
Leadership Ability determines a person’s effectiveness – Part 2 Lesson 3

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Post on 31-Oct-2014




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  • 1. Leadership Ability determines a persons effectiveness Part 2
    Lesson 3

2. I Samuel 17:38-39
38And Saul armed David with his armor, and he put a helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail. 39And David girded his sword upon his armor, and he attempted to go, for he had not tested it. And David said unto Saul, "I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them." And David put them off him.
3. Lets examine some of the lids faced by David
His Family
When his father , Jesse, was asked to gather all his sons so that Samuel could select the next king of Israel, David was not included. His father overlooked him and underappreciated him. His father simply could not see a potential king.
4. Lets examine some of the lids faced by David
2. His Leader
Saul was continually trying to limit Davids leadership and influence. He argued that David was not qualified to fight Goliath ( I Samuel 17:33). Later , he openly declared David his family his enemy and repeated tried to destroy him.
5. Lets examine some of the lids faced by David
3. His Background
Saul came from a good and powerful family . He was undoubtedly a landowner., leader in his tribe and military commander during times of war. David, on the other hand , was form a family of poor shepherds. He was from a family without lofty lineage or powerful position. David wasnt the eldest son. He was the eight and youngest in his family.
6. Lets examine some of the lids faced by David
4. His youthfulness and inexperience
When David was anointed by Samuel , he was merely a boy and a had no experience leading anyone or anything but sheep. Time and again, people underestimated and disrespected him. Many people placed lids on his life and leadership.
7. Lids that David Lifted
David lifted the lid for himself first.
Davids life demonstrates his commitment to personal improvement. Even though he had never fought in battle , he used his previous experiences as a shepherd as preparation for the next step in his life.
8. Lids that David Lifted
2. David lifted the lid for others close to him.
When a leader lifts the lid on his life, incredible things can begin to happen in the lives of those around him. Before David fought and defeated Goliath, the entire army of Israel cowered in fear of the Philistines, even Saul, their commander in chief , hid in his tent.
9. Lids that David Lifted
2. David lifted the lid for others close to him.
When a leader lifts the lid on his life, incredible things can begin to happen in the lives of those around him. Before David fought and defeated Goliath, the entire army of Israel cowered in fear of the Philistines, even Saul, their commander in chief , hid in his tent.
10. Lets examine some of the lids faced by David
2. His leader
Saul was continually trying to limit Davids leadership and influence. He argued that David was not qualified to fight Goliath ( I Samuel 17:33) . Later he openly declared David his enemy and repeatedly tried to destroy him.
11. Lets examine some of the lids faced by David
3. His background
Saul came from a good and powerful family . He was undoubtedly a landowner, leader in his tribe and military commander during times of war.
12. Lets examine some of the lids faced by David
4. His youthfulness and inexperience
When David was anointed by Samuel , he was merely a boy and had no experience lead
Lift up others with their words
Lid lifters are encouragers . Jonathan constantly lifted up David. When Davids future looked darkest , Jonathan offered him regular encouragement.
14. 2. Raise up others with their actions.
3. Give up so others can go up.
15. Face these facts
Every person has the potential to become a leader.
Every leader has lids.
Some lids can be lifted by the leader.
Few leaders let others lift lids in their lives