library of congress · 2017. 12. 16. · financial hews and comment some strength displayed stocks...

FINANCIAL HEWS AND COMMENT Some Strength Displayed Stocks Despite Weak ' Features. in SriTOHT FOR U. S. STEEL Bank Statement Shows a Fur- ther Expansion of the Loan Account. Considering th weather, yesterday's toclt market was rather aurprialtiKly active for tlio neck end ctMtlnii. Huch a henvy nnd wldcapicad storm Is usually reflected In ctmtrrwlol dealings In se- curities. The price movement was not Indicative uf a general trend, but the tone of the list was generally firm. The nock Island lames fell to new low lirlee. Canadian Pacific was weak and there was wcalvnofS or heaviness In a few other directions, but the more Influential shares) Msil.iycd Htp'iiKtli of vxirylng aggressive.-ne- .. TJ closo wis Irrifrular. but a train. Trading, was no lcs obviously profes- sional thaii It lias been for weeks, 3Cl; !'S!.I but the prufcMlnlial .sjmmunlty was pr-- , ;' vad-- d by mtiw of bullish sntl-- 1 10'S 10 I ntid was a growing of; us HS-- t optimistic bosiIp, conjecture nnd ndvlc- -. j G2Uj The as the week tfo.ed were, that effort there was In H71 iSs'8' was 011 the Nintnictlve sld- -, al-- 1 'ri,jj ... though cautious observers n eve not fA- - j Ki7"j vorably Improved the predominant 1C 7 4- -i display effort In the extensive J.5J4 16 .. array of Industrial and railroad .', J 2 : uneclaltles have had a tendency to becomo prominent lately. New York Central hardened us an anonmous ofll-ri- denial of aiioiiyiiioun rumors : a cumins dl.ldond reduction was circulated. The chbf InlerVsV of tile day centred In United fctalen Ste-- I. which seemed to b moving In rcpon-- c to pun'ot" Interest committed to a Ionic lw-ltl- In It to talc offerings of lh stock at an advanced l(VoI. News bearing on the market was at a minimum Tlio v.ekly bank rtuti-nin- t was Hist publish"! In a Hdlc'iUmMy con- fused but i"i tibstfiuetit correction It reinmped a jMizzlliig cxhlbtt. The Mate-tn- n Ml el. ago wan iwy much out batuii.-- t I" to the changes In cash, and dci'oilts and the actual tdmwlng yesterday u,u more than Jll.Oun.Ouu out. of line in rewct to thcan sani" Items. On the fie of tin. deposits should have. Inc. eased approximately 117,ijuo,-flO- whereue the gain reported was only about 52. H"j,000. A en'h los was nua'ii thowu, althoimh. as ai the cas- a wcik ai:o, the known movement of money had polnt-.- d to :i substantial lucreaM' In laHli boldliiKS, The loan nudo a fuitlier oxpftiihlou of It Is not apparent that the Wall Street neel. faK vefy much atYected by domestic or forWRii, althoush the news contained much tliat wan both Rood and bad. Tli" wcls abroad was by a pciltcuce of llnati-ct- ul optimum, which, h iwcvcr, has begun In be ictnper'il b wnw 'joiurviitl re- flections mi the capae'ty of tlie motuy marliet to etand tli" te.l of lh l.eay offerliip- - of jv s.'urltlt- - to which It Is belnK u!ije.,tet, while speculation In I'lii's l RnmlnR and attempts ar- - makl'is to promote a trade revUal. The larp" central banks of lhirope pu!'-lishe- d xee).!iit weekly Mnfuicnte. but 1'arls lemained a pccvllarly backward centre at till" 'aron of ."pi v.idiiiK cheer- fulness and animation. Continental Imiulty for Rold hua kept the metal at a piemium In txjudon, a fact tvhlch hat lualltled th Irnltlcance of the dtcllne of foieln insiv to what iy called tbo cold Import point. T me lumls In Wall manltfsted u Kllirhtl ilnm-- r torn-- . Tho publlsheil stal' im nt of national bank as of January 1 whk In lino with the forclKii banking exhibits. . Im- provement of position com- pared with tlie Octobur lepoi t. Cash hold- ings oxer the end of the jear were ral'ed to a rword maximum nnd thero was a ubitantlnl shiiiikai; of lnnin. The re. sr'e intlo was carried above 21 p- -r cent, for tho llrst tlire In a year a hlf. The Wall .Street Bhate list continued to hold at about tho raiiKu " pries es- tablished almost a month ago, nnd the fact thut price displayed so much tlrm-n-s- s wan legurdcd a.s .ncour.isliiR In view of tho falllnR off In activity. There has also been 1cm business In bonds, but without much alteration In the price level. There wan 11 very hoavy overappllcatlon for participation In the formed to underwrite th Southern Pacific offer-Im- x of J. 5,000,000 of r. per cent, twenty year bonds convertible Into stock at par and put out for subscription at par by tlio cotuuaiiy'H stockholders. Tlie fact that tho denoted 11 rather high price for capital did not escape attention, and Indeed that is one of tlio peculiar features of tho money murket both at home and abroad. 1'olltlenl Influences of wide bearing seemed to be a llttlo lets disturbing clilelly because of Hie Indications at Washington that the movement for trust legislation had lowel up perceptibly, A large number of rallroadi matters, some of them gaged with political conditions, constituted a budget of Information more oe lei adverse to Wall Street optimism, but sentiment iwn not particularly respon- sive to tho Impression made by the re- opening of the New Haven Inquiry, the Clovernment'H suit against the Houthern t'acltlc. the difficulties of the ltock Island situation and the like and the further totens of prolonged delay In a determina- tion of the Uustern rate question. A good deal of stress was laid on the undiminished hopefulness of general busi- ness expectations and marked stress waa put on the atgns of Improvement In basic In.ustry afforded by the reduction of 4,000,000 pounds in domestic stocki copper metal last month and by the United States Steel Corporation's January gain of 331,072 tons In unfilled orders. At tho Mime time It seemed to be cloar that ehango In trado and Industry consisted In tho arrest of decline than In the Inauguration of expansion. January building figures for the principal cities of the country showed a decrease of 1 4.6 ter cent, from the corresponding llgures a year ago. Weekly bank clear- ings In comparison with tlie same period last year dropped 7.3 per LIt Stock Market. SATURDAY, 14. Receipts nf beeves were 4T Includ- ing " mm for the market. No aulm up tn lulu hour, reeling llrm. Rreeaed href Me-ui- at 1:1 He. pfr lb. for rtj- - (iremtil nitlvr t.Ke, So thlpiuonts of IImi atuck T ttrifneil lieof. UTtlptn of culvrs were 40 heud; none on i " ulit. revlliif; noniluully llrm. I)rcaird lvf ac'lvo nnd utrouKi city iala hi UK t 1'Htln'jc. per lb. I .a faw eliolce up lo ttDci enunlry Uretaed eals 13 of alicp and Iambi were 2 iit0 went, Ii.t tu'ltntc o curt for thi. market j uM,-- i ininiliul ami full slcady. laialix I' ' " e hlr cr l'"alr sheep rol, 'i p 10" Mi. ful,1 in prlnio IuiiiIih ' - irr... I mutton ateKilv al 101i II - III H'OeiJ I, illlli I IIH) 'i Coun. ; ili'i-"'!- ! liutli mm Uniba IKfJii jicr car- - " i ig crv .5fi0 head, Inebid- - t In If ir 'tlilih an lied latu for " .No r up i, i lain hour ' ry lfihHMt hnpi mure - pir lb, fur heavy 1 Cliiaing. i Dir. .TIM, ,al, I Italo, j Salca, 22 a: 2.'l 114 147 31 1J 313, SS'i liZVJ loilidlOoHo -- . I . i 7 v I "74 .M, 2514 35T4 5ii OD 37 3T' 113 ,114 I 120 lisnsi' 247 I24U "SV 76141 3T4: 37A W.,' 43 77'i 2lV O.i 215 33i OS 07 M.-.l- .t ISO '4 137 31 a 3HV 102', 1031,! 43-lj- ) 104(4 105 33 SSVil 2 I 12U' TO 70 '.j, 15Ti i:.s. U7V . return output flgm M wluitever ,hel nrarket 110 lir.i, 1 of minor which tho for.., ..upeet return moderate ac- count con- ditions of actual lbrury liuuijlnx ' ' . . ' 150S, .!'" 6'. 24 1;, 21 " HI', '. 71 211 1U4U '4 21 45a l'2?4 U T74 24?, 'a 43',(, (!0"i 124 1'T'i l!"1, 1D!4 mnt thre still S!N with loans Issuii more cent, (itwcai 2.1U 10'v 144 3314 S7 i;i3 37 !7- - ',, 70 21', j Hi", f'0, 72 2i" 104' llii'i Ilti34 112';, 112;, 22 V 22 1 s fl24 3'' ir.."i4 Kij 2i"j 2UH 22; 32- -. PS'.iU'l 2;'i 2i'il l7-- s 4 33 s 37 f,2 of of t'O ' 10', ins, I 104 34 s 21 H- SSU 101 lolljilo; 12' 10 ir. t!0 03 'i 1 ion, iojiv el 27', 27,' ..' 2S'i 2'.l ::ij- -r 3s,' 12 1171, 14 7 t.'H U'M ... 4 I.'.',' . T', :- -. ..I V. 32', 13 .ICS', M 00 5 -- ' I' 103 104 I 7 4- - 49 I .'.I'V '70 C' I'll", 102 ' V Iti-- 4 t)'I ,", llov. 11U', 7 53 "t ,"i'i 3o si(. 70" 7P 4 4, 04 u i'oIIowhu Indicate of Did Ai'.r-- l. Allan. -- Knpr Allbciialm . AllhOial if. 4 m'!r. . .. Alilllrsline n; Amlti.elSil ri ; AiiiCmi !( . ll'lj AmCarArprllil Allldllea.. M Amciiie, ;if. ra AlllCOTl .1 Ami ee.ll'r .. Mc AinCntOII . AinCotOII Id I") Ainl'xiTi'N 1"J Aintll'kAl.pral, Aml-lnO- AmllnOllpf Vii Ami oco ii(..lu4a 7 pf . Am.smMf pf.liil' Amsmlirpll M Anisunit iiu AiiiSmntpf..lui AmTelAl . m Am Tub 11? In) AinW'oolCo.. 15 AmWrlll'pf III, Ataetaltenlt' ii AITupASI'lilOlK Atlarn.oastl.l?5 IlaldLoro p(lili n.vopr... lUlnpUns . . 1 IIFOoodrhpf hhlml'Uus.lir, llruiiawTer.. H lliifllil'... lOJU UllfllAI'pf. llullerlck.,.. rs Call'et r CanSouth. 60' CKIiof..l..,3iiS CctiASATel.UXM L'enLcalli pf W'-- j ChlAAIton... , ChlAAItpf.. IS CMUIWrbt., 13 CldlALuf... CM4.Stl'pf..l31 Clll4.NVpf..i;a u'sti'Aom...trs Cbii'AO CCCAStl CCOftStLpf. M CluellPACo. to Coll'uAlr pf -- coiAsouiii,. r NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. 60; 40' 03' II' tin Ml, 41.' 107 ri', m.i l'l.' 17" UK l'll 101 jnij J' trs m'a 135 ri--i liwv-j- .101 140 1M 130 8 tlnltroad anil Other Shnrei, Hatuumy, KcimuAnr 14, 1914, 100'Aliiska C! M 74UO Copper 1 00 Ami Au Chem pf luo Ant Hrako Shoo pf. ... 20UO Am Can 400 Am Cur T 10 Am Coal Prod pf 200 Am II Leather.... luOO'Am leu 1200 Am l.oco , SOU Am .Smelting 000 Am Hied I'dy 100Am StiRiir SOO Ain StiRar pf 1100 Am Tel Tel OOOiAni Tobacco 400iAm Woolen pf 200. OOoiAloh, Top H l"e.... 2A' of Commerce... 4oo Kutdwlu Loco 30llllt 1330 Uetlilohem Steel lOOHletlilellem Htwl pf. .. 300 K Ooodrlch 4000 llklyn Hap Tran 100 Cal Pet pf 6050 Can Pacific SHOO Cen Leather 1100 O 20oC!il Northwest lOO.Chl Ol pf 400 C. M St 1100 Chlno Copper 300 Cluctt. Co lf. 200 Col K 1 KiU'Col Southern 1st pf fiOO.Corn Products 300 Com Products pf 100 Del Hud 300 DctTn Co pf 100 Distillers sec 300 Krlo 300 Krlc 1st pf ion W Woohvortl 300 (!en Kleo Co Sou den Motor 700 Con Motor pf Sou (St Nor pf 10o (it Nor Ore ctfs 5 (JO CiiKRciiliclm 100 Harvester X 10 IfomostaUc 100 lutcr-.M- 300 Intor-M- ot pf 20U 1 Moil Co pf ion Knyser 1000 I,chirli Valley 2U0 Loose-Wil- ItlH 100 Muckay Cos 100 Marino 300(1 M.-- Pot 4i0ij .Miami Copper 3uo M.. ic T bio .t paclllo 'inn Nevada Con 5S'o N Y Central 1210 X Y. .V H H loo V, imt w 1300 Norfolk 450 Nor Pacific 30o IVnn It 11 200 Pitts Coal I'.O'j Pitta Coal pf SOU Pressed Steel Car Sou Pullman Pal Car Co. . OOo Kay Cons Copper.... 100 Ity Steel Spk 100 Ity Steel SpK pf S00 Republic Steel 200 Republic Stool pf 173UO Reading Rock Island 4200 Rock Island pf 7on Rtimely loo Rumely pf 30o Seaboiinl A L ion Seabimril L pf 100 ICrosso loo Kresco pf loo St W pf 1400 Sou Paclllc 1500 Southern Ry Co 3o0, Southern Ry Co pf... 2U'i Studeb.ik.T 3ui) Tetin Copper ir.iirt Texas Co loo Texas Pacific 1225 Third ,o R R 200 Tn Hue 10 ln Pair pf S725 I n Paclllc looil'n ciwir Mfrs 2uo l u Cluar Mfrs pf. ... loo C.t I l'lpo voo Rubber 200 I" Rubber 1st pf. .. 313ml l S Steel 2"0 C s Steel pf loot) I'tah Copper 2u Wabaili pf 5oo Witillnu'hoiiMo Ulec... 700 West L'u Tel sales 153,501 shares, N'oTC. Where quotation offer lOtdinrea. Closltiff p stocks M I.I AmPieliip (.- M AniMalt AiuMalt 4.i n. si HS M pf.,ise Anaconda West Wist pf... BID AND ASKED PRICES. i'.i c. uicNi rid i:i' J !,. 181 I TeM'iirjd-- t 7:1 f" c ili.luihtrr I'; utiASrr pf. 3in .1'? 11. MAI til 1 j "11 were Uiil. AaUed. Ciil.s. rv. iu.,vv 1)4M rillaf IlenAltlol.r ti'. St l)en4lll,iliif -- 7 117 n ?i 51 J I'.) IS 10 ri 1. i: M Oil f,5 KS ro tu 1: So ISO 41) 73 70 I no 27 & & & & U II C & 5-- P P & ... & & K J .1 C J ,v N & .1 A SS S S I. S ,v P & P l" s C S S "s ls' I'rie-MHC- ., DelAMac pf, iii.ii nii.-.- . :i HulSA . 5 DulhSAA pf. II Hill'iniU'lif 7 Krle rd pf, :t; 1, rtlnAi. 1'.' i'UASpf 3ila riionlw pf .114 (Wlli-lmi-- . rtl iill' lii e pf tin II Clu in c,ii;.v (! Clii'in pf - lirallli) I 1111. h (it.Norpf".j llaianu. . si I la 1 ami pf.. 01 Ilaelo Ilaii.NJ .(.. 1171-- llarv;i.J llarvt'pf, 117 Hock ivo III lVnirnl.,11: Ins Copper. 17 InUsr Corp 7 In I Air pf. rs Itil I'aper. . 01 j lilt Paper pf SS Int Pump. . s lilt Pump pf ii hi till pr VI Ioia Cen. !"4 louaCen of. la JKay let I'f.tot K( VtSAM pf. M KanClty Ho. rn Ki.'ity So of. et KeoADe.M. 