Roonu1 for Rent at the Adamll Hotel ...

Mrs. Pauline Chavez~ Prop. • - "' ' - , -

·n·eaa pi~ture. · . - ~ I ~· . ~ . - . ,

· · · To th'e tn1U who run· tllbi in our.- communitY,· a?d ·• tp ·others who -would follow theW e:z•mlll~. we extend th1a m· , vitatlon: . Cume in and talk with Ul abput your credit needJ:I, Small bueineBI can count on UB for loins for "~any copetruc-tive purpoae, • · · · '

. "<I

Lincoln County Agency ··~ Citizens St~te Bank o~ Vaughn


.. . Ca~izozo, N. M. . ' 0 ,.L

Member Federal Depoalt loaurance Corpor~tion . . \ •

. .

~.,)ft .. -"""'......--"--........-=--~·:: - . = 01:'---. .


EL PASO • PECOS VALLEY Motor Truck Lines·

I ,, . .

El Paso, Texas • ----. •

·Dep~ndable Express Service· to Car•. rizoz9 from ~~ Pa~o & .Alamogordo

3 Times Weekly ·

o 'r. a KELLEY ~'• .. raiDinetor JlttMIIHdhbablltr

RMklHc•Pa.. .. u Canltuo • N•• llultc

D;.ntllb . - t.uttlhttlcUar-

.:.rtlwao • N••. Mule~· •



Golden. Key Night Club •

Two Mila Eutot CI!Pi'•n, N.M Dancu 1.'uerd•rr1 'Ibuuesyt

•vd Sa~turdtltl WILLY J. lfANSEN. Ptopdetor

, caomE

Beers & Whiskies

• •


. •


· · todayre<»~ the · l&t 1i'Ornen troubled

. •


. .

lndlpstlon ......... · · · ("the wbltl!i"), . and mmod.t;ritatiOb

. want to be. atill · •

' •

- ..

Greeting· Cards .F•r •

' AU.· Occation•

Barke Gift Shop· I • ' I ~

. ' """' ... '

;, '

. ~ ttote.

\ · L)ft• r~ Pf•lha'• ~




' ' '

' j ' . I

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Page 5: Lincoln··· Ll 1!1 JLIJI. UUI U!J lii!.ll . .l!LLH ,IJ!!i.ttliLII!IJIR$lll!. . . ' - .. ,, . ' -. u ;:, I .. J.h .11¥.1§_11


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- ·""" 4 . . - '

' . . '

• . ' '

. ; -·.

ROSWELL~ CARRIZOZO~. -·, · .· .· TRUCK: LINE . . ·· .. ,

Leave Roswell: · . "" .- .. . . . . \ . ' .. • I

. . Monday, . Wednesday. and Frid~y· ·

. . . . . ' . . - . " . . .

. .

· \.. Tuesday, .. ·Thursday·. and •

Saturday. . ' '

. '

S. 8 •. GOLDSTON, . Phone t&· •

• • • Via.

• • . ' ., I

R oswell.;CarriioZo - .

DAlLY SERV.ICE: RoaweJf • Carrizozo • Socorro· __ ....



·· Leave 6-:80 A. trf~ Sacorr,IL -. . 8:16 P. M. Arrl\'e · Arrive 8:00 A. M. Carrizozo 6:-~6-P~ m.t Liave~-Leave 8:80 r. M. Carrizozo 6i80 P, M. Arrive· Arrive 12:80 P. M, Ro1~el~ .· 1:80. P. M. teave :

~-~ ·- ... ---. ------------------ . --- -----~--- ----------------_ ... _. __ u

W. R. Goldston,.Owner & Mgr. . . • I , .

Socorro, New Mplco • • t

zs _____ . • ____. ... .! -- [ __ ... :.__. ..... _7 ' 7 7 f;_ .... _ ................ 4._.... . ... I. (j_...j-

. . ' . \"

\ .

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. ' •

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• . . . ' .

,, .


. . •

.. .... ' . . ' , o I -

r • i' •


. . ~-

• • -~ .

• . •

· El- Capitan Service

For Your· Gas and· Repair~

, . . .. '

.. '

• •


. . . ' . .· . '

. .

,, ,,


' ' ' . ..

" . • , . I ' •

• •

. . .

•• • • ••

' ' . ,

• ' "

. 1 •

.. The Titsworth·. Co·. ' .

• General Merchandise

. I • I •


,. l •

~ .,

· Pearl's Coffee ~- · . Hall's Drug Store ·

- -~.-shop_. --- ···-.-- -- REERESHM·~.N~_s ' ~.

J •

Meals Curios · ·-·--.. -Bus-Stop---·---- ', ·- · ----- La~e' s. .... ~r~.cery.

· .. ·· Sto·re · · · Blon dv I.~a ne

· .City Garage · l

t I

I !


Repairing Welding Gas and Oil

. Fiaher Lumber Co. · Building Materials


' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I '


' .


Quality Portraits, Enlarging, Kodak Finibhi~g, Etc. We also Specialize onOuteide Work . .. .

