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  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Leo the Philosopher: "Job" and Other PoemsAuthor(s): L. G. WESTERINKReviewed work(s):Source: Illinois Classical Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1/2, Problems of Greek Philosophy(SPRING/FALL 1986), pp. 193-222Published by: University of Illinois PressStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/23064080 .

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  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher



    Leo the Philosopher:Job and Other Poems*


    I. Life and WorkLeo the Mathematician and Philosopher (b. 790/800, d. after Jan.869) has now a firmly established place among the leading figures ofthe ninth century Byzantine revival of classical culture and science.1His claim to it, however, rests, rather than on his own record, on theaccounts of various chroniclers, in which historical fact is mixed witha certain amount of legend.2From their sometimes conflicting information the following biographical outline has been pieced together by P. Lemerle. Born,probably, at Constantinople, Leo received some kind of higher education from an unnamed scholar on the island of Andros; for the

    * This paper could not have been written but for the generosity of R. P. JosephParamelle, of the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (Paris), who drewmy attention to the poem and gave me his own transcript of the first hundred lines.' On Leo, see in the first place, E. E. Lipic, "Vizantijskij ucenyj Leo Matematik,"Vizant. Vremennik2 (27), 1949, 106-149, and P. Lemerl e,Le premier humanisme byzantin,Paris 1971, 148-176; further literature in Lemerle, p. 148, n. 1; add H. Hunger, Diehochsprachliche profane Literatur der Byzantiner, 2 vols., Munich 1978, in various places(see index), esp. I, 18-19 and II, 237-239; N.G. Wilson, Scholars of Byzantium, London1983, 79-84.2 In particular, Theophanes Continuatus, ed. I. Bekker, Bonn 1838; Ps.-Symeon,ibid. pp. 603-760; Scylitzes, ed. J. Thurn, Berlin 1973.

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    194 Illinois Classical Studies, XIrest he is said to have been self-taught. His fame reached the caliphal-Ma'mfln (813-833), who invited him to Baghdad. The emperorTheophilus (829-842), now realizing Leo's true value, appointed himto teach at the Church of the Forty Martyrs (of Sebaste). A fire signalchain between Constantinople and Cilicia (the Muslim frontier), themeaning of the signal depending on the hours when it was given, issaid to have been his invention. Eventually (840) he was ordainedmetropolitan of Thessalonica by the iconoclast patriarch John theGrammarian, a relative. His incumbency came to an end when, inthe regency of Theophilus' widow Theodora, the tide turned in favorof image worship (843). During the personal rule of Theodora's sonMichael III (855-867) and on the initiative of the emperor's uncleand chief advisor Bardas (d. 866), he was appointed to the chair ofphilosophy at the newly-founded school in the Magnaura Palace. Thelast known date is the earthquake of January 869, which Leo is saidto have survived by locating the only safe place in a collapsing church.To this second-hand information can be added the tangible evidenceof stray notes in some manuscripts, which connect Leo with our textsof Plato, Ptolemy, Archimedes and Euclid.3 Epigrams I-VI (reprintedbelow) must have figured originally in Leo's copies of the authorsthey present: Cyrinus + Marcellus on mechanics, Paulus' Apotelesmatica, Theo + Proclus, Achilles Tatius (either by Leo or by Photius),4Porphyry (most probably the Isagoge, in which case the volume musthave contained the entire Organon) and Apollonius of Perge. Thereis, however, no explicit testimony to the effect that Leo himself editedor revised these texts, except in the case of Plato.5

    The amount of extant writings from the hand of this eminentscholar and scientist is disappointingly small. After the eliminationof the work of two namesakes and near-contemporaries, who untilrecently were often confused with him,6 Leo Choerosphactes, magisterand proconsul (ca. 850-ca. 920), and the emperor Leo (VI) the Wise(born 866, ruled 886-912), this is all that remains:

    3 Details in Lemerle, pp. 167-171.4 Photius is mentioned first, Leo only as an alternative claimant; the verse technique(paroxytone ending) does not favor this claim, see below p. 204.5 See the note at Plato, Laws 743b in O (= Vat. gr. 1), in G. C. Greene, ScholiaPlatonica, Haverford 1938, p. 322; further particulars in Lemerle, p. 168, n. 73.6 The error still prevails in K. Krumbacher, Geschichte der byzant. Litteratur, 2nded., Munich 1897, 722-723; it was set right chiefly by E. Lipic, op. ext., cf. G. Kolias,Leon Choirosphaktes, Athens 1939, 65-68.

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    L. G. Westerink 195In prose: (1) a sermon on the occasion of the feast of theAnnunciation;7 (2) a four-page note on Euclid;8 (3) some extracts on

    astrology and related subjects, many of them, as is often the casewith this kind of material, of doubtful attribution or authenticity.9 Inverse: (1) Job, a didactic poem in 638 hexameters, which until nowhas escaped notice, and is presented here for the first time; (2) tenor eleven epigrams, which I have added to round off Leo's poeticalwork, as well as for convenient reference and comparison.

    II. The EpigramsWith only two exceptions, all the epigrams have been preserved inthe Anthologia Palatina. Numbers I-VI are book epigrams, servingeither as headings or as colophons to manuscripts. The genre is wellrepresented in the Anth. Pal. (in particular, IX. 184-214); it had along past (starting with Callimachus) and a long future (well into theeighteenth century); in the ninth century examples are especiallyfrequent, ranging from distichs to effusions of over 200 lines.10 Thoseby Leo may have been gleaned directly from his own library, perhapsby himself. The puzzling vvv in III. 13 ("Theo, who now instructsthe city of Alexander") has led to the conclusion that these epigramsand their poet belong to the fifthcentury; but, as Lemerle has pointedout, since Theo lived in the fourth century and Proclus, who sharesthe poem with him, in the fifth, the "now" cannot possibly refer tothe time of writing."Epigram VII is an enigma for which no satisfactory solution hasyet been offered. It may originally have been a technopaignion, thethree lines, which are of nearly equal length (35, 35, 34 letters),representing the herald's wand: one line (the first?) for the staff, the

    ' Edited by V. Laurent, "Une homelie inedite de l'archeveque de ThessaloniqueLeon le Philosophe sur l'Annonciation (25 mars 842)," Melanges Eugene Tisserant, II(Studi e Testi 232), Rome 1964, 281-302.8 Euclid, ed. Heiberg, vol. V, pp. 714-718 (= Heiberg-Stamatis V. 2, pp. 341-345).9 Listed and discussed by Lemerle, pp. 171-172.10 Cf. L. G. Westerink, The Greek Commentaries on Plato's Phaedo, I, Amsterdam1976, 30-31; long prefatory poems, e.g., to the anti-Manichaean collection in Laur.9, 23 (Alexander Lycopolitanus, ed. Brinkmann, Leipzig 1895, XVI-XXII) and toXenophon's Anabasis in Paris, gr. 1640, f. 123v (14th cent.; the poem is addressed toLeo VI)." Christ-Schmidt-Sthlin, Griechische Litteraturgeschichte, vol. II, Munich 1924[1961], p. 980, n. 6. Lemerle, op. cit. 169, n. 80.

