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1 STUDIO AIR Univeristy of Melbourne March 2015 Yichao Andy Li 584879

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Univeristy of Melbourne March 2015

Yichao Andy Li 584879

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Contents Introduction Part A -Design Futuring -A.1 Design Computation -A.2 Composition/Generation -A.3 Conclusion 21 -A.4 Learning outcomes 22 -A.5 Appendix Part B -B.1. Research Field-B.2. Case Study 1.0 -B.3. Reverse Engineering -B.4. Technique: Development -B.5. Technique: Prototypes -B.6. Technique: Proposal -B.7. Learning Outcomes -B.8. Appendix Part C -C.1. Design Conept -C.2. Tectonics & Prototypes-C.3. Final Detail Model -C.4. Learning Outcomes

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Part A


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No Experience With Indesign No Experience With Rhinoceros No Experience With Grasshopper No Experience With Parametric Design Current Level of Study: 3rd Year Undergraduate (Architecture) Parametric design was a new word to me until March of 2015. I have been admiring the architecture of many masters from the ancient world to the 21st cen-tury, but never was I inspired from the digital design-ing spectrum. Every so often I do become astonished and hyponotised by the unique aesthetics and pat-terns generated through digital designing; neverthe-less, I could not truely appreciate or understand the objectives and concepts behind digital designing. In the past, I understood digital designing as a method of design where a complex set of codes were inputted to a computer software, directing the software to generate a pattern to certain specifica-tions. The RMIT building 80 on Swanstons Street, which completed in 2012 is one of my occasional encounters. Its scaly surface is definately impactive to perceive, what interested me more was the digital patternings of colors employed on the building sur-faces externally and internally. There I became more affected by digital designing.

I have never used Rhino or any other forms of digital designing. I did not take virtual environ-ments previously hence experienced quite little in this field of designing. I know a bit about 3D modelling in Archicad and have done a few projects based on using Archicad. Despite the fact I have not previously used any digital designing tool, but I do believe that I have been inspired by the effects of digital designed forms, patterning and layouts. I say this because in my study of Designing Environ-ments, my project was a design that consisted many replicated triangular forms in specific sizes tessellated as a structure (top next page). I believe there is a certain type of beauty that is embedded to digital designed projects. I have no current understanding of how to describe and articulate this unique fashion of design that is presently trending so quickly and competi-tively in the world. I hope to gain the abilities to comprehend, express and articulate with digital designing in the coming months.

Introduction Experience with Designing

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Part A

Design Futuring

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Centre For Ideas - MVS

The Centre for Ideas project is based on algorithmic process of using voronois. Voronois creates volumns of space based on geometric parameters. In early 20st century modernist architects such as Le Corbusier also experimented with form and spatial arrangements through the use of simple geometric shapes. Parametric algorithms can create more sophisticated formal spaces using com-putation. This project is a demonstration of how architecture has evolved from the past by digital utilities and tools that allowed for a next generation of creativity. Beyond the spatial forms, services such as lighting and ductwork can also be laid out through algorthimic designs.

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BanQ Restaurant -dA OfficeThe wooden surfaces contouring the spaces of the restaurant is a contemporary aes-thetics created under parametric design. The surfaces follow specified algorithms as parameters forming various dips from the ceiling to columns generating a continous smooth natural environment.

The algorithems are not just set to provide a generous environment but also accommo-date the various mechanical and electrical services installed above ceilings. The sizes of these service units and duct works differ-entiate, but these variations also provided an opportunity for algorithms to set and explored with for generative results.

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Algorithmic or parametric designs can modulate the ways which the built environment can react with its users in a form where factors can be preset to determine the outcome of design. Al-gorithms can be set to modify mechanical needs such as lightings needed per area to the intensity of spatial perception provided by the structural surfaces.

Projects such as this can be explored and be manipulated endlessly. Similar parametric rules can apply to larger or smaller scale projects. It is important for projects like this to be built because it can influence people to engage parametric thinking, to be able to apply a good algorithmic approach to other complete different projects.

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A.1 Design Computation

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Computing currently affects design processes in two major ways. One is computerized design and the other is computation design. Computerized design describes the use of computers to store, process, draft, manipulate and communicate design information that have usually been pre-concep-tualized by architects. Computational design is the process of digitally gen-erating outcomes through all stages of design with an integration of perfor-mative design, digital materiality and tectonic models.

