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Volumen de comunicaciones presentadas en el VIII Simposio sobre el margen ibérico atlántico, celebrado en Málaga entre el 21 y 23 de septiembre de 2015.





    Mlaga, del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015


    V. Daz del Ro, P. Brcenas, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, D. Palomino, J.L. Rueda, O. Snchez-Guillamn, J.T. Vzquez

    Grupo de Geociencias Marinas (GEMAR)

    Centro Oceanogrfico de Mlaga Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa

    Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad



    Vctor Daz del Ro, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Patricia Brcenas, Universidad de Mlaga Luis Miguel Fernndez-Salas, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Nieves Lpez-Gonzlez, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Jos Luis Rueda, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Olga Snchez-Guillamn, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Juan Toms Vzquez, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Desire Palomino, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Jorge Macas, Universidad de Mlaga Jorge Baro, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Francisco Lobo Snchez, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas Marina Gallardo, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa Fernando de la Rosa, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa

    con la colaboracin de:

    Luis Medina-Montoya, Ayuntamiento de Mlaga Francisco Quereda, Mlaga Convention Bureau, Ayuntamiento de Mlaga Prof. Dr. Xavier Niell, Universidad de Mlaga Inma Aragn, Diputacin de Mlaga Martirio Carrasco, Diputacin de Mlaga David Van Rooij, Universidad de Gent (Blgica) Antonio Troya, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN) Elvira Ceballos, Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa

    Foto portada: Panormica de la Baha de Mlaga tomada desde el Monte de San Antn.

    Los artculos contenidos en este libro debern citarse siguiendo el siguiente ejemplo: Cearreta, A., Irabien, M.J. & Lpez, I. (2015). Regeneracin ambiental durante el Antropoceno: Una nueva pgina en la historia de la Ra de Bilbao? En: V. Daz del Ro, P. Brcenas, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, D. Palomino, J.L. Rueda, O. Snchez-Guillamn, J.T. Vzquez (eds.): Volumen de Comunicaciones presentadas en el VIII Simposio sobre el Margen Ibrico Atlntico. Ediciones Sia Graf, Mlaga, pp.: 265-268.

    Quedan reservados todos los derechos de reprografa, parcial o total, de este volumen a los efectos de comercializacin de su contenido. Edita e Imprime: Ediciones Sia Graf, Mlaga. I.S.B.N.: Depsito Legal :

  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    PRESENTACIN DE MIA15 Han transcurrido 20 aos desde que en el ao 1994 se realiz la convocatoria del 1 Simposio Internacional sobre el Margen Continental Ibrico Atlntico (MIA). Es momento de hacer balance de los logros alcanzados durante este tiempo, y analizar las dificultades encontradas en este largo camino que hubieran podido ralentizar la deseable dinmica de cooperacin cientfica marina que este foro fomenta entre los dos estados ibricos.

    No son pocos los retos cientficos que habrn de arrostrarse en el inmediato futuro y que requerirn enfoques cientficos coordinados y cooperativos, puesto que centrarn su atencin prioritaria en la zona costera y en las aguas azules que son jurisdiccin de ambos estados: Portugal y Espaa. Ejemplos recientes como las Estrategias Marinas Europeas o la Directiva de Hbitats, ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de establecer vnculos de cooperacin cientfica que permitan ejecutar la tarea de investigacin -y muy probablemente de gestin cientfica futura-, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar coordinada de excelencia cientfica, para la cual ambos estados cuentan con el necesario capital humano altamente cualificado. El aprovechamiento de este inmenso potencial humano en favor de los retos cientficos que plantea el uso intensivo del dominio litoral y el medio marino, exige el fomento de una atmsfera de confianza que facilite la integracin de grupos de investigacin transnacionales que afronten la tarea que queda por hacer.

    No es ocioso sealar que el foro de encuentro que ha creado la comunidad cientfica marina ibrica, aprovechando la dinmica de las celebraciones trienales del Simposio MIA, ha de seguir ofrecindose como plataforma que permita catapultar nuevas iniciativas de cooperacin bilateral o multilateral. Con esta finalidad convocamos, una vez ms y por octava vez consecutiva, este foro cientfico que centra su atencin en el medio marino Ibrico Atlntico, abarcando el rea martima peninsular e insular Macaronsica.

    Por qu hemos elegido Mlaga para esta celebracin? El Simposio MIA se viene celebrando desde el ao 1994 en diversas ciudades ubicadas en la costa peninsular ibrica atlntica (Lisboa, Cdiz, Faro, Vigo, Aveiro, Oviedo, Lisboa). Transcurridos sus 20 primeros aos de vida, podemos empezar a realizar algunos matices que la propia evolucin del conocimiento cientfico ha ido introduciendo en los diversos enfoques de la investigacin marina. As sabemos que la regin martima que baa la provincia de Mlaga, junto con la de Cdiz, es singularmente atlntica y mediterrnea a la vez. Su litoral est baado por las aguas del mar de Alborn cuya dinmica marina, profundamente influenciada por el Ocano Atlntico, determina la circulacin en toda la cuenca mediterrnea. Su proximidad al Estrecho de Gibraltar le permite beneficiarse de los flujos de agua superficial atlntica, al tiempo que canaliza los ltimos pasos de la corriente mediterrnea profunda en busca de su salida hacia el Ocano Atlntico hasta alcanzar las reas ms septentrionales de Hatton Bank en la Cuenca de Islandia.

    Esta naturaleza atlntica le permite acoger en su entorno una gran diversidad de especies ocenicas, al mismo tiempo que muestra los ltimos reductos de especies endmicas

  • mediterrneas, como por ejemplo la Posidonia oceanica. Dicha circunstancia hace que nos replanteemos los enfoques que tenemos que introducir en las investigaciones transversales, de forma que permitan establecer la conveniente interdisciplinaridad entre determinadas disciplinas cientficas. Una de las intenciones que motiva la celebracin de MIA15 en la ciudad de Mlaga, es fomentar el incremento de nuestra comunidad cientfica para poder avanzar en la integracin de perspectivas novedosas que nos ayuden a comprender mejor la interrelacin existente entre los procesos oceanogrficos que definen el eje Golfo de Cdiz/Estrecho de Gibraltar/Mar de Alborn, tan atlnticos como mediterrneos y tan mediterrneos como atlnticos.

    Son varios los grupos de investigacin luso-espaoles que cooperan en el estudio cientfico de esta estratgica zona marina, y es momento de darles la oportunidad para que puedan presentar aquellas comunicaciones que versen sobre diversos aspectos de la oceanografa atlanto-mediterrnea suribrica. No cabe duda que estas aportaciones arrojarn luz sobre el conocimiento que tenemos de la influencia que ejerce el mar Mediterrneo en el Ocano Atlantico, y sus litorales.

    Mlaga, abre sus puertas a la presentacin de comunicaciones de todos los grupos de investigacin interesados en participar en el Simposio MIA15, fomentando la participacin de jvenes cientficos que quieran defender en pblico las conclusiones de sus estudios doctorales, masterandos o de cooperacin en proyectos, y as provocar enriquecedoras discusiones con el resto del foro.

    Es conviccin de la Comisin Organizadora que las presentaciones estarn a la altura de la excelente calidad de los resmenes extendidos que componen la sustancia de este volumen. Deseamos adems que las prximas celebraciones, que ya se anuncian para Coimbra 2018 y posteriormente Bilbao 2021, refuercen los lazos de cooperacin ibricos y que nuestra Comunidad Cientfica Marina sepa afrontar los retos que el futuro nos depara, y que sin lugar a duda nos ayudarn a conocer mejor nuestro Planeta y a gestionar apropiadamente sus recursos.

    Dr. Vctor Daz del Ro Espaol Coordinador MIA15

  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015



    1. Ecosistemas Marinos de los mrgenes ibricos bajo influencia atlntica.

    Tames-Espinosa, M., I. Martnez, T.T. Packard & M. Gmez

    Planktonic potential CO2 emission calculation: Preliminary results by applying an adapted enzymatic methodology to marine ecosystems. 1

    Gutirrez-Martnez, M., E. Gonzlez-Ortegn, F. Bald, J.P. Caavate & C. Vilas

    Evolucin espacio-temporal de la comunidad de zooplancton en el estuario del Guadalquivir 5

    Carvalho-Souza, G.F., M. Llope, E. Gonzlez-Ortegn, C. Vilas, F. Bald, C. Gonzlez & M.P. Jimnez

    Seasonal variation of zooplankton and environmental conditions along a transect in the Gulf of Cdiz 9

    Garrido, S., A. Gmez-Parra, T. Ortega & J. Forja Variacin estacional de los flujos de CO2 en el Golfo de Cdiz 13 Domnguez, R., S. Garrido, A. M. P. Santos & A. dos Santos

    Spatial patterns of copepod communities in the Northwestern Iberian shelf during autumn 17

    Snchez de Pedro, R., F.X. Niell & R. Carmona Primary production dynamics of two rhodophytes in an Atlantized-Mediterranean estuary 21

    Miloslavich, P., W. Appeltans, N. Bax, A. Fischer, J. Gunn, F. Marsac & S. Simmons

    Observacin Global de los Ocanos: integrando variables biolgicas y ecolgicas al sistema GOOS 25

    Niell, F.X., R. Muoz, M. Ruiz-Nieto & R.Carmona Prediccin de los cambios de la vegetacin de marisma basada en modelos de competencia entre especies 29

    Requena, C. & F.X. Niell The ecosystem Service of an Atlantic Salt-Marsh as a Carbon Sink. Modelling, Balance and Simulation 33

    Lpez-Pulido, P., J. J. Vergara & F. G. Brun Effects of ammonium loads in seagrass ecosystems of Bay of Cadiz 37

    Sa, E., F. Fatela, M.C. Cabral, V. Brotas & C. Beltrn, T. Drago

    Organic matter quality and sediment grain size off SE coast of Algarve (Portugal) 41

    Calero, M. C., J. Delgado, J. Garca-Lafuente & F. Martins Preliminary study of the physical characterization of the Guadiana estuary (SW Iberian Peninsula) by the hydrodynamic model Mohid 45

    Moreno-Roldn, J.M., M.A. Luque-Nieto, P. Otero, J. Poncela, L.M. Fernndez-Salas & V. Daz-del-Ro

    Monitorizacin de entornos submarinos en tiempo real. 49

    2. Recursos marinos pelgicos y demersales.

    Yebra, L., M. V. Funes, E. Gonzlez-Ortegn, F. Bald, M. P. Jimnez, P. Caavate & C. Vilas

    Variacin estacional de la condicin nutricional larvaria del boquern (Engraulis encrasicolus) en el estuario del Guadalquivir. 53

    Garca-Ruiz, C., D. Lloris & L. Gil de Sola Distribucin espacial de las especies cticas en el talud continental del mar de Alborn (sector norte) y el Golfo de Vera. 57

    Delgado, M., Silva, L., Gmez, S., Masferrer, E., Cojan, M., Terrn, A., Fernndez, J., Martnez, E., Gaspar & M.

