lfnr f ii i i s -...

O- itt i ii J h 7 ri v tndd t 1 lp ell Ii i I- lFnr F I s r t BOILIWC DOWN THE STOCK ROOM FOR NEW GOODS get time best there is in ami Ihose ho know nn thing about our Clearance Sale of Dry Goods know very well that this is well worth coming Prices have been boiled harder than the stock and rcw cents remaining on each article is not big enough to be considered a price at nil Our fall goods will begin to arrive in abrut two weeks imd- wemust have room as well as money and all sunimer goods now on hand must go Only t few more left I ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS TO BUY THEM DOME EARLY THE EARNEST DRY GOODS COMPANY La Villa Grocer FREEMAN MORTON I C ltlc Ciuupltlo Jliu Proprietors Staple and Fancy Groceries Stove Wood in large quantities Orders delivered IpP promptly anywhere in Punta Gordn Telephone No 53 Cwarooory 2 2- 1IUWU ANn ItltllAIIIK STOCK 01 STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES V the Lowest Living IriccsH Prompt delivery tonnv part of the city A hart of our pntronigc 4 Is N N WAKEFIELD SiiT Corner Mnrmti Avenue and King Street AOBNT for AMBN Slant COMPANYS SKKD- SIj Onlors aped iiromptly Telephone No 1- 1fe How Nice a Man Looks Agem lor If he is well russet and clothing now ROYAL cheap there is no excuse for not dressing r TAILORS well Go to R C UKOIMTS nnd let him V 5Si urr He has just received I I An Elegant lute of SlilrtB A of the Newest Styles also a Large Stock of ly2 Serviceable Fine Shoes Woolen Underwear Etc 3Et O DBXjtOtTISTT I Next door to tine Postoificc Punta Qorda A ROE Wholesale ami Retail Denier In HAY GRAIN FEED Hiiro for poultry and stock for No i Cypress Tanks with patent lugs D A Holcumb of this Call get m prices and patronize home industry aee1lttlt11eG1teiQevtVIiJ j i TO MAKE J j f I r r p EJarly suyers Fill i g 1 w 1 II filter l J I J I- ii J I or- e n U J- sreVV V it I oAt I free l s Ij t 0- I is so- T r fit 0 a anted Pall 1 tt t and Oexnent- i for Armours cclebrntcd complete S nnd the celebrated Magic Food L b t t t lf R ae S a eti r w V tl ItTA1 x r4 f i wt s the- e r 4 I ti4R aN iRR R DxN Y f t l7 ONR- p I t i yea 4 t e t Pants nil lints Fla- t SQIe fcrtil- izers and chefUcnls Agent < > > > = = = = FOR RETAIL BUYERS Besides the Usually Complete Stock Cheapest IN TOWN I 1IAVB ADIJUU A SELECT LINT OK MENS PANTS AND UNDERWEAR Ladies and Childrens Shirt Waists Rig Variety of 50 nnd IDC Goods also a large tock of Tinware Tableware and Crockery V ANt PRE GOODS AND GET WUCEH OR JAMESON rIN M NWS of ao STAJLE 6nOCEnIES AND ANOY I I I it i WEit tK THOS 11 E f UUUV t CALL u FIRE HEALTH ACCIDENT INSURANCE JOHN II IAHHINUTON ARHl- tAilni tninrinc Comrntirof Iiriroid Omni Ccnllnemil Iltotiiiiiriijcc Coinpiiijf if- Ni York Company of New TlivVliUIUjriiiitCiiulllj Company of Do you know whit llliAITII 1N8UII M It mar t worth i r- vr l thlHK ncr to Informed LOCAL BREVITIES PERSONAL POINTERS IITJflLY PAINTED VnrliMiillmiu toriicrrit From IliU Other IlcliUAVImt People DnlnK It wns wot equinox Noxt Woilnosdny will bo OctUt Money to MOil K 1 llnrvoyi itgt YOU con now not throe stomps n nlokolnt tho yostolHco- Oo to Hwlfts Tin fllion for gnlvn- nlaotl Iron utovo pli c 11- 2Bflttmlny Oct Uth will bo Yon Klppiir tile Day of Atonement THY H W Smiths brnml cnk niul frost bnkotl tlnlly 38tf- Tlio wonthor tho ynst wook boon worm lor this Unto of Fur Ktovo pipe ntul of nl- kuidft unit TlnBhop8a wtlllio tho now your cnlfuil In llobrow Tlshrci- Honli Hnslmnnlii- If Oil tho broad cukes timid plat RO o If W Sinltli Imkoryi JAck iHlllllllItfMtf Mr W H llnttklii has rotiirnoil iiiontlitf absence nt sir forinoi homo In IlllnolB- Cnpt niulMrs 0 II Hull and Mr nnd Mm V J Unit rotiirnoil from Coy WofttMomlny Any errors In bllli- Hoiitout will bo promptly corrootoil on boltiR pointful out to Mritml- Mr t M M n tluitglitor Con KrntulutloiiB are poitdiiK In Mr Nnrinqn Hewitt In hnvlng n itlco qottnjjo built for lilnmolf Hoer Ills fathers plnco In Knit Ilintu Oordn Acres of hynolntbg have bcim Hunt hiRtlown time liny for Kovoml wookn- pnsti a fnottlmt liullciitun honey rains ntiovoi Ivory voter who Is In doubt nboiit tho validity of registration should HO nt onco to Judge Hnrdeo- ntul not legally rogUlorod FOIL SAIjK Olio uoro wnttr front of with rlpiirlnn rights Apply to ThoH OH Sltf It M now Squlro Admits Tho gov- ernor has appointed KrntiolH 1C Ad- ams Jiutloo of for this