library of congressthe sun thursday october 18 1900 0 wetherbee on will plot saia joves pitorosrit...

THE SUN THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 1900 0 WETHERBEE ON WILL PLOT sAia joves pitorosrit TO air RICK siaSAivHK r tinoK- Thm tln llUnh hi t Am 01 ilocnmrnl to II mined When Ih 4i llllllonalr Was Wfllwrot Uldul TIt like kit After 3lon h ConsilUd a Lawyer WTitw elimination of Albert T 1ntricl and Charlu V lout on the charge of forulni- V M rloon linnature to a check for UiOd was resumed Iwforo Mn litrnt Hrann In tin Centre rtreet polir court yesterday inornlnir Walter 0 Welliorbeo chief clerk for the bank Ins house of 8 M Swenwn A Hon was iue Honed about ft proposition which 11 IH alleged Jone m4 to him that If UIH latter voult prepare what piinwrtud to be the last will o William M making himself executor Jonw would for u ikitisfactory mm that the will WM signed Wvthertiee salt that proportion wo madn In January l oo ftt Wetherbeos houso In Hrooklyn Ac- cording to Vetht rbee Jone told Mm that Hlct had told him Jone that Wetherbee had Mule from the strong box of lllco In the vault o- Swcason A Sons a Jlouo railroad bond Uavlni- mpartod this Infonnatlon Jones made thi proposition about tho will eaylnu that tw lawyers one with an ofllco In the build ins ono In ilia employ of Manhattar- ti him Jonot about netting P fnke will of lUce Th Hat tnld tho old tiillllomUre wru troquetitly ilint he came out on- ir Miipur ooiiUi nt dim to lirn anything At such n time Jones accord Ine l witniwr to a blank hhtft of ixtpor among typewritten document Kf lllc to n It that It was nomethlmj Hsu lhan a will and then turn the denid blank shoot of paper over to ether i 6 in lilt out In thn form a will Juno proposed Iho wltim that text of- n will tho ono already offered for pro should followed tht In place of John I llartlnu of Somervllle X mix of c Miitori Wetherlwu hould Insert his own nnme and with tho other excep- tion that an employee of Rice In Texas A tl n hoUest f2ii Raid couldn entertain any such proposition and the nut day ho to his em- ployer subsequently on ullo l lawyerc and then to the occurrence Tint tellliiir of tlN story ron the dlrict elimination of wlne i Those who heard the now of It trick with the fact that tamo of the stipu- lations alliged to Imve he ii marto toy to Vtherbce were riurl l out In at lent In tho pd wilt of Hlce In whlrh Ial rick WM nanu d ns r f legatee In that will If document men out worn opis of It Albrrt T Patrick name IM one of the threw executor Instead of JudKO- lliriliio and A II Conn U remembered to fh eu nt if Mu l Mr HOII P wanted to know why the wit n dHnt how nom resentment hen Jones mad M proposition J tint man made such an In proposition to you yoti didnt thow him out your A well forward No I didnt throw my Whv you A I wanted to talk with Mr lone pam ouh- Joct when wltnfs were wlthiii nt your In th at tin tlnv and In th room while talklns A- he wa in ntul o it of the room but did nut heir tho MaeUtratr Voll when did you toll ahout what fnld A 1 never told Mr HI The MiKltrate Whnt You never told Hire A I never ild The MacUtrntiv Mr Houv Why didnt you A necnnpo t roiirludcd If loie l id control ovtr Rico he ild he had It wnuM N word Joness and I would bu made rldleulnim Q Wnint tlu real renon yoi concealed all from lll tlit you believed Kiev load rnlled you a ihltf It cOM not I did not rare to al lint time The MneMntp tint your only reason A I vn ntliiir urdor ndvlce or eoun ol The li l trato lint von ald you didnt con nilt ioiin il until n month or moro after the pronolllonwannnd A The In IloweM A Sand onirw ndvleU ou not to tell Mr Illr A Mr MldJowood- II Mr Ilou v V1I did toot Npr ppt to niakn a ition when an hut otirolf coiilrthparhhr A I never did Sow Mr didnt von refrain front telling nice bcrnu e of knowledge br that you IIMQ lr 0 1ver neniod of dealing before A I never wa The examination will ATTACKED JlltnOKrlt Clarence Drmtnr Miket n rue it the New Ilnren llallroad NKW MAVEX Oct 17 flooring the election of directOM at thin nnnual mcetlnc today of the stockholders of the Sew Vorlc nnd New Railroad flarento Demlmr of thlt ilty an on one of the rimdldalm CharlM F of An onin The latter the pro ent Connecticut member of the X- tional U ibll in Committee thin orcnnUer of the Hra Tnuf and one of the d retcr of hn American ordmnifl of HrlcUe port He hl boaii director of Iho New road Inca tsftt Mr Domlna did nnt hi nitre but there wa no doubt in to whom ho mount Mr Iomltn ciiiit- A 11 very rcT nt OT IIII of Iesl- lature an attack was mid by lobiy upon thl When that Boniest was in n director of thU com- pany If I In this von demmnoort to m it work and hi Since then that director ha entored prlliim and if not dl- re ty hT rwHved Hint rnio lobby croup n hlch ollco I nn rllren or n vote for that man n dlrertor and I eonfelvo It to be my plain dutv to nh iitito for hl nninn that of an hon- ored rii7en of New Hnven who a far from liHvltur herb the or tho nlrious rinir which has ever infested this Ktnte has boon on at lent tile i cea lon t victim I de lrn net to bo ron truert chiefly n a protent ntnln n flood rozro lve which has hrld thin and thl coporaMon virtually under blackmail nnd new more vicious trl uiiinli- Mr nemiuir voted nn fifty olmres Samuel K Merviln kit the other votes were a t for Mr llroolicr llieo dlrectirx were elected William I HHIiop Clmrli- Hr New Park S Loo Mass William Ttorkefoller Leveret Morgan New le rifo Maccullrich York Join M hail New Haven arloi K fhonto Ilo- on Nuthaiiiol Thayer lloston C Tnft Providence Clmrlet lironker Anoonla- i Trench Cntiii Heorke port Arthur I tuborno Non Frank Cheney Mnnchente- rsrrfoovcKs SVPFKII v TIIK GAIE tire kept llo y Alnnr the roam In ItenrutnK the Crew BOSTON Ot 17 The eevero cale last nleht ii ire on the New Ktutlnnd const and Mont many olhera In n hurry to Hhetor Thin Sheridan apt Andersen bound front Perth to llonton- irrnimdiHl near Highland llaht let TOW tliolifosiivors Anionir then wn l nrie Stinle aged 73 Mary le Nentnii wan wrecked on West Quoddv Head Till lire wiver rescued her Mhooners are reported In distress oft lrv KH Del Oct ir Thecoastltie ochooner I fliiT from Now York for Ihlla delnhli on Jlenloten last rIuht resdicdln thobreecheH buoy The hcliioner will probably be II Mini plete los leitlih llenedl Surlrtr n DlMohe- Ju tlco Treedtnan of Iho Supreme Court lone appointed Herman Sirnlti receiver of of th Izir I llrodsky lodio 8 of A on lh of Solomon Anslamlcr- me of the nieinbnr toa voluuturr Tho dSts nro Jitirt III tmrk Them U an ncalnt MKO in favor of the Indoendsnt Order SOIIH of Abraham nnd n atoll pending nRauist It l r tie The concern Is a lodge of the nt Older Sons of Abraham Iln lnr s Tronhle- A petition in involuntary bankruptcy has been hind oenliM I n c la liy whnl ilo at SOCIreat JOIIM lr ft by creditors who alleee Hint he has transferred a Inrwxm nliiy 0 and sulti- Tho in ImtikriiptCf tile I aualn t Sey- mour Juliiisnn A Ill stork 71 wny on So t 27 hy three i rrdltor win di- nl ed yostonl by JudC Ilown creditor petition wns disnii sed u few weeks airi Wllhln t short uf Iorlc rnw U nhl borouih ate und Querns bmnutbi where only te founrt finnhlnr desired li a bom ur lo teal tittttlnrciimriil s e JSunday Six Ait d loP 0 a the con this f 0 Jon Ill p th b 1 ohn rl o Ot Ihrrl dud Ih era th hOI of hOI nCI hOI Th JonI I I o ho Ion pee luo on IlL mornlll mnTor Inn ark I u Inn I fall p a Inndn tar for Gen lark h r d ark 1 I rtruh OW haven r WHlnpr Bridge 1 Saver till mho IISllorl It Tit fIW- SNRI n l It tale rlx fI the rspls o 45 t 0 fr nil dpalr Ito thin dok hror At Iteal tOIII tU tAn 4 lti the CompatIY aIred taIId I olipes and ti Jon 111 biiifll tally s iii again wit Ioil onvrt Into flUe It bit t A onn Von That ii true vie Joni ro fleeting onto t lie Itt hog I Its I rid nt lv from poll trih a limb to 0 Newl i I tart ford I hOYfl I It rIo I I I arid morning trnve onveral s epbroiidt Chat hat Ct anol t he crew ot lent lou I coin lion attach- ment ladies It I linciIInge end distance l < > ¬ < ¬ < > < < > > > > < < < > < ¬ > < ¬ < < < < < < < < < VOrVO TRV3T aBSTRAlfUt- DV of 200000 hari of Whliktr Tr l- atotk Meat Not Bt Voted Vice Chancellor Finery at Newark crantei a rostralnlncr order yesterday to prevent voting upon 200000 or more of the eharen o stock of the UUtllllne Company of America which are held In tnut after denying the np- plication for u receiver and refusing to order temporarily prohibiting the holding of Iho annual of the corporation terday Thee UccUloni were not renchui until late on Tuesday evening In answer to the application of Dr Klllp KrelMl of Chicago who prrMecutlnff n aualnst the iOcalle Tru t The annual meeting wa adjourned until 8 M lUte the annua net profit n to bo tl9717ll In floe consolidation amounted to II 871S277 Two me elected directors a follows Ken and Warehouse Company K t Young one year J yenntj T n- v ii aiur n u i f nil r tlllltiK and Christ Clallaffhxr and Charles A Webb to serve until I o3 nnd N E to act untl 1003 CltlCAOO OAS IrAn EXHBI Settlement lletrhed II r it 3 A M Teller day Municipal Company Hetlrei It was stated In Wall Street yetlurday that the tettlcmont of tbo Chicago ca war had beet effected at 8 oclock yesterday morning at conference at the Holland House The settle- ment WM said to of uch a character that will tx permanent chances of future dlsoon having removed Tho Peoples Has Com- pany will withdraw from the territory here tofore thou Ogden Oas anti the Municipal Company which the antI obtained it liDS from the latter hoes rul d rlco for gas to St This Is construed ns meaning the retirement of the Municipal- las Compimy from operation A story that while thin war was tho Hoekefeller or Oil Interests 8JOOO shares of Peoples Oas tock thus obtaining control of company was authoritatively night DRCKI Jt CO WED rittibarg Attorney Want Home of the Front of a Traction fltoek Deal PiiiiAnrirmA Oct 17 A suit for heavy damagoH has been brought against Drexel A Co Whitney A 8tephennon attorneys of Plttsbur It grows out of the consolidation of the lltt companies Tho bill alleges that In order to prevent the from recurlng control of 280 of tock on which held an at 110 a share Drexel A Co unlawfully transferred the stock to William L U Widener nnd others The market of the stock at the time the plaintiffs lost of 2ttn32o through the bonking Mrms action diverted In part nn follow W I Klklns 1307050 P A enter 93son George W Klklns I25SOO Joshua tof v Wlllnm Flynn iminoo M K McMullln 44070 Drexel A Co loezw- toaaoo ran ins orrovU- lllUm W Weliler Obtains a Verdict for That Amount Against S II Uneeland William W Wclirliy sulne through Col Franklin Birtlett obtained a verdct of IM2C- Ongalnsi Sylvester II Kneennd before Justice Olldorsleevo of the Surreme Court yesterday Wclcley held an option for time purchase of Iho Texas Trunk Kallrond In 18S5 which he said he mid to the defendant on JIll agreement tint Kneolnnd should pay him liooiw If Kte lm d- H ccieded In the road on tin option oboe road for 30ii0iO- Welcler received tlOOOi ant there was n in to whether he was entitled tJ further claim 000ij Besides the 140000 the judg unapt embraces Interest mod costa Michigan Southern to Erect a tug Elevator In Buffalo HrrFAtu Oct IT A contract was let horns yesturdiy by the Lake Shore nnd Michigan Southern Railroad for the erection of a big ele- vator to bo built entirely of leol and capable of accommodating 2SOKO bushels of grain The machinery In the elevator Is to be driven by vleRirlcllv from power gnnerated at M of grain front n carload to looco- huslils can bo ii them 1 he MacDonnld E Company of Chicago an the con tractor Canadian inrlnc In Immigrant Pool Arrangements have been practically com plot d which the anndbn Pacific will here after be in bided In the pool which conrol alt the Immigrant passenger traffic In this A country- A between the Canadian Pacific t e AI erlcan resole won referred to K St John arrdtrator some tint neo and the decision U exerted nt n meeting of the marnireis of tho ImmUrint In Iluftalo to It Is understood that the decision will be favorable to the Canadian 1aclflo- CUninrstloa Uoori Cnnilders Special Italri- Bpeoal rates on railroad freight were con sld red by tin Offlclal Ca sflMtlon Commntx In the Trunk Line Association olTlcs yesterday Railroad frame m n regard sDcclnl rates as- iiecev orv evils 1h o ablinhed meet temporary conditions but once established urn to do with It Is tie desire of the Cla iltloitl