lexical ambiguity resulting in humor in mind your …termasuk dalam homonimi dan beberapa kasus...


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    Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

    in English Letters



    Student Number: 154214036







  • ii





    Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

    in English Letters



    Student Number: 154214036







  • A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis



    Student mnnber: 154214036


    Dr. Fr. B. Nip, M.Pd., M.A.Advisor

    Arina lsti'allah, S.Pd., M.HlIln.Co-Advisor

    Approved by





  • A Sarjana Saslra Undergraduate 111esis



    Student number: 154214036

    Defended before the Board ofExaminerson May 9, 2019

    and Declared Acceptable



    Chairperson : Dr. Fr. B. A1ip, M.Pd., M.A

    Secretary : Arina !sti'anah, S.Pd., M.Hum.

    Member! : Anna Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Hum.

    Member 2 : Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A.

    Member 3 : Arina lsti'anah, S.Pd., M.Hum.




    I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been

    previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that,

    to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material which

    has been previously written by any other person except where due the reference is

    made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.


    Christoforus Harjuno Katon Bhaskoro




    Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

    NamaNomor Mahasiswa

    : Christoforus Harjuno Katon Bhaskoro: 154214036

    Demi pertimbangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada PerpustakaanUniversitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul


    beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memerikankepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengolahnya dalam bentuk pangkalan data,mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau medialain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupunmemberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagaipenulis.

    Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

    Dibuat di YogyakartaPada tanggal9 April 2019


    c~aton Bhaskoro



  • vii

    A Day without Laughter is a Day Wasted

    -Charlie Chaplin-


  • viii






  • ix


    These acknowledgements are addressed to some people whose support and

    presence mean a lot for me. First of all, I would like to thank God for the bless has

    given to me.

    Second, I express my gratitude to my thesis advisor Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd.,

    M.A., for his guidance and patience in giving me the best advice during the process

    of my undergraduate thesis writing. I also deliver my gratitude to my Co-Advisor

    Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum., for taking time to read my thesis, help me and

    give me suggestion and correction to my thesis.

    Third, I thank all of my family, mama, papa, mas and also Oliv. Thank

    you for the support and prayer from the beginning until the end of my study here.

    Fourth, for my lovely PR Squad, Christin, Vena, Indah, Lintang, Ardhia,

    Rizky, Emma, Santi and Pak Harris. Thanks for the supports, laugh and the

    companionship. Lastly, I would like to say a lot of thanks to my mood-booster

    Veronika Ika Widiarsi for her smile, laugh, support, care and motivation so I can

    finish my undergraduate thesis passionately.

    Christoforus Harjuno Katon B


  • x


    TITLE PAGE ..................................................................................................... ii

    APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................................................... iii

    ACCEPTANCE PAGE ..................................................................................... iv

    STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................. v


    MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................ vii

    DEDICATION PAGE ..................................................................................... viii

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. ix

    TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. x

    LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xii

    ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... xiii

    ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... xiv

    CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

    A. Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1

    B. Problem Formulation .................................................................................. 4

    C. Objective of the Study ................................................................................ 4

    D. Definition of Terms .................................................................................... 5

    CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................. 6

    A. Review of Related Study ........................................................................... 6

    B. Review of Related Theory ........................................................................ 10

    1. Semantics.............................................................................................. 10

    2. Meaning ................................................................................................ 11

    3. Ambiguity ............................................................................................. 12

    4. Lexical Ambiguity ................................................................................ 13

    a. Homonymy ....................................................................................... 13

    b. Homograph ...................................................................................... 14

    c. Homophone ...................................................................................... 14

    d. Polysemy .......................................................................................... 15

    5. Humor .................................................................................................. 15

    a. Incongruity Theory ........................................................................... 16

    b. Superiority Theory ........................................................................... 16

    c. Relief of Release Theory .................................................................. 17

    6. Conversation Theory ............................................................................. 17

    C. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................. 18

    CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 20

    A. Object of the Study ................................................................................... 20

    B. Approach of the Study .............................................................................. 21

    C. Method of the Study ................................................................................. 21

    1. Data Collection ..................................................................................... 22

    2. Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 23


  • xi

    CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT AND DISCUSSION .......................... 25

    A. Words in Mind Your Language TV Series of Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2

    Containing Lexical Ambiguity .................................................................. 26

    1. Ambiguous Word “Right” ..................................................................... 26

    2. Ambiguous Word “Departed” ............................................................... 27

    3. Ambiguous Word “Brown” ................................................................... 28

    4. Ambiguous Word “Underground” ......................................................... 29

    5. Ambiguous Phrase “A Word” ............................................................... 30

    6. Ambiguous Word “Bitch” ..................................................................... 32

    7. Ambiguous Word “Inspector” ............................................................... 33

    8. Ambiguous Word “Register” ................................................................ 35

    9. Ambiguous Word “Sir” ......................................................................... 36

    10. Ambiguous Word “Present” ................................................................ 37

    11. Ambiguous Phrase “Hot Water” .......................................................... 38

    12. Ambiguous Word “Exercises” ............................................................. 39

    B. How the Words Result in Humor .............................................................. 40

    1. Incongruity Results in Humor ............................................................... 40

    2. Superiority Results in Humor ................................................................ 48

    CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ....................................................................... 52

    REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 54

    APPENDIX ...................................................................................................... 56

    Conversations Containing Lexical Ambiguity in Mind Your Language TV

    Series of Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2 ...................................................... 56


  • xii


    No. Table Page

    1. Conversation 1: Episode 1, 00:01:59 00:02:11 26

    2. Conversation 2: Episode 1, 00:03:10 00:03:24 27

    3. Conversation 3: Episode 1, 00:04:54 00:05:15 28

    4. Conversation 4: Episode 1, 00:11:37 00:11:55 29

    5. Conversation 5: Episode 2, 00:01:57 00:02:14 30

    6. Conversation 6: Episode 2, 00:05:08 00:05:33 32

    7. Conversation 7: Episode 2, 00:15:02 00:15:16 33

    8 Conversation 12: Episode 2, 00:21:23 00:21:37 34

    9. Conversation 8: Episode 2, 00:15:31 00:15:41 35

    10. Conversation 9: Episode 2, 00:18:14 00:18:50 36

    11. Conversation 10: Episode 2, 00:19:27 00:19:51 37

    12. Conversation 11: Episode 2, 00:20:18 00:20:29 38

    13. Conversation 13: Episode 2, 00:22:41 00:22:49 39


  • xiii



    Ambiguity Resulting in Humor in Mind Your Language TV Series of Season 1

    Episodes 1 and 2. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters,

    Universitas Sanata Dharma.

    Humor can be found everywhere. Generally, humor is divided into two:

    verbal humor and non-verbal humor. Verbal humor produces the humorous effect

    through the spoken language, one of which is lexical ambiguity. This study focuses

    on analyzing lexical ambiguity that results in humor in Mind Your Language TV

    series of season 1 episodes 1 and 2.

    There are two objectives on this study. The first is to find the ambiguous

    words in the conversation from Mind Your Language season 1 episodes 1 and 2.

    The second is to find how the words which contain lexical ambiguity result in


    This is a qualitative research and the researcher used population method to

    collect the data. The researcher wrote down the conversations that have words or

    phrases which contain lexical ambiguity. After the data were collected, the data

    were analyzed using semantic theory about lexical ambiguity to find out whether

    the word is homonymy, homophony or polysemy. After that, the researcher used

    Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition to find the meanings of the word

    or phrases. After it was analyzed, the researcher used humor theory by Shade to

    analyze in what way the word or phrases which contain lexical ambiguity resulting

    in humor.

    In conclusion, there are 13 conversations that have word or phrase which

    contain lexical ambiguity on Mind Your Language season 1 episodes 1 and 2. There

    are 10 words and 2 phrases. Most of the data are considered as homonymous and

    few cases as polysemous, such as sir, brown, register and inspector. Those words

    and phrases result in humor because of the multiple meaning that make different

    interpretation. The humor is created by using incongruity and superiority strategy.

