libro de ingles3


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BLOCK I. DESCRIBES SITUATIONS CAUSE AND EFFECT........................................................1

Didactic sequence 1. Review what you know about simple present tense.................................2

Didactic sequence 2. Review what you know about simple future tense....................................7

Didactic sequence 3. What will happen if you...?........................................................................12

Didactic sequence 4. “If i do not want to...”.................................................................................18



Didactic sequence 1. “People used to….”...................................................................................26

Didactic sequence 2. “I used to play….”.....................................................................................30

Didactic sequence 3. “I used to travel…”....................................................................................36

Didactic sequence 4. “I used to eat…”........................................................................................39



Didactic sequence 1. “What were you doing yesterday?”...........................................................43

Didactic sequence 2. “She was wearing a red dress”.................................................................49

Sequence didactic 3. “What were you doing when I called you?”...............................................55

Didactic sequence 4. “Making a recipe”......................................................................................61

BLOCK IV. GIVES DIRECTIONS AND MAKES REQUESTS.........................................................65

Didactic sequence 1. “Hurry up! It’s late!”...................................................................................66

Didactic sequence 2. “Phrasal verbs usage in different context”................................................86



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DESCRIBES SITUATIONS CAUSE AND EFFECTCompetencias Disciplinares básicas: * Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe. * Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos. * Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto. *Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa. * Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información. Unidad de competencia: Describe hechos y situaciones presentes y futuras, de manera oral y escrita, en situaciones de contexto personal, familiar y social. Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes atributos de las competencias genéricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.


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1.- Escribir en el pizarrón: review simple present tense

2.- Mediante una lluvia de ideas solicitar al grupo que digan en inglés actividades que realizan en su vida cotidiana (verbos en presente simple), mientras el/la docente los escribe en el pizarrón.

SUGERENCIA: se recomienda que el docente escriba enunciados cortos utilizando los verbos de la lluvia de ideas, empleando las “wh questions” o preguntas informativas: where, who, what, etc.


I. Leer el texto en voz alta y solicitar a los alumnos que lean después de él/ella.


JOHN Mc PORRAN is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs.

He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, and undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop in a small hotel.


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John lives and works on the Island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha, but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day.

Every weekday John gets up at 6:00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8:00 he drives the island´s children to school. At 9:00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island´s only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop.

He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we don´t like watching television. In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10:00 we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. “Perhaps our life is not very exciting, but we like it.”

1. Pedir a cada alumno que escriba las palabras que desconoce para sentar las bases de su diccionario personal.

2. Pedir a los alumnos que busquen los significados en español de las palabras del punto anterior.

3. Solicitar hagan una lectura de barrido del texto (lectura rápida) y busquen los verbos en tiempo presente.

4. Solicitar a los alumnos los enlisten en su cuaderno.5. Realizar una comparación de los verbos encontrados en la lectura con los

escritos, al inicio de las actividades, en el pizarrón.6. Solicitar al alumno que elija 5 verbos y los emplee en enunciados en forma

afirmativa, luego los cambie a su forma negativa y por último a pregunta.

NOTA: Recordar a los alumnos el uso del “do” y “does”.

Ejemplos:She dances every weekend.She does not dance every weekend.Does she dance every weekend?Yes, she does.No, she doesn’t.


II. According to the text answers the following questions. Choose A, B or C.De acuerdo al texto responda las siguientes preguntas. Elija A, B o C.

1.     Where does John live?a)    In Colombia. b)       In Scotland . c)    In Paris.


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2.    How old is he?a)         60 years old. b)   50 years old. c)    20 years old.

3.    How many jobs does he have?a)    12 jobs. b)   6 jobs. c)         13 jobs.

4.    What´s his wife´s name?a)    John. b)   Maria c)         Margaret . 5.    What does she do?a)    She works in the supermarket. b)       She works in the shop . c)    She works

in the hospital.

6.    How many people live on Gigha? a)    150 people live on Gigha. b)   130 people live on Gigha. c)         120 people

live on Gigha.

7.    How many tourists visit Gigha in summer?a)         150 tourists . b)   120 tourists. c)    130 tourists.

8.    What does John do in the morning?a)    He gets up, makes breakfast for the hotel guest, watching television, he

drives the island´s children to school, collects the post from the boat and delivers it to the entire house on the island and finally he helps Margaret in the shop.

b)       He gets up, makes breakfast for the hotel guest, he drives the island´s children to school, collects the post from the boat and delivers it to the entire house on the island and finally he helps Margaret in the shop.

c)    He gets up, makes breakfast for the hotel guest, he drives the island´s children to school, collects the post from the boat and delivers it to the entire house on the island and finally he sleeps all day.

III.Solicitar a los alumnos que completen la siguiente tabla escribiendo los oficios (en inglés) encontrados en la lectura y la complementen con profesiones que conozcan.

OCCUPATIONS PROFESSIONSPostman TeacherPoliceman DoctorFireman DentistTaxi driver EngineerSchool bus driverBoat man


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Ambulance manAccountantPetrol attendantBarmanUndertaker



VI. Write the professions/ occupations in the picture, you can find the job in the grid.





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CLOSING ACTIVITY (ACTIVIDAD DE CIERRE) 1.  Complete the song with the verbs in simple present tense.

Imagine there's no Heaven It' s easy if you tryAnd no Hell below us Above us only sky 

Imagine all the people Living for today Imagine there's no country It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too imagine all the people Living life in peace 

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you will join us And the world will be as one 

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger Or Brotherhood of Man 

Imagine all the people Sharing all the world You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one 

I hope someday you will join us And the world will live as one. Imagine by John Lennon


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1. Presentar el tema: review simple future tense2. Realizar la dinámica de “la papa caliente” con una pelota pequeña. El/ la

docente explicará que va a repasar el tiempo futuro simple con las profesiones y oficios vistos en clases anteriores. Ej. I will be a doctor. Lanzará la pelota a un alumno al azar y él tendrá que decir otro enunciado y así sucesivamente.



I. Dividir al grupo en binas para leer el siguiente dialogo en voz alta

A: – What do you think the future will be like?

B: – I think cars will fly.

A: – Really?  What do you think the schools will be like?

B: – I think people will study in their houses via the Internet.

A: – What will hospitals be like?

B: – I think medicine will be totally different.  We won't have many of the diseases that we have today.

A: – How will houses be different?

B: – Maybe we'll have robots to clean our house and cook.


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A: – That would be nice!

II. Solicitar que se aprendan el texto en binas y hagan un role play (juego de roles), en el cual los alumnos pasarán al frente a representarlo.

III. Escribe las palabras en orden para formar enunciados.  Asegúrate de que escribiste correctamente las letras en mayúsculas o minúsculas como corresponde y que escribiste el punto o signo de interrogación al final.

1. think/ cars/ I /will/ fly/I think cars will fly.

2. will/ What /hospitals/ like/ be/ ?What hospitals will be like?

3. houses/ be/ How/ different/ will/ ?How different houses will be?

4. won't/ diseases/ We/ have/ many .We won’t have many diseases.

5.  future/ will/ What/ like/ think/ be/ do/ the/ you/ ? What do you think future will be like?

IV. Pedir a los alumnos que lean después del docente el siguiente texto.


When will we have robots?  We already have many kinds of robots!  Industries use a variety of robots and now robots are becoming more common in the home. 

The Husqvarna company makes the Auto Mower, a lawn mowing robot.  The robot has sensors which detect where objects are in the yard and it maneuvers around them.  The robot can cut the grass while you relax on the patio with a glass of lemonade!  Also, Eureka now makes a robotic vacuum cleaner.  Like the robot lawn mower, the vacuum cleaner automatically detects where the furniture is and vacuums around it.  

Cars are becoming robots now that many cars have GPS (Global Positioning Systems) on them.  A car with a GPS system can give you directions


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on how to go somewhere, tell you where the closest gas station is, and, some day in the future, will drive itself.  You will take a nap or read while the car drives itself to your destination.

We even have robotic pets now.  The Sony Company makes a robotic dog named Aibo that can sit, stand, and walk like a regular dog but can also communicate and take pictures!  Aibo understands certain commands, like a dog does, such as "Sit down", "Stand up", and “Turn right".  If you ask Aibo a question such as "How old are you?” its eyes will flash how many years it has.  Aibo is also a great guard dog.  He can patrol the yard and take pictures with a built in camera of anything suspicious.

1. Integrar a los alumnos en grupos colaborativos.2. Pedir que escriban en su diccionario personal el vocabulario

desconocido.3. Solicitar que encierren los verbos en tiempo futuro encontrados en la

lectura.4. Indicar a los alumnos que subrayen los cognados o palabras

transparentes (palabras que se entiende su significado en ambos idiomas) que encuentren en el texto.

5. Solicitar que pase un miembro de cada uno de los grupos colaborativos y escriba verbos y cognados en el pizarrón

V. Exercises in Simple Future tense (will).

1. José, Pedro and Martha (visit) will visit you.

2. She (get) will get you a Coke.

3. Our team (win) will win the competition.

4. Isabel (bake) will bake a cake.

5. I (buy) will buy the tickets for Ricky Martin’s concert.

6. He (do) will do his homework.

7. We (stay) will stay at home tonight.

8. Sarah hopes that Jesús (clean) will clean his room this afternoon.

9. I’m sure your parents (understand) will understand your problems.

10.We (go) will go to a party this Saturday.


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VI. Create sentences using the words to form simple Future (will).

1. Travel/ around/ you/ the/will/ world.Affirmative: You will travel around the world. Negative: You won’t travel around the world.Question: Will you travel around the world?

2. Perfect/ will/ everything/be.Affirmative: Everything will be perfect.Negative: Everything won’t be perfect.Question: Will everything be perfect?

3. You/will/always/I/loveAffirmative: I will always love you.Negative: I won’t always love you.Question: Will I always love you?

4. Eduardo/ the/will/rules/breakAffirmative: Eduardo will break the rules . Negative: Eduardo won’t break the rules. Question: Will Eduardo break the rules?

5. Close/will/the/door/IAffirmative: I will close the door.Negative: I won’t close the door. Question: Will I close the door?


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In small collaborative groups, prepare a mind map about the review of the simple present and simple future. (En grupos colaborativos, prepare un mapa mental para realizar un repaso del presente y futuro simple)


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1. Por medio de preguntas generadoras, cuestionar el conocimiento previo de los alumnos acerca de que es una causa y que es un efecto, llegando a una conclusión grupal.

2. Solicitar que los alumnos ejemplifiquen situaciones cotidianas de causa- efecto en español.

3. Presentar el tema: hoy aprenderemos los condicionales tipo 0 y tipo 1. (Dividir el pizarrón en 2 mediante una línea)


I. Escribir en una de las divisiones del pizarrón los siguientes enunciados (que serán los condicionales tipo 0):

If it rains, I get wet.


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If you call the doctor, he comes.

If you drop an apple, it falls.

1. Solicitar que el alumno observe los 3 enunciados, guiándolos para que encuentre las similitudes entre ellos (if, coma, verbos en presente).

2. Explicar que este tipo de enunciados se compone de 2 clausulas; una, contiene el” IF”, que es la “if clause” o cause (CAUSA); y la otra es la “main clause” o effect (EFECTO)

3. Los alumnos guiados por el docente deberán construir la estructura.

If clause (CAUSE) Main clause (EFFECT)If + Present tense Present tenseIf you freeze water it turns into ice.

Nota: si la primera clausula es la del IF, usualmente se usa una coma. Si la clausula IF es la segunda, no hay necesidad de una coma.


If you heat water to 100°C, it boils. Water boils it you heat it at 100°C.

4. Hacer notar que se usa este tipo de condicional cuando la condición y el resultado siempre es verdad, como por ejemplo los hechos científicos o verdades generales.

