lets get to it! · have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... if...


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Page 1: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re
Page 2: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re


Lets get to it!

Page 3: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 1-The Pareto Principle a.k.a. the 80/20 Rule. The Pareto Principal states that 20% of you production accounts for 80% of the results you achieve. Guess what that other 80% of what you are doing only accounts for? That’s right you got it, only 20% of the total results you are achieving. Why is this important you may be asking yourself since some of you may already be aware of this? Let me explain. Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal just seamlessly fall into their laps? Who can just get buyers and sellers out of nowhere? This principal is in full effect here and it will appear as if these top producing investors are doing less work on the surface. The reality of the situation is and what they will never tell you is that the majority of their business comes from just one or two sources, clients, or accounts/contracts. They focus most of their attention to these sources of business and deals while taking a lighter approach to the other 80% with the hopes maybe they can tap into another good money stream eventually. But their main bread and butter are that one account or accounts depending. What you have do is find out what works and what isn’t working currently and focus only on what is working for you. It may take a little time to find out what works best but when you do stop putting as much focus on the things that aren’t and focus the majority of you energy on that one particular thing that is. It’s a simple as that, 20% will account for 80%, find that 20% that works best for you, stick to it and the rest will take care of itself.

Page 4: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 2 - Sticking to it regardless of what happens and never giving up. What any successful person including some of the most successful real estate investors will never openly mention or admit is that they keep getting up over and over again after continually getting knocked down figuratively speaking. They may want to appear on the surface like they’re not getting back up or even lead you to believe they may give up. Which may lead you not to stick to it and also give up, which would help their cause (less competition). This is just a theory of mine but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen people do this. The very savvy one’s of course. Getting back to the main point here, they leave their emotions out of it and do not respond to negative thoughts or act in a negative manner if and when things do not go their way. I’m speaking in terms of business and deals here, but this principal could also apply to certain areas of life to. The best asset they have is being nonreactive and to just keep moving forward to the next deal or transaction while at the same time not looking back or dwelling on the past. They learn from the experience or sometimes the mistake and do not let it happen again. Regardless how many times things don’t work out or are told NO they just keep going forward until things eventually work out. If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re impatient or bouncing around from place to place you start to spin your wheels and continually go around in circles which will cause things not work out. Stick to it regardless of how much pain and frustration you may feel.

Page 5: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 3 - Who you know is more important than what you know. You could have the knowledge of a real estate lawyer or even be more qualified, have more deals under your belt, and be more experienced then the other guy... All that matters is at the end of the day or in this case all day every day is not about what you know it’s about who you know. Cliché but true in every sense and this little secret can either work for or work against you. So you better start to meet the right people who can open the right doors and make the proper introductions for you. Just be careful who you talk to such as co-workers or other investors/ agents in this case because, they may even try to keep you away from these crucial people if they know them. They could have the fear that you may try to steal business away from them and rightfully so in certain instances in my opinion. Think about it would they try to do it to you not saying that stealing clients is the right thing to do but has it ever happened you? Do you think of these people would do it in order to try to advance themselves and their business at your expense? Well it has happened to me more than once, that I don’t like to admit. What does all this mean? Well its means that knowing the right people can make all he difference between success and failure. You will have to know right people and the same people as do all the other top-producing investors know. Some examples of the right people to know would be local politicians, people in the city planning office, people involved in zoning, people in developmental services, developers, business owners and wealthy people.

Page 6: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 4 - Knowing the right people and having an Extensive Rolodex. Knowing the right people such as wealthy people or developers can take you on the express elevator all the way to the top faster than you ever imagined. Let me let you in on another secret about top producing investors, they are all working with people of this caliber. For example if you get in with a developer they have the ability to throw deal after deal at you and can continue to throw deals at you for a very long time to come. Doing deals that are being handed to you are not hard to do, the hard part is getting someone to hand them to you. The only way to meet the right people is to meet the people that can make the connection for you. Having the right contacts is great but remember if you do not use or call upon your contacts they are worthless. Top producing investors do a lot of networking and if you network for a long enough period time you will come across the right people, the people you have to meet.

Page 7: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 5 - Having an Inside Track. The top investors always have the inside track of what is going on in their market, which is a result of knowing the right people, as we have just discussed. Have you ever noticed how some people always seem to be a step ahead of you? Ever wondered why this is, it’s because they are armed with the proper knowledge. Any top-producing investor defiantly does not want you to know any type of sensitive information that would be of benefit and they will definitely guard against anyone else knowing it. For example, a very desirable property that is about to go up for sale or a new development that is about to be built. Having the right information will put you ahead of the competition and you could have a property under contract before it ever hits the open market. If you have wondered why all the good properties get sold quickly before anyone know about them, this would be the reason. Where do you get this type of information? One you could steal it but you would need to know where to look so this approach wouldn’t really work too well. The other more effective way would be to meet the right people. Again I know what you are thinking where do I meet the right people. Let me just say this, all the people that are going to have access to the right information are going to be associated with higher end establishments and people with power. If you do not know anyone then this is where you would want to begin and try to have someone make the introduction for you. Keep in mind when you have the inside track and information you have all the power.