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    196 Illinois Classical Studies, XIremaining two for the serpents. I have failed, however, to discoverany letter pattern. The addressee who is invited to contemplate thisfigure is apparently a Sicilian living in Constantinople; one possiblecandidate would be Leo's ungrateful student, Constantine the Sicilian,about whom later.The Homeric cento, VIII ("The Rape"), also stands by itself,unless Stadtmiiller was right in attributing Anth. Pal. IX. 381 ("Heroand Leander") and IX. 382 ("The Echo") to the same author.

    All these poems are from Book IX of the Anthology, one more(Number IX) has survived in Book XV. 12, a short meditation onthe best way of life by "Leo the Philosopher, surnamed the Pagan."Whether Leo must be held responsible for some of the palindromesin the Appendix Planudea (= Book XVI. 387c) and in the largercollection edited by L. Sternbach,'2 is doubtful. Some manuscriptsmention Leo the philosopher or Leo the rhetorician as the author;in the lines themselves the names Leo and Photius occur.

    The two remaining epigrams have been preserved elsewhere.Number X is from the so-called Sylloge Euphemiana,13 a small collectionof epigrams (most of them also in the Anth. Pal.) compiled in thereign of Leo VI. Writing to his doctor, Leo points out the absurdityof a regime of cold water for an old man of a naturally phlegmatictemperament, in an unusually cold month of February and in an icy,drafty house.The last, Number XI (also published by Sternbach, loc. cit.),exemplifies the Byzantine notion of satire: crude, brutal insult inverse. The speech defect which Leo indicates is clearly a problemwith the r-sound, but not the substitution of I for it, as in theTpavXifeiv of Alcibiades (Aristophanes, Wasps 42-46); the soundproduced is described as a turtle-dove's cooing, perhaps a soft uvularr. Leo seems to consider it an odious mannerism rather than a speechimpediment. Chronologically, it is unlikely (though not quite impossible) that the student in question was the quaestor Anastasius oTpauAo

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    L. G. Westerink 197Anthology poem, o TpavXoq figures (practically) as a proper name, andArethas, in some unfriendly comments on one of Anastasius' poems,15also uses it as such: 'Avaaraaiov tov reuq KOLaiarupoq, a) to TpavXoqyvoipitr/ia. The date of Arethas' letter is unknown; if Kougeas' guessis right,16 the unnamed individual who (some time after 920) accusedArethas of high treason,17 and who is described in similar words, wasthis Anastasius. On this assumption, there would be a difference ofat least fifty years between Leo and Anastasius.To the genuine epigrams, I add three more which are certainlynot by Leo, but have been repeatedly printed as his, thus introducingbiographical errors. Number XII follows (in Vat. gr. 915) two poemswritten after Leo's death by his former pupil Constantine the Sicilian;the first, in elegiac couplets, accuses Leo of paganism; in the second(in iambic trimeters) Constantine defends himself against the reproachof ingratitude to the memory of his teacher, but the title describes itas ' AiroXoyia Atovroq (friXoaoifiov, Kad' rjv Xpiarov fitv akfiti, rot 'EXXt^vuv8e avXiei,a description totally irreconcilable with the content ofthe poem.18 In consequence, the epigram following it was also takento be by Leo, who thus in his old age bade farewell to poetry andbecame a student of rhetoric under Photius. In Photius' correspondence there is a letter to Leo concerning a point of Biblical Greek,but we have no evidence of any closer contact.19Items XIII and XIV are the dedicatory poems of the SyllogeEuphemiana, already mentioned. Since in the manuscripts and inBoissonade's edition they are preceded by Leo's epigram X, Leobecame their author and thereby a native of Hypata in Thessaly anda contemporary of Leo the Wise, which led to further confusion withLeo Choerosphactes, even after Schneidewin had pointed out theerror.20

    15 Scripta minora, ed. Westerink, I, Leipzig 1968, 322. 29-33.16 S. B. Kougeas, '0 Koaaapaaq 'Apiffaq, Athens 1913, 22.17 Arethas, op. tit., 288. 7-20; 231. 3-12.18 The poems were published by P. Matranga, Anecdota Graeca, Rome 1850, II.555-559; on the episode see, besides Lemerle pp. 172-175, R. Anastasi, "CostantinoSiculo e Leone Filosofo," Siculorum Gymnasium, N.S. 16 (1963), 84-89; M. D. Spadaro,"Sulle composizioni di Costantino il Filosofo del Vaticano 915," ibid., 24, 1971,175-197.19 Photius, Ep. 208, ed. Laourdas-Westerink, vol. II (Leipzig 1984).20 Op. tit. (above, note 12), pp. 6-7.

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    Illinois Classical Studies, XII. Aeoproq (piXoaotfrov eiq /3t/3Xov ht)xToio avvepxopepov Kara poxOov.

    II. ToO avrov keoPToq (friXoobcfrov eiq tt/p 0'ipXop IlaOXou aoTpoXoyoveoaTa paPT&riq $oi(ir)Lboq, opyia TtxvrlSaoTpoX'oycoj>, IlaOXoi; p.' ebiba^aTo Kvbipoq ctVTjp.

    III. ToO avrov A'eoPToq eiq raq f3i(3Xovq UpoKXov Kai 0ewpoq, rrjqpep Qeupoq clotpovop.LK.riq, TVp irapab^wv./3i(3Xoq iroXov re kcu x^ovoq (p'epei. perpa'Oeoop 7roXov pep icon IIpo/cXo? peTpet x^opa,IIp'onXoq pep ovv yr\p Kai Q'eup perpei itoXov.ap(j)u> b' tV icrr)q T&v eivaipup aioi, 5apu> 5' apoL^rjp tup Xoycop Terevxarov.Qeuiv UpoKXov yap Xap^apup aoaq O'eoeiqbeUpvcri ravraiq tovq bpopovq tup aarepup"IIpo/cXo^ be beiljeiq tov Qewpoq Xap/3apupravraiq apaXvti Kai -KpofSaXXei raq deaeiq. 10XX' co aoipAeoPToq tov (frcXoabcfrov, eiq rr]P fiifiXov AevKLiriryq

    "Epcora 7TiKpop, aXXa au4>popa fiiopb KXeLTo4>u)PToq uairep epaipet Xoyoqb AevKimrriq be au^popeararoq fiioqairaPTaq e^iaryai, ivuq TervppepriKeKappepr) re Kai KarrixpeiupePT}, 5to by peyiarop, Tpiq dapova' eKaprepei.enrep be Kai iXoq,pi] tt)p irapepyop rf/q ypacpr/q oKorrei deap,tt)p tov Xoyov be irpura avvbpopyp pa.de'pvpcfrooToXei yap rovq irodovpraq epcppopuq. 10

    I. Anth. Pal. IX 200. II. Anth. Pal. IX 201. III. Anth. Pal. IX 202. || 13 vvv]perh. vy. IV. Anth. Pal. IX 203

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    L. G. Westerink 199V. htovroq 4>i\ooo4>ov tiq top iXoaoov Hop4>vpiov

    Tf) t&v Xoyo)v crov KoyxvXy, Hoptfivpu,Paxrtiq ra x^Xri KaL oroXi^tLq raq pevaq.

