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    I I I II I I I I I I II

    Approval Design ator IF) Reason for TranSrnittal (GIE, S, Q, D or N I A 1. Approval 4 Review(see WHC-CM-3-5 , 2. Release 5 . Post-ReviewSec.12 .7) 3 Information 6. Dist (Receipt Ack now . Requiredl

    Disposition (HI & (111. Approved 4. Reviewed nolcomment2. Approved wlcomrnent 5 . Reviewed wlcomment3 Disapproved wlcornment 6. eceipt acknowledged

    ED-7400-172-2 (05/96) GEF097

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    Safety Evaluation for Packaging (Onsite)221 T Sodium TanksW. A. McCormickWaste Management Federal Services, Inc., Northwest Operations,U.S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC06-96RL13200Richland, WA 99352EDT/ECN: EDT 621883 UC: 513Org Code: 03E00 Charge Code: 81227B&R Code: EX7050000 Total Pages: 39

    Key Words: solid sodium, 337 Building, 200 W Area, 3 00 AreaAbstract: This safety evaluation for packaging (SEP) allows thetransport of approximately 82 0 kg (1800 lb) of solid sodium between the200 W Area and the 337 Building in the 300 Area of Hanford to beprocessed for disposal. This SEP authorizes a one-time shipment.

    TRADEMARK ade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessaril y co ns ti tu te OP imply i t sendorsement, recornendation, o r favo ring by the un it ed States Government or any agency thereof ori t s contractors or subcontractors.

    Reference here in to any sp ec if ic comnercial product, process, or service by

    Pri nte d i n the United States of America. To obt ain copies of t h i s document, contact: WHCIBCSDocument Control Services, P.O. Box 1970, Mailstop H6-08, Richland WA 99352, Phone (509) 372-2420;Fax (509) 376-6989.

    Re ease Stamp9 LiLidLQ a -+ -E?ease Approval Date

    Approved for Public ReleaseA-6400-073 (10/95) GEF321

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0



    A - I.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.I GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - I1.2 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - I1 .3 REVIEW AN D UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    2.0 PACKAGING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 .1 S M A L L T A NK ( T2.2 LARGE TANK (TK-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 .3 CONTAINMENT BOUNDARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.4 CA VITY SIZE, PAY LOAD CAPAC ITY AN D GROSS WE12.5 HEAT DISSIPATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 .6 S H IE L D ING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.7 LIFTING DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . .2.8 TIEDOWN DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 4

    3.0 PACKAGE CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 43.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 43.2 CONTEN T RESTRICT10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 4

    4.0 TRANSPORTSYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.1 TRANSPORTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.2 T IEDOWN SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3 SPECIAL TRANSFER REQUIREMENTS . . . . . .

    5.0 ACCEPTANCE OF PACKAGING FO R USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0 OPERATING REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . A -5

    7.0 QUA LITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.1 GENERALREQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 QUA LITY REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 67.2.1 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 67.3 SEP CONTR OL SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 6

    8 .0 MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A -79.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A -7


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    CONTENTS (cont)


    1 I SAFETY EVALUATION METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . .1 .2 EVALUATION SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B - I1.3 REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

    2.0 CONTENTS EVALUATIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0 RADIOLOGICAL RISK EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . B -24.0 CONTAINMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-24.2 CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-24 .3 NORMAL TRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 -34 .4 CO NT A INM E NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 -3

    4.4.2 Evaluat' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B -4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 44.5 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-74.6 APPENDIX: CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8

    5.0 SHIELDING EVALUA TION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    4.4.1 Contain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3

    6.0 CRITICALITY EVALUAT ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12 7.0 STRUCTURALEVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.0 THERMAL EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.0 PRESSURE AN D GAS GENERATION EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.1 GASGENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.2 PACKAGE PRESSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-13 10.0 PACKAGE TIEDOWN SYSTEM EVALU ATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-13I O . 1 SYSTEM EVALUAT ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-13 1 0 .2 A T T ACHM E NT S A ND R . . . . . . . . . B - 1 410.3 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1 510.4 APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.4.1 S ke t c he s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.4.2 Calculat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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    HNF.2072. Rev. 0LIST OF TABLES

    A 2 - I Tank Character ist ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 3 A 4 - 1 Externa l Conta iner Contaminat ion L imi ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 5 A 7 - I Records Retent ion and Locat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 8

    B 1 0 - 1 T iedow n Sys tem Des ign Da ta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B - 1 4


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    A S M Ec mDOTgalHzin .kgk mk m l hkPaLIbmm im i l hMPaw i g

    .. psiSEPW M N W

    Amer ican Soc ie ty o f Mechan ica l Engineerscent imeterU.S. Depar tment of Transportat iongallonhertzinchkilogramki lometerk i lometers per hourki lopascall i terp o u n dmetermi lemiles per hourmegapasca lpounds per square inchpounds per square inch (gage)safety evaluat ion for packagingWa ste M anagem ent Federal Services, Inc., N orthw est O perat ions

    v i

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0




    1.I GENERAL INFORMATIONApprox ima te ly 8 2 0 kg (18 00 Ib ) o f so lid sod ium is being t ranspo r ted b e twee n the200 W Area and the 3 3 7 Bu i ld ing in th e 300 Area o f Hanford to be processed for d isposa l .

    The sod ium is current ly conta ined in t w o tanks, TK -2 and TK-3, in th e 22 1 T Bu ilding .T h e t a n k s d o n o t m e e t th e U.S. Department of Transportat ion requirements for shippingsodium, which is c lassif ied as a hazardous mater ia l .

    1.2 PURPOSEThe purpose o f th is sa fe ty eva luat ion fo r packag ing (SEP) is t o de monstra te th a t th econta inment proper ties o f tanks TK-2 and TK-3 m eet the in tent o f th e hazardous mater ia lsshipping regulat ions and will a l low safe t ranspor ta t ion of the i r contents on the Hanford

    Site. Per th e evaluat ions and conclusions in Part B of th is SEP and th e operat ions c ontro lsprescr ibed in Part A o f th is SEP, the ons i te sh ipp ing o f these tanks and the i r contents isdemo nstra ted to be acceptab le .

    1.3 REVIEW AND UPDATE CYCLESThis SEP author izes the o ne t im e sh ipment o f the ident i f ied pay load. A f te rcomp le t ion o f the sh ipment , th e SEP will become vo id . No fur ther rev iews or updates willbe requ i red.


    2.1 SMALL TANK (TK-2)The 114 -L (30.0-ga l) tank has an outs ide d iameter o f 45 . 72 cm (18.0 in.) and is9 1 . 4 c m ( 3 6 .0 in.) in length . The cy lindr ica l wa l l is const ruc ted f rom s tand ard-weightsta in less steel p ipe. The ends are sta in less steel standard-w eight p ipe heads. The tank isdes igned t o opera te a t a temperature o f 648 .9 "C ( 1200 "F) and a pressure o f 8 61 .8 kPa

    A - 1

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    (1 25 ps i ). It has a tes t p ressu re o f 1103 .2 kPa (1 60 psi ). When used, the tank w assuppor ted f rom three equa l ly spaced suppor t lugs fas tened to the to p head. The top headis penet rated in tw o p laces by 0 .5- in . schedu le 4 0 s p ipe . The p ipes do n o t ex tend in to thetank. The p ipes ex tend jus t fa r enough f rom th e tank outer sur face to a t tach a c lamp-onpipe cap for transportat ion.

    The s ide wa l l o f the tan k is penetra ted by a 2 .0- in . schedu le 40s pipe. The pipeex tends to th e cen te r o f the tank and is ben t dow nwa rd . The downw ard po r t ion o f thep ipe i s 60 .3 cm (23 .75 in.) measured f rom t he b o t tom t o the cen te r line o f the w a l lpenetrat ion. The p ipe ex tends jus t fa r enough f rom the tank ou ter su r face t o a t tach aclamp-on pipe cap for transportat ion.