    According to incongruity, the expectation about what will happen from one

    character is presented differently from the interpretation of other character towards

    the meaning of the words or phrases. Superiority strategy is used when somebody

    is ridiculed because of their mistake to understand the meaning of the word or

    phrase. On the other hand, the auditory humor elements such as dialects and the

    visual elements such as gimmick, expression and silly reaction also increase the

    humor effect of the lexical jokes on making humor on TV series.

    Keywords: humor, lexical ambiguity, TV series.


  • xiv



    Ambiguity Resulting in Humor in Mind Your Language TV Series of Season 1

    Episodes 1 and 2. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra,

    Universitas Sanata Dharma.

    Humor dapat ditemukan di mana saja. Pada umumnya, humor dibagi

    menjadi dua yaitu humor verbal dan humor non-verbal. Humor verbal

    memproduksi humor melalui bahasa lisan yang salah satu sumbernya adalah

    ambiguitas leksikal. Penelitian ini terfokus untuk menganalisa ambiguitas leksikal

    yang menyebabkan humor pada serial TV Mind Your Language pada season

    pertama episode 1 dan 2.

    Ada dua sasaran dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah menemukan

    kata-kata ambigu dalam percakapan dari serial televisi Mind Your Language

    episode 1 dan 2 pada musim pertama. Yang kedua menemukan bagaimana kata-

    kata yang mengandung ambiguitas leksikal menghasilkan humor.

    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan peneliti menggunakan

    metode populasi dalam pengambilan data. Peneliti menuliskan percakapan yang

    memiliki kata atau frase yang mengandung ambiguitas leksikal. Setelah data

    terkumpul, data tersebut dianalisa menggunakan teori semantik untuk menentukan

    apakah kata tersebut homonim, homofon atau polisemi. Setelah itu, peneliti

    menggunakan Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition untuk

    menemukan pengertian dari setiap kata atau frase. Setelah data tersebut dianalisa,

    peneliti menggunakan teori humor oleh Shade untuk menganalisa bagaimana kata

    atau frase yang mengandung ambiguitas leksikal menghasilkan humor.

    Kesimpulannya, terdapat 13 percakapan yang memiliki kata atau frase yang

    mengandung ambiguitas leksikal dalam serial televisi Mind Your Language episode

    1 dan 2 pada musim pertama. Terdapat 10 kata dan 2 frase. Kebanyakan data

    termasuk dalam homonimi dan beberapa kasus termasuk dalam polisemi seperti

    kata brown, register and inspector. Kata dan frase tersebut menghasilkan humor

    karena makna ganda yang menyebabkan adanya perbedaan interpretasi. Humor

    diciptakan melalui dua metode yaitu inkongruensi dan superioritas. Berdasarkan

    metode inkongruensi ekspektasi tentang apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya dari

    salah satu karakter dimunculkan secara berbeda dengan interpretasi karakter lain

    terhadap makna kata atau frase tersebut. Metode superioritas digunakan ketika

    seseorang direndahkan karena kesalahaanya untuk mengerti makna sebuah kata

    atau frase. Elemen suara seperti dialek dan elemen visual seperti gimik, ekspresi

    wajah maupun reaksi konyol juga menambah efek humor dalam candaan leksikal

    pada pembuatan humor dalam serial televisi.

    Keywords: humor, ambiguitas leksikal, serial TV.


  • 1



    A. Background of the Study

    Laughing is the happiest part that cannot be separated from our daily life.

    People said that by laughing we can feel better from our pain. Laughing can be

    found in many things that are funny, silly and also an accident that are unexpected.

    Humor, that is one of the cause of laughter, can be found in many things such as

    film, books or in daily conversation. Humor can be defined as all-encompassing

    category, covering any event or object that elicits laughter, amuses, or felt to be

    funny (Attardo, 1994, p. 4). In other words, humor can be found everywhere.

    Humor can be divided into two: non-verbal humor and verbal humor. Non-

    verbal humor can be found in a silent performance such as what Charlie Chaplin

    did on his silent movie. The non-verbal humor emphasizes on the funny act and

    gesture and also with a unique costume and make up. On the other hand, verbal

    humor deals with language. Verbal humor is an utterance with a humorous effect in

    conversation (Ortega, 2013). Verbal humor can be found in any contents that

    contain conversation in it such as in play, film or literary text.

    Language-based jokes or verbal humor find their humorous power through

    ambiguities apparent in the English language (Seewoester, 2009). Ambiguities in

    language can be analyzed by semantic theory of ambiguity. Semantic ambiguities

    can be divided into lexical, syntactic and phonological ambiguity (Bucaria, 2004).


  • 2

    Lexical ambiguity appears with a double meaning of a word. It becomes ambiguous

    because a word can have more than one meaning.

    One of the characteristics of lexical ambiguity is that the word or sentence

    can be true in different circumstances. Based on semantic point of view, a sentence

    is ambiguous if it can be simultaneously true and false, relative to the same state of

    affairs (Kempson, 1989, p. 128). Lexical ambiguity can be found in some form

    which are homonymy and polysemy. Homonymy is described as different words

    with the same form (Lyons, 2005, p. 55) and polysemy is a word that has very

    closely related senses (Hurford et al, 2007, p. 130). If it is analyzed in the surface,

    it will be quite difficult to differentiate between polysemy and homonymy. Both

    seem to have no distinction.

    Homonymy has no relation between the words, while in polysemy the words

    still have a relation in sense although the meaning are different. For example word

    bank. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the first meaning is

    “the side of a river or canal and the land near it” (p.101). The second meaning is

    “an organization that provides various financial services, for example keeping or

    lending money” (p.101). Those two words have different meaning and can be

    ambiguous if the speaker and listener have different context. This lexical ambiguity

    can be included as homonymy because both have same writing and pronunciation.

    In the other hand, polysemy is a lexical ambiguity which the two words have

    different meaning but still have connection or relation which is called as sense

    (Hurford et al, 2007, p. 130). Sense can be a similar physical description such as


  • 3

    shape or color or another context that makes those words have connection or


    This undergraduate thesis focuses on identifying lexical ambiguity in

    comedy TV series. Comedy TV series is one of the humorous material that can be

    used to analyze lexical ambiguity because it is one example of literary works that

    contains verbal humor in it. The conversation between the characters can be

    analyzed whether it contains lexical ambiguity or not. As the audience of the film

    we can see and analyze the two concepts or perspectives between the characters so

    we can identify the words and analyze why it becomes funny.

    The comedy TV series that was chosen is Mind Your Language season 1

    episodes 1 and 2. Mind Your Language is a British TV series that was premiered on

    ITV in 1977. It was produced by London Weekend Television and directed by

    Stuart Allen. Three series were made by London Weekend Television between

    1977 until 1979, and the show was briefly revived in 1986 for 13 episodes, with six

    of the original cast. This comedy TV series tells us about an English class for

    foreigners. The communication does not work well because of the ability of the

    student that is very minimum. On episodes 1 and 2 season 1, the characters that

    come from different places still cannot use English language well. Sometimes they

    use the words that have different context one and another, so the message cannot

    be delivered. The humor on the film is produced because of the miscommunication

    between the characters. The communication becomes funny because there are two

    concepts that are different one and another. This different concept of word meaning


  • 4

    is the indicator that the words contain lexical ambiguity and the lexical ambiguity

    can create humor on the verbal humor.

    This study identifies the words that contain lexical ambiguity in TV series

    Mind Your Language season 1 episodes 1 and 2. This study also identified how

    those words that contain lexical ambiguity result in humor. This study will be

    important for the further research about ambiguity on verbal literary works and also

    a deeper research about humor.

    B. Problem Formulation

    The problems in this study are formulated as follows:

    1. What words in Mind Your Language TV series of season 1 episodes 1 and

    2 contain lexical ambiguity?

