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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm)Presenting the World's Leading Self Realization Training System

    Guiding Thousands Around the Globe to the Highest Enlightenment

    Your personalized Self Realization Training Program

    Taught by His Grace Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    Under the guidance and inspiration of ISKCON Founder-Acharya:

    His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

    The companion text material for this course is the Bhagavad-gita As It Is by His

    Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. You can download it for free

    and read it in your computer from:


    Or for easier, more convenient reading you can purchase a hard copy from our online

    store at:


    Or a hard copy can be purchased at leading bookstores throughout the world or your

    nearest ISKCON center. There is as worldwide list of ISKCON centers given at:


    Copyright 2005-2006 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com

    You are authorized to freely distribute this knowledge all over the world provided youacknowledge its source by giving a link to or referencing our signup page at:


    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here: RESOURCES

    P.S.S. Please feel free to contact me to clarify your understanding of thelessons. To properly understand the science of self-realization is our duty inthe human form of life.

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121

    Email: [email protected]. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "You Are Not Your Body."

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (#A1)

    My dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    Today we are going to discuss what is absolutely the most importantunderstanding for one who wants to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Thatis the understanding that you are not your body. Please now lay aside allother thoughts and concerns and deeply consider and contemplate thefollowing points.

    How can we understand that we are not our bodies? My spiritual master,Srila Prabhupada, has explained it in this way,

    "One can perceive one's self-identification and feel positively that he exists.

    He may not feel it very abruptly, but by using a little intelligence, he can feelthat he is not the body. He can feel that the hand, the leg, the head, the hairand the limbs are all his bodily parts and parcels, but as such the hand, theleg, the head, etc., cannot be identified with his self. Therefore just by usingintelligence he can distinguish and separate his self from other things thathe sees. So the natural conclusion is that the living being, either man orbeast, is the seer, and he sees beside himself all other things. So there is adifference between the seer and the seen."

    The point Srila Prabhupada is making is that there is a difference betweenthe seer and the seen. The seer sits at a vantage point from which he or shecan perceive the body. The heart beats and the breathing of the lungs can

    be observed. One can see that the body is engaged in many differentvarieties of activities.

    Ask yourself these questions:

    Are my eyes seeing, or am I seeing through my eyes?Are my ears hearing, or am I hearing through my ears?Is my skin feeling, or am I feeling through my skin?What is this body, and who am I?

    If you were standing by the bank of the Mississippi River and I were to pointto the river and ask you what kind of water it is, you would probably say

    that it is Mississippi River water. But what was it yesterday? It wasMissouri River water or Ohio River water. And what will be in a few days?Gulf of Mexico water. In the same way the bag of chemicals that you callyourself is in a constant state of flux. The chemicals that you think are youtoday were something else yesterday and will be another something elsetomorrow. They are no more "you" than the molecules of water that flowthrough what is known as the Mississippi River.

    So what are you, and who are you? You are the seer, the constant factor

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    through so many changes of body that are going on constantly. In fact thebody you have now is not the same body you had when you began readingthis lesson. This concept is described very nicely in the Bhagavad-gita:

    dehino 'smin yatha dehekaumaram yauvanam jara

    tatha dehantara-praptirdhiras tatra na muhyati

    "As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood toyouth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. Asober person is not bewildered by such a change." Bhagavad-gita: 2.13

    Note: We highly recommend that you get a copy ofBhagavad-gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This particular edition isthe most authoritative and popular edition in the world.Studying it carefully will greatly facilitate your rapid spiritual

    advancement. It can be purchased from us by clicking onthe following link:Click here for Bhagavad-gita

    When you were a small child the body you had was quite different from theone you have now, but yet you can remember experiences you had then.The chemicals that made up that body are long gone, but yet there is a non-material seer of the activities of the body that can remember those pastexperiences.

    Are you convinced now that you are not your body? If so, you should nowwrite a paper describing this concept. You may repeat in your own wordswhat has been described here as well as give your own personal

    realizations. Save the paper as an important milestone on your path ofspiritual enlightenment.

    VERY IMPORTANT: If you are not yet convinced that you are not your bodyyou need to carefully study Chapter Two of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Ifyou don't yet have a copy or yet in spite of having studied it you are still notconvinced, then you should phone me or email me right way for furtherexplanation. Without your being fixed in realizing that you are not yourbody this entire course will completely useless.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,

    Always your well-wisher,Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here: RESOURCES

    P.S.S. Please feel free to contact me to clarify your understanding of thelessons. To properly understand the science of self-realization is our duty inthe human form of life.

  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "Why Do We Exist?"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (#A2)

    My dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    The other day I had a wonderful meeting with a gentleman named Danny,who is writing a paper on "faith and reason." I explained to him purelyfrom the standpoint of logic how we can understand what is sometimescalled by theologians "the ground of our being."

    That we exist is of course self-evident. Otherwise how could we be readingthis lesson? Consciousness or awareness is the symptom by which we canunderstand that we do indeed exist.

    But the question we are raising today is "Why do we exist?". To deal withthis question we must first understand the principle that everything comesfrom something, that nothing comes out of nothing. Have you ever had apractical experience that something came out of nothing? No. Has anyscientist ever produced something out of nothing? No. We can understand,therefore, that we indeed do come from something. We are not talkingabout our bodies here. We are talking about the non-material self thatexists beyond our body, that is the witness and manipulator of those thingsoccurring on the platform of the body. Of course our material bodies alsoemanate from that original source along with all the other materialelements in the universe.

    Since everything comes from something and we are part of everything wecan understand that we do indeed have a source. Everything we see iscaused by something else that preceded it. If we could trace the chain ofcausality back far enough for anything we would eventually reach theoriginal Cause of all Causes.

    Some philosophers argue that there could be a chain of cause and effectgoing on forever into infinity with no beginning point. Let's consider if thisis a logical proposal by studying what is known as the domino effect. Thedomino is a small rectangular wooden block. If you line up a whole row ofdominos next to each other and push one of them over, then with a ripplewave-like effect the entire row will collapse one after another. The firstdomino pushes over the second domino, that pushes over the third domino,

    that pushes over the fourth domino, etc. Imagine lining up an infinite rowof dominos. Even with that infinite row of dominos if there is not onedomino that somehow falls over without being pushed by another domino,the domino effect cannot take place. The entire row of dominos will remainstanding erect.

    So the point is that there must be an original Cause of all Causes; otherwisenothing can happen. There must be an origin that has no origin. Ourexistence and the existence of everything and everyone can all be traced

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    back to that one original source. Everything is coming from it, but why? Toanswer this question we must delve a little deeper to understand what isthe nature of the original source.

    Within the Totality we see that there are so many personalities, ourselvesincluded. What does this tell us? Just image if I presented you with a sack

    of gold nuggets and you asked me where I got them. I told you that I gotthem out of my gold mine. When you asked me how much gold I have in mymine I answered you that my goldmine if gold-less; that it's a gold minethat has never and will never have any gold in it. You would naturallyconsider me crazy or a liar. How can a goldmine have no gold and yet yieldan entire bag of gold nuggets?

    The point I'm making is this. If so many personalities are being emanatedfrom the original source then that original source cannot be devoid ofpersonality. It indeed must have personality, and should therefore bereferred to as he or she, not it. So the original source is a person. Why isthat person emanating us out of himself or herself?

