lie peili mdlttin

MJ. "!!' jPS"3m5j &33sHE&& -- sr'IPP: '. 1 r"- - jr ixp' - ' F"H "lIPMiW"lWl'lililWHHPIIiiWl""i i " " .wyfi r www. ', iff? v4' A-- V lie PEili "BBbst DM? xUf mdlttin VOL. VIII. NO. 1218. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1804. PRICE 5 CENTS. II THE DAILY BULLETIN mtMTBD AND fOBLISHBD EVERY AFTERNOON BIllEM 9UKIUT IT THB Dally BalltUB Publishing Co., ld., at thb orrioi 120 ft 328 XarekMt St., leBelala, ft. 1. rtlWdOlllPTION-B- lx ttothkUA Yaaa. Delivered In Uonoluln at Kirrt Ocrtk Mokth, In advance. FEE WEEKLY BOLLHTIN 1 -- II PtlHMHHKD-H3VHJR- .Y TUKSDAV At Kon Dolmm a Yiab to Domestic 4iid Kin Iiollam to foreign Hnbscrlbera, oayahle In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING WOHS IH nrIIOA STVtS IV) HUTU TKLKPHONIl m. I'. O. IIOX W, ft Daily IIollktib In printed aim pub liiilicl by Mm Dklly Bulletin Publicum? Company, Limited, at It otnce, Mar chant street, Honoluln. Hawaiian III atuti. Danlol Ix)Ran, editor, realdei on Alnkea ftrift llonnlillil. afontNalit Aildrma leltr for the patwr "Kdltor BitixariN," and Imilnon letteri " Matter uiiy nuiioiui UmiiK aiMirMoiiAl aililrMim may eaime itelay In nil din Inn. Bualueaa Oarde. LEWKR8 at OOOKK. Iiiicimtb rip DiAtaah ia l.iaiiai 4 41.1. KIHDA Of UUILDINII MATBMIAL. Kort Ulreet, Hunoliilu H. HAOKKKia) A do., OnuMIMi.i Aaav Kurt amiqueen Hirw.u.. liuiitnniu. 1NO. . 8KITH1KS. Ai'iiTtoaaei 4nnimei4i Hnan.. ami Mahukuna, Kuhala, Hawaii. THOB. UNSSAT, Xnriirrifn. JawaLii 4tl W4THM- - WAKII. Knkul Jewxiry lN11'ty. Particular attention paid to all kind of repalri Campbell lllook, Merchant Street. HONOLULU I&ON WOHB.B, Htn Bn.iikks, Huoa MlLUt Hon ami Onoi.aM Iiioh, BaAH, anu l.4r Caatimxd, Mhuhliif ry uf Krery Dowirlptiuu Made Mi yruor. raruouiar aiUiUllon Dald to Hull Blackmnlthlnir. loh Work aiecuud at Bliort Notlc. HO YEN BJflE & CO., 41 Ninianu Htreat Tinsmiths, PlnrabinQ, Etc. CROCK KltY and OI.AB8WAKR. FRED. HARRISON, pONTIlACTOIt AND BuiLDRK. Ksttnmtes given on all kinds of Brick, Iron, Btoue and Wooden Buildings. Job. biiig of all kinds Building Material for sale. 510 and 612 King street. Keaidenco 'lelephoiie, Hell !i7; P. 0. Box 11. DR. O. W. MOORE, 1400 Van Ness Ave., B. P., Cal. Blegut ABtxtaeits lor Patieuti. LBOTBIUITT IH HBBVOUS OISIASW, A9 Dr. Moore ntrr InvMllila all fh.. comforts of home, with constant uud care- ful treatment. Hefers to H. It. Macfarlane. . UUO-- tf C. B. RIPLEY & ARTHUR BEHOLDS, AKOHITHOTB. Orriuai New Bafe Deposit Bulldioai Kort street, Honolulu, H. 1. Plans, Specifications and Superintend-ano- e giveu for Krery Description of Build- ing. Old Buildings successfully Hniod-aile- d and Knlarged. Dtslgus for interior Decorations. Maps or Mnchitnli-n- l Draw- ing, Tracing and Blue Printing. Drawing for Book or Newspaiier Iliumratlon. METROPOLITAN MEAT GO,, W NKMST 3Q Wdolesale nod toil Butchers AND - NAfT CONTBACTOnS, t 1 Uauagor. WH. G. IRWIN ft GO. vI.iixriit.ocl OFKBK POM HA Us - KK UTILIZERS bit. umi rO OMn jd H'fl Grade Cm Umm. t are also prepared to Uk orders , attest tairas. M. oniumcit. Oo.'i ".rt.lHa.sris insuring prompt dsllT.-'- . IfOlLlOJ LCCUL! iJWThl. ' trrlor Paint '' con- - Urniiifr ion r lent imi u! iwed i ri iving ( isst'.ig irti'tnr.,- - to ci.;u,. 1 Bed with drier It gives splendid door nrfaes Lvacie. Oerxietit, KpIN1MIIWAKi RAIJIUf. Falrtaak Cauiia C.'i CeraeaJ Bed Gomponnds. Kooflng & Papers. fueai Sltia Plpt Cittriai JnrbMwr DlaBintw, BmhsI Bter-iMtt- sd Paiat ltnmimily .imgnM! tor Vkuioiiln fan Wm. G. Irwio & Go. il.lMJTKII Wm. U. Irwin Prraliieiil ana Maiia(er Ulan Hprenkeli W. Jl.Ollfard, Mcrelarjp ann Treamirar Tliwt '. Hria Aihtilor FJiierttr Fa.ot.or8 N COUIUIIHHIOU AeCHUtlfc 4hth or rMt Oceailc StCMmthlp Canpaif, Of HAN KKANC1BUO. I1AU Uicr.r. Til. 881. Mcnur. Ttu 07. P. O. BOX 831. HOiqrOL.TTL,U arriage Manufactory 128 ft ISO FOKT 8TRRRT. Carriage Builder AND KKPAIHKK. BlacIumiUiing IN ifcAEi. Orders from the other Ialanda In BilldJng, TriaWlBB, PaJatiH, Etc., Rto., Promptly Attended to. W. W. WRIGHT, Pitop. (Haornor U O. Want.) rt M BOTH TELKPHONRH 414 lll'STACE &CO. COAL M iii.ln m any quantity -f- mn. bag tn a ton. CHARCOAL from one hag to any iUautlt FTPLEWOOID In lengths ana bawed or Split from a bag to auy quantity: aln WHITE & BLACK SAND Consolidated Soda Water Co,, L'd SSPLANADE: Uor. Allan Pert I to., . SeBolala. HOFilJSTF.1? CO.. IHftA Anl AT THE ANCHOR Oyster Cocktails I Bauer Brunnen I Frederlckaburg Boer I straight and Mixed Drinks Of All Kiudsand Best Quality. SoBtBwut nonar Klog A Mbbauq 8U BEACH GROVE WAIKIKI. Picnic Resort Kor KiiiiiIIIps, Uilleii and Children. TKRMH HKAMINAIII.K. DBAS. r. WARNEH, : j Hiuger. The European Loach Rooms UHODK HINO, Proprietor, llolel HI reel, nearly npiioalU) Ilolliel btrtiit, First-Cla- s Mails at Moderate Prices At all Hours. PHtronak-- e Huliolted. 11&7-3- Pacific Mail S.S. Go. -- au rH Occldenui and Oriental S. S. Co. rr TOKOIAMA ui HONQKONQ. Steamera of the abore Ootnpanles will Mil at Uonoluln on their way to the aborr porta on or about the following dateit Btmr "CHINA" January K, 1895 Rtmr"OOKANIO"... February 19, 1893 mr"nH!NV April 4, W Btmr "COPTIC April 30, 1893 Htmr"OIlYoFl'KKINU Jnno . icjS 8tmr "UOPTIO" July 10, 18'H Plnir' CITY UP PKK1NU" .... . Atmnst 10, 1MV5 Htmr "cOlTIU ...S.piembcr 10, 1WO Btmr"OMINA,, .ct..ber LN l6 Bimr"OUPTiO" November as. 1893 Bimr"UlTYOPl'KKIM." December 2n, 89."i rff SAN FRANCISCO ataameri of the abort Oomnan vail at Honolulu on their way from Hong konc and Yokohama to the abrw port on ur about the followinc dateiit 8tmr "CHINA" Drcenito 31. 1H Btmr "OAK1.1C" February 10, 189.. Btmr"PKKU" March 29 189fl "m'"(MRU'"' .... April iw H'liir' CHINA" MayUOJMn Btm-- ' COPTIC" Juno 17, IMG btm'"UII UKI'KaINU' .. ..... .lily 17 INO Btmr"Uhl.(IIC" ... AujutiMo Btmr "i ITY UF llli) m: J aN Kilt-- ' Hepli'inliof II. Iwrt Htmr "CHINA". . 00 ol-- r , iMVi Btmr". OPrilJ" Nuvembt-rtl- , INO Htmr "CITY OK I'KKINU"... .... Uwrnilx-ril- . IMii Bimr'TO'-TlU- " Jnmmry IA, lO'i-- i Bthir ' CHINA" ...February a I, IMM I1TI8 OP PASSAGE ABB AS fOLLOWS: fi riiRo 'O IIOHll. KAMA town Uamn flMl'lA' 117ft IH 1 lab 11. round trip t monthi a Oft M labln, round trip II mouths. .. tut Jt fit. 2t Rnropran BtarraRe Hft mi or tmY PatMiiirera iwyinn fun Urc will b allowed 10 iiercent oil return fur if .uini Inr Hhln tWHlva montbr W Kor KraiKbt and PMitr appi) ti fl. HACKFELD A CO., i7lt Agouti.. Oceanic Steamship Go. Australian Mail Service. For Sab Pruciico . I'll Nw and Fine Al Btel Htin.nii M " ALAMEDA yi in Oceanic Steamship Coiuihiui will be due at Honoluln from Sydney ami Anni land nn or about January 10th Auu will leave for tn above uou with Malls ami PaxengerHOnoraboiil Uiai.IhU For Biaey ui Aacklui: Tht New and Fine Al Htel StMam.liu "ARAWA Ol iii Oceanic Steamslitp Company will be due at Honoluln from Ban PiiiiriwM. ou or aiMint January 17th And wUl nave prompt despauili .Hi Malls and Passeugers for the above ports. I'll unuersigned are now prtprnu tn tssui rHKOUGH TICKKTS TO ALL POINTS IB TUB UNITED 8T4TK3 For further nartinnlAPB r.riiinj Freight or Passage apply to WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Uti., J Oaaaral Agenu. Oceanic Steamship Go. Time Taoje LOCAL LINE S. S. AUSTRALIA Arrive rloiioluli. ittvn lioiiui from H. K for H. K Ili U Jan 6 Jau.J pb.a tb 23 Alurcha March Zi iliruli 30 Aiirl'Kii April '.7 Ma iH Mm June IS Jmmi July 13 JtuyUu Auk. 10 auk. IT B-- I't 7 14 Oot.5 l)rt. Yi Nov. 'J Nov. U THROUGH LINE From ban KrauoiHiu Kriuii Hydney lot for Hyduey Han Pranuihco ttrrur llunolulu l.tuvt Jliiiuduli AKAWA Jan. 17 AI.AMKDA Jnu 111 AI.AMKDA.rYh II .MAItlPOMA 1'Mi 7 MAItll'OHA Mar II AKAWA Mar. 7 AKAWA ...Aur II AI.AMKDA Apr. I AI.A.MKIIA Mty III MAHII'OHA .Uv i .MAItll'OHA June (I AKAWA Ma Wl AKAWA.. Jul) I niiA.MI'.ilA JllUfVf AI.AMKDA Auk I I M Aid I'OHA July BT, .MAKII'OHA.AlIK'M AIIAWA Am!.! AKAWA. Hiipl.Vll AI.A.Mi;i)A.Hepl. Ill I ALAMKDA..Oot. 'U MAKU'OtfA ,Ooi,17 Canadian-Australia- n iM.mrrt ol ibr aixivn bine, rnnnlng In coumicttun with tn. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hotwren Vanronrer. B. ., aod Sydney, N. B. W., and ealltni' at Victoria. B. 0., Uonoluln and Sara (FIJI), R.HI DUB A.T EC03ST0LXJ1-.I- J On or about the date below lUted, Tla.t .4 Prom Syduoy nd 8uti, for Victoria and Vftncouver. B. O.t Btmf'MIOWKKA" January 1 8mr"WAUU.MO0" rrhiuaryl Btmr "MIO rtKKA" Marc,li 1 Tkroagb Ticket tmraeil frna aoaolata to rmuBT and rAMENMii AOiNTH. I). Montreal. Canada IUIIIKKT K Kit II. Winnipeg, Canada M M. BTKKN. Ban Franciico. Cal. O. McL. UUOWN Vancouver. B. C. Wilder's Steaoishtp Co. TIMK TABh " '" A II.iihk l'ri n II .. h., Ilf I A MM. P'lrt h.ii.i Stmr. KJ.WAU OLAIlKC. Iiiiuijuu.ini Will m i t v Miii.inuit: l IrfiliAin Mitnliu-- lln; 41m Mpk.i llii aiiidr.y, .Mnli-iKii- l.miKlm. niid Hip (oll(iii.t 'x At Hllo 41 iiililriihl lfluriliiu irnr.-- . II lo. io'h'IiIiil ut l.ii. ;.ahoehoe niu- - .luj , Kannilui.- - ., M. hukoua 10 . ,; lnkciir 1 r. v., MhAlavit llBV'Jr. M.: lrflll4lllH r. m IIIK rnllliwllm day, arriving at lli.oolnln . u day. aud Haitirilnv. AKHIVKh a I HiiMH l,tl Wednesday J)r in gW No KrKiglii i. in ..f.iw.i 4fur W niHin mi Uy of hhiUhk Stinr. CLA U D1JN1 E, OAXUHOIt. Coaiaonusr V. Ill iMVf llofioitilu .V"f7 I'lttMiay al "it r. ., tonehlnp xl Kaliiilnl. Ilnrlo VfniiA, HriQiiii. and Klpriiiiilti. KcturiiiiiR aIIi atriVHui Hum. lulu ,; Bandh) mcrnl.ijj. iW No KrHiilit will ur '!.' vd tr 4 r. m. on .lay ii(IIIiig. tkiualgneek in nit lw at Hie laudiugs to receive their Krelirht. hi w will not hold oumelvrs reRiMinslbl aflrr .nrh Freight Iik. ben lAiided. While the Company will use due dill- - rvnr in haudling Live Bu.'k, wn dcllnp 10 asuurne any rfHUincllilllly In rant of the lo.nnf .ame The Company will not tw ruiMinnlblM for Monty or utile.. pIbcmI in the care of I'nrt-crn- . 1 sdk l -- V jf'Vy i rji v rv Wholesale Retail. MM, I. I, I NX UP Japanese'.' Goods! Silk iou Cotton Ores lioods, Klu. tfUi. Kin. Kir. Stlk, Limm and Crape Mills I OK COMPbKTlt ril'Ol.K Vtad" ')) YMiimtoybof YokoliKinn twr- - vy neu you ste in nwu ot any line Ol JltpMliese OihhIs, ulvc iih nrxt hi' 1 m' mivr kiiIuk all Around town ITOKLA.2ST, SIOO ITort BU nar Cuatam ZSo-u- BCAVEKSALOON, Tbu Best Laacb 10 Towu. -- 'TW rM n.ici OoffHn .1 4LL llOHMr rilR rMNKST IJHANl Uf Cigars and Tobncco iLWaH UN HNI IH .1 JNTOLT3D. Prop, O. B DWI3HT Dm s. II kui.i.ol Work in Ci mem & stone S'.dr.waiks & Curbing. He Imsiin limul a Urn" Niipply of Cli. lU'r-- (Irani" Curli uml hUsh k.epH lln. uniliiu UurliiiiK HUiiiii. lOtliiiHiN ulven unit lowenl prii'ts muiuiil lltllTiilepliiino 3XJ. llui-t-f Steamship Line '. ':;1t from Victoria and Vancoarer, B O., for Suya and Sydney! 8tmT"WAKniM00" D!emberlM Btnir"MIUWKKA" Januarys Februarys OtaaAa, Oalttd ItatM aid Eire. gtf Ifvt Frelcht and Passage and all Hnerat Information, apply to A HBO. n. VKV1GB X Vl., Jj Q, A gentt or thi Hawaiian hlnndt. Best Family Medicine CURE Sick Headache, Constipation, 0YSPEP3IA, LIVER TROUBLES. Purely Vegetable Easy to Take. The delicate aiignr-cnntln- of Aycr's i'llli illtvilvei linmcillnti'ly on reaching tliontom- - ttrii, ntiii tno tun strt'iigtii ol men liigri'illcnt to ln spi'i'illly nitlnillittcil. A4 a purmit f, sillier Inr trnvcllfru nni4 a tnmlly iimllrliitf, Ayir's Pills arc llio Lett lu tbo Wlltlll. ayer'sTpills, Iij Dr. J.O. Artr Co..Iyiwell,l.i,UJj4. HI0HI8T AWAKD8 AT THE World's Great Expotltiont. tC"li.ri..if rli.ii lnilllltin. TIimi.iii -- TVjrr'" I'lll. . I. blvwu Hi lli(l.ul curb v( vur bulllv.. Hollister Drug Co., Ld Bole AgautN for the ltepiiblla of Hawaii. FKAXIC GODKKBY, General Business Agent Writer, Colli ctor and CopjM, Iuteill0enc6 Ofllct & Empojmem Bureau IIOUSKS - AM) - llOOMS leased and Itcnted. A Thorough Knowledge of Town, Country and People. rROMIHKM HUIHWCTION TO I'ATKOXH. TJaV Olllco with A. P. FeUrxon, Kanlm-pinu- u street. I'JCi7-1,- u Regan Vapor 6 Pacific Gas lopes Launches ! THE BEST IN THE HAIIBT. They cannot be surpassed for motive power. 4TBT-HK- KOlt 0ATA1XUUK-- B JOS. TINKER, ItfW-- tl dole AKent, Nuuann street. Mutual Telephone Co. NOTICE TO 6UBS01U BrKB. a Mi:r.n(i optiik impivooiis At of thii C. mpuiiy lii'iil f ldaj i1 vhn rev.Ked tliut ou uml a ter ttie ir il.y of Jiinuiiry .rt".'i, tliB ruleN f tho u.e ( lu h will ini v: Pn villi Iti'flilunroi, iwr inoiitli f'.'.'iO llllHllI hk lllllleH Kllli (Illit'liS I mi Cuiiutry htiiiuliH t..i) I'itj ttlil.. iuarli rly In .nlv nev J. V. llltilW, M'vroturv. Iloiinliilii, Dfo. IJ, lf('ii I'.'lU-li- n A. F. Medeiroa & Co Merchant 'H Tailors rlotxl hi,, Ulhler ArllliKlon llwlei Latest Patterns in Suitings ItHieiveil by Kvery Blemiiei PBRI'ECT tn OR NO 8ALE. City Uauuiage Co., Ooruer KIiik and lletliel htu - BOTI TELEPHONES 113 Finn Carrlugou & civil DrlvorH I'd tie had at all hours .!. S. ANDHADK, iUMMi Mauansi. lioiijeii tlule Bazaar. W. P. Keyioldi. : : Prop. XMAST XMAS, XMAS. Presents for Everybody Gash Aiwija Tiki aa Tberatort Gash Prices an Mad. HANDSOME GIFT BOORS At Publishers' Prices; Bibles and Prayer Books, Fine Uocivty Note Pavrs In latent itylef, 1 jiwii Tennis Bupplles, Xmas Cards, Calendars and Booklets, NOVELTIES of al) Descriptions! Paint, and Pnlntlng ikwiks. Oenuliia I X I. Knlvux Mild Itntors, Hair llru-lic- n mid Combs, Veloolpcdci and Wngotm, Domkstic Si:vin Maciiikks linn 1 8flliig Miflilnc- - WI Up, Hlnulng Miig nml llnirlioi, UuiUr fr.m II.I4J Up, IDollS and TOV8 In lirrnl Variety Leather (.IihkN In l'urn.'i", D'ttriex, Pocket lliMikt. Kli!., htu., hlo., Drawing .Matrrlul. And Don't Forget we have mUltd a News Department And nil Hiilix'ilplloni will hnvi Priiiupt alt. ntlou. Ordati lur Mmlo by Every St'tmir. CHRISTMAS Gimiln tint in dumnnd jtint now. i'lHiplu who cnunot aiTurd hixuriua can liuil pli'iitj- - of ulaplo atllult's lo buy; a Damn I'altoru iiinkoi a nico prusunt. A pretty Silk Drun Iw- - COMES n woman At nil Union. I bnvo aotno lino Silk DroM Oooiis tbnt 1 am hoII-in- K at runitonablo pricun, also Wiutur Drosit Giioda of uvury varioty, tkuy aru good valuo and latuMt dDsigiiii. BUT I don't wau't to tiro you with too tuuuh talk, in fact dun t want to pull tho wool ovir your oyt, but would liko tn pull tho wool ovur your foot with boiuu of my ifiuu llomory. ONCE a woman naid, "What nhall 1 got for my littlo KirH" A Doll. Madam. Jly all muaiin a Doll. 1 havo Homo Ueauties fiuoly dressed anil with Natural Hair, each put lu a separate bos; this will bo sure to please A little girl. For older people wo havo a countless array of goods, both use- ful, ornamental and decorative, aud with a wish that you will bo judi- cious and inspect my stock before buyiug elsewhere. I wish you a Happy Now YEAR. iLtt. S. LEVY, Foiit Stukkt, H. I. ROBBER STAMPS I -- 2sSBbE9 7JfiJW W O assrfcfCr MkWV&f JHkiBiifc MMsaSvr JCSsasMI J BHOWN & KUBEY, I WATCH AND CLOCK DEALERS I OooU sold on Weekly or Monthly I ) iiieiitx. 4 Msionlc Tsmple, Alakes Street. I HONOLULU, . H. I. FOR SjVLE! FOUR NICE LOTS Near Kllll? Htreet, Oiiiwiiitn llefor-inrtiir- y HiihiMil, .Men. I'J UilH oil IjllePU Mroot Piliu'lilHiwI uml ooillli trri'tn, satr Kor Partlouliirs, Imiulre cf R W WILCOX, Corner ol tjueeu aud Nuuaiiu Hi reel., UUU-- tf Up hlulra. Waa President Dole Sleeted. Editor Bulletin; My attention has only been called this morning to tho attempt of the Advertiser to traverse the article in the Diocesan Magazine, "How His- tory is made," as follows: "Mr. Dole's name was placed in the Constitution by the delegates, who were elected by the people to form a constitution. Tho adoption of the constitution, and the election of Mr. Dole by the delegates was the act of the citizens. The election by an agent is the election by the prin- cipal." i do not propose to follow the writer through tho half-colum- n of utter rubbish and ignorant hash of KtiglisBfhittory(wBio were William and Annf How was William of Orange an usurper?) with which he tries to bolster up his position. It is with the abore statements only that I am coucerned. Tho whole question turns upon this: Wore tho delegatus to the Constitutional Con- vention the authorized agents for tho election of President? If they were, the Diocesan Magazine will publicly acknowledge having boon mistaken. If thev were not. it will bo in order for tho Advertisor to retract. 1. Let the appeal be to tho dolo-gat- us themselves, tf they had been seut to the Convention with autho- rity to elect a President, there could have been no doubt or hesitation in tho minds of any about proceeding to such election. Hut according lo the record of the Convention in tho Hawaiian Gazette uf June 111: Councillor Emmoltith did not think the Convention lnnl muj rlijlit to appoint a President. , Minister Damon said the Republic wan just starling and it should start right. To appoint a President in a convention, whlrh tin cult d for an-oi- kt ;ur;iM'-- , looked too much liko a sharp move. Wo wished toustablish through this constitu- tion freedom, not force. Delegate ivas thought that tho representatives of the people had the right to elect tho President. The Convent iou was nut hire tilth the jintirr fo rlrvt a President, but to Inline a constitution. Maulo ovoriiment was not a possibility, so E as such oligarchical proceed- - inus were tolerated. Councillor Teuuey thought the first President of this Republic should le elected in the same man- ner aa the second one will bo. President Dolo said: Tho Constitu- tion provides that the Isy Mature nhoii-- a rltct a President, and it should be done. Tho Convention, though having the power to appoint a Presi- dent, could not roiutituiionully do bo. There were nine delegates in the Convention, including President Dole aud Minister Damon, who did not consider that the Convention was the agent of the citizeua to elect a President. Ou the other side there was no at- tempt made to prove that there had been auy delegatiou of authority to proceed to the election of President. Very little was said. Hut Councillor brown's speech belrayed the inten- tion of the majority to usurp a power to which they could lay no claim by delegation. He said: "Tim niiimtimi nmv la wlinilinr wa shall say that he shall bo President ior a term oi years. e uavo got thiugs now in our own hands. Shall wo loosen our hold iu the slightest degree! 1 advise holdiug on to what wo are sure of, aud takiug no chances of losing it." 2. Acting ou the abore advice the Convention never proceeded to elec- tion, but inserted an article in tho Constitution by which Mr. Dole is dtclurrd to be President. So that tho Constitution itself is witness that he was not elected. :i. Aud so is the Proclamation on July 4. If Mr. Dole was duly elect- ed by his fellow-citizen- s the lan- guage of the Proclamation was sin- gularly inappropriate: "By virtue of this Constitution I iiimr tho olllco aud authority of President thereof." With thin testimony of the Dele- gates, the Constitution, and the Proclamation, the article of tho Ad- verser should bo corrected to read thus: "Mr. Dole's name was placed in the Constitution by the delegates who weio elected by a minority of tin people to form a Constitution." The adoption of tho Constitution by l ht delegates was the act of the eh izetia (who had been allowed the frauuliire), but the election of Mr. Dolo was not. Tho electiou by au agent is tint oloet nu by the princi- pal, but the delegates not beiug the agent to elect, the appointment of Mr. Doli was their own act, uot tho act uf the citizntiit, who gave them no power to proceed to the electiou of President, Km nut Diocesan Maoazink. Dec. 17, 1SD1. Preparing for Christmas. M rs. lloarduinn's "Ka Maile" stock is nearly all sold and anticipating a heavy demand for Christmas goods hIid ordered a line Hue of Fancy Articles, etc., they will arrive tut the next Australia. Her large ami commodious lauai will be fitted up as a show room. All her old customers and the Honolulu people u general aru iiivueu to inspect hub magiiilicuut stock of Christinas Goods. attuiaturo Art. At Willlaius' Studio are to ho seen Portraits ou Watch Dials, which he Ib making a specialty of. Lantern hi idea for lecture by the Bet or doxou. S fi i -- 3 i "'' v