1 blo-ck East nf Court Hou~e on Highway 54 . . -• ·Carrizozo, New Mexico

• • • • ........ w fiiii'NH ... " lftt ...................... .. raw ae-..lllft wS... Ytll Nil TM Chrf•tlt•S•••• .Mt~tH;r ...... ,.,.,.. y.., wJI fW4 , ... , lttW ......,.lit~ • fattltr, MNt tl·lt•ll at•~• Mitt ef .....W •fNht .••• lril'lflfat; eUitrett, ....,. Write ht ... ,._ ••,I• hlay,., ••I Iff, e .,... .. ,., ... · trW -~ t. thk hltanutli~tlf ft.lfy MWI(IIIlllr •• , •

r----~ --~-~---~~-~~----~·-· 1 'nle CMstlon SC!tnu ~- Socltt)' 0 itttOMHn<J:~cOllf•

1 Orw,NonrG1Stroot,llllton 15, M••• . . =~~~

I NAME._ •••·•····~···••••••••••••••••••• ...... Nf'MI• Mtl•mll'ltb

US11UDrr~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• j..... ff~-~ to The

• lstlort -~ MflnlfOC', CITV •••• ., •••••••••• , ••• STATf......... lot~ I~$ ..... ,.

~---~---~-· ---·--·-·---·~--~-~·-~~-·-~ •


, •


Home Cafe Meals & Short Orders


Violet Triplett ·

Conoco Service Station ·

F V. Sweet Gas and Oil Repairs

· Buena Vista 'Modern ·

L. A. Boone, Prop. •

Buy mOre war bonds Tortured man gets help!

. .

_____ ... •


- . (. . .

' ..

• ..

• •

• • . . ,. .. •


, On. your next' printina· order •

·\ • e • • • • •

-, Carrizozo Outlook·· •

• •

• 1. We Speciall~ In . " t&'rTEnBEADS and .ENVELOPES. CALLING CARl>e ·


· "' . ETC. · . .

• -•

• . _ ....

• • .

. :" ;.•- . ' ' ' .. - ' .

lemon Juic• Mixed at Hom•

.ltelftvJd ltHEUMA11C I'AIN

iays Sulfereff' ·

"I h&ve used A~LllNRU lor several months, itould hardly walk on account

· ot my knees. liut now those paii\S ate • relie\ted: 1 can go Jike a ta(e horse 'now;• Mort Shepard of Ohio.

· DOn't be a victim ·ol the pains and acbea.caused b)' rheumatism, lumbago or rieutftls wjthout tr)'ing this simple, lnupensive recipe )'Oli <at1 mix af hOme. Two tabfespoons of ALUNltU, plus the· iuice of 1/J lemoo iri' a glass of

-- ~ - ~ . - I

wafer. 'rry a bottle TODAY! & en•. cirely ndsfiecl "Vith it- or money back iStt Drus a110r~ , . ------~-------··~--~---- ~

; .. ··SHOE" · ·. Repairing. . Rubber" •flo& tor Ladiee' Sboe 2oc . ' .

· . C. 0/ D. otdeiJ Klveo prom. · ..ttentlon. ~ ·. : • · .

B; 8, Uancb1. Prop, · ·

' . ' •

~ ..

- ._ ' . . . j

Camp Roundtree Meals Gas and Oil

. Cabins

, Continental Oil Co ...

· sale .Gas & Oil ~ N. J. Moore, Agent


Barney's Place Ice Cold Beer

• •

• I-I$QG 1-1(;

C<>Mt:S tJOW• J\1>1' •nt "' MtP<(IJ<JG-S


' . . .


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l . ' ..

.· t ' ' i .

. . . .

• . .



. . . '


• I

• •

. Hardcastle Bea.uty

Cold Waves

Stop at· KINGS.TON

. · for Cabins . · Acrossfrom Roundtree


Rusty· Anchor for

Your Dririka •

· Sterling fiahefd Furniture Co. l:lome Furnishings

Murphy lvlercantile . ;

Co. Gror<'riC's I•'ruits V cgetab les

I~'rc'lh M l!nl8 l•'eeds

Dry Goods and Sho·e$

. Buckhorn Bar •

Whiskey .. Wine

. '

' . I • • • .. . .

' ' '


• . '


I • '


' \ " '"""'

. '


, I


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Page 6: Lincoln··· Ll 1!1 JLIJI. UUI U!J lii!.ll . .l!LLH ,IJ!!i.ttliLII!IJIR$lll!. . . ' - .. ,, . ' -. u ;:, I .. J.h .11¥.1§_11


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' . . '

Relc!IIH_., by Wcatem N•w•p~~r tinton.



. . •


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·Big. Three ~tudy ·Peace~~ -• ·Home·$.-Beat Sc~edul~;.~ : · Allies Get Set on Rule of ~erlin

· .· - Ralea ' "" · · ·. ·- - · '· -

. . . .. -. .. H4 br 'IV.,ft~I':IJ N•wapaper, Untol\. , . _ _ . . . _ , .... (JilDITOR'I :NOTE I Wh8• ••l•l•ll!a are .,..,,._.,. l• tile•~~; .. la•aa,~ t•er are t1o• .. ef

· w.ut•r• l'ff1raP••er V••••'• .,., •. auln~ ••• '"' •••••••'"' •r tid• ••11'•••Jn.) w -~


thau'a side of his nn - '

• . . • " . .

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PLENTY POINTS: ' '-'- -•

8ut,Stillln •

_· · lili~ty~11v~ pomts 4c;~~s~'t Mces: . ., · , . . . . . _ .