n Committee to make rates conform HH hannonlnuiiy possible tlii the Btemnllc clatilflcatlon Prime McCormick Atseli H4 P r Cent K W Richardson expert accountant his completed a statement of tho affair rf the brokerage fIrm of Price McCortnick A C In liquidation on bhalf of Chicago end other we tern preferred croltors It Is thin onlv statement that been made from the hooks The statement n ratio of nseti to liablllilcs of per cent Thl ratio hoed on l securities nt auction by thou Trust Committee and t e final sib of securitIes may result In a muth largerdlvldnnd- Itaiiell Sage Slaves Hack to Town tin sell Saire moved to this city yesterday lie camo the fourth tlocr of the Hank of Commerce building In tc morning loaded down with n big grip nnd n Ho told his cerks that he Mrs Kasn were going to abandon their cojntry homo nt Law- rence I 1 toni eel beck to town became of the chilly weather Convention of Railroad Knptrlntendenli Tie thirtieth annual convention of the Amer- ican Society of Rillroarl buD rlnlendont will liegn nt the Holland home practical and technical subjccs sea to bo con L Derr of the Krie Railroad li President of ilia rodetyI- IOJIKSTAUK MINING COHPANT- MILUS ULILDINO IS IIIIOAI bTUKKT- NKW YOIIK Oct IJlh l 0- niVIDKM NO B monthly dlfldrnd ol TWrNTYPlV Yolk on the Z6th Intl Alio KXTHA of Ja Cents payable at the- me tUne und plane Ti u cr e nn Ihe 20th 1XJUNSHERY CO Traniffr Agent NATIONAL MAlT COMPANY 20 nroidwa New York N 17 191- 0TKJHMii Ii the holder of P K rrcordUci 2Mb payable Soy IIIOH TJan er book of ihp III close at a I M Oct tt at 0A M Nor I will b mailed IC I PAAlt Alit Hrrretar- jClrtlious mid Urttnns Annual Meetla- criiKSAirAKr ANt 01110 HAIIWAT co once of Strrrtary ItlCIIMONIi Va Sfpl 6 lone Nnlle l hereby tl n that raffling uf for Ihe tlerllon f Dlrrrur n r uJ trsnurllfliiiif hmlnfs as mar Unfully nine betnie tile n maybe pre tnieildtMnrdloalit way Company the con truclion of in raIlroad and raiinrailun r nilidrli tf the lluard ol blreelon and all iiimrnltlrf thcreuf clOne thor l annnnl met Pare Mulldlnr In niy of Illchmonrt Va on Tiies the Zld day nf tui r Ian at lUoVluck A M The turk transfer toot will he clo d at the omr of Xlt ii l Morgan Ui No SJ Wall SI New P on Ibiio al S oclock P H A ropy Annual Repent of President and may be procured nn an II on to the See WBLIruilD Stcrelary the grant an meeting I suit report for the flu eroding June 30 net or tloo l mid fill ur two enr The Standard oiLs U a be It lots has s 311 Alnll h the I 00 1 I a hi II ROfl rlills 11M whit so any b ut a noni In held are o 11011 a d SI I the to III omoo on I OIl house In tiI 1hidtnd and nttrut The Uftl Pt1t bal been declared for Imllr payable at tOte traafer to mrNIJ NO 300 nlIIt tnt a Oct of NATIONAl SALT COttPANY Ibh 1lml of AS TIIJlEI JAn lCST to II n I U the the all k aM o ether metolr rnlfr Itch leg will oh nl iii Itie the he Sept 3 I rel ou Wednisday Oct 4 IVOO at of the Ulr n ra yea lht individual Dial been its traction UI t ho shows oeoovv city regular CINTS agency New 0 The Qi Its davdlred a OUAR itIIiWND ONE IoIdend eheck annuti such sooth the Urernbiien lad 0 held at eOn the the > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > Toledo St Louis and Kansas City Railroad Co REORGANIZATION KOTlCi IB HEniIIY OIVHN that the fourth Initatmcntol the payment due on the PreSented Common Stocks of the bote named Italiroad tli 5 a share on time Preferred Slock Common Stock Is hereby for payment at the Office of the CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NBWYOnX WALLATHEB7 NEW YORK CITY ON OR II FIFO I tli OCTOUEI- JSTH 1900 the Central Truil Company of New Y rk ottllflfalM of deposit for such duels nottflfd to pay the amount due under this call before th date mentioned TIB cinTiriCATns JUST HE PRESENTS a the lime ol payment so that amount paid endoned thfieon New York October 111800- FIIKUKRICK r OICOTT Chairman WILLIAM A IIEMIT IltlDGE J KFNNKOV TOP Commute J N WALLACE Secretary 64 Walt Street New York Insure Your Title Dont carry the risk yourself Title insurance is cheaper than the old system of counsels opinion and pro- tects better CAPITAL dt SURPLUS 5OOOOOO 1 46 Broadway New York 17 Remien St Brooklyn COPPERI- S THE THING I We are offering Treasurr Stock of Ibt EMPIRE COPPER CO At SI 00 a Shire Par value Soul paid and uonauruable- Thla nv M 4 acres o property In rounly Alltona rlhv in of the Binge and unexhaiuled copper belt Write for rroipeftu rec ted by on Adde all cimraunlMtlon cod make check or I1 O ordri pebble lo EMPIRE COPPER CO 80 Woybosset St Jrovltlnnco R I ON SALARIES i o to mr 4 1 clinnl In fKclwp loan mutiey lu i hundreil dot frenl 19 Nassau it oDIteKB- CI nnn TO IoO can bf doibld within the year In IirlllnMr tiulfe and nn In vestment rarltal paying 12 per secured lite people vlih in learn Ini ldre lnt fOlIAtE box iral lintel N V HAIGHTFREESE CO 53 Broadway Now York BLANCHES 85 Walnut StPhlladelphla Stocks Bonds Grain and Cot ton bought and sold on either for Cash or on Margin of 5 to 10 per cent Fractional Lots a Specialty Government Municipal and Railroad Bonds bought and solJ also prices furnished for pur chase sale or exchange of same ENNISSTOPPANICc- n Biiil icil i loc 3 New HI auld IH Ht New York Tel fldi llrwd STOCK and BOND INVESTMENTS Sent I pun Atipllratlnii- Sollrll oMM nurrlia nr Mle fAh or martfn STOCKS WHEAT COTTON A dolly market rfer tivlne outline of markets notations tree also monthly table llh price Uptown llrirlrh Offlre ASTOR rntitT v IITII ST AdjoIning WaldnrfAMorla N VJ Hfi8RS GO 31 NASSif ST SEW TOm Tvawlore Deal ln of Rail Strut naiiuay Light Letters of Credit cmwn c m- mtnt and Municipal AVAILABLE IK ALL tfonds Bought and PARTS OF THE VrORLDiSoW- Ouetolost ftroliked lor mrcbuc sate or euliitjt Chester BlawrencejrNu- mber e STOCKS IIOMIX MIIKAT- Couioilsilnns 1111 IIderate Marclns Branch Offices B40 lladlion Ave fur ntlth At Under Hoffman Arm inno Uth 4- 1in Wed 21il St Ailjnlnlnc stern Urns B31 llway Cor llnnston Hi liable ItlilRI- SIKCIAI IIKPT IAIHKS AT MMANCHR3 SlAIN OriICKS air i 31 Send for cur TKKATlSli nn MAilKKT LlilT- liltVermilye Co BANKERS- New York and Boston JACOB BERRY CO MliMMKItS OK TIIK- COXSOllhtTKU ATtiCH 44 and 4O IIIKIAUnAV NEW YORK STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON Send for our new hunk entitled A lUfiipr at Wall Street nnd KM Markets of to rnrofiil operator Al o weekly or daily upyn identlflo of market f L MKAII T n rniTis CO 44 A 40 BROADWAY N Y STOCKS AND BONDS nought and Sold for Cash or nn alsriln Unlisted Securities a Specialty DAVID iUltnrtnl Com- pany U per share on the called All holder uf are may be hEAD 5 Dan or In per mon ft fOr moo b U jJalllar una rohtr State St Boston l402 Com- mission Inrtiange EtIIU NI urk Produce AU Wil Of molHAnIl StilL Issue Bonds Gas and Elrrlric C l el fu- n< nAil utatiihett I tlOS In I F MEAL TtnlIIC un 810ell- I rbanrt PFEIFFER 00 and and once TinE TEE COMPANY SIC Company ways 0 rent facts tiroadway Ceo I cm etc Iiehang- eIi4KtIlS 121t001iEuls broad flANK UhIM road I Oil uuousoat lamest relit 1010 Ill 8 cet meonoerotip a ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < = PINANCIAL AND COJtMBRCIAL Oct 17 The course of prices on the Stock Kxchnns was more Irreculor than yMtonlay and till confirmed the view that sudden and brisk demand for Bocurltln 01 Monday Induced a good deal of proflttaJtln epeoulatlvu holders Ono of the features uf tho dealings was heavy felling by a upocu- lallva Interest that la operating upon the long tide of tile market for several month past and which apparently thought It vl to reduce IW holdings now there la a fairly large actual demand for stocks The expression of confidence early In the week unquestionably encouraged a number o- BiibstanUal Int reaU to take their favorite In hand nnd this mode todayi dealing In various upecinllles H feature of the market Amone tin storks of that class that received attention were Houthrru Hallway Uin United States llubber Consolidated Anaconda Mining WheeUnc and Lake Erie iwx nil preferred Now York Chicago and St Issues nnd hocking Valley All oflthcd closed nialeriilly lilcher than yesterday- In the usually active Issues Peoples Oas was consplctious because of the authoritatIve annuunceniant of this settlement of the rate war In Chicago At a reaction of l i er cent from the hWheot prices It closed lj points higher than yesterday Tho trading In It wit heavy and at time tho fluctuations were rapid The news of the settlement of tho anthra cite cool Mrlke coi l tliir of formal notice bj lion Heading and Lehlsh Valley companies by a number of the Individual operators of their acceptance of the terms of the miners did not stimulate speculation as a whole but resulted Heading first preferred and Jersey Central at comparatively Might ad vance The local demonstration of the Populist party mat night had no effect whatever upon epeculatlve sentiment Thtro were no further engagements of gold iibr d for shipment to thIs country but tin SubTreasury fid out over 1800000 on nccounl of gold received at Pacific Coast point Thin deposits of currency for transfer to the Interior through the 8ubTre ury were only ionoo The operationS between the Clearing house banki and the HubTreasury so fur this weelt- Indlortte that the ntutetnent of Hveriurm ut tha end of the week will make K radically dlfferenj showing from those of tWit lUll the week before In the final dealings on the Stock Kichnnae the profenslonal element endeavored to deprww prices being Influenced by the evidence of liquidation of upeculutlve holdings during the early pert of the week The closing was therefore comparatively lieitvyr- VewYovU Stack rieh nisuts Oct 17 tOeING rniCEs or UNITED STATES BOXDS lit mr JIU AiMd- U S s r Um r IBM 104 104l 1SJ1133 134 L S M 341 a- 1S30104 I04S U23I34 130 I b3 r ICOJ U SSs t lots inS 100S1 1004118 113 U SSs c I DOS US Bla1- DU 100 i 110f 1004 1 13H US4i r UHSMs r 1007 1 4H 1 1 3i 1924 DC123 US 4s ft 107 I I4 1 ISM ItAILRiAD ASP OTHEn BONDS A El nerzcnIVnA Eastern lit noo 103M r v J ss i Ant i 4 K4 7000 A toon cent 4s IMMI ooo astj 20110 1000 103 4i- Sfioo ouli lot A it Nor ad looo OM j tool ooji sw oovj 1000 i s i- 6200U Internet Sin A A A I 4 AtTiMf s IUOO 1UCHJ 74S- OODO 87 Kats Clly ho JtShcrSlirevASlM 7000 sooo 03H 4000 nflli Soil 4 003 14 fOliO H- 2COOO HOti stout 04VlSoiitll Iartrlc s zoo rooiin 84f onn 7n too H7 SHUO WOO 70M ton zsiioo no looou u 00 RTU 10000 Q4 Iac tOi 000 03 i stamped laDen 87 1SOM O3 SouthlJallwsyS hat Sfs I H AMSIUs 4000 tore tooo 110 11000 ItO U ti A Oho I Stand II Ji T Inc iot0 nos nvxx 100 I IM loI- Cnn U0 j lsl un4s liiOOO OJ 3000 OUi tool 00 i t4 II AOPlti 4s 1000 OH- ft MM IltJtMts tMO PAUl 000 10000 looo no 11 A OS W M 1 Urilrsn Inc riot J7000 MOOD R7 7 no 83 3000 1 1000 871 StOO Blt ftdUO IO- Illtn Inlon 4s Stand It A T fs 17000 loon 84 moo H8S- BHvn Wharf A UnKai 4TciZ4 t 1 4 Iron H Is- IVarrhse lit ct noon 004 IOU no Mo A 4s St I A San Fran itS llAIltts is 2000 01 til IrJs 1100 lIt 10CO 02 InoOO 1OSM- CsrndiSoutnit ili Iac 5s lul Writ I- Mixi ino noMi iooo 3i 0 IO7 4lOOCO SOOO HIS- CnnMS South OM 2000sol07 110000 UAH SOOO C rt IaclDC is 0 0 St lltS Wet liI- OOD 07Mi p 3 I MOO MOil ISOOO Oa4J IstlnlMoPsclUccon 0oo 1000 40H 2POO I 1R StPMA i4kf- tnnn 4 tooo 118 loon MOO 4 1 Ch A St Tenn flA I let H- CcnRyOaZilIn 1000 I Ofltjl OH lOOM 1 34 N V Kl Lti Tf xss 4 N S- sOnnv Jarn HAlMs anon inno 04 2000 03 14 V V s Kl 10io 1 I3W- 70W O4j HAPfSs tlstir A l 1st- srflO 14 8001 107 1000 107 noon 041 icon j rnlimlacirip 4t Cero Hv N 1 M N V fl A W M fis SOOO I Oft 1000 iaii i looo lOP lOGO Chu Yfi AVVtmSi ZOOO 104tJ Kino teen r h OOlJjNnrolkWfsi4s MO I Ifllf 1000 WaMsh lit SDOd IIO 1North Iartfir Js moo 1 17 Chi It ia 1tono Oft Wsh h 21- jn K l 4 i 10onos20 tIP SOOO 102 Chi Sit A 81 l4 tnft na Vahasb scrll 10000 110 1001 flAil MlflQ 14- rhlMIAStlaul Jooo osjl boon u i IA DCS North 2000170 8000ion 2000 a4 J- CblllklAlMs 300103 21010 34lj iooc rhicaoTfrm4 12000 SSOOO 34 Iiiimii Or nail A Ncr n boll oat AOOO 10314 i leu- Clr A Or Short Line 3s Wrst Sh 4s rim 2000 120 Slo 11C unnOs201 looo I 2i West Union 4U- r000 00 Panama 44s 18000 I OOH 1000 ilfllj 1000 IOA Wh d I E Dnt A IlloO 4 as A 0 ron 1000 84Vi 1000 08H 4000110 1000 841 Detroit Ifisls tlfsdtns rcn 1000 84- Ml 03 1100 H7li tOO 8A- Krlf im ifr i irno 4 iniion niin nnrt M7flSliOil 8AI4 00 HAM lAnn lf iniJ H7 nOO U00o 7 soon 8At rt 88 Jimosll 8A- looo oo moon slit 7000 83M- IIocVVAT4U 1000 B8 1000 SOU 1000 00 Total sale ut bond