    Estructura poblacional, crecimiento y produccin de la coquina Donax trunculus en la zona intermareal del litoral de Huelva. 61

    Pires, R. F. T., M. Pan, A. M. P. Santos, C. Faria, S. Ferreira, I. A. Cataln, L. Prieto & A. dos Santos

    Larval dispersal in the Gulf of Cadiz - Mediterranean Sea system: the case of the Sergia robusta shrimp. 65

    Rubio, C. J., D. Macas & J. C. Bez Efecto de las oscilaciones atmosfricas sobre las capturas de Grandes Migradores Pelgicos con inters pesquero. 69

    Marina, P., J.M. Rodriguez, R. Laiz-Carrin, A. Garca & J. Baro

    Distribucin espacial y variabilidad temporal de la comunidad de larvas de peces en la baha de Mlaga. 73

    Del rbol, J., R. Glvez & A. Terrn-Sigler Pautas de pesca artesanal en la Reserva de Pesca de la Desembocadura del Guadalquivir. 77

    Cosn, A., R. Cabrera & M.C. Soriguer Anlisis de la variabilidad temporal de los parmetros biolgicos de las capturas del boquern (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) en el Golfo de Cdiz. 81


  • Muoz, P., J.C. Bez, E. Ceballos, M.J. Melndez, E. Alot & D. Macas

    Anlisis preliminar del efecto de las oscilaciones climticas sobre la condicin fsica de la melva (Auxis rochei) post-reproductora en el Mar de Alborn. 85

    Vila, Y., C. Burgos, M. Soriano, I. Sobrino, C. Barragn-Mndez & J. Canoura

    Imgenes submarinas: una herramienta para la estimacin de la abundancia de cigala en el golfo de Cdiz 89

    3. Mesa Redonda. Las extensiones de la Plataforma Continental en Portugal y Espaa. Alcance cientfico.

    Martins, M.A. & P. Neves Coelho Are Courts and Tribunals promoting the encroachment of the CLCS functions? 93

    4. Modelado y simulacin numrica de procesos en el medio marino.

    Macas, J., M.J. Castro & T. Morales Numerical Simulation of hyperpycnal flows with the 1D Turbidity-HySEA model. 97

    Brcenas, P., L.M. Fernndez-Salas, J. Macas, F.J. Lobo, N. Lpez-Gonzlez & V. Daz del Ro

    El papel de la pendiente y el caudal fluvial en la construccin deltaica de ros montaosos de caudal estacional. 101

    Fernndez-Nieto, E.D., T. Morales de Luna & G. Narbona-Reina

    On Saint-Venant-Exner models with arbitrarily sloping sediment beds. 105

    Morales de Luna, T., E.D. Fernndez-Nieto & M.J. Castro Sediment transport in shallow water. 109 Salgueiro, D.V., H. de Pablo, R. Neves & M. Mateus Simulating thermal plume dispersion on the southwest Iberian

    coast. The case of Sines, Portugal. 113 Rodrguez-Delgado, C., R.J. Bergillos & M. Ortega-Snchez Modelado de sistemas deltaicos altamente alterados: El caso del

    Guadalfeo (Sur de Espaa) 117 Antunes do Carmo, J. S. Sediment transport induced by skewness and asymmetry of the

    wave 121 De Pablo, H., D. Salgueiro, C. Viegas, F. Campuzano & R. Neves

    Operational model to support submarine outfall discharges monitoring on West Iberian Coast-Cases of Guia and Sines, Portugal. 125

    Rueda, L., A. Punzn, A. Rodrguez, J. Gil, L. Gil de Sola, A. Esteban, M. Hidalgo & E. Massut

    Time series modelling of Spanish demersal fisheries landings. 129

    5. Naturaleza y estructura del margen continental ibrico y macaronsico.

    Duarte, L. V. Evidncias sedimentares e estratigrficas do proto-Atlntico com elevado valor cientfico e impacto educativo: O exemplo do Jurssico Inferior da pennsula de Peniche (Portugal). 133

    Cadenas, P., J.A. Pulgar & G. Fernndez-Viejo Estructura de la Cuenca Asturiana (Margen Continental Noribrico) a partir del anlisis de sondeos y perfiles ssmicos de reflexin. 137

    Cunha, P.P., A.A. Martins, J. Cabral, M.P. Gouveia, J.-P. Buylaert & A.S. Murray

    Staircases of wave-cut platforms in western central Portugal (Cape Mondego to Cape Espichel) relevance as indicators of crustal uplift. 141

    Lopes, F. C., L. C. Gama Pereira, A. A. Gomes, P. P. Cunha, C. R. Gomes & A. A. Martins

    Os relevos calcrios da Regio Central do Barrocal Algarvio (Sul de Portugal): um modelo tectnico. 145

    Vzquez, J.T., M.C. Fernndez-Puga, D. Palomino, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, O. Snchez-Guillamn, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, V. Daz del Ro & R. Vegas

    Shallow tectonics on the middle continental slope of the northeastern Gulf of Cadiz continental margin (SW Iberia).

    149 Fernndez-Puga, M.C., O. Snchez-Guillamn, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, J.T. Vzquez, D. Palomino, L. Somoza, T. Medialdea, F.J. Gonzlez & R. Len

    Caracterizacin morfolgica y estructural de nuevos volcanes de fango en el margen marroqu del Golfo de Cdiz.

    153 Palomino, D., N. Lpez-Gonzlez, J.T. Vzquez, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, J.L. Rueda, E. Gonzlez-Garca, R. Snchez-Leal & V. Daz-del-Ro

    Caractersticas geolgicas, oceanogrficas y bentnicas del volcn de fango Gazul en el talud medio del Golfo de Cdiz.

    157 Magalhes, V. H., L. Menezes Pinheiro, C. Vasconcelos & S. Wang

    Paleo-temperature and composition of fluids associated with the formation of methane-derived authigenic carbonates from the Gulf of Cadiz. 161

    Merinero, R., R. Lunar, V. Cardenes, L. Somoza & F.J. Gonzlez

    Sunflower micro-pyrite in methane-derived carbonate pipes of the Gulf of Cadiz. 165

  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    Len, R., T. Medialdea, Somoza, L., J. Gimnez-Moreno & Gonzlez, F.J.

    Potencialidad y dificultades en la evaluacin de la susceptibilidad a los deslizamientos submarinos en el MIA a partir del catlogo de eventos. 169

    Pajarn, L., M.C. Fernndez-Puga, J.T. Vzquez, E. Lpez-Baeza & L.M. Fernndez-Salas

    Caracterizacin de deslizamientos submarinos en el sector nororiental del talud superior y medio del Golfo de Cdiz (SO de la Pennsula Ibrica). 173

    Snchez-Guillamn, O., J.T. Vzquez, L. Somoza, D. Palomino, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, T. Medialdea, R. Len, N. Lpez-Gonzlez & F.J. Gonzlez

    Morphological characteristics and superficial structure of submarine mounds in the lower slope of the Canary continental margin (W of Canary Islands). 177

    Snchez Guillamn, O., L.M. Fernndez-Salas, D. Palomino, J.T. Vzquez, T. Medialdea & L. Somoza

    Morphometry of submarine mounds in the lower slope of the Canary continental margin (W of Canary Islands): A DEM based analysis. 181

    Fernndez-Sez, F., F. Bohoyo, A. Maestro, M. Domnguez & J. Garca-Senz

    Determinacin de estructuras geolgicas susceptibles de almacenar dixido de carbono en el Margen Cantbrico: Proyecto ALGECO2 185

    Plaza-Morlote, M., D. Rey, J.F. Santos, S. Ribeiro, D. Heslop, A. Bernabu, K.J. Mohamed, B. Rubio & V. Martns

    Caracterizacin y procedencia de IRDs en la Cuenca Interior de Galicia (NW Iberia)

    189 Lpez, A. E., B. Rubio, D. Rey, K.J. Mohamed, P. lvarez-Iglesias, M. Plaza-Morlote, A. Bernabeu & V. Martins

    Sediment characterization in the vicinity of the Giant Pock Mark structure known as the Gran Burato (Transitional Zone, Galicia continental margin). 193

    Mena, A., G. Francs & R. Gonzlez-lvarez Surface oceanografic conditons of the Galicia Interior Basin during the past 60 ka: planktonic foraminifera analysis. 197

    Dinis, P. A., J . L. Dinis, M. Mendes, J. Rey & J. Pais Interpreting climate from weathering indices. A case study from the Early Cretaceous of western Portugal. 201

    Cartelle, V., N. Martnez-Carreo & S. Garca-Gil Caracterizacin del relleno sedimentario de la Ra de Ferrol (Ras Altas, NO Espaa): resultados preliminares del estudio de la estratigrafa ssmica. 205

    Fatela, F., P. Costa, N. Hoska, M. Quintela, C. Andrade, M. A. Oliveira, T. Drago & M C. Freitas

    Complementary approach of foraminiferal analysis to characterize the sedimentary record of tsunamis. An example from November 1st, 1755 deposits in Algarve (South Portugal). 209

    Cunha, P.P., C. Andrade, M.C. Freitas, J. Dinis, A.A. Martins, P.J.M. Costa, M.A. Oliveira, J.-P. Buylaert, A.S. Murray & S. Marques

    Characterization of the sedimentary record of the AD1755 tsunami in the Martinhal Holocene succession (Algarve, Portugal).

    213 Neves, M.C., C. Roque & K.M. Luttrell Sea level changes and earthquake triggering in SW Iberia:

    Implications for submarine landslides from Coulomb stress models. 217

    6. Oceanografa y dinmica litoral en los mrgenes ibricos bajo influencia atlntica.

    Reul, A., M. Muoz & B. Bautista Spatio-temporal variability in the NW-Alboran Sea upwelling area and derived estimates of nitrate upwelling and POC downwelling. 221

    Us, J., J. Guitin, A. Mena, G. Francs, M. Prez-Arlucea & Equipo MOWER

    Variabilidad de la intensidad de la MOW en el sector oriental del golfo de Cdiz: implicaciones climticas. 225

    Serrano, M.A., M. Dez- Minguito, M. Ortega- Snchez & M.A. Losada

    Estudio de la caracterizacin y propagacin de ondas de plataforma continental en el suroeste del mar Mediterrneo. 229

    Fernndez-Nvoa, D., M. Gmez-Gesteira, M. de Castro, R. Mendes, M. Des & J.M. Dias

    Characterization, analysis and comparative of the most important Atlantic Iberian river plumes using MODIS imagery. 233

    Martin-Garcia, G.M., F.J. Sierro & J.A. Flores Reconstruction of North Atlantic circulation affecting the SW Iberian Margin during Glacial stagesfrom 840 to 530 ka. 237

    Burgos, M., T. Ortega & J.M. Forja Methane emissions to the atmosphere from aquatic systems of Cadiz Bay (SW Spain). 241

    Ortega, T., M. Burgos, R. Ponce & J.M. Forja Dinmica del carbono inorgnico en sistemas costeros de la Baha de Cdiz: efectos de factores antrpicos. 245

    Ponce, R., M. Burgos, T. Ortega, J. Forja & A. Gmez-Parra Variabilidad estacional del comportamiento de nutrientes en la Baha de Cdiz (SW ESPAA). 249


  • Guitin, J., J. Us, A. Mena, M. Prez-Arlucea, G. Francs & Equipo MOWER

    Caractersticas sedimentarias de un canal de corriente profunda en un sistema sedimentario contorntico arenoso (golfo de Cdiz). 253

