let's talk about swift.com- work session

the changes, our roadmap and what’s in it for you Let's talk about swift.com Willy Aerts Robin Brooks 24 25 November 2014

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Presentation from SWIFT's Operations Forum Europe 2014 on 26-28 November in Paris


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the changes, our roadmap and what’s in it for you

Let's talk about swift.com

Willy Aerts – Robin Brooks

24 – 25 November 2014

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• The purpose of this session is to update you on

– What’s new since last year

– What’s coming in 2015

– Looking forward: some of the directions we are investigating for the future of

the platform

• We will ask you for feedback and suggestions on how to shape the

applications to best fit your future needs.

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• What we discussed last year

• The new version of myProfile

• The user management for SWIFTRef products

• The user management for WATCH products

• The 2-step verification for login to swift.com

• Priorities for 2015

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What was discussed last year at SOFE

• Provide API’s to integrate with the support tools of SWIFT.

– Receive Events / Alerts

– Search on error code

– Obtain certificate status, Operational Status

• Operational Hub (All operational tools in one place)

– Evolve / revamp Configuration Browser

– Tailored / personalized homepage

• Mobile

– Notifications

• Knowledge

– Design for task-based scenarios, custom books



– Error 404 –

Future Not Found

– Support on the

move: Evolution of

Support Services

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Error 404: Future not found

• Four sessions at SOFE to help us design future support tools:

– Three deep dive sessions to focus on different topics:

• Information Evolution

• Diagnostics & Monitoring Evolution

• Portal & Tools Evolution

• Limited seats available, registration required!

– One plenary session to bring it all together:

• See the outcomes of the deep dive sessions

• Vote on your top priorities

• See our work in progress, and guide future evolutions!

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Information Evolution

• Demo of Help Center, the future starting point for all your information needs

• Practical workshop exercises:

– User needs and skills for specific tasks

– Mock-up of a task-based approach

– Feedback session on Help Center

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Diagnostics & Monitoring Evolution

• Three workshops to answers the following questions:

• How SWIFT could help you …

– keeping your systems in good health?

– monitoring your infrastructure?

– diagnose and repair when

things go wrong?

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Portal & Tools Evolution

• Two tracks:

• Portal • Currently, finding the right tool or resource is not easy

• We plan a complete revamp of our landing page into a true support portal

• Give your feedback on first concepts, show your priorities

• Tools

– Configuration Browser • Demo of the upcoming release

• Give your feedback and ideas for future enhancements

– Operational Status • Help us design a new version

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What we discussed last year at PSF

• E-ordering delegation and SWIFT hierarchies

• Billing contacts and e-Invoicing

• Search improvements

• New onboarding process

• Online training schedule

• Contact management improvements

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New version of myProfile

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Centralized access to applications


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Standardized profiles for your employees


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Integrated online documentation


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Improved user report


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Potential enhancements

1. Allow choosing more applications for standard profile

2. API to download user report

3. Online statistics of usage of applications on swift.com

4. Automatic delete of users who did not login for a full year

5. ?

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User management for SWIFTRef products

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User management for SWIFTRef products

Step 1: Single Sign On using swift.com user account credentials

Live on swift.com since 15 February 2014

Step 2: Self-management for SWIFTRef customers on swift.com

Live on swift.com since 25 October 2014

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User management for swiftrefdata.com

Step 1: Single Sign On using swift.com user account credentials

Single sign on refers to using your swift.com user profile to log into swiftrefdata.com

instead of maintaining two unique user name/password pairs for swift.com and


SSO applies for the following applications on swiftrefdata.com:

- Access to all online applications (e.g. Bankers World Online).

- Access to all directory file downloads

- Access to trial accounts for the online applications.

- Access to the PAK area (data Publishing Access Key).

SSO for download automation and web services APIs will be available in November 2014

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User management for swiftrefdata.com

Step 1: Single Sign On using swift.com user account credentials How does it work?

SWIFTRef users click on the "Login Here"

button on the home page of swiftrefdata.com:

After clicking, users are automatically

redirected to swift.com website login page,

where username and password must be

entered. In order to complete authentication

procedure, “Login” button must be pressed:

After clicking the "Login“ button, users are

automatically redirected back to

swiftrefdata.com website.

If you are already logged-in on swift.com and access a URL on

swiftrefdata.com, then no new login is needed. 19

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User management for swiftrefdata.com

Step 2: Self-management for SWIFTRef customers on swift.com

Users with a profile on swift.com with the role “SWIFTRef user administrator”, have the ability to grant or revoke access to

SWIFTRef products and services using online admin functions. (no order forms anymore)

Through the SWIFTRef self registration process, users without a profile on swift.com can use a

PASSKEY to request a new profile with access to SWIFTref products that have been purchased

by their institution.

SWIFT staff will grant users access to

–Publishing Access Key (PAK) data maintenance screens.

–Trial access for online SWIFTRef applications

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Admin functions for SWIFTRef user administrator

• SWIFTRef user administrator is a new security role.

• e-form for ordering SWIFTRef product specifies the person who will become SWIFTRef user administrator.