Computerized design facilitates the design process by enabling architects to efficiently develop and present their designs. The design information are digitally manipulated which reduces the designer’s efforts to explore and develop on their concepts through some common software such as Revit, Archicad and Rhino. Although ideas may be conceptualized through means that do not involve computerization but the design is ultimately demonstrated through the aids of computer software. This process does not only affect de-signers, but as well as enabling other responsible parties such as engineers, builders, developers and users to visu-ally perceive understand and com-municate the project before it begins construction.

Computational design is a different way of designing compared to tradi-tional practices. The design solution is produced through digital morphogen-esis incorporating tectonics of material and performance simulation in a script enabled algorithmic environment. The design solution is formed from experi-mentation under parametric constraints (algorithms) modeling the performance, tectonics and materiality of various geo-metrics. Computation frees the design from formalism, changing design into a more knowledge based process under collaborations of variant modeled simu-lations; resulting in a design solution of generative form1.

Understanding Computation

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1000 Museums Residential Tower Zaha Hadid Architects

Computation and computational collaboration is increasingly becoming a default method of practice in many firms due its abilities to empower designers to engage and response to complex problems with sophisticated outcomes. The environment provided by computation composes complex sets of interrelat-ing data information to generate formal and structural results. AS These sets of data or parametric models can simulate sophisticated performances (building itself and interactive with public) it enables designers to make adjustments and experiment with inestimable possible variations under set conditions, which can produce unexpected complex design solutions.

Computation Design Changing Practice

Computation has been driving the shift of current architectural practices. Many Architectural firms have applied the Computational design to their practices in various ways. There are four types of approaches being undertaken by firms: internal specialists where a firm has their own group of computational experts to influence and contribute to the design process in various depth desired; external employment of specialist engineers or software experts to engage with the design pro-cess; fully integrated firms where computational techniques and parametric designs are utilized to characterize the design intent; hybrid firms of software engineers and architects to generate advanced interfaces and knowledge of comput-ing programming as design software2.

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‘The exposure of the primary structure can be very effective in giving an identifiable character and atomosphere to the different spaces within a building.’3

1000 Museums Residential Tower Zaha Hadid Architects

Comtemporary architecture is trans-forming from a visual representation based practice to more performative concerned such that ‘Structural, con-structional economic, environmental and other parameters that were once secondary concerns have become primary’4.

The form seeking process of com-putational designing can result in a structural exposure. This struc-tural appearance can be articu-lated to satisfy other architectural purposes such as an indication of space, usage and movement of buildings.

The 1000 Museum Residential tower in Miami by Zaha Hadid Architects demonstrates the ben-efits of articulating the structural skeleton of the project to indicate the aparment types within. The lower section consists of three bays; the middle section which the exo-skeleton weaves through have two bays; and the top sec-tion ends with one bay.

Parameters can be set in to en-gage with the population distribu-tion, functionality, commercial needs as well as the building itself’s perfomative efficiency in such projects through computa-tional designing. Furthermore, dif-ferent exo-skeleton systems can be explored within desired paramet-ric frames to discovery aesthetics of the project. In other words, the visual representation of the 1000 Museum is a resultant of rule-based parametric design simulta-neously composing sophisticated inputs, but constantly adjustable at every stage of the design seeking for best desirable solution

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‘...... the new complex presents a high-performance building targeting low consumption energy levels and high standards of comfort.’


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UNStudio seeks out to ‘a more intense architecture’ with the aid of computa-tional techniques through focus on de-tails of architecture. By details, Ben van Berkel of UNStudio defines it as ‘a way of thinking differently about the subject, as an instrument you use when focus into space.......where scale, theory and the material understanding of architec-ture come together’.

The Changi airport complex uses computational techniques to generate a facade system that maximises passive design ben-efits. The facade consists a singular hexagonal base module, tessellated with different rotations of the module to create a com-plex design response to sun impact. Moreover, a colored back wall system has also been employed to compliment the tessel-lated facade system. The colored back wall is computed not only to provide infinite spatial aesthetics but also a responsive system to the heat impact and maintenance of the complex.

