lesson from a pup #8 … go with your intuition...every day i come across people and every day my...

LESSON FROM A PUP #8 … Go with your intuition In my last article about my cute, but very cheeky pup, Joia I wrote about her ability to make everyone feel special. After some further thought about this character trait of hers I realised that it actually stemmed from another quality that she has. Just like all of Joias qualities that I have written about so far; this one is something we all have, is incredibly powerful yet we rarely use. It is the ability to recognise, trust and go with our intuition. Which by the way is always right! I will demonstrate this with a comparison of how Joia and I might approach the same situation. Part of what I do day to day is meet new people and I need to continually do this to ensure that my business keeps growing. Every day I come across people and every day my intuition, or the little voice in my head, says ‘go on introduce yourself to that person, they could be an important person in your life.’ Some days I listen to my intuition and act and other days it gets drowned out by distractions or insecurities. In every case that I listen to my intuition I get a positive response and a connection that either directly or indirectly benefits me and/or my business. When I don’t I miss out on what could have been a significant and fulfiling relationship. Let’s have a look at what Joia does in the same situation. Whilst Joia isn’t looking for business contacts, she is looking for significant and fulfilling relationships - even just fleeting ones. She sees that same person that I looked at and ignored my intuition to meet, yet she will go with hers and run straight up to that person to say ‘hello’. She doesn’t just do this when she feels like it, she doesn’t just do it when it looks like a friendly person, she does it every single time. Her intuition says ‘go and meet that person and get a pat’ - she listens, she goes and she gets her pat! So, what is intuition? Intuition is your internal guiding system. It is your control centre and it knows what is best for you and it will tell you, every time, what the best decisions are for you to make. The one clitch in the system is that we all have an ‘override’ button which we can press at any time, which means we can ignore our intuition and make a decision that is the opposite. In my experience my intuition is always right and often I have learned this lesson the hard way, by ignoring it and facing the consequences. What about you? Have you ever

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Page 1: LESSON FROM A PUP #8 … Go with your intuition...Every day I come across people and every day my intuition, or the little voice in my head, says ‘go on introduce yourself to that

LESSON FROM A PUP #8 … Go with your intuition

In my last article about my cute, but very cheeky pup, Joia I wrote about her ability to make everyone

feel special. After some further

thought about this character trait of hers I realised that it actually

stemmed from another quality that

she has. Just like all of Joias qualities that I have written about so far; this one is something we all

have, is incredibly powerful yet we

rarely use. It is the ability to recognise, trust and go with our intuition. Which by the way is

always right!

I will demonstrate this with a comparison of how Joia and I might approach the same situation. Part of what I do day to day is meet new people and I need to continually do this to ensure that my business keeps growing. Every

day I come across people and every day my intuition, or the little voice in my

head, says ‘go on introduce yourself to that person, they could be an important person in your life.’ Some days I listen to my intuition and act and other days it gets drowned out by distractions or insecurities. In every case

that I listen to my intuition I get a positive response and a connection that

either directly or indirectly benefits me and/or my business. When I don’t I miss out on what could have been a significant and fulfiling relationship.

Let’s have a look at what Joia does in the same situation. Whilst Joia isn’t looking for business contacts, she is looking for significant and fulfilling

relationships - even just fleeting ones. She sees that same person that I looked at and ignored my intuition to meet, yet she will go with hers and run

straight up to that person to say ‘hello’. She doesn’t just do this when she feels like it, she doesn’t just do it when it looks like a friendly person, she

does it every single time. Her intuition says ‘go and meet that person and get a pat’ - she listens, she goes and she gets her pat!

So, what is intuition?

Intuition is your internal guiding system. It is your control centre and it knows what is best for you and it will tell you, every time, what the best decisions are for you to make. The one clitch in the system is that we all have an

‘override’ button which we can press at any time, which means we can ignore

our intuition and make a decision that is the opposite. In my experience my intuition is always right and often I have learned this lesson the hard way, by

ignoring it and facing the consequences. What about you? Have you ever

Page 2: LESSON FROM A PUP #8 … Go with your intuition...Every day I come across people and every day my intuition, or the little voice in my head, says ‘go on introduce yourself to that

gone against your intuition and done something you know you shouldn’t be doing and felt that uneasy feeling in your stomach. That feeling is your

intuition saying ‘you should have listened to me, you will be sorry!’. Have you ever ignored your intuition when it has suggested you go for that job, meet that person or do something that your fears and insecurities have stopped

you from doing?

Your intuition is always right In my last article about Joia, I wrote how I have seen her run up to people and I

am saying to myself “Oh no, keep away from that one!” Her intuition is saying,

‘this one is okay they just need a bit of attention’. They often try to ignore her to start with, but every time and to my absolute amazement they stop, smile and

give her a pat! She went with her intuition and it was right.

She loves to chase birds and when we are at the park and she fixes her eyes on one,

her intuition says ‘go for it’. She is off like

a rocket (okay, maybe not a rocket!) and she heads for the bird which of course takes off and flys away, sometimes over

the road. In the early days this scared me to death because Joia would just keep

chasing the bird even after it started flying. Incredibly though, every time she got to edge of the park, even with her

eyes fixed on the bird, she would stop

bark once and turn back feeling very proud of herself. Her intuition said ‘stop’; she listened and it was right.

It is there, why not use it? Intuition is something that we all have, but most people are not aware of it and so rarely use it. If you knew that it was always giving you signs and

signals to help you make the right choice every time and you had the faith to take notice, you would make much better decisions. Every time you feel a

flutter in your heart it is your intuition. When you have that uneasy feeling your stomach it is your intuition. When are feeling excited it is your intuition.

It is there every time, so why not use it?

Could I suggest that you get into the routine of stopping and noticing what you are experiencing in your body as you make decisions? Listen and notice whether it is a feeling or experience that is pushing towards the decision you

are thinking about or holding you back. The next step is to trust it! If is it

telling you not to associate with a certain group of people – listen to it! If is telling you to go for that opportunity – listen to it! In every case it wants the best for you whether you listen to it or not.

Joia lives a life a pure joy because she listens to and acts on her intuition everytime. Why not you?

Andrew Jobling December 19, 2009 www.andrewjobling.com.au