    2. How do the words result in humor?

    C. Objectives of The Study

    This undergraduate thesis analyzes the words that contain lexical ambiguity

    that found in comedy TV series. There are two objectives that are discussed. The

    first goal is to find out the words that contain lexical ambiguity in Mind Your

    Language film episode 1 and 2 season 1. The second is to analyze how the words

    result in humor. The research will analyze how lexical ambiguity can create a joke

    or humor.


  • 5

    D. Definition of Term

    This part clarified some definition of terms that were used on this research.

    The first terminology is lexical ambiguity. Lexical ambiguity arises when at least

    one word in phrase has more than one meaning (Fromkin et al, 2011, p. 143).

    Lexical ambiguity can be formed as homonymy and polysemy. Homonymy can be

    defined as different words with the same form (Lyons, 2005, p. 55) while polysemy

    is where a word has very closely related senses (Hurford et al, 2007, p. 130

    The second terminology is humor. Humor can be defined as all-

    encompassing category, covering any event or object that elicits laughter, amuses,

    or felt to be funny (Attardo, 1994, p. 4). In a simply way, Attardo tries to define that

    everything that makes laughter can be included as humor. Generally, humor can be

    divided into two types which are verbal humor and non-verbal humor. Verbal

    humor deals with everything that is spoken as a source of humor while non-verbal

    humor uses visual thing such as picture, motion or body language to make people

    enjoy the humor. The example of non-verbal humor are mime, slapstick, comic and

    the other examples. In the other hand, verbal humor has numerous forms such as

    pun, riddle, joke and another examples.

    Jokes is something said or done that provokes laughter (Shade, 1996, p. 3).

    According to language-related jokes Shade explains that joke can be divided into

    five forms which are phonological, lexical, surface structure, deep structure and

    metalinguistic. Lexical joke is joke that based on multiple-meaning of words (p.

    4). This undergraduate thesis would deal with lexical joke that using multiple-

    meaning of words as the source of humor.


  • 6



    This chapter contains the review of some references that are used to develop

    the research. This chapter contains three parts that will be discussed. In the first

    part, there is a review from several related studies that have been made before.

    There are one journal articles and three theses. In the second part there is a review

    from several related theories that are taken from book or article journal. The

    theories that are written here are very useful to develop the study. In the third part

    is theoretical framework. On this part the writer explained the contribution of each

    theory and review in solving the problem of this study.

    A. Review of Related Studies

    This part talks about several previous studies of people that researched about

    lexical ambiguity that results humor. There are two studies that contribute to this

    research. Those studies helped the writer to develop the idea to research about how

    lexical ambiguity can result humor in a film.

    The first study is entitled Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity in Humor by

    Charina (2017). This journal article focuses on investigating the ambiguity in

    creating humor. There are 25 cases that are identified on this research. 12 sentences

    are lexically ambiguous and 12 sentences are syntactically ambiguous. Those 25


  • 7

    cases were taken from electronic sources in forms of newspaper headlines, jokes,

    riddles and anecdotes.

    In order to analyze the data, Charina uses the theory of lexical ambiguity

    and structural ambiguity on semantic. This theory of semantic can be used in written

    or spoken language. In this research, Charina uses this theory to analyze lexical and

    structural ambiguity that contained on some cases above. The spoken English such

    as jokes and riddles are transcribed and analyzed with this theory. This way of

    analyzing will also be used by the writer to analyze the conversation on the film.

    The contribution of her journal article into this research lies on the analysis

    of lexical ambiguity. In the analysis of lexical ambiguity, Charina finds that lexical

    ambiguity can create humor because lexical ambiguity can confuse the reader or

    the audience and at the same time can create a mind-blowing possible interpretation

    (p. 130). Charina also adds that the using of lexical ambiguity for creating humor

    can strengthen the humorous meaning when the possible interpretations involve a

    serious meaning and a humorous counterpart.

    The difference between Charina’s research and this research lies on the

    discussion and the object of the study. This research will focus on discussing lexical

    ambiguity while Charina analyses both lexical and structural ambiguity. The object

    of the study also different. Charina uses the cases from many electronic sources

    such as newspaper, jokes, riddles and anecdotes while this research will use comedy

    TV series entitled Mind Your Language of season 1 episodes 1 and 2.

    The second study that contributes to this research is entitled Ambiguity and

    Flouting of Gricean Maxims in Sexual Humor in CBS’ 2 Broke Girls: Episodes 1-


  • 8

    2 of Seasons 1-5 by Sari (2017). This study focuses on identifying ambiguous

    expressions and flouting of Gricean maxims which imply sexual humor the

    episodes of CBS’ 2 Broke Girls.

    The writer uses ambiguity theory to find twenty five expressions which are

    classified based on three types of ambiguity, lexical, referential, and syntactical.

    There are sixteen lexical ambiguity, nine referential ambiguity, and no expression

    using syntactic ambiguity which are found in CBS’ 2 Broke Girls Episodes 1-2 of

    Seasons 1-5.

    In order to solve the second problem which elaborates ambiguities and

    flouting of Gricean maxims in creating sexual humor, the writer uses semantic and

    pragmatic approach. The writer finds there are eight expressions which flout

    Gricean maxims of quantity, one expression flout Gricean maxims of quality, two

    expressions flout Gricean maxims of relation, and one expression flout Gricean

    maxims of manner.

    The contribution of Sari’s research lies on the way of identifying ambiguity

    in a situational comedy TV series. The differences between Sari’s research and this

    undergraduate thesis lies on the object of the study and the scope of the problem.

    Sari’s research uses CBS’ 2 Broke Girls as the object of the study while this

    undergraduate thesis uses Mind Your Language TV series. In the other hand, Sari

    identified all forms of ambiguity while this study only focuses on identifying lexical



  • 9

    The third study that contributes to this study is Ambiguity and Tree Structure

    of Sentences in Home Movie by Ritan (2018). This study focuses on identifying

    sentences that are ambiguous that can be found in the conversation on this movie.

    In order to solve the problem, the researcher uses semantic and syntax

    approaches. On the first problem, the researcher uses semantic approach to find

    what ambiguous sentence in Home movie. The second problem are formulated to

    identify the tree structure of the ambiguous sentences.

    There are 18 sentences from Home movie that are discussed because of the

    ambiguity which is contained on each sentence. Those sentence are either lexically

    or structurally ambiguous. The ambiguous sentences have nonsensical meanings,

    multiple meanings, ungrammatical sentence structure and sentences with

    contradictory facts within a single sentence (p. 68).The ambiguity occurs because

    of wrong word choice or incoherent words with in one sentence.

    The contribution of Golu’s research to this research lies on the discussing

    of ambiguity on a movie. In the other hand, the difference between Golu’s research

    and this undergraduate thesis lies on the object of the study. Golu uses Home movie

    for the object of her study, while this research uses Mind Your Language of season

    1 episodes 1 and 2.

    The forth study that contributes to this undergraduate thesis is entitled

    Lexical and Structural Ambiguity Found in Zootopia Movie by Safitri (2017). This

    undergraduate thesis focuses on identifying lexical and structural ambiguity that

    found on Zootopia movie.


  • 10

    In order to identify the lexical and structural ambiguity the writer uses

    Semantics theory by Stephen Ullmann. In lexical ambiguity, the writer analyzes the

    types of lexical ambiguity based on the kinds of the word which known as part of

    speech. The kinds of phrase analyzed in structural ambiguity and it is based on Yule

    theory. Furthermore, the writer analyzes the frequency of structural and lexical

    ambiguity on the movie based on the theory.

    The result of this research shows that the most dominant ambiguity in this

    research is lexical ambiguity which produced for 41 times or 86% in out of 47 total

    number of data. The structural ambiguity only produced only 6 or 14% from the

    total number of data.

    The contribution of Safitri’s research to this undergraduate thesis lies on the

    discussing of lexical ambiguity on a movie. In the other hand, the difference

    between Safitri’s research and this undergraduate thesis lies on the object of the

    study. Safitri uses the Zootopia movie on her study, while this research usez comedy

    TV series entitled Mind Your Language of season 1 episodes 1 and 2.