dl- Htrlctio8iiecocIJiulgonrdojVcfl ii ed Tho miooiilont oyster tnndo Drst appearance this man ket lust ninny J H Molutonh got In a bout late and they wont like hot cokes Young ladlcit donlrln work per tiny with which to pay fcr education In part may wrlto ntunco to Littleton Konmlo Collego Little NO- Mrlt llnBBotllii now engaged in time supply store of JlrT 1 Fitzger- ald nod will bo glad to have his former customers to cnll- on lilm there Cups WhltcBlilos and 1lorco gov orninont Inspectors are hero tor lime purpofloof their regular anal Inspoctlon of tho songoing tug Albert F Dewoy- Tlio missionary rally of tho Motho dlHt Hiiiulny school will take place on Sunday Out but It will bo n most IntorofltliiK occasion anti no ono should to attend Tlm second noli artoslnn well for the big Ico factory 1 being put down as rapidly ns tho power of the host machinery will ml in It anti thut means flint sntlsfnotory progress linn Mrs DrfloBt nut dnughtor Miss Stella roturnod from Pennsylvania Tuoidny morning They loft Joe tho son mid brother In Pennsylvania whore ho has secured lucrative em- ployment Littleton Fomalo College Little ton N U hns oponoil with about 120 hoarding pupils presets tiny This Is tho largest opening In the history of tho Institution Many others nro yet expected Every Indy In DoSoto county should begin to prcpnro something to exhibit at the Btnto Fair A slstant Commissioner Orotieh will y Tee lIe Nita lUlu York S 1 1 Iud y n nod Our Ate n for n Next 1hnudn Jowl h bole llIb orlltl 1I HlIlHhl l3eptr2111 Veto ids cllltlo dock Flit the Ilolleo Its time snasonin tour Jiours Irlolld8 II lid on the ADD t to Vary M plus Inns ronnrJ ably the ycnr frees Item ton nit fall 8 first < < < > ¬ < ¬ < supply nil needed Information to the ladles and others of this locality Horn In Arcadia Wednesday Septr 17th lust to Cnpt mid Mrs T J D Lamar n son namo not yob lonrued Tho happy oolvlng a doltigo of congrat- ulations In which TJIK HKIIAM Joy- ously Joins Tho Spanish steamer Oracln In below tho Long Dork loading 4000 tutu phosphate for Plymouth and Falmouth England This U tho shipment by the Pcnoo liver Pho photo Co since their works worn burred several months ago man who expects to vote at time November election should make suro that ho Is loyally registered Theso who registered for tho July primary will have to resistor again Go ntonco to Judge Hordoe anti got your naiiio put on the list according to law parouts are ro 11e first 1 very e ¬ N N Wnkoflold tho grocor Hn bought thu Intorpst of lily pnrtnor- Mr r nn nnil It now n lone liiind In biiBlnosK Ho keeps up n flue Irmlo Ho has tho ngonoy for tho giirdon anti Hold Hoods of limn Allen Hoed Jo- Jilnck and tovo popular prices ut BwlftH TlnHhoplM largo nttondnneii at time high school having nooosBlintcd tho em ploymout of mi mldltloiml teacher tho trunUo have ohoioii Miss Lulfl Williams to assist lit tetiohlng tho prlmnry grndns this makes n tJtal- uf six tcnchers niul tho eohool con- tinues grow Cnll IlmnoiH for prompt delivery- of grocorlos IJ Mr K F Sholllold on Tiiosdny killed n Inrgo diamond bnok rnttlf that was crnwllng through his yard on Alligator crook Ho sklunfid tho reptile putt brought tho skin to Taxidermist Jack to ho tnimod It Is very pretty null will make n- unique bolt Call nrotind and sec stow lone stoves Just received nt Swlfla tin novo II W Joyuor pastor of the Methodist oluireh roturnod frofn Atlantn Tuosday morning bringing with him 1 A Cook who hind visited Atlanta tot modlonl treat tiiont Tho ladys mnny bo grieved to know that liar honltli has not Improved For a bad taste In tho mouth take Chamberlains Stomach stud Llvor Tablets For sale by nil druggists td t 1 good lu k8olillcholll 111111111 O friends will Ito lee m e lie Mrs > Mr mil Mrs Don Allan loft Baturdny for the proud Army rouii Ion In Irom there tlio will Philadelphianml Clilnag to visit wilt rolurn hum about the mlddlo of November Their nnny frlondti wish them r pleasant trip not n safe return ThoVuntn Oorda Stables A Sownitl mnnngon Is n now enterprise ontnbllslicd a share of tho public Oood horses glee mud fnlr 17tf Mr Joint 0 Lewiss Mends Imngliio that ho IB about sixty yours old This Is Having lived In Iuiitn Oordn twolvo or four tools years IIIIB put him back III tho thirties and now ho IB a young mid On Bundivy night Mrt- Lowln presented him with n hrnml now liMb sot FOH BALK Ono acre ago known ns west half of Alice between the