lesson plan asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) kelas viii kurikulum 2013

LESSON PLAN Created by: Listiyadi Wahyu Palupy/081214079 Subject : English Grade / Semester : XI/II Core Material : Asking and Giving Opinion (and thoughts) Meeting : Time Allocation : 1 x 30 minutes A. Core Competence: 1. Experiencing and applying their religion values 2. Experiencing and applying honesty, discipline, responsibility, care (helping one another, cooperation, tolerance, peace), well-mannered, responsive, and pro- active and to show attitude as a part of solution for problems to interact effectively in social and natural environment and take a position as a reflection of nation in the world’s association 3. Comprehending, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge and meta- cognitive based on students' curiosity on science, technology, art, culture, and humanity along with understanding of human nature, nationality, statesmanship, and civilization in relation with causal phenomena and event, and implementing procedural knowledge on specific examination field according with their talents and preference to solve problems. 4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in either concrete or abstract field related to the development of what they have been learned in school independently, taking action effectively and creatively, and being able to use methods which is suitable with principles of science. B. Basic Competence: 1.1 Being grateful for the chance that they able to learn English as an international language that is accomplished in the learning enthusiasm.

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lesson plan kelas viii kurukulum 2013 dengan bahasa inggris


Page 1: Lesson Plan Asking and Giving Opinion (and Thoughts) kelas VIII kurikulum 2013


Created by: Listiyadi Wahyu Palupy/081214079

Subject : English

Grade / Semester : XI/II

Core Material : Asking and Giving Opinion (and thoughts)

Meeting :

Time Allocation : 1 x 30 minutes

A. Core Competence:

1. Experiencing and applying their religion values

2. Experiencing and applying honesty, discipline, responsibility, care (helping one another, cooperation, tolerance, peace), well-mannered, responsive, and pro-active and to show attitude as a part of solution for problems to interact effectively in social and natural environment and take a position as a reflection of nation in the world’s association

3. Comprehending, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge and meta- cognitive based on students' curiosity on science, technology, art, culture, and humanity along with understanding of human nature, nationality, statesmanship, and civilization in relation with causal phenomena and event, and implementing procedural knowledge on specific examination field according with their talents and preference to solve problems.

4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in either concrete or abstract field related to the development of what they have been learned in school independently, taking action effectively and creatively, and being able to use methods which is suitable with principles of science.

B. Basic Competence:

1.1 Being grateful for the chance that they able to learn English as an international language that is accomplished in the learning enthusiasm.

2.3 Showing responsibility, care, cooperation and peace in doing the functional communication.

3.2 Analyzing social function, text structure, and language feature in asking and giving opinion based on certain context.

4.2 Composing spoken and written text to state and respond opinion, by paying attention to social function, text structure, and language feature, which is credible and appropriate with the context.

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C. Indicators:


1.1.1 Students are being grateful to God for the existence of English as international language and communication.


2.3.1 Students are able to be responsible during the learning process

2.3.2 Students show care during the learning process

2.3.3 Students are able to be cooperative during the learning process

2.3.4 Students are able to show peace


3.3.1 Students are able to identify the social function of asking opinion and giving opinion (and thoughts)

3.3.2 Students are able to identify language features of asking and giving opinion (and thoughts)

3.3.3 Students are able to identify asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) from examples given in a form of written text (reading)

3.3.4 Students are able to identify asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) from examples given in a form of audio or spoken text (listening)


4.4.1 Students are able to produce written text about asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) (writing)

4.4.2 Students are able to produce spoken text about asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) (speaking)

D. Objectives


1.1.1 At the end of the lesson, students are able to be grateful for having a chance to learn English by making self-reflection (the benefits of learning asking and giving opinion (and thoughts)) in English correctly.


2.3.1 Through learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to be responsible for the task given consistently

2.3.2 Through learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students show care about their environment during the learning process actively

2.3.3 Through learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to work together with others during the learning process cooperatively

2.3.4 Through learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) students are able to show peace consistently

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3.3.1 After learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to identify the social function of asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) in English correctly

3.3.2 After learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to identify language features of asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) in English correctly

3.3.3 After learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to identify expressions of asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) from examples given in a form of written text in English correctly

3.3.4 After learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to identify expressions of asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) from examples given in a form of audio or spoken text in English correctly


4.4.1 After learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to produce spoken text (speaking) to ask for and give opinion (and thoughts) in English appropriately

4.4.2 After learning material on asking and giving opinion (and thoughts), students are able to produce written text (writing) to ask and give opinion (and thoughts) in English appropriately

E. Learning Materials

1. Social function of asking and giving opinion (and thoughts)

To ask or express opinion and give reasons on a matter of issue.