    Costoya, X., D. Fernndez-Nvoa, M. de Castro, M. Gmez-Gesteira & F. Santos

    Efecto de las descargas de los ros sobre el calentamiento costero en el Atlntico Norte: Estudio de los ros Loire y Gironde. 257

    Garel, E., I. Laiz & P. Relvas Multiyear observations of coastal counter-currents in the Gulf of Cadiz. 261

    Cearreta, A., M.J. Irabien & I. Lpez Regeneracin ambiental durante el Antropoceno: Una nueva pgina en la historia de la Ra de Bilbao? 265

    Cearreta, A., N. El bani, S. Hernndez-Martn, M.J. Irabien & A. Hilario

    Evolucin ambiental del estuario del Deba (Geoparque de la Costa Vasca) durante el Holoceno. 269

    Gago, J., G. Gonzalez-Nuevo, A. Serrano & M.B. Santos Basuras marinas (flotantes y sobre el fondo) frente a la costa noroccidental de la Pennsula Ibrica (2007-2012). 273

    Carmona, R., R. Snchez de Pedro, M. Ruiz-Nieto & F.X. Niell

    Reassessment of fucoid assemblages next to a pulp mill waste in the Northwest coast of Spain 277

    Coello Oviedo, M D., C.A. Aragn Cruz, M M. Hinojosa Guerra, A. Real & J. M Quiroga Alonso

    Infiltraciones salinas en aguas residuales urbanas y su influencia sobre los sistemas de depuracin biolgica. 281

    Des, M., D. Fernndez-Nvoa, M. De Castro & M. Gmez-Gesteira

    Minho turbid plume analysis under its main drivers using MODIS imagery. 285

    Garca-Martnez, M.C., F. Moya, M. Vargas-Yez, M. Serra, J.L. Lpez-Jurado, R. Balbn, A. Aparicio-Gonzlez & R. Santiago

    El programa de monitorizacin RADMED Series temporales de datos oceanogrficos en el Mediterrneo (2007-2015) en el mar de Alborn. 289

    Cravo, A., A. Ovelheiro, J. Luis & J.Jacob What are the driving mechanisms of the mass exchanges through the main inlet of Ria Formosa lagoon and adjacent channels under autumn conditions? 293

    Gomes, A., T. Boski, D. Moura, K. Szkornik, S. Connor & A. Witkowski

    The Holocene history of the Guadiana estuary as told by diatoms and chrysophyte cysts. 297

    Leira, M., M.C. Freitas, C. Andrade, A. Cruces, V. Paio Lopes & S. Moreira

    Past and Present of Coastal Dune Environments of the Southwestern Portuguese Coast. 301

    Marinho, B., C. Coelho, M. Larson & H. Hanson Aplicao da anlise EOF ao trecho costeiro Barra-Vagueira. 305 Montes, J., J. Benavente & L. Del Ro Influencia de los temporales a corto plazo en un sistema dunar:

    Punta del Boquern (Baha de Cdiz). 309 Nava, E., P. Brcenas, P. Otero, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, M.C. Clemente, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, M.C. Garca, F. Moya, J.T. Vzquez, F.J. Lobo, O. Snchez-Guillamn, D. Palomino , M. Vargas, J. Macas & V. Daz-del-Ro

    Anlisis de imagen para la identificacin de objetos en filtros procedentes de las plumas de turbidez.

    313 Puig, M., J. Benavente, L. Del Ro & T.A. Plomaritis Clima martimo y respuesta morfodinmica de dos tramos de una

    playa urbana (Cdiz). 317 Sousa, C., T. Boski, L. Pereira & A. Gomes Holocene reconstruction of the depositional record and sea level

    rise in the Ria Formosa barrier system, Portugal. 321

    7. Pluridisciplinar. Presentaciones en formato poster.

    Barbero, I., B. Rosado, C. Torrecillas, R. Pez, A. Prez-Pea, A. Fernndez-Ros, J. Garate, A. Garca, R. Ortiz & M. Berrocoso

    Estudios geodinmicos de la regin de la Macaronesia, Margen Occidental de la Pennsula Ibrica y Costa Occidental Africana mediante observaciones GNSS continuas.

    325 Brcenas, P., F.J. Lobo, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, I. Mendes, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, J. Macas, J.T. Vzquez & V. Daz del Ro

    Building up stages of a Mediterranean delta: Climatic changes and anthropogenic forcing in the Adra River delta.

    329 Baro, J., J. M. Serna-Quintero, T. Garca , A. Girldez, P. Marina, J. L. Rueda, M. Gallardo-Nez, E. Moya, R. Laiz-Carrin & A. Garca

    Distribucin espacial de flotas pesqueras en una futura Reserva de Pesca en la baha de Mlaga (Noroeste del Mar de Alborn).

    333 Carvalho, A. N., F. Pereira, T. Drago & M. B. Gaspar Does the shoreface morphodynamics affect the spatial-temporal

    distribution of macrobenthic communities? An integrated approach on Eastern Algarve shelf. 337

    Ceballos, E., J.C. Bez, M. J. Melndez, P. Muoz & D. Macas

    Variaciones interanuales en las capturas de tiburones pelgicos en el Mar de Alborn, dependen de las Oscilaciones Atmosfricas? 341

  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    Circoles, C., C. Garcia-Ruiz, M. Gonzlez & J.L. Rueda Moluscos recolectados con arte de arrastre en fondos blandos circalitorales y batiales del norte del mar de Alborn. 345

    Cojan, M., L. Silva, M. Delgado, A. Terrn, J. Fernandez & E. Martinez

    Descripcin de la fauna macrobentnica en la zona intermareal del litoral de Huelva donde se desarrolla la pesquera de coquina (Donax trunculus Linnaeus, 1758). 349

    Cores, C. & K. Erzini Aspects of the reproductive biology of Pennants swimming crab (Portumnus latipes)in the south of Portugal. 353

    Czerwinski, I. A., R. Glvez-Csar, J. A. Callejo-Lpez & A. Terrn-Sigler

    Testing fish assemblages and lithology association through VMS and landing data. 357

    Duarte, D., V. H. Magalhes, P. Terrinha, C. Ribeiro, L. M. Pinheiro, O. Benazzouz & Kim Jung-Hyun

    Seismic characterization of fluid migration and Pockmarks formation in the Estremadura Spur, Western Iberian Margin. 361

    Gallardo-Roldn, H., J. Urra, E. Len, M, Lozano, J. Baro, J.L. Rueda & T. Garca

    Anlisis de los descartes y el impacto bentnico de la pesquera de dragas mecanizadas dirigida a la chirla en el Mar de Alborn. 365

    Garca, T., M. Gonzlez, J. Baro, J.M. Serna-Quintero, C. Circoles, A. Carbonell & J.M. Bellido

    Biomasa descartada de especies explotadas comercialmente por la flota de arrastre de fondo en el Mar de Alborn Norte. 369

    Gmez-Ballesteros, M., F. Snchez, A. Garca-Alegre, C. Gonzlez-Pola, J. Hernndez-Molina, G. Ercilla, E. Llave & S. Mink

    Caracterizacin morfosedimetaria del Banco Le Danois (AMP El Cachucho, mar Cantbrico) .

    373 Gonzlez-Garca, E., J.L. Rueda, G. Bruque, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, C. Farias & V. Daz del Rio

    Evaluacin espacial de la actividad pesquera de arrastre en un Campo somero de Volcanes de fango del Golfo de Cdiz. 377

    Gonzlez-Garca, C., L.M. Lubin, C. Garca-Muoz & J.M. Forja

    Contribucin del pico y nanofitoplancton a la biomasa fitoplanctnica total en el Golfo de Cdiz. 381

    Hernndez-Marrero, Y. A. & R. Cabrera-Castro Anlisis del estado de los erizos de mar en Canarias y zonas Atlnticas - Mediterrneas de la Pennsula Ibrica. 385

    Jimnez, M.P., F. Alvarez, F. Bald, C. Gonzlez, E. Gonzlez-Ortegn, L. Yebra, F. Ramos & C. Vilas

    Estudios de crecimiento diario en otolitos de larvas de Engraulis encrasicolus L. 1758 en el Golfo de Cdiz (SW Pennsula Ibrica). 389

    Lebreiro, S.L., L. Antn, M.I. Reguera, I. Mendes & F.J. Lobo

    The sedimentary record of the muddy depocentres derived from the Guadiana River, northern Gulf of Cadiz. 393

    Lira, C., M. Ribeiro, I. Bosnic, S. Oliveira, J. Horta, A. Nascimento, A. Gomes, D. Moura

    MOSES Project: first results of an in situ prompt method to detect fluorescent tracer 397

    Lopes, A., P.F. Silva, T. Drago, V. Magalhes, C. Roque, A.I. Rodrigues, A. Kopf, D. Vlker, P. Terrinha & M.A. Baptista

    Magnetic parameters and their contribution to the identification of tsunami layers in the sedimentary record off Algarve (South of Portugal) - Preliminary results. 401

    Lujn, M., F.J. Lobo & M. Bruno Geomorphological features of the northern continental shelf of the Strait of Gibraltar adjacent to Camarinal Sill. 405

    Len, E., J. Urra, H. Gallardo-Roldan, M. Lozano, J. Baro, J.L. Rueda & T.Garca

    Descarte e impacto asociado a la pesquera de la coquina (Donax trunculus, 1758) en el Mar de Alborn: composicin, estructura y variacin espacio-temporal. 409

    Llave, E., F.J. Hernndez-Molina, D.A.V. Stow & R. Brackenridge

    Sandy contourites during the Pliocene and Quaternary on the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz: sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications. 413

    Llave, E., F.J. Hernndez-Molina, G. Ercilla, M. Garca, C. Roque, C. Juan, A. Mena, B. Preu, D. Van Rooij, M. Rebesco, R. Brackenridge, G. Jan, D. Stow & M. Gmez-Ballesteros

    Contourite deposits related to Mediterranean water masses around Iberia: state of the art and future implications .

