legend of zelda majoras mask

8/8/2019 Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/legend-of-zelda-majoras-mask 1/102 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Walkthrough Share Boards Guide Walkthro ughs & FAQs Cheats Proudly hosted by IGN Walkthroughs Direct-link it! Get Email Alerts Add to Wishlist Add to Collection Playing Now ***************************************************************************** The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask FAQ/Walkthrough For the Nintendo 64 Version 1.0 (Last Updated 11/11/2000) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2000-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Story 4. Controls 5. Walkthrough 6. Enemies 7. Mini-Bosses 8. Bosses 9. Items 10. Heart Pieces 11. Masks 12. Songs 13. Shops 14. Spider Houses 15. Keaton's Questions 16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 17. Credits 18. Copyright Notice 19. Contact Information ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (11/11/00): With this version, the FAQ is complete. Version 0.1 (10/25/00): The first version of this FAQ. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, the wait is over since the newest Zelda game for the Nintendo 64 has arrived! This game is very similar to the original Ocarina of Time engine, but with a few changes here and there to suit this game. Anyway, you have 3 days (the time is shorter because the game counts the time differently) to

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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Walkthrough Share Boards Guide Walkthroughs & FAQs Cheats

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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask FAQ/WalkthroughFor the Nintendo 64

Version 1.0 (Last Updated 11/11/2000)By Devin Morgan

This file is Copyright (c)2000-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents

1. What's New2. Introduction3. Story4. Controls5. Walkthrough6. Enemies7. Mini-Bosses8. Bosses9. Items10. Heart Pieces11. Masks12. Songs13. Shops14. Spider Houses15. Keaton's Questions16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks17. Credits18. Copyright Notice19. Contact Information


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. What's New -=

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Version 1.0 (11/11/00): With this version, the FAQ is complete.

Version 0.1 (10/25/00): The first version of this FAQ.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Well, the wait is over since the newest Zelda game for the Nintendo 64 hasarrived! This game is very similar to the original Ocarina of Time engine,but with a few changes here and there to suit this game. Anyway, you have 3days (the time is shorter because the game counts the time differently) to

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complete the game. However, you can warp back in time and alter time toaccomplish certain tasks. There are also various masks you can collect, andyou turn into that particular creature when wearing that mask. I'm not goingto discuss the game anymore for now, so why don't you go buy this game andsee for yourself!


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Story -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

In the land of Hyrule, there echoes a legend. A legend held dearly by theRoyal Family that tells of a boy...

A boy who, after battling evil and saving Hyrule, crept away from that landthat had made him a legend...

Done with the battles he once waged across time, he embarked on a journey. A

secret and personal journey...A journey in search of a beloved and invaluable friend...

A friend with whom he parted ways when he finally fulfilled his heroicdestiny and took his place among legends...


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Control Stick: Move around in the game, move cursor in menus

Start: Access the submenu during the game

A: Action button (there is a blue circle on the top of the screen with theaction you can perform; press A to perform that action), dive, talk topeople, etc., roll (press this while running to roll)

B: Use your Sword to attack (hold B to charge Sword for spinning attack)

C-Up: Change camera view, listen to what Tatl has to say

C-Down, Left, Right: Use items currently assigned to the C buttons

Z: Use Z-Targeting (when fighting an enemy, press Z to lock onto the enemy tomake it your target for attack)

L: Show or hide the map of the area you're in

R: Raise your shield in front of you for protection

Z + Left or Right + B: Swing Sword horizontally

Z + Up + B: Stab with your Sword

Control Stick (Make a full rotation) + B: Spin attack

Z + A: Jump attack with the Sword (must have the Sword out first)

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Walkthrough -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


The game's opening scene shows Link riding Epona slowly through a mysteriousforest. They stop and two fairies appear, and they knock Link off the horse.At that point, the Skull Kid will appear with a strange mask on his face.Skull Kid will try to rob Link and he'll take Link's ocarina. After anargument between the two fairies, Link wakes up and Skull Kid tries to getaway with Epona and the ocarina. Link grabs onto Epona and gets dragged alongfor a while before falling, allowing Skull Kid to get away for now.

You will now gain control of Link after this scene. So, head north and cut

down all the bushes for some quick rupees. After that, head up into the cavethat Skull Kid vanished into. You'll appear in another area of this weirdforest. Go right and up towards the back of this area first, and cut downmore bushes to get some rupees. Watch out for when the bushes start movingsince they'll chase after you before disappearing into the ground.

Head back to the entrance to this room and go up the "steps" in the middle.Jump from ledge to ledge to the end, then go up and enter another cave. Here,Link will enter a room with a seemingly endless pit and fall down it. At thebottom, you'll meet the Skull Kid. He'll tell you he got rid of Epona, andthen he'll taunt you for a moment before sending a whole team of Deku Scrubsafter you. They'll turn you into Deku Link, and then Skull Kid will laughsome more before leaving the area with one of his fairies.

The other "good" fairy was left behind and wants you to open the door SkullKid escaped from. Now that you have control again, destroy the nearby bushesto get some rupees. Then, go up to the door and press A to open it. Head upthe path to the end and the fairy will introduce itself as Tatl beforejoining you in your journey.

Now that you're a little used to the controls, go up and drop down to theground. Destroy the bushes with a spin attack (press A) to get rupees. Afterthat, go to the nearby Deku Flower and press A to dive into it, then releaseA after a moment to start flying. Fly onto a higher ledge, then do it againwith another Deku Flower to get to the top ledge again. Then, use the DekuFlower there and fly across the room to the ledge at the other side. Go upand open the door to reach the next area. Here, go up and dive into the DekuFlower. Then, fly up and left to the next ledge. There, use that Deku Flowerand fly up onto the left ledge. Open the chest there to get 10 Deku Nuts.

Now, use the Deku Flower and fly to the right around the wall to anotherledge. Next, turn around and look towards the left to a ledge in thedistance. Use the Deku Flower on this ledge and fly onto that next ledge. Goup to the next Deku Flower and Tatl will call you from the following ledge.Press Z to Z-Target the tree she's flying next to, and then press A to talkto her to learn how to talk to people standing far away. Now, dive into theDeku Flower and fly to that ledge and check out that tree. After that, go upand into the next area.

Here, go up and continue up the path in front of you. When you reach the top,turn around and go up towards the door. Suddenly, a voice calls you and the

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man who owns the Happy Mask Shop will appear behind you. He'll offer tochange you back to normal after you find the item that the little imp stolefrom you. In exchange, you agree to find the important mask stolen from thisman. Agree to help, then go up through the door to enter Clock Town for thefirst time.

South Clock Town----------------

As soon as you enter this town, the time for the game starts ticking, just soyou know. You can pause the time by pressing Start and staying on the submenuuntil you're ready. Anyway, go right and up to a golden Deku Flower. A goldenDeku Scrub will appear and tell you not to touch its property. It'll alsooffer to give up its Deku Flower if you give it the Moon's Tear. Now, go backto the clock tower entrance and head left and up the ramp. Then, go left andstraight through this area. Go up the ramp at the end and go left and throughthe doorway to the right into North Clock Town.

North Clock Town----------------

Here, go up the path and talk to the kid in green clothes. He'll introducehimself as Tingle, and then he'll ask if you want to buy any maps. For now,buy the Clock Town Map for 5 rupees since that's probably all you can affordfor now. Then, head to the left side of this area and go up the path, theninto the cave, which is the Fairy's Fountain. Go up and you'll find that theGreat Fairy isn't there. Enter the fountain and the many fairies will tellyou to find the lost fairy in town and bring her back here.

So, go back and exit this cave, then take the path back down and take thesouth exit back to South Clock Town.

South Clock Town----------------

Back in this area, go all the way to the south end, and take the southwestexit to the Laundry Pool area.

Laundry Pool------------

Over here, go forward and you will see the stream and a fairy floating aroundabove it. Jump to collect the fairy, who asks you to return it to thefountain. You cannot swim in the water as Deku Link, so you'll just hoparound on the water. Quickly get back onto land and make your way back toNorth Clock Town.

North Clock Town----------------

When you arrive back here, go west and up the hills to enter the Fairy'sFountain once again. Inside, go forward and the stray fairy will reunite withthe others, and will come together to form the Great Fairy. She will thankyou by giving you a magic meter, so you can use magic now. In your currentform, you can shoot bubbles by pressing B. After the Great Fairy disappears,

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exit this cave.

Back in North Clock Town, go down towards the kid that keeps shooting at theballoon in the air. Use the bubble shooting technique and aim up to shootdown the balloon. After that, talk to the nearby kid and he'll tell you abouthis group's hideout leading to the observatory. You'll need a code, but youmust ply a game of hide-and-seek first. Accept the challenge and 5 kids willappear, and you must find them all within 24 hours in the game to obtain thecode.

Start by going right and behind the giant slide, and chase down the first kidto catch him. Then, go back towards the path leading to the Fairy's Fountain.Look to the left of that path and catch that kid. Now, take the path backacross this area and go to East Clock Town.

East Clock Town---------------

Go right and up the steps to the middle part of this area to see another kidgetting away with a chicken. Go up and drop down to the lower area, then givechase to that kid. Catch him, and then get to the middle of this area anddive into the Deku Flower you find. Launch yourself out of the flower andonto a type of straw roof to find the fourth kid. Chase him around until youcatch him, then head all the way to the south part of this area. Go down theramp to the right to enter South Clock Town.

South Clock Town----------------

Here, go straight across the area and through the doorway near the GoldenDeku Scrub to reach West Clock Town.

West Clock Town---------------

In this area, go straight up and around the path to the top of the area. Goup to find the last kid, then quickly catch him. You'll then be warped backto North Clock Town where you started this whole thing.

North Clock Town----------------

The kids won't let you in their group, but they will teach you the code,which is a randomly generated 5-digit number. Now, head to the right half ofthis area and enter East Clock Town.

East Clock Town---------------

Go straight forward and talk to the kid standing there waving his arms, thenenter the code for him. After he moves, go down the path to the next area.

When you enter this underground cave, go all the way down the path into thelarger area. There, go up to the water and get to the right side of theplatform. Then, hop across the water onto the next platform. Continue jumping

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from ledge to ledge until you reach the more shallow water that you can walkin. Now, go up the path and defeat the Skulltula that comes down from theceiling. After you defeat it, continue up and right along the path to thenext large room.

Here, go up and aim upward towards the balloon floating in the air, thenshoot a bubble at it to deflate it. Destroy the nearby pots for some rupeesif needed, then climb up the ladder and go all the way down the hall to enterthe next room. Go up and walk all the way up the rainbow-colored stairs tothe top. There, go around and talk to the man standing in the middle of thearea.

Look into the telescope and look at the top of the clock tower, then zoom into see Skull Kid staring at you. The camera will scroll up and the moon willdrop a tear on the ground, causing a loud noise. After this, go back andleft, then go through the door to get outside. Go up and walk over the bluishtear to get the Moon's Tear.

Now, go back into the observatory and head left all the way down the steps to

the bottom in the previous room. Then, go up and left and down the longhallway to the following room. Drop down to the lower area and continuestraight up the steps in front of you, then go up and left along the dry pathto the end. There, go right and hop across the water from ledge to ledge tothe other side. Then, head up and left along the path to exit this cave andreemerge in East Clock Town.

Here, go up the path and head left and south to the end of this area. Then,go right down the ramp at the end to enter South Clock Town.

South Clock Town----------------

When you get here, go up and right towards the Clock Tower. Before you getthere, go left to the golden Deku Scrub again. Talk to it until you get theoption to press the Start button and select an item. Select the Moon's Tearand assign it to a C button, then exit this menu and press that button togive it to the Deku. It'll give you the Land Title Deed for its Deku Flower,then pack up and fly away.

Now, since there really isn't much left for you to do, I'd say just wanderaround until 12AM of the Final day. At that point, the door to the ClockTower will open (Tatl will also remind you about this). When the FMV startsand the tower opens up, use the golden Deku Flower and launch yourself up,then fly towards the Clock Tower and land on the ledge above the door youcame out of earlier in the game.

When you enter this place, you'll meet Skull Kid again. After a littlescuffle between the two fairies and Skull Kid, you'll have 5 minutes todefeat Skull Kid. Simply go up towards the center of this area and use Z-Targeting to aim at Skull Kid, then shoot a bubble at him to make him dropthe Ocarina. Then, walk over to the Ocarina and pick it up.

You will then enter a flashback of Princess Zelda giving you that Ocarina,and you'll learn the Song of Time in the process. After you return to thegame, Tatl will complain about not having enough time to defeat Skull Kid.You'll also find that your bubbles are no longer effective. So, equip theOcarina to a C button, then play the Song of Time. Choose yes and you'll bewarped back to the first day of the game, but with no Rupees, Deku Nuts, orthat Land Title Deed.

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When you arrive back in the first day, Tatl will realize that everythingstarted over again. She'll also remind you to visit the mask salesman sinceyou have one of your most precious items returned to you. So, go up and enterthe Clock Tower.

Here, go talk to the Happy Mask Shop owner and he'll be very happy you haveyour most precious item back, which is the Ocarina of Time. He'll then teachyou the Song of Healing and you'll regain your original form, as well asobtaining the Deku Mask!

The man will become upset that you didn't obtain his lost mask, and he'lltell you about Majora's Mask. After that, turn around and go up to exit theClock Tower. Back in South Clock Town, Tatl will tell you that you shouldhead to the swamp. For now, go left and up the ramp to find an owl statue.

Hit it with your Sword since this is the first time you visited it. Press Aand check it out after that, then choose to save your game and quit if youwant to stop for now. Keep in mind that each time you want to save, just head

to an owl statue and do this again.Now, go back down the ramp and go east, then up the ramp to enter East ClockTown.

East Clock Town---------------

Here, go up and left and up the steps to the north part of this area. Go upand right and talk to the kid guarding the underground cave from earlier. Usethe code from earlier to make the kid move, then go down the path into thiscave. Since there's nothing really to do in this place, just turn around andgo back out to East Clock Town.

Go up and a Bomber Kid will come and ask you how you knew the code. He'llrealize you're really good and give you the Bombers' Notebook. After heleaves, go straight up and into North Clock Town.

North Clock Town----------------

When you enter this area, go across the area to the western half, then go upthe path and enter the cave. Go up and talk to the fairies to find that thestray Fairy is on the loose again. After that, go back and exit the cave.Back in North Clock Town, go east across this area and enter East Clock Townagain.

East Clock Town---------------

There, go right and down the ramp to the middle area. Here, assign theDeku Mask to a C button, and then use it to turn into Deku Link. Now, waituntil it becomes night, then use the Deku Flower nearby and launch into theair. Fly back and touch the stray Fairy in the air to grab it. Now, land andtake off the mask, then go north and west to North Clock Town.

North Clock Town

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Go back across this area to the other side, then go up the path and enter thefairy cave again. Go forward and the fairies will turn into the Great Fairyagain. Talk to her to recover your health, then she'll tell you about thestray fairies in the four temples of the land. To help you catch thosefairies, she gives you the Great Fairy Mask! Now, go back and exit this cave.

Stick around in the area until about 12AM in the game (the day doesn'tmatter). At that point, an old woman will start walking along the path. Keepan eye on her until a weird man suddenly runs onscreen and steals the lady'sbag. Chase him around this area and use the Sword to make him drop the bag.After he runs away, the old lady will thank you for your help. She'll alsogive you the Blast Mask, and her information will be added to your notebook.

Now, head south to South Clock Town.

South Clock Town

----------------In this area, head all the way to the south end of this area. Go up the rampin the corner and take the path right and down to the Laundry Pool.

Laundry Pool------------

Here, go left and talk to the man with the music box (this only happensbetween 12AM and 6AM). Listen to his little confession, and then he'll giveyou the Bremen Mask. Now, go back up the path to South Clock Town.

South Clock Town----------------

Back here, head north towards the clock tower. When you get there, go rightand up the ramp, then through the door to East Clock Town.

East Clock Town---------------

When you enter this area, go left up the steps, then go up and right to thekid by the hideout entrance. Go down the path and enter this cave. Here, goup the path all the way to the large room. Go up to the water, then jump inand swim all the way left while staying against the wall. That way you'llmiss the Skulltula that'll come down above you. At the end, get onto the leftledge and use the Blast Mask to blow open the hollow wall. Open the chestthere to get 100 rupees on the spot!

Now, get back in the water and swim back to the first platform. Go right ontothe dry ledge and go straight up and out of this cave. Back in East ClockTown (make sure it's around 10AM on the first day; you can use the Song ofTime to warp back there), go right and up into the Mayor's Residence. Go upand talk to the guy who is talking to the secretary to hear his story.

After his data is added to your notebook, go right and into that room. Go inand talk to the fat lady named Madame Aroma. Agree to help her find her son,Kafei, and she'll give you Kafei's Mask. Her data will also be added into

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your notebook. Now, leave this room and go all the way to the other end ofthis hall, then enter that room. Go up and talk to the mayor to hear aconversation between him and some visitors. After that, you'll have theMayor's data added to your notebook. Next, leave this room and go right, thendown and out of this building. Head south down the ramp and go right into theStock Pot Inn.

Here, wait until 2PM, then put on Kafei's Mask and talk to Anju, theinnkeeper. She'll realize you're looking for Kafei as well. After the postmancomes in, drops off a letter, then leaves, talk to Anju again with the maskand she'll ask to meet her at 11:30PM (First Day) in the inn kitchen. Herinformation will also be added to your notebook.

Now, leave this place and do whatever until it's about 11PM, then use theDeku Mask and turn into Deku Link. Use the Deku Flower in East Clock Town andfly onto the roof where you found that Bomber Kid earlier. Turn back intoregular Link, then go up and open the door to secretly enter Stock Pot Inn.Go down the steps to the left, then go around and back to the kitchen. WhenAnju shows up, talk to her and she'll ask for you to mail her letter to

Kafei. Agree and she'll give you the letter, and a promise will be added toyour notebook as a reminder.

Leave the kitchen after Anju does, then go down the hall and up the steps tothe upper floor. Enter the first door to get outside again. There, drop downto the lower area and go up to the postbox (triangular-shaped boxesthroughout Clock Town) and mail the letter to Kafei. Now, head to West ClockTown.

West Clock Town---------------

In this area, enter the Bomb Shop (read the walls next to each door to findit). Buy a Bomb Bag with the rupees you should've been saving up all thistime. It'll also come with 20 Bombs free! Exit the shop and take care ofwhatever you want until 3:30PM on the second day. At that point, go to SouthClock Town and head to Laundry Pool in the southwest area.

Laundry Pool------------

Here, go up and left onto the bridge where the postman and a kid with aKeaton Mask are standing. After the postman leaves, follow the kid along thepath and into the building, which is the back room of the Curiosity Shop.Follow the kid up the steps to the top, then talk to him and keep a secret tohear that he's Kafei. After hearing his story, he'll give you the Pendant ofMemories for Anju. After this is added to the notebook, go back down thesteps and out of this place.

Back outside, head up the path and into South Clock Town, then continueonward to East Clock Town.

East Clock Town---------------

Here, go up and left into Stock Pot Inn. Talk to Anju, then when you have theoption to do so, assign the Pendant of Memories to the C button, then pressthat button and give it to her. She'll become happy and that will be added to

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your notebook. Exit the inn and play the Song of Double Time to warp ahead tothe Dawn of the Final Day.

Now, wander around and wait until the afternoon (around 3:00PM again) and godown to Laundry Pool again.

Laundry Pool------------

Go up across the bridge, then follow the path right and enter the building.Go all the way up the steps and talk to the Curiosity Shop owner to hearabout what happened with Kafei. He'll also give you the Keaton Mask, as wellas express mail you must bring to Madame Aroma quickly. After this guy tellsyou about the thief, Sakon, go down and out of this building. Now, wait untilit becomes night on the Final Day, then go north and west into West ClockTown.

West Clock Town---------------

Enter the post office and talk to the postman, then give him the SpecialLetter. After he agrees to deliver the letter, follow him out of thebuilding. Next, follow him all the way to East Clock Town, where he'll enterthe Milk Bar Latte to deliver the letter to Madame Aroma.

East Clock Town---------------

After he comes back outside, talk to the postman to get the Postman's Hat(listed under the Masks section). Now, use the Song of Time to warp back tothe First Day.

South Clock Town----------------

When you arrive at the first day again, play the Inverted Song of Time toslow down time for you. Then, head south towards the exit of Clock Town. Talkto the guard and he'll move since you have a sword, then continue out toTermina Field.

Termina Field-------------

Here's the large area surrounding Clock Town, which is full of enemies andlinks the four regions together. Time also passes out here, but you can makeit go slower if needed by playing the Inverted Song of Time. I will not betelling you when to play the Song of Time to start at the First Day again,since I don't know exactly what day it is in your game. I'll leave that up toyou, but when you play it, you'll warp back to South Clock Town.

Anyway, start by wandering around the field area for a while to get used tothings. Defeat some nearby enemies and cut down bushes to get some rupees,bombs, etc. When it becomes night, head north of Clock Town towards the snowyregion. You'll find several mushroom-shaped pillars in this area. At 12AM onany night, you'll find a man atop one of them. From the higher ledge, jump

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onto the top of that mushroom and talk to the guy, whose name is Kamaro.Listen to his sad story and he will be added to your notebook.

After that, play the Song of Healing and he'll teach you his dance by givingyou Kamaro's Mask! After he disappears and additional information is enteredinto your notebook, drop down to the snowy area. Now, head west and souththrough the snowy area, then through the beach area. Continue through to thegrassy area and go to the southwest corner of the map. Get through thisforest region and go down to the southwest corner, where you'll find a pathleading to a new area. The sign will say that it's Milk Road and Romani Ranchis up ahead, so go up to enter Milk Road.

Milk Road---------

When you enter this area, go up the path past the first path leading to theleft. Continue up to the second path leading left to a gate, then look up tofind Tingle floating high above from a balloon. Use the Deku Mask to become

Deku Link, then shoot a bubble at it to make Tingle come down. Buy the RomaniRanch map from him, then take off the Deku Mask.

Now, head up the path to find a giant boulder blocking the way. Talk to theman hammering at it to find out someone blocked the way to Romani Ranch withit, so you'll have to come back later. Now, go back down the path until youreach the owl statue and a few bushes to the right. From there, take the pathright to the next area, which is Gorman Track.

Gorman Track------------

Here, go up and talk to the Gorman Brothers. One will have a rude attitude,while the other will try to sell you milk. They'll also be added to yournotebook. Now, go back and exit this area to get back to Milk Road.

Milk Road---------

Back on Milk Road, use the owl statue to save if you want. Then, play theSong of Double Time until you reach the dawn of the Final Day. At that point,head left up the path and the boulder will finally be removed. So, continueup the path to enter Romani Ranch.

Romani Ranch------------

When you enter this area, follow the dirt path up to where it splits. At thatpoint, go right towards the buildings and Tatl will point out Epona in thestable. Link will then run to Epona for a moment. Now, go back down the pathto where it split again and take the left path this time. Continue all theway to the end and you'll see a building in front of you, and another one tothe right. Go right and enter the Cucco Shack.

There, go right and down into the field. Continue straight up through thefield to a tree and talk to the skinny guy sitting there named Grog. He'll beupset since he won't be able to see his chickens grow to be roosters. Afterhis information is added to the notebook, assign and put on the Bremen Mask.

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Now, press and hold B to march, then march all around the field. There are 10small chickens total, so march near one to get it to follow you. After all ofthem are following you, they'll all turn into roosters. After that, Grog willreward you by giving you the Bunny Hood.

After this, go back out of this field area and go through the door to themain ranch area. Follow the path all the way east since there's nothing elseto do here, except leave the ranch.

Milk Road---------

When you get back here, continue east along the path through Milk Road untilyou exit to Termina Field. (You may have to play the Song of Time so you'llbe back in the First Day, so you'll have more time to do things. If youwarped with the Song of Time, go through the south exit of Clock Town toenter Termina Field.)

Termina Field-------------

When you get back here, head directly south of Clock Town into the forestarea. Go up towards the golden tree and Tatl will notice a drawing on it.She'll tell you it was a picture her and Tael drew with Skull Kid. Watch thefollowing FMV about Tatl and Tael meeting Skull Kid, and how they used tohang out with him. After that's all over, continue left around the tree anddown the path to the road leading to the Southern Swamp.

Road to Southern Swamp----------------------

Here, go up the path to the middle of this area. Defeat the Bad Bats and thedifferently colored Chuchu enemies here as well. When you reach the areawhere the path splits, take the right path and use the Deku Mask to turn intoDeku Link. Look up and shoot a bubble at the red balloon to make Tingle comedown. Buy the Woodfall Map from him, then continue down the path to theSouthern Swamp.

Southern Swamp--------------

When you enter this area, head to the right along the dry land. Strike theowl statue with your sword and save/quit if you want. Then, go back to theleft half of the dry land area. Go into the swampy water and follow the pathof lily pads to the next area of dry land. Follow the path up and around tothe Magic Hags' Potion Shop. Go up to the shop, then climb the ladder andenter the shop.

Talk to Kotake (the old hag inside) if you want. You don't have any bottlesyet, so you can't buy potions from her. So, leave the shop and get back downto the ground. Now, go around and behind the shop, then continue up into thecave.