II. Escribir en la otra división del pizarrón los siguientes enunciados (que serán los condicionales tipo 1):

If you heat that substance too much, it will explode. If you win the lottery, you will be rich. If you cross that line, you will be arrested.

1. Solicitar que observen los enunciados y los comparen con los anteriores para que expresen las similitudes y diferencias.

2. Con la ayuda del docente los alumnos construirán la regla del primer condicional.


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If clause (CAUSE) Main clause (EFFECT)If + Present tense Future simple tenseIf I finish high school I will go to the University

3. Las oraciones condicionales tipo 1, sirven para expresar situaciones que probablemente (o seguramente) ocurrirán en el futuro si se cumple la condición indicada .Se usa condicional tipo 1 en ofrecimientos, sugerencias, advertencias y/o amenazas.


If we hurry, we will catch the train. If Susan studies hard, she can answer the math exam. If you get home after midnight, you won’t go out in a month.

III. Actividades de condicional cero

From de verbs given, choose those who complete the following sentences correctly and logically.

Cause clause: has expose mix freeze are

Effect or result clause: catch becomes get burn stops

a) If you freeze water, it becomes a solid.b) If my husband has a cold, I usually catch it.c) People are using their cars if public transport stops efficient.d) If you mix red and blue, you get purple.e) Phosphorus expose if you burn it to air.

IV. Change the order of the following conditional sentences. (cambie el orden de las condicionales en los siguientes enunciados)


If she eats too much chocolate, my daughter gets sick.

My daughter gets sick if she eats too much chocolate.

1. If it gets wet, iron rusts.


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1. Iron rusts if it gets wet.

2. If you drop ice in water, it floats.2. It floats if you drop ice in water.

3. The grass doesn’t grow if there is no rain.3. If there is no rain, the grass doesn’t grow.

4. You die if you don´t eat.4. If you don’t eat you die.

5. If you want to make a phone call, insert a phone card in the slot.5. Insert a phone card in the slot if you want to make a phone call.

6. If Mrs. Flores is not in the office, leave a message in the answering machine.6. Leave a message in the answering machine if Mrs. Flores is not in the office.


V. Solicitar que observen la ilustración y mediante lluvia de ideas hagan predicciones acerca de lo que piensan que se va a tratará la lectura.

Internet dating dangers

Meeting over the Internet will cause problems. First, chat rooms can attract unpleasant people. Someone can seem nice at first, but then become rude. Second, it is easy for people to lie about themselves on the internet. Moreover, people who are married or who already have a serious relationship may use the internet to have an affair. So if you meet someone new on the internet, you will think you have found a soul mate, but then you will be disappointed when the truth comes out. What’s more, surfing the internet you do alone. If you are alone at your computer at home, then you are not in the real world meeting people face to face. In addition, internet romance often develops quickly, and can become serious too quickly. Always remember, meeting online is not real and cannot replace face to face contact.

1. Mediante lectura de scanner (de barrido) buscar cognados o palabras transparentes.


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2. Indicar a los alumnos que circulen los verbos o acciones encontradas en el texto.

3. Pedir que subrayen los condicionales que encuentren.4. Solicitar que agreguen en su diccionario personal el vocabulario

desconocido.5. Pedir al alumno que haga una interpretación de la lectura en español.

VI. Read the text one more time “internet dating dangers”, then read the sentences and check the ones are true according to the information you read.

a) If you date by internet, your romantic life will be easier than the real life. True False

b) If you date by internet, you will start a serious relationship. True Falsec) If you want to feel real love, then you will use the internet dating. True Falsed) If you use internet dating, you will find people who often lie about their

romantic status. True Falsee) Dating agencies will make money if more lonely people want to find love.

True False

Nota: según la frase condicional convendrá emplear otros verbos modales en lugar de will. Podemos usar can, may y might, en caso de posibilidad y “should” en caso de consejo.


You can come with me if you want. If you are good, I may buy you an ice- cream If he wins this game, he might win the championship. If you want to be healthy, you should give up smoking.

VII. Match the 2 columns below according to the first conditional

1. If you don’t wear a thick coat (11) you should eat less bread2. If you don’t have any money ( 5 ) you may become a millionaire

Someday3. If I have time, (6) you’ll become a poor man.4. If it is warm tomorrow, (4) we’ll go the park.5. If you work hard, (8) I will come back tomorrow.6. If you spend more than you ear, (12) you should study hard.7. If you pay now, (10) if I bring it back for tomorrow?


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8. If he is busy now, (2) I can lead you some.9. If it rain today, (1) you might catch a cold.10.May I take this book home (3) I’ll visit my parent this afternoon.11. If you want to lose weight (7) you’ll get a discount.12. If you want to learn more (9) I’ll stay at home.


1. Recortar una hoja de máquina por la mitad para hacer tarjetas de trabajo.2. En las dos tarjetas escribir un enunciado; la primera deberá contener la

causa y la segunda el efecto. (Utilizar ambos condicionales).

Nota. Dependiendo del número de grupos de trabajo que se forman en el grupo, dividir los 68 enunciados contenidos en la secuencia didáctica 3.

3. Una vez que todos los grupos hayan escrito las oraciones en las tarjetas, estas serán entregadas en desorden al profesor, quien las repartirá a los distintos grupos de trabajo para que las ordenen adecuadamente (cuidando de no entregar a un grupo de trabajo, las tarjetas que ellos mismos hicieron).

4. Cada grupo de trabajo deberá ordenar adecuadamente los enunciados, pegándolas en el pizarrón que estará dividido en las siguientes clasificaciones:

Condicionales Tipo Cero Condicionales Tipo UnoWill Can May


Should Negativas


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Presentar el tema: escribir en el pizarrón el tema que aprenderemos el día de hoy es: Condicionales con negación.

1. Escribir en el pizarrón los siguientes 3 enunciados:

If I eat a lot, I won’t feel good.

If I don’t go out tonight, I will wake up early.

If I don’t study hard, I won’t pass the exam.

2. Solicitar que los alumnos las observen y preguntar:


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En el primer enunciado ¿la condición/ causa es positiva o negativa? : If I eat a lot (+); y ¿el resultado/efecto del primer enunciado es positivo o negativo?: I won’t feel good (-)

3. Y repetirlo con los otros 2 enunciados de forma tal que los alumnos deberán llegar a la siguiente conclusión:

Negation can be expressed in three ways.

(+) cause or condition, (-) result If I eat a lot, I won’t feel good.

(-) cause or condition, (+) result If I don’t go out tonight, I will wake up early.

(-) cause or condition, (-) result If I don’t study hard, I won’t pass the exam.


I. Complete using the verb in the parenthesis. Complete usando el verbo que está entre paréntesis.

1. We will die (die) if we don’t get (not get) help soon!2. We won’t go (not go) on a picnic if it rains.3. Teresa won’t pass the exam if she doesn’t study.4. If it isn’t hot, you won’t (not) turn on the air conditioning. 5. You won’t know (not know) how good player Jack is, if you don’t play (not

play) with him.6. If we don’t hurry (not hurry), we will arrive late.7. If your wife doesn’t like (not like) this house, will you still buy it?8. If you won’t help (not help) me, I won’t give (not give) you a lot of money.


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II. Del banco de datos elije la opción correcta y escríbela en la línea

If you dare. she'll be sad. if I have time. If he's illif he drives. you will pass. If he sings If you love meif it's sunny. If you vote for me If you wear glasses. I'm not go

If you study, you will pass.

I’m not go , if it rains. I'll do it, if I have time .

Do it, if you dare.


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If you vote for me , I will win.

You'll see it, if you wear glasses .

If you love me , I'll be happy.

He'll come, if it’s sunny.

If Tom cries, she’ll be sad.

If he sings , I'll listen. If he is ill , he won't be able to go.

I won't go, if he drives.

III. Después de haber realizado la actividad anterior, cambia los enunciados a su forma negativa.

a. If you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam. b. _____________________________________ c. _____________________________________ d. _____________________________________ e. _____________________________________ f. _____________________________________ g. ______________________________________ h. ______________________________________ i. ______________________________________ j. ______________________________________ k. ______________________________________


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l. ______________________________________ m. ______________________________________


NOTA DE INICIO: Para el desarrollo de esta actividad se requiere que el docente, previo a la clase, prepare el material de la siguiente manera

1. Fotocopie la lectura Are you in love? De acuerdo al número de grupos colaborativos que se formen en clase.

2. Recorte los párrafos como se sugiere.3. Mezclar los párrafos para su entrega a cada grupo colaborativo.

Realizado lo anterior proceder a lo siguiente:1. Dividir en grupos colaborativos.2. Entregar la lectura recortada y mezclada a los diferentes grupos

colaborativos.3. Solicitar que escuchen con atención la grabación de la lectura.4. Indicar que ordenen la lectura acorde a lo escuchado. Nota: si no logran

hacerlo correctamente, el docente puede poner la grabación las veces que considere necesarias.

Are you in love?

What is the difference between “having a crush” on someone and falling in love?

You think you’re really attracted to a certain person. But this happened before, and it was just a “crush”. How can you tell if it’s real this time? Here’s what our readers said:

If you‘re in love, you’ll find yourself talking to or texting the person for no reason. (You might pretend there’s a reason, but often there’s not.)


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If you‘re in love, you’ll find yourself bringing this person into every conversation. (“When I was in Mexico-,” a friend begins. You interrupt with, “My boyfriend made a great Mexican dinner last week.”)

If you‘re in love, you might suddenly be interested in things you used to avoid. (“When a woman asks me to tell her all about football, I know she’s fallen in love,” said a TV sports announcer.)

If you‘re in love, you can be honest about yourself.

OK, so you’ve fallen in love. But falling in love is one thing, and staying in love is another. How can you tell, as time passes, that you’re still in love? If you stay in love, your relationship will change. You might not talk as much about the person you are in love with. You might not always call him or her so often. But this person will nevertheless become more and more important in your life.

You’ll find that you can be yourself whit this person. When you first fell in love, you were probably afraid to admit certain things about yourself. But now you can be totally honest. You can trust him or her to accept you just as you are. Falling in love is great – staying in love is even better!

5. Solicitar que hagan una clasificación en su cuaderno de los siguientes componentes: cognados, verbos en presente simple, verbos en futuro simple, condicionales.

6. Solicitar que el vocabulario desconocido lo agreguen a su diccionario personal.

7. Trascribir la lectura en el cuaderno, dejando espacio entre líneas para realizar la interpretación (traducción al españolen forma coherente no literalmente).

V. Collocations. Colocaciones.

1. Which words or phrases go with which verbs? Complete the chart¿Cuáles palabras o frases van con cuales verbos?.Complete la tabla


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a cold þ energetic relaxed touch dieting married smoking weight

feel get lose Quitenergetic married weight Smoking

relaxed A cold touch Dieting

2. Write the sentences with if. Use some of the words in part 1. Escriba enunciados con if. Use algunas de las palabras de la parte 1.


If I feel energetic, I might go to the gym.


If I get married,






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Dividir la clase en grupos colaborativos, y solicitar que busquen en la secuencia didáctica 3 todos los condicionales. Los escriban en su forma afirmativa y luego los cambien a su forma negativa.


If we hurry, we will catch the train.

If we don’t hurry, we won’t catch the train.


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Competencias Disciplinares básicas: Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe. Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos. Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información. Unidad de competencia: Compara hábitos y rutinas del pasado, de acuerdo a la realidad actual, de manera oral y escrita en contextos familiares y sociales. Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes atributos de las competencias genéricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.