‘......computation as pure and beautiful knowledge.’5 - Mark Gracia

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The complex is an enironment comprising entertainment, shopping and vast natural and high-end areas to accommodate the users. Like many other UNStudio projects the complex intergrates a so called ‘twist’, which are computationally morphed structures to create a void space with spatio-psychological impacts. A continuous twist of sublime spaces.

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A.2 Composition/ Generation

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Water Cube Beijing PTW Architects, Arup, CSCEC, CCDI, 2008

The water cube was inspired by soap bubble forms. The form of soap bubbles were modified by algorithms to generate a building system that ultimately formed the building itself. This is an example of imitating a natural form of bubbles, then using it as a base module to be coded and experimented with.

Generating in this approach allows constantly modifying parameters to improve the design. How-ever, when using a base module it is difficult to come across some of the limitations and problems with a base module. Sometimes it may be more effective in using different types of forms to overcome different problems rather than adjusting one base module to encounter with different problems.

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Zayed National Museum Foster + Partners, 2007

The Zayaed National Musm aims to create a highly efficient contemporary formal element with traditional Arabic design and hospitality. Generative design is used not only to accom-modate performative issues, but also intergration of culture representation and monumentality. Therefore this project demonstrates a level of control generative approaches can conserve. Contemporary generative forms can also sustain traditional cultures and purposes.

Generative approaches are not a complete discard of traditional qualities. It can be utilised as a more knowledge based and complex way of conjuring science, nature and human culture expressed by generative forms. Some-times the forms may be a variation of singulari-ties but the overall outcome is an integration of sophisticated complexity.

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Designing should be a knowledge intense process to create a better environment. In contemporary practices and resources, computational designing allows the opportunity to condense different aspect of knowledge to a design solution in a complex and flexible manner. Computational design should be integrated into every design to enhance its performance. Despite the area of expertise that each design choose to utilise computation, such powerful tool should bring more value to a design outcome whenever possible. Parametric design is innovative not only in the way that it can generate complex forms under desirable perfor-mance and aesthetics which is almost impossible to be mannual composed. Moreover, it is an approach that enables designers to experiment and discovery results which could not be predicted or expected. When designing in this approach, handful of unforeseen problems could be avoided. As all parameters are set based on knowledge it would continuously add value to the design solution; whislt minimising the possibility of some design intents consequentailly jeopardising other aspects a building system. For my own designs I would hope to experiment with shell structures. Using shell systems create an energy ef-ficient, comfortable and natural environment. I would like to engage with shells because shells are usually the exo-structure of a building, it greately impacts performativity of a building. Furthermore, shell structures have the ability to smoothly and freely define internal volumn spaces, allowing the opportunity for great innovations in spaces hence influencing users. I consider the performance and user comfort the two keys to a successful project.

A.3 Conclusion

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Prior to this subject I had no engagement with computational architecture. I could not understand the concepts that underlaid in the visually thrusting algorithmic aided design structures. After three weeks of researching and learning, I have essential understandings of what computational design is and how powerful it could be. It was to my surprise that all those building forms I have encountered before, are not just artistic fabrications but they are generated perfor-matively. I love the idea of passive designs. It is amazing to design spaces in ways that are constantly creating value for itself at no on-going cost. Parametric design can generate passive systems that are more accurate, innovative and not com-posable in conventionally ways. I look forward discovering how computation can improve passive designing.

A.4 Learning outcomes

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A.5 Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches

Using a referenced curve from rhino as a base, scaled into different sized curves by a scale tool. A graph map input as a parameter is used to modify the scaled curves under different graph types. The curves are also scaled along the x-axis to create a 3 dimensional volumn after been lofted. Above are attemps to create different curve structures that would create a shell as shelter or resting structure.

