lexical analysis test


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Lexical analysis test.

I- Multiple choice: Select the correct answer for the questions about the text “ The

origin and history of the English Language”: (2 points each) ____/10

1) How many people is estimated to talk English as a secon language?:

a) 500 million

b) 300 million

c) 800 million

2) The normans conquered Britain in:

a) 1066

b) 1399

c) 480 AD

3) The dialect of London had emerged as the standard dialect of what we now call:

a) Old English

b) Middle English

c) Modern English

4) The middle English began around:

a) 14 century

b) 15 century

c) 16 century

5) An important character that coined over 1600 words to the English language was:

a) Shakespeare

b) King Henry IV

c) Queen Elizabeth II

Page 2: Lexical analysis Test

II- Comple the following sentences. (1 point each answer) ____/10

1) By the ______ Century, the West Saxon dialect became the official language of


2) Two thirds of all ____________ papers are written in ______________ .

3) The Latin Alphabet was brought over from _________ by _____________________

4) . The history of the language can be traced back to the arrival of three Germanic

Tribes, the _____________, the ________________ and the ______________.

5) The Angles were named from _________, their land of origin.

III- Match the items from column A to column B. (2 points each) __/14

1) English __ 9º century

2)Hellenic __ Germanic

3)Celtic speakers __ Normans conquered Britain

4) Viking invasion __ Latin

5) In 1066 __ derived from scandinavian


6)Spanish __ Greek

7) Runic __ Were pushed to Wales,

Cornwal and Scotland

__ 10º century

Page 3: Lexical analysis Test

Key answer

I- Multiple choice:

1) b-300 million

2) a- 1066

3) b- Middle English

4) c- 16 century

5) a- Shakespeare

II- Complete the sentences

1- 10, britain

2- Scientific, English

3- Ireland, Christian missionaries.

4- Angles, Saxons, Jutes

5- Engle

III Matching

1) English – Germanic

2) Hellenic greek

3) Celtic speakers- were pushed into Wales, Cornwal and scotland

4) Viking invasion- 9 century

5) In 1066- Normans conquered Britain

6) Spanish- latin

7) Runic- derived from scandinavian languages.

Page 4: Lexical analysis Test


The text “The Origin and History of the English Language” is a good piece of

information about the different cultures and stages in which the English Language

grows and how it becomes into the world´s unofficial international language.

Why it is important the information that the text gives? As a student of english

pedagogy I would say that is not only important the language itself but also its origins

and its evolution through the time. The text presents briefly the different contributions

that different cultures as Angles, Saxonsn jutes, etc . and this helps to understand the

different dialects and vocabularies that the English Language may present depending on

the place that the english language is present.

I think that for a teacher may be important the language but also its origins and the

cultures involved in it, because it help to understand the context of the language and

also because the different studients that the teacher will teach may want to know about

the origins of the English Language and the teacher may be aware in order to answer the

studient and help him to understand.