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I. Presentar el tema: el día de hoy aprenderemos el uso del “used to”1. Dividir la clase en grupos colaborativos2. El docente leerá en voz alta el texto haciendo énfasis en las frases en

negritas, mientras los alumnos siguen la lectura en silencio. Previamente dando la indicación a los alumnos que deben subrayar las frases en las cuales se hizo énfasis.


In ancient times, many of the first marriages used to be capture, not choice – when there was a scarcity of nubile women, men used to raid other villages for wives. Frequently the tribe from which a warrior used to steal a bride would come looking for her, and it was necessary for the warrior and his new wife to go into hiding to avoid being discovered. According to an old French custom, as the moon went thought all its phases the couple used to drink a brew called metheglin, which was made from honey. Hence, we get the word honeymoon.

Arranged marriages used to be the norm, primarily business relationship used to be born to the desire and /or need for property, monetary or political alliances. From buying a woman dinner to opening a door for her, many of today´s courting rituals are rooted in medieval chivalry.


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During medieval times, the importance of love in relationship used to emerge as a reaction to arrange marriages, but was still not considered a prerequisite in matrimonial decisions. Men used to request their intended with serenades and flowery poetry, following the lead of lovelorn characters on stage and in verse. Chastity and honor were highly regarded virtues. In 1228, women first gain the right to propose marriage in Scotland, a legal right that then slowly spread through Europe.


Capture- captura

Brew= infusión, brebaje, bebida elaborada a mano.

Nubile women- mujeres en edad de casarse

Chivalry- caballerosidad

Chastity- castidad

Flowery poetry- poemas amorosos

On stage and in verse- en prosa y en verso

Hence- por lo tanto

II. Hacer una interpretación de la lectura en grupos colaborativosIII. Solicitar que enumeren la historieta siguiendo la secuencia del texto


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IV.Responda correctamente de acuerdo a la lectura, falso o verdadero

1. Couples used to choose their spouses T F2. Men used to ask women to marry them T F3. The new couple used to hide themselves T F4. Honeymoon comes from a French customs T F5. Marriage used to be a business relationship T F

DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (Actividades de desarrollo)

I. Retomar el texto de “ROMANCE THROUGH THE AGES”1. Solicitar que los alumnos le dicten al docente las frases que subrayó con


Used to be (3)

Used to raid

Used to steal

Used to drink

Used to emerge

Used to request

2. Pedirles que hagan inferencias (deducciones) acerca de la estructura del used to


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Se usa used to + verbo para hablar de hábitos ya pasados y para hablar de estados pasados.

Explicar cómo se utiliza el used to en enunciados afirmativos (Se utiliza en la misma forma con todas las personas). Ver apéndice para el grammar point.


1. Preguntar a la clase que solían hacer cuando eran niños que ya no hacen ahora.

When I was a child…..

I used to play marbles, now I play soccer

I used to play with my dolls, now I play candy crush

My cousins used to come in July and August for vacations, now they don’t come because they work.

We used to have classes from September to June, now we have classes in semesters.

My mother used to tell me stories at night, now she watches TV.

2. Solicitar que cambien a negación la primer parte del enunciado


I didn’t use to play marbles.

3. Luego a pregunta, con respuestas cortas afirmativa y negativa.

Did you use to play marbles?

Yes, I did.

No, I didn’t.


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1. Solicitar que observen las imágenes y las relacionen con las actividades recreativas y deportivas de la tabla.

2. Pedir que escriban en el recuadro el nombre de la actividad en inglés.

1. Jogging 2. Checkers 3. Cycling 4. Basketball 5. Dice6. Volleyball 7. Billiards 8. Scuba 9. Aerobics 10. Car racing

11. Videogames 12. Chess 13. Athletics 14. Boxing 15. Soccer

16. Martial arts 17. Card games 18. Baseball 19. Horse racing 20. Hunting

21. Fishing 22. Dominoes 23. Football 24. Mountaineering 25. Dance26. Puzzle 27. Singing 28. drawing 29. Swimming

Volleyball Videogames Jogging Soccer

Mountaineering Puzzle Boxing Fishing


6 11 1 15

24 26 14 21

29 20

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Swimming Hunting Dominoes Drawing

Checkers Martial arts Dice Singing

Dance Cycling Horse racing Card games

Car racing Basketball Scuba Billiards

Aerobics Football Baseball Chess


2 16 5 27

25 3 19 17

10 4 8 7

9 23 18 12

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1. Dividir la clase en dos grupos.2. Escribir en el pizarrón I used to play ____________, but now I

play___________.3. Solicitar que pase un integrante de un grupo4. El docente le asignará dos actividades recreativas y/o deportivas.5. El alumno representará por medio de mímica las actividades asignadas.6. Su equipo deberá adivinar las actividades e irlas escribiendo en el pizarrón

en las líneas que previamente trazó el docente.7. Realizar lo mismo con el otro grupo.8. Solicitar que escriban en su cuadernillo todas las actividades recreativas y

deportivas que usaron con el “used to” del número 2.

I. Con las actividades recreativas y deportivas pedir al alumno que escriba 5 enunciados en forma afirmativa, usando el “used to”


She used to play checkers. Now she plays card games.

They used to play baseball. Now they used play billiards.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________



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4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

II. Utilizando diferentes actividades recreativas y deportivas, solicitar que escriban 5 enunciados en forma negativa.


Juan didn’t use to play soccer 1.________________________________________________________________





III. Para finalizar utilicen otras actividades recreativas y deportivas diferentes para hacer preguntas.

Ejemplos:Did you use to play volleyball?Did she use to sing?






IV. Elija la forma correcta del verbo para completar el enunciado y subráyela.

When I was a child …

1. I used to walk / walking one mille to school every day.

2. I used to play / played the guitar every afternoon.

3. Their uncle used to lived / live with them.

4. My parents didn’t use to have / had a truck.


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5. My mother used to work / works at a school.

6. I didn’t’ use to wore / wear a uniform at school.

7. We used to spended / spend our holidays at Colina.

8. We didn’t use to watch / watched TV because we didn’t have one.

V. Relacione correctamente ambas columnas

1. I used to eat a lot of candy but…. (4) I often used to go the movies.2. Alice is used to work in Juarez, but… (3) now he drives his car.3. Oscar used to take a bus to work but….(1) now I am on a diet4. When I live in Chihuahua City… (5) now he plays the bass5. Tony used to play the flute... (2) now she works in Delicias.

VI. Elija la correcta forma del verbo y escriba la letra correspondiente en el paréntesis

1. Are you used to ( a ) spicy food? 2. My sister ( a ) cook on Saturdays.

a) eat a) used tob) eats to b) to is usedc) eating c) is used

2. Didn’t he use to ( a )? 3. I didn’t use to ( b ) this much TV.

a) Swim a) To watch b) Swimed b) Watch c) Swimming c) Watching

5. Alexis ( a ) my best friend. 6. I used to ( a ) 10 cigarettes a day.

a) used to be a) smoke b) being to use b) smokes c) being c) smoking


Solicitar a los alumnos que dibujen 2 actividades que solían hacer y 2 que ahora hacen para que pasen a exponerla frente al grupo en forma oral.


I used to read stories but now I play videogames.


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I. Solicitar al alumno que observe el gráfico de medios de transporte.

1. Indicar a los alumnos que repitan el vocabulario de medios de transporte después de que él lo lea. (Repetir cada palabra 5 veces)

2. Pedir a los alumnos que se junten en binas y que se turnen para leer las palabras en voz alta 5 veces cada uno.

3. Indicar que cierren el libro y enlisten los que recuerden4. Mediante lluvia de ideas dictar al docente todos los medios de transporte.



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Solicitar que observen las ilustraciones y completen los enunciados de acuerdo a lo que ven. Luego que escriban el enunciado en la línea.

1. My brother used to ride a bicycle but now he rides a motorcycle


2. Monica’s parents used to travel by train, now they travel by bus.


3. My Aunt Lidia used to travel to Europe by ship but now she travels by plane.


4. I used to go to school by school bus but now I go by car because my parents bought me one.____________________________________________________________


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5. Olivia’s grandparent used to go to town by cart but now they go by truck.



Oral practice

Organizar el grupo en un círculo, en la parte de en medio colocar las tarjetas boca abajo, solicitar que vayan pasando uno por uno y que creen un enunciado empleando el medio de transporte con el “used to” ( hacer énfasis que utilicen diferentes sujetos).

NOTA: las cartas se encuentran adjuntas en apéndice






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1. Mediante lluvia de ideas hacer una lista de alimentos en inglés, clasificarlas en carnes, verduras, frutas, etc.

2. Pedir al alumno escriba los alimentos en su cuaderno.


1. Solicitar que observen la ilustración y hagan predicciones acerca de la lectura.

2. Indicar que lean el texto después del docente en voz alta.3. Pedir que en binas realicen una interpretación de la lectura.4. Solicitar que creen, en binas, un titulo en inglés acorde a la misma.5. Elegir el título más adecuado en forma grupal.


Made from maize, and tamales, a kind of envelope made from steamed maize stuffed with vegetables or meat. Aztecs also ate chocolate. In their culture chocolate was reserved for warriors and nobility. A drink of cacao mixed with ground maize was believed to provide stamina and was used in sacred rituals. Chocolate was a drink for the elite.

The Aztecs ate twice a day and the main meal was eaten during the hottest part of the day. Some of the edible things available in an Aztec market were fruit, vegetables, spices, flowers, edible dogs, and birds.

The Aztecs had an alcoholic drink called octli. An octli gatherer would take the sap out of the maguey plant and put it in a large jug. Then they would let the sap rot and then they would drink it. Octli was reserved strictly for nobles, royalty, and warriors. Any nobleman who abused (got drunk from) the divine drink of the Aztecs would be put to death. A good vendor of maguey sap boiled it until it was like honey, while a bad vendor would water it down.


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Stamina= proteína que provee energía y fuerza vigorizante

Octli= pulque

Vendor= tlachiquero (persona que elabora pulque)

I. Acorde a la lectura responda las preguntas wh

1. Who used to eat chocolate? Warriors and nobility used to ate chocolate.2. What did the Aztecs use to eat? They used to eat fruits, vegetables and

edible dogs.3. Who used to drink Octli? Nobles, royalty and warriors used to drink Octli.4. Where did the Aztecs use to get their food staff? They used to get their food

in the market.5. How did the Aztecs use to prepare Octli? The vendor used to take the sap

out of the maguey plant and put it in a large jug and boiled until it was like honey.

6. When did the Aztec use to eat their main meal? The main meal was eaten during the hottest part of the day.

II. Use “did/ use to” plus a suitable verb to complete this questions

1. What did you use to watch when you were six years old?I used to watch Ninja Turtle Show.

2. What did your mother use to cook when she was at home?She used to cook tuna salad.

3. What games did you use to play when you were at kinder garden school?I used to play hides with my friends.

4. What did your father use to play with you for having fun?He used to play soccer with me all the time.

5. Where did your family use to visit on weekends?We used to visit my grandparents.

III. Use “did not/ use to” plus a suitable verb to complete this negative sentences.

1. Did you use to go to the mountains on summer vacation?No, we didn’t use to go to the mountains. We used to go to the beach.

2. Did you use to watch The Smurfs?No, I didn’t use to watch The Smurfs. I used to watch soap operas.


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3. Did you use to eat potato chips?No, I didn’t use to eat potato chips. I used to eat chocolates.

4. Did your parents use to go to visit relatives?No, they didn’t use to go to visit relatives. They used to visit friends.

5. When you were a kid, did your best friend use to go to your house to play with you?No, he didn’t use to play in my house; his parents did not allow him to go out.


Realizar una entrevista con sus compañeros de clase, usando las wh questions y escriba sus respuestas en un esquema comparativo

Nota. Utilice vocabulario de alimentos

Preguntas para guía

1. How did (personal pronouns) use to (cook/ prepare/ bake/ make) ____________?

2. What did ____________ use to eat _______________?3. Who use to eat ________________?4. Where did ___________ use to eat ______________?5. When did _________ use to eat _______________?