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1 Oxman, Rivka, and Robert Oxman, Theories Of The Digital In Architecture, pp. 2-8

2 Peters, Brady, ‘Computation Works: The Building Of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83 (2013), 8-15

3 Schumacher, Patrik, ‘Tectonic Articulation: Making Engineering Logics Speak’, Architectural Design, 84 (2014), 44-51

4 Leach, Neil, ‘Digital Morphogenesis’, Architectural Design, 79 (2009), 32-37 <>

5 Garcia, Mark, ‘Future Details Of Unstudio Architectures: An Interview With Ben Van Berkel’, Architectural Design, 84 (2014), 52-61 <>

Image References

MVS Architects, VCA Centre For Ideas <> [accessed 20 March 2015] Office dA, Banq Restaurant, 2015 <> [accessed 20 March 2015] Zaha Hadid Architects, 1000 Museum Residential Tower, 2015 <> [accessed 20 March 2015] UNStudio, Changi Airport Complex <> [ac-cessed 20 March 2015] Architecture Admirers, Water Cube Beijing, 2014 <> [accessed 20 March 2015] Foster + Partner, Zayed National Museum <> [accessed 20 March 2015]

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Part B Design Criteria

Studio Air Semester One 2015

Yichao Andy Li 584879

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B.1. Research Field - TessellationUnderstanding Tessellation may be understood as a method of generating planes that consist sets of homogenous base modules; arranged collective into layouts that produce heterogeneous properties and values. The differentiation between the base modules could be influenced by structural requirements as well as the demand of other performance specifications. From the examples provided by the course and other research, there appears to be a popularity towards the Delaunay and Voronoi tessellation. Voronoi TessellationVoronoi calculation considers the space into a spread of points, and an area is generated by creating boundaries or cell around a point where the distance towards this point is closer than towards any other points (Fedrick). Voronoi fills up the entire space with such polygons or surfaces. The production of these polygons and surfaces are pre-determined by the way which the points are spread through the space. The higher the minimum exclusion distance given to the points of the region will produce more regulated Voronoi tessellations (H.X.Zhu). Delaunay TessellationThe Delaunay tessellation is the process of joining all the adjacent points that would share the same edge in a Voronoi tessellation. In general cases, these planar surfaces generated by Delaunay tessellation are in default triangular.

FabricationThrough research many of the tessellation projects involved light weight materials. Some of these materials such as steel and wooden panels can be quite conveniently fabricated through laser cutting. Fabrications are relatively less complicated in terms that it is a process of making duplicated elements of the same set ups. However, after fabrication the base modules need to be set up and connected individually, involving a considerable amount of effort and delicacy.

InterestMy first experience with tessellation was actually unnoticed at the time. I created a structure using three types of triangles which connected through tabs to form a continuous shell structure, all manually by hand at the time. After the introduction of what tessellation is and how it could be generated through algorithmic designing, I wanted to further explore the field of tessellation. Tessellation seems a great way to produce exoskeleton envelopes and facades. It is one of the most important design aspects that effects thermal performance of buildings, as well as the overall aesthetics.

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Dragon Skin - P. Tynkkynen, K. Crolla, S. Delargrange

Fabricating the same panel modules, but rolled to an different extent in relation to the placements on the arch. Dragon Skin Project

Stalac Tile - Students of Washington UniversityTessellation involving 6 modules of tiles, organised as a ceiling structure laid out with gradient in elevation

Discovering Examples...

Guangzhou Opera House - Zaha Hadid ArchitectsTriangular glass-fibre reinforced gypsum modules on both exterior and interior facade

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Delaunay triangulated columns

B2. Case Study 1.0


S P E C I E STaking out large panels of surfaces Random patterns of anchor points Deforming line lengths

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Delaunay triangulated columns Domes instead of Columns Triangulated surface panels Excessing the number of panels

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Pattern Listing Anchor Points

Deformation through line lengths

Delaunay column formation

Triangulating surface panels

When patterning anchor points through listing, it gains overall control and flexibility of the formal outcome. It can be used to shape the resulting form and produce non-linear free floating resemblance.

Line length influences how extrusive or restrained each panel edges are. It is useful to demonstrate a sense of calm and peace or dynamism and energy through forms.

Instead of using voronoi columns, delaunay triangulations can produce a different type of column expression. How column centres (points) are patterned in relation to each other would lead to different column formal expressions.

Breaking away from the default of four-point panel surfaces. A triangulation of surface panels illustrates a simpler but interesting patterned way of breaking down a large surface into smaller panels. Eventually more interesting shapes could be produced.

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B3. Case Study 2.0

Cellular Tessellation Pavilion - Bond University

This pavilion was developed and assembled by the Bond University’s Architecture department involving students and teachers. It was designed for Sydney’s Vivid Light Festival.