    A packag ing des igned t o ho ld 11 3 .56 L (30 .0 ga l ) o f sod ium for t ranspor ta t ionwo uld be c lassi f ied as a nonbu lk packag ing and wou ld be requ ired t o m eet Pack ing Group Iper formance requ i rements . The regu la t ions permi t the use o f numerous types o f s ing lepackag ings, such as drums and boxes. Tanks are n ot inc luded in th e approved packag ings.Tanks, how ever, are approved for use w it h la rger loads.

    2.2 LARGE TANK (TK-3)The 18 90 -L (500-ga l ) tank has an outs ide d iameter o f 91 .4 c m (3 6.0 in .) and is298 .5 cm (1 17 .5 in .) in length . The cy lindr ica l wa l l is const ruc ted f rom s tand ard-weightsta in less steel p ipe. The ends are sta in less steel standard-w eight p ipe heads. The tank isdes igned t o opera te a t a temperature o f 648.9 "C (12 0 0 O F ) and a pressure o f 86 1.8 kPa( 1 2 5 p s i) . I t has a tes t p ressure o f 1 103.2 kPa (16 0 ps i ) . Whe n used, th e tank w as

    suppor ted f ro m three equa l ly spaced suppor t lugs fas tened t o the top head. The top headis penetrated in t w o p laces b y 0 .5- in . schedu le 40 5 p ipes. The p ipes do not ex tend in tothe tank .

    The s ide wa l l o f the tank is penetra ted by a 0 .5- in . schedu le 40s pipe. The pipeex tends to the cen te r o f the tank and is ben t dow nwa rd . The downw ard po r t ion o f thep ip e is 6 0 .3 c m ( 2 3 .7 5 in.) measured f rom the bo t tom t o the cen te r line o f the w a l lpenetrat ion. The p ipe ex tends jus t fa r enough f rom the tank ou te r su r face to a t tach ac lamp-on p ipe cap fo r t ransporta t ion .

    2.3 CONTAINMENT BOUNDARYThe conta inm ent boundary fo r b o th tanks are th e conta iners themselves and thecaps on th e p ipe penetra t ions .

    2.4 CAVITY SIZE, PAYLOAD CAPACITY AND GROSS WEIGHTTK-2 has a vo lume o f 11 4 L (30 .0 ga l) , a sod ium capac i ty o f 75 .7 L (20 .0 ga l) , anda g ross we igh t o f 209 .5 kg (46 2 Ib ) max imum. TK-3 has a vo lume o f 18 90 L (500 gal), asod ium capac i ty o f 1136 L (3 00 ga l) , and a g ross we igh t o f 198 9 kg (4 38 5 Ib ) max imum.

    Tab le A2-1 sho ws th e genera l charac ter is tics fo r each tank.

    A -2

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    Table A2-1 . Tank Charac ter is t ics .Item

    DrawingSodium capacity(at design fill height)

    Tank TK-2 Tank TK- 3H-2-38805 (WHC 1976)75.7 L (20 gal)

    H-2-38804 (WHC 19 77)1 136 L (3 00 gal)

    Pipe wall thickness 0.95 c m (0.375 in.) 1.27 cm (0.5 in.)

    Filled weight 209.5 ka (462 Ib) 19 89 ka 14385 Ibl

    Center of gravity, emp tyCenter of gravity, full

    Maximum weight of conients I 69.0 k g (152 Ib) I 1034.2 ka 12280 I b ) lA t geometric center5.1 cm (2.0 in.) belowgeometric center perdrawing calculations

    At geometric center5.1 cm (2.0 in.) belowgeometric center per

    Design fill height I 52.7 cm (20.75 in.) I 186.7 cm (73.5 in.) I

    Contents Unknown- -assume illed (per telecon wi th Neal Hara,1018197. both tanks together contain 816. 5 k g [ I 8 0 0 Iblof sodium)

    2.5 HEAT DISSIPATIONHeat d iss ipa t ion is ach ieved through pass ive thermal condu ct ion and rad ia t ion .There are no art i f ic ia l cool ing mecha nisms emp loyed to d iss ipate heat, nor are any required.

    2.6 SHIELDINGNo shield ing is provided or required for e i ther tank.

    2.7 LIFTING DEVICESThere are th ree l i f t in g lugs we lded on one end of each tank.

    A - 3

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    2.8 TIEDOWN DEVICESThe are no t ied ow n dev ices in tegra l t o e i ther tank .


    3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONEach tank contains e ssent ia l ly pure sodium m etal.

    3.2 CONTENT RESTRICTIONSThe contents are res t r ic ted t o the am ount o f sod ium m eta l tha t is cur rent ly in t h etank s wi th th e add i t ion o f an iner t cover gas.


    4.1 TRANSPORTERThe transporter shal l consist of a f latbed, lowboy, or van tractor- tra i ler.

    4.2 TIEDOWN SYSTEMThe t iedown sys tem sha ll mee t the requi remen ts o f the 4 9 CF R 393, "Parts and

    Access ories Necess ary for Safe Operat ion," Subpa rt I. A n engineered t iedo wn sys temshal l be used as descr ibed and analyzed in Part B, Sect ion 1 0.0 o f th is SEP.

    4.3 SPECIAL TRANSFER REQUIREMENTSA road c losure south of the W ye Barr icade is requi red fo r th is sh ipment .Permiss ib le ex terna l contaminat ion l imi ts fo r th e tanks are show n in Tab le A4 -1 .

    A - 4

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    Beta and gamma emitters and low toxicity alpha emittersAll other alpha-emitting radionuclides

    Maximum permissible limitsBq/cm2 pCi/cm2 dpm/cm2

    0.4 I 0-5 220.04 1 0 - 6 2.2


    Pr ior t o sh ipment , th e sh ipper shal l inspect the tanks and t ranspor t sys tem t o ver i fythe fo l low ing :

    Tha t a l l penetrat ions in the tanks are capped and sealedThat the ex terna l contaminat ion l imi ts are not exceededThat the t ie dow n sys tem is in p lace as descr ibed in Par t B,. Section 10.0,'


    The fo l low ing requ i rements , as a min imum, sha ll be comple ted pr io r t o or dur ingtransport, as applicable.Pr io r to sh ipment , a road c losure south o f th e W ye Barricade sha l l bearranged.The tank s shal l be properly marke d and labeled.The sh ipping papers shal l be com pleted.The transporters shal l be properly p lacarded.

    The t iedown system shal l be in p lace as descr ibed in Part B, Se ctio n 10.0.


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    7.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTSThese requ i remen ts app ly to ac t i v it i es tha t cou ld a f fec t the qua l i t y o f thecomp onents o f th e packag ing. A l l opera t ions and docum enta t ion shal l be in accordancew i th HNF-PRO-154, Responsibilities and Procedures for Al l Hazardous Material Shipments,

    7.2 QUALITY REQUIREMENTSAppropr ia te q ua l i ty assurance requ i rements sha l l be imposed by the respons ib le

    organ iza tion(s) t o ensure adequate contro l re la t ive t o m ain tenance and use o f t he sod iumtanks. All act iv i t ies, d ocum ents, and procedures shal l be perform ed or prepared inaccordance wi th HNF-MP-599, Project Hanford Quality Assurance Program Description( FD H 1 9 9 7 ) .

    7.2.1 OrganizationOrgan iza t iona l s t ruc ture and ass ignment o f respons ib il i ty sha l l be such th a t qua l i ty isach ieved and main ta ined by those respons ib le fo r per forming the wo rk and qua l i ty

    ach ievement is ver if ied b y personne l o r o rgan iza tions not d i rec t ly respons ib le fo r per formingt h e w o r k .Loading faci l i ty operat ions, Radiological Protect ion, and receiv ing faci l i tyman agem ent are respons ib le fo r the qua l i ty o f w or k per formed by the i r respect ive

    organ iza t ions as we l l as th e fo l lowing:Comp l iance w i th the cu r ren t requi remen ts of th is SEPProvid ing adequate instruct io ns for im pleme ntat ion of establ ished qua l i tyassurance requirements.