    VI. ktovToq ov tiq ret Kwma ' AiroXXuviov'tin f}8e PipXoq evbov ivu, tXe,/3advq xaPaKTVP kou TrepiuKeXr/q ayavbtirai koXvhPt]tov 8f iravruq AtjXiou.ei 8' av KvfiiaTrtoti riq eiq tfiovq /uvxovqKai irav neraXXevatLtP ctKpifiuiq (iadoq,yt(j>p,tTplbv tol irp&ra X^erai y'epct,aocfibq 8' ctvaniXtKTOoq ainarc avrap tirtLraovpov rt irpotr\Ktv 6cirr)fxov re Xiapv rt.

    IX. A'tovroq iXoao(j)ov tiq iavrov tov tTrovop.a$op.tvov "EXXt^oi;Euy Tvxv /if noelq cxirpayfioavvrj p." "SiuKovpovT)8ioTr) Kofieovaa kcu riavxirj rtpwovaa.tlittt e fioi XP? axoXiriq xoXvKrjSeoq av8pbv;ovk edtXu ttXovtov, tvQXov tpiXov, aXXoirp'oaaXXov,oil Tipaq' TipaX 8i ffpoTWi* p.tvT)vbq vtipoq.tppt fioi, w KipKrjq 8votpbv oirtoq' ai8top.ai yapovpavioq ytyauq fiaXavovq art 6r]piov tadtivfiLcru) A(i)TO(t>aywv yXvKtpyv XiircnraTpiv i8w8r]v,htLpi)V(j3v rt n'eXoq Karayuyov ai>a'ivop.ai txOp&v

    V. Anth. Pal. IX 214. VI. Anth. Pal. IX 578 || 3 Diog. Laert. II 22 || 8 cf. Elias,In categ. 118.18. VII. Anth. Pal. IX 579 || 2-3 cf. Anth. Pal. XIV 73.3. VIII. Anth.Pal. IX 361 || 1 Od. 23.97 || 2 II. 5.361 || 3 II. 10.83 || 4 II. 21.50 || 5 II. 16.333 |Od. 1.123 || 6 Od. 5.268. IX. Anth. Pal. XV 12.

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    Illinois Classical Studies, XIXXa Xafitlv dtodtv \J/vxocrobov tvxopai avBoq,p&Xv, KctK&v bol-fcv a\KTr)piov cora be KtjpaioipaXtuq KXeiaaq irpocpvyelv yevtTT)aiov oppyv.raOra X'eyaiv Tt ypao)v re wipaq /3iotoio Kixdi)v.

    X. AtovToq (j)L\oab(j)o\>tyvxpov to yqpaq, fj r' ipf] Kpaaiq 4>vev) \eypotT(l)riq' prjv 8' o $>t@pov6tpioq\[/vxpbc; paXioTa, fybiov b' "tbp-qxbovto vvv -jroXtvov Kal ovvov ptd' i]Xiovizf)yvvai Kal tod oivov ev tlcfiv totvolc,Tovg r' pcpopelq prjyvvaiv (K rfiq \pveo)q.b 5' 0LK0q evda vvv KaraGKt]vu iraXivayavvitfroq Tt Kal Xiav bvaxdpepoq.b dpaaKiaq bi bpipvq Iotl Kal TTiKpoq,ijvq, vaar/q, Taprapov irvoaq t'xcovb yap voToq XtXoiirtv fip&v to KXipa.iruiq ow, tooovtoiv ipvxporr/Tcov ev p'eao)bpcov pt ovoxtO'evTa tov TaXavraTov,vbwp KtXtvtiq irpootfrtptodai, (piXTaTC,d yap pt ireioeiq, fj xi&v ytvf\aopaifj Kal al davuv vtKpooToXoiqa\f/av(TToq idq KpvaraXXoq wv (pavrjaopaitt) of) irtiroidutq \[/VKTiKrj irapaivtoti.airtXde TOivvv eiq Toirovq T7)q Ivbiaqeuq t' 'Ayriavp/3(i)v el'q Tt BXtpvuv n'oXtiq,ottov Xtyovoiv cxpw'tXovq pi] fiXaaravtivtKtlat bti^ov

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. Westerink 201TpavXtjyopovv avapBpov rpvyovoq rpoirov,avpite, Kpafe, rpvfe aov rpavXov n'eXoq,Kpov Kpov KeKpayuq iv irpvfivolq btvbposv KXaboiq.

    *XII. (by Constantine the Sicilian)Oiov bri ku tovto to rjpui'CKoeXeyelov avrov

    "Eppe fiOL, u> rpnaXaiva TloXvp.via, eppert Movaai,ocvrap iyibv airb vvv priropiKriq epapai,

    $u)tiov apxitpya yepovrobibaoKaXov evpuv,oq ne yaXaKTL euv 6pt\pt Oeiwv vanaruv.

    *XIII (by compiler of Sylloge Euphemiana)Et'q Ev

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    202 Illinois Classical Studies, XIis duly recorded in Omont's description of the manuscript,21 nobodyseems to have paid any attention to it, until Father J. Paramellerediscovered it some ten years ago.In the manuscript, the poem itself is preceded by a protheoria inprose, short and to the point, which sounds like a program ratherthan a summary, and must be by Leo himself.22The poem can be summed up as follows:Prologue (1-18). Ours is a message of joy. We must first deal withthe question of character (which may be such as to resist all treatment),after which we will recount the story of Job and other lights of thisearth. If only happiness were less rare in the world !Part I (19-38): character. There is no cure for the lachrymosetemperament of Heraclitus, nor for Timon's innate misanthropy.Part II (39-215): Job. His prosperity and subsequent misfortunes,grief and resignation (39-101); his disease, his wife's reproaches(102-154). The visiting friends: Job curses the day of his birth(155-186); Zophar's [Eliphaz'] answer (187-201). After seven years(!) God intervenes and restores Job's fortunes (202-215).Part III (216-638): a consolation on traditional lines, with paganand Christian examples. We must follow Job's example (216-226).Though grief over the loss of relatives and friends is natural andmay be overpowering, because the origin is physiological as much asmental, there are considerations by which we can master it (Thales,Xenophon) (227-315). The only profitable tears are those we shedbecause of our sins (316-338). Examples of David, Abraham, themother of a young martyr of Sebaste,23 the mother of the Maccabees,Socrates (339-399). Why should we grieve when a loved one hasescaped the miseries of this world? (400-430). Loss of honor andrank can be borne (Dionysius, Orontes) (431-487). So can poverty(Jacob, a shepherd; the apostles, fishermen; Artaxerxes, Anacreon,Antisthenes) (488-608). Whatever happens to us has happened toothers; nothing in this world is stable (609-627). Musonius' prayer;the poet's own (628-638).