Consult ilntod leo Cos dock and time cattle dock Persons meaning business Ity seekers apply olsowhorc 84tf Mr Wm Whltton Inst Friday sot out 0000 strawberry plants place III Ilnonpplo Cantor WhyTln the mischief doesnt ovory Jolly ol a- do tho Hnmn thing Wo have n- itrnwbcrry fnmlno ovory spring whereas If wo would only half try wo could have strawberries enough to food a hungry army THIS IIKAHON 1VIIV- v HatioockH In It niul tho loading physicians suns diseases as plus Illiigworin Holt Dnn Horo throat Cuts lltirtm sores amid ull blond und kin troubles No homo nhouUl bo without It Ask your druggists for n book on Liquid Tho Hiigni npplo custard npplo sweet sop or whatever you may cell tho thing has homo ripe about town forsovornl weoko If you wish to know exactly how the thlnir testes Just lilt your mouth chockfull of small nuts Wo llko fruit but this particular nrtloto Is n downright mud Olvo us a plnonpplo Mr I P Dntighorty lull known Meteor and Biimnor Bounties W Vu most likely owes his llfo to limo llo was almost hopelessly nflllctod with was two who gave him little If nay i loarn his norloiis condition brought hint a bottle of Chninborlnlns Colic Oholora nod Diarrhoea which oared slut In loss limit twen For snlo by nil This for tin hunter mid uthorsi Tho open season for door begins on October hat oiiVobrunry 1st No person In allowed to kill more luau flvo door In n season open eason fonluck begins oh October lilt and ends on April let Tho opim for wild turkey and quail be gins on November 1st nnd ends on- Nfnrch Ut Judgo Arllnolflourunmo and fish warden Itoport violations of tho luw to him last IO to relatives nml 1 oil ulhltuko to ThoR curies Hulphur ot lCIIlI1I II lid om tretnti lout only happy instil runty 01 bo over for drug- gists juicer drug- gists rise season < ¬ + Cnimtlpitlluii Take two of hot water hull an hour before each meal and faro going to bed also a of water or cold to hours alter each meal Tako lots of exorcise wulk rite drive Mnko a regular habit of this und In may bo lured without tho use of take mild and like titomnch Tablets For snlo by nil druggists- td rilOTOClUAlllIU HTUI1K- Ifr K M Williams of Tort Myers arrived Inst week and has opened n photographic studio In a suite of rooms In Hotel Punta Oorda Ho comes highly rccotnmondnd for Bklll In taking pictures of sill kinds Including views of cs and natural scenery and those who wish work In his lino may as- sured that he will glvo them antis faction AH Isis stay Is limited It In advis- able to glvo him an early cull Rend Ids card In this paper ter Cure for Chrllnlu lust I s Ids loot out- door I something gentle residences ¬ > ¬ ¬ IlMldod tho Bf J toutorprlBB fifth Uonmilldntoil Comprtuy ntwflrnl prl veto oltUoiifi iiro projecting tint riui king Important lmprovomotit la west end of town those arc A store 40 by 100 foot nrUl n 10 room dwolllng on tho corner of Mn rlnn ft von no nt the railroad crossing Anti thoro Is n report that a tlcrooo residence Is built on the Vin lug trlnneulnr lot Thus limo town Is building at both onus nt once iuinljiiii llmiul Kvnporttteil Crrum- IH A subtltuto for milk mid cream and IH nt onoo nvnllnhln fur nil U o it on frtiltH nmlcorenU and lit ell kliuln of beverages such ns ton uolfeo nnd to tho romilremontH of soda fountain ratio Forsnlo by nil first Florida by HOHDKNH- CONUHNHUII Mr null Mrs Albert FDowoyloft spcolul ovoit lug for Savannah whore tho former will outer Josephs tw tho purpose of linvlnff hl wound oxmnln- od by ray process with n to the extraction of tho bnll and nuy other export treatment which his wound may bo thought to roqiilro This In simply u pruontitlonnry tliovn tho object to bo placed whorl thoro Is ovory fitoMlty for proper treatment In ease tho wound any sorlotis- oomplloatlotiP Nothing Horloun how over IH Mr many friends continue spoody rooovory anti ntsafor the ills oovory of his wottldbo nsaaealn soomato Imvo loft no lo- teotloii Clio Jcrtoot l 1I1 rOlII d MUIC I In n the D to hope Isis hilt tube tow on his part fur visa clue tor < < = Ull Lit saved r Julie intern mill Dliirrtturn- Hpiurclf H L flyer a mood known of this ho Cham- borlnluH Colic Cholera null Ilnr tnor Ho had boon month with wont tlm doctor cull blllotm stud nothing to do him good until ho hl It gave huts re hot Md For snlohy nil drug lst tl i HIIIIMUNTS OK 1ISII lie tho week endingWednesday- night tiopt 21th tim following manta of fresh lists vurb