    The cogn izant Q ual i ty Assuran ce organizat ion(s) are respon sib le for e stabl ishing andadmin is ter ing th e app l icab le por t ions o f th e Hanford S i te qua l i ty assurance program re la t iveto t h e s o d iu m ta n ks .

    7.3 SEP CONTROL SYSTEMThis SEP is a contro l led support ing docum ent. Only up-to-date approved vers ionssha l l be used re la t ive t o t ransport . Changes to th is SEP sha ll be accompl ished by W asteMan agem ent Federa l Services , Inc ., No r thw est Opera t ions (W M NW ) and sha l l beincorpora ted and supp l ied t o users v ia cop y contro lled d is t r ibu tion .Rev iew Com men t Records produced dur ing in i t ia l re lease or subsequent changes

    sha ll be re ta ined as L i fe t ime Qual i ty Records by W MN W .

    A - 6

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    Table A7-1 sho ws th e records re tent ion per iods and locat ion o f records .

    Table A7 -1. Records Retent ion and Locat ion.

    Safety evaluation fo r packagingRadiation surveysOperating pro'cedures

    I Document I Retention period I Location ILifetime WMN W Engineering Business Unitl lnfor matio nResource Managem ent

    5 Years User facili ty5 Years User facili ty

    Quality Control inspection Reports

    I~~ Qualitv assurance audits I Lifetime I User facilityLifetime User facility

    I Review Comment Records I Lifetime I WMN W Engineering Business Unit IWMNW = Waste Management Federal Services, Inc., Northwest Operations


    The sod ium tanks will be shipped only once. Refer t o Part A, S ect ion 5.0, andPart A, Sec t ion 6.0, fo r inspection requ i rements pr io r t o use.


    4 9 CFR 173, "Shippers--General R equ irem ents for Sh ipm ents and Packagings," Code ofFederal Regulations, as amended. .

    4 9 CFR 39 3, "Parts and Accesso ries Necessary for Safe Operation," Code of FederalRegulations, as amended.

    FDH, 1997, Project Hanford Quality Assurance Program Description, HNF-MP -599, Rev. 1,Fluor Daniel Hanford, Inc., Richland, Washington.HNF-PRO-154, Responsibilities and Procedures for Al l Hazardous Material Shipments, FluorDaniel Hanford, Inc., Richland, Washington.

    A - 7

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    HNF-2072. ev. 0

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0



    Part B of th i s safety evaluat ion for packag ing (SEP) contains evaluat ions necessa ryto s ho w tha t the sod ium tanks (TK-2 and TK-3) can be sa fe ly t ranspo r ted t o th e 300 Areaf r o m th e 200 W Area.

    Rev iew o f the m ater ia l p resent in the tanks , th e phys ica l fo rm o f the mater ia l , andth e present cond i t ion o f the tanks ind ica tes tha t a one- t ime sh ipment is a reasonab le andsafe a ct i v i t y ,using the ope rat ional contro ls establ ished in Part A of th is SEP.

    1.1 SAFETY EVALUATION METHODOLOGYThe safe ty eva luat ion m ethodo logy fo r the sod ium tanks cons is ts o f d iscuss ions andana lyses dem onstra t ing the ab i l ity o f th e conta iners to mainta in conta inment equ iva lent tothat requ i red in 49 CFR 173, "Shippers--General Re quirem ents for S hipme nts andPackagings," for t ransport of sodium metal.

    1.2 EVALUATION SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONSBased on th e eva luat ions in Par t B of th is SEP, the one-t ime transport of the sodiummeta l in the ex is t ing conta iners is acceptab le . The fo l lowing i temized res t r ic t ions app ly t o

    th is sh ipment .A road c losure fo r so uth o f the W ye Barr icade res t r ic t ing access t ounautho rized personal shal l be impos ed.The tanks sha ll be t ied do w n to the t ranspo r t veh icle in acco rdance with t h eengineered t ied ow n system descr ibed in Part B, S ect ion 10.0, of th is SEP.

    1.3 REFERENCE49 CFR 173, "Shippers--General Req uiremen ts for Shipm ents and Packagings," Code of

    Federal Regulations, as amended.

    B- 1

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    2.1 CHARACTERIZATIONEach tank conta ins essent ia l ly pure sod ium meta l . The contents are res t r ic ted tothe amoun t o f sod ium m eta l tha t is cur rently in the tanks with the add i t ion o f an iner t cover

    gas (n i trogen).


    Because there are no rad ioact ive const i tuents inc luded in the w aste matr ix , th issect ion is not required.


    4.1 INTRODUCTIONA p p r ox im a te l y 8 2 0 k g ( 18 0 0 Ib) o f so lid sod ium is be ing t ranspor ted b etw een the

    2 0 0 W Area and the 337 Bu i ld ing in the 3 0 0 A rea o f Han fo rd to be p rocessed fo r d isposa l.The sod ium is current ly conta ined in t w o tanks, TK-2 and TK-3, in th e 221 T Building.TK-2 has a vo lume of 1 1 4 L (30 gal) , a sod ium capac i ty o f 75 .7 L ( 2 0 ga l) , and a grosswe ig h t o f 230 k g (500 Ib ). TK -3 has a vo lume o f 1 8 9 0 L (500 gal) , a sodium capacity of1 1 3 6 L (3 00 ga l) , and a g ross we igh t o f 22 70 kg (5000 b).

    The tanks d o no t mee t the U.S. Depar tment o f T ranspor ta t ion (DOT) requ i rementsfor sh ipping sodium, w hic h is c lassif ied as a hazardous mater ia l . This evaluat iondemons t ra tes tha t the con ta inmen t p rope r ties o f tanks TK-2 and TK-3 mee t th e in ten t o fth e hazardous mater ia ls sh ipp ing regu la t ions and will a l low safe t ranspor ta t ion of the i rsod ium contents on the H anford S ite.

    4.2 CONTENTSSodium is l is ted in the Hazardous Mater ia ls Tab le and in th e Hazardous SubstancesOther Than Radionucl ides table of 49 CFR 172.1 01, "Purpose and use of hazardousma terials table.," App end ix A, "List of Hazardous Substanc es and Reportable Quan ti t ies."The Hazardous Substances tab le g ives i ts repor tab le quant i ty as 4 .54 kg .The Hazard ous Mater ia ls Table l is ts it as a Division 4.3 mater ia l (dangerous w he n

    we t ) , w i th iden ti f ica t ion number UN 1428 and Pack ing Group o f I . This evaluat ionconservat ive ly assumes tha t b o th tanks are f i l led to capac i ty.

    B- 2

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    4.3 NOR MAL TRANSFER CONDITIONSAll in sulat ion or other mater ia l shal l be remove d fro m the tank to a l low a visual

    inspec t ion of the outs ide of the tank. Any evidence of leakage shal l be reporte d and arepair procedure developed.

    The tanks were or ig inal ly fabr icate d w ith project in g 0.5- in. or 2.0-in. Sche dule 40sp ipes fo r a we lded a t tachm ent to the vent and sod ium p ip ing sys tems. The p ipes shal l becut a t the po in t tha t they w ere we lded to the p ip ing system, or c loser t o the tank . Th iswi l l ensure th at th e tank c ode jur isdict ion boundaries are preserved. However , there mustbe su f f ic ien t length o f p ipe le f t on the tank fo r a c lamp-on cap to be a t tached.A gasketed p ipe cap shal l be c lamped onto the pro jec t ing p ipes wi th su f f ic ien t

    c lamping fo rce to prevent them loosen ing due to v ib ra t ion dur ing a 32.2-km (20-m i)sh ipment . Assuming a speed o f 64 .4 km /h (40 mi /h ) , the t r ip w i l l take 3 0 m inu tes or 18 00seconds. Truck tra i lers produce a v ibrat ion in the region of 2 to 5 Hz, so the caps wi l l besub jec t to abou t 9000 cyc les o f low - f requency vib ra t ion , wh ich w i l l no t a f fec t a proper lyt ightene d pipe c lamp. The caps shall a l low an inert cover gas of n i trogen or argon to bein t roduced in to the tanks w i th a pos i t ive pressure of about 13 .8 kPa (2 .0 ps i ) wi t hver i f icat ion of the pressure. The inert atmosph ere and posit ive pressure inside the tanksare the pr ima ry means to ensure tha t wa ter does not en ter the tanks .