    B. Review of Related Theories

    In this study, the researcher uses some theories to observe the objects which

    are comedy TV series.

    1. Semantics

    For discussing and identifying the lexical ambiguity of the object, the

    researcher needs the theories that are related to the meaning. The theory about

    meaning is the part of semantics. Semantics is the study of the linguistic meaning


  • 11

    of morphemes, words, phrases and sentences (Fromkin et al, 2011, p.138) In the

    other hand, Kreidler simplifies that semantics is the systematic study of meaning

    and linguistic semantic is the study how languages organize and express meaning

    (1998, p. 3). It can be concluded that semantics deals with the meaning of unit of

    language and how it is organized and expressed.

    2. Meaning

    Meaning is an important part to understand what the speaker wants to say.

    In semantics and pragmatics, meaning is the message that is conveyed by words,

    sentences and symbols in context. They are called lexical or semantic meaning

    (Nordquist, 2018). Nordquist also adds that there are two kinds of meaning which

    are semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning. Semantic meaning is a sentence

    expresses a more or less complete propositional content while pragmatic meaning

    comes from a particular context of the sentence. For example, whenever there is a

    person says “crack the window”. Semantically, it means asking someone to crack

    the window. It is meant word by word. In pragmatic to understand the utterance

    needs to understand the context whenever it is spoken. If it was spoken in a room

    with a warm temperature, “crack the window” can be meant to open the window

    not cracking the window.

    In a conversation, the meaning can be concluded in two ways by linguistic

    meaning and speaker meaning. The linguistic meaning is the meaning of expression

    in the language (Akmaijan et al, 2001, p. 229). Akmaijan et.al. add speaker meaning

    depends on whether the speaker is speaking literally or nonliterally (p.229). When

    the speaker speaks literally there will be no different between the linguistic


  • 12

    meanings because both are identify the meaning based on the meaning of the word.

    In the other hand, speaking nonliterally can mean something different from what

    the words mean. The example of nonliterally meaning are idioms and metaphor.

    On identifying lexical ambiguity on TV series, dictionary can be useful. It

    can be used to find the meaning whether literal or nonliteral meaning on the

    dialogue. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has explanations about the

    meaning of word or phrase whether literal and nonliteral meaning such as idiomatic

    expression. It is used to find the meanings of lexical ambiguity that is possible to

    have more than one meaning. The dictionary helps to find as many as possible

    meanings and conclude what meaning that is meant by the speaker.

    3. Ambiguity

    Ambiguity is a phenomenon that can be found on identifying a word, phrase,

    or sentence. Empson explains that ambiguity can mean an indecision as to what you

    mean, an intention to mean several things, a probability that one or other or both of

    two things has been meant, and the fact that a statement has several meanings

    (1949, pp. 5-6). On this statement we can conclude that ambiguity is a phenomenon

    that a word, phrase or sentence could have more than one meaning. An ambiguity

    has probability to have several interpretations and both interpretation are correct.

    On another hand, a sentence is ambiguous if it can be simultaneously true and false,

    relative to the same state of affairs (Kempson, 1989, p. 128). Through this

    statement, ambiguity can be analyzed as true and false by looking at the state of

    occasion. In the other word, we need to see the context of a statement to understand

    what the meaning of the ambiguous word.


  • 13

    4. Lexical Ambiguity

    Lexical ambiguity is one of the types of ambiguity. Lexical ambiguity is

    related to the meaning of a word. Lexical ambiguity is the presence of two or more

    possible meanings within a single word (Norquist, 2018). According to Kreidler,

    when homonyms can occur in the same position in utterances, the result is lexical

    ambiguity (1998, p. 55). This statement is also similar with the statement from

    Hurford et.al that lexical ambiguity depends on homonymy (senses not related) and

    polysemy (senses related) (2007, p. 137). There are some forms of lexical ambiguity

    which are:

    a. Homonymy

    The first form of lexical ambiguity is homonymy. Homonymy is the two

    words that the pronunciation and spelling are identical but meanings are unrelated

    (Kreidler, 1998, p. 52). Fromkin et.al also identify homonym as the words that have

    different meanings but are pronounced the same, and may or may not be spelled the

    same (2011, p. 158). For example is the word bank. Bank as a financial institution

    and bank as the edge of the stream are pronounced and written identically but the

    meaning is different. According to Nordquist, the term homonymy refers both

    to homophone and homograph (2018). Some associate homonyms only with

    homophones which are words that sound the same. Others associate homonyms

    only with homographs which are words that look the same.


  • 14

    b. Homograph

    Another form of lexical ambiguity is homograph. Homograph is two words

    that have different pronunciations but the same spelling (Kreidler, 1998, p. 52). For

    example is the word bow. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

    there are two ways to pronounce the word bow. The first is pronounced /baʊ/ which

    means to bend your head or body forward (p.164) and the second is pronounced

    /bəʊ/ which means a weapon for shooting arrows (p.164). This form of lexical

    ambiguity wouldn’t be discussed a lot on this undergraduate thesis because

    homograph can be found on written text while the object of this study is a


    c. Homophone

    The third form of lexical ambiguity is homophone. Homophone is one of

    two or more words that are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning

    (McArthur, 1992, p. 483). For example the words bear and bare. These word are

    called homophones because both have the same way to pronounce. Both are

    pronounced /beə/. The word bear and bare are written differently but pronounced

    identically. The meaning of both words are also different. Based on Oxford

    Advanced Learner’s Dictionary the word bear means an activity of accepting or

    dealing with something unpleasant and a name of an animal (p.173). In the other

    hand, bare means naked or plain (p. 103). This undergraduate thesis would deal a

    lot with the form of homophone because the object of this study that is a

    conversation on comedy film.


  • 15

    d. Polysemy

    The fourth form of lexical ambiguity is polysemy. Fromkin et.al explain that

    polysemy occurs when a word has multiple meanings that are related conceptually

    or historically (2011, p. 158). Kreidler states that a polysemous lexeme has several

    (apparently) related meanings (1998, p. 52). For example is the word head. The

    noun head, for instance, seems to have related meanings when we speak of the head

    of a person, the head of a company. All of the word has different meaning but still

    have the same relation which is the top of something such as the top of the body or

    the top of the company. The other example is the word man. It has some meaning

    such as the human species, males of the human species and adult males of the

    human species. Those three meaning still have relation between one and another

    which refers to human.

    5. Humor

    Humor is everything that can make a laughter. Attardo defines humor as all-

    encompassing category, covering any event or object that elicits laughter, amuses,

    or felt to be funny (1994, p. 4). Humor can be divided into two kinds. There are

    verbal humor and non-verbal humor. Non-verbal humor produces humor without

    any spoken language. It could be in a form of slapstick, pantomime and the other

    performance (p.6). In the other hand Verbal humor has numerous forms such as

    puns, riddles, jokes, satire and the other forms that use spoken language to produce

    humor. Joke is the most common form of verbal language. Jokes can be defined as

    something said or done that provokes laughter (Shade, 1996, p. 3). Shade also adds

    that joke has several types of jokes become evident in a scope of linguistic. There


  • 16

    are phonological, lexical, surface structure, deep structure and metalinguistic. In

    order to identify lexical ambiguity on Mind Your Language TV series, the

    researcher uses lexical jokes explanation which is based on multiple-meaning of

    words to evident the humor (p. 4).

    There are several major theories in the literature related to the numerous

    concepts and ideas about humor.

    a. Incongruity Theory

    The first theory that related to the concept of humor is incongruity theory.

    This theory explains that humor is created when we expect one thing and suddenly

    presented with another (Shade, 1996, p. 11). This is why the name of the theory is

    incongruity because humor is the result of unexpected connection. For example

    whenever a character is asked to go to bank as economic institution but the character

    goes to a river bank and becomes confused. The example above is an example of

    lexical ambiguity that produces incongruity humor.

    b. Superiority Theory

    The second humor theory that is mentioned by Shade is superiority theory.