:!t~~;;~::.;r:~~:~e:~::~r:.. -·Ra~-ar- s·a· v· e. d · B·r·t't·a· l·n· ....... troubleis, their .families «l.on t real· . . .. U . . . . ..... · . . . · · -~~0 tg:~:~~~~edrrrtni~n~s...,~~ar:~~ • . . . w·1-11· ·R·-·· e·m· -- od· e·t ·tn· du·-·sf· r· v· b~fl)iht~~i$ ~d~flidt~~~;l'.'t:n~:~; · · · · · ·- · · ·· ·· --- -· ·- · . · · . - · -. · · . · ca$!l'S they . ar"' havini a hard· tl.rne . ....--.... __.,...,;.,...._,-..-

. elqll~ning to their WiVe!! just why EI"C. troni~s Pro. ves of Gr. ea. t Val_ue t() A me_ ric an . ... · ateP't cornlJlg home IIQQn. " "' One captain stationed in Germany . . ·Air and Naval Forces 'During .. . .

. wlth an. occ!lPaUon tmiL Jlas 127 Present' War. poi.nts", His. wUe 'Js 110 !nJl'e that l1e . could . return to the .. states . if· he • · wanted to that !!he .Is · tlireatening · Qy BA.lJl{HAGE . ' , WASHINGTON. -Henry ~o-! ;'f;:';, ~c_:~§~~~~

=-------"-wMFld~htl[i~~~~~~~~1f,-=~.----==~ ~~~ impending departure, that~thes•

c:Uvi>rce. She thinks that he .wants to • 4nalr'' and Commeruawr. .


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· were interfering with hlB worli:, so he went to President Truman and said he would not stay unless he re·

eel ved backing. · "' • Mr. Truman offered to deny the

rumors. · Mr. Morgenthau thought the denial -should promloe his· con­tinuance In office "at least until Ja­•on is defeated/' The Pres_ident s,eemed .. to feel thin would commlt

·him too far .. Mr. Morgenthau wrote out his resignation, although he hod . not plnnnt•d doing so.

The other side or the story lm· pll(!s that many of Mr. Truman's hlrhest placed asHoelates wete worried about Mr. Mor~renthau poaslbly auceeedlng .to the presi­dency, a position for whlcl• he ·. would be the flrllt tq concede hili unfitness by temperament,u ex­perience. or ability. Little notu wo11 taken of the tJltuo­

tlon, but It onytlung hnd happened to Mr. Trumlln -41uring tho Ccw .... ,, ..

nauu~ of State S1•cretory Slcttlnlup, and before he appointed James F. Dyrnco to thut firot cabinet poot, Morgenthnu would have been Preal· dent, na next In Uno. • ·

Now Mt•Bnrn. Truman and Byrnes lire going to Berhn for the Dig Three conferrnce Cbut not together, as a precaution). Mr. Morgcnthau waa still clearly next In line-until his squeezed renlgnntion .PI!l«:Cd blm ln a poottlon where unquestionably he would hovu to decline tho office.

Thlo altuntlon may not have. wor­rJt>d Mr. Truman, but associate• worklnl! In his. lntcrer~ts no doubt Wt'ro Utt> authors of wflat Mr. MOt· genthau Utought to be "Irritating ru· mo.rn."

Around the tdp of · thl1 admlnls-. trotlon Mr. Morsenthau had been rc~tnrded us a mon wltb good New York banklng connections, but ex­pendable. Now ho will continue at tho treaoury until probably August 15 when hi~ 1ueceuor, Fred M. Vln· '"'"· will tnkc over.

1\a a matter o-r hall tnttb, Mr. 1\lor~enlhau was alAt~cl to «• any wa;y when bb Bretton Wood• plan cleared eonrresa and tlo war loan ctrlwo wan4 ••· 'lkero was no lor leal exeuo ftr hhn &o eonUnue co dela;y fiUUiment or the custom, pernallliDJ a PrNI· dent to eboose hb owa eablad without the all1hteat em•arr•••· ment. · • lndct'd, this column was able to

lead oft, In newspapers lost May 24: "A complete t'&blnet shakedown la

cornang .State and trC!:urury wlU aurcly bel liivolvcd ln addlllon to •a· rii'Uiturl', Justk6 and labor."

llnU1 angles of that forecast now hav" bcl"h fulftllcd,

1 am lhl'rrfort1 lncUn~ to believe both ntdl!n ot the stpry, Mr. Morge~ tllCJU'o ond Uae unlold ono that Mr. Trumon'a frlcndJJ, knowing wclJ thi! Jum:onalltlua Involved, nettled Mr. Morg{',nUaou Into making tho break.

Pacific oc,an .


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·~!¥) •• ,, 11AIO$ IN IUNE-1~0 SQ M!LU UUO.-~· $0 • MilliS waECKfD IN JUNE ""42,000 JON$ Of JOM•S OaOf'r£0 IN MOI'fTH-36 -.2t. lOSf IN MON1H-J3t ENEMY Alll(;tAfT OESTI!9'{f0

' . . · After a lull ()f flvf) months, .more tbaa 1;000 carrier ·Planes fro,rn the PacUlf) fleet returned to direct attacks" upon 'l'okyo, 'J;'bls map traphlcally -Illustrates wbaUhey luid already beeil riven. The data Is based on ton taken by B-29s. Percenta1e• show Industries destl'oyed. · ·


North Atlantic waters, President Truman arrived ln. Potsdam to keep his rendezvous with Prime Minister Churchlll and Marsllnl Stnlin.