Woods of Mystery----------------

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When you enter this area, go up and talk to the monkey and it'll ask for youto follow it. Follow it through the different parts of this forest (follow itvery closely since it might try to trick you into going to the wrong place)until you reach Koume at the end. She'll be lying on the floor asking foryour help. So, take any of the paths with signs in front of them to get backto the swamp area.

Southern Swamp--------------

Here, go up and through the water to the middle area. Walk around to thefront and climb up the ladder, then enter the potion shop again. Talk toKotake and she'll give you a Bottle with a Red Potion inside to help saveKoume. Now, leave the shop and go back around and into the Woods of Mystery.

Woods of Mystery

----------------Back in this area, talk to the monkey and follow it through the forest againwhile avoiding the enemies along the way for now. When you reach Koume, talkto her and assign the potion to a C button, then give it to her. She'llrecover and fly away, leaving you with an Empty Bottle. Now, take any pathout of this area back to the Southern Swamp.

Southern Swamp--------------

When you reenter this area, get across to the other side of this area, thenfollow the path through the area. At the end, swim through the water whilefollowing the lily pads to reach the dry land again. Go around and up intothe Swamp Tourist Center. Go to the booth to the right and talk to Koume fora free Boat Cruise ride. She'll also give you a Pictograph Box, which you canuse to take pictures.

When you get on the boat, just enjoy the ride until you hit the Octorok inyour way, then you'll continue to the next area. When the boat stops at thedock in front of Deku Palace, choose to disembark, then jump onto the dock.Put on the Deku Mask and become Deku Link, then follow the monkey up and intothe Deku Palace.

Deku Palace-----------

When you enter this place, go up across the bridge to the other side. As DekuLink, talk to the guards in your way and they'll let you pass. Now, gostraight down the hall and enter the room at the end, which is the RoyalChamber. Here, go up around the fire and jump up to the higher platform. Talkto the Deku King and he'll tell you that they're going to punish the monkeythat kidnapped the Deku Princess. Go left to the fenced-off area and talk tothe monkey through the cage. It'll tell you that it really didn't kidnap theprincess.

Now, go back down and out of this room. Talk to the monkey outside blockingyour path and it'll tell you about a secret route to rescue the imprisonedone. After it leaves, go down the hallway a little bit and enter the room to

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the left. When you enter this room, the camera will switch to an overheadview of this maze. There are two guards walking around in this room and ifthey see you, you'll be kicked out of the palace. You can see their line ofsight by looking at the white dots in front of each guard.

Make your way to the first boulder without being seen, then hide behind ituntil the first guard walks around to the other side of it. Follow the pathdown to the next boulder and hide behind there. When it's safe, continue upthe path and avoid the third guard. After that, collect the rupees at the endand enter the next part of this room. Go left and up and stand behind theboulder when the guard is in front of it. Wait until it walks around theboulder, then quickly go down the path and wait for the second guard to walkto the right.

At that point, go up and stand behind the square barrier. When the guardwalks around it, go around the other way and drop down the hole to the right.Here, go left up the hill and talk to the man to get a free sample of MagicBeans. Now, go back down the hill and go left to the water. Use the bottle toget some spring water, then assign the bean to a C button and plant it in the

soft soil patch as regular Link. Then, use the Spring Water to water theplant and it'll grow to a giant platform.

Ride it up to a high ledge and open the chest there to get 20 rupees. Then,get back down to the ground and fill the bottle with Spring Water. Next, goup the hill and buy some more of the Magic Beans for later. Then, go backdown the hill and get out of this cave. Now, go back left and down throughthis area while avoiding being seen by the guards. Get back to the previoussection of this room and get through this area without being seen.

When you reach the end, exit the room and go left to the entrance of thepalace. Start to go across the bridge, then hop to the east across to thelily pad. Hop across the lily pads around to the right side of the palace.When you reach the ledge there, go up and take off the Deku Mask. Now, plantthe Magic Bean in the soft soil there, then water it using the Spring Waterin a bottle.

After that, ride the giant platform up to the top of the palace wall. Jumponto the ledge there and follow the path around to the end. Drop down to theledge below and use the Deku Mask to become Deku Link again. Go up and diveinto the Deku Flower, then launch out of it. Fly up and land on the movingplatform with the next Deku Flower. While on this platform, shoot a bubble atthe Deku Scrub on the left ledge to kill it.

Now, dive into and launch from the Deku Flower and fly to that ledge. There,dive into the next Deku Flower and before you launch, look across the wall infront of you. When the next moving platform with the Deku Flower is visible,launch up and fly onto that platform. Shoot the Deku Scrub with a bubble,then fly to that ledge. Use that Deku Flower and fly to the following ledgein the corner, then follow the path across to the next room at the otherside.

There, shoot the Deku Scrub that's shooting at you, then use the Deku Flowerand fly to that ledge. Fly onto the moving platform up ahead and shoot abubble at the Deku Scrub on the other side of the wall. Then, fly over tothat ledge and dive into the Deku Flower there. Wait for the next movingplatform to come closer, then fly over to it.

Ride the next platform right and up to its highest point, then turn aroundand launch from the Deku Flower and fly to the higher ledge. There, enter thecave to the left to enter the Deku King's room. Drop down to the ground and

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talk to the tied up monkey as regular Link. It'll be happy to see you, thenit'll ask for you to cut it loose. Use your sword a couple times to try andthe monkey will ask if you have a loud instrument.

Turn into Deku Link and pull out the Ocarina (Deku Pipes when you're DekuLink). The monkey will then teach you the Sonata of Awakening. After that,the Deku King will notice you and have you thrown out of the palace. Themonkey will then tell you to enter the Woodfall Temple via a secret passage,the same way the Deku people do.

Back outside, go across the bridge to the middle and hop east onto the firstlily pad. This time, hop onto the lily pad to the right, then onto the ledgeat the end. Use the Deku Flower there and fly onto the higher ledge, then goup to enter the Southern Swamp.

Southern Swamp--------------

Back in this area, go up and defeat the Dragonflies that will appear, thenuse the Deku Flower and fly to the following red platform. Use the DekuFlower there to fly to the next platform, then use that Deku Flower to flyonto the fallen tree. From there, walk onto the next platform and use theDeku Flower there to fly left onto the next ledge.

Upon landing, the owl from the previous Zelda game will appear. It'll tellyou about the owl statues, then ask you to learn the song on the stone it issitting on. After it flies away, check out the stone to learn the Song ofSoaring. After that, use the Deku Flower and fly to the ledge on the otherside of the waterfall. There, go into the cave to enter the Woodfall area.


When you enter this new area, go right and hop across the water to the lilypad. From there, hop across to the next platform. Go up the path and defeatthe Hiploops along the way. Defeat the Deku Scrub at the end and use its DekuFlower to the next ledge down and to the right. Defeat the Deku Scrub whenyou land and walk left across the plank to the other end. Defeat another DekuScrub and use the Deku Flower to fly up to another platform.

When you land, Tatl will point out a Deku Scrub symbol on the floor and saysthat the Dekus may have worshipped there. Turn into regular Link and strikethe owl statue with your Sword, then save your game if you want. Otherwise,stay as Deku Link and use the Deku Flower to fly to the ledge to the east.When you land, defeat the Deku Scrub and use its flower to fly down to theplatform below.

Go up the path and defeat the Hiploop, then defeat the Deku Scrub and fly tothe next ledge. Defeat another Deku Scrub and use the Deku Flower to get tothe following ledge, then go down the path to the other side. Defeat yetanother Deku Scrub and open the chest to get a Heart Piece. Now, use the DekuFlower and fly left to a small ledge. Open that chest to get 20 rupees, thenhop across the water to the lily pad nearby. From there, hop onto the ledgeat the beginning of this area.

Now, play the Song of Soaring and fly to the owl statue at Woodfall. You'llland on the platform with the Deku Scrub symbol and the owl statue (thissaves you time, unless you want to make your way through this area to reach

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this point again). Here, stand on the symbol and play the Sonata ofAwakening, which will cause the giant Woodfall Temple to rise out of thewater in the middle of this area. Now, use the Deku Flower and fly across tothe temple (you'll have just enough time in the air to make it across). Whenyou land, go up and enter the Woodfall Temple.

Woodfall Temple---------------

When you enter this first big dungeon, there are a couple things I shouldpoint out. First, there are dungeon items (Maps, Compass, Boss Key) thatyou'll find along the way, as well as a new item for your inventory. Also,there are 15 Stray Fairies floating around in each dungeon, and I'll list howto get them as I go along in the walkthrough for this place (and for the restof the temples later on, too).

Anyway, go up to the gray part of the platform. Take off the Deku Mask andput on the Great Fairy Mask to make the Stray Fairy in front of you come to

you. You'll then have your first Stray Fairy for this level! Become Deku Linkagain and use the Deku Flower to fly across to the ledge to the right, justaround the tall column. Open the chest to make Stray Fairy #2 come out, thengrab it when it comes near.

Now, use the Deku Flower and fly up to the next ledge. From there, use thatDeku Flower and fly to the platform at the other side of the room. Avoid theSkulltula and go through the door to enter the next room. Here, go left anddown the path to the bottom. Then, defeat the Deku Baba and grab Stray Fairy#3. Next, hop right across the water onto the giant flower-type thing in thewater. Go across it and hop across the water to the next one. Continue thatuntil you reach the platform at the end.

Before going to the next room, go right and hop across the water to aplatform full of pots. Destroy the pots and grab the Stray Fairy #4 that youfind. Now, hop back to the previous ledge and go into the next room. In thisroom, go up and bounce across the water to the Deku Flower in the middle. Useit and fly to the left to the left ledge. Open the chest there to get a SmallKey, then bounce back to the Deku Flower. Now, go to the other side of theroom, then enter the following room.

Become regular Link here and use the Blast Mask or Bombs to flip over theSnappers, then finish them with your Sword. Defeat all 3 of them to make achest appear. Open the chest to get the Map. Now, turn into Deku Link and goback to the previous room. Here, hop up across to the middle platform. Then,continue across to the other side and enter the next room.

Back in this room, go up and bounce onto the first giant flower. Bounce leftand up across them to the next platform, then use the Small Key and open thedoor to reach the new room. Here, go up and push the gray block straightahead, then take the path to the right. Defeat the Skulltula at the end andtake the Stray Fairy #5 it leaves behind. Now, continue along the path to getto the other side of the block. Push the block up a couple times to get itout of your way.

Now, go back to where you defeated the Skulltula and become regular Link.Take out a Deku Stick and light it with the torch, then go back along thepath and go right to an unlit torch. Light it to open the locked door, thengo into the next room. Here, defeat the two Dragonflies to unlock the door,as well as make a chest appear. Open the chest to get the Compass. Now, gothrough the door and back to the previous room.

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There, go up and push the block forward, then turn into Deku Link and lookstraight up. You'll find a beehive hanging from the ceiling, so shoot it witha bubble to make it fall, dropping Stray Fairy #6. Go right onto the platformthat isn't fenced off and wear the Great Fairy Mask to lure the fairy towardsyou. Then, go through the door to the east to the next room. Here, just goback through the door to the previous room to reset the gray block.

Go up and push the block forward, then go left to the torch by the otherdoorway. Turn into regular Link and light a Deku Stick with the torch. Then,go right and up the path to the upper floor and light the unlit torch there.Now, put the Deku Stick away to avoid having to waste an entire stick. Now,pull out a stick again and use the newly lit torch to light it. Next, jumpright over the gap to the next platform, then left to the following one. Goup and use your Deku Stick torch to burn down the cobweb. Now, go up anddefeat the Deku Baba when it stands tall to get more Deku Sticks. Then, godown the hallway and head up the steps at the other end to a darker room.

In this dark room, go up the hall and defeat the Black Boes that come your

way. When you get to the larger room, walk all around and defeat several moreBlack Boes. After you kill them all, a chest will appear in the room. Go andopen the chest behind the torch to get Stray Fairy #7. Now, light a DekuStick using the torch in the center of the room, then go around and light thefour unlit torches around this room.

After you've lit them all, the door in the east side of this room will openfor you. So, go right and through the door into the next room. Here, turninto Deku Link and dive into the Deku Flower. Wait for the first movingplatform to get towards the center of this room, then launch out and fly upto land on it. Try and shoot down the Dragonflies with bubbles, then use thenext Deku Flower and fly to the next moving platform when you get close toit.

Get to the platform in the upper-right corner of the room, then go down thesteps to the first floor again. There, go right and you'll see a Stray Fairytrapped within a bubble. Attack the bubble to destroy it and grab the eighthStray Fairy. Then, go back towards the entrance of this room and continueonward to find a switch. Become regular Link and step on it to make someladders appear leading to the lower part of this room.

Now, go back around to where you collected Stray Fairy #8. Turn back intoDeku Link and use the Deku Flower to fly to the upper-left corner of the room(the ledge with the unlit torch and a switch next to it). When you land, turnback into regular Link and hit the switch to make a chest appear. Now, dropdown to the poisonous water below and bounce onto the platform by the door.Go straight up the path and open the chest at the top to get Stray Fairy #9.Then, drop down to the water below and bounce onto the platform with all thepots.

From there, bounce left onto the next platform and climb the ladders to reachthe upper area. Now, just go through the door in front of you to enter thenext room. In this room, go right and down along the path to the end, then gointo the following room. Here, you'll enter battle against the Dinofols mini-boss, so read the Mini-Bosses section for some help on beating it. Afterthat, the door will open and a chest will appear in the room. Open this chestand you'll finally obtain the Hero's Bow! It comes automatically equippedwith 30 arrows and the regular Quiver as well.

Now, go back and exit this room. Go left and follow the path to the end.There, take out your bow and arrows and shoot the yellow eye on the ledge

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below the north door. Hitting it will cause a platform with a Deku Flower onit to start moving up and down. Go back to the Deku Flower at the entrance tothis room, then turn into Deku Link.

Launch yourself from that flower and fly onto that platform in the middle ofthe room. From there, use the Deku Flower there to fly to the ledge at theother side, then enter the next room. Here, you'll fight the Gekko mini-boss,so read the Mini-Bosses section once again for help on defeating it. Afteryou beat it and the doors unlock, go up into the north part of this room.Open the chest to get the Boss Key for this dungeon.

Then, go back through the door into the main room. There, go across the roomand go through the door there to reach the next room. There, go up and usethe Deku Flower (turn into Deku Link if you're not already) to fly to thewest ledge. Once there, turn around and become regular Link again, then lookto the left of the north door. Shoot the beehive in the alcove of the wall toknock the hive down, revealing a Stray Fairy. Put on the Great Fairy Mask andthat fairy will come to you, then you'll have Stray Fairy #10 for this level.

Next, go through the west door and enter the next room. In this room, go upto the edge of the platform and look down towards the center of the roombelow. Shoot an arrow through the torch in front of you while it's lined upwith the unlit torch in the middle flower-type thing below. Do this right andit'll rise up from the water and detoxifies the water. Now, go right and upthe path to find a Deku Flower, then jump onto the rotating center platformfrom there.

There, you're going to have to perform something that's a real pain to do.You'll notice there is an unlit torch in the upper-left corner of this room.Stand towards the middle of this platform and aim an arrow just above thetorch. When the flame passes in front of you, shoot the arrow through theflame, hopefully lighting that torch. If you're successful, one of the doorswill become unlocked.

Move to the outer part of this platform and jump to the north ledge when youpass by it. Then, go around to the east side of the room and climb down theladder to the lower area. Become Deku Link and bounce up across the flower-like platforms to the west side of the room. Once there, go ahead into thenext room, then become regular Link again. Go left and up into the water,then swim up and right between the barriers to the center area by the trappedfairy. Just touch the bubble and it'll pop, giving you Stray Fairy #11.

Now, swim back around and onto the east ledge, and go back to the previousroom. Go up and swim across to the other side, then climb up the ladder toreach the higher area. There, go around the path to the north door and justgo up into the next room. Here, go forward and climb down the ladder to thelower part of this room. Turn into Deku Link and use the Deku Flower to flyright onto the higher ledge along the south side of the room. Destroy thebubble and collect Stray Fairy #12 inside.

Use the Deku Flower and fly onto the higher ledge, then from there, fly up tothe following ledge. Destroy the bubble that's trapping the fairy, then youcan grab Stray Fairy #13. Now, go right and drop down to the bottom ledge atthe bottom of the ladder. Use the Deku Flower and fly to the ledge on theother side of the room. Fly from ledge to ledge until you reach the ledgewith the trapped fairy on it. Destroy that bubble and you'll have Stray Fairy#14.

Now, use the Deku Flower and fly to the top of the platform to thewest. Defeat the Skulltula that comes down in the middle, as well as any

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nearby Dragonflies. Look to the north to find a fairy trapped in a bubblenear the flame. Shoot the bubble with a bubble attack from Deku Link, thenbecome regular Link and use the Great Fairy Mask to grab Stray Fairy #15.

After that, drop down to the water below and swim to the middle platform witha Deku Flower on it. Become Deku Link and use the Deku Flower there to reachthe higher ledge, then collect the rupees there (20 total). Next, drop downto the lower platform and use the Deku Flower to fly to the south ledge. Fromthere, use that Deku Flower and fly onto the higher ledge to the east.

Use the next Deku Flower to reach the next ledge, then become regular Linkagain and look north to a crystal switch. Shoot it with an arrow (as regularLink) to make all the flames disappear from the room for a limited time. Now,use the Deku Flower and fly up towards the crystal switch, but land on thatcolumn that used to have the flame on it. Use the Deku Flower you find thereto fly right onto the roof of that little platform with the crystal switch.Now, use this Deku Flower and fly north onto the ledge by the door. Open thedoor with the Boss Key and enter this next room.

Walk up a small bit and you'll see the scene of the boss lowering down fromthe ceiling to the ground. When he lands, you'll enter battle against theMasked Jungle Warrior, Odolwa. Read the Bosses section for help on defeatinghim. After you win, collect the Heart Container and step into the blue lightto get Odolwa's Remains. After the mask leaves, watch the scene to learn theOath to Order song.

After you return to the game, Tatl will tell you to head to the mountains forthe next area of the game. Now, go up and cut through the vines in the wayand enter that room to free the Deku Princess. When she's done talking,assign the empty bottle to a C button and use it to contain the princessinside to take her to Deku Palace. Now, go back up and out of the templecompletely.


When you end up here again, you'll notice there's now a path leading straightto the exit of Woodfall. Instead of taking that path, play the Song ofSoaring and fly to the Woodfall owl. When you land, become Deku Link and usethe Deku Flower to fly east to the next ledge. Use the Deku Flower there andfly into the cave carved in the wall.

In that cave, go up and into the fountain to let the 15 Stray Fairies fromthe temple loose. The Great Fairy will then appear and grant you a strongerspinning sword attack. After that, go back and exit this cave. Back outside,become regular Link and jump into the water below. Swim all the way to thenorth end by the exit of Woodfall, then go up and into the Southern Swampagain.

Southern Swamp--------------

Here, go down and drop down to the water below (it's no longer poisonous).Swim up to the dock and use the Deku Mask to become Deku Link again, then goup to enter the Deku Palace.

Deku Palace

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Back in this palace, go up across the bridge and talk to the guards in yourway. After they let you in, go straight up the hall and enter the RoyalChamber. You'll be just in time to see the Deku people punishing theimprisoned monkey. Go around and up to where the Deku King is sitting, thenempty the bottle in front of him. The princess will come out and clobber theking, then order the monkey be freed that instant.

After the apologies are said and done, the monkey will tell you that a butleris outside of the palace in a shrine to the right. Now, go back and exit thisroom, then continue down the hallway past the guards. Go up the bridge alittle bit, then become Deku Link if you're not already and hop right ontothe west lily pad. Hop across the lily pads all the way into the Deku Shrineat the west side of the palace.

In the shrine, go up and talk to the butler. He'll tell you that there'ssomething the Deku people want to give you, and he'll lead you to it. Now,become regular Link and put on the Bunny Hood, then closely follow him

through this cavern. Follow closely and be quick as you navigate through thishellish maze. Try not to fall into a pit because you'll have to start fromthe beginning if you do.

When you finally reach the end of this all, talk to the butler again toreceive the Mask of Scents. Then, step into the blue light to get backoutside. Now, become Deku Link and hop across those lily pads all the way tothe bridge again. There, go south and exit the Deku Palace area completely.

Southern Swamp--------------

When you arrive outside of Deku Palace again, jump in the water as regularLink and swim north. Get onto an island a bit north of the palace, then lightup a Deku Stick using the torch on the island. Use it to burn down the webcovering the door, then enter the building. Go up and a weird Skulltula kidwill come down from the ceiling. Talk to it and it'll ask for you to enterthe house and defeat all the Gold Skulltulas, then come back for a reward. Sogo through the door to enter the Swamp Spider House.

Please read the Spider House section of this guide for help on getting allthe Skulltulas, as well as what you should have before entering this house.After you defeat them all, talk to that spider kid again to get the Mask ofTruth (you'll have to come back later to do all this, obviously). Now, exitthe house and play the Song of Soaring, then fly to the owl at the SouthernSwamp (this is a shortcut to save you some time). When you get there, takethe north path out of the Southern Swamp.

Road to Southern Swamp----------------------

Back on the path between the swamp and Termina Field, head south towards themiddle of this area. There, continue north all the way out to Termina Fieldagain.

Termina Field-------------

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Back in Termina Field, head north through the forest-type area again as ifyou're going into Clock Town. Instead, head around the outer perimeter ofClock Town while going north. When you reach the north section of TerminaField, you'll notice that there's snow on the ground and that you're near theSnowhead area.

Go north and drop down to the lower area, then continue up and left. Then, goup the ramp and follow the path to a blockade of solid ice, which willtemporarily freeze you if you touch it. Aim up with your Hero's Bow and shootthe ice chunk hanging above until it falls, clearing the way. After that,just continue along to the road leading to the Mountain Village.

Road to Mountain Village------------------------

When you enter this snowy area, go up the path and defeat the Blue Tektitesalong the way. You might want to bomb the giant snowballs along the way tofind more enemies or even an item or two. Continue along the path until you

reach the point where the path is blocked by snowballs. Bomb the barrier,then go north and up the ledges to the top. Follow the path up and aroundinto the Mountain Village.

Mountain Village----------------

Upon entering this frozen and snow-covered village, head north and you'llfind a Goron standing on a high ledge to the left. He'll tell you that hewants something tough to eat before he starves, but you can't fix that justyet. Continue up to find an owl statue, so hit it with your sword to activateit. Then, turn around to see Mountain Smithy's building, and follow the pathbehind it to the Twin Islands.

Twin Islands------------

Here, go up the path and defeat the Blue Tektite. Continue up and across thebridge, then defeat the White Wolfos at the other side. After that, continueacross the next bridge and look up to find Tingle hanging from that redballoon. Shoot it down with an arrow and buy the Snowhead map from him. Now,follow the path some more and go across the bridge, then go up into the GoronVillage.

Goron Village-------------

When you enter this frozen village, go up the path and talk to the Goron onthe path. Have him open the door to the Goron Shrine, then go right and dropdown to the lower area. From there, quickly enter the open room, which is theGoron Shrine.

Goron Shrine------------

Here, go left and up the path all the way to the top of this area. Talk tothe Goron standing next to the door to hear that the Elder Goron is gone, and

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his baby won't stop crying! Enter the room and try talking to the baby andit'll call out for its father. So, go back down the path and exit thisshrine.

Goron Village-------------

Back outside, go left and follow the path along the left wall to the top.There, go left and around the path past the Goron guard, then continue upacross the wooden bridge. Go up a bit more and you'll see the owl on a highperch. Drop down to the lower area, then go up towards the owl and it'll talkto you. Tell it you'll proceed, then it'll start to fly over the large gaptowards the east, dropping feathers along the way. Don't worry about notseeing the platforms. Just jump across the gap by following the path of thefeathers.

When you reach the other side, go up and enter the cave. In this cave, go upand open the chest to get the Lens of Truth. Now, cut down the bushes to get

bombs and use one to destroy the boulder to the left. Open the chest you findto get 50 rupees. Make sure to open the other visible chest in the room toget 20 rupees as well. Then, go back and exit this cave. Back outside, usethe Lens of Truth and you'll be able to see all those invisible platforms.

Jump across them all to the other side, then look a little to the left tofind the ghost of a Goron in front of you (you can only see it with thelens). Talk to it and use the Bunny Hood to follow it all around this area.When it stops at the entrance to the area, go up to it and it'll head rightto the Twin Islands, and you should follow it there.

Twin Islands------------

Here, go up across the bridge and use the Lens of Truth to see the ghostagain. Avoid the White Wolfos and follow the ghost all the way across thebridges to the other side of this area. At the end, follow it into theMountain Village.

Mountain Village----------------

Back in the Mountain Village, go up and use the lens to see the ghost for thethird time. Follow it up, then jump across the platforms in the water to theother side. Then, use the Lens of Truth to reveal ladders leading to the topof the cliff. Climb up the ladder to where it ends, then move right andcontinue going up. When the ladder ends again, move left and up some more.Move to the right and continue up to the top of the cliff. At the top, usethe Lens of Truth and follow the ghost into the Goron Graveyard.