paT value St 47 000- UAIIIIOAD AND milan 8IIAKKX- e 0 AmCArCo 18H 112 AmCrp 08H 315 AmCntOtl 14 1 ann AmDIslTel 20 149 OM 218 Ami Jo Oil l 0 I tim Am Mall 414- 4BJ9 AmSmlt 4P 400 Am smelt p 00 500 Am St Hoo3 BOH 300 AmStllpt COM l 2 AnSutar 12IM 7410 Am SAW 34 ro AmS4 Wp 74U1- 1JO Am Tin II HUM 100 AmTlnPl p 8l- 7J50 03H 1120 Anaeondv l i- 1SI1S AT431 8l H leASh AT HP p 7V- B8Jn Hill 4 Oil 74- fll2 DallAOp BOti- IOMS llrknllanT AA AGO DrknUGasl70 IOU Crunsielelc H 44 Can South A3i 7120 dies 4 Ohio IlOli Ion Chi 4 NW Ill Hi 4735 Chi Ilur4yi37 Chi I I if- rnn frt uu B7M CUUMI I 141S- B2i Chi III A P 1 OB 12 Chi Term son COCA SI L 0 H- 1ISO all n U col Soulnn A i- w cot so pt I AM- OB04 CuiHiiu I 71J- at40 ConTobsf K8 Ala Con Tob f Hi 313 la boo UelLarAW 170 GOO Pen AIIO 10U 449 DenAROpt CflU lOa Ert 1 U CUt Kit in C- A10i I Si U 4 J U- 4IK t3 f 40 20M 73 If 73tf f 34 j 4 Pi I 1 a 1074 1701 4 I I WJtD MAT I circumstance the by I that I boat lOll Louis gas very and In sturdy I I I 114 I SOl to I In 002 Ill N7 j too 2UOO 4 lone non tc O 7 IIi I htt Moh Ohio lOR- I all lit I t S I 0 n I 11 I Cn lIy Oa N I 0 II in II lIa Let I I V SU rOD eb 1000 ion l I 031 u U lncn lUo 71100 I I IIJI ttlra isO c 2 a4i 20 29 Am LinOit Oli Oli bl ti 41i 44 If 414 IOU U lOi 04 331 3 7H 741 a II If Ii t2U 44 U 110 7 SOl 8UI 31 44 6 I 52 30 303 10 IIi 11 IIi 21 10 I nH 7 Ole I I H P 341 I H 1073 < 4 0 L t01 ni Ii H d 1111 I HIlt 711 il I lIud I I I li II Ii Ii 179 170 10i 194 H 1234 U been stocks most moderate tradinog In dec Acm Itanrne4 OM O2T Ioo Ito Uaflde IO4 YR < So ot Cat 3 thl i Oftio I tot Q turocIoio Nub I t 3000 7 Mi Ito 1te hen loon TeeA Par lit hi coo t0Ito 4040 N < ill none bolt 4i rca mOO h0utsioo cCcS 501 ama I 0 1 S iuooo 0 1 ltd p Iop 4J0 hOh tl ROth Sooth I D4 i 11004 11054 h1 i 30 t2t 520 o Ama LoSCo 724 lOf 170 hTtl 12 0 f h IL Ill I4 W B43f I J54 t10 6204 02P1 It Cot Fuel 634 S 34 i 5t4 172 27f 54 Del a 34 01014 0834 34 1214 > > < > < > > < < ° < < < < °° < < > < > < < < ° < < > < < < < > > + > + < < + > + < < + + + + + + ° + + ° + + Net sliM til Mt Caft 1170 30M 30 30M f no i 74 41 148- 6SM 167 3t M 03W 110 IBM 3BK 10 80- BOM I 341 08 r 004U 90 104U- 1W an- 03H 38 U3 V 10 V 31 4 k7 60 40 04- 130i 131 I4M 30K U7M 77 loli 03 7IM- aiii I 2 0 KedSle lpl 00 100 GaaAEBCo 74 SCO OrnElea 143 230 Olucost 08M 185 OreatN r I07 1570 HocU Val 30U 000 Hock vi p Q3U UllDolaCta 1 IB 200 ID 1000 Inter POWK 38U- io 10- 4It Kan C So OH 100 KanCSopt SO LaeOaj OO- MH70IKAWtst 34i aOOLRAWpt 08 100 Lonrll4 00 8510 louANats 70- IJ279 JJanhattia OOli- MSI vttstltr 100M 100 Utx Cent 1 IH- J50MAS1L OOH aou 11785 Wolaoiai oaii 100 Mobile A 0 38 cIt NaUHiCa 33 ZOO 10 850 Nat Rail 37 1420 NalStetl 87W 170 pt 60 1291 Nat Tub 40 IDa NatTublp 04U 451 N J Central 13 Oli 1710 NYCentral 13IM- ttSONYC4Slt 14M 700 NVC43IJp 30U 17930 Nor 4 West 37M zoo Not it WH 77U lOll NoAtnirOi 1AM- II3S too ai i raoilall 33M1- I4CO 1ennUH 104- SJ20S IeoQa OAti 100 PCC41IIP H8 400 PrraSUCar 40 110 Reading 17M- 19S70 Ilftdln p OOH zeal IteadiQC 2 p 30 81 Rep Steel 1141 HepSteelpf A3M 10 Sllur Cits 08U 100 SlossSbe P 03 100 St J 4 0 t 7 JOOKIJiOllp 48 10M- 2S2 SI 1 41 F I M4StL4srip 3A tot stis tau 893 StLSWpJ 30 100 si P 4 om 1 1 ati 42 14070 13 loon touIlvCop AOM 07K 100 Tex UndT 1 OU 1000 lexai IOU 100 Third AsH 1 1 114 210 UnlonBAP I 1U 140 VDarAPp 03 1350 Union 230 7 AM 1330 U S Leather I OU 420 7 0 8610 VS Itubber 32 200 Wabssh 7 1100 I FM 460 WfiUT 70H 200 K Olf 4Pi VU Cent 14 01 WUCtut p 3Ali 63 03 7 7 48 48 43- Iflli lOlf 4 i- II 30 SA- Uiau iau- 80M 30K- iiaji iiaiin 34 344 + 1 2V I2M 4 b 00 OOli 4- 06M AOU 1 M St- lAi IOU MIX 1 1 Ui 1 Hi 1 11 03 03 00 00 J 7 AU 7Ai 1 OH I O- H70J 70 M- 30M 3IM 7H 7 1 BH I Ptl + M- 70H 4 i- OU 0 4 40 4 Ol Tj 24 20H + Hi 14 14 US 30K 41H Total sales of stock share OUItitUB BEtCniTlBSCUmNa QUOTATIOX- HM Aitril till Altti AnsI rn B8V BOiilltaTCCopt 38VJ WC t 14S I 4 III Trans Ui IH- AmWnt 70 71 Inter P e 20 2 1W AnACC Stn 2A Inter P si Oft OOH AACCpt 74 7A Inlerflpf 33 30 mlle 3 A 07H ABli- mUrf 20 NotOrva 10 20 Amllbdr 70 iNatSupl 100 101 AnIIAIo ft 7 NlwBnrT 3 4 AraII4Ir MOV 30 0 i 7M- An 1141 h 85 87 OUs Ule e S8 S8H 7S 80 87 IOAW 10AS WALK 1 Oi 81 H C1 Co I 2U 1 8f POABCo- lHKiU 08 0 bonds H0 101 B 4 N V r 18 10 P 0 4 KC- JHANyfd 82 S3 otOswco S7 HO- DarSO IK lifllubOe T8 80 liiRut fP 77 8 CattlH 3S 4 It II Pt 100 lOS Cam i Pp ao as mnppi 03 04 CA loa HClt llOl IA ISO C4A3s 03 IU StITr 18 1 B 20 33 IsJaALe SM DV Con Knulp Hi 7l 2 1 S8i 0 uSeaAIMs 04 CIlTpf 2H 33 SlanCc H8 41 Connisd OO StanCpT120 I JO- Dtsof A 4S 4KHOCof NJ47B CflO- WsofApf 10H 20XSt P w 11 13H- Elreltoita 14 10 T TAC OU fl- El eflpf an 30 14 10 10 10 2S 2J Eec v pt no 43 iLRyotsiE- M fiunr S3 RUKi lnilipl 03V 03V- EmSubdslOOJ 108 URyotSl at a Ibonds 83 83V- FienOiO 20 24 ValCAO 4 4- OenCir 4H 0 ValCAO OTrta4s 100 lOOHl 20 30 8 0 VorlbP pf 108 ItO rOuTes CUJSIMH QCOTAT10X1 told Xrlrtfl Cli XilM- rostMtM 3 4M Adventure 4 0 7T R Arcadian I H VKr1I H IH Arnuid 4 4H- AmTATcll44 140 Atlantic 83 23 Erie Tel lift 06 Baltic SIS 22 NHnrTcltaaH ninibtm 12 12V- NKOAC3 12 13 llotA Xtoa33DK 33 7- DosKIL I OR 172 Butte 03 04- CRYP130 137 C II ds700 700- CSV pi I 30 Centennial 10 I Of 30 i 40H Cochltl 8 8K- CcnElspflSO Franklin I OH- M siie 2 title floral 73H 74HMas OH BV Mlcblfaa II 3 USOIL in f ll 174 1SH 11 Sb o c 2B 20 OClcnpO 2K 3 USh epf 23 24 Old Dom 21 2l- WeMEIie 47H 40 71 71H- nnsAA 247 348 Parrott 43M 44 DosAMe ISO 100 Qulner140 140I- lnslonKI 140 Flholi 1st 3 3M Cnn XUsi ii 14 Santa Vt 0j 7 FllcbbH e 01 TarasraekSOO 3fl2- Fllchbeptl38 131 TrlMoun ll 13 03 tlvihCaa a IV- AIIT4S 100 Whl Knafc 10 12 DO 1st 5 70 80 40K 4Uj- IIO2d3i 40 00 Rutland 10V 10- NVANB AfrCbm 23H 34H- 1MBS10B ArrChapt 74 70 NY AMI Planleri 14 11 Ti113 Fruit 13 110 rBILADELPBIA XOSltO QCOTiTIONt- IM Aitnt nit Xit- C mh H rt 13U lOMUhVHn 24J 84- 0OAOe 3I 32 o OK- C0fc0pl 4 IS 43 PblUTrn 07V 08 RLCutA OK BKlDnTrae 13 33X- E AIT 4l OOM POKUOlCo 1 13K CUICAUO CLOSINO QUOTATION nit Aitli Sit fi- A wh 28 32 U W S p 83 84 Ctnalnk 07 Cblcira 200 CltrR ar300 260 NCar be I0 17 IlA Uatcb 1 3 I 183 VCarspt SIX fi3- IVeSI 8 flU 00 00V- LHtletls 7K U KCbStR BO OOH U V Sc 83 84 LATEST LONDOX QUOTAT10X- 1Ansconda OKNortollr W 38S- Alfhvn 30 Vorfofi A W f 70S- AlcMQ pf 74KNortbernPrl1 03Ji- HsllfcOliIo 76U Xorlbirn IsdUjpf 73t B2 Wilt V1H OOhi Pennijrlvanla OHH Chesapeake A OLlj 3 iteadin 8 Denver ARO XOHlllAdlnf lilpt 30 Denver It II 0 pf 70S rtesdlnt 24 pt Erie 12M St Paul II i 30 Southern RaIlwaY 12 2d pt 80V Southern Rr pf 6OK Illinois Central132 30- KADUI ATexu 1 o Union PsoOJ 03 tan ATtx pf aex Unloo Paoiaipf 77 ulivlll A Nub IP Votk Central 13OX Wabash 36U m COpe Erie It pr 1040 34 as 74 141 157 34H 1 H- en 11ft ltd Paper I O 37U loa Cen 19 934 0 20 32 3 118 05 3H 95 H IOA4 Ii 1l1C OOli 200 MSLP U 1200 111 rpt 38 33 NI Lead 10 35 85 48 04 134H 30H U 34 37H 1114 lIsts Nolae Nor J e pt 7 i Ocl oil Wu 21 33 H 133 133 II OrJ Hi 82 fIJ t 3034 40 17 1 t 6754 68 H 27 28 H I I 32 om 61c Olm 300 BtJUl2p I I oullo 34 I Eon 4 2405 PoSe 0 Hi rae lI LPaib p 2 Wab1h ilL 70 ole I 300 WIIIICtp ole 26 roe 43 98 IS AI IIIIr S Oil rant Cool m 111 Oil Rle rf Am lid I I i CIIlo per IOO A J 66 Ser lnlnn Cop llc PaPa 3 per ctnl CCH 2i AlIouf I 2 R to I U Dom lo1 14 I I S Il 3 I 3 I Mal t pr I 8 I lob I W Endn 3 I Wlterla I Indo Wanda 114 Ill I UII 0 Ohio r Pace I I p1 Erie radDo 7 Wabash sf Lap YtdSteeI 3654 b4OL 4 5211 Caf 04 4 sin 6904 SOft 9834 0604 953 2634 34 0204 34 2834 4 1204 134 4 7734 0204 6154 04 134 114 alas 3214 04 34 1714 2 114 6354 34 37 54 Pat 4 HyCo TennCL 34 ran 54 4 talon 4 W dole 4 1Rl 4 N V 1 A subs L ContAin Sea 1pf < otto ItT C TennCop a lit flrnonta 4 Iii All 34 04 tieS 05 34 ft 1 SoS 1 a Canadian 4 4 R- iM lit Southern 014 New deb 5 j < + > + > + + > + > + + + > > + > + < > < < < > + < < >< < < < < < < > < < < < < < < ° > < < < < < > < < > < < > > < > < < < < + < + + > + + + + + + < > + + + + + + Final sale compared with those of yesterday folloK i ott 17 on i otf A TAsr COM VOW Nat Lead IB 1 li- ATAHPrf 7814 7 U Norm Am IAi I O1- AmCotOII 34 34KN4W 37 37 AmSIIeiiaiH llOJJNiWpf 77 77 AmTob 03H 03 Nwul 0103V 10 l- AtjSlfellt SOU HO Nor Pace 08f A3 33H 33HNurPa 71H 71 04H 04i N V C nl3 I1 13 U40 73W 73KNatSteel 87 B7 Can So 03 OU N J Cpu I30H 1301- OCC4SIL 08H 0 OH Omaha e 1 1 4 112- OHAQI87 180K04Wesi 21 all Con ol00171H l7ftHPJO A 0 02H 04 CbesAO 30 aOXPcMalL 38H 33 1 1 li nock IM107H 107- DL4 W170H 170 Reading lllf 17 I A HO 10H iXDl A7X 08- DAROpf 08H OflXStPsul e 1 I4 1 13 Erie in pt aou aoxsoRypi AOW oni Fed Steel 34H 34SHILSW iaf 18- OenElea MS 142 StLSWpt 30 80- OtNor pftOOH 107 Ttx Par IU In- lUCtn I IB 118 T nn04l 07H AO- KanATpt 88V SBHUnlonPa 00- Lo4Nsia 74li 74MUolonPp 70S 70 LUAU 3IU 34HUSHub 20 31 LBAWpf 07V 08 UaLes IOH UoOos 70 apt 7O 70 UanCaa OOH 00 Wab 4 P c 7 71- Mlnn4SL AOtf OAVWab4Ppt I8 IB- UASIIpt OOH OAXWUnTrl 7UJ 70 08i 02HlWh4UK 0 aJetSlHy100 104HrW4LKpt 84 80 Government bond flriner The I 4 of l 07 loard K cent higher Tho feiMiircs Union Eluvate is Brooklyn Wlmrf and U T 1- Cliexai oikn and Ohio Ketifral i Detroit Gao 64 Norfolk nn general 4 SouUwrn 1u trout lit AtchUon Daltlmorn and Ohio Mis and Twine aud Wabat- Usuen of bar sliver In New York Mo liar sliver In London clo l at 29 Sl d Mexican dollar were quoted at 4 Ho Exports to Europe tomorrow 73000 ounces Money on call sa3H lime mone- U rr cent for two months 4H r cent for tour tin and six months Commercial iffliVj for prime single name receivable other name B per cent Sterling exchange wax drone and There was a good demand to rover Im ports and at the urn time the supply o commercial bill was on u r i hide Continental pxchange firmer fate for long bliU sight rafts 1481- Actiml rates an Long bills IIW tHI irtn drafts 8li3t4MVi and cnLe trnn frrs 8iai4S5V Franc nere 5 Zlfl- 52I S 18j 64iieil for long And 84haB4 4 for choir culUicrs JBrcjo 15ifl for and 40 i r short Domentlo exchancemn New York Uoston Par and So dlcount Charleston Buylne 7c ort xelllrnr par Harannah 3l8o lioc discount New Orleans Bank commercial 1125 discount San Francisco Right lOc premium l2Hc premium Rt Louis tOo premium o discount Cincinnati Hetw er- bnnks jxxr to iSo discount over counter We- prmnlum Railway gross earnings for the second week October c mpnrn w 1th of the correspond Inu week of Jest year as follows Ann Arbor I122SS Ino I4- HUCaln Ilo h A Pills US224 Inc 28n cUte loraln wheelIng 4122 Inc 204 Illo irnnde Western 115210 Inc 272U- J72S34 Inc Wabash 1544- Wbeelh A Erie l C22 Inc 2 S The Now Yrk and Queens County Railway Company for quarter 30 1000 lean Chances Dross earnfs I154IS2 1142800 Inc Uixr rip C58S4 Inc tsr Net 84001 770n Inc 70 Other Income 141 1433 Dec 1 Toll tnem ss1 178439 Inc I78M- Flid ehrgs 49373 8J8U4 Inc 1037 42844 140813 lice ttT- hetoforurltle mron others wore Auction today at th teal Uotnti Exchange 23 shires Importers A Traders Nall Dank BOO 4 stare Ynllc N II A 272 60 lives Now Yolk Produce Exchange lInk 124 200 shires National S16M3398 20 pimres CelluloId Company 10 share 100 12 sh ret Uarkeland Fulton National hank 230- 2UO shares New YorK and Harlem R It 413 revi ln or the Government wore Coos toniii rr rnue I877cn- nnd miscellaneous tfl253 a total of 123U- 47o Tho disbursements were Kowivin stem of receipt over expenditure of 310 470 the receipts the year to have Iten l7S5T6on and 101VS an excels of receipt over expend tunes iif Sttoto Thou oflldal count of rash In thn Trnnuri- todny not Including the reserve of li- f V and t7P844f In gold silver and note which icrtlflcntci are outstanding mid compared with that of Off K Oft 13 Gold bullion coin and cctincates 10743793 JJ79I2SI8- Milter ilcllars bullion and certificate 9slirn e079402- rnllrcl State notci 13071013 11434171 2349M68 2372J006 Net available cash hal Il32174r 3 II931330DO Treasury received bond to the nmount of 1801500 to he exchanged ti r the new 3 per rent boda of 1R30 under the Rtfurdlncr act The total amount of received tu date tJI29J8 X In london l per rent of discount In op n market for short and three inontlm llll II8 percent of linlllon witliolritwii from England on- balnnce tnrfnv C4000 3 cents at loo francs Eichancn on London Jl frunc 12 Th weikly ttatenientof the Hank of 0 rn any th lot lowing changes t i In hand Increa d 36MM- isH tinr11 tren notes ncrea ed 13011000 minks other eenirltios decreased M440vio marks noteS In circulation derreused 73040000 Tne Hnmestako Mining Company has cedirc- dt rigtilur monf of s et share sod