It Is believed that they wlU be concerned with · problems denting with conttol of Germany, planne.d on lorig-r,angc basis; disposition ot terrltorles-Itnlinn and some 30 dis­puted l;lotlndarlcs to b9 ~~ttle(l; polltlcnl and economic questions, Including Italy peace terms, whnt w do with Spain and other "neu· trala," which might Include Japan.

Diplomats say that the Dig Three, · wbtte · diacuast.rig the · San Fran· cisco conference, their present work wiD not Ue ln directly with ·the Weat Coast contercm:e and United Nations charter.

Berlin nule

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Katl!le:~ll_N;orris Siys: - - ' - ' . - . . ' ' -


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·· Do:n't ·. Be. Some6ne Else· · ... ..

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She never saw lhe beauty o/ ''"' rollins Wflvea or Jhfl brillian.cfl of lh• happy erewd qJ 10ldil;>r~ and sailor• and !heir «irls str!lomii!B up and rlorcn the boardwalk.

.. cQuse they haye"'so much, and because their leisure time lets them think about their • neigh-bors. • ·

·If life was a Uttle more real tor us, 11 grim necessity more often knocked nt our do(>rs, we would be cUred of this weal«leas. The women of the Orient don't know it ·at all.


'ool'ijh,r,-· lansing · what-otl,.

women. That yearnins to •'keep up witk the Jonesea'' mal'e~ l'fe miserable for women who llavo all the e&tJenlials Jor happiness. If 'rlaey could only cur'b. tlaeir · c1&ildish envy of ot{&er people wlao may be a little ri('laer, or more Jortrmate In 1ome other Wily. t/wy c(Jrdd bf1 muc}, flap-_. 'l'hey drive straight ilhca·d, each 9ne · · •

planning nnd working for the com· pwr. , . · tort and protection of her own little Sally t(J{J$ one of tl1C4C lilly,

. gl'OIJp, not en:tbitter~d by the fact iU~eontcnted women. S!le llad that luxury and leisure and all the . . health. becmty, " Iovins I&UI·

. preUtneos of l1fc Dl"G denied her for- band, tl.rcc cllildrcn, and a mid· ever. a

But the dnya of many nn Amerl· dle-cia11 family income. Butt1&e1c can woman oro darkened· by con· bleuinss &cere inlufficicnt for stant watching nnd comparinc her Sally. lliJI' friend Nancy could nelghbor'o 1ortuneo to her own. She alford to so· to an u~nlicc aml docon't oppre.cinte nt nU whGt nhc exdwicc re1orl, for instance. ·has-all that mattcro lo that the Br,owM have more. Sally llad to so to an ordinary

• For example, I once knew 0 secuidc cottasc colony. Tlae only • .woman named Snlly. She woo dlff(!rf.'nce, as far a1 [Jl('wurc U'41

healthy, beloved, n happy wife and con('crntd, "''"" the 1oclal rani:·

mothe,r. I met her when ohc had her ing oj tl&c tu·o place.s. Tllia diiJ• three oman children at the ocnolde. tinction, net:crl11deu, bored into She and I had r~tcd neighboring d h coltngen .for a fortnight's vncaUon. · Sal!>'• 1pirit and 1poilf' "' t:a• We WC!ro within a block of tho ohore eat•on. and nll the wlldadcllght!l of child· Miss Norru compar~ tT&o lot llood' - ·merry· go· roundo, dodge- of tlac accraso American teo man emo, popcorn, slides, whlrlo, mu· sewns and sandy bench-were clor:c u:ith '''"' of tho Er~ropcan or at lwnd •. Nobody could call it nn .4&itttic tL'Oman. for u:laom lifo u arlstocrnUc resort, but it wag In- tt comtanl &trugslc jwt to main· ~ivc, J~you!l and wbolccomc O!l lltin C!:tiJtcncc in a WCU'•torn world. only the ohorc can be. How trit:ial tt'ould mou of th~J

CraYtd for Lunzey Resod. Amcriasnu.'Omcm'•diffwultwlap-However, to Sally, the bllght Wtl!l • l ett'n•l that she hnd a friend who had tnkcn L-lH!tJ-'_'_"'_'"_c+-~-•_• __ • _0

__ • __ _,

Jler chUd til Taboo-remote, refitled . and, in spots, very dulL But Tahoe ticn and pl('~ty; she bod a homt!, Jd fasblonobJe nnd Snnta Cru: is not, car, water, bent, clo\hen, fcml, and Sally kept comparing thl! two plcntturts, leisure, rad£o, telephone, places .Until • her vacation was gas stove, l'!lec:trie llgllt. Sally hod ruined by CretUng nntt ditcc:sntent. wllehcml nnd motherhood, compan-

If Sally 'had be«m a e.lilld, how ionship, responsibility, a keen tnlrul, mnple it would have been to sny, a:n acUvc body, bright eyes, good ''Now, not another word about Tnltoe . bear~, trt~ng legs Md clever Jln. or what Nancy is doing. tt 1 hear gers. at:l)' more of this no~pensc, Mimi, you " She hod, even in this rented cot• go straight to bedl ,. tage, a cornfortnble bed and good