    Since we are the emanations or energy of the original energetic source wepossess the same nature as the original source, just as a drop of oceanwater has the same chemical composition as the entire ocean. We canobserve that our nature is that we do not like to be totally alone. We preferto exchange loving dealings with other persons. There is a popular sayingthat love makes the world go around. So this is actually a fact. The originalperson is emanating us for the purpose of enjoying a loving relationshipwith us. This indeed is the very purpose of our existence. In order tobecome self-realized we must re-establish our long-forgotten lovingrelationship with the Supreme Person. When we do so we will be becomecompletely full of all knowledge and completely free of anxiety in all times,places, and circumstances, even death.

    This is that state of consciousness we will attain when we reach theultimate platform of self-realization, pure love of the supreme originalperson. That Supreme Person directly reveals Himself to us in theBhagavad-gita:

    aham sarvasya prabhavomattah sarvam pravartateiti matva bhajante mambudha bhava-samanvitah

    "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanatesfrom Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service

    and worship Me with all their hearts."Bhagavad-gita: 10.8

    Note: To gain a scientific understanding of the AbsoluteTruth we highly recommend that you get a copy ofBhagavad-gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This particular edition isthe most authoritative and popular edition in the world.Reading it along with taking these lessons will quickly

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    advance you along the pathway of ultimate self-realization.It can be purchased from us by clicking on the following link:Click here for Bhagavad-gita

    I am very eager to help you realize the highest truth and thus become freefrom all anxiety. That is why I am making this information available for

    you. May you take full advantage of it now!

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here: RESOURCES

    P.S.S. Feel free to contact me for personal guidance, but be patient. Since I

    have thousands of students it may take me some time to get back to you

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "Do Not Remain In Darkness. Come To The Light."

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (#A3)

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    I am happy that you reading my lessons. I hope that you are not onlyreading them. My ardent desire is that you are inspired to seriously studythem and ponder their profound depth of wisdom. They are not profoundbecause I am writing them. Who am I? This knowledge that has beencarefully passed down for thousands of years is profound as it is. It hasremained profound because I have not tampered with it in any way. I havenot added anything to it or subtracted anything from it. Just as a postalworker is legally bound not to tamper with the mail, I am obliged to giveyou this knowledge just as I have received it from my spiritual master.

    I want to reassure you that I am strictly opposed to any kind of dogmaticthinking or cultish sentimentalism. If there were any tinge of such things inthis knowledge I can assure you that I would not waste your time or mytime with it. From your side also you should make sure that you do not readthe lessons dogmatically. What I mean by this is that you should neitherblindly reject nor blindly accept what I am presenting. Accept or rejectthese teachings strictly on their own merit, not on the basis of anyprejudices. If something is good it should be accepted and embraced nomatter where it comes from. And if something is bad it should be rejectedeven if it comes from a source that we normally consider to be good.Consider the validity of the points I am making and carefully analyze eachlesson. Cultivate an overview of how everything fits together into oneflawless system of knowledge. And then implement the practicalinstructions that will be gradually introduced.

    There is a Vedic injunction, "tamaso ma jyotir gama." It means, "Do notremain in darkness, come to the light." Light means knowledge, anddarkness means ignorance. So every one of us is now in the ignorance ofbodily identification. The spiritual master brings the torchlight of Vedicknowledge to rescue us from the darkness. By submissively hearing fromhim we become completely illuminated with transcendental enlightenment.

    What we are presenting is the original science and the essence of actualscience. It is called atma-tattva, the science of knowing and being fully who

    you are in a perfect relationship with the Supreme Self. This philosophicalscience will completely astound any thoughtful person who open-mindedlyconsiders it. And it will fully enlighten anyone who sincerely implements itstechniques.

    This science has been very carefully handed down to me by my spiritualmaster, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Therefore Iam eternally indebted unto him. It has truly liberated me from a miserable,ignorant existence and enabled me since 1971 to constantly taste the

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    sweetest nectar of transcendental bliss and knowledge. Seeing the patheticsuffering condition of the general population I am strongly impelled toshare this most wonderful gift of ultimate self-realization.

    Practically the entire human society is tightly bound in the false materialconception of "I am this body." Therefore they cannot even begin to

    comprehend how they exist and why they exist. Modern day science istelling us that we are simply a combination of material elements that hasgradually evolved over millions of years out of a primordial molecular soup.Even though empirically the creation of life out of dead matter is totallyunverifiable we are expected to accept this concept on the principle of blindfaith. Everywhere around us we see that living things are produced by livingthings. We see everywhere that life comes from life. But we are supposed toblindly accept that life has arisen out of dead matter without any scientificproof.

    To fully comprehend and actualize our own existence we require knowledgeof who we actually are and how we come into being. This is easilyaccomplished by understanding the original source of life, the original living

    being, and the practical means of re-connecting with Him. Lovingly He hasbestowed upon us, through the timeless Vedic wisdom, the self-realizationsystem. This course is my humble attempt to transmit to you the incredibleblessing of transcendental realization that I have received by the mercy ofmy spiritual master. I sincerely hope that you can take my writings in theright spirit without any sort of prejudice or stereotyped way of thinking. Ihope that you will fully open your heart to understanding and realizing thisknowledge. If you do so, I can assure that you will find it to be strikinglywonderful.

    In our first two lessons we have understood that we are not our bodies andwhy we exist. We have understood that since nothing comes nothing that

    we must originate from something. We've also realized that that somethingmust indeed also possess personality otherwise it could not emanatepersonalities. Thus we've reached the conclusion of a personalized ultimatesource of all energies, the Supreme Person or God, and we have alsounderstood that we exist for the purpose of loving Him.

    If you are actually to develop your love for anyone then you must get toknow them intimately. As long as they remain vague or unknown how canwe expect to develop loving emotions for them? Therefore intimateknowledge of God is required. Although many people profess belief in Godvery few have intimate knowledge of God, what He looks like, where Helives, etc. The ultimate self-realization science means to fully know thatAbsolute Truth, that original source of all energies. This is where I am

    taking you if you are willing to come.

    Stay tuned in. More is coming next week.


    Note: To get the most out of this course we recommend most highly asan accompanying text book the Bhagavad- gita As It Is by His Divine

  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This particular edition isthe most authoritative and popular edition in the world. Reading italong with taking these lessons will quickly advance you along thepathway of ultimate self-realization. It can be purchased from us byclicking on the following link:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store


    I am very eager to help you realize the highest truth and thus become free from all

    anxiety. That is why I am making this information available for you. If you want personal

    guidance I am willing to give it. You may contact me by telephone or by email.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,

    Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:



    Contact Information:

    Ph: 1-512-835-2121

    [email protected]

    P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA-----------------------------------------------------------

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "The Perfection of Evolution"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (#A4)

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    You have achieved through the process of evolution a very unique positionwithin the universe. You have now reached a critical turning point in yourevolutionary progress. At this point you can either continue evolving andattain the ultimate perfection of self-realization, or through misuse of thisvaluable human form of life you can devolve back down into the lowerspecies. The choice is yours. What you do now is fully under your control.You are absolutely the architect of your own destiny. The course is beingpresented to convince you to continue evolving and, if you choose to dothat, to give you the necessary tools to do so.