Goron Graveyard---------------

In this area, use the lens again and go up to talk to the ghost. Afterlistening to his sad story, play the Song of Healing with the Ocarina. Theghost will then be healed of his sorrows and you will gain the Goron Mask!After that, put on the Goron Mask to become a Goron and read the ghost'sgrave to learn how to do things as a Goron. Then, go behind the tombstone and

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pull it back to reveal a hole, which will fill the room with Hot SpringWater.

Now, use a bottle and fill it with the hot water, then exit this cave. Goleft and empty the bottle on the frozen Goron to thaw him out. After that,you'll hear them talk about how the great Darmani is supposedly still alive.After that, go back in the cave and fill the bottle again with more HotSpring Water. Then, turn around and become regular Link again and exit thiscave.

Mountain Village----------------

Back outside, go up and jump off the ledge and land in the water below.Quickly swim to the ledge at the other side and get out, then go east alongthe path to reach the Twin Islands.

Twin Islands------------

When you enter this area, become Goron Link and roll to the second islandplatform (this is quicker than walking). You'll find a large ice glacierthere. Use the hot water to melt it, revealing a hole in the ground. Dropdown into the cave below, where you'll find another Hot Spring. Fill thebottle again with the Hot Spring Water, then exit this cave and drop down tothe lower part of this area.

Walk around past the snowballs until Tatl turns green and flies over one ofthem. Bomb that one to find the frozen Elder Goron. Then, use the Hot SpringWater to thaw him out. Become Goron Link and talk to the Elder and he won'tbelieve you're Darmani. After that, he'll teach you the Lullaby Intro to helphis son go to sleep.

Now, get to the south part of this area and go up the ramp to the higher area(or roll up the hills as Goron Link to save time). Then, go across thebridges and defeat the White Wolfos along the way. Continue up the bridges tothe end, then enter the Goron Village.

Goron Village-------------

Back in this village again, go up the path and talk to the Goron standingguard. After he opens the Goron Shrine below, go right and drop down to thelower area and enter the shrine.

Goron Shrine------------

Inside, go left and up the path all the way to the top, then go left into theElder's room. Become Goron Link if you're not already and play the LullabyIntro for the crying baby. The baby will then stop crying and teach you therest of the song. You will learn the Goron Lullaby, which replaces theLullaby Intro. Now that you learned this song, the baby will finally go tosleep, as well as the nearby Gorons. So, go back out of this room andcontinue down the path to exit this place.

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Goron Village-------------

Back outside, go left and along the left wall all the way up the path. At thetop, go right to the Twin Islands area.

Twin Islands------------

Here, go straight down the bridge to the first platform. Defeat the WhiteWolfos and continue across the bridges, then defeat a second White Wolfos.Cross the last bridge and follow the path right and up to the MountainVillage.

Mountain Village----------------

Back in the village, head straight across this area. When you're at the otherside of this area, activate the owl statue with the sword and save/quit ifyou want. Otherwise, continue northwest along the path to reach the pathleading to Snowhead.

Road to Snowhead----------------

When you enter this long path to the Snowhead area, go up and defeat theKeese that you find. Then, go back towards the entrance to this area and turninto Goron Link. Curl up and start rolling up towards the path (the snow willslow you down until the spikes come out and you go faster). Roll really fastup the path and jump the ramp to the left across the large pit. At the otherside, continue up the path while avoiding all the large snowballs beingrolled down towards you.

When you reach the end of the long path, use a Goron punch to destroy thesnowball in front of the ramp. Then, go back a little bit and roll to gainspeed. After you gain the spikes, jump the ramp to the other side. There,continue up the path all the way into the Snowhead region.


As soon as you enter this area, become regular Link again and activate thenearby owl statue. That way, you can use the Song of Soaring to fly to thisstatue as well as the others you've activated along the way. After that,become Goron Link and go up to the beginning of the path. Use the Lens ofTruth to see a giant Goron up ahead preventing you from going up this path.So, play the Goron Lullaby and it'll fall asleep, then roll off the cliff.

Now, go up the path and avoid the snowballs along the way. When you reach themore narrow section, punch any snowballs in your way and continue up to theend. Roll up the steep hill to reach the top of Snowhead, then defeat the twoWhite Wolfos that appear. Then, go left and up the hill you come across. Rollup the hill at full power while cutting through the snowballs along the way.At the top, enter the cave to reach the Snowhead Temple.

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Snowhead Temple---------------

When you enter this icy temple, go up and defeat all the White Boes thatappear. Then, destroy the icicles against the north wall and push the giantblock forward until it falls into a ditch (as Goron Link). Then, go into thenext room and defeat the White Wolfos. After that, go through the door to theright to enter the next room.

There, go up and face the bridge, then curl up and roll in the snow to buildpower. Then, speed across the bridge and jump the gap to reach the otherside. Now, become regular Link and jump across the gap to the north platform,then go up to the second floor. Here, go right and claim Stray Fairy #1 outin the open. Then, use the Hero's Bow and shoot the Real Bombchu enemy todefeat it from a distance. Next, go left and open the chest in the corner toget the Map.

After that, go back down the steps to reach the first floor. There, jump back

across the gap and go right into the next room. You'll see exactly how largethis temple is as soon as you enter this room. Go up across the center ofthis room, then go through the only accessible door at the other side toreach the following room. Here, turn into Goron Link and pull the gray blocksback 3 times. Enter the hidden room and open the chest there to get a Key.

Exit this small room and push the two blocks across the room all the way tothe small ditch at the end. After you do that, a chest will appear on a highledge. You can't claim this chest yet, so play the Song of Soaring to returnto the entrance of this temple. Once you get there, defeat the White Boesagain. Punch through the icicles and walk into the next part of the room,then defeat the White Wolfos and use the Key to enter the room to the left.

In this room, go up and defeat any White Wolfos that come out. Open the chestin the middle of the room to get the Compass. Now, go up to find a crackedwall, then become regular Link and bomb the wall. After that, back up andtake out another bomb, then wait until it's about to explode. Move up andthrow it up at the pillar to the right of the steps to reveal Stray Fairy #2.Use the Great Fairy's Mask to claim it. Now, go up the steps to reach thesecond floor again.

Up here, look up and shoot down all the icicles and ice clusters on theceiling to break all the ice blocks on the ledges. Then, jump onto the lowestledge and jump to the following ledge from it. Look at the right wall and usethe Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden room. Reach it by jumping to the nextledge, then right into that room. Open the chest to get Stray Fairy #3, thengo back out and onto that ledge again.

Continue jumping across the ledges to the other side of the room. When youreach the last ledge before the platform at the other side, jump onto thehigher ledge to the left. There, destroy the large snowball as Goron Link andopen the chest you find to get a Key. Next, become regular Link and get downto the lower area, then go east and unlock the door to reach the next room.

In this room, use the Lens of Truth and look up toward the ceiling to find afairy trapped in a bubble. Shoot the bubble with an arrow, then use the GreatFairy's Mask to gain Stray Fairy #4. Then, go down to the lower part of thisroom and defeat all the White Boes. After that, go up the ramp to the highersection again and go up the path to find a switch. Become Goron Link and slamonto the switch (stand on the switch and curl up, then hold B) to make acouple platforms rise for you.

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Now, become regular Link again and jump left onto the ledge. Continue up andleft to the next switch and crush it as Goron Link to make another switchrise in the middle of the room. Now, go back along the path to the highyellow platform you used to get here, then slam that one down. Now, quicklybecome regular Link and go right and jump onto the low platform nearby. Fromthere, jump onto the higher ledge and go left through the door into the nextroom.

As soon as you enter this room, become Goron Link and start rolling towardsthe center of this room. You'll pick up enough speed to jump the gap to theother side. There, go up and roll right along the wall to the east side ofthis room. Once there, stand in the snowy part of the platform and turn righttoward the middle of the room. Roll up and gain enough power to jump thisgap, then go through the door at the other side to reach the next room.

When you enter this room, you'll enter battle against the mini-boss calledWizrobe. Read that section for help on defeating it. After you beat it, achest will appear in the middle of the room. Open it to gain the Fire Arrows!

Then, play the Song of Soaring to return to the entrance of this temple. Oncethere, go up and defeat the White Boes, then cut through the icicles blockingthe path. Go up and left through the door into the next room.

Here, go up and you'll see a gray block to the left that's surrounded by ice.Use a Fire Arrow to melt it, then push it to the north. Then, go and push ittowards the east. After that, push it right across to the other side of theroom so you can climb onto it, then jump from it to the higher ledge. Now, goto the back of the room and use a Fire Arrow to melt the ice block to reveala switch. Hit the switch to make a chest appear on that high ledge.

Go back and climb onto the block and onto the ledge, then open the chest toget Stray Fairy #5. Now, get behind the block (your back should be to theeastern entrance of this room) and push the block west, north, and westagain. Climb onto the block and get onto the higher ledge, then go into thenext room. There, go up and jump onto the stack of gray blocks from earlier.From there, jump across to the next ledge and avoid the pots that'll try tocrash into you. Use your shield to block them, then go right and open thechest to get Stray Fairy #6.

Then, play the Song of Soaring yet again and warp to the dungeon's entrance.Go up and cut through the icicles after beating the several White Boes again.Then, go up and defeat the White Wolfos and use a Fire Arrow to melt the iceblock in front of the north door. After that, go up and into the next room.Here, go left and follow the path all the way around to the door blocked byice. Melt the use with a Fire Arrow and enter the following room.

Go up to the edge of the platform and look around the room to find 3Freezards blowing their icy breath. Shoot them all with Fire Arrows to make achest appear in the room. Now, jump across the ledges to the north platformand open the chest to get Stray Fairy #7. After you get that fairy, turnaround and use Fire Arrows to light the 3 unlit torches in the room. When youdo that, you'll unlock the door, so jump across to the door directly acrossthe pit (it's the middle door on the map) and enter that room.

There, become Goron Link and pound the switch to make the middle platform inthis room rise to the top floor. It'll also make another switch on the floorbelow rise. Now, become regular Link and go to the previous room. There, dropdown to the floor below. Go south and through the door there to reach thenext room. Here, go up and right and become Goron Link. Defeat the RedBubble, then walk over the switch in the lava (you don't get hurt by lava in

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Goron form).

After the chest appears, go up to the next lava pool and open it to findStray Fairy #8. Then, go to the east and head up the stairs to the firstfloor. There, left and through that door into the following room. Go up andright onto the first section of the bridge, then become regular Link andshoot the Freezards and the ice block with Fire Arrows. After you kill themall, a chest will appear. Go back to the entrance of the room and walk alongthe path to the left of the door. Open the chest to get a Key.

Then, become Goron Link and drop down the pit to the floor below. When youget down there, get to the north section of this area. Become regular Linkand look up to find a Stray Fairy trapped in a bubble. Shoot an arrow at thebubble, then use the Great Fairy's Mask to get Stray Fairy #9. Then, go southa tiny bit and look up at the ledge under the bridge to find another trappedfairy. Shoot it with an arrow and use the mask to free Stray Fairy #10.

Next, become Goron Link and head south through the lava pool. Climb up theladder at the other side to get back up to the first floor. There, go left to

the snow before the bridge. Start rolling in the snow, then roll at fullspeed across the bridge to the other side. At the other side, become regularLink and jump across to the north ledge and go up the stairs to the secondfloor.

Up there, defeat the Real Bombchu in front of you with an arrow, then equipthe Fire Arrows and aim up to the higher ledge. Shoot the Freezard to killit, revealing a frozen eye switch behind it. Jump onto the middle platformand shoot that switch with a Fire Arrow to activate it. The middle platformwill then move upward, so go up and jump to the right platform. Walk aroundthe path to the southeast corner of the room, then use the Lens of Truth toreveal several blocks forming steps to a higher ledge. Jump from block toblock until you reach the top, then open the chest you find to get StrayFairy #11.

Now, turn around and drop down to the floor below. Stand on the middleplatform and shoot at the eye switch to the north. Ride the platform up andjump to the next ledge, then go through the door in front of you to reach thenext room. In this room, go right and drop down onto the grating that'ssupposed to keep you from falling to the floors below. Go around and climbthe ladder at the other side, then shoot a Fire Arrow at the ice block in thedoorway to melt it. Now, go up the steps to the third floor.

There, become Goron Link and roll along the snow bank against the wall to thewest ledge. Then, unlock the door and enter the next room. Here, defeat theEenos throughout this room. Get to the west part of the room and you'll finda few icicles on the ground, as well as snow on the wall. Use the Lens ofTruth to see a hidden fairy trapped in a bubble. Shoot it with an arrow anduse the Great Fairy's Mask to get your Stray Fairy #12. Now, get to the northsection of the room and use a Fire Arrow to melt the ice blocking thedoorway. After that, go up the stairs to the fourth floor.

In this new room, go up and defeat the two Dinofols and collect the StrayFairies #13 and #14 they leave behind. After you do that, go through the doorin the southeast part of the room to reach the following room. Here, just gostraight across this room and enter the room at the other side. You'll haveto fight the Wizrobe in this room. Read the Mini-Bosses section for help onbeating it. After you win, go through the northwest door to reach the nextroom. Open the chest here to get the Boss Key.

After that, go through the door to the left of the chest. Follow the path

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left and destroy the icicles in your way, then go across to the west side ofthe room. Go through the door to reach the next room. There, defeat the twoDinofols and go north, then go down the stairs to the floor below. In thisnext room, defeat the Eenos and go through the east door to the next room.Here, become Goron Link and roll left along the snow bank to reach the nextplatform. Then, go down the stairs to the second floor.

Go up to the middle pillar and Tatl will point out the difference in colorsin that pillar. Punch out the two blue sections in the pillar, then go backup the stairs to the previous floor. Go up to the center pillar and punch outthe first blue section. Then, go back and roll right along the snow bank tothe next section. There, go left to the pillar and punch the other bluesection to level the top of the pillar. Now, go back and roll across thatsnow bank, then go right to the middle of the room. Go straight across andpunch apart the four snowballs in your path. Then, go up the stairs to thefourth floor.

There, start rolling straight ahead and you should get enough speed to jumpthe gap. At the other side, become Deku Link and activate the Lens of Truth.

Then, look down towards the northwest corner of the room a couple floors downand you should see a hidden Deku Flower there. With the lens still on, diveand launch from the nearby flower and float all the way down to that ledge.When you land there, open the chest in the room to get the final Stray Fairyof this temple!

Now, use the Deku Flower to fly up and left onto the north pathway. Go up thesteps to the next floor and become Goron Link again, then go straight acrossthe room and up to the 4th floor. There, roll up and across the gap, then goup and break the icicles. Use the Boss Key to open the door. Enter this roomand you'll see the boss is frozen solid nearby. Become regular Link and use aFire Arrow to thaw it and you'll enter battle against Goht. Read the Bossessection for help on winning this fight.

After you defeat Goht, collect the Heart Container it leaves behind and stepinto the light to get Goht's Remains! You will then enter a scene where youcommunicate with Goht for a moment. After that, the entire Goron Village willthaw out and become warm again. You will then return to the Mountain Village.

Mountain Village----------------

When you arrive back in the thawed out village, play the Song of Soaring andfly to Snowhead again.


When you get here, go up and talk to the large Goron and he'll have no cluewhat happened. Go all the way up the path towards the end, then roll up theramp to the top. Then, follow the path right to a cave on the east side ofthis area. Enter the cave and go up to the fairy fountain, then the GreatFairy will appear and give you an enhanced magic meter for finding the 15Stray Fairies! Now, exit this cave and play the Song of Soaring again to warpto the Mountain Village owl.

Mountain Village----------------

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When you arrive here again, go across the bridge and enter the smithy'sbuilding. Pay 100 rupees and get the Razor Sword forged (you can only do thison the First and Second Days). Then, go back outside and play the Song ofDouble Time to get to the next day. At that point, reenter the smithy andclaim your new sword, which you can use 100 times before it disappears. Now,leave the shop and go southeast to the Twin Islands area.

Twin Islands------------

In this area, go up and across the first bridge. Defeat the Wolfos and goacross more bridges to the second large platform. Take care of the Wolfosthere and continue up into the Goron Village.

Goron Village-------------

When you enter this village, go right and down the ramp to the lower area.Then, go left and into the Goron Shrine.

Goron Shrine------------

Here, go all the way up the path to the top, then become Goron Link and talkto the Elder. He'll thank you and tell you about how the Goron Races havestarted, and that you should go to them. So, go back down the path and exitthis shrine.

Goron Village-------------

Outside, go left and around the path to the north section of the village. Gonorth to a cave with a sign next to it talking about Powder Kegs. Becomeregular Link and enter that cave. Go down the 3 hills and become Goron Link,then talk to the big Goron to be tested with a Powder Keg. He'll tell you tobring it all the way to the Goron Racetrack to destroy the boulder in theway. So, pick up the lit Powder Keg and throw it up onto the top of the firsthill, then roll up to it. Repeat that until you get out of the cave, then goup and right along the path going up. At the top of this path, go straight tothe Twin Islands area.

Twin Islands------------

When you enter this area with the Powder Keg, go across the bridges whileavoiding the Wolfos along the way. When you reach the other side of thisarea, go right and throw the keg up to the ledge above the first ramp. Rollup to it and throw it again, then continue that until you get to the top.Place the Powder Keg next to the boulder, then get away before it explodes.The path to the track will now be open, so go up and enter the GoronRacetrack.

Goron Racetrack

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When you enter the now open racetrack, go up and talk to the Elder's son.Choose to race and he'll give you some information about racing. All theGorons will then line up on the starting line, so curl up and wait until itsays go. Then, start rolling down the track for the race. Be sure to destroythe green pots along the way if you're running low on magic power. After youwin the race, the kid will reward you with a Bottle filled with Gold Dust.Now, go right and exit this track completely.

Twin Islands------------

Back in the Twin Islands area, go right and down all the hills. Then, goright along the path to the Mountain Village again.

Mountain Village

----------------When you enter this village again, go up the path to the middle of this area.Go left and up the steps into the smithy, then talk to the guy inside asregular Link. Give him the Gold Dust and he'll make you a stronger sword, butyou have to wait until the next day to pick it up. When you get back outside,play the Song of Double Time until you reach the following day, then reenterthe smithy. Talk to the guy again and you'll have your new Gilded Sword,which is MUCH more powerful than your old swords. Now, exit this place and goeast to the Twin Islands area.

Twin Islands------------

As with all the other times you were here, just go up across the bridges anddefeat the Wolfos along the way. Continue through this area until you reachthe Goron Village.

Goron Village-------------

Upon entering this area, go left and take the far-left path all the way downto the lower area. There, go left and become regular Link, then climb up intothe cave. Go down the hills and become Goron Link. Talk to the big Goron toget a free Powder Keg since you're now certified to use them! Now, roll backup the hills and exit this cave. Outside, play the Song of Soaring and fly toMilk Road. If it's not the First Day, play the Song of Time to warp back toDay 1, then collect some bombs, arrows, nuts, etc. After that, head south toMilk Road.

Milk Road---------

When you appear at Milk Road, head west to the large boulder blocking thepath to the ranch. Place the Powder Keg there and move away quickly before itexplodes. After that, go up the path and into Romani Ranch.

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and you'll have to make a detour through the Gorman Racetrack area. When youenter that area, Cremia will tell you to get ready to shoot off pursuers,which are the Gormans. As you ride through here, shoot at them to keep themaway from the wagon. Just keep them at bay until you get out of there, thenthe mission will also be a success.

Cremia will drop you off outside of East Clock Town and give you Romani'sMask as a way of saying thanks. After Cremia leaves, play the Song of Time toget back to Day 1, then play the Inverted Song of Time to slow down time abit. Also, withdraw a few rupees from the bank in West Clock Town. Buy a RedPotion from the Trading Post, then get back out to Termina Field.

Termina Field-------------

When you get out here again, ride around for a while and cut through thebushes to fill up on bombs, arrows, and rupees. Then, head to the easternpart of Termina Field while riding Epona. Once you get there, take the path

directly east into the road leading to Ikana, as I call it.

Road to Ikana-------------

When you enter this area with Epona, follow the path east while jumping overthe fences along the way. Don't worry about the Real Bombchus since theycan't hurt you while you're riding Epona. Continue jumping fences until youreach the large middle area, then go right and look for a circle of stones.

Get off Epona and put on the Garo's Mask, then use the Lens of Truth toreveal a soldier sitting there. Talk to him, then give him the Red Potion toget him back on his feet. You'll then receive the Stone Mask as thanks forthe help. Now, get back on Epona and head back west over the fences and outof this area completely for now.

Termina Field-------------

Back in Termina Field, head all the way to the west half by riding Epona.Ride down the path west of Clock Town to reach the beach area. Continue westwhile feeding Epona carrots to gain speed, then jump over the large fence atthe end and follow the path to the Great Bay Coast.

Great Bay Coast---------------

When you enter this new area, go down the path and jump over the fences alongthe way. When you reach the beach area, continue up to the bay and get offEpona. Jump in the water and swim out to the building in the water. Climbonto the platform and activate the owl statue with your Sword, then aim upand shoot down Tingle's red balloon. When he lands, talk to him and buy theGreat Bay map for 20 rupees. Then, climb up the nearby ladder and enter theMarine Research Lab.

Marine Research Lab-------------------

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Here, go up and talk to the old man to find out about the Zora Eggs that aresupposed to be hatching. He'll also tell you that the Zoras are late inarriving. Now, leave the building.

Great Bay Coast---------------

Out here again, jump back into the water. Then, swim to the south towards thebeach again, where you'll find some seagulls hovering overhead. You'll alsofind a Zora laying in the water there. He'll ask you to bring him back toshore. Get behind him and push him to shore, then he'll walk onto the beachand faint. Go up and talk to him again and you'll find out he's Mikau of theZora band. Listen to his little song, then play the Song of Healing to healhim. After watching a little FMV, the Zora will disappear and leave the ZoraMask behind, which will become your own.

After you get the mask, become Zora Link and swim out to the building in the

bay. Surface there and climb up the ladder, then enter the lab again.

Marine Research Lab-------------------

Talk to the man inside and he'll ask you to get the 7 Zora Eggs and put themin his aquarium. So, leave the building again.

Great Bay Coast---------------

Here, go down and get into the water, then swim back to the shore. Go up tothe buildings by the beach and enter the Fisherman's Hut (it's the one withthe sign in front). Talk to him as Zora Link, then check out the seahorse inthe tank to the left. The fisherman will agree to give it to you if you canget a picture of one of the Gerudos for him.

Now, leave the hut and take note of the other building nearby. That's theOceanside Spider House, and you should come back later after you've obtainedthe Hookshot. Now, become regular Link and get on Epona, then ride east andout of the Great Bay area.

Termina Field-------------

Back in Termina Field, go up the path and jump the high fence, then continueeast to Clock Town.

West Clock Town---------------

When you enter Clock Town again, if it's not the First Day, play the Song ofTime now. Then, head to East Clock Town. Go through the entire tradingsequence with Anju and Kafei (read how to find the Keaton Mask for details).After you get the Special Letter to Mama, wait until the Milk Bar, Latteopens at 10PM on the Final night.

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East Clock Town---------------

Head over to the Milk Bar, Latte at 10PM and enter with Romani's Mask on.Talk to Madame Aroma inside while wearing Kafei's Mask and give her theletter to get a Bottle filled with Chateau Romani. Unfortunately, you won'treally have a use for it at this point in time. So, exit the bar and play theSong of Time to warp back to Day 1.

South Clock Town----------------

Play the Inverted Song of Time to slow things down, then get to West ClockTown and go to the Trading Post. Buy a couple of Red Potions if you want (ifyou need rupees, withdraw some from the bank), then leave the shop. Go northand west to exit Clock Town.

Termina Field-------------

In Termina Field again, ride around the area on Epona and destroy the bushesto get rupees, bombs, and arrows. Alternatively, I find that rolling aroundas Goron Link gets this done faster. When you're ready, play the Song ofSoaring and warp to the Great Bay again.

Great Bay Coast---------------

When you appear in the Great Bay Coast again, become Zora Link and jump intothe water. Swim towards the shore, then head north and around the bend.Continue going north all the way to the end, then dive to the bottom of thebay. You will find a few wooden boards covering up something at the bottom ofthe north wall. Ram into the middle one to reveal a hole, then swim downthrough the hole to emerge at the Pirates' Fortress.

Pirates' Fortress-----------------

When you emerge here, go up the path to get a view of where you must headtowards. You'll also notice all the Gerudo guards on boats patrolling thearea, so be careful. To make this easy, become regular Link and put on theStone Mask to become invisible to the Gerudos. Then, go up the path and jumpinto the large lagoon. Avoid the Skullfish here and climb onto a Gerudo boatwhen one passes, then ride it north across the lagoon. When you reach thenorth end, get off and go up the path to a switch. Become Goron Link andpound the switch to open up an underwater chamber.

Now, wait for the boats to leave the north section of this area, then becomeZora Link and dive into the water. Swim all the way to the southeast sectionof the lagoon and swim up and through that now open passage into the sewersystem under the fortress. When you enter that area, swim through the tunneland ram into the wooden board in the fence. Swim down through the hole, thendive so you can walk on the floor.

Go up and push the gray block forward until it stops. Then, take the path to

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the left to reach the next block. Pull that one back until it stops, then goback around the path to where the first block was. Then, swim right andaround the bend, and destroy the wooden board in the fence. Break through thefollowing board, then swim up and right through this room. At the end, ridethe water jet up to the next section of this room.