    Obviously, the work is written in the tradition of the Staxpi/Jij ofHellenistic and Roman times, with two important differences: (1) it21 H. Omont, Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale, II,1888.22 The protheoria which Eugenicus wrote to Heliodorus' Aethiopica (A. M. Bndini,

    Catalogus codicum Graecorum Bibl. Laurentianae, III, Florence 1770 [Leipzig 1961],322-323) is totally different in manner: verbose, and heavily rhythmical.2:1One of the "Forty Martyrs" in whose church Leo taught for many years (abovep. 194).

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    L. G. Westerink 203is entirely in verse, and thereby different from the Menippean satireas well as from the Epictetean prose tract; (2) it differs from comparable Greek prose works in that, like Cicero's Tusculanae, it attemptsto strengthen the reader against any kind of misfortune: bereavement,disgrace, poverty. The philosophy is of a homely, unpretentious kind,not unlike that propounded in Epigram IX. There is nothing, hereor elsewhere, to indicate a metaphysician who could have played aleading part in the preservation and revival of Neoplatonic literature.24When Constantine the Sicilian mentions Proclus among the friendsthat Leo will meet in hell

    (fixL Xpvaiinrovi; ^uiKpareaq re tSoiq,IlpoKXovg t' r/e IlXarwvaq, ' Apurr or eXfiq, 'ETnKovpovq,


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    204 Illinois Classical Studies, XIcombined with that of the Christian homilist, which, at least for ashort period of his life, he actually was. With the Homeric languagecomes also Homeric meter, or what is supposed to pass for it, andhere we are faced with a problem, that of the prosody of this poem.In the epigrams, Leo's hexameters (a total of 26 lines), thoughthey do not meet the rigorous requirements of the Nonnian hexameter, are all sound by classical and Hellenistic standards. Similarly,his iambic trimeters are regular Byzantine dodecasyllabics, with onlyone case of the use of an anapest (III. 10); besides the paroxytoneverse end, which around this time became the rule, Leo also admitsthe proparoxytone and the oxytone end. Here and there, but rarely,a dichronon is given the wrong quantity: a at IX. 1, oufypovcf, i at I.1, Kvpivoq; d at V. 1, Ilopcpvpu.The poet of Job, on the contrary, permits himself considerablefreedom in the matter of prosody. I list the principal irregularities.(1) Elision not expressed in writing (e.g., 146, 154, 160), a practicenot uncommon in the period.(2) Crasis not expressed in writing (233, 474).(3) Hiatus after a long vowel without correptio (10, 28, 61, 68, 70,

    etc.).(4) Hiatus after a short vowel (21, 26, 40, 43, 48, 61, etc.); withlengthening of the short vowel (27, 185).(5) Intrusive movable v either before a vowel (29, 264, 368, 555),or before a consonant (125); omission of movable v (103).(6) Confusion of single and double consonants: 27 iXtfibpoio, 34oTricrco, 75

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    L. G. Westerink 205rjn'iyvfivoq (-71>n- short), 538 airo

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    Illinois Classical Studies, XItv Ti Kai tv irov oponai tiri OKOirtXoiq, tol bi 15Xoxpoti Kai bpvpa Kai aXXij \pappot; ovk iirioirToq,uq tt) av(ti lottjti irapiOTaTai, ovbt Tiq oibtvvipiCTOio voov, Kai ti iravv aXKipoq tariv.

    'AXX' rjTOi (pvaitq p.ev eirl \pvxpoiq papviaiiroXXovq Kai vvv bputoiv apeibeaq 'HpaKXeirovq, 20oi pa vopi^ovTeq baKpvubea iravTa ye eivaiiravT avbp' oikti^ovoi Kai aaxtra baKpvx'eovoi,(T\eTXioi' r/ yap tptXXov eirl ocfrioi baKpva xsueii'.oi be Tb' ovx bpouoiv iir' xXui, iravTa b' iraipovpvpovrai, Kai ovbt ytXwpevoi el-aviacriv. 25Tiq iroTe Tovq irpooayono", Tiq av Tabe irjaaiTO',ovb' av airaaav aXa vr' eXXe/3opoio iroTi^oiq,vixpeiq rj ireioeiq Kav oapboviov peibrjoai.evdev eaTeoi eioei yap ireipa nerafiaXXeiv,di-VTtpov yobucriv ivtipovoiv Tt riv' vfipiv. 30

    Tin; be Ke TipivvaqKai yap Tivtq tiai Kai fjbrjTU>v idtcov tKtivov Kai Kpaoticq tvpoipovvTtqeq KOpaKaq ffaXeeiv rj Ktp/3epiovq eirl x^povq'ti pri Tovq k eXaaeiev o Ktppepoq avriq dirioaoo,ovk edeXwv opaav (3piapu>repov aXXov eavrov. 35TOiq eri) prj tyyifoiq, tirel ovx vyi&q ireXevaytv yap Qebript, tv 4>povtwv eiraKovoiq 40adXov 'Icb/3 Kai Sarav. 5' eirl irvp

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. Westerink 207Kab be Kai avbpaq tirevov oXXeaq p' pbroiacpovvoq iyuv vwaXv^a rtiv Tab' eayopevuv."

    Tlq 76 ravr' eOpi]vei' ecpiuTaTO Tiq irodev aXXoq,ev b' itrifiau; irpodvpoiq Xiyvpov Karovpero pvdov 55"KXOi, peyiore aval;, "Aflpap irpo^epeaTare iraibuv,decnribah; irvp rjffrdri ir' ovpavodev ttavv deioviravra Tt tviova pr/Xa Kai vepaq oiofioTripaqr)\)Tt xpTOV eXaxpe, iroXvq b' vaeipero Kairvoqpovvoq eyuv iiiraXvl-a rtiv rot' e^ayopevwv." 60

    HX6e Kai iinrowbXoq Kai aiyovofioq rt upoovtov b' perfiq KXiveiv ovk 'eodevov avbpiavTa.

    $Oeyyopevu>v b' eri Tuvbe napa iroalv aXXoq eirecrTr)aodpaivuv, Kai pvdov viroPXrjbiiv tov 'evicrirev""Qpoi aval- (piXoreKvt, ovveq ra pr] eibopev epya" 65Traiq o irpeafivTepoq ra TrpoXonra aov ctyXaa TtKvabalr' evrvvaptvoq KiKXrjaKeTO, oi be avvr)X0ov.iiq be (j)iXr) eVt bairl ivapripevoi eanbuvTO,eK b' ptoov poifabov eireoavTO deocfraToq rjxoq,ev ' tirprfoe bopov, Kai avriKa aolt; (ttl waialv 70f/pnre deoireoicoq, Kara b' eKradev yXaa reKva,il be Tpaire^a racpoq, Kpt)TT]p b' eiriTvp^ioq oivoq'povvoq eyov vttXva, icq affle poi r)v tot' Xecrdai."Ai) tot' eavq Kai apKivoq T)v apa Kai faq'airXayxva yap oi (jTrjOeaai (friXoaTopyoiaiv ayepOi) 75pvr/aapevu ira'ibwv deoeib'eoov, 0O5 TeKev avroqKai peraiq cmraXXe, Kai eXiteTO x^pecnv avr&v,evTe (poq irpoX'nroi, vvr)q airjq TtTVxyvoii.tu)v tot' eiripvqcrdelq xa^ir KaL wpov XedpovKparoq ctTO faOeov peXavoxpoaq eiXKeTO x&iTaq, 80aiq rjvxei Kopouv Kai ecpaivero Tipioq aaroiq,cxvt' ai/tuv be koviv KarexevaTO aiaxog eavTU.eK b' apa iropvpeov apoq kXvtov ap^OTeprjaipri^e bibovq Kai tovto, iraXr)v r' eiri yvpvoq ex&pei.eq be yovv KXivdelq KeaXT)v r' eirl yalav epeioaq 85Xevev airb fiXefyapuv TroTap&v nvpoevTa peedpa,4>r) be (iapvoTevaxuv eiridapovvuv Te iavrov"^ilbe yap eK priTpaq inro r/Xiov r]X6ov veipcov,Xeipeaiv ovti tpu>v, ovt' ap TeKoq ovte ti aXXo