    Shade stated Mark Twain statement that everything is funny as long as it is

    happening to someone else (p. 11). This statement is an example and also

    introduction to the superiority theory of humor. Shade adds that humor will appear

    when someone is being disparaged, ridiculed, humiliated, or degraded as a result of

    making mistake. Some philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Descartes,

    and Bacon took a view that laughter occurs when some flaw, imperfection, or

    deficiency is seen in others as we compare them to ourselves (p. 12). For example


  • 17

    the character is degraded by the other character using unpleasant word because of

    his or her mistake.

    c. Relief or Release Theory

    The third theory is relief theory or release theory. This theory is advanced

    by Sigmund Freud. Shade explains that this theory emphasizes the social and

    behavioral components of humor. In this case, humor may be used to rebel against

    repressive or uncontrollable elements of society (p. 12). Example of this humor is

    when someone gives a joke in the middle of meeting to add little levity to a tense


    6. Conversation Theory

    Identifying lexical ambiguity on TV series needs to deal with the

    conversation between the characters. Akmaijan et.al explain that language is a

    conversational system for communication or a system for conveying a message

    (2001, p.227). They add that communication can be accomplished only because

    words have certain meaning therefore language is necessary to describe the

    meaning (p.228). It can be concluded that conversation is succeed if the message

    can be accepted and understood by the speaker and hearer.

    There are some problems on a conversation that can be occurred because of

    the multiple meanings of lexical ambiguity. The first is the hearer cannot determine

    the possible meaning that the speaker intends. Since many expression are

    linguistically ambiguous, the hearer must determine which of the possible meanings

    of an expression is the speaker intended as operative on that occasion (Akmaijan,

    2001, p.366). The second is the different interpretation between the speaker and the


  • 18

    hearer because of the explanation that is not clear. The message model must be

    supplemented by mechanism for successfully recognizing the intention to refer to a

    specific person, place, or thing (p.367). The third is that the message model does

    not account the additional fact that often be spoken nonliterally (p.368). For

    example whenever the hearer interprets the idiomatic expression differently with

    the meaning of the idiomatic expression. For example whenever someone said,

    “Don’t be a chicken!” As an idiomatic expression it means do not be a coward but

    it is possible to be interpreted literally by someone that does not understand that it

    is as idiomatic expression. These problems can be happened because of the multiple

    meaning of a lexical ambiguity. A clearer information and the same perception

    about what is talked about are needed to make a good conversation.

    C. Theoretical Framework

    The theories that have been mentioned above are used to help the researcher

    in analyzing the data. Since the main problem is about the lexical ambiguity in TV

    series Mind Your Language of season 1 episodes 1 and 2, the researcher uses the

    theories that help the researcher to analyze the data.

    The theory of meaning is used to identify the objects which are the words

    on the conversations on TV series Mind Your Language of season 1 episodes 1 and

    2 that contain lexical ambiguity. The word’s meaning in the conversation is

    analyzed and organized based on the meaning that is conveyed by the word whether

    it conveys multiple meaning or not.


  • 19

    In analyzing the words that contain lexical ambiguity, the researcher uses

    semantic approach to help the researcher finding the problem in that ambiguous

    words. Semantics will help the researcher to find the ambiguity in the conversation

    of TV series Mind Your Language of season 1 episodes 1 and 2. Based on the

    theories that have been mentioned above, there are several terms in lexical

    ambiguity theory that are used to analyze the word such as homonymy, polysemy,

    and synonymy. Those terms will help the researcher to find some possibilities about

    lexical ambiguity perspective in the word.

    The humor theory is used to analyze in what way the lexical ambiguity can

    result in humor. Based on the humor theory the researcher also can find in what

    kind of humor lexical ambiguity be the best way to make laughter in a conversation

    or joke.


  • 20



    This chapter contains the explanation about how the researcher did the

    research. The first part clarifies the object of this research. The researcher explains

    clearly about the object of this research. In the second part the researcher clarifies

    the approach of the study that is used in this research. The third part is the method

    of this research. In this part the researcher explains about the method to get the data

    on this research.

    A. Object of the Study

    The object of the study is the words and phrases that contain lexical

    ambiguity that is found in Mind Your Language TV series of season 1 episodes 1

    and 2. Mind Your Language is a British TV series that premiered on ITV in 1977.

    The length of each episode is around 25 until 30 minutes with more than 300

    utterances. There are 12 characters in the movie who are Mr. Brown, Miss

    Courtney, Ali, Ranjeet, Jamila, Taro, Su Lee, Danielle, Anna, Max, Giovanni and

    Juan. They have their own characteristic of their accent, gesture and ability to speak

    English. Their uniqueness sometimes make humor on the conversation between


    The story is about an English as a foreign language class. Mostly it shows

    the learning activity in the classroom. The fact is that the student are from many

    countries that do not use English as their conversational language. Their ability that


  • 21

    is not really good yet will be possible to make misinterpretation between one and

    another. It is shown, for example, whenever they are faced with words and phrases

    that are lexically ambiguous. It could happen because lexical ambiguity has more

    than one meaning and not all of the meaning can be known by the character.

    The word and phrase which contain lexical ambiguity in the conversation

    were the focus to analyze. The word and phrase which contain lexical ambiguity

    could produce humor in a conversation. It would be in the form of homonymy,

    homophony or polysemy. Lastly, the linguistic elements were combined with

    humor theory by Shade to find in what way those words produce humor.

    B. Approach of the Study

    The approach that was used by the researcher in this undergraduate thesis is

    semantics. Semantics is considered as the study of the linguistic meaning of

    morphemes, words, phrases and sentences (Fromkin et al, 2011, p. 138). This

    undergraduate thesis discussed the lexical ambiguity that occur in Mind Your

    Language TV series of season 1 episodes 1 and 2. Semantics helped the researcher

    to analyze the meaning of each words and identify why those words contained

    lexical ambiguity.

    C. Method of the Study

    This part explained about how the researcher collected and analyzed the

    data. This part divided into two sections. The first explained how the researcher


  • 22

    collected the object of the study which is words that contain lexical ambiguity on

    Mind Your Language TV series of season 1 episodes 1 and 2. The second part

    contained explanations about how the researcher analyzed the data.

    1. Data Collection

    In collecting the data the researcher did some steps. The first step was

    searching and downloading the object of the study from www.youtube.com. The

    researcher found that the Mind Your Language TV series already has the English

    subtitle on the video, so the researcher did not find the subtitle anymore. The second

    step was watching the video and looking for the conversations that contain lexical

    ambiguity resulting in humor. The third step was collecting all the conversation on

    Mind Your Language TV series of season 1 episodes 1 and 2 which contain lexical

    ambiguity resulting in humor as the population. Population can be defined as the

    group to which we would expect the results of the study to generalize (Krathwohl,

    1998, p. 164). The researcher chose the first and second episodes from the season

    one because the researcher found that humor on these episodes mostly are produced

    by using lexical ambiguity as the source of humor.

    The researcher wrote down the conversation that has word that contains

    lexical ambiguity and gave a note about the time of the conversation. In the fourth

    step the researcher gave a mark on the word that has lexical ambiguity to be

    analyzed. The researcher found that the word is lexically ambiguous by looking at

    the context of the conversation and how the character reacts to the word. All lexical

    ambiguities found on the conversation in Mind Your Language TV series of season

    1 episodes 1 and 2 were separated into three which are homophony, homonymy and



  • 23

    polysemy because only those three types of lexical ambiguity can appear in the

    verbal language. Finally by using humor theory by Shade, the data were analyzed

    to find why those lexical ambiguities result in humor on the TV series.

    2. Data Analysis

    In solving the problem on this research, some steps of research were done.