    417 Macas, D., A. Garca-Horcajuelo, S. Garca-Barcelona, E. Alot, E. Ceballos, M.J. Melndez & J.C. Bez

    Segregacin espacial por sexo de la tintorera en el Atlntico Este y Mediterrneo Occidental. 421

    Marina, P., J.M. Rodriguez, R. Laiz-Carrin, A. Garca & J. Baro

    Distribucin y abundancia de los estadios tempranos de Sardina pilchardus y Engraulis encrasicolus en la baha de Mlaga (Noroeste del Mar de Alborn). 425

    Martin-Garcia, G.M., F.J. Sierro, D. A. Hodell & J.A. Flores Climate oscillations on the SW Iberian Margin from 860 to 490 ka. 429 Mateo-Ramrez, ., C. Farias, H. Gallardo Roldn, A. Daz, J.L. Rueda, J.E. Garca Raso, F. Ordines & M.C. Garca Ruiz

    Asociaciones de decpodos de fondos blandos circalitorales y batiales del mar de Alborn. 433


  • Mateus, A., M. Cacho, C. Roque, F.J. Hernndez-Molina, G. Ercilla, D. Casas & MOWER Cruise party

    Calcareous Nannofossils as indicators of mass-transport deposits (CONDRIBER project). 437

    Matias, C., M.C. Cabral & F. Fatela Preliminary assessment of Ostracoda and benthic Foraminifera assemblages in the oceanographic context of W Algarve upper slope (SW Portugal) 441

    Mazouz, M. & S.-M. E.-A. Abi-Ayad Contribution to the study of reproduction parameters of the European conger eel (Conger conger; Linnaeus, 1758) from the Western Algerian coasts, Oran bay (Algeria). 445

    Medialdea, T., J. Gimnez Moreno, L. Somoza, R. Len & F.J. Gonzlez

    El Proyecto EMODnet: una iniciativa para el desarrollo del conocimiento geolgico de los mares europeos. 449

    Melndez, M.J., D. Macas, E. Ceballos, P. Muoz, J. A. Camias , J. M. Serna-Quintero & J. C. Bez

    La demarcacin Estrecho-Alborn como un rea prioritaria para la conservacin de los Condrictios en un contexto Atlntico-Mediterrneo. 453

    Moreno, J., F. Moreno, F. Fatela, E. Leorri, R. Taborda A hydro-climatic approach based on newspaper grape harvest dates and marsh benthic foraminifera (Minho, NW Portugal). 457

    Moya, E. & J. de la Rosa Ficoflora asociada a praderas de Posidonia oceanica en las provincias de Granada y Mlaga. 461

    Muoz-Lechuga, R., S. van Bergeijk, C. Vilas, R. Snchez-Leal, C. Prez-Gavilan & J.P. Caavate

    Identificacin, cuantificacin y anlisis de cidos grasos de la comunidad fitoplanctnica del rea de influencia del Guadalquivir en el Golfo de Cdiz. 465

    Neves, M.C., P.M. Figueiredo & S. Martnez-Loriente Southwest Iberia uplift investigated by Flexural Modelling. 469 Nil, S., S. Ali-Mehidi, A. Zellal & S.-M. E.-A Abi-Ayad Effects of season on the yield and quality of agar from the

    Rhodophyta Gelidium sesquipedae from Mostaganem (Algeria). 473 Oliveira, A., J. Cascalho, J. Duarte, M. Ribeiro & R. Taborda

    Diferenciao composicional e dimensional do sedimento arenoso - Praia do Norte (Nazar). 477

    Palomino, D., J.T. Vzquez, L. Somoza, R. Len, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, T. Medialdea, L.M. Fernndez-Salas & F.J. Gonzlez

    Caractersticas geomorfolgicas del Monte submarino Echo (Sur de la Provincia Volcnica de las Islas Canarias).

    481 Quintela, M., F. Fatela & T. Drago Benthic foraminifera analysis applied to a preliminary study of

    tsunami deposition the outer shelf off Algarve (Portugal). 485 Rey, D., K.J Mohamed, A. Andrade, I. Rodriguez-Germade, R.L. Coimbra, B. Rubio, A.M. Bernabeu, M. Plaza-Morlote, A.E. Lpez & V. Martins.

    Magnetic Criterion to identify Distal IRD Layers at the NW Iberia Continental Margin.

    489 Rodriguez, A., F. Snchez & A. Garca-Alegre Comunidades epifaunales de los fondos duros batiales del Banco

    Le Danois (AMP El Cachucho, mar Cantbrico). 493 Roque, C., P. Madureira, A. Santos de Campos, F. Brando, M. A. Martins, L. Pinto Ribeiro, P. Conceio & F. Dias

    Determination of the Base of the Slope region in continental margins dominated by along-slope depositional processes - The case of Madeira Island lower slope (Central Atlantic). 497

    Roque, C., P.F. Silva, T. Drago, A. Lopes, B. Alonso, J.T. Vzquez, D. Casas, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, G. Ercilla & M. Neres

    Vertical zonation of bioturbation and mass movements in the Portimo Bank (Gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberia).

    501 Rosado, B., I. Barbero, A. Jimnez, R. Pez, G. Prates, A. Fernndez-Ros, J. Grate & M. Berrocoso

    Series temporales GNSS en la regin SPINA (Sur de la Pennsula Ibrica- Norte de frica): tratamiento, anlisis y modelo de deformacin obtenido. 505

    Rueda, J.L., C. Farias, M. Gallardo-Nez, H. Gallardo-Roldn, A. Mateo, A. Daz, E. Moya-Urbano, E. Gonzlez-Garca, J. Urra, F. Ordines, M. Gonzlez, C. Salas & C. Garca-Ruiz

    Molluscan assemblages from circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the northern Alboran Sea.

    509 Rueda, J.L., M.C. Fernndez-Puga, M.J. Pealver, J.T. Vzquez, M. Gallardo-Nez, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, R. Martos & M.P. Mata

    Coralligenous communities linked to diapiric processes from the Spanish shelf of the Gulf of Cdiz

    513 Saber, S., P. Muoz, J. Ortiz de Urbina, M.J. Vives-Gmez, P. Rioja & D. Macas

    Anlisis de las tendencias de las capturas de atn listado Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758) de la pesca deportiva en el Mediterrneo occidental (2006-2014). 517

    Snchez Ruiz, M., J. E. Garca Raso, J. C. Baez & J. A. Camias

    Fauna de epibiontes asociada a ejemplares de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta Linnaeus, 1758) capturados de forma accesoria en palangres de superficie en el Mediterrneo occidental y Canarias. 521

  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    Snchez-Guillamn, O., M.C. Garca, F. Moya, J.T. Vzquez, D. Palomino, M.C. Fernndez-Puga & A. Sierra

    A preliminary characterization of greenhouse gas (CH4 and CO2) emissions from Gulf of Cadiz mud volcanoes. 525

    Santana-Casiano, J.M., M. Gonzlez-Dvila & E. Fraile-Nuez

    The emissions of the submarine volcano of El Hierro Island and the effect on the physico-chemical properties of seawater. 529

    Santos, A.I., A. Oliveira, W. Zhang & T. J.J. Hanebuth Present day sediment dynamics on the Douro Mudbelt preliminary results of cruise M110 GALIMOS. 533

    Savi, D. C., V.L. Pacheco & J. A. Ferraz de Lima Paralelismo entre a constituio de reas de Conservao Marinhas no Atlntico Sul e Atlntico Ibrico 537

    Sierra, A., T. Ortega & J.M. Forja Variabilidad estacional de las concentraciones de CH4 en el Golfo de Cdiz: Flujos agua-atmsfera. 541

    Tello, O. & D. Mata Emodnet Bathymetry Recopilacin de datos batimtricos en el Margen Atlntico. Contribuciones desde el IEO. 545

    Toyos, M.H., T. Medialdea, L. Somoza, R. Len, N. Melndez & F.J. Gonzalez

    Caracterizacin morfo-estructural de los volcanes Yuma, Ginsburg, Jess Baraza y Tasyo (Golfo de Cdiz). 547

    Vila, Y., C. Farias, C. Burgos, M. Soriano, J.L. Rueda, M. Gallardo, N. Lpez-Gonzalez, P. Tuite & I. Sobrino

    Distribucin espacial de la densidad de madrigueras de cigala (Nephrops norvegicus) en el Golfo de Cdiz y su relacin con variables ambientales. 551

    8. La circulacin de las aguas profundas y los sistemas morfodeposicionales.

    Rodrguez-Tovar, F.J., J. Dorador Ocean/atmosphere dynamics at deep-sea environments of the Western Iberian Margin; an ichnofabric approach on IODP site U1385. 555

    Garca, M., F.J. Hernndez-Molina, B. Alonso, J.T. Vzquez, G. Ercilla, E. Llave & D. Casas

    The Diego Cao channel and its morphological depressions (Guadalquivir Bank margin uplift, Gulf of Cadiz). Oceanographic and sedimentary implications. 559

    Vandorpe, T., I. Martins, J. Vitorino, M. Garcia & D. Van Rooij

    Topography-controlled contourite depositional systems in the El arraiche area, southern Gulf of Cadiz. 563

    Ercilla, G., C. Juan, B. Alonso, F. Estrada, J. T. Vzquez, D. Casas, F.J. Hernndez-Molina, B. El Moumni, E. DAcremont & C. Gorini

    Interaction between alongslope and downslope sedimentary processes in the Alboran Sea during the Pliocene and Quaternary.

    567 Lpez-Gonzlez, N., B. Alonso, D. Casas, J.T. Vzquez, D. Palomino, G. Ercilla, C. Juan, M. Garca & F. Estrada

    End-member modelling to recognize sediment sources in contourites: a case study in the Alboran Sea. 571

    Vzquez, J.T., D. Palomino, O. Snchez-Guillamn, L. Somoza, M.C. Fernndez-Puga, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, T. Medialdea, E. Fraile-Nuez, F.J. Gonzlez, R. Len & N. Lpez-Gonzlez

    Geomorphological characteristics of the Passage of Lanzarote (East Canary Islands Region).

    575 Roque, C., F.J. Hernndez-Molina, G. Ercilla, D. Casas, R. Quartau, E. Llave, B. Alonso, M. Ferran, A. Mena, G. Francs & MOWER Cruise Party

    Slope failure and mass movements in the Sines Contourite Drift (West Portuguese Margin): preliminary results.

    579 Roque, C., P. Madureira, F.J. Hernndez-Molina, A. Santos de Campos, R. Quartau, G. Carrara, F. Brando, J.T. Vzquez & L. Somoza

    Acoustic evidences of along-slope processes associated with mass movement deposits on the Madeira Island lower slope (Eastern Central Atlantic). 583

    Levchenko, O., V. Putans & D. Borisov Circum Middle Caspian Contourite Depositional Complex. 587 Murdmaa, I., O. Levchenko, D. Borisov & V. Yutsis Influence of bottom currents on the Quaternary sedimentation in

    the Ceara Rise area, western Equatorial Atlantic. 591 Snchez-Rubio, N., L.M. Fernndez-Salas, J.T. Vzquez, V. Daz del Ro, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, R. Snchez-Leal, G. Bruque, F.J. Lpez-Rodrguez, D. Palomino & M.C. Fernndez-Puga

    Caracterizacin morfolgica de los canales submarinos en el talud superior del Golfo de Cdiz (SO de la Pennsula Ibrica).

    595 Fernndez-Salas, L.M., N. Snchez-Rubio, J.T. Vzquez, V. Daz del Ro, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, R. Snchez-Leal, G. Bruque, F.J. Lpez-Rodrguez, D. Palomino & M.C. Fernndez-Puga

    Anlisis geoestadstico de los canales submarinos en el talud superior del Golfo de Cdiz (SO de la Pennsula Ibrica).

    599 Casas, D., G. Ercilla, F.J. Hernndez-Molina, C. Roque & MOWER cruise team

    Bedforms of the Mediterranean outflow current generated at the exit of the Strait of Gibraltar. 603


  • 9. Las plataformas continentales alrededor de Iberia: avances recientes.

    Fernndez-Salas, L.M., P. Brcenas, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, F.J.Lobo, J. Urbano, P. Tuite, J. Macas, J.T. Vzquez & V. Daz del Ro

    Determinacin del lmite distal del delta submarino del ro Guadalhorce: Implicaciones morfodinmicas.