The pavilion’s geometry is based on Voronoi cells created by a sphere packing technique over the general pavilion form. The cells boarders are optimised and projected onto curved plane, and offsetting those boarders to form 3D cells.

The structure is made of 380 individual cells, each of the cells allow the surface skin to curve in different directions to accommodate the overall external skin of the pavilion. Alucobond were used to make the cell walls and HDPE plastic for the skin.

Cells are bolted together with plywood spacers involving absolute precision. There were 1200 individually shaped pieces and 3000 bolts.

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Reverse Engineering Case Study 2.0

Creating Voronoi cells based on an pavilion form

Obtaining boarder frame for cells

Trimming the 3D voronoi components to the surface

Creating plane surfaces with the boarders

Using the boarders as a base and creating the closest set of planar curves and planes

Offset the panels

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Obtaining a second layer of skin

Getting the 3D surfaces between panels

Final adjustments of skins

Creating a surface connection between the edges of each corresponding panel

Overlaying the edges of the top panels as exterior skin. Moving the interior panels within the connection surfaces

Offset the panels

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Scripting Flow-Chart

Curves LoftPopulate Geometry

Voronoi 3D

Brep|Brep Control Points

PolylinesPull Points

Pull Points


Boundary Surfaces

Boundary Surfaces



A simplified demonstration of initial reverse engineering technique. Kangaroo physics is later on incorporated to resolve a few issues with this technique in terms of planarity.

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B4. Technical Development

Technical VariationsITERATION S

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Patterning Surface

Piping between connection surfaces

Form Finding with simulation

Using contours on surface panels

Patterning the surfaces can create specific functions in different panels. A collective layout of patterned panels can act as an individual section of the whole structure to achieve a certain performative purpose.

Piping can be used as a structural skeleton for the overall structure or for connections between panels. The uniquely connected pipes can have an interesting skeletal effect.

The overall form can be more specifically controlled through Kangaroo simulations, giving flexibility to alternate the structure into a more desirable typology.

Using the contours of the surface panels and extracting certain points and lines from it to generate add-on structures to the base structure, can provide sheltering, patterning the panels to increase functionality of the structure.

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B5. Technique: Prototype

Designing Brief/Agenda: Generate a structure that corresponds to the landscape, providing shelter and interactive areas for the general population in selected site. The structure is to be operable 24/7.

Material Explorations

PlywoodPlywood sheets are easy to fabricate. It can be easily bolt fixed as flat panels but can only be glued on its edges because its thin edges are prone to splitting. It is a material that generates a relatively organic representation if used as panels.

High-Density Polyethylene HDPE sheets are very chemically and impact resistant. It is a good outdoor material to use in terms of durability and strength. It is also weldable making it easy to embrace thin connection panels. When used with LED lighting it can also glow in darkness, lit up spaces.

Tempered Glass Tempered glass is physical strong to withstand human weight, it can be used as a structurally functional panel where people can walk or sit on. It can also increase transparency across the building, increasing the visibility across the structure.

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Prototype OneThis model focuses on the typology of the cells intended to be used. The cells are generated from using Voronois. Using timber as the bottom panels and HDPE as top panels and in-between connection surfaces. The combination of materials intends to incorporated organic natural experiences with plastic cells that can be lit up by LEDs to reveal itself as an colorful energetic structure that can be recognised after sunset. In terms of connection between cells, it is a still a challenge as with the current technique the connection panels are not parallel to each other.

Prototype Two Comparatively this prototype is more successful in terms of connections, as tabs are made to connect panels. The tabs itself can also be used to anchor the structure to the ground, presenting itself as a continuous structure that floats over an area. Plywood panels can be used in conjunction with HDPE panels as well as glass panels to add transparency to the structure.

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Fabrication Methods

Creating Tabs

Unrolling panels with connection surfaces

Prototype Two Comparatively this prototype is more successful in terms of connections, as tabs are made to connect panels. The tabs itself can also be used to anchor the structure to the ground, presenting itself as a continuous structure that floats over an area. Plywood panels can be used in conjunction with HDPE panels as well as glass panels to add transparency to the structure.