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" " .wyfi r www.', iff?

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lie PEili "BBbst DM? xUf mdlttinVOL. VIII. NO. 1218. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1804. PRICE 5 CENTS.






Dally BalltUB Publishing Co., ld.,

at thb orrioi

120 ft 328 XarekMt St., leBelala, ft. 1.

rtlWdOlllPTION-B- lx ttothkUA Yaaa.Delivered In Uonoluln at Kirrt OcrtkMokth, In advance.



TUKSDAVAt Kon Dolmm a Yiab to Domestic4iid Kin Iiollam to foreign Hnbscrlbera,oayahle In advance.



I'. O. IIOX W,

ft Daily IIollktib In printed aim publiiilicl by Mm Dklly Bulletin Publicum?Company, Limited, at It otnce, Marchant street, Honoluln. Hawaiian IIIatuti. Danlol Ix)Ran, editor, realdei onAlnkea ftrift llonnlillil. afontNalit

Aildrma leltr for the patwr "KdltorBitixariN," and Imilnon letteri " Matteruiiy nuiioiuiUmiiK aiMirMoiiAl aililrMim may eaime itelayIn nil din Inn.

Bualueaa Oarde.


Iiiicimtb rip DiAtaah ia l.iaiiai 441.1. KIHDA Of UUILDINII MATBMIAL.

Kort Ulreet, Hunoliilu

H. HAOKKKia) A do.,

OnuMIMi.i Aaav

Kurt amiqueen Hirw.u.. liuiitnniu.

1NO. . 8KITH1KS.

Ai'iiTtoaaei 4nnimei4i Hnan.. ami

Mahukuna, Kuhala, Hawaii.


Xnriirrifn. JawaLii 4tl W4THM- -


Knkul Jewxiry lN11'ty. Particularattention paid to all kind of repalriCampbell lllook, Merchant Street.


Htn Bn.iikks, Huoa MlLUt Hon ami

Onoi.aM Iiioh, BaAH, anu l.4rCaatimxd,

Mhuhliif ry uf Krery Dowirlptiuu Made Miyruor. raruouiar aiUiUllon Dald to HullBlackmnlthlnir. loh Work aiecuud atBliort Notlc.

HO YEN BJflE & CO.,41 Ninianu Htreat

Tinsmiths, PlnrabinQ, Etc.




Ksttnmtes given on all kinds of Brick,Iron, Btoue and Wooden Buildings. Job.biiig of all kinds Building Material forsale. 510 and 612 King street. Keaidenco'lelephoiie, Hell !i7; P. 0. Box 11.

DR. O. W. MOORE,1400 Van Ness Ave., B. P., Cal.

Blegut ABtxtaeits lor Patieuti.LBOTBIUITT IH HBBVOUS OISIASW,

A9 Dr. Moore ntrr InvMllila all fh..comforts of home, with constant uud care-ful treatment. Hefers to H. It. Macfarlane.. UUO-- tf


AKOHITHOTB.Orriuai New Bafe Deposit Bulldioai

Kort street, Honolulu, H. 1.

Plans, Specifications and Superintend-ano- e

giveu for Krery Description of Build-ing. Old Buildings successfully Hniod-aile- d

and Knlarged. Dtslgus for interiorDecorations. Maps or Mnchitnli-n- l Draw-ing, Tracing and Blue Printing. Drawingfor Book or Newspaiier Iliumratlon.


W NKMST 3QWdolesale nod toil Butchers


NAfT CONTBACTOnS, t 1 Uauagor.


vI.iixriit.oclOFKBK POM HA Us -


OMn jd H'fl Grade Cm Umm.

t are also prepared to Uk orders ,

attest tairas. M. oniumcit. Oo.'i".rt.lHa.sris

insuring prompt dsllT.-'- .

IfOlLlOJ LCCUL!iJWThl. ' trrlor Paint '' con- -

Urniiifr ion r lent imi u! iwed i riiving ( isst'.ig irti'tnr.,- - to ci.;u,.1 Bed with drier It gives splendid doornrfaes

Lvacie. Oerxietit,KpIN1MIIWAKi


Falrtaak Cauiia C.'i CeraeaJ Bed

Gomponnds. Kooflng & Papers.

fueai Sltia Plpt Cittriai

JnrbMwr DlaBintw, BmhsI Bter-iMtt- sd

Paiatltnmimily .imgnM! tor Vkuioiiln fan

Wm. G. Irwio &

Wm. U. Irwin Prraliieiil ana Maiia(erUlan HprenkeliW. Jl.Ollfard, Mcrelarjp ann TreamirarTliwt '. Hria Aihtilor

FJiierttr Fa.ot.or8N


4hth or rMt

Oceailc StCMmthlp Canpaif,Of HAN KKANC1BUO. I1AU

Uicr.r. Til. 881. Mcnur. Ttu 07.P. O. BOX 831.

HOiqrOL.TTL,Uarriage Manufactory


Carriage BuilderAND KKPAIHKK.

BlacIumiUiing IN ifcAEi.Orders from the other Ialanda In

BilldJng, TriaWlBB, PaJatiH, Etc., Rto.,

Promptly Attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Pitop.(Haornor U O. Want.) rt


lll'STACE &CO.

COALM iii.ln m any quantity -f- mn.

bag tn a ton.

CHARCOALfrom one hag to any iUautlt

FTPLEWOOIDIn lengths ana bawed or Split

from a bag to auy quantity: alnWHITE & BLACK SAND

Consolidated Soda Water Co,, L'd

SSPLANADE:Uor. Allan Pert Ito., . SeBolala.

HOFilJSTF.1? CO..IHftA Anl

AT THE ANCHOROyster Cocktails I

Bauer Brunnen I

Frederlckaburg Boer I

straight and Mixed DrinksOf All Kiudsand Best Quality.

SoBtBwut nonar Klog A Mbbauq 8U


Picnic ResortKor KiiiiiIIIps, Uilleii and Children.


DBAS. r. WARNEH, : j Hiuger.

The European Loach RoomsUHODK HINO, Proprietor,

llolel HI reel, nearly npiioalU) Ilollielbtrtiit,

First-Cla- s Mails at Moderate Prices

At all Hours. PHtronak--e Huliolted.11&7-3-

Pacific Mail S.S. Go.

-- au rH

Occldenui and Oriental S. S. Co.


Steamera of the abore Ootnpanles willMil at Uonoluln on their way to the aborrporta on or about the following dateit

Btmr "CHINA" January K, 1895Rtmr"OOKANIO"... February 19, 1893

mr"nH!NV April 4, WBtmr "COPTIC April 30, 1893Htmr"OIlYoFl'KKINU

Jnno . icjS8tmr "UOPTIO" July 10, 18'HPlnir' CITY UP PKK1NU" .... .

Atmnst 10, 1MV5

Htmr "cOlTIU ...S.piembcr 10, 1WOBtmr"OMINA,, .ct..ber LN l6Bimr"OUPTiO" November as. 1893Bimr"UlTYOPl'KKIM."

December 2n, 89."i


ataameri of the abort Oomnanvail at Honolulu on their way from Hongkonc and Yokohama to the abrw port onur about the followinc dateiit

8tmr "CHINA" Drcenito 31. 1HBtmr "OAK1.1C" February 10, 189..Btmr"PKKU" March 29 189fl"m'"(MRU'"' .... April iwH'liir' CHINA" MayUOJMn

Btm-- ' COPTIC" Juno 17, IMGbtm'"UII UKI'KaINU' .. .....

.lily 17 INOBtmr"Uhl.(IIC" ... AujutiMoBtmr "i ITY UF llli) m: J aN Kilt-- '

Hepli'inliof II. IwrtHtmr "CHINA". . 00 ol-- r , iMViBtmr". OPrilJ" Nuvembt-rtl- , INOHtmr "CITY OK I'KKINU"... ....

Uwrnilx-ril-. IMiiBimr'TO'-TlU- " Jnmmry IA, lO'i-- i

Bthir ' CHINA" ...February a I, IMM


fi riiRo 'O IIOHll.KAMA town

Uamn flMl'lA' 117ft IH1 lab 11. round trip t

monthi a Oft Mlabln, round trip IImouths. .. tut Jt fit. 2t

Rnropran BtarraRe Hft mi or

tmY PatMiiirera iwyinn fun Urc will ballowed 10 iiercent oil return fur if .uiniInr Hhln tWHlva montbr

W Kor KraiKbt and PMitr appi) ti

fl. HACKFELD A CO.,i7lt Agouti..

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Australian Mail Service.

For Sab Pruciico .

I'll Nw and Fine Al Btel Htin.niiM "ALAMEDA

yi in Oceanic Steamship Coiuihiui willbe due at Honoluln from Sydney ami Anniland nn or about

January 10thAuu will leave for tn above uou withMalls ami PaxengerHOnoraboiil Uiai.IhU

For Biaey ui Aacklui:Tht New and Fine Al Htel StMam.liu

"ARAWAOl iii Oceanic Steamslitp Company willbe due at Honoluln from Ban PiiiiriwM.ou or aiMint

January 17thAnd wUl nave prompt despauili .HiMalls and Passeugers for the above ports.

I'll unuersigned are now prtprnu tn tssui



For further nartinnlAPB r.riiinjFreight or Passage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Uti.,J Oaaaral Agenu.

Oceanic Steamship Go.