    607 Cascalho, J., R. Taborda, T. Drago, A. Silva, I. Bosnic & M. Rosa

    Inner shelf sedimentary dynamics deduced from a fluorescent sand tracers experiment (preliminary results). 611

    Drago, T., R. Taborda, M. Rosa, I. Bosnic, E. Garel, S. Teixeira, J. Cascalho & A. Silva

    Insights on shoreface sedimentary dynamics through the analysis of the evolution of a small sand pit offshore Tavira preliminary results. 615

    Lobo, F.J., I. Mendes, M. Garca, M.I. Reguera, L. Antn, S.L. Lebreiro, D. Van Rooij, M. Lujn, M.C. Fernndez-Puga & J.M.A. Dias

    A progradational pulse during the initial postglacial shelf drowning in the northern Gulf of Cadiz.

    619 Lpez-Ruiz, A., R.J. Bergillos, C. Rodrguez-Delgado, M. Ortega-Snchez & M.A. Losada

    Variacin temporal y espacial del transporte longitudinal de sedimentos en un sistema deltaico mediterrneo alterado. 623

    Mendes, I., F.J. Lobo, . Ferreira, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, P. Brcenas & L.M.Fernndez-Salas

    Guadalfeo and Adra submarine deltas evolution in response to sediment supply variations. 627

    Pombo, J., A. Oliveira, A. Rodrigues & P. F. da Silva Diferenciao interna da cobertura sedimentar recente (plataforma mdia portuguesa, S. Pedro de Muel). 631

    Rodrigues, A., R. Ressurreio, R. Ramos & F. Ferreira Sismoestratigrafia da plataforma continental portuguesa no setor Melides-Sines (Alentejo): implicaes tectnicas. 635

    10. Habitats y gestin del espacio submarino de los mrgenes ibricos bajo influencia atlntica.

    Gallardo, C., S. Gofas, J. Urra, A. Mateo & C. Salas Diferenciacin por estratos de la comunidad de moluscos infralapidcola en Riviera de Calahonda (Mlaga) 639

    Gallardo-Nez, M., J.L. Rueda, C. Farias, E. Gonzlez-Garca, O. Snchez-Guillamn, P. Brcenas, N. Lpez-Gonzlez & Y. Vila

    Caracterizacin preliminar de hbitats y megafauna en caladeros de cigala (Nephrops norvegicus) del golfo de Cdiz a partir de imgenes submarinas 643

    Gonzlez-Garca, E., J.L. Rueda, J. Urra, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, D. Palomino, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, J.T. Vzquez, G. Bruque, C. Farias, R. Snchez & V. Daz del Ro

    Relaciones ambientales, pesqueras y bentnicas en el campo de volcanes de fango del margen espaol del Golfo de Cdiz.

    647 Lozano, P., L.M. Fernndez-Salas, J.L. Rueda, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, Y. Vila, F.J. Lpez-Rodrguez, C. Farias, J.T. Vzquez & V. Daz del Ro

    Efectos de las emisiones de fluidos en la respuesta acstica de los fondos marinos del golfo de Cdiz

    651 Ramalho, L. V., J. L. Rueda, O. Reverter-Gil, J. Souto & C. M. Lpez-F

    Presena de briozorios nos vulces de lama do Golfo de Cdiz 655

    Collart, T., H. Stewart, K. Howell, J.F. Bourillet, E. Llave, D. Blamart, F. Mienis & D. Van Rooij

    Using cold-water coral mini-mounds as analogue for giant mound growth: assessment of environmental drivers and anthropogenic impact. 659

    Moya, E., J.L. Rueda, P. Marina, M. Gallardo-Nez, A. Daz, J. Urra, J.E. Garca Raso, P. Brcenas, L.M. Fernndez-Salas, N. Lpez-Gonzlez, J.M. Serna Quintero, A. Girldez, T. Garca & J. Baro

    Comunidades bentnico-demersales de fondos blandos circalitorales de la baha de Mlaga

    663 De la Cruz, A., G. Muoz & R. de Stephanis El seguimiento de las aves marinas para la gestin de las reas

    marinas protegidas. 667 Garca, S., B. Lpez, D. Jerez, F. Ros, J. Lpez, R. Martn & X. Valeiras

    Invernada de aves marinas en el Mar de Alborn 2008-2014, descripcin de las comunidades utilizando como fuente la Red de Observadores de Aves y Mamferos Marinos (RAM). 671

    Urra, J., P. Marina, J.L. Rueda, . Mateo-Ramrez, T. Garca, J. Baro, S. Gofas, C. Salas & J.E. Garca Raso

    Nuevas reas marinas para la conservacin de la biodiversidad bentnica en el Mar de Alborn. 675

    Torreblanca, E., J.J. Bellido, J.A. Camias, R. Real & J. C. Bez

    Anlisis temporal de varamientos de tortuga lad, Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761) en las costas de Andaluca en un contexto de calentamiento global. 679

    Snchez, F., A. Rodrguez, A. Garca-Alegre & M. Gmez-Ballesteros

    Cartografiado del hbitat tipo 1170-arrecifes de la Directiva Europea en los fondos batiales del Banco Le Danois (AMP El Cachucho, mar Cantbrico). 683

    Lopes, V., M. C. Freitas, C. Andrade, A. Bento, M. Cacho, P. Costa, T. Ferreira & R. Ramos

    Estudo geolgico do stio arqueolgico Ria de Aveiro A. 687

  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    Andriolo, U., J. Herminio, M. Ribeiro & R.Taborda Insights on run-up processes through high resolution video measurements 691

    11. Vulcanismo ocenico, mineralizaciones y riesgos submarinos.

    Gonzlez, F.J., T. Medialdea, G. Gmez-Ramos, L. Somoza, E. Marino & R. Len

    Primer catlogo de mineralizaciones submarinas en Espaa: Proyecto EMODnet-Geology 695

    Marino, E., F.J. Gonzlez, L. Somoza, R. Lunar, T. Medialdea & R. Len

    Costras de Fe-Mn de los Montes Submarinos Canarios: Composicin qumico-mineralgica y contenido en elementos estratgicos y crticos. 699

    Quartau, R., N.C. Mitchell, A. Hiplito, R.S. Ramalho, J. Madeira, F. Tempera & C. Roque

    The morphology of insular shelves as a key for understanding the geological evolution of volcanic islands: examples from the Azores archipelago 703

    Santos, R. & A. Rodrigues Geomorfologia do fundo marinho das ilhas Selvagens 707 Savi, D.C., J.T. Vazquez, J.M. Santana-Casiano, C. Presas, D. Palomino, O.Tello, M. Gmez-Ballesteros, P. Lozano, S. Meletlidis, A. Arias, J. Escanez Prez, M. Gonzlez Carballo, C. Santana & P. Sola

    La hidrografa aplicada a la cartografa de los volcanes submarinos

    711 Medina, F., R. Omira & N. Mhammdi State of the knowledge on the tsunami hazard in Morocco 715


  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de Septiembre de 2015

    Planktonic potential CO2 emission calculation: Preliminary results by applying an adapted enzymatic methodology to marine ecosystems

    Calculando la emisin potencial de CO2 de la comunidad planctnica: Resultados preliminares de la aplicacin de una metodologa enzimtica adaptada a los

    ecosistemas marinos

    M. Tames-Espinosa, I. Martnez, T.T. Packard & M. Gmez

    Grupo de Investigacin en Ecofisiologa de Organismos Marinos (EOMAR) de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. E-mail: [email protected]

    Abstract: The first steps in developing an enzyme assay for Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) activity in seawater and marine plankton are presented here. This enzyme plays a key role in the Krebs cycle, being responsible for the emission of one of the three CO2 molecules related to this central phase of cellular respiration. The methodology that we have adapted from the literature allows the calculation of the potential CO2 emission linked to the planktonic community (between 0.7m and 2000m). It will improve the estimation of the impact of plankton on the Carbon flux and the actual Carbon sink capacity of the ocean. This assay has been applied to the 0.7m -50m fraction of the Canary Island coastal plankton community, to the 50m -2000m fraction of this community, and also, to sediment-trap samples. Results show different relationships between potential CO2 emission and potential O2 consumption during cellular respiration in the different samples. Likely, the different proportions of autotrophs, heterotrophs and mixotrophs in those fractions and the variability in the activity of their metabolic pathways, leads to this behaviour. More experiments need to be made. Nevertheless, this methodology is leading to a better understanding of cellular respiration in marine samples and new knowledge about the role of the food chain, vertical carbon flux and the current sequestering capacity for anthropogenic CO2 in these plankton communities.

    Key words: Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), Krebs cycle, Potential Respiration, Electron Transport System (ETS), CO2 emission, Marine plankton community.

    1. INTRODUCTION Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) is one of the enzymes in the Krebs cycle where sugars, fatty acids and amino acids are oxidized. It produces CO2 and energy-rich pyridine nucleotides, molecules essential to energy generation. The respiratory Electron Transport System (ETS) uses these molecules in order to synthesize ATP, another energy-rich molecule, while simultaneously reducing O2 to H2O. Several studies about the different types of IDH have been done, but most of them are based on higher organisms, usually mammals. Nevertheless, some have been based on marine organisms, such as fishes (Munilla-Morn & Stark, 1989; Munilla-Morn, 1994), mussels (Lima et al., 2007) or marine bacteria (Berdalet et al., 1995). As far as we know, none of them are based on marine planktonic communities in the size-range of 0.7m to 2000m.

    These communities are essential in the Carbon cycle, having a key role in the effectiveness of the oceanic biological pump. They are the base of the food chain, and the first stage in oxidizing the organic carbon

    synthesized (from CO2) by the phytoplankton. Furthermore, these communities are ubiquitous through the water column, impacting differently in the carbon-flux transfer efficiency at different depths.

    Successful calculations of respiratory CO2 emission from plankton using the enzyme proxy, ETS, has recently been done (Packard et al., 2015). Mathematical models of respiration incorporate the Respiration Quotient (RQ), the ratio between CO2 emission about the physiological O2 consumption (Romero-Kutzner et al., 2015). This step can be eliminated if a proxy for CO2 emission can be developed. Here, we develop such a proxy using measurements of IDH activity in different size fractions (0.7m - 2000m) of marine plankton.

    2. ADAPTATION OF THE METHOD Our IDH assay is based on the methodology of Berdalet et al. (1995) for bacteria and Munilla-Morn & Stark (1989) for fish. Here we modify and optimize a combination of these two methods for marine plankton.


  • 2.1 Buffer selection

    An IDH assay is performed in a buffered reaction mixture containing inorganic cationic cofactors. Different buffers and cationic cofactors have been used by various investigators. Here we test, experimentally, the efficiency of Tris, phosphate, and MOPS buffers as well as the cofactors, Mn2+ and Mg2+ in yielding high IDH activities. Activity was measured spectrophotometrically by following the production of NADPH as the increase in absorbance at 340nm at 18.0 C. To determine the best combination between buffer and the cationic cofactor, ten experiments were done. Preliminary test were run with purified NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (SIGMA I2002). Five different IDH concentrations were tested on six different extraction buffers (MOPS 0.025M, MOPS 0.025M with lysozyme (SIGMA L6876), Tris 0.1M, Tris 0.1M with lysozyme, Phosphate buffer 0.1M, Phosphate buffer 0.1M with lysozyme), all at pH 8.5.

