leveraging brand influence


Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Today’s digital landscape can be overwhelming. The rise of the social web is an evolution in how people and brands communicate and interact. It has fundamentally changed our economy, our culture and communication. How can we leverage the power of co-creation and communities in building brand value with our clients – marketing with them instead of at them to create higher levels of engagement and advocacy? This highly interactive game-like session will establish the core principles for building brand influence.


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!THE FUTURE OF MARKETING: SPEAKER APPENDIX!!1. Human beings as social animals – Mark Earls, Founder, HERD Consulting!HERD thinking challenges many of the core assumptions of advertising, marketing and market research professionals way of seeing the world and proposed a realignment of these disciplines around the idea of humans being fundamentally social creatures. Mark will share the research and thinking that underpins this more realistic view of human behavior, explain what this means for marketing and talk about some brands that have harnessed this and driven their business.! !2. Creativity in the new world – Gareth Kay, Chief Strategy Officer, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners!Companies that are breaking through today and winning with customers in this new world are those that are leveraging creativity in whole new ways. We will look at brands that are bending what they do to inject more breakthrough creative thinking to help them stand out. !!3. Leveraging brand influence – Kathryn Worthington, VP Account Planning Design Kitchen!Today’s digital landscape can be overwhelming. The rise of the social web is an evolution in how people and brands communicate and interact. It has fundamentally changed our economy, our culture and communication. How can we leverage the power of co-creation and communities in building brand value with our clients – marketing with them instead of at them to create higher levels of engagement and advocacy? This highly interactive game-like session will establish the core principles for building brand influence.  !