    The t ightnes s of the cap s and the inert gas pressure in the tank s shal l be checkedimm ediate ly after loading the tanks o nto the tra i ler, imm ediately pr ior to shipping, andimm ediate ly upon arr ival to ensure the tank st i l l contains posit ive pressure and the inertatmosphere is st i l l e f fect ive.

    The tanks sha ll be l i fted w i th a th ree- legged s l ing w i th legs 1 2 2 cm (4 8 in. ) long.TK-2 has three braces project ing from i ts s ides, and TK-3 has s ix braces. These bracessha ll no t be used as a t tachment po in ts fo r l i ft ing , and except as a l lowed in the t ied ow nsect ion o f th is SEP, they wi l l no t be used to secure the tanks to the t ra ile r.


    4.4.1 Conta inme nt Requ i rementsThe fundamental requirements of 49 CFR 173.24, "General requirements forpackagings and pack ages," for shipping haza rdous mater ia ls are as fo l lows.1 . There w i l l be no ident if iable re lease of hazardo us mater ia ls to theenvironment.2. The effect ive ness of the package wi l l no t be substant ia l ly reduced; forexam ple, impa ct resistance, strength, packag ing com patib i l i ty , etc. , m us t bemain ta ined fo r the m in imum and max imu m temperatures encountered during

    t ranspor ta t ion .


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    3. There wi l l be no mix ture o f gases or vapors in th e package th a t cou ld ,throug h a ny credib le spontaneous increase of he at or pressure, s ignif icant lyreduce th e e f fec t iveness o f the packag ing.

    4.4.2 Evaluat ion Summ aryTo ensure tha t there is no re lease o f mater ia l, the conta inm ent sys tem mu st keepthe sod ium dry t o prevent a chemica l reac t ion betw een water and sod ium. To accompl ishth is , bo th tanks will be sh ipped wi th a dry iner t gas under pos i t ive pressure ins ide the tank

    t o prevent w ater in leakage.TK -2 and TK-3 m eet the in tent o f the des ign ru les fo r DOT 5 1 por tab le tanks , w h ic h

    are a l lowed for t ranspor t ing sod ium in commerce. Th is fac t , p lus the load ing andtranspor ta t ion requ i rements o f th is SEP, ensure tha t the per formance o f the packag ing willnot be reduced by normal t rans fer cond i t ions .

    The on ly gas in the tanks will be the inert cover gas, which will no t reac t with t h esod ium or the tanks .

    The autho r ized bulk pack agings are given in 4 9 CFR 173.244 , "Bulk packag ing fo rcer ta in pyrophoric l iqu ids (Div is ion 4 .2) , dangerous w hen w et (Div is ion 4 .3) mater ia ls , andpoisonous l iquids with inhalat ion hazards (Div is ion 6.1 ). " The non-bulk packaging is g ivenin 4 9 CFR 173 .21 1 , "Non-bu lk packag ings fo r so l id hazardous mater ia ls in Pack ingGroup I." Bo th are subject t o specia l provis ions B9, B48, B68, N34,T15,T 29,T46 of4 9 CFR 172 .102, "Specia l provis ions." (om it t ing the air t ransp ort codes), of the Hazardo usMater ia ls Table. Except for ra i l tank cars and cargo tank mo tor vehic les, th e onlyauthor ized bu lk packag ing is a DOT 5 1 por tab le tank , whose requ i rements are prov ided in4 9 CFR 178.245 , "Specif icat ion 51; steel portable tanks."

    4.4.3 Regula tory Requ i rementsThe 4 9 CFR 178 .245 requ i rements tha t a re re levant t o the sa fe ty o f th is sh ipment

    are as follows.1. The tank is required t o be designed, constructed, cert i f ied, and stam ped inaccordance wi th th e Amer ican Soc ie ty o f Mechan ica l Engineers (ASM E) andto h a ve a wa te r c a pa c it y o f 4 5 4 k g ( 1 0 0 0 Ib or 2 6 4 g a l ).

    Ne i ther tank is ASME cer t i f ied , and the i r spec i f ica t ions are un kno wn .How ever , bo th were des igned to conta in sod ium and n i t rogen under 51 7 kPa(7 5 ps i ) o r 8 6 2 kPa (125 ps i ) a t 648 .9 "C (1 200 OF) pressure and havedesign detai ls that are in accordance with the requ i rements o f AS ME Boilerand Pressure Vesse/ Code, Section Vl l l ( A S M E 1 9 9 5 ) . W e lds s h o wn o nd rawings H-2 -38805 , Sodium Pool Supply Tank Assembly and Details TK-2( W HC 1 9 7 6 ) , a n d H - 2 - 3 8 8 0 4 , Sodium Spray Supply Tank Assembly andDetails TK-2 (W HC 1 977 ) , a re fu ll -penetra t ion groove w e lds with spec i f icprocedure cal l -outs.

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0





    TK-2 is smaller than the minimum required s ize. Th is is un impor tant fo r atank th a t is no t in comm erce because it will be under contro l th roughout . theloading, trans portat ion, and unloading process.Al l openings m us t be valved or p lugged, and the largest s ize plugged open inga l lowed is 7 .6 cm (3 .0 in. ).The only openings are 1.27-cm (0.5- in.) and 5.1-cm (2.0- in.) nozzles forprocess p ip ing . The nozz les are we lded t o the she l l o f the tanks with fu l l -penetra t ion groove we lds . Open ings wi l l be capped dur ing t ranspor t .A l l mater ia l used fo r the tan k m ust be su i tab le fo r use with t h e m a te ri a l t o b et ranspor ted, and the mater ia l th ickness m ust be 0.5 c m (3 /1 6 in . ) o r g reater .The tanks were in serv ice on ly fo r a sod ium spray tes t , wh ich las ted are la tive ly shor t t ime, and have not been opera ted fo r over 1 2 years . Hightempe rature sod ium is compat ib le w i t h s ta in less s tee l, with corros ion ra tes o f2 m i ls /y r on ly w i t h h igh oxygen con ten t and h igh f low ra te(W hi t lo w e t a1 .1971) . A t th is ra te , the wa l l th ickness w ou ld be reduced by0.1 cm (0 .0 5 in .) ; TK-2 has a wa l l th ickness o f 1 O c m ( 0 .3 8 in.), and TK-3has a w al l th ickness.of 1.27 c m (, so corrosion will no t s ign i f icant lya f fe c t the i r ab i l i ty to conta in so l id sod ium.The design pressure is based on the vapor pressure of the mater ia l beingt ranspor ted, bu t is ne i ther less tha n 68 9.5 kPa (gage) (100 psig) nor greaterthan 3 .45 MPa (gage) (5 00 psig ).The only internal pressure sources in TK-2 and TK-3 are the inert co ver gasand the vap or pressure of sodium. The tota l interna l pressure will be about13. 8 kPa (2 ps i ) . The ca lcu la t ions in Sec tion 4 .6 show tha t the des ignpressure a t room temperature exceeds 2 .0 MPa ( 2 9 0 ps i) , exceed ing theregu la tory min imum . The temporary caps will have a pressure ra t ing o fabout 551 .6 kPa (8 0 ps i) , based on the i r use in p lumbing sys tems. Becausethere is no in terna l source o f p ressure , the 689.5-kPa (100-ps i ) in terna lpressure des ign requ irement can be v iewed as a requ i rement fo r a robusttank t o res is t hand l ing acc idents tha t a re no t i temized in th e4 9 CFR 178 .245 requ i rements ; there fore , the lo w pressure ra t ings o f thecaps is no t o f concern .The tank moun t ings mus t prevent excess ive concentra ted loads on the she l lo f the tank . L i f t ing lugs mu st be des igned for doub le th e load th ey carry ,with a fac tor o f sa fe ty o f 4 based on the u l t imate s t rength o f th e mater ia l .TK-2 and TK-3 were des igned for ver t ica l opera t ion and we re not in tend ed t obe por tab le tanks . The i r mount ings are not su i tab le fo r t ranspor ta t ion , so t h especif ic d esign ru les for sk ids and m oun tings are not appl icable. Ins tead, thet iedow n sys tems sha ll be des igned to d is t ribu te loads to th e tanks in amanner tha t avo ids concentra t ing loads on the tanks .


