legs magazine

Legs... 19th January 2009 mini exercises while you’re on the go PARTY FOR POUNDS New fashions for 2009 HEALTHY FOOD FAST PAGE 7 KICK START YOUR NEW YEAR REAL LIFE! “HOW WEIGHT WATCHERS CHANGED MY LIFE” www.legs...magazine.co.uk KINGS OF LEON GIG REVIEW! £1

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Page 1: legs magazine

Legs...19th January 2009

miniexercises while you’re on the go PARTY FOR POUNDS

New fashions for 2009









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Legs...PAGE 3REAL LIFE! How Weight Watchers changed my life...Read Clare’s amazing story!




QUICK AND EASY! Fast, healthy snacks for when you’re on the go...

TIGHTEN YOUR TUMS AND BUMS!Simple exercises you wont even know you are doing!




KINGS OF LEON!A Review of their amazing gig at Manchester.Also, not-to-miss gigs in 2009.

NEW! Fashions for 2009

PARTY FOR POUNDS!Party Products for less than £20

We know how hard it is to be good at Christmas, over indulging on Ferrero Roches is what the festive season is all about. We here at Legs… are here to help you get the right start for 2009 and help you stick at those New Year’s Resolutions. This week’s edition is packed full of cheap and easy ways to kick start the New Year in the way you wanted to. Simple exercises you can even do when shopping, what could be easier? Now that sounds like something I am willing to try. We have some tasty recipes for simple snacks, and they are tasty, I’ve tried themall! And if you haven’t been to enough parties over Christmas. We have a double page spread full of the latest fashions and party gear on abudget to get you back into the swing of things.Oh, and check out this week’s real life story, this lady is an inspiration to all of us!

Enjoy reading.See you next week!

Laura James, Legs...Editor.

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New Year’s resolutions are made every year by most of us, but how many of us are truly successful? Clare Leason, a successful weight-watcher, tells Laura James about how she stuck to her resolution and not only improved her image, but her happiness and confidence as well.

“When I had my second child it came back with a huge vengeance!” tells Clare: “I just found it so difficult to go outdoors without panicking. Even thinking about the front door used to panic me.” Clare Leason, a 28-year-old mum from Ellesmere Port suffered terrible anxiety attacks after her second child was born, she said: “I had to have an emergency caesarean six weeks before he was due, then I found out he was Down’s Syndrome with a large hole in his heart, which he needed major heart surgery for.” “I FOUND IT HARD TO CHASE THE CHILDREN AROUND”Clare talks about her two-year-old son quite openly, she said: “He spent a lot of time in and out of the hospi-tal which became routine life” she explains: “So with spending so much time caring for him, I kind of put myself back on the shelf. After Alfie was better, I found it so difficult to go outdoors without panicking.”Clare realised that her anxiety was not only affecting herself but her two children too, she added: “I found it hard to chase the children around. It got to a point where I couldn’t take them to the park because I panicked too much.”

At the beginning of 2007, Clare made a resolution, she said: “I think my actual resolution was to get confident

and happy. I started with counselling in January. My counsellor made me realise how much I do for my family and how little ‘me’ time I have.”

With help from a nurse to care for her son, Clare was able to go out for a few hours a week, by herself, she said: “At first I was nervous, but as soon as I’d been out for five minutes I knew there was nothing to worry about. I used to panic about the children I think, and it was nice knowing I could clear my mind for a few hours and just care about me.”“I WANTED ME TIME”In October 2007, Clare joined weight watchers. I joined weight watchers for two reasons really, the first being I wasn’t happy with my weight,

and the second, I wanted ‘me’ time for a few hours every week, and weight watchers seemed the perfect solution.”

Clare attends weight watchers once a week, she said: “I even volunteer at the meetings, getting there early to give people their cards. Nothing is off limits in weight watchers, and that’s what I like about it. I find it very easy to follow and it has become part of my new healthy eating lifestyle. Weight watchers teaches you about portion control and sensibly watching your intake of certain foods.” Since she started over a year ago, Clare has so far lost just over three stone. She said: “Overall, it’s a good total but I still have quite a way to go!” Clare’s confidence has soared since last year and she has now stopped the counselling.

“This year I have vowed to keep do-ing what I’m doing now. I am happy with my life and I am more confident than ever before.” Clare still attends weight watchers and is working hard to meet her target weight.

Legs... 3

Clare feels much happier since she joined weight watchers and so are her children




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Cardigan: £14 from Top ShopT Shirt: £5 from New LookJeans: £40 River IslandShoes: £5 Primark

Toni says: “I live in this outfit! Its so comfort-able but in style right now. The shoes are my favourite, they are so comfortable. You could even put them in your bag on a night out.”