Btit Sally isn't a chlld, so we books til rMd: she had white sheel!l had to put up willi iL She lleYer saw · and fresh blankel!l; she had a strip the H&lllit Ill the rollbtt waYn •r of gardctl, the sight of gren.t trl'les. the Jtrlnlance elf the MPP7 erori the nearness of 1bnt eternal mirncle Ill solillen ud salton 1trul thth' · of healing, the sM, and that other driiJ struinbl~ liP aDd tlowa the miracle to whleb men have turned 1t0tanhrallk. She never smiled wbctl · since the earliest days of Biblical everyone wu in the glorfotH salty history-the grt'lat llile of rising dark .urf, clinging to. Ute lines, lying wet moqntains. But it is ridiculnus to at.. and br~mtbleM on the ftoal She tempt W list what she had ad it didn't .brighten when we . gatlter~d would be trag»c to compare it. de­for a .. dellclows bot breakfast m tail b)' de\ail, with the bitter need the cotfeo shop or took hamburgers tbat millions of v;umen tVJerseas and bUJ\5 down on the btsch. Not are fac::ing. Sallyl .Nancy was at 'l'ahoe, where 'l'hese women, frightened, desti· e~eeyt.hUJg was elegant an4 expen.. tule and despeute, have traveled give, 80 there wu no pleamre for dust" rottdll lookifig o"''•• for water Sally··· .... .....,here,etse. · · J ~

......, ~ first, rest and then perhaps a little Nancy, as it happeJliJ, came back dark bread and a few boiled turnips

with. a bad eru!e of hay fever a!Jd or cabbages, They have reassur~d her little girl was sertt otf to .camp, terrified children, promised them se.. but that didn't interest SaUy. She curlty, shelter, milk: and food, only continued to remark frequently that to have the little feet taller_, the lit. .he wiShed the hoUday was over. tle hearts· break And th~ cb11dren

Nlnett·nine women out of every lie down beside the road to rest1 not hundred in the world Would ha'Ve evert rating a grave. They, have

· thou«h~ her crazy. Some would have kno,)YD that their men were gone for• wondered wh)' she wasn't struck ever Blld with them aU the . dear dead tot ingratitude, stupidity· and old JHe • of home, garden, kitchen, b'llncfness. · · • fam1Uat stove · and beds and home

: Sacl Alm• E'Ye~g. treasure~never to be fOi.lnd agitin-l!'or it there_are lliO good thlngs for One week With them might tum

a wom · · ot · . in th.l.s world, Sally the mirror arotiild tor Salli and let autelT · Q6 t them. Sally had her «ee. not whai she hasn't but ltealtb, .)', th, beauty, love, ptotec- ·what she has. ·

iii(N I . · . . oof r:__.... lludle Strawberfleil Oaretlilt,. . Strawberries- are tcarce, 110 if you ate lucky to have &Orne on 'V'otil' menU'1 . · · them ?4th •••• . ,,. ..


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Postwar Air Freight · To Be Within Reach of Every ··• 1

. · · Cbartning.Nightgown · .. · · For • Summer W·ear ·.

,. . · Farmer .and .Every ComniuQity of the .Entire Country I . • .. . . ~-~· ""'·~~

Train.ed Pilots and . Plenty · · · · ' · · · .· Of Improved .Planes fqr . ·, Everyday N~eds of. All

·. -. ~- ' · .. .. ' . .

·By. Walter A, S})~ad. WNU Wasblnrton CoJ:re$pOnllent,

'Rn·w about thQse> spate blnli¢r .parts d!rop:ped ln . f!lrm ·

~P and, havin~ a . lance ~elivl\r yc;lU "tQ the nearest . pital for that emergency operat1on?

fJr 11 you 'ate ln a hurry tor tba~ order fOU. place4,, c:aU. up and have . them de)1ver it ·at your .~ate 'by helicopter. · Ridic~ous; . ·you say. Well, ·not so ridiculous as you may think, to}! the «:~m'azing progress ~t air transportation d\lring the war is .

. reflected iti these very practical steps for a · new horizon for com· mercia! Opel."ationfl as soon. as PC!!CC

\ . . .

' ' .. ·' permits.... ; .

. As a matter of fact, tbe Civil . Pho~ shows. a ~ecord shipment of . penlcUlln, nearly 3;0()0 · pounds. . , a·g 4 Aeronautics administration ln the de· This Is Just one of Ute many items th!lt will be bandied almost enUro~y 1D 5 ·· partment of commerce .has on file postwar· era by the new and extsUnr ~axl and air trelrbt llnes, t:..l;~;'-\-,....r~ Smaft.Mediurn·l.&rae at this moment applicatlpns for A CHARMINGLy ~imP.le ni~ht· these and many mox:e · new. types The 'group of applicants 'Who look proposes to begin .wi~ transport. of gown to. maj(e up in w!Jite of civlllan alr business and these toward peacetime flying l:)usiness mail and later of· persons . and rayon crepe, using two-inch white applicatipns · afford a stiml,llatlng with the keenest anticipation and property on two circulating routes embroidered beading to finish the



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picture of Wllnt the.. plane may soon toward whom official eyes will look covering hitherto none too nccessl- v.ncck nnd for the shoulder be doing to advonce new progress ln ·with greatest sympathy are the sol· blc places in ~exns,· New Mexico straps •. Run narrow pink or blu~ American life and •mnnner of. liv· dicrs and sailors, some already dis-: nnd Arizona, silk or satin ribbon through tho ... mg. charged veterans nnd others ready The proposed nlr ambulance se beading.. ·Sil'lf materidl bandlngs

. . . . • .