    The concept of evolution was clearly delineated in the ancient Vedic wisdomof India thousands and thousands of years before Charles Darwin presentedhis version of it. Mr. Darwin, however, deviated from the Vedic description.He presented a theory that the various life forms are evolving from lowerlife forms to higher or more developed life forms. At the time he presentedhis theory there was no proof of one species transforming into another one.He hoped that in the future his theory could be proven througharcheological discoveries. To date the so-called missing link thatdemonstrates one species evolving into another has not yet beendiscovered. His theory remains that, simply a theory. It has never beenproven to be a fact.

    In the Vedic evolutionary science we understand and experience first handhow we are changing bodies in this lifetime from babyhood, to youth, tomiddle age, and to old age. We experience the momentum and witness theuniversal nature of the change of bodies as the soul moves along his or herkarmic pathway either evolving or devolving.

    You can see in the faces of advanced spiritualists how they are becomingbrighter and more illuminated as they expand their consciousness more andmore. Such enlightened souls are preparing themselves for an eternal futureof what is known as super-consciousness or Krishna consciousness. In sucha state they are absolutely liberated from all the sufferings of materialexistence. And you can see in the faces of the grossly ignorant how dull they

    are and how they are preparing themselves for a lower birth the next timearound.

    The actual evolution as described in the Vedas is a process of the soul, theanimating principle within the body, transmigrating not only within thislifetime but also at the time of death from one life form to another one. Witheach successive birth and death the soul gradually takes on higher andhigher or more conscious life forms. This continues until the soul reachesthe human form at which time he or she has the choice to either continue

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    evolving or to go back down again to the lower forms.

    The actual fact is that the different forms are already there from the verybeginning of the universe. The forms do not evolve. They are all already pre-existing from day one. It is the soul that gradually takes on higher andhigher forms according to the law of karma. In the Vedic paradigm we

    understand the soul and the body are different. The soul is the living forcethat animates the body, that would otherwise simply be a lump of deadmatter if the soul or atma were not present.

    In either case, whether we accept Darwinian evolution or Vedic evolutionwe can still understand that we have evolved to a very high position on theevolutionary ladder. Everywhere in all kinds of organizations we always seethat higher position means greater responsibility. The same principle holdstrue in the organized system of the universe. So what is our greaterresponsibility now that we've reached the human form of life? This isdescribed in the Brahma-sutra:

    Athato brahma jijnasa

    "Now that you evolved to this human form your are meant to inquire aboutthe Absolute Truth to perfect your evolutionary development."

    In this connection His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadahas explained in his introduction to the Bhagavad-gita As It Is (page 7):

    Out of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a fewwho are actually inquiring about their position, as to what they are,why they are put into this awkward position and so on. Unless one isawakened to this position of questioning his suffering, unless herealizes that he doesn't want suffering but rather wants to make a

    solution to all suffering, then one is not to be considered a perfecthuman being. Humanity begins when this sort of inquiry isawakened in one's mind. In the Brahma-sutra this inquiry is calledbrahma jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa. Every activity of the humanbeing is to be considered a failure unless he inquires about thenature of the Absolute. Therefore those who begin to question whythey are suffering or where they came from and where they shall goafter death are proper students for understanding Bhagavad-gita.

    So my dear, !fname, I'm sincerely hoping that you will take your humanform of life most seriously. To date I've had only human beings sign up forthis course. So far no cats, dogs, snakes, or raccoons have been interested.Why? Because only in the human form is there developed consciousness toponder such questions as why do I am exist, why am I suffering, etc.

    Now that you have got this advanced human consciousness utilize it forself-realization. Don't waste it simply running after the animal activities ofeating, sleeping, mating, and defending. By the laws of karma you are goingto get to your eating, sleeping, mating, and defending anyway. What youwill not get automatically is self-realization. If you want that you have tobecome determined.

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    If you have that determination, I will take you beyond this materialexistence. Stick with me through thick and thin. If something I saybewilders your mind don't just drop the course. Ask me about it. That'swhat I'm here for. I can give a reasonable and logical explanation foreverything that I'm teaching you. Stick with me for the long haul. Your

    reward will be unlimited.

    Stay tuned in. More is coming next week.

    Note: To get the most out of this course we recommend most highlyas an accompanying textbook the Bhagavad- gita As It Is by HisDivine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This particularedition is the most authoritative and popular edition in the world.Reading it along with taking these lessons will quickly advance youalong the pathway of ultimate self-realization. It can be purchasedfrom us by clicking on the following link:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    I am very eager to help you realize the highest truth and thus become freefrom all anxiety. That is why I am making this information available for you.If you want personal guidance I am willing to give it. You may contact meby telephone or by email.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: [email protected]. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

    "I Was Blessed with the Formula for SpiritualEnlightenment."

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm) #A5

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    One of my students has written asking me if I am just repeating doctrine orif I have actually personally realized what I am teaching. Is this knowledgerealized, or it is simply being dryly, vainly repeated?

    Of course, if the knowledge is genuine then it is valuable on its ownstrength whether I have realized it or not. If I give you a cashier's check forone million dollars will you question what is my net worth? No. You will takethat check to the bank and cash it!

    How will you know if the knowledge is genuine? Truth works. If it isgenuine when you apply it you will get the promised results.

    When I was in high school our chemistry teacher told us that when twoparts of hydrogen are combined with one part of oxygen water is produced.We did not have to blindly accept this statement. We went to the laboratoryand combined two parts of hydrogen with one part of oxygen in a test tube.What happened? Lo and behold, we got water! Truth works.

    The truth I am giving you in the Ultimate Self Realization Course works. Youcan take it into the laboratory of your life and experiment with it. If youperform the experiment exactly as you are instructed you will fully realizethe Absolute Truth.

    When you realize the Absolute Truth you will be ecstatic not just for a fewminutes. You will be ever-increasingly ecstatic for the rest of your eternalexistence even beyond the death of your present material body. Even deathwill not get in the way of your ever-increasingly ecstatic realization of theAbsolute Truth.

    The good news is that I have indeed realized what I'm speaking about. Howhave I been so fortunate? This is not due to any qualification that Ipossess. In fact I can honestly say that it is in spite of my innumerabledisqualifications. I simply had the good fortune of being at the right place,at the right time, with the right attitude.

    My coming to transcendental, enlightened consciousness happened in much

    the same way as when I combined hydrogen and oxygen in the test tubeunder my high school teacher's direction. My chemistry teacher knew theformula, taught it to me, and sent me to the lab so I could personallyexperience the truth of the formula.

    A spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,gave me in 1971 what he claimed was the formula for spiritualenlightenment. Although skeptical, I decided to make the experiment so Icould verify the validity or invalidity of his claim. I carefully followed his

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    instructions, and much to my great delight, sure enough, just as he hadpromised, the formula worked!

    My identification with my temporary material body was severed and Irealized my actual identity as an eternal spirit-soul full of knowledge andfull of bliss. Understanding from my first hand experience the powerful

    reality of the formula this great teacher had given me, I accepted him as myspiritual master to be expertly guided under his loving care to ever moreprofound realization of the Absolute Truth.

    Since that time I have been diving deeper and deeper into an ever-expanding eternal ocean of transcendental bliss and knowledge. I take nocredit whatsoever for what I have realized. It is all the loving kindness ofmy spiritual master upon me. Before he left this world in 1977 he orderedme and his other disciples that we should make this enlightenment formulaavailable to the suffering humanity. On his order and by his blessings I ammaking a humble attempt to do that.