    54-60 Job 1.16 || 61 (not in Job) || 63-73 Job 1.18-19 || 74-101 cf. Job 1.20-21

    54 perh. 'Qq, and comma after iSpr/va. || 55 KaTu&vptTO P || 57 fjipBi}Paramelle: fjadriP || 67 emavaufvoq P || 75 tjTydtoi P | perh. iyepdr) || 83 4>apo^ P || 84 tVi P || 87 07/triP

    This content downloaded on Sun, 23 Dec 2012 12:54:52 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XIa>be 8'ep.ig yvpv'ov fit iraXiv Kal ovbev exovra 90Ktia ifiev airporifiaoTov, aoiKov, airaib', air'epirTov.tl be ye (/cat) fir) vvv, XX' avpiov uXero iravra.ev fxoi. ravra avvr/Xd', iva rov epov rfXida iravrar&v Kai tu>v (j>eXitiV eig ovpavov apriov X/ca;.ovk ep,a ravra (irodev;), aa be Kal rSsv v rafiuioov 95eio'oKev otbaq a^rjKag' eug ebei ep.irapedr)Kag'viiv orav ovk ev exy, ore Xuiov ov (frrjg etvai,KaX&g Kal opd&g irotwv iraXiv avroq airr]vpu>,faq aiel ra evavrV tirLorpoa aXXoirpoaaXXa."(f>fi Kal avaaraq earo rpifi&iviov ev xPot Xvyp'ov, 100Kal n'evev eg rov avu fivoobv Kparep&q arevifav.Ovb' aXaoq harav r/aro, opive be fiiv rabe paXXovbri tot' eweppa^ev rai 'laj/8 x^Xeirwrcpoi' aXXu>v.Liq be X'euv pXoovpuiroq evwroXefioiq avOpomoiqvapxvtivbe fioX&v, Kal avrUa fiev KaKa revxuv, 105evre rvirrj iraXXei irafiinepog avroq eavrov,ug areppui ra) 'Ia>/3 irafiCnepov epureae baifiuv.avTLKa irav to be/xaq e!~e$eoev tXKeai deioiq,btivolq, ctirpooiroiq, rapa&v airo iSpeyfiaroq axpiKal fjXyei fiev, erXr) be airo^vuv Kal bfiopyvvq 110crrpaK} Lx&paq avxvov xpbvov XXa Kal ovrcoqov pediei Harav ovS' eftpifero, XXa oi ijyevfirjxg b 01 Kar'eXeiypev exeiv ayKvpav ay&voq,pfixoq fa ov haptpwv, ovr' ap hoXop.&v avreaxe,prixoq a ov Kal oXtjv airavu Karw efiaXe voiv. 115

    Toe 5' airaiieifiop.evri Karoveibeev ig aXoxoio*" 'AdXelg, XXa parijv, Kal eg T)'epa Kal P ||

    This content downloaded on Sun, 23 Dec 2012 12:54:52 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. Westerinkolkov air' olkov iovaa, totvov tottov, ovbov ir' ovbov.aXXoLq piv {ow} i\oi> tad' "tirtplova vudpov obtvtLV,oiq o P'ioq xap'LtL

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XIavT' eaOXwv kchkliiq irapaK\r)Topauov Xldov avroq,uq 4>aaiv, klvu>v, tt)v 8e ktlctlv, ocppa tl tiap\l/oi.tov

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. WesterinkKai TLpwrevc, ytyovccq paXa pvpioq ovk ebvvaoOr) 200rovbe (poptiv, povvtf be oi &dri aeXiTToq rj eXiriq.'Eirraere? pev Tolaiv evr)0Xet KapTepoq 'Id)/3,ou7rw 5' oyboov fi\6e, Kai tK veeuv boKrjTuqcoq avpa irpaeia Xiyvdpooq eirraro pvdoqaq" Si; yap aXXoiwq vveXapfiavtq v\pdtv jpaq 205XPVP-OiTiaai aol. oXu3/3.

    'AXX' oti pev KaKa Tiq iroxw iroveei Kai xeveiXypuelq aXoxov, arepedelq iraibuv re (piXuv reprjTpoq re yXvKeprjq Kai beX^eiCiv opodvpwv, 230ovbelq vriXeyer v

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XIei'tri n'ev, eiolv a\V xal daicpva, kolv tic, aveXKT)'Kal yap baKvopevrjq Kpabitjq VTroverai evbovirvevpa kcxkov doXepov, (pvoa be plv tt'i; ooov toxeL 240j3pt.dop.evri, OTtvaxa. be Kal avriKa biirXooq Xxbq(rvperai ck /3Xeap(i)v, Kara be Xey'eOovoL ivapeLaq.TaiiTot Kal ovk (j)iT]aL TvaprjyopLaq Karabvveivetoai, eirel rcevavrV avapaia tar' XXriXwv.aXX' epirrjq Kal T&vb' eirl to OKvdpwirbv ayovTWV 245bei r) avaKTaoOai Kal woKXtveiv ooov ioxvqeXirioLV davaTOLq Kal evTOKeeooi Xoyiopolq.

    Hp&Ta pev ovv (fiavtpbv yvuvai otl iraq avdpwiroqdvt]Toq t'4>v, Kal ovtu; aihioq ovbe airorpoq.roil be bod'evroq, otl TeOvqKOTaq oio TOKr/aq 250fcXaiei, XPl V*" LG^q vp'iov ov vepearfTovwv yap e

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. Westerink 213tov 5' ecpvirepde Kal avTrjq yfjq Kal ctXoq fia b de vrjiuoq ov virepaXytiqv'oa(j)i irovoiv Kal arepde pepi^opevoio ttXovtoveiq Ta (Kelcre KaXa ctveXrjXvdev ayXaoOvpoq,rt| XPV eopTCt^eiv rj ov XaXeeiv a XaXovpev. 285aXXwq t' evbaipwv yap b tov (3iov ai\p' anoXeiipaqirplv ra Tvxyq avviovTa iroaaq buaovoi ptplpvaq.ena Kal ovk ovroq tov vvv bX0(j)vp0pev0L0edprjvovpev, rj ovbev e ot aped'", ovbev aXrjOibq'tiq irepl tov fir) ovToq 0u X07W;; ovkovv Kal vvv 290pr)bev a8vp.wp.ev oti Kal vvv ovbapov eoTL.