Iiy frolghl 7 solid cars mill H liiir rolsBy ozpross5 cnrs all Total 13 oars 217 barrels iimount lug to 800100 pounds italic fur than SufferIng Hancocks Liquid Sulphur yll rIve you euro all sunk I- BKooiiut Teller Stilt Ilhoiiin lnmlrilft Sorts throat Cuts kln troublcH Hundreds of akin dlsoakCH have boon pormniioiitly our odby other havo For stile by druggists tf IMMMAIIIHNIIIlMKKTI- Tlio fallowing are time of fancy plnoapplos rondo from potent for tho ojiillng Sept S2t M ts- CliamherlalnM has- a romnrknblo record It linn In use for thirty years during which time many hour used It has long hems standard anti main ro In tho treatment of croup lit thousands of homos nil thin auto no case has over peon reported to the manufacturer In tailed to a Whon Klvon as noon as tho child hoarse or nu aft tho croupy cough appears It will pleasant take mina opium or other harmful bo to a baby ai to nn adult For sale by 101 TIIIIUWN AVAV factory began to throw away lea last Saturday ot limo IsbollPortor Co are inoroly time Inimoiun refriger- ating mnchlnos mid thus far they have found It satisfactory During the past w ok they have rondo a groat deal ot Ico mad having- no use fur It at present have lossod carloads of It out on tho ground to tho delight of top small boys who devoured otioiigh or It to give them pleurisy for three mouths The boys took away nil they could carry nod no doubt worried tliolr- mothom to distraction to mnka lea dream test of time lee machine will r t rjlltle poiutl Itluitr worm blood Hid tho IIno 0 Hul 11 s Lists 19 t II 1 11 Ihi u- to J J 1tt- j 1 I ul j HOlll dy e re oven 00 tIC glltH fho flout lup Jh ngolt8 tostllll one or stck fob a says t Inn wram tills h role tier foiled week Sept 111th I Ornto- sI n tk Iota A teen be- comes prey 5558 R Ito ¬ < contlnno until and relia- bility have boon thoroughly estab- lished Tho tlltlngtnblo Upon which ton cakes of lea are placed bytbopl- eotrlo crano mIll tho electric saws that out them nto small blocks nil working finely In fact tim on tire eloclrlo apparatus dynamo nib tars crano tlltor und saws to their business with prompt and boun- tiful precision time Isbolllortor demon stratod that are theIr profession amid know ha put up run any Kind of machin- ery as M known havo the contract for puttlHjriln time steBin qiilpniont fortho Consolidated puny a 33- WL DOUGLAS SHOES Bivl INTHE WOPCQ 1111 the 1111t1olllen Co tho monitors of m to- i C and her LLxC71l y- I a a r v t t ¬ ¬ OF ALL SUMMER GOODS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Lawns Percales Dimities Wliito Goods Ladies Shirt Waists Skirts TrimmodHiits Special SalO Ol Dutoliosa Trousers and Boys Stiw Hats JjE3LLJ A W Sole Agent w i 3SLIOTT BE CAREFUL WHAT YOUAt I holesome Food SUCH A8 CAN ALWAYS KIN AT THE AND the Gjrocory line including resli Meats of nIl dills Fruits Vegetables and Chickens Rock bottom prices Proifopt Free Delivery is Interested getting tho BEST goods at the LOWEST prices Tlmt is what we lire doing getting thu host of evcry thing at lowest cost rind giving Otaii Ovistoxi3ior tlxo 33oxxo lt of tho LOW PRICES we got ourselves Accordingly when in need tf Dry Goods and Shoes J Hats Gents Furnishings or else in the nature J of FAMILY FARM or BOAT SUPPLIES you find It to your interest to call 1 WOTITZKY Punta Govda Florida H KmmvimKwt mm mmmm mmmmmmmtmmm S LtMANK IVenUtnt V H iJROWNSecy and Tr- tmQORDI i Vholcwlq and Retail beaten Ins STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES M HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS PAINTS SHIP CHANDLERY AND BOAT EQUIPMENTS Farming Implements Fertilizers Mens Shoes Shirts ancpfflDralls lest Ooods at the Lowest Prices T PUNTAGORDA When In need of f INE Come to this e t tn w AI n T CLEAR N j n Es r- tIN i Melts Cost Jiri for I t ii XWI j- rho pst No trouble to show RESPECTFULLY I v r h 1 jt oilllcdta viuisuassiSi Y u If GM S Co I QotJs and to vorytltirtg in n uu uu k i t IfJ i k I anything o- nE 0 m i TRADING CnMPANyi t i t T I fN i ii i 4 I j Tune ii Ittta J 1 4i i J G ii- t 1t L tt7 I li 1141 IINN S L4- aL LE II- h N4tilA R M I i M xi O liNl sM1 11A4Nltw Fy 4 t y ti Nt N t bH t frVdtlYltiO L v w aotuvgtE oeee IhDE3T r surer NrHtWeruo Douglas SlioetAT- gTf y stho otho ViToield goods ke- n fir p Sr r ante Merkel Ship Hoppiy l- a k a- In Groccrier I moil r r era Tt1I VQNT4 r t 4 rl and ry K1 FLORIDA U1Ltxr k1111f1fEll dry < < < > > > > > > > > + + < <