    Those who take advantage of this gift of transcendental knowledge are

    indeed most fortunate. We lament that most people cannot realize what agreat opportunity awaits them if they would just sincerely try to awakentheir dormant enlightened consciousness. They will tangibly experience theultimate success, the supreme knowledge, the highest happiness, andunending peace. They will be totally liberated from all miseries.

    It is most lamentable that practically everyone is blinded by material sensegratification and has no inclination for self-realization. It breaks my heart tosee how as a human society we are entering progressively into deeper anddarker chaos, wreaking more and more agony upon ourselves, upon theinnocent animals, and upon Mother Earth. This disastrous state of affairs isdue to complete ignorance of our transcendental nature and the underlying

    transcendental reality of all that exists.

    We are making an appeal now to the world leaders and the people ingeneral to wake up from the sleep of bodily identification and realize thetranscendental nature of the self. All we are saying is give self-realization achance. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

    Note: To get the most out of this course we recommend most highlyas an accompanying textbook the Bhagavad- gita As It Is by HisDivine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This particularedition is the most authoritative and popular edition in the world.Reading it along with taking these lessons will quickly advance you

    along the pathway of ultimate self-realization. It can be purchasedfrom us by clicking on the following link:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    I would like to help you realize the highest truth and become free from thecycle of birth and death. If you are willing to learn, I am willing to guide.Feel free to contact me.

  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "What Is Yours To Renounce?"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm) #A6

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    Your signing up for this course was truly a very wise decision. Why?Because this course connects you with your eternal identity beyond all ofthe illusion and suffering of this material world. All you have to do tosolidify that connection is follow the instructions in these lessons carefully.This information is so valuable we could honestly charge you multithousands of dollars for it, but because we want to make it easily accessibleto everyone we are giving it away for free.

    Sometimes people think that to adopt the path of spiritual enlightenmentyou have to completely renounce the material world. They feel that you canhave nothing to do with it anymore, that you have to go to a secluded placelike the mountains and spend the rest of your life in silent meditation. Thisis not actually true.

    Consider the example of the two men and the bank. One man walked intothe bank to rob it. This is a criminal act. It is against the laws of nature andthe laws of man. The second man walked into the bank and announced, "Irenounce this bank." This means he was crazy. Since he did not own thebank to begin with, how could he possibly renounce it?

    If you don't actually own something you cannot renounce it. The real fact is

    that we don't own anything. We come into this world naked and we gonaked. In the middle we make a false claim of lordship over that which doesnot belong to us. Since nothing belongs to us there is nothing to renounce.We simply have to give up the false position of claiming proprietorship.

    So, who does it belong to? That is God. Lord Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita:

    bhoktaram yajna-tapasamsarva-loka-mahesvaramsuhrdam sarva-bhutanamjnatva mam santim rcchati

    "A person who knows Me as the enjoyer of everything, the owner ofeverything, and the best friend of all living beings attains peace from thepangs of material miseries."Bhagavad-gita 5.29

    If we know Who the actual owner is and we engage everything in such away that He is pleased then we achieve the peace of self-realization. Self-realization means to realize who is the individual self , Who is the SupremeSelf, and what is the relationship between them.

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    Just as the part of the body known as the hand is meant to serve the entirebody, so we, the parts and parcels of God, are by nature meant to serveGod. The hand may try to enjoy separately from the stomach by not givingfood to the mouth, but he is causing his own destruction if he does so. If thehand, however, dutifully puts food into the mouth it will get all the

    nourishment it needs.

    From careful scientific analysis confirmed by the wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita we can understand the Krishna is the Supreme Person. Therefore, if weengage ourselves fully in His service we will achieve all perfection andhappiness. The art of how to do that is learned from a bonafide spiritualmaster. We must approach someone who is expert in the science ofdevotion and fully surrender ourselves unto him.

    You have the free choice in this human form of life to continue trying toclaim false proprietorship other the temporary things of this world orhonestly admit that nothing actually belongs to you. If you choose to walkthe pathway of liberation then you will need a guide to help you find the

    path and stay solidly fixed on it.

    Lord Krishna sends a bonafide spiritual master to all those who aregenuinely seeking knowledge. When you come in contact with the spiritualmaster Lord Krishna says you should inquire from Him submissively andrender to him, that the self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto youbecause they have seen the Truth.

    Having such a bonafide spiritual master is the most important requirementfor one who is serious about self-realization. If you can hear submissivelyfrom such an enlightened soul you will achieve all spiritual perfection.

    Note: To get the most out of this course we recommend most highlyas an accompanying textbook the Bhagavad- gita As It Is by HisDivine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This particularedition is the most authoritative and popular edition in the world.Reading it along with taking these lessons will quickly advance youalong the pathway of ultimate self-realization. It can be purchasedfrom us by clicking on the following link:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    If you'd like a daily spiritual boost, you'll love our extra optional bonus weoffer freely to all our students. It's called "Thought For The Day." You cansign up to receive it by clicking on the link below:


    If the link does not work try cutting and pasting it into your web browser. Ifall else fails send and email to:

    [email protected]

    Make sure to give us your name.

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    We welcome your inquiries. We want to help you achieve spiritualperfection.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]

    Mail: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "How To Quickly Achieve Spiritual Perfection"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm) #A7

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    I'm happy to be back here with you again. I could say it's time to againfocus on the science of self-realization. But actually that is not the fact. Weare meant to always be absorbed in the realization of the self, not just oncea week. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, satatam kirtayanto mam:"Always be absorbed in the trance of self-realization by chanting mynames."

    Why should we be always absorbed in self-realization? Because life in thismaterial world is very unstable. It can cave in at any minute. I have justheard a report that a famous actor collapsed today in the middle of filmingan episode and died right there on the film set. Even though so manyfriends surrounded him, no one could do anything to save him. The realityis that none of us can be certain that we will live another five minutes.There is no guarantee. We can be surrounded by the finest doctors thatmoney can buy. An entire army of bodyguards can protect us. But still atany minute the stringent laws of this material nature can finish us off.

    We want to live forever. That is our nature. That is why some people pay tohave their bodies frozen when they die with the hopes of being revived inthe future. But yet we are forced to die. This is our miserable situation.We do not want death, but yet it is forced upon us.

    An intelligent person will inquire, "Why do I have the desire to live eternallyif I am destined to die?" The answer is that we are actually eternal spiritualbeings. Death is an unnatural imposition upon the self. Why are wesubjected to it? Because we foolishly misidentify ourselves with thesetemporary material bodies lifetime after lifetime.

    Out of ignorance we cling to this material covering known as the body tryingto squeeze as much pleasure out of it as possible. No matter how hard wetry to enjoy in this way and that, we are in the ultimate issue dissatisfiedand defeated by death. However if we learn the art of how to become happyon the spiritual platform we will experience never-ending, ever-increasinghappiness. This is known as the science of self-realization or Krishna


    How does one attain it? As mentioned in the beginning of the lesson we cansolidly fix ourselves on the transcendental platform by chanting the namesof Krishna:

    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

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    This sound vibration is not of this material world. It is directly importedfrom the transcendental world, where life is eternal, full of knowledge, andfull of bliss. In the Sanskrit language such a sound vibration is called amantra. The word mantra consists of two syllables "man" and "tra." Manmeans mind and tra means deliver. So a mantra is a sound vibration thatdelivers the mind from its entanglement within the material energy.