There, press B to walk on the ground and walk up the path, avoiding contactwith the spiked mines. At the end of the hallway, surface and climb onto theledge and go through the door into the next room. In this room, swim throughthis room while avoiding those mines again. Go up the ramp to the right andreach the dry ledge, then become Goron Link and go up the steps to the higherledge. Destroy the large barrels at the top and step on the floor switch,which will open the room below with the Piece of Heart inside if you want it.

Then, become Zora Link and use the boomerang-type attack (hold B) to hit thecrystal switch on the other ledge to temporarily open the gate. Now, quicklyjump off the ledge into the water below. Then, swim through the opening gatebefore it closes to reach the next room. In that new room, stay at thesurface of the water and swim north down the hallway. Avoid the mines along

the way and stay on the surface since the fast-moving current below will pushyou out of the fortress if you get caught by it.

Continue up and left, then up a ladder to a higher platform. There, becomeregular Link and step on the switch in front of you to open a wall panel witha crystal switch in it. Now, stand on the nearby round platform and shoot thecrystal switch with an arrow, then ride the water jet up to the next floor.Jump off at that point and climb up the nearby ladder. At the top, lookthrough the telescope to see the Gerudo Fortress. Zoom in below the middletower and you'll get a glimpse of where you must go next.

Now, turn around and shoot the mines in the air with arrows to get a clearview of the crystal switch. After that, shoot the switch to open the doorbelow. Then, drop down to the lower area and go through the door to getoutside again. There, follow the path north and up the ramp, then enter thefortress at the top of the ramp.

When you enter this fortress, make sure you become regular Link and wear theStone Mask at all times. That way, the Gerudo guards won't see you and youwon't have to risk being caught. Now, head south towards the middle of thisarea. Climb up the ladder to reach the top of the guard tower, then cross thebridge and slash the Gerudo as you go across to continue across the bridge.At the other side, go around and up and through the door into the fortressitself.

Here, go up the hall and Tatl will notice a bee flying into a beehive inanother room. You'll also witness a conversation between a guard and theirleader, Aveil. After the conversation, look through that barred window anduse the bow to shoot down the beehive to the right. All the Gerudo guards inthat room will run away because of the bees, leaving the treasure unguarded.Now, go back left and exit this room. Outside, jump to the right to a lowerledge and go through the door to enter the fortress. Go up and enter the mainroom, then open the chest to get the Hookshot!

Now that you have this valuable item, look to the left to see an aquariumwith a Zora Egg in it. Use the Hookshot to pull up to a wooden plank abovethe tank, then drop onto the top of the tank. Become Zora Link and sink tothe bottom of the tank, then use a Bottle to obtain Zora Egg #1. After that,get out of the tank and put on the Stone Mask again, then get outside again.Get down to the middle area of this outside section, then head north. Use theHookshot on the targets to get to the higher ledge. Get onto the ledge in the

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northwest corner of the map and enter that room.

There, go up to the wall, then go left and head down the hallway. Follow thepath to the end and enter the next room. In that room, go up and a GerudoPirate will come down to attack since they can see through your mask. Defeatthe pirate by using Z-Targeting and attacking with your Sword, and alsodefending when she attacks. After you beat the pirate and she disappears,enter the next room and Hookshot onto the wood above the tank. Get onto theledge at the top of the tank and use the Hookshot to kill off all theSkullfish and the Desbreka in the water. Then, become Zora Link and dive tothe bottom of the tank. Use an empty Bottle to claim Zora Egg #2, and openthe chest there to get 20 rupees.

Now, get out of the tank and go through the door to the right to exit thisarea, making sure you have the Stone Mask on. Back outside, go along thenorth part of this area and you'll see a Hookshot target on the higher ledge.Hookshot onto it, then aim up and left and pull yourself to that target.Then, look to the east ledge and Hookshot up and onto the higher ledge in thenortheast part of this area. Now, go across the bridge and enter the room

there. Here, drop down to the main part of this room and open the big chestto get 100 rupees. Next, go up the ramp to the east of the chest, then gothrough the door into the next room. Go up and defeat the Gerudo Pirate thatappears, then go through the door with the torches on either side of it toreach the next room.

In this room, Hookshot up to the top of the tank. Then, claim Zora Egg #3like you did before in the other aquariums. After you get this egg, go downthe path to the right of the tank and exit this room while wearing the StoneMask. Back outside again, drop down to the lower area and head to the southhalf now. There, you'll find Hookshot targets on the ledges, so Hookshot ontothe first ledge. Then, Hookshot onto the southwest ledge in this area andenter the room to the east to enter the fortress again (go through the otherdoorway to exit this area completely).

In here, simply go right and up across this room since you have the StoneMask on. At the other side, go through the door and enter the next room.Here, defeat another Gerudo Pirate and go up into the following room. Get upand into the tank again as Zora Link, then claim Zora Egg #4 in your fourthBottle.

After that, take the path left of the tank back outside. Open the chestnearby to get 20 rupees, then play the Song of Soaring and fly to the GreatBay Coast. Make sure you took a pictograph of one of the Gerudo guards first!

Great Bay Coast---------------

When you land here, go up the ladder and become Zora Link, then enter thelab.

Marine Research Lab-------------------

Talk to the old guy inside, then climb the large ladder to the right of theaquarium tank. Then, empty the Bottles one by one above the tank and the ZoraEggs will fall into the water (you have to find the right spot to stand,otherwise you won't be able to drop the eggs in). After you empty all 4Bottles, exit the lab and swim east to the shore.

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Great Bay Coast---------------

Back at the beach, go up towards the buildings and enter the Fisherman's Hut.Use Z-Targeting and talk to the seahorse in the tank. The fisherman willoffer to trade it for a pictograph of a guard, so give him the picture andhe'll give you the Sea Horse, which will be put in one of your currentBottles. Now, leave the hut and go back out to sea. In the sea, you'll noticethat there are two large rocks next to each other on the left side of themap. Swim out to those rocks and swim in between them to enter the PinnacleRock area.

Pinnacle Rock-------------

When you enter this area, dive down so you can walk at the bottom of the

water. Walk to the west and read the first signpost to find out there's murkywater ahead. Now, release the seahorse from the Bottle and it'll direct youto the actual Pinnacle Rock. Follow it through the murky water to the end,then it'll ask you to defeat all the snakes in this area and find its friend.So, continue up the path and press B to descend the long dive to the bottom.

Along the way down, you'll notice that there are small caves in the walls.Each cave is inhabited by a Deep Python, which are those snakes you're hereto defeat. There are 8 of them total, so starting from the bottom, go to eachcave and lure it out of the cave. Then, hit it twice with a barrier attack (B+ R) to kill it. Be sure to enter their caves after you beat them, then pickup the 3 Zora Eggs left in this area and put them in Bottles.

After you kill all 8 snakes, find the 3 Zora Eggs, and find the seahorse'sfriend (you get a Heart Piece for this), swim back up to the surface. Then,start swimming east towards the two rocks and you'll warp to them quickly.There, just swim east to reach the Great Bay Coast again.

Great Bay Coast---------------

When you arrive here again, talk to the Zora that's nearby, then swim southto the Marine Research Lab. Climb onto the platform in front, then go up theladder and into the lab.

Marine Research Lab-------------------

Go up and climb the big ladder to get on top of the large tank, then emptythe last 3 Zora Eggs into that tank. After all 7 eggs are there, jump backdown and look into the tank to see them all hatch and line up against thewall to form musical notes. Become Zora Link and talk to the man and he'llask if you have an instrument. Take out your Ocarina (or the guitar as ZoraLink) and play the notes that appear onscreen to learn the New Wave BossaNova song.

The old man will tell you to go play that song for the Zora that laid allthose eggs. Now, leave this building and get into the water again.

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Great Bay Coast---------------

Swim back to the beach and go south to find a cave. Enter the cave to reachthe Zora Cape, which is what I'll call it.

Zora Cape---------

When you enter this southern area of the Great Bay region, head east alongthe beach. When you reach a broken tree in the path, stand on it and Hookshotyourself onto the tree. Then, Hookshot onto a ledge above. Continue using theHookshot to go from ledge to ledge until you get to the top area. Enter thecave there to reach the Waterfall Rapids.

Waterfall Rapids

----------------Dive in the water as Zora Link and swim over to the beaver floating on thesurface. When he sinks to the bottom, do so as well. Talk to the beaver againto race. You have to swim through 20 rings before time's up to win. After youwin the first race, you'll have to race the bigger brother and go through 25rings. When you win that race (you just have to go through all the rings),you'll win your fifth Bottle! Now, go back and exit this area.

Zora Cape---------

Jump into the water below and head northwest along the beach. Then, go westto the water. Swim out to the island in the middle of the water, then climbonto the back end of it to find Lulu, the Zora singer. Try talking to her andshe'll just look sad. Play the New Wave Bossa Nova and a giant turtle willwake up out of the water.

Before getting on it, become regular Link and activate the owl statue nearby.Then, use the Hookshot and latch onto the palm tree on the giant turtle'sback. It'll then take you right into the Great Bay Temple.

Great Bay Temple----------------

When you arrive at this temple, you'll jump off the turtle and onto thetemple itself. In this first room, go around and light the 4 torches withFire Arrows to make a chest appear. Open it to get Stray Fairy #1. Now, gonorth and into the next room. Here, you'll notice a giant waterwheel aboveyou, which is what the temple is based around. For right now, get onto theplatform to the left that moves up and down. Ride it to the top, then jumponto the platform with all the rupees on it. Collect the rupees and defeatthe Skulltula that comes down, then grab the Stray Fairy #2.

Next, become Zora Link and dive into the water, then swim under the southplatform where you entered the room. Destroy the bubble under the platform tofree Stray Fairy #3. Next, swim to the northeast corner of the room and divedown so you can stand on the yellowish platform. There, turn the valve tocause a water jet to shoot upward nearby. Now, get back onto the south

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platform by the door and wait for the left platform (when facing the door) tocome down.

Ride it up to the higher ledge and defeat the Skulltulas, then go up to theother side of this platform. Wait for the water jet to lower, then jump onand ride it up to the higher ledge. There, follow the path around and up theramp into the next room. In this room, become regular Link and Hookshot overto the barrel on the west platform. Destroy the barrel as Goron Link and grabStray Fairy #4. Then, become Zora Link again and jump into the water currentsbelow. Dive to the bottom and destroy the pot there while fighting thecurrent to get Stray Fairy #5.

Then, swim up to the southeast section while staying close to the wall, thentake the underwater path there (it's the one with the red and green pipesgoing into it; green on the left, red on the right). Follow the current intothe next room, then defeat the Skullfish swimming around. Surface and climbonto the platform to the left of where you entered the room. Become regularLink and use the Hookshot to pull yourself to the large chest on the middleplatform. Open the chest to get the Map, then use your Hookshot to destroy

the pots on the nearby platform to find a Stray Fairy. Use the Great Fairy'sMask to retrieve Stray Fairy #6.

Now, become Zora Link and dive into the water. Go north and you'll findanother underwater path to the left. Defeat the two Dexihands with theBoomerang attack, then swim through the passage to reach the next room.There, be careful and defeat the 3 Bio Deku Babas above you by hitting themwith a barrier attack. Then, swim up to the surface and climb onto a lilypad. Destroy the Bio Deku Baba hanging on the ceiling at the south end ofthis room.

After you beat it, become regular Link and Hookshot onto the chest thatappears. Open it to get Stray Fairy #7, then jump across the lily pads to thenorth ledge. Go through the door into the next room. In this room, go up andinto the water and defeat the enemies here as Zora Link. Then, open the chestat the bottom to get a Key. Now, swim up to the surface and climb onto one ofthe lily pads. Become regular Link and use an arrow to destroy the RealBombchu on the high ledge. Then, grapple onto the large chest with theHookshot and open it to get the Compass.

Next, get into the water and swim across to the large platform. Stand at theedge of the water to the left of the door and look down to find a couple ofDexihands and a pot. Use the Hookshot to destroy the pot, then use the GreatFairy's Mask to get Stray Fairy #8. Now, become Zora Link and jump into thestrong water currents to be pushed into the main room with the turbine.There, press B to sink to the bottom of the water, then stay against the wallas the current pushes you. When you reach the northwest corner of the room,swim into the tunnel and you'll be pushed into the next room.

Defeat the 2 Shell Blades here and swim up to the surface. Get to the eastside of the room while avoiding the Octoroks, then walk up the red pipe toget out of the water. Defeat the Real Bombchu using the boomerang attack,then continue around to the north platform. Use the Key and open the door toreach the next room. In this next room, defeat the Green and Yellow Chuchusand destroy the pots to get arrows, bombs, rupees, etc. After that, continueup to the next room. Here, look up at the giant eyeball in the ceiling andit'll come down, causing you to enter a mini-boss battle against Wart. Readthe Mini-Bosses section for help on beating it. After you win, open the chestthat appears to get Ice Arrows!

Now, go back through the door and out of this room. In the next room, go

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straight through and into the following room. There, jump in the water andswim to the platform in the southeast corner of the room. Wait for theOctorok to come out of the water between your platform and the middle one.Shoot it with an Ice Arrow to turn it into a floating glacier. Jump onto itas regular Link, then jump onto the middle platform. Push the giant valvecounter-clockwise to make a water jet come up in a different room. Now, jumpin the water and become Zora Link, then swim down to the bottom. Swim throughthe tunnel in the south wall to end up in the large turbine room again.

Here, swim upward and stay against the wall, then get into the tunnel in thesoutheast corner of the room (green pipes on left, red on right). When youarrive in the next room, surface and climb onto the north platform. Fromthere, look towards the south end of the room and shoot an Ice Arrow in thewater close to you. Jump onto the ice platform that forms and shoot anotherIce Arrow to make another platform. Continue that to get across to the southend of the room, then climb onto the ledge and enter the next room.

In this room, lure the Blue Chuchu towards the high platform in the back ofthe room. When it gets there, turn around and hit it with an Ice Arrow to

turn it into an ice block. Climb onto it and jump onto the higher ledge.Defeat the Real Bombchu with an arrow, then push the valve to change thewater in another room. Go back to the previous room and become Zora Link,then swim through the underwater tunnel on the east side to reach the nextroom. There, swim up to the north end and climb onto the ledge, then enterthe following room.

In the next room, defeat the Bio Deku Babas in the water, then become regularLink and shoot Ice Arrows into the water to form platforms. Get across to thenorth part of this room and jump onto the ledge with the icicles on it. Now,cut through the icicles on the ledge and continue down to find a wall of icethat you can't pass. Shoot a Fire Arrow to melt it, then continue to the nextroom. Here, you'll have to fight the Gekko mini-boss, so read that section tofind out how to win this time. After the fight, go through the open door tothe next room, then go down the hall and open the chest to get the Boss Key.

Now, climb through the window in front of the chest and jump into the water.Swim to the south platform and jump into the strong currents at the otherside of the platform to reach the turbine room again. There, surface at thetop and climb onto a ledge. Get onto a higher ledge and jump onto thespinning turbine as it passes near you. Ride it to the north part of thisarea and jump onto the ledge there. Go up and shoot the water covering theladder with an Ice Arrow to stop the water from coming down. Now, climb theladder and enter the next room.

In here, use the Ice Arrows to make a series of platforms leading to thegreen platform across the room. When you get onto that platform, push thevalve around to allow water to flow in the green pipes. Next, use theHookshot and pull yourself to the barrels on the west platform. Defeat anyTektites in the water, then shoot an Ice Arrow into the water on thenorthwest part of the room. Continue making platforms until you're rightunder the hole in the grating above you. Then, shoot up and hit the Hookshottarget to get pulled up to the grating. There, open the chest and get StrayFairy #9. Now, play the Song of Soaring to warp back to the temple'sentrance.

Go up into the next room and become Zora Link, then ride the right platformup to the higher ledge. Then, walk along that ledge and jump onto the waterjet. From there, go around the path to the end. Before you go up the ramp,look up above the water jet coming from the red fountain. Shoot the Hookshottarget and you'll land on that water jet. When it reaches its highest point,

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jump onto the red platform. Push the valve around to make the turbine stop.Then, get back in the water and swim to the yellow platform. Turn the valvethere to make the turbine move in the other direction.

Now, get back to the entrance of the room and ride up to the higherplatforms. Continue around the path all the way into the following room tothe north. There, jump in the water as Zora Link and dive about halfwaytowards the bottom. When you get to the northeast corner of this room (red onleft, green on right), take the tunnel all the way northeast (don't swim upto surface above the Dexihands). Continue all the way down the tunnel to thenew room, then surface while avoiding the spiked mines and Skullfish.

Get onto the northwest ledge in here and ride the elevator platform up to itshighest point. Then, jump to the east over the spinning pole and onto thenext platform when it's close enough to you. As you ride across, look to thesoutheast corner to find a torch. Become regular Link and Hookshot over tothat torch, then open the chest to get Stray Fairy #10. Now, get back to thenorthwest ledge and ride the moving platform upward.

As you ride upward, aim an Ice Arrow at the waterfall to the south. When youreach the highest point, quickly shoot it to freeze the gears and theplatform you're on. Now, carefully jump onto the gear shaft and go south ontothe section of gears that are tilted upward. Walk to the top of the easternone and Hookshot to a chest on the north ledge. Open it to receive StrayFairy #11.

Now, jump back down to the gears and continue south across them. When youreach the end, go right onto the flat gear blade and jump onto the nextledge. From there, go into the southern room. Here, go down the path andbecome Zora Link. Then, dive in the water and go underneath the see-saw inthe north part of the room. Sink to the bottom of this underwater chamber andram the barrel to release Stray Fairy #12. Now, get back to the surface andgo to the see-saw in the southeast area of the room. Stand on the low end andaim up and shoot a Fire Arrow at the ice on the ceiling, which will keep theother end weighed down.

When your end rises, jump onto the next see-saw in the air. Shoot anotherFire Arrow at the ice above and your end will rise again. Then, jump onto thegreen platform and turn the valve there. Now, defeat the Real Bombchu on theeast green pipe. After that, become Zora Link and walk east across the greenpipe. Jump up to the higher section and go right, then fall into the roomdirectly below you. Go south and become regular Link, then Hookshot over tothe chest and get Stray Fairy #13.

Next, drop down to the area below and get on the low end of the see-saw inthe northwest section of the room. Shoot a Fire Arrow up at the ice to weighdown the other side, and your side will rise. Jump onto the southwest ledgeand go through the door into the next room. There, become Zora Link and diveinto the water below. Swim down and through the tunnel in the northwest partof the room to reach the turbine room.

Back in this room, dive down to the very bottom, then go through the tunnelin the southeast part of the room (it's the one with the green pipe goingthrough it). In that new room, press B to walk on the ground. Look up underthe middle platform above to see a fairy trapped in a bubble. Swim up to thesurface and get onto the green pipe in the east side of the room. Stand atthe lowest point on the pipe and become regular Link, then look under themiddle platform and shoot the bubble with an arrow. Then, wear the GreatFairy's Mask to obtain Stray Fairy #14.

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Now, dive back down to the floor as Zora Link and get to the northwest partof the room. Stand on the ground and look north to see a fairy trapped in abubble. Use the boomerang attack to burst the bubble, then swim through thetunnel to grab the final Stray Fairy. In the turbine room once again, simplygo through the green tunnel to get back to the previous room. Then, swim upto the surface and walk up along the top of the green pipe. Follow the pathup and around to another valve, then push it around to cause a water jet toappear.

Wait for the water jet to go down, then jump onto it and ride it upward. Jumponto the next platform and use the Boss Key to enter the next room. When youenter this room, go up and drop down the really long shaft to land in theboss's room. You'll see the boss swimming around, then it'll jump over youand drop into the water again. The battle will then begin against Gyorg, theGargantuan Masked Fish. Read the Bosses section for help on beating this verydifficult boss.

After you defeat this creature, grab the Heart Container and go into thecircle of light to get Gyorg's Remains. Go through the next cinema scene and

you'll find out that there's one more temple guardian that you have to gohelp. You'll then be dropped off at Zora Cape again.

Zora Cape---------

When you arrive here again, the giant turtle will tell you that it has to goback to its slumber, but not before hearing Lulu's voice. So, turn into ZoraLink and enter the Zora Hall.

Zora Hall---------

When you enter this area, go up the path, then right into the main area. Makeyour way to the stage in the middle and talk to Lulu. She'll tell you aboutthe eggs, then the concert will begin. After watching a short song, go backacross the area and take the path east to exit Zora Hall.

Zora Cape---------

Back outside, jump into the water and swim directly east. You should findseveral ledges that you can jump across. Swim all the way to the shore toreach the smallest one, then head south jumping from ledge to ledge to reachthe large platform. Go right to the edge and you'll see another island with apalm tree on it. Hookshot over to it, then do that to reach the followingledge.

When you reach the last ledge with a palm tree, jump across the last coupleledges to reach the wall. Bomb the boulders and enter the cave, which is aFairy Fountain. Go up to the fountain and the 15 Stray Fairies will fly outof your possession. The Great Fairy will then appear and give you morestrength, which outlines all your hearts with white lines. You now have twiceas much defensive power as you did before! Now, go back and exit this cave.Back outside, play the Song of Soaring and fly to the Great Bay Coast again.

Great Bay Coast

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When you arrive here, become Zora Link if you're not already and jump in thewater. Swim east to the shore and walk to the two buildings. Enter theOceanside Spider House to the left (make sure it's Day 1, otherwise you won'tget the Giant Wallet). Go up and bomb the wall to open up the house, thenyou'll be ready to go. Read the Spider Houses section for help on finding all30 Golden Skulltulas. After you get them all, talk to the guy standing at theentrance to the house to get the Giant Wallet, which holds up to 500 rupees!You're going to need to hold that capacity in order to get another mask verysoon. Now, go outside and play the Song of Soaring, then warp to Clock Town.

South Clock Town----------------

When you appear by the owl statue in South Clock Town, wait until about 12AMon the First night, then go north to North Clock Town.

North Clock Town----------------

Save the old lady from the robber at around 12AM, then warp ahead to theFinal night. At that point, go to West Clock Town.

West Clock Town---------------

Here, take out 500 rupees (or however much you need to have 500 total) fromthe bank, then wait until the Curiosity Shop opens at 10PM. When it becomes10PM, enter the shop and buy the All-Night Mask for 500 rupees. After that,exit the shop and play the Song of Time to warp back to Day 1.

South Clock Town----------------

When you get back to the first day, play the Song of Double Time to warpahead to the night. Then, wait until it's about 10PM and go to East ClockTown.

East Clock Town---------------

Wear Romani's Mask to enter the Milk Bar, Latte at 10PM. There, talk to thefat Zora guy and perform the sound test as regular Link, Deku Link, GoronLink, and Zora Link. After you do all that, you'll get the Circus Leader'sMask. Now, exit the bar and warp back in time again to Day 1.

South Clock Town----------------

This time when you return, slow down time with the Inverted Song of Time.Then, head to East Clock Town and get past the guard in your way to exitClock Town.

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Termina Field-------------

When you enter Termina Field again, summon Epona and climb on. Ride aroundthe field to collect rupees, bombs, arrows, etc. When you're ready to go, getto the east area of Termina Field and head east to the road leading to Ikana.

Road to Ikana-------------

When you enter this new area again, go up the path while riding Epona. Don'tworry about the Real Bombchus since you won't take damage while ridingaround. Continue up the hill and pick up speed, then jump over the fence toreach the other side. Go straight and jump over a second fence, then take thepath going left to the end of the path with Epona. Get off and climb to thehigher ledge, then follow the path into Ikana Graveyard.

Ikana Graveyard---------------

Upon entering this graveyard, head north and up the path while defeating thebats along the way. Talk to Dampe halfway up the path, then continue north tothe giant wall. You'll find a large skeleton craeture sleeping in the rightsection of the wall. Go up to it (put on the Bunny Hood first) and play theSonata of Awakening to wake it up. The giant creature known as Skull Keetawill then wake up and start walking quickly up the path. Read the Mini-Bossessection for some quick strategy on defeating this creature.

After you win, Skull Keeta will tell you its story before disappearing andgranting you access to the chest on the ledge. Hookshot over to it and openit to get the Captain's Hat. Now, drop down to the ground and head south tothe southern half of the graveyard. Play the Song of Double Time to make itthe First Night. You will now see a bunch of Stalchildren standing around atombstone. Put on the Captain's Hat and talk to them, then get them to openthe grave. Drop into the hole that's revealed to enter the grave.

There, go north across the ledges to the next room. In that room, defeat themassive swarm of bats to make a chest appear. Open it to get 50 rupees. Now,take out your Fire Arrows and light all the torches in this room (if you haveDeku Sticks, go to the previous room and light one, then come back and lightthe torches that way). Light them all to open the door, then go north andinto the next room. Here, go up and defeat the Iron Knuckle, which won'tattack you until you attack it! Defeat this knight, then the curtain willrise, revealing another tomb. The ghost of the composer called Flat willappear and tell you his story.

After he disappears, hop onto the stage and Z-Target the stone. Learn theSong of Storms here, then go back to the previous room and continue out ofthis cave. Back outside, play the Song of Double Time until you reach theFinal Night. Then, wear the Captain's Hat and talk to the Stalchildrenstanding around another tombstone. Have them open the grave, then drop downinto the cave below.