    The experiments with Mg2+ as a cation cofactor were done in the following way: 100 l of standard were added to a mixture of 300l of 3.3mM DL-Sodium-isocitrate (SIGMA I1252) and 3.3mM MgCl2 (PANREAC 131396.1210) in the respective buffer. Then, to start the reaction, 100 l of 0.4mM -NADP+ (SIGMA N0505), in the same respective buffer were added. The final volume was 500 l. The increase in absorbance at 340nm was recorded for 350 seconds. Only the linear part was taken in account. The experiments with Mn2+ as the cation cofactor were done in the same way, but using MnCl2 (PANREAC 131410.1210). Note that PO4 buffer cannot be used with MnCl2 because they react with each other.

    Fig. 1. Buffer comparison related to the IDH potential activity.

    IDH activity is low in marine plankton, so choosing the best buffer and cationic cofactor combination is important to produce the highest signal possible. In this case, the Mg2+ and PO4 buffer with or without lysozyme seemed to be the most appropriate (Fig. 1).

    2.2 pH and Temperature

    pH between 7.8 and 9 yield optimum IDH activity (Munilla-Morn & Stark, 1989). We chose pH 8.5, but verification is needed. The IDH temperature (T) optimum occurred at 40C (Munilla-Morn, 1994), however, to combine the IDH and ETS methodologies, T = 18C was selected. The Arrhenius equation needs to be applied to calculate these activities for insitu T.

    2.3 NADPH extinction coefficient (A340)

    To verify A340 under current conditions (0.1M PO4 buffer, pH 8.5, 18C) as well as to determine the effect of isocitrate and MgCl2 on A340, three extinction coefficients were determined (Fig. 2).

    Fig. 2.NADPH A430 measured at pH 8.5 and 18C. Exp 1: different concentrations of NADPH in 3.3mM sodium isocitrate and 3.3mM MgCl2 in 0.1M Phosphate buffer. In Exp 2, these concentrations were prepared in 3.3mM MgCl2 and 0.1M Phosphate buffer. In Exp 3, they were prepared in 0.1M Phosphate buffer, only.

    NADPH concentrations were followed at 340nm (Fig. 2). In our hands, the absorbance increase related to NADPH concentrations evidenced an A430 of 5.42. Note that as the solution becomes more complex the A340 increases from 5.21 to 5.42.

    2.4 NADP+ and Isocitrate Kinetics (Km and Vmax)

    Specific substrate and cofactor concentrations need to be calculated to optimize the new enzyme assay. To do this, IDH kinetics constants were calculated from Michaelis-Menten plots (Fig. 3 and 4) and their Hanes-Woolf equivalents (Suelter, C.H., 1985). Atlantic seawater samples were used for the experiments. Mysid samples of Siriella armata from Risco Verde (Gran Canaria) were taken by SCUBA diving and stored alive. Zooplankton size fractions (50m-200m and 200m-2000m) were also taken from Sardina del Norte (Gran Canaria) using a WP2 net dragged by 3 SCUBA divers. Samples were fractionated through 2000m, 200m and 50m


  • 8 Simposio sobre el Margen Ibrico Atlntico MIA15 Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    nets. Finally, samples were taken from Alcaravaneras Beach (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), and passed through a 50m net and a 0.7m Glass Fiber Filter (GF-F Whatman) to obtain the small size fraction (0.7m-50m). All plankton samples were stored at -80C until analysis. Isocitrate Kms were calculated from Michaelis - Menten plots (Fig. 3). NADP+ was held at 0.24mM during the different experiments. Hanes-Woolf plots yielded a mean Km of 0.167mM for the Isocitrate in these samples.

    Fig.3: Michaelis-Menten plot to determine the IDH Km for isocitrate from different plankton community size fractions as well as for the mysid, S.armata. The size fraction above 200mm represents zooplankton. The smaller fractions will also contain phytoplankton and protozoans, and the smallest will contain, in addition, bacteria and archea.

    NADP+ Kms were calculated as before. Here, isocitrate was held constant at 3.3mM during the different experiments (Fig. 4). Hanes-Woolf plots show a mean NADP+-Km of 0.096mM.

    Fig.4: Michaelis-Menten plot to determine the IDH Km for NADP+ from different plankton community size fractions as well as for the mysid, S. armata.

    Isocitrate at 3.5mM and NADP+ at 1mM will ensure IDH optimal activity in the size range: 0.7 to 2000m.


    This method was applied to the 50m-2000m fraction samples taken during KOSMOS GC 1.0, a German funded research project (BIOACID), carried out during the spring, 2014 in 17 m mesocosms

    suspended in Melenara Bay (Gran Canaria). In addition, 0.7m-50m samples were taken during KOSMOS GC 2.0 campaign during the fall 2014 in Gando Bay. Sediment samples from the bottom of the mesocosms were also taken during KOSMOS GC 2.0 and passed through 0.7m GF-F. All these samples were frozen -196C and stored at -80C until analysis. Size fractions larger than 50m were sonicated in 1mL of 0.1M PO4 buffer (pH 8.5) and centrifuged at 4000rpm and 0C for 10 min. The supernatant fluid was then tested for IDH activity. GF-F samples were homogenated in a teflon tissue grinder in 1.5mL of 0.1M PO4 buffer (pH 8.5) and centrifuged as above.

    3.2 Enzymatic activity

    IDH activity (lCO2h-1) was measured

    spectrophotometrically by following NADPH production as the absorbance increase at 340nm at 18.0 C. In a final volume of 500 l, 300l of 3.5mM sodium isocitrate and 3.3mM MgCl2 in 0.1M PO4 buffer (pH 8.5) solution was added. Then 100 l of the supernatant of the sample was added. Finally, 100 l of 1mM -NADP in 0.1 M PO4 buffer (pH8.5) was added and mixed, to start the reaction. The absorbance increase was recorded for up to 400 seconds. Only the linear part was used.

    Potential respiration () (lO2h-1) for the 0.7m-50 m fraction and for the sediment matter was determined spectrophotometrically by Packard et al. (1971) as modified by Kenner & Ahmed (1975). For the 50m-2000m fraction, the Owens & King (1975) and Gmez et al. (1996) ETS methods were used.

    3.3 Results

    and IDH activity were measured for every sample to determine the relationship between the Krebs cycle part of the respiration process, linked to the CO2 emission, and the ETS part of the respiration process, linked to the O2 consumption.

    Natural samples were grouped in three categories (Fig. 5): 1. A 50m-2000m fraction was a mixed, largely heterotrophic community. 2. A 0.7m -50 m fraction was a mixed community combining autotrophs and mixotrophs. 3. A sediment trap sample from 17m representing a mixed community, predominated by heterotrophic bacteria.

    in the largest plankton fraction is 2.24 (r2 = 0.79) times higher than the IDH activity. This ratio is larger in the phytoplankton dominated fraction, reaching 5.7, but is variable leading to a low coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.39). The highest ratio occurs in the microbial-dominated community from the sediment trap samples (10.61, r2 = 0.87).


  • 4. DISCUSSION These communities have mixed trophic metabolic pathways. The 50m-2000m fraction is clearly a heterotrophic and eukaryotic community. The IDH activity in the mitochondria is linked to the emission of one of the three CO2 molecules that are produced during respiration. During glucose metabolism the potential emission of CO2 would be 3 times the measured IDH activity. During lipid metabolism it would be twice.

    Fig.5: Potential respiration vs potential CO2 production calculated from ETS and IDH activities in different natural samples (sediment matter, 0.5m-50m and 50m-2000m fraction).

    From the comparison between and this potential CO2 production from the 50m-2000m fraction, the O2 consumption would be 0.75 times the CO2 emission. Thus, we can hypothesize that the Krebs cycle enzymatic structure could be 1.33 times the ETS activity. Following this idea, the mainly phytoplankton community (0.7m-50m) would have a weaker Krebs cycle contribution than the zooplanktons. Autotrophs have other pathways for developing biomolecule precursors and reducing molecules. Something similar may occur in the bacterial community from the sediment trap samples, where the photoautotrophy and the chemoautotrophy could generate a high portion of the energy needs for this community. Much more work needs to be done to confirm these hypothesis.

    5. CONCLUSIONS These are the first IDH activity measurements in marine plankton. To accomplish them we adapted existing IDH methods and made comparisons with ETS activity measurements. Thus, we note that the different communities shows different relationships between IDH and ETS activity. This is likely due to different pyridine nucleotide requirements linked to different metabolic pathways. In addition to using NADP+ as an IDH substrate, these marine communities may also need NAD+.

    Acknowledgments We thank D. Ortega, G. Muntaner, R. Prez, A. Marrero, E. Bru and V. Romero-Kutzner for their help with the living samples. Thanks also to our

    collaborators in the BIOACID Project (KOSMOS GC 1.0 and 2.0 experiments). This study was supported by project BIOMBA (CTM2012-32729-MAR). University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (PIFULPGC-2013-CIENCIAS-1) supports MTE, and CIE (Canary Islands) Tricontinental Atlantic Campus (CEI10/00018) funded TTP.

    REFERENCES Berdalet, E.; Packard, T.T.; Lagac, B.; Roy, S.; St-Amand, S.

    & Gagn, J.-P. (1995). CO2 production, O2 consumption and isocitrate dehydrogrenase in the marine bacterium Vibrio natriegens. Aquatic microbial ecology, 9, 211-217.

    Gmez, M.; Torres, S. & Hernndez-Len, S. (1996). Modification of the electron transport system (ETS) method for routine measurements of respiratory rates of zooplankton. South African Journal of Marine Science, 17, 15-20.

    Kenner, R.A. & Ahmed, I. (1975). Measurements of Electron Transport Activities in Marine Phytoplankton. Marine Biology, 33, 119-127.

    Lima, I., Moreira, S.M., Rendn-Von Osten, J., Soares, A.M.V.M. & Guilhermino L. (2007). Biochemical responses of the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to petrochemical environmental contamination along the North-western coast of Portugal. Chemosphere, 66, 1230-1242.

    Munilla-Morn, R. & Stark, J.R (1989). Biochemical studies in marine species I. NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase from turbot liver (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 93B, 823-828.

    Munilla-Morn, R. (1994). Biochemical studies in marine species - II. NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) larvae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 107B, 61-68.

    Owens, T.G. & King, F.D. (1975).The measurement of Respiratory Electron-Transport System Activity in Marine Zooplankton. Marine Biology 30, 27-36.

    Packard, T.T.; Healy, M.L. & Richards, F.A. (1971). Vertical distribution of the activity of the respiratory electron transport system in marine plankton. Limnology and Oceanography, 16, 60-70.

    Packard, T.T.; Osma, N.; Fernndez-Urruzola, I.; Codispoti, L.A.; Christensen, J.P. & Gmez, M. (2015) Peruvian upwelling plankton respiration: calculations of Carbon flux, nutrient retention efficiency, and heterotrophic production. Biogeosciences, 12, 2641-2654

    Romero-Kutzner, V.; Packard, T.T.; Berdalet, E.; Roy, S.O.; Gagn, J.-P. & Gmez, M. (2015). Respiration quotient variability: bacterial evidence. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519, 47-59

    Suelter, C.H. (1985). Protein-Ligand Complexes and Enzyme Kinetics. In: Suelter, C.H. & Meister, A. A practical guide to enzymology. Biochemistry, a series of monographs. A Wiley Intersciences publication. Wiley & Sons, New York, 203-264.