    After the data were taken, the data were given code to make easier to read. To solve

    the first problem the researcher analyzed the word one by one. The first step the

    researcher used the semantic theory to clarify that the word is homonymy,

    homophony or polysemy. After that the researcher identified the meaning of the

    word because lexical ambiguity deals with double meaning of a word. The

    researcher used Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary 8th Edition to find the

    meaning of the word. By analyzing the meaning the researcher found the

    misinterpretation created by the word that contains lexical ambiguity. After finding

    the double meaning of the word, the researcher used the theory of humor by Shade

    to analyze why the lexical ambiguity result in humor.

    The data analyzed in this study were arranged systematically. Firstly, the

    researcher analyzed all the conversations that contain lexical ambiguities on

    episode 1 and then followed by all the conversation on the episode 2. Each datum,

    that is a conversation, was given a code to make it easier to be read and explained.

    The code consists of the number of the conversation followed by a slash and

    followed by the episode.

    Conversation 1: Episode 1, 00:01:59 00:02:11

    Data Code Character Utterance

    C1/E1 Ms. Courtney Go down the corridor.


  • 24

    Ali Nadim Down the corridor

    Ms. Courtney Turn Left

    Ali Nadim Turn Left

    Ms. Courtney Right

    Ali Nadim You are confusing me. Left or


    Ms. Courtney Left!

    C1/E1 means that this is the first conversation on the first episode that

    contains lexical ambiguity. In the above of the datum table, the researcher wrote the

    number of the conversation, the episode and the time or scene of the conversation.

    The duration was shown by the minute when the conversation is started until the

    conversation is ended. Therefore, the previous time shows when the conversation

    is started and the other shows when the conversation is ended. On the datum table

    the researcher also wrote the transcription of the conversation to make a clear

    explanation. The word that contains lexical ambiguity was written with bold to

    indicate the word is lexically ambiguous. Those words become the main data to be

    analyzed in this undergraduate thesis.

    To answer the first problem, the researcher analyzed the words that contain

    lexical ambiguity by looking at the form of the lexical ambiguity and explain the

    multiple meaning of each word. After finding the multiple meaning the researcher

    used humor theory to analyze why the word results in humor to answer the second



  • 25



    In this chapter the researcher answered the problems that had been

    mentioned in chapter 1. The first step the researcher analyzed what words in Mind

    Your Language TV series season 1 episodes 1 and 2 that contain lexical ambiguity.

    The second step the researcher analyzed in what way the words result in humor.

    The way to analyze the problem has been mentioned and explained on chapter 3.

    Mind Your Language TV series has duration around 20 until 25 minutes for

    each episode. Humor in Mind Your Language TV series does not constantly appear

    in a specified period of time but usually it appears every 1 until 3 minutes. The

    humor that is shown on the TV series not only produced by using lexical ambiguity

    as the source of humor. Mind Your Language TV series mixed up between the

    visual humor, verbal humor and also auditory humor. These all elements can be

    found on the TV series even though this undergraduate thesis focus on the lexical

    ambiguity that results humor. This lexical ambiguity can be found in a form of

    lexical jokes

    There are 13 conversations from Mind Your Language TV series season 1

    episodes 1 and 2 that were analyzed in this research. The data were chosen because

    they contain lexical ambiguity that result in humor. After analyzing the lexical

    ambiguity, those words were also analyzed to find in what way these words produce



  • 26

    A. Words in Mind Your Language TV Series of Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2

    Containing Lexical Ambiguity

    This part contains the analysis of the first problem. The researcher discussed

    about what words in Mind Your Language TV Series of Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2

    which contain lexical ambiguity. There are 13 conversations containing lexical

    ambiguity which are analyzed. The researcher found the meanings of the words by

    using Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition and analyzed the possible

    interpretation of those words on the conversation.

    1. Ambiguous Word “Right”

    Conversation 1: Episode 1, 00:01:59 00:02:11

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Ms. Courtney Go down the corridor.

    Ali Nadim Down the corridor

    Ms. Courtney Turn Left

    Ali Nadim Turn Left

    Ms. Courtney Right

    Ali Nadim You are confusing me. Left or


    Ms. Courtney Left!

    The word that contain lexical ambiguity is right. Based on Oxford Advanced

    Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition, the word right has some meanings. The first

    meaning is morally good, justified, or acceptable. The other meaning is true or

    correct as a fact (p. 1272). Both meanings show the word right as an adjective. As

    a noun, right also means the right-hand part, side, or direction. According to form

    of lexical ambiguity, the word right is in the form of homonymy which is two words

    or more that the pronunciation and spelling are identical but meanings are unrelated.


  • 27

    Based on the possible meaning and the topic of the conversation which

    talking about direction to the class, both meanings of right can be accepted. The

    first interpretation is that Miss Courtney give an agreement or show correctness to

    someone’s utterance. The second interpretation is that Miss Courtney gave a wrong

    direction so she wants to change the direction from left to right.

    If we see the next dialogue, it can be concluded that the meaning of the word

    right on the conversation is to show something true or correct. Miss Courtney wants

    to show that Ali’s utterance which repeated her direction is correct. Therefore,

    whenever Ali tries to ask it again Miss Courtney answers left to show the direction.

    2. Ambiguous Word “Departed”

    Conversation 2: Episode 1, 00:03:10 00:03:24

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Ms. Courtney Especially after the unfortunate

    incident involving Mr. Warburton

    Mr. Brown Mr. Warburton?

    Ms. Courtney He was teaching English to foreign

    students last term. I am afraid he

    only lasted a month, then he


    Mr. Brown Dead?

    Ms. Courtney Demented. Yes, the strain was too

    much for him

    The word that contains lexical ambiguity is departed. Based on Oxford

    Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition, the word depart has two meanings. The

    first meaning is to leave a place, especially in order to start a trip. The second

    meaning is referring to dead (p. 391). According to form of lexical ambiguity, the


  • 28

    word departed is in the form of homonymy which is two words or more that the

    pronunciation and spelling are identical but meanings are unrelated.

    Based on the meaning, there would be two possibilities. The first possibility

    that Mr. Warburton leaved the school to go somewhere. The second possibility is

    that Mr. Warburton was dead because of the pressure while he was teaching. The

    second possibility is more fit rather than the first: Mr. Brown guesses that Mr.

    Warburton was dead.

    If we see the next dialogue we can see that the meaning of departed which

    Miss Courtney said is different with all the meanings in dictionary. The meaning of

    departed that Miss Courtney said is that Mr. Warburton became crazy after taught

    the student.

    3. Ambiguous Word “Brown”

    Conversation 3: Episode 1, 00:04:54 00:05:15

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Mr. Brown l am Brown

    Ali Nadim Oh, no. You are committing a


    Mr. Brown Mistake?

    Ali Nadim Yes, you are not brown! We are

    brown! You are white

    Mr. Brown My name is Brown! I am your


    On the conversation, we can find that the word which contains lexical

    ambiguity is brown. The meaning of word brown on Oxford Dictionary 8th Edition

    is the color of earth or coffee. It is also related to dark-skinned or suntanned (p.

    180). All the meanings are related to brown as a color. This lexical ambiguity is in


  • 29

    the form of polysemy which the meaning still related to one thing, which in this

    word related to brown as a color.

    Based on the meaning there are two possible interpretations. The first one

    is that Mr. Brown wants to introduce his name and the second possibility is that he

    wants to say that he has a brown colored skin. According to that, it is possible that

    there will be a misinterpretation to the word Brown.

    We can see from Ali’s utterance that he thinks Mr. Brown tell about his skin

    color. Ali thinks that Mr. Brown tell he has brown skin color. Therefore, Ali said

    that the person who has brown skinned is him and his friend not Mr. Brown.

    According to that, on the next dialogue Mr. Brown emphasizes that he tell about his

    name not his skin color.

    4. Ambiguous Word “Underground”

    Conversation 4: Episode 1, 00:11:37 00:11:55

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Mr. Brown What is your name?

    Ranjeet Ranjeet Singh

    Mr. Brown And from which country?