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DESCRIBES ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN A PARTICULAR POINT IN THE PASTCompetencias Disciplinares básicas: * Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe. * Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos. *Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto. * Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa. *Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información. Unidad de competencia: Describe y comprende actividades que se están desarrollando en un momento determinado del pasado, de manera oral y escrita, en contextos familiares, sociales y laborales. Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes atributos de las competencias genéricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional


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1. Presentar el tema: hoy aprenderemos el uso del pasado continuo2. Utilizando una hoja de periódico (u hoja de papel), el docente pide que

observen en silencio las acciones que va representar. Realizar diferentes acciones con el periódico (ejemplo: abrirlo como que está leyendo, enrollarlo para escribir, hacerlo bolita a modo de pelota, etc.)

3. Escribir en el pizarrón: what was the teacher doing?

She was …….

4. La lluvia de ideas que dicen los alumnos en español, escribirla en inglés

She was reading the newspaper

She was writing a letter

5. Solicitar que se junten en grupos colaborativos y darles unas hojas de periódico para que ellos representen 2 acciones cada uno.

6. Un equipo representa las acciones y los demás adivinan la acción y el docente escribe en inglés en el pizarrón lo que dedujeron.


They were playing volleyball He was playing the guitar They were playing baseball

7. Solicitar a los alumnos que observen los enunciados escritos en inglés para que deduzcan la estructura del pasado continuo.


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8. Preguntar: observen ¿cuándo usamos “was” y cuando usamos” were”?

¿Qué significa was/were? ¿En qué tiempo está? ¿Con que pronombres personales se utiliza el was y con cual el were?

9. presentarlo como en esta tabla:


He was we were

She they


10.¿Cuál es el verbo o acción principal de cada enunciado (subrayarlo),¿ qué terminación tiene el verbo?

Irlos guiando para que construyan la estructura, que deberá quedar así.

Sujeto + Was/were + verbo con terminación ing + complemento gerundio

Subject verb to be (past tense)

main verb+ ing complement

I was

watching TV in the afternoon

You wereHe/she/it was

We wereThey were

RECUERDE:Agregue – ing go going

work working

Cuando el verbo termina en “e”se quita la “e” y se agrega ing live living

En un verbo de una sílaba shop shoppingque termine en consonante( p, t, r )antecedida por una vocal( a, o, e) se dobla la consonante



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I. “Times Change”

Mr. and Mrs Lopez can’t believe how times change. They look at their grandchildren, Oscar and Ximena, and remember what they were doing when they were their age.

Mr. Lopez was going to school but he certainly wasn’t using a computer. When Mrs. Lopez was 16, she was working in her father’s store and helping her mother at home. They were living in the same town but things were very different then.

They didn’t have a cell phone, lap top, tablet neither iPods, so they didn’t use Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc. They used to meet their friends in the town square and when there was a party they used to dance to rock and roll --- not reggae or pop.

1. Solicitar que lean después del docente el texto “Times change”2. Mediante lectura de barrido, pedir que los alumnos que subrayen los

enunciados que estén en pasado continuo (afirmativas y negativas).3. Requerir que escriban en su cuaderno 5 o más diferencias que encuentren

entre entonces (then) y ahora (now), escribir un ejemplo:

THEN: NOWa) Mr. López wasn’t using a computer. a)Students are studying

computer science.b) Mrs. López was working in her b) Students aren’t Father´s store. working.c) Mrs. López was helping her mother c)Young people aren’t at home. helping home.d) They used to meet their friends d) Students meet their in the town square. friends in houses.e) They used to dance rock and roll . e) Young people dance

reggae or pop.

I. Llenar el espacio en blanco con los verbos apropiados, para formar enunciados afirmativos en pasado continuo.


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Live wear was sleep fly were work practice swim

1. She was practicing karate last week2. It was flying through space in the seventies3. We were living together last year4. They were sleeping in the hotel last night5. You were living in Madrid two years ago6. You were working in USA last year.7. She was wearing blue jeans and a jacket.8. He was swimming in the hotel´s pool.

II. Cambiar los enunciados a su forma negativa. 1. She wasn’t practicing karate last week.2. It wasn’t flying through space in the seventies.3. We weren’t living together last year.4. They weren’t sleeping in the hotel last night.5. You weren’t living in Madrid two years ago.6. You weren’t working in USA last year.7. She wasn’t wearing blue jeans and a jacket.

He wasn’t swimming in the hotel’s pool.

IV. Cambiarlos enunciados a su forma interrogativa.1. Was she practicing karate last week?2. Was I flying through space in the seventies?3. Were we living together last year?4. Were they sleeping in the hotel last night?5. Were you living in Madrid two years ago?6. Were you working in USA last year?7. Was she wearing blue jeans and a jacket?8. Was he swimming in the hotel’s pool?

V. Cambiar el verbo que está entre paréntesis a pasado continuo

1. The children (play) were playing football during the week.2. It (rain) was raining hard during the soccer game.3. I (study) was studying English for five years.4. Peter (practice) was practicing the guitar before the competition.5. Susana (drive) was driving when the accident happened.6. My friends (dance) were dancing at the club.7. Daniela (teach) was teaching French for ten hours.


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8. I (try) was trying to get a new job.9. Rebecca (plan) was planning to go the cinema with her parents.10.My son (play) was playing tennis when he broke his leg.11.Michael (climb) was climbing the mountain for three days.12.John (sleep) was sleeping when the thieves broke the window.13.My mother (prepare) was preparing the dinner when Charles come home.14.Sara (send) was sending a message to me when I saw her.15.The tourists (travel) were traveling to London when the plane crashed.16. Iván (sing) was singing beautifully during the concert.17.Tim (work) was working very hard in the weekend.18.George (have) was having lunch when my roommate met him.


Divida la clase en grupos colaborativos y solicite que escriban los verbos en pasado continuo y realicen una pequeña historieta de cada uno. Ver apendice.

Peter (drive) was driving to work yesterday when a dog ran into the middle of the road, while he (try) was trying to avoid the accident, other car crashed with Peter’s so he couldn’t do anything about it. He decided to call the police but when they (arrive) were arriving to the place the second car escaped, fortunately the police could catch him to ask the driver some questions.

Tom (save) was saving money for months to go to France and yesterday he realized that he had enough, but when he (drive) was driving to the travel agency


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he remembered that he did not pay the rent, disappointed he turn round and went back home. He (get) was getting very angry when he thought that he could borrow some money and finally he could travel.

Jim (walk) was walking along the High Street when he noticed someone behind him. The man (follow) was following him during the whole day, so he decided to go faster. When he (enter) was entering into a dark and narrow street, his heart (go) was going to explode but when he turned back to see if the man kept following him, he disappeared.


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START UP ACTIVITY (Actividad de inicio)

Para repasar el vocabulario de vestimenta, solicitar al grupo que realice las siguientes actividades

1. Del banco de datos, elija la opción correcta para cada imagen



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2. Escriba la palabra correcta relacionándola con las imágenes




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1. Solicitar a los alumnos que lean solamente el título del texto.2. Organizarlos en grupos colaborativos3. Pedir que realicen un mapa mental con predicciones acerca de lo que

piensan que se tratará la lectura.

Aztecs……..What were they wearing?

Aztec women wore a skirt wrapped around their hips and waist. Men wore loincloths often wearing a sleeveless poncho or a cloak over it. All men carried a

small pouch under their cloak or poncho that was slung over the shoulder. They used it to carry tobacco leaves to chew. They also carried amulets for good luck.

The bright colors and the natural shine of tropical bird feathers made them very desired when it came to trading them. The birds were hunted and kept in captivity for their feathers. The feathers were plucked and then woven into beautiful designs or they

were used for head dresses.

The tradition of weaving and spinning was practiced by all women. They were expected to weave for their families' needs and to contribute woven goods as payments and taxes to the rulers. The woven goods were made from cotton and maguey fibers. The rulers wore the cotton woven things and the peasants had to use the maguey fiber. The peasants were not allowed to dress lavishly.

I. Circle the word that correspond to the illustration


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pajama boots scarf skirt

socks jacket taparrabo hat

coat poncho shoes jeans

pants gloves bag dress

dress sweater skirt blouse

4. Solicitar que retomen la lectura y mediante lectura de barrido o escaneo, circulen las acciones o verbos en pasado simple.

5. Requerir que subrayen los verbos en pasado participio que encuentren en la lectura.

6. Pedir que hagan una lista de cognados o palabras transparentes.7. Solicitar que escriban el vocabulario desconocido en su diccionario personal

con su respectivo significado en español.

I.Read the text


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1. Solicitar que practiquen el texto en binas (hacer adecuaciones/ personalizarlo)

Omar: Gloria, Gloria! I can’t find my wallet.Gloria: Don’t panic. What were you doing

when you noticed it was missing?Oscar: I was trying to pay for a soda!Gloria: And when did you last see it? What

were you doing?Omar: Well, it was yesterday. I was talking to

the waiter and I was paying for an ice-cream.

Gloria: What were you wearing?Omar: I was wearing my jeans and a sweater.Gloria: Weren’t you wearing a jacket, too?Omar: That’s an idea! Let me check. Yes, here it is. It was in my jacket pocked!

2. Pedir a los alumnos que hagan un role play (juego de roles)

II. Unscramble the questions.

a) To/who/you/were/talking.Who were you talking to?

b) Wearing/ you/ what / were.What were you wearing?

c) You/ what / doing / were.What were you doing?

Recuerde la estructura:

Wh question + was/were + pronombre+ predicado+ signo de interrogación


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Trabajar en grupos colaborativos de 5.

Cada persona necesita una pieza de papel en blanco.

1. Escribe el nombre de un compañero y una compañera en la parte de arriba de la hoja.

2. Luego inventa una respuesta para la pregunta numero 1.

3. Dobla la parte de arriba (en forma de acordeón) y pásala a tu compañero de la izquierda.

4. Ahora inventa una respuesta para la pregunta 2 y así sucesivamente.

5. Finalmente, abre tu papel y lee tu historia.


1. Where they were?2. What was she wearing?3. What were they doing?4. What was he eating?5. What happened then?


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1. Presentación del tema: el día de hoy aprenderemos los pronombres relativos: When y While

2. Solicitar a los alumnos que observen la ilustración y usen el pasado continuo, en forma oral, para describir las acciones que estaban ocurriendo.

Mr. and Mrs. Gold invited several friends to their house for the weekend. A thief stole Mrs. Gold’s jewelry at midnight on Saturday. What were the guests doing at midnight?


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Escribir en el pizarrón los siguientes enunciados para que los alumnos observen la estructura de los mismos:

a) The mousse appeared while I was studying. or

b) While I was studying, the mousse appeared. c) I was studying when the mousse appeared.

ord) When the mousse appeared, I was studying.

1. Subraye el while y pregunte ¿después de él en que tiempo está el verbo?

2. Realice lo mismo con el when. 3. Haga notar, asimismo, el uso de la coma. (Cuando se inicia el

enunciado con la clausula while o when , se pone una coma después del verbo )

El verbo en la cláusula while es frecuentemente en pasado continuo, como en el inciso a y b.

El verbo en la cláusula when es frecuentemente en pasado simple, como en el inciso c y d.


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I. Práctica oral. Combine los enunciados. Use While

1. I was studying last night.Octavio called.

While I was studying, Octavio called.Octavio called while I was studying.

2. A tree fell on my car.I was driving home yesterday. While I was driving home yesterday, a tree fell on my car. A tree fell on my car while I was driving home yesterday.