  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de Septiembre de 2015

    Evolucin espacio-temporal de la comunidad de zooplancton en el estuario del Guadalquivir

    Spatio-temporal evolution of zooplankton community at the Guadalquivir estuary

    M. Gutirrez-Martnez (1), E. Gonzlez-Ortegn (2), F. Bald (2), J.P. Caavate (1) & C. Vilas (1)

    (1) Instituto de Investigacin y Formacin Agraria y Pesquera , IFAPA Centro El Toruo, Junta de Andaluca. [email protected]. (2) Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa, Centro Oceanogrfico de Cdiz.

    Abstract:The Guadalquivir estuary is an important nursery area for many marine species (fish and crustacean) from the Gulf of Cadiz, including some commercial species for the fleet in this area which use zooplankton as their main prey. However, a few studies exist on the spatio-temporal distribution of zooplankton community. Samples were caught through the salinity gradient, at 2 sites sampling the two diurnal ebb and flood tides during the new moon days in 2013, using simultaneously a 100 m zooplankton net and a 1 mm mesh net. Species were identified and quantified at species level. The most abundant species of copepods were: Acartia clausii, showing densities up to 5432.02 ind / m3 in June at waters with salinity between 13.51 to 17.39; Acartia tonsa, presents densities up to 6941.04 ind/m3 in June at salinities from 2.60 to 16.17 ups; Calanipeda aquaedulcis, shows on average a density of 1242.62 ind/m3 in October and 107.33 ind/m3 in June; and Cyclops robustus, with an average of 42.52 ind/m3 in June, 18.03 ind/m3 in October and found throughout the salinity range, finding its maximum density at 0.90 0.80 ups. C. aquaedulcis and C. robustus are found at the freshwater area compared with other copepods. An interesting niche competition seems to occur between the invasive A. tonsa, occupying upper part of the estuary while its authoctonous cogeneric species is less abundant and restricted to the most saline waters.

    Key words: zooplankton, copepods, Guadalquivir, mysids, spatio-temporal distribution.

    1. INTRODUCCIN El estuario del Guadalquivir constituye una importante rea de cra y alimentacin para muchas especies marinas, tanto peces como crustceos, del Golfo de Cdiz, Cuesta et al (2006), Drake et al (2007). El estuario del ro Guadalquivir un estuario templado bien mezclado verticalmente, con un gradiente horizontal de salinidad a lo largo del mismo en el que las condiciones de temperatura y turbidez siguen unos patrones estacinales, salvo en periodos de descarga de la presa de Alcal del Ro (a 110 Km de la desembocadura) en los que estos patrones y tendencias generales se ven alterados. Los desembalses de agua y el manejo de la zona que se realiza, principalmente para regado, pueden ocasionar que en determinados momentos la influencia marina en el estuario desaparezca, afectando esto a la comunidad de organismos de el estuario y su estructura trfica.

    Aunque estudios previos demuestran la importancia del zooplancton para la alimentacin de las fases ms jvenes de peces, crustceos, Baldo & Drake (2002) e incluso misidceos, componentes ms importantes en trminos de biomasa, Vilas et al (2008), son escasos los estudios sobre la estructura de la

    comunidad de zooplancton en el Guadalquivir, Guisande et al (1986), Taglialatela et al (2014). El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar y caracterizar el zooplancton del estuario y su distribucin espacio-temporal en relacin a variables que ya se han demostrado como determinantes para los principales componentes de la comunidad, Drake et al (2007), Gonzalez-Ortegon et al (2012), Vilas et al (2009).

    2. MATERIAL Y MTODOS Para este trabajo se ha analizado la comunidad de zooplancton durante el ao 2013, mediante muestreos cada luna nueva, en 2 sitios-Tarfia y Bonanza- localizados en el margen izquierdo (profundidad aprox. 3 m) del estuario a 32 y 8 km de la desembocadura, respectivamente (Fig.1). Se han realizado muestreos simultneos con redes de 100 m y 1 mm (sta ltima para caracterizar bien las poblaciones de misidceos) desde un barco angulero, fijndose las muestras en etanol. En el laboratorio, los organismos se identificaron hasta gnero y/o especie, cuantificando sus densidades y biomasas.

    Para ello se utilizaron herramientas de submuestro como Folsom y/o pipetas de succin para obtener alcuotas de 1 o 2.5 ml.Para la identificacin se usaron lupa binocular y microscopio Leica con


  • analizador de imagen Leica Suite. Para una correcta identificacin de los gneros y especies se usaron diferentes recursos bibliogrficos, como guas, catlogos, libros, claves dicotmicas, publicaciones cientficas y consultas personales a expertos taxnomos. Los datos de variables del agua se tomaron mediantesonda multiparamtrica YSI ProPlus cada 10 min., registrando datos de temperatura, salinidad y oxgeno disuelto.

    Fig. 1. Mapa del estuario del Guadalquivir y puntos de muestreo.

    Las muestras para analizar clorofila se tomaron filtrando de 250 ml con filtros GF/F (whatman) y estimando su concentracin mediante espectofotmetra. Para los anlisis de turbidez se toman botes de 100 ml y se midela turbidez por duplicado usando turbidmetro. Tanto materia orgnica, inorgnica y slidos en suspensin se midieron mediante filtrado y posterior secado, combustin y pesado.

    2.1. Anlisis estadstico

    Los parmetros ambientales estudiados han sido la temperatura, salinidad, concentracin de Chl a y la turbidez, y cmo estos influyen en la comunidad.

    El tratamiento estadstico ha sido realizado mediante los softwares Microsoft Excel 2013, PRIMER-E y el software libre R v3.0.1.

    3. RESULTADOS La comunidad de zooplancton estuvo dominada en trminos de biomasa, principalmente por los misidceos Mesopodopsis slabberi (46%), Neomysis integer y Rhopalophthalmus tartessicus, (42%), (Fig. 2 y 4) y por los coppodos Acartia clausii, su cogenrica invasiva Acartia tonsa, Acanthocyclops robustus,

    Calanipedia aquaedulcis y Paracartia grani, como especies ms abundantes (Fig. 2 y 5). Entre stas, las del gnero Acartia presentaron mayor densidad, especialmente A. tonsa.

    Las estructura de la comunidad muestra como aunque los coppodos son ms abundantes, su importancia en trminos de biomasa pasa a un segundo plano tras los misidceos, principal componente de la comunidad (Fig. 3). Esta distribucin de tamaos tiene especial importancia para el uso del estuario como zona de cra, pues se han detectado cambios ontognicos en la alimentacin de juveniles de peces a medida que aumentan de tamao, pasando de coppodos a misidceos, Baldo & Drake (2002).

    Fig. 2. Diagrama de sectores que muestra la mayor dominancia de los misidceos (en biomasa) sobre otros componentes zooplanctnicos.

    En total, se han registrado 57 especies diferentes, pertenecientes a los grupos Amphipoda, Chaetognata, Cirrpeda, Cladocera, Cnidaria, Copepoda, Decapoda, Isopoda, Larvacea, larvas de peces, Molusca, Misidacea, Ostracoda y Poliqueta.


  • 8 Simposio sobre el Margen Ibrico Atlntico MIA15 Mlaga, del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    Fig. 3. Representacin de la abundancia (lnea azul con puntos rojos) frente a la biomasa (lnea punteada y con puntos verdes) de las 27 especies ms frecuentes.

    En lo referente a las variables ambientales, la turbidez present mximos durante la poca de lluvias, invierno y principios de primavera, siendo ligeramente mayor en la zona alta (Bonanza) y ms salina del estuario. La temperatura sin embargo evoluciona de forma estacional pero no vara espacialmente dentro del estuario. En cuanto a la concentracin de Chla, se observa un fuerte pico primaveral, seguido de un brusco descenso, posiblemente debido a la predacin por parte de la comunidad de zooplancton, detectndose un ligero incrementootoal.

    Fig. 4. Evolucin anual de la biomasa mg/m3 de misidceos por meses durante el ao 2013.

    Fig. 5. Evolucin anual de la biomasa (mg/m3) de las principales

    especies de coppodos.

    El anlisis multivariable MDS (Fig. 6) muestra una clara segregacin espacial de la comunidad de zooplancton a lo largo del estuario, mostrando dos zonas: la ms salina (tringulos azules excepto dos puntos, que coinciden con una descarga de la presa) y la menos salina (tringulos verdes). Un anlisis ANOSIM con el factor estacin fue altamente significativo con un valor de R de 0.45 (p

  • C. aquaedulcis que domina en la parte alta del estuario (con una disimilaridad del 60%), mientras que en la parte baja del estuario abundaronM. slabberi, R. tartessicus, y el coppodo A. tonsa. De entre estas tres especies M. slabberi fue la especie que contribuye a una mayor homogeneidad de la composicin del zooplancton con un 47% de similaridad en la parte baja del estuario, debido a que es muy eurihalina y habita la zona central del estuario,Vilas et al (2006), Vilas et al (2009).

    4. CONCLUSIONES En general, la comunidad de zooplancton presenta las mayores densidades durante la poca de primavera-verano, como se ha citado en otros trabajos (Taglialatela et al., 2014), aunque se observa un cierto retraso en el pico de abundancia de coppodos respecto a la mayor abundancia de misidceos.

    La evolucin de la biomasa muestra a M. slabberi como la especie dominante, sobre todo desde primavera a otoo. R. tartessicus, especie ms marina y de mayor tamao y menos eurhialina, ve su densidad ms afectada durante episodios de fuerte bajada de salinidad, como ocurri en marzo y abril, llegando a prcticamente a agua dulce. En este periodo la comunidad de zooplancton fue entonces dominada por especies dulceacucolas como C. aquaedulcis, lo que vuelve a ocurrir en otoo.

    Durante los meses de verano y otoo destaca especialmente A. tonsa, mientras que A. clausii presenta una considerable menor densidad que su cogenrica invasiva, posiblemente debido a un fenmeno de competicin interespecfica y desplazamiento de nicho, lo cual se est actualmente estudiando por nuestro grupo. Sin embargo, a pesar de la importanciade A. tonsa, es an una especie poco estudiada y/o no ha sido bien identificada en artculos y trabajos previos en el estuario. Agradecimientos Este estudio ha sido desarrollado en el marco del Proyecto de Excelencia ECOBOGUE-RNM-7467 Ecologa de los estadios tempranos del ciclo de vida del boquern Engraulisencrasicolus: papel del ecosistema acoplado -estuario del Guadalquivir y su zona de influencia costera- en el proceso de reclutamiento de la especie financiado por el Programa de Incentivos a Proyectos de Investigacin

    de Excelencia (Convocatoria 2011) de la Consejera de Economa, Innovacin, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andaluca y el convenio JUVERIO Anlisis del reclutamiento de especies de peces y crustceos decpodos con inters comercial para el Golfo de Cdiz financiado con el Fondo Europeo para la Pesca Sostenible a travs de la DG Pesca de la CAPDR de la Junta de Andaluca.

    REFERENCIAS Baldo, F. & Drake, P. (2002). A multivariate approach to the

    feeding habits of small fishes in the Guadalquivir Estuary. Journal of Fish Biology, 61, 21-32.