Here, go north and drop down to the lower area. Talk to Dampe without anymasks on and he'll tell you he's looking for treasure. Agree to let himfollow you, then Z-Target him and walk slowly around the room with him

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following. Walk him to each patch of dirt on the bottom floor to try and finda beam of light underneath those patches. Dig in all the dirt patches on thebottom floor, then have Dampe follow you to the back end of the room and ontothe square platform to the left (with your back to the entrance of thisroom). After he's on it, get off and it'll bring Dampe up to a higher ledge.

Next, go south and up a ladder to an elevated patch of dirt. When Dampearrives, Z-Target him and have him follow you onto the patch of dirt. Dropoff the ledge and Dampe will fall as well. Lead him to the right platformthis time, then hop up the blocks which are arranged as steps. When Dampe'splatform arrives around the corner, Z-Target and lure him to the pile of dirtup here. After all 3 beams of light are uncovered, a Big Poe will appear toattack. Read the Mini-Bosses section for help on defeating the Big Poe. Afteryou beat it, a chest will appear at the top of the stairs by the entrance tothis room. Go up and open it to get your sixth and final Bottle.

Now, drop down to the main area of the room and go across to the other side.Go up the middle stairs and go up to the top floor. There, go through thedoor to get back outside. Now that you're outside again, head all the way

south along the path to exit Ikana Graveyard completely.

Road to Ikana-------------

When you arrive back here, drop down to the lower area and go south. You'llfind a guy sitting on top of the high ledge, so walk towards him and he'lltalk to you. He'll pretty much tell you that you need Garo's Mask to proceed.Since you got it earlier in the game, put on the mask and the guy will make awooden tree come out of the ground. Use the Hookshot to get up to that higherledge, then continue east on foot while avoiding all the Blue Bubbles. Itwould help if you wore to Bunny Hood to get through here quickly. Continue upthe path to the next area, which is the Ikana Canyon.

Ikana Canyon------------

When you enter this area, go north along the path and Tatl will point outthat there is an unseen creature nearby, so put on the Garo's Mask and fightthe Garo that appears. After you get its hint, continue north to the riverand 2 Octoroks will come out. Shoot them with Ice Arrows to turn them intoice blocks. Now, jump across them to reach the other side of the river.There, look up and Hookshot onto the wooden tree on the high ledge. Do that acouple more times on other ledges to reach the top, then activate the owlstatue as regular Link.

Continue north and up the hill to the higher area, then go left and upanother ramp. At the top of that one, aim up in the sky and shoot down Tinglewith an arrow. Buy the Stone Tower map from him, then go back down the hillto the lower area. Head east across the area and up the path to the top. Gonorth and into the cave, then go forward and the ghost of Sharp will appearand curse you. Play the Song of Storms to cause Sharp to disappear and theriver will now flow normally through the canyon. It'll also cause the Gibdosto disappear throughout town. Now, Sharp will become normal and tell you togo to the temple and rid the place of evil. Next, exit this cave and go southtowards the Music House.

There's a little girl in front of the house, so be careful that she doesn'tsee you (use the Stone Mask to avoid being detected). When she walks away,

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quickly enter the house and go down into the basement. Go up and you'll finda man that's halfway turned into a Gibdo. Don't go up to him, instead playthe Song of Healing to turn him back to normal. As a reward, you will receivethe Gibdo Mask. Now, play the Song of Soaring to warp back to Clock Town (itshould be pretty late at night on the Final Night by now).

South Clock Town----------------

When you get back to Clock Town, get to West Clock Town and deposit yourrupees. Then, play the Song of Time to warp to Day 1. Slow down time when youget there, then go through the whole Kafei and Anju trading sequence up toIkana Canyon (read the Secrets section for details). After you do that (youshould have the Special Letter to Mama at that point), go through TerminaField to stock up on rupees, arrows, bombs, etc. Then, play the Song ofSoaring and fly back to Ikana Canyon.

Ikana Canyon------------

Once you get here again (it should be the Final Day), head south and jumpinto the water below. Watch out for the Octoroks and climb onto the ledge atthe other side. Go up and follow the path east along the south side of theriver. Continue past the Akindo Nut to reach Sakon's Hideout. Go behind therocks nearby to find Kafei. Talk to him and he'll tell you how to get in.Now, wait until 6PM for Sakon to return. Wear the Stone Mask to keep him fromseeing you. Wait until he opens the hideout's rock door and Kafei runs in,then follow them into the hideout.

Sakon's Hideout---------------

When you enter Sakon's Hideout, go straight ahead into the next room. Here,Kafei will spot the Sun's Mask and set off a trap. He'll tell you to step onthe switch to open the door, so step on the switch to gain control of Kafei.(Note: You must be quick getting through this hideout because the mask ismoving on a conveyor and you want to prevent it from reaching the end.) Inthe next room, have Kafei push one of the large blocks onto the switch in themiddle to open the next room. When you gain control of Link, go into the leftroom and defeat a Deku Baba to open the door to the next room.

As Kafei, continue to the next room and step on the greenish switch in thelower-right corner. As Link, go to the next room and defeat 2 Deku Babas tocontinue. In the third room as Kafei, where you must push the blocks onto theyellow and green switches in the room. Accomplish this by first pushing theblocks in the left and right rows of the room down one space. Then, push themiddle block left onto the yellow switch. From there, push the block south ofyou onto the green switch to open the door. Then, gain control of Link and goto the next room.

There, defeat a Wolfos to open the next door. As Kafei, run into the nextroom and step on the switch in front of him. As Link, go into the same roomand step on the other switch to cover the pit and save the Sun's Mask. Kafeiwill then take the mask and you'll be brought back outside. Kafei will thenrun back to town with his mask, so follow him by playing the Song of Soaringand warping back to Clock Town.

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South Clock Town----------------

When you arrive at Clock Town, take this time to deposit any rupees you haveat the bank in West Clock Town. Then, get to East Clock Town and enter theStock Pot Inn.

East Clock Town---------------

Inside the inn, go upstairs and enter the Employees Only room, then waituntil 4AM for Kafei to arrive. At that point, Anju and Kafei will exchangemasks and you'll gain the Couple's Mask. After that, open the chest to get100 rupees, then leave the room and exit the inn. Get back to West Clock Townand deposit thoes rupees, then play the Song of Time to get back to Day 1.

South Clock Town----------------

Slow down time as soon as you get back here. Before heading back to Ikana,it's time to gather a few quick items. Go to the Southern Swamp as Deku Linkand buy 5 Magic Beans total from the Akindo Nut. Then, go to the Akindo Nutoutside Sakon's Hideout in Ikana Canyon and buy a Blue Potion from it. Afterthat, go back to Clock Town and buy some Bombs and Deku Nuts. Now that youhave all those items, play the Song of Soaring and warp back to Ikana Canyon.

Ikana Canyon------------

When you arrive in Ikana Canyon, head north along the path. Then, go left andup another hill. Continue north and along the paths to the highest point ofthis canyon, where you'll find an empty well. Climb down it to reach thebottom, then go into the cave to enter the well.

Beneath the Well----------------

In the first room you arrive in, put on your Gibdo Mask before going anyfurther. Then, go straight ahead and talk to the Gibdo in front of the lockeddoor. Give it the Blue Potion and go through to the next room. In this room,go up and left into a side room. Fill a Bottle with Spring Water and anotherwith a Fish. Go back to the main room and become Deku Link, then use the DekuFlower to fly over the spiked logs up ahead. At the other side, becomeregular Link and go to the north door. Give the Gibdo the Spring Water, thencontinue up into the next room.

Here, go up and burn the cobweb to the left with a Fire Arrow. Then, go leftinto a side room and fill 3 Bottles with bugs there. After that, go right andup through the room when the spiked logs aren't in the way. Then, give theGibdo at the east door a bug and enter the next room. Use the Lens of Truthto reveal a hidden chest, then open it to get 50 rupees. Now, go back to theprevious room and head south to reach the following room. There, go west andgive the Gibdo at the door a fish in a Bottle.

Now, go into the next room and go up to find two eyeball switches on the wall

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Ikana Canyon------------

Back in the Ikana area, head east to the other side of the dry river. Look tothe left of the castle's sealed gate and go through a hole in the wall toenter the castle grounds again.

Ancient Castle of Ikana-----------------------

When you enter this area, go left and hit the crystal switch with your swordto make light shine in the room. Use the Mirror Shield and shine that lighton the blue block nearby to make it vanish. Now, go south and into the mainarea of this place. Now, go east and enter the castle itself (make sure youwear the Gibdo Mask or Captain's Hat here to avoid battling the ReDeads).

In the castle, go up and you'll notice a couple of eye switches on thepillars covered with ice. Shoot the one behind the left pillar to open theleft door, then go to the left side and enter that room. Here, go up and hitthe crystal switch with the sword to make the red hot floor rise to theceiling for a moment, leaving a regular room with Deku Flowers scatteredaround. Become Deku Link and dive into one of those Deku Flowers, then waitfor the floor to come back down. Launch from the flower to push the floorback up for a moment. Use that time to get about halfway across the room andinto another flower.

You'll notice that there's a high pillar on the side of the room with aswitch on top. When the floor comes down, launch out to make it go up, thendive back into the flower and make a higher launch to get onto that ledge.Become regular Link and activate that switch to open the door to the nextroom. Now, quickly jump to the other side of the room and go into the newarea. Here, become Deku Link and use the Deku Flower to fly to the ledge tothe left.

Activate the switch as regular Link to open the door across the room, thenuse the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden platform. Jump onto that platformand aim up, then shoot down the Skulltulas waiting to come down on you upahead. Then, jump onto the next ledge and from there, jump onto the followingledge. On this ledge, get to the other side and jump up and to the right ontothe last platform by the door. Go through the door into the next room. Here,watch out for the Blue Bubbles so you don't get jinxed (play the Song ofStorms to cure yourself if jinxed) and shoot them down with arrows or theHookshot.

After that, continue up through the room and go up the stairs at the end toreach the second floor. There, go straight through the door to get outsideagain. Here, go straight ahead and climb onto the wall that goes around thebalcony of the castle. Walk along it and get to the front of the castle, thendrop down to the ledge with the Deku Flower in front. Become Deku Link andfly onto the pillar in front of you with the switch. Activate it as regularLink to make a hole appear below. Now, drop down to the ground and enter thecastle's main entrance again.

Go up and defeat the ReDeads if you're not wearing the mask, then shoot aFire Arrow at the eye switch covered with ice on the right pillar. Afterthat, go right and into the east room. Here, go around and defeat theFloormaster, then shine light on the blue block to make it disappear. Defeat

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the ReDeads at the other side, then just continue up to the next room. Inthis room, you'll have to fight the Wizrobe mini-boss, so read the Mini-Bosses section to find out how to defeat it again.

After you win, go east and into the next room. There, defeat the ReDeads andgo up the stairs at the other side of the room to reach the second floor.Once there, just go up and through the door to get outside again. Here, goaround to the front of the castle and Tatl will point out an area where therocks are cracked. Become Goron Link and put the Powder Keg there, then afterit explodes, drop down into the room below.

There, become regular Link and put on the Gibdo Mask to keep the ReDeads frombothering you. Now, shine the light from the hole above on the blue block infront of you to make it disappear. After that, go up the hall and into thenext area. There, just go up through the door into the following room. Here,go up and you'll see the curtains block the sunlight and someone will startspeaking. You'll meet the skeleton of the old king of the castle, then he'llhave his servants attack you. Read the Mini-Bosses section for help ondefeating them, as well as the King of Ikana that you fight right after them.

After you defeat the servants and the king, the servants will start arguingamong themselves. After they leave and the king appears, he'll tell you aboutthe whole problem with Ikana and how it's because of the Stone Tower beingopened. He'll then teach you the Elegy of Emptiness to help you in the nextarea of the game. Now, go back through the door and out of this room. Then,continue straight ahead to get to the main room of the castle. Go straightthrough to get back outside, then play the Song of Soaring and warp to IkanaCanyon (it's a quick shortcut to get out of here).

Ikana Canyon------------

Back in the canyon area, go north and up the hill to the Music House. Go eastand across the dried up river, then get to the northeast corner of the map.Go up the steps and enter the Stone Tower there.

Stone Tower-----------

When you enter this tower, go north and jump across the 3 blocks to the ledgeat the other side. There, look up and to the left, then Hookshot onto thehigher ledge. There, destroy the Beamos and stand on the switch, then playthe Elegy of Emptiness to place a shell of yourself on it. Now, drop backdown to the first ledge and become Zora Link. Stand on the switch and createa shell there, then become regular Link and get back up to the higher ledge.From there, look up and to the east and Hookshot onto the higher platformthere. Now, become Goron Link and create a shell of yourself while standingon the switch.

Next, become regular Link and wear the Bunny Hood, then jump to the southacross the block bridge to the other side. Over there, aim up and Hookshotonto the west ledge above you. Once there, stand on the switch and create ashell of yourself as regular Link. Then, aim up at the Hookshot target on thesouth ledge and pull yourself up there. There, become Zora Link and create ashell of yourself on the switch here. After that, become regular Link againand Hookshot to the higher ledge. Become Goron Link and create another shellon that switch, then become regular Link and jump across the block bridge.

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At the other side, Hookshot up to the high east platform. There, avoid theboulders and Hookshot onto the higher ledge to the south. Next, look to thesouthwest area and Hookshot up to another ledge. Once there, you'll see 3switches in front of you. Stand on the middle one and create a shell ofregular Link by playing the Elegy of Emptiness. After that, become Goron orZora Link and stand on the switch to the left, then create a shell on it.Finally, stand on the right switch as Zora or Goron Link and create a shellthere (the one you didn't use for the second switch, of course). Now, becomeregular Link again and activate the owl statue against the wall with yoursword.

Before continuing, it's recommended that you get back to Day 1 (slow downtime right after that) and buy at least 2 or 3 Green and/or Blue Potions.Also, stock up on bombs, arrows, etc. After that, return to the owl statue inthe Stone Tower by playing the Song of Soaring. Then, step on the switches inthe same order as before and cross the bridge to enter the Stone TowerTemple.

Stone Tower Temple (Normal)---------------------------

When you first enter the Stone Tower Temple, go north and defeat the RealBombchus and the Dragonflies. Then, look up at the giant face stone in frontof you and shoot the eye switch with an arrow to make a chest appear.Hookshot over to the chest and open it to get Stray Fairy #1. After that,drop down to the lower area and climb the ladder to get up to the other side.Now, go west from the entrance to the temple and enter the next room.

Here, go up and shield yourself when the Real Bombchu comes towards you andexplodes. Go up and bomb the cracked wall, then become Goron Link and destroythe large crates to reveal two smaller ones. Take those crates and place themon the two regular switches in the room. Then, become regular Link and createa shell on the third small switch. Next, become Goron Link and stand on themuch larger switch and create a shell of yourself to keep it down. Go throughthe now open gate in the northeast part of the room and continue outside tothe next room. There, defeat the Guays and Dragonfly and get to the otherside of the room, then bomb the square patch to make a hole in the floor.Now, go down the stairs to the next floor.

Down here, stand in the sunlight from the hole above and shine it on the blueblock to make it vanish. Then, look up and to the right to find a Hookshottarget. Use the Hookshot to get onto the higher ledge, then open the chest toget Stray Fairy #2. Next, drop back down to the lower area and become GoronLink, then walk across the lava to the other side. Avoid the Armos and openthe chest at the back of the room to get the Map. Now, wake up the 2 Armosnear the chest and the two in the lava, then defeat them all to make anotherchest appear. Open it to get a Key. After that, go back upstairs to theprevious room.

There, go across the room and use the Key to unlock the door and enter thenext room. Become Zora Link and jump in the the water. Swim east under thebridge, but before you reach the wall, swim lower, then come up and jump outof the water. If you do it right, you should land on the ledge at the otherside (this is the only way to get up there). Open the chest there to get aKey. Now, dive in the water and defeat the Dexihand hanging above apassageway nearby. Then, swim through that passage into the next room.

In this room, sink to the bottom of the water and defeat the enemies swimmingaround. Carefully walk around the spiked mines and press the switch to make a

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chest appear on the upside-down ledge above you (you'll be able to open itlater). Next, swim up to the surface and climb onto the platform goingthrough the middle of the room.

Become regular Link and stand in the light on the platform, then use yourMirror Shield to reflect the light onto the mirror at the south end of theroom. Hold your shield out and reflect light onto the mirror for a while,then after you've "charged" the mirror enough, go down the path and stand inthe light being shone off the charged mirror. Reflect that light onto theblue block to make it disappear, then open the chest to the left to get theCompass. Now, go back north across the path and unlock the door at the otherside, then enter the new room.

In here, go up and you'll find a bunch of Black Boes that are quite annoying.Defeat them, then become Goron Link and punch out all those stone thingsstacked atop each other. Become regular Link and put on the Stone Mask, thenreflect the light with your Mirror Shield onto the mirror to the right.Charge up the mirror for a while, then go up into the light beam and shine iton the blue block to make it disappear. Go into that new passageway while

wearing the Stone Mask to avoid fighting a Nejiron, then open the chest toget Stray Fairy #3.

Get back to the beam of sunlight in the main part of the room and reflectlight on the sun symbols on the walls to the left and right. Reflect light onthe right one to make a chest appear, then open it to get Stray Fairy #4.Now, get back to the light and start charging up the left mirror. Aftercharging for about a minute, go into the beam of light coming from the mirrorand reflect that light onto the mirror in the upper-left corner of the room.Charge up the second mirror with light from the first one as long as you can,then stand in the second mirror's light and reflect it onto the blue block toget rid of it.

After you remove the block, go north and through the door to reach the nextroom. Here, become Goron Link and climb down the ladder up ahead to reach thelower area. There, get onto the switch to the left and pound it to remove theflames surrounding another switch for a short amount of time. As soon as youpound this switch, quickly roll to the north end of the room, then go leftaround the bend. Go south and hit the second switch to make the flamessurrounding a chest disappear (if you're not quick enough, just keep trying).After you do that, get back to the other side of the room and climb theladder to the higher ledge.

Now, become Deku Link and dive into the Deku Flower. Fly north and catch thewind boost, then land on the ledge to the left. Collect all the rupees andopen the chest to get Stray Fairy #5. Then, jump off the ledge and into thewind gust again. Fly north to the next wind tunnel, then catch the wind andmake the U-turn around the bend. Fly south to the next wind tunnel up ahead,then get onto the next ledge and open the chest to get Stray Fairy #6. Afterthat, become regular Link and go west into the next room. Here, go up and theGaro Master will appear. Read the Mini-Bosses section for help on defeatingit.

After you beat it, open the large chest that appears to get the Light Arrows.Now, go through the south door and into the next room. There, go forward andclimb onto the ledge in front of you. Then, put on the Stone Mask and jump tothe next ledge with the masked Hiploop. Pull its mask off with the Hookshot,then run in and defeat it with your Sword. After that, continue up and intothe next room. Here, go up and you'll fight an Eyegore. Read the Mini-Bossessection to find out how to defeat it. After you beat it, a chest will appear.Go north and open it to get Stray Fairy #7.

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Next, go south to the other end and enter the next room. Here, shieldyourself from the Real Bombchu, then drop down to the lower area. Look for asun switch on the wall, then shoot it with a Light Arrow to make a chestappear on the upside-down ledge above you. Now, climb up the ladder to get tothe upper area, then continue south to get outside.

Stone Tower-----------

When you're outside of the temple, stand on the west switch and create ashell on it. Then, become Zora Link and create a shell on the middle switch.Now, become regular Link and walk onto the first block. From there, jump ontothe middle block and turn around to face the temple. Look below the platformand you'll see a red mark on the wall. Shoot it with a Light Arrow to flipthe temple upside-down. After you land again in the upside-down tower, jumpacross the blocks to the south and enter the temple again.

Stone Tower Temple (Upside-Down)--------------------------------

When you enter the flipped version of this temple, go straight down the pathand open the chest in the middle to get Stray Fairy #8. Then, take the eastpath and enter the next room. There, shoot a Light Arrow to make the blueblock disappear, then follow the path to the end. Become Deku Link and usethe Deku Flower to fly into the wind gust to the right. Fly to the top of theroom, then stay against the north wall and float down towards the flooragain. Fly into the small room to the north, below the center bridge, thenturn around and look for a frozen eye switch beneath the north platform.Shoot it with a Fire Arrow to make a chest appear on the ledge you're on.

Open it to get Stray Fairy #9, then become Deku Link and fly in the wind guston the east side of the room to get to the ceiling. Land on a ledge againstthe east wall and stand on the switch there, then become regular Link andleave a shell on the switch. Then, become Deku Link and use the flower to flyover to the wind gust at the other side of the room. Once at the top of thatgust, fly to the south ledge and open the chest to get Stray Fairy #10.

Next, become regular Link and put on the Stone Mask, then drop down to thebridge below. Pull the mask off the Hiploop with the Hookshot, then defeat itwith your sword. After that, take the path north and west to a switch. Pressthe switch to make a chest appear at the south end of the bridge. Go backacross and open the chest to get a Key. Now, go back on the bridge and lookup to see a sun switch on the south wall. Shoot it with a Light Arrow to makea chest appear on the flipped side, then become Deku Link and jump into thewest wind gust to reach the ceiling.

Then, fly onto the northwest ledge and avoid the spiked mines, and unlockthe door and enter that room as regular Link. Here, shoot a Light Arrow atthe spider mark on the wall across the room to flip the room around. BecomeGoron Link and walk across the lava, then go against the west wall and becomeregular Link. Shoot that mark with a Light Arrow to flip the room again, thencontinue into the next room. In this room, drop down to the northeast cornerof the room to find a gray block. Shoot the spider mark to flip the room,then push the block towards the center area of the room.

Flip the room again, and then push the block across the center to the wall atthe other side of the room. Flip the room and push the block as far to the

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west as it'll go, then flip the room again. Now, push the block into theswitch on the floor to open the west door. Climb onto the block and jump ontothe ledge, then enter the next room. Here, you'll fight the Wizrobe mini-bossagain, so read that section to find out how to win. After you beat it, achest will appear on the higher ledge. Hookshot up to it and open it to getStray Fairy #11.

Now, go west and down the stairs to the first floor. Here, defeat the Poe infront of you, then become Deku Link and use the Deku Flower to reach the nextledge. Once there, use the Deku Flower to fly to the southeast ledge. Becomeregular Link and put on the Stone Mask. Then, defeat the 4 Death Armosfloating around here (you're going to have to take off the mask to get themto crash into the ground and die after you flip them over). Defeat them all,then push the switch on the south ledge to make the flames surrounding anearby chest disappear. Create a shell with the Elegy of Emptiness on theswitch, then go and open the chest to get a Key.

Get back to the northeast area of the room by the Deku Flower and Poes. Gothrough the east door into the previous room. There, follow the ledge to the

right and go through that door to reach the following room. Here, put on theStone Mask and jump to the south ledge by the Death Armos. Shoot its chest orback with a Light Arrow, then take off the mask to make it flip over and tryto crush you. Get out of the way until after it explodes, then step on thenearby switch to make a chest appear on the flipped side of the temple. Now,jump back to the northwest ledge and go back into that room. In this room, goup to the Deku Flower and shoot the spiked mines with arrows so they crashinto each other and explode.

Then, become Deku Link and use the flower to fly onto the ledge north of thespiked mines. From there, avoid the flying pots and use the second DekuFlower to fly to the east ledge, then enter the next room. Here, go straightthrough this room and defeat the Blue Bubbles along the way. Go through thedoor at the other side to reach the following room. Here, become regular Linkand go up to encounter Gomess. Read the Mini-Bosses section for help ondefeating it.

After the fight, the doors will become unlocked. Go through the east door andopen the chest inside to get the Boss Key. Now, play the Song of Soaring towarp back to the temple entrance. When you arrive at the entrance, gostraight towards the middle of the room. Look up and Tatl will point out thatyou can use the Hookshot on the high chest. Hookshot up to the highest chestto land on the high ledge, then unlock the door and enter the next room.Here, go up and defeat the Eyegore like you did earlier in the temple. Afterthat, open the chest that appears to get the Giant's Mask.

Now, go north and into the next room. Hit the crystal switch with theHookshot or an arrow to make a chest appear on the ceiling. Then, play theSong of Soaring and warp to the dungeon entrance again. Once there, go backoutside of the temple.

Stone Tower-----------

When you get out here again, jump across a few of the blocks, then turnaround. Look up and shoot a Light Arrow at that red mark to flip the templeover to its original state. When you land on the next ledge, stand on theeast switch and create a shell of yourself there. Then, become Zora Link anddo the same thing on the middle switch. After that, stand on the final switchand become Goron Link, then make a shell there. Now, become regular Link and

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jump across those blocks and reenter the temple.

Stone Tower Temple (Normal)---------------------------

When you enter the temple again, put on the Stone Mask and head north. Dropdown into the pit in front of you and open the chest to get Stray Fairy #12.Now, climb back up to the higher area and go through the west door to reachthe next room. In this room, defeat the Real Bombchus, then go directly westto a bunch of large crates. Roll into them to reveal small crates behindthem. Carry those small ones and place them on two of the switches in theroom. Then, stand on the third small switch and create a shell on it. Next,get to the large switch and become Goron Link, then create a shell on it.Now, get to the northeast area of the room and go up through the now opengate. Go through the east door into the next room.