'j KADcsM pf, 41) Ijii'U Steel., 3NU Utrle&W... )J U'.r&lV 17 lkr Shore. 476 I. AM T Co..-T- l.AMTCo pf.U4i I. Inland.. , 34 THE STEEL MARKET. transactions yesterday: Iuiciedelias.pai (HI 13., 0 In M a:.; j 7a 7 ir Ml 1: Uft'.j iwi n i") no j 114 U.'.j tim 17 -. 33 10 40 111 lOsAj 70 t.i-- j Ibl S- - H ri 4Slo r3r 37 A definite Improvement In the sleel trade liai been rioted b such authorities as the ron Age and iron Heview, but producers admit that the volume of orders Is muiih smaller than they be pleased to have It. One of the discouraging factors that btarn In an Important way on the steel Industry Is the uncertainty that the Interstato Commerce Commission will hand clown Ita decision In the 5 per cent, freight Increase question In tlio curly spring, aa wilh expected u xhoit time ago, A revival of buylnc on tho part of railroads would buoy the liopea of pro- ducers, aa that constitutes the only really unfavorable bpol In the situation. Equip- ment buyliu? has been of hiuuII coiish-quenc- e, und thcro Is doubtless consldera-bi- n business held up pending futuro d- - clopmeiits. . In Its iiulllled toimase statement issued early the neol, the Steel Ootporatlon reported an Inciense of iiiore tlian 300,000. tons oil Its books oil January 21, lis com ' ......... A iuk turn tor 1110 nciicr, oiu mus uir In February It Is said that the cor- poration, ami Independents have oxpe- - lirncrd a falling off from the January of business. Sale,. Oiwti-- l lllgli- I Lor. I I Net lug, I C4i. ) et I.aat. jClisnre. 23 23 23 ! 23 4- - ',' 771,' " 70?, 77 V,; 93 !5 ! 33 95 1 . 145 ! 115 145 I 145 H4 31i 31', 31 31' r.2T, S24 62a H 105 105 105 105 5 5 ' 5 3 4" ', 2JI-- , 2SH 2S'i 2sU, ': 35 34 0', 35- -i 35- - ' 69s 09', ojj, ti 37 j 37 37 37 Vi 107 ' 107 107 107 .. I 113 , 113 113 i 113 .. I 120'4 120'Ji 119 "i, 120 V 2444 2J1 244 s,' 2JS 4U 75",, 75"j, 7514' 73H ? , 37", 37".; 37-- ; 1 . 99 . SSTg' 9S?,1 .. I 1S2 1S3 1S2 1S3 .. ; 45 45t, 45 454 ',il 93 93' 92l! 92?t, H 37 37j 3fi',' 37 77 77 77 77 f Vi ! 244' 2V 2I'S' 24ii li 92? 92-- ,. 92'.;., 92.i 1,1 05i 05",j! 05la, 05'b' 217 ! 214", 215', 1i 32'4 33U' 32-- , 33'- - f l's 05 Cr.ln 04'4, 01' 130U. 13ilt8 lStfij' 130 J- - 's 31'.;. 31 'j 31 ;iH4 .. 103 ltKJlj 103 103't 43 4311;' 43' 43' 104', 104', 10l, 1 0 1 ir J. -' 33H 33 33' 33 J. 60' 00 00 00 R4 121J 12U 12 12 7n 70 70 70 --f- 'a 1SS 15S 15S ' 15S 4- - 'a 1,1714 51714 97'i 97 U 1914: H1I.3 19 19 U, 31 31 21 31 4-- 47 17 4714 47 101 101 101 ' 101 14 IIIU' 1 IS 14S1U -- r 1 02 02 02 02 ?, 901.' 90' 90 90 .. 132 132 132 132 3s :is Hi i- I 51--- 4 5i', r.isj r.i 4- - ! 110 no 110 110 .. ; no 110?,. ii;- - iio; 15 U ir.14 15'... 15. 4-- ' 01-- .. 01 f.i- - 01 4- - i 93' 93'.. HI- H- 93V1 .. I S5 sr.' r.." S5 4-- 141 151. u.i i.'0"--4 3! 30 30 30 1 si' si: si?, m-- 4- - -- i 3 3 ' 70 71 m. 0!'"h - 23 24' 22, 21 21 21 21 V 21 20fs 20 20' 20' - I 10 lu 10 1'i J I y,i ;nt sii fu) . , 71 72 711-.- . 72 ' I 29 29. 29'... 29'-- . 10l 10)i; 104-1- , l(i. J- - 110i 110 110'i 110 - I 112 112", 112 112 .. I 22 22'i " 22 22'4 ' ! 1'2'i, 93 92 92 15 10 tr-- 45 - ! 155 135 15". 155 - i 20 20 20 20 32". 321.., 32'-- 32". " " 101 101 1"1 4. 1 20 20H- 20 20 S9' S9' S9 S9U ',4 "' 10s lO'.j 107r', 10 .. 7' 7 0. 11 11' 10. 10 14 It 15' 14 15 4- - Hi ' 34 34 3t 34 r 20 21 20 21 547i 54 54 54 91..; 9S". "9Si- - 9S1- -' 1 - " " 10l" 104 101 104 04 04 04 01 90 90 90' 90' 20 27 20. 27 s SI S4'4 St S4V-- 4. 1 2SU 2Si2 2SU 2S14 '4 30, 30 r.0'4 30' 147' 14S 117 147 15 15; 15 15 4- - 44 15 41 - 7 7 . 4- - ', 29U 291-- 29'i 29 ' 10'J 103U 103 50 50 .V",,! 50 4- - 103 103 103 ' 103 1 4S 4S' is;l 1S-- 59 00 59 Ti 00 4- - '.4 101 101 101 00 07 06 00 110 ll'i, 1103;' 110 4- - 14 55 501,' 55 70 .. 9 9 9 9' 70 70 7o 70 045, Of ii 04 04 I Total a "c" It a bid or for V In which there no pf.. Tvudt would In a I)l(l A.'. Hi. Hi rl 173 IIHSecs,. 7 lairlllard Pf.lir .i:ie I.V lie, 1 Jif pn I.WUei.3 pf in Mimt n it lu'.i Mt.ct.aji ii (i nil Vanhatri I3ij ' MavDeptM j Mayl)eplttiliai ! VereMll' pi. IP, VliOltn'I'l I p.ln: Mel'etf SI I Mlelifcn MII.AMll,, 1JI.. I Mill ASH, ,(, tl'.vM pf 143 . MIKAI-e- lit M NriialftSll, 135 I Nlltlll'.. 135 XmiIIIm' pf 1M alt:S . ! Natl. AH pf 7J .".'.ul.ciul ,vi .Na't ( I'll lit PIT NltyiifM lpt : MWof.Mrpf 11 NYAIrltr . 1.? M't'lllASII.. 41 Mlhisi.l p i.ji , VCASI.Sp. tn M Doel: . . 5 x lock nr.. -- 44 MlChlAM pf NorfAWen.. :is AW pf., 84 N'onliAnier. 70 NliOMnTAl,. (II. (inlSllverM r Pf .liulj Pael'naht . , S3 Pan'o 1 pf S) I'aeCoSbf K. Pac'riift-iei- . r; s; I Villi) A 11 sal.. I'etllbAM pole I'liiplmCu, irrl.j IVniia Ahaat o PCCASIU. as l' 101 I'helpsDod. PI I'lillaCo. as I'lillaCo el., a.', HttsStrel pf Kij I'ub.StrCor.. 11.11 Oulclollver. 2 0ulc!(Ml pf. 214 In (,, December. aa ay .. ,i u H 4- - 11 4- - i,U vi .nrf so I !n L' pf 4 1. 137 (ai ir.' 4 I. 0 J j 7 v . b I. .V S r 1:1 )'u ct.. e 1111 Ii") 17 411 fT' THE SUN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1914. ir.o., Uirl!lardOn.I7r Mlliyt)SSU.I34 sIsm,Usi.. l'ocTiMTpf I'eailtriKrpf SILASI'lpf i.nii Sfar,-l(oi- .. Sli.K.vjli.f.. I SiiI'HSki-- . suphsi,! . Siiir.dMiu Slar.ilMlllpf. HI . Slui1eti'..r ' 'TefaeUT f5 uh, 'rsi v 10 IIU AM Ill ciiiur.iu? iriulerivuuil. pf... Mi.j 13 Dry i,hi, Dryc. pMoi S5 t" hat. :i lu7 113 115 i, to ttll-- j ru rt 153 10 01 104 SI U." VI 115 la,, cj,, riWi) 111 cxt '.'mio sine Ieil .1), II. i:i."- la: 3.1 III pr. :i'-- . I'o pf. 1,4 iw Tw r pf t;7 I 11 pf. pis fu I'.n- - I n Ity liiv . n C11 lie In tif. . 111 id. en I SfllonP . . I'siuii .ijc, All! pf. S3 .v.'. . Mli VamlaiU It.. VaCarChemSiu Va II A 1'.. 5.1 in II A. t'pi. U5 Vulcan. ft Vulran pf. V5 Far si Mil.. .11 West Mil pf. M Mesllilstiif It.'. llrm pf 111 WluelAl.l... 5 WAl.i: I pf. 17 WALKS pf.. S . WlJ Cen, . quotation THE CHICAGO MARKET. ClIIOAiio, H. Tills marlic!. was very with prices couiIiim! to a nar- row Carbide maintained 'a position, fractional declines developed In Chicago I'ncumatlc Toul and Peoples A fair volume business was noted In tho bond J.iQ Am ru, W Am Can nf 01 ( Am T St T in 110 Hiiiitii Kieli 44 I'.'. ('Ill Tool r.a', iv. ;hi itr ,Pripi s a.' .1) I'olll KiIImoi ..I.V. Product, Rcf. I2i, i' Han it Corp.. m ii.mcaier HI m ... iiiiuwia unci wilt CO Nat Carluiii pf. i'eoplf, (h, ujii "; I'liulle Seriixi v ?3 lluailey i; W Seiira Uftehllck 1S91, M Stmlebalier r,u. :.o A Co 1071, rnliill Carhhle S pared the corresponding date iimoo Armour Tills accepieu lliuicai-- i m 1a .... ..... roaocity Con 3 J ST, 3 3 0 7 7 103 101 N lull) Mutual Fuel Urn rold 41 4a..., 0;ilfu (,a 114a, MI.A.SI-- . r.lli (.' ir. Mel n.'.'j M TSIt r,f. n t'ndern 4K vij U'i I'Mn I'M.-ap.- . VaCart'li pfi)l Wells Went Wry lliiitonrir. le 40 dtvldenil. Where follow. Imllcalea anarea. range. Union whllo Can wus BONUS. Met Mi. Swllt A Co lie Ct M: ;.sij ,!5" U'J'i lo;, io;i. .i;: ii!'-- , Mi, !''. SIS Ml, all, ML. :ii. faij " 1V41, , fit'3 ' Lib 541, Kt a a it a or 10 IVb, dull, linn (a, list. The I'neu Onen. Illfh. :l in 4n 1M lot Corn 10 est W) w j 1S7 Miift WU Steel with both Ixiw. ... ... .,.1IHI ... 71 ... 71! 33 rtij Hi i:ri 33 Vila 100 74 76 !.-- .' "3 U'I i 111 lis 1:: fcO t), 15 Vf.l', 1U.I :i.m in." nr ri 411 II till :n pu i'ii mi; 10.1 ,0 bV II 40 S7 j: in 11114 ISO r.u 10 11 bid offer far of CIo,. rar, iai. cat, in. D.'ii a era., !44 IVJl, VV.. III'. an. tr.i. Sl, 3.1 K'l IC, (1 :j 13.1 11", ii'i 111 r,fi til 1S.-- Si) r;. 10:1, 11;', M P:a fa'. 1110 1001, ,a ,s 7C 7 K ST.i RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. Am Smlt Seess ChlltlAPrefM teoo... 1 114:1.1 1000 7H4 Am TATcr 44, Chi ft IV Ind 44 7(0o 117 14 mho Hdlj 1000 07:1, ;ooo 811 loooo P7i4 Clilne.n llovtr." AintVrltinr PCs tuno HUi j H"Hi 7 a ('('OA SI I. nil" Armour 4i lonim n.t K V I 14 imio..,,.PHia eooo CURB direction, 92ni, closlliR up point. inner ' iiHIj CnloHoutlieinl" Nnrili l'ael(U.'3 11.,,,,..,,,... ..aieil to 7's. Matlhatlnil loin linm IIU.1.1 luno llH Transit lmpioveil to 1 ; iv.ii 10 1"- - A T4 5F ctIi 40(h) (); I9W Held Tire rose t points to 51 nod Maxwell Paclllc B per cent, ad- - sism, . .oTN.PuW OerrCorn vance.l to Mining shares wero rooo :D 074 of N J Cs tloll und steady s effect. .1 In the Standard 1)11 Rroup. Standard Jll of o'Hai :oiki.....7.')Ij. Jteailin? r.m )s iiiiniia was a strotiR feature, adtiinclliR B O 29 points to 514 on llttht tradltiR. Stand e,' jS li M, . ".7 7il Mr .rd Oil of California 3 points ....liiij K ? S'.iUI A i.jdi,, ;33: Standard a Olpof . ....... Kentucky, ..1 oil of now. Vi.iii belli rntin. IlelhSlffl Mtr,, IIr.l"Nnr 41., f.OOO.,.,,7 J""' M.-- ? lOOl),,, 1 111' ni,' 1000... 1 nn'4 tll.11 tl an T.,.-.- . ...... II H W Jun at Of gained iron 1 1- - .' our netween 111 ?mhi v.n.ti.rf mono... 1 m n a iineo... I n.'Ha Atlgio-America- n ui ;', at 4.3"; ..lints rmiiuv Dot. .10; was ni.,t iiiis en5 tuoiHi i 'land ;oii. -- 0000 Il!l ll,l..v,'VA Mt ... fliish r Hid-r- .4 eol trust SoPaelllereMsi .uou....t9ei:iJ4' SWHI S M 1WH1II 1. - SOlK HNI, 1000 7H3 HflmViil ,V!t Cini 1,1 So M J.llfe i5n Pidneer 4 :ooo,,,i oeigi :ooo,,.i)ii'a :ooo hhs Ceil Ha Cll r.s i 1500 1)01,1 400" HH liiii".., I 00 Jnpaiie,e4M,:di SO00 HKIi Cen Leathrr t loo HIMal loon SS :o" 11IH4 KanfltySrelf, lf.noi HH's (I0. ODIm retl.tered fioiilherii llr 4001 nil 10011 QOS4 7000, ,. I (i')7n 1000 linn rilv IT Hoil'lilO Ceni 1111 N men 041 tmw H!Ui 1 UI3 1.S A MS 4 li.'i Co ir Hi Cliea A Ohio fa' 8000 0'J'a .".OO'l. .I047R A M9H1MI 11000... j 0.7. C (i cv 4is aiKi'i 7000... It) 4 MOO H 4 tail. A N5h Si Tex A i'eelsl .. rne.Ao H4. :d iooo...tia 1000. .toaij 4HI1-- ' Mtllj I.011 A. S nltt 5 third Ave refa Cht II JOOO...t07li iS'hW . j 110011 11 ru, txni A Nah ( aJlf' V II A linn .!' IMH' H4's 1'nni' mi Murine cllMijs Irl ritvHAI. 4 JfOKl f)l)4,V)0,.. ..ftofj "i000 P7 t' I! .1 11 .h I .,i,i. ..Ml larlfl'. a I SPO'j enoo fift.,4 117I3, Oil s.i III ;.Mi.Ksn4VIVU r ret 4 ."I'll. ..I 0 1) 4U0') UO04 1100,' C!il A III 11.1 Km A TMff lnlonP.ev4, tool.... ilAi.j .oiiii 70 f.000 liaia ChiA(itM.t4 Mn 1'artflciwfs' Mmi' IU'j '1W ..,74.1ii :ooo 74 nooo. .'0011 74 Mn Pnciac is ' :nnoo. Sono 7 4t 1000 U sono, Chi Mil tpau, i' ASI1.S4 S400H. I .l I'M ,inm),.. I 07 3KWM. 1 1) ii9 N'kiiiinal'ratieSt ISmw. CMA MI'deb 4a -- irt,.,IM1 1000. I'"" PO'. XY Cent ton.i. rhl.MA9tl'Sa Mtifj : Dial, 2 a 4 u nl inriO. 11 :l Clil A N WSUa 70011.,.., HO 7oiO,,, 1 1) It a "'ion. .. .h:i4, n v 1; fc H 34 .'.on... 1 11:14 CM lal M !( 14 P" Meel f .MiO'i.....ui47H r:ooj...,H la uooo... 1 riilltt A I'RIHa V .I'liio 4,-ii-.j ronio... I no 1000... 1 O'JIa (,000 4AI I out" VnCarollnl'lai cooo. ,. laooo... moo.,, '000... Jotvin, ,, roooo,,. liaino. K.eo".;, 'COO.. . re;., coip moved "nil .013 illy w .4AI. SOU" UTmvsttrra ...U7ij l 4uy i. w ...iw 4 o a u7 4 vr.iln h .4.1 Nl Ciy:i,a!r,( .11X11 10 .44 l(ini....,HflN et ft .40 NVNIIAIIlilBJO :0oo. ....1HI4 .4.4.14 1000 Ho Shore .44J. NY Urs Mr i"J 4 .44.1i IdilO 7 Mia rrtiln?il ChtRtPltr!, NY Hja ,dl t 4000 OS ;iai 7MI4 flOoo 14 tVf.iini flu KI A I'll) i rooo 11 .'.nun ,,u:ilg 1:000 H:i4i ioo) m la. rooo 0 UN 1000 MH.V :000 () .1'i'0O0 IliPa 'lutal ot bunils inr nine) J 1 .UaS.0 00 Price, nf L'nlted Slatra ar.. ra coup, la la 4. ret,. znon. VWt 4" sales RM. 0 M 4 . HH , I 111! .lilt! ,111'. ' . . , 1 1 . : Aa. UU'4 OH', 101) 1 1 a Bid. 4, roup.. 1 ran ra r. t i I'anrae. PH. 7 Pail Mr. 101 i, BONDS. KKIV YOftK PIIICKS. Kronen ltents in lirrnimi rnr.viU M Herman ConanU 3'va CotifoN 4. Ami.prdif:i (toiernment 41 llavarlan ilmernnient 4a )irinn ia tlninivuz (inirrninent te .saionv (ioi errnnenl M CI iv nt Merlin 41 t'liy nf Colnne 41 City of ITankfort S'je... CUy of Munleh 4s , ... Rua.tsn 4, City of 4s PUBLIC Atr.erlran I.l'hi A Traction America u I.I Kin A pf Adirondack I'lertrlc Power Adlrniitlaek Klretrtc l' pf (!a A American (iaa A l'lri trie pf American A I.lut.t Amrrlcan I'oner A l.Utit American lublle Ctliuin American IMIille I tlllllea pf Appalachian 1'imer I'o. Alipalaciilan Power Co pf llaiicor Hallway A I'lertrlc liar fur Hallway A- - lilt ctrlc Pf . . . . Cities .Venice Cltle. Serllce pf Cominnniif altli Power, It A I. Co ph 1'owrr. P. A l.i'o pf Power ( o Power l.'o Pf Consumer. Co nf Couuty l'r A I.lht Co Co I'wrr A l.lslll Co pf. Iienvf r llai. ft Klertrle t'ti 5. . Tax St Uiuls A M1I1 irhtu . I11M St I4111I4 A Suburlian pf. . . ricetrlc lloi.d pf I'lrcirte llond A Miarr Co of i l mp'ie DMrlct riectrlc Jf riupire nisirict ncriric pr IVderal l.liilit A TracUoa I'cileral l.lul'l A Tiaetlon pf lias A I'lertrlc N curllles (las A ricetrlc securities pf Lincoln (Jjs A I'lecirlc. ... Montana Power i'o. Moiltal: I'nui'i Co pf.. . .Voiiheru (iiitarlo burnt A Power. .Viiithern ilntdrtu Until A Power pf. .N'orll.' m Stun s Power ( o, . Northern St.ilcfc Power Co pr. Oark A Water Co Pacific C. A i'lecirlc Tactile (.an .V Klci'trle pf I' Italbuiv. Llirht A Power Cu Itcp'iliilc Ity A I.Uht Co llenuMli' III- - .V Llmlit Cn of S'lUlticrn California I iliaon . . Snuthi rn California rdlsnupf . flas A l n Starduril ( as A c Co pf... Tennessee Ity. Light . iriieesiri. ii) . j.iiriu rower pi l.lchi A Kailuays t'lilteil Light A- Hallways tn rf. t'nlteil l.lchi A Hallways Sd pf rillltli s Co l'iilte'1 ctllltlcs Co pr. Clali Securities . . Wesiern l'ower Co. Western Power Co pf llxdlililer.rt, Sales. 