Dress: £30 from River IslandBelt: £5 from PrimarkShoes: £12 from Oasis

Karen says: “When I first put the dress on I was scared because it looked shapeless. I added the belt and as you can see it works! Using a belt is such an easy way to co-ordinate an outfit as well”

Shirt: £13 from Dorothy PerkinsCardigan: £3 from PeacocksJeans: £28 from New LookBag: £45 from Guess

Lindsay says: “I really love the outfit as a whole. I think the bag is my favourite it really changes the outfit. It could be worn as a casual outfit, but adding the heels and bag smartens up.”

Scarf: £4 from PrimarkJumper dress: £11 from George at AsdaBelt: £7 Top ShopUgg Boots: £15 from Oasis

Charlotte says: “I love the outfit as a hole, the ugg boots I had last year but I think they will still be popular this year. I think the belt really finishes off the dress as well.”For more fashion ideas

log onto our website! www.legs...magazine.co.uk

Page 5: legs magazine



Lip Glosses: £4.50, £5.99 and £2.99. Rimmel, Benefit

and Collection 2000. Pucker up with these lip plumping


Shoes: £20 from New Look. High enough to make your legs look longer but a heel small enough for comfy feet! Allowing for comfy feet all night.

Watch: £14.99 from Oasis. This sparkly bangle

doubles up as a watch. So you’ll never be late!

Shoes: £10 from George at Asda. Black shoes that go with anything. Every girl needs a pair!

Nail Polishes: £3.99 and £2.99 from

Boots. No.7 and Rimmel. Both long

lasting, quick drying polishes to add

the finishing touch.

Bag: £6 from Claire’s

Accessories. Just the

right size to store all

your essentials!

Silver Earrings: £11.99 from Debenhams. A

brilliant way to class up an outfit.


Page 6: legs magazine


“To lose weight and exercise more” Does this sound similar to the resolution you vowed just under a month ago? This is the top resolution for 2009 and every year only one in 10 of us are successful. Joining the gym is almost the first thing people do in order to lose weight it seems to some of you that this is the only way.

There are many mini-exercises you can do in your every day routine to help yourself lose weight, you don’t have to pay anything and you won’t even know you are doing them. Why not give them a try?


TAKE THEACTIVE OPTIONTake the stairs instead of the lift. You can take stairs anywhere, in shops, in the work place and even at home. Walking up stairs for 30 minutes burns 300 calories and you won’t even notice you’re doing it.

If you travel by bus, get off that extra stop earlier just to walk the extra half a mile home. Again, it doesn’t take much effort but it will all be beneficial. If it’s a cold day walk fast, getting home quicker and using more calories!If you travel by car, park further away from the building than you have to that way you’re walking further and not really realising it.

TONE YOUR LEGSWe all have some time to relax every day, watching TV, cooking or even ironing. Take this time to do some small leg exercises. While you’re watching TV lie on the floor on your side, rest your head on your outstretched arm and bend the leg that’s on the top. Put your other arm in front of your chest and put that hand flat on the floor. Your bottom leg should be straight. Lift your bottom leg about an inch off the floor and hold for five seconds. Do this about 20 times and then switch legs. You won’t even notice you are doing it if you’re watching TV at the same time.


While you’re cooking, place your back flat against a wall and stand upright. Then slide down the wall until you’re in asitting position, you’re legs should be parallel to the floor. Hold this stance for a minute or so, and repeat about five times. This works your thighs and tummy.

CLENCHESThis next technique is how Kylie Minogue maintained her famous bum! You can do this anywhere, in the office, in the shower, even when standing in a queue in the middle of New Look. Stand upright and simply clench your bum hard. Hold this stance for five seconds and repeat as many times as you want. Famous Kylie does this 50 times a day and look at her busy schedule! (And her bum!)

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HAM AND TOMATO SALAD.If you’re not a salad fan this may seem unappealing, but give it a chance! It’s very simple to do and gives you a chance to be creative!All you need is, a lettuce, some cherry tomatoes, finely sliced ham , light mayonnaise.Chop up the lettuce and place on a plate. Apply some mayonnaise then place some ham on top.Chop the tomatoes in half and apply a little black pepper if you like. It’s as simple as that!

TIP: If you’re feeling naughty, grate some mild cheese on top!

COD FISH CAKESThis snack is surprisingly easy to make and can double up as a meal by adding rice.You will need, two skinned cod fillets, half an onion, two cloves of garlic,one egg, two potatoes and half a cup of bread crumbs.Firstly, boil and mash the potatoes, finely chop the garlic and the onions. Mix the fish and potatoes together until they turn into a coarse paste (this would probably be easier with a blender.) Fry the onion and garlic for two minutes on a medium heat. Put the fish/potato paste and the garlic and onions all into a big mixing bowl and stir. Divide the mixture into individual cakes, around half an inch thick. Beat one egg. Dip the cakes into the egg mixture and then roll in bread crumbs. Fry the fish cakes until golden brown.TIP: If you have the time, try putting the mixture in the fridge for an hour before you divide the cakes. This will make it easier when you go to divide them up.

