lehigh university alumni association charting the course: strategic club planning 2001 - 2002

Lehigh University Lehigh University Alumni Association Alumni Association Charting The Course: Strategic Club Planning 2001 - 2002

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Page 1: Lehigh University Alumni Association Charting The Course: Strategic Club Planning 2001 - 2002

Lehigh University Lehigh University Alumni AssociationAlumni Association

Charting The Course:

Strategic Club Planning

2001 - 2002

Page 2: Lehigh University Alumni Association Charting The Course: Strategic Club Planning 2001 - 2002

National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Lehigh University Alumni Association

Mission Statement

To maintain and cultivate among its members a sentiment of regard for one

another and of affection and attachment to Lehigh University and to support and promote in every way the

interests of Lehigh University.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Lehigh University Alumni Club Network

Mission Statement

The primary objective of every Club should be to promote the relationship and involvement between our alumni and the university.

All club members, therefore, should share in the responsibility of attracting and increasing the

personal participation of alumni through cultural, educational and social programming.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


The Captain, First Mate & Crew

The basic framework of the Club consists of four officers anda Board of Directors to coordinate the Club activities.

PRESIDENT - Oversees responsibilities of all Club volunteers, guides the Club's calendar of activities and serves as the primary liaison with the Alumni Office. The President should keep an up-to-date Club Log of past actions/events, tips for doing things effectively and sample letters and forms. The Club Log can then be passed on to the incoming officers.

VICE PRESIDENT - Presides in the absence of the President and assists in the timetable for Club meeting details. The Vice President may be asked by the President to serve as a Program Chairman.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


SECRETARY - Keeps minutes of all meetings and sends reports on meetings to the Alumni Office. The Secretary advises the Alumni Office of all address, e mail and phone changes for alumni, as well as any changes in the slate of Officers and the Board of Directors.

TREASURER - Maintains Club checking account, records dues and pays all Club bills.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Clubs form operating committees (Alumni Admission Outreach, Communication, Young Alumni, Membership, Care Network.etc…) and appoint Chairmen/women and should gather once a quarter to plan the Club's events. Notify the Alumni Office and Regional Vice President for advice and/or attendance.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002



Alumni Admissions Outreach – Chairman/woman will be an active and current volunteer within the AAO Network and willing and able to take a leadership role within AAO and the Club

– Book Awards– Scholarship– Holiday Receptions

Patriot League Communication – Includes electronic and web-based communication Young Alumni/Membership Event Marketing – Phone and e mail trees CARE Network Cultural Events Family & Athletic Events Parents Liaison

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002



Your Regional Vice President can help out when special organizational or other problems arise. All Regional Vice Presidents have served as Club volunteers.

The primary responsibility of your Regional Vice President is to:– Assist you in advance to plan attractive and well-attended events.– Arrange for a trouble-shooting team from a successful Club to help

get a Club revitalized.– Attend a Club meeting and make comments on Club or Association


As an elected member of the LUAA Board of Directors of the Alumni Association, he/she attends meetings and makes a written report of the progress of each Club. He/she is a volunteer who has experienced some of the same kind of problems you might experience, so don't hesitate to contact him/her.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


A well organized Club structure supported by many volunteers builds a successful Club.

Avoid the "one man show" syndrome. Your Club structure should generate active participation

involving different people on a regular rotation. Conduct elections at 1 to 3 year intervals (2 is ideal).

Keep former officers involved in an advisory capacity as possibly a Board member.

Plan "Board of Directors" meetings 3-4 times a year. These meetings will be beneficial in establishing fresh ideas

for future Club events. They will also provide the opportunity to discuss the successes of the activities

and how to improve upon them in the future.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Navigational Support:LUAA Clubs Staff Contacts

Jill Anderson ’91Director of Alumni Clubs

[email protected]

Monica TimarAssistant Director of Alumni Clubs

[email protected]

Theresa ButlerGraphics Designer

[email protected]

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Support System

R egional V ice P resident

Lehigh U niversity Alum ni Board

Monica T im a rAssista nt D irector of C lubs

Lehigh U niversityAcadem ic/Athle tic/C ultura l D epartm ents

M ichelle W atsonC areer Services

Maura Kugelm an '95O ffice of Adm issions

Jill Anderson '91D irector o f Alum ni C lubs

Lehigh U niversity Alum ni Association

Alum ni C lub

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Hierarchy of Club Programming

M on ica T im arA ss is tan t D irec to r o f C lu b s

M ich e lle W atsonC areer S ervices

M au ra K u g e lm an '9 5D ep artm en t o f A d m iss ion s

C o lleg es P rog ram s

L U A A D irec to rs

U n ivers ity In it ia tives

D eve lop m en t D irec to rs

J ill A n d erson '9 1D irec to r o f A lu m n i C lu b s

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Charting the Course:Steps To Insure A Successful

Club Meeting Officer Meetings – Once a Month Board Meetings – Once a Quarter E mail and/or phone

Officers/Directors with date, place and time of meeting.