Arrive rloiioluli. ittvn lioiiuifrom H. K for H. K

Ili U Jan 6Jau.J pb.atb 23 AlurchaMarch Zi iliruli 30Aiirl'Kii April '.7Ma iH MmJune IS JmmiJuly 13 JtuyUuAuk. 10 auk. ITB-- I't 7 14

Oot.5 l)rt. YiNov. 'J Nov. U

THROUGH LINEFrom ban KrauoiHiu Kriuii Hydney lot

for Hyduey Han Pranuihco

ttrrur llunolulu l.tuvt Jliiiuduli

AKAWA Jan. 17 AI.AMKDA Jnu 111



AKAWA.. Jul) I niiA.MI'.ilA JllUfVfAI.AMKDA Auk I I M Aid I'OHA July BT,

.MAKII'OHA.AlIK'M AIIAWA Am!.!AKAWA. Hiipl.Vll AI.A.Mi;i)A.Hepl. Ill

I ALAMKDA..Oot. 'U MAKU'OtfA ,Ooi,17

Canadian-Australia- n

iM.mrrt ol ibr aixivn bine, rnnnlng In coumicttun with tn.

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYHotwren Vanronrer. B. ., aod Sydney, N. B. W., and ealltni' at Victoria. B. 0.,

Uonoluln and Sara (FIJI),

R.HI DUB A.T EC03ST0LXJ1-.I- JOn or about the date below lUted, Tla.t

.4Prom Syduoy nd 8uti, for Victoria

and Vftncouver. B. O.t

Btmf'MIOWKKA" January 1

8mr"WAUU.MO0" rrhiuarylBtmr "MIO rtKKA" Marc,li 1

Tkroagb Ticket tmraeil frna aoaolata to

rmuBT and rAMENMii AOiNTH.

I). Montreal. CanadaIUIIIKKT K Kit II. Winnipeg, CanadaM M. BTKKN. Ban Franciico. Cal.O. McL. UUOWN Vancouver. B. C.

Wilder's Steaoishtp Co.

TIMK TABh" '" A II.iihk l'ri n II .. h.,

Ilf I A MM. P'lrt h.ii.i

Stmr. KJ.WAUOLAIlKC. Iiiiuijuu.ini

Will m i t v Miii.inuit: lIrfiliAin Mitnliu-- lln; 41m Mpk.i lliiaiiidr.y, .Mnli-iKii- l.miKlm. niid

Hip (oll(iii.t 'x AtHllo 41 iiililriihl

lfluriliiu irnr.-- . II lo. io'h'IiIiil ut l.ii.;.ahoehoe niu- - .luj , Kannilui.- - ., M.hukoua 10 . ,; lnkciir 1 r. v., MhAlavitllBV'Jr. M.: lrflll4lllH r. m IIIK rnllliwllmday, arriving at lli.oolnln . u aud Haitirilnv.

AKHIVKh a I HiiMH l,tlWednesday J)r in

gW No KrKiglii i. in ..f.iw.i 4furW niHin mi Uy of hhiUhk

Stinr. CLA U D1JN1 E,OAXUHOIt. Coaiaonusr

V. Ill iMVf llofioitilu .V"f7 I'lttMiay al "it

r. ., tonehlnp xl Kaliiilnl. Ilnrlo VfniiA,HriQiiii. and Klpriiiiilti.

KcturiiiiiR aIIi atriVHui Hum. lulu ,;Bandh) mcrnl.ijj.iW No KrHiilit will ur '!.'vd tr4 r. m. on .lay ii(IIIiig.tkiualgneek in nit lw at Hie laudiugs to

receive their Krelirht. hi w will not holdoumelvrs reRiMinslbl aflrr .nrh FreightIik. ben lAiided.

While the Company will use due dill- -rvnr in haudling Live Bu.'k, wn dcllnp10 asuurne any rfHUincllilllly In rant of thelo.nnf .ame

The Company will not tw ruiMinnlblM forMonty or utile.. pIbcmI in the careof I'nrt-crn- .

1 sdkl --V jf'Vy

i rji v rv

Wholesale Retail.


Japanese'.' Goods!

Silk iou Cotton Ores lioods,

Klu. tfUi. Kin. Kir.

Stlk, Limm and Crape Mills I

OK COMPbKTlt ril'Ol.K

Vtad" ')) YMiimtoybof YokoliKinn

twr- - vy neu you ste in nwu ot any lineOl JltpMliese OihhIs, ulvc iih nrxt hi' 1 m'mivr kiiIuk all Around town

ITOKLA.2ST,SIOO ITort BU nar Cuatam ZSo-u-


Tbu Best Laacb 10 Towu.

-- 'TW

rM n.ici OoffHn.1 4LL llOHMr


Cigars and TobnccoiLWaH UN HNI


Dm s. II kui.i.ol Work in

Ci mem & stone S'.dr.waiks & Curbing.

He Imsiin limul a Urn" Niipply of Cli.lU'r-- (Irani" Curli uml hUsh k.epH lln.uniliiu UurliiiiK HUiiiii. lOtliiiHiN ulvenunit lowenl prii'ts muiuiil lltllTiilepliiino3XJ. llui-t-f

Steamship Line

'. ':;1tfrom Victoria and Vancoarer, B O.,for Suya and Sydney!

8tmT"WAKniM00" D!emberlMBtnir"MIUWKKA" Januarys

FebruarysOtaaAa, Oalttd ItatM aid Eire.gtf Ifvt Frelcht and Passage and all

Hnerat Information, apply to

A HBO. n. VKV1GB X Vl., Jj Q,A gentt or thi Hawaiian hlnndt.

Best Family MedicineCURE

Sick Headache, Constipation,0YSPEP3IA, LIVER TROUBLES.

Purely Vegetable Easy to Take.

The delicate aiignr-cnntln- of Aycr's i'llliilltvilvei linmcillnti'ly on reaching tliontom- -

ttrii, ntiii tno tun strt'iigtii ol menliigri'illcnt to ln spi'i'illly nitlnillittcil. A 4 apurmit f, sillier Inr trnvcllfru nni4 a tnmllyiimllrliitf, Ayir's Pills arc llio Lett lu tboWlltlll.

ayer'sTpills, Iij Dr. J.O. Artr Co..Iyiwell,l.i,UJj4.


World's Great Expotltiont.

tC"li.ri..if rli.ii lnilllltin. TIimi.iii-- TVjrr'" I'lll. . I. blvwu Hi lli(l.ul curbv( vur bulllv..

Hollister Drug Co., LdBole AgautN for the ltepiiblla of Hawaii.


General Business Agent

Writer, Colli ctor and CopjM,

Iuteill0enc6 Ofllct & Empojmem Bureau


leased and Itcnted.A Thorough Knowledge of Town, Country

and People.


TJaV Olllco with A. P. FeUrxon, Kanlm-pinu- u

street. I'JCi7-1,- u

Regan Vapor 6 Pacific Gas

lopes Launches !

THE BEST IN THE HAIIBT.They cannot be surpassed for motive



JOS. TINKER,ItfW-- tl dole AKent, Nuuann street.

Mutual Telephone Co.


a Mi:r.n(i optiik impivooiisAt of thii C. mpuiiy lii'iil f ldaj i1 vhnrev.Ked tliut ou uml a ter ttie ir il.y ofJiinuiiry .rt".'i, tliB ruleN f tho u.e ( lu

h will ini v:Pn villi Iti'flilunroi, iwr inoiitli f'.'.'iOllllHllI hk lllllleH Kllli (Illit'liS I miCuiiutry htiiiuliH t..i)

I'itj ttlil.. iuarli rly In .nlv nev

J. V. llltilW,M'vroturv.

Iloiinliilii, Dfo. IJ, lf('ii I'.'lU-li- n

A. F. Medeiroa & Co

Merchant 'H Tailors

rlotxl hi,, Ulhler ArllliKlon llwlei

Latest Patterns in SuitingsItHieiveil by Kvery Blemiiei


City Uauuiage Co.,Ooruer KIiik and lletliel htu


Finn Carrlugou & civil DrlvorHI'd tie had at all hours

.!. S. ANDHADK,iUMMi Mauansi.

lioiijeii tlule Bazaar.

W. P. Keyioldi. : : Prop.



Presents for Everybody

Gash Aiwija Tiki aa TberatortGash Prices an Mad.


At Publishers' Prices;

Bibles and Prayer Books,Fine Uocivty Note Pavrs In latent

itylef,1 jiwii Tennis Bupplles,Xmas Cards, Calendars and Booklets,

NOVELTIES of al) Descriptions!

Paint, and Pnlntlng ikwiks.Oenuliia I X I. Knlvux Mild Itntors,

Hair llru-lic- n mid Combs,Veloolpcdci and Wngotm,

Domkstic Si:vin Maciiikkslinn 1 8flliig Miflilnc- - WI Up,Hlnulng Miig nml llnirlioi,UuiUr fr.m II.I4J Up,

IDollS and TOV8In lirrnl Variety

Leather (.IihkN In l'urn.'i", D'ttriex,Pocket lliMikt. Kli!., htu., hlo.,

Drawing .Matrrlul.

And Don't Forget we have mUltd a

News DepartmentAnd nil Hiilix'ilplloni will hnvi

Priiiupt alt. ntlou.

Ordati lur Mmlo by Every St'tmir.

CHRISTMASGimiln tint in dumnnd jtint now.i'lHiplu who cnunot aiTurd hixuriuacan liuil pli'iitj- - of ulaplo atllult's lobuy; a Damn I'altoru iiinkoi a nicoprusunt. A pretty Silk Drun Iw- -

COMESn woman At nil Union. I bnvo aotnolino Silk DroM Oooiis tbnt 1 am hoII-in- K

at runitonablo pricun, also WiuturDrosit Giioda of uvury varioty, tkuyaru good valuo and latuMt dDsigiiii.

BUTI don't wau't to tiro you with tootuuuh talk, in fact dun t want to pulltho wool ovir your oyt, but wouldliko tn pull tho wool ovur your footwith boiuu of my ifiuu llomory.

ONCEa woman naid, "What nhall 1 got formy littlo KirH" A Doll. Madam.Jly all muaiin a Doll. 1 havo HomoUeauties fiuoly dressed anil withNatural Hair, each put lu a separatebos; this will bo sure to please

Alittle girl. For older people wo havoa countless array of goods, both use-

ful, ornamental and decorative, audwith a wish that you will bo judi-cious and inspect my stock beforebuyiug elsewhere. I wish you aHappy Now


iLtt. S. LEVY,Foiit Stukkt, H. I.



7JfiJW W O assrfcfCr

MkWV&f JHkiBiifcMMsaSvr JCSsasMI


I OooU sold on Weekly or Monthly

I ) iiieiitx.4 Msionlc Tsmple, Alakes Street.



Near Kllll? Htreet, Oiiiwiiitn llefor-inrtiir- y


.Men. I'J UilH oil IjllePU MrootPiliu'lilHiwI uml ooillli trri'tn,

satr Kor Partlouliirs, Imiulre cf

R W WILCOX,Corner ol tjueeu aud Nuuaiiu Hi reel.,

UUU-- tf Up hlulra.

Waa President Dole Sleeted.

Editor Bulletin;My attention has only been called

this morning to tho attempt of theAdvertiser to traverse the article inthe Diocesan Magazine, "How His-tory is made," as follows:

"Mr. Dole's name was placed inthe Constitution by the delegates,who were elected by the people toform a constitution. Tho adoptionof the constitution, and the electionof Mr. Dole by the delegates was theact of the citizens. The election byan agent is the election by the prin-cipal."

i do not propose to follow thewriter through tho half-colum- n ofutter rubbish and ignorant hash ofKtiglisBfhittory(wBio were Williamand Annf How was William ofOrange an usurper?) with whichhe tries to bolster up his position.It is with the abore statements onlythat I am coucerned. Tho wholequestion turns upon this: Wore thodelegatus to the Constitutional Con-vention the authorized agents fortho election of President? If theywere, the Diocesan Magazine willpublicly acknowledge having boonmistaken. If thev were not. it willbo in order for tho Advertisor toretract.

1. Let the appeal be to tho dolo-gat- us

themselves, tf they had beenseut to the Convention with autho-rity to elect a President, there couldhave been no doubt or hesitation intho minds of any about proceedingto such election. Hut according lothe record of the Convention in thoHawaiian Gazette uf June 111:

Councillor Emmoltith did notthink the Convention lnnl muj rlijlitto appoint a President. ,

Minister Damon said the Republicwan just starling and it should startright. To appoint a President in aconvention, whlrh tin cult d for an-oi- kt

;ur;iM'-- , looked too much liko asharp move. Wo wishedtoustablish through this constitu-tion freedom, not force.

Delegate ivas thought that thorepresentatives of the people hadthe right to elect tho President.The Convent iou was nut hire tilth thejintirr fo rlrvt a President, but toInline a constitution. Maulo

ovoriiment was not a possibility, soE as such oligarchical proceed- -

inus were tolerated.Councillor Teuuey thought the

first President of this Republicshould le elected in the same man-ner aa the second one will bo.

President Dolo said: Tho Constitu-tion provides that the IsyMaturenhoii-- a rltct a President, and it shouldbe done. Tho Convention, thoughhaving the power to appoint a Presi-dent, could not roiutituiionully do bo.

There were nine delegates in theConvention, including PresidentDole aud Minister Damon, who didnot consider that the Conventionwas the agent of the citizeua toelect a President.

Ou the other side there was no at-

tempt made to prove that there hadbeen auy delegatiou of authority toproceed to the election of President.Very little was said. Hut Councillorbrown's speech belrayed the inten-tion of the majority to usurp apower to which they could lay noclaim by delegation. He said:

"Tim niiimtimi nmv la wlinilinr washall say that he shall bo Presidentior a term oi years. e uavo gotthiugs now in our own hands. Shallwo loosen our hold iu the slightestdegree! 1 advise holdiug on to whatwo are sure of, aud takiug no chancesof losing it."

2. Acting ou the abore advice theConvention never proceeded to elec-tion, but inserted an article in thoConstitution by which Mr. Dole isdtclurrd to be President. So that thoConstitution itself is witness that hewas not elected.

:i. Aud so is the Proclamation onJuly 4. If Mr. Dole was duly elect-ed by his fellow-citizen- s the lan-guage of the Proclamation was sin-gularly inappropriate: "By virtueof this Constitution I iiimr thoolllco aud authority of Presidentthereof."

With thin testimony of the Dele-gates, the Constitution, and theProclamation, the article of tho Ad-verser should bo corrected to readthus:

"Mr. Dole's name was placed inthe Constitution by the delegateswho weio elected by a minority oftin people to form a Constitution."

The adoption of tho Constitutionby l ht delegates was the act of theeh izetia (who had been allowed thefrauuliire), but the election of Mr.Dolo was not. Tho electiou by auagent is tint oloet nu by the princi-pal, but the delegates not beiug theagent to elect, the appointment ofMr. Doli was their own act, uot thoact uf the citizntiit, who gave themno power to proceed to the electiouof President,

Km nut Diocesan Maoazink.Dec. 17, 1SD1.

Preparing for Christmas.M rs. lloarduinn's "Ka Maile" stock

is nearly all sold and anticipating aheavy demand for Christmas goodshIid ordered a line Hue of FancyArticles, etc., they will arrive tutthe next Australia. Her largeami commodious lauai will be fittedup as a show room. All her oldcustomers and the Honolulu peopleu general aru iiivueu to inspect hub

magiiilicuut stock of ChristinasGoods.

attuiaturo Art.At Willlaius' Studio are to ho seen

Portraits ou Watch Dials, which heIb making a specialty of. Lanternhi idea for lecture by the Bet ordoxou.







Page 2: lie PEili mdlttin





Under Article 35, Scotinn 1 of tli ConMl-tntlo-

it la requltC'l tlini each member ofthe Cabinet shall nmky mi nnnnnl rep rtof the transactions within his departdtiriiiK tho year ending December 31.

Thu MinUtr of Finance takes this occa-

sion to request all th so having cintms of nmonetary nature, to present them to thisoffice through the prnpur 1) nrttnt)iits iv tlater thnn the luth day of Jmninry neat,after which date the books lit be closed.

All persons having moneys on nccojntof the Government are requested to maketheir return promptly, In oritur that theretuny bo no delay in vloslii); the ucvountsfor tnc year ending December 31, 1KM

s. M. n.v.MoN,.Minister of Finance,

lloiu.liil, 11. I , Dec. Ill, ISlll. 1217--


Holder of water privileges, or tliovpaying wntor raid, nro hereby noliliedthat the hours for Irrigation purposes arefrom 7 to a o'clock a. m., and & to U

o'clock p.m. A. ItltOWN,Buperlnteiident Honolulu Water Works

Approved!J. A. Ktxci,

Minister of the Interior.Honolulu, May '2j, lS'.H. 1IS.HI

. ... Li

'Hhx gnili) giilU tin.

fluto-i- t to ntWin .tret rariyifui Kiiiibtiirud iut the iftuefti u Alt

Fit! DAY, DEC 21, 181U

Somo powerful correspomluncuwill bu found in this isstiu. UishopWillis, editor of thu Dienu Maga-

zine, and " Hawaiian " givo thoAdvortisur hot shot. Wu do not agreewith tho conclusion ol tho latter,as it is our firm conviction that af-

fairs havo coino to such a pass, huroin Hawaii, Unit thoro will novor bo

settled ami etablo government againuntil tho country becomes a part oftho American Commonwealth. Thoresponsibility fur present conditionsis not onri", but belongs to thosewho have goue into bulilo withoutsilting down first to count tho cost

or, iu vulgar phrase, who have"bitten oir more than they canchow."

Testimony ot Defendant li Their 0dBtbaK.