    YLonrireoe yap "EevoefruivToq evl wroXepu (fitXoq vioq'amap 0 piKpov rj ovbev aivooTaq eiirev " 'E^toq yapr)v 7Taiq, oi r' avTw Kal epol peyaXelov dirafav."fjbee Kal "Zevocfrlbv oti Ovr)Ta Ta dvriTuv eaTiv. 295

    "'AXXa irapriyopLriv eveiroieov oikol eovreq."ei be 6eu> tov epuv ov eKeivoiq eixopev ap ovk eoTi xpovov paKpov xptoq'," XXa ri paKpov;rj ovk oiatia Ta avra wad el v Keivov ye Kal o\peaaaa ffi> vvv; ira>q ovv ovk WKTeipaq Kal eKelvov,rj iXoq ov (friXeei, tovtov xaXeirolq Tapiever,

    'Hpelq 6' axP' Tivoq wapapeivopev evdab' eovreq; 310ovxl ped' uprjv rj pera rrjvb' emPeiopev abov;

    292-294 Ps.-Plut., Consol. ad Apoll. 33, 118F-119A; Diog. Laert. II 54-55 ||

    275 i\mip8t tai avrriq] above line yp. Ben, a-Kaoifc yf/qP || 276 read vwyvoq | 66i] 6above line between b and Si P || 277 vuTTevoiiuv P || 283 vtoipi P || 284 eV koc\' P antecorr. || 289 ^urr&jM0a P || 298 &Wa P || 299 'Hv] av P | y' om. P ante corr. || 300mg. P || 301 hi P | ourco P ante corr. || 309 P II

    This content downloaded on Sun, 23 Dec 2012 12:54:52 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XIov Koviq if oiVTTj iq avpiov eaaoped' avrot;;ooooq 08' e'crrI /3ioq, iraptKV\pt Tiq epirapaKVipaqopaoOvprjq, etr' tiiOvq ivaaro irplv irapaKVxpaL,w8e biaypa\paq to iroXvxpoviov /3totoio. 315

    Ei" ye pev ev veKveooiv yappoa aicpvac Xeifiuvovxl kcu aXXoO'i 7rov tovtuv bey, ev av ivoutq'ei be tlv' eicrl Kal aXXa ev otq eiribevoped' avrcov,XPV ku eKelcre paXiara pepoq ri ye Tu>v8e (frvXaaaeiv.e' cxpxvq yap apapTaq eyeiuaro vr/Xea Xvirr\v, 320Xvmiv nail popov aivov, we to yevoq Kare^aXXeve/c 8' avT&v Kal eat'ivr) airoXXvrai woirep ex'ibvy.ei yap {/iij} Xvirijdeiq Tiq eir' pirXaKirj Karaxtvoibaupvov, rjb' avrfj oray'ovL Xiier' rjvre Kairv'oq.ev8a pev otiv Xvirr) Kal baupvov epyov ixvvei, 325evraiiO' ovb' rj/iaibv eir mtt aped' aiiroiq xPW^acfjxi be pr]8ev veiap, eirl (frdip'evoLq be paXiara,'Keavovq Trjdvq re Kartifioptv Ik l3Xeapotiv.nXaiuv 8' ovk viriq, aireoLKora 5' epya reXeieiq.

    EvXoyov t)v robe croi, ei rpelq rivaq rj 8vo povvovq 330cxKXavorovq cxiradelq irov aKr/Koaq' ei be ye iravreqvi]8voq ei; avrfjq yoepol iriirrovaiv eir' aiav,itiq eir' avrjvvroLq *** auxaXXopev epyoiq.

    Eiq popoq cerpeKtcoq irovXvcrrovoq, aijLoq oiktovev 8' aXXoiq KXaiovreq ovoaaoptd' fjpeaq aiirovq, 335t)v'ik airoXXfitjavreq iiriyv&pev riva ra x^SKal 7jT\vu>v pev oiibe rov ov davarov aXeyufcv,eKTrvtoptv 8' fjpelq Kal rovq ereposv Kadopuivreq.

    Mvpero Aavl8 Kal eirXvvero, eq 8e rov viovKXaiuv, oiq ov8ev Karavvtro, rf)q irplv yuyfiq 340etxer', eirel to reXeaOev aprixavov ear' avaXvoai.ei 8e av rov 'laaaK rov ov viea dvaai iraxOwi,TtjXvyerov 89it' ovra Kal aoiraaiov yXvKepov re,ov Kal rot eeTp.a eirapv^ao, Kal irplv tKelvovavpwoSiaeLV, irav apdpov vneKXaadrjq Kal eXvdriq; 345ctXX' "A|8pap rjyaye Kal eivrepvioev eic r' avereLveXetpa, /3af3ai ir&q yap 8r) oi ov crvveScoKe ye rjrop;

    313-315 source not found || 322 cf. Aelian, Nat. an. I 24 || 337 prob. Zeno ofElea, cf. Diog. Laen. IX 27 || 339-341 2 Kings (2 Sam.) 12.15-23 || 343-347 Gen.22.1-19 ||312 aavpiov P post corr. || 313 irapinvipi] read (e.g.) waptSul-t | ri?] mg. b irvBayopai;5it\(oi>bri) P || 318 nva P || 329 TtXriq P || 330 px>vov

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. Westerinkr) raur' oik aXXuiq kcht' ap' tbpaoev re Kal IVX777) otl ev Xeyedovd' inrip 'tlcfraioToio Kparrjpaq. 350tcq 5e dpvaXXlq apvbpa avripp'evr\ ev boLibeooivr)eX'ioio ireaovToq airal; btirotdbvoiTai vXtiq,&q irodov aXXov airavra utra q evorjat, peTabpopabyv eXe iratbaKai piv aeipopevri wpoiq eirl yt]paXeoioibpTOV eXa(t>pov epi\[/tv eV' axOoQbpoioiv airr^vaiq,cteipvricrTov eitoq (frap'evri Tobe "BaaK ffli, TtKvov, 375ijHJirep aedXoavvriq, Kal t&v OTttfravtcv a (pi peraaxoiq,prib' ev' eifaoiq yadoiq Kal o\[/e irpoKoipaqavdiq VTro avrai. 3804>vaibq eoTi davelv TrXijaai re popov, Kav pr) vvv,XX' ovv o\pt, Kal ovbelq ov pi] (pev^eTai oitov,oioq av rj. ei yap prj rjv p'opoq, aXXa tt) 'Abapfar) eifau) faeiv Tt'eXev, /deXov v ae

    357-389 cf. Basil., Horn. 19.8 (Patrol. Gr. 31.524B); see further Bibl. Hagiogr. Graeca1201-1208n (vol. II pp. 97-99) ||

    351 mg. rap(afioX)ri P || 359 perh. oripvoio' aivvvTO || 360 perh. (k

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XIfcc'epevai crvv tfioi Kal roil irporepov (iibroio 385ev Xeipuivi vefieirdai cxKTjparov yXaov aXaoq.vvv 8\ ov yap rtq Xv^ti pov fipoToevO', oq av enj,oX/3ioq oariq eKcl)v Kal tv KpaTepolaiv aeOXoiqyvpvacr6tlq aptTrjoiv tiraivtTov oltov eir'ioiroi."

