lesson 23 sayings grammar practice

Lesson 23 Present and Imperfect Subjunctive of Sum

Post on 22-Oct-2014




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3rd Form Latin


Page 1: Lesson 23 sayings grammar practice

Lesson 23

Present and Imperfect Subjunctive

of Sum

Page 2: Lesson 23 sayings grammar practice


♦model verbs 6 tenses active and passive

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amo amare amavi amatusPresent

amo amamus

amas amatis

amat amant


amabam amabamus

amabas amabatis

amabat amabant


amabo amabimus

amabis amabitis

amabit amabunt

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amo amare amavi amatusPerfect

amavi amavimus

amavisti amavistis

amavit amaverunt


amaveram amaveramus

amaveras amaveratis

amaverat amaverant

Future Perfect

amavero amaverimus

amaveris amaveritis

amaverit amaverint

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amo amare amavi amatusPresent

amor amamur

amaris amamini

amatur amantur


amabar amabamur

amabaris amabamini

amabatur amabantur


amabor amabimur

amaberis amabimini

amabitur amabuntur

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amo amare amavi amatusPerfect

amatus –a –um, sum amati –ae –a, sumus

es estis

est sunt


amatus –a –um, eram amati –ae –a, eramus

eras eratis

erat erant

Future Perfect

amatus –a –um, ero amati –ae –a, erimus

eris eritis

erit erunt

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moneo monēre monui monitus


moneo monemus

mones monetis

monet monent


monebam monebamus

monebas monebatis

monebat monebant


monebo monebimus

monebis monebitis

monebit monebunt

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moneo monēre monui monitus


monui monuimus

monuisti monuistis

monuit monuerunt


monueram monueramus

monueras monueratis

monuerat monuerant

Future Perfect

monuero monuerimus

monueris monueritis

monuerit monuerint

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moneo monēre monui monitus


moneor monemur

moneris monemini

monetur monentur


monebar monebamur

monebaris monebamini

monebatur monebantur


monebor monebimur

moneberis monebimini

monebitur monebuntur

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moneo monēre monui monitus


monitus –a –um, sum moniti –ae –a, sumus

es estis

est sunt


monitus –a –um, eram moniti –ae –a, eramus

eras eratis

erat erant

Future Perfect

monitus –a –um, ero moniti –ae –a, erimus

eris eritis

erit erunt

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rego regere rexi rectusPresent

rego regimus

regis regitis

regit regunt


regebam regebamus

regebas regebatis

regebat regebant


regam regemus

reges regetis

reget regent

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rego regere rexi rectusPerfect

rexi reximus

rexisti rexistis

rexit rexerunt


rexeram rexeramus

rexeras rexeratis

rexerat rexerant

Future Perfect

rexero rexerimus

rexeris rexeritis

rexerit rexerint

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rego regere rexi rectusPresent

regor regimur

regeris regimini

regitur reguntur


regebar regebamur

regebaris regebamini

regebatur regebantur


regar regemur

regeris regemini

regetur regentur

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rego regere rexi rectusPerfect

rectus –a –um, sum recti –ae –a, sumus

es estis

est sunt


rectus –a –um, eram recti –ae –a, eramus

eras eratis

erat erant

Future Perfect

rectus –a –um, ero recti –ae –a, erimus

eris eritis

erit erunt

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audio audire audivi auditusPresent

audio audimus

audis auditis

audit audiunt


audiebam audiebamus

audiebas audiebatis

audiebat audiebant


audiam audiemus

audies audietis

audiet audient

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audio audire audivi auditusPerfect

audivi audivimus

audivisti audivistis

audivit audiverunt


audiveram audiveramus

audiveras audiveratis

audiverat audiverant

Future Perfect

audivero audiverimus

audiveris audiveritis

audiverit audiverint

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audio audire audivi auditusPresent

audior audimur

audiris audimini

auditur audiuntur


audiebar audiebamur

audiebaris audiebamini

audiebatur audiebantur


audiar audiemur

audieris audiemini

audietur audientur

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audio audire audivi auditusPerfect

auditus –a –um, sum auditi –ae –a, sumus

es estis

est sunt


auditus –a –um, eram auditi –ae –a, eramus

eras eratis

erat erant

Future Perfect

auditus –a –um, ero auditi –ae –a, erimus

eris eritis

erit erunt

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capio capere cepi captusPresent