15 4.m . . -- in.. State snort,,, H n NYTel m'4 1000 Nnrili Oil 11 I04IO North IMrlfleJ, ho'h up di-- rtt . . wi. f, I.11 e.. 11 fi . m W H I . Sa ', US po to aiammru ... .. Jf York 414 points hlgber und M 1O00. ...U03rt standard Oil Now rune I RellnlnB 1O00... I ' " .. .1.-1- 1 h ninr I.L 44 DDIs MAIMS S000...1 Terns ui:u Al)m4. M4la TWMAv 1 t'elnn VTtc !!' 4 ,0 a I . I Ml Cyl'.il3 000... i.'J rd ClnalDar I I'idSic.IO fSoiernmeni Oovernmenl Vienna American lWer pf Commnnwea Power Cumlierland C'umlierland Power Stnlidaiit APowerCo. I'lilted .IIL'Vl ,,'jyfty ..oa-i.- . naia ..4ftia W'aliwh Bond, I'ru9klan Traction Colorado Colorado A,k,. ioa Bid Ailed l! a4 W1 Vl M J7), Tli M Bid. Ailed. . 357 Ida ICS . 17 47 ro . . m "1 4H .. SO . . .') .VI . 71 77 ..a to III) 3.1 41 17 117 ISO 7ll 7.1 5s I" Nl SO 17 1)5 . .VI ,V, . Vi K5 :--. Ki nr, vl 70 . !(! .. 77 s.' .. 7.1 .. ri S5 . 71 71 III) IS". Nl :c ' 17 pit prjij I4 f.l f.l ll) Sill-- . :n at :) vi m . M St !U SI 73 75 H7 Kl . p.l .SD Sill , .l 15 ie 1.1 r,l. .. so a, 77 Mi "3 7.1 3il Mdt ' r.3 THE Pitn.ADsu'niA, l'eb. The market wis dull and without any special ('oinmlsslon house curtouiers' rooms were deseiteil, owing the til" exchangn was small. C.inbrU Steel wjn publication of its annual leport. tliowlng good earn-l:ig- s Hi tlie year Juel passed. There ivs a demand for ( Asphalt If sue", most of It being from Insiders. There foreign buying of Lake Superior. Arbitrage trading was for the most part centred In I'nlted States common. Tlie buinnury : itj, 44, llr, Open- IHih I.ow- - Clot 111 eat int Cumbria leel , Klee stor Hat ... Mt, lien A'Phall t 4)n Asphalt nf... Mi, rose Jersey VP.. 57lrf i.','. 4;', fea- ture, .Vi1 m i;n 01 a ;. j.', superior i: . , V.illry.... '.I. ,, ;.,i. I'.'l rennaylrunla . ft M 5. it li I'IiIIj Co 41a; 44 lu-- i Plilla Co pf 41 13 43 M WlIU Klee tTi i7, vrtl, 3IM ReaOint II l it X Lit 10 Rink l.lauj 6'; fi, ki, 114 ftoi-- Islam) pf Hi, loij im, r5 'lVniofiah , l.",t Ton.flelmnnt ,. .7 J 15 H l.Vli VO I'nion Ttartlon.. 4ji; 4,1. .,;i frit V Kteei M AU ;o 1010 p (a 4 ( '.a Wrlabicb 5t nts I .1 1 ,v s; , r m: 7S .. .. "j ; 1 ' J'.'ik - 14. was mi. (p, , :. a 5.16 ;, u 44, 4 ',' 7 7 S o 'a s; iiu c; 'a 7 IS 711 S3 1. S7 SS ''? ."l 7 7 : 7 ai :i)i. 411... 50 44 .f', f4 HI, IMa l.Vla (ill, '. Jl',041 (.alia Sup III- 5a,... ,0 ;i ;d :i') Plilla Klee . i iiij.v iii,. Phlla lllie 4. .' v.' H' .. IN) N V .35J l in 'a (.1 is IS I'l 43 t' H Ilaports mill Iitiport of 1pecle. The exports of specie from the 1,,,rt nf Nc fork for tbe weeli eiiiU-.- l rcliriiuiy 14 iiere! Hi, lil S.nan.fut iiml .liver stl 70S u tnlat uf tr.')7a,i'iir iiraliiat ixii.l ,,f t3.ll7ii.ll!il) gold UIHl silver lust nenli uinl t3i,r,aa la Dm r ci nl Hi t; ,.(, h,n )eur, Sluie .In 111111 r 1 tli m,,,iim nr pn,i uiiinunteil to l,(5tl -- 1)0 nrnj Kier I','.'''. :,n, ntulurt U'(,l:7.ti.s j(,ii, ,,, t11.t1311.sfj allier in lh petimi n jir The linp'irla et epi-cl- at Hie ,rt nf New Vcrk for Hie Meolt ciulni l',.,, Unrv it icro t3,05U mild and IJKI.7SI aliier, nmkliiK a tiilal of IJrr,50J, 11 i,.ini nf I"l4,7ri in thai nretc-dln- weel and $7.17, 7117 Pi tbo cprrvapuudinc v.irli lu.i j,.Ur sluie .Ihiiuiiiv l,tir; '.'ru, iigalna t.t m; i8S la the corrTsponalng period last ar. THE MARKET. Huslness on the curb yesterday wns very llirht nnd iitteiidanco was not larK owIiir to the severe storm. What llttlo movement theio wns In prices was rcii-ciall- v In uh upuaril fulted ClRii'r Stores nrlcd between 92 und ii'uii.....u:i DM't iterV&tVjK..XB notes 'i'.;V:.l)5.), 103. ltfi.i4 VhIiTcoV. liS.;ui!ll:rirr'w .Bono Cr.lo!i.',nol:l''i'n''1,", i(I.i"ai'ir 0eH"loio'3. 202 hrt'S". Atlantic was dm tltlN. .Via I000.,,107la,l.! rm rooo... F.lcrM FOREIGN r.rttWH'oiiMiir'fi UTILITIES SECURITIES. I'lertrlc ricetrlc PHILADELPHIA MARKET. to on on Steel ilia m Ids ugtlnat Transactions in oeian m yesterday were as follows: nales. bir-to- Bo.lon Montana.... C X7 British Col Cop r 1J0 Klarlbou CobaUt.... l IWCwn Arlioiu - 1000 'Florence ., ro Greene Can new.... 3 ;t Hiold lUU Cot) 31 rf.0.10 aOreenwater 7 iiV) aJiimbo Ksten 27 K Kelly Sprlnr Tire.. r Jtax Motor 2d pf.. 40 Mines Co of Am,.. S'i j eo .M anh at Trail' It .... 1 W (sa) 'X-- w Utah Blnf... 1 )d0" Xip'aalnr Mlnei.... 4 & PueMa 3 & K m li KlUr-Heema- n .... ICO Savoy Oil U lao Stand Pll.lut..l 1 1 in) Trl Ilulllon ' 1!n Ton Mtrrer 3 4"9 Till Cltar Store... -- H 1 riutc Knob C pf.. STAXD.UII) OIL SCBSI AiKlo Am Oil new. .. .") AtUntlc Iteflnlnr S Buckeje tlpe TJne. .. M Continental Oil (latent SUnal Oil.. . t, Indiana l'lpe Line.. ,. luO Xat Tranit .. 4,v X V 'IY.inlt y.'i Ohio Oil : ) Pierce Oil ja l'ralne Oil ft O Sola- - lieflrdnr ) South l'erui Oil ,) Stand Oil of Cal... - Z, Stand Oil of Ind a) Stan Oil ot Ky new .. 10 Stand Oil of Xeb... .. 7 Stand Oil of X J .. 1.0 Stand Oil of X V . . . S5 Stand Oil of Ohio.. . ST Cn'.on Tank Line... . M Vacuum Oil 10 TfAahlciton Oil HOXDS. sell cents per nare. CURB STOCKS CLOSIilO. drarleu Cop British Am Tub Britlali Am Tob new Greene Cananea new Kerr l.aUr... lj ItOsf l.ehtth Valley Cc&l.. Uaaon Valley Minbattan Transit Marcor.l ef Am new . Nlptulnt Mines..... Tobacco 1'iod pf L'nflcof Am Yukon uoia Bradm Cop s Canadian Pac ti . NY City 4, 1.. XYC1ty4Hstt. Western Pac 5a... . Yesterday. AaVed. 7 ra r4 5H 44 1 lo 3 ... . I 6 u 4 03l . . 3M BONUS. IK) 103S 10i)T !()' 74 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS. lllrl.Aakrd, America Hanover ArnKv 4Trad..S10 Itronxtt Irilng Uberty Iitier)' Hk...is5 Lincoln.. ltowery ; Manhat MiitAini. Metmpoth MecAMetals Criiturj-.- . Metpollun Mtrrhanla ChatAl'linx. Merehlli. ' Chemical. . Uutuil CltCen.Vat .Vaaall Iteserie Chelsea Commerie Colonial XVi'ouniy ColuniMa . . I'euplrs rU'llty . - llflliNil.. Scat'OarU.. Ii VlftliAve Second.. I'ourth liariieid. Sectirttv (,rrAin Ccrllx Ucrminla Wash'lcii 11. ilreeuwlcli (inthnm Ynrkillle TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. Alliance Amrrlcan Surely . . Hniker. Murttase (luaraalee ( liroailMay . llrooklyn .. Casualty of America Central Clu lnie.tlim Co Hi InirMlnirCo. pf 1 ( (iiuaioiienltli Ciiitimciital . Kiiii'lre 1 I btr 1'arrncr', . I'raakUu . . Illicitly (iuaianiy Hamilton . . 1 rust 10 Hudson Co International HiinMm; Corp. . County ljiwjera MortaacCo. . lawyers li,s, .. Lincoln . , . . Metropolitan Murlu'iiae Co Mutual ! of entctieatrr Xliilual Alliance a ssa .National Surel I . I He . MorU-ar,- . . ,. . i - . N. Ina. I'ri'lilca (Jtieens County Viicejis Vasiiol.iti.-- . . (iuaiallli'i- Trual.. .. I S.i'.iau'ill) (.0 Morliiac" . I (. Washlricinn . ... c.ti'liesirr tWatclic.iiT t of Cm .... . l Ky l.t W' in. on. Co of 41 17 rat. eft lut. 6'a a 5 tW 71 U 1 r,7 M M f, 91 31 n :i it m 1; 3U -- 'a )l, 1 1 14 ! 4' 4f, a.". ri, ria "'a 12"a 12'. M 11141 1 1M4 I, . ti CI f1 :, n 17, 17'a U'4 703 7C 171 17 17" 2M !) ia K 151 1S3 13 1 I 44 44 41 sio roT si ten if 7 fl 615 tn tir. :m :o." SK 14 sr srs ti; r.i? Mi S70 :7o V7'i 44) 41) 417 4M 1 yi ik :c 4J, 41f. 4V0 ior mj r.n 217 ZD sr iw' i: Did. n to 4 i i 34 1 5 fl a 03 S 103 101 101 Ulil. 7a 7'a ri ?4 :a ! 3ll 1 5 95 n : "j 71 71 r. 13 'a 40 4 1 tw t'a 2 IU) 113 103 100 101 101 Hid A. Led 10 I .ron W Imp f0 Ilk.. - n I Nat.. 17 14 llronx Nat. 170 1M "15 MS HI S25 ssr, (05 Co. 3I1) K.'0 11m a n. .. 1:0 i'5 rd ri-- . Prant Pk.. IV) a) 310 A 155 193 737 r45 I" 175 ls5 Chaie ft WO 173 18'. 170 1C5 415 C5 ri'l 175 In) Nal Il 103 Ctly 3f--' 37s Nut -l 1M Xetli. rro 1M N V X 11 A 375 If.) 8.V1 S73 r75 1'i.rlnr S55 51 Corn i:x. 313 SW Park r5 375 1'aM Idler 1. SW ia". 175 Prisl IC) 1H5 l'lrst Xal 'l I'I3 135 3 5 :;5 410 .Nat.. 1S5 IW SUte iri rtr. n nr. 135 115 r.M Ward i: 110 mn 115 t'nton llx lis lit: Co 773 r'.i West Slit- -. 175 Nat I'm C N .570 r)(i j Co. Co Aster lUintt A Co. ( Ittreiis lrill o qnlf laian A Trust Trust Co Itiinic Trust King Title A Trust llonil nut W .N u n Ins. A Tr-ik- t .N a ;;eo X Tinst .,, lllie I... Mtitc Co. ... Counti Italf. Title A Ion I'lilted Slates r t'.S. A trust Co. SP A I. Co. U A llroiix r A THE MONTREAL MARKET. Ra'ii. 'MoMlreal iiluii Ouiriit C.lllaill.lll Ceinclil pfd Caiihill.iti Cons ltul'l'er.. Cnmn Ke.eiic Hilroli I'liilril llailivay.... liii'iiliilon sl e- -1 Corp Iii'i'ilmoii Texlile Illinois Tr.utliill fatal I.aiuetitnle Muiiln-.i- l I. II A Nova Sintiii steel A Coal. OjiHIe Kloiil .Mill" Cjui'liee A I' Itl. ll A (lilt N.iv .sloiwltiljan A I' Sli'TU Willi Steel Cni.uU Toionto Itullu.iy Wiiiulpet ''(K'til Ity 6 J 6 I "t 701 "SO 3(1 10 ru, : loraj riS 155 Krlitay. Asked. 103ta 10)1,' I Iron. 171 14s IK! ! tin 175 n blil Asiieil, si 11J 170 su tt:. . 4.',H 4r. :iio .'S5 . tis ia.1 4i5 ;."i . tin 1:0 lurr. . ro r.i . Ml S5 . 1.1.1 140 440 . 140 . HI S3 . SM iu I':'. tllT". 11... "i rw .") '.'HI rm wo . l 10) s7ii ra) .. no 115 . 130 110 . IV. 105 rm . . 1ft 17.'. .. irn i5.-- i . sun 3M . P7 ior 1:1, no 1:15 145 . i.ii liai Ins IKI ((.l I"l I15 5111 r.u vi nil . r." ruj . ion iiu iii 110 tor. itr .. 440 415 'is.'i :.J iumi miii 11.1 .'01 4.'.) 4jl :ur. :it.--i 131 It", IS Hid tin. rs I.! i:K i'i 11.ii., fa Hiij nr Is 11: '.'111 ri'i r"i H5Vj K'4 Coal 1!v. New .luir. uii Afked L'l'.l I'll"', i;n, itria I3 mi. i'.'. t) H. 1 I'll GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. o I'rotrctlve Committee. Itcliowtil weakness In the Hock Island stocks may not iippiar unnatural now that tb llrst cJithtiMlnstn over tlie offl-el- denial of an Impending receivership und the prospect of a capital readjust- ment has worn off. Also It is Important to note that Kuropean speculators seem to be retarding- the outlook for the atocki with sonic Mpprehenslon, whereas tha foreigners formerly afforded a substantial measure of support to tho market on att sharp breaks. It Is rumored that tho readjustment plan under considera- tion Is to be In the nature of a general compromise by all parties vltaL'y Inter- ested. Hut It Is reallied that If any money Is to be raised to set the property on Its feet It Is tho part of the stock- holders to make the sacrltlce. It Is diff- icult to seo why the collateral trust bond holders who control the situation should atree to yield one Inch of thirlr advan- tage or Just what Inducements can b offered to make them willing to do so. . Tli eeolle oenrlntri factum nf ttia Wrhola , Hock Island situation Is perhaps that up lo now nothing has been heard of tlie I taut, li-- m, 4.- - " . formation of a strong protectlvo com- - ,"m,0' mlttee by holders of the col- - Tim market tone, iwwwrer, was tlnn, tlw lateral trust bonds. Perhaps that phase advance tendency remaining u n autre ' tr- ot the matter will develop when the terms .g,,,, of the i, na. Consoh of the proposed capital readjustment plan r cde nne mils H. wers quiet tea, are made known this week. A cairloajs UlepaHty. The reiullve market potsttons of Mis-sou- Pacllln stock and tho various bond Issues of tbe company display a rather curious disparity In price. From a super-tlcl- ul examination It would appear, for example, either that the stock was selling too high or Uiat tho bonds and notes were selling too low. A price of from St to 27 for a paying stock Is fairly high In any event When It Is considered that tlie. company's notes, due June 1, are quoted on about a 28 per cent, basis and the general mortgage gold 4 per cent, bivids are i.elllng at 2 the price of the stock somewhat anomalous. It Is not surprising, therefore, that the present price of the stock should be euspeicfted with the trading element and that stories should be heard alleging Inside selling and ot the appearance of certificates In the Street clean of the pin holes which mark stock In active circulation. There la however, hardly enough activity in the stock to sup- port the Idea of distribution on an ex- tended scale. Such stories might ar if the juotatlon for the notes due next June did not reflect uncertainty re- garding arrangements for taking care of them properly. 