    Tota tKtivx] tOaXirt irtpiKXvTbv via Kal avrr/v. 390tt/v yap vir' 'Avtioxu tol a (fiiXrara TtKva KoirtVTafiXepaoav Kal XPaiV (ouq KTtpiaacrav au>p.ev,p.T) Kal 6r]X\}Ttpao3v 4>aivoLp.td' r/TTOvtq ovreq,olq Tt tKtivai t\onpov vpbped' olvtlov rj/xeiq.

    Et' 8e optpbaX'tov tl Kal airpbaiTOV popoq r/tv, 395ovk ri tu> ye iroTu eyeyr\dtt 2uKpareoq iq,ovb' tva papTvpov eieq viravTiooivra rvpavvoLq,ovSe Tivtq ba'icov oravpov aveXap.(iavov upoiq0vr\OKOVTtq tiq tv r)p.ap, aeidavteq Tivtq ovTtq." 'AXXa Tab' v\pnreTU>v Kal deaireaiuv irtXti v8p&v."XX' tdtXtq tivai t&v ovTibavuv Kal aytvv&v 401Kal pr/6' vop.tvu>v prid' rjAtw avoptvawv,tovto p.tv 01)8' iOtXovtxi irapiaraTai' ai (pvcritq ratict, Kad' avraq tioi, povov to KtpSiov aXyoqearl Kal aXX' aXyoq tolctlv idtXovai 8e8tx6cxi. 405

    Kat (Tvvtq' ti croq iraipoq vireevyev KaKor^ra,r/yaXXov Kal exoaptq, rj tartvtq oip.oi$tq Tt',"eaKipruiv, ixoptvov, eireKporeov Kal aeiov,rovq tt irtXaq tKaXtaaa ptTaax'tptv tixppocrvvawv,wq T) hirpTT) topyev, oti atpt;r]q virtvooTti." 410tv y' oti tvpvTepoq p,oi tu> irapabeiypaTL yivyKal (tv ye top vovv irpoaaxeq eiri.cTTap.evwq Kal aXr/ftooq,Kav pev ctXacTTorepwv Kal tfrpiKaXewv airo^avrairtixrtai ov (friXeeiq," ei 8' ov, xPOVL^Ttpov aXyei.OO (TTvyeeiq tol fiiov aTVXWara raOra, tTaipt, 415(frev, oov oi kwkvtoI Kal eir'(K(Lva YaSeipuvrjxevvd'; ai 8e vorroi \pvxyq Kal aapKoq eXatppov;iru>q yap, ot' adpyau irXevpiribaq alpaTOtaaaq,tov re irapoq TpvfybuvTa Kal evvvpevov Tiva fUvcrcrov

    391-392 4 Macc. 8-12 || 396 Plat., Phaed. 117c3-5 || 402 Zenob. 5.53 (CPG I142) || 416 cf. Apostol. 16.19, note (CPG II 661) || 418 cf. Hippocr., De morb. Ill 16(VII 142.14-20 L.) || 419-420 cf. Luke 16.19-24 ||

    391 mg. rriii ayi(ai>) ao\otuovr]v b]K(ovo)n P || 393 perh. OiiKmtpwv aivotiieda || 396mg. at totu] r/y(ovv) tu> kowou P | awKpareo P || 399 read BvyaKOvr' || 405 aWo P || 406inrt^'t>vy( P ante corn || 409 tuaXtoa P ante corr. || 410 a*; P || 419 ivvifuvov P ||

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. WesterinkTrXovaiov iv Xoyl vvv KaraSai'optvov afxapavra)', 420Utjt' av iir' iaxaTirtq oti tvrnxov to irtvixpov.KavTct ra aKpa koik ear', aptTi) 8' viro n'taaov ivaiti.ceXX' fi fitv tvo'li) at TVXVq iiri aidtp' avtXKti,paXXov ixiroKXtvetiv, ti bti 7rtattiv pr\ ptal raCra iraObvraq'jrap 7roal b' oxf/ti aovq KaTair'nnovTaq ptTa bovirov,iv bt Tt Tolai KaKOiq to txtw ptTtxovTaq iXapbv. 450

    "X8tq bt tl Kvboq txovTtq iiraivtTol r]ptv tv aaTti,vvv 8' iirl Tolai (piXoiq biafialvoptv avtiriyvvaToi."(piXovq Tova8t KaXtiq; iiriTpnrTOTaTOi Kal amaTOL.tov 8' 'hvTiadtvT) aiiTov iirtpxoptvov Kar' yviaqrfvtatv oxXoq oaoq y\ 0 b' aycovia, "0Ipoi' tirtiiruv, 455

    422 cf. Aristot., Eth. Nic. II 6, 1106b36-l 107a6 || 436 Georg. Cypr. 2.21 (CPG I359) || 445 schol. Aristoph., Eq. 1090 = Suda A 4065 || 454-457 Diog. Laert. VI 5

    421 aS] at P || 422 read tvcatv'i || 429 dvaavaaxeri' P || 433 &mq P | 438 inrifia&iP || 441 xoXu P | Oibt P ante corr. || 445 mg. pvrcavr)- xciKxovv okiwk; i( ov to tkotiovaq Tovq Xvxvovc; iyxtovoiv P || 447 read Sri || 455 y' om. P ante corr. ||

    This content downloaded on Sun, 23 Dec 2012 12:54:52 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XI"apa tl poi kolkov tori, Kal ov foecv; eirel aXXwqovk av Toiaiv eywv eirLT)vbavov ovb' eKpoTobpriv."" 'AXX' epe Tiq 4>dovoc, elXe kotov ye iraXai KaTaire\paq."amb rod' ov pLKpov irapapvdLov, oTTLivep aUlra Kpt'iTTU fyXoiiTai, atrav be nanbv apeyapTOV 460/cat av pev aivt) ixircunv, b b' ov /3paxi> atoxoc, ipeiXei." 'AXX' aLKcoq ra w'eirovda Kal ' biKU)v avdpoiirusv."aXXa iKaicoq raOra iraBelv Kal vxotcrai eflovXov;ov av KaKov tl ir'eTrovdaq, o be bpaaaq noXv xtipv

    Etra ireaihv axdjj; rivoq, rj tl peya xpa^MOWTex;; 465ti perf/q, vai, Kal yap eirce^LOV ei be rev aXXovt&v ox iarapevuv, crv pev taraao, ravra be 7riirrei.