Upload: doanhanh

Post on 11-Apr-2019




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get time best there is in

ami Ihose ho know nnthing about our

Clearance Sale ofDry Goods

know very well that this is

well worth comingPrices have been boiled

harder than the stock andrcw cents remaining on eacharticle is not big enough to beconsidered a price at nil

Our fall goods will begin toarrive in abrut two weeks imd-

wemust have room as well asmoney and all sunimer goodsnow on hand must go Onlyt few more left





I C ltlc Ciuupltlo JliuProprietors

Staple and Fancy GroceriesStove Wood in large quantities Orders delivered

IpP promptly anywhere in Punta Gordn Telephone No 53

Cwarooory 22-


STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIESV the Lowest Living IriccsH

Prompt delivery tonnv part of the city A hart of our pntronigc4 Is

N N WAKEFIELDSiiT Corner Mnrmti Avenue and King Street

AOBNT for AMBN Slant COMPANYS SKKD-SIj Onlors aped iiromptly Telephone No 1-

1fe How Nice a Man LooksAgem lor If he is well russet and clothing now

ROYAL cheap there is no excuse for not dressingr TAILORS well Go to R C UKOIMTS nnd let him

V 5Siurr He has just receivedI I An Elegant lute of SlilrtB

A of the Newest Styles also a Large Stock of

ly2 Serviceable Fine Shoes Woolen Underwear Etc

3Et O DBXjtOtTISTTI Next door to tine Postoificc Punta Qorda

A ROEWholesale ami Retail Denier In

HAY GRAIN FEEDHiirofor poultry and stock

for No i Cypress Tanks with patent lugsD A Holcumb of this Call get m prices

and patronize home industry





J jf



r p EJarly suyersFill





II filter






JI or-


n UJ-





free ls


t 0-


is so-T


fit 0 aanted Pall

1 tt

tand Oexnent-

i for Armours cclebrntcd completeS nnd the celebrated Magic Food


b t t t lfR



eti rw V












ti4R aN iRR R DxN Y f t l7 ONR-p



i yea




tPants nil lints



SQIe fcrtil-

izers and chefUcnls






= = = =



Besides the Usually Complete Stock Cheapest


MENS PANTS AND UNDERWEARLadies and Childrens Shirt Waists

Rig Variety of 50 nnd IDC Goods also a large tock of

Tinware Tableware and CrockeryV



NWSof ao





iWEit tK THOS 11







tAilni tninrinc Comrntirof IiriroidOmni

Ccnllnemil Iltotiiiiiriijcc Coinpiiijf if-

Ni YorkCompany of New

TlivVliUIUjriiiitCiiulllj Company of

Do you know whit llliAITII 1N8UIIM It mar t worth i r-

vr l thlHK ncrto Informed



VnrliMiillmiu toriicrrit From IliUOther IlcliUAVImt People


It wns wot equinoxNoxt Woilnosdny will bo OctUtMoney to MOil K 1 llnrvoyi itgtYOU con now not throe stomps

n nlokolnt tho yostolHco-

Oo to Hwlfts Tin fllion for gnlvn-nlaotl Iron utovo pli c 11-

2Bflttmlny Oct Uth will bo YonKlppiir tile Day of Atonement

THY H W Smiths brnml cnkniul frost bnkotl tlnlly 38tf-

Tlio wonthor tho ynst wookboon worm lor this Untoof

Fur Ktovo pipe ntul of nl-

kuidft unit TlnBhop8awtlllio tho

now your cnlfuil In llobrow Tlshrci-Honli Hnslmnnlii-

If Oil tho broad cukes timid platRO o If W Sinltli Imkoryi JAck

iHlllllllItfMtfMr W H llnttklii has rotiirnoil

iiiontlitf absence nt sir forinoihomo In IlllnolB-

Cnpt niulMrs 0 II Hull and Mrnnd Mm V J Unit rotiirnoil fromCoy WofttMomlny

Any errors In bllli-Hoiitout will bo promptly corrootoilon boltiR pointful out

to Mritml-Mr t M M n tluitglitor ConKrntulutloiiB are poitdiiK In

Mr Nnrinqn Hewitt In hnvlng n

itlco qottnjjo built for lilnmolf Hoer Ills

fathers plnco In Knit Ilintu Oordn

Acres of hynolntbg have bcim Hunt

hiRtlown time liny for Kovoml wookn-

pnsti a fnottlmt liullciitun honey rainsntiovoi

Ivory voter who Is In doubt nboiittho validity of registrationshould HO nt onco to Judge Hnrdeo-ntul not legally rogUlorod