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    In serv ice , th e tanks were suspended f rom three lugs we lded t o the i r tophead. The welds have a ca lcu la ted fac tor o f sa fe ty o f 9 aga ins t fa i lu re w he neva luated t o the c r i te r ia o f ASME (1995) Sect ion VIII, Divis ion 1, so aresu i tab le fo r l i f t ing the tanks a lso . Whi le the ru les fo r DO T 51 por tab le tanksrequire doubler p lates for lug attachme nts, th ey are no t necessary in th isins tance because the shear s t ress in tank she ll w i th ou t doub lers is very l o was demon stra ted by the ca lcu la t ions in Sect ion 4 .6 .A l l tank f i t t ing s m ust be pro tec ted aga ins t m echan ica l damage.During loading and transportat ion, the project ing pipes and lateral arms shal lbe pro tec ted f ro m mechan ica l loads except those approved in t h e t i e d o w nsect ion of th is SEP.


    The requ i rements o f 49 CFR 17 2,1 02 o f th e Hazardous Mater ia ls Tab le arespecif ical ly for sodium shipme nts. The requirem ents re levant t o th is shipm ent are asfo l lows.

    1. No bo t tom ou t le ts a re Dem i t ted .The tank has no bot to m out le ts in e ither th e opera t ing or t ranspor tcon f igu ra t ion show n in the t ied ow n sect ion o f th is SEP.

    2. Visual inspect ion is adequate: no hydro test is required.Bo th tanks will be inspected for evidence of sodium leakage after theinsulat ion is str ipped, and bot h will reta in pressure pr ior to s hipping.The tank is loaded with mol ten sod ium w i th an ou tage o f 5 % o r more a t9 8 "C.TK-2 has a 11 3 .6-L (30.0-ga l) capac i ty and a max im um f i l l leve l o f 75 .7 L(20. 0 ga l ), so has an outage o f about 33 % . TK-3 has a capac i ty o f 1 89 3 L(5 0 0 ga l) , a f i ll leve l o f 1135 .6 L (3 00 gal ), so has an outage o f about 40%.Since the tanks were loaded wi th l iqu id sod ium and a l lowed to coo l, th isrequ i rement is met .A luminum const ruc t ion m ater ia ls are not au thor ized fo r any par t of apackag ing tha t is normal ly in contac t w i t h the hazardous mater ia l.The tanks are constructed ent ire ly of sta in less steel.The lad ing mu st be covered wi th n i t rogen or o ther iner t gas .Bot h tanks are current ly connected to th e n i t rogen sys tem used in t h eopera t ion o f the sod ium spray sys tem. A f te r d isconnect ing the tanks f romthe system, n i trogen or other inert gas will be used to f lood th e tanks,displacing as m uc h air as pract ical. They will then be p ressu rized w i th abou t13.8 kPa (2 .0 ps i ) p r io r to t ransporta t ion .

    3 .




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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    4.5 REFERENCES4 9 CFR 172, "Hazardous Ma terials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Ma terials

    Com municat ions, Emergency Response Information, and Train ing Requirements,"Code of Federal Regulations, as amended.

    4 9 CFR 1 73 , "Shippers--General Requ irements for S hipmen ts and Packagings," Code ofFederal Regulations, as amended.

    49 CFR 178, "Specifications for Packagings," Code of Federal Regulations, as amended.AISC, 1980, Manual of Steel Construction, 8t h edition, Am erican Inst i tute of SteelConstruct ion, Chicago I ll inois.ASME, 1995, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VII I , Div is ion 1, American Society

    of Mech anical Engineers, Ne w York, N ew York.WHC, 1977 , Sodium Pool Supply Tank Assembly and Details TK-3, drawing H-2-38804,

    Rev. 1, West inghouse H anford Company, Richland, Was hington.WHC, 1976 , Sodium Spray Supply lank Assembly and Details TK-2, drawing H-2 -38805 ,Rev. 1, West inghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Wash ington.W h i t l o w G. A,, J.C. Cwynar, R. L. Miller, and S. L. Schrock, 1971, "Sod ium Corros ionBehaviour of Alloys for Fast Reactor Appl icat ions," West inghouse Nuclear EnergySystem s, Ad vanc ed Reactors Div ision, publ ished in Chemical Aspects of Corrosion

    and Mass Transfer in Liquid Sodium, Sven A. Jansson ed, The Metal lurgical Societyof the Amer ican Ins t i tu te of Mining, Metal lurgical, and Pe tro leum Engineers,N ew York , Ne w York.

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    Subject: Page- o f 4 .Prepare DateChecker DateSection Date 19 NOV 1997

    1.0 OBJECTIVE1. Find the equivalent ASME sectionWI design pressure for tanksTK-2 and TK-3.2. Determine whether the lack of doubler plates under the lifting lugs is acceptable.2. Find the margin of safety against exceeding the 4 9 CFR 178 .245 equirements for the lifting lugs.

    2.0 REFERENCES49 CFR 1 78,245,1996 , Specifcation51; stee l portable tanks Code ofFederalRegulalions, s amended.AISC, 1980, Manual of Steel Construction,8th edition, American Institu teof Steel construction, ChicagoIllinois, 1980H 2-38805, WHC drawing,TankTK-2H 2-38804, WHC rawing, Tank TK-3

    3.0 ASSUMPTIONS, RESULTS,AND CONCLUSIONSAssime:1. That both tanks are filled o their design capacity with sodium, and have piping, insulation and heatersremovedso they appear as on heir reference drawings.2. The weight forTK-3 is assumed to be 5000 b, which isgreater than the weight stated on the drawing toallow for insulation and app utances. .The lugs for both tanksare he same, so the lugsfor TK-2 will not beanalysed since the tankweighs only 500 lb.3. The lifting arrahg ement s similar to that show in the sketch.4. The tankheads are an ASME configuration, with the same thickness as the pipe. The cylindricalportion ofthe tankwill then control the design pressure, and no stess analysis is needed for the head or head-cylinderjoint.Conc1 s ons:1. Considering only the primary stress in the tank cylinders, TK-2 has a calculated design pressure of 45 0 psi,and that of TK -2 is 293 psi.Both exceed the design pressure requirement of 49 CFR 425 forDOT 1 portabletanks.2. No doubler plates are necessary.3. The liiing lug attachmentweld has a factorof d e t y of 9 against failure, and meets the requirement of 49CFR 178.245.