3. I was studying last night.My boyfriend suddenly appeared.

While I was studying, my boyfriend suddenly appeared.My boyfriend suddenly appeared while I was studying.

4. Cecilia raised her hand.The teacher was talking.

While Cecilia raised her hand, the teacher was talking.The teacher was talking while Cecilia raised her hand.

5. I was cooking dinner yesterday evening.I burned my hand.

While I was cooking dinner, I burned my hand. I burned my hand while I was cooking.

6. Someone knocked on my apartment door.I was eating breakfast yesterday morning.

While someone knocked on my apartment door, I was eating breakfastI was eating breakfast while someone knocked on my apartment door.


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II. Complete los enunciados. Use pasado progresivo en las cláusulas “while” y pasado simple en las clausulas “when”.

1. While I (wash) was washing dishes last night, I (get) got a phone call

from my best friend.

2. When my best friend (call) called last night, I was (wash) washing dishes.

3. My friend Jessica (come) came while I (eat) was eating last night.

4. I (eat) was eating dinner when my friend Jessica (come) came last


5. Abraham (wear) was wearing a suit and tie when I (see) saw him


6. My roommate came home late last night. I (sleep) was sleeping when

she (get) got home.

7. When Gina (call) called last night, I was (take) taking a bubble bath.

8. While I (watch) was watching TV last night and (relax) relaxing after a

long day, my new puppy (take) took my wallet from my bedside table.

III.Elija la letra que corresponda a la opción correcta.

1. I was watching TV. I heard a knock on the door. When I heard the knock on the door, I _______ it.a. open b. am opening c. opened d. was opening

2. “When ______ you talk to Jane?” “Yesterday”a. do b. should c. did d. were

3. I ________ TV when Gina called last night. We talked for an hour.a. watch b. watched

c. was watching

d. am watching

3. I saw a fish while I _______ in the ocean yesterday.a. swim b. was swimming

c. were swimming 4. When I heard the phone ring, I _______.

a. answer b. am answering c. answered d. was answering

5. While I ______ dinner last night, I burned my finger.a. cooking b. cook c. was cooking d. was cook


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IV. Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or the past continuous

1. I (have) had a busy day yesterday. I (go) went to class in the morning. I

(eat) ate lunch with my brother after class.

In the afternoon, I (drive) drove to the airport to pick up my cousin. I (take)

took her to a restaurant for dinner. After dinner, we (go) went back to my

apartment and (watch) watched a movie on TV. After the movie, we (talk)

talked for a couple of hours before we (go) went to bed.

2. While I (walk) was walking to class yesterday morning, I (see) saw Abraham. We (say) said hello and (walk) walked the rest of the way to

school together.

3. I (eat) was eating lunch with my brother when I suddenly (remember)

remembered my promise to pick my cousin up at the airport.

4. While I (drive) was driving to the airport I (see) saw an accident.

5. While my cousin and I (have) were having dinner at the restaurant last

night, we (see) saw a friend of mine. I (introduce) introduced her to my


6. When I (hear) heard a knock at the door last night, I (walk) walked to the

door and (open) opened it.

7. When I (open) opened the door I (see) saw my brother.


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I. Pida que vean los enunciados que están en la tabla

1. Solicite que los unan para hacer 3 diferentes historias. 2. Pida que imaginen que pasó al final de cada historia y la escriban

utilizando el “when” o “while”

Sofia was alone in the dark house.

She stopped the car and got out to

have a look.

Susana was driving along an empty forest road.

She sat up, frozen with


She was lying in bed trying to get to sleep.

She saw a strange blue light flashing

the road ahead.

Suddenly she heard the sound of breaking glass


It was stormy night, and the wind was howling through the trees outside.

It was a dark and rainy night, and she was soaked to the skin.

As she was passing the church, the clock

struck midnight.

Suddenly she heard a scream coming from the churchyard.

A full moon was shining through

the trees.

Bertha was walking home through the

village square.II. Organice en grupos colaborativos

1. Solicite que elijan una ilustración y escriban una historia de miedo usando las preguntas.

What time was it?

What was the weather like?

Where were the people?

What were they doing?

What did the see/ hear/ feel?

How did they react?

What happened next?


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Presentación del tema: El día de hoy aprenderemos los conectores

1. El/la docente les pondrá el video de Mr. Bean, adjunto en el CD.2. Mediante lluvia de ideas solicitar que describan los pasos en español de

cómo hizo el sándwich Mr. Bean. El docente irá anotando los pasos en el pizarrón.

3. Solicitar que identifiquen los conectores usados.


I. Realice las siguientes actividades

1. Exponer la presentación en power point de Making a “P and J “sandwich, contenida en el CD.

2. Realizar la check list (lista de cotejo) que viene al final de la presentación.3. Pedir que identifiquen los conectores empleados en la presentación.4. Solicitar que realicen la siguiente actividad.

Making a Sandwich is Easy!

Getting Started: How do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Order the pictures below and tell your partner.

5 1 6

put together need cut3 4 2


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wipe spread spread

I. Leer y escuchar el texto “Food Allergies”

1. Mediante lectura de barrido, solicitar que busquen los conectores y los subrayen.

2. Pedir que retomen la lectura para que busquen vocabulario desconocido y lo integren a su diccionario personal.

3. Solicitar que realicen una interpretación del texto.


Luis always had headaches and stomachaches. First, Luis’s doctor gave him some medicine, but it didn’t work. Then his doctor asked him about his favorite foods. Luis said he loved cakes and ice cream. His doctor said “stop eating sweets”. Luis stopped, but still got headaches and stomachaches. Next, his doctor asked more questions about his diet. Luis said he ate a lot of fish. His doctor said to stop eating fish. When Luis stopped eating fish, he finally felt much better.

Mónica often had a very sore mouth after eating. First, she stopped drinking milk and eating cheese, but this made no difference. Then in the summer, the problem became really bad, and it was difficult for Mónica to eat. Her doctor asked about her diet. After a while, she said she had a tomato garden, and she ate about ten tomatoes a day. When finally she stopped eating tomatoes, Mónica’s mouth got better.

Alfredo is a mechanic, but he was not able to hold his tools. His hands were swollen. First, he went to his doctor, and she gave him some medicine. The

medicine didn’t work. He still couldn’t hold his tools. After that, his doctor asked him about his diet. Alfredo told her he ate a lot of bread. She told him not to eat bread or pasta. After ten days, Alfredo could finally hold his tools again.


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II. Esta es una receta de un omelet de champiñones. Vea la ilustración y numere las oraciones de abajo del 1 al 5, teniendo en consideración los conectores.

2 after that pour the eggs into a frying pan. Add the mushrooms and cook.

4 then beat the eggs in a bowl.

1 first, slices the mushrooms.

3 next, add salt and pepper to the egg mixture.

5 finally, fold the omelet in half. And enjoy! Your omelet is ready!

III.Cooking methods (Formas de cocinar)

How much do you cook these foods? Check () the methods that are more common in your country. Then compare with a partner. Cuánto cocinas estos alimentos? Revisa () los métodos más comunes en tu país. Después compara las respuestas con tu compañero.

bake fry roast boil barbecue steam


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Methods Foodsfish shrimp eggs chicken beef potatoes onions eggplant bananas




En grupos colaborativos hacer una presentación en power point utilizando los conectores para que hagan una receta en inglés.


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Competencias Disciplinares básicas: * Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe. * Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos. *Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica. * Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto. *Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa. * Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información. Unidad de competencia: Interpreta y hace solicitudes e indicaciones de manera oral y escrita, en situaciones comunicativas del ámbito familiar, social o laboral. Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes atributos de las competencias genéricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.


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1. Presentación del tema: hoy aprenderemos el uso de los verbos compuestos( Phrasal Verbs)

2. Solicitar que lean después del docente las siguientes instrucciones con el uso de phrasal verbs.

3. Repetir 3 veces4. Como actividad de listening, el docente lee una instrucción y selecciona

a diferentes alumnos para que las ejecuten, hasta terminar con las instrucciones.

Stand up and then sit down again.

Pick up your pen and then put it down.


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Put away your books.

Rub out the words on the board.

Pick up your pen and write down some words in your notebook.

Turn on the light and then turn it off.


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Turn over your papers and put your hand up.

Open your book. Cover up page 15 with a piece of paper.

5. Solicitar a los alumnos que circulen las palabras que el docente lea (leer sólo la phrasal verb ejemplo “turn on”)

Nota: Recuerde que los verbos compuestos o “phrasal verbs” son expresiones idiomáticas que se forman combinando verbos con preposiciones o adverbios. Esto da como resultado nuevos verbos compuestos con un significado muy distinto al que nos da el diccionario para los verbos individuales. Además, un mismo verbo compuesto (phrasal verb) puede tener varios significados según el contexto.

Por ejemplo el verbo “give” significa “dar”, pero si le agregamos el complemento “up”, tenemos “give up” que, según mi diccionario Babylon, tiene los siguientes significados:


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En la siguiente actividad se presenta un dialogo entre Jasmine y su papá.

1. Organizar el grupo en binas.2. Asignar quien va a ser Jasmine y quien el papá. 3. Solicitar al grupo que lea el texto después del docente.4. Pedir a los alumnos que subrayen las phrasal verbs (verbos compuestos)

que encuentren.5. Pedir a los alumnos que relean el texto después del docente pero

solamente el personaje que se le asignó previamente.

I. Jasmine’s parents are about to leave to the airport. They are going to spend a week’s vacation in Chihuahua. Jasmine and her sister Alondra are still in school, so they stay home. Jasmine’s dad is giving her some important instructions about what her and her sister need to do during their absence. Read the conversation.


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Dad: Well Jasmine, we are about to take off to Chihuahua, but there are several things we want you to do during these days.

Jasmine: Sure dad! What do you want me to do?

Dad: First of all, please don’t forget to pick up your sister Alondra. She went to Adriana’s house to study. They have to go over some notes for tomorrow’s exam and turn in an important History project.

Jasmine: No problem. I will pick her up at 7:00 pm.

Dad: On your way to Adriana’s house, please drop off my suits at the cleaners. Call up first to ask them at what time they are close.

Jasmine: Don’t worry. I will find out their schedule before I go to pick Alondra up.

Dad: I wasn’t able to wash the dishes, so please clean the kitchen up as soon as you can.

Jasmine: I will do that as soon as you leave.

Dad: Don’t forget to set your alarm clock. You need to get up early tomorrow and drop by your aunt Carolina’s house. Remember you have to pick out the dress you will wear to Miriam’s party next week. She can have it ready for you in three days.

Jasmine: Yes, I know. She is great seamstress, but I still need to think over what color I want.

Dad: When you go to see your aunt, give her back the magazines she loaned me. They are on my night table.

Jasmine: Yes, I will.

Dad: Don’t forget to take out the garbage every day, feed the dog, turn the lights off, and turn on the entrance alarm before you go to bed.

Jasmine: No dad, I won’t forget.

Dad: Oh! I just remembered we ran out of milk. Go to the supermarket and buy some. Phone Dr. Ayala and call off the appointment I have with her next week and tell her I will call her back when we return to make another one.

Jasmine: Yes, dad.

Dad: I will also go to the sports club and fill out an application for a better locker. The one your sister has now is very small.


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Jasmine: Yes, dad. I also want to get information. I want to take up a yoga class next month.

Dad: ok. I have to leave. As soon as we check in our hotel, I will call you. Please look after your sister and take care of yourself.

Jasmine: I will dad, anything else?

Dad: No, Jasmine. If I remember something else, I will call you from the airport. Goodbye Jasmine.

Jasmine: Goodbye Dad... Have a nice trip.

Dad: Goodbye dear. See you in a week.