The Court resumed at U: 10 a.m.J. Nawnhi, sworn, staleo: Kuside

iu Honolulu; am acquainted withUush, Crick aud Wood, also VanUioseu and McKxoy; have knownMcEvoy for ten mouths or more;saw McEvoy at Hush's place some-times; heard Imu talk to liuali aboutthu situation of tho country, pastand proaom; on August 14 wiiucsk

an at l'alama; ruuiuuibor beingthere because that dato was thebirthday of witness' cbihl; recollectthis on hearing McEvoy mentionthat dato as the one when willies:was at Hush's place; August 11 wasmy child Alexander's Imlhday, amihad a fwit ai home; remained thereall day; Hover lelt houtu aud did uolvisit Hush's place; knew MuEvoy'ssuudiug iu the comuiuuity; looUmgat tho man any one can tell lie has awild look; he has an evil look in hisejus; on auuilay alter lh Kith, lhditto of the hum at Wilcox's, Wilcoxtold mo that McEvoy was a spy;J. K. l'romiorgast tola witness thatsame day that McEvoy was a spy;some one else told witness later thaiMcEvoy belonged to tho lamily ofspies; one day while standing infront of Sing Loy's place -- a steamerhad arrived on that day, ('rendergast was litem McEvoy happenedto coino uluuii; McEvoy asked 1'rou-derga- st

what was the trouble withwitness, and (he latter told him thatit has always been ho from the be-

ginning; the witness' properly wasgoing to be seued, and Alexauder(witness suuj was suspected of beinga leper; the child had been examinedanil later released; McEvoy thensaul, "damn thu Marshal, damntho missionaries, they're no go d";the next day witness met MarshalUltchcouk aud the latter accusedwiluess of havmg said bad thingsabout him, aud warned him, sayingthat he had a detective watchingwitness; it then came to witnessmind about the conversation withMclSvoy tho previous day, McEvoyhad told the Marshal; witness feltenlightened about tho true charac-ter of McEvoy; never had the con-versation with McEvoy, CricK oriiush attributed to him oy .McEvoy;everything McEvoy has said wasmade up, and it was a great surpriseto witness; uever conversed withflush aud Crick when McEvoy waspresent on the subject of overthrow-ing the government; never came to-gether iu a room to discuss ou anytopic, political or religious; ueversaid thai C. li. Wilrou, '. Uodward,J. Jlowler and E. Nome were uaitorsto thu Queen; don't remember tell-ing McEvoy thai bad news had beenreceived aud that there were traitorsin tho camp; none ecu bo found any-where who cau say that other thanMeKvoy; never told McEvoy thatimmediate notion was necessary tooverthrow the government; hadvery little talk with McEvoy; neversuggested to Mclivoy to supply thenatives with gin aud cane knives andturn them loose ou tho haoles; Mc-

Evoy must be out of his mind whenhe said that; lirst hoard of CaptainKoolte of the Champion having pro-mised substantial aid from that shipfrom McEvoy thu other day; nilthuso things were made up by Mo-Kvo- y

himself; havo written for

" "- - '"' .jp, hi ir-Eny-iH- "MP". ! ''if '.'"Vl" "JlH(i! ', -'.

Bush's paper, under Bush's supervi-sion; instructions were to advise thenatives to keep the peace until ananswer had been received from theUnited States; no answer has beenreceived as jot; ou Aug. 14 at 2 p.m.thu feast was still ou at witness'house at l'alama; Van Qieseu wasintroduced by D. W. Pua towitness at L'alama some timeafter ho (Vau Giusen) arrivedfrom Molokai; that was the firsttime witness made his acquaintance;had seen him before during theGibsou regime; Vau Gieseu was thouat tho Koceiviug Station; tho legis-lature was sitting at tho time andwitness was then a member; VauGieseu came to witness' house as asneak; ho represented that he wasout of work; he had nothing to do,aud was poor; witness told him thatall he had at the houso wa pot audfish; Van Gieseu told witnoss thatpoi was good enough for him; wit-ness told Vau Gieseu that thu housewas open to him auy time ho wantedanj thing to eat; Vau Gieen saw apiauo and he asked who played ou il ;

witness told him that his niece did;Vau Gieseu came there ou a Satur-day, when witness' nieco was present,having had a day out from school;witness, thu nieco, and Vau Giesonplayed on the Uute, piano aud violin;Vau Gieseu said that the girl playedwen mil more could be a little 1mprovouieut; Vau Gieseu called again,witness was not home; ou returninghome witness was told by his wilethat Vau Gieseu has behaved veryimproperly, aud witness told hiswife that he would uot have theman there at thu houso any more; incousequuucu of what Mrs. Nawahisaid witness held a very poor opinionof Vau Gieseu, ho was a bad mau;either before or after the proclama-tion of tho republic, Mrs. Nawahitold witness that Vau Gieseu was aspy and was getting S1CJU a mouth;later heard an Gieseu had a fallingoui wiiu liusu and no was lirod fromHush's place; havo conversed withVan Gieseu only casually; dou't re-member going to Bush's place ouSept. 8 when Bush, Lane, Vau Gio-se- n

aud witness were present; Sept.S, Saturday, was Bush's Sabbath;after the proclamation did uot hearHush advising the natives in thepresence of Van Gieseu to mortgagetheir lauds aud buy guus; witnessdid uot give the same advice, neitherdid Crick; uo such language wasused on Bush's premises; Bush knowthai Vau Gieseu was a spy long

Vau Gieseu was fired fromthe premises about the latter end ofSeptember; Bush aud Vau Gieseuquarreled livudays before he was fireda second time aud Vau Gieseu wassent away; he returned aud was tireda second again; did uot see a mapof Honolulu, aud novor saw Crickdiscussing the strategic points ofadvantage for placing guards; whatVau Gieseu said about a map beingthere during the mouth of Sept-ember up' to tho 24th Is uottrue; the place is open aud print-ers and others were constantly past-ing throughout thu day; thuro wasuo secrecy about the place; diduot see Van Gieseu after his being tired from Bush's premises thelatter part of Suptember; what VauGieseu said about thu Htti AlohaAiua refusing to donate thu (175they had iu their treasury towardspurchasing arms, was uot true; wit-ness uever told Van Gieseu any suchthing during thu mouth of Novem-ber; never told him that 1100 gunsmore or less had been distributedamong the royalists; never told himthat the guns were placed at placestWioro guaids weru lo bo located;did uot discuss a plan of attack ou'he Government with Vau Gieseu;knew the mau was a spy; neverheard of any discussion about ex-

plosives snd poison being usedagainst the Government anil Gov-ernment otllcials; there was uo talkbetween witness aud Vau Gieseuabout a mortai; (witness explaiuedhis interpretation of the mortar);never talked with auyono eUe iu thepicf-onc- of Van Gieseu about amortar or "pukuiiiahi;" rented a lawolllce with J. A. Magoou ou Nov. 14;one mouth prior to this dato discon-tinued goiug to Bush's place; wit-ness went to Maui thu first week ofOctober, returning ou Oct. 9; havoonly boeu to Hush's place abouttwice or three times; thu third visitwas when Bush aud Crick were ar-rested, Sept. 8; the reason why wit-ness went to Bush's place was o

he wanted to advertise a pieceof laud ou Liiiha street for sale iuBush's paper; witness' previous visitwas thu week previous to that onwhich thu arrest was made; whenwitness was walkiug up l'uucubowlstreet ou Sept. 8, saw two personswhispering al thu eutraucu to Print-er's lain; they were Kaapa and Os-ine- r;

suddenly Osmor ran dowu to-wards King street, aud Kaapa audanother ollicer, who suddenly emerg-ed from Palace walk, hastened to-wards Bush's place; witnoss follow-ed aud thu three entered tho prom-ises; witness was arrested ou hlB wayhome ou King street after IU o'clockthat same night.

Cross - examination Heard Mc-Evoy talk with Bush at thu 1 at tor'splace about thu condition of thucountry about ten or eleven monthsago; uever said anything to McEvoyngaiust tho government, when Mc-Evoy damned the marshal aud thomissionaries; the only thing the wit-ness said about the marshal wasabout that ollluial having broughtwitness' sou, Alexander, to Honolulufrom Hilo as a leper suspect; havetwo ohildreu living, one adopteddaughter; there were probably sevenpresent at the feast; tho wife aud aChinaman prepared everything fortho feast; witness could uot swearthai lie had beeu to town ou Aug.11, but wuuld say that he did uot goto Bush'n; was engaged reading"Alexander's History" that day; itwas a Tuesday; after reading thubook sat dowu to thu feast, betweenone aud two o'clock iu the after-noon; il is a custom of witness andwifu on thu birthday of their child-ren, they return home before noonand stay there all day,

Court adjourned at live minutesto noon,

Don't forget, dolls aud trumpetswill bu given away gratis,to all imruhasers at thu store of X,S. Sachs, DIM Fort street.


Items from Windward Tho BtearnerSlriui Arrive at Kahului.

The W. G. Hall, which arrivedfrom windwardj this morning,brought the sad news of tho deathof Mrs. W. J. Gallagher, the wife ofthe head luua of thu Pabala planta-tion. Mrs. Gallagher died on Wed-nesday morning in childbirth.

The Hawaiian steamer Sirius ar-

rived at Kahului ou Tuesday after-noon from San Francisco. Sho re-

ported a pleasa'nt passage.Tho v. G. Hall experienced

very rough weather along the Kaucoast. Sue came in early this morn- -

iuK instead of this afternoon iu order to bo able to leave again onMonday morning, a day ahead ofschedule time. The 'learner broughta heavy consignment of juicy Konaoranges as well as crates of poultryfor tho holiday consumption.

The steamer Keauhou brought202(1 bags of sugar, the first con-signment of sugar from the Kahukuplantation for the season. Theplantation began griuding lastweek.

There is a movement on foot tocharter the steamer Koatthou totake a number of passengers toWaialua for the Christmas races. Ifa sulllciont niitnhor of Honoluluploasuro seekers cau bo secured totako passage tho steamer will go.

The four-maste- d schoouor Aloha,Captain Dabel, arrived to-da- y fromSan Francisco after a pleasaut pass-age. E. C. Winston, who was apassenger, brought a large numberof hogs. Tho grantors were underthe care of Welsh, Scott aud Miller.

Limit. Stileman will address thomeeting at tho gospel tent t.

Subject, "Tho Kosurroctiou."

By Lewis J. Levey.



AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

i will mix at auction

AT 24V SALBSROOMA lirgs Consignment of

Japanese Goods, Toys,Ktc, Ktc, Km., Ktc.

Law s T Levny,1218 It AUOTIONhKll.

Still One More


Christmas Sale!

Do Si tarda? EYoaiol, Dtc, 22,

AT 7 O'Ol.OOK.

f Tim H I Ml H of Tin n.l-- y s FulpIII h ro'itln cl

LwlB J. Xjvy.I IK '.'t AlllVrillNKKIt

Too High !

So Say th- - UninilUilnl

Do Not Be Deceived !

Da Not Deceive Yourself I

ilnkf honnl comyarhan notbtlwftn St. I'ttrnhurij iiml Jfonn.lulu, but hrlwtrn our price amiprkfi ymaUlmj in othrr triullUh-HK-nt- o

lUiltli. U'e urr flltnySolid Silver

Tea Spoonsa low a fl3 per dozen. Thinkof it! $lfora Solid Tea Spoon

of good weight and ise; heavierpattern at tha mime low rate perounce. We further ennrave ini-tial free of vharne on all our Sil-

ver Ware; thus mviwj you manymore dollar, and still further

the cost of our silver to youover fifteen pattern to choose

from.We are, selling Sterling Silver

Ouff Links for 7oo. awl $J pet Sft;and yet have never bragijrd aboutit; while the tjuality of our goodshis steadily QOXK UP, ourprices have constantly UONKDOWN.

The volume of business donedaily in our Store, is proof of theappreciation held by the. generalpublic of our immense stock; of the

newneit of everything in il; of theease with which your wants can be

supplied. There is no need cullingyour attention to 'Villi QUALITYof our Silver people know a goodthing when they see it, and youknow we buy only the best.

H. F. WIGBHAN,F'ort Street.

Timely Jopies

December 19, 1894.

Fedora McNamee was mad.Not mad in the sense which

learned people use the wordbut in the common acceptanceof the term. Seven eveningseach week for months hadCount Luigi Spaghetti calledupon her, and her mind wasset upon a proposal from him;seven nights in the week formonths Fedora had appearedbefore the Count in her mostfetching gowns, and each timehe was more effusive in hisprotestations of love. Visionsof castles, gondoliers, and ofVenice, dear watery Venicefilled her soul. Fedora, thebeautiful, was to be a countess.She would make her father anearl and her mother an earlesswhen Luigi took her to hishome in Italy.

The guys who passed her onthe avenue with sky pointednoses because her father, as amember of the force, hadgrown rich before the LcxowCommittee had begun its workwould now fall at her feet andshe could be "swagger." ButFedora AtcNamee was mad.

After the Count had left heron his two hundred and thir-

teenth consecutive visit Ber-

nard AkNamee called hisdaughter to his side and layingdown AkKanes' "Purity inPolitics" addressed her thus:

"Fedora me child, you'reyour father's joy and yourmither's hope. It's me ambi-tion to have yez kirn to thefrint an' take a shtcp in thesasietec in which your father,as a descendant of Brian Boru,mingled in hisould home in En-niskil- lin.

It's me wish to seeyez the Queen of Vinnis, but,me daughter dear, from whatthe byes do be tellin' me Shpa-gett- i's

not fixed. He's nocount, an if yez marry himyez'll have no ryall blud in yourveins. O'Hoolihan, him thatkeeps the 'O'Hoolihan Cafe' inthe next warrud, tells me, an'he's a good frind of mine, thatfor siven weeks Shpaghetti'sbeen eat in' at his place andwhin he wants a shtake hecalls for 'shlaugjiter in the pan.'Fedora, me child, the Count'sa biscuit shooter in a Green-wich street 'colTee an' sinkers'shop. AVarry him and yez dis-own vour father."

Fedora AtcNamee was mad.The two large, full grown

Refrigerators you saw in ourstore last week have been sold.If your needs require one ofthis style you must wait untilthe "Australia" returns beforeyou can get it. If you will besatisfied with a smaller one wecan let you have an "Alaska"hardwood refrigerator that willtickle you almost to death.We've sold hundreds of refri-gerators and ice boxes sincewe have been in business butnone of them will compare inice saving qualities with theAlaska; there's only one ofthem left others on the way.

We have watched moreheart thrills in people who wereexamining our Solid SilverWare than you could expect tofind in a society drama. It isastonishing what real valuesyou get when you purchasesuch tilings from us. Webought them at a low priceand you get whatever benefitthere is. The designs are thelatest, the quality the best andthe price the lowest a combi-nation that is hard to beat.The plated ware we show ispre-emine- the best in Hono-lulu. There's no excuse foryour not, giving useful pre-

sents for Christmas becausethis year high prices do notstand in the way. We luve aBiscuit Jar in our windowpretty enough for anyone andcheap too. You wouldn'tguess the metal is plated, it isgood enough to be solid. Thepi ice well come in and lookat it.

Tk Hiwallu Hirdiirt Ct Lli


an u'ct trie lino i.i Hono-lulu? Jt would ccituiiilybu tt big improveinvntover horeo oars. I figurethat 20 percent move peo-ple from Wnikiki, Beic-tan- ia

and Julian 1

avenue would visit boitnitvet d ily Of course J

at this time of lln-yea- r.

they would be mostly


bent mi chopping expedi I

tions in order to be j. re-par- ed

for Cliri-ti- n h ; that .

nnnnnl holiday i nowdose at hand, ai.d 1110 tpeop'e are ntill undecidedwhat will make a suitablepresent.


never come amiss an apreHont to a lady. I havo1 1n largest htocki Hono-lulu to select fr.m IrishL i n e 11 llatidkei cht is,hand worked ; from $1 t

15. An assorted lino ofGloves in all the fashion-able colors and shades.


of succ ssful experiencein supplying the ladiesof Honolulu with grace-ful, serviceublo and sty-lish Dress Patterns, isproof that 1 lead the bade111 this diriciioti


(Joods are in deiii'iidjiistnow und to supply thetrade J have placed onmy shelves an a sorlmentof Fancy Articles thatcannot bo Mirpiu-sc- d

Everything in tho shapeof Presents for Ladiesand (tent lemon at mode-rate prices.

That TiivloHs Toiler,J. J. KG AN,

51-- 1 Fort treet.


i l '1MMM vsl KJg 3 0S OSR

, i U- t J


q s 2 U

W rs ca JU

7 CV. o 0

3S W a $S3 0

2 O P


E5S3 For t. S"trt

A Wonderful Remedy.A. 1ST

Invaluable Remedy




RheumatismSore ThroctStiff Joints

v jg ik,I had suffered seven yearswith inllttmmatoiy rheuma-tism ; tried every known re-

medy und got no petmauentrelief until I used Vita Oil.The sorencfs and lameness atonce began to disappear, andin a short time 1 was restoredto health. 1 gladly

Vita Oil as a safe ef-

fective hoini remedy und thobest F over used.

Mits. 1j. R. Maoukth.




Beware of Bacteriated Water!

Drinking wuter should be boiled und filtered.

Tho Only Kkliaiii.k "NVatku Kiitku is the Slack kBrowolow. They are mule on scientific principles. Theyare accessible in all parts and cau be readily domed.


s$&E? . 1:, --& tThe



Will )m made to keeptime if left

for thro days with& Co.,


If satisfaction isgiven your money wi'lho refunded iu full.


Bio F'ort atrooi.The Dally llullelln, CO cents jrr"" delivered by carrier.

' '

Vita On. has helped

others; it will cure



j. B. Kerr

i only

mau in Ho-

nolulu who


Machines 1



:mPkaul Skwxio Machixk with


Practical Carriage Trimnur(llniio coiiiiectiim with any car-riii-

bliop. )

TOPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONVvwetf, DukhcM, S'rm Aprons, Ktc.,

nt I.owHHt I'l'sillilu I'rit'oi, andof the llest.

I it"-- llrt-i?l- 5 Material of my own lm- -iMirthih'. Munnfiiuturur o' nil kinds ofjlnnich.f.

Wurkhlioii '.'IU KIdk Ktrui-- t ni-u- r Maunalcoa.J. O. llox I'Jti.


rpilK 1'OM.nwiNU "WOUKINCI HKU-- 1

tlmin" of tint aliuvn AbMHilutluu willMiorily I io furiiHut:

Heel lull A IINl'iry of K ura'lniiKt'utiun II- - rulinliij) In lUlli'uriiiBiion

IMiU'iilliinKci'tloii U I'rmitlciil Mo'luxl Iu Instruc-

tion.Hcm'IIiiii I) Niitum ami Kcluni'i) Study.hi'i'tlim K- -l hllil Study.

i 'Iriiliiliin.'I'd U'Iiith vllilii to Join oil" or moru of

I lm iiIhivk Hlioiild hflid In llmlrlUIIII'H lit OIK'll.