0)at f Llae. There Is much curiosity aa to the secret of the current weakness In the American Telephone and Telegraph shares. That stork sold yesterday at 119Hi as com- pared with 124 i made on Juno 30 on the recovery from the low of 110 last December, when the price was forcibly ilepressed by speculative sales Just before the company made Its famous compro-1- . .so with the Government The weak- ness Is attributed In some quarters to delated liquidation from New England In- vestors on account of flie agitation over governmental ownership. That may be so and still leax'e unexplained the lack of better support for a stock of the char- acter of American Telephone, which Is ohvlously celling far "out of line" when Ita dividend return Is considered. k In Mlaars. The stock market In the past few weeks of narrow ranges and pmall dealings has been a discriminating affair. Irregular- ity has ben the main feature. Last week the market discriminated rather con- spicuously In favor of the minor Indus- trial Issue". Central Leather, American Ice, American Locomotive. Tressed Steel Car, Hallway Steel Spring and other shares of that class, ns well as many of the low priced copper shares, were all active at advancing prices. Various "ex- planations" for these movements were of- fered In Indlildual cases, but In the main It seemed that the gains occurred In re- sponse to a liberal supply of "bull tips." There wn a lot of talk of "pool" opera- tions and the like, nnd It may be that the particular friends of these stocks wero not averse to the Improvement to say tlie least. Hut there Is nothing essen- tially unhealthy In the development of strength In the low priced shares at a tim lilie this. Frequently the leas ac-ti- e Issues get left behind in any forward movement and belated strength In them merely repreents a process of correction, bringing them In line with the general average ot prices. IT, S. Hank Clearing,. Total bank clearings of the I'nlted Stat", for the wek ended February 14, 1911 (one day estimated), according to the l'inar.-l- it I'iroiilcIf, were 2,?90,U27,-J2i- ), against 3.777.1ili,OC"l for the previ- ous wee'K, They compare with 13,224,-"r'.!- 7 for the corresiondlng week last jear. a loss of 7,3 per cent. The returns from tli larger citle urn as follows: New York, decrease r.M per cent. Chicago, de. ciepe ,,1 j.r cent: Philadelphia, ij.15 per cent.; Ikiston. decrease 13. pep cent; Kt Louis, decrease ;,. per cent., Haltimore, lD.'J it cent; New Orlians, Increase 25 per cent West Beulaiiiliia In Ray. Marjlull Field & Co. of Chlcaco -- ay; "Buyers irlveit In giod (lumbers during the we.-l- ; finm the extrmne South, the Soiltliv est, the l'olrto coast and Itocl.v .Mountain territory. They are In merchandise for immediate aial early spring bulnes.s and bought pretty generally. Colder weather In Chi- - alto has gin 11 an impetus to rftall dis tribution of he.iMer wearing appar.l und sooa volume or mall orders lias been received from nearby territory. The few lines slionii for tall delivery net pood Shipments this month show an llnTfase over a year ago." STANDARD OIL STOCKS.. Atlantic HfMnlnr lUune-Sc- n m-- Pine I.tne Chesebrinarli Mfa. ilniuat on 'otmiirntil i)ll.. Ci" en Itpo Ucc, ipets riar.d. lireUu Iipe I.!ne i.aux signal i)l Co... (ialrua slirnal oil Co pf. Indiana Pipe Line.. . National Tiai'slt Neu Yorl Northern Pipe t ine,. Ohio ull.. I'lciee Oil Corp.. Prairie oil A lias... So'ar Hittt iiiK ., so'iilif ra Pipe M.utii IVnn Oil Co S'uest IVnn line Une.. Staihlaril nil of Cal Standard nil "f Intl.. St indnril Oil o' Kan. S' indiird !i uf ,(' . . Standard Oil of Neb Standard Oil of N V, . (HI of Ohio, Swan A Inch Co t'nlon Tanl Vacuum Oil Washington Oil.. . Wan Standard Oil of N J,, s'l.lisldlarlr-- . en bloc.. suinilanl OllolU i'llori' dividend. Yesterday. Hid Ailed. 700 710 ttOa 370 HIS 17.' ii75 tH5 110 I'M r.u rr.". s r.) to a lot :uo 1S) Ilk) t.1S 143 13J t.(7 4.1 v, W15 315 tru tao ic-- i 93 tot 51 1 ,,ri) -- 55 ttS5 i'40 '.'IS 347 ?j! XU) .v, :i'.".' s?5 310 ;m 473 4t, r;u 27s 145 4 M rno rm I''.'. :i5 rw ;y.-- i 101 10- -, r is rra o so 34UO . 17 IK 414 411 1000 '. 1414 FINANCIAL NOTES. l'lKiay Hid Asked. 710 710 ins :iro las 1 075 ea; no no ri? rrs r.i M i rr sio 184 us 1.1H 141) 130 134 ' 41 fOS S15 iro ir.-- . 16) ir hi iro fdO 515 sco san r(u 'ri5 3.10 331 ISO 155 f.'fl 3T5 5111 315 till 141 rai r?o 4Ml 460 ii w 415 475 ran :tu 100 in.' ri5 '.'ri) an es D3iai 17 17 (14 4tS 67ft iroo cyalem for rnnicnlmi funda for travellera. A. II. ,1. c, l,8v. Issued n oiilaluliiE tbo luteal of the fiili,,! '7.'!"1, r'V''i '"' liepiriiiieni ,n,c.0 Incinie tux law. Tha law una Ii, iistrin ilnna regarding It are lude.i ., .1st .r the of the i olleftora ,.f LONDON MARKET , IS FIRM BUT DULL Consols Recede bnt Invrst-men- t Issues OencrRllt Are Steady. SOME EXCELLENT RTTYTNu Ameiiciin List Erldenr?. Little Variation In Plioea. Independent - : ( I 4 . itenay no investment eecunues wen, genenJTy firmer than yesterday, t, buying In thee department, was .j ctllent The outcome at the tM.tOOvAnt) Brn& African lean was not encouraging, If m reported 80 per cent, of the lean will bam to be taken br the nnflerwrltera. Routh Afrloan ahares were lower. Afexloaro eased. The American fist was steady, atotai not attraetlTe. Prices were firm through, out, with little price variation and tha was close to parity. Paris, Feb. 14 Rentes at iT frane, s centimes were 7H centime lower. PtIcm shaded the best figures of the day at tha cloning. BnRLTW, Feb. 14 The market w, rtendy MONEY IN NEW YORK. Banks Reaert Iirge I.eaat atea Sarplsui Rasaerre Drereaaaa, The eartlon ef (ha local banks are aame what Intvatrnd laet week. Exp'MJona tiiat Saturday's bank would rtlae'oaa a aukatanttal cash gain fulled to mai'riat he. Hie aotual .aa)i flsurea . shrinkage et IHO.00O, and th'rs van ar, expectedly large loan expansion of I o. 000, reamltlng In a lor-t.- s In the a "al aurplu, reaen's of lr.097,5t, Tli jrp;ta reaerve now amounts lo at compared with an actual surplus uf SI 444. 100 lor ins corresponding wik last 'it .Nll money remalne I eaay laet ranging between l't mid r p.r -- nt rate for tha week cload at l'.'&r pr Time money wae quiet and iinMrar. week, ltatiw were r percent ro- -i y. 3 per cent, for ninety dnya, 3V, ,t for four monthe,', per ten' m months. Hi per cent, for six men"., 31.4T4 tier cent, for over the yar 4.,'ommerclnl paper moved In fair ve j -- , Itatea wera 34 per rnt for rtx- - rd ninety days bill, recallable and for i,.i ' r to alt month" narn-- s. Domeatlo exchange on New orlc II, eon par. ft. Paul 16c, premium v , apolla COc premium. ."t lai.N la mluin. San Kranclaco 40. pr". " tregi 31,e. premium. Chicago- - mlum. Sterling exchange nae nul-- f a' 1 laat week. The high rate v aa I t n Monday, and 4.S540 was low on id . ' ''losing ratea were 4 mu ii for alxty daye. 4,S34'))i 4 alia fr .nl and 4.8SCHI 4 ?'..' fur aide Money In London. 'iti p- -r rt - ! blll-a- . 1, per cent.; Hires mimlh'. 1 t"i cent. Closing prices ot consul for money and 77 . for arii.un1 Paris cables quote, th- - clo-i- v ' rentes at 7 franca ro centlnie 1.x t r, on London, r.i f rani a IS iBHin' "a rate of dlacount In Parle. r, per . .rii 11 in exchange on London, -- '0 marlta 44 ITU ate rate In Iierlln. 2'. per i'W Commercial erica of bar .Iher In York. 37',c; In London. r'V,. M- - a ailver dollars quoieu ai 4c" New Vork riearliig House stnti i" chaneea, 134: &i.r,74 ba! 11 -- . " itb!t balun- ?74 I PUBLIC UTILITIES. Th9 Suuthvrn California Kulrnn report" (fr Dctnber crrM furui- n $419,769. j comimrcl with $3 TT ' rorrfsponJInit ptrlod In lt!i Injs of $192,115, :rs i -- plm Rftcr th f liin ktid nmklr.t apuprUti.m for wan $M,1T:. if roinpar-i- t nlth I ISStS,9Sl criltt(-i- l tn .T.r' In if tin ninuth cjiupurt-- w.'li " 4 Ftint fnr am purpo-- - l' til' f.t't thut it"i credlfii to uporiitlnt; t?n)-i-- n ,4j f the tnral stun a'rtni.t Sir M'UtUin Maik-nel- . pr- Wlniilpt.? nictrti i:mtu..v ., nnoun"d thut the J - Will Inr Corporiitioii of Nw York - tet'd hy thf electrl- rfrnpK.te ti ria of ur dt.lci.!, pUtiH and ' l.v droa(li'trIc d lnpn.-i.- t t Cunadti It i udrnotl lit t(4rlnpnisni wlU ' f li0,oiu l.t. r4-t"- .ittai ;,.. dt.t.f t fuc iUi i v H1ru4i.i prtp:tid t t lug t trptr 'ttoni wiM in - Of 10.0U ! ft Tl.e ' trl lUll'A.i' rni.uiv .t ti iu ' I d ( t liii i f tht WIniuptf UaI.' u) imp,y th- - tttii.'" I. lOTer Otiinpuny Thf t.tiwu .v. Ktui U of th- - (itmpuhy t frtil j .iM prior to April 1. "!' it th rut of lw p4 r 'nt .'. ln'e th- -t tint th rati h t i i it. ptr utmuin. A 11 l.ach aV 'n .ir- - 4Mf.r. ir mortis?!' I p- -r t -- nr mliin(, fir th llact i.hl't "irtt tVi!ni..tit nr rrtdcniiablt- - at !". nn-- i li. r lntr"l datt. ti tmt mun i1 prvlutiii iititii't Th- -. .! i hr.d .r- - ,ui Jr.iy t . : n part ot .tn uuthurli:d of nhlrl. iher r iinin.ui u .r rifid the t,tiiipa:.y Uhh ii pi' i l'.00O,i'Oi) 7 pir lit. iiniui t Ktui k inl llu.mMt.iM'o itn 1, .. iiu"i It'lriK 4iii.Hiarnl.iiv th ci.tlr tiaturHt u.ut .irtifl. i t ; far th ilty tif .1 . to or forty other towns .mi Htte of ohlo The Investment liankero Aio. lulled ttIUl('ii to tin fact tn n cHlon of tho Treasury l.ep,trtn..-i- r from operation of the tax pt all form of public utility e u urtlon of the Trenmry DepHrtm ' t i ind at Wa-- . tl.e ntintt,r of the uro.Ia--'- t .tft-lti- a tax Ah u ifi MIM in Htatt utul ti referred to tho .vtturn "'''' Inc the ti,Vfittt;atUn th- ' tner th Treasury lepartmeit v a.-- from nil of pu i ub nude SHORT TERM SECURITY in Security Hate Pay Due r.M - ' Atnalv'op a M s Uar. 15, Itlti lue,, ,. AuiK.oi is J July I, 1VI4 W ,.' Aufttiov 4'J J Jan. I. IKIA IU" . ' llAlllllt .1 J-- .I JUIV 1, 1UI4 pai",. I , IlklvnltT 5 ,) July 1, IDia n., ., . Vhatli&l.l, o J U Jlliie i: 101.1 lei L'hrs&oity I'j.t I) June I, lull Ui', U' ( ll.Vtt llllt .". Vt S Sept. t. llll!, vi in ('ons)'Atlnin M.N Mny t7, IBI7 u.i ' UrloltK A i) Apr. a, lull i''. llrleltll.. 6 A-- Oct, t.iuiii'" rrlrHIt 5 A o pr. 1. lKi Hi' ,. t ' r'rdSulli o .I M-- .Nov. 1, IDI4 u'.i ', ' . (!eni:iro .pr. ia, urn :i flr llockVal. 6 V.V.Nov. I. 1011 H"N IllCrnltlt.. 4ij July I, lull 5 I A Aug. I, inn I", " Inlllarv ,5 I' A l I,,, ililu tm, l.SAllHKlt.l'', M S Mar. 15. It'll U'i'.. ' ' .lliiiLNtl...6 I'-- r.U. 1, line H7's 0 M- - Vny 1, lUU s i. Mol'foUy ft J 1) June I iimi !'" , ' A 1) Apr '.'I. IUI4 i'i . "' NM'Altlllt:. S t IS. ltd I i'i . I s i.ii una ii ll' ' linker" in. i1'. lUl""' Internationa. NVCftHltllti, M..N May I ll... u.i 'I,.. P .' ""V"' :i Pamphlet entitled N'VNHcall d May s tlli ts- - liiiiililet ileairllipH C."i '''"."'.'V'" Tr'"" " T" I .'uly I'. It'll P . ruiiplslne rullmta nililreaaea closing atntament Saturday, pyinnt Sol'icil'c .Sllllll.llllj & Unlledl't fi WcilKIMi ri i cstl'jrteif) l.'Ot IPMI'.NT ( iiAiiiutro reti tun iiftOMlico .iprll niiiiiii revomi for aP tlie dinerent Ult- - t ,i (1 trl. 1.4 of the I'lilifd ritate, . Ven, CIIIAPHCo.S Jul) Lee, lll'Kiiinon & v'o. announce thu Hi. ! 'NHK'o .lull I'l'iiiHJijive e.,, c.uaeil'aiia Vnal',1. M a'MulV .' II Whitehead H.aMuut to C. 1:, Bclufr v - 7-- ,, i,' ' ' ,h. eemnenr " ' " ' "4 "nn.ll . . 4ls boil) Co I) June I.V mn Ii I A Tell. t. Una li.' May I, iw; "'I r Auir i. mi.' i"i J Jnli t'.'l.'i u, I I' 4'.,. i, e.". iHr I, mi. nc'i i " mn ii'H', i o, tun tir.';i - lun lir.'ii i .v i loit-iur- i i, 16, ton mr i i '' i, ion f.'.':i i I., i, inn nm i l. mn llr." . I. tllll ll''s i I. mil iirjt . '. I. no '.r' i io, tttit-r- ;j "i Rut ehonad v. rta , m'' a a a ' .va 1 v . r .ill