6. Solicitar que hagan un listado en su cuaderno de las phrasal verbs que subrayaron.

7. Pedir que un miembro de cada bina pase al pizarrón a escribir una phrasal verb.

8. Mediante lluvia de ideas solicitar que hagan una predicción de lo que significan las frases en el contexto de la lectura.

II. Escriba los verbos compuestos tomando en consideración el significado y la ilustración, observe los siguientes 3 ejemplos.

TAKE OFF Leave on a trip


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PICK UP Go to get someone

GO OVER Review or check

Drop off Take somewhere or leave something.

Give back Return something


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Clean up Make things clean

Call off Cancel

Get up To wake and rise from one´s bed.

Take out To go out with


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Call up To recall, to telephone.

Drop by Pay a casual visit

Think over To consider something

Give back To return something


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Run out Empty

Turn off Switch off

Turn on Switch on

Take upInitiate, start something

(a hobby), accept


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Look after To take care of, be responsible for.

Turn in Submit, hand it.

Pick out Choose or select something

Call back Return a phone call


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Fill out To complete

Check in To register

Call off To cancel

Find out Check information about something ( schedules)

Recycle and reuse


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As with all vocabulary, once you’ve learnt a phrasal verb, you have to revise, recycle and reuse it frequently. In other words:  “Use it or lose it”. 

III.¿Cuales enunciados tienen verbos compuestos? subráyelas Which statement has a phrasal verb?

a. Pablo likes to sit back and watch TV when he gets the chance.

b. Edna is thinking about what she can cook for dinner.

c. Pictures and photographs hang on Gloria’s walls.

d. Jorge is sitting on the couch and reading a magazine.

e. Alonso didn’t get around to vacuuming until after 2 in the afternoon.

f. Gaby said goodbye and hung up.

g. Miriam was happy she got her new coat for only ten dollars.

h. Silvia is thinking over what she wrote in her complaint letter. Is it ready to


IV. Complete la conversación usando la forma correcta de la lista de verbos compuestos de abajo. Puedes usar algunos más de una vez.Complete the conversation using the correct form of the phrasal verbs listed below. You can use some of the verbs more than once.

to dress down to dress up to take off

Vicki: So, Carla, you’ll be getting dress up later - before you go to the BBC television studios. Carla: Yes … but to tell you the truth, Vicki … I prefer working in radio. Vicki: You prefer radio? Carla: That’s right. You can dress down in a radio studio. Vicki: What do you mean? Carla: You can dress down. You can wear something casual. There’s no need to get dressed up.


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Vicki: Well, I always try to make an effort to look smart, Carla!! Carla: Yes of course… you always look fantastic, Vicki. But you don’t have to dress up for radio. The audience can’t see you!

Vicki: Ah I see what you mean. In TV the audience can see you, so you have to look your best. Carla: Exactly. You have to dress up. You put on something smart … so you look the part. Vicki: Yes I suppose if you’re on TV, you have to look like a TV presenter should, you have to be dressed right. Carla: But in radio, the listeners can’t see you … so we can dress down if we want to. Vicki: Yes I suppose even I sometimes wear jeans sometimes to work. Carla: Exactly. On radio, I can take off my tie! I can even take off my shoes! Vicki: I don’t think so, Carla! You don’t have to wear your tie - you can take off that if you want to … but please don’t take off your shoes!!

V. Gapped text

Listen and then choose the best option a, b, c or d, to fill the gaps in the text.

Running out of steam?

Jamie had always loved his job. He was thrilled when he passed the physical tests and did well in the interview. Finally, he had (1) got in! The fire service had accepted him! Of course, being a fire fighter is not an easy job. Jamie

worked long hours and was often woken in the middle of the night to go to an emergency. At weekends, he would go to bed early and sleep late.

It was the only way he could keep himself from (2) burning out. His wife was always telling him to (3) slow down – to have a rest, take a break. She was worried that with all the long hours and night-time callouts he

would (4) run out of steam before he was even 30 years old. But Jamie loved his


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December 20

I just don’t know what to do! I saw Richard today, outside his office. It was his lunch hour and he was outside in the sunshine, eating his lunch and talking to a pretty blonde woman. I was going to go over and say hello when I saw him lean over and kiss her on the lips. Then they smiled at each other and gazed into each other’s eyes.

I’ve got a feeling this is a regular lunchtime routine for them.

I feel sick. He’s let me down so badly. I know we’re going to fall out in a big way when I tell him what I saw. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut? But no, I have to find out what this girl means to him. If he says he loves her, then I think we have to break up. But I don’t know how I’ll ever get over him.


job passionately and wasn’t prepared to give it up. Even if that meant work would sometimes (5) take over his life, it was a sacrifice he was prepared to make.

1 2 3 4 5

a. got inb. get inc. burnt outd. take over

a. slow downb.slowing

downc. burning outd. burn out

a. run outb. slow downc.slowing downd. take over

a. running out ofb. runs out ofc. run out ofd. ran out of

a. get inb. getting inc. take overd. to take over

VI. True or false?

Read Amy’s diary entry below, then decide whether the statements that follow are true or false. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1. The woman Richard spent his lunch hour with is not attractive. F 2. Amy had no intention of introducing herself to the woman. F 3. Amy believes this is not the first time Richard has kissed the woman. T


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4. Amy and Richard are likely to argue when Amy confronts him. T 5. Amy decides the best plan is to say nothing about what she saw. F 6. Amy would never consider ending the relationship. F 7. Amy believes she’ll be happy without Richard. F

VII. Match the phrasal verbs, used in health care, on the left to the definitions on the right.

1. to bring something down a. to stop an illness making you sick

2. to cool down b. to start to feel well again

3. to fight something off c. to become less warm

4. to get over d. to reduce

5. to go down with something e. to become ill with a particular illness


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VIII. Complete the sentences.

Passed away, do without, look forward to, called off, made up, carried away, break out, run out, put up with, keep up.

1. Don't smoke in the forest. Fires break out  easily at this time of the year.

2. I look forward to seeing my friends again.

3. I'm afraid; we have run out of apple juice. Will an orange juice do?

4. Your website has helped me a lot to keep up the good work.

5. A friend of mine has her called off wedding.

6. His mother can't put up with his terrible behavior anymore.

7. As an excuse for being late, she made up a whole story.

8. I got carried away by his enthusiasm.

9. I just cannot do without my mobile. I always keep it with me.


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IX. Match the words to the pictures. Then read the definitions about some of them and write the verbs on the line.

Have somebody as a boyfriend or girlfriend: ___________________

Stop being with somebody, for example a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend: _________________________________

Have the same idea as another person about something: __________________________________

Not do something that you promised to do for somebody: ___________________________________

Have no more of something: _____________________________

Stop trying to do something, because you know that you cannot do it: ________________________________

Take care of somebody or something:_________________________

Try to find somebody or something: ______________________________

Put something in the dustbin because you don’t want it: _________________________________

Not remember something; not have something in your mind any more: __________________________________

1 break down

2 throw away

3 break up

4 pay for

5 look after

6 laugh at

7 agree with

8 look for

9 hold on

10 go out with

11 look at

12 give up

13 run out

14 come round

15 let down

16 forget about

10.She was very sad because her father passed away last week.


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Reading comprehension X. Read the text below then choose the best answers.

Sophie’s new flat

Sophie had moved into her new flat more than six months ago. Yet she had found it almost impossible to settle in. It wasn’t that she disliked living alone; she was used to that. And anyway, she had plenty of friends who would come round for dinner or to watch a DVD. They all thought her new flat was fantastic. Lucy, her best friend, had even brought round an expensive bottle of champagne and had drunk to Sophie’s expert house-hunting skills. But her friends weren’t with her at night, when she heard strange voices and saw frightening shadows in the dark. Only that morning, she had found her dressing gown – which she had hung up on the back of the bathroom door the night before – in the kitchen, on the floor. No, the flat may be beautiful, but for Sophie it was time to move on. 1) Since moving into her new flat, Sophie had felt …

a) comfortable and settled b) unhealthy

c) uncomfortable d) angry

2) Sophie’s friends …

a) regularly visited her in her flat. b) thought she had paid too much for the flat.

c) shared her worries about the flat. d) refused to visit her in her flat.

3) Lucy thought that …


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a) Sophie’s flat was expensive. b) Sophie had found a good flat.

d) Sophie should become an estate agent.

c) Sophie should celebrate more often.

4) We can infer that … a) Sophie has strange dreams. b) Sophie has a flatmate.

c) Sophie has a vivid imagination. d) Sophie’s flat is haunted.

5) In the near future, Sophie will …

a) ask Lucy to move in with her. b) look for a new job. c) buy a new bed so she can sleep better. d) move into a new flat.


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1. Organizar a los alumnos en grupos colaborativos.

2. Solicitar que busquen todas las phrasal verbs (verbos compuestos) en la

secuencia didáctica.

3. Pedir que realicen una lista de ellas.

4. Solicitar que escriban 10 enunciados utilizándolas.


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El docente entra al aula dando órdenes, sugerencias, invitaciones e instrucciones en inglés, después de escribir el tema “imperatives” en el pizarrón. Irlos escribiendo en el pizarrón.

Elija del siguiente banco de datos, los que le sean pertinentes:

Open the door!  Sit there!  Please come in Follow me, please Call me up

Would you close the door, please? Don´t come in!  Stand up!

Come back! Clean your chair! Come here! Don't interrupt!  Sit down!

Open the window, please Don't eat in class! Let me see that  Don't be late!

Open your notebooks! Write it on! Listen to me! Turn on the light!

Turn off the light! Don't make noise!  Be quiet! Wait! Let´s work!

Let’s write!

1. El docente pregunta que actividades les piden sus padres que realicen en sus hogares.

2. Mediante lluvia de ideas el docente escribirá, en inglés, en el pizarrón las instrucciones, órdenes o solicitudes que los alumnos reciben en sus casas.

3. Solicitar que observen todos los imperativos escritos en el pizarrón y preguntar que tienen en común. A esta conclusión deben llegar: Con el imperativo no se utilizan  los pronombres personales. Es el único caso en inglés en el que no se utilizan.

4. Pedir que hagan una clasificación donde enlisten los que son a su vez verbos compuestos o” Phrasal verbs”, para vincularlo con el tema anterior.

5. Preguntar que como definirían los imperativos. Explicarlos para que no queden dudas.


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1. Divida la clase en 2 grupos para jugar scrabble con sustantivos referentes a alimentos y bebidas (en inglés)

2. Pida que vaya pasando un voluntario de cada equipo a escribir una palabra, luego al otro.

Ejemplo: CC H E E S E B U R G E R I I C C K E E N

II. What would you like to eat, sir?

1. Solicitar que lean el siguiente dialogo:

Waiter: are you ready to order? Omar: Yes, I think so. Patricia: Could I have the onion soup to start

with and then the roast chicken, please?Waiter: and what would you like to drink, miss? Patricia: I’ll have lemonade.Waiter: with ice?Patricia: yes, please.Waiter: and for you, sir?Omar: I’ll have lemonade, too, without ice.Waiter: and what would you like to eat? Omar: can I have a fruit cocktail and the steak?Waiter: certainly, sir. How do you like your steak? Would you like it rare,

medium or well done?Omar: mediumWaiter: certainly, sir, anything else?Omar: I think that’s all for the moment.


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2. Pedir que escriban lo que pidió Patricia en una lista y en otra lo que pidió Omar. Comparar respuestas.

3. Preguntar que piensan que significan las preguntas hechas en negritas4. Pedir que en grupos colaborativos hagan un role- play del texto, cambiando

las bebidas y alimentos.