    `It is the material energy that induces us to misidentify with this temporarybag of bones and blood known as the material body. Through the power ofmantra we can cut ourselves loose from the shackles of bodily identificationand tangibly experience our transcendental identity that is eternal, full ofknowledge, and full of bliss.

    The mantra has to be heard or obtained from a bonafide spiritual master inorder for its full potency to be unlocked. Otherwise it remains like a pieceof password-protected software that we are not able to install. If it ischanted under the blessings and guidance of a fully qualified guru then onecan quickly become liberated from one's entanglement within matter andbecome solidly situated 24 hours daily on the transcendental plane. The

    sincere and dedicated disciple tangibly experiences this just as one cantaste a meal by eating.

    Important Note: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPrabhupada explains this science of mantra in full detail in theBhagavad-gita As It Is. We encourage you to obtain a copy of thisbook and to study it carefully in order to advance rapidly on the self-realization path. A copy can be had from our online store at:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    If you'd like to further enhance your progress on the self-realization path

    we strongly recommend that you subscribe to our "Thought For The Day".If you are not already getting it you can sign up to receive it by clicking onthe link below:


    If the link does not work try cutting and pasting it into your web browser.If all else fails send an email to:

    [email protected]

    Make sure to give us your name.

    We welcome your inquiries. We want to help you achieve spiritualperfection.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.All rights reserved.

    http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/thoughtmailto:[email protected]://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/thoughtmailto:[email protected]
  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "The Extraordinary Power of Mantra Yoga"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm) #A8

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    I'm always receiving emails from my students around the world wanting toknow how they can quickly and easily become free of the anxieties ofmaterial life. Such inquiries are very good because the fact is that we aresuffering like anything in this material world. Everyone here is subject tothe miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease.

    We start off being born, a painful experience indeed. We're lucky we do notremember it. If we did we would be traumatized by that memory for therest of our lives. And then we start to experience various kinds ofsicknesses and diseases. As we gradually progress towards old age ourbodies become more and more painful and dysfunctional until finally theybecome so useless we give them up by dying. And then we have to gothrough the whole thing again.

    We imagine so many other things to be our problems, but actually our realproblems of existence are these four miseries: birth, death, old age, anddisease. If we can simply solve these problems then all the problems of ourexistence will automatically be solved.A bonafide spiritual master is someone who teaches you how to becomefree from these difficulties. These are actually artificial impositions on thesoul. We are in fact spirit-souls. We are not these bodies. For the spirit-soul

    there are no such things as birth, death, old age, and disease.

    If we can come to the spiritual platform we will no longer be subjected tothese four miseries. So how do we come the spiritual platform and remainsolidly fixed there? In previous ages spiritual seekers would sit down anddo yoga practice. They would go to a secluded place and sit down in a rigidyoga posture and gradually reduce their eating, sleeping, drinking of water,and breathing. They would bring their mind to the point of perfect stillnessand then fix it upon Lord Vishnu for achieving spiritual perfection. Theywould totally cut themselves off from society and would no longer care forprotecting their bodies from the heat and cold or from anything else. Even ifa tiger came they would remain rigidly fixed in their yoga posture withoutfear. There was no question of maintaining any kind of relationships with

    friends or family. There was no question of working a job or keeping a bankbalance. The yogi would spend the rest of his life alone giving up allmaterial possessions living off some wild berries and roots that he couldeasily procure in the vicinity of his sitting place. This sort of yoga systemrequires that one be able to live for thousands of years in order to achieveperfection. In bygone ages when the lifespan was 100,000 years ValmikiMuni followed this system for 60,000 years to achieve perfection.

    This system is not at all practical at this time in history. Who can guarantee

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    now that they will live even for 60 years? Where can one sit downundisturbed for yoga meditation? Someone will come and demand that youare trespassing on their property and that you have to leave. Even if youown the land the government will come and demand that you pay propertytaxes. So how can we achieve perfection in this age?

    In our present age, known as the Kali Yuga (the age of quarrel andhypocrisy) we are very much blessed by the self-realization system knownas mantra yoga. We briefly touched on the topic of mantra last week. Nowwe will delve more deeply into this all- important subject matter.

    A mantra is a transcendental sound vibration which when repeatedly anddevotedly uttered transports one's consciousness beyond this materialexistence into the transcendental dimension that exists beyond time andspace. The Brhad-Naradiya Purana specifies that the only practical methodfor achieving perfection in this age is the mantra yoga system.

    harer nama harer namaharer namaiva kevalam

    kalau nasty eva nasty evanasty eva gatir anyatha

    "In this Age of Kali there is no other means, no other means, no othermeans for self-realization than chanting the holy name, chanting the holyname, chanting the holy name of the Lord."

    Any name of the Lord may be uttered. There are so many names from somany scriptures: Allah, Jehovah, Christ, Krishna, Rama, Govinda, etc. Onemay chant any bonafide name of God and achieve spiritual perfection. Of allthe different names or mantras that we may chant there is one described inthe Vedic scriptures as the Mahamantra, the Great Chanting for Deliverance.

    This is the mantra that is specifically recommended in the Vedic literaturesas being the most powerful and effective for achieving spiritual perfection inthis age. Therefore when our students ask us which names or mantra thatwe suggest we specifically mention the Hare Krishna Mahamantra:

    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

    On the instruction of my spiritual master I have been personally chantingthis mantra at least 1,728 times daily for the last 32 years and I canpersonally testify as to its extraordinary power and sweetness far aboveany pleasure of this material world and beyond any other mantras or namesof God I have tried chanting. This takes from 1 to 2 hours daily and is

    done on chanting beads known as japa beads. I recommend that all of mystudents who are serious about self-realization should procure a set of japabeads and take up regular daily chanting. This will enable them to advancevery quickly on the path of spiritual perfection.

    The beads can be obtained from our online store:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    It's through the power of the mantra that we are always able to remain in

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    constant contact with our spiritual master. This Hare Krishna mantraconnects me always with my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, even though he departed from this worldin 1977.

    Important Note: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

    Prabhupada explains this science of mantra in full detail in theBhagavad-gita As It Is. We encourage you to obtain a copy of thisbook and to study it carefully in order to advance rapidly on the self-realization path. A copy can be had from our online store at:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    If you'd like to further enhance your progress on the self-realization pathwe strongly recommend that you subscribe to our "Thought For The Day".If you are not already getting it you can sign up to receive it by clicking onthe link below:


    If the link does not work try cutting and pasting it into your web browser.If all else fails send an email to:

    [email protected]

    Make sure to give us your name.

    We welcome your inquiries. We want to help you achieve spiritualperfection.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,

    Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:

    Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "Chanting Hare Krishna Covers Everything"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm) #A9

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    On 27 September 2003 we decided to bless our neighborhood's annual blockparty with the sweet sound of Krishna's holy names. We showed up there,set up our equipment (an electric keyboard, portable power supply, and twogigantic speakers), and proceeded to chant the holy names with greatenthusiasm:

    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare

    Even though the neighborhood is predominantly Christian they loved it. A

    Pakistani Muslim helped us set up our sound equipment and a big crowd ofChristians gradually gathered around and joined us in our ecstatic chantingand dancing. We were witnessing first hand how Krishna consciousness isthe universal religion of the soul. In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna declaresthat He is the father of all living beings. This means that everyone on thisplanet is actually one big family, that we are all brothers and sisters.So when our Christian brothers and sisters joined with us to ecstaticallychant Hare Krishna it was not really surprising or unusual. It is actuallynatural for everyone throughout the entire planet earth to chant HareKrishna.