capio capimus

capis capitis

capit capiunt


capiebam capiebamus

capiebas capiebatis

capiebat capiebant


capiam capiemus

capies capietis

capiet capient

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capio capere cepi captusPerfect

cepi cepimus

cepisti cepistis

cepit ceperunt


ceperam ceperamus

ceperas ceperatis

ceperat ceperant

Future Perfect

cepero ceperimus

ceperis ceperitis

ceperit ceperint

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capio capere cepi captusPresent

capior capimur

caperis capimini

capitur capiuntur


capiebar capiebamur

capiebaris capiebamini

capiebatur capiebantur


capiar capiemur

capieris capiemini

capietur capientur

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capio capere cepi captusPerfect

captus –a –um, sum capti –ae –a, sumus

es estis

est sunt


captus –a –um, eram capti –ae –a, eramus

eras eratis

erat erant

Future Perfect

captus –a –um, ero capti –ae –a, erimus

eris eritis

erit erunt

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RecitationVerb Singular Plural Meaning

amo, amare ama amate Love!

moneo, monēre monē monete Warn!

rego, regere rege regite Rule!

capio, capere cape capite Take!

audio, audire audi audite Hear!

sum, esse es este Be!

dico, dicere dic dicite Speak!

duco, ducere duc ducite Lead!

facio, facere fac facite Make!

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♦5 declensions:mensa, servus, bellum, pater, flumen, portus, res

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♦Adjectives:acer acris acrebrevis –epotens potentis

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acer acris


acris acris

acri acri

acrem acre

acri acri


M /F N

acres acria

acrium acrium

acribus acribus

acres acria

acribus acribus

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M /F N

brevis breve

brevis brevis

brevi brevi

brevem breve

brevi brevi


M /F N

breves brevia

brevium brevium

brevibus brevibus

breves brevia

brevibus brevibus

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Singular Plural

potens potentes

potentis potentium

potenti potentibus

potentem potentes

potenti potentibus


Singular Plural

potens potentia

potentis potentium

potenti potentibus

potens potentia

potenti potentibus

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♦Preposition Songs:-ab corum cum de ex in prae pro sine sub tenus

-ad ante apud in inter ob per post propter sub trans circum contra juxta

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♦Ordinal & Cardinal Numbers

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RecitationCardinal Ordinal

unus –a –um one primus –a –um


duo –ae –o two secundus –a –um


tres tria three tertius –a –um


quattuor four quartus –a –um


quinque five quintus –a –um


sex six sextus –a –um


septem seven septimus –a –um


octo eight octavus –a –um


novem nine nonus –a –um


decem ten decimus –a –um


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XI undecim eleven

XII duodecim twelve

XIII tredecim thirteen

XIV quattuordecim


XV quindecim fifteen

XVI sedecim sixteen

XVII septendecim seventeen

XVIII duodeviginti eighteen

XIX undeviginti nineteen

XX viginti twenty

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Recitation3rd Person Pronouns;

Demonstrative Pronouns (1)Singular


Feminine Neuter

is ea id

ejus ejus ejus

ei ei ei

eum eam id

eo eā eo


Masculine Feminine Neuter

ei eae ea

eorum earum eorum

eis eis eis

eos eas ea

eis eis eis

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RecitationDemonstrative Pronouns (Near) (2)

Singular Plural


hic haec hoc hi hae haechujus hujus hujus horu



huic huic huic his his hishunc hanc hoc hos has haechoc hac hoc his his his

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RecitationDemonstrative Pronouns (Far) (3)

Singular Plural


ille illa illud illi illae illaillíus illíus illíus illoru



illi illi illi illis illis illisillum illam illud illos illas illaillo illā illo illis illis illis

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RecitationDemonstrative Pronouns

(Near to Person Spoken to) (4)

Singular Plural


iste ista istud isti istae ista

istíus istíus istíus istorum istarum


isti isti isti istis istis istis

istum istam istud istos istas ista

isto istā isto istis istis istis

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RecitationIntensive Pronouns