' .



. >

Old and new banda at the to take to the air as soon as they ice, no doubt, had its iru;pilratlon will give a more tailored elicct, it

~~~ ~~~~~~m~~~----~~~ prlses now simply waiting for the the wu.r has· produc trnnsport comJnand llf the arrn_v and 'l'o olltnln cumpl..,to pnt111m and llnlehln~t m 1 I . }" h• t th Ub k " '!OJ lnBtructlona !or the • Orndln!l 'rrlmllwd o c a . green .JS • o serve e P • majority who plan to rna e navY and the airlines under con· mshlaown iVnttcm No. llll94l oman, lie in many wayS' that would ha'Je their career, sec their future ·.as tract with them. Two npplications mrdlum and lnrgu Included. ~~~nd 10 cents been thought ridiculous or vislonory pilots for establiShed nirllnes. There for this tlcrvlce now on file with tn cot,u, your name. tutdrt'oll and tho pill• a few years ago. For instance; some arp, however, mnny who want to the c.A.A. nrc b, lon"·cstabllahed tern ilumbt-r. f th · U tlo in Jude • rt th 1 b i th " ., ' Due to on unununlly lart:o demand nnd o c llPP ca ns c • llt.'l e r own \W ncns .. • · no • undertaking firms, who plan to usc curr~nt war rondUiona, !!liGhtly rnoro time Flying ambulance and funei·al Ins fancy.'ufldcr!)tand, muybe just a tho airplnncs f.>ither as missions of t• required In mnnc urdcra for 11 rcw.or

planes J ••• armored airships for local feeder line. There ban been M mercy or tor burial. One or them tho mout populqr pattom nurnbrtll. safe dlnpatch o! currency and other yet no brealtdown to learn juot what Is Shannon'a of Fort Worth, Texas, send your order to: valuableo .•• delivery of new auto- pcz:centace :or the applscntiono at- wbo proposco to operate n helicopter mobilco by Jmgo glider trains • • • ready llled nre by ccrvict>mcn, but ambulance or hcarac from their city tank planen for ohipmcnt ot gaoo- the pcrccntar.c is hiah. A typical to. or from any points within . GOO line, oil nnd other Uquldo • • • one io the application fJJ(>d · only a milcn; from within that radiuEJ to and taxi oervicc ••• dellvcrJcs of few dnyo ago by Lt; Jamco Walltcr any place in contincmtnl U. s; or medicine, food and of other depart. Cave of Suttc:>r Creelt, CulU ... 20· from anywhere Jn the country to rnent stor~ mcrcbandi:::c •.•• "Jly· ycnr.gld mwy fii<>r. Licutcn(!nt.Caoc willlill th!Jt circle. An <'Xnctly nimi· yournel!" syotcmo • • • oisbtccelng wanto to r,tart a buoincll!l tJ:;Inr. per- lar appljcution io on Jilc trom W. c. opecJa1ioto •• , plcJi!up or delivery tlOM and pro(lerty to all porto or Croy of Poplar BlufY, Mo. by parachute • , • and many othera. Cali.fornin and Nevada In the mo!lt Julian nondurant'o Armored Mo-

Thcoc project!l nrc in nddltlon to oultnblc ovailablt air"ralt, ju!it baa tor ccrvlcc •ot Mcmphia would t'n• appUcatlon!l tor wide exteMion or coon °0 the novy.lcto him co. larue hlo op(!roUon by u!;c or 'bir-oervico into now tcrrltoricn cousht 'Taxi ¥turll1 Servlc:a. planco throughout the r:outh and by <'XinUnr. airlines and the entry TllcrCl ao oleo tho Nort:t>men Air r;outhwcot "on call and demand." of othera Into tho Oeldo of feeder, TrnnnJWrt comJmny, whleh tumo out The robulotlll nupply or our motpr .. piclr-up, general ~xprco!l and cargo to be ce>vcral ocrvicemon wl1o want izcd'torct>n with fuel by airplane in buoinc:rm. ' 1o conlinuCJ tbcir war ao!:oelntion the dnob ncron9 Frut~cc ami elac·

Start New Enterprhsu. by · cntoblio!Jinr. fet>der oirlinc:o where, probably .irtRuencNl II'. I. Appli'Cnnto tor ccrtiGcoteo tor throughout Nc·w England. , MouJ, prcoident of Coaotnl Tonk

ther:c new entc'rpri!lNl cover tho Many or thcco projccla may n(>ver Linen, lnc., of Yorlt, Pa., to fllc nn whole ranee of JM!ople wllo tuwc llccr U1c light uf dO!t'•i but· thc>rc arc oppUeotlon to oupplc.>mc:nt hio Reel

