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The Coaching Academy of North

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Coach Training Program

Lesson ThreeThe Universal Laws and the

Practical Application

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Student Version

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Topics Covered This Lesson

Laws of the Universe Practical Application

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Topics Covered Next Lesson The Successful Mindset Examined Success Predictor Test (SPT) Training How to Ask the Universe

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Review: What is the Success Predictor Test?

The SPT is an assessment toll which checks the habits and beliefs of your clients against those of successful personalities to ensure they are on the road to success and not self-destruction.

You will be able to use this assessment with your clients.

Log onto www.CoachTrainingAcademy.com to collect the test and complete for lesson 4.

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Laws of the Universe

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Universal Laws and the Bible Connection God sent His son Jesus down to teach us about

the laws of the Universe, and that is one of the reasons why the Bible is so important.

The Bible is often the most readily available book to access these laws.

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Keep in MindWhen reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and

John) Jesus’ words are clear about the laws (view lesson 2 for more information).

However, the Gospels also state that Jesus’ spent his days teaching in the synagogue, of which (aside from Isaiah 61) there seems to be no record.

Thus, it is my belief (and feel free to disagree) that perhaps more of the laws would have been taught had we been able to locate the teachings. But no one can say for sure.

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As Above so BelowLife on earth is subjected to the same Cosmic laws

that the Higher Spheres are subjected to.

“I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

Matthew 18:18

“…On earth as it is in heaven…” Matthew 6:10

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General InformationThe laws of the Universe are integral to creating a

successful joyous life.

Successful people use the laws whether they are aware of them or not.

When reading these laws, pay attention to how many laws have love attached to them.

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Understand and Have Faith

“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But

from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken

away.” JesusMatthew 25:29

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The Law of the AbsoluteUniversal laws are non negotiable.

Whether you know it or not, believe it or not, these laws exist.

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Law of AbundanceYour life is filled with variety and options.

Create abundance by loving yourself and loving the life around you.

Like the law of Attraction that which you focus on will become.

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Law of AcceptanceThis law focuses on the Acceptance of truth of the

universal laws and indicates that acceptance of things you cannot change will make your life easier to deal with and not create an abundance of negative feelings.

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Law of Accommodation According to this law, failure to accommodate

others to the best of your ability is not acceptable and is also a violation of the law of Karma and the law of Love.

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The Law of ActionNo matter what talents and gifts we have, only action

will bring them to light.

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Law of ActivityThe more blessing life bestows on you, the more you

are expected to give back.

Take care of what you have been given and you will be blessed with more.

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The Law of AdaptationFocuses on adapting to new circumstances.

The line of least resistance is the path energy will take.

Love is always the path of least resistance.

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Law of AffectionThe law of Affection states that affection is a beam of

love with which we adorn ourselves and others.

The only purpose of this law is to give.

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The Law of Alpha and OmegaThere is nothing new to the Universe: All that is

now, was then and will be.

“I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come- the Almighty One”.

Revelations 1:8

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Law of AttractionThis is the law that is the basis for all manifestation.

Love is the strongest link to creating manifestation. Love yourself and all else good will have no choice to but to follow.

Thinking positive thoughts and focusing on positive things is one of the many ways to show yourself love.

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Law of Attraction and RepulsionThat which you think, speak and focus on will

materialize in some shape or form.This is true for both positive and negative thoughts.To create the life you want, two other entities must

be explored: Desire and expectation. Both of these principles work in conjunction with this law.

If you do not desire that which your thought rests upon and you do not expect it to actually occur it is just wasted thought.

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Law of Attraction and RepulsionLove and fear are very powerful emotions within

this law.Love thoughts and emotions are stronger then fear

thoughts and emotions.I.E.: If you fear what you think about you are

manifesting it very quickly to you. If you love what you think about you are also manifesting that even faster.

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Law of BalanceThe presence of negative and positive create a

balance in the world.

Although the balance of positive and negative in the world does go up and down.-

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The Law of Believing and KnowingThrough belief and knowing we create.

Expectation of results of your creating is extremely powerful and important.

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The Law of Co-CreationTwo people working together will have the power of

four working individually.

When large groups of beings are gathered together and believe, their power holds the power of many times that number of people.