    XiKiXcKriq apxvi Aiovvaioq tKirea' o irptofivc;Aitcv rovbe KadeiX', b b' tKaprtpet eptftpovL dvpa>.Kai tlc, Kepropeoov Kal eyyeXowv iv'evnre 470"NOp be nXarcoi' tl a' ovijae Kal ri hroa, oioiv eirrjvxov,""IloXXa; paX'," tiire, "rvxi? yap bpaq peTa/3aXXop'evriq potev re (pepu Kal vppeq eiteyyeXbui yeXouvTaq."

    TToqSaKTvXoq apri pev ev tl, iraXiv be re pvpia irotel,a>be Kal oi (laoiXevoi Teri.rip.evoL i)\l/Ld0WK0Lqvvv pev avTO to irav bebvvi)ptda, vvv b' eXaxLOTov." 480

    Avto'l re KoipavoL ooool eireaKLprrioav eir' aiav,q'eXLOL Xapxf/avTeq, e

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. Westerink0 KXridtlc, 'IaparjX o p.t]Xovbp.oq yeyevriTo;to irXeiov 8' oti Kai XXbrpiov eTpe8' apa rroLprjvvfioTLq ael irpoOeei Kai veipuv ev VLa8eooiv, 525XX' e8eraL Tvpov wivei Te yaXaKroq peXyuveK t' epiuv crKeireraL oefra^ei Te tl. ei ra oa 8' eixov,pr]8ev epuTrjorjq' av 8' evbodi xavra Kadeipyvvq,to)v ov8' aKpifi&q eiuoTapevuv to tl eoTL

    495 perh. ijyiiwvec || 496 yovvafovrtc; P | read arovg bo(v)pvopowu> || 498 rj Yap]perh. r/Tep || 499 evXktybptBa P || 502 e5 oi. e av P || 503 Sr/ra P || 518 faovvoov P ||521 write n ovv? || 526 rvpuv P ante corr. ||

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XItpvaiq Kai cxXkt] 6/3oXov ttoXv %^Pov beveiq, 530ai>xn&v Kai pvirouv Kai rifiiyvuvoq Kai aXr]rr]q.t

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    L. G. Westerink 221Trpoq rolq XXvptvoiq Kai avrov riq k' oXeatuv,ti b' oaa rtq KairofiaXXti, txei ri XeXeipp'evov eq u,ottl ye pr) Kai to ^vvairuXecrev aOvpttiv XPV>

    "Aorarov totl (frvaiq ttXovtov kcu abapaaroq. 570ToXXaKi yp poxXovq Kai avra ra kxtwp' 7roXXi)gavToloiv Oe'iq,"Eu yt l, a> TvxV," tiirtv, "rj tvbvKtcoq wpovofi pov,tq to pe (TVffTtiXacra Tpifiuviov, coq apepipvuq 600avXaKa tt)q aperriq Kai TT]q aoiT]q avartpvu."u)bt KpaTyq Kai aXXoi irdpovtq, oi Kai 0' avT&v

    576-577 Mauh. 6.19 || 590 Zenob. 5.79 (CPG I 151); Aelian, Nat. an. XII 8 ||593-597 Stob. IV 31.78; 91 || 598-601 source? || 602-603 Diog. Laert. VII 87 ||

    569 Sn P || 571 -KoXkaiac P || 572 avroun P || 573 Wijrr P | Utti P post corr. || 574irpoaKanTTa P ante corr. || 577 ifaboncdot P ante corr. || 583 !Xa/3e P ante corr. || 5886wn*6a P || 591 KaTtiruyoixtdct P || 592 P || 597 da from ep P || 598 write ictpuHiidtitf | 599 after aVev] y' P" ||

    This content downloaded on Sun, 23 Dec 2012 12:54:52 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

  • 7/27/2019 Leo the Philosopher


    Illinois Classical Studies, XIoXfiov nrtppLipap paXa pvp'iov, ovk taa yapovroq iirl ^vxw aorj)ir)q KaTa8vptvai oX&ov.

    Kat tovto ijvviti Xvirtjq otKoq' oi)x opav yap XPV 605tpya iroXvKTtavccv, otq yrjia Kai arixtq avbp&vKal 8ot;ai Kal ttusXoi tVTpixtq' (i yap tv avrolqOvpov iov oirjq, tK BX'upioq ovdeiror' tKOTrjq.Atl iraaiv axttaacv iirLaKoirttLV Kal tptvvaveine, oXuq tolov' rj vvv rj wp&Tov virtarr)' 610Kav tlv' ttfrtvpoLptviroXtaq 8' eVi pti^oaLV lira*;avrodev taaop.tO' avrol vtKTortpoi oaov ovv ri"ei e pbvoi Xvirriq iirl TvOptva poxdifaptv,tvXtTOuptv otl irXtlv y' inrop.Lp.vop.tv aXXuv.

    Tolad' tiri Traaiv Kal to avvtq, 4>iXe' oaaa atXrjvi]q 615vipodtv tar', arpeirra Tt Kal itayia irpoirav tariv,oaaa 8t vtpdt vreXei, rpexerai re Kal XXoiovrai,\//vxv 8' ovpavir/v tlv virooTaaLV tvOtov IaxtL.oq ptv re tvxvc, irXtiu) Xoyov tpya^onoKal 7Tapa avXov Tama yivtrai co8' tinovTa, 620to) 8' viroTtpvtrai aXyoq, tiravTtXXei 8t yaXrjvTj.oq 8i paKpav x^P^lv ttj Kptaaovi poLpy tviairoiKal Ta TptTT' arptiTTa 6'tXtL Kal oitTai tivai,Tth 8i ptXiaaacov Kara tov vopov tVvta Xvirjjq/3op($ovvT' rjytpedovTO, nravTa Tt drjpov cfitLcbq 625Kal pvtXov flaXXovai, Ta 8' oTta poiivov aaapKaKtp.irova' tlv Al8tj, fitffpoTooptva Kal ra8t, oi'poL.

    Qtvyoptv ovv aKOVTtq tKOVTtq raxOta Koapov.ol yt piv pl ptyav MovawvLov, *12 Ztv, ttfrwvovv,vt TTtpiaraaiaq yvpvaapa atdtv dtpairovTuv. 630T&v 8' tyco ctvTia i)pl Kal tvxopai, *0 Xoyt Xpiar't,p.T]8tpiriv 8oLt)q virtprjvopa prj8tvl Xvttijv,t) Kpartpov SaKvova' avTTjq TtXtati voov rjpuv,oiXXa yaXr)V0Ttpu>q aXa TavTtjv apcfrnrtpfiaat.Ktlat Tt 8i) aK-qvuaai aXviroTtpr/ai povfjaiv. 635ti 8' ov8tlq "ArXavTa 8ia8pap.oi a^poxov vrip,KTtipaai Kal aypolq Trapaxupoiriq ti ytvtadmKai TtaL TOLOiq, oiq aptvt]voTtpov KaKOV eariv.

    State University of New York at Buffalo629-630 source?

    605 write opav XPV- II 608 ion P || 615 iraai P || 618 t'lv' P || 624 rtMe P || 626twvov P || 630 vt P || 633 TtXiaoa, P || 636 read affpoxoq