FOIL SAIjK Olio uoro wnttr frontof with rlpiirlnn

rights Apply to ThoH OHSltf

It M now Squlro Admits Tho gov-

ernor has appointed KrntiolH 1C Ad-

ams Jiutloo of for this dl-Htrlctio8iiecocIJiulgonrdojVcfl ii


Tho miooiilont oyster tnndo Drstappearance this manket lust ninny J H Molutonh gotIn a bout late and they wont like hotcokes

Young ladlcit donlrlnwork per tiny with which to pay fcreducation In part may wrlto ntuncoto Littleton Konmlo Collego Little


Mrlt llnBBotllii now engaged intime supply store of JlrT 1 Fitzger-ald nod will bo glad to have his

former customers to cnll-

on lilm thereCups WhltcBlilos and 1lorco gov

orninont Inspectors are hero tor lime

purpofloof their regularanal Inspoctlon of tho songoing tug

Albert F Dewoy-

Tlio missionary rally of tho MothodlHt Hiiiulny school will take placeon Sunday Out but It will bo nmost IntorofltliiK occasion anti noono should to attend

Tlm second noli artoslnn well forthe big Ico factory 1 being put downas rapidly ns tho power of the hostmachinery will ml in It anti thutmeans flint sntlsfnotory progress linn

Mrs DrfloBt nut dnughtor MissStella roturnod from PennsylvaniaTuoidny morning They loft Joe thoson mid brother In Pennsylvaniawhore ho has secured lucrative em-

ploymentLittleton Fomalo College Little

ton N U hns oponoil with about 120

hoarding pupils presetstiny This Is tho largest opening In

the history of tho Institution Manyothers nro yet expected

Every Indy In DoSoto countyshould begin to prcpnro somethingto exhibit at the Btnto Fair Aslstant Commissioner Orotieh will


Tee lIe Nita lUluYork

S1 1 Iud

y n






Next 1hnudn Jowl h


llIb orlltl 1I

HlIlHhl l3eptr2111Veto


cllltlo dock


the Ilolleo

Itstime snasonin

tour Jiours

Irlolld8 II lid

on the



Vary M


ronnrJ ablythe ycnr















supply nil needed Information to theladles and others of this locality

Horn In Arcadia WednesdaySeptr 17th lust to Cnpt mid Mrs TJ D Lamar n son namo not yoblonrued Tho happyoolvlng a doltigo of congrat-ulations In which TJIK HKIIAM Joy-

ously Joins

Tho Spanish steamer Oracln In

below tho Long Dork loading 4000tutu phosphate for Plymouth andFalmouth England This U thoshipment by the Pcnoo liver Phophoto Co since their works wornburred several months ago

man who expects to vote attime November election should makesuro that ho Is loyally registeredTheso who registered for tho Julyprimary will have to resistor againGo ntonco to Judge Hordoe anti gotyour naiiio put on the list accordingto law

parouts are ro11e


1 very



N N Wnkoflold tho grocor Hn

bought thu Intorpst of lily pnrtnor-

Mr r nn nnil It nown lone liiind In biiBlnosK Ho keeps

up n flue Irmlo Ho has tho ngonoyfor tho giirdon anti Hold Hoods of limn

Allen Hoed Jo-

Jilnck and tovopopular prices ut BwlftH TlnHhoplM

largo nttondnneii at time highschool having nooosBlintcd tho employmout of mi mldltloiml teachertho trunUo have ohoioii Miss LulflWilliams to assist lit tetiohlng thoprlmnry grndns this makes n tJtal-uf six tcnchers niul tho eohool con-

tinues growCnll IlmnoiH for prompt delivery-

of grocorlos IJ

Mr K F Sholllold on Tiiosdnykilled n Inrgo diamond bnok rnttlf

that was crnwllng through hisyard on Alligator crook Ho sklunfidtho reptile putt brought tho skin toTaxidermist Jack to ho tnimod ItIs very pretty null will make n-

unique boltCall nrotind and sec stow

lone stoves Just received nt Swlflatin

novo II W Joyuor pastor of theMethodist oluireh roturnod frofn

Atlantn Tuosday morning bringingwith him 1 A Cook who hind

visited Atlanta tot modlonl treattiiont Tho ladys mnnybo grieved to know that liar honltlihas not Improved