2. Social function of agreeing and disagreeing (additional) opinion (and thoughts)

To express an agreement or disagreement towards a matter of issue.

3. Language features about asking and giving opinion (and thoughts) *attached

4. Language features about agreement and disagreement (additional) *attached

F. Learning Media / SourceLearning Media:

• Audio

• White Board

• Speaker

• Worksheets

Source: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1305/130512-carbon_dioxide.html

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G. Learning Method

1. Approach : scientific approach

2. Method : task-based learning, cooperative learning

3. Technique : lecturing, discussion, question-answer session, open-task

H. Learning Activity

Activity Description Time Allocation

Learning source

Opening Teacher greets students using “Good morning everybody. How are you today?”

Teacher invites students to prepare themselves for the English class and begins a simple game to gain students’ attention.

Teacher aks the student about the last meeting with Ms. Indri (Asking and Giving Opinion (and Thought)

Teacher explains today material is still same but with different skill. (Listening)

5 minutes

Main Activity


Teacher invites students to read a certain text given (synonym matching) and try to answer for the warming up section.


Teacher ask to the student about warming up section. “Why we have to do this warming up (synonym matching)?

Teacher explain that warming up section have relation with today’s material.


Teacher distributes the worksheet.

Teacher asks students to do the task PART I and try to write the right answer based on tape recorder.

Teacher ask to the student that they have finish to fill in the blank or not. If it is not, the teacher will play the recorded twice.

Teacher ask to the student to answer some question in PART II according to their own words using Asking and Giving Opinion (and Thoughts) expression that they have learned before.

20 minutes



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Teacher asks students to give their works to the peers sitting next to them and try to analyze whether friends’ answers.


Teacher invites some student to read the right answer and ask them wheter it is true or not.

Teacher ask the students to give the score for friend’s work and give the worksheet back to the owner.



Closing Teacher and students together reflect on what they have done during the lesson. “What we have learned so far?”

Teacher give a homework for the students. They have to search more information about carbon dioxide and global warming from the internet then they will share to the other friends on the next meeting.


5 minutes

I. Assessment Assessment’s technique : Written Assessment’s type :

1. Individual (teacher)2. Self-assessment (students)

Assessment’s indicators :1. Reading assessment’s rubric2. Self reflection rubric

1. Reading assessment’s rubric


I True/ False (a-e)

II comprehension questions (no 1-5)

Correct answer will get 1 point


Global Warming Discussion (a-e)

Appropriate answer will get 1 points

Total 15 points

2. Self-assessment rubric

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1 2 3 4 5

There is no positive attitude in the reflection towards the material given.

More than 5 grammatical mistakes are identified.

The social functions of today’s material (asking and giving opinion + agreement and disagreement) are incorrectly stated.

There is positive attitude in the reflection towards the material given.

There are 4-5 grammatical mistakes are identified.

The social functions of today’s material (asking and giving opinion + agreement and disagreement) are somewhat correctly stated.

There is positive attitude in the reflection towards the material given.

There are 2-3 grammatical mistakes are identified.

The social functions of today’s material (asking and giving opinion + agreement and disagreement) are somewhat correctly stated.

There is positive attitude in the reflection towards the material given.

There are 1 grammatical mistake is identified.

The social functions of today’s material (asking and giving opinion + agreement and disagreement) are correctly stated.

There is positive attitude in the reflection towards the material given.

There is no grammatical mistake is identified.

The social functions of today’s material (asking and giving opinion + agreement and disagreement) are correctly stated.


Total score: PART I + PART II + SELF ASSESSMENT / 2 x 10 = 10 + 5 + 5 = 20/2.10 = 100 (maximum score)

Scoring criteria: A = 8.0-10 B= 6.0 - 7.9 C= 5.0 – 6.9 D: > 5.0



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Listening Worksheet


SYNONYM MATCHMatch the following synonyms from the left side to the right side.