E mail and/or mail an Agenda prior to the meeting. Have copies of the Agenda available at the meeting for those who may not have received it.

Items for Discussion:– Calendar of Events– Past/Upcoming/Potential

Events– New Business– Next Meeting Date and Time

Start meeting on time – End meeting on time.

Secretary of Club should take notes for distribution of minutes at a later date.

Follow the Agenda as closely as possible in order to maintain a reasonable time schedule.

All new business should be discussed at the end rather than disrupting the entire Agenda.

Before adjourning, designate the date, place and time for the next Board meeting.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Gold Club Freshmen Send-off

Lehigh / Lafayette TelecastFall Cultural / Educational Event

AAO Holiday Event / ActivitySpring Cultural / Educational Event

Family Event / Professional Sporting EventJoint Activity With Other Alumni Associations

Young Alumni Networking EventCommunity Service

Annual News / Dues LetterAnnual Nomination Of Club Volunteer-of-the Year

Book Award

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Silver ClubFreshmen Send-off

Lehigh / Lafayette Telecast

Fall / Spring Cultural / Educational Event

AAO Holiday Event / Activity

Family Event / Professional Sporting Event

Young Alumni Networking Event

Annual Nomination Of Club Volunteer-of-the Year

Book Award

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Bronze Club

Freshmen Send-off

Lehigh / Lafayette Telecast

Fall Or Spring Cultural / Educational Event

Annual Nomination

Of Club Volunteer-of-the Year

Book Award

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


The Journey Begins:Club Activities

When planning your Club events be sure to consider your target markets and offer a

variety of events which appeal to the various groups of alumni – young alumni, senior alumni and alumni with families.

The Club should be sure to offer cultural and educational events.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Possible Routes of Passage

FAMILY OUTINGSTrip to the Zoo, Amusement Parks, Children's Museums, Circus and Family type Picnics

EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Wine Tasting at a Vineyard or Restaurant, Art Museum Exhibits, Historical Tours, Luncheons and Dinners with Guest Speakers

OUTDOOR EVENTSBoat Cruise, Beach Party, Local Sporting Events, Golf Tournaments and Softball Games (all of which can be arranged with other Patriot League schools)

COMMUNITY SERVICEHabitat for Humanity, Highway Beautification Projects, Soup Kitchens/Food Drives, Holiday Shopping with Underprivileged Children, Make A Wish and Dream Come True

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Why So Many Choices?

By offering a variety of activities your Club has a better chance of attracting many different alumni and helping them become more involved with the Club. These attendees could be your future officers and Board members!

There are many reasons why some alumni are reluctant to attend Club events. Please invest both your time and the Club's treasury to attract new faces with as much innovation as possible. DON'T be tempted to settle for satisfactory attendance among "the regulars".

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


The Keys To The Treasure

Seek convenient settings, especially in larger Club areas. For example, plan a luncheon at the headquarters of a major company that employs a large number of LU alumni in your area.

Rotate event locations within your Club area (downtown or suburbs) as well as alternate the day of the week.

Offer discounts on dinner prices for special classes (i.e. young alumni). or try targeting a particular decade or grouping of classes.

Contact new people. Recent graduates appreciate friendly contacts (Senior Holiday Welcome).

Recognize and warmly welcome everyone to the Club event. Promote Young Alumni activities. Phone and E mail Tree!!! Utilize communication committee to remind

alumni of the date of the next event. Ask the alumni that you contact to call three alumni that they know in the area and encourage them to attend the event as well.

Communicate to alumni that their attendance is greatly appreciated by the Club and the Alumni Association.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Planning The Expedition

First and Most Importantly!!!! When deciding on an event ALWAYS keep in mind that the Alumni Association will need details at least 6-8 weeks prior to the event to prepare and mail the invitations!

A download for mailing has to be generated.

A flyer has to be designed.

The University's Mailing and Printing Department takes over from there. Other university projects might hold up our Club job hence . . . WE NEED 6-8 WEEKS ! ! !

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Planning The Route

Club Officers decide on type of activity (speaker event, happy hour, athletic event, museum trip, theater event, etc.).

Appoint an event coordinator. The event coordinator MUST be in attendance to help assist in the set-up and, more importantly, be there to meet and greet the alumni.

