lessons learned - building arcgis server 10.1 image services · 10.1/10.2 image services . Š....

Subu Swaminathan Enterprise Raster Data Specialist RedCastle Resources, Inc. Remote Sensing Applications Center USDA Forest Service Nov 14 th 2013 2013 ESRI SWUC Lessons Learned – Building ArcGIS Server 10.1 Image Services 1

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Page 1: Lessons Learned - Building ArcGIS Server 10.1 Image Services · 10.1/10.2 Image services . Š. Advantages over legacy 9.3.1 Image Server Platform ¡ Dual Function Image services ÷

S u b u S w a m i n a t h a n E n t e r p r i s e R a s t e r D a t a S p e c i a l i s t R e d C a s t l e R e s o u r c e s , I n c . R e m o t e S e n s i n g A p p l i c a t i o n s C e n t e r U S D A F o r e s t S e r v i c e N o v 1 4 t h 2 0 1 3

2013 ESRI SWUC Lessons Learned – Building ArcGIS

Server 10.1 Image Services 1

Page 2: Lessons Learned - Building ArcGIS Server 10.1 Image Services · 10.1/10.2 Image services . Š. Advantages over legacy 9.3.1 Image Server Platform ¡ Dual Function Image services ÷

USDA Forest Service – Geospatial Context 2

Page 3: Lessons Learned - Building ArcGIS Server 10.1 Image Services · 10.1/10.2 Image services . Š. Advantages over legacy 9.3.1 Image Server Platform ¡ Dual Function Image services ÷

Presentation Outline 3

ó Introduction ¡ Migrate from legacy 9.3.1 system or build from Scratch

ó Discussion of 10.x image services ¡ Process workflow ¡ New functionality for Forest Service users ¡ Bugs, stumbles and workarounds ¡ Caching Tips ¡ Current Status

ó Derived Products ¡ Tile packages

ó Next Steps, Acknowledgements and Conclusion

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Migrate or build from Scratch?

ó Existing 9.3.1 Image server implementation


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Migrate or Start from Scratch?

ó ~500-600 TB of Imagery at the SLC Data Center ó Hundreds of image services ¡ E.g. Every state had its own NAIP service by year e.g. UT NAIP 2009, UT NAIP

2011 ¡ USFS Resource Photography –Individual National Forests and Grasslands (Sub-

meter) ¡ FSTopo Primary Base Series (1:24K), Secondary Base Series( 1:126,720) ¡ eTOPO( USGS 1:24K,1:100K,1:250,oooK topo), eSAT (LANDSAT ) and others

ó Direct Migration from 9.3.1 to 10.1 was not a good way to go for us

due to ¡ Software bugs that slowed/stopped down the migration ¡ Projection issues when moving from 9.3.1 isDefs to Mosaic Datasets ¡ Potentially not future proof, possible loss of new 10.1 server features ¡ Need for consolidation of services for easier maintenance and improved UX

ó Different user communities – Basemap imagery users, Remote sensing analysts, Web developers, Enterprise GIS integration


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10.1/10.2 Image services

ó Advantages over legacy 9.3.1 Image Server Platform ¡ Dual Function Image services

÷ Cached and Dynamic Services in a single service ¢ ArcMap users can toggle between both options from layer properties in TOC ¢ Web Developers can toggle using code

÷ E.g. for NAIP imagery - Switch between 3 band RGB cached service to 4 band dynamic service (access to all 4 bands)

¡ REST endpoints now available to developers ÷ ÷

¡ More image processing functionality ÷ Raster function templates ÷ More pixel based processing functionality ÷ Enable temporal analysis for categorical and continuous thematic raster datasets

ó Disadvantages: ¡ Cannot view cached 1o.1 image services in previous versions of ArcGIS ÷ Older ArcGIS clients default to the dynamic service


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How to connect to ArcGIS 10.1 Server in ArcGIS Desktop?

ArcGIS 10.1 Server URL for Testing: (Note: Do not try to open in web browser. Use only in ArcGIS Desktop)


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10.1 Image Services Beta Testing

Dataset sizes: NAIP 2012: ~18 TB NAIP 2011: ~14 TB NAIP 2010: ~24 TB Overviews: ~ 10 TB Cache: ~3.5 TB


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Process Workflow Outline - NAIP services

ó Create Source mosaic datasets for each state in a NAIP Year using the overall extent and projection (Web Mercator Aux. in our case) ¡ Use the parallel processing factor. Test and find an ideal setting for your

machine. ó Create a Derived Mosaic dataset for a NAIP year in a different

geodatabase and add the source ‘state’ mosaic datasets to it ó Create Image service using the Derived Mosaic dataset in

ArcGIS Server and then cache that service ó Once created, you can export the cache to tiled packages that

can be used in mobile systems, disconnected environments and also uploaded/published in ArcGIS Online.