Page 8: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 6 - They have entitlement, act is if they deserve it, and the world gives it to them. This principal is something that all top producing investors have in common but I can almost guarantee that most of them probably don’t even realize that they are doing it. They also do not realize how effective it is and if they knew they defiantly would not share this technique with you or anyone for that fact. They act entitled and like I have said before the world will accept you for how you see yourself. If you are walking around acting entitled to and feel that you should be working on big expensive deals you have a much better chance at closing them, rather then if you are walking around thinking those deals are too big or out of your league. Many of the top producers don’t eve realize they are doing this, its just how they are naturally probably a side effect of the way they were raised. You can thank your parents or blame them if you are not closing the type of deals you would like to be closing. Only half kidding there, but what you want to do is see yourself how you want the world to view you. So if you want to be a top producer you have to see yourself as a top producer before anyone else does. Lastly you need to be confident and be sure of yourself in your decisions. When you have this outlook it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy and things will take care of themselves naturally.

Page 9: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 7 - Proper marketing. Proper marketing and positioning are probably some of the biggest dirty secrets in advertising. Lets start with proper positioning, have you ever wondered why some people just seem like they started in the top? Its quite simple when you know the mechanics behind it which simply are they put themselves at the top from the onset. Big mistakes the people make are they think they have to climb the success ladder, put their time in, or pay their dues. Well the truth of the matter is that you don’t have to, now someone that has put their “Time in” will not agree with the statement. It will probably bother them because they will have realized they could have cut the line so to speak, so don’t listen to them. The easiest way to position yourself at the top is to just place yourself there to begin with. Sounds simple but this is overlooked by almost everyone. The secret here is they position themselves and their marketing as the authority and you could say their position is somewhat manufactured. This is another big dirty secret in the marketing world, many people and companies just position themselves at the top from the get go. If you have ever wondered where they come from or how they just come out of the “Wood work” this is how. Manufacturing their position… The other part to proper marketing is you need to know to properly market yourself and you services. You need to become a marketer who invests in real estate and not a real estate investor that market themself. I have an entire report on this topic titled Million Dollar Flyers. If you want more information on how to properly market yourself so people respond to you and your advertisements in droves please go to this address… http://milliondollar.howtomakethephoneringnow.com

Page 10: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 8 - Doing what’s hard first. Successful real estate investors do what’s hard first, which one could say are the things they don’t like or want to do. They make that one phone call they don’t want to make or have to put out that certain fire figuratively speaking. They get up early and stay at the office late and go that extra mile even when they do not want to. They pay attention to the details and make sure all the loose ends are tied up before moving forward. When you begin to do what is hard first and you face it head on you soon realize that you will complete whatever it is faster than you had previously thought possible. It’s when you procrastinate that these hard tasks start to seem never ending as well as impossible. When you put the hard items off they just become harder. People who put off the hard thing to tomorrow never realize that tomorrow never comes. Then wonder why they don’t get the results they want and are seeking. The secret here is to do what is hard first and get started on it as quickly as possible. Do not ever wait or say you will do it tomorrow

Page 11: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 9 - They work harder than most. With everything else being said and everything being equal in this report the top producing investors probably work a little harder than most people do which may include you. Not to mention that they also probably work a little smarter than most people do to. What does this mean? It means they have their entire day scripted before hand and know what they will be doing during every waking hour. Also they get up earlier and go to bed later than you may think. They start their day before you and live by the philosophy that the day is half over by 11AM. They work on the weekends in the figurative sense because I know what you are thinking right now, and they work holidays or while everyone else is on vacation. Anyone who is successful in any industry especially real estate has not just their day scripted but have their entire week scripted. This little secret will make all the biggest difference in you production and will increase you efficiency. Have you ever wondered how some people are able to get 15 hours worth of work done in 8 hours? This is how, and you can ask any successful person in any industry including real estate and they will all say the same thing. They just wont tell you that there day is scripted rather they will show you by just going through their day.

Page 12: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

Secret # 10 - Meditation and clearing your head. Anyone that is successful especially in this industry but as well as in any industry mediates for at least for 10 – 20 minutes daily. In order to function property and be able to make clear decisions there is no better way to free your mind than meditation. This is vey important and I can guarantee that most if not all millionaires do it very consistently. You have to clear your head and have a clear mind in order to make the proper and right decisions. If your head is not clear you run the risk of making the wrong decisions without even realizing it. It could be described as your mental desk, which you will have to clear off. This is basically everything you do not have control over. You will have to stop worrying about things out of your control and only focus on the things that you can control such as yourself and your emotions. In addition to meditating you should start to go on thinking walks for about 20 minutes. You want to do this if you get stuck on something such as problems with work or life. Take a walk and think about it, turn your phone off or any or any other thing that may distract you. You will be surprised how the answers will just come to you. If this does not work than you probably need a small vacation by yourself without too much partying J Back to meditation, this is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. This is a secret that people who are successful especially the top investors do not want you to know about. Its not that mediation is a secret it’s just that most people think it’s reserved for Buddhist Monks… Meditating and the topic of mediation itself is a lot to cover here. My goal here is to bring the topic to the surface, but the rest is up to you. There are many resources you can find to get you started. You can either pick up book or maybe think about going to a monastery, the choice is yours… To Opt In to our V.I.P. news letter Real Estate Advice Daily http://free.investorguidetorealestateprofits.com Check Out the NEW BOOK

Page 13: Lets get to it! · Have you ever wondered why some investors seem to have deal after deal ... If you commit to something, just one thing it will work out eventually. Its when you’re

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