“Where two or three are gathered…”

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Law of CompensationIn order to receive you must first give.

Your actions, talents and gifts should focus on the greater good, and the good for all concerned and you will be rewarded (compensated) accordingly.

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Law of ChoicePeople have the freedom to make decisions, for

better or for worse.

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Law of CirculationEvery time you are meant to learn a lesson, it will

be presented to you again and again (in various scenarios) until you have learned from it what you were meant to.

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Law of Color (Colour)All colors stem from one color, indigo which veils love

and wisdom.

Color acts as a veil.

Click for free colour guide www.CoachTrainingAcademy.com/color.html

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Law of CompensationIn order to receive you must first give.

Your actions, talents and gifts should focus on the greater good, and the good for all concerned and you will be rewarded (compensated) accordingly.

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Law of Common GroundThis law is a problem solving law.

Everyone has an obligation to look for a common ground when in a dispute.

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Law of DharmaThe Purpose of Life.

The principle of “right action”.

An action is only right if everyone affected by this action is rightly served.

Everything, everyone has a purpose, a reason to exist. Something to share.

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Law of DisciplineMany problems will be avoided through discipline.

Discipline also supplies the focus needed to know yourself, the world around you and it is through discipline that you will be able to increase your knowledge and your spiritual awareness (meditation).

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The Law of Divine FlowWe live in the law of Divine Flow when we are living

in the moment, present and in service to others.

Living in Divine Flow allows us to be surrounded by and filled with love. Love for God, love for self, love for others.

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Law of the EarthThe more you operate from the basis of love, the more

you are protected from destructive forces.

This law does not allow Ascended Beings to help you unless you recognize and make use of the power of love.

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The Law of EconomyMatter always follows the path of least resistance.

Whatever thoughts your mind travels to most is the path of least resistance when it comes to having things materialize in your life.

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The Law of ExpectationEnergy always follows thought.

The more you expect, the more you gain!

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Law of FaithWe all know more then we think. We have a direct

line to God, we just need to remember how to access that line.

Begin to access that line through self love and meditation.

Faith plus action equals the law of Praise.

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Law of ForgivenessThis law works with the principles of love and

forgiveness.If you forgive others you will be forgiven.You do not have to like what others have done, but

you do need to wish themwell on their journey.To forgive: Announce to the Universe that you

forgive those who have hurt you. This is a very powerful first step. The Universe will show you the way after that.

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Law of GivingWe must give in order to receive. And we must

allow others to give in order to receive.

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Law of Higher WillWhen you surrender yourself, your life and your control

to the will of God, your life will no longer be operated out of fear and worry but will be operated on a basis of a life purpose for the good of all concerned.

Happiness will also stem from this.

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Law of HonestyIf we are dishonest, we set into motion a train of

events that results in negative events occurring within our lives.

Being honest with ourselves, not living in or operating from a basis of fear is also part of being honest.

Being afraid is not allowing you to be your true self, which is dishonest (and a violation of this law).

The best way to combat fear? Turn your life and the worries over to the Universe.

God will take care of you. He wants to (view lesson 2 for Bible Scriptural support) and if you are worrying, you are not trusting Him to provide.

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Law of IncreaseThe good or the bad in your life can be increased by

your continued focus on it.

This is why giving thanks for what you have is so important.

This law is also connected to the law of Praise.

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Law of KarmaKarma is a learning tool for your spiritual self.

Whatever you give out the universe(through thought, action, vibration, energy) will

manifested in your life ten-fold.

Not necessarily in an obviously way.

This law works for both the negative and the positive.

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Law of KnowledgeIf you use your knowledge well, more will be granted.

All knowledge is bestowed from above.

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Law of LoveWe are responsible to act with love and in love in

every aspect of our lives.Love begins with self, then extends to family and

friends and then to the world as a whole.Love eventually perfects all.When you love yourself you are showing love for

God as you are inextricably linked (view law of One).

Love is the strongest vibration you can send to the Universe.

Good and love inextricably linked.Love is the best cure for healing.

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Law of MantrasThrough Mantras one becomes closer to the Creator.

Mantras are certain words that when said emit certain vibrations.

Chanting mantras is beneficial in raising your vibrational level.

Examples of Mantras: OM, HU, ALLELUJAH, ALLAH

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Law of OneAll that exists, including you, is part of God.