    Ranjeet Punjab

    Mr. Brown Good, what is yourjob?

    Ranjeet l'm a very important member of the

    British underground.

    Mr. Brown The underground what?

    Ranjeet Just the underground. Mind the


    Mr. Brown Oh, that underground.

    The word which contains lexical ambiguity on this conversation is

    underground. On Oxford Dictionary 8th Edition, the word underground has some


  • 30

    meanings. As a noun, an underground means a group or movement organized

    secretly to work against an existing regime or a group or movement seeking to

    explore alternative forms of lifestyle or artistic expression. It also means the

    underground railway, especially the one in London (p. 1621). According to form of

    lexical ambiguity, the word underground is in the form of homonymy which is two

    words or more that the pronunciation and spelling are identical but meanings are


    These two possibilities creates different interpretation. The first

    interpretation is that Ranjeet being the part of an organization that against the

    government. The second interpretation that he works on the London underground

    railway. According to this ambiguity, Mr. Brown tries to clarify what kind of

    underground it is.

    On the next dialogue Ranjeet clarifies that underground which he said is

    that London Underground railway. We can see by the sentence “mind the door”

    which is usually existed on the Underground railway. Therefore it can be concluded

    that the underground that is said by Ranjeet means London underground railway.

    5. Ambiguous Phrase “A Word”

    Conversation 5: Episode 2, 00:01:57 00:02:14

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Ms. Courtney I just want you to give Mr. Brown a


    Ranjeet I will be very happy to comply with

    your request.

    Ms. Courtney Would you tell Mr. Brown, I would

    like a word with him.


  • 31

    Ranjeet Most certainly. Which word would

    you like?

    Ms. Courtney Just say I want to speak to him.


    The lexical ambiguity in this conversation is contained on phrase a word.

    According to Oxford Dictionary 8th Edition, the phrase “a word” has some

    meanings. The first meaning is single unit of language which means something and

    can be spoken or written. The second meaning is a thing that you say, remark or

    statement. The other meaning is a piece information or news (p. 1712). According

    to form of lexical ambiguity, the phrase a word is in the form of homonymy which

    have identical pronunciation and spelling but meanings are not related one and

    another. Based on those meanings we can find a several interpretations.

    Based on the meaning, the first interpretation is that Ms. Courtney wants to

    get a word from Mr. Brown either spoken or written. The second interpretation is

    that Ms. Courtney wants to have something to say with Mr. Brown and the third

    interpretation is that Ms. Courtney has an information for Mr. Brown.

    If we see the next dialogue, Ranjeet seems to interpret the word as its literal

    meaning which is a single unit of language. If we see the next dialogue we can see

    that what Ms. Courtney meant is that she wanted to speak with Mr. Brown. The

    second and the third meaning could be more possible to this conversation rather

    than the first meaning. It can be concluded that the meaning of word in this

    conversation is having a conversation with Mr. Brown.


  • 32

    6. Ambiguous Word “Bitch”

    Conversation 6: Episode 2, 00:05:08 00:05:33

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Anna Do you know how many shirts Mrs.

    Valker make me iron last night?

    Mr. Brown Walker

    Anna Ya Valker. Twelve! Then I had to

    prepare a meal for the bitch.

    Mr. Brown

    Anna, she may be a hard

    taskmistress but I don't think you

    ought to call her that.

    Anna Who?

    Mr. Brown Mrs. Valker... Walker

    Anna I was meaning the dog bitch.

    Based on the conversation, the lexical ambiguity is contained in the word

    bitch. It is lexically ambiguous because the double meaning that contained on the

    word. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition, there are

    some meanings of the word bitch. The word bitch can be classified as homonymy

    which the pronunciation and the spelling are identically but the meaning is different.

    The first meaning is a female dog. As a slang word, the word bitch is an

    offensive way of referring to a woman especially an unpleasant one (p. 136). The

    other meaning of bitch that is a thing that causes problems or difficulties. If we see

    the conversation, we can find that the conversation talked about Mrs. Walker that

    gave a lot of responsibility so Anna cannot do the homework.

    According the word and the topic of the conversation we can find there are

    two interpretations. The first interpretation is that Anna had to prepare a meal for

    Mrs. Walker’s dog and the second interpretation is that Anna had to prepare a meal


  • 33

    for Mrs. Walker who is called offensively by Anna. Those interpretations are

    possible. If we see the latest dialogue, Anna give an explanation that the word bitch

    which she meant is Mrs. Walker’s female dog.

    7. Ambiguous Word “Inspector”

    Conversation 7: Episode 2, 00:15:02 00:15:16

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Ms. Courtney I thought I'd better tell

    you that an inspector has arrived

    Mr. Brown Well my conscience is clear.

    Ms. Courtney I beg your pardon?

    Mr. Brown

    Apart from the odd parking ticket,

    I've never been in any trouble with

    the police

    Ms. Courtney An education inspector.

    Mr. Brown Oh, I'm sorry! How stupid of me

    The word that contains lexical ambiguity in this conversation is inspector.

    According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition, there are some

    meanings of the word inspector. The first meaning is a person whose job is to visit

    schools, factories to check that rules are being obeyed and that rules are acceptable.

    The other meaning is an officer of middle rank (p. 777). In Britain inspector also a

    person whose job is to check tickets on a bus or train to make sure that they are

    valid (p. 777). The word inspector can be classified as polysemy which the

    pronunciation and the spelling are identically and the meaning are also related. Both

    meanings are related to a job which is responsible to ensure all things are in

    accordance with the regulation.


  • 34

    Both meaning are possible to make several interpretation. The first

    interpretation is that Ms. Courtney give information that the inspector from

    education authority has arrived. The second interpretation is that Ms. Courtney give

    information that the police inspector has arrived.

    According to the next dialogue Mr. Brown thinks that the inspector that

    come is the police inspector. If we see the further dialogue it can be concluded that

    the inspector that Ms. Courtney means is the inspector from education authority.

    The ambiguous word inspector also found in the C12/E2.

    Conversation 12: Episode 2, 00:21:23 00:21:37

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Mr. Brown What is your job?

    Roger Kenyon Inspector

    Mr. Brown What local transport?

    Roger Kenyon Local Education Authority

    Mr. Brown I thought he was the new student

    According to the conversation, Mr. Brown thinks that Mr. Kenyon is an

    inspector of a local transport because Mr. Brown does not know that Mr. Kenyon

    is the local education inspector that Miss Courtney has said before. On the other

    hand, at Britain the word inspector is used to a person who check tickets on a local

    transport. Therefore, it is possible to have this interpretation. It can be concluded

    that the word inspector that was said by Mr. Kenyon means the inspector from local

    education authority.


  • 35

    8. Ambiguous Word “Register”

    Conversation 8: Episode 2, 00:15:31 00:15:41

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Ms. Courtney I expect he'll want to see your


    Mr. Brown My register?

    Ms. Courtney You do have a register?

    Mr. Brown Oh, that register! Yes of course

    Ms. Courtney You'd better call it as soon as you

    get back to your class.

    The word register on the conversation above contains lexical ambiguity.

    Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition, there are some

    meanings that stand as a noun. Usually the word register has meaning as an official

    list or record of names, items and the other official record. Especially in British

    English, register could be a book used to record if a child is present at school

    (p.1238). Based on that meaning, there is a sentence call the register that means

    checking the student who is present at school.

    According to these meaning there will be two possible interpretations. The

    first interpretation is that the inspector wants to see his list about something and the

    second interpretation is that the inspector wants to check the list of student or the

    student itself.

    Based on the latest dialogue we can conclude that what Miss Courtney

    means by register is that the book used to record the student at school. We can

    conclude it from the dialogue, call it as soon as you get back to your class. That

    means to call the student or check the student who present at school.


  • 36

    9. Ambiguous Word “Sir”

    Conversation 9: Episode 2, 00:18:14 00:18:50

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Giovanni Si professori.