Patricia Omar onion soup a fruit cocktail roast chicken steak lemonade with ice lemonade without



III. Unscramble the following sentences

1. hands/your/wash/! Wash your hands!2. lie/me/!/don't/to. Don’t lie to me.3. go/cinema/!/the/let's/to. Let’s go to the cinema.4. TV/!/don't/watch. Don’t watch TV.5. play/football/!/let's. Let’s play football.

IV. Here is a recipe for a simple apple cake. Fill in the gaps correctly using the verbs below:

Stir serve blend combine

let bake pour combine


1. _ Combine_ apples and sugar in a mixing bowl.


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2. And __let__ stand 10 minutes.3. __mix__ oil, vanilla and egg with the apples.4. Then ___combine__ the dry ingredients5. And __blend___ in well.6. _stir____ in the raisins.7. ___pour_ into greased 8 inch square cake pan.8. ____bake_____ at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes.9. At the end ___serve___ it to your friends!



Have on Wear on one’s body My aunt has her new dress on.

Put on Put clothing on one’s body (to wear it)

You need to put on a sweater. It is cold outside.

Try onPut on clothing to see if the size is correct and how it looks on one’s body.

You need to try shoes on before buying them.

Drop offTake someone or something (on the

Could you drop me off at the bank?


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way somewhere, often by car)

Take off“off” means remove from the surface of something.

Japanese people take their shoes off when entering a house.

Clean off My mother asked me to clean off the table. We are going to eat soon.

Dust offCan you dust the shelf off? It is very dusty.

Wash off

I can’t wash paint off my hands.


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Clean out

“out” means “remove from the inside of something”

There are many things I don’t need in this drawer. I have to clean out.

Sweep outI will sweep out my room

Help out

My mother often helps me out with my children.

Clean up

“up” means “lift o remove something that dropped or fell” it also means “completely”

After a party at home, it is not very pleasant to clean the kitchen up.

Wash upMom wants us to wash up. We will have dinner in five minutes.

Sweep up A glass fell and broke in the floor. Be careful when you sweep the pieces up.Tell your sister to pick up her toys.


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Pick up

Pick up Pick up also means to go to get someone (like someone who is waiting or is at specific place)

Mark picks up his sister form school every day.

Turn off

“off” means “stop something” such as the flow of water or an electrical appliance.

Don’t forget to turn off the light in the living before you go to bed.

Turn on“on” means “start something” such as the flow of water or an electrical appliance.

It is a little dark in here. Would you please turn the lights on?

Turn down“down” and “up” refer to sound levels or volume

If you don’t turn down your CD player, Mon will throw it out!

I can hear the radio. Could you


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Turn upplease turn it up?

V. René, Mabel and their three sons, Roberto, Alfonso and Eddy, are a modern family. Both parents work, so all help out in the house chores.

In pairs, take turns asking and answering questions about their activities using the phrasal verbs in the previous chart. Use the example as a model.

EXAMPLE: clean up the kitchen on Sundays / AlfonsoQuestion: Who cleans up the kitchen on Sundays?Answer: Alfonso cleans up the kitchen on Sundays

1. Pick up the toys/ Eddy.Q: Who picks the toys up?A: Eddy picks the toys up

2. Take out the garbage/ RobertoQ: Who takes out the garbage?A: Roberto takes out the garbage

3. Wake up the children / RenéQ: Who wakes up the children?A: Rene wakes up the children

4. Help the kids out with homework / René and MabelQ: Who help the kids out with homework?A: Rene and Mabel help the kids out with homework.

5. Sweep out the garbage/ AlfonsoQ: Who sweep out the garbage?A: Alfonso sweeps out the garbage.

6. Clean off the table before dinner/ Eddy.


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Q: Who cleans off the table before dinner?A: Eddy cleans off the table before dinner

7. Call up Grandma on Sundays/ the kids.Q: Who calls grandma up on Sundays?A: The kids call grandma up on Sundays.

8. Pick up clothes at the dry cleaners / RobertoQ: Who picks the clothes up at the dry cleaners?A: Roberto picks the clothes up at the dry cleaners.

9. Drop off the kids at school/ RenéQ: Who drops the kids off at school?A: Rene drops the kids off at school.

10.Pick up the kids after school/ Mabel.Q: Who picks the kids up after school?A: Mabel picks the kids up after school


Personal pronouns have different forms depending on if they act as a Subjects or Objects.

A subject is a word which does an action and usually comes before the verb.Object is a word that receives an action and usually comes after the verb.

Los pronombres personales tienen diferentes formas dependiendo de si actúan como sujetos u objetos.

Un sujeto es una palabra que hace una acción y por lo general viene antes del verbo.

Objeto es una palabra que recibe una acción y por lo general viene después del verbo


Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun

I MeYou YouHe HimShe Her


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It ItWe UsYou (plural) YouThey Them

Example: Yesterday Kevin called his mother Kevin is the subject and his mother is the object. Yesterday he called her.

VII. Write the correct object pronoun. Escriba el pronombre objetivo correcto.

1. I saw my brother. I saw him2. I understood the tourists. I understood them.3. My parents brought my hat. My parents brought it.4. My parents took me and my sister to a restaurant. They took us to a


5. I met the new teacher, Robert Wilson. I met him.6. I saw her at the airport, and she saw me too.

7. You saw her at the airport, and she saw you too.

8. I don't understand this lesson. I don't understand it.9. He told me and my friends the truth. He told us the truth.

10.She brought the money. She brought it.

VIII. Choose the correct option

1. May I use your phone?a) May b) Can c) your d) you

2. Could you help me, please?a) Could b) Can c) I d) me

3. Could you give me a hand?a) Could b) May c) me d) I

4. Could you help us?a) Could b) can c) us d) we


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5. May I ask you a question?a) Can b) May c) your d) you

6. Can I ask you a question, if you are not too busy?a) Can b) could c) you d) your

7. Can you lend her 5 dollars?a) May b) Can c) her d) she

8. Can I borrow your pencil?a) Can b) May c) you d) your9. Can you play the piano?a)May b) Can

10. Can he see me?a) Could b) Can c) me d) I


Could you …?

¿Podrías?In this activity, students practice the language of requests and offers

by asking individual students to do things. En esta actividad, los estudiantes practican el idioma de peticiones y ofertas

por medio de preguntas individuales a estudiantes de cómo se hacen cosas.

Procedure Procedimiento

Make one copy of the worksheet for each group of four students and cut as indicated.

Haga una copia de la hoja de trabajo para cada grupo de cuatro estudiantes y corte donde se indica.

Begin the activity, by revising requests and offers. Ask individual students to do various things in the classroom, e.g. Could you open the window, please? Could I borrow your dictionary?

Empiece la actividad de peticiones y ofertas. Pregúnteles individualmente a los estudiantes como hace diversas cosas en el aula, ejemplo: ¿Podría abrir la ventana, por favor? ¿me podría prestar su diccionario?


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Explain that students are going to play a game where they make requests and try to find the student in their group who has the Yes, of course response to their request.

Explique que los estudiantes que van a jugar un juego donde hacen peticiones y tratan de encontrar al estudiante en su grupo que tiene el Sí, de respuesta para su petición.

Divide students into groups of four. Forme en grupos de cuatro a los estudiantes.

Give Students A worksheet A, Students B worksheet B, and so on. For groups of less than four students, give the strongest student two cards.

Dé al estudiante A de la hoja de trabajo de la A, hoja de trabajo B al estudiante B, etcétera. Para grupos de menos de cuatro estudiantes, dan los naipes dos estudiantiles más fuertes.

Tell the students not to show each other their cards. Dígales a los estudiantes que no muestren a otros sus naipes.

Student A begins by asking one of the other three students in the group (B, C, or D) the first request at the top of his/her card.

El estudiante A empieza por preguntarle uno de los otros tres estudiantes en el grupo (B, C, o D) la primera parte pide en lo alto de su tarjeta.

If the student answers: Yes, of course ... Student A can cross off that request.

Si el estudiante contesta: Sí, claro está... El estudiante A puede eliminar (tachar) esa petición.

If the student answers: I’m sorry ... Student A has to wait until the next turn before asking the request again to another student in the group.

Si el estudiante contesta: Lo siento... El estudiante A tiene que esperar hasta la siguiente vuelta antes de pedirle la petición otra vez a otro estudiante en el grupo.

After Student A has asked one request, it is then Student B’s turn, then C’s, and so on.

Después de que el estudiante A haya preguntado una petición es el turno del estudiante B, luego el C, etcétera.

The aim is to be the first to cross off all three requests, but the game should continue until all students have crossed off all their requests.

La meta es ser el primero en tachar todas las peticiones (tres), pero el juego debería continuar hasta que todos los estudiantes hayan dejado fuera todas sus peticiones.


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Could you …?

A Could you come to my party tonight, please?Could I close the window, please?Could I have a coffee, please? B Could you help me, please?

Could I sit here, please?Could you take my bag, please?

I'm sorry. We don't make hamburgers here.

I'm sorry. But I'm very cold.

Yes, of course. Do you want a blue pen or a red pen?

Yes, of course. It’s four o'clock.

Yes, of course. Please sit down.

I'm sorry. I can’t. My sister has my car.

Yes, of course. How can I help?

I'm sorry. I left my phone at home.

I’m sorry. I have lots of bags too.

Yes, of course. My mobile phone is my bag.

I'm sorry. I don't have any coffee.

I'm sorry. I don't have a pen.

I’m sorry. But I'm very hot!

Yes, of course. What time do you want to be at the station?

I'm sorry. It's my brother's birthday party tonight.

I'm sorry. But I'm very cold.

I'm sorry. I can't. I don’t have a watch.

Yes, of course. Do you want a big or a small hamburger?

C Could I have a hamburger, please?Could you drive me to the station, please?Could you open the window, please? D Could I borrow a pen, please?

Could I use your mobile phone, please?Could you tell me the time, please?

I'm sorry. I can’t. I don't have a watch.

Yes, of course. Do you want sugar in your coffee?

I'm sorry. It's my friend's chair.

I'm sorry. I don't have time to help you at the moment.

I'm sorry. I left my phone at home.

I'm sorry. I have lots of bags too.

I'm sorry. I can't. My sister has my car.

I'm sorry. I don't have any coffee.

I'm sorry. I don't have time to help you at the moment.

Yes, of course. Where do you want me to put your bag?

Yes, of course. It's hot in here.

I'm sorry. But I'm very hot!


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Yes, of course. What time does your party start?

I'm sorry. I don't have a pen.

Yes, of course. It's very cold in here!

I'm sorry. It's my friend's chair.

I'm sorry. It's my brother's birthday party tonight.

I'm sorry. We don't make hamburgers here.



El presente simple se forma usando el verbo sin el “to”

En tercera persona se agrega una 'S'

Subject Verb The Rest of the sentenceI / you / we / they speak / learn English at home

he / she / it speaks / learns English at home

Dependiendo de la terminación de los verbos en tercera persona se le agrega S, ES o IES.

1. para verbos que terminan en  -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, o -Z se le agrega -ES.

go – goes catch – catches wash – washes kiss – kisses fix – fixes buzz – buzzes

2. para verbos que terminan en  consonante + Y, quitamos la  Y y agregamos -IES.

marry – marries


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study – studies carry – carries worry – worries

NOTA: para verbos que terminan en una  vocal + Y, solamente agregamos la -S.

play – plays enjoy – enjoys say – says

Negative Sentences in the Simple Present Tense

Para hacer enunciados negativos en inglés, usamos normalmente Don't or Doesn't con todos los verbos exceptuando el To Be and Modal verbs (can, might, should etc.).

Affirmative: You speak French.Negative: You don't speak French.

Se agrega  don't  entre el sujeto y el verbo. Se usa  Don't  cuando los sujetos son:  I, you,we or they.

Affirmative: He speaks German.Negative: He doesn't speak German.