1. level a. increasing

2. high b. over

3. humans c. at risk

4. rising d. amount

5. above e. speeding up

6. create f. frightening

7. driving g. produce

8. acceleration h. record

9. in danger i. pushing

10. scary j. people


Listen to the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).

Statements True/ False

a. A weather station in Peru found high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

b. The level of CO2 was at 400 parts per million.

c. The last time the Earth saw this level was 5 million years ago.

d. The level of CO2 at the South Pole will always be under 280.

e. One molecule of CO2 stays in the atmosphere for around 7 years.

2. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1. What is at a record high?

2. Where did scientists measure CO2?

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3. How many parts per million was the new record?

4. What do scientists want to stop?

5. What will happen in eight to nine years from now?


I. GLOBAL WARMING DISCUSSIONAnswer these questions below with your own words using Asking and Giving Opinion (Thoughts) expression.

a) What did you think when you listen the headline?

b) What springs to mind when you hear the phrase ‘global warming’?

c) Are you worried about global warming?

d) What do you do every day to reduce CO2?

e) What causes global warming?

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Warming Up!

SYNONYM MATCH (p.4)1. level a. amount2 high b. record3. humans c. people4. rising d. increasing5. above e. over


1. TRUE / FALSEa) F b) T c) T d) F e) F

2. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (p.8)1. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere2. At a weather station in Hawaii3. 4004. The number getting bigger5. We will see the last reading under 400ppm

III. Appendix

Function : to ask or express opinion and give reasons on a matter of issue.

These are the examples of expressions in asking and giving opinion / thoughts.


Formal Less formal

- Have you got any comments on …..

- Do you have any idea?

- Do you have any opinion on ……

- Would you give me your opinion on……….?

- What is your reaction to ……

- What do you think of…….?

- What do you think about………?

- What is your opinion?

- Do you think it is going?

- How do you like?

- How was the trip?



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- What is your opinion about……….?

- What are you feeling about………….?

- What are your views on……….?

- How do you think of Rina’s idea?

- How do you feel about this …….?


Formal Less formal

- I personally believe …..

- I personally consider ….

- I personally think /feel ….

- I hold the opinion ….

- My own view of the matter is ……

- Well, personally …….

- If I had my view, I would …..

- I think I like it.

- I don’t think I care for it.

- I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..

- I think that awful/not nice/terrible…………

- I don’t think much of it.

- I think that……..

- In my opinion, I would rather……….

- In my case …..

- What I’m more concerned with ….

- To my mind …..

- From my point of view ….

Function : to express an agreement or disagreement towards a matter of issue.


Agree Disagree Partly agreeing

That’s right!



Me too!

Yes, I agree!

You're right. That's a good point.

I don’t agree!

I totally disagree!

Absolutely not!

That’s not right!

I’m not sure about that.

I agree up to a point, but ...

I see your point, but..

That’s partly true, but ...

I'm not so sure about that…


Carbon dioxide at record high level


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12th May, 2013

The level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is now at a record high. An American weather station in Hawaii recorded the new high on the 9th of May. It found CO2 levels were at 400 parts per million (ppm). The last time CO2 was at this level was five million years ago. This was when there were no humans on the Earth. Scientists say the 400ppm level is a warning sign. They say we must do more to stop this number getting bigger. However, scientist James Butler said he thought CO2 levels would keep rising. He warned: "In eight to nine years, we will probably have seen the last CO2 reading under 400ppm.” He told reporters that even at the South Pole, CO2 would be above 400ppm.

Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that create global warming. Just one CO2 molecule can stay in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. Pieter Tans, one of the scientists measuring CO2 levels, said human activity is making the Earth warmer. He said that, "the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas is driving the acceleration". He pointed out that 300 years ago, CO2 levels were around 280ppm. He added that 800,000 years ago, they were at 180ppm. Another scientist, Dr Ralph Keeling, warned that CO2 is warming the Earth to dangerous levels. He is worried about arctic ice melting, causing sea levels to rise. This will put billions of people in danger. He said: “It takes a long time to melt ice, but we’re doing it. It’s scary.”

Sources: BBC / ClimateCentral.org