Singular Plural


ipse ipsa ipsum

ipsi ipsae ipsa

ipsíus ipsíus ipsíus




ipsi ipsi ipsi ipsis ipsis ipsis

ipsum ipsam ipsum

ipsos ipsas ipsa

ipso ipsā ipso ipsis ipsis ipsis

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Recitation3rd Person Reflexive Pronouns

Case Form Meaning

Nom ----

Gen. sui of himself, herself, itself, themselves

Dat. sibi to/for himself, herself, itself, themselves

Acc. se himself, herself, itself, themselves

Abl. se ibwf himself, herself, itself, themselves

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RecitationReflexive Pronoun Adjectives


Singular Meaning

Plural Meaning

1st meus mea meum my (own) noster nostra nostrum

our (own)

2nd tuus tua tuum your (own)

vester vestra vestrum

your (pl.) (own)

3rd suus sua suum his, her, its, their (own)

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RecitationPresent Subjunctive Active

1st 2nd 3rd 3rd io 4th

amem moneam regam capiam audiam

ames moneas regas capias audias

amet moneat regat capiat audiat

amemus moneamus regamus capiamus audiamus

ametis moneatis regatis capiatis audiatis

ament moneant regant capiant audiant

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RecitationPresent Subjunctive Passive

1st 2nd 3rd 3rd io 4th

amer monear regar capiar audiar

ameris monearis regaris capiaris audiaris

ametur moneatur regatur capiatur audiatur

amemur moneamur regamur capiamur audiamur

amemini moneamini regamini

capiamini audiamini

amentur moneantur regantur capiantur audiantur

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RecitationImperfect Subjunctive Active

1st 2nd 3rd 3rd io 4th

amarem monerem regerem caperem audirem

amares moneres regeres caperes audires

amaret moneret regeret caperet audiret

amaremus moneremus regeremus

caperemus audiremus

amaretis moneretis regeretis caperetis audiretis

amarent monerent regerent caperent audirent

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RecitationImperfect Subjunctive Passive

1st 2nd 3rd 3rd io 4th

amarer monerer regerer caperer audirer

amareris monereris regereris capereris audireris

amaretur moneretur regeretur caperetur audiretur

amaremur moneremur regeremur

caperemur audiremur

amaremini moneremini regeremini

caperemini audiremini

amarentur monerentur regerentur

caperentur audirentur

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Latin Saying

Credo ut intéllegam

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Latin Saying

Credo ut intéllegam

credo -ere; to believeut; in order thatintellego -ere; peace intellegam present subjunctive

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Latin Sayings

I believe in order that I may


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GrammarThe present subjunctive of sum has the vowel i throughout.

Singular Plural

sim I may be simus we may be

sis you may be sitis you all may be

sit hsi may be sint they may be

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GrammarThe imperfect subjunctive of sum is built on the form of the infinitive (esse) as in the regular conjugations.

Singular Plural


I might be essemus

we might be


you might be

essetis you all might be

esset hsi might be essent they might be

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Purpose Clause with UtIn English we often express purpose with the

infinitive, but in Latin the infinitive is not normally used for this purpose.

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Purpose Clause with UtIn English we often express purpose with the

infinitive, but in Latin the infinitive is not normally used for this purpose.

I am working hard to make an A in Latin.

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Purpose Clause with UtIn English we often express purpose with the

infinitive, but in Latin the infinitive is not normally used for this purpose.

I am working hard to make an A in Latin.

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Purpose Clause with UtOne way to express purpose in Latin is with

the ut clause. The main clause is in the indicative and the subordinate clause is in the subjunctive. The two clauses are connected by ut, which means in order that.

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Purpose Clause with UtOne way to express purpose in Latin is with the

ut clause. The main clause is in the indicative and the subordinate clause is in the subjunctive. The two clauses are connected by ut, which means in order that.

main clause subordinate clauseMilites pugnant ut libertatem servent.indicative subjunctive

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Purpose Clause with Utmain clause subordinate clauseMilites pugnant ut libertatem

servent.indicative subjunctive

The soldiers fightin order that they may preserve liberty.

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Purpose Clause with UtIn a sentence with two clauses, there are

two verbs. The tenses of the two verbs must correspond.

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Purpose Clause with UtIn a sentence with two clauses, there are

two verbs. The tenses of the two verbs must correspond.