Here, become Zora Link and dive into the water. Swim under the bridge, thenswim down and up to jump onto the ledge at the other side. Become regular

Link and shoot a Light Arrow at the blue block to the north, then turn backinto Zora Link. Now, jump in the water and swim around, then jump onto theledge where that block was. Become regular Link and put on the Stone Mask toavoid being seen by the Beamos. Then, bomb the Beamos and hit the crystalswitch behind it to cause a chest to appear at the other side of the room.

Now, become Zora Link and swim under the bridge, then jump onto the ledge atthe other side. There, use the Light Arrow to shoot the blue block. Go inthat little area and destroy the Beamos as regular Link, then open the chestto get Stray Fairy #13. Next, become Zora Link yet again and dive in thewater. Defeat the Dexihand at the other side and swim through that passage tothe next room. Here, defeat the underwater creatures, then swim upward andlook for the sun switch on the wall. Stand on the ledge above it and open thechest to get Stray Fairy #14.

Next, swim up to the surface and climb onto the platform there, then go northinto the next room. Here, just avoid all the Black Boes and Nejirons andcontinue north into the following room. In this room, become Deku Link anduse the Deku Flower to fly into the first wind gust. Fly up and around thisroom by using the wind gusts. When you reach the ledge at the end, go rightand into the next room.

In this room, just go up and left through the door into the next room. Here,drop down to the lower area, then open the chest to the south to get thefinal Stray Fairy! Now, play the Song of Soaring to warp to the templeentrance. Back at the entrance, turn around and go back outside again, thenflip the temple upside-down again and reenter it (if you don't remember howto do that, scroll up a little bit to where I explained it before).

Stone Tower Temple (Upside-Down)--------------------------------

When you enter the temple again, go north to the center of the room. Then,look straight up and Hookshot to the chest that Tatl is floating around andturning green. When you get to the higher ledge, go north into the next room.Here, just continue straight ahead into the following room. In this nextroom, aim up at the chest on the ceiling and Hookshot up to it. On the higherledge, wait for the spiked log to come near you, then Hookshot onto thetarget further ahead on the ceiling. Then, continue north and drop down tothe ground. Go up and open the door with the Boss Key, then enter that room.

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In this room, go up and drop into the pit in the middle of the room. You'llland outside in a large, sandy arena. Two giant centipede-type creaturesknown as Twinmold will come out and the battle will begin. Read the Bossessection for help on defeating them. After you win, collect the HeartContainer and step into the light to get Twinmold's Remains. Now, go throughthe whole scene with Tatl talking to the gods and asking for their help now.After that's all over, the evil will be removed from the entire Ikana areaand you'll be dropped off outside of the Stone Tower.

Ikana Canyon------------

When you arrive here again, go south and enter the cave to the east, which isthe Fairy's Fountain. Go up to the fountain and the Stray Fairies will cometogether and the Great Fairy will appear. She'll give you the Great Fairy'sSword as thanks, and that's a great reward! After she leaves, go back andexit this cave. Outside, play the Song of Soaring and warp to Clock Town.

South Clock Town----------------

When you arrive at Clock Town, there's really nothing left for you to dosince you've obtained all the masks by now and have every item around. Nowyou have to wait until the Final Night to progress in the game. So, go andcollect any Heart Pieces or Masks you may have missed somehow, and buy someRed and Green Potions as well.

When it reaches 12AM on the Final Night, the clock tower in South Clock Townwill open. At that point, get to the right side of the tower and walk up theramp, then jump onto the ledge. Then, go up the stairs to the top of theclock tower. There, you'll meet Skull Kid and Tael again. After the wholescene is over and the timer starts counting down, play the Oath to Order onthe Ocarina to summon the four giants from each region of Termina.

They will all come together and stop the moon completely, saving Clock Town.The effects of the song cause the Majora's Mask to come alive and removeitself from Skull Kid. It'll then disappear into the moon and the moon willcome to life. After a little argument, Tatl decides to come with you to themoon and you both leave.

The Moon--------

When you arrive on the moon, you'll be in an unusually bright and grassy areawith a large tree up ahead. The timer is also gone, so you no longer havetime limits to get through here. There's a large tree out in the distance, sorun towards it. There, you'll find four kids with each of the Remains Maskson, running around the tree. It helps if you have all 23 Masks by now, thatway you can get the ultimate mask in a little while. Anyway, look for thechild with the Odolwa's Remains mask on (if you need help, look at theRemains Mask on the submenu) and talk to him. Give him one of your masks andhe'll play hide-and-seek with you, then he'll disappear into the DekuDungeon.

Deku Dungeon

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In this dungeon, put on the Deku Mask and use the Deku Flower to fly onto therotating ledge with Deku Flowers on either end of it. Use a flower to flyonto a ledge further ahead with the Gossip Stone on it. Use the Deku Flowerthere to fly to the next rotating ledge. Watch out when you're on that ledgebecause there's a spiked ledge rotating just above the one you're on andit'll knock you off if you're not careful. Get onto the side of that spinningledge with the gold flower, then use it to fly northwest onto the next ledge(fly to the northeast one to get a Heart Piece). Then, go through the doorinto the room where the child was hiding. Talk to him and give him anothermask and you'll be taken outside again.

The Moon--------

When you get back out here, run back to the tree to find only three childrenrunning around the tree. Find the one with the Goht Remains Mask and talk to

him, then give him 2 of your regular masks. You'll then be warped to theGoron Dungeon.

Goron Dungeon-------------

When you enter this dungeon, put on the Goron Mask and get against the wallto the left between the pots. Then, roll straight down the path to gain fullspeed (the spikes come out of you) and let go of the Control Stick and justhold A. Continue rolling and jump the first ramp, then bounce off the chestsand jump the ramp to the left. Then, bounce off those chests and continuenorth across a few more ramps to the chests at the end. Bounce off thosechests and jump the ramp to the right.

When you land, stop rolling and destroy the green pots in front of you torecover some magic. Now, walk south along the catwalk to the middle area withthe two Gossip Stones and the warp tile. Stand to the east of the warp tileand face directly east to the icy ledge at the end. Roll straight down thepath and make the jump at the end, then go through the door to the next room.There, talk to the child and give him two more masks and you'll be warpedback outside again.

The Moon--------

Back outside, run up to the tree and there will only be two children runningaround. Find the one with the Gyorg Remains Mask on and talk to him. Give him3 regular masks and you'll be sent to the Zora Dungeon.

Zora Dungeon------------

When you enter this dungeon, go up and become Zora Link, then jump into thewater to your right. Let the current push you through the first left tunnel.Follow it and take the second right tunnel you come across. At the next tubesplit, take the right tube and you should come to the end. Talk to the childand give him 3 more masks, then you'll be taken outside again.

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The Moon--------

Back on the Moon, run up towards the large tree like before. This time, talkto the only child running around with the Twinmold Remains Mask on, then givehim 4 of your regular masks. You will then be taken into the Link Dungeon.

Link Dungeon------------

This is the last of the four dungeons on the Moon to go through. This time,you're meant to go through here as regular Link. When you arrive, go throughthe nearby door to the next room. Defeat the Dinofols to unlock the door,then go north into the following room. Go around the Gossip Stone and enterthe room behind it to face a Garo Master. Defeat it, then Hookshot onto thechest on the higher ledge and open it to get some arrows.

Now, go up into the next room with the Gossip Stone. Continue into thefollowing room and defeat the Iron Knuckle that you encounter. Open the chestthat appears to get Bombchus. Now, look up at the right wall to find a largecrack in it. Pull out a Bombchu and wait a few seconds, then put it down andlet it climb up the wall. If you're lucky, it should explode right as itpasses over the cracked wall.

After that, shoot the eye switch that's revealed to make a ladder appearleading up to the higher ledge. Climb up it and go into the next room. Go upand collect the final Heart Piece, then look up at the ceiling to see anothercrack. Send a Bombchu up there to destroy the hole, then shoot the eye switchwith a Fire Arrow to melt the ice on the switch and activate it as well. Gothrough the now open the door and talk to the child there. Give him 4 moremasks, leaving you with only the 3 transformation masks. You will then besent back outside.

The Moon--------

When you get out here yet again, run up to the tree and you'll notice thatthere are no more children running around. Look for the child sitting infront of the tree wearing Majora's Mask. Talk to the kid and choose to playwith him. Since you don't have anymore regular masks (if you collected all 20regular Masks, you should've already given them to the children of the past 4dungeons), this kid will give you the Fierce Deity's Mask.

You will then warp into a room and the Remains Masks will leave your body andstick to the walls. Now, you'll have to fight Majora's Mask, which is thefinal boss. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating all its forms.After that, you've beaten the boss; congratulations on beating this game!


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Enemies -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

ArmosTatl Description: You know about the Armos, right? Shhhh! Don't touch it!

Blow it up before it wakes, please!

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Strategy: This armored statue acts like it's just a regular stone statue,but if you come near it, it'll come to life and attack. Defeatit by bombing it, then get away before it explodes!

Bad BatTatl Description: It's a Bad Bat. If you don't do something before it

swoops down on you...Well, just don't come running tome!

Strategy: This small, black bat flies around in the air, then swoops downat you to attack. Block it with your shield or attack itquickly to avoid getting hit.

BeamosTatl Description: What?! You don't know about the Beamos? Don't let its

beam scare you. Just give it a good blast!Strategy: This rotating statue with an eye on one side can be annoying at

times. It shoots a laser when it sees you, but you can block itwith your Mirror Shield. Destroy this statue by using bombs tomake it crumble.

Bio Deku BabaTatl Description: Bio Deku Baba... Just calm down and aim carefully! And

don't blame me if one hit doesn't get rid of it!Strategy: This upside-down hanging plant is one pain in the neck to

fight. If you come near it, it'll extend towards you quickly toattack. Stay at a distance and hit it with arrows to kill thisdangerous plant.

Black BoeTatl Description: It's a Black Boe... Just calm down and attack it! Look,

there are just a lot of them, that's all.Strategy: This black creature is usually found in packs of 5 or 6 of them

at once. When you come near, they all try to attack, so quicklydispose of them with your Sword.

Blue BubbleTatl Description: That's a Blue Bubble! Quick! Run! Don't let it curse

you! If it comes after you, defend yourself to blockit!

Strategy: You really wouldn't want this creature to make contact withyou! It's a flying skull with a bluish flame surrounding it atall times. If it hits you, you will be unable to use yourSword. Use the Song of Storms to cure that curse or wait untilit wears off.

Blue ChuchuTatl Description: Blue Chuchu... This doesn't have anything inside of it,

so it's really just a blob of water.Strategy: This version of the Chuchu is just as easy to beat as the rest

of them. However, this one doesn't have any items inside of it,so when you beat it, don't expect to get anything out of it.

Blue TektiteTatl Description: Don't you know about the Blue Tektite? Use Z Targeting

to follow it as it bounces.Strategy: This blue, spider-type enemy isn't really too much of a problem

for you. It just bounces around and tries to jump on you, butyou can easily avoid it. Just attack it quickly to get rid ofthis nuisance fast.

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Death ArmosTatl Description: Death Armos, a temple guard... Look at that red mark on

its chest! I know you've seen something like thatbefore...

Strategy: This floating version of the Armos is even worse than theregular one. If you come near, it'll float towards you and tryto crush you from above. Shoot its body with a Light Arrow,then watch out as it flips over and tries to crush you. Get outof the way and it'll explode on the floor.

Deep PythonTatl Description: It's a Deep Python. Get close to it and stun it. If you

fail, it'll getcha!Strategy: This giant water-type serpent inhabits the Pinnacle Rock area.

They live in underwater caves and come out to attack if you getclose. Defeat it as Zora Link by using the Barrier attack (B +R) twice.

Deku Baba (Short version)

Tatl Description: Don't tell me you don't know about the Deku Baba! Cutit down when it has extended its body and Deku Nuts orSticks will come out.

Strategy: This Deku Baba is the smaller type, but this one actuallyattacks you! When you get close, it'll extend its body to tryand hit you, so watch out. Attack it with a couple hits todefeat it and get anything it leaves behind.

Deku Baba (Tall version)Tatl Description: Isn't that a Deku Baba? But it looks a little

withered... Just cut it. You should at least get a DekuStick out of it.

Strategy: When you come near this bluish plant, it'll come out of theground and try to attack you. Just cut it down quickly and takethe Deku Stick(s) it may leave behind.

DesbrekoTatl Description: It's a Desbreko. Once it bites you, it's not going to

want to let go, I haaaate this thing!Strategy: This creature is a larger and more powerful version of the

Skullfish enemy. Try to stay away from it since it'll pursueyou when you get near. I advise you to hit it from far away asZora Link, or with arrows/the Hookshot.

DexihandTatl Description: It's a Dexihand. Just be careful... Look, it's not my

fault if you get too close and it grabs you!Strategy: This long and thin arm with a hand attached to it will try to

grab you when you swim near it. Defeat it quickly by using ZoraLink's special Boomerang attack from a distance.

DinofolsTatl Description: What?! Don't you know about the Dinofols? Use targeting

methods while defending. And watch out for its fierybreath!

Strategy: This sword-wielding dinosaur enemy jumps at you to attack withits sword. Attack it with your sword and it'll retaliate bybreathing fire at you. Watch out for the fire and keepattacking when it gets close to defeat it.


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Tatl Description: Isn't that a Dragonfly? As long as you stay away fromits tail, it's no big danger.

Strategy: This flying creature with the electrifying tail shouldn't betoo much of a problem for you. Just attack it when it comesnear, or finish it off from far away with a long-range weapon.

EenoTatl Description: That's an Eeno. It's persistent! ...And it's

susceptible to heat!Strategy: This snowy-type creature comes out of the ground to attack if

you come near it. It's fairly easy to defeat since it's slowmoving, but it attacks by throwing snowballs at you. Block themwith your shield and defeat it quickly with your sword. Fieryattacks will also kill it quicker.

Fire KeeseTatl Description: Don't tell me you don't know about the Fire Keese!

Defeat it before it swoops down on you. I do not wantto roast!

Strategy: This is the version of the Keese that has fire surrounding it.If it touches you, you'll take damage because of the fire. Stayaway from it and shoot it down with arrows from a distance.

FloormasterTatl Description: You know the Floormaster, right? If you don't do

something about its pieces before they can reunite...Strategy: This giant walking hand is somewhat different than the

Wallmaster enemy. This version doesn't pull you back to theentrance or anything, but its ramming attack really hurts!Attack it with your Sword to split it into 3 pieces, thenquickly destroy those pieces before they come together again.You can also reflect light on it with your Mirror Shield to getthe same effect as if you used a Sword to attack.

FreezardTatl Description: Don't tell me you don't know about the Freezard! Watch

out for its icy breath! I hate the c-c-cold!Strategy: This icy statue of an enemy blows icy breath in a specific

direction. If you step in that breath, you will become frozenfor a few moments. Defeat this icy guy from far away, or justcome in close and attack it.

GaroTatl Description: It said that it's a Garo... Just concentrate on

blocking and dodging those sharp swords!Strategy: This masked ninja enemy only appears when you wear Garo's Mask

and walk around in certain sections of Ikana. It'll create acircle of fire around the battlefield so you can't escape iteither. Just avoid its swords and attack it with your sword todefeat it and learn some helpful hint.

Giant BeeTatl Description: That's a Giant Bee. Don't ask me! You can either fight

or run... It's up to you.Strategy: This large-sized bee isn't something to really worry about.

Just stay away from it if you don't want to get hurt, or run inand kill it quickly with the sword.

GibdoTatl Description: It's a Gibdo. You won't be able to move if it glares at

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you, so be careful! Got it?Strategy: This mummy that walks around in the later areas of the game can

be quite annoying. If you go near it, it'll stop you in yourtracks and it'll jump on you, causing you to slowly losehearts. Shake it off and attack from a distance with FireArrows.

Green ChuchuTatl Description: That's a Green Chuchu. It's nothing to be afraid of...

It usually has something in its stomach that's of use.Strategy: This green-colored version of the Red Chuchu is just like its

other counterpart. It usually has an item inside of it, and youcan kill it easily with your sword.

GuayTatl Description: It's a Guay. You don't know about this one? Just attack

it before it swoops down on you. That's all there is toit.

Strategy: This black bird is found in many areas of the game. If you go

near it, it'll swoop down to attack you. When it comes close,just kill it with your sword.

HiploopTatl Description: Hiploops are hotheaded, so they'll charge if you look

it in the eye. If it comes at you, assume the defensiveposition.

Tatl Description (if wearing mask): It's a Hiploop. Quickly dodge it ifit charges at you. But can't youfirst do something about that maskit's wearing?

Strategy: This creature can be pretty annoying whenever you encounter it.When you come near, it'll turn towards you, revealing its gianteye. Turn away immediately or it'll charge at you. As DekuLink, attack it to stun it temporarily, then shoot a bubble atit to cause damage. Repeat that a second time to kill thisenemy.

Ice KeeseTatl Description: You know about the Ice Keese, right? Destroy it before

it swoops down on you, I hate the c-c-cold!Strategy: This version of the Keese has a bluish color surrounding it. If

it touches you, you will become frozen for a few moments.Defeat this flying menace from far away to avoid the icyattack.

Iron KnuckleTatl Description: You know about the Iron Knuckle, right? Stay away from

its ax attack, then look for a chance to retaliate.Strategy: This armored knight is strange because it looks lifeless until

you try attacking it. At that moment, it'll come to life andattack you with its ax. Be quick and avoid the attacks, thenhit it from behind with your Sword. Continue that type ofattack pattern to beat it.

KeeseTatl Description: What?! Don't you know about the Keese? Use Z Targeting

when it gets close. Even if it flies off, I'll followit for you.

Strategy: This black bat is found mainly in the dungeons, unlike the BadBat. Take the same precautions as you would with any other

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flying creature. Just Z Target it and attack when it comesclose enough to quickly defeat it.

LeeverTatl Description: You know about the Leever, right? It actually moves

pretty fast. That's not exactly good news, is it?Strategy: This green creature comes out of the ground in sandy areas. If

you come near, it'll chase you away really fast. I'd recommendyou finish it off from far away to avoid damage.

Like LikeTatl Description: You know about the Like Like, right? It eats whatever

you're carrying. You'd better defeat it if you wantyour stuff back.

Strategy: This blob-like creature can be very annoying since it'llswallow you whole and cause damage. It'll also take your shieldif you are regular Link, so be careful and defeat this creaturequickly to avoid losing your items!

Mad ScrubTatl Description: That's one Mad Scrub! Even though it's weak, it surelikes to attack!

Strategy: This Deku Scrub pops out of flowers in the ground and spitsnuts at you to attack. Deflect them with your shield, or get inclose and kill it quickly with your sword.

Mini BabaTatl Description: That's a Mini Baba. It won't attack unless you get too

close to it, so watch your step!Strategy: This smaller version of the Deku Baba isn't too hard to avoid.

Just attack it once with your sword to get a Deku Nut from itat least.

NejironTatl Description: That's a Nejiron. Don't get too close to it. Sniff...

Sniff... It smells like gun powder!Strategy: This tan-colored rock enemy comes out of the ground in certain

areas. It won't really do anything to you, but if you attackit, it'll explode in your face! Destroy it from far away usingarrows, or wear the Stone Mask to avoid it altogether.

OctorokTatl Description: You know about the Octorok, right? All you have to do

is deflect that rock it spits out.Strategy: This octopus-type creature pops out of the water and spits

rocks in your direction. Either avoid the rocks, or deflectthem with your shield.

Pea HatTatl Description: Don't tell me you don't know about the Pea Hat! Just

remember that its root area is soft!Strategy: This weird creature is a giant thing that sits on the ground

for a while. It will then get up and fly in the air, spinningtowards you to try and cause damage. When it gets close, attackthe point underneath its body to hurt it.

Pea Hat LarvaTatl Description: Pea Hat Larva... You don't know about it? If it comes

at you, get in the defensive position to knock it back!Strategy: This smaller version of the Pea Hat comes out to attack if you

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try attacking the regular Pea Hat when it's not moving. Simplydefeat these things with your sword when they come near you.

PoeTatl Description: What?! You don't know about the Poe? If you try to use

Z Targeting, it vanishes.Strategy: This ghostly creature floats around in a room, then disappears

if you try Z Targeting it. Shoot it with arrows or hit it withyour sword to defeat it.

Real BombchuTatl Description: That's a Real Bombchu! It runs at you with its pack of

explosives, so protect yourself or else!Strategy: Just as its description implies, this creature has a bomb on

its tail. It'll charge at you, then explode upon impact tocause you damage. Just avoid it or use a long-distance weaponto kill it.

Red Bubble

Tatl Description: What?! You don't know about the Red Bubble? If it comesat you, get in the defensive position to bounce itback...Got it?

Strategy: This red version of the Bubble enemy is surrounded by fire, andit won't prevent you from using your sword for a while. When itcomes at you, raise your shield to make its fire disappear andit'll bounce around on the floor. Then, just quickly kill itwith one of your weapons.

Red ChuchuTatl Description: That's a Red Chuchu. It's nothing really to be afraid

of! It's not unusual to find something in its stomachthat might be of use.

Strategy: Here's a rather simple enemy found in the Termina Field. Itcontains a small item in its transparent stomach, and you candefeat it quickly with a single sword slash to gain that item.

ReDeadTatl Description: ReDead... If it catches you in its paralyzing glare,

you won't be able to move. Shake it off if you getcaught!

Strategy: This enemy isn't really that much different than the Gibdo. Ifyou come near it, it'll stop you in your tracks and jump onyou, causing you to take damage. However, you can avoid havingto battle it by wearing the Captain's Hat or the Gibdo Mask.

Shell BladeTatl Description: Don't tell me you don't know about the Shell Blade!

It's impossible to beat it if you aim for anything butits ligament inside the shell.

Strategy: This shelled fish is really annoying because if you come nearit, it'll swim towards you and try to cause damage. The onlyway to damage it is by hitting its soft inside, so get close toget it to open, then shoot an arrow at it.

SkullfishTatl Description: Isn't that a Skullfish? Look, don't ask me about

everything, all right?Strategy: This skeleton-type fish is found in the watery parts of the

game. As Zora Link, easily take them out by using the boomerangattack or by punching them out.

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WolfosTatl Description: So you don't know about the Wolfos? Lure it in and

watch its movements. It doesn't like its tail to betouched.

Strategy: This version of the Wolfos is just a weaker version of theWhite Wolfos. Wait until it tries to attack you, then quicklyhit it to cause damage. Do that a couple more times to defeatit.

Yellow ChuchuTatl Description: It's a Yellow Chuchu. That's nothing to sweat about. It

usually has something in its stomach that's of use...Strategy: This is the yellowish version of the common Chuchu creature of

Termina Field. Instead of the other two Chuchus, this versioncarries arrows in its stomach, so defeat it and collect thegoodies inside.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Mini-Bosses -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

DinofolsFound: Woodfall TempleTatl Description: What?! Don't you know about the Dinofols? Use targeting

methods while defending. And watch out for its fierybreath!

Strategy: To make this battle easy, it's recommended you revert back toyour regular form. It isn't too hard to beat this mini-bossanyway. Just use Z-Targeting and put up your shield to blockits regular attack. After it attacks, run up and hit it withyour Sword real quick. Back away to avoid getting hit by itsfiery breath, then repeat the pattern until you defeat it.

GekkoFound: Woodfall TempleTatl Description: That's a Gekko. And it's pretty angry! It's pretty

weak, too. It really shouldn't be making a fool of you.Strategy: Here's the second easy mini-boss in the Woodfall Temple for you

to fight. Start by becoming regular Link, then start runningaround this room since the Gekko will follow you. When itstops, turn around and quickly attack it with your Sword.Repeat that 2 more times and it'll summon a Snapper to ridearound the room for its next attack. When it comes near you,get out of the way and throw a bomb at it to flip over theSnapper. The Gekko will use this time to crawl around on thewall to get away. Use the Hero's Bow and shoot it down, thenit'll ride the Snapper around again. Bomb the Snapper, thenshoot the Gekko a couple more times to defeat it.

WizrobeFound: Snowhead TempleTatl Description: It's a Wizrobe. You'll get your chance right when it

starts to attack. Be on the lookout for it!Strategy: In this fight, there are 4 warp squares in each corner of the

room, and Wizrobe can appear in any of them. When it appears,run up to it and attack with your Sword. You can also shoot itfrom a distance using arrows. When it appears, attack quicklyor it'll shoot an ice ball at you, which will freeze you in

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place for a moment. It'll also freeze a part of the floor,which will also freeze you if touched. When you've nearlydefeated it, it'll start sending fake clones of itself aroundthe room to confuse you, then it'll hit you with an attack.Stay against a wall and shoot an arrow at the real thing whenit stops. Continue that attack pattern until you defeat thismini-boss.

WartFound: Great Bay TempleTatl Description: It's a Wart. Once you've gotten rid of the spheres that

shield the main body, you can attack the eye.Strategy: This giant eyeball creature is a mini-boss in the Great Bay

Temple. It is very similar to the Swamp Palace boss in Zelda: ALink to the Past. You'll see many round bubbles surroundingthis creature as protection. Defeat it the same way by becomingregular Link and using the Hookshot from a distance to pull offthe bubbles, one at a time. Each time you pull a bubble off,destroy it with your sword. Pull off most of the bubbles until

you've cleared off most of this creature. Then, stay at adistance and wait for its eye to open. At that point, shoot anarrow into its eye to cause damage. Repeat this process untilall the bubbles fall off and this creature moves around theroom. Hit it with your Sword when it comes near until you killit.