Cuando el sujeto es  he, she or it, agregamos doesn't entre el sujeto y el verbo para hacer enunciados negativos. Nótese que la letra  S  al final del verbo en el enunciado en forma afirmativa desaparece en el enunciado en forma negativa.

Negative Contractions

Don't = Do notDoesn't = Does not

I don't like meat = I do not like meat.

Las contracciones se utilizan usualmente cuando se habla inglés, no existe diferencia en el significado.

Word Order of Negative Sentences


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Estructura para formar un enunciado en forma negativo en tiempo presente usando  Don't or Doesn't.

Subject don't/doesn't Verb* The Rest of the sentence

I / you / we / they don't have / buyeat / like etc. cereal for breakfast

he / she / it doesn't

* Verb: el verbo que va aquí es la base del verbo del infinitivo, es decir, el infinitivo sin el TO antes del verbo. Ejemplo : en lugar del infinitivo To have, se utiliza solo have.

Recuerde que el infinitivo es el verbo antes de ser conjugado y empieza con  TO. Por ejemplo: to have, to eat, to go, to live, to speak etc.

Examples of Negative Sentences with Don't and Doesn't:

You don't speak Arabic. John doesn't speak Italian. We don't have time for a rest. It doesn't move. They don't want to go to the party. She doesn't like fish.


I will sing

El futuro simple es identificado como will, porque para formar este tiempo se utilize el auxiliary will.

La estructura del futuro simple es:

subject + auxiliary verb WILL + main verb

invariable base

Para formar enunciados negativos en futuro simple, se le agrega not entre el verbo auxiliar (will) y el verbo principal.

Para formular preguntas, intercambiamos el sujeto y el verbo auxiliar.


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subject auxiliary verb main verb

+ I will open the door.

+ You will finish before me.

- She will not be at school tomorrow.

- We will not leave yet.

? Will you arrive on time?

? Will they want dinner?

Cuando hablamos en futuro, frecuentemente utilizamos las contracciones

I will I'll

you will you'll

he willshe willit will


we will we'll

they will they'll

Para enunciados negativos en futuro simple, utlizamos la contracción won't

I will not I won't

you will not you won't

he will notshe will notit will not

he won'tshe won'tit won't

we will not we won't

they will not they won't

¿Cuando se usa el futuro simple?

No Plan


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Se usa el futuro simple cuando no hay un plan o decisión de hacer algo antes de hablar, es decir, se toman decisiones espontáneamente en el momento que se está hablando.

Hold on. I'll get a pen. We will see what we can do to help you. Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.


Se usa el tiempo futuro simple para hacer predicciones, es decir, algo que se piensa que pasará.

It will rain tomorrow. People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century. Who do you think will get the job?


Cuando el verbo principal es el TO BE, podemos usar el tiempo futuro simple siempre y cuando haya un firme decisión antes de hablar.

I'll be in London tomorrow. I'm going shopping. I won't be very long.

Will you be at work tomorrow?

BLOCK IIDidactic sequence I

Used to

used to + infinitive

Se usa el “used to” para hablar de cosas que sucedieron en el pasado (acciones o estados, que ya no están pasando ahora).

We use ‘used to’ to talk about things that happened in the past – actions or states – that no longer happen now.

She used to be a long distance runner when she was younger. I used to eat meat but I became a vegetarian 5 years ago.


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La forma negativa es “didn’t use to”, es decir, se le agrega el auxiliary did not y al used se le quita la d.Para elaborar preguntas se usa el Did al inicio y al used se le quita la d.

The negative is ‘didn’t use to’ and questions are formed with ‘Did you use to …?’There is no present tense equivalent of ‘used to’.


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Didactic sequence 1


Existen tres circunstancias en la cual debemos utilizar el pasado continuo, estas son:

1. Cuando queremos indicar una acción que estaba ocurriendo en el pasado pero fue interrumpido por otra acción. Por ejemplo:

When Laura arrived, I was reading the newspaperI was reading the newspaper when Laura arrived

2. Cuando dos o más acciones ocurren al mismo tiempo en el pasado. Por ejemplo:

Alex was reading while Mark was writingWhile Mark was writing, Alex was reading

3. Cuando una acción ocurre en un momento específico en el pasado. Por ejemplo:

What was he doing at ten o'clock this morning?Linda was singing at eight o'clock last night


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Interpretación de los textos para las historietas:

Peter (drive) was driving to work yesterday when a dog ran into the middle of the road, while he (try) was trying to avoid the accident, other car crashed with Peter’s so he couldn’t do anything about it. He decided to call the police but when they (arrive) were arriving to the place the second car escaped, fortunately the police could catch him to ask the driver some questions.

Pedro estaba manejando al trabajo ayer cuando un perro corrió hacia el medio de la carretera, mientras él estaba tratando de evitar el accidente, otro carro chocó con el de Pedro, y él no pudo hacer nada al respecto. Él decidió llamar a la policía pero cuando ellos estaban llegando al lugar el segundo carro escapó, afortunadamente la policía pudo detener al conductor para hacerle algunas preguntas.

Tom (save) was saving money for months to go to France and yesterday he realized that he had enough, but when he (drive) was driving to the travel agency he remembered that he did not pay the rent, disappointed he turn round and went back home. He (get) was getting very angry when he thought that he could borrow some money and finally he could travel.

Tom estuvo ahorrando dinero por meses para ir a Francia y ayer se dio cuenta que tenía suficiente, pero mientras estaba manejando a la agencia de viajes, recordó que no pagó la renta, decepcionado se regresó a su casa. Se estaba enojando mucho cuando pensó que podía pedir dinero prestado y finalmente podría viajar.

Jim (walk) was walking along the High Street when he noticed someone behind him. The man (follow) was following him during the whole day, so he decided to go faster. When he (enter) was entering into a dark and narrow street, his heart (go) was going to explode but when he turned back to see if the man kept following him, he disappeared.

Jim estaba caminando por la calle principal cuando notó a alguien atrás de él. El hombre lo estaba siguiendo durante todo el día, así que decidió ir más aprisa. Cuando estaba entrando en una calle estrecha y obscura, su corazón iba a explotar pero cuando el volteó a ver si el hombre lo seguía, este desapareció.


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1 1 3 4

6 7 8 9

11 1 13 1

16 1





1 T- shirt2 Shirt3 Jacket4 Shoes

5 Tie6 Socks7 Pajama8 Sweater9 Coat10 Tennis shoes11 Jeans12 Skirt13 Hat14 Cap15 Pants16 Jumper17 Swimsuit18 Boots

Vertical Horizontal1. Coat 4. Boots 2. Shirt 5. Jacket3. Socks 7. Hat5. Jeans 8. jumper6. trousers 9. Tie


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BLOQUE IIISEQUENCE DIDACTIC 3START UP ACTIVITIESEl Sr. y la Sra. Gold invitaron a algunos amigos a su casa para pasar el fin de semana. Un ladrón robó la joyería de la Sra. Gold, el sábado a media noche. ¿Qué estaban haciendo sus invitados a media noche?

While Mr. and Mrs. Gold were sleeping, the thief stole them.

Miss Grey and Mr. Brown were playing billiards.


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Mr. White was playing the piano while Mrs. Blue was singing.

Mr. Black and Mr. Green were playing cards.

Miss Orange was reading a book.

Mr. Blue was watching the TV.

The bat was sleeping.

The mouse was going to the trap to eat a piece of cheese.




Definición: Un verbo compuesto o “phrasal verb” consiste de un verbo junto con una preposición o adverbio que modifica el sentido del mismo. Los verbos compuestos o phrasal verbs se pueden dividir en tres grupos:1.-Verbos compuestos inseparablesNo se puede separar la preposición del verbo y el complemento de objeto directo debe venir después de la preposición o adverbio que compone el phrasal verb.

Un ejemplo es “look after” con el sentido de “cuidar a” u “ocuparse de”:

Parents must look after their kids.2.-Verbos compuestos separablesEn este tipo de verbo compuesto o phrasal verbs, el complemento de objeto directo va entre el verbo y el complemento.

Un ejemplo es “set apart” con el sentido de “distinguir” o “caracterizar”:

The quality of their products sets Rolex apart from other watch makers.3.-Verbos intransitivosVarios verbos compuestos o phrasal verbs se pueden utilizar sin un complemento de objeto directo.

Por ejemplo “make up” en el sentido de “hacer las paces”:


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When mom and dad have an argument, they usually make up the following day.Como ves, en este caso no se usa un complemento de objeto directo.

Por si todo esto no fuera suficientemente complicado, muchas veces un mismo verbo compuesto o phrasal verb se puede usar junto o separadoTomemos por ejemplo el verbo “turn off” con el sentido de “apagar”:Tanto “Before going to bed, I turn off the TV”…… como “Before going to bed, I turn the TV off”, son correctos.



El imperativo es la forma utilizada para hacer peticiones, dar órdenes, dar instrucciones, avisar,etc.

Open the door! ¡Abre la puerta!Sit there! Siéntate ahí!Look! Mira!

Puede añadirse antes o después del verbo la palabra “please” para suavizar una instrucción o petición:Please come in. Entre por favorFollow me, please. Sígame por favor.

Se pueden utilizar los verbos modales will o would para dar instrucciones o hacer peticiones de una forma aún más educada. Fijase en las siguientes expresiones, en las que va en aumento el grado de cortesía.

Open the door! - BRUSCOOpen the door, please. - MENOS BRUSCOWill you open the door, please? - CORTÉSwould you open the door, please? - MUY CORTÉS

Sólo existe la conjugación de la segunda persona tanto del singular como la

del plural.

Hay que destacar que las oraciones de imperativo carecen de sujeto.

Con el verbo auxiliar Let (permitir, dejar) se puede formar un equivalente al imperativo para la primera persona y la tercera persona:Let me run permíteme correr


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Let him run permítele correr Let her run permítele correrLet it run permítele correrLet them run permíteles correr



Los verbos modales ingleses, modal verbs, se llaman también modal auxiliary verbs  o simplemente modals. Estos verbos son una categoría de verbos auxiliares, es decir que no se puede usarlos sin verbo principal.

Hay diez verbos modales ingleses:

Can Could/ May Might/ Shall Should/ Will Would/ Must Ought to

Sin embargo en este boque estudiaremos solamente 4: can, could, may y would en su forma interrogativa.

1. En preguntas si/no (Yes / No questions):Verbo modal + sujeto + verbo principal. Can they come?

2. En  preguntas informativas (Wh- questions).

Wh- Word + verbo modal+ sujeto+ verbo principal

When can they eat?

How could he walk?

Can.- se utiliza en preguntas,  para solicitar permiso para hacer algo o para preguntar sobre una posibilidad.

a) Can I help you?b) Can Tom eat another piece of cake?c) Who can answer the question?d) When can we have the results?


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Could,  en las preguntas sí / no, especula sobre posibilidades en el presente o en el futuro

a) Could she be the murderer?b) Could this be a mistake?c) Could you return tomorrow?

Nota: En las preguntas de sí / no, could hace una solicitud cortés. En estos ejemplos, can puede reemplazar a could pero es un poco menos cortés.Could you open the window?Can you open the window?

Se usa may, can y could,  en las preguntas sí o no, para hacer demandas. Las palabras may y could se utilizan para más cortesía

a) May I see your passport?a) Can I see your passport?a) Could I see your passport?b) May we have some more water, please?b) Can we have some more water, please?b) Could we have some more water, please?

Would vuelve una solicitud más cortés.a) Come here, please. a) would you come here, please?b) Stop making that noise! b) would you stop making that noise?

Nota: En preguntas, would + like + infinitive es una forma de cortés para solicitar una decisión.

a) Where would you like to sit?b) Would you like to start with a salad?


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