. bcc!n Dllrred to netlon by faith In Lho appUcatlono lilte that of Lt. Col. ot l'lli truclro with flyina tonlu:ra, lli!l futuro of air lronoportntiun. Jn U1e John C. L. Adamo, who. ~fore be~ nhipn would enrry 3,fllllf nallorm of ~ acUvc'docltct! of tho department arc inr. en lied back to hlo r('{!ulnr army any kind of buUt liquid commodily tho nomen of c:ompatliei:J and lml&vid· job when war came, ornoni:wd and in comporltn<!ntiud tnnk!l lbrouch· unl!l wllh experience in lron!;ptJrl· o~ratC'd on e"tcnoivc air Ct>rvlre ln cut Jho United Staten and to Aluo­ing JW!tcOn!l nnd property by air. l'.anamo, Uc wnnt!l to ntnrt a oisht· l1o, ll'anoda and Mcxi('o. '!'here arc othcro who b:l\'e had crelnc bm)im.>nn waU1 ht:tllroptt>ro or Aulol by Air. ('qunlly brond b;u~lt[!rctmll in Uan'l· hsz.llt.'a, !nnning out In varmug portot!on by otcnmobip, buo, ta}(i• cN~nic rcutro trcm Crbtobal and Debvcey ot Jcep:J nnd trurko by cob nnd truc:k nt.d th<'rc ore oliU ll!ilbc:l. Unt!l he eon otnrt worlt olrpJnno to tho battle llm>o Un(IUt>o• otbcro, nuch as dcpartmc:nt nloro oanJJ uniform, ~!l wit<>, Al~rt~. l!l Uonably .r.ave T. P. Gcddco of the ownero, who nrc obvlouoJy ntrcmg in getting UlUlg!l hncd up. Automob.ila Air Freinht_ eorpt~rnteon llnnneial recoureco, but who hO'Io'C 'l'hen Uwre art' oleo a numbl'r Cif of Detroit~ the im:pirolion tor oiml· never, perhaps, even delivered Uleir women w»to nlnn to lltnrt oirlinco on Jar opcrolioM in P<'act!tlmc •. Before own p:trct&., tht!lr liWfl, Snm~> of u1cm, judging the wor hb firm wm~ t<'putrd to be

Then there arc the emb o air· from thmr oppUeatHnn P::IJJern, llllt:t! Ute ltu(J~t dt'IW:r<!r!l of new nuto­.,_ t lik th on ey !I h' nlrea(ly nmd cuc('ennful enrccro in mob1le!1 m the world, by otl!omship llliC magna eo, e c m on• 1!1 tl •" 6 b " ,... , 1 Ati en tho Grl!ot t.nltcn and by the well· wile who want to start tul air trelnht 0 . l~t> •m1rs 0 • u!lmeo!ln. j'l!re, 0d • known aupcr-trudm. 'l'hl'ir take ves-line hctw(!en lAin Angeles nod Uew " flC'Utnc JarrJ!I of ut lcr or ton, ,_ ... h I th r t York nntl tor sprciflcotlorm for t:. C., wlm prcpm;cg to stnrl a cclted· :,rt ~t'u~'ae8J'3 "e :e No'!.v ~~elr r~~J!: their' 1teet, submitted colored cut• 1t9_;~- mo~l and 1.Pa!lt!lengcrl s;r'1~~ ,, eerne pro~nt'D ,g d~ ru:;h o~dcrs en outs of o Libertllclr bomber from n utru.n!Z tuc !ltnll .er owng n nMm · U b .• , . .. Sundo su lt'm<'nt. M a moLter o! CarcUno, Tennca!:t'o nnd Virginia, te onmc jc u:Jlh huge cnr~o p~a~es f t

1 "U~P ,,.. · u ......... 11 .. u.............. u!lling l'ithcr heJic:cptern or light ond glld£'r trall~rg, T11ey !lt: l'lt o c:cr· n~ • prn... co 13 a Uh; .... .- ..... uuua • 1 t . S1l .. tifkntc to trnMJWrt nutomobiJu

stnte . in mere or ~ens opotogetle c-m;venhnno P, nnes: e propi:l!;t'S trom the middJC!u:e&t to anywhere in terms thnt the nr;plico.nls baye no to Jnttd (!Jt • pa .. tomcc roota or the the United Stnlt>n ond to bring bock pJtmes with wlt!cb to sltlrl bwmeng, nerae&t avnllobla vncant lot. 1 . to th. t . But since prneUc:clly nnne will lle :Mrs. Winifred Lttcy Sllefl'erly of genera eorgo a area._ . nvallilble wlil oflet the wnr. they , Delr«Dlit, prqm:cs to run n helkopter · Depn.rtrnMt oaore deUver1e11 ~ith nrc all on nn equal tn!lis hom ilint 111 taxi servite in Michlgon ar.rl Mrs. the hclkcpter os the favored ve~c1c ttattdpi:imt. i T. A W. Lanier d El Pnso, Texua, h propm~ed in dotetm ot appllrmtmnn

• '

SEWING ('IJI('LE NEF.PI,EWOJtK . . "aS() South WtolTI St. t"llltlliJ;O ·

Enclose 10 conl!l tor Patlt'm.



Addrto - · -

. "

You ,cAN relieve


. ,. • 10.6% of UJH abowaJ tllCilCal liDo ..,Mreltttt a!iu crJt JO <l•t• ttUiattot wltb &UII'tOtl. Ia

• hnputlaJ, tcie .. tikts ..

·SORETONE IWddldt .... lltUS. Uhtt...,.Ws r trr

0 5l}t!. $).1l. en rue. Pt-r1~0Jt:l U.c best ktwwn flrms mclm!e the Hc:eht Company. Int., ot WosMngt~U~<, D. C", ontl U;e ~ WiUicm Fileno Sons ecmf>any at Btrston. Both would cover Ute met,. rcptllitnn area surrounding their cit!M nruJ wou~d atro seek to St>n:"

*************** SavJL U6.P.d. Jah. filL

· their cuswmers in amall£>r citiM at

• greater dintanceg. •