J.U'Ut-- rjucretury.

iw""1? ''sJSSra

Automatictho Latest Modern Attachments suitable for Light andHeavy To Put chasers: Instructions in Arisone,Tinsel, Schnelle und Fancy rOmbroidery will ho given.



Fauuhu thoWell-know- n Keli-ab- le











- a





Page 3: lie PEili mdlttin








tigagrTr.iiiljf w&s--3BWW3tp

pf-- jiwv' r.' t--''T"ry'


Mr. John A. Scott, Manager of tho Hilo Sugar Company, gives tho following wonderful record of tho working of tho NATIONAL OANE SHREDDER, which was erected by their works at tho commencement of the cropjust harvested:

"During tho past wcok tho Hilo Sugar Company's mill exceeded any ofits former records by closing the 125 hours grinding with an output of 3U0tons. This is fully 10 percent more than tho best work of former yours.

"Tho thrco roller mill being 20 in. by 64 in. und tho two roller mill 30 CO in. lho first mill doing this amount of work in an efficient mannerand with great oasu, compared with work on wholo cane, owing to thoroughpreparation of tho cano Jby tho National Cane Shredder, recently erected bytho Company.

"And by its uso tho extraction has been increased from 3 percent to 5 per-cent on all kinds of cane, and in somo casos 80 percent has been reachedthe average being 75 to 78 percent, according to quality.

"I continue to Und tho megass from shredded cano better fuel than fromwholo cane.

"Tho shredder has been working day and night for soven months and hasgiven mo entiro satisfaction, having shredded during that time about seventythousand tons of cane, and largo part of it being hard ratoons.

"Tho shredder and cngiuo require very littlo caro or attention."af Plans and specifications of these Shredders may be seen at lho offlco of

WM. O. IRWIN & CO., L'd..M Animlt far Unstnibm hUmAt


Offer for the Holiday Trade a Full Assortment of

General Groceries. Families who wish to buy

wholesale (by the case or original package) can

save money by calling on us. We especially call

your attention to our large slock of Extra Fine

Granulated Sugars in Barrels, Half Barrels and

Bags. Also full assortment of Cuttings Extra

Fine Table Fruit at loxo prices.

0,-u.een-. Street.

Ed. Hoffschlaeger & Co.

"Honiebold" Sewing Micblnti,Hind Stwlog Micalnei, with ill the latest Improvement.1,

Wesiermijer'i Cottage Plmoi.Parlor Organs, Gollari, and ot&er Imtromenti.

King and Bethel Streets.

Mutual Telephone Go.


TUB ADJOUUNKD ANNUALAT Meeting of thin Coin jinny held Nov.lirtli, UK) I, tho following UlUcen weroelected for the entiling year:

Win. Q. twin PresidentCecil Drown nt


James Campbell, Godfrey Drown, II. A.Widemanu, J. F. Drown ami W. K.Allen.

At Directors' meeting of Nor. 20, 1801,utider tuo Dy-la- of the Company, fur-ther elections were made as follows!

J. F. Drown BearetaryGodfrey Drown TreasurerCO. Dcnccr Auditor

J. K. DHOWN,llW-l- Secretary Mutual. Tel. Co.



Net Patented Pol Strainer

IV aji Orders or Communicationsaddressed to K. O. & Bon, L'd., rT"TkJ HIJVlTr I;!V"" ."w"" """! " "uouneti,

11(0 tl"







"? ?"

People'! Baggage ExpressCALL ANY PAUT OF THEWILL for DAUQAQU. All Daygage

reoelved by us will be handled care ,

and dispatch. Waggona will be ou theWharf to meet all foreign and InterIsland Bteamers. Moving i'ianoa andFurniture a siecialty. Ollice UnitedCarriage Co. and Ltvery Stables, corner 'King aud Fort Streets, next to K. O. Halla. eon. uotu leiennouea aw,



taeVPer Week i

irCCIAL MOHTIILY BtTKS.The Best of Attendance, the Dett tiltuailou

and the Finest Meala In the City.

T. I80D8E, Proprlitor.


N". F. BTJIOBJSSla again prepared to tepair Qardeu Hoso,Bpnukleis, Water Tup., etc. baw FllinKand all kinds of Tools sh.rvened, Incluit-iii- K

CsrviliK Knives and BcUhors: LawnMonersaspcclaitvi also Bettln Glass; Infact alt klims of Jobbing Worn called forand returned. RinK up 15'J Mutual TcIb-pho-

any time beforo U a. m. 117Utf

Manufuoturer of FannyUaUUUil. WroUKht Iron Fencrs

for Durial 1its, Uesldeuues, Gardens, llal.conies, etc. Union ttreut, ncariy onioltuDell Toner, U7&-- U


Frozen Turkeys

For Christmas and New Year !


Live Tarktys, Geese & Chickens



KaliM Poultry Ranchflitr All Poultry from the above Ranch

are Fat and Inn. Fed on drain aud FreshMeat.

V Be i el orders for any description ofPoultry Alle, or Killed aud Dressed.

California Fruit Market,Corner King aud Alakea Bis.

Mutual Telephone 378.HUJ-t- l

Hall ' & )






Wholesale Dealers In

Liprs and- - Manila GiimAMD

General Chinese MerchandiseSDOH AS

Nut Oils, Klce, Matting,Chinese Bilks, Teas, Etc.

BaiUia ail aaaericaa QrectrletDy Every Coaat Bteamer.



toDUmttt and Salt of Proptfi)


Cellectlif In All IU BraachH.Orrioi i No. 42 Merchant Street.


Cement Sidewalks &c Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Estimates Riven on all kinds ot




Everythingof the Very FinestQuality put into our


$2.50Kid Patent

Tip Oxford

Tie ShoesEXCEPT FEEl1.

That you will do when

yon see them.



105 Fort Street

Christmas Cards !

"I-- I



Water Color Cards of

t i ! AI.80 : ! :

Beautifully Colored


Band Soinothlntr Hawaiian to TourFriends Abroad.



Hotel StreetL. B. KERR'S




Pino Suitings-Elegan- t

Patterns,and Latest Styles.



100 Yarii Down te Bnengh

tt Make a Single Snltl

- AND -

Hard Times Prices!L. B. KERR, - Importer,




333 lTuunu Btraat.


Knglish, Scotch and American Goods,

Htyle and Kit Guaranteed.

(Jleaning & Repairinglatiil Tela. 668.

1042-O- ia

P. 0. Box 14V



Fine CasulmoreH Bergos,White Linens, Etc

Suits Made to OrdorON SHORT NOTICE.




Hi Nuuanu Street.1'AAHJui

Sh SniJa 8 lttttfu. 'CHIC!FRIDAY, DEC. 21, 1894


Witnesses For the Defense Tel What

They Kqow About Spies.



O. W. Ashford. on tho court con-vening, stated that ho would intro-duce several witnesses for tho e,

and be would endeavor toshow to tho Court that McEvoy wasreputed as a government spy sinceJanuary last, and this fact wasKnown iu ueiuiiuaius. no woumalso endeavor to discredit Van Gies-en'- s

testimony.Harry von Wort hern, sworn, states:

Been in Honolulu a year and a half;know MoEvoy aud defendants; re-

member being at a luau at Wilcox'ssomo timo ago; remember McEvoybeing there, also of his being accus-ed of beiug a government spy in thesecret service; Leigh Irvine, corre-spondent of the New York Herald,accused MoEvoy of 1mm uk a spy;Crick was pr sent aud heard the ac-cusation; McEroy was accused twiroat that luau; know Bush was inform-ed by Sinclair and Bob Wilcox thatMcEroy was a spy: witness askedhim also and he did not deny theaccusation.

Cross - examination: Was in thogovernment secrot servico last yearand was discharged either Novemberor December last year; witness saidbis reports wero not considered sum


thereef To many


cieutly diabolical aud was dls- - l.nau Association liavu proved themcharged: think in tho ser-- velvet bo. j

vice titne of luau; inot him

McLvoyPearl harbor whoro witness in ' Makos a specialty Pro--

the real ..:..... xfnPnv curing liHiis fir llorroweri whobIe t Mtenmi Hink,

throe lots on tho who do not cure oblluato them.instalment plan; was suro selves friend ariiunintauco bywhother first met McEvoy at Mrs. asking his ondoements dielr Nou--.

i i u .. This will uponBatchelor s at harbor; i,mi.0hold Piano., Organ.,autimr (or Mr. Dill nsham iu sol linir Horoi. Mule. Wuimuis. Cnrr aires amitho lots. I'crnonal Property removing the

Von Wortborn wished to a,tieciaratmn rcgaru ins iiisims-- , DAbissal or iMarsnai uiicncocK.that bad boennroBOCutinir altornor.


renuustod Wurtheruloavo iu hands.

foltby the

Ash- -

lord Vonhis case his



Archibald Sinclair, sworn, states:Am acquainted with Crick, Bush audMcEvoy; think McEvoy engagedroom iu witness' hou-- o ou tho 2uthor 27th of Decomber, 18113; catiio tolive there on the 28th; Crick occupi-ed a room in the rear and McEvoylived noar frout with a partitionbotwoou; McEvoy lived thero uutiltwo months ago; had a conversationwith McEvoy latter part Jan- - T CUuary; witness called attention Oluuiu buu line iiaiiuaryfact that Mcbvoy was a spy; gavethoui riasoiis; heard conversationbetween McEvoy aud T. 1). Murrayin MuEvoy's room part con-versation; it that the Marshalwished wo McEvoy; this was inJanuary this year; informed Hushaud Crick of what witness had heard.

I 1. II . ......... .1.1.... LT..n...K. AJUniui. otviiiu, piuivo. uunMcEvoy, Crick, Nawahi Bush;weut to Hush's bouse in Februarylast with Leigh Irvine toldBush of McEvoy's character, that hewas a dangerous man aim tliat liewas discharged from the San Fran-cisc- o

detective force; witness toldCrick in March that MeEvoy was aspy; also told both Crick and Hush !

he had every reason to believe thatVan Oleseu spy.

Cross -- examination Have haduot more to with i audCrick after infoimiug thatwould not have anything to do withthem if they associated with such J

men as MoEvoy aud Van Uiesen.liobert W. Wilcox, sworn, states:

About Jauuary last lived at Wat-- 1

kiki; had a luau there ou Jan. ;

Crick brought McEvoy to that luau; :

they about p. m.; wasnot present Leigh lrviue ac-

cused McEvoy; after luau told .

Hush about AloEvoy being iugovernment employ; also told Hushthat McEvoy sent from SauFrancisco to act as a Hush toldwitness that there was nothing tospy about anyhow at his

Cross-examiuatio- u That theonly luau there; have had severallittle festive occasions thero.

Arthur McDowell, sworn, states;McEvoy rejected from the Scot-tish Thistle Club for beiug a spy;McEvoy was introduced by Mar-cha- nt

to Thomas Lindsay; Lindsayinsinuated that MoEvoy a spyaud he did uot desire his acquaint-ance; McEvoy has been notoriousas a during past elevenmouths.

George Kaniau, sworn, states:Work at Hush's priutiug ollice; i

Vau Giesen; remember meeting himat King street bridge Mondayevening o'clouk this week; hadconversation in Hawaiian with VauGieseu; Vau Giesou told witneithat all the blame put ouCrick Hush would conio out lightly; '

Van Gieseu iuteudud witness to i

vey what said to Hush; beenworking with Hush five years. j

Puuini, sworn, states: Ileen I

working live years with Hush writing items: wbh instructed to advise

peoiile to keep peace-- M - '.vau Uiesen; no stoppeu coming

Hush's about three mouths ago;Crick has n desk assigned to himthere; place close toCricks desk, with a doorway be-tween : witness never Crick look- -

I iug over a mat) of Honolulu duringmouths of August aud Septum- -

Iter; wituess would have seen this ifsuch had taken place, the place be-

iug clear; uover saw Hush, Crick.Nawahi, l.auo, Van Gieseu aud

l others hold a conferencewhen Hush, Nawahi or Crick advisedtho natives to mortgagu their landsaud buy kuuh; could see everythingdiscussed in Crick's room.

Continunl on ilh i'ua.)




Pour requisites of

Men's Wealing Apparel tobe found in all the Suits

made by Johnston & Sto-

rey. Mr. Storey was for

some years one of the best

known cutters on the Coast,

consequently the best dress-

ed men in town wear clothes



made by

Johnston It Storey, !

413 Foct

Real Estate and Loans

Tho enlargement of tho LOAN Market!to cover the wants and necclile of

. the large number of hmiorublr pcorle whoI uru not owner of unincumbered Real

Estate wot one of mot neccmry Inno-- 1

vatlons of nt yearn. has !

meant relief from prevdug clnlim atvery time when mo-i- t eentlal. When j

pioperly and honorably conducted thin I

iulmm Is of equally great liiiiKUtmiLe I

til m tit a 4 it ! ! ... t .

ho amiwas secret to

at!the thoatthoIuau,autlanothortmoatMrs.TD8 HaWUHQ IOWStOient


Balchelora; think met atwas of Negotiating and

...i.n I. ' nrc tin,,clr Not nl tll0bought off witness ' and to

uot ' lo soma orto

..i .. Company make I.oainor Furniture,i

withoutmake VKi'lfKin to stihutly



iu 10 iu i





was a

hiug dothem hn



came there 8when






5 ,


cou- -

he I

D. M.


witness' was




so as

It '

Tas Hawaliai IaTnitment Co.,

Oenkhal Heal Estate Auknts,

13 and 15 KaahuiKanu Btrtets,(Nar Post Office )

Notarj Public. Mutual Telephone 639.


Bell H Knllre Htork of

the of L. 0the of JjOOXS OUOtS

of tho





spy the


the the




At and llelw Coil l'fliv, comprising

Riding, 0or Baraks Boots,

PareMi'a and Rbbr Boots.

Aleo a variety of

Mr.n'h, LaiiikV AMU ClIILHIKN it



Machinery Fur Sala!

t KNOINB. Double Cylinder, Hlnx'n Ac-tiu- n,

HxU Cylludor, - Horo Power.

1 VERTICAL TUDULAR DOII.KR, A feetIoiik. 40 Inoi es diameter, co'itaui'iinlUO'i-lnc- ri tubes; wl'l Aiipply stuaui forlb Horse Power Kiik lie.

1 KKK1) PUMP with all connections.

Th nbnvo are xll in K,,(d order nd canbe n-- il a a barKnlu by applylni; to the

niim Union Peei Co., Ltd.


IB HKKKIJY GIVEN THATall claims aKalust the Criterion tia-lo-

will be nettled by Mr. Jan. V. Mor-gan, and all outstandini; accounts due theCriterion fcfaloon and the jobbing house ofL H. Dee up to the aliuvu data are payableto Mr. L. H. De. All bills aliist L. H.Dee please present iuuuediately for pay-ment. L A. DEK.

Honolulu Oct. 8. KCM HW-a- ni


COTTAGE AND LOTA for tiule. Inquire atthe ArliiiK'on Darber Hhop,Hotel street. 1215-h- v



I trnmcari, Wuiklkt.Amilv to




OOOMB AND ItOAIlDXV for u few iiornoua can liehud at Ilanlwui, on the Wul-kl-


H7.Vtf Proprietor.


VERY DKBIKAIILK lguf A lUIIIIPfi., bt. II.. .11111.

I'wo House, ou tin' xtrrolfar line, will be sold lowPart of iiiiiv onL'liiiu Amilv at tills unicu.


rpiIRKK NlOll LOTS ATX Maklkl at it DiirK'ilu.

MlxluUeuuh. Will tell eitheri an it whole or btipiirutely



CuiumiiiH llloek, Merchtiut titreet.IJid-t- f


IVOR TWO OU THREEI Years, n t'ottuuu (cull- -i rally locutudi ol rnur

with Piiutrv and

alT- -

IVVt KIiik


tlni money ruiunln uiort- -lVOl-- tt




43eKilclinu nttimhrd lliithriiinn, herviiut'uand I'lirrlHiT-room- s and Studies ou tintl'ruiulNfN. The Monro In uully lilted upfor hounekevplim, mid tho lot will Im

divided oll'frniii tlm liuilll yard liv u feliee.GihhI rrsHiiilblo liiianu are wnilted. In-- 1

iiilre at thu llui.i.tTi.1 Olllnu. 1JJI tl


FANCY FURNITURE,Carpets, Rags, Linoleums,

Fine Crockery, Glassware, Etc.


EaRcls, Pinno LampH,unaii'M, ncy



Royal "Worcchtcr, CrownSatsuma, llaviland, Cloisonne,

Crcsrent Cliina, Etc., Ktc.

Fancy Vases, Cut Glass Dccantcis.Kose Howls, Tumblers.

Wine Glasfe, Etc , Etc.:FA-:isrc-- sr ISTJO-S- :

Velvet Pile Centre Rug,Japanese Rugs, Sofa Mats,

Door Mats m Large Variety,


Fancy Plates, Plaques, Cnps and SanceisTO UK 801.1) HINOi.Y Oil IN HKT9.

Solid S'lvtir and Fliitfcl Wi.reTO BK CI.OSKD OUT UNDKlt COST.



Wicker Work!

A lui'uc

has justcoived nor



"K.Uiclu-1- " ami "C. D.

llrytuil," nml inoro

lo airivt' mv "Trnn-sit.- "

P. O. 1SOX Itfl -

KocKifg tStatids,



ro- -




G. N.J. !'.T. MAY ..E.


varioty, slylo





HOIDID So CON"o. ICing Street.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Oornar Fort ECotel SteFrom Direct Importations


Only Perfect Toothbrush.

Perfumes & Soaps!LA.K.CJB3 A8BORTMBNT.