    Mr. Brown No Giovanni! Not professori.

    Giovanni No professori,

    Mr. Brown No, you should address me as Sir.

    Giovanni Now I understand (bow). You have

    been knotted.

    Mr. Brown Come again.

    Giovanni To become a Sir! You got Knotted

    by the queen.

    Mr. Brown The word is knighted! And

    I'm not that kind of sir.

    The word that contains lexical ambiguity on that conversation is the word

    sir. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition there are three

    meanings. The first meaning is a polite way of addressing a man whose name you

    do not know to show respect. The second meaning is that a title that is used before

    the first name of a man who has received one of the highest British honors. The

    third meaning is used as a form of address by children in school to a male teacher

    (p. 1387). These are polysemy which all meanings have relation in sense which is

    used to address a man.

    According to these meanings, there will be some interpretation. The first is

    that Mr. Brown asks to be called sir because he is a teacher. Mr. Brown thinks

    Giovanni how to address a teacher in English language. The other interpretation is

    that Mr. Brown has received British honor. It happens whenever Giovanni thinks

    that Mr. Brown asked to be called sir because he was knighted by the Queen. On


  • 37

    the next dialogue Mr. Brown clarifies that he is not that kind of sir. He is not

    knighted by the Queen.

    It can be concluded that the meaning of sir on the conversation is the way

    to address and give respect to the teacher. In this case, Mr. Brown wanted to teach

    Giovanni, who called him professori, to call him sir.

    10. Ambiguous Word “Present”

    Conversation 10: Episode 2, 00:19:27 00:19:51

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Mr. Brown Ali Nadim

    Ali Nadim Gift

    Mr. Brown Gift?

    Ali Nadim

    I'm surprising you, no. Each day l

    am learning new English word. And

    I am finding that gift is another

    word for present.

    Mr. Brown Very ingenious.

    On the story, Mr. Brown calls the student one by one. When the student is

    called, they must answer by saying present. Whenever, Ali is called he answers by

    saying gift.

    The word that contain lexical ambiguity on the dialog is the word present.

    According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition, the word present

    has some meanings and also can be in the form of adjective, noun and verb. As an

    adjective, present is used to show something existing or happening now. As a noun,

    present is a thing that you give to somebody as a gift. As a verb, the word present

    means to give something, to show or offer something etc. (p. 1155). The word


  • 38

    present can be classified as homonymy which the pronunciation and the spelling

    are identically but the meaning is different.

    On the dialog, Mr. Brown asked them to say present to show their existence

    in the class. In the other hand Ali thought the word present as a noun which is a

    thing that we give to somebody. This meaning has similar meaning or synonym

    with the word gift, like what Ali said. It can be concluded that the word present that

    is meant by Mr. Brown is to show the existence of the student in class not a gift like

    what Ali thought.

    11. Ambiguous Phrase “Hot Water”

    Conversation 11: Episode 2, 00:20:18 00:20:29

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Mr. Brown I'd better take down your particulars

    otherwise l may get into hot water.

    Ali Nadim You are going to have a hot bath?

    Mr. Brown No Ali, it's just another way of

    saying I may get into trouble.

    The phrase that contains lexical ambiguity is hot water. As a literal meaning,

    hot water means water that is hot. It could be hot water for drinking or bathing.

    According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s 8th Edition, get into hot water is an idiom

    that means to be in or get into trouble (p. 728). These literal meaning and idiomatic

    meaning make ambiguity on the dialogue.

    The first interpretation is that Mr. Brown should be hurry up before he gets

    into trouble because the educational inspector will come soon. The second

    interpretation is that Mr. Brown should be hurry up before he baths in hot water.


  • 39

    This interpretation was told by Ali because he does not understand the meaning of

    the idiom.

    In the next dialogue Mr. Brown explains that it is an idiom. The idiom uses

    to say the he may get into trouble. So it can be concluded that hot water, which Mr.

    Brown said before, cannot be interpreted in its literal meaning because it is an


    12. Ambiguous Word “Exercises”

    Conversation 13: Episode 2, 00:22:41 00:22:49

    Data Code Character Utterance


    Mr. Brown Get out your textbooks! I'm going to

    give you all a few exercises.

    Giovanni Scusi professori sir! I cannot do any


    Mr. Brown Why not?

    Giovanni I got a bad back.

    Lexical ambiguity on the conversation above can be found on the word

    exercise. There are some meaning of exercise according to Oxford Advanced

    Learner’s 8th Edition. The first meaning is a physical or mental activity that you do

    to stay healthy or become stronger. The other meaning on exercise is a set of

    question in a book that test your knowledge or practices a skill (p. 510). The word

    exercise can be classified as homonymy which the pronunciation and the spelling

    are identically but the meaning is different.

    Based on the meanings, there are two possible interpretations. The first

    interpretation is that Mr. Brown would give a physical activity and the second

    interpretation is that Mr. Brown would give practices on learning English. The first


  • 40

    interpretation was told by Giovanni. He thought that Mr. Brown would give them a

    physical activity. That is why he said that he cannot do that because his back was


    Based on the next conversation, it can be concluded that the meaning of

    exercise that Mr. Brown said before is not about physical activity but practicing

    English. We can see that there are misinterpretation because of the dual-meaning

    on the word exercise and both meaning are possible on the situation.

    The words and phrases on these conversations contain lexical ambiguity

    because the words and phrases have multiple meanings. According to the data,

    phrases that contain lexical ambiguity are in the form of idiom that cannot be

    interpreted in its literal meaning. In the other hand, the words that contain lexical

    ambiguity have multiple meaning because those words has different meaning in

    different part of speech or different context.

    Therefore, there are 13 conversations from Mind Your Language TV series

    season 1 episodes 1 and 2 that contain lexical ambiguity on the dialogue. According

    to the research, it was found that there are 10 words and 2 phrases that contain

    lexical ambiguity. The lexical ambiguity on the conversation can be found in the

    form of homonymy and polysemy.

    B. How the Words Result in Humor

    This part discussed how the words results in humor. There are 13 data which

    are analyzed in this part. The words and phrases containing lexical ambiguity that


  • 41

    have been found in the previous part are analyzed by using Shade’s humor theory

    to find in what way those words and phrases result in humor.

    1. Incongruity Results in Humor

    The first method that is used to produce humor in Mind Your Language TV

    series season 1 episodes 1 and 2 is incongruity. According to Shade, incongruity

    produces humor whenever we expect one thing but suddenly presented with other

    (1996, p. 11). The expectation that is changed can be from the character on the TV

    series or the audiences. The words and phrases that contain lexical ambiguity can

    change the expectation because it contains multiple meaning. It is used to make a

    lexical joke which make a joke by multiple meaning that is contained on a word,

    phrase or sentence (Shade, 1996, p. 4).

    On datum C1/E1, we can find humor on the word right that contains lexical

    ambiguity. The target audiences of the sitcom that are people who are English native

    speaker can understand what the meaning of right based on the context of the dialog.

    The audience can get the purpose of Miss Courtney saying right which is giving an

    agreement of what Ali said. The expectation of the audience is that Ali will also

    understand about the meaning of the word, because it is a simple word. Suddenly

    the expectation is surprised by the other thing because the fact that Ali did not

    understand that Miss Courtney said so he asked and clarified it again. The fact that

    the audience’s expectation is different from the fact is presented makes the word

    right which has multiple meaning becomes funny in that situation.

    On C2/E1 the humor come from the word departed. The meaning of

    departed usually used for some body that has been dead. This interpretation also


  • 42

    appeared whenever Mr. Brown is told about what happened to Mr. Warburton. He

    tries to clarify the meaning of departed on the conversation. He and most of the

    audience expect that Mr. Warburton has been dead but this expectation was changed

    by Miss Courtney by saying that Mr. Warburton has not been dead, yet he get

    mental illness. The truth is presented differently with what people thought or

    expected. It is possible to be happened because off the multiple meanings of word


    The expectation that was presente