If the main clause verb is in the present, future, or future perfect, the purpose clause is in the present subjunctive.

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Purpose Clause with UtIn a sentence with two clauses, there are

two verbs. The tenses of the two verbs must correspond.

If the main clause verb is in the present, future, or future perfect, the purpose clause is in the present subjunctive.

If the main clause verb is in the imperfect, perfect, or pluperfect, the purpose clause is in the imperfect subjunctive.

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Grammar Questions

How many moods? What are they? How many have we covered?

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Grammar Questions

How many moods? What are they? How many have we covered?

There are three: indicative, imperative, and subjunctive. We have covered the first two.

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Grammar Questions

How many tenses are in the subjunctive? What tenses are missing?

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Grammar Questions

How many tenses are in the subjunctive? What tenses are missing?

Four tenses. The future and future perfect are missing.

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Grammar Questions

What are six helping verbs that express the subjunctive in English?

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Grammar Questions

What are six helping verbs that express the subjunctive in English?

let, might, could, may, should, would

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Grammar Questions

What is the difference between indicative and subjunctive?


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Grammar Questions

What is the difference between indicative and subjunctive?

indicative: actual events or actionssubjunctive: potential events or actions

My children go to school. actual/indicativeI want my children to go to school. –


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Grammar QuestionsWhat are the meanings of the present

subjunctive of sum?

Person Singular Plural




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Grammar QuestionsWhat are the meanings of the present

subjunctive of sum?

Person Singular Plural

1st I may be we may be

2nd you may be you all may be

3rd he, she, it may be they may be

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Grammar QuestionsWhat are the meanings of the imperfect

subjunctive of sum?

Person Singular Plural




Page 70: Lesson 23 sayings grammar practice

Grammar QuestionsWhat are the meanings of the imperfect

subjunctive of sum?

Person Singular Plural

1st I might be we might be

2nd you might be you all might be

3rd he, she, it might be they might be

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Grammar QuestionsA __________ question is asked in doubt or

indignation, uses the subjunctive, and is expressed in English by the verbal helper ______.

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Grammar QuestionsA deliberative question is asked in doubt or

indignation, uses the subjunctive, and is expressed in English by the verbal helper should.

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Grammar QuestionsA deliberative question uses the

_______ subjunctive for present time and the _________ subjunctive for past time.

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Grammar QuestionsA deliberative question uses the

present subjunctive for present time and the imperfect subjunctive for past time.

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Grammar QuestionsThe hortatory subjunctive expresses __________,

_______ _________, ______ ____, and uses the verbal helpers __ and ___.

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Grammar QuestionsThe hortatory subjunctive expresses exhortation,

indirect command, strong wish, and uses the verbal helpers let and may.

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Grammar QuestionsThe subjunctive is used primarily in __________

clauses, but also has some uses in __________ clauses.

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Grammar QuestionsThe subjunctive is used primarily in subordinate

clauses, but also has some uses in independent clauses.

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To form the negative of a subjunctive verb, use ?

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To form the negative of a subjunctive verb, use ne.

Ne cedamus. Let us not yield.

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To form the negative of a subjunctive verb, use ne.

Ne cedamus. Let us not yield.Ne portas claudant. Let them not close

the gates.

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To express purpose with the conjunction ut, the main clause is in the _________, and the subordinate clause is in the __________.

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To express purpose with the conjunction ut, the main clause is in the indicative, and the subordinate clause is in the subjunctive.

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♦TranslateClamo ut audiar.

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♦TranslateI shout in order to be heard.

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♦TranslateI believe in order that I may understand.

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♦TranslateCredo ut intellegam

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♦TranslateLaboro ut vivam.

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♦TranslateI work in order that I may live.

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♦TranslateWe may be.

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♦TranslateYou all might be.

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♦Conjugate sum in the present and imperfect subjunctive.

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♦Conjugate sum in the present and imperfect subjunctive.

♦Conjugate the model verbs in the imperfect subjunctive active and passive.

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♦Conjugate sum in the present and imperfect subjunctive.

♦Conjugate the model verbs in the imperfect subjunctive active and passive.

♦Conjugate the model verbs in the present subjunctive active and passive.