KALI 11 1 completed, wo areof


Pacilic litiiino, Potash,bulplmto Aimnonii,

Etc., Ktu


Sikm'IuI atleulliiii ulvi!! In AlialvsW ofAll Guuds arc uiiurauiuo I in every


in thelino. Tho

best most va-


Call and






President.. ,

. . Auditor.. .Becutarj nt:d Treasurer.


OUR NEW WOUKS AT beiug now ready-t- o

Furnish all kinds




nuo-i- m







of Soda,Calcined Fertilizer Salts,


Bolls by our CheihlsW.

For further particulars apply lo

Paoiflo It FertilizerDR. W. AVERDAM, Mauser.







Guano Co.,

Page 4: lie PEili mdlttin

i The Sfav The

, Shoe lPUff

7J ropy iWt I

Storei , vr


font's TMn Poinr,


Ilnviland China, plain and decorated, Glassware,cut and engraved, Flower Globes, Baskets, Vases,and a groat variety of other useful and ornamentalarticles. Expected to arrive shortly from Eng-

land, four new patterns of finest Limoges China,consisting of Dinner Ware, Tea Sets, Fish Sets, Bon

Bon J Mates, Olive Trays, Salad & Ico Cream Sets, '

etc. Beautiful line of Semi - Porcelain Ware,plain and decorated. By Australia: Small lot ofCrown Milano Ware, something new for Honolulu.This department is under tho management of Mr.Diiuoml, who will always be found ready to showgoods and quote prices.



Manufacturers' Shoe Co.

J. T. Waterhouse, Queen St. Store

Crockery Department.

Groceries and Bottled Goods.This department is filled to the ceiling with fresh, new goods,

such as Hams and Bacon (Cnlur Bapids), Teas, Coffees, Sugar,Ipices, Soaps, Pearl Oil, etc. Bottled Goods in great variety, Eng-h- h

Pie Fruits, Lee & Porrin's genuine Worcester Sauce, Olives,Catsups, sour and sweet Pickles, etc., etc. CANNED GOODSlor Soups, Luhle b ruits, loumtoes, Uorn, 1'eas, Asparagus, lyiiicuon,Turkey, Cur ned Oysters, Ux Tongue, Lunch Tongue. .this Uu- -

partmcut is under the supervision of thatsalesman, S. J. Salter.

uenial and well known

General Merchandise.This heading covers a multitude of articles, and means everything

from a knitting needle to a plow, but wo have them all in stock, youdon't have to wait a month for the goods to come from tho Coast.If you don't believe it, call and see for yourself. Mr. Henry or .1.

T. Waterhouse, Jr., will always be found at the Queen St. Store,and will give you the attention your patronage deserves.


No. 10 Store,on Fort Street is keept open soluly for the accom-

modation of our customers who do not wish to comeas far down town as Queen St. A great variety ofgoods is constantly kept in stock, such as dressedand undressed Kid Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, etc.Figured Silks and Satins, India and Surah Silks, allshades, Beal Lace, Hdkfs., Lace Curtains, Whito& Ecru, Down Pillows, all sizes, Leathor Goods ofNow Designs, and Toys from a Jumping Jack to aVelocipede. No. 10 Store is under the management of Messrs,stand their



Ionian and Murphy,business thoroug

rm m ff ITT

iy.who under- -


J. T. Waterhouse, No. 10 Store

jjt .,,.-k- : ' J" - .

' PFfpC - w-.,-,- . yrg , .jiiiigrfTpwwyaiww'v

(Ctontfnitfd from 3d Page.)

Cross-examinatio- n Wit ness neverwent out of the office except once aday and that wa to the Post Officesnever went out to got news; recentlythere were throe rooms; recentlypartitions were torn down and builtagain; saw place whore new boardshad been put up close to telephone;witness occupied center room; Crickand witness were nearly back toback: attend to work regularly;nevor loft the office; Nawahi discon-tinued coming very oflou about twomouths; somotimos Bush, Nawahiand Urick Hunt upstairs auu naulunch.

Got nows from the English paperspublished in this city; understandEnglish.

I J. K. Frondorgast, sworn, states:Employed on Hush's paper, Ka Leoand Ka Oiaio sinco 1893; only hada holiday on Bush's sabbaths onSaturdays: no one is allowed in thatday: Bush thinks that from thesotltug of the sun on Friday untilthe setting ol the sun tno loiiowingday is Sabbath, according to thescripture; Van Oiesou's place is lo-

cated in Crick's room; Puuini's roomis adjoining Crick's; an oil olothhangs between the rooms; this washung up to keep out the noise causedby the talking of Punini and thepaper carriers; Nawahi stopped hisfrequent visits to Bush's in the mid-di- e

of October; resigned the treas-urershl- p

during September; saw VanOiesou prior to October there; thinkVan Gicson severed connection withthe paper before witurss; think thereason why Vati Oiesou was let outwas bocauso ho put something inthe paper which did not suit Bush;saw Van Oieseu at Bush's place onMnndav last: ho camo there for amicroscope; don't know whothor hogot it or not; tWt remember beingat liiiKii s on Saturday, uec. b; aaiurday boiug liiuh'h Sunday It was keptvorv sacred: know swiu 7Jr . . ' 1.

Bushand nawahi kupw mat aiotivoy was

) a spy either iu May or Juno; was atWilcox's luau on Jan. 1ft and wastold by Wilcox that MoBvoy was nspy; told Bush and Nawahi of thofact on Jan. 17.

Uroexauiiuatiou: Was marriedon August II; did not go to Waialuauntil tho middle of October; alwaysat tended to work; noticed now parti-tion iu tho olllco about a week bo--

, foro arrest was made.! F. W. Wood, sworn, states: Aged

121 voars: work in Golden Utile Bazaar; know Gainer; boon acquaintedwith Osmor in February or March;mot Ostuor iu Merchant's Exchange;sometimes go thoro to got a torn-poran-

drink known as "Crooksharp" for tho throat; met Crick intho saloon about tho lib or 5th ofthis mouth and told him thore worosotno papors at tho storo for hint;saw Osinor thoro; had a littlo con-versation with Osmor; bo wanted toborrow- - $10 from witness; W. O.Smith mid others, ho said, woro try-ing to gel him out of town on aplantation; ho led tho conversationon (o the Government buildings;Osmor told witness that ho had fullcontrol of Co. A of tho NationalGuard; W. (. Smith, tho Attorney-Genera- l,

Ostuor continued, and otherGovernment oflicials were tryiug todisband Co. A, but thoy woro kindof delicate about it; ho also said thatlie knew how to work ami manipu-late tho rapid-firin- g guns at tboExecutive building; ho said that thoguns woro in good condition whentho men woro being drilled, andafter that ho would fix tho gunso that when tho fourth shotwas fired tho gun would ex-

plode, thus disabling it; tho menIn tho barracks were fightiugagainst one another, and tho placecould bo easily blown up with Uyna- -

mite: this Government was no goodand lie would join in opposing it;auy government was bettor than tho(resent one; no wanted to borrowJ 10 ami was to give a promissory

note; later ho said that ho wouldgive n gun as security and ho wouldhave it at tho saloou on Thursdayevening; thou witness decided howould not try to raio tho money;witness did not promise to call fortho gun; wiluoss did not accept tboproposition of tho gun; Osinor saidthat Smith and others woro tryiugto push him and ho had to pay $10

t to Dayton by 4 o'clock SaturdayI afternoon; ho said that tho authori-ties woro Irvine to not him out oftho country on to some plantation;Osinor said a good many thingsagainst tho Government; tuiuk Oa- -

i nior'a intoutiou was to pump witness: witness had beeu to a dancoou Saturday evening aud was out-side tho Elite Parlors whon CaptainParker found him aud escorted himto tho Police Station, whore tho war-rant was read to him; had no talkwith either BubIi, Crick or Nawahiabout politics.

Cross-examinatio- Osinor said hehad full coutrol of half of tho menat tho barracks: tho Governmentwas tryiug to disband Co. A, butwas afraid to do so; ho said that hohad giant powder ready to pass into tho men to blow tho building upwhen everything was ready; talkedxory freely iu tho Merchants' Ex- -

i change ou this subject; ho was verybitter against tho Marshal aud theAttoruoy-Gouoral- ; did not reporttho matter because felt it was immaterial to him whether tho Gov-- ieminent building was blown up ornot, or how uianv men were killed;Osmor inner told witness that hehad left a guu at tho Merchants' Ex-

change; only talked to Crick aboutpapors that woro at the storo forIiiinj Crick was In tho saloon whenone conversation betweeu witnessaud Osmor took place; did not an-swer Osmor whon ho said ho wouldleave a gun at tho saloon; witnesswas going to try and raiso moneyfor Osmor, tho latter having beeuintroduced by a responsible person;witness listened to Osmer's bloodytalk about overthrowing tho Government for his special edification;when Osmor was turnkey wituessand him only passed congratulatorysalutatioiiH.

Court adjourned at 10 minutes toK o'clock.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hoteland Nuuniiu streets, lodging by day,week or mouth. Terms: 25 aud 50cents per night; $1 and $1.25 per

i week.


Oflbr to the trade tho most liberal terms their largo

and varied stock of Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and

Shoes, Hats, Shawls, Clothing, Saddlery, etc., etc.,

Furniture and Hardware, Bags, Bagging, Building

Material, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Wines,

Liquors, etc., etc.

Sole Agentsfor Golden Gate Flour,

Flour, Merchant Flour

Spcrry's Diamond

Fort and Queen Streets.

Henry May & Co.We make a specialty of the following brands of TEA:

Ceylon, Flowery Orange, Pekoe, in 5 lb. boxes.Asam Primrose, iu 25 lb. boxes.

English Breakfast Congo, 5 lb. boxes.Shilling's Blossom, 1 lb. canisters.

Comet Oolong, 15 and 30 lb. boxes.Silver Stato Oolong, 18 nnd 3G lb. boxes.

Formosa Oolong, 5 lb. boxes.Japan, uncolored, 5 lb. boxes.

China, different grades in Chests.


Fine Old Selected, in bags of 100 lbs.Fine Soloctcd, one year old, bags of 100 lbs.

C- E- Coffee roasted and ground daily.




ZHToit; M- Ht-Mni- t m i r r r r-rstt--t-


M. MCINEMIpublic

that he has moved the entire stock of shoes out of the cornerstore, aud has placed an entire new stock of tho following goodson tho shelves: A new line throughout of the celebrated

all sizes and of tho very latest Wilson Bros.'Neckwear; Jaeger's sanitary Underwear, etc., fact a com-

pletes lino of Gents' Furnishings of tho best quality aud tholatest styles. Steamer Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, etc.

FiTnnersuTts. Fort and Merchant Sts.


towo oflbr for ono

following prices :

December 1st, entire stock, the

Men's Seamless Socks, 10 & 15c. per pair.' Heavy Undershirts, 25o. or 5 for $1.

Gaiter Shoes, fino finish, 1.50 per pair.

Silk Handkerchiefs, sizes, 15 to 50c.

Good Huck Towels, !1 for 25c.Men's Bluo Sorgo Suits, reduced from 87.50

to 85.00.Men's Black Diagonal Suits, reduced from

811-0- 0 to 88.00.Ladies' Kid Slippers, 75c Worth 81.25.Ladies' Button Shoes, iu variety, from

81.50 up.

Brown 21 yards 81.00.


t ..- . -

begs to inform hispatrons and tho


StetsonHats, block;



r v V " T

Christmas Gifts.


The undersigned has just receiveddirect from the manufacturers in Ire-

land a fine assortment of new goods,consisting ofLadies' Embroidered Hand-

kerchiefs, Tea Cloths, Sideboard Cloths,Linen Damask Sets of the Celebrated

Shamrock Linens, Etc., Etc., all of which

are suitable for Christmas Presents.

Desiring reduce our large stock


C. Sproull.

mouth, beginning our at


Brown Cotton, heavy, 36 inches wide, 13

yards 81.00.Bleached 10-- 4 Sheeting, 25c. per yard.Bluo Donimo, 7 yards 81.00.Whito Cotton, soft finish, 3G inches wide, 13

yards 81.00.Fanvoll Whito Cotton, 3fl inches wide, 9c.

per yard.Ladies' Fast Black Stainless Hose, 20c. poi

pair, 82.00 por dozen pairs.Men's Fast Black Stainless Socks, 20c. por

pair, 82.00 por dozen pairs.Men's Whito Unlaundered Shirts, Lineu

Bosom, 50c.

Come early and avoid the rush, and remomber: these prices hold good for one month only.

YEE CHAN,Ntiava Strut, mi Dor MMka it Kiag Stmt.




Page 5: lie PEili mdlttin












Mt giiUjj tJMfn.

FRIDAY, DEO, 21, 1894

'MI-A..R.IT- NIWSArrival.

Friday, Dec 21.Am whr Alnlm, Pnbcl, 21 days from 8n

Krn' I'liooBtinr V U Hall from llnwnll and MaulBtinr Kftiiliiti from Kahnkn ami l'utialnn

OnrKonn from Island PortsStnir Krnnli ut-a- WI Iiir tifjnr. 2H0 bngi

rii-i)- , Ml line law, MWIiiik ally.8t'n' WO Hull :WI7 b4 MiKar. ill bug

cllco, 4.I hules hide. 28 h ad cattle, &5

hog III bt!iiawa. I00 iktrs sundries


Krolii Sft" Frnnrluro, tr sclir Alos,Dei! il-- K 0 Wlnit m, A Welsh, II T Scott,H Miller.

Kmhii Hawaii und Maul, tT atmr W 0Hull, Drl!l-- A V V Dohorty.MIm Htclla Wntomitu, S II Ktithcdt, Miss 8K Smith and ill deck

shipping Note.Tlio hark '. D. Bryant is loading sugar.Tin H I. Allen cotutiletrd the Unloading

of machinery for the lien mill at Kwa yes- -

tenia) minimi;.The llaUy Klinbill In being renotalod,

Sherrpalrfd anil tumted linldo and out.will be iillt a picture when llnlihed.

The roliooncr Aloha, Captain Dabel,from Him Krandnco, landed IU0 and oddImgi to-da- Homo of iht-- are real primegruutrrn.


MINSK In Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov.21, 1KII, Mm K. Hlnne, omy alntrr ofII. J. Nolle, of this city.


Tho Government band willat tho Hotel this owning.

Christmas is not far fromthe iiumlxT of goose ami turkeys onemoots.

Excursion rates are announced forChristmas by the Hallway and


The defense In the conspiracy trialclosed at and argument will bo-gi- n

at 0:30

L. J. Lovoy will hold a specialholiday sale of Japanose goods,etc., at 10 o'clock

Don't buy a bioyclo until you havesoon tue lMm-mou- "Ulevelauus."Ueady about Jan. 80.agent.






H. E. Walker,

Jas. F. Morgan will hold a holidaysale of toys at 7 o'clock thisovouiug.Don't miss this chance of helpingSanta Clans out.

Jas. F. Morgan will soil proportyof Chas. 1). Wilson iu Honolulu uu- -der foreclosure at 12 noon

See particulars elsewhoro.

Look at that elephant. He doesn'tseem to care whether tho man is onor off tho cart. So it is with a horserefreshod with California Food Co.'sfodder.

Tho Honolulu Cyclo llace MeetAssociation held a mooting in theDell Tower on Thursday eveningand decided to have tho binyclo moottake ploco onChriatnia Day.

Tho Sunday School children ofCentral Union Church and theirparents will bo entertained thisevening with a steriopticou exhibi-tion and refreshments attlie church.

A few of the passengers by thoMariposa lor bvtlney gave loss

sulci X'at cards as tue causoof

of thoxir. a steeratre 'na- -

soiiuor who throw himself overboard.

Ordway & Porter have just re-ceived a new stock of furniture fromtho Count. Tho Intent designs inholiday furniture are displayed.Their coualgnnieut is complete inevery department.

Persons having claims against theGovernment will notice a change inthe otlicial notice iu that regard iuthis paper. Instead of the particu-lar bureaus owing, the claims are tobo rendered to the Finance Department.

II. G. Biart, who was for ton yearsthe practical jeweler for Wenner kCo., has opened a new place at 114King striHtt, corner Alakea street.Watchmaking, Bouvenir spoons, andjewelry of every description madeonshort notice

H J. Nolte, of the Beaver Saloon,received the Had news of the deathof his only sister, Mrs. F. Hinne, bythe H. S. Mariposa yesterday. Mrs.Hinne died iu Copenhagen, Den-mark, on Nov. 22. Mr. Nolte hastho sympathy of the community.

Headquarters for Holiday Goods.and especially for Fancy Handkor- -chiefs, Is at tho store of N. S. Sachs.Don't miss to get a box of thoseWhite Hemmed Stitoh Handkerchiefs for $1 a box coutaiuiug ouedozen, nor those White Embroidered Handkerchiefs for 15 cents eaob.and you know thu Silk EmbroideredHandkerchiefs that ho is now sailingfor in cents can't be beat. You caualso fiud an excellent assortment ofFino Embroidored and Iteal LaceHandkerchiefs.

Tho annual Christmas exeruisos ofSt. Louis College were held thismoruiug iu tho college hall, at I)

o'clock. Tho deliveries by thepupils, especially by the senior stu-dents, received well merited ap-plause; while the short interims-siou- s

were filled up by solos, roastersJ. Uansmauu, Kaulukou, Gloaou,Cooper aud others deserving specialmoution. Thu college orchestrafurnished musio of a superior de-gree, aud as a whole it was a mostdelightful alTair.

Now Street Proposed .

At the re(utst of J. A. King, Min-ister of the Interior, acting upon apetition, A. F.J udd, Chief Justice,has caused a panel of twonty.fournnuies to bo selected, from whiuh ajury of six disinterested persons areto lie drawn, to deuidu upon the pro-priety of opening a street froml'alaco Walk to llerutaiila street,through Uovuruuiout properly.



Land to b Bold Money Waitingfor Execution.

Counsel for Wong Wa Foy, plain-tiff, and Ana Momona Kama), de-

fendant, have signed a stipulationfor a decree to appoint A. P. Peter-son and W. C. Achi commissionersto roll the land in dispute to thehighest bidder at public auction,and make a return to Court accord-ing to law.