ó Excellent Resource: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/image-management-workflows/index.html


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Currently available services in ArcGIS 10.1 Server 10

ó National Services available for testing

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Currently available services in ArcGIS 10.1 Server 11

ó Resource Photography – more coming soon

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ó Example: NAIP 2012 OGC endpoints ¡ Web Map Service (WMS) -


¡ Web Coverage Service (WCS) - ÷


¡ Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) – ÷



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Using Image Services in Analysis 13

ó Max request size ¡ Limit the number of rows and columns(Pixels) that can be


ó Select appropriate Cell Size ¡ Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst tools ÷ Select the right size – e.g. 1 meter or 1 kilometer in environment

settings ¡ Other tools – Use “Make Mosaic Layer Tool” where


ó Select appropriate extent

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10.1 Image Services Beta Testing

Tip #1: Use Dynamic Image Service (Non-Cached) at large map scales and NOT at CONUS level as shown in the NDVI Screenshot). Tip #2: In ArcMap versions prior to 10.1, make the image layers (dynamic) visible only at the desired scales than at all scales


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Caching Tips 15

ó Max Source Cell Size (MSCS): ¡ Property to be set in image service properties->Caching->Advanced

Settings properties; Cell size in map units ¡ Determines if cache levels are built bottom up (from the largest scale or

directly sampled from the dynamic service at the appropriate scale) ó Decide Max Cache Level: ¡ Each higher cache level (larger map scale) results in your storage

requirement at least being doubled) ó Caching in which projection – Web Mercator or something

else ó Use boundary feature class to limit cache extent while caching

at large map scales ó Use ArcGIS Server 10.2 if available for large caching jobs

especially at very large map scales (>1:5000) ¡ Caching Controller service and better load balancing

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Tile Packages (.tpks) 16

ó Useful for disconnected offline use of large, high resolution and multi-source/resolution raster datasets ¡ Remote Field Locations ¡ Low/No bandwidth situations ¡ Wildfire/Disaster response ¡ Mobile GIS applications

ó Upload into ArcGIS Online ¡ Rapid dissemination ¡ Use in web maps ¡ Publish as hosted map service

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Bugs, Stumbles and Workarounds 17

10.2 bugs: 1. Bug NIM096060: A referenced mosaic dataset does not list the Geographic Transformation applied in the properties when created from a mosaic dataset that has different datum for the spatial reference. 2. Bug NIM093793: In ArcCatalog 10.2, the Manage Map Server Cache Tiles tool does not show cached scales of a cached map service. 3. Bug NIM093971: In ArcMap 10.2, when an areas of interest (AOI) feature class extends beyond the service boundaries, the Export Map Server Cache tool partially exports the cache and indicates success with warnings in the geoprocessing results window. The tool should fail with an error. 4. Bug NIM094969: Provide ability to use Tile Packages(.tpk) in ArcPad as basemaps while working in an offline environment Declined: 5. Bug NIM094723: The mosaic dataset overview image quality is different when it is built in ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 (possibly due to the implementation of Gaussian blurring).

Performance issues and 10.1/10.2 hot fixes and patches (such as Add raster dll, 2 GB cache bundle size limitation – Contact esri support for latest info)

¡ Note that many patches are coming out in two versions for 10.1 and 10.2

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Bugs, Stumbles and Workarounds 18

Fixed in 10.2: NIM087651 Unable to generate overviews for a mosaic dataset with certain 4-band NAIP (National Agriculture Imagery Program) imagery. NIM087827 The Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset tool fails for specific ISdef’s with or without parallel processing factor.

Unknown/Open in 10.1:

Bug NIM087308: When a geoprocessing tool is run using the Parallel Processing environment variable with 64-bit background geoprocessing, the separate processes are run as 32-bit processes. Bug NIM089097: In ModelBuilder the Repair Mosaic Dataset Paths tool will incorrectly list model variables as drop-downs in Query Definition parameter. Bug NIM089148: Enhance the Repair Mosaic Dataset Paths tool to have workspace browse options and be active by default without needing to click on the plus sign. Bug NIM088937: Gray out the option to use JPEG compression if the input mosaic dataset is 4 band, or provide documentation that this compression will not be honored as a compression type for 4 band mosaic datasets.

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Bugs, Stumbles and Workarounds 19

ó Tiled vs. Striped GeoTiffs ¡ By default, GeoTiffs are created as tiled in ArcGIS and not striped as

before ¡ This can create problems when you deal with older datasets. ¡ Copying a raster dataset using ArcGIS results in a recreation of the

dataset and sometimes solves dataset access problems ó Pyramids vs. Overviews ¡ I prefer overviews over pyramids ¡ Ignore previously built pyramids or recreate them if possible

ó Remember restarting a image service does not have the same effect as before 10.1 ¡ Changing mosaic dataset properties does not propagate the changes

to the service on restart. You will have to delete and republish the service.

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Next Steps 20

ó Steps/Challenges: ¡ Balance the load for background imagery services vs.

supporting new server-side image processing options for image processing functionality

¡ Improve performance of dynamic services ¡ Communication and Training of users ¡ Transition to Production system while applying the lessons

from the beta testing ÷ Script the transition where possible using ArcGIS Server REST

Admin API and ArcPy using python scripts

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Acknowledgments 21

ó Vision and Leadership ¡ Dave Vanderzanden (Enterprise Data Services Program Leader at

RSAC), Kevin Halverson (Now at USFS R4), Erich Kuster (RedCastle Resources)

ó Technical Support ¡ Ken Johnson (RedCastle Resources) ¡ David Nabity(APFO)and Nathan Pugh(APFO)

ó Esri Raster and ArcGIS Server Team ¡ Tommy Fauvell, Eric Rodenburg, Abhijit Doshi, Jamie Drisdelle,

Sterling Quinn, Hong Xu, Sangeet Mathew and Cody Benkelman among others

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Questions and Feedback

Subramanian Swaminathan, GISP Enterprise Raster Data Management Specialist

RedCastle Resources, Inc.

Working onsite at: USDA Forest Service

Remote Sensing Applications Center (RSAC) Office: (801) 975-3844

Email: [email protected] RSAC FS Internet website: http://www.fs.fed.us/eng/rsac/

Disclaimer: Everything expressed in this presentation is my own opinion