You do not exists as an "I" only as a "we".

Nothing is more important then your connection to God.

Love yourself, you will be loving God.

Love others, you will be loving God.

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Law of OpportunityChoices, opportunities and options are unlimited and

will always result in success.

When you need something it will become present in your life for two reasons:

1) the opportunity presented itself for the need to arise and be fulfilled

2) to fulfill the need the opportunity must/ will be presented

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Law of PerfectionPerfection occurs through the process of increasing

our consciousness in all that we do.

When we strive to help the world become a better place, we are increasing our perfection.

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Law of PracticePractice makes perfect.

Practice is important to mastering anything in life.

21 days of practice and you have created a new habit.

3 months and you have now created a life long habitual pattern.

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Law of PraiseWhen you have faith and are singing praises your mind

is being used effectively and productively.

Always be thankful for what you have.

Thank you God for the good you have given me!Thank you God for the good you have given me!Thank you God for the good you have given me!

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Law of ProsperityOne will prosper in direct alignment with the amount of

joy one experiences when seeing others and themselves prosper.

This law works for people who think and focus on positive images, events, ideas, pictures (and so on) and against those who think and focus on the negative.

It takes less energy to be positive in mind and actions then negative in mind and actions.

The more you give, the more you are able to receive.

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Law of PovertyWhen you take you become poorer, when you give

you become richer.

To become rich (in health, spirit, money and so on) give the talents and gifts you have to inspire those around you.

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Law of ReboundThis law states that one will come out of a bad

experience stronger and more capable then before.

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Law of ReceivingYou must give in order to receive.You will receive based on what you give. Giving impulsively and incorrectly will not give the

return you are most likely expecting.Give to those who are struggling but making

progress. That is a smart give and will result in a smart return. This is better then giving to those intent only on taking or who by giving you are merely preventing their own progress (enabling).

The second part of this law is to expect positive returns. And prepare for them.

Example: To continually financially support your children into adulthood stops them from living the path they were meant to and tells the Universe that you do not trust the Universe to provide for them and that you want to play God. Not good!!

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Law of TeachingThis law refers to the responsibility a person has to

pass on the knowledge they have learned.

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Law of the Ten-Fold ReturnGifts given freely for spiritual use (this includes time,

treasures and talent) will be given back ten-fold thus enabling you to give ten times more.

That is why it is important to give the top 10% of your income to where you receive your spiritual guidance. It is law.

NOTE: Not to a charity, to where you receive your spiritual guidance. Pray on this if you are unsure where to give. Give on top of that to charity if you wish.

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Law of the Three RequestsWhen requesting something from our Creator,

asking three times is much more powerful then just asking once.

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Law of Unconditional LoveThis law states the importance of accepting that we

are all made of God and loving each other as such, despite the choices others make.

This does not mean associating with people that hurt us, but it means loving them as they are and sending no ill will their way.

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Practical Application

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Your Worrying Has Got to GoIf you are worrying, you are not trusting God to

provide. It is as simple as that.

Worry is unacceptable. Thinking about anything more then you think about God and the great things He has done and will do is unacceptable and a violation of the law of One. Why do you think Jesus’ talked so much about NOT worrying??

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway – Susan Jeffers?

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Letting Worry GoPractice makes perfect when turning your worries over

to God.What is worry? A negative thought habit.From a psychological stand point you cannot "break" a

habit, you can only replace it. It takes 21 days to create a new habit (lesson 1).

Take the negative habit (in this case your worry) and find a new habit. Repeating an affirmation is good. Try repeating "I am surrounded by joy and security, thank you God“ over and over until the fear passes. If repeated enough times, you will eventually believe the new thought and focus on it even before the worry reaches the forefront of your mind.

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The Laws and Asking for Money

Picture items and things, not money. Asking for money implies that you want to take care of

yourself. Thinking of items you need money for and how much gratitude you have for them, lets the Universe know what you want to keep in your life, and then it will provide the means for you to do so.

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Charitable ContributionsIt is said that when asked if she would join an anti-war

rally Mother Teresa always said to call her if there was ever a pro-peace rally.

This illustrates an important truth: When naming a charity keep the law of Attraction in

mind. The name should reflect what you want to accomplish.