an extra Dividend of tIe same amounT both Oct SS at offlce of the transfer makIng u total of 1P37WI paid In dividends to date COMMERCIAL VEDNWDAT 17flnAis Vhtat Spot was lens active and firm Sales 300000 bush mainly for export hero and at the out ports No 2 red In elevator 77 c Xo l Northern Dnhtili 6Mo over December No l hard 8 e over Northwestern receipts were 177 earn acalnst 1317 week and COS lout year Chicago US cars against213 last and ino a year ace Futures closed unchanged to c lower Sale 3i 000 hooch Pilots as follow i Opn III tee Clot HI HI Ino Vl M Oct 773t 77M 77l 77U- Pec BO 79H 79JJ 7 Match 83 MU 3 3 S Bay MM H 9l 83 9K Otis wrr quirt but aWady Sales SSnoa both No 1 mixed In elevator 28c No 3 mlsed hIt Na S- wblle27Ht2sc Nn 1 do 27c Rye was dull a 2 Western J c c I f Dutlaln Jersey aol State his 33c nominal e t f track Corn was fairly acute and firm Sale 7SOtioo hush for cirort here coil at Nn 2 In elevator 47ir Nn 2 7lc October In Chla n No 2 Future rOomed uncbanird- tn lower vouuu bush Prices a itl lows Own lllifi leui Clot latt- Int nt nt SIlO Yiant Oct 4fU lice 42J 421 U y 41M 4il 4i2 This shows the movement NewYorti llnrv Corn Oa Hut llarttu 348125 332 Exports 139788 10088 7inl8 Receipts424030 748 nn 82110 Idltf 20D 3ti 13043 499030 23412 4478 A3V04- lltlflMo Receipts 210000 330003 92099 tsia 000 sal 300 08000 Unfavorable Argentine crop reports cau ed hIgher prices for tides ol the tester to though the advance In EnglIsh prices wss Mlrlbuud pertly to wet weather In Foreigners tended on aides uf inn market but more than they Abntts entered and thee was some Northwestern buying at ChIcago ltd and U to Hd hut SH 10 centimes hither for Hour An Argentine Kurshc rains hive dam- aged wheat Primary receipts Ihouthllbcral wre- neverlhcess t year Ihelutnl being 1I07UH hush l2H30iiii butb r Many thInk that the Nurtbwestern movement nhrwd r slier the flre weather wItch hs rf Tallrd- In thai section fur l o werlii past Toward ihs note however sctlp rs toot proilts ant rirn re scud The cash trade wss slow sod the sealuirlr- lesreO orly 35 nOi troth ot wheat and flour c mover wheat atT ncln esrly a uj then reacting Receipts were light and ie hut Ilterpnol declined lid lo Ht and Ixindon ilensnd ua iluii- he eatM d clearanrrs were wily KHI bu h niiil local and r tern lorgs wild Oils nerr fcalu c cs- FLOfli Quiet but stcadk Sales 0400 He 7 i5 bftls n12nl2U ssck Hiiwrli 0112 bW and 7121 sacks Winter In tibIa Super tt4tt J2SO No S Plies 1240 1280 clears SiiosiS23 straights li4n i Anr lens J n5 14 m Spring In clean iAliJvi straights 11 1178 patents 1400I423 lty MSltJ here were unchanged Btlej bales for spInning illddllng uplands 10 Moa a Oct 17 AIDS Brook n T Chi 0 tv U lJUlIon B lOll OOH Iii rnd bid and other brad strong were Warhou Karfllu City Southern 34 Wellrn 4 cilia 4 Soiolipin al isconito lln PRllle Northern St louil Knlllli western SI sliver cent at nod la quoted at esno bilLs higher wa also t 4 quoted or Innll for sb rl long 40 tIIIJb 11 IIrrl of s Lake repore GII31 count S II vj by II Jlallll t floe 116561 l1 I t IM I 1 034 Seed Erie II fi I 204 tIlL Ito Pat f cacti City As soon Iaetflc S meted sod soil- ing 6 Net incma sold w 4 coo Oilier acieti The bond a Money Rates Iari sOvIets per marks par the lot last week la- In 8uo 8 53 hue osopoeta chlOe over Sale 41 graIn s ReceIpts I 40610 0 wheat on sold adeann S 0 Pens was unchenOrd wheat atool oable aid last with a reported at rlnu pointi hoe nO00 OIls were Cop I 18 t5J r > > < > > < < < < > > > > < < < > < > > > > > < ° ° + Ralnst 7 c laU Tear New Olean and liVllc l c New Nuulhern pit markets generally line toHc lower advanced l on wOol sales of BHHI bslei mures advanced Ttolii points MMirlinlcr aj quit The mite tnrnl to was as folium ltit lear 49911 Port receipts ill233 150j New et to- morrow 170UJ to 18ono 10179 m- Aucutli 82D 1837 lt91 Memphis 3237 LeO S31 23U4 1332 2247 24133 12494 lu997 llnunon evt lo mir row 17001 ta 18000 234 I3 H4 Augusts shipped lodsv 260 bAlts 2TO and Iliiuktm jonjv NtwOrleins 14 t I7ilrbi lower Futures here closed beady at a netndvtijre of 14 to 17 points Enllmated- Me Prices at f nlloi- llllHit lowest rioilni October u3ii BJ9 o4Sy s l November 931 023 93 LlfcembT 932 23 0I7 928 January 912 022 021 Uai 024 B2S OIr March 932 022 028 927 April nan B2I B2 927 May hal 022 028 June oo 021 023 Juv 923 917 U2ia 922 August v16 Ml U081 JIIS Though the receipts continued liege and the spot outlets at the rinuih were generally and then was n actual tiec cullim advanced hersuCln the lied there nssa very cencr l be Del tbatfi rally was due on bolh Mdes uf the waler and Liverpool hutlng the same oplilm lhat market ran up 7 ti til English paints the neit wet colder mid the SInai Service predict frot In Tennessee Carolina Fear ol Jroul In any tent a rally was ilH Ibe csralnal fsrlnrsln IhemtrkeL estimates fur New Orleans and Houston wrte large oirnllon Is helnit cleared for In relieve the scircity there cotton tmli are quiet and mo lcif thi futiirfs here Is to cover slmru whereby a Is taken out front under the mtrkel The eour of prices II Is believed depend alrai entirely on mralhtr IroM nitanj nn advance weather a de- cline on Iho e for No 7 Sales of 2 mil Illo No 7 at Hf- c and f and 73l Mexican Futures declined In pont and doled barely slesdy M l v ou was uncharged In f lowrr lUmhurif un changed to hlgber American warehouse de liveries 110118 firm al unchanged prices Kichange 10 l32d 3jd detllnei 13uno begs stock 23 niio Santos barely at aStatine llecflnts 88000 block 1118010 Irltes here as follows January February April Mty June July August October November Decerabrr Sain Illjiini Latent 230 725 riojfi- j72n2 7255 730 710 73J- 78J74D 7401745- T45 7Si- 7S 4788 73 7ri 7 i 78J 7 1017 U- 7I3S72 Large and local cooS haitian selling caused lower prices for roller Many think th outlook for tbe next crop continues favorable ns no bad reports hare been received Messrs lloe A Santo receipts tItle mania at lJOiooo Mrs We hear II Is re In Havre tOot a cshl was received from New York Haling thaI there wnuld bf corner In the Oc tuber In New York and that November wai- orersild The truth Is October is practlra ly liqui- dated and the Interest In Is noih Irg It Is astonlnlilng that any one here should such a statement UETALtIn Ixirdon tin WAS lower at 129 8s for apt and 1124 5s tar futures Tile marVel hers as Inner dipper i as lower In Ixindnn spot at 71 iTs futures nt 72 os 9d lord market wivs nulel Iron WAS lower Lead anl speller dull and unchanged Prices here as follnws lectrolyllc l cstlng- leUr lMd 4 37 1 1 In J413 tin 327 2V23 tin plates 14 at mill Iron No I northern mvlie 2 northern tl4 t133J pig Irjn- wtrMnt No 2 lOSiCslooo NAVAL STOHBsSpliluof turpentine 4ti342 Common togotKl atTained rojln II 47l InovtSlONSPok was ray al Il4 mess wa quiet Uatll kegs 9ai reAmS Continent 27 30 Werurn t 23 South American 8 2ft Meats wits any pickled sh nUers e di born t3 je di tiIMs 9 a lie TAllow 4 4c Pressed hogs 735KC Iluller Crearrerv extra lie Art 2i State dairy fancy 20 Z ltd Cheen Soils full cream lull white I c smnlU col ted of lie Kigsleiisylvstiln and Spite 22c Western 2lc Oct 17 Another decline In hug market Influenced tower prices In the ollerlngs coming from Ihe decllns- ai recovered on Semen from shippers ilncludlngKngllsh concerns for l rd eummlsAl m house luring Janusry iellTrrl Tin svere declines In the hog market this week will rnntt curtail receipts trmtursrllr al lesM and under a lighter bog movement ought to read thatply- hUUArtRaw was at 4 t for 98 lsl n 4Mc for 89 tst Sales of 3i bees BO test end lon nuiaoes 89 lest Re ned was dull and unchanged CIllCAao Oct 17 These were todays prices Out fh Low lt Lilt trtttal tog Null Oft 74 74J 7JM 74lJ 74lJ bee 73ii 73H 74 78 41 4U- 38u 3511 H 3iH 361 36 J 37J SSI 85 3S 4 HU 801 073 877U 872i- BfiS fi 0- 8J7IJ 6371 830 Nov 1100 1109 1090 1091 llnn Jan ll22mi30 1120 1122 112711- OTIIEIl MARKETS Open I V Low Clog laiT- TA of Ita nt lit Ino ntfht- MlnneawIU Dec 70M M 7- Uay7U i 7S- Julttth 78 May81j 8Ui- Tiledo ct 78 7- It7UK 79U- Pelroll c 79M 79 79 78 81 7f 79lj 7eJ lIve Stock Market WEDNKSnAV Ort 17- Itteflpti of hreTra were 20M head Including 111 cars for and 4J for tie markrl mnklni with the stale stock ft cars on sale Stets were dull and lUllr lower thin nail fat bulls about steady medium hulls and medium and fat cow 1015C lo rr number nt rats vtrn held Common to choice stffrs sold nt- J420SI561 per 1Oillb oxen at iT 401 14 IS hulls at rows al 4il Irf fil beef Uady at last iuot ion Cables unchanged U ports SJflOnuarlfrsof beef none tomorrow of 2f8 head Inrlndlnt 171 head for butchers and SS17 for the cuvnt lag the stale stock ttftf were 2437 mites on sal Demand Mir for all grades and prices steady with good clrarante of the pen Common to choice lmlrcalfe atV30 14 rrasvrs t 25HI1 and hot wleftnl do al 1112 J mixed rsUesat J3SH Cltydrtisnl teals S C121ic Ilerelpts of sheep and limb were UfKie head Including S tar butchers nail S3 rare for the market and with the few stale thre were 31 oniale lambsnp nf t steady to 10r hlrhrr the under trades Urady nit grade closed a little easer 4 rare were heM flier Common to ehore wild al V UV1 per 100 lbs a few do at 14 7S culls nt 72 rommon to rholce I lIS lf2S Stan lamb at J5MAiasa mils at JS2a tlAii- Drested mutton stead at5de per It dressed lamb Jtecetpts 7018 local Inrlndlnc about 2 cars for the mvket Stow and lower for live at Jft20V SSO per 100 lb Court Calendar This Hay Appellate DtlMon Supreme CourtNVs SO OOJ- J 102 i OS 34 J SS 4S 14 2t UV S7 Supreme Court Term Iart I Motion calendar al viiw A M Purl II K parts matters Tttrt Itt Oar Mnllirui Nos I4M 1447 U 11951 M rKfenedriuiei Itno M 147V ran l Caw nnnalMird JAW and Karl Nns ISM lIlt IM1 I2mi lOs 1331 Iart V Clear Cns s front Part IV P VI Cases unfinished Caes front Iart IV Purl VII Clear Klevaltd II It cases TrOd Term Par 11 Clear Preferred c ii fn Noa 6C4B 7M 072 tWUlHlls fl 13I Iitt III Clear Sos 3JSt 4S31 4514 366 lilt 1110 17M 2 4H 17P2- UOA 1M7 14SO t470 IbIS 7111 14II 750 10SJ- 14Z7 1424 I9M IBM 1871 1911 U10 Inqufsl- Nn Ut Tart IV Cajie unfinished Cases from Iart HI Par V Clear Caws from Part 111 Part VI Case unfinished Cavn frim Part Ill Part Ml Case unfinished Not Z7W 113 2J9- 4C81SI2 IOS1 48711 73 1480 1081 1177 1118 1S27 SB7 I4HI I4S7 2117 Parts VIII fir the term Part Xtc mu- nnnlshed Case from Part II Surrogates Court Chambers Per of Illi orr Dutton s mui Schmidt Ed ril Frederick llaram Angela Caraitunna Ann M Mn eliOt Mlrsrhbrrr al r i A M PAtr- lPivortn IMwanl I Mttlillanu at 2 PM Irul- Trin No 1582 l f lleury I Hitler al MBi A M No ISM all ol lillen llftiulllvn al 10i A M Motions Trial Ttrm Part I Cass unnnlilieit- Nns 2528 St4 OtiS IS J I 1I4 1ISH 683 72 1IIC tONI 1M4 1lll I4 l UJJ- IMS 1M2 272D I J IW 11 IflOS 1BU mill loll 1J7 IMrt II Ca s- unlliil lnd Not I1A4 1111 7WJ 1711 I42H I7M lint IMH lost IM2 1MV MTI IS7 IM1 I7i- 17ifl l m U l1 17U1 1lK l l lOSil IM- u JA iffft ms7tn24iul1 Pit H1 liar u lien 121 inm i i 11 nvi IIM Its 1182 IT 17 II1 M I 1718 1711 illS iiv M s r ii7 iiia t- I7S2 17V I7W i f IN e Simt Cirrt it AfifimN d i i i iti- U7 Jiil fj- llronklin n uwrins pot Apatlmenvs AIM l rr uc yn u nii jared lihotlirrlo il jU much M tttrol t uu A i against 7 e advanced and I Oilcan Ice I I tile iPOl I I sy Lost lIeit I I I 3 1 yule 50 rOused bale c v I loser frost In tI iou tel n plane lIiuoig Ibme was no the weaoher at the acre a dei bul big of the COOrtrIIlO spot wasquist at 5eA bags < steed Ii 11 3750 740 733 1250 745 745 250 763 160 6907u 3500 725 720 I the One firm orie4 c moil with I hi i5 C 101 Fir I N J 1 s for Land dome CO 1ed tint t hint a I and I hIke v ens I ii till 183 Cocci 4534 Ni flee 35 31 4 OnfS Oct 3034 2014 2I1 2114 2134 4- No 2134 200 20 21 22 34 I May 24 24 2314 234 24- ard C77 4 675 6670 603701 e87 Jill S Oct 650 690 615 675 69 Nov 612 033 t974 69234 597 b0i7- Jofk g3 4 tol 1 7 7754 7711 7 79 79 79 Kcrti City 13cc e634 001- St oula 11cc 7324 730 2 i3j htay77 78 77 77 1 I cowl I a over nellie 2 033 0 raIses acre a tel sold at I a a lb car car good bout sheep curried 2 bombs at Cane at 4n of hoC were boll I P lOll ill b- and uniOn ibid Case from lart Vii Iart XII Case Wills It Fttrfloe hlar 7 ThomIwno Jam II Strong Cu moorS Terni Court ova at IC A M I tOO 030 lIt ii IA II WI tat i 1 C I 1111 call 4 0 5573 70 01 507 053 221o- oia 7ft l 2n ta < iF- iIIA5 let S wah curioS or O0OJW o er J slid 07 S a ire Soot S r S < < > > > > < > < < < < > > < < > < > °