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Page 1: Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 16. · FINANCIAL HEWS AND COMMENT Some Strength Displayed Stocks Despite Weak ' Features. in SriTOHT FOR U. S. STEEL Bank Statement Shows a …



Some Strength Displayed

Stocks Despite Weak' Features.



Bank Statement Shows a Fur-

ther Expansion of theLoan Account.

Considering th weather, yesterday'stoclt market was rather aurprialtiKly

active for tlio neck end ctMtlnii. Huch ahenvy nnd wldcapicad storm Is usuallyreflected In ctmtrrwlol dealings In se-

curities. The price movement was notIndicative uf a general trend, but thetone of the list was generally firm. Thenock Island lames fell to new low lirlee.Canadian Pacific was weak and therewas wcalvnofS or heaviness In a few otherdirections, but the more Influential shares)

Msil.iycd Htp'iiKtli of vxirylng aggressive.-ne- ..

TJ closo wis Irrifrular. buta train.

Trading, was no lcs obviously profes-

sional thaii It lias been for weeks,



but the prufcMlnlial .sjmmunlty was pr-- , ;'vad-- d by mtiw of bullish sntl-- 1 10'S 10


ntid was a growing of; us HS-- toptimistic bosiIp, conjecture nnd ndvlc- -.

j G2UjThe as the week tfo.ed were,

that effort there was In H71 iSs'8'was 011 the Nintnictlve sld- -, al-- 1 'ri,jj ...

though cautious observers n eve not fA- - j Ki7"jvorably Improved the predominant 1C 7 4- -i

display effort In the extensive J.5J4 16 ..array of Industrial and railroad .', J 2 :uneclaltles have had a tendency

to becomo prominent lately. New YorkCentral hardened us an anonmous ofll-ri-

denial of aiioiiyiiioun rumors : a

cumins dl.ldond reduction was circulated.

The chbf InlerVsV of tile day centred In

United fctalen Ste-- I. which seemed to b

moving In rcpon-- c to pun'ot"Interest committed to a Ionic lw-ltl-

In It to talc offerings of lh stock at an

advanced l(VoI.News bearing on the market was at a

minimum Tlio v.ekly bank rtuti-nin- t

was Hist publish"! In a Hdlc'iUmMy con-

fused but i"i tibstfiuetit correctionIt reinmped a jMizzlliig cxhlbtt. The Mate-tn-

n Ml el. ago wan iwy much outbatuii.-- t I" to the changes In cash,

and dci'oilts and the actual tdmwlngyesterday u,u more than Jll.Oun.Ouu out.of line in rewct to thcan sani" Items.On the fie of tin. deposits shouldhave. Inc. eased approximately 117,ijuo,-flO-

whereue the gain reported was onlyabout 52. H"j,000. A en'h loswas nua'ii thowu, althoimh. as ai thecas- a wcik ai:o, the known movementof money had polnt-.- d to :i substantiallucreaM' In laHli boldliiKS, The loan

nudo a fuitlier oxpftiihlou of

It Is not apparent that the Wall Streetneel. faK vefy much atYected by

domestic or forWRii, althoushthe news contained much tliat wan bothRood and bad. Tli" wcls abroad was

by a pciltcuce of llnati-ct- ul

optimum, which, h iwcvcr, has begunIn be ictnper'il b wnw 'joiurviitl re-

flections mi the capae'ty of tlie motuymarliet to etand tli" te.l of lh l.eayofferliip- - of jv s.'urltlt- - to which It IsbelnK u!ije.,tet, while speculation In

I'lii's l RnmlnR and attemptsar-- makl'is to promote a trade revUal.The larp" central banks of lhirope pu!'-lishe- d

xee).!iit weekly Mnfuicnte. but1'arls lemained a pccvllarly backwardcentre at till" 'aron of ."pi v.idiiiK cheer-fulness and animation. Continental Imiultyfor Rold hua kept the metal at a piemiumIn txjudon, a fact tvhlch hat lualltled th

Irnltlcance of the dtcllne of foielninsiv to what iy called tbo cold

Import point. T me lumls In Wallmanltfsted u Kllirhtl ilnm-- r torn-- . Thopubllsheil stal' im nt of national bank

as of January 1 whk In lino withthe forclKii banking exhibits. . Im-provement of position com-pared with tlie Octobur lepoi t. Cash hold-ings oxer the end of the jear were ral'edto a rword maximum nnd thero was aubitantlnl shiiiikai; of lnnin. The re.

sr'e intlo was carried above 21 p- -r cent,for tho llrst tlire In a year a hlf.

The Wall .Street Bhate list continuedto hold at about tho raiiKu " pries es-

tablished almost a month ago, nnd thefact thut price displayed so much tlrm-n-s- s

wan legurdcd a.s .ncour.isliiR Inview of tho falllnR off In activity. Therehas also been 1cm business In bonds, butwithout much alteration In the price level.There wan 11 very hoavy overappllcatlonfor participation In the formedto underwrite th Southern Pacific offer-Im- x

of J. 5,000,000 of r. per cent, twentyyear bonds convertible Into stock at parand put out for subscription at par bytlio cotuuaiiy'H stockholders. Tlie factthat tho denoted 11 rather high pricefor capital did not escape attention, andIndeed that is one of tlio peculiar featuresof tho money murket both at home andabroad.

1'olltlenl Influences of wide bearingseemed to be a llttlo lets disturbingclilelly because of Hie Indications atWashington that the movement for trustlegislation had lowel up perceptibly, Alarge number of rallroadi matters, someof them gaged with political conditions,constituted a budget of Information moreoe lei adverse to Wall Street optimism,but sentiment iwn not particularly respon-sive to tho Impression made by the re-opening of the New Haven Inquiry, theClovernment'H suit against the Houthernt'acltlc. the difficulties of the ltock Islandsituation and the like and the furthertotens of prolonged delay In a determina-tion of the Uustern rate question.

A good deal of stress was laid on theundiminished hopefulness of general busi-ness expectations and marked stress waaput on the atgns of Improvement In basicIn.ustry afforded by the reduction of4,000,000 pounds in domestic stockicopper metal last month and by theUnited States Steel Corporation's Januarygain of 331,072 tons In unfilled orders.At tho Mime time It seemed to be cloarthat ehango In trado and Industryconsisted In tho arrest of declinethan In the Inauguration of expansion.January building figures for the principalcities of the country showed a decrease of1 4.6 ter cent, from the correspondingllgures a year ago. Weekly bank clear-ings In comparison with tlie same periodlast year dropped 7.3 per

LIt Stock Market.SATURDAY, 14.

Receipts nf beeves were 4T Includ-ing " mm for the market. No aulm up tn

lulu hour, reeling llrm. Rreeaed hrefMe-ui- at 1:1 He. pfr lb. for rtj- - (iremtilnitlvr t.Ke, So thlpiuonts of IImi atuckT ttrifneil lieof.

UTtlptn of culvrs were 40 heud; none oni " ulit. revlliif; noniluully llrm. I)rcairdlvf ac'lvo nnd utrouKi city ialahi UK t 1'Htln'jc. per lb. I .a faw eliolce

up lo ttDci enunlry Uretaed eals 13

of alicp and Iambi were 2 iit0went, Ii.t tu'ltntc o curt for thi. marketj uM,-- i ininiliul ami full slcady. laialixI' ' " e hlr cr l'"alr sheep rol,

'i p 10" Mi. ful,1 in prlnio IuiiiIih' - irr... I mutton ateKilv al 101iII - III H'OeiJ I, illlli I IIH) 'i Coun.

; ili'i-"'!- ! liutli mm Uniba IKfJii jicr car- -

" i ig crv .5fi0 head, Inebid- -

tIn If ir 'tlilih an lied latu for" .No r up i, i lain hour

' ry lfihHMt hnpi mure- pir lb, fur heavy


Cliiaing. i Dir..TIM, ,al, I Italo, j Salca,22 a: 2.'l

114 14731 1J 313,SS'i liZVJ

loilidlOoHo--. I . i 7v I "74.M, 251435T4

5ii OD

37 3T'

113 ,114 I

120 lisnsi'247 I24U"SV 761413T4: 37AW.,'43





ISO '4 13731 a 3HV

102', 1031,!43-lj- )

104(4 10533 SSVil

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12U'TO 70 '.j,

15Ti i:.s.U7V



flgm Mwluitever ,hel


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i;i337!7- -

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104'llii'i Ilti34112';, 112;,22 V 22 1 sfl24 3''

ir.."i4 Kij2i"j 2UH22; 32-


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1171, 14 7

t.'H U'M ...4 I.'.',' .T', :- -. ..I

V. 32',13 .ICS', M00 5 -- ' I'

103 104 I 74- - 49 I

.'.I'V '70 C'I'll", 102 ' V

Iti-- 4 t)'I ,",

llov. 11U', 753 "t ,"i'i 3o

si(.70" 7P 4

4, 04 u

i'oIIowhu Indicate

ofDid Ai'.r-- l.

Allan. -- KnprAllbciialm .

AllhOial if. 4

m'!r. . ..Alilllrsline n;Amlti.elSil ri;AiiiCmi !( . ll'ljAmCarArprllilAllldllea.. MAmciiie, ;if. raAlllCOTl .1

Ami ee.ll'r .. McAinCntOII .

AinCotOII Id I")Ainl'xiTi'N 1"JAintll'kAl.pral,Aml-lnO-

AmllnOllpf Vii

Ami oco ii(..lu4a7

pf .Am.smMf pf.liil'Amsmlirpll MAnisunit iiuAiiiSmntpf..luiAmTelAl . mAm Tub 11? In)AinW'oolCo.. 15AmWrlll'pf III,Ataetaltenlt' iiAITupASI'lilOlKAtlarn.oastl.l?5IlaldLoro p(lilin.vopr...lUlnpUns . . 1

IIFOoodrhpfhhlml'Uus.lir,llruiiawTer.. H

lliifllil'... lOJUUllfllAI'pf.llullerlck.,.. rsCall'et rCanSouth. 60'CKIiof..l..,3iiSCctiASATel.UXML'enLcalli pf W'-- j

ChlAAIton... ,ChlAAItpf.. ISCMUIWrbt., 13CldlALuf...CM4.Stl'pf..l31Clll4.NVpf..i;au'sti'Aom...trsCbii'AOCCCAStlCCOftStLpf. MCluellPACo. toColl'uAlr pf --coiAsouiii,. r



















tlnltroad anil Other Shnrei,Hatuumy, KcimuAnr 14, 1914,

100'Aliiska C! M74UO Copper

1 00 Ami Au Chem pfluo Ant Hrako Shoo pf. ...

20UO Am Can400 Am Cur T

10 Am Coal Prod pf200 Am II Leather....

luOO'Am leu1200 Am l.oco ,

SOU Am .Smelting000 Am Hied I'dy100Am StiRiirSOO Ain StiRar pf

1100 Am Tel TelOOOiAni Tobacco400iAm Woolen pf200.OOoiAloh, Top H l"e....2A' of Commerce...

4oo Kutdwlu Loco30llllt

1330 Uetlilohem SteellOOHletlilellem Htwl pf. ..300 K Ooodrlch

4000 llklyn Hap Tran100 Cal Pet pf

6050 Can PacificSHOO Cen Leather1100 O20oC!il NorthwestlOO.Chl Ol pf400 C. M St

1100 Chlno Copper300 Cluctt. Co lf.200 Col K 1

KiU'Col Southern 1st pffiOO.Corn Products300 Com Products pf100 Del Hud300 DctTn Co pf100 Distillers sec300 Krlo300 Krlc 1st pfion W Woohvortl300 (!en Kleo CoSou den Motor700 Con Motor pfSou (St Nor pf10o (it Nor Ore ctfs5 (JO CiiKRciiliclm100 Harvester X

10 IfomostaUc100 lutcr-.M-

300 Intor-M- ot pf20U 1 Moil Co pfion Knyser

1000 I,chirli Valley2U0 Loose-Wil- ItlH100 Muckay Cos100 Marino

300(1 M.-- Pot4i0ij .Miami Copper

3uo M.. ic Tbio .t paclllo'inn Nevada Con

5S'o N Y Central1210 X Y. .V H H

loo V, imt w1300 Norfolk

450 Nor Pacific30o IVnn It 11

200 Pitts CoalI'.O'j Pitta Coal pfSOU Pressed Steel CarSou Pullman Pal Car Co. .OOo Kay Cons Copper....100 Ity Steel Spk100 Ity Steel SpK pfS00 Republic Steel200 Republic Stool pf

173UO ReadingRock Island

4200 Rock Island pf7on Rtimelyloo Rumely pf30o Seaboiinl A Lion Seabimril L pf100 ICrossoloo Kresco pfloo St W pf

1400 Sou Paclllc1500 Southern Ry Co3o0, Southern Ry Co pf...2U'i Studeb.ik.T3ui) Tetin Copper

ir.iirt Texas Coloo Texas Pacific

1225 Third ,o R R200 Tn Hue

10 ln Pair pfS725 I n Paclllc

looil'n ciwir Mfrs2uo l u Cluar Mfrs pf. ...loo C.t I l'lpovoo Rubber200 I" Rubber 1st pf. ..