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    -~ P a g e 2 f 4Date 19 NOV 1 9 9 7Subject: 49 CFR conformanceofT$TK 2. TK 3Preparer: W. W. SmvthSection Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA , Date 29 NO V 1 9 9 7Checker: S. S . SHlRlAGA //4 Datea4.0 EVALUATION

    Calculate a design pressure based onASME sectionVJII, divisionI,SubsectionUG-27:Cylinder

    S = 177OO.psi S, for ASME sectionE,welded pipe, type 316steelsection UW-12: sssume one-sided weld, no radiopphy= 0.6

    TK-2 t := 0.375.hCylinder R = 9 4 t

    Ellipsoidal head .= 2,R

    TK-3: t := 0.5.inCylinder R := t p :=- =298 .psiR + .6.t

    p =303 .psi.S.E.tEllipsoidal head D :f 2.R p :=-+ 0.2.t. Find the stress in the tank shell near the lugs to determine whether doublers should havebeenused.Nearfrom he lugs the tank wall will be ina state of shear due to lifting loads. Find the shear around theweld periphery and comparethis o the ASME allowablestress intensityL := Lug lengthW := := ShellthlclmessP := 5000.1bfA S : = 2 . ( W+ L ) . t sheararea=thickness*circumference

    Width of lug and 2 318 in fillet welds.

    Weight of loaded tank, upportedfrom3 lugs.

    7 =222 .psi average shear stressthrough hell3. A' z:=-The stress intensity allowed for type 3 16 w el d4 pipe is 17.7 h i or temperatures up to 200 degF.With an average shearstressso low, no doubler plate is required to distribute the forcesfrom heliftinglugs due to loading the tank.


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    P a g e 3 f 4V 1997Subject:Prepare Date 1 9 NOChecker DateSection DateaFind weld stresses in the support ug & compareto allowable stress for ASME sectionWI vessels. Thesteel is type 304 stainlesssteel. 5000 Ib I 3Welds are 3/8" fillets. and the lug is 3/4 in thick-the weld strengthwill govem the capacity.A =,.707 effective weld area

    212oment ofinertia= I = ---.25.ix1..707.(

    A,=3.181.in2 I=6.363.in4

    Using the geometry assumed in the sketch, wbich is based ona 3-legged sling with each leg 36" long, he loadsappliedtolhe welds are:



    50003T := --.lbf.cos(21.deg)

    Ibf .V := 5000.--sm(21.deg)3Moment: M:=V.3.84.h

    o =489 .psi

    T =15564bf

    V =597.Ibf

    M =2294 .Ibf.inV0 .=-' A! b v = 188.psi

    Themaximumweldshearstressis f , := fv=1591-psi

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    HNF-2072, ev. 0


    -~ P a g e 4 t L-5 " Date .ubjeci: 4 9 CFR -Tank TK 2. TK 3/// DatePreparer: W. W. SmvthChecker: S. S. Sk!IE&GASection Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA /& Date 19 NOV 1 9 9 7

    a t e r ia l properties for type 316 stainless steel (ASME sectionD, artD):F := 75OOO.psi F '= 3OOOO.psi S '= 177OO.psiE := 0.55

    Y 'ASM Eweld efficiency, div WE , UW-18

    ASME allowable stress : F := E 4 F =9735 *psihsuming a factor of safely against yieldkg of 1.5 for ASME weld design, fmd the marginto yield

    F;IS-=9 .2f"

    'Ihis exceeds the DOT requirementfor a factor of safety o f 8.

    B-1 1

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    HNF-207 2, Rev. 0


    Because there are no radioact ive const i tuen ts included in the was te ma t ri x , th issect ion is no t requ i red.


    Because there are no radioact ive const i tue nts included in the was te ma t r ix , th issect ion is n o t requ i red.


    Because the sod ium tanks d o no t spec i f ica l ly m eet the DOT requ i rements fo rshipping sodium, wh ich is c lassified as a hazardous mater ia l , it i s requi red tha t th e tanks beevaluated for their capabi l i ty of meeting the intent of the DOT regulat ions for containmentin order t o be t ranspor ted ons i te .

    The evaluat ion in Part 6, ect ion 4.0, demonstra tes tha t th e conta inment proper tiesof tanks TK-2 and TK-3 meet the intent of the hazardous mater ia ls shipping regulat ions andwill a l low safe t ranspor ta tion o f the i r sod ium contents on the H anford S i te . No fur therevaluation is required.


    Heat d iss ipa tion in the sod ium tanks is ach ieved through pass ive thermal con duct ionand radiat ion. There are no art i f ic ia l cool ing mecha nisms employed to d iss ipate heat, norare any required. Sodium m etal is no t a thermal heat source. The containers are f i l led w it han inert cover gas and sea led pr io r to t ranspor t . React ion due to co ntac t with a ir o r wate ris no t a concern. No further evaluat ion is required.

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    9.1 GAS GENERATIONHydroge n gas genera t ion due to rad io lys is requ ires the presence o f hydrogen a tomsin a molecu lar ma tr ix tha t re leases hydrogen a toms w hen energ ized w i t h ion iz ing rad ia t ion .Normal ly th is occurs w hen the package conta ins water , o rgan ic mater ia l , and po lye thy leneor o ther p las t ic mater ia l.The sod ium tanks do no t conta in any rad ioactive const i tuents in the was te m a t r ix ;

    there fore , hydrogen gas genera t ion is no t a concern .

    9.2 PACKAGE PRESSUREPackage pressurizat ion can result f ro m radio lyt ic hydrogen gas generat ion, therm alheat bu i ldup, and major changes in barometr ic p ressure . As s ta ted prev ious ly , hyd rogengas genera t ion is no t a concern . Decay heat f rom th e pay load is min imal ; there fore ,thermal heat bu i ldup is no t a concern . No major changes in barometr ic pressure will occurduring th is shipment; therefore, pressure bui ldup v ia th is mechanism is a lso not a concern.N o further evaluat ion is required.


    10.1 SYSTEM EVALUATIONT w o tank s conta in ing so l id sod ium are to be secured to a fla tbed t ra i le r fo rt ranspo rta t ion be tw een the 22 1 T Bu ilding in the 2 00 W A r ea t o t h e 3 0 0 A r ea . T h erequ i rements o f 49 CFR 393.1 02, "Securem ent systems.," are used as acceptanc e cr i ter ia;the load t ied ow n mus t have a work ing s t reng th g rea te r than one -hal f o f the load we igh t in

    any d i rec t ion .Bo th tanks are made f rom s ta in less s tee l p ipe wi th fo rme d heads. Both are opera ted

    ver t ica l ly , suspended by th ree lugs we lded to the to p head, and have legs pro jec t ingrad ia lly f rom the ta nks fo r la tera l suppor t . It was no t feasib le to use the legs t o suppor t thetanks ho r izonta ll y . Tab le B10-1 shows the da ta used to des ign the t iedow n sys tem.The tanks sha ll be secured as show n in the sketches in Sect ion 10.4 .1 . The

    calculat ions in Sect ion 10 .4 .2 demonstra te tha t the t iedow n cr ite r ia are met b y th ist i e d o wn s y s te m .

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    HNF-207 2, Rev. 0

    Table B10-1 . T iedown System Des ign Data .Item I Tank TK-2 I Tank TK-3 I

    Drawina 1 H-2-38805 (WHC 197 6) 1 H-2-38804 (WHC 1977) 1~

    Iodium capacity(at desiqn fill height) I 75.7 L (20 gal) I 1 136 L (30 0 gal)Outside diameter (pipe size) I 45.7 cm (18 in.)Tank length, head to head 1 91.4 c m (36 in.)Pipe w all thickness I 0.95 cm (0.375 in.)

    (std weiaht for DiDe size)Ernvtv weiah t I 140.6 kq (310 Ib)

    91.4 c m (36 in.) I298.5 cm (117.5 in.)