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B6. Technique Proposal

Potential Site Selection

A curved hill in an area with good population density and direct view to Melbourne CBD high-rise buildings

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A pavilion that to provide interactive areas both above and underneath

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The overall form of the structure is found using kangaroo physics, specifying a selected list of anchor from a random population of points on the site morph. The panel typology is based on geometric boarders created utilising points populated over the area; currently being voronoi cells but subject to changes. The simulated outcome results in polylines outlining the overall structure form. Extracting the polylines and creating planar surfaces which resembles the original voronoi cell appearance. The surfaces are then transformed to form three-dimensional cells. The current proposal is important in showing the general concept applicable to a designated area. Nonetheless, the functionality of the pavilion would be enhanced in different parts of the pavilion to respond to acoustic, scenic and other performative parametres accordingly later on. The shown proposal did not incorporate tab connections as demonstrated in prototype two. Current cellular formation technique produces adjacent tabs that are not parallel in direction, which is still to be optimised.

Technic Summary & Speculation

Overall Visual Effect

Top Area Perspective view Bottom Area Perspective view

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B7. Learning Outcomes

Computational design skills had developed quite significantly over the past couple of weeks. Through stages of excessive technical variations, a better understanding of essential scripting logic in grasshopper have started developing. Materials from reading were also considered whilst trying to experiment on different techniques, especially in variations of forms and typology. However, so far experimentations for this particular section had been quite limited to using kangaroo physics, delaunay and voronoi triangulations, other typologies should be attempted. Besides the tasks set within the course, a general perception to computational designed projects have grown, and engagement trying to understand how things may be put together both computational and physically are actively considered occasionally.

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B8. Algorithmic Sketches

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The initial proposal was developed through finding form over a curved hill using voronoi curves. The curves were planarised and offsetted to make cells. The proposal seeked to generate interactive spaces and shelters both above and below the structure itself for people to utilise as an inspiring place to socialise. Over the development period, there were several design proposals attempted to adjust to feedbacks regarding function, structure and form.

Part C Detailed Design

Design Concept Tectonic Elements & Prototype Final Detail Model Learning Objectives and Outcomes

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The initial proposal was developed through finding form over a curved hill using voronoi curves. The curves were planarised and offsetted to make cells. The proposal seeked to generate interactive spaces and shelters both above and below the structure itself for people to utilise as an inspiring place to socialise. Over the development period, there were several design proposals attempted to adjust to feedbacks regarding function, structure and form.

C.1. Proposal Review

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C.1. Proposal Feedback

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The structure is too colossal, excessive and appears to impose too much weight over the natural landscape.

The Voronoi patterns can be diffused into something that does not resemble the original appearance of a voronoi.

The form may be too dangerous for people to use above the structure.

Adjacent cells are planarised in a non-coplanar manner, increasing the complexity of connections.

Form finding technique is flexible to adjust to different landscapes and overall forms.

The spaces intended are not clearly defined, people would not know how to utilise this space.

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C.1.Review: Site SelectionSkate Park

Kids Playground

Soccer Oval

Football Oval

Proposal Site

New Site

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A close by and relatively flatter area had been selected instead of the curved hill. It was more economical to build a structure on, and less dangerous for human uses.

This area is surrounded by a playground, skate park, jets club and two ovals. Moreover, many cyclists and runners uses the paths in this area, opportunities for a project with good engagement with the population can be established.

Proposal Site

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C.1. Finding New Form

A semi-dome structure forming a shell was adopted to reduce the impact on the natural landscape. The design response shifted from creating a large continuous structure to a series of small shells for people to engage, rest and socialise within.

An outline of the dome were drawn and voronoi patterns were laid under. Parameters such as the number of voronois and its layout needed careful adjustments to allow a kangaroo simulation to perform form finding.

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The lines received from the simulation were planarised to enable the structure to be able to fabricated as panels.

An outline of the dome were drawn and voronoi patterns were laid under. Parameters such as the number of voronois and its layout needed careful adjustments to allow a kangaroo simulation to perform form finding.

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The planarised cells were unrolled and laser cut, with the bottom panel and cell edges unrolled together and etched to give convenience, whilst the top panels were unrolled individually.

Problems:The design lacked a feasible connection solution between all the cell edges.

Overall structural stability had not been achieved, structure is not braced or rigid, hence cannot be self standing at this stage.

The space between cells were unique and required different connections if top panels were to cover the structure.