GekkoFound: Great Bay TempleTatl Description: That's a Gekko. It gets itself all worked up and then

it just runs around. I hate it.Strategy: This fight against the Gekko is even worse than the first time

you fought it back in Woodfall Temple. This time, there aregiant blobs in the room that don't do anything to hurt you.Anyway, equip the Ice Arrows and wait for the giant blobs tosurround the Gekko and bring it to the ceiling. At that point,quickly aim up and shoot the giant blob with an Ice Arrow tofreeze it. When the blob shatters, quickly run in (it'spreferred you have the Bunny Hood on) and attack the Gekko withyour Sword. After you hit it, it'll jump to the ceiling againwith the giant blob surrounding it. Repeat the above pattern ofattacking until you defeat it.

Skull KeetaFound: Ikana GraveyardTatl Description: Hurry! Chase him until you get your chance at him! But

if you get too close, you might regret it!Strategy: This creature known as Skull Keeta is the giant skeleton you

woke up in the graveyard. It'll start walking up the path andyou have to chase it, but there are several fire walls alongthe way that block you. To get past a fire wall, defeat the twoStalchildren that appear. Use the Bunny Hood to move fasterthrough this area. When you get close enough, hit Skull Keetawith your Sword to start the real battle. Don't get closebecause it'll try punching you down. Attack it with your swordrepeatedly, and it'll eventually start jumping in the air andtry to crush you. Just avoid its attacks and keep youroffensive strategy up until you defeat it.

Big PoeFound: In the room under the grave at Ikana Graveyard that you open up on

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the Final Night.Tatl Description: You know about the Big Poe, right? Knock it back to

stop it, then take your shot!Strategy: This giant ghost mini-boss isn't too much of a problem for you

to worry about. It'll come close to you, then perform its spinattack to cause damage to you. Stay away from the attack, thenZ-Target this ghost, then shoot an arrow at it when it's justfloating around. After you cause damage, it'll reappear inanother part of the room and continue using its spin attack.Repeat the same battle plan as before until you defeat the BigPoe.

WizrobeFound: Ancient Castle of IkanaTatl Description: It's a Wizrobe. You'll get your chance right when it

starts to attack. Be on the lookout for it!Strategy: When you fight the Wizrobe here, it's pretty much the same type

of strategy as last time. There are 4 warp tiles in the roomand Wizrobe will appear at one of them and shoot a fireball at

you to attack. This time, the fireball splits into a couplepieces on impact with the floor to try and hit you if you'retoo close. When it appears on a tile, wait for it to stopspinning, then attack with your Sword to make it disappear.Repeat the above attack pattern a few more times, then Wizrobewill start sending clones of itself around as well. The way youcan tell which one is real is like this: when the clones aremoving around, the real Wizrobe is already on a tile castingits spell. Be on the lookout for that one so you can attack.Keep doing that until you defeat this mini-boss.

King's ServantsFound: Ancient Castle of IkanaTatl Description: Use Z Targeting methods while defending... The

"Unthinkable?" What could that possible be in a placeas dark as this?

Strategy: There are two servants that will attack you in the castlethrone room. When they come at you, avoid their weak swordattacks by blocking with your shield. Hit them a couple timeseach to temporarily stun them. Use that time to shoot FireArrows at the curtains to shine light in the room again. Afterthat, your battle plan here will change. Attack these skeletonwarriors a couple times to knock them down, then shine light onthem to defeat them completely.

King of IkanaFound: Ancient Castle of IkanaTatl Description: Stick with using the basic target methods while

defending. ...He's a different rank than those othertwo lackeys, though...

Strategy: The king of the old Ikana castle isn't too much of a threateither. It's basically a stronger version than the servants youjust fought. He also has some stronger attacks to take you downwith. He will make his head come off and chase you around theroom, while the body can still attack you if you get close.Just attack when you get a chance until you eventually knockthe king down. After that, shine light on him to win thebattle.

Garo MasterFound: Stone Tower Temple

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Tatl Description: That's the Garo Master... You can't fight him like anordinary Garo. Just dodge those swords...

Strategy: This mini-boss is obviously the master of the Garos, judging byits size and appearance. It attacks by charging at you with itsfire swords, and it moves very fast as well. I recommend youwear the Bunny Hood for this battle. After it charges at you,quickly turn around and attack it with your Sword when it'slooking for you again. Then, quickly get away or you'll getcaught up in a counter attack. Repeat the process a few moretimes until you defeat it, then get out of the way to avoid thebomb blast at the end.

EyegoreFound: Stone Tower TempleTatl Description: It's an Eyegore. Simply attacking it is no good. I say

you should pay attention to the subtle changes in itseye.

Strategy: This bluish enemy with one eye isn't anything to worry about.If you come near it, it'll come to life and start marching

towards you. Hit it with your sword and back away. Avoid therock that it throws out, then shoot its yellow eye with anarrow to cause damage. Repeat that a few times to defeat it.

WizrobeFound: Stone Tower TempleTatl Description: It's a Wizrobe. You'll get your chance right when it

starts to attack. Be on the lookout for it!Strategy: This battle is just like the battle with Wizrobe in the Ikana

Castle. The only difference this time is that there are smallfiery rocks falling from the ceiling. Also, there are two tilesthat are on high ledges you cannot reach, so you're just goingto have to avoid Wizrobe up there. When the Wizrobe appears atany warp tile, wait until it stops spinning, then attack. Ifyou're not in time, watch out for the fireball that'll be shotat you. Continue the above attack pattern until the clonesstart appearing. Avoid the clones and look for the real one,which is on a tile already, casting its spell. Attack that one,then continue the pattern until you defeat it.

GomessFound: Stone Tower TempleTatl Description: It's Gomess. There'll be no end to it if you can't get

those bats away from it. Does that shed any light onthe situation?

Strategy: This black mini-boss is completely surrounded by bats as itsprotection. You must get the bats away from Gomess before youcan attack. So, run around with the Bunny Hood on until theroom flashes red and the bats come after you. Avoid the batsand attack Gomess a couple times with your Sword. Then, runaway FAST because it'll come after you with its spinningscythe. You can also shoot Light Arrows at it when the bats aresurrounding it to make them go away temporarily, so you canattack. Repeat the above battle plan until you defeat this darkcreature.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8. Bosses -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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OdolwaFound: Woodfall TempleTatl Description: If you get close to him, you'll be beaten! Do you

understand me?Strategy: Despite its huge size, this boss shouldn't be too tough for you

to defeat. His attacks don't take away much damage, plus it'snot too hard to avoid this guy. He starts by running aroundand/or attacking you with his huge sword. After a few moments,he'll summon locusts and such to come attack you. You caneasily defeat those and recover your health if needed. He'llalso create a ring of fire, during which he may try to attackyou. To attack him, shoot him with an arrow to stun himtemporarily, then run in and attack with your Sword. Watch outfor the blocks that fall from the ceiling, as well as thoseswarms of annoying flying insects. Repeat the above pattern ofusing arrows, then your Sword to attack. When you've nearlydefeated Odolwa, he'll start moving faster and spinning aroundwith his sword to attack. Avoid him and attack like before

until you finally defeat this boss. If you run out of arrowsduring the fight, you can use the Bomb Flowers around the room.

GohtFound: Snowhead TempleTatl Description: Hurry! Chase after it. Even if it means throwing your

own body into it, do it so it'll stop!Strategy: This battle against the giant bull-like boss shouldn't be too

hard for you to win. Goht runs around the room at high speedsto try and hurt you. Start by becoming Goron Link and rollingaround the room to follow it. Stay at full speed when yourspikes are out, then keep ramming it to cause damage with thespikes. Watch out for the boulders that Goht kicks up as itruns away. Try not to stay too close to it because it'll startshooting electrical bolts at you, which will stop you and causedamage. When this beast is almost defeated, it'll startshooting bolts and throwing bombs at you from behind, andspikes will fall from the ceiling. Destroy the green pots alongthe way to keep your magic high, then keep pursuing thiscreature and ramming it until you win.

GyorgFound: Great Bay TempleTatl Description (Before stunning): If you go near it now, you'll be

eaten! Aim at it from afar to weaken it.Tatl Description (After stunning): What are you doing?!? There's no time

to lose! Dive underwater and attack it! Hurry!Strategy: This giant fish is the hardest of the temple bosses in the game

by far! It has several unavoidable and damaging attacks, andyou'll definitely need some Red Potions and Fairies in Bottlesif you're going to survive this hellish battle. Anyway, thisboss does alot to try and make this battle hard. When you'restanding on the middle platform, it'll jump out of the waterand fly straight across the platform to hit you. If you'requick enough, you can get away from that attack. When you're atthe edge of the platform, it'll ram the platform from under thewater to try and knock you into the water. Be careful whenmoving around underwater because Gyorg will swim quickly andswallow you whole, then spit you out to cause some damage.There's really no way to avoid that one, unfortuately. Also,it'll sometimes release piranhas from its mouth to attack, but

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you can easily kill them with a Barrier attack. To attack it,become Zora Link and Z-Target Gyorg when it's in the water.Then, use the Boomerang attack to stun it underwater.Alternatively, you can shoot arrows at its head as regular Linkto stun it. At that point, quickly dive in the water and hit itwith a Barrier attack to cause damage. If you run low onhealth, be sure to use a Red Potion or a Bottled Fairy if youhave one. Then, repeat that above process a few more times todefeat Gyorg completely.

TwinmoldFound: Stone Tower TempleTatl Description: Just its head and tail aren't protected by its hard

exoskeleton, so aim carefully. If only you were thesame size as it...

Strategy: This battle takes place in a large sandy arena against twolarge centipede-type creatures known as Twinmold. First thingyou should do is put on the Giant's Mask and become the samesize as the bosses. However, your magic drains rather quickly

in this form, so make sure you have several Green Potions, or aBottle of Chateau Romani since it gives you unlimited magicpower until you warp back in time. These bosses aren't reallytoo hard at all since all they do is move around in the sandand in the air. When you get a chance, hit either their head ortail to cause damage. When your magic runs out, use a GreenPotion and become a giant again. Continue the above battle planuntil you defeat both parts of Twinmold and win this battle.

Majora's MaskFound: The MoonTatl Description: Remember your battles! When something resistant would

deflect your weapons, what was its backside usuallylike?

Strategy: Ok, this is the final boss of the entire game. It really isn'ttoo hard as long as you know what to do and all. I recommendyou make use of the Fierce Deity's Mask here for this battle(if you beat Majora's Mask in that form, you won't get as goodof an ending as you would if you beat it as regular Link.Anyway, for Majora's Mask's first attack, it'll float aroundthe room and occasionally spin sideways like a buzzsaw. Avoidthat attack and follow it around as Link's ultimate form. Afterit stops spinning and floats upright, hit its back with yourSword. Repeat that attack a couple more times to start the nextpart of the battle. Now, the Remains Masks will come off thewalls and start floating around, shooting energy balls at you.Hit each of those masks 3 times each to destroy them, thenattack Majora's Mask like before. 3 hits to Majora's Mask willcause it to grow arms, legs, and a small head. It'll thenbecome known as Majora's Incarnation.

Majora's IncarnationFound: The MoonTatl Description: Remember your battles! When you fought things that ran

around, didn't you battle them using your own body?Strategy: This version of Majora's Mask is much worse than the first one.

This time, it runs around the room really fast, and stops everynow and then to shoot a barrage of energy balls at you toattack. To beat it with the Fierce Deity's Mask on, use Z-Targeting on it and wait for it to come near you, then attackwith your sword. When it falls down, run in and continue the

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attacks with your sword. If it gets up, just knock it downagain with the sword. Repeat that process until you defeat itand it morphs into Majora's Wrath.

Majora's WrathFound: The MoonTatl Description: Think about battles and weapons! When you had the

chance before an enemy was about to attack, didn't youusually try shooting it?

Strategy: This is the final version of Majora's Mask that you have tofight. In the start of this battle, this creature will standstill in the room for a moment before attacking you with itsextremely long whips. It's impossible to avoid that attack, sostay at a good distance as much as you can. When it's stayingstill, become regular Link and shoot it with a Light Arrow tostun it. After that, run in and attack with your sword, thenget away fast! Get back across the room and shoot it withanother Light Arrow to stun, then use the sword to attack. Ifyou run low on magic or health, use a Red or Green Potion since

I told you to bring several of these to the battle. Then,repeat the same battle plan as above until you defeat itcompletely.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9. Items -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Bomb: Here is the regular bomb, which is practically a tradition in eachZelda game. Use a bomb to defeat enemies, blow open walls and otherthings, and throw them by pressing the C button. You must have a BombBag in order to carry them.

Bombchu: This remotely controlled bomb is back from the first N64 Zelda game.They work the same as the other game too; place them on the groundand press the C button to make them move straight ahead until theyhit something and blow up. These are really cool to have, plus theyare sold MUCH cheaper than before!

Bombers' Notebook: You receive this notebook after entering the Bombers'hideout, then talking to the kid that appears when youexit it. With this notebook, you can hold information(pictures, names, promises you made to someone) for up to20 people in the notebook.

Bottle: These are the empty bottles you can use in your inventory to carrypotions, fairies, and some other things in for future use. There are6 bottles total that you can have in your inventory, and theirlocations are listed here:

1. In the Southern Swamp, go to the Magic Hags' Potion Shop after findingKoume in the Woods of Mystery. Talk to Kotake to get a Bottle, filledwith Red Potion.

2. In the Snowhead area, go to the Goron Racetrack and win the race toget a Bottle with Gold Dust inside.

3. After you save Romani Ranch from the aliens during the night of Day 1,you'll earn a Bottle filled with Milk.

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4. On the Final Night, enter the Milk Bar, Latte with the Romani Mask on.Talk to Madame Aroma and give her the Special Letter to Mama (if youdon't have it, complete the whole trading process like you did for theKeaton Mask to get it). She'll give you a Bottle full of ChateauRomani as thanks.

5. In the eastern section of Zora Cape, you'll see a large waterfall andseveral ledges leading up to the top of it. Hookshot onto a ledge bylatching onto the palm tree, then continue using it to reach the top.Enter the cave there and jump in as Zora Link. Talk to the beaver andwin both races against both brothers to win an empty Bottle.

6. On the Final Night in Ikana Graveyard, wear the Captain's Hat and havethe Stalchildren open the grave they're guarding. Direct Dampe throughthis room to find 3 beams of light. After you beat the Big Poe, openthe chest to get the Bottle.

Deku Nut: This small nut isn't exactly the most useful of items in the game.

When you throw it, it'll cause a blinding light for a second,causing enemies to stop chasing you for a moment.

Deku Stick: Here's another item from the first N64 Zelda game, too. You canswing this around at enemies, but it isn't very durable and willbreak easily. You can hold one and use a torch on the wall tolight it, which you can use to light other objects.

Fire Arrow: When you select this magical arrow, you'll be able to shootflaming arrows. You can use this ability to light unlit torches,melt ice, defeat enemies, and some other things as well. It uses2MP each time you shoot a Fire Arrow. You find this special arrowin the Snowhead Temple.

Gilded Sword: This is a much more powerful sword than your previous sword. Itdoes 3x more damage than the Kokiri Sword, plus it's larger,giving it a bit more range of attacking. You get it by givingthe smithy in Mountain Village a Bottle of Gold Dust, after youhad them forge the Razor Sword for you.

Great Fairy's Sword: This special sword is the most powerful of all theswords. You get it from the Great Fairy in Ikana Canyonafter finding all the Stray Fairies in the Stone TowerTemple. This sword is 4x as powerful as the KokiriSword, and you equip it to a C button to use it.

Hero's Bow: This legendary bow is back yet again in this game for you to use.You can use arrows with this weapon to shoot at objects orenemies. There are 3 special types of arrows you can use as well:the Fire Arrow, the Ice Arrow, and the Light Arrow. However, eachof those arrows consumes magic power each time one is used.

Hero's Shield: This is the very first shield you get in the game. It protectsyou from the basic stuff, but not from more powerful attacks,such as lasers.

Hookshot: This really useful accessory is back again in this game as well.Use it like you did in the previous Zelda game by aiming with thered dot, then pressing the C button to shoot the Hookshot towardsthe object, then you can pull yourself to it if it attaches. Youcan't attach yourself to any object, though.

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Ice Arrow: This icy type of arrow is another great and useful weapon for youto use. You find this special arrow in the Great Bay Temple, andyou can use it to create ice platforms in the water, freeze manyenemies, and turn them into small glaciers. Each Ice Arrow takes2MP to shoot, though.

Kokiri Sword: This is the sword that Link starts out with in the beginning ofthe game. It's pretty good for now, but you can get betterswords later in the game.

Lens of Truth: This mysterious magnifying lens is a rather strange object.When you use it, it wastes magic power, but you're able to seethings you wouldn't normally see with this item, includinghidden platforms, objects, and even people.

Light Arrow: This is the third magical arrow you collect through the courseof this game. It has a great use, especially in the Stone TowerTemple, since you can use them to dispose of those blue sun

blocks and sun switches on walls. Each of these arrows takes 4MPto shoot, which isn't too much, so don't worry.

Magic Bean: There are special beans that are sold by a man living undergroundwithin the Deku Palace. Buy one for 10 rupees, and you can plantit in any soft soil patch. To make it grow, wait until it rainson the 2nd Day, or pour a Bottle of Spring Water on it. You canthen ride the platform that sprouts to a new area to findsomething useful.

Mirror Shield: This shiny shield is pretty much like the Hero's Shield,except for the fact that it can reflect light. It's veryuseful in the last temple of the game, where you need to shinelight on many things. You get this shield after you getthrough the well in Ikana Canyon.

Pictograph Box: This camera can be used to take photos of anything. It canonly store one picture at once, but you can always choose todelete the saved picture and take a new one.

Powder Keg: This is a giant type of a bomb that only Gorons can use. This hasa large range and has lots of power. However, you must pass thetest by the Goron in Goron Village (clear the boulder in front ofthe Goron Racetrack with a Powder Keg) in order to use them.Also, you can only carry one at a time.

Razor Sword: This sword is forged by the smithy in the Mountain Village for100 rupees. It's stronger than the Kokiki Sword, but it has onedisadvantage. You can only use it 100 times before it loses itsedge and becomes the Kokiki Sword again. The only reason youshould get this is because you must have it in order to get theGilded Sword afterward.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 10. Heart Pieces -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

==========Clock Town

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East Clock Town---------------

1. After you get the Land Title Deed from the gold Deku Scrub, enter theStock Pot Inn after 12AM (become Deku Link and use the Deku Flower to flyto the roof and enter the door there). Go downstairs to the toilet to finda hand coming out of it. Talk to it, then give it the Land Title Deed toget the Heart Piece.

2. Enter Honey and Darling's Shop on each of the three days and play theirdifferent games. You must get a perfect score on each of the days to earnthe Heart Piece. You won't get it if you win on Day 1, then lose a coupletimes before getting another perfect.

3. After you get the Hero's Bow, return to the Town Shooting Gallery in thesouth end of East Clock Town. Gain a perfect score (hit all 50 targets) towin the Heart Piece. You only get it if you've already won the quiver

upgrade by beating the high score here.4. After you gain the Goron Mask, go to East Clock Town and enter the

Treasure Chest Shop. Play for 30 rupees (you'll have to have won the 20rupee game first) and make it through the maze to the chest, then open itto get the Heart Piece.

5. After you get the All-Night Mask, enter the Stock Pot Inn and enter thefirst room on the bottom floor. Talk to Anju's grandmother while wearingthe mask and choose to listen to the story that takes just 2 hours. Afterthe story's done, pick "On the eve of the festival" as your answer to geta Heart Piece.

6. When you get the All-Night Mask, go to the Stock Pot Inn and talk toAnju's grandmother in the room. Listen to the second story (the one thatlasts until morning) and pick "I dunno" as your answer to get anotherHeart Piece.

7. After you get the Couple's Mask, go to the Mayor's Residence and wear themask in the meeting with the mayor. You'll make the mayor happy, and he'llreward you with a Heart Piece.

North Clock Town----------------

8. When you're regular Link, go to the east half of North Clock Town. Walk upthe middle of the slide to the platform at the top. There, turn left andjump across to the high ledge. From there, jump into the tree and claimthe Heart Piece.

9. Turn into Deku Link and use the Deku Flower near the fairy cave to flyover the nearby fence (do this on First Day). Drop in the hole and playthe Deku Nut Playground game, and win 3 days in a row to get the HeartPiece.

10. In North Clock Town, there is a circle of bushes that will start movingif you try picking up or cutting any of them. Wear the Keaton Mask whiledoing so and you will summon Keaton. Answer its 5 questions (allquestions and answers are in the Secrets section) and you'll gain theHeart Piece. (This can also be done at the circle of bushes at Milk Road

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and the Mountain Village.)

South Clock Town----------------

11. After you get the Land Title Deed for that golden Deku Flower, launchyourself from it and float onto a ledge above the entrance to the ClockTower to find the Heart Piece.

12. After you get the Postman's Hat, wear it and check any of the postboxesthroughout Clock Town to find a Heart Piece (not just in this area).

West Clock Town---------------

13. In Clock Town, you may have noticed the man that runs around town andstops at each mailbox. That is the postman of the town. Follow him around

until he returns to the post office again at 3PM in the game. Go in thepost office and talk to him in the back to play a game where you'll haveto count 10 seconds and press A the precise moment that 10 seconds havepassed. If you nail it on the dot, you'll gain the Heart Piece. Note thatthis is rather difficult to win, so I advise you use a watch to wineasier.

14. Enter the Swordsman Training place (it's next to the Post Office) andcomplete the Expert Course using only jump attacks to destroy the logs.

15. During any of the three nights, you'll find two dancers dancing in thenorth section of West Clock Town. Wear Kamaro's Mask and go up to them,then press B to teach them the new dance. You will then be rewarded witha Heart Piece.

16. In West Clock Town, you'll get a Heart Piece after you have 5000 rupeesdeposited to the bank.

=============Termina Field=============

17. In the north section of Termina Field, you'll find those giant mushroom-shaped pillars. Walk underneath the mushroom that you found the manstanding on top of earlier in the game and fall in the hole underneathit. There, defeat the two Dodongos and open the chest that appears to getthe Heart Piece.

18. In South Clock Town, talk to the Deku that owns the gold Deku Flower.After that, go to the observatory via the underground cave in East ClockTown. Look through the telescope and watch that Deku fly to a hidden areanear the observatory. Exit the place and get back to Clock Town, thentake the east exit to Termina Field. Go east and onto the higher ledge,then fall into the hole in front of the gates surrounding theobservatory. Go up and talk to the Deku and he'll try to sell you a HeartPiece for 150 rupees. Turn down that offer and he'll reduce the price to100, so buy your Heart Piece then.

19. In the southern area of Termina Field, walk around in the tall grass nearthe entrance to Milk Road. Look for a couple butterflies floating around

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and walk around that area to drop into a hidden cave. There, defeat thePea Hat and open the chest that appears to get the Heart Piece.

20. In the western area of Termina Field, you'll notice a giant boulder tothe right of the fence blocking access to the Great Bay area. Bomb theboulder and drop into the hole to enter a cave. Defeat the Bio DekuBabas, then shoot down the beehives on the ceiling. Become Zora Link andcollect the Heart Piece at the bottom of this pool.

21. Throughout Termina Field, there are many Hidden Holes that you can fallinto. There are 4 specific holes that you must fall into, then change thecolor of the Gossip Stone within by playing the Goron Lullaby (must bedone as Goron Link). The 4 holes are as follows: just outside theentrance to North Clock Town, the hole right next to the fence by AstralObservatory, the one against the wall between the entrances to theWoodfall area and Milk Road, and the one under a boulder north of theWest Clock Town entrance. After you make them all the same color, you'llget the Heart Piece.

============Romani Ranch============

22. At Romani Ranch, go to the Doggie Racetrack. Choose to play, then go intothe pen of dogs and use the Mask of Truth to see how they're feeling.Find one that feels it's going to win, then choose to race it, althoughit's not guaranteed to win. After you win over 150 rupees in prizes,you'll get a Heart Piece.

======================Road to Southern Swamp======================

23. When you reach the area where the path splits on the road to the SouthernSwamp, you'll see a large tree with Bad Bats flying around it. Kill allthe bats, then climb up the vines on the side of the tree, then grab theHeart Piece at the top.

24. On the road to the Southern Swamp, head to the Swamp Shooting Gallery.Shoot a perfect score, which is 2120 points (only after winning thequiver upgrade) and you'll win the Heart Piece.

==============Southern Swamp==============

25. After you get the Land Title Deed from the Deku Scrub in Clock Town, godown to the swamp. Talk to the Deku Scrub to the left of the SwampTourist Center, then give it the deed to gain the Swamp Title Deed forits Deku Flower. Turn into Deku Link and use that Deku Flower to get tothe roof of the building, then grab the Heart Piece at the top.