Determine any special needs (i.e.. audio/visual, microphone, photographer, etc.). Confirm with the location that they can either provide or work with an outside source to meet our needs. It may be necessary to contract in writing with the locations regarding the availability or compatibility of equipment. All needs must be addressed prior to the final preparation of the mailing.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Guidelines ForA Successful Journey

Speaker Events Determine desired speaker or topic (please have 3 choices). Determine location and select appropriate, quiet room for the

speaker's needs. The ideal situation is a separate room for the event. Inquire in advance the maximum capacity of the room.

Select date. Consider the university calendar when requesting professors as speakers. Please supply 3 possible dates.

Contact the Alumni Association with the campus speaker choices, dates, times and location. These details are important when requesting the services of a campus speaker. Often an event will be part of a speaker's travel schedule in a Club area, so these details are crucial for scheduling purposes.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Courtesy to speaker – offer to meet at the airport or hotel and take to the meeting place.

Keep business at the meeting brief, allowing time for the Alumni Association representative to make brief remarks.

The Club President or event coordinator should introduce the speaker. The LUAA staff will provide biographic information on speaker. Allow time for question and answer period at the end of the presentation. Be prepared with a few questions to keep the discussion flowing.

If the speaker is arriving with a member of the Alumni Association staff, please confirm directions and advise on possible construction, road closings, traffic patterns, etc.

Test audio/visual equipment with guest speaker before the group arrives.

After the event, follow-up with a thank you note to the speaker.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Happy Hours Determine location, date and time. Keep in mind the facilities of

proposed location. Is there an area for an alumni sign-in sheet? If someone will be

collecting money, is there an appropriate place to do so? In an open bar situation, is the offering worth the cover charge?

Is there a guarantee? If so, is the Club able to cover any costs not raised by the cover charge?

If there are multiple floors, will alumni be able to locate the event? How crowded is the location on a typical night? Is the Club event prior to the time the usual crowd arrives? Is there time to return from work and change or will alumni be

coming right from work? Special/Offerings - what is the bar offering? Are any specials the

same as offered to all patrons or is it Lehigh specific? Is the bar providing munchies and at what cost to the Club? Who is responsible for paying the bar?

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Special Events Location, date and time are usually determined by the show, athletic event

or special event. Contact the organization for tickets. What are the policies for group sales?

Will there be a discount? Is it possible to return unsold tickets or acquire additional tickets? When is the last date to return tickets or acquire additional tickets?

What is the policy for last minute reservation? What is the risk involved if tickets are not purchased? Consider the worst case scenario and be prepared to cover the costs.

How will tickets be distributed to alumni? Will they be mailed or is there a location to meet prior to the event? Is it possible to pick tickets up at the Will Call window?

How will the Club accommodate paid no-shows? Unpaid no-shows? Is it necessary to distinguish members of the group from the general

public? Will the location provide bracelets, pins, etc. or is this up to the Club?

If the Club members are participating in an organized event that will involve a large number of people, how will Lehigh people recognize one another? Is it possible to hang a Lehigh sign or provide other marketing material at a meeting place?

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Telecast Parties

Develop venue for the Lehigh/Lafayette Telecast by October 1. Confirm with the bar/restaurant that they have the capability to

receive the game and the capacity to support the crowd. Try to keep the cost of the event to a minimum. Order-from-the-

menu/Cash-Bar deals work best. Contact the Alumni Office with details of the event such as

location, cost, etc…by October 7 to allow appropriate lay-out and mailing time.

This is the largest event involving the most Clubs at one time… Be aware… First Come, First Serve!

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


The Course Has Been Set:Development Of The Crew

Contact the Alumni Association with the final details - date, place, time, cost, directions and contact person.

Each mailing should include the name and contact information of a person from the Club for questions or reservations.

Allow 2 weeks for the Alumni Association and University Mail Room to print and send.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


1-2 weeks prior to the event...

Phone/E mail Tree! Make phone calls and send e mails to alumni to encourage attendance and provide a personal touch.

Contact the location to confirm all the details. Review and confirm any audio/visual needs and supplies

such as nametags, bracelets, pins, signs, etc.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Destination . . .

At least one officer arrives early to check details, hang banner and set up the table for nametags and Alumni Association materials.

Have nametags prepared in advance if possible. Have a list of attendees. If it is a dinner meeting, have a list of attendees and their entree

selections. GREET ARRIVALS! It is very important to have Club members

greeting alumni as they arrive.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002


Evaluation Of The Journey: Within 1 Week

Return the report forms with the names of those who attended to the Alumni Association.

Also include any change-of-address information which have been included with the reservations.

If it was an event with a speaker, send a "thank you" note.

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National Club ConferenceJanuary 19, 2002



As Alumni Volunteers, you are

one of the many reasons why

Lehigh University

is the place we still call home

and our fellow alumni family.

Thank You!!!