C.1. Development Design

Voronoi Cells were used in the initial stage and fabrication had been attempted. The cells were able to be planarised in a coplanar manner. However, many problems arises with this design in terms of connections and structural stability.

3D model of initial design

The model could not be fitted together because the material thickness were not account for, hence the cells could not be enclosed.

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The planarised cells were unrolled and laser cut, with the bottom panel and cell edges unrolled together and etched to give convenience, whilst the top panels were unrolled individually.

Problems:The design lacked a feasible connection solution between all the cell edges.

Overall structural stability had not been achieved, structure is not braced or rigid, hence cannot be self standing at this stage.

The space between cells were unique and required different connections if top panels were to cover the structure.

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This design stepped away from a cellular structure to a skeletal system that were able to attach the ETFE panels to form a shell. A structural framing system was developed to resolve the connection and stability problems. The design utilise steel frames which are welded together at nodes and a sub-framing system was also incorporated to ensure the structure’s stability.

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C.1. Developing Design

Inter-Subframe connection

Panel Frame Node

Panel Frame


A complex structural system where the panel frames would support the panels, the nodes are used to rigidly weld and brace the frames together, a subframe using thinner steel members is connected to the end points of each voronoi edge and converge towards a central subframe node. The subframes have connections between each other to brace the overall system.

This design stepped away from a cellular structure to a skeletal system that were able to attach the ETFE panels to form a shell. A structural framing system was developed to resolve the connection and stability problems. The design utilise steel frames which are welded together at nodes and a sub-framing system was also incorporated to ensure the structure’s stability.

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Site Response For Developing Design

A series of shells had been placed amount the flat ground surrounded by the various of facilities introduced previously. The direction of each shell is to symbolise a different element which had impacted this landscape overtime.

Hayes Hill where the volcanic eruptions had taken place, which its lava incised through the earth over the years to form Merri Creek.

View to the CBD high rise buildings. A grand open view to inspire people to observe the development of a contemporary city.

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C.1. Developing Design

Direction of where the Wurundjeri-william aboriginal clan had occupied by Merri Creek prior to current arrangements,

Site Response For Developing Design

View to the CBD high rise buildings. A grand open view to inspire people to observe the development of a contemporary city.

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Design Intention For Developing Design

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C.1. Developing Design

This design seeks to create a series of semi-private spaces, for individuals or groups of people to rest, socialise and enjoy the open view to the natural landscape and human activities. This design uses different colored panels and frames, to symbolise the elements of historical developments corresponding to the directional facing of its openings (Volcanic Formation>Aboriginal Occupation>Modern Melbourne). The colors are not to impose a purpose in a paternal manner, but rather to inspire people to reflect on this space in their own way.

Design Intention For Developing Design

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Review Developing Design

The design had resolved a structural system that can be fabricated or manufactured in a realistic fashion. Nevertheless, the structural system seems too excessive and unnecessary for a structural shell of this size. Furthermore, the structural elements lacked design inputs, it is not very interesting in terms of what people would see and engage. People would be seeing a large amount of structural frames underneath the shells, which may be unpleasant and degrades the intention of having a light weight structure. In speculation, the structural elements may be introduced with more design inputs, making the overall design more interesting. Ideas such as adding panels between the triangulated subframing systems; using rings as a connection system to brace the frames together, which increases the elegance of the structural solution were introduced during studios. A different form could be utilised instead of the shells, as the shells appear quite simple. The use of colors is too indirect at attempting to lead to people to understand the importance behind it. The link between the three elements it is trying to symbolise is not very obvious as well. Hence it may seem strange to users rather than inspiring.

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C.1. Developing Design

Height: 3MOpening:2.8M

Review Developing Design

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C.1. Finalised Design

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The finalised design retained the overall shell form. A secondary layer is created underneath the structural frames and the structural frames itself had been slightly reduced because it was redundant to an extent. The underlayer is visually interesting and organic for people to engage with. It would reveal some structures behind it that would appear as unique patterns through the holes of the underlayer, due to the random sizes and positions of the holes. The panels have been designed to be sun responsive. The membranes are composed of stretchable ETFE materials which would be stretched at a greater scale towards the sun, meanwhile the membranes facing other directions would be less stretched to allow more light in. The membranes are designed to reduce glare and UV radiations which would provide more comfort for users. Colors of the structures have retreated to primary RGB colors, as it is too vague to attempt to link historical events simply using colors. However, the opening directions have remained that way because they can receive open views to different landscapes and facilities around the design. Parametric elegance can be illustrated through the different membrane openings of panels and the organic form of the underlayers. The structure is designed to be dynamic and intelligent. External panels have a rigid pattern appearance, however the underlayers reveal soft and curvy patterns. Such contrast generates an interesting visual engagement and physical transition for users around the structure.