313ml l S Steel2"0 C s Steel pf

loot) I'tah Copper2u Wabaili pf

5oo Witillnu'hoiiMo Ulec...700 West L'u Tel

sales 153,501 shares,N'oTC. Where quotation offer lOtdinrea.

Closltiff p stocks





AniMaltAiuMalt 4.i










i'.i c. uicNi ridi:i' J !,. 181

I TeM'iirjd-- t 7:1f" c ili.luihtrrI'; utiASrr pf.

3in.1'? 11. MAI til 1

j "11

wereUiil. AaUed.


rv. iu.,vv

1)4M rillafIlenAltlol.r ti'.St l)en4lll,iliif -- 7














I no27




& U


C &5--


P & ...&




.1 CJ


N &.1


I. S

,v P& P

l" sC S




I'rie-MHC- .,DelAMac pf,iii.ii nii.-.- . :iHulSA . 5DulhSAA pf. IIHill'iniU'lif 7Krle rd pf, :t; 1,rtlnAi. 1'.'

i'UASpf 3ilariionlw pf .114(Wlli-lmi-- . rtliill' lii e pf tinII Clu in c,ii;.v(! Clii'in pf -lirallli) I 1111. h(it.Norpf".jllaianu. . siI la 1 ami pf.. 01IlaeloIlaii.NJ .(.. 1171--

llarv;i.Jllarvt'pf, 117Hock ivoIII lVnirnl.,11:Ins Copper. 17

InUsr Corp 7In IAir pf. rsItil I'aper. . 01 jlilt Paper pf SSInt Pump. . slilt Pump pf iihi till

pr VIIoia Cen. !"4louaCen of. laJKay let I'f.totK( VtSAM

pf. MKanClty Ho. rnKi.'ity So of. etKeoADe.M. 'jKADcsM pf, 41)

Ijii'U Steel., 3NUUtrle&W... )JU'.r&lV 17

lkr Shore. 476I. A M T Co..-T-

l.AMTCo pf.U4iI. Inland.. , 34


transactions yesterday:

















t.i-- j

IblS- -




A definite Improvement In the sleel tradeliai been rioted b such authorities as the

ron Age and iron Heview, butproducers admit that the volume of

orders Is muiih smaller thanthey be pleased to have It. Oneof the discouraging factors that btarn Inan Important way on the steel IndustryIs the uncertainty that the InterstatoCommerce Commission will hand clownIta decision In the 5 per cent, freightIncrease question In tlio curly spring, aawilh expected u xhoit time ago,

A revival of buylnc on tho part ofrailroads would buoy the liopea of pro-ducers, aa that constitutes the only reallyunfavorable bpol In the situation. Equip-ment buyliu? has been of hiuuII coiish-quenc- e,

und thcro Is doubtless consldera-bi- n

business held up pending futuro d- -

clopmeiits. .

In Its iiulllled toimase statement issuedearly the neol, the Steel Ootporatlonreported an Inciense of iiiore tlian 300,000.tons oil Its books oil January 21, lis com

'......... Aiuk turn tor 1110 nciicr, oiu mus uirIn February It Is said that the cor-poration, ami Independents have oxpe- -

lirncrd a falling off from the Januaryof business.


Oiwti-- l lllgli- I Lor. I I Netlug, I C4i. ) et I.aat. jClisnre.

23 23 23 ! 23 4- - ','771,' " 70?, 77 V,;93 !5 ! 33 95 1 .

145 ! 115 145 I 145 H431i 31', 31 31'

r.2T, S24 62a H105 105 105 105

5 5 ' 5 3 4" ',2JI-- , 2SH 2S'i 2sU, ':35 34 0', 35- -i 35- - '69s 09', ojj, ti37 j 37 37 37 Vi

107 ' 107 107 107 .. I

113 , 113 113 i 113 .. I

120'4 120'Ji 119 "i, 120 V2444 2J1 244 s,' 2JS 4U75",, 75"j, 7514' 73H ? ,

37", 37".; 37-- ; 1 .

99 . SSTg' 9S?,1 .. I

1S2 1S3 1S2 1S3 .. ;

45 45t, 45 454 ',il93 93' 92l! 92?t, H37 37j 3fi',' 3777 77 77 77 f Vi !

244' 2V 2I'S' 24ii li92? 92--

,.92'.;., 92.i 1,1

05i 05",j! 05la, 05'b'217 ! 214", 215', 1i32'4 33U' 32-- , 33'- - f l's05 Cr.ln 04'4, 01'

130U. 13ilt8 lStfij' 130 J- - 's31'.;. 31 'j 31 ;iH4 ..

103 ltKJlj 103 103't43 4311;' 43' 43'

104', 104', 10l, 1 0 1 ir J. -'

33H 33 33' 33 J.60' 00 00 00 R4

121J 12U 12 127n 70 70 70 --f- 'a

1SS 15S 15S ' 15S 4- - 'a1,1714 51714 97'i 97 U1914: H1I.3 19 19 U,31 31 21 31 4--

47 17 4714 47101 101 101 ' 10114 IIIU' 1 IS 14S1U --r 1

02 02 02 02 ?,901.' 90' 90 90 ..

132 132 132 1323s :is Hi i- I

51--- 4 5i', r.isj r.i 4- - !

110 no 110 110 .. ;

no 110?,. ii;- - iio;15 U ir.14 15'... 15. 4-- '01--

..01 f.i- - 01 4- - i

93' 93'.. HI-H- 93V1 .. I

S5 sr.' r.." S5 4-- 141151. u.i i.'0"--4

3! 30 30 30 1

si' si: si?, m-- 4-- --i3 3 '

70 71 m. 0!'"h -

23 24' 22, 2121 21 21 V 2120fs 20 20' 20' - I

10 lu 10 1'i J I

y,i ;nt sii fu) . ,71 72 711-.- . 72 ' I

29 29. 29'... 29'-- .

10l 10)i; 104-1- , l(i. J- -

110i 110 110'i 110 - I

112 112", 112 112 .. I

22 22'i" 22 22'4 ' !

1'2'i, 93 92 9215 10 tr-- 45 - !

155 135 15". 155 - i

20 20 20 2032". 321.., 32'-- 32"." "

101 101 1"1 4. 1

20 20H- 20 20S9' S9' S9 S9U ',4

"'10s lO'.j 107r', 10 . .

7' 7 0.11 11' 10. 10 14

It 15' 14 15 4- - Hi'34 34 3t 34 r20 21 20 21547i 54 54 5491..; 9S". "9Si- - 9S1- -' 1 -" "10l" 104 101 10404 04 04 0190 90 90' 90'20 27 20. 27 sSI S4'4 St S4V-- 4. 1

2SU 2Si2 2SU 2S14 '430, 30 r.0'4 30'147' 14S 117 14715 15; 15 15 4- -44 15 41 -

7 7 . 4-- ',29U 291-- 29'i 29'10'J 103U 10350 50 .V",,! 50 4--

103 103 103 ' 103 1

4S 4S' is;l 1S--

59 00 59 Ti 00 4- - '.4101 101 101

00 07 06 00110 ll'i, 1103;' 110 4- - 14

55 501,' 55 70 ..9 9 9 9'70 70 7o 70

045, Of ii 04 04 I

Totala "c" It a bid or for


In which there no






I)l(l A.'. Hi. Hi rl

173 IIHSecs,. 7lairlllard .i:ieI.V lie, 1 Jif pnI.WUei.3 pf inMimt n it lu'.iMt.ct.aji ii (i nilVanhatri I3ij

' MavDeptM jMayl)eplttiliai

! VereMll' pi. IP,VliOltn'I'l I p.ln:Mel'etf SI

I MlelifcnMII.AMll,, 1JI..

I Mill ASH, ,(,

tl'.vM pf 143

. MIKAI-e- lit MNriialftSll, 135

I Nlltlll'.. 135XmiIIIm' pf 1Malt:S . !

Natl. AH pf 7J.".'.ul.ciul ,vi.Na't ( I'll lit PITNltyiifM lpt :MWof.Mrpf 11

NYAIrltr . 1.?

M't'lllASII.. 41

Mlhisi.l p i.ji ,

VCASI.Sp. tnM Doel: . . 5x lock nr.. -- 44MlChlAM pfNorfAWen.. :is

AW pf., 84N'onliAnier. 70NliOMnTAl,. (II.(inlSllverM r

Pf .liuljPael'naht . , S3Pan'o 1 pf S)I'aeCoSbf K.Pac'riift-iei-

. r;s;

I Villi) A 11 sal..I'etllbAM poleI'liiplmCu, irrl.jIVniia Ahaat oPCCASIU. asl' 101I'helpsDod. PII'lillaCo. asI'lillaCo el., a.',HttsStrel pf KijI'ub.StrCor.. 11.11Oulclollver. 20ulc!(Ml pf. 214

In (,,December. aa ay





4- -


4- -





I !n L' pf 4 1.137 (ai ir.'

4I.0 J j

7 v. b I. .V S r

1:1 )'u ct.. e












i.niiSfar,-l(oi- ..


SiiI'HSki-- .

suphsi,! .

Siiir.dMiuSlar.ilMlllpf. HI

. Slui1eti'..r' 'TefaeUT f5uh, 'rsi v 10

IIU AM Illciiiur.iu?


pf... Mi.j

13 Dryi,hi, Dryc. pMoi





i,tottll-- j







riWi) 111 cxt'.'mio







pr.:i'-- .

I'o pf.


iwTw r pf t;7

I 11

pf. pisfu I'.n- -

I n Ity liiv . nC11 lie In tif.

. 111 id.enI SfllonP . .

I'siuii .ijc,All! pf. S3

.v.'.. Mli

VamlaiU It..VaCarChemSiu

Va II A 1'.. 5.1

in II A. t'pi. U5

Vulcan. ft

Vulran pf. V5

Far siMil.. .11

West Mil pf. MMesllilstiif It.'.

llrm pf 111WluelAl.l... 5WAl.i: I pf. 17WALKS pf.. S .

WlJ Cen, .



ClIIOAiio, H. Tills marlic!. wasvery with prices couiIiim! to a nar-row Carbide maintained 'aposition, fractional declinesdeveloped In Chicago I'ncumatlc Toul andPeoples A fair volume businesswas noted In tho bond

J.iQ Am ru,W Am Can nf 01( Am T St T in

110 Hiiiitii Kieli 44I'.'. ('Ill Tool r.a',

iv. ;hi itr ,Pripi s a.'.1) I'olll KiIImoi ..I.V.

Product, Rcf. I2i, i'Han it Corp.. ..nom ii.mcaier HI m... iiiiuwia unci wiltCO Nat Carluiii pf.

i'eoplf, (h, ujii"; I'liulle Seriixi v?3 lluailey i;W Seiira Uftehllck 1S91,M Stmlebalier r,u.:.o A Co 1071,

rnliill CarhhleS

pared the corresponding date iimoo ArmourTills accepieu lliuicai-- i m 1a.... ..... roaocity Con




3 3


7 7




lull) Mutual FuelUrn rold 41

4a...,0;ilfu (,a


MI.A.SI-- .

r.lli (.'




TSIt r,f.








VaCart'li pfi)l


Wry lliiitonrir.le


dtvldenil.Where follow.



range. Unionwhllo






Swllt A Co lie Ct M:




lo;, io;i..i;: ii!'-- ,
















a ita or 10



(a,list. The


Onen. Illfh.


1Mlot Corn

10 est W)w j



WU Steel







... 71

... 71!



























bid offer far


CIo,.rar, iai. cat, in.
















1110 1001,,a ,s7C 7

K ST.i


Am Smlt Seess ChlltlAPrefMteoo... 1 114:1.1 1000 7H4

Am TATcr 44, Chi ft IV Ind 447(0o 117 14 mho Hdlj1000 07:1, ;ooo 811

loooo P7i4 Clilne.n llovtr."AintVrltinr PCs tuno HUi j

H"Hi 7 a ('('OA SI I. nil"Armour 4i lonim n.t






92ni, closlliR up point. inner' iiHIj CnloHoutlieinl" Nnrili l'ael(U.'3 11.,,,,..,,,... ..aieil to 7's. Matlhatlnil

loin linm IIU.1.1 luno llHTransit lmpioveil to 1 ; iv.ii 10 1"- -

A T 4 5F ctIi 40(h) ();I9W Held Tire rose t points to 51 nod Maxwell Paclllc B per cent, ad- -

sism, . .oTN.PuW OerrCorn vance.l to Mining shares werorooo :D 074 of N J Cs tloll und steady

s effect. .1 In

the Standard 1)11 Rroup. Standard Jll ofo'Hai :oiki.....7.')Ij. Jteailin? r.m )s iiiiniia was a strotiR feature, adtiinclliR

B O 29 points to 514 on llttht tradltiR. Stande,' jS li M, .".7 7ilMr

.rd Oil of California 3 points....liiij K ? S'.iUI A i.jdi,, ;33: Standard a

Olpof. .......

Kentucky,..1 oil of



IlelhSlffl Mtr,, IIr.l"Nnr 41., f.OOO.,.,,7J""' M.-- ? lOOl),,, 1 111'ni,' 1000... 1 nn'4tll.11 tl an T.,.-.- . ......


W Jun atOf gained

iron 1 1-- .' our netween 111?mhi v.n.ti.rf mono... 1 m n

a iineo... I n.'Ha Atlgio-America- n ui ;',at4.3"; ..lintsrmiiuv Dot.



tuoiHi i 'land ;oii.-- 0000 Il!l ll,l..v,'VA Mt ...fliish r Hid-r- .4 eol trust SoPaelllereMsi.uou....t9ei:iJ4' SWHI S M 1WH1II 1. -

SOlK HNI, 1000 7H3 HflmViil ,V!tCini 1,1 So M J.llfe i5n Pidneer 4

:ooo,,,i oeigi :ooo,,.i)ii'a :ooo hhsCeil Ha Cll r.s i 1500 1)01,1 400" HH

liiii".., I 00 Jnpaiie,e4M,:di SO00 HKIiCen Leathrr t loo HIMal loon SS:o" 11IH4 KanfltySrelf, lf.noi HH's(I0. ODIm retl.tered fioiilherii llr4001 nil 10011 QOS4 7000, ,. I (i')7n1000 linn rilv IT Hoil'lilO

Ceni 1111 N men 041 tmw H!Ui1 UI3 1.S A MS 4 li.'i Co ir Hi

Cliea A Ohio fa' 8000 0'J'a .".OO'l. .I047RA M9H1MI 11000... j 0.7.

C (i cv 4is aiKi'i 7000... It) 4MOO H 4 tail. A N5h Si Tex A i'eelsl ..

rne.Ao H4. :d iooo...tia 1000. .toaij4HI1-- ' Mtllj I.011 A. S nltt 5 third Ave refa

Cht II JOOO...t07li iS'hW . j110011 11 ru, txni A Nah ( aJlf'V II A linn .!' IMH' H4's1'nni' mi Murine cllMijs Irl ritvHAI. 4JfOKl f)l)4,V)0,.. ..ftofj "i000 P7t' I! .1 11 .h I .,i,i. ..Ml larlfl'. a I

SPO'j enoo fift.,4 117I3,Oil s.i III ;.Mi.Ksn4VIVU r ret 4

."I'll. . . I 0 1) 4U0') UO04 1100,'C!il A III 11.1 Km A TMff lnlonP.ev4,tool.... ilAi.j .oiiii 70 f.000 liaia

ChiA(itM.t4 Mn 1'artflciwfs' Mmi' IU'j'1W ..,74.1ii :ooo 74 nooo..'0011 7 4 Mn Pnciac is ' :nnoo.Sono 7 4t 1000 U sono,

Chi Mil tpau, i' ASI1.S4 S400H.I .l I'M ,inm),.. I 07 3KWM.

1 1) ii9 N'kiiiinal'ratieSt ISmw.CMA MI'deb 4a -- irt,.,IM1 1000.

I'"" PO'. X Y Cent ton.i.rhl.MA9tl'SaMtifj : Dial,




u nl inriO. 11 :lClil A N WSUa 70011.,.., HO 7oiO,,, 1 1) It a

"'ion. .. .h:i4, n v 1; fc H 34 .'.on... 1 11:14CM lal M !( 14 P " Meel f

.MiO'i.....ui47H r:ooj...,H la uooo... 1

riilltt A I'RIHa V.I'liio 4,-ii-.j ronio... I no 1000... 1 O'JIa(,000 4AI I out" VnCarollnl'laicooo. , .


