lesson plan7.zabalagerez

PRACTICE II, DIDACTICS OF ELT. LESSON PLAN Nº 7 TEACHER: Estela N. Braun. TRAINEE: Ana Belén Zabala SCHOOL: “Quelulén” nº 246 COURSE: 4 TH TEXTBOOK: Treetops 3/ Materials provided by the teacher. DATE: Wednesday 28 th September from 16.50 to 17.30 / Monday 3 rd October from 16.10 to 16.50 / Wednesday 5 th October from 16.10 to 16.50 / Wednesday 12 th October from 16.10 to 16.50. TOPIC: Weather – Seasons. CLASSESS Nº 9 – 10 – 11 – 12. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to talk about the weather, asking and answering questions about it, with the provided structure: “What ´s the weather like?” “It´s sunny/rainy/cloudy, etc.” With the purpose of expressing through new vocabulary what´s the weather like and which type of weather they prefer. Students will be able to understand and produce listening, speaking, reading and writing macro-skills.

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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TEACHER: Estela N. Braun.

TRAINEE: Ana Belén Zabala

SCHOOL: “Quelulén” nº 246


TEXTBOOK: Treetops 3/ Materials provided by the teacher.

DATE: Wednesday 28th September from 16.50 to 17.30 / Monday 3rd October from 16.10 to 16.50 / Wednesday 5th October from 16.10 to 16.50 / Wednesday 12th October from 16.10 to 16.50.

TOPIC: Weather – Seasons.

CLASSESS Nº 9 – 10 – 11 – 12.


Students will be able to talk about the weather, asking and answering questions about it, with the provided structure: “What´s the weather like?” “It´s sunny/rainy/cloudy, etc.” With the purpose of expressing through new vocabulary what´s the weather like and which type of weather they prefer.

Students will be able to understand and produce listening, speaking, reading and writing macro-skills.


Greeting song, checking of the attendance, choosing an assistant, asking about the date and about the weather.

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LOTS (Lower thinking skills required): Students will be able to start recognizing and making use of new vocabulary items connected with the Water Cycle, such as: rain, vapour, snow, cloud, river – evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.


The teacher will devote some minutes so as to check all together in the blackboard the last activity students dealt with the previous class (matching exercise). They will have to participate orally, to make use of the new vocabulary items and to explain the reason why they have matched certain definitions with certain labels. In that sense, pupils will start activating their prior knowledge on the topic.

TYPE OF INTERACTION: Students – Teacher.


TIMING: 10 minutes.

MATERIALS: Poster – Flashcards - Blackboard – Copies.


The teacher will give explanations for the core task activity before giving them the copies. This “game – activity” consists of making a circle in the corresponding image according to what it is said in the listening, and those who find each item correctly are before a minute are the winners. After the minute if anyone has win, the teacher will play the listening again and then in the poster on the blackboard the winner will have to circle the correct images in order for the rest of the pupils to check.

TYPE OF INTERACTION: Students individually – Students as a whole.

MACRO – SKILLS: Listening – Writing – Reading – Speaking.

TIMING: 10 minutes.

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MATERIALS: Poster – Flashcards – Blackboard – New Treetops Copies – Audio System.


The teacher will give explanation for the follow up activity and will set students in groups of three and one group of four, (the amount of members in a group depends on the how many children are in the class at that moment) then, she will provide each group with: a poster, images, markers and glue and they will have to produce the Water Cycle making use of the corresponding vocabulary and then they will have to present and to explain it to their classmates. So as to help them, the teacher will provide them in the board with some sentences they can use to explain the different processes. So as to solve this follow up activity pupils will count with the teacher’s help, with posters and flashcards and with the copies they have already worked with.

TYPE OF INTERACTION: Students in small groups – Students as a whole.

MACRO – SKILLS: Reading – Writing – Speaking.

TIMING: 20 minutes.

MATERIALS: Posters – Glue – Images – Markers – Flashcards – Own Copies.

HOTS (Higher order thinking skills stimulated through the lesson plan): Students will be able to recognize the different processes within the Water Cycle together with its corresponding vocabulary; also they will be able to explain it in their own words.

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WARM UP: Poster the Water Cycle – Checking the follow up activity from previous class.

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CORE TASK GAME – ACTIVITY: Circle the correct image. Audios already downloaded.

FOLLOW UP: Children’s posters about the water cycle. “Ideally”

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