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Post on 26-Nov-2020




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Page 1: Library of CongressTHE SUN THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 1900 0 WETHERBEE ON WILL PLOT sAia joves pitorosrit TO air RICK siaSAivHK r tinoK-Thm tln llUnh hi t Am 01 ilocnmrnl to II mined When


sAia joves pitorosrit TO air RICK

siaSAivHK r tinoK-

Thm tln llUnh hi t Am 01 ilocnmrnlto II mined When Ih 4i llllllonalrWas Wfllwrot Uldul TIt likekit After 3lon h ConsilUd a Lawyer

WTitw elimination of Albert T 1ntricland Charlu V lout on the charge of forulni-

V M rloon linnature to a check for UiOdwas resumed Iwforo Mn litrnt Hrann In tin

Centre rtreet polir court yesterday inornlnir

Walter 0 Welliorbeo chief clerk for the bank

Ins house of 8 M Swenwn A Hon was iueHoned about ft proposition which 11 IH alleged

Jone m4 to him that If UIH latter voultprepare what piinwrtud to be the last will o

William M making himself executor

Jonw would for u ikitisfactorymm that the will WM signed Wvthertiee saltthat proportion wo madn In Januaryl oo ftt Wetherbeos houso In Hrooklyn Ac-

cording to Vetht rbee Jone told Mm that Hlcthad told him Jone that Wetherbee had Mule

from the strong box of lllco In the vault o-

Swcason A Sons a Jlouo railroad bond Uavlni-

mpartod this Infonnatlon Jones made thiproposition about tho will eaylnu that twlawyers one with an ofllco In the buildins ono In ilia employ of Manhattar-

ti him Jonot about netting P fnke willof lUce Th Hattnld tho old tiillllomUre wru troquetitly

ilint he came out on-

ir Miipur ooiiUi nt dimto lirn anything At such n time Jones accordIne l witniwr to a blankhhtft of ixtpor among typewritten documentKf lllc to n It that Itwas nomethlmj Hsu lhan a will and then turnthe denid blank shoot of paper over to etheri 6 in lilt out In thn form a will Junoproposed Iho wltim that text of-

n will tho ono already offered for proshould followed tht In

place of John I llartlnu of Somervllle Xmix of c Miitori Wetherlwu houldInsert his own nnme and with tho other excep-tion that an employee of Rice In TexasA tl n hoUest f2ii

Raid couldnentertain any such proposition and the nutday ho to his em-ployer subsequently on ullo l lawyerc andthen to the occurrence

Tint tellliiir of tlN story ronthe dlrict elimination of wlne i

Those who heard the now of Ittrick with the fact that tamo of the stipu-lations alliged to Imve he ii marto toy

to Vtherbce were riurl l out In atlent In tho pd wilt of Hlce In whlrh Ialrick WM nanu d ns r f legatee Inthat will If document men out wornopis of It Albrrt T Patrick nameIM one of the threw executor Instead of JudKO-lliriliio and A II Conn U remembered tofh eu nt if Mu l

Mr HOII P wanted to know why the witn dHnt how nom resentment hen Jonesmad M proposition

J tint man made such an Inproposition to you yoti didnt thow

him out your A wellforward No I didnt throw

myWhv you A I wanted

to talk with Mr lone pam ouh-Joct when wltnfs were wlthiii

nt your In th at tin tlnvand In th room while talklns A-

he wa in ntul o it of the room but did nutheir tho

MaeUtratr Voll when did you tollahout what fnld A 1 never told MrHI

The MiKltrate Whnt You never toldHire A I never ild

The MacUtrntivMr Houv Why didnt you A necnnpo

t roiirludcd If loie l id control ovtrRico he ild he had It wnuM Nword Joness and I would bu maderldleulnim

Q Wnint tlu real renon yoi concealed allfrom lll tlit you believed Kiev load

rnlled you a ihltf It cOM not I

did not rare to al lint timeThe MneMntp tint your only reason

A I vn ntliiir urdor ndvlce or eoun olThe li l trato lint von ald you didnt con

nilt ioiin il until n month or moro after thepronolllonwannnd A

The In IloweM A Sandonirw ndvleU ou not to tell Mr Illr A MrMldJowood-

II Mr Ilou v V1I did toot Npr pptto niakn a ition when an hut

otirolf coiilrthparhhr A I never didSow Mr didnt von refrain

front telling nice bcrnu e of knowledgebr that you IIMQlr

0 1ver neniod of dealing before A Inever wa

The examination will


Clarence Drmtnr Miket n rue it the NewIlnren llallroad

NKW MAVEX Oct 17 flooring the election ofdirectOM at thin nnnual mcetlnc today of thestockholders of the Sew Vorlc nnd NewRailroad flarento Demlmr of thlt iltyan on one of the rimdldalm CharlMF of An onin The latterthe pro ent Connecticut member of the X-

tional U ibll in Committee thin orcnnUerof the Hra Tnuf and one of the d retcrof hn American ordmnifl of HrlcUeport He hl boaii director of Iho Newroad Inca tsftt Mr Domlna did nnthi nitre but there wa no doubt in to whomho mount Mr Iomltn ciiiit-

A 11 very rcT nt OT IIII of Iesl-lature an attack was mid bylobiy upon thl When thatBoniest was in n director of thU com-pany If I In thisvon demmnoort to m itwork and hi Since then that directorha entored prlliim and if not dl-re ty hT rwHved Hint rnio lobbycroup n hlch ollco Inn rllren or n vote for that man

n dlrertor and I eonfelvo It to be my plaindutv to nh iitito for hl nninn that of an hon-ored rii7en of New Hnven who a far fromliHvltur herb the or thonlrious rinir which has ever infestedthis Ktnte has boon on at lent tile i cea lont victim I de lrn net to bo ron truert

chiefly n a protent ntnln n floodrozro lve which has hrld thin

and thl coporaMon virtually under blackmailnnd new more vicious trluiiinli-

Mr nemiuir voted nn fifty olmresSamuel K Merviln kit the other votes werea t for Mr llroolicr llieo dlrectirx were

elected William I HHIiop Clmrli-Hr New Park

S Loo Mass WilliamTtorkefoller Leveret

Morgan Newle rifo Maccullrich York Join

M hail New Haven arloi K fhonto Ilo-on Nuthaiiiol Thayer lloston C TnftProvidence Clmrlet lironker Anoonla-i Trench Cntiii Heorke

port Arthur I tuborno Non FrankCheney Mnnchente-


tire kept llo y Alnnr the roam InItenrutnK the Crew

BOSTON Ot 17 The eevero cale last nlehtii ire

on the New Ktutlnnd const and Mont many olheraIn n hurry to Hhetor Thin Sheridan aptAndersen bound front Perth to llonton-irrnimdiHl near Highland llaht let TOW

tliolifosiivors Anionirthen wn l nrie Stinle aged 73

Mary le Nentnii wan wrecked on WestQuoddv Head Till lire wiver rescued herMhooners are reported In distress oft

lrv KH Del Oct ir Thecoastltie ochoonerI fliiT from Now York for Ihlladelnhli on Jlenloten last rIuht

resdicdln thobreecheHbuoy The hcliioner will probably be II Miniplete los

leitlih llenedl Surlrtr n DlMohe-Ju tlco Treedtnan of Iho Supreme Court lone

appointed Herman Sirnlti receiver ofof th Izir I llrodsky lodio 8of A on lh of Solomon Anslamlcr-me of the nieinbnr toa voluuturr

Tho dSts nro Jitirt III tmrk Them U anncalnt MKO in favor of theIndoendsnt Order SOIIH of Abraham nnd n atollpending nRauist It l r tie The concern Is alodge of the nt OlderSons of Abraham

Iln lnr s Tronhle-A petition in involuntary bankruptcy has been

hind oenliM I n c la liy whnl iloat SOCIreat JOIIM lr ft by

creditors who alleee Hint he has transferred aInrwxm nliiy 0 and sulti-

Tho in ImtikriiptCf tile I aualn t Sey-mour Juliiisnn A Ill stork 71wny on So t 27 hy three i rrdltor win di-

nl ed yostonl by JudC Ilowncreditor petition wns disnii sed u few weeksairi

Wllhln t short uf Iorlc rnw U nhlborouih ate und Querns bmnutbi

where only te founrt finnhlnr desired li a bom urlo teal tittttlnrciimriil s e JSunday Six Ait


loP 0









ohn rl o OtIhrrl

dud Ihera


hOIof hOI nCI








pee luo

on IlL mornlll





InnI fallp




for Gen

lark h rd



rtruh OW haven r WHlnpr Bridge





IISllorl It



n l Ittalerlx fI

the rsplso 45 t 0


nildpalr Ito thin

dokhror At

Iteal tOIIItU




theCompatIY aIred taIId


olipes and



111 biiifll tally





onvrt IntoflUe


tA onn


That ii true








Itt hogI

ItsI rid nt lv

frompoll trih





Newl iI tart ford

I hOYfl I

It rIoI


arid morning trnve onveral

s epbroiidt

Chat hat

Ctanol t he crew ot

lent louI coin lion


ladiesIt I

linciIInge enddistance



> ¬












< <





< ¬











DV of 200000 hari of Whliktr Tr l-

atotk Meat Not Bt VotedVice Chancellor Finery at Newark crantei

a rostralnlncr order yesterday to preventvoting upon 200000 or more of the eharen ostock of the UUtllllne Company of Americawhich are held In tnut after denying the np-

plication for u receiver and refusing toorder temporarily prohibiting the holding

of Iho annual of the corporationterday Thee UccUloni were not renchuiuntil late on Tuesday evening In answer to theapplication of Dr Klllp KrelMl of Chicagowho prrMecutlnff n aualnst the iOcalle

Tru t The annual meeting waadjourned until

8 M lUte the annua

net profit n to bo tl9717llIn floe consolidation amounted to II 871S277Two me

elected directors a follows Kenand Warehouse Company

K t Young one year Jyenntj T n-

v ii aiur n u i f nil rtlllltiK and Christ

Clallaffhxr and Charles A Webb to serveuntil I o3 nnd N E to act untl1003


Settlement lletrhed II r it 3 A M Tellerday Municipal Company Hetlrei

It was stated In Wall Street yetlurday thatthe tettlcmont of tbo Chicago ca war had beeteffected at 8 oclock yesterday morning atconference at the Holland House The settle-ment WM said to of uch a character thatwill tx permanent chances of future dlsoonhaving removed Tho Peoples Has Com-

pany will withdraw from the territory heretofore thou Ogden Oasanti the Municipal Company which

the antIobtained it liDS from the latter hoesrul d rlco for gas to St This Is construedns meaning the retirement of the Municipal-las Compimy from operation

A story that while thin war wastho Hoekefeller or Oil Interests

8JOOO shares of Peoples Oas tockthus obtaining control of company wasauthoritatively night


rittibarg Attorney Want Home of the Frontof a Traction fltoek Deal

PiiiiAnrirmA Oct 17 A suit for heavydamagoH has been brought against Drexel ACo Whitney A 8tephennon attorneys ofPlttsbur It grows out of the consolidationof the lltt companies

Tho bill alleges that In order to prevent thefrom recurlng control of 280

of tock on which held an at 110a share Drexel A Co unlawfully transferredthe stock to William L U Widenernnd others The market of the stock

at the time the plaintiffslost of 2ttn32o throughthe bonking Mrms action diverted In part nnfollow W I Klklns 1307050 P Aenter 93son George W Klklns I25SOO Joshua

tof v Wlllnm Flynn iminoo M KMcMullln 44070 Drexel A Co loezw-

toaaoo ran ins orrovU-

lllUm W Weliler Obtains a Verdict for ThatAmount Against S II Uneeland

William W Wclirliy sulne through Col

Franklin Birtlett obtained a verdct of IM2C-Ongalnsi Sylvester II Kneennd before JusticeOlldorsleevo of the Surreme Court yesterdayWclcley held an option for time purchase of IhoTexas Trunk Kallrond In 18S5 which he said hemid to the defendant on JIll agreement tintKneolnnd should pay him liooiw If Kte lm d-

H ccieded In the road on tin optionoboe road for 30ii0iO-

Welcler received tlOOOi ant there was n into whether he was entitled t J further

claim 000ij Besides the 140000 the judgunapt embraces Interest mod costa

Michigan Southern to Erect a tug Elevator InBuffalo

HrrFAtu Oct IT A contract was let horns

yesturdiy by the Lake Shore nnd MichiganSouthern Railroad for the erection of a big ele-

vator to bo built entirely of leol and capableof accommodating 2SOKO bushels of grainThe machinery In the elevator Is to be drivenby vleRirlcllv from power gnnerated at M

of grain front n carload to looco-huslils can bo ii them 1 he MacDonnldE Company of Chicago an the contractor