Jotvin, , ,roooo,,.liaino.K.eo".;,





.013 illy w

.4AI. SOU" UTmvsttrra...U7ij 4uy i. w ...iw

4 o a u 7 4 vr.iln h.4.1 Nl Ciy:i,a!r,( .11X11 10.44 l(ini....,HflN et ft.40 NVNIIAIIlilBJO :0oo. ....1HI4.4.4.14 1000 Ho Shore.44J. NY Urs Mr i"J 4.44.1i IdilO 7 Mia rrtiln?il

ChtRtPltr!, N Y Hja ,dl t 4000 OS;iai 7MI4 flOoo 14 tVf.iiniflu KI A I'll) i rooo 11 .'.nun ,,u:ilg1:000 H:i4i ioo) m la. rooo 0 UN

1000 MH.V :000 () .1'i'0O0 IliPa'lutal ot bunils inr nine) J 1 .UaS.0 0 0

Price, nf L'nlted Slatra

ar..ra coup,lala4. ret,.




RM.0 M 4

. HH, I 111!



. .


1 1




101)1 1 a

Bid.4, roup.. 1

ran ra r. t iI'anrae. PH. 7Pail Mr. 101 i,



Kronen ltents inlirrnimi rnr.viU MHerman ConanU 3'va

CotifoN 4.Ami.prdif:i (toiernment 41llavarlan ilmernnient 4a)irinn iatlninivuz (inirrninent te.saionv (ioi errnnenl MCI iv nt Merlin 41t'liy nf Colnne 41City of ITankfort S'je...CUy of Munleh 4s , ...Rua.tsn 4,City of 4s


Atr.erlran I.l'hi A TractionAmerica u I.I Kin A pfAdirondack I'lertrlc PowerAdlrniitlaek Klretrtc l' pf

(!a AAmerican (iaa A l'lri trie pfAmerican A I.lut.tAmrrlcan I'oner A l.UtitAmerican lublle CtliuinAmerican IMIille I tlllllea pfAppalachian 1'imer I'o.Alipalaciilan Power Co pfllaiicor Hallway A I'lertrlcliar fur Hallway A-- lilt ctrlc Pf . . . .

Cities .VeniceCltle. Serllce pfCominnniif altli Power, It A I. Co

ph 1'owrr. P. A l.i'o pfPower ( oPower l.'o Pf

Consumer. Co nfCouuty l'r A I.lht CoCo I'wrr A l.lslll Co pf.

Iienvf r llai. ft Klertrle t'ti 5. .

Tax St Uiuls A M1I1 irhtu .I11M St I4111I4 A Suburlian pf. . .

ricetrlc lloi.d pfI'lrcirte llond A Miarr Co of

i l mp'ie DMrlct riectrlc Jfriupire nisirict ncriric prIVderal l.liilit A TracUoaI'cileral l.lul'l A Tiaetlon pflias A I'lertrlc N curllles(las A ricetrlc securities pfLincoln (Jjs A I'lecirlc. ...Montana Power i'o.Moiltal: I'nui'i Co pf.. .

.Voiiheru (iiitarlo burnt A Power.

.Viiithern ilntdrtu Until A Power pf.

.N'orll.' m Stun s Power ( o, .

Northern St.ilcfc Power Co pr.Oark A Water CoPacific C. A i'lecirlcTactile (.an .V Klci'trle pfI' Italbuiv. Llirht A Power CuItcp'iliilc Ity A I.Uht CollenuMli' III- - .V Llmlit Cn ofS'lUlticrn California I iliaon . .

Snuthi rn California rdlsnupf .

flas A l nStarduril ( as A c Co pf...Tennessee Ity. Light .

iriieesiri. ii) . j.iiriu rower l.lchi A Kailuayst'lilteil Light A- Hallways tn rf.t'nlteil l.lchi A Hallways Sd pf

rillltli s Col'iilte'1 ctllltlcs Co pr.Clali Securities . .

Wesiern l'ower Co.Western Power Co pf


Sales.15 4.m . .

-- in..

Statesnort,,, H n

NYTel m'41000

Nnrili Oil 11I04IO

North IMrlfleJ,ho'h



rtt . . wi.f,I.11 e.. 11

fi . m

W H I .

Sa ',


po to aiammru ... ..Jf York 414 points hlgber und

M 1O00. ...U03rt standard Oil Nowrune


RellnlnB1O00... I ' " .. .1.-1- 1 h ninr I.L



S000...1 Terns


Al)m4. M4laTWMAv

1 t'elnn

VTtc !!'4

,0 a





000... i.'J
















,,'jyfty..oa-i.- .










Bid Ailed







Bid. Ailed.. 357

Ida ICS. 17

47 ro. . m

"1 4H

.. SO. . .') .VI

. 71 77..a toIII) 3.141 17

117 ISO

7ll 7.1

5sI" Nl



. .VI ,V,.

Vi K5:--.Ki nr,vl 70

. !(!

.. 77 s.'

.. 7.1

.. ri S5. 71 71III) IS".Nl

:c' 17

pit prjijI4f.l f.lll) Sill-- .:n at:)vi m

. M St!U SI73 75H7 Kl

. p.l.SD Sill

, .l15 ie1.1 r,l.

.. so a,77 Mi

"3 7.1


' r.3


Pitn.ADsu'niA, l'eb. The marketwis dull and without any special

('oinmlsslon house curtouiers' roomswere deseiteil, owing the

til" exchangn was small.C.inbrU Steel wjn publicationof its annual leport. tliowlng good earn-l:ig- s

Hi tlie year Juel passed. There ivsa demand for ( Asphalt If sue",most of It being from Insiders. There

foreign buying of Lake Superior.Arbitrage trading was for the most partcentred In I'nlted States common.Tlie buinnury :




Open- IHih I.ow- - Clot111 eat int

Cumbria leel ,Klee stor Hat ... Mt,lien A'Phall t4)n Asphalt nf... Mi,









m i;n 01 a ;. j.', superior i: . ,

V.illry.... '.I. ,, ;.,i.I'.'l rennaylrunla . ft M 5. it liI'IiIIj Co 41a; 44lu-- i Plilla Co pf 41 13 43M WlIU Klee tTi i7, vrtl,

3IM ReaOint II l it X Lit10 Rink l.lauj 6'; fi, ki,

114 ftoi-- Islam) pf Hi, loij im,r5 'lVniofiah ,

l.",t Ton.flelmnnt ,. .7 J 15 H l.VliVO I'nion Ttartlon.. 4ji; 4,1. .,;i

frit V Kteei M AU


1010 p (a 4( '.aWrlabicb 5t


.1 1




















5.16 ;, u44,



7 7


























Jl',041 (.alia Sup III- 5a,... ,0 ;i ;d:i') Plilla Klee . i iiij.v iii,. l.viPhlla lllie 4. .' v.' H'

..IN) N V










Ilaports mill Iitiport of 1pecle.The exports of specie from the 1,,,rt nf Nc

fork for tbe weeli eiiiU-.- l rcliriiuiy 14iiere! Hi, lil S.nan.fut iiml .liver stl 70Su tnlat uf tr.')7a,i'iir iiraliiat ixii.l ,,ft3.ll7ii.ll!il) gold UIHl silver lust nenli uinlt3i,r,aa la Dm r ci nl Hi t; ,.(, h,n)eur, Sluie .In 111111 r 1 tli m,,,iim nr pn,iuiiinunteil to l,(5tl -- 1)0 nrnj Kier I','.'''.:,n, ntulurt U'(,l:7.ti.s j(,ii, ,,, t11.t1311.sfjallier in lh petimi n jirThe linp'irla et epi-cl- at Hie ,rt nfNew Vcrk for Hie Meolt ciulni l',.,, Unrv iticro t3,05U mild and IJKI.7SI aliier,nmkliiK a tiilal of IJrr,50J, 11 i,.ininf I"l4,7ri in thai nretc-dln- weel and$7.17, 7117 Pi tbo cprrvapuudinc v.irli lu.i j,.Ursluie .Ihiiuiiiv l,tir; '.'ru, iigalna t.t m; i8Sla the corrTsponalng period last ar.


Huslness on the curb yesterday wnsvery llirht nnd iitteiidanco was not larKowIiir to the severe storm. What llttlomovement theio wns In prices was rcii-ciall- v

In uh upuaril fultedClRii'r Stores nrlcd between 92 und

ii'uii.....u:i DM't

iterV&tVjK..XB notes'i'.;V:.l)5.), 103.


.BonoCr.lo!i.',nol:l''i'n''1,", i(I.i"ai'ir



hrt'S". Atlantic wasdm

tltlN. .Via

















Transactions in oeian myesterday were as follows:

nales. bir-to-

Bo.lon Montana.... C

X7 British Col Cop r1J0 Klarlbou CobaUt.... l

IWCwn Arlioiu -1000 'Florence .,

ro Greene Can new.... 3

;t Hiold lUU Cot) 31

rf.0.10 aOreenwater 7

iiV) aJiimbo Ksten 27

K Kelly Sprlnr Tire.. r

Jtax Motor 2d pf..40 Mines Co of Am,.. S'i

j eo .M anh at Trail' It .... 1 W(sa) 'X-- w Utah Blnf... 1

)d0" Xip'aalnr Mlnei.... 4

& PueMa 3 & K mli KlUr-Heema- n ....ICO Savoy Oil Ulao Stand Pll.lut..l 1 1

in) Trl Ilulllon '1!n Ton Mtrrer 3

4"9 Till Cltar Store... -- H1 riutc Knob C pf..

STAXD.UII) OIL SCBSIAiKlo Am Oil new. ..

.") AtUntlc IteflnlnrS Buckeje tlpe TJne. ..M Continental Oil

(latent SUnal Oil.. .

t, Indiana l'lpe Line.. ,.luO Xat Tranit ..4,v X V 'IY.inlty.'i Ohio Oil

: ) Pierce Oilja l'ralne Oil ft O

Sola- - lieflrdnr) South l'erui Oil

,) Stand Oil of Cal... -Z, Stand Oil of Inda) Stan Oil ot Ky new ..10 Stand Oil of Xeb... ..7 Stand Oil of X J ..

1.0 Stand Oil of X V . . .

S5 Stand Oil of Ohio.. .

ST Cn'.on Tank Line... .

M Vacuum Oil10 TfAahlciton Oil


sell cents per nare.


drarleu CopBritish Am TubBritlali Am Tob newGreene Cananea newKerr l.aUr...lj ItOsfl.ehtth Valley Cc&l..

Uaaon ValleyMinbattan TransitMarcor.l ef Am new .

Nlptulnt Mines.....Tobacco 1'iod pfL'nflcof AmYukon uoia

Bradm Cop sCanadian Pac ti .

NY City 4, 1..XYC1ty4Hstt.Western Pac 5a... .





... . I6


03l. . 3M




lllrl.Aakrd,America HanoverArnKv 4Trad..S10Itronxtt Irilng

UbertyIitier)' Hk...is5 Lincoln..ltowery ; Manhat


Criiturj-.-. MetpollunMtrrhanla

ChatAl'linx. Merehlli. 'Chemical. . UutuilCltCen.Vat .Vaaall

IteserieChelseaCommerieColonial XVi'ouniyColuniMa .



. -

llflliNil.. Scat'OarU.. IiVlftliAve Second..I'ourthliariieid. Sectirttv(,rrAinCcrllxUcrminla Wash'lcii 11.



AllianceAmrrlcan Surely . .

Hniker.Murttase (luaraalee (

liroailMay .

llrooklyn ..Casualty of AmericaCentralClu lnie.tlim Co

Hi InirMlnirCo. pf1

( (iiuaioiienltliCiiitimciital .

Kiiii'lre 1

I btr1'arrncr', .

I'raakUu . .

Illicitly(iuaianiyHamilton . .

1 rust 10Hudson CoInternational HiinMm; Corp. .

Countyljiwjera MortaacCo. .

lawyers li,s, ..Lincoln . , . .

MetropolitanMurlu'iiae CoMutual ! of entctieatrrXliilual Alliance

a ssa.National Surel I

. I He. MorU-ar,-. . ,.. i - .

N. Ina.I'ri'lilca(Jtieens CountyViicejis

Vasiiol.iti.-- . .

(iuaiallli'i- Trual.. ..I

S.i'.iau'ill) (.0Morliiac" .

I (.Washlricinn . ...

c.ti'liesirrtWatclic.iiT t




Ky l.t


in. on.Co of


rat. eft lut.6'a a

5 tW71

U 1

r,7 MM f,

91 31 n:i itm 1;

3U -- 'a)l, 1 1 14 !

4' 4f, a.".

ri, ria"'a

12"a 12'.M 11141 1 1M4

I, .ti CI f1:,n17, 17'a U'4

703 7C

171 17 17"

2M !)ia K 151

1S3 13 1 I

44 44 41

sio roT siten if

7 fl615 tn tir.:m :o."

SK 14

sr srsti; r.i? MiS70 :7o V7'i

44) 41)

417 4M 1

yi ik :c4J, 41f. 4V0

ior mjr.n 217 ZD


iw' i:








Ulil.7a 7'a







71 71









IU) 113103

100 101


Hid A. Led10 I

.ron W Imp f0Ilk.. - n I Nat.. 17 14

llronx Nat. 170 1M "15 MSHI S25 ssr,

(05 Co. 3I1) K.'0

11m a n. .. 1:0 i'5 rd ri--.

Prant Pk.. IV) a) 310

A 155 193 737 r45

I" 175 ls5Chaie ft WO 173 18'.

170 1C5

415 C5 ri'l175 In) Nal Il 103

Ctly 3f--' 37s Nut -l

1M Xetli. rro1M N V X 11 A 375

If.) 8.V1 S73

r75 1'i.rlnr S55 51Corn i:x. 313 SW Park r5 3751'aM Idler 1. SW

ia". 175 Prisl IC) 1H5

l'lrst Xal 'l I'I3 135

3 5

:;5 410

.Nat.. 1S5 IW SUteiri rtr. n nr.135 115 r.M Ward i: 110mn 115 t'nton llx lis lit:Co 773r'.i West Slit- -. 175

Nat I'm C

N .570 r)(i

j Co.Co


lUintt A




lrill oqnlf

laian A Trust

Trust Co



Title A Trust

llonilnut W

.N un

Ins. A Tr-ik- t

.N a ;;eoX Tinst .,,

lllie I...Mtitc Co. ...

CountiItalf.Title A

IonI'lilted Slatesrt'.S. A trust Co.

SP A I. Co.

UA llroiix r A


Ra'ii. 'MoMlrealiiluii Ouiriit

C.lllaill.lll Ceinclil pfdCaiihill.iti Cons ltul'l'er..Cnmn Ke.eiicHilroli I'liilril llailivay....liii'iiliilon sl e- -1 CorpIii'i'ilmoii TexlileIllinois Tr.utliill fatalI.aiuetitnleMuiiln-.i- l I. II ANova Sintiii steel A Coal.OjiHIe Kloiil .Mill"Cjui'liee A I'Itl. ll A (lilt N.iv.sloiwltiljan A I'Sli'TU WilliSteel Cni.uUToionto Itullu.iyWiiiulpet ''(K'til Ity




I "t















14sIK! !




blil Asiieil,si 11J

170 sutt:.

. 4.',H 4r.:iio .'S5

. tis ia.14i5 ;."i

. tin 1:0lurr.

. ro r.i

. Ml S5

. 1.1.1 140440

. 140. HI S3. SM

iu I':'.tllT". 11...

"i rw.") '.'HIrm wo

. l 10)s7ii ra)

.. no 115. 130 110

. IV. 105

rm. . 1ft 17.'.

.. irn i5.-- i. sun 3M. P7 ior

1:1, no1:15 145

. i.iiliai InsIKI ((.lI"l I155111 r.uvi nil

. r." ruj. ion iiu

iii 110tor. itr

.. 440 415'is.'i :.J

iumi miii11.1 .'014.'.) 4jl

:ur. :it.--i131 It",IS










1!v. New








H. 1



o I'rotrctlve Committee.Itcliowtil weakness In the Hock Island

stocks may not iippiar unnatural nowthat tb llrst cJithtiMlnstn over tlie offl-el-

denial of an Impending receivershipund the prospect of a capital readjust-ment has worn off. Also It is Importantto note that Kuropean speculators seemto be retarding- the outlook for the atockiwith sonic Mpprehenslon, whereas thaforeigners formerly afforded a substantialmeasure of support to tho market onatt sharp breaks. It Is rumored thattho readjustment plan under considera-tion Is to be In the nature of a generalcompromise by all parties vltaL'y Inter-ested. Hut It Is reallied that If anymoney Is to be raised to set the propertyon Its feet It Is tho part of the stock-holders to make the sacrltlce. It Is diff-icult to seo why the collateral trust bondholders who control the situation shouldatree to yield one Inch of thirlr advan-tage or Just what Inducements can boffered to make them willing to do so. .