Sheriff Williams of Hawaii, De-puty Sheriff Nahalo of North Koua,M. P. Scott and Mrs. Scott mikeanswer to the complaint of J. F.Souza, saying that he has no legtltitle or r'ht to poosion of certaiuwine, and that they are not liable tohim in damages for any sum what-ever.

Tho Republic of Hawaii, by A. O.M. Deputy Attorney-Genera-

has filed a brief against thewrit of error of Hang Fook, whoclaims he was unlawfully couvictedof selling opium in conjunction withAh Kau, on the ground that tltorois in law no such joint offenMe. Thodeputy says Ah Kau roeoivod themoney and Hang Fook delivered theopium, making a complete sale, andquotes many authorities to showthat "if several be enffaged in tuecommission of the same ouVuse theymay be joined in the same indict-ment or each may be separatolyindicted."

Judgo Coopnr lias iiod un ex-

ecution on the Koua Ooffc.) timlFruit Company at tho suit of S. M.Kanakanui for 17628. W. C. Achi,attorney for plaintiff, in a noto totho Marshal says J. D. Paris hasabout foOO for the defendant, and iftho Marshal could writo to Paris orsend tho execution to Deputy She-riff Nahale he would get the money.

The Supreme Court to-da- y hoardtho appeal of Anna Long vs. KwongYick In Co., from a decision of Mrs.Nakuina, water rights commissioner.Maroon for plaintiff; Castle for defendant.

Still one more evening Christmassale will bo hold by L. J. Lovey to-

morrow (Saturday).


It's nlmoHt as easy Cor ahorau fed on CaliforniaPct'd Co.'s Hay andGrain to draw his loadas it is for this big el-

ephant to draw his. Wepay the highest price and

, get thu bcht there is tobe had. Our piics acas low as the lowest.Prompt delivery. BothTelephones V21. . .

ADIKS" UNhist cast your eye over

this list of articles, every oneof which 1ms had a knife cutright through the pri e :

Mon's mack St VK. fastcolors, reduced from $2.r0 to$1.75 per

Ladies' Black STO( I-CINGS from $1 to $ perdozen and from $2.50 to $2per dozen.

New Plain WOOLttNGOODS, in all shades, from75 cents to 00 cent a yard.

Also a counter loaded downwith Striped and CheckedGinghams, Printed Calicos,Cotton Challi s, Organdies,White Ci'tton Dress Goods,Madras Curtains, Rugs, La--iios' Wool Jackets in Tan,Light Blue aud Black Shades,together with many other newand handsome goods.

"Wo call your especial at-

tention to these goods, sim-

ply becuusu wo can sell themat theso figures for one weekonly.

drKcmcmher wo are opennights, havo now electriclights in the store, so thatgoods can he examined as wellas in the day time.

fdf'Snvu ull your checksfor the Volcano trip, and sendthem to the store before 12o'clock Dec. 2(ith, when aHound Trip Ticket will beissued to the one having thelargest number of SalesTickets.

B. F. tiULUKS & CO.

AH Run DownAlways Tired, Sleepless and

Without AppetiteB!cod Vitalized and Strength Re

newed by Hood'a Sarsaparllla."a I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. i

"For couple of years, I was subjtct to fecV

tnf anything but good. I always felt tired, Ieould not sleep at night and the Llttl I couldat did not teem to bsneflt tne any.

I Old Not Have Any Ambitionto so around or work and la fact was not able tedo good day's work. I happened to pick up acircular embracing adTcrtiscments and testi-

monial for Hood's Barsaparttla, and after tad--

Hood'sCureslug them decided to gtre flood's Sarsaparllla atrial I hare taken fire bottles and must saythat I haredcrlred wonJerfutbenefltfromttand

Peel Like a New Man.I would recommend It to all sufTercri nnd wouldurge thvm not to hesitate but to decide at oneto Uko Hood' ip.irlll.i." I'AULM.,1 IU North Tenth Struct, Heading, renin) Irani.

Hood's Pills nro prompt and cmdrnt, yeteasjf lu action. bulJ by ull drui;i;tsU. 2Soi

Hobron Drug Co., L'd.,Sole Agents for the Itcpnbllo of Hawaii.

Jaa. F. Morgan.

Tills Evening !


Auction SaleFriday Evening, Deo. 21,


Vt mr "nle room. 1 lll nll nt PublicAuction. Holiday Uooiis,

Toys! Toys! Toys1Books, Games, Dolls,Fanoy Goods. . . .

And an InvJco of


Tecs. F Morgan,1217-2- 1 AIIOTIONKKIL


KortgaRoo'a Notlco of IntontlonVoroclnao.




Tlnli'iiH of a onnln tu'iL'Ko imtite liyotiarlft II. Wilio'i Honolulu, Iwlin, t'

ru 1. Townhcuu. of unlit HkiiiiIii u.Altitun Utli, A. 1). IMII.irid rcco dnlisle

tn llit (Mile of i.f CouTiyunco",In It ok '47, iiii;t' ITS. I'kiuuUm, liotholit Iitr.liv (l 'i-i- i that tic nal1 lieorK" 1.rowuiftiid, monicker, into nt to forcolontlio alil limrtiaf "' vendition brckeu, towit: !ion.nyiii' in 't ptlncial when mi.

Niitlcx N al lieieliv kIwii tlmt ihu iro-lort- y

cove'fd by ald imirtKu H' I"ah at I'ulillo Aiiftl'in. nt tlm Auct'onItoom of Ja. K. MoiKiwi.lnmlil Honolulu,

On SATURDAY, December 22, 18U1,

AT 12 0'Ol.Ol'K NOON

The Hioir y rovfiil liy nld lu.'lKaKe'n tlccrrllwd ki 'ollui. All tliHtiurnTuulHvor m'ol of land Hltuntent Kuiiulu'-lil- l

In mltl Honolulu. I'Oin (led and denIfrilM-- d as foi'owH, t i UoiiiuiioiuIiik a... . , - 1 ..,.....!mi n'mn uiTiir in iimiiik nun i iikiii

HiroctH kiid running in an fan rlydlr.u-Io- n

"I iik Youi'K Nt'cot "21H-- n.cnoIn a nortlif r dlrrn Ion I ft" fuoi, tlifiic- - i

iiwitUmU' dlfcct'oii lo 1'ilkol h'hmv '

feet tli'U'Hlnu siiilierlv il rt"lt'.n al hkPdk'-- i mreot l'0..'I tit to ilai' of comiiiuiirt'iiicnt rontxlnli tl an ri'a ofit an aom

(IKO..UK I'. TOWNSKNI)Ullt-l- m MortKieH


Save Yunr Money For Tbis !

30R,C3-A3ST'- S

Evening Auction SalesTAKK 1M.ACB ON

Friday, Dec. 21st,A.M

Suturday, Dec. 22d,AT O'Ol OCK

O. R. te L Co.---


Christmas Day, Dec. ?5, 1894.

Excursion". "Rates:l'KAKI. 01TY KT

lat Class, 7fic. Sd OIubb, 00c.


lat Class, $1, Ud Oluau, 70c,



IMS 11

&. it II II N t


'I'mliK leave Honolulu at xil . ifif. m.

(ilCO.I 'J 1





DION I SON,Biii'rlntumlvul.

"W.F ss - r 'rmWWlt v..-


To Plantation Managers.

The following letters received from Mr. Jno. A. Scott, Mana-ag- er

Hilo Sugar Co., refer to the Avery Fertilizer Distrib-utors and Stubble Diggers, for which the Hawaiian Hard-

ware Co. are sole agents. Ar. Scott first saw these implementsat the Columbia Exhibition in Chicago, and was so favorablyimpressed with their appearance that he immediately orderedsamples shipped to the Hilo Sugar Co. AU. H. Deacon, Mana-

ger for Pepeekeo Sugar Co., secured one each of these inple- -; ments from Mr. Scott and expressed his satisfaction with them

in the letter published herewith:Pepeekeo, Aug. 8, 1894.

J. A. ScoTr,I)-a- r Sir: In reply to yours in relation to tho "Avery" Stubble Diggers

and Fertilizer Distributors.I would say that I have been using the Diggors almost constantly since

I received.them, and am highly pleased with thorn. As the name signifies,1 find them specially adapted to the work of loosening the soil about rat-to- on

stools and they mav bo ued to groat advantago either before orafter the Fertilizer Distributor, theroby putting tho rattoou Holds in thorory !est condition for a rapid growth. They are a light draft machine,and I would recommend them to any plantation owner.

Tho Fertilizer Distributor is a great labor saving machine, and I findthat I shall need ono more to fill our requirements here.

I romaiu, yours respectfully,(Signed) H. Deacon,Manager for Pepeekeo Sugar Co.


Mr. E. R. Hkndrt, Honolulu.Wainakc, Hilo, Aug. 0, 1891.

7r .Sir: In ronly to your onquiries regarding tho working of the"Avery" Stubblo Diggers and Fortilizor Distributors. I would say that Ihave been using the Diggers for some months and have dug some oighthundred acres of stools with them, thoroughly loosening the soil in andabout the roots, thus giving them anexcellont opportunity for many moroshoots to come forth than usually do. And I find that there is a thickerstand of cano whero it has been stubblo dug. Tho machine works in fer-tilizers on rattoou stools without any further hand labor, mixing themthoroughly with the soil and allowing them to get to the roots of thoplant.

The Fertilizer Distributors I have had at work for some time and Ihave fertilized ab'nit four hundred acres with them thus far aud thov aredoing all thu makers claim for them, distributing the fertilizers in an evenmnnuer on each side of tho cane aud in whatever quantity desired. Theyaro a good labor saving machine and are doing tho work of several men.These machines are of light draft aud strongly mado and there is nothingliable to get out of order. I can fully recommend those to plantationowners. remain, yours truly,

(Signed) John A. Scott,Manager Hilo Sugar Co.

We received by the Alameda a carload of Avery & Sons' Im-

plements which include Fertilizer Distributors, Stubble Diggersand Improved Sugar Land Cultivators. The latter has soliddiscs and shovel attachments. They are admirably adapted foruse in the soil here and will be found necessary on every plan-

tation.The Fertilizer Distributor is arranged to work on land where

the furrows are irregular with the same facility as where theyrun even.

Any information regarding these machines will be furnishedon application to

THE HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,iim-iii- i $07 Fort Street, Honolulu.

1201-- 1 in





from all tlio (VI lir.tted

Kactorlint In ihp llnltrd

htatra ....Pipes and




Havana, Manila, Hesican and American Cigars.

Cor. Fort and Meiohant Streets.

Jf you me in need of 11 AT und

GHAIN for your JksM Hn&

jjl i3t KitifJf up Tuleph lies

175. "We deliver to ull parts of

thu city. -:- - -- : - -:- -

iUnion Feed Co.,

Queen Street.

Temple of Fashion61 ffort Street

On Decuiiibfi' 1, 1801, we will buftin our

ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALETho Sulti will loiitliiuti iIiimik tlm KNTIIIK MONTH OK DK0K.M.Hi; It. Thu tloods iu lit) dlMosed of, colinlat of

Dry & Fancy Goods. Dress Goods, Etc,Boots, Shoos und Gout's Furnishing Goods.

tV-- An Imiui'iiMi Atniorlnu'iit ol TOYS FOIl OIIUIHTMAH .1&, Ck. SILVA, ProprltBtor.


-. GOODS !

Tint Meet All Demaods and Satisfy All Wants


N. S. SACH520 Fort St.


Honoliilu.Come unil sec Our Immense Variety of Fancy

Xovelties suitable for

Xmas and New Year's PresentsA CHOICE ABSOKTMKNT OK

Silk Drapes, Lace Table Runners, bee Scarfs,AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW l'KICK9

Kans, Hand Bags. Purses and Card CasesIN QKEAT VAItlETY.

Laoo Bod Spreads, Piush Scarfs, Fancy Table Covers,Utefnl and Acceptable Present.

Lades' rnrse Ml Vests, Mies' SI Hose,

Ladles' Openwork Silk Hose In White, Ulsck and Shade of Tan.

Novelties IB Silver Wars! LidieV Fine ParatolilDON'T rOIUIRT THE LITTLE FOLKS! -- m

Children's Dresses, Gapes and Cloaks. I

Luce and Silk llonnete, Children' Vtm, l'arasols, Etc, Etc., Etc.

A most Completo Stock and I.itmt Design', and prlcen that will aitonltli yon.

Itdlm' I'lna White Honmicil-tltrl- i llandkoridiUU at (I jHTdoioii.(.'dies' Wh-- Kitiliroldnri'd lland'Cichlcfa !&. cwh or $ l'2--' tloten.

I.idlr' Silk lUudkrrclilrf, ciuhroliletd; fur ino n il iij.winli.

Gentleman's Slk Umbrellas, SIHl Hegljge Shirts and Pajamas!Uenllcman'n Klna Neck Wrar, ii'dtl haraaln.(lontlniiiau'aS'lk, l.l'on aii'l tl rnl llordnr Hnm'kfrcli'ef.

Silk llaiidk'rL'lilefn at .W. each or f.tQ I a dntpii.Urnlleman'a Fine l.lmvi Uandki-iulileti- , fancy bonier; at 3.TA rdoirn.

Silks ! Silks ! Silks !SfKCIAli BAKGAISi! B KW Sl'Kt.'IAI. IIAKOAINB1

Wa hare Jmt ltclrd mr B. S. ''Ocoinlo" targe liwolon of

Solid Colors andFancy Striped Silks 1

Solid Col n In all tlio IMIratt Shadca and I'ritty StrlW(.oll'or tho Kntlrr lOi


Drink Everywhere


And at All Times


A 1IOMK.MADK AND IIOMEMAKINU I1KVEKAGE.very u.ihiiv iiioiiurcii, ami 11 tlio iiiutn u rect ona aro

followed, it will ulw.iys bo jjooil. Every member of tlio family,from tlm Imliy to the granilf.itlier, can enjoy IIikks' Root Hkku,anil every one uf tliem will have better health eueli nwullnw(liey liiko. It improves tlm unnotito, ptiriliutt tlio blood, uiultoner tlm whole bynleni. Ciiililren efjieciully delight in Hikes'Jtoov Ukkii. IU iirepumt ion interests them,; uml.' its use doestliem Kood. In tlioiiKiiiidrt of iioiiich, "IIikks1 Hoot Hkku tlmtmother mude," will lie iiuuiiij; the Impjiiust recolleotions ofeliililbood. It ck'iiiibt's the nymcm of tho poinonouihumors thatdoveloji in kidney and urinary iUkcum's, und in fact, in tinytlmt urines from un imptiro slulo of the blood,

Dinlinotly uinloratitiiil Uikkh' Hoot Hkkk is without udnlte-rntio- n

nrnny chemical or urtilicud udmixtiire wo provo it it ismade in our open Laboratory. No .eeret process. Wo Uko thebest Herbs und Knots, boil them down, bottle them und sendthem lo you. IVrlmpH thero isn't unother Hoot Hour Labora-tory in tho country open to publiu oye. Everybody knows IIikks'Hoot Hkku eheniic.ilH cun'l upprouch nuture. Will you usenatural K.Mit liter uud utify your thirht uiul strengthen yombody, or will you uko urtilleiul Hoot Hour to save a few penniesand ruin your health? There is leu lime un much Uikkh' HootUkkii bold than all other Hoot lleer extracts combined.


Hens)n', Smith Cdmi'axv..IIoi.i.iHTKit Diiuu Com pan v, Ltd.. ..Lewis & Cu.mpa.nv

."Wholesulu Druggists







i. ...


Grocers. . ,


Page 6: lie PEili mdlttin


I Artistic Furniture!

Now Goods of Every Desiptionand of tho Vory Latest Deoigns

just arrived from the Coast perbark "Bryant," at prices to suiteveryone's purse.

ORDWAY & PORTER,Hotel Street, "Robinson Block."

Bell 526 --TELEPHONES 4f

Pioneer Furniture HouseESST-A-BXjISHHII-

D 1859.New Goods 1 Latest Designs ! Largest Stock I



Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless MattinglVr Holl of 40 Yards, $12.00.

And a Pine Quality for $9 per Roll.

Headquarters for Baby Carriages 1

Pianos for Rent I Chairs for Rent I

Bell 179, TELEPHONES Mntnal 76.


(Burcetsoni to O. K. Williams.)



importer and Dealer in European Dry aid Fancy Goods

Ladles' Wares of every description. Alio, fresh line of Chinese Goods.

Pongee Se "Wliite Sills. DPaj gurnetsNo. 1 White and Colored Mattings I

BcBt Black and Green Chinese Tea. Crepe Shawla, Etc.

MERCHANT Fit Guaranteed. Price Moderate. --V

- M-uL-t-u-e- Tele;plione B4SrVI.BHHONI I





Fresh California Roll Batter and Island Batter0T ALWAYS 0NHAND J09

Goods Received tyEv6ry Steanw from Sao Francisco

All Orders faithfully attend to. Islandailciuxt ana parcea wun care.

Lincoln Blooi, Kino Stbikt, Hkt. Font and Alakica STBirra,





Satisfaction tuarantMl.


-- Y O BOX 7

toil Grows

Pro?ision Dealers Naval Suppliesfreak Qoodi by Every Caliiorala steam.

ICE - HOUSE - GOODS - A - SPECIALTY.Ulakdb Oruibk SouoiTien. jM 0T Satisfactioh Qoaiahtkip,

IMI.Ir'tfONa -


-- P O BOX 145



inrorrms and dsaliiw iv

Groceries. - Provisions - and - feed.Nw Opod HeneitBd oy Kvery Packet from the KaUrn HUUa and Mitror


til Oritr tattlifnlTv atumleii to and Uooda Hllvertrt to an?rrt of the Oltr KUKK.

slmi Osiikhi. 8ouuiTw. SawmoTion nvoANT OOBMBK FORI AHD KINO ITKIMTt,

L- -

Dai Nippon.Hotel Street

War Rumors.Tho war between Chins and

Japan is still on. So far thoJapanese have all the best ofit. How long this will last,time alono can tell.

Flushed by their numerousvictories, the Japanese arepushing their armies into Chi-

nese territory. The captureof Ping Yaug with its fortsand treasure was their Grstgreat success.