    Cuesta, J.A., Gonzlez-Ortegn, E., Rodrguez, A., Bald, F., Vilas, C., & Drake, P. (2006). The Decapod Custacean Community of the Guadalquivir Estuary (SW Spain): Seasonal and Inter-Year Changes in Community Structure. Hydrobiologia, 557, 85-95.

    Drake, P., Borln, A., Gonzlez-Ortegn, E., Bald, F., Vilas, C., & Fernndez-Delgado, C. (2007). Spatio-temporal distribution of early life stages of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L. within a European temperate estuary with regulated freshwater inflow: effects of environmental variables. Journal of Fish Biology 70, 1689-1709.

    Gonzalez-Ortegon, E., Subida, M.D., Arias, A.M., Baldo, F., Cuesta, J.A., Fernandez-Delgado, C. & Drake, P. (2012). Nekton response to freshwater inputs in a temperate European estuary with regulated riverine inflow. The Science of the total environmen, 440, 261-271.

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  • Resmenes sobre el VIII Simposio MIA15, Mlaga del 21 al 23 de Septiembre de 2015

    Seasonal variation of zooplankton and environmental conditions along a transect in the Gulf of Cdiz

    Variacin estacional del zooplancton y condiciones ambientales a lo largo de un transecto en el Golfo de Cdiz

    G.F. Carvalho-Souza (1), M. Llope (1), E. Gonzlez-Ortegn (1), C. Vilas (2), F. Bald (1), C. Gonzlez

    (1) & M.P. Jimnez (1)

    (1) Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa (IEO). Centro Oceanogrfico de Cdiz. Puerto Pesquero, Muelle de Levante s/n. P.O. Box 2609. 11006, Cdiz, Spain

    (2) Instituto de Investigacin y Formacin Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA) El Toruo. Camino Tiro Pichn s/n, 11500, El Puerto de Santa Mara, Cdiz, Spain

    Abstract: This study presents seasonal variation in the zooplankton composition of the Gulf of Cdiz was studied between 2001 and 2012. Samples were collected three times per year, in the spring, summer and autumn at three stations situated along a transect perpendicular to the coast. The total zooplankton abundance during the summer was higher than in the spring and autumn. Zooplankton community is characterized by a seasonal cycle mirroring similar cycles in the physical environment. Differences in community composition were also found along the transect, particularly between the coastal station, under the influence of the Guadalquivir River, and the outer station, characterized by oceanic conditions. This study is the first description of the seasonal and spatial variation of this marine component of the Gulf of Cdiz.

    Key words: mesozooplankton community, cyclical pattern, time series, SW Spain, European temperate system

    1. INTRODUCTION Among the plankton components in the South-Iberian Atlantic Margin, the ichthyoplankton is undoubtedly the most investigated group (Bald et al., 2006; Cataln et al., 2006; Faria et al., 2006; Garcia-Isarch et al., 2006; Drake et al., 2007). Previous studies on the zooplankton community were restricted to salt ponds of the marshes in the Cadiz Bay and surrounding areas (Yfera et al., 1984; Gonzlez-Gordillo et al., 2003) and in the Cadiz Bay (Benavides et al., 2010) and specific taxonomic study on decapod larvae from the coastal region of south-western Europe (Dos Santos & Gonzalez-Gordillo, 2004). Studies in the oceanic region are usually limited to one single period, not enough to resolve seasonal variability (Rubin et al. 1997; Villa et al. 1997; Mafalda et al. 2007; Macias et al. 2010). Several reports have highlighted the lack of knowledge about zooplankton temporal and spatial variability in the Gulf of Cdiz (GoC) (ICES, 2011; 2013). Additionally, little is known about the response of zooplankton to environmental factors. As in most organisms, large-scale abiotic drivers, such as climate swings, affect the density and composition of zooplankton due to their short life-cycle and rapid numerical responses to environmental changes (Beaugrand et al., 2009). Long-term biological datasets provides unique ecosystem information to assess spatio-temporal

    community dynamics in response to environmental forcing (Beaugrand et al., 2009; Llope et al., 2012). Zooplankton are good indicators of climate change and play a critical role in marine food webs, transferring energy from primary production to high trophic levels (Hays et al., 2005). Owing to these factors, a basic understanding of the zooplankton community changes and the relations between the multiple ecosystem components is needed. The present study aims, for the first time, at understanding the key structuring mechanisms in zooplankton community of the GoC. Specifically, we aimed to: i) describe the seasonal variation in the community and; ii) identify relations between environmental variables and zooplankton.

    2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1 Study area This study was conducted in the upper half of the GoC (SW Iberian Peninsula) (Fig. 1). The GoC hydrography is characterized by a strong seasonal cycle, typical of temperate seas. Three processes are known to disrupt this general pattern: (i) upwelling events; (ii) the Mediterranean waters and; (iii) discharge of the Guadalquivir River (ICES, 2013). The Guadalquivir Estuary has a strong influence on the biological productivity, being a source of nutrients and organic matter to the basin and a recognized nursery area for post-larvae of several species,


  • including some commercially important (e.g. Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus) (Drake et al., 2007; Gonzlez-Ortegn et al. 2015). Consequently, the specific oceanographic conditions in this coupled-system may influence the productivity and communities present there.

    Fig. 1. Map showing the sampling sites in the Gulf of Cdiz. Legend: Coastal site Cst; Intermediate site Ist; Offshore site - Ost.

    2.2 Sample procedure Zooplankton samples were gathered from surveys conducted during several research projects where the IEO was involved named GOLFO, FLUTUACCIONES (Fluctuations and Potential of fisheries species in the Andalusian Atlantic region) and STOCA (Oceanographic time series data in the Gulf of Cdiz) between 2001 and 2012. Three locations along a transect off the mouth of the Guadalquivir were selected in the present study. Samples were taken using a Bongo net of 40-cm mouth diameter and 200-m mesh size, equipped with flowmeters "General Oceanics 2030R". Environmental data compiled in this study correspond to an 8-day composition previous to the sampling day at the corresponding station sites. Sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) dataset were acquired from the measurements by Ocean color satellite sensors (Aqua-MODIS, level-3 - spatial resolution - 4km; / Freshwater discharges from the Alcal del Ro dam were provided by the Regional River Authority (Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadalquivir). Winds and rain dataset were obtained from the meteorological station of Rota and provided by the State Meteorological Agency (Agencia Estatal de Metereologia).

    2.3 Data analysis One and two-way ANOVA was tested to assess differences in abundance data between seasons and sites, respectively. Significant differences in

    zooplankton community between seasons, and sites were performed using the One-way ANOSIM permutation test. The contributions from each variables driving to the dissimilarity between those groups were identified by the SIMPER analysis. Both analyses were realized on the log-transformed abundances data, in order to reduce the influence of the most common and rare taxa, and based on the BrayCurtis similarity, using PRIMER version 5.0 (Clarke & Warwick, 1994). Exploratory analysis based on Spearman Correlation Coefficient (SCC) between zooplankton abundance versus environmental variables was used to understand which factor influences the zooplankton community. The ANOVA, SCC and graphs were generated using R software (R Development Core Team, 2015).

    3. RESULTS 3.1 Physical scenario During the sampling period, the sea surface temperature (SST) ranged from 14.24 to 27.11 C (Fig.2). Chl a ranged from 0.17 to 36.82 mg m3,

    showing maximum values during the spring. Peaks of water discharges (0,66-216,2 hm3/day) and of wind speed (7,9-29,8 km/h) were recorded in spring, indicating a strong signal of freshwater input and mixing sea surface for the Gulf of Cdiz (Fig. 2).

    3.2 Zooplankton community A total of 80 mesozooplankton taxa were identified. Other 72 taxa were larval forms (n =14), not identified (n =13) or grouped into related taxa (eg. Families, genera) (n =45). Among registered groups, copepods were the highest in diversity and abundance across stations, followed by cladocerans, crustaceans and chaetognats (Fig. 2). The most frequent species were Penilia avirostris, Paracalanus parvus, Oithona sp., Pleopis polyphaemoides, Centropages ponticus or larval stages (copepodits and unidentified), corresponding to >70% of the samples in all stations. The highest abundance values from zooplankton groups, as well the species diversity, were recorded during the summer (48027063 individuals m3) while the lowest abundance were noted in the spring and autumn (245-3978 and 1894864 individuals m3, respectively). The SIMPER analysis shows that the copepods contributed mainly to the similarities between seasons and sites (>70%) and also revealed average dissimilarities in mesozooplankton composition between the groups from 28.6% (Ist and Ost) to 32.6% (SpringSummer). Significant differences in zooplankton composition were found between seasons (ANOSIM; R = 0.40; p < 0.01) while differences between sites were not detected in (ANOSIM; R = 0.57; p < 0.01). The expansion of space-time series may explain these


  • 8 Simposio sobre el Margen Ibrico Atlntico MIA15 Mlaga del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2015

    fluctuations and changes in the zooplankton community.

    3.3 Zooplankton vs. Environmental variables The exploratory analyses from the environmental variables of interest in this study were significantly correlated, as assessed by Pearsons correlation coefficient (Fig.3). As expected, there was a positive correlation between SST with cladocerans and Chaetognaths (r = 0.27 and r = 0.22; p < 0.01). Additionally, Cladocera, Copepoda and Larvacea were positively correlated with the speed of winds (r = 0,11; r = 0.27; r = 0.31, respectively). Initial results indicate that all groups were negatively correlated with water discharges (between the lowest, Crustacea, r =-0,07; and highest, Crustacea = -0,14).

    4. DISCUSSION The zooplankton community undergoes clear seasonal changes following those of the physical environment. The values of mesozooplankton abundance observed in the present study are similar compared with other studies of the Iberian Peninsula (Rubin et al., 1997; Villa et al., 1997; Mafalda et al.,

    2007). The preliminary integrated analysis of different datasets presented here shows a productive and diverse zooplankton community. Similarity among sampling points in our studied transect were explained under the strong estuarine influence of the Guadalquivir river, however significant spatial differences would be expected as we move away from estuarine influence area. When evaluating about the last 20 years, based on data obtained by Villa et al. (1997) and Mafalda et al. (2007) between 1993-1995 and this work (to 2012), we can see that the mesozooplanktonic communities in the SW Iberian Peninsula is diverse and dominated by copepods and cladocerans species, with well-defined seasonal cycles, and directly influenced by specific physical conditions such as Atlantic waters, discharges of rivers, upwelling events, biological productivity and global changes. The relationship of these variables with zooplankton communities and other associated vectors help clarify the trends of key populations for marine resources.

    a) b) c)

    d) e) f)

    g) h) i)

    Fig. 2. Seasonal variation of zooplankton and environmental variables in the GoC. Legend: Coastal site - Cst; Intermediate site - Ist; Offshore site - Ost; Sea Surface Temperature - A; Chlorophyll - B; Water Discharge - C; Wind Speed D; Copepoda - E; Cladocera F; Chaetognatha G; Crustacea H; Larvacea I. Autumn - Orange; Spring - Yellow; Summer Blue.


  • Fig. 3. Correlations between zooplankton community and environmental variables in the GoC. Acknowledgement This research was financially supported by the several projects of the C.O. de Cdiz - IEO, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain, and Junta de Andaluca. We are also thankful to CSIC and IFAPA staff for collecting and preferring the samples over the years. We also acknowledge AEMET by winds datasets and NASA by SST a