F! •• J. P.{c.>Keown. president of the Praducei'l:J Air Lines or Toledo, wuutd me cargo p]nzu!SJ, gliders and lu!'li·

. copters in the transportatfon ot per· ishnble lctidn, flowers, dtUg3, m(Jdi· cines and medicine ingredients. A pr6posed plnn. of sitnUar·tipe is tbnl of the Fish Airlines corporation, headed by Charles J. McGowtut of New Bedford. 1\Im:::s., which would emphnsite rushing sen loodg from Mllllsacltusetts find Rhode Island to &bless regions ot the cbunlty. · :

Plane builders hnve dcPtonsttated that there may be a plotne built for every purpose, that hilll been their recotd in warUnie. Atid with plenty of skilled· operatots avaDAble, nlao as a result ot the war, it r~tnairtJJ to

. Jirawmt si:acnfS pi&De hi f.jl fll1hl .piekhlr ap maU j&ek. The same be srit:n whether or not tHe Amerl• Uetualque .Ut •e avaUabltJ lJ1 peace time aJKl replady to_uted eommer· can public Is really ready to tty fW p)abe• are ex,eeted to" drop ~ pli!k U.P pat~~~ nile.~ .. ~ .wmr. . i~ winiJ!I when peace comeill. ..

. · · Taxi Firms to Start Air Helicopter Service cab ali<!h as ice between LaGuardia airport and Utah and canyon de national

bWtdmg in · · · · · .Arizona,

• - -' ·-.

~- .• ~

Fertnnt's · which tlbrut now more 11re -com• would be at call of lng .in daily · new · new . fttni illtllt's on west cout, · and nclvel enterpl'ise!l the uu .. Wllliam EdWard lialll1 ot Detroit, of alrt>lancs. As of the of. June propOses to replill:!e horses by ait• more than 800. !lueh applicationi plane; in the ·sightseeing fleld. He wet! on fill! with tho CMl Acronau· hu Aled application Co make Jt.pot.· ttcs board. 'l'hl!!. rtumber wm be in· ~le ·tor uddle-Jby tour1at1 to IM!e creased at a rapid rate durlnz the Gted canyon N•tional park, ltain- monthS following V·J Day •

• •

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. Bo·ots and Shoes· ·; Drugs .~11d MediciQes

Shov~ls, · Spades . · .. · ·. and· Forks·.· -- ·


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~~~==~·~-~~~~~~~~~~­-eneral Merchandise

Hoes aitd Rakes · · · OilS and GreaseS ~~--~S~t=o~ck~Sa~J~t~-~.~~~--. . Jpe·

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' QUA.LITY PRICE SERVlCE . · · Sash a.itd Door's Pump Leathers . '

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• .. , •

J. F. Petty, Prop. Phone 62 0 \.

.. ,, . 1 • •

<I ..... -~--~ !1!!!!11!1!!!!1...._. ..... _. _______ :.. -- - - ,--

• ······.Ladies ReadY-tO-Wear G~rm~nts • - - - ....

• .' ""::1:::::: ,. ___,_, .. -... ~r-~~

.. . IU.ll[ a Jap 1f·mm gun';thrc~cntd to h.1lt J:andln& pmitf .n

noogann!Aie, Mum:! S);t. Rab:rt A. Ov:en• placed f·JUr mtn to c:onr 6~· lrom arl,2cent bunkcn apd rl1en cltart;tJ into the mou:h of the annon.lfil ~nltr¢d the emplacement through the ~re pon. drove the 11un crew out tnd uuurc4 rhm d:nructton bdore he ham~d( '"~• \vounded, \Var·Donds hdpecl plf for th! r:urn. wad1 wfuda ltiJ men CO\'tred his heroic feat, ~t£t• 0lfcM .. ~, a'll·nd:J a NAvy Lrou. tJ.s. ruu~r:~Dtl•rlfJ,_ •

-- ... -- . .... - ~ -

• • • ·--------- ------------------------~.

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Carrizozo AUto Co. . .


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Our Prices Are Recisonable • •. •

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. On your next printing order · · ~ try i lie .

Carrizozo ·OutiQok We Spaefalfze In

-~ining Location Blanks Lode or Placer ·

Carrizozo Outlook Office Llln'BRHEADS and ENVELOPES, CALLING C'ARU~· •


. . ~c. . . · ·-- Buy more war bondS . -.-....._~ ~­

- -­~~~ --- ..... ......_ AM£Qtt .AN HEQOES . u --·· :c_,.._· _ ___ . .. - -

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· · · · 0~ K. Rubber ·welders •

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Tire Repair,ing ·and Re·capping · Sinclair Gasoline~~~ Oil Automobile Actetaoriet

1518 Pennaylvauia Avenue, :Aiamoaotdo, N. M~. • Telephone· 374 .. · , . ·. • •

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