• SWIFTRef user administrator has a list of contracts for which he/she can manage users

• SWIFTRef user administrator can use the following admin functions:

– Grant/revoke access to SWIFTRef products that are linked to a contract

– Generate reports about users who have access to SWIFTRef products

– View the details of a contract and manage PASSKEYs for contracts.

• SWIFTRef user administrators can NOT approve user registrations, or grant access to other applications.

This remains the responsibility of the swift.com administrator.

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Admin functions for SWIFTRef user administrator


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Self-registration with PASSKEY

• SWIFTRef user administrators can manage passkeys for their contracts.

• Users can request a profile on swift.com and get access to SWIFTRef products with a

passkey. The registration request must be approved by the swift.com administrator.

• Users who have already a profile, can use the passkey to get immediate access to the

SWIFTRef products that are related to the passkey.

• A passkey is linked to ONE contract and one e-mail domain name.

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Self-registration and trial access


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Self-registration with PASSKEY

• Rules for the registration with passkey

• A passkey is linked to ONE contract and one e-mail domain name.

• When a user enters a passkey, the system will verify:

– If the e-mail of the user corresponds to the domain name that is defined for the passkey

– If the user registers for a BIC that is in the scope of the contract that is linked to the passkey.

– If the e-mail that is entered on the registration screen is allowed by the white list for e-mail domain

names (if defined)

• Registration requests generated with a passkey will follow the same rules as other registration


– Standard profiles, password policy, e-mail domain name, all apply

• Already registered users can use the passkey to get access to SWIFTRef products


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Trial access for SWIFTRef products

Users can request trial access for online SWIFTRef products

(e.g Bankers world)

Trial access is approved by SWIFT staff (SWIFTRef commercial team).

If the user does not yet have an account, then the request must first be approved by the

SWIFTRef commercial team and then the registration request must be approved by the

swift.com administrator.

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Access to the PAK for SWIFTRef

The roles SWIFTRef PAK for SSI, SWIFTRef PAK for SEPA, SWIFTRef PAK for

IBAN, allow the user with this role to access the application on swiftrefdata.com that

allows to update data in the databases.

This role is granted/revoked by SWIFT staff.

If this role is given to a person who wants a profile for a specific BIC, the registration

request must be approved by the swift.com administrator.

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Access to SWIFTRef products integrated in user report

The access rights of users for SWIFTRef products are now fully integrated in the

user reports.

• The SWIFTRef user administrator can generate a user report for each

SWIFTref contract that he/she is managing. The report contains the access

rights of all users who have access based on the selected contract.

• The swift.com administrator will see in the user report for all users that are in

his/her scope of control which access rights these users have for SWIFTref


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Potential enhancements

1. ?

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User management for WATCH

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User management for WATCH

Same principles as for SWIFTRef user management:

– WATCH user administrator is an already existing security role.

– e-form for ordering WATCH product specifies the person who will become WATCH user administrator.

– WATCH user administrator has a list of contracts for which he/she can manage users

– WATCH user administrator can use the following admin functions:

– Grant/revoke access to WATCH products that are linked to a contract

– Generate reports about users who have access to WATCH products

– View the details of a WATCH contract.

– WATCH user administrator will see all details like the WATCH restrictions that apply for a specific user.

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Potential enhancements

• ?

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Strong login with 2-step verification

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Strong login for SWIFT KYC Registry

User of KYC Registry must login with swift.com user-name/password and an additional security code.

We call it 2-step-verification.

The 2-step-verification can be received via sms, e-mail, or phone call to mobile phone or land-line.

Setup of 2-step-verification is integrated in user profile on swift.com.

2-step-verification setup can be revoked by user or by SWIFT.

When user revokes 2-step-verification, this must be approved by 2 swift.com administrators.

Multi-profile users only need to use the security code if they login with a profile that has access to KYC.

Setup of 2-step-verification will only be visible in user profiles that have access to KYC.

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Strong login for SWIFT KYC Registry

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Strong login for SWIFT KYC Registry

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Strong login for SWIFT KYC Registry


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Strong login for SWIFT KYC Registry

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Potential enhancements

1. Mobile app on your smartphone to generate the security code

2. Option for swift.com administrators to use strong login with 2-step verification

3. Replace the secure code card of SWIFTNet security officers by this 2-step


4. ?

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new features

missing functionality

potential opportunities

your feedback small


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Potential enhancements

1. New version of myProfile

A. Allow choosing more applications for standard profile

B. API to download user report

C. Online statistics of usage of applications on swift.com

D. Automatic delete of users who did not login for a full year

E. ?

2. User management for SWIFTRef products

A. ?

3. User management for WATCH

A. ?

4. Strong login with 2-step verification

A. Mobile app on your smartphone to generate the security code

B. Option for all swift.com administrators to use strong login

C. Option to select strong login for everybody in your institution

D. Replace the secure code card of SWIFTNet security officers


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Best Practices

You Informal B



Operational Topics Facilitators





Key L





Mon: 18:35-19:05

+ Cocktails & Snacks

Tue: 10:30-11:00

Tue: 13:10-13:40

Tue: 15:30-16:00

All details about Café Caroline can be found at the end of the

PSF Year Book: how to register, timing, topics, location

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Thank you