    Not only did they join in the chanting. They took turns in leading the

    chanting also!

    As we were packing up to leave one of our neighbors who had chanted withus told us about what he had done during the recent severe windstorm thathit our neighborhood. He and his family took shelter of the bathroom andprayed to God to spare them and their house from damage, which God did.But he forgot to ask God to protect the fence, which was badly damaged bythe windstorm.

    I told him that during the time of that destructive storm in our residencemany people were gathered and chanting Hare Krishna. We didn't pray toGod for any protection. We simply chanted Hare Krishna. Our building wasnot damaged, nor was our fence damaged. Chanting Hare Krishna covers


    Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita confirms this point:

    ananyas cintayanto mamye janah paryupasatetesam nityabhiyuktanamyoga-ksemam vahamy aham

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    "For those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating onMy transcendental form I carry what they lack, and I preserve what theyhave."Bhagavad-gita 9.22

    So is this reason we chant Hare Krishna? No. We chant Hare Krishna in the

    mood of giving service to Krishna, not in the mood of getting service fromKrishna. But when Krishna sees that His devotees are chanting with somuch love and devotion without any thought of getting anything in returnHe is very attracted by their chanting and personally supplies whatever theyneed and personally protects them in all ways.

    It is stated:

    Rakhe krsna mare kemare krsna rakhe ke

    "If Krishna wants to kill someone, nobody can protect him. And if Krishnawants to protect someone nobody can kill him."

    So the devotees of Lord Krishna are absolutely fearless. They chant His holynames in a mood of complete surrender of accepting whatever Krishna maygive them. They are not making any business deal with God that if you giveme this, this, and this that I will worship you. No. They simply selflesslysurrender themselves unto Krishna and fully depend on Him for whateverHe wants to do with them. This is actual liberation. This is factual spiritualperfection. It can easily be achieved by anyone who wants it. It is notdifficult to become fully absorbed in samadhi (ecstatic trance of self-realization). You simply have to fully surrender yourself unto Lord Krishnaas He is ordering us in the Bhagavad-gita:

    sarva-dharman parityajyamam ekam saranam vrajaaham tvam sarva-papebhyomoksayisyami ma sucah

    "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliveryou from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."Bhagavad-gita 18.66

    So we don't identify with this religion or that religion. We simply take upwith full sincerity the mood of complete subservience to the will of God.Jesus Christ was a fully Krishna conscious spiritual master. He taughtexactly the same principle. He prayed to the Supreme Father, "Father, not

    my will, but Thy will be done."

    What we are presenting is not a sectarian religion or a cult. It the science ofhow the individual soul can be fully reconnected with the Supreme Soul. Wesincerely hope that you will adopt this process in full and make your lifesublime. Just as our spiritual master has blessed us, we are now passingthose same blessings on to you. Please take them and your life will becomeunlimitedly successful.

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    Important Note: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPrabhupada explains this science of mantra in full detail in theBhagavad-gita As It Is. We encourage you to obtain a copy of thisbook and to study it carefully in order to advance rapidly on the self-realization path. A copy can be had from our online store at:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    If you'd like to further enhance your progress on the self-realization pathwe strongly recommend that you subscribe to our "Thought For The Day".If you are not already getting it you can sign up to receive it by clicking onthe link below:


    If the link does not work try cutting and pasting it into your web browser.If all else fails send an email to:

    [email protected]

    Make sure to give us your name.

    We welcome your inquiries. We want to help you achieve spiritualperfection.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "Traveling Beyond the Movie"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm) #A10

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    This week's lesson is being written aboard a 747 en route to Amsterdamconnecting with another flight to India. The flight is completely jam packedwith passengers traveling from one place to another as they attempt toenjoy material existence. Before us all, like it or not, is a movie showing somany images of people who are apparently enjoying this material world likeanything.

    It's interesting to note in this connection that this entire material cosmos isa gigantic screen on which so many flickering images are dancing at everysecond attracting our minds in much the same way as the in-flight movie onthis 747. This material world is such a suffering situation that we are forcedto invent so many fictional diversions in which everything is wonderful andeverybody lives happily ever after.

    An intelligent person will ask, "Why am I hankering for more than thismaterial world has to offer if this is all there is?" Such a person canunderstand that he or she must have a spiritual existence that transcendsthe laws of birth, death, old age, and disease.

    If we want actual enjoyment we have to go beyond the illusory enjoymentof this material world. If someone offers you a delicious bowl of ice cream

    but serves it to your shadow you will not be satisfied. Only if you actuallyeat it will you be satisfied.

    So we should not settle for the false shadow enjoyment of this materialexistence. We must come to the spiritual platform where the actualenjoyment lies.

    This is the great power of the Hare Krishna mantra. It cuts through theillusion. It releases us from the prison cell of illusory enjoyment and bringsus into the actual realm of transcendental pleasure where happiness isunlimited and goes on increasing forever.

    When we take this mantra seriously it becomes a suitable airplane for

    carrying us back to the eternal transcendental dimension where life iseternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. We are not spouting off religiousdogma here. We are speaking of scientific reality. This mantra has thepower to transport you right now into the realm of immortality. The onlyprice you have to pay for the ticket is complete faith in the chanting of theholy names:

    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

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    Important Note: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPrabhupada explains this science of mantra in full detail in theBhagavad-gita As It Is. We encourage you to obtain a copy of thisbook and to study it carefully in order to advance rapidly on the self-realization path. A copy can be had from our online store at:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    If you'd like to further enhance your progress on the self-realization pathwe strongly recommend that you subscribe to our "Thought For The Day".If you are not already getting it you can sign up to receive it by clicking onthe link below:


    If the link does not work try cutting and pasting it into your web browser.If all else fails send an email to:

    [email protected]

    Make sure to give us your name.

    We welcome your inquiries. We want to help you achieve spiritualperfection.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

    http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/storehttp://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/thoughtmailto:[email protected]://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/thoughtmailto:[email protected]://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/storehttp://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/thoughthttp://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/thoughtmailto:[email protected]://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/thoughtmailto:[email protected]
  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "Awakening the Divine Consciousness Within"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm)#A11

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    If you are looking for unlimited peace and happiness you don't have to goany farther than your own heart. I'm not referring to your physical heart. Iam talking about your inner conscious self. You carry within you the key tounlimited eternal bliss and knowledge. You just have to learn how to takethe key and unlock to door to higher enlightened consciousness. This courseis dedicated to unlocking your higher consciousness and indeed the higherconsciousness of the entire world.

    That treasure of divine consciousness is currently buried within you undermany layers of lust, anger, and the greed-the three enemies of spiritualenlightenment. If you want to cross over the dangerous ocean of birth anddeath you must defeat these three enemies. By purifying yourconsciousness of the many layers of dirt accumulated over many millions oflifetimes your original pure totally awakened consciousness will once againbecome fully manifest.