For a bad taste In tho mouth takeChamberlains Stomach stud LlvorTablets For sale by nil druggiststd



good lu k8olillcholll 111111111


friends will


leem e




Mr mil Mrs Don Allan loftBaturdny for the proud Army rouiiIon In Irom there tliowill Philadelphianml Clilnagto visit wilt rolurn humabout the mlddlo of NovemberTheir nnny frlondti wish them rpleasant trip not n safe return

ThoVuntn Oorda StablesA Sownitl mnnngon Is n now

enterprise ontnbllslicda share of tho public

Oood horsesglee mud fnlr 17tf

Mr Joint 0 Lewiss MendsImngliio that ho IB about sixty yoursold This Is Havinglived In Iuiitn Oordn twolvo or fourtools years IIIIB put him back III thothirties and now ho IB a young mid

On Bundivy night Mrt-

Lowln presented him with n hrnmlnow liMb sot

FOH BALK Ono acreago known ns west half of Alice

between the Consultilntod leo Cos dock and time cattledock Persons meaning business

Ity seekers apply olsowhorc 84tfMr Wm Whltton Inst Friday sot

out 0000 strawberry plantsplace III Ilnonpplo Cantor WhyTlnthe mischief doesnt ovory Jolly ol a-

do tho Hnmn thing Wo have n-

itrnwbcrry fnmlno ovory springwhereas If wo would only half trywo could have strawberries enough tofood a hungry army


v HatioockHIn It niul

tho loading physicianssuns diseases as

plus Illiigworin Holt DnnHoro throat Cuts

lltirtm sores amid ull blond undkin troubles No homo nhouUl bowithout It Ask your druggists for nbook on Liquid

Tho Hiigni npplo custard npplosweet sop or whatever you maycell tho thing has homo ripe

about town forsovornl weoko If you

wish to know exactly how the thlnirtestes Just lilt your mouth chockfullof small nuts Wo llko fruit but thisparticular nrtloto Is n downrightmud Olvo us a plnonpplo

Mr I P Dntighorty lull knownMeteor and Biimnor

Bounties W Vu most likely oweshis llfo to limo

llo was almost hopelessly nflllctodwith wastwo who gave him littleIf nay i loarn

his norloiis condition broughthint a bottle of Chninborlnlns ColicOholora nod Diarrhoeawhich oared slut In loss limit twen

For snlo by nil

This for tin hunter mid uthorsiTho open season for door begins on

October hat oiiVobrunry 1stNo person In allowed to kill moreluau flvo door In n season openeason fonluck begins oh October liltand ends on April let Tho opim

for wild turkey and quail begins on November 1st nnd ends on-

Nfnrch Ut Judgo Arllnolflourunmoand fish warden Itoport violationsof tho luw to him


IO torelatives nml


oil ulhltuko

to ThoR curies




II lid om

tretnti loutonly

happy instil



bo over











Take two of hot water hull anhour before each meal andfaro going to bed also a ofwater or cold to hoursalter each meal Tako lots of

exorcise wulk rite driveMnko a regular habit of this und In

maybo lured without tho use of

take mild and liketitomnch

Tablets For snlo by nil druggists-td


Ifr K M Williams of Tort Myersarrived Inst week and has opened nphotographic studio In a suite ofrooms In Hotel Punta Oorda Hocomes highly rccotnmondnd forBklll In taking pictures of sill kindsIncluding views of csand natural scenery and those whowish work In his lino may as-

sured that he will glvo them antis

factionAH Isis stay Is limited It In advis-

able to glvo him an early cullRend Ids card In this paper

ter Cure for Chrllnlu






Isomething gentle






IlMldod tho Bf J toutorprlBB fifthUonmilldntoil Comprtuy ntwflrnl prlveto oltUoiifi iiro projecting tint riuiking Important lmprovomotit lawest end of town thosearc A store 40 by 100 foot nrUl n 10

room dwolllng on tho corner of Mnrlnn ft von no nt the railroad crossingAnti thoro Is n report that a tlcroooresidence Is built on the Vinlug trlnneulnr lot Thus limo town Isbuilding at both onus nt once

iuinljiiii llmiul Kvnporttteil Crrum-IH A subtltuto for milk mid

cream and IH nt onoo nvnllnhln furnil U o it onfrtiltH nmlcorenU and lit ell kliuln ofbeverages such ns ton uolfeo nnd

to thoromilremontH of soda fountain ratio

Forsnlo by nil firstFlorida by HOHDKNH-CONUHNHUII

Mr null Mrs Albert FDowoyloftspcolul ovoit

lug for Savannah whore tho formerwill outer Josephs tw thopurpose of linvlnff hl wound oxmnln-od by ray process with nto the extraction of tho bnll and nuyother export treatment which hiswound may bo thought to roqiilroThis In simply u pruontitlonnry tliovn

tho object to boplaced whorl thoro Is ovory fitoMltyfor proper treatment In ease thowound any sorlotis-oomplloatlotiP Nothing Horloun howover IH Mrmany friends continuespoody rooovory anti ntsafor the illsoovory of his wottldbo nsaaealnsoomato Imvo loft no lo-








