lesson plan 02 - cost terminology and cost behaviors

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  • 7/26/2019 Lesson Plan 02 - Cost Terminology and Cost Behaviors


    Cost terminology and cost behaviors

    Cost refects the monetary measure o resources used to attain anobjective (making a good or perorming a service).

    Unexpired cost (balance sheet) value o the goods not yet

    consumed (asset). xpired cost (income statement) portion o the asset!s value

    consumed or sacri"ced during the period (expense).

    xercise #o. $%

    Cost management system set o ormal methods developed orplanning and controlling an organi&ation!s cost'generating activitiesrelative to its strategies goals and objectives.

    Cost object anything or hich management ants to collect or

    accumulate costs. *irect cost conveniently and economically traceable to the cost


    +ndirect cost cannot be economically traced to the cost object

    but instead are allocated to the cost object.

    ,elevant range assumed ranged o activity that refects thecompany!s normal operating range.

    -ariable cost cost that varies in total proportionately ithactivity.

    ixed cost cost that remains constant in total ithin therelevant range o activity.

    /ixed cost cost that has both variable and "xed component.

    0tep cost shits upard or donard hen activity changes by

    a certain interval or step.

    xercise #o. %1 %2 %3

    Cost predictor an activity that hen changed is accompanied by aconsistent observable change in a cost item.

    Cost driver a predictor that has an absolute cause'and'e4ectrelationship to a cost.

    xercise #o. %5

    6roduct cost related to making or ac7uiring the products or providingthe services that directly generates revenue.

  • 7/26/2019 Lesson Plan 02 - Cost Terminology and Cost Behaviors


    *irect materials any material that can be directly traced to aproduct.

    *irect labor time spend by individuals ho ork speci"cally on

    manuacturing a product or perorming a service.

    8verhead actory costs that cannot be classi"ed as either direct

    materials or direct labor.o +ndirect materials

    o +ndirect labor

    o 8ther actory overhead

    xercise #o. $2 $3 $9 $5 $:

    ;uality cost cost o controlling 7uality or cost o ailing tocontrol 7uality.

    o 6revention cost incurred to improve 7uality by precluding

    product deects and improper processing rom occurring.o >3

    ,a materials inventory cost o ra materials purchased not issuedto production.

  • 7/26/2019 Lesson Plan 02 - Cost Terminology and Cost Behaviors


    ?ork in process inventory cost o partially completed materialsstarted during the period but remained un"nished at the end o theperiod.

    inished goods inventory cost o goods "nished and ready or sale.

    xercise #o. >2

    Cost allocation assignment o an indirect cost to one or more costobject using some reasonable allocation cost or driver.

    @o determine to ull cost o the cost object.

    @o motivate the manager in charge o the cost object to manage

    it eAciently.

    @o compare alternative courses o action or management

    planning controlling and decision'making.


    Cost o goods manuactured total production cost o the goods thatere completed and transerred to "nished goods inventory.

    xercise #o. >% >$ >> >1

    5 1% 15 1: 2%