    Sometimes my students want to know if they are enlightened or not. Themere asking of this question reveals that they are not. You may be surprisedto hear that spiritual enlightenment is a only a by-product of our process. Itis not the ultimate goal. Although anyone who stringently follows thiscourse will in fact attain the supreme enlightenment we are more interested

    in serving the Supreme than in receiving something from the Supreme. Thisis the secret of quickly coming the pure spiritual platform. Develop the spiritof pure loving service to the Supreme. Material consciousness is the moodof take, take, take. Spiritual consciousness is the mood of give, give, give.

    Spiritual enlightenment does not come like a flash of lighting out of theblue. It comes in gradual steps of slowly, slowly uncovering one's originalpure consciousness. It begins from the point of understanding, "I am notthis body. I am spirit." It advances further when one understands thenature of spirit and becomes adept in the art of engaging oneself 24 hoursdaily on the spiritual platform with all of one's thoughts, words, and deeds.

    Your best friend on the path of spiritual advancement is the Bhagavad-gita.

    It precisely describes in no uncertain terms exactly what you have to do tobe fully absorbed in spiritual consciousness 24 hours. The more you canincrease your absorption, the more quickly you will advance. So the secretof rapid advancement is to become as intensely absorbed in Krishnaconsciousness as possible.

    When we speak of Krishna consciousness we are not speaking of a sectarianreligious dogma or a sentimental cult. We are speaking of the universalscience of reconnecting the individual consciousness with the supreme

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    consciousness. This can also be called Christ consciousness or Allahconsciousness. The point is to be fully absorbed in loving service to theSupreme Personality of Godhead 24 hours daily.

    This is enacted by taking a shelter of a bonafide spiritual master, who willtake into account your present life situation and guide you accordingly. The

    expert spiritual master knows the art of purifying you through properlyengaging you in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality ofGodhead. If you want to achieve perfect enlightenment you must fully takeshelter of a bonafide spiritual master.

    In 1971 I was blessed with that greatest of good fortune. I met a bonafidespiritual master and I fully surrendered unto him. Since that time my lifehas been illuminated with eternity, knowledge, and bliss. My guru, HisDivine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ordered me that justas he saved me that it was my duty to save others. So I am your servant,here to lovingly guide you how you can achieve the topmost perfection.

    When it comes to matters of self-realization you should not at all be shy.

    You should become very aggressive. There is nothing more important thanthis human form of life. Indeed this is the only really important thing thatexists within the entire universe. Don't waste your human form of liferunning after the cheap trinkets of this material existence. Utilize it ratherto achieve the rarest gem of Krishna consciousness, the ultimate perfection.

    Important Note: I am repeatedly encouraging all of my studentsto study and apply the teachings given in the Bhagavad-gita As It Isby His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in orderto quickly and easily achieve the topmost spiritual perfection. If youare not yet doing that you are definitely missing out and prolongingyour stay in the cycle of birth and death. So do yourself a favor and

    get a copy right now. You can order a copy from our online store at:http://www.UltimateSelfRealization.com/store

    If you'd like to further enhance your progress on the self-realization pathwe strongly recommend that you subscribe to our "Thought For The Day".If you are not already getting it you can sign up to receive it by clicking onthe link below:


    If the link does not work try cutting and pasting it into your web browser.If all else fails send an email to:

    [email protected]

    Make sure to give us your name.

    We welcome your inquiries. We want to help you achieve spiritualperfection.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,

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    Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.

    All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    Someone Told Me, 'You Are A Fake.

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm)#A12

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    This lesson is being composed on Thursday, October 16, 2003 in the mostholy land of Sri Vrindavan Dham in India. This transcendental place isbeyond description. It has to be experienced to be known. Simply by cominghere spiritual emotion, transcendental enlightened consciousness can beawakened within the heart.

    Recently someone wrote to tell me that I am a fake. I take such criticisms tobe signs of the ever-increasing success of this course. It is said that themore one is successful the more one will have critics. So I am not at alldiscouraged. Rather I am encouraged.

    But the question remains, "Am I a fake or not?"

    In this regard please understand that my being a fake or not being a fake isactually immaterial. Why? Because if the knowledge I am giving is genuineit doesn't matter if I am a fake or not. If a postman comes to your door todeliver you a cashier's check for one million dollars will you questionwhether or not he is a genuine postman? No. You will take that check to thebank and cash it. If the check is accepted by the bank, you are indeedfortunate. The status of the postal worker does not matter one way or theother. So whether I am a fake or not, if this knowledge will deliver you from

    the cycle of birth and death then you are indeed most fortunate to receive it.

    I am not making up the knowledge for this course. This is transcendentalknowledge that is coming in from outside of this universe, indeed fromoutside of this material world. This knowledge was revealed by Lord Krishnato Lord Brahma at the beginning of the universe. Lord Brahma revealed it tohis disciple Narada Muni who revealed to his disciple Srila Vyasadeva. ThisVyasadeva has lived for thousands and thousands of years in the Himalayanmountains. Some centuries ago he revealed this knowledge toMadhvacharya, who revealed it to his disciple, who revealed it to hisdisciple, who revealed to his disciple, etc, etc. Since that time thisguru/disciple system has continued on and on for many generations. In thisway this sublime knowledge came to my Guru Maharaja, His Divine Grace

    A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, through him to me, and I am nowpassing this same knowledge on to you.

    It is said that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The proof of theauthenticity of this knowledge is that actually works. It will deliver youfrom the cycle of birth and death, and it will enable you to directly see Godface to face. I can understand if you are skeptical. This entire material worldis full of cheating. It is quite natural to be skeptical. But I can assure youthat if you give this scientific progress of Krishna consciousness or self-

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    realization a chance it will totally transform your life for the better farbeyond your wildest expectations.

    So what can I say if out of my thousands of satisfied e-students one callsme a fake? I am not at all angry with him. I am simply sorry that he iscovered by ignorance and envy and is not able to take advantage of this

    most sublime process.

    I don't take any credit for the wonderful results that my students areregularly reporting to me. It is all the grace of my spiritual master to havesent me so many nice students. My only credit is that I have not concoctedanything. I have simply purely presented what I have learned from myspiritual master without any adulteration. This is why it is so pure,powerful, and potent.

    This is the actual secret of success in spiritual life. Find a bonafide spiritualmaster and do exactly what he says. Don't be misled by the sense gratifiersand mental speculators. Find out who is purely representing God and stickto that person.

    I have scrutinizingly analyzed this knowledge from every possiblephilosophical angle of vision. I have performed the scientific experiment ofseriously following these teachings for 32 years. I can assure you that whatI am teaching is indeed the ultimate knowledge, the highest truth. If youwill seriously follow this pathway under proper guidance I guarantee yourcomplete success in spiritual life. This will be your last lifetime in thismaterial world.

    I am a lover of truth. If you can prove to me there is something higher thanwhat I am teaching I will gladly abandon my path and follow you. I havemade this open challenge for the last 32 years and no one has ever

    succeeded in showing me something better. I am simply requesting you tohave the same integrity in the matters of Absolute Truth that I have.

    If you are serious about achieving the ultimate goal and have not yetestablished a personal correspondence with me to inform me of yourintention, you need to do that right now. Life is very short. It can end at anytime. Act immediately.

    Important Note: The primary source of knowledge in the self-realization process is the Bhagavad-gita. By far and above the bestand most popular edition in the world is the Bhagavad-gita As It Isby His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. If youdon't have one yet you can order a copy right now at:


    If you'd like to further enhance your progress on the self-realization pathwe strongly recommend that you subscribe to our "Thought For The Day".If you are not already getting it you can sign up to receive it by clicking onthe link below:


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    If the link does not work try cutting and pasting it into your web browser.If all else fails send an email to:

    [email protected]

    Make sure to give us your name.

