leverage your library program: collaborate! audrey church, coordinator, school library media program...

Leverage Your Library Program: Collaborate! Audrey Church, Coordinator, School Library Media Program Longwood University

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Leverage Your Library Program: Collaborate!

Audrey Church,Coordinator, School Library Media

ProgramLongwood University

“The school library media specialist must be perceived

as a strong, creative, collaborative professional

who is a visible leader in the design of curriculum and

instruction appropriate for an information-rich culture.”

Marilyn Miller, AASL Past President and Professor Emeritus, UNCG

Leverage Your Library Program!

“The school library media specialist must be perceived

as a strong, creative, collaborative professional

who is a visible leader in the design of curriculum and

instruction appropriate for an information-rich culture.”

Marilyn Miller

Eight Recent Statewide Studies

The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement, Colorado, 1993

Information Empowered: The School Librarian as an Agent of Academic Achievement, Alaska, 1999

Measuring Up to Standards: The Impact of School Library Programs & Information Literacy in Pennsylvania Schools, 2000

How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards: The Second Colorado Study, 2000

School Libraries and MCAS Scores, Massachusetts, 2000

Good Schools Have School Librarians: Oregon School Librarians Collaborate to Improve Academic Achievement, 2001

Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Students’ Performance, 2001

Make the Connection: Quality School Library Media Programs Impact Academic Achievement in Iowa, 2002

New Study—2003 How School Librarians Improve

Outcomes for Children: The New Mexico Study, Lance, Rodney, and Hamilton-Pennell

“The New Mexico Study joins eight other state studies now reporting on a total of over 3300 schools delivering the same message: school library media centers make a difference in academic achievement.”Research Titles from LMC,


Test scores are higher when the school has …

A professionally trained, full-time library media specialist

Adequate support staff in the library A strong collection (books, periodicals,

online databases) that meets the needs of the school instructional program

Student access to the library resources and information within and beyond the library

Test scores are higher when the school has a library media specialist who …

Is knowledgeable about school curriculum

Assists teachers in using information technology

Communicates and collaborates with teachers

Teaches students information literacy skills

Student achievement is higher!

When library media specialists take an active role in curriculum and instruction

When library media specialists teach information literacy skills

When teachers and library media specialists collaborate…

Levels of Collaboration


As defined in The Information-Powered School, ALA, 2001

Cooperation Loose working relationship Teacher and LMS work

independently Teacher and LMS share information

informally Teacher sees library media

specialist solely as a provider of resources.

Coordination More formal working relationship Shared understanding of goals for

teaching and learning More planning and communication Teacher sees LMS as colleague who

can process requests for time in LMC and play minor teaching role (in area of research and use of library resources).

Collaboration Ongoing communication about

shared goals for student learning Planning, teaching, and jointly

assessing student work Teacher views LMS as teaching

partner and respects expertise that she brings to the process.

Teacher/Library Media Specialist Collaboration,

as defined by D. Loertscher

Two partners, the teacher and the library media specialist, team to exploit materials, information, and information technology to enhance a learning activity.

The library media specialist holds a unique position as a valuable asset in the collaborative process.

Principals and superintendents encourage effective collaboration and monitor its progress.

Collaboration Observation Checklist,

as suggested by D. Loertscher

Teachers and library media specialists are Brainstorming a curricular unit Developing plans, activities, and

assessments Choosing materials and technologies Working side by side as unit activities

happen Jointly evaluating the success of the unit Engaging in staff development to refine the

collaborative process

Checklist, continued Students are

Working in library and classroom on projects, portfolios, presentations, inquiry and other authentic learning tasks

Comfortable in using information and information technology

Sharing finding in group-related activities Interested and excited about learning

Facilities are Planned and arranged to support the

various activities that collaborative learning experiences produce

Leverage Your Library Program to

Help Raise Test Scores—


Collaboration Develop the library media collection

targeted at the instructional program of the school.

Know the curriculum—district and state.

Attend grade level/department meetings.

Serve on standards and curriculum committees.

Collaboration Participate in curriculum

development. Collaborate with teachers. Team teach and coevaluate

student products with teachers.

Information Literacy Be vocal for information literacy and

work to integrate information literacy skills instruction into the curriculum.

Teach information literacy skills to students, as appropriate, as an integral part of content area instruction.

Explore and examine the various research process models.

Information Technology Train teachers and students to

effectively use the licensed databases available.

Train teachers and students to effectively use the Internet: to use search tools efficiently and effectively and to evaluate information found.

Work to provide access to resources at the point of need, even beyond library walls.

Roles of the Library Media Specialist

Program administrator Information specialist Teacher Instructional partner

-as defined in Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning, 1998

Library media specialists are instructional partners,

teachers, and information specialists ….critical to the teaching and learning that

occurs in our schools!



to Connect ILS with

Content Area Standards!

Nine Information Literacy Standards for Student

Learning Information Literacy—

Students are able to1. Access information efficiently

and effectively2. Evaluate information critically

and competently3. Use information accurately and


Nine Information Literacy Standards for Student

Learning Independent Learning—Students

are information literate and are able to

4. Pursue information for their own personal interests

5. Appreciate literature and other creative expressions of information

6. Strive for excellence in information seeking and knowledge generation

Nine Information Literacy Standards for Student


Social Responsibility—Students who contribute positively to the learning community and society are information literate and

7. Recognize the importance of information in a democratic society

8. Practice ethical behavior in regard to information technology

9. Participate effectively in groups to pursue and generate information

Standards of Learning

English, November 2002 Common Threads

Reading—comprehension of fiction and nonfiction Writing—use available technology Grades 1- 8—Reference materials

3.7 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information from a variety of print resources.

a)      Use dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, and other reference books, including online reference materials.b)      Use available technology.