In n


Dto hope Isis




on his part


visaclue tor




Ull Lit saved r Julieintern mill Dliirrtturn-


H L flyer a mood knownof this ho Cham-borlnluH Colic Cholera null Ilnrtnor Ho had boon monthwith wont tlm doctor cull blllotm

stud nothing todo him good until ho hl

It gave huts rehot

Md For snlohy nil druglst tl i

HIIIIMUNTS OK 1ISIIlie tho week endingWednesday-

night tiopt 21th tim followingmanta of fresh lists vurb

Iiy frolghl 7 solid cars mill H liiir

rolsByozpross5 cnrs all

Total 13 oars 217 barrels iimountlug to 800100 pounds

italic fur than SufferIng

Hancocks Liquid Sulphur yllrIve you

euro all sunk I-BKooiiut Teller

Stilt Ilhoiiin lnmlrilftSorts throat Cuts

klntroublcH Hundreds of akindlsoakCH have boon pormniioiitly ourodby

other havoFor stile by druggists tf


Tlio fallowing are time offancy plnoapplos rondofrom potent for tho ojiillngSept S2t

M ts-

CliamherlalnM has-a romnrknblo record It linn Inuse for thirty years duringwhich time many

hour used It haslong hems standard anti main ro

In tho treatment of croup litthousands of homos nilthin auto no case has over peonreported to the manufacturer In

tailed to aWhon Klvon as noon as tho child

hoarse or nu aft thocroupy cough appears It will

pleasanttakemina opium or other harmful

bo to a babyai to nn adult For sale by

101 TIIIIUWN AVAVfactory began to throw

away lea last Saturdayot limo IsbollPortor Co are inoroly

time Inimoiun refriger-ating mnchlnos mid thus far theyhave found It satisfactory

During the past w ok they haverondo a groat deal ot Ico mad having-no use fur It at present havelossod carloads of It out on thoground to tho delight of top smallboys who devoured otioiigh or It togive them pleurisy for three mouthsThe boys took away nil they couldcarry nod no doubt worried tliolr-

mothom to distraction to mnka leadream

test of time lee machine will





Itluitr worm

blood Hid

tho IIno 0 Hul





11 Ihiu-

to JJ 1tt-j 1

I ul j

HOlll dy

e re




fho flout lupJh ngolt8

tostllll one or

stck fob a

says t

Inn wramtills

h role




Sept 111th




IotaA teen








contlnno until and relia-bility have boon thoroughly estab-

lishedTho tlltlngtnblo Upon which

ton cakes of lea are placed bytbopl-eotrlo crano mIll tho electric sawsthat out them nto small blocksnil working finely In fact tim on

tire eloclrlo apparatus dynamo nibtars crano tlltor und saws totheir business with prompt and boun-

tiful precision

time Isbolllortor demonstratod that are theIrprofession amid know haput up run any Kind of machin-ery as M knownhavo the contract for puttlHjriln time

steBinqiilpniont fortho Consolidatedpuny

a 33-






tho monitors of







LLxC71l y-



ar v t t





Lawns Percales

Dimities Wliito Goods

Ladies Shirt Waists Skirts TrimmodHiits

Special SalO Ol Dutoliosa Trousersand Boys Stiw Hats


Sole Agentw i




the Gjrocory line includingresli Meats of nIl dills Fruits Vegetables

and Chickens Rock bottom pricesProifopt Free Delivery


getting tho BEST goods at the LOWEST pricesTlmt is what we lire doing getting thu host of evcrything at lowest cost rind giving

Otaii Ovistoxi3ior tlxo 33oxxo ltof tho LOW PRICES we got ourselves Accordinglywhen in need tf Dry Goods and Shoes JHats Gents Furnishings or else in the nature Jof FAMILY FARM or BOAT SUPPLIES youfind It to your interest to call 1

WOTITZKYPunta Govda Florida

H KmmvimKwt mm mmmm mmmmmmmtmmmS LtMANK IVenUtnt V H iJROWNSecy and Tr-


i Vholcwlq and Retail beaten Ins



Farming ImplementsFertilizers

Mens Shoes Shirts ancpfflDralls

lest Ooods at the Lowest Prices T


When In need of fINE Come to this e

t tn w AI nT






tIN i



for I


ii XWI


rho pstNo trouble to show RESPECTFULLY I

vr h 1

jt oilllcdta viuisuassiSi

Y u If

GM S CoI QotJs and to

vorytltirtg in

n u u uu ki



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N4tilA R M I iM xi O liNl sM1 11A4NltwFy

4 t


Nt N t bH t frVdtlYltiO L v

w aotuvgtEoeee


rsurer NrHtWeruoDouglas SlioetAT-

gTf y

sthootho ViToieldgoods ke-

n fir

p Srr

ante Merkel Ship Hoppiy l-





Groccrier I




eraTt1I VQNT4







FLORIDAU1Ltxr k1111f1fEll dry












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