lesson #11 if you’re really determined to google…

Lesson #11 If you’re really determined to Google… Topic: Iran (background for novel) Teacher: Feathers Grade: Date: Dec. 3-4, 2013 Period(s): Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Creating Relationship to Current Content in Regular Classroom: (background for novel) (*) Indicates a modification or accomodation

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Lesson #11 If you’re really determined to Google…. Topic: Iran (background for novel) Teacher: Feathers Grade: Date: Dec. 3-4, 2013 Period(s): Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Creating Relationship to Current Content in Regular Classroom: (background for novel) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Lesson #11If you’re really determined to Google…

Topic: Iran (background for novel)Teacher: FeathersGrade:Date: Dec. 3-4, 2013Period(s):Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: CreatingRelationship to Current Content in Regular Classroom: (background for novel)(*) Indicates a modification or accomodation

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Learning Target

I can create a five paragraph essay which provides context for the recent nuclear agreement with Iran and the novel we are reading.

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AASL/ Common Core Crosswalk

• 1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.

• 1.2.4 Maintain a critical stance by questioning the validity and accuracy of all information.

• CC.11-12.L.6 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

• CC.11-12.W.8 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.

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• Shah• Ayatollah Khomeini• gap• autocratic• regime• dissent• cleric• exile• strike

• Tehran• stave off• instability• pro• revolution• seize

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Framework When Who How What Accomodations

Do Now S PP Copy vocabulary words--Slide 4 Peer assistance

T5, T7, T8,T9Objective S Orally Slide 2 Multiple means of presentation

T1, T8, T9 CCSS S Orally Slide 3 Multiple means of presentation

P1, T8, T9 Word Wall ST Orally Slide 4 Visual cues

T2, T8, T9 Agenda S PPT This sl ide Visual cues

T2, T8, T9 Rubric: 4 S PPT Slide 6 Copying to reduce writing tasks

T2, T8, T9 Rubric:3 S PPT Slide 6 Copying to reduce writing tasks

T2, T8, T9 Rubric:2 S PPT Slide 6 Copying to reduce writing tasks

T2, T8, T9 Rubric:1 S PPT Slide 6 Copying to reduce writing tasks

T2, T8, T9 Model the TaskT PPT Slides 10-12 Varied Tasks

T2, T8, T9 Info sourcesT DEMO Slides 13-16 Varied sources

T4, T8, T9 Info strategiesT DEMO Slides 10-12 Process chart

T2, T8, T9 I do T DEMO n/a

T3, T8, T9 We do TS INT Peer assistance

T6, T3, T7, T8, T9You do S IND Individual assistance

T5. T4, T8, T9Closure T Orally Thumbs up/thumbs down; where are we?;need more time?Frequent checks

T5, T8, T9 Exit Ticket S PP Slide 10 or 12 turned in Frequent checks



PP=Paper and pencil/notebooks Periods

PPT=PowerPoint Presentation Unit

DEMO=Teacher demonstration via LCD projectorBloom's

INT=Student/Teacher Interaction

IND=Independent Student Work

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The introductory and concluding paragraph are present. The three supporting paragraphs have three supporting details each.

DevelopingThe introductory

and concluding paragraph are present. The three supporting paragraphs have one supporting detail each.

AcceptableThe introductory

and concluding paragraph are present. The three supporting paragraphs have two supporting details each.

Not Ready


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Time for Browsing, Silent Reading, nd Book Checkout at the end of the period

*Clearly defined limits

*Seating to reduce distractions

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The Ayatollah Khomeini changed the way Iran was ruled.

The Ayatollah Khomeini changed the way Iran was ruled. Thechanges can still be seen today. (Explain why Iran and the U.S. barely get along in 2013.




The Ayatollah received an education that influenced his beliefs about governing Iran. (Mention his education, his opinions arising from his education, his exiles, and the reasons for his exiles )

The Ayatollah’s rise to power came because of Iranian citizens’ disgust with the Shah’s type of government. (Mention the Shah’s style of ruling, the Shah’s plans for the future, his fate, and why people wanted the Ayatollah.)

Although out of power since his death in 1989, Iran is still ruled the way it was when he was alive. (Use evidence from the text to support this claim.

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The rights of women in Iran have changed since the Iranian revolution.

As we have seen, the rights of Iranian women have improved since the Iranian revolution, although much work needs to be done. (Tell what that work might be.




Explain what the dress code for women was like in previous years, and what the dress code is like for women today.

Explain what the educational opportunities for women were like in previous years, and what the educational opportunities for women are like today.

Explain what the laws for women were like in previous years, and what the laws for women are like today

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Information You Can Trust

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Iranian Revolution of 1979


Search for Ayatollah Khomeini

Go to Google.Search for Iranian Revolution.Look for this web address:


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Information You Can Trust


Iranian Women’s Rights

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Why you should use the recommended sites:

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From http://www.roundrockisd.org/docs/library_www_check.pdf

WEBSITE RELIABILITY CHECKLISTUse this 5-point checklist to evaluate websites for reliability. It will help youdecide whether a particular site is worthy of inclusion in a college-levelresearch paper.1) VALIDITYa) Who is the author(s) of the site? Look for their credentials.b) Is contact information provided? The author should be accountable forher/his work.c) Is there a link provided to their homepage? Look for a reliable institution.d) What is the first part (major domain) of the web address (URL)? Thisindicates the site's origin:.com = commercial.edu = education.org = non-profit organization.gov = government.mil = military.cu = Cuba (.it = Italy, etc.)~ usually means an individual maintains the site (as opposed to aninstitution).

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2) CURRENCYa) When was the site last updated? A reliable site is frequently revised andimproved.b) When was the site first created? A site's longevity is a clue to its stability.

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3) CONTENTa) What is the depth and breadth of the information offered? Be wary of toomuch or too little.b) Are there links to other useful and reliable sites? They should be relevant tothe subject matter.c) Is the site relevant to your needs? It is important to maintain your focus.d) How is the site structured? If there are functions such as an in-site index ortable of contents they should assist with navigating the information.e) Does the advertising overpower the content? It shouldn't.

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4) PURPOSEa) Is this site trying to persuade you? Educate you? Market a product? Forinstance, a .com site may try sell you something whereas an .edu site mostoften exists for the sake of education.b) Are there any biases that might be promoted: racial, gender, religious, orother types? Even non-profit .org sites may be biased.

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5) ACCURACYa) How can you ensure the information is precise, authoritative, and current?The author should cite the sources used. Look for