    We welcome your inquiries. We want to help you achieve spiritualperfection.

    Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood,Always your well-wisher,

    Sankarshan Das Adhikari

    P.S. Check out our resources page by clicking here:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com

    Contact Information:Ph: 1-512-835-2121Email: [email protected]: P.O. Box 143073, Austin, Texas 78714-3072, USA

    Copyright 2002-2003 by Sankarshan Das Adhikari.All rights reserved.

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  • 8/6/2019 Lessons A01- A25


    "From the Radha-Damodar Temple"

    The Ultimate Self Realization Course (tm)#A13

    My Dear Student,

    Please accept my blessings.

    This lesson is being composed on Thursday, October 23, 2003 in the mostholy land of Sri Vrindavan Dham in India. I am sitting in the historic Radha-Damodar temple where my beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada,resided in the early 60's before coming to the West to launch the world-wide Krishna consciousness movement. It was here in this supremelysacred room that Srila Prabhupada composed revolutionary literature forbringing about a complete transformation of an overly materialistic modernworld society. With a great sense of awe I type these words into my laptopcomputer.

    So does the world need reforming? Is every living being on this planet fullyhappy and satisfied in all respects? Is ANY living being on this planet fullyhappy and satisfied in all respects, besides those who are fully self-realized?

    Any sensitive, intelligent person can understand that any society, such asour present one, which becomes overly materialistic is doomed to failure.We have emphasized ever-increasing material sense gratification as thestandard of the advancement of civilization for far too long. Now it'sbecoming more and more painfully obvious that we as a world society arecommitting a slow, gradual mass suicide. Sadly our society runs on the

    basis of economic development, not on the basis of harmonizing itself withthe divine nature. Common sense and sanity have been brushed aside as wecontinue to pay our allegiance to the "almighty God" of money. Thepoliticians make big, big speeches promising to solve the problems, but theyare bought out by the capitalists who cannot give up their desire for moreand more profit at any cost.

    Of course, there is nothing wrong with economic development for thepurpose of keeping body and soul together. As long as we have materialbodies we must provide them with food, clothing, and shelter. But we haveamplified this aspect of life far beyond what is required. We're very proud ofour highly advanced technological society without any realization of howdeeply we are buried in this darkest of all ages, known as the Kali Yuga, the

    age of quarrel and hypocrisy. Practically everything is centered on theanimal propensities of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. Because weare accomplishing these in a more polished way than the animals weconsider ourselves to be highly evolved.

    For the animals to be absorbed in this way is no discredit to them. That istheir nature. They will continue in the cycle of evolution lifetime afterlifetime until gradually they attain the human form, from which they thenhave the opportunity to escape the cycle of birth and death. But for a human

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    being to be absorbed in this way is to miss the opportunity of the humanform of life, to miss the opportunity of going back home, back to Godhead. Ahuman being who lives his life simply in pursuit of animal propensities willgo down in the evolutionary cycle and take his next birth as an animal.Some people argue that an animal birth is very good, but they do not realizethe great opportunity that is uniquely available to a living being who has

    reached the human platform.

    According to the great sages of India the human life is meant for far morethan meeting our bodily demands. Human life actually begins when wequestion our origin, our purpose, and our destination. But it is extremelyrare to find anyone who has the inclination to seriously ponder thesefundamental issues of existence. It is even more rare to find someone whowill dedicate their entire life to getting the answers. This course providesthe answers for that most elite group of human beings and also encouragesall others to come up to the platform of actual human existence.

    By remaining on the platform of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending weare indeed no better than animals, or we can even say, "worse than the

    animals." Why? The animals meet their material needs on a regular dailybasis, but they do it in complete harmony with the laws of nature. We donot. We try to bend, twist, and subvert every law of nature in the book forever-increasing sense pleasure. We human beings are meant for a highercalling. We are meant by nature's arrangement to simplify and minimize ourbodily demands so that we can maximize our energy for the higher purposeof self-realization. Instead we ignore our actual duty and keep ourselvesabsorbed on the gross bodily platform. Sometimes we hover on the subtleplatform where we rationalize our dedication to sense gratification throughpoetry and philosophy. This simply lengthens our term of imprisonmentwithin the cycle of birth and death.

    Our natural function is to achieve unlimited happiness by fully realizingwhat is the individual self, what is the Supreme Self, and what is the perfectrelationship between them. This is accomplished by submissively hearingfrom and serving a bonafide spiritual master. But we ignore our duty andsimply try to squeeze pleasure unlimitedly out of our temporary materialbodies. Thus we suffer more than any other species of life.

    One who can understand these simple truths of life is the most highlyeducated person in the human society, even if illiterate. Gaur Kishore DasBabaji is my great grand spiritual master. In other words, he is the spiritualmaster of my guru's spiritual master. He was so illiterate that he could noteven sign his own name. His disciple, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta SarasvatiThakur (my spiritual master's guru), was a highly learned scholar, but he

    did not hesitate to take shelter of Gaur Kishore Das Babaji because of hisprofound depth of spiritual realization, pure love for Lord Krishna. My pointis that there is no academic qualification or any kind of materialqualification for realizing the highest truth, which is known as Krishnaconsciousness. You simply must take shelter of the lotus feet of a bonafidespiritual master, that person who fully possesses Krishna consciousness.Then by his most merciful blessings you will also realize the Supreme Truth,Lord Sri Krishna, in full.

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    What does it mean to take shelter of a bonafide spiritual master? It meansto study his teachings carefully and to sincerely follow his instructionswithout any deviation. You should not blindly accept his teachings. Ifsomething does not make sense you should submissively inquire to get yourunderstanding cleared up. Challenges or attempts to defeat the spiritualmaster by argument will not help. But submissive inquiry to clarify your

    understanding will open the door to your spiritual enlightenment. Thespiritual master is presenting perfect Vedic wisdom that comes from beyondthis universe. If you think what he is teaching is not true that is your defect.There are no defects in the teachings.

    In 1971 I fully surrendered myself unto a bonafide spiritual master. Doingthis has made my life truly glorious. It has brought an end to so muchsuffering and misery I experienced before. It has awakened talents andabilities within me that I never knew I had. In short, it is absolutelyphenomenal! I know that if you do it too your life will become unlimitedlyglorious. This is why I have launched the Ultimate Self RealizationCourse(tm). I want everybody on the face of this planet to get the sameopportunity for achieving the permanent end to all suffering, the golden

    pathway to unlimited happiness, the ultimate self-realization system knownas Krishna consciousness. I do not want for anybody in this universe to missout on getting the same opportunity for unlimited bliss that I have gotten.

    Here I am in Vrindavan, India, a wonderful spiritual atmosphere. But mybody is American. It is not accustomed to this atmosphere. Every time Icome here I get a very bad cold which lingers on and on in my lungs withheavy mucus. But in spite of this misery attacking my body I am blissful. Iam relishing the sweet transcendental pleasure of being in the associationof so many sadhus, saintly people.

    In the morning I rise before 3:00am and chant the Hare Krishna mantra on

    my japa beads and then go to the temple at 4:10am to attend the morningworship. The