TOMATO AND BASIL PASTAThis one is a popular favourite and needs only a very few ingredients. You won’t believe how simple it is!All you need is, one tomato (per person) a bunch of fresh basil leaves, some pasta and some salt and pepper.Boil the pasta in a saucepan. Chop the tomato and the basil leaves as finely as you can and then add a pinch of salt and pepper. Heat up the tomato and basil mix either in the microwave, or in a saucepan. When the pasta is cooked to your liking, stir in the tomato mix and enjoy.TIP: If you’re a fan, add olives for extra flavouring.

STRAWBERRY ANDBANANA SMOOTHIEThis tasty drink will keep you going until lunch.All you need is, frozen strawberries, frozen banana pieces and orange juice.This is the easiest of them all. Just pop all the ingredients in a blender, mix, and enjoy!

TIP: A smoothie using banana will help you last longer than using other fruits as it is the most filling!

PHILADELPHIA AND GRAPE RIVITASA lot of people replace sandwiches for rivtias and crisp breads for a more healthy option.

All you need is some rivitas/crisp breads, some philadelphia (lightspreading cheeses can also be used) some grapes and tomatoes

Spread the Rivitas with your chosen cheese. Halve the grapes and place them on top of the spread and enjoy.

TIP: If this doesn’t satisfy your cravings, try adding tomatoes and cucumbers as well, for a more filling snack.

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KINGS OF LEONBy Laura James.

When they released their “because of the times” album in April 2007, many of us thought that Kings of Leon couldn’t get any better. The release of their new album “Only by the night” proved us all wrong. Their recent UK tour in December showed that Kings of Leon have definitely got a lot more to give.

I stood there in the pitch black and listened to the whistles and squeals of the packed arena around me, I felt the excitement bubbling inside. Caleb Followill’s voice started singing and the lights got brighter. The base guitar kicked in and everyone started to scream, they instantly recognised it as ‘On Call’. Still reeling from the introduction, the next song kicked in. It was ‘McFearless’ This one was played heavier than the last and everyone started jumping. Caleb’s gritty voice sounded just as good as I had hoped.

The four lads standing on stage looked amazing, they are the height of success at the moment and you could tell. They were confident and, without arrogance. They introduced themselves by saying “Good evening Manchester, we are Kings of Leon. Don’t be afraid to go crazy.” Then it really started.

The repetitive beat of the drums and the bass guitar had everyone bobbing their heads in unison to ‘Molly’s Chambers’. I could tell lots of the fans there were happy Kings had pulled out some of their old stuff. Critics have recently branded Kings of Leon as ‘conforming’; changing from their old indie rock style to a pop-style band. Their new song ‘Sex on Fire’ and ‘Use somebody’ brought in thousands of new fans and even

the old fans are enjoying the new stuff, despite the criticisms.

My voice hurt so much from scream-ing to ‘sex on fire’ but I think the whole arena shared my feelings. Their new single ‘Use Somebody’ is brilliant when on the radio but when you are stood surrounded by hundreds of people and it is being sang acoustically you cannot help but swallow the lump in your throat.

Every song Kings sang was as good as the last, and the double encore kept everyone on their toes through-out the gig. After about ten songs the band went offstage. Feeling disappointed at the length of the gig I joined in with the chant for an encore.

They came back on with ‘the bucket’ and ‘manhattan’. Once again, off-stage the band went and another chant began. The arena was pitch-black. Ten minutes later Kings of Leon came back on. Their secondencore of the night included ‘charm-er’, ‘be somebody’, ‘revelery’ and their final song ‘arizona.’ As I walked out of the arena I could see that I was not the only one that couldn’t hold in the tears much longer. There was not a dry eye in the house.The Followill brothers (and cousin)

could have tried harder to connectwith the fans on stage as they sometimes seemed uncharismatic and perhaps monotonous however the music did what it needed to. Everything a Kings of Leon fan would want to hear was played, as well as all of the songs from the new album. Kings of Leon have just announced new dates for another UK tour this summer and I strongly recommend going. I now understand why three of their UK gigs sold out in minutes.


Pussycat Dolls29th January. Manchester MEN Keane1st February. Nottingham Trent Kaiserchiefs24th February. Birmingham NIA Fall out boy5th March. Manchester MEN The Killers10th March. Manchester MEN The Progidy10th April. Manchester MEN. Pink-25th April. Manchester MEN Beyonce27th May. Manchester MENKings of Leon22nd June. Manchester MEN



Kings of Leon have lots more to come