The naval battle at thomouth of tho Yalu River andthe total destruction of throoChinese men-of-w- ar followedthis quickly. Tho final expul-

sion of tho Chinoso from Coreaand tho capture of Kiew LionChang loft tho road open tothe Japs to both Moukdenand Peking.

To carry on this warfareJapan has (so far) enlisted onehundred thousand mon asidefrom her regular standingarmy, and hundreds of thebone and sinow of the land ofthe chrysanthemum are crowd-

ing tho recruiting offices daily.This has caused tho prico oflabor to increaso 100. Inconsequence Japanese mate-

rial and products of evorydescription havo nearly dou-

bled in prico.Howover, as wo had our

large Christmas order in seve-

ral mouths ago, wo will notbo affected.

Why trado with firms whocarry au assortment of goodsthat are of iuferior quality ormado by tho choapest labor,when you can get tho best fortho sanio price! Wo guaran-tee evory article in our storeto bo the very best that theJapanoso market cau produceand at prices that were invoguo before war was de-


For LadiesWo havo an assortment ofArticles lwth Useful and Orna-mental that must ploaso thomost Fastidious. Every ladyis particular about the Hand-kerchiefs .she uses. We haveall kinds Plain, BeautifullyEmbroidered, Drawn andOpen Work all Colors andSizos.

Doilies, haud'paintodembroidered, Crepe


Sashes, Silk aud Crepe Shawls,and a variety of Scarfs. Wealso received a largo varietyof Silk Dress Goods.

For GentsWe havo Silk Shirts whitoand colored either plain orembroidered; Cravata, Nock-tie- s

of every variety, shadeand shape, Smocking Jacketsaud Caps, that aro a pleasureto wear, aud Silk aud CottonPajamas that are comfortableand well made; also the twoextremes Straws Hat andSlippers.

Nothing in Honolulu canapproach the small order ofBoots that wo have. Theywere made by the best Japa-nese Mechanics, and we guar-

antee the quality, style, fit

and finish Calf, PatentLeather and Tan.

MiscellaneousArticlos, such as Tea Cosiesfor covoring Tea Services, etc.Fine Table and Bed Covers,and pretty Chair Backs wohavo in profusion.

Also somo Menu Cards forThauksgiviug, Christmas andNow Year's that aro prettyand tasty.

ChildrenEnjoy Christmas princi-

pally because they receive loveofferings from parontB andfriends, A good present togivo a boy is one of our But-

terfly Pins, ami a nice presentfor your girl can bo had bygetting oiio of our Books ofFairy Tales, they aro made offine Crepe paper profuselyIllustrated and tho .Stories arotranslated from Old JapaneseLegauds.

PFWSBIPPI fip-ppr-Y!,

Jfcj-,i ? Vrr ISjwii?-- . 'SWWgppH'


Young Hawaiian Have a First-rat- e

Meeting at Their Hall.

There was a good attendance attho meeting of tho Young Hawai-ian- s'

Instituto yesterday evening.Henry Smith, president, occupiedtho chair. Chas. Wilcox, recordingsecretary, being absent throughsickness, the corresponding secre-tar- v

acted in that capacity toumor- -.r . . . ramy. Une newly elected lnotnoer

presented a certificate of goodphysical health from H. V. Murray,M. D., and was duly initiated. Thoinvestigation committee had no re-

port to tnako. The executivo com-mittee reported that they had elect-ed J. H. Boyd as chairman of thatcommittee. Regarding tho furtherfurnishing of the hall tho committeeasked for more timo. Printed slipsof the revised constitution were fur-uisb-

tho members by the revisioncommittee. There was considerableroutine business done, tho meetinglasting until uear 10 o'clock. Thomeeting adjourned with a few vocalselection by tho musical members.

0 m

An Eyo-Opan- er for the AmericanLeague.

Editor Bulletin:It is very amusing to read tho Ad-

vertiser on tho very naughty ways ofthe New York Nation in treating thoHawaiian question. It must gowithout saying that the Nation istelling tho naked truth about affairsin Hawaii, aud this is the last thingthat tho Advortiser and its followingdesires. The accuracy with whichthe New York papor has treated ouraffairs has been surprising to thosoof us who read American newspapers.Now comes tho Nation, sayiug asfollower "A prominent mombor ofthe Hawaiian Government, Mr. Da-mon, told his follow councillors afew weeks ago: 'If wo wait for theUnited States to givo us annoxation,we shall havo to wait a long time.What is to be done, wo must do our-selves.' This doctrine is now 'treason'among the Hawaiian extremists.They must havo annexation imme-diately, aud thero is no use iu talk-ing about establishing a governmenton any other basis. Yet thero is evi-dently a growing conviction amongthe revolutionists that they mustcontinue to hold their own dog bytho ears for some time to come.This conviction will not bo weaken-ed by the growing iudifleronco oftho Jiopuhlicaus to poor outragedHawaii. Whou tho furious Itoutollotries to annex by resolution in thenext Congress, he will find Speakerlloed as stubborn and noisy with thegavel as over Speaker Crisp was."

By tho way, speaking of Boiitollo,it is said that bo is theouo congressman who is sure to do tho wrongthing at the right time. More powerto his peculiar judgment.

Tho one drawback to the would-b- e

annexationists iu tho United Statesis the large Chinese aud Japaneseelement iu our population, and thowould-b- e annexationists horo haveboon repeatedly told this. Iu theface of this information more Japan-ese are coining here and only thoother day P. (J. Jones aud C. Bolte,representing tho Planters' Labor &Supply Company, asked Mr. Dole'sgovernment to remove the restric-tions to Chinoso immigration. Thisaction can only bo interpreted tomean that the P. L. & S. Companylooks upon annexation as a deadissue, bo mote it be.


Boyond Comparison

Aro the good qualities pnMosiod byHood's Sarsaparilla. Above all itpurifies the blood, thus strcugthcu-in- g

the norvos; it regulates tho di-gestive organs, iuv'gurates the kid-neys aud liver, tones and builds upthe entire system, euros Scrofula,Dypepsia. Catarrh and UliouuintitiivGot Hood's and tho only Hood's. '

Hood's Pills euro all liver ills,biliousuess, juuudice, indigestion,sick headache. 25n.



l'.'14-l- w


For Sale

H. V. Schmidt & Sons,

in Tbee Cliiiiy Horoiogs

the thoughts of the householderare directed towards fuel as ameans of keeping warm. Toget tho right quality at thoright prico is the matter to boconsidered. There's lots audlots of wood for sale, but to getwhat is best for the money istho question.

Wo conteud aud we believewe are right in our judgment,that the wood we deliver tq ourpatrons is tho best over oilorodfor sale in Honolulu. Ouralgoroha is full growth audhas more body to it than thatgrown anywhere on tho Inlands.Our wood choppers know agood thing whun they see it,and in cutting they select onlywhat t hoy know to be good touse. Wo never deliver any ex-

cept what is good. You takeno uhauccH whatever when youtelephone us an order for wood.You gut just as good as if youcame to the much and seluetedit yourself,

Tin; WAIALA10 JtXNCJII.Daily JlulUtln CO ctnti yrr month,

Santa Clans

is gathering together theusual choice array of Holi-day Supplies at Thuum'sFoirr-STKEB- T Store, whichfor variety in carefully pc-lcct- ed

goods from Paris,New York, Philadelphiaand San Franciflco rendersthis long established storethe recognized


of Holiday Novelties in niltho lines of Dolls and DollSundries, Toys and Games,Wagons, Carriages, Rock-ing Horses, Shoollies, Velo-cipedes, Tool Chests, Croquet Set", Mocks, Juvenileand Toy Books, Etc., Etc.

The Attraotionsof ChristmasNoveltics, Sty-lish Stationery, with a fineassortment of LeatherGoods in Puives, MagazineCovers, Card Cases, Writ-ing and Traveling Cases,Albums, Etc., give oppor-tunity for choice selectionsat moderate prices.

Yet to ArriveMarblo Statuary, Presenta-tion and MiscellaneousBookn, more Dolls, latestdesigns in Indian Workand Bon-Bo- n Baskets, alsoa large stock of Crepe Tis-

sue Papers in choicest co-

lors and tint edges.



A T THK ADJOIMNRDxV. inooilnif ol tho Kaiiiii.ui


CoMTAKY, Limited, held at their Otllrr, Intlilstlty. on ihe'JMh Inst., the followingOlllccrs wure to servo during thecnxuliiK year:

O. 1 Wilder President,H. (1. WilderH. 11. Huso..., Secretary,0. L. Wlitht Treasurer,U. J. Knlk Auditor.

S. II. ItOSK.Bccrolary.

Honolulu, Nov. 2d, I8!)l. llUs-l- m


THK ADJOUUNKD ANNUALAT IllCflilltf Of WlLllhltV tSTKAMXIIlrCoM.r.NV, Limited, held at thrlr tllllco. In tillCity, on tho '.iith inni., tho following Ollhvrswcro elected to servo during the entilingyear i

(1. L Wlslit. I'reMiUnt,J. K. Huckfold t,

K, II Itoa Ketre ary,B II. Koto TivuMirur,W. F. Allen Auditor.

H. II. II OH"Btcrutary.

Honolulu, Nov. 20, 1MII. lllH-li- n


A SI'KOI.VI. MKUTINO OK WII.-hkr'- kAT Btkauniiii Company, Limited,held at tlirlrOIIIco, III thU Cltv, Dvceiulnr4, INUI, tliu following (luiiUeinou wuroelected at Directum of tho Coin puny forthe c Mining year:

WM. 0. I It WIN,W.M. V, AI.I.KN.WM. 0. WI1.DKK.(IhO. 0. llliUKl.KV.

The uhovo OoutluuiPii toguthorwith tho l'reitldeiit, Viee t, undKecrotury and TreuKiirerof the Com jinny,conxtl'iilo the Hoard of Dlrruiorii.

l'JOI-l- ui H. II. KOSi:, Bfcrctury.



I.L 1'KltSONB INTKNDINO TOL tako paMiaKo on tho "tfniiiurs "Ki-u- "

and "Olauhink." from Honohiln arohereby requeatud to imrohttHO attho tompauy'rt Olllo hvforo uinlmrkliiK;and any lmasviiiier iuiuiik to uo xo will iiosubject to nay tuont-llv- i jiorueut of thoregular faro In addition thereto. This rulewill bo H'rlctly enforced from and afterJanuary 1, lb'J5. For tho convenience ofpaHseiiKcru tho Olllcu will ho op-- n

for tlm ttale of on the nlternoons ofIho day of u.lllni; of tho uteamcm 'Kikau"

ml ! 1. . ntitNl? O

V1U)KII'8 8TKAM8UII' CO.Honolulu, Dec. 0, IK'JI. IlliS-l- m


IN VKltYASUKHYllepalr. Altoa few ilrakes both Newand Second-han- Apiiiy to

1107-t- fw. W. WUIU1IT,

Honolulu CarrlaH M'f'y.







lull, IBHUhl) IIY 1'AIAJ I'lhiitutlou, Maui, Bi'p eiuh--r l.'1, 1!II

on HIhIioo .V Co In liwor of Kiihu ut hail-roa- d

Coiiiiilw, l.wnili'd. I'liyiufiit onhame has been utoiiped. All pcrxoim urehereby warned ai;uluHt uoKOtlatlnt; name.



rpHKSTKAMKHKlNAUWII.I.UJAVKX. Jlllo, Haturday, Dec. ut 7 o'clock

i'. m., ami arrive at Honolulu, Monday,Dec. 21th nt ll o'clock a. m.

WIl.DKIt'S BTKA.MBHll' CO.Honolulu. Dec. 6, USUI. llttl Id


1. 1. l'i:ilMlN8 HAVINd 0I.AI.MBA npniiiMt tint KkIiiIh o B. vou Topiu,dfceasi'd, mo hereby r ( nt-s- i to piUM-u- t

tho Kiimo iinmi'dliiiely to tlm uudtrli;m'lut thoolllunof II. lliickfuld A Co.. Iloiiolulu. J. K. JIM KI'KI.K,

Acting ItiiMilitn VIco'CoiihiiI.llnnoliilu, Die, 18, Ih'jl. Ulo-.'i- t


rpilK BTKAMIIll1 li'itvo lure on

W. (1. JI.M.I, WU.I.Monday. Ilco. 2l'li. at... . . . . ... -- . . . .

in O'clock , m,, mm win iirriwi ut Jiono.lulu Tuesday iniirii iiKi Jan 1 , IH'.'.. rlhlit-iter- s

urn herein' reiiiesleii to ship tlilrliel;lit on H.lltirdity, Den, Y'.M.

W. II. Mil. KAN,l'Jll-l- w Bocrolury 1. 1, S. N. Co,


Express Go.

will conduct a General For-warding and Express Busi-ncH- S

between the entire groupof Islands. Wc make our-

selves responsible for all Pack-ages and Goods sent by us.We have responsible Agentsat all ports touched by Steam-ship Companies.

Our Express Wagons willcall for und deliver to anypart of the city.

Baggage Checked direct todestination from hotel or resi-


Packages and money sentby our Exprc-- s iystem aroguaranteed for their full va-


Our Agents board all in-

coming steamers.

Baggage and Goods storedthree days free of charge.

1 Place of Business :

Hotel and Union streets.Both Telephones 470.

The 10-MileR- Race




ALFRED GRIFFITHSWlm First Time I'rlie.

LOUIS MARSH LLrVrond Place J'rlre.

Doth ltldoro M tinted on "Cleveland"II cycle's.

A. I. 0,!.. . I ...iiuii iiidv eintr.

"i:iivolnd Tin--.- ,

Atkinson. whi nraetlrallvrode a muchine lilted Willi

"0 THinn l" nicrclc and Tlr arrtnt, conthteriup tl em wire only three'Uli-- landi ' m tho ltnre.

a E WALKER. Agent

JewelryOur stock of HolidayGoods aro now ready 'orinspection at our NewStore (Wennei's oldstund) on Fort Street.A carefully selected stockof Jewelry bought withan eye on tho HolidayTrade und will be sold atreasonable prices.


Criterion SaloonFort, Hotel

Cihb, J, McOaiitiiy, Manager.

Popular Braafi Straight Good


ry Oreat Apimtlter TlIK IlxowNir.Cocktail Hpeclalty tslth this retort.

nEroT or THK

Famoufi Wieland Lager Beer.

Merchants' Exchange8. 1. BHAW, Proprietor.

1214 tf

near Sti.



Olioice Liquors

and Fine BeerIIKI-I- . 4U1.

Cor. KliiRand Nuiiunn Street, Honolulu


Dltlieaand Qlabsware Wanted I

Clocks, Watches and Jewelry WantedOld Gold sud Hllvor Wantnd I

tr Bii)t114 Kinjr 8trnt


Prleaa PaHI jV. Gnrnor of AlnWna

Atlas Assurance Go.

97 3JOXT33OX0


II. W OHMIDT in SOWhAirttnlM Inr HhwhIImi IslnmU


Coiltc'or and Rnal EbUle A0di

HoilseH Ituiitit I, Itcilts Collected,

Ollleoi Uumiiilns' lllonk, Merchant Btreet.llW-li- n


18 THE


Save Half tho Amount of Tour OilBill Through Saving In Pigment.

Every painter should uso Lucol in-

stead of Linseed Oil, because:

ou.I.ocoL Is more durahlt than Llnieed

'J. Lucol la more tconomical than Linseed OU.


Six years of actual uo in exteriorhouse painting in California (thomost trying climato for paints), intho burning heat of the Arizona Des-ert, tho Arctic cold of Alaska, and ontho Atlantic const, havo fully andpractically kIiowii that Lucol alwaysoutwears Linseed Oil under tho sameconditions. All tho acid works inWan FranclHCO have dixcarded Lin-seed Oil for Lucol.


Put strong ammonia on Linncrd andLucol puints. Tho Llneceil paintsare destroyed in a few minutes; theLucol paiuts aro practically uuaUcct-cd- .


Ureiik up 1J llis. paute while leadin one pint ol Lucol, mid the ramiquantity iu one pint of LitiRfcil Oil.Hpreatl tho p.tinls on xiinilur durksurfaces for comparison. I lie Ltieolpaint prciul as far iik and cnvi'rsmuch hotter than tho Liiixcrd paint.To gel equally good covering wllli theLineeed paint you have to .ttxe 2) IIih.of white loud to one pint of Mum elOil. This nicatiH a eaviiig of J) lb. ofinisto lead to each idiit of Lucoi. iim'iI,urOlhr.. to every gallon, equivalentto your saving mure than half thoII ret coot of the Lucol.

Lucol is not iu competition withcheap I.inneed Oil siihhtitutes.


Agent for the Hawaiian Islands




RrttnH I'ire luaraBC Co.,kwAu, 17,109,826.4a.

LoudoD J i.toiMMklre Fin Its. Co.,

iiMti, M.317,052.

Tbawimand Vuney Marble Iu. Co.,il.tmltmt)

AM6t. IB.124,057.

N furl Lite Ihs. Co.,Auets, tl37.4B9.19B.tt9.

(1. 0. BERGEK,Oeaeril Ageat for HawalUa lalaatfa.


Grocery . Store32i NUUANU BTIIKKT,

ilctwceu Hotel und Klnu Street, next toBliootliiK Uallery.

GEO. MC1NTYREHas opened a Klrsl-cla- ss Grocery Woreas above. Ho nil) ktep always on handinc iieumiiu rresiumi.

American and English Groceries

ProvinioiiB, SpicoB,

Cunncd GoodB, Etc.,Aud do his best to please all


I'ltrolmses delivered to all partsof tho Cliy. Tolop'h.ori.o 257.

Wire -:- - Nails.XjXj SIZES.


FinishingVEXV3T CUB-A.- .

WILDER & CO., L' ii .

BuildingLots !

At Walkllil ou ear lino and on I' near Kertillrluu I'liinl, Theso lHsurn Very Clicup ninl Bold ou easy terms.Deslrublo Acre True is nuur tlm city undother I'loperlles for hivlo.

llltUCK WAItINd .t CO.,Dcslers III Uitsaud Un.ils.

Ull-t- f tH r'ort Btreet, near Klnu.

i,t Jmkmt4 A fel !"