less common words

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Post on 20-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Less Common Words


    Less common words:

    Show, present, describe: indicate, illustrate, depict

    By contrast: nevertheless, nonetheless,regardless of, irrespective of,


    Go up: grow, escalate, elevate, augment, proliferate, multify

    Go down: diminish, lessen, curtail, dwindle, shrink, subside, abate

    Quickly: swiftly, speedily, promptly, posthaste, apace

    Slowly: mildly, moderately, modestly, marginally, unhurriedly,

    plodding, sluggishly

    Increase remarkably: surge, take o, soar, shoot up, rocket, jump, leap,

    boom, bounce

    Decrease remarkably: plummet, slump, crash, sink, tumble, plunge

    Go up and down: uctuate, vary(around), oscillate,swing

    Stay the same: atten out, stagnate, lever o, plateau

    Number of: amount of, uantity of,

    ercentage: portion,proportion, fraction

    !rom "#$% to "#&%: during(in) the !"#$s

    !rom "#&% to "#&': during(in) the %rst half of the !"#$s

    (he end of the period, lastly, )nally: eventually

    Ne*t, then, after that: thereafter, afterwards, subseuently

    !ollowed by: accompanied by, attended by

    +bout, regarding, concerning: reference to, respecting, apropos of

    !irst, in the )rst step, to beginstart with:initially, in the beginning, in the

    early stages

    eriod: term, phase, stage, session

    Before: prior to, ahead of

    Decrease by '%-: to be halved, bisect

    Increase . times: uadruplicate, uadruple

    Similarly: likewise , in the same way, identically

    +t the same time: simultaneously, concurrently