Canadian inrlnc In Immigrant Pool

Arrangements have been practically complot d which the anndbn Pacific will hereafter be in bided In the pool which conrol altthe Immigrant passenger traffic In thisA

country-A between the Canadian Pacific

t e AI erlcan resole won referred to K St Johnarrdtrator some tint neo and the decision U

exerted nt n meeting of the marnireis of thoImmUrint In Iluftalo to

It Is understood that the decision will befavorable to the Canadian 1aclflo-

CUninrstloa Uoori Cnnilders Special Italri-Bpeoal rates on railroad freight were con

sld red by tin Offlclal CasflMtlon CommntxIn the Trunk Line Association olTlcs yesterdayRailroad frame m n regard sDcclnl rates as-

iiecev orv evils 1h o ablinhed meettemporary conditions but once established urn

to do with It Is tie desire of theCla iltloitl n Committee to make ratesconform HH hannonlnuiiy possible tlii the

Btemnllc clatilflcatlon

Prime McCormick Atseli H4 P r CentK W Richardson expert accountant his

completed a statement of tho affair rf thebrokerage fIrm of Price McCortnick A C Inliquidation on bhalf of Chicago end otherwe tern preferred croltors It Is thin onlvstatement that been made from thehooks The statement n ratio of nsetito liablllilcs of per cent Thl ratio hoedon l securities nt auction bythou Trust Committee and t e final sib ofsecuritIes may result In a muth largerdlvldnnd-

Itaiiell Sage Slaves Hack to Towntin sell Saire moved to this city yesterday lie

camo the fourth tlocr of the Hankof Commerce building In tc morning loadeddown with n big grip nnd n Hotold his cerks that he Mrs Kasn weregoing to abandon their cojntry homo nt Law-rence I 1 toni eel beck to town became ofthe chilly weather

Convention of Railroad KnptrlntendenliTie thirtieth annual convention of the Amer-

ican Society of Rillroarl buD rlnlendont willliegn nt the Hollandhome practical and technical subjccs sea tobo con L Derr of the KrieRailroad li President of ilia rodetyI-


NKW YOIIK Oct IJlh l 0-


monthly dlfldrnd ol TWrNTYPlV

Yolk on the Z6th Intl Alio KXTHAof Ja Cents payable at the-

me tUne und planeTi u cr e nn Ihe 20th


20 nroidwa New York N 17 191-

0TKJHMii Ii the holder of P KrrcordUci 2Mb payable Soy

IIIOH TJan er book of ihpIII close at a I M Oct tt at 0 A M

Nor I will b mailedIC I PAAlt Alit Hrrretar-

jClrtlious mid UrttnnsAnnual Meetla-

criiKSAirAKr ANt 01110 HAIIWAT coonce of Strrrtary

ItlCIIMONIi Va Sfpl 6 loneNnlle l hereby tl n that raffling uf

for Ihe tlerllon f Dlrrrur n r uJtrsnurllfliiiif hmlnfs as mar Unfullynine betnie tile nmaybe pre tnieildtMnrdloalit

way Company the con truclion of in raIlroad andraiinrailun r nilidrli tf the lluard ol blreelonand all iiimrnltlrf thcreuf clOne thor l annnnl met

Pare Mulldlnr In niy of Illchmonrt Va on Tiiesthe Zld day nf tui r Ian at lUoVluck A M

The turk transfer toot will he clo d at the omrof Xlt ii l Morgan Ui No SJ Wall SI New

P on Ibiio al S oclock P H

A ropy Annual Repent of President andmay be procured nn an II on to the SeeWBLIruilD Stcrelary




I suit

report for the flu eroding June 30

net or tloo



two enrThe Standard oiLs



be It

lots hass 311







a hiII

ROfl rlills 11M whit so any



noni In held

are o





to III omoo on


house In tiI

1hidtnd and nttrut

TheUftl Pt1t bal been declared for

Imllr payable at tOte traafer tomrNIJ

NO 300 nlIIttnta




thethe all k aM


metolr rnlfr Itch

leg will oh nl iii Itiethe


Sept 3

I rel ou Wednisday Oct 4 IVOO atof the

Ulr nra


lht individual












agency New


The QiIts davdlred a OUAR


IoIdend eheck



the Urernbiien

lad0 held at eOn the










Toledo St Louis andKansas City Railroad Co


Initatmcntol the payment due on the PreSentedCommon Stocks of the bote named Italiroad

tli 5 a share on time Preferred SlockCommon Stock Is hereby


the Central Truil Company of NewY rk ottllflfalM of deposit for such duelsnottflfd to pay the amount due under this callbefore th date mentioned

TIB cinTiriCATns JUST HE PRESENTSa the lime ol payment so that amount paidendoned thfieon


CommuteJ N WALLACE Secretary

64 Walt Street New York

Insure Your TitleDont carry the risk yourself

Title insurance is cheaperthan the old system ofcounsels opinion and pro-

tects better

CAPITAL dt SURPLUS 5OOOOOO1 46 Broadway New York

17 Remien St Brooklyn


We are offering Treasurr Stock of Ibt


Par value Soul paid and uonauruable-Thla nv M 4 acres oproperty In rounly Alltona rlhv in

of the Binge and unexhaiuled copperbelt

Write for rroipefturec ted by on

Adde all cimraunlMtlon cod make checkor I1 O ordri pebble lo

EMPIRE COPPER CO80 Woybosset St Jrovltlnnco R I

ON SALARIES i o to mr4 1 clinnl In fKclwp loan mutiey lu i hundreil dotfrenl 19 Nassau it oDIteKB-

CI nnn TO IoO can bf doibld within theyear In IirlllnMr tiulfe and nn In

vestment rarltal paying 12 persecured lite people vlih in learn Ini

ldre lnt fOlIAtE boxiral lintel N V


53 Broadway Now York


Walnut StPhlladelphla

Stocks Bonds Grain and Cot

ton bought and sold oneither for Cash or on

Margin of 5 to 10 per cent

Fractional Lots a Specialty

Government Municipal and

Railroad Bonds bought and solJ

also prices furnished for purchase sale or exchange of same

ENNISSTOPPANICc-n Biiil icil i loc

3 New HI auld IH Ht New YorkTel fldi llrwd


Sent I pun Atipllratlnii-Sollrll oMM nurrlia nr Mle fAh or martfn

STOCKS WHEAT COTTONA dolly market rfer tivlne outline of markets

notations tree also monthly table llh priceUptown llrirlrh Offlre

ASTOR rntitT v IITII STAdjoIning WaldnrfAMorla



Tvawlore Deal ln of RailStrut naiiuay


Letters of Credit cmwn c m-mtnt and Municipal


Ouetolost ftroliked lor mrcbuc sate or euliitjt

Chester BlawrencejrNu-mber e

STOCKS IIOMIX MIIKAT-Couioilsilnns 1111 IIderate Marclns

Branch OfficesB40 lladlion Ave fur ntlth At

Under Hoffman Arminno Uth 4-

1in Wed 21il St Ailjnlnlnc stern UrnsB31 llway Cor llnnston Hi liable ItlilRI-


Send for cur TKKATlSli nnMAilKKT LlilT-

liltVermilye CoBANKERS-

New York and Boston




Send for our new hunk entitled A lUfiiprat Wall Street nnd KM Markets of

to rnrofiil operator Al o weekly ordaily upyn identlflo ofmarket fL MKAII T n rniTis


STOCKS AND BONDSnought and Sold for Cash or nn alsriln

Unlisted Securities a SpecialtyDAVID



panyU per share on the called

All holder ufare

may be



Dan or In permon


moob U

jJalllar una rohtr

State St Boston




Inrtiange EtIIUNI urk ProduceAU

Wil Of molHAnIl


Issue Bonds

Gas and Elrrlric


l el fu-

n < nAil

utatiihett I tlOS




TtnlIIC un 810ell-I rbanrt











facts tiroadway Ceo

Icm etc Iiehang-eIi4KtIlS 121t001iEuls




I Oil



Ill 8

cet meonoerotip a









Oct 17

The course of prices on the Stock Kxchnnswas more Irreculor than yMtonlay and till

confirmed the view thatsudden and brisk demand for Bocurltln 01

Monday Induced a good deal of proflttaJtlnepeoulatlvu holders Ono of the featuresuf tho dealings was heavy felling by a upocu-

lallva Interest that la operating uponthe long tide of tile market for several monthpast and which apparently thought It vlto reduce IW holdings nowthere la a fairly large actual demand for stocksThe expression of confidence early In the week

unquestionably encouraged a number o-

BiibstanUal Int reaU to take their favoriteIn hand nnd this mode todayi dealing

In various upecinllles H feature of the marketAmone tin storks of that class that receivedattention were Houthrru Hallway UinUnited States llubber ConsolidatedAnaconda Mining WheeUnc and Lake Erieiwx nil preferred Now York Chicago and St

Issues nnd hocking Valley All oflthcdclosed nialeriilly lilcher than yesterday-

In the usually active Issues Peoples Oas wasconsplctious because of the authoritatIve

annuunceniant of this settlement of the ratewar In Chicago At a reaction of l i er centfrom the hWheot prices It closed lj pointshigher than yesterday Tho trading In It witheavy and at time tho fluctuations wererapid The news of the settlement of tho anthracite cool Mrlke coi l tliir of formal notice bjlion Heading and Lehlsh Valley companiesby a number of the Individual operators of theiracceptance of the terms of the miners did notstimulate speculation as a whole but resulted

Heading first preferredand Jersey Central at comparatively Might advance The local demonstration of the Populistparty mat night had no effect whatever uponepeculatlve sentiment

Thtro were no further engagements of goldiibr d for shipment to thIs country but tinSubTreasury fid out over 1800000 on nccounlof gold received at Pacific Coast point Thindeposits of currency for transfer to the Interiorthrough the 8ubTre ury were only ionooThe operationS between the Clearing housebanki and the HubTreasury so fur this weelt-

Indlortte that the ntutetnent of Hveriurm ut thaend of the week will make K radically dlfferenjshowing from those of tWit lUll theweek before In the final dealings on theStock Kichnnae the profenslonal elementendeavored to deprww prices being Influencedby the evidence of liquidation of upeculutlveholdings during the early pert of the weekThe closing was therefore comparativelylieitvyr-

VewYovU Stack rieh nisuts Oct 17tOeING rniCEs or UNITED STATES BOXDS

lit mr JIU AiMd-U S s r Um r

IBM 104 104l 1SJ1133 134L S M 341 a-

1S30104 I04S U23I34 130I b3 r ICOJ U SSs t

lots inS 100S1 1004118 113U SSs c I DOS US Bla1-

DU 100 i 110f 1004 1 13HUS4i r UHSMs r

1007 1 4H 1 1 3i 1924 DC123U S 4s ft


A El nerzcnIVnA Eastern litnoo 103M r v J ss i

Ant i 4 K4 7000 A

toon cent 4s IMMI ooo astj20110 1000 103 4i-

Sfioo ouli lot A it Nor ad looo OM jtool ooji sw oovj 1000 i s i-

6200U Internet Sin A A A I 4

AtTiMf s IUOO 1UCHJ 74S-

OODO 87 Kats Clly ho JtShcrSlirevASlM7000 sooo 03H 4000

nflli Soil 4 003 14 fOliO H-

2COOO HOti stout 04VlSoiitll Iartrlc szoo rooiin 84f onn 7ntoo H7 SHUO WOO 70Mton zsiioo no looou u

00 RTU 10000 Q4 IactOi 000 03 i stamped

laDen87 1SOM O3 SouthlJallwsyS

hat Sfs I H AMSIUs 4000tore tooo 110 11000 ItOU ti A Oho I Stand II Ji T Inciot0 nos nvxx 100 I IM loI-Cnn U0 j lsl un4s liiOOO OJ3000 OUi tool 00 i t4II AOPlti 4s 1000 OH-ft MM IltJtMts tMO PAUl 000

10000 looo no11 A O S W M 1 Urilrsn Inc riot J7000MOOD R7 7 no 83 3000 1

1000 871 StOO Blt ftdUO IO-Illtn Inlon 4s Stand It A T fs17000 loon 84 moo H8S-BHvn Wharf A UnKai 4TciZ4 t 1 4 Iron H Is-

IVarrhse lit ct noon 004IOU no Mo A 4s St I A San Fran

itS llAIltts is 2000 01 til IrJs1100 lIt 10CO 02 InoOO 1OSM-

CsrndiSoutnit ili Iac 5s lul Writ I-Mixi ino noMi iooo3i 0 IO7 4lOOCO SOOO HIS-

CnnMS South OM2000sol07 110000 UAH SOOO

C rt IaclDC is 0 0 St lltS Wet liI-OOD 07Mi p 3 I MOOMOil ISOOO Oa4J

IstlnlMoPsclUccon 0oo1000 40H 2POO I 1R StPMA i4kf-tnnn 4 tooo 118 loonMOO 4 1 Ch A St Tenn flA I let H-

CcnRyOaZilIn 1000 I Ofltjl OHlOOM 1 34 N V Kl Lti Tf xss 4 N S-sOnnv Jarn HAlMs anon

inno 04 2000 0314 V V s Kl 10io 1 I3W-

70W O4j HAPfSs tlstir A l 1st-srflO 14 8001 107 1000 107noon 041 icon j rnlimlacirip 4t

Cero Hv N 1 M N V fl A W M fis SOOO I Oft1000 iaii i looo lOP lOGO

Chu Yfi AVVtmSi ZOOO 104tJKinoteen r h OOlJjNnrolkWfsi4s MO I Ifllf1000 WaMsh litSDOd IIO 1North Iartfir Js moo 1 17

Chi It ia 1tono Oft Wsh h 21-

jn K l 4 i 10onos20 tIP SOOO 102Chi Sit A 81 l4 tnft na Vahasb scrll10000 110 1001 flAil MlflQ 14-

rhlMIAStlaul Jooo osjl boon u iI A DCS North2000170 8000ion 2000 a4 J-

CblllklAlMs 300103 21010 34ljiooc

rhicaoTfrm4 12000 SSOOO 34Iiiimii Or nail A Ncr nboll oat AOOO 10314 i leu-

Clr A Or Short Line 3s Wrst Sh 4s rim2000 120 Slo 11C unnOs201

looo I 2 i West Union 4U-r000 00 Panama 44s 18000 I OOH1000 ilfllj 1000 IOA Wh d I E

Dnt A IlloO 4 as A 0 ron 1000 84Vi1000 08H 4000110 1000 841

Detroit Ifisls tlfsdtns rcn 1000 84-Ml 03 1100 H7li tOO 8A-

Krlf im ifr i irno 4

iniion niin nnrt M7flSliOil 8AI400 HAM

lAnn lf iniJ H7 nOOU00o 7 soon 8Atrt 88 Jimosll 8A-

looo oo moon slit 7000 83M-IIocVVAT4U 1000 B8 1000 SOU1000 00

Total sale ut bond paT value St 47 000-


e 0 AmCArCo 18H112 AmCrp 08H315 AmCntOtl 14 1

ann AmDIslTel 20149 OM218 Ami Jo Oil l 0 I

tim Am Mall 414-

4BJ9 AmSmlt 4P400 Am smelt p 00500 Am St Hoo3 BOH300 AmStllpt COM

l 2 AnSutar 12IM7410 Am SAW 34

ro AmS4 Wp 74U1-1JO Am Tin II HUM100 AmTlnPl p 8l-

7J50 03H1120 Anaeondv l i-

1SI1S AT431 8l HleASh AT HP p 7V-

B8Jn Hill 4 Oil 74-fll2 DallAOp BOti-

IOMS llrknllanT AAAGO DrknUGasl70IOU Crunsielelc H

44 Can South A3i7120 dies 4 Ohio IlOli

Ion Chi 4 NW Ill Hi4735 Chi Ilur4yi37

Chi I I if-

rnn frt uuB7M CUUMI I 141S-

B2i Chi III A P 1 OB12 Chi Termson COCA SI L 0 H-

1ISO alln U col Soulnn A i-

w cot so pt I AM-

OB04 CuiHiiu I 71J-at40 ConTobsf K8

Ala Con Tob f Hi313 laboo UelLarAW 170GOO Pen AIIO 10U449 DenAROpt CflUlOa Ert 1 U