    954.8 k g (2 105 Ib) IFilled weight I 209.5 kg (462 Ib) I 1989 kg (4385 Ib) I

    A t geometric center

    geometric center perdrawing calculations

    geometric center per

    Contents Unknown--assume filled (per telecon wi th Neal Hara,10/8/97, both tanks together contain 816.5 kg [1 80 0 Iblof sodium)

    WHC. 1977, Sodiom Pool Supply Tank Assembly and Details TK-3, drawing H-2-38805,WHC, 1076, SodiumSpray Supply Tank AssemblyandDetails TK-2. drawing H-2-38804,

    Rev. 1 , Westinghouse Hanford Company. Richland, Washington.Rev. 1, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

    10.2 ATTACHMENTS AND RATINGSThe l i f t ing lugs on the to p head may be used to l i f t the tanks, bu t sha ll no t be usedas t ie do wn a t tachm ent po in ts . The th ree la tera l b rackets on tank TK- 2 and th e s ix on TK- 3sha l l no t be used to suppor t o r t ie the tanks do wn , excep t as show n in the sketches inSect ion 10.4 .1 .Both tanks are secured t o a f latbed tra i ler using a combinat ion of cr ibbing and

    st raps. The s t raps sha ll have a min imum w ork ing load l imi t o f 1134 k g ( 2 5 0 0 Ib ). TK-2uses t w o crad les fabr ica ted f rom lumber and 1 .27-cm (0 .5-in . ) p lyw ood sheath ing. Eachcrad le has tw o 4 x 4 f rames tha t a re na i led to the t ra iler deck t o res is t la tera l load ing andt w o s t raps to res is t ver tica l and long i tud ina l loading. Th is tank is secured to th e t ra ile r withi ts long ax is perpend icu lar t o the length o f the t ra i le r . The s t raps prov ide long itud inal andvert ical restra int, w hi le the cradles provide lateral restra int and preven t the ta nk fr omrol l ing.

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    TK-3 i s secu red to th e t ra ile r w i t h i t s long ax is paral le l to the leng th o f th e t ra ile rus ing a pa l le t and tw o s t raps. The pa l le t is nai led t o the t ra i le r deck to prov ide long itud ina lres t ra in t to res is t . The pa l le t has t w o 4x4 's a t tached to i t s uppe r s ide tha t p reven t thetank f rom ro l l ing and, work ing with t w o s t raps, p rov ide res is tance t o long i tud ina l fo rces .The straps also resist lateral and vert ical forces.

    Refer t o Sect ion 10.4 .2 fo r the t ied ow n ana lys is .

    10.3 REFERENCES4 9 CFR 393 , 19 96 , "Parts and Access ories Necessary for Safe Operat ion," Code of Federal

    Regulations, as amended.WHC, 1977 , Sodium Pool Supply Tank Assembly and Details TK-3, drawing H-2 -38805 ,Rev. 1, Wes t inghouse Ha nford Company, Richland, Wa shington.WHC, 1976 , Sodium Spray Supply Tank Assembly and Details TK-2, drawing H-2 -38804 ,Rev. 1, Wes t inghouse Han ford Company, Richland, W ashington.


    10.4.1 Ske tches t S K E T C H 1GENERAL ARRANGEMEN7

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    HNF-2072, ev. 0




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    HNF-2072, Rev. 010.4.2Calculations


    Subject: TIEDOWN FOR Na Tank TK-2. TK-3 I Page 1 of 1 0Preparer: W. W. Srnvth Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Checker: S. S. SHlRlAGA /a Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Section Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA , Z % L Date-I

    1.0 OBJECTIVEPresent a method for sodiumtanksTK-2 and TK-3 to be secnred o a trailer to meet the requirements of 49CFR 393.

    2.0 REFERENCESUBC, 1988, UnijormBuilding Code, 198 8 edition, International Conference ofBu ilding Offic ials,Whittier, Califomia.49 CFR 393,1996 , Partsnd AccessoriesNecessary for Safe Operation,Code ofFederal Regulations, asamended.UBC Standards, 1988, U n f o mBuilding Code Standards, 198 8 edition, International Conference ofBu ildm g Officials,

    Whittier, Califomia.AISC, 1 980 , Manual of Steel Construction,8th e dition, Am erican Institute of Steel Co nstruction, Chicago Illinois, 19 80

    3.0 ASSUMPTIONS, RESULTS,AN D C ON C LU S ION SIt is conservatively assumed th at both t anks are filled to their design capacity with sodium, but have piping, insulationand heaters removed so they appear ason their reference drawings.The weight and center of mass fo r TK-3 are calculated since. the drawing does not show the cen ter of mass location. Thecalculated total mass is less than that on the drawing, so the tiedown calcu lation uses a mass slightly arge r than that onthe drawing. The mass and center of mass location of the smaller TK-2 are taken from the reference.The tiedown system presented in this chapter is adequate to restrain tanksTK-2 and TK-3 against the forces required forsecuringhazardous materials by 4 9 CFR 393 when the tiedown is built to the sketches in appendix 8.4.1, fastened to thetrailer deck, and when the tank s secured with straps.

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    S u b j e c t : V D a t eag e 2 Janof 997 0Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7hecker: ' S. S.SHlRlAGA Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7ection Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA 'M

    Preparer: W. W. Srnvth irF 5 ~


    Plan view,tank TK-3 on trailer.Tiedown method for TK-3: fasten 2 wood cradles to a wood traile r deck with nails to prevent lateral m otion. As shownin the sketches in section8.4.1,each cradle consists of two 4x4wood frames with plywood sheathing. Each crad le issecured to the deck w ith 1030d spikes,using 5 nails per frame, evenly spaced in he horizontal frame member. Twostraps over the tank and secured to th e side of the trailer provide longitudinal and vertical restraint.


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0

    Subject: TIEDOWN FOR Na Tan k TK-2,,TK-3 Page 3 of 1 0Preparer: W. W. Smvth " / Date 5 Jan 1997Section Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA e Date 5 Jan 199 7Checker: S . S. SHlRlAGA /M Date 5 Jan 19 97

    Find cg for tk-3 since t is not provided on th e drawing: Ibp steel .= 500.- b Sp.G=.971 p~~ := ,971.62.4.-f? ft3shell thick t '=

    outer d i mheadht h := 10.75.incylinderlen L '= - 2. L =96.infill height f :=

    D 0 = 36,in

    steei cylinder weight: w 1 = x . [ ( $ (:-t)2].L.psteel

    W tank :I W 1 + W 2Assume the tankcontains sodium up to its fill line

    W tank = 1966 .Ib ignoringthe brackets and pipes

    V := r[? - ti2.(f- h ) V =261.35 .gal

    V + V g = 290 .galcylinder sodium weight W 3 = V 1.p Nhead sodium weight W 4 = p N ~ . VW N ~ . = W ~ + W ~~ ~ = 2 3 4 7 , l b

    B-I 9

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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    Page 4 of 1 0ubject: Date 5 Jan 1997reparer: W. W. Srnvth Date 5 Jan 1997hecker: S. S. SHlRlAGASection Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA I l N Date 5 Ja n 1997TIEDOWN FOR Na Tank TK-2. TK-3

    A -5///

    On he drawing, Na weight is 2105 lb , otal weight is 4385 Ib, and the sodium volume is 300gal.

    cg of sodium, measured from outside of bottom hea d

    Z N~ = 42.5 .inw 3 + w 4ZNa =Find a general expressionfor the center of mass or the lower half of an ellipsoid with radii r, r, and h

    Areaofc i rc l ea t a rb i t rqva lueo fz : ~ . R ( Z ) ~ = R . ( X ~$)

    Firstmom ent with respect to xy plane: MZ( r ,h ) =1 2 24MZ(r,h) = --x.r .h

    I - ) d2

    Ztotal = 49.91 .inWtank + NaZ total :=


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    Page 5 of 10ubject:Preparer: W. W. Smvth / Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Section Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA x!? Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7

    TIEDOWN FOR Na Tank TK-2. TK-3Checker: S. S. SHlRlAGA /// Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7

    distance from tank's geometric center to center of gravity of filledtank:d :=: + h - Ztota d =

    For thisanalysis, use a tankweight of SO00 b, with cg 9 in from center oftan k. The distance between woodcradles is 60 in. Find the maximum weight and ho rizontal forces due to 1/2 g lateral acceleration on the cradleunder the heavy end of the tank. Treat the tank as a sim ple beam on 2 +

    6 0 . h2Weight :=

    Weight = 3250 .IbForce := 5 W e i g h F o r c e = 1625.1b

    Design the cradles to sup portthis force ap plied laterallythrough the cen ter of the tank and 1.S imes the forceapplied vertically.