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C.1. Finalised Design

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C.1. Finalised Design

Site Response For Finalised Design

The allocation of domes had not been changed from the previous development. The intention had shifted to create shaped views to different elements in the surrounding context.

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C.1. Finalised Design

Sun Response Demonstration

Morning - Easterly Sun Noon - Overhead Sun

The membranes level of stretch/openness directly responds to the sun’s direction during different times of the day. The membranes do not fully close to provide weather tight functions.

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Afternoon - Westerly Sun

This mechanism would be controlled by a roller that pulls and releases the membranes. The rollers are signalled by daylight sensors.

Noon - Overhead Sun

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C.1. Technique Diagram

Planarised curves were used to form frame through piping. Spheres were created as nodes at the end points. Area centres were offset to create a point for subframes

Threads that pull the panels are connected at end points, the vertices of scaled panels are used to create lines. Hence when the panel changes the thread changes.

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The area centres which had been offset for the subframe nodes were randomly reduced and used to generate a delaunay mesh and triangulated through weaverbird. Therefore the internal layer would be able to align with subframe nodes for connections.

Using weaverbird’s Catmull-Clark subdivision to create a smooth layer.

A curve was drawn to simulate sun path, a point on curve is plotted. The scaling factor of the panels corresponds to the distance between the point on curve and panel area centres.

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C.2. Tectonics

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Welding creates a rigid connection between steel frames, without the need to worry about structural stability.

Resin is chosen to be 3D printed to form the interior layer. Resin have a very high surface finish quality which appears elegant as a soft and organic interior layer.

Steel threads are very strong and also able to be rolled. Its has the advantage of minimising visual disturbance whilst serving its function without the tendency to fail, break or tear.

The panels uses a single layer of ETFE membrane. ETFE is a great material to use for tension structures as it is highly elastic and can stretch up to three-times of its original state. The panels also provide a very good thermal barrier, preventing glaring and excessive radiation which could be harmful in extreme weathers.

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The steel threads wraps around a roller at the main frame nodes,and is pulled by another roller inside the subframe node. The panel adjusting roller is fitted in the subframe node to be hidden between the layers.

C.2. Tectonics

Steel Frame welded to structural nodes

Stretchable ETFE panels which are tied to steel threads

Resin underlayer hanged in tension by steel threads

The steel threads ties around the rings on the subframe nodes and the underlayer, the thread is adjustable to ensure the underlayer is tightly pulled in tension, restraining it to place.

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The steel threads wraps around a roller at the main frame nodes,and is pulled by another roller inside the subframe node. The panel adjusting roller is fitted in the subframe node to be hidden between the layers.

The steel threads ties around the rings on the subframe nodes and the underlayer, the thread is adjustable to ensure the underlayer is tightly pulled in tension, restraining it to place.

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C.3. Final Model

Making the frames with rings for panel threads

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Panel membranes were laser cut in Perspex, but it was too heavy for this model demonstration, hence screen board cut to the same dimension were used. Holes drilled for threads

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C.3. Final Model

Panels and underlayers connected.

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Underlayer hanging onto the subframe node in tension.

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C.4. Learning Outcome

An expensive, cute looking but useless 3D printed model of a developing design were finally finished after my final presentation.

The studio had been extremely interesting and inspiring over the semester. Parametric designing is quite different to how conventionally designs would have been approached, and a logic that is applicable to design parametrically had been developed over the semester. Skills with parametric tools had been grasped on a very beginner level. There had been a stronger development of skills in terms of using voronois and kangaroos. I have came to understand that unique plugins can create completely different things, and sometimes parametric tools may be inspiring. If more skills were acquired, I would be able to make the tools work for my design, which was somewhat the case towards the last development; using parametric tools to create a realistically functional design that had been produced in my mind.

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