CUt Kitin C-A10iI Si U

4 J U-


t3 f4020M73 If73tf f

34 j 4 PiI 1 a1074

1701 4




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So ot Cat 3

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MiIto 1te


TeeA Par lit hicoo

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ROth SoothI D4


11004 11054 h1i

30t2t 520 o

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J54 t10

6204 02P1 ItCot Fuel

634 S 34 i

5t417227f 54

Del a34

01014 0834 34








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sliM til Mt Caft1170 30M 30 30M f

no i74 41


1673t M



80-BOM I

34108 r




an-03H38U3 V

10 V

31 4k7604004-


I4M30KU7M77loli037IM-aiii I

2 0 KedSle lpl 00100 GaaAEBCo 74SCO OrnElea 143230 Olucost 08M185 OreatN r I07

1570 HocU Val 30U000 Hock vi p Q3U

UllDolaCta 1 IB200 ID

1000 Inter POWK 38U-

io 10-

4It Kan C So OH100 KanCSopt SO

LaeOaj OO-MH70IKAWtst 34iaOOLRAWpt 08100 Lonrll4 00

8510 louANats 70-IJ279 JJanhattia OOli-

MSI vttstltr 100M100 Utx Cent 1 IH-


aou11785 Wolaoiai oaii

100 Mobile A 0 38cIt NaUHiCa 33ZOO 10850 Nat Rail 37

1420 NalStetl 87W170 pt 60

1291 Nat Tub 40IDa NatTublp 04U451 N J Central 13 Oli

1710 NYCentral 13IM-ttSONYC4Slt 14M700 NVC43IJp 30U

17930 Nor 4 West 37Mzoo Not it WH 77UlOll NoAtnirOi 1AM-

II3Stoo ai i

raoilall 33M1-

I4CO 1ennUH 104-SJ20S IeoQa OAti

100 PCC41IIP H8400 PrraSUCar 40

110 Reading 17M-19S70 Ilftdln p OOHzeal IteadiQC 2 p 30

81 Rep Steel1141 HepSteelpf A3M

10 Sllur Cits 08U100 SlossSbe P 03100 St J 4 0 t 7JOOKIJiOllp 48

10M-2S2 SI 1 41 F IM4StL4srip 3Atot stis tau893 StLSWpJ 30100 si P 4 om 1 1 ati42

14070 13loon touIlvCop AOM

07K100 Tex UndT 1 OU

1000 lexai IOU100 Third AsH 1 1 114

210 UnlonBAP I 1U140 VDarAPp 03

1350 Union230 7 AM

1330 U S Leather I OU

420 7 08610 V S Itubber 32

200 Wabssh 7

1100 I FM

460 WfiUT 70H200 K Olf

4PiVU Cent 14

01 WUCtut p 3Ali

63 037 7

48 48 43-Iflli lOlf 4 i-II30 SA-Uiau iau-80M 30K-

iiaji iiaiin34 344 +1 2V I2M 4 b00 OOli 4-06M AOU1 M St-lAi IOU

MIX 1 1 Ui1 Hi 1 1103 0300 00 J

7 AU 7Ai1 OH I O-H70J 70 M-

30M 3IM7H 7

1 BH I Ptl + M-

70H 4 i-

OU 0 4

40 4 Ol Tj

24 20H + Hi14 14US 30K 41H

Total sales of stock shareOUItitUB BEtCniTlBSCUmNa QUOTATIOX-

HM Aitril till AlttiAnsI rn B8V BOiilltaTCCopt 38VJ

WC t 14S I 4 III Trans Ui IH-

AmWnt 70 71 Inter P e 20 2 1 W

AnACC Stn 2A Inter P si Oft OOH

AACCpt 74 7A Inlerflpf 33 30mlle 3 A 07H ABli-mUrf 20 NotOrva 10 20

Amllbdr 70 iNatSupl 100 101AnIIAIo ft 7 NlwBnrT 3 4AraII4Ir MOV 30 0 i 7M-

An 1141 h 85 87 OUs Ule e S8 S8H7S 80 87

IOAW 10AS WALK 1 Oi 81H C1 Co I 2U 1 8f POABCo-lHKiU 08 0 bonds H0 101B 4 N V r 18 10 P 0 4 KC-JHANyfd 82 S3 otOswco S7 HO-

DarSO IK lifllubOe T8 80liiRut fP 77 8

CattlH 3S 4 It II Pt 100 lOSCam i Pp ao as mnppi 03 04CA loa HClt llOl I A ISOC4A3s 03 IU StITr 18 1 B

20 33 IsJaALe SM DVCon Knulp Hi 7l 2 1 S8i

0 uSeaAIMs 04CIlTpf 2H 33 SlanCc H8 41Connisd OO StanCpT120 I JO-

Dtsof A 4S 4KHOCof NJ47B CflO-

WsofApf 10H 20XSt P w 11 13H-Elreltoita 14 10 T TAC OU fl-

El eflpf an 30 14 1010 10 2S 2J

Eec v pt no 43 iLRyotsiE-M fiunr S3 RUKi lnilipl 03V 03V-EmSubdslOOJ 108 URyotSl

at a Ibonds 83 83V-FienOiO 20 24 ValCAO 4 4-

OenCir 4H 0 ValCAOOTrta4s 100 lOOHl 20 30

8 0 VorlbP pf 108 ItOrOuTes CUJSIMH QCOTAT10X1

told Xrlrtfl Cli XilM-rostMtM 3 4M Adventure 4 0

7T R Arcadian I H

VKr1I H IH Arnuid 4 4H-AmTATcll44 140 Atlantic 83 23Erie Tel lift 06 Baltic SIS 22NHnrTcltaaH ninibtm 12 12V-NKOAC3 12 13 llotA Xtoa33DK 33 7-

DosKIL I OR 172 Butte 03 04-CRYP130 137 C II ds700 700-CSV pi I 30 Centennial 10 I Of

30 i 40H Cochltl 8 8K-CcnElspflSO Franklin I OH-

M siie 2 title floral73H 74HMas OH BV

Mlcblfaa II 3

USOIL in f ll 174 1SH11 Sb o c 2B 20 OClcnpO 2K 3USh epf 23 24 Old Dom 21 2l-WeMEIie 47H 40 71 71H-nnsAA 247 348 Parrott 43M 44DosAMe ISO 100 Qulner140 140I-

lnslonKI 140 Flholi 1st 3 3MCnn XUsi ii 14 Santa Vt 0j 7FllcbbH e 01 TarasraekSOO 3fl2-Fllchbeptl38 131 TrlMoun ll 13

03 tlvihCaa a IV-AIIT4S 100 Whl Knafc 10 12DO 1st 5 70 80 40K 4Uj-IIO2d3i 40 00 Rutland 10V 10-NVANB AfrCbm 23H 34H-

1MBS10B ArrChapt 74 70NY AMI Planleri 14

11 Ti113 Fruit 13110


IM Aitnt nit Xit-C mh H rt 13U lOMUhVHn 24J 84-

0OAOe 3I 32 o OK-

C0fc0pl 4 IS 43 PblUTrn 07V 08RLCutA OK BKlDnTrae 13 33X-E AIT 4l OOM POKUOlCo 1 13K


nit Aitli Sit fi-A wh 28 32 U W S p 83 84Ctnalnk 07 Cblcira 200CltrR ar300 260 NCar be I0 17IlA Uatcb 1 3 I 183 VCarspt SIX fi3-

IVeSI 8 flU 00 00V-LHtletls 7K U KCbStR BO OOHU V S c 83 84


1Ansconda OKNortollr W 38S-Alfhvn 30 Vorfofi A W f 70S-AlcMQ pf 74KNortbernPrl1 03Ji-HsllfcOliIo 76U Xorlbirn IsdUjpf 73t

B2 Wilt V1HOOhi Pennijrlvanla OHH

Chesapeake A OLlj 3 iteadin 8Denver ARO XOHlllAdlnf lilpt 30Denver It II 0 pf 70S rtesdlnt 24 pt

Erie 12M St Paul I I i30 Southern RaIlwaY 12

2d pt 80V Southern Rr pf 6OKIllinois Central132 30-KADUI ATexu 1 o Union PsoOJ 03tan ATtx pf aex Unloo Paoiaipf 77

ulivlll A Nub IPVotk Central 13OX Wabash 36U

m COpe

Erie It pr

1040 34as74


15734H 1


en 11ftltd Paper I O

37Uloa Cen 19

934 020

32 3118


95 HIOA4 Ii


200 MSLP U1200 111 rpt


NI Lead 1035


134H30H U


1114lIsts Nolae

Nor J e pt 7 iOcl oil Wu 21

33 H133 133 II

OrJ Hi82 fIJ t

3034 4017 1

t 6754 68 H

27 28 HI I 32

om61c Olm

300 BtJUl2pI I

oullo 34 I



PoSe 0 Hirae

lI LPaib p2

Wab1h ilL70

ole I

300 WIIIICtpole 26


4 3 98 I S




Cool m 111 Oil Rle rfAm lid I


CIIlo per



J 66

Ser lnlnn Cop

llc PaPa

3 per ctnlCCH

2i AlIouf I 2R to I U

Dom lo114 I I S

Il 3 I 3 I

Mal t prI 8 I



W Endn 3 I








UII 0 Ohio r





7 Wabash sf


YtdSteeI 3654 b4OL 4




4sin 6904

SOft9834 0604 953

2634 34

0204 34



1204 134



0204 6154 04

134 114

alas 3214




2 1146354



Pat 4


TennCL 34





dole 4 1Rl 4



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34 04

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ft 1

SoS 1



4 4R-

iM lit


014New deb 5





+ >


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Final sale compared with those of yesterdayfolloK

i ott 17 on i otfA TAsr COM VOW Nat Lead IB 1 li-

ATAHPrf 7814 7 U Norm Am IAi I O1-

AmCotOII 34 34KN4W 37 37AmSIIeiiaiH llOJJNiWpf 77 77AmTob 03H 03 Nwul 0103V 10 l-

AtjSlfellt SOU HO Nor Pace 08f A333H 33HNurPa 71H 7104H 04i N V C nl3 I1 13

U40 73W 73KNatSteel 87 B7Can So 03 OU N J Cpu I30H 1301-OCC4SIL 08H 0 OH Omaha e 1 1 4 112-OHAQI87 180K04Wesi 21 allCon ol00171H l7ftHPJO A 0 02H 04CbesAO 30 aOXPcMalL 38H 33

1 1 li nock IM107H 107-DL4 W170H 170 Reading lllf 17I A HO 10H iXDl A7X 08-DAROpf 08H OflXStPsul e 1 I4 1 13

Erie in pt aou aoxsoRypi AOW oniFed Steel 34H 34SHILSW iaf 18-OenElea MS 142 StLSWpt 30 80-OtNor pftOOH 107 Ttx Par IU In-lUCtn I IB 118 T nn04l 07H AO-

KanATpt 88V SBHUnlonPa 00-Lo4Nsia 74li 74MUolonPp 70S 70LUAU 3IU 34HUSHub 20 31LBAWpf 07V 08 UaLes IOHUoOos 70 apt 7O 70UanCaa OOH 00 Wab 4 P c 7 71-

Mlnn4SL AOtf OAVWab4Ppt I8 IB-

UASIIpt OOH OAXWUnTrl 7UJ 7008i 02HlWh4UK 0

aJetSlHy100 104HrW4LKpt 84 80Government bond flriner The I

4 of l 07 loard K cent higher

Tho feiMiircs Union Eluvateis Brooklyn Wlmrf and U T 1-

Cliexai oikn and Ohio Ketifral i DetroitGao 64 Norfolk nn

general 4 SouUwrn 1u

trout lit AtchUon Daltlmorn and Ohio Mis

and Twine aud Wabat-Usuen

of bar sliver In New YorkMo liar sliver In London clo l at 29 Sl dMexican dollar were quoted at 4 HoExports to Europe tomorrow 73000 ounces

Money on call sa3H lime mone-U rr cent for two months4H r cent for tour tin and six monthsCommercial iffliVjfor prime single name receivable othername B per cent

Sterling exchange wax drone andThere was a good demand to rover Imports and at the urn time the supply ocommercial bill was on u r i hideContinental pxchange firmerfate for long bliU sight rafts 1481-Actiml rates an Long bills IIW tHI irtndrafts 8li3t4MVi and cnLe trnn frrs8iai4S5V Franc nere 5 Zlfl-52I S 18j64iieil for long And 84haB4 4 for choirculUicrs JBrcjo 15ifl for and40 i r short

Domentlo exchancemn New York Uoston Parand So dlcount Charleston Buylne 7c ortxelllrnr par Harannah 3l8o

lioc discount New Orleans Bankcommercial 1125 discount San

Francisco Right lOc premiuml2Hc premium Rt Louis tOo premium

o discount Cincinnati Hetw er-

bnnks jxxr to iSo discount over counter We-prmnlum

Railway gross earnings for the second weekOctober c mpnrn w 1th of the correspondInu week of Jest year as followsAnn Arbor I122SS Ino I4-HUCaln Ilo h A Pills US224 Inc 28ncUte loraln wheelIng 4122 Inc 204Illo irnnde Western 115210 Inc 272U-

J72S34 IncWabash 1544-Wbeelh A Erie l C22 Inc 2 S

The Now Yrk and Queens County RailwayCompany for quarter

301000 lean Chances

Dross earnfs I154IS2 1142800 IncUixr rip C58S4 Inc tsr

Net 84001 770n Inc 70Other Income 141 1433 Dec 1

Toll tnem ss1 178439 Inc I78M-Flid ehrgs 49373 8J8U4 Inc 1037

42844 140813 lice ttT-hetoforurltle mron others wore

Auction today at th teal Uotnti Exchange23 shires Importers A Traders Nall Dank BOO

4 stare Ynllc N II A 27260 lives Now Yolk Produce Exchange lInk 124

200 shires National S16M339820 pimres CelluloId Company10 share 10012 sh ret Uarkeland Fulton National hank 230-

2UO shares New YorK and Harlem R It 413revi ln or the Government wore Coos

toniii rr rnue I877cn-nnd miscellaneous tfl253 a total of 123U-47o Tho disbursements were Kowivinstem of receipt over expenditure of 310470 the receipts the year to haveIten l7S5T6on and101VS an excels of receipt over expendtunes iif Sttoto

Thou oflldal count of rash In thn Trnnuri-todny not Including the reserve of li-f V and t7P844f In gold silver and note

which icrtlflcntci are outstandingmid compared with that of

Off K Oft 13Gold bullion coin and

cctincates 10743793 JJ79I2SI8-Milter ilcllars bullion

and certificate 9slirn e079402-rnllrcl State notci 13071013 11434171

2349M68 2372J006Net available cash hal Il32174r 3 II931330DO

Treasury received bond to thenmount of 1801500 to he exchanged ti r the new3 per rent boda of 1R30 under the Rtfurdlncract The total amount of received tudate tJI29J8 X

In london l per rent ofdiscount In op n market for short and threeinontlm llll II8 percent oflinlllon witliolritwii from England on-

balnnce tnrfnv C4000 3cents at loo francs Eichancn on London

Jl frunc 12 Th weikly ttatenientofthe Hank of 0 rn any th lotlowing changes t i In hand Increa d 36MM-isH tinr11 tren notes ncrea ed 13011000minks other eenirltios decreased M440viomarks noteS In circulation derreused 73040000