5.7 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information from a variety of print resources.

Research 9.8 The student will credit the sources of both quoted

and paraphrased ideas. a)   Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism. b)     Distinguish one’s own ideas from information created or

discovered by others. c)     Use a style sheet , including Modern Language Association

(MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA), for citing secondary sources.

9.9 The student will use print, electronic databases, and online resources to access information.a) Identify key terms specific to research tools and processes.

b)   Narrow the focus of a search. c)    Scan and select resources. d)    Distinguish between reliable and questionable Internet

sources and apply responsible use of technology.

Research 12.1 The student will write documented research papers. a) Identify and understand the ethical issues of research and

documentation. b) Evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of information. c) Synthesize information to support the thesis. d) Present information in a logical manner. e) Cite sources of information using a standard method of

documentation, including Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA).

f)  Edit copies for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

g) Proofread final copy, and prepare document for publication or submission.


Science, January 2003 The Role of Instructional Technology in

Science Education The use of current and emerging technologies is

essential to the K-12 science instructional program. Specifically, technology must

Assist in improving every student's functional literacy. This includes improved communication through reading/information retrieval (the use of telecommunications)…

Investigate and Understand

1.7 The student will investigate and understand the relationship of seasonal change and weather to the activities and life processes of plants and animals. Key concepts include how temperature, light, and precipitation bring about changes in

a)  plants (growth, budding, falling leaves, and wilting); b)  animals (behaviors, hibernation, migration, body covering,

and habitat); and c)  people (dress, recreation, and work).  2.4 The student will investigate and understand that

plants and animals undergo a series of orderly changes in their life cycles. Key concepts include

a)      some animals (frogs and butterflies) undergo distinct stages during their lives while others generally resemble their parents; and

b)      flowering plants undergo many changes from the formation of the flower to the development of the fruit.

6.8 The student will investigate and understand the organization of the solar system and the relationships among the various bodies that comprise it. Key concepts include

a)      the, sun, moon, Earth, other planets and their moons, meteors, asteroids, and comets;

b)      relative size of and distance between planets; c)      the role of gravity; d)      revolution and rotation; e)      the mechanics of day and night and phases of the

moon; f)        the unique properties of Earth as a planet; g)      the relationship of the Earth’s tilt and seasons; h)      the cause of tides; and i)        the history and technology of space exploration.

PS.3 The student will investigate and understand the modern and historical models of atomic structure. Key concepts include

a)      the contributions of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr in understanding the atom; and

b)      the modern model of atomic structure.

BIO.8 The student will investigate and understand how populations change through time. Key concepts include

a)      evidence found in fossil records; b)      how genetic variation, reproductive strategies, and

environmental pressures impact the survival of populations;

c)      how natural selection leads to adaptations; d)      emergence of new species; and e)      scientific explanations for biological evolution.


Collaboration work with all to provide access to

information work with teachers and administrators to

build and manage collections that support authentic, information-based learning

work with teachers to plan, conduct, and evaluate learning activities that incorporate information literacy, helping students become independent, information literate lifelong learners

“Stepping boldly into the learning process with

students and teachers brings understanding and support

for the library media program from principals, teachers, parents, and school board

members.”Marilyn Miller

“The Library as a Focal Point to Achieve Student Success” from David V.

Loertscher’s Reinvent Your School’s Library in the Age

of Technology

Base of Pyramid: Network Central/Information Infrastructure

The Library Program: Teaching Information Literacy Enhancing Learning through Technology Building Reading Literacy Collaborating with Teachers in the Design

of Learning Increased Academic Achievement!

Does active participation in the instructional process

by the library media specialist impact

teaching and learning that occurs?

“On an individual basis: After the first year of flexible scheduling, with all library projects based on teacher/librarian collaboration, we found there was a direct correlation between library usage and improved test scores. After running the end-of-the-year circulation report, it became obvious that the teachers who had the highest library usage also had the highest test scores. A detailed analysis revealed there was a direct link between library usage and test scores in reference study and reading comprehension. For example, the classroom with the highest library usage has a mastery percentage of 86% in reference study and 81% in comprehension. The teacher who offered the most resistance to collaborative planning and library usage also had the lowest in mastery scores—19% in reference study and 52% in comprehension.”

--Faye Pharr, Principal, Lakeside Academy of Math, Science, and Technology, Chattanooga, TN, at the White House Conference on

School Libraries

Resources Information Power: Building Partnerships for

Learning, ALA, 1998. The Information-Powered School, ALA, 2001 Loertscher, David V. Reinvent Your School’s

Library in the Age of Technology, HiWillow, 1998. Virginia Standards of Learning,


White House Conference on School Libraries, June 4, 2002, http://www.imls.gov/pubs/whitehouse0602/whitehouse.htm

Audrey ChurchInstructor/Coordinator,

School Library Media Program

Longwood UniversityHull 234, Farmville, VA 23909

[email protected]