Tli eeolle oenrlntri factum nf ttia Wrhola ,

Hock Island situation Is perhaps that uplo now nothing has been heard of tlie I

taut, li--m, 4.- - " .formation of a strong protectlvo com- - ,"m,0'mlttee by holders of the col- - Tim market tone, iwwwrer, was tlnn, tlwlateral trust bonds. Perhaps that phase advance tendency remaining u n autre ' tr-ot the matter will develop when the terms .g,,,, of the i, na. Consohof the proposed capital readjustment plan r

cde nne milsH. wers quiet tea,are made known this week.

A cairloajs UlepaHty.The reiullve market potsttons of Mis-sou-

Pacllln stock and tho various bondIssues of tbe company display a rathercurious disparity In price. From a super-tlcl- ul

examination It would appear, forexample, either that the stock was sellingtoo high or Uiat tho bonds and notes wereselling too low. A price of from St to 27for a paying stock Is fairlyhigh In any event When It Is consideredthat tlie. company's notes, due June 1, arequoted on about a 28 per cent, basis andthe general mortgage gold 4 per cent,bivids are i.elllng at 2 the price of thestock somewhat anomalous. It Isnot surprising, therefore, that the presentprice of the stock should be euspeicfted withthe trading element and that stories shouldbe heard alleging Inside selling and ot theappearance of certificates In the Streetclean of the pin holes which mark stock Inactive circulation. There la however,hardly enough activity in the stock to sup-port the Idea of distribution on an ex-

tended scale. Such stories might ar

if the juotatlon for the notes duenext June did not reflect uncertainty re-

garding arrangements for taking care ofthem properly.

0)at f Llae.There Is much curiosity aa to the secret

of the current weakness In the AmericanTelephone and Telegraph shares. Thatstork sold yesterday at 119Hi as com-

pared with 124 i made on Juno 30 onthe recovery from the low of 110 lastDecember, when the price was forciblyilepressed by speculative sales Just beforethe company made Its famous compro-1- .

.so with the Government The weak-ness Is attributed In some quarters todelated liquidation from New England In-

vestors on account of flie agitation overgovernmental ownership. That may beso and still leax'e unexplained the lackof better support for a stock of the char-acter of American Telephone, which Isohvlously celling far "out of line" whenIta dividend return Is considered.

k In Mlaars.The stock market In the past few weeks

of narrow ranges and pmall dealings hasbeen a discriminating affair. Irregular-ity has ben the main feature. Lastweek the market discriminated rather con-spicuously In favor of the minor Indus-trial Issue". Central Leather, AmericanIce, American Locomotive. Tressed SteelCar, Hallway Steel Spring and othershares of that class, ns well as many ofthe low priced copper shares, were allactive at advancing prices. Various "ex-planations" for these movements were of-

fered In Indlildual cases, but In the mainIt seemed that the gains occurred In re-

sponse to a liberal supply of "bull tips."There wn a lot of talk of "pool" opera-tions and the like, nnd It may be that theparticular friends of these stocks weronot averse to the Improvement to saytlie least. Hut there Is nothing essen-tially unhealthy In the development ofstrength In the low priced shares at atim lilie this. Frequently the leas ac-ti- e

Issues get left behind in any forwardmovement and belated strength In themmerely repreents a process of correction,bringing them In line with the generalaverage ot prices.

IT, S. Hank Clearing,.Total bank clearings of the I'nlted

Stat", for the wek ended February 14,1911 (one day estimated), according tothe l'inar.-l- it I'iroiilcIf, were 2,?90,U27,-J2i- ),

against 3.777.1ili,OC"l for the previ-ous wee'K, They compare with 13,224,-"r'.!- 7

for the corresiondlng week lastjear. a loss of 7,3 per cent. The returnsfrom tli larger citle urn as follows: NewYork, decrease r.M per cent. Chicago, de.ciepe ,,1 j.r cent: Philadelphia,

ij.15 per cent.; Ikiston. decrease13. pep cent; Kt Louis, decrease ;,. percent., Haltimore, lD.'J it cent;New Orlians, Increase 2 5 per cent

West Beulaiiiliia In Ray.Marjlull Field & Co. of Chlcaco -- ay;

"Buyers irlveit In giod (lumbersduring the we.-l- ; finm the extrmne South,the Soiltliv est, the l'olrto coast andItocl.v .Mountain territory. They are

In merchandise for immediateaial early spring bulnes.s and boughtpretty generally. Colder weather In Chi- -

alto has gin 11 an impetus to rftall distribution of he.iMer wearing appar.l und

sooa volume or mall orders lias beenreceived from nearby territory. The fewlines slionii for tall delivery net pood

Shipments this month show anllnTfase over a year ago."


Atlantic HfMnlnrlUune-Sc- n m--

Pine I.tneChesebrinarli Mfa.

ilniuat on'otmiirntil i)ll..

Ci" en Itpo Ucc,ipets riar.d.lireUu Iipe I.!ne

i.aux signal i)l Co...(ialrua slirnal oil Co pf.Indiana Pipe Line.. .

National Tiai'sltNeu Yorl Pipe t ine,.Ohio ull..I'lciee Oil Corp..Prairie oil A lias...So'ar Hittt iiiK .,so'iilif ra Pipe IVnn Oil CoS'uest IVnn line Une..Staihlaril nil of CalStandard nil "f Intl..St indnril Oil o' Kan.S' indiird !i uf ,(' . .

Standard Oil of NebStandard Oil of N V, . (HI of Ohio,Swan A Inch Cot'nlon TanlVacuum OilWashington Oil.. .Wan

Standard Oil of N J,,s'l.lisldlarlr-- . en bloc..suinilanl OllolU i'llori'


Yesterday.Hid Ailed.

700 710ttOa 370HIS 17.'ii75 tH5110 I'Mr.u rr.".

s r.)to a

lot :uo1S) Ilk)t.1S 14313J t.(7

4.1 v,W15 315trutao ic-- i

93 tot51 1 ,,ri)-- 55 ttS5i'40 '.'IS347 ?j!XU) .v,:i'.".' s?5310 ;m473 4t,r;u 27s145 4 Mrno rmI''.'. :i5rw ;y.-- i101 10-


r is rrao so

34UO .17 IK

414 4111000

'. 1414


l'lKiayHid Asked.710 710ins :irolas 1

075 ea;no nori? rrs

r.iM i

rr sio184 us1.1H 141)

130 134' 41

fOS S15iro ir.--

.16) irhi irofdO 515sco sanr(u 'ri53.10 331ISO 155f.'fl 3T55111 315till 141

rai r?o4Ml 460

ii w415 475ran :tu100 in.'ri5 '.'ri)

an esD3iai

17 17(14 4tS67ft


cyalem forrnnicnlmi funda for travellera.A. II. ,1. c, l,8v. Issued n

oiilaluliiE tbo luteal of the fiili,,!'7.'!"1, r'V''i '"' liepiriiiieni ,n,c.0Incinie tux law. Tha law una Ii,iistrin ilnna regarding It are lude.i .,.1st .r the of the i olleftora ,.f



Consols Recede bnt Invrst-men- t

Issues OencrRlltAre Steady.


Ameiiciin List Erldenr?.Little Variation In









itenay no investment eecunues wen,genenJTy firmer than yesterday, t,buying In thee department, was .jctllent

The outcome at the tM.tOOvAnt) Brn&African lean was not encouraging, If mreported 80 per cent, of the lean will bamto be taken br the nnflerwrltera. RouthAfrloan ahares were lower. Afexloaroeased.

The American fist was steady, atotainot attraetlTe. Prices were firm through,out, with little price variation and tha

was close to parity.Paris, Feb. 14 Rentes at iT frane, s

centimes were 7H centime lower. PtIcmshaded the best figures of the day at thacloning.

BnRLTW, Feb. 14 The market w,rtendy


Banks Reaert Iirge I.eaatatea Sarplsui Rasaerre Drereaaaa,The eartlon ef (ha local banks are aame

what Intvatrnd laet week. Exp'MJona tiiatSaturday's bank would rtlae'oaaa aukatanttal cash gain fulled to mai'riathe. Hie aotual .aa)i flsurea .shrinkage et IHO.00O, and th'rs van ar,expectedly large loan expansion of I o.000, reamltlng In a lor-t.- s In the a "alaurplu, reaen's of lr.097,5t, Tli jrp;tareaerve now amounts lo atcompared with an actual surplus uf SI 444.100 lor ins corresponding wik last 'it.Nll money remalne I eaay laetranging between l't mid r p.r -- ntrate for tha week cload at l'.'&r pr

Time money wae quiet and iinMrar.week, ltatiw were r percent ro- -i y.3 per cent, for ninety dnya, 3V, ,tfor four monthe,', per ten' m

months. Hi per cent, for six men".,31.4T4 tier cent, for over the yar

4.,'ommerclnl paper moved In fair ve j -- ,Itatea wera 34 per rnt for rtx- - rdninety days bill, recallable and for i,.i ' rto alt month" narn-- s.

Domeatlo exchange on New orlc II, eonpar. ft. Paul 16c, premium v ,

apolla COc premium. ."t lai.N lamluin. San Kranclaco 40. pr". "tregi 31,e. premium. Chicago- -

mlum.Sterling exchange nae nul-- f a' 1

laat week. The high rate v aa I t n

Monday, and 4.S540 was low on id . '''losing ratea were 4 mu ii

for alxty daye. 4,S34'))i 4 alia fr .nland 4.8SCHI 4 ?'..' fur aide

Money In London. 'iti p- -r rt - !blll-a- . 1, per cent.; Hires mimlh'. 1 t"icent. Closing prices ot consulfor money and 77 . for arii.un1

Paris cables quote, th- - clo-i- v 'rentes at 7 franca ro centlnie 1.x t r,on London, r.i f rani a IS iBHin' "arate of dlacount In Parle. r, per . .rii 11 in

exchange on London, --'0 marlta 44

ITU ate rate In Iierlln. 2'. per i'WCommercial erica of bar .Iher In

York. 37',c; In London. r'V,. M- - a

ailver dollars quoieu ai 4c"New Vork riearliig House stnti i"

chaneea, 134: &i.r,74 ba! 11 -- . "

itb!t balun- ?74 I


Th9 Suuthvrn California Kulrnnreport" (fr Dctnber crrM furui- n

$419,769. j comimrcl with $3 TT 'rorrfsponJInit ptrlod In lt!iInjs of $192,115, :rs i --

plm Rftcr th f liinktid nmklr.t apuprUti.m forwan $M,1T:. if roinpar-i- t nlth I

ISStS,9Sl criltt(-i- l tn .T.r'In if tin ninuth cjiupurt-- w.'li "

4 Ftint fnr am purpo-- -

l' til' f.t't thut it"icredlfii to uporiitlnt; t?n)-i-- n ,4jf the tnral stun a'rtni.tSir M'UtUin Maik-nel- . pr-

Wlniilpt.? nictrti i:mtu..v .,

nnoun"d thut the J - WillInr Corporiitioii of Nw York -tet'd hy thf electrl- ti ria of urdt.lci.!, pUtiH and 'l.v droa(li'trIc d lnpn.-i.- t t

Cunadti It i udrnotl litt(4rlnpnisni wlU '

f li0,oiu l.t. r4-t"- .ittai ;,..dt.t.f t fuc iUi i

v H1ru4i.i prtp:tid t tlug t trptr 'ttoni wiM in -Of 10.0U ! ft Tl.e '

trl lUll'A.i' rni.uiv .tti iu ' I d ( t liii i f tht WIniuptf

UaI.' u) imp,y th- - tttii.'" I.

lOTer Otiinpuny Thf t.tiwu .v.

Ktui U of th- - (itmpuhy t

frtil j .iM prior to April 1. "!'it th rut of lw p4 r 'nt .'.

ln'e th- -t tint th rati h t

i i it. ptr utmuin.A 11 l.ach aV 'n .ir- - 4Mf.r. ir

mortis?!' I p- -r t -- nr mliin(, firth llact i.hl't "irtt tVi!ni..titnr rrtdcniiablt- - at !". nn-- i li. r

lntr"l datt. ti tmt mun i1

prvlutiii iititii't Th- -. .! i

hr.d .r- - ,ui Jr.iy t . :

n part ot .tn uuthurli:dof nhlrl. iher r iinin.ui u .rrifid the t,tiiipa:.y Uhh ii pi' i

l'.00O,i'Oi) 7 pir lit. iiniui t

Ktui k inl llu.mMt.iM'o itn 1, ..

iiu"i It'lriK 4iii.Hiarnl.iivth ci.tlr tiaturHt u.ut .irtifl. i t ;far th ilty tif .1 .

to or forty other towns .miHtte of ohlo

The Investment liankero Aio.lulled ttIUl('ii to tin fact tn ncHlon of tho Treasury l.ep,trtn..-i- r

from operation of the tax ptall form of public utility e u

urtlon of the Trenmry DepHrtm '

t i ind at Wa-- .

tl.e ntintt,r of the uro.Ia--'- t

.tft-lti- a tax Ah u ifiMIM in Htatt utul tireferred to tho .vtturn "''''Inc the ti,Vfittt;atUn th- ' tnerth Treasury lepartmeit v a.--

from nil of pu i

ub nude


inSecurity Hate Pay Due r.M - 'Atnalv'op a M s Uar. 15, Itlti lue,, ,.AuiK.oi is J July I, 1VI4 W ,.'Aufttiov 4'J J Jan. I. IKIA IU" . 'llAlllllt .1 J-- .I JUIV 1, 1UI4 pai",. I ,

IlklvnltT 5 ,) July 1, IDia n., ., .

Vhatli&l.l, o J U Jlliie i: 101.1 leiL'hrs&oity I'j.t I) June I, lull Ui', U'( ll.Vtt llllt .". Vt S Sept. t. llll!, vi in('ons)'Atlnin M.N Mny t7, IBI7 u.i '

UrloltK A i) Apr. a, lull i''.llrleltll.. 6 A-- Oct, t.iuiii'"rrlrHIt 5 A o pr. 1. lKi Hi' ,. t '

r'rdSulli o .I M-- .Nov. 1, IDI4 u'.i ', ' .(!eni:iro .pr. ia, urn :i flrllockVal. 6 V.V.Nov. I. 1011 H"NIllCrnltlt.. 4ij July I, lull

5 I A Aug. I, inn I", "Inlllarv ,5 I' A l I,,, ililu tm,l.SAllHKlt.l'', M S Mar. 15. It'll U'i'.. ' '

.lliiiLNtl...6 I'-- r.U. 1, line H7's0 M- - Vny 1, lUU s i.

Mol'foUy ft J 1) June I iimi !'" , 'A 1) Apr '.'I. IUI4 i'i . "'

NM'Altlllt:. S t IS. ltd I i'i .I s i.ii una ii ll' '

linker" in. i1'. lUl""' Internationa. NVCftHltllti, M..N May I ll... u.i'I,.. P .' ""V"' :i Pamphlet entitled N'VNHcall d May s tlli ts--

liiiiililet ileairllipH C."i '''"."'.'V'" Tr'"" " T" I .'uly I'. It'll P .ruiiplslne







Sol'icil'c.Sllllll.llllj &

Unlledl't fiWcilKIMi ri

i cstl'jrteif)l.'Ot IPMI'.NT (

iiAiiiutro reti tuniiftOMlico .iprllniiiiiii revomi for aP tlie dinerent Ult- - t ,i (1

trl. 1.4 of the I'lilifd ritate, . Ven, CIIIAPHCo.S Jul)Lee, lll'Kiiinon & v'o. announce thu Hi. ! 'NHK'o .lull

I'l'iiiHJijive e.,, c.uaeil'aiia Vnal',1.M a'MulV

.' II Whitehead H.aMuut to C. 1:, Bclufr v - 7--,, i,' '

',h. eemnenr " ' " ' "4 "nn.ll . . 4lsboil) Co

I) June I.V mn IiI A Tell. t. Una li.'

May I, iw; "'Ir Auir i. mi.' i"iJ Jnli t'.'l.'i u,

I I'4'.,. i, e.".



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lun lir.'ii i .v

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