life on exoplanets

life on exoplanets

Upload: nelson-correia

Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Life on exoplanets

life on exoplanets

Page 2: Life on exoplanets


• Planets which orbit stars instead of the sun.

• Now 1854 known

• nearest to earth is Alpha Centauri Bb

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How can we see them?

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Transit method

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Star 1 – Star 2

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Star 1 – Star 3

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Star 2 – Star 3 (both without exoplanet)

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Star 1 – Star 2

Star 1 – Star 3

Star 2 – Star 3

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habitable zone

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Gliese 581• Four exoplanets

• From closest to farthest:Gliese 581 eGliese 581 bGliese 581 cGliese 581 d

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Gliese 581 d

• Atmosphere: Yes

• Water in all three aggregate states

• About 12 °C

• Pressure under 10 bar

• No rotate (one site always to the sun)

• Might a water-world

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• Temperature about 31°C

• Atmosphere: Yes

• Water: Yes

• Gravitation: 1,32

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1. Life on exoplanets, this presentation is about exoplanets and the possibility to find life on them.

2. Exoplanets are planets in other star systems, so they orbit other stars instead of our sun. Now there are about 1854 known and in the last few weeks (today 28.01.2015) they proved the one thousands exoplanet. Also they found three new planets which are like the earth.

3. But how can we detect them? If we try to take photos we just see red dots, and this is also just possible to the near one.

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• 4. A better method is the Transit method. There you measure the brightness from the star with the exoplanet, and when the exoplanet go in front of the star the curve of the brightness sink at about 0, 1%.

• 5. With this method we tried to find an exoplanet. We took three stars where we know that one have an exoplanet, and took 147 photos from them, with in 3 and a half hour. For this we used the Faulkes Telescope.

• 6. Here you can see star 1 is the star with the exoplanet. Star 2 and 3 have no exoplanets.

• 7. We put all the pictures in the program IRIS and measure the brightness from every picture.

• 8. This Values we put in an EXCEL table…

• 9. And did with them these graphs. In this graph we see the brightness different between star 1 with the exoplanet and star 2 without an exoplanet. And we can good see the wave in the curve which show that it get darker.

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• 10. Here we also see the wave because the graph is also with star 1.

• 11. But now here we see no real wave, and this is right because both stars have no planet.

• 12. For Comparison here all three and this is our proof for the exoplanet.

• 13. Now to the life on exoplanets. That life on exoplanets is possible it have to be in the habitable zone. This is the zone around a star where water is in all the aggregate states, this means the average temperature is about 0 and 10 °C.

• 14. Here we see that the habitable zone is further away by hotter stars and nearer by cooler stars.

• 15. Now some examples for Exoplanets. Here is Gliese 581 with 4 proved exoplanets, which are might earth like.

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• 16. Here Gliese 581 c is maybe a planet with life. The temperature is between -3 and 40 °C and it has an atmosphere.

• 17. Gliese 581 d very good because it has water, an atmosphere, an average temperature about 2°C and especially at this Planet is that it don`t rotate by his self. So one side always show to the star and then it is might possible to find a palace with the perfect temperature.

• 18. Gliese 667 C has also water, an atmosphere, and the average temperature is about 31°C.

• 19. Now there is a list of the 6th best planets for life. Here number 1 is the earth because we know there is life, and the mars is only on the 6th place.

• 20. For the end the sunset on different exoplanets, how it would look with their stars.