Anti-War vs. Pro-PeaceM.A.D.D. vs People For Sober DrivingDisease vs. Health and Wellness

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Helping Others The Universe Way

You have an obligation to help others (law of Giving, law of Compensation etc.) so how do you give in a way that creates positive changes as opposed to contributing to a negative vibration however good intentioned?

Give knowledge about the laws whenever possible (law of teaching).

Contribute to positively named charities whenever possible.

Do not watch news. This contributes to the overall sense of fear and worry in society and in your life.

The more love and good vibrations you can send out whenever thinking of others in need, the better.

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Changing Your FrequencyThe Universe responds to your current frequency.

In order for better things to materialize in your life, you need to be operating at a higher, better frequency.

To change your frequency:

Increase your self love. Affirmations and appreciation of yourself is the #1 way to increase your frequency to a positive level (lesson 1). Bask in your own love often.

Increase your positive expectations.

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Creating More Positive ThoughtsPositive thoughts attract positive thoughts.

Positive thoughts and emotions have more power then their negative counterparts.

When experiencing sad emotions, do not try to fight them, accept them. This will create space around them and they will then not seem as powerful a force within you.

Read a book or watch a movie until the sad emotions pass.

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Creating More HappinessDo not try to monitor your thoughts for negative

ones. Just pay attention to your emotions. Let your emotions be your barometer for when it is time to change your focus.

Spend time everyday being happy- IT WILL GET EASIER AS THEY WEEKS PROGRESS.

Try dancing around your home. Dancing is often accompanied by happy thoughts and emotions.

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Common Negative Daily InfluencesBelow are some common negative influences you

may not be aware of.

News, in print and on television Gossiping Sad/negative word lyrics in songs Sad movies or television shows

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Discussing ProblemsHow do you help someone when they want to discuss

a problem?

Listening without judgment and with love is important, but it also important to note that by focusing on the problem more negative energy will just be drawn to it.

It is best to draw focus away from the problem and onto more positive topics and emotions as soon as possible.

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Positive Thoughts on the EconomyIt is important to find the positive in everything. What

is positive about today’s economy? Gas is down Shopping is up over 11% from last year Items are cheaper then ever to purchase People still have money to spend or trips to the

movies would have been one of the first things to go (have you checked out the box office weekend totals lately? People are still going!).

God controls your personal economy and no one/ nothing else does. And trusting Him to provide (not worrying) is the first step to creating abundance.

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Why Don’t I Have More Money??Negative feelings accompanies thoughts of money.

Solution: Focus on items you want the money for and how grateful you are for them.

You are not loving yourself enough (lesson 1): Solution: Positive affirmations. Repeat “I approve of myself, I love myself” until you believe it.

Not trusting anyone besides yourself to provide. God is your provider you must get into the habit of trusting this, as no one will do as good as job as Him. Your job is just to rise each morning, give thanks and do the best you can for Him. Let Him worry about everything else.

You are not giving your 10% to where you receive your spiritual guidance. Giving 10% is another sign you trust to be provided for. Law of Giving, law of Compensation, law of the Ten-Fold Return.

You are not asking correctly (next weeks lesson).

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Divine Intervention (Thank you thank you thank you!)

Flowing with the Universal LawsCosmic Laws, Universal laws, Subsidiary LawsBy Margo Kirtikar Ph.D. The Bible, NLT (specifically Matthew, Mark, Luke and

John) Ask and It is Given By Esther and Jerry Hicks I Am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams, I Am I Am I

Am! By Thomas and Penelope Pauley A New EarthBy Eckhart Tolle

End Notes

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Assignment #2No word minimum or maximum.This assignment is to be saved and sent in with

your final exam.Answer the following questions:Where do you feel you are NOT living in conjunction

with the laws?What are your plans to correct this?What laws are you going to incorporate into your

life more often?How so?

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Home Work Assignment #2 (complete and save to be sent in

with your final exam). Complete the Success Predictor Test. Purchase/locate two spiral bound, lined notebooks

(no more then $1.00/each). Keep aside until lesson 4.

Complete the bonus assignment.

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Bonus AssignmentSend this link/lesson to anyone you think may

benefit then send an email to [email protected] to confirm that you have or to indicate why you have not (both will receive equal points).