Tne Hnmestako Mining Company has cedirc-dt rigtilur monf of s etshare sod an extra Dividend of tIe sameamounT both Oct SS at offlce ofthe transfer makIng u total of 1P37WIpaid In dividends to date


VEDNWDAT 17flnAis Vhtat Spotwas lens active and firm Sales 300000bush mainly for export hero and at the outports No 2 red In elevator 77 c Xo lNorthern Dnhtili 6Mo over December No lhard 8 e over Northwestern receipts were177 earn acalnst 1317 week and COS loutyear Chicago US cars against213 lastand ino a year ace Futures closed unchangedto c lower Sale 3i 000 hooch Pilots asfollow i

Opn III tee ClotHI HI Ino Vl M

Oct 773t 77M 77l 77U-Pec BO 79H 79JJ 7Match 83 MU 3 3 SBay MM H 9l 83 9KOtis wrr quirt but aWady Sales SSnoa both No 1mixed In elevator 28c No 3 mlsed hIt Na S-

wblle27Ht2sc Nn 1 do 27c Rye was dull a2 Western J c c I f Dutlaln Jersey aolState his 33c nominal e t f track Corn was fairlyacute and firm Sale 7SOtioo hush forcirort here coil at Nn 2 In elevator47ir Nn 2 7lc October In Chla nNo 2 Future rOomed uncbanird-tn lower vouuu bush Prices a itllows

Own lllifi leui Clot latt-Int nt nt SIlO Yiant

Oct 4fUlice 42J 421U y 41M 4il 4i2

This shows the movementNewYorti llnrv Corn Oa Hut llarttu

348125 332Exports 139788 10088 7inl8

Receipts424030 748 nn 82110 Idltf 20D 3ti13043 499030 23412 4478 A3V04-

lltlflMoReceipts 210000 330003 92099

tsia 000 sal 300 08000Unfavorable Argentine crop reports cau ed hIgherprices for tides ol the tester tothough the advance In EnglIsh prices wss Mlrlbuudpertly to wet weather In Foreigners tendedon aides uf inn market but more thanthey Abntts entered and thee was someNorthwestern buying at ChIcago

ltd and U to Hdhut SH 10 centimes hither for Hour AnArgentine Kurshc rains hive dam-aged wheat Primary receipts Ihouthllbcral wre-neverlhcess t year Ihelutnl being1I07UH hush l2H30iiii butb rMany thInk that the Nurtbwestern movement nhrwd

r slier the flre weather wItch hs rf Tallrd-In thai section fur l o werlii past Toward ihsnote however sctlp rs toot proilts ant rirn rescud The cash trade wss slow sod the sealuirlr-lesreO orly 35 nOi troth ot wheat and flour cmover wheat atT ncln esrly a ujthen reacting Receipts were light and iehut Ilterpnol declined lidlo Ht and Ixindon ilensnd ua iluii-he eatM d clearanrrs were wily KHI bu h niiil

local and r tern lorgs wild Oils nerr fcalu c cs-FLOfli Quiet but stcadk Sales 0400 He

7 i5 bftls n12nl2U ssck Hiiwrli0112 bW and 7121 sacks Winter In tibIa Super

tt4tt J2SO No S Plies 1240 1280 clearsSiiosiS23 straights li4n i Anr lens J n5

14 m Spring In clean iAliJvistraights 11 1178 patents 1400I423 ltyMSltJ

here were unchanged Btlejbales for spInning illddllng uplands 10 Moa

aOct 17

AIDSBrook n T

Chi 0 tv

U lJUlIon B




and other brad strongwere

WarhouKarfllu City Southern 34

Wellrn 4cilia 4 Soiolipin al isconito lln

PRllle Northern St louil Knlllliwestern SI


centat nod

la quoted at esnobilLs


wa also


quotedor Innll for sb rl

long 40 tIIIJb

11 IIrrl








II Jlallll t






1 034 Seed

Erie II fi I 204


Ito Patf




soon Iaetflc






Net incmasold




Oilier acieti



Money Rates

Iari sOvIetsper









hue osopoetachlOe over




ReceIpts I 40610 0

wheat on

soldadeann S

0 Pens was unchenOrdwheat atool

oable aid



reported at rlnu pointihoe nO00



I 18

t5J r

> >

< >

> <








< <












Ralnst 7 c laU Tear New Olean andliVllc l cNew Nuulhern pit markets generallyline toHc lower advanced l on

wOol sales of BHHI bslei mures advancedTtolii points MMirlinlcr aj quit The mitetnrnl to was as folium

ltit lear49911Port receipts ill233 150j

New et to-

morrow 170UJ to 18ono 10179 m-Aucutli 82D 1837 lt91Memphis 3237 LeO S31

23U4 1332 224724133 12494 lu997

llnunon evt lo mirrow 17001 ta 18000 234 I3 H4

Augusts shipped lodsv 260 bAlts 2TOand Iliiuktm jonjv NtwOrleins

14 t I7ilrbi lower Futures here closedbeady at a netndvtijre of 14 to 17 points Enllmated-Me Prices at f nlloi-

llllHit lowest rioilniOctober u3ii BJ9 o4Sy s lNovember 931 023 93LlfcembT 932 23 0I7 928January 912 022 021

Uai 024 B2S OIrMarch 932 022 028 927April nan B2I B2 927May hal 022 028June oo 021 023Juv 923 917 U2ia 922August v16 Ml U081 JIISThough the receipts continued liege and the spotoutlets at the rinuih were generally and thenwas n actual tiec cullim advancedhersuCln the lied there nssa very cencr l beDel tbatfi rally was due on bolh Mdes uf the walerand Liverpool hutlng the same oplilm lhat marketran up 7 ti til English paints the neitwet colder mid the SInai Service predictfrot In Tennessee Carolina Fearol Jroul In any tent a rally was ilH

Ibe csralnal fsrlnrsln IhemtrkeL estimatesfur New Orleans and Houston wrte largeoirnllon Is helnit cleared for In relieve thescircity there cotton tmli are quiet and mo lcif thi

futiirfs here Is to cover slmru whereby aIs taken out front under the mtrkel The eour

of prices II Is believed depend alrai entirely onmralhtr IroM nitanj nn advance weather a de-cline

on Iho efor No 7 Sales of 2 mil Illo No 7 at Hf-c and f and 73l Mexican Futures declined Inpont and doled barely slesdy M l v ou

was uncharged In f lowrr lUmhurif unchanged to hlgber American warehouse deliveries 110118 firm al unchangedprices Kichange 10 l32d 3jd detllnei

13uno begs stock 23 niio Santosbarely at aStatine llecflnts 88000

block 1118010 Irltes here as follows




Sain Illjiini Latent230 725

riojfi-j72n27255 730710 73J-78J74D7401745-T45 7Si-7S 478873 7ri7 i 78J7 1017 U-

7I3S72Large and local cooS haitian selling causedlower prices for roller Many think th outlook fortbe next crop continues favorable ns nobad reports hare been received Messrs lloe A

Santo receipts tItle mania atlJOiooo Mrs We hear II Is re

In Havre tOot a cshl was received from NewYork Haling thaI there wnuld bf corner In the Octuber In New York and that November wai-orersild The truth Is October is practlra ly liqui-dated and the Interest In Is noihIrg It Is astonlnlilng that any one here should

such a statementUETALtIn Ixirdon tin WAS lower at 129 8s for

apt and 1124 5s tar futures Tile marVel hersas Inner dipper i as lower In Ixindnn spot

at 71 iTs futures nt 72 os 9dlord market wivs nulel Iron WAS lower Lead anlspeller dull and unchanged Prices here as follnws

lectrolyllc l cstlng-leUr lMd 4 37 1 1 In J413 tin 327

2V23 tin plates 14 at mill Iron No I northernmvlie 2 northern tl4 t133J pig Irjn-wtrMnt No 2 lOSiCslooo

NAVAL STOHBsSpliluof turpentine 4ti342Common togotKl atTained rojln II 47l

InovtSlONSPok was ray al Il4 messwa quiet Uatll kegs 9ai reAmS Continent

27 30 Werurn t 23 South American 8 2ftMeats wits any pickled sh nUers e diborn t3 je di tiIMs 9 a lie TAllow4 4c Pressed hogs 735KC Iluller Crearrerv extralie Art 2i State dairy fancy 20 Z ltdCheen Soils full creamlull white I c smnlU col ted of

lie Kigsleiisylvstiln and Spite 22cWestern 2lc Oct 17 Another decline Inhug market Influenced tower prices In theollerlngs coming from Ihe decllns-

ai recovered on Semen from shippersilncludlngKngllsh concerns for l rdeummlsAl m house luring Janusry iellTrrl Tinsvere declines In the hog market this week will rnntt

curtail receipts trmtursrllr al lesM and undera lighter bog movement ought to readthatply-

hUUArtRaw was at 4 t for 98 lsl n4Mc for 89 tst Sales of 3i bees BO test end lonnuiaoes 89 lest Re ned was dull and unchanged

CIllCAao Oct 17 These were todays pricesOut fh Low lt Lilt

trtttal tog NullOft 74 74J 7JM

74lJ 74lJbee 73ii 73H 74 78

41 4U-38u3511 H 3iH361 36 J

37J SSI85 3S 4HU 801

073 877U 872i-BfiS fi 0-

8J7IJ 6371 830

Nov 1100 1109 1090 1091 llnnJan ll22mi30 1120 1122 112711-

OTIIEIl MARKETSOpen I V Low Clog laiT-

TA of Ita nt lit Ino ntfht-MlnneawIU Dec 70M M7-

Uay7U i 7S-

Julttth 78May81j 8Ui-

Tiledo ct 78 7-

It7UK 79U-

Pelroll c 79M 79


7f79lj 7eJ

lIve Stock MarketWEDNKSnAV Ort 17-

Itteflpti of hreTra were 20M head Including 111cars for and 4J for tie markrl mnklniwith the stale stock ft cars on sale Stets were

dull and lUllr lower thin nailfat bulls about steady medium hulls and mediumand fat cow 1015C lo rr number nt rats vtrnheld Common to choice stffrs sold nt-

J420SI561 per 1Oillb oxen at iT 401 14 IS hullsat rows al 4il Irf fil beefUady at last iuot ion Cables unchanged U

ports SJflOnuarlfrsof beef none tomorrowof 2f8 head Inrlndlnt 171

head for butchers and SS17 for the cuvntlag the stale stock ttftf were 2437 mites on salDemand Mir for all grades and prices steady withgood clrarante of the pen Common to choice

lmlrcalfe atV3014 rrasvrs t 25HI1 and hot wleftnl do al1112 J mixed rsUesat J3SH Cltydrtisnlteals S C121ic

Ilerelpts of sheep and limb were UfKie headIncluding S tar butchers nail S3 rare for themarket and with the few stale thre were 31oniale lambsnp nf tsteady to 10r hlrhrr the under trades Urady nitgrade closed a little easer 4 rare were heM

flier Common to ehore wild al V UV1per 100 lbs a few do at 14 7S culls nt

72 rommon to rholce I lIS lf2SStan lamb at J5MAiasa mils at JS2a tlAii-Drested mutton stead at5de per It dressed lamb

Jtecetpts 7018 local Inrlndlnc about2 cars for the mvket Stow and lower for liveat Jft20V SSO per 100 lb

Court Calendar This Hay

Appellate DtlMon Supreme CourtNVs SO OOJ-

J 102 i OS 34 J SS 4S 14 2t UV S7

Supreme Court Term Iart I Motioncalendar al viiw A M Purl II K partsmatters Tttrt Itt Oar MnlliruiNos I4M 1447 U 11951 M rKfenedriuiei

Itno M 147V ran l Caw nnnalMirdJAW and Karl Nns ISM lIlt IM1 I2mi lOs1331 Iart V Clear Cns s front Part IV PVI Cases unfinished Caes front Iart IV PurlVII Clear Klevaltd II It cases TrOd TermPar 11 Clear Preferred c ii fn Noa 6C4B 7M

072 tWUlHlls fl 13I Iitt III Clear Sos3JSt 4S31 4514 366 lilt 1110 17M 2 4H 17P2-

UOA 1M7 14SO t470 IbIS 7111 14II 750 10SJ-

14Z7 1424 I9M IBM 1871 1911 U10 Inqufsl-Nn Ut Tart IV Cajie unfinished Cases fromIart HI Par V Clear Caws from Part 111

Part VI Case unfinished Cavn frim Part IllPart Ml Case unfinished Not Z7W 113 2J9-4C81SI2 IOS1 48711 73 1480 1081 1177 1118

1S27 SB7 I4HI I4S7 2117 Parts VIIIfir the term Part Xtc mu-

nnnlshed Case from Part IISurrogates Court Chambers Per

of Illi orr Dutton s mui Schmidt Ed ril

Frederick llaram Angela Caraitunna Ann M MneliOt Mlrsrhbrrr al r i A M PAtr-lPivortn IMwanl I Mttlillanu at 2 PM Irul-Trin No 1582 l f lleury I Hitler al MBiA M No ISM all ol lillen llftiulllvn al 10iA M

Motions Trial Ttrm Part I Cass unnnlilieit-Nns 2528 St4 OtiS IS J I 1I4

1ISH 683 72 1IIC tONI 1M4 1lll I4 l UJJ-IMS 1M2 272D I J IW 11IflOS 1BU mill loll 1J7 IMrt II Ca s-

unlliil lnd Not I1A4 1111 7WJ 1711 I42H I7Mlint IMH lost IM2 1MV MTI IS7 IM1 I7i-

17ifl l m U l1 17U1 1lK l l lOSil IM-

u JA iffft ms7tn24iul1 Pit H1 liar ulien 121 inm i i 11 nvi IIM Its1182 IT 17 II1 M I 1718 1711illS iiv M s r ii7 iiia t-

I7S2 17V I7W i f IN e Simt

Cirrt it AfifimN d

i i i iti-U7 Jiil fj-

llronklin n uwrins potApatlmenvs AIM l rr uc yn u nii

jared lihotlirrlo il jUmuch M tttrol t uu A i

against 7 e advanced andI Oilcan IceI

Itile iPOl



Lost lIeitI




1 yule 50rOused





loserfrost In tI iou tel

n planelIiuoig Ibme was no the weaoher at the

acrea dei

bul big of


COOrtrIIlO spot wasquist at 5eAbags


steed Ii


3750 740 733

1250 745 745

250 763 160

6907u3500 725 720


theOne firm



withI hi

i5 C 101 FirI

N J 1



CO 1ed tintt

hint a



hIke vens

Iii till



Niflee 35

31 4

OnfSOct 3034 2014 2I1 2114 2134 4-

No 2134 20020 2122 34 I

May 24 24 2314 234 24-

ardC77 4 6756670 603701e87

JillSOct 650 690 615 675 69

Nov 612 033

t974 69234 597 b0i7-




7 7754 77117 7979 79

Kcrti City 13cc e634 001-

St oula 11cc 7324 7302 i3j

htay77 78 77 77 1


I aover nellie

2 033 0

raIses acre


sold atI

a a





curried 2bombs at Cane

at 4nof hoC were




lOllill b-

anduniOn ibid Case from lart Vii Iart XII Case


It Fttrfloe hlar 7 ThomIwno Jam II Strong

Cu moorS Terni Court ova at IC A MI

tOO 030

lItii IA II WI





call 4

0 5573 70 01 507 053 221o-

oia 7ft l 2n ta< iF-

iIIA5 let S wah curioS or

O0OJW o er Jslid 07


ire Soot S

r S


