    Lateral loa da := 45.deg ForceNormal Force: N '=-sin(a )N = 2 2 9 8 . l bVertical reaction:V := Weight - N.cos (a ) V = 1625 , IbSince V > 0, the tankwill not roll ormove laterally unless the cradlemoves. Movem ent will be preventedby fastening the 4x4 eam to thetrailer deck. To design the fastening system, u se UB C Standards, 1988 : D ouglas Fir-Larch is listed as group11 with a $ecific gravity of 0.51 in table 25-17-1,. Use the UBC 198 8 100 increase in allowable load for short


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    HNF-2072. Rev. 0


    Subject: TIEDOWN FOR Na Tan k TK-2. TK-3pD ate Pag e 6 Janof 997 0Section Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA 'w Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Preparer: W. W. Smvth ', ~Checker: S. S. SHlRlAGA //A Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7

    durations. Assume the wood deck is at least 1.S n thick. A 30d common spike provides 94 lb lateralresistance when it penetrates 11 diameters (1.63 in) througha group I1 specieswood. Reduce the resistancefor 1.5 in penetration and increase it for short duration. Calculate he numbe r ofn ails needed to prevent thecrad le from m oving:

    Toe-nail the 4x4 beam s with a total of 10 nails, using 30d common nails. Eac h 4x4 horizontal frame membershould have 5 evenly spaced nails.Com pliance with the DOT tiedown requirements for vertical forces of 49 CFX 393.100 is achieved ifth e twostraps have a working load l i t f the weightl2, or 2500 lb. Calculate the force in the straps assuming thestrap makes an an gle of 45 degrees in the horizontal and the vertical plane:

    I := 1 I := 1 projections of strap length in lateral and longiludunal directionsI h := ti horizontal projection of strap lengthI " := I

    vertic al restraint (4 legs active): Len :=JGT = 50001b.5 T = 88 4 .Ib Forcein strap

    ILen4 . 2Longitudinalrestraint ( 2 legs active):

    T = T = 2500.b ,I x2.-LenTherefore, the strapsneed a working load l i t f 2500 lb.


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0


    Page 7 of 10A / Date 5 Ja n 1997Date 5 Ja n 1997

    Subject:Preparer: W. W. SmvthSection Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA &

    TIEDOWN FOR Na Tank TK-2, TK-3Checker: S. S. SHlRlAGA 1 1 5 Date 5 Jan 1997

    Find the stres sin the W fillet weld connecting the bracke t to the tank.The forceapplied to the joint is 1/2 of the tankweight since only one strap is active. W eldshear stress is:.56000.1b

    f v = 2357 ._b.707.2. in2Ib

    f, :=

    F .- 30000.-y .- in 2Either type 304 or 3 16 was used for the tanks.Both have ayield stress of 30 ,000 psi. AISC fillet weld criteria for WorkingStress Design (AISC, 980) is:F := .4.F

    IbF, 12000 .-in2


    There is a large margin between the shear stress in the weld and the allowable, so the strut may be used to sec ure theload as long as he strap is against the tank and is not bending the strap.

    Check the beam stress in the 4x4 beam in contact with the tank. UBC 19 88 allows a bending stress of 625 psiin standardgradeDouglassFir - Larch, and a shear stress of 95 psi (table 25-A-1). For impa ct loads, theseallow able stress are doubled. Use the dimensions above to find the beam sh ear and bending moment, assumingsimple beam support conditions. The loads are shared equally b e t w m 2 beams, and are ap plied 4.5 fiom thelower end of the 1 4.5beams.N 14.5 - 4.52 14.5v ;=

    Maximumshear = left beam rea ction


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0- . .


    Subject: TIEDOWN FOR Na Tank TK-2. TK-3 Page 8 of 1 0Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7eparer: W. W. Srnvth /Section Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA 'm Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Checker: S. S. SHlRlAGA -A/ Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7

    dmen sions or nominal4x4 izeb := 3 5 i nd := 3 5 i nf .=Ev = 9 7 . - Ib

    in2.b.dIbin22.95.- 1 = 0.96alculated shear s tress shear m argin:-f VM := S := 1.b.d ' momentandsectionmodulusIb

    Ib in26

    2.625.-f b := f b = 49 9 .- bending stress margin: - I 1.5

    S in2 f bThe lateral force is transmitted to the 4x4 loor beam through plywood panels nailed to the 4x4 loor anddiagonals. Calculate the shear in each plywood panels: 1/2" plywood isnailed to the f iont and back surface s ofeach assembly, so4 anels cany the shear. UBC 1988 Standards, table 25-9-H gives an effective shearthickness of 0.425 n for 112 in sanded plywood for through-thickness shea r.The bottom of the panel is27" long,so :

    UBC 1988allows a shearof44 ps i fornormal-duration sh ear in the plane of the plies. D ouble this for impactloading to calculate a shear margin:

    Any grade of Wplywooood is adequate to transm it he la teral load asshear s tress to the bottom 4x4 chord.


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    HNF-2072, Rev. 0_ - .


    Subject: TIEDOWN FOR Na Tank TK-2. TK-3 Page 9 of 1 0Section Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA 24

    Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7

    Prepa rer: W. W. Srn vth -Checker: S. S. SHlRlAGA /Ad Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Find the n umbe r of nails needed at bottom of plywood based on UBC standards for allowable diaphragmloading.

    Force IbDiaphragm shear (lblfi): .25- = 181 .-27,in ftUBC able 25-J-2 shows an allowable diaphram shear of 270 IbB with an edge nailing schedule of Sd nails @6" spacing n 2" nominal lumber. Useminimumof 4 nails (Sd) per side.







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    HNF-2072, ev . 0


    Subject: TIEDOWN FOR Na Tank TK-2, TK-3 Page 1 0 of 1 0Preparer: W. W. Smvth k r Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Checker: S. S. SHlRlAGA A/ Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7Section Chief: S.S.SHIRAGA & Date 5 J a n 1 9 9 7

    Due to the small size of the tank, pallet is needed to raise it so straps can have a good lead. It will be carried on thesame trailer with TK-3, but with the cylindrical axis across the w idth of the trailer. This requ ires a pallet with cribbingadded to it to restra in he tank against braking and acceleration oad s. 4x4 lumber cribbing nailed to the top of the palletwill be added. Find the maximum load on the 4x4 cribbing:OD := 18 .h tankdiameterh := 3 5 i n Crib heightfm d the angle that the crib nprmal force m akes with the vertical:

    OD--.(Icos(a))=2a := acos[ - OD a = 52.33 .de g

    Use 3 fasteners to secure the lateral force-resisting crib to a p allet, and design the fasteners so 2 can withstandthe lateral load - this letsus neglect the eccentricity of the loading on th e crib.Weight := 500.lbLateral force: For ce := 5 W e i g h F o r c e = 250.Ib

    Vertical reaction: V := Weight - N.cos( a ) V = 307 .IbSince V > 0, the tank is stable.

    Each fastener sec urh g the 4x4 crib to the pallet must resist 1/2of the lateral force, orForce2 - 125.1b-

    Either toe-nail the 4x4 to the top of the pallet with 3 16d nails (82 Ib lateral load allowab le for normal load du ration(UBC 1988, TABLE 25-G) or la g screw fYom the bottom of the pallet. The pallet must be m ade fiom 2x4 and 4x4lumber for th e fasteners to be effective.


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    To FromD i s t r i b u t i o n P ac ka gin g E n g i ne e r in gPro jec t T i t le /Work OrderS a f e t y E v a l u a t i o n f o r P a ck ag in g ( O n s i te ) 2 21 T Sodium Tanks(HNF-2072, Rev. 0 )

    Page 1 of 1Da te Jan . 21, 1998EDT No. 621883EC N No. N /A

    T e x t T e x t Only Attach. /Na m e M S lN W i t h A ll A p p e n di xAt tach. OnlyEDT/EOnl