26. After you revive Koume in the Woods of Mystery, go to the Swamp TouristCenter and talk to her to get a free cruise ride, as well as thePictograph Box. Get off when you reach the Deku Palace, then turn intoDeku Link. Follow the monkey into the Deku Palace. Go up across thebridge to the guards, then talk to them to make them move. Continue

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straight up to the Royal Chamber, then go up and use the Pictograph Boxto take a picture of the king. Now, leave the palace and turn back intoregular Link. Board the boat and ride it back to the end, then show thePictograph Box to the man at the counter to get a Piece of Heart.

27. After you beat the Woodfall Temple and obtain the Hero's Bow, come backto the tourist center and talk to Koume. Accept the offer to play herspecial shoot-the-target game while on the boat cruise. Shoot more than20 of the targets before you reach the end and you'll win a Heart Piece.

===========Deku Palace===========

28. After you get past the guards at the entrance to the Deku Palace, go upthe hallway and enter the room to the left. Get through the following 2areas while avoiding the guards, then grab the Heart Piece at the end.


29. Go around through the Woodfall area as Deku Link until you reach thelarge gold chest on the ledge with a Deku Scrub. Open it to get the HeartPiece.

================Mountain Village================

30. After you beat the Snowhead Temple and you have the Don Gero's Mask, goto the Mountain Village and talk to the frog sitting next to the water(while wearing the mask). There are 5 frogs total throughout the world ofTermina that are part of this choir, and you must find them all (theirlocations are in the Secrets section). After you do that, go to theMountain Village and conduct the choir with the Don Gero's Mask to win aHeart Piece.

============Twin Islands============

31. Go to the Twin Islands area after you beat the Snowhead Temple and whenyou have the Zora Mask. Dive under the water and open the underwaterchest to get the Heart Piece inside.

=============Goron Village=============

32. After you get the Swamp Title Deed, become Deku Link and talk to the Dekusalesman in Goron Village. When you get the chance to, assign the paperto a C button and give it to the Deku. After it leaves, use the gold DekuFlower to fly up to a high ledge. There, go up and grab the Heart Piece.

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================Road to Snowhead================

33. On the road going up to Snowhead, go up the path up until you reach thesecond set of ramps to jump. At that point, look to the right and use theLens of Truth to reveal several hidden platforms. Become regular Link andjump across them, then on the last one, play the Scarecrow's Song (if youplayed the Song of Time after learning it, you'll have to go learn itagain) to make the scarecrow appear on the far ledge. Hookshot up to itand collect the Heart Piece there.

===============Great Bay Coast===============

34. In the Great Bay Coast, gather 6 Fish in 6 Bottles. Then, bring them to

the Marine Research Lab and empty them into the small tank (not the onethat the Zora Eggs went in). The fish inside will become larger and eatall your fish and the other fish in the tank, then spit out a HeartPiece.

35. In the northern section of the Great Bay area, get onto the piece of landto the east (it's the one with all the high ledges with Hookshot targetson them). Hookshot onto the higher ledges to find a soft soil spot. Planta Magic Bean, then water it with Spring Water, or just play the Song ofStorms. After it grows, ride the platform onto the higher ledge. Play theScarecrow's Song to make a scarecrow appear on the last ledge. Hookshotonto it and grab the Heart Piece on the ledge.

36. After you get the Captain's Hat, get to the Great Bay Coast and enter theOceanside Spider House. Talk to the 6 Stalchildren found in this placeand find out what order to shoot the colored masks in the final room in.Get to the last room (the one with the last group of Skulltulas in mylist below) and shoot the 4 colored masks in the correct order witharrows to open a hidden passage. Go up the passage and collect the HeartPiece in the chest.

37. After you beat the Great Bay Temple and things go back to normal, swim tothe halfway point in the middle of the Great Bay. You should find anabandoned Gerudo boat there, so ride it to a group of islands furthernorth. Hookshot onto the tree and play the Fisherman's Jumping Game.Score more than 20 points before time's up to get the Heart Piece.

===============Gerudo Fortress===============

38. When you're going through the watery sewer area underneath the GerudoFortress, you'll find a room with a jail cell. There is a Heart Pieceinside of that locked cell. Go up the steps in front of the cell, then goleft and become Goron Link to destroy the barrels. Step on the switch toopen the cell, then quickly go back down the steps and into the cell toclaim the prize.


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Pinnacle Rock=============

39. When you're defeating those Deep Pythons under Pinnacle Rock, you'lleventually free another seahorse. The first seahorse you got from thefisherman will come and thank you by giving you a Heart Piece.

=========Zora Cape=========

40. On the east side of Zora Cape, follow the path east and you'll find alarge waterfall. Dive under the waterfall and defeat the Like Like to getthe Heart Piece.

41. Also on the eastern part of Zora Cape, you'll notice a bunch of highledges leading up to the top of the waterfall. Hookshot your way ontothose ledges and continue using the Hookshot to reach the top. There,

enter a cave to reach Waterfall Rapids. Jump in the water and talk to thebeaver to race. Win both races after you won the Bottle already to get aHeart Piece.

=========Zora Hall=========

42. (This must be done before you beat the Great Bay Temple.) Enter Zora Halland get to the middle area. There, enter the rightmost door as Zora Link.In that room, become regular Link and Hookshot onto the tree on the highledge, then pull yourself there. Become Zora Link and read the book tohear a few notes and stuff. After that, leave this room and enter thenext room to the left. Here, go up to the Zora and pull out your guitarto have a jam session. Play the notes you read in the previous room tocontinue. Remember all these notes you're playing since you'll need torepeat them soon. After that, leave the room and go to the next one.Here, go up the steps to where the next band member is playing thekeyboard. Go behind him and become regular Link, then play all thosenotes. Evan will become happy and give you the Heart Piece.

43. In Zora Hall, enter Lulu's room (must be Zora Link if doing this beforebeating Great Bay Temple) and become Goron Link. Talk to the Akindo Nutand give him the Mountain Title Deed if you have it to get its Oceandeed. Now, become Deku Link and use the Deku Flower to get to the higherledge with the Heart Piece.

===============Ikana Graveyard===============

44. In the Ikana Graveyard, wait until the 2nd Night and wear the Captain'sHat. Have the Stalchildren open the grave, then you drop into the cavebelow. Get through the whole cave with help from the Lens of Truth and abomb (to destroy the cracked wall near the end). Defeat the Iron Knuckleat the end and open the chest that appears to get the Heart Piece.


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Ikana Canyon============

45. In the northwest section of Ikana Canyon, enter the Spirit House and pay30 rupees to play the game. Defeat the 4 Poe Sisters within 3 minutes towin the Heart Piece.

46. In Ikana Canyon, get down to the river to the south and swim west. At theend, enter the cave behind the waterfall called the Secret Shrine. Use aLight Arrow to open the first door, then defeat the 4 mini-bosses here towin a Heart Piece.

===============Sakon's Hideout===============

47. After you get the Ocean Title Deed, give it to the Akindo Nut outside ofSakon's Hideout as Zora Link. It'll give you 200 rupees and its Deku

Flower as a reward. Become Deku Link and use the flower to fly across theriver to a ledge with the Heart Piece.

=======================Ancient Castle of Ikana=======================

48. When you enter the Ancient Castle of Ikana, go into the west room. Getthrough it all to get outside on the castle roof. Now, hit the crystalswitch on a pillar with an arrow to make the fire on another pillardisappear. Now, jump onto the pillar with the Deku Flower and quickly flyfrom pillar to pillar to reach the Heart Piece.

========The Moon========

49. In the Deku Dungeon, you'll find the Heart Piece on the northeast ledge.Use the gold Deku Flower on the second spinning platform to reach it.

50. In the Goron Dungeon, instead of stopping where I said to in the guideabove, continue navigating the path rolling around to the very end, thengrab the Heart Piece on the ledge you come to.

51. Inside the Zora Dungeon, jump in the water and take the first right turn.Then, take the first left turn and continue along with the currentpushing you. Keep taking all the left paths to the end, where you shouldfind a Heart Piece.

52. After you get through all three battles in the Link Dungeon, enter thefollowing room and collect the Heart Piece in front of you.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11. Masks -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

All-Night Mask

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Found: In North Clock Town, save the old lady from the burglar on the Firstnight. On the Final night, enter the Curiosity Shop at 10PM when itopens and buy the All-Night Mask for 500 rupees (must have GiantWallet first).

Description: When you wear this mask, you won't be able to fall asleep. Thisis particularly useful when listening to Anju's grandmother'sstories in the Stock Pot Inn.

Blast Mask----------

Found: Get from old lady in North Clock Town at 12AM after chasing away thethief and rescuing her stolen bag.

Description: When you wear this mask, you're practically wearing a bomb on

your face! Put it on and press B to explode the bomb, causing asmall amount of damage to yourself in the process. It can harmenemies and blow open walls, just like a regular bomb could.

Bremen Mask-----------

Found: Get from musician at the Laundry Pool in the southwest corner of ClockTown. This can only be done between 12AM and 6AM on the First andSecond Days.

Description: When you wear it, press B to start marching in place whileplaying the Ocarina. Walk around and any animals nearby willfollow you around until you stop.

Bunny Hood----------

Found: Get from Grog in Cucco Shack (Romani Ranch) after turning his 10chickens into roosters by marching around the field with the BremenMask.

Description: When you wear this mask, you'll be able to run twice as fast asyou'd normally move. It's great if you want to get to a certainpoint quicker within a certain amount of time.

Captain's Hat-------------

Found: Get it after defeating Skull Keeta in the Ikana Graveyard and openingthe chest on the ledge.

Description: When you wear this "mask", you can communicate with theStalchild creatures wandering around in the graveyard and in afew other areas of the game.

Circus Leader's Mask

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Found: Get it from the Zora guy in the Milk Bar, Latte. You get it afterperforming the sound check as regular Link, Deku Link, Goron Link, andZora Link.

Description: If you wear this mask while delivering the milk to Clock Townwith Cremia, the Gorman Brothers won't attack the wagon whileyou go through the detour.

Couple's Mask-------------

Found: Talk to Kafei and Anju in the Employees Only room in the Stock PotInn. Do this after you completed the entire Kafei and Anju tradingsequence (it's listed in the Secrets section).

Description: When this mask is worn, the people that you talk to will become

happy for some reason (particularly Mayor Dotour).

Deku Mask---------

Found: After you defeat Skull Kid for the first time and get changed back toyour normal form, you'll receive this mask.

Description: Turns Links into a Deku Scrub, obviously. Press A to use a Spinattack. When standing on a Deku Flower, press and hold A to divein. Wait a few moments before releasing A to be launched high upin the air. You'll then be able to fly for a limited period oftime; press A again if you want to land immediately. After yougain the ability to use magic in Clock Town, press B to shootbubbles. Hold B to make the bubble larger, then release to shootit ahead.

Don Gero's Mask---------------

Found: After you get the Goron Mask and learn the Goron Lullaby, go to GoronVillage and enter the Goron Shrine. Here, go all the way up the pathto the top, then go left into the Elder's room. Become regular Link,then take out a Deku Stick and light it using a torch. Put on theBunny Hood and run out of this room. Light the 2 unlit torches next tothe group of Gorons, then run right down the path, lighting each torchalong the way. At the very bottom, light 3 more torches. After they'reall lit, the giant chandelier above you will start spinning. So, goback up the path to all the Gorons and enter the room. Become GoronLink and roll at full speed out of the room, then jump the ramp andhit one of the spinning pots in the air. Go back up the hill and dothis until a piece of meat falls from one when you destroy it. Then,go down and pick up the Rock Sirloin and carry it outside. Bring itall the way to the guard at Mountain Village to get the mask.

Description: With this mask on, you'll be able to direct the frog choir afteryou find all 5 frogs and it becomes spring in the Snowhead area.

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Fierce Deity's Mask-------------------

Found: The child sitting under the tree gives you this mask. You must havecollected all 20 regular masks throughout the game (excluding the 3transformation masks) and have given them to each of the four childrenrunning around.

Description: This special mask has great power, and you use it for the finalbattle to make things much easier.

Garo's Mask-----------

Found: After you get Epona, go to the Gorman Racetrack and beat the Gormanbrothers in a race.

Description: You need this mask in order to enter the Ikana region.

Giant's Mask------------

Found: You find it in a chest within the Stone Tower Temple.

Description: When you wear this mask for the Stone Tower Temple's bossbattle, you'll become giant-sized to take on the boss. However,you're consuming magic power when you're large, so make sure youhave Green Potions to recover your magic when needed.

Gibdo Mask----------

Found: Get from the little girl's father in Ikana Canyon after you uncursehim with the Song of Healing.

Description: When you wear this mask, the wandering Gibdos won't attack youand they'll think you're one of them instead.

Goron Mask----------

Found: After getting the Lens of Truth, follow the ghost of Darmani fromGoron Village all the way through the Mountain Village. Go up the highcliff with help from the lens, then enter the graveyard at the top andheal the ghost's sorrows by playing the Song of Healing.

Description: You obviously become a Goron when wearing this mask. You can usePowder Kegs in your Goron form as well. To curl up into a ball,press and hold A, then use the Control Stick to roll around. Ifyou roll around without crashing, your body will gain spikesused to harm any enemies you hit. You consume magic power whenyou roll around really fast with the spikes. Press B to use apowerful punch to attack. While curled up, press and hold B tojump and crash into the ground, causing a quake to take place.Gorons cannot go in water because they'll sink, so stay clear ofwater in this form.

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Great Fairy Mask----------------

Found: Get from the Great Fairy after you find the stray Fairy in Clock Townas regular Link, then return it to the fairy shrine.

Description: When you enter the dungeons of the game, wear this mask and thestray fairies won't be afraid to come near you. The hair on themask will shimmer when you're near one of those fairies.

Kafei's Mask------------

Found: Talk to Madame Aroma in the Mayor's Residence between 10AM and 8PM onthe First Day and agree to help her find her son.

Description: When you wear it, talk to people around Clock Town to find outabout where Kafei is hiding.

Kamaro's Mask-------------

Found: Between 12-6AM in Termina Field, go up to the snowy region and you'llfind a guy dancing atop one of the mushroom-shaped pillars. Jump ontoit and listen to his story, then play the Song of Healing to get themask.

Description: With this mask on, you can press B to perform the same dancethat the guy was doing.

Keaton Mask-----------

Found: Talk to Madame Aroma in the Mayor's Residence (East Clock Town)between 10AM and 8PM on the First Day and agree to help her find herson. Wait until it's about 2PM, and then go south and into the StockPot Inn. Talk to Anju while wearing Kafei's Mask before and after thepostman comes and goes to arrange a meeting with her at 11:30PM in theinn kitchen. Come back at that time and go around to the kitchen, thentalk to Anju and agree to mail her letter. In the next morning (SecondDay), go to any postbox (triangular boxes all over Clock Town) andmail the letter. On the Second Day at 3:30PM, go to the southwestcorner of South Clock Town. Go up the ramp and follow the path toLaundry Pool. After the postman leaves, follow the kid into theCuriosity Shop back room. Go upstairs and talk to him to find out he'sKafei. Get the Pendant of Memories from him, then bring it to Anju inthe Stock Pot Inn. After that, leave and wait until the afternoon ofthe Final Day, then head back to Laundry Pool. Go around the path andinto the building and go talk to the Curiosity Shop owner to get theKeaton Mask.

Description: When you cut down a bush in a circle of bushes and the circlestarts moving, wear the mask to summon Keaton. Answer hisquestions (they're listed in the Secrets section) properly andhe'll give you a reward.

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Mask of Scents--------------

Found: After you beat the Woodfall Temple and return the Deku Princess to thepalace, enter the cave to the left side outside of the palace. Followthe butler through the extremely long and complicated maze, then talkto him again to get the mask.

Description: With this mask on, you'll have an increased sense of smell.You'd be able to smell out the magical mushroom that the MagicHags need to make their blue potions.

Mask of Truth-------------

Found: You get it from the guy in the Swamp Spider House after you defeat all

30 Skulltulas and break the curse.Description: When you wear this mask, you can talk to those weird stones

called Gossip Stones and learn some interesting information. Youcan also talk to animals and see what they're thinking as well.

Postman's Hat-------------

Found: After you get the Keaton Mask and the Special Delivery to Mama, findthe postman running around Clock Town and give him the letter. Laterthat night when he delivers the letter to Madame Aroma inside the MilkBar, Latte (East Clock Town), talk to him again when he comes backoutside and stops to get the Postman's Hat.

Description: With this mask, you'll be able to look inside of the postboxesthroughout Clock Town.

Romani's Mask-------------

Found: Cremia gives this mask to you after you help her defend the milkdelivery during the detour through the Gorman Racetrack.

Description: You need to wear this mask in order to be granted access intothe Milk Bar, Latte in East Clock Town. It's your proof ofmembership at that bar.

Stone Mask----------

Found: The invisible soldier on the path leading to Ikana gives it to youafter you give him a Red Potion.

Description: Wearing this mask allows you to get by many enemies and peoplewithout being seen at all! This will really help you in thegame, especially through the Gerudo Fortress!

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Zora Mask---------

Found: You get it from the dying Mikau on the beach in the Great Bay Coastafter playing the Song of Healing for him.

Description: You turn into a Zora when you wear this special mask. As a Zora,you can dive into the water as low as you want, and you can evenstand at the bottom of the water! You punch to attack, and youcan throw boomerangs to paralyze an enemy by holding B andaiming. You can put a shield in front of you by pressing the Rbutton. Also, if you press B + R, you will perform a powerfulbarrier attack which will damage many enemies on impact.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12. Songs -=

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Elegy of Emptiness------------------

Learned: From the King of Ikana after you defeat him in battle in the AncientCastle of Ikana.

Information: When you play this song, you'll create an empty shell of yourcurrent form. The first shell will disappear and a new one willappear if you play it again in the same form.

How to play: C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left

Epona's Song------------

Learned: From Romani at the ranch after the target practice.

Information: You can summon Epona to any point, as long as you're in TerminaField.

How to play: C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right

Goron Lullaby-------------

Learned: After you play the Lullaby Intro for the crying baby in the GoronShrine, you'll learn this song. It'll replace the Lullaby Intro onthe song list, too.

Information: When played, this song puts all the Gorons around you to sleepfor a little while.

How to play: A, C-Right, C-Left, A, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, A

Inverted Song of Time---------------------

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Learned: N/A

Information: Allows you to slow down the time in the game. You can alsoreturn the time to normal speed if you already slowed it down.

How to play: C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Right

Lullaby Intro-------------

Learned: After you thaw out the Elder Goron and talk to him as Goron Link.

Information: Play this song for the crying baby in Goron Village to make itgo to sleep.

How to play: A, C-Right, C-Left, A, C-Right, C-Left

New Wave Bossa Nova-------------------

Learned: From the newly-hatched Zoras after you put all 7 eggs into the labaquarium in the Great Bay Coast.

Information: You play this song at a certain area to gain access to the GreatBay Temple.

How to play: C-Left, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right

Oath to Order-------------

Learned: After you beat Odolwa in Woodfall Temple, it'll teach you that song.

Information: There isn't any use for this song early in the game, but you'lluse it in the later parts of the game to summon all the bossesof the temples.

How to play: C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up

Scarecrow's Song----------------

Learned: Play a variety of notes on the Ocarina in front of a scarecrow. (Thenotes listed below are the ones I played.)

Information: If played in certain areas, a scarecrow appears that you canHookshot onto.

How to play: C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down

Sonata of Awakening-------------------

Learned: Learn it from the imprisoned monkey when you try to rescue it in

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Deku Palace.

Information: When played, this song should wake up anything that's in a deepsleep.

How to play: C-Up, C-Left, C-Up, C-Left, A, C-Right, A

Song of Healing---------------

Learned: Learn it by visiting the mask salesman after beating Skull Kid andwarping back to the First Day.

Information: Heals Link or another specific person of any impurities.

How to play: C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down

Song of Double Time-------------------

Learned: N/A

Information: Allows you to warp to the following dawn/night of the game.

How to play: C-Right, C-Right, A, A, C-Down, C-Down

Song of Soaring---------------

Learned: Check out the stone that the owl was standing on in the SouthernSwamp.

Information: It'll fly you to an owl statue when you play it. If inside adungeon, you will warp to the entrance.

How to play: C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up

Song of Storms--------------

Learned: From the composer Flat in the cave under the tombstone opened on theFirst Night.

Information: When played, this song causes a rainstorm to occur, which waterseverything around it. It also cures you of being jinxed if youever get hit by a Blue Bubble.

How to play: A, C-Down, C-Up, A, C-Down, C-Up

Song of Time------------

Learned: After you obtain the Ocarina in the battle against Skull Kid.

Information: Allows you to warp back to the First Day.

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How to play: C-Right, A, C-Down, C-Right, A, C-Down


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 13. Shops -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Tingle the Mapmaker (North Clock Town)--------------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Clock Town 5Woodfall 40

Bomb Shop (West Clock Town)

---------------------------Item Rupees---- ------Bombs (x10) 30Bombchu (x10) 40Bomb Bag 50Bigger Bomb Bag 90 (if you prevented the robbery in North Clock Town)Powder Keg 50 (talk to the Goron as Goron Link)

Trading Post (West Clock Town)------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Red Potion 30Green Potion 30Hero's Shield 80Fairy 50Deku Stick 10Arrows (x30) 30Deku Nuts (x10) 30Arrows (x50) 40

Milk Bar, Latte (East Clock Town)---------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Regular Milk 20Chateau 200

Tingle the Mapmaker (Milk Road)-------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Romani Ranch 20

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Great Bay 40

Gorman Brother (Gorman Track)-----------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Milk 50 (must have bottle)

Tingle the Mapmaker (Path to Southern Swamp)--------------------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Woodfall 20Snowhead 40

Akindo Nut (Southern Swamp)---------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Magic Bean 10 (can only buy them as Deku Link)

Magic Hags' Potion Shop (Southern Swamp)----------------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Blue Potion 60 (after you bring the Magic Mushrooms)Green Potion 10Red Potion 20

Tingle the Mapmaker (Mountain Village)--------------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Snowhead 20Romani Ranch 40

Goron Shop (Goron Village before Snowhead Temple)-------------------------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Bombs (x10) 40Arrows (x10) 40Red Potion 80

Goron Shop (Goron Village after Snowhead Temple)------------------------------------------------

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Item Rupees---- ------Bombs (x10) 10Arrows (x10) 20Red Potion 50

Akindo Nut (Goron Village)--------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Biggest Bomb Bag 200 (can only buy this as Goron Link)

Tingle the Mapmaker (Great Bay Coast)-------------------------------------

Item Rupees

---- ------Great Bay 20Stone Tower 40

Zora Shop (Zora Hall)---------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Hero's Shield 90Arrows (x10) 20Red Potion 60

Akindo Nut (Zora Hall)----------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Green Potion 40 (can only buy this as Zora Link)

Tingle the Mapmaker (Ikana Canyon)----------------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Stone Tower 20Clock Town 40

Akindo Nut (Ikana Canyon)-------------------------

Item Rupees---- ------Blue Potion 100 (can only buy this as regular Link)


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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 14. Spider Houses -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

==================Swamp Spider House==================

Requirements: Deku Mask, Goron Mask, 2-3 Empty Bottles, 2-3 Magic Beans,Hero's Bow

Found: On an island north of the Deku Palace. Swim there after beating theWoodfall Temple, then use a Deku Stick and the torch to burn down thecobweb blocking the doorway.

Spider Locations----------------

1. In the first room, you'll find one crawling around in the water.2. You'll find one on back of a pillar on the right side of the first room.

3. Destroy the clay pots in the left side of the first room to find one.

4. On the right wall in this room, release a Bottle of bugs and they'll crawlinto the hole in the wall, revealing another Skulltula.

5. On the left wall of the same room, release the Bottle of bugs below thehole in the wall to make a Skulltula come out.

6. In the west room on the first floor, bomb the crates in the right side ofthe room to reveal a Skulltula.

7. In the same room as #6, bomb the crates in the left side of the room.

8. Bomb the boulder in the corner of the room, then plant a Magic Bean andpour a Bottle of Spring Water on it. Then, use the Hero's Bow and shootdown the Skulltula high on the wall, and ride the bean platform to collectthe token.

9. In the same room, climb up the ladder to the higher floor, then shoot theSkulltula atop the gray statue in middle of the room. Jump onto the statueto claim the token.

10. On the higher floor in this room, you'll find one hiding behind one ofthe torches.

11. In the middle room on the second floor, you'll find a Skulltula crawlingbehind another pillar.

12. In the same room as #11, shoot the Skulltula on the north wall with anarrow. Then, use the nearby Deku Flowers as Deku Link to reach the token.

13. On the right side of the middle room on the second floor, empty a Bottleof bugs in front of the hole in the wall to reveal a Skulltula.

14. In the east room on the second floor, shoot down the beehives on theceiling until a Skulltula falls out. Then, drop down to the lower floorand defeat it.

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15. Same as #14.

16. On the bottom floor of the east room, destroy the pots to reveal anotherSkulltula.

17. Go to the sleeping Deku and play the Sonata of Awakening, then it'lldisappear into a hidden room in the wall. Cut through those vines withyour sword and defeat the Skulltula in that hidden room.

18. Use the golden Deku Flower as Deku Link and launch to the higher ledge.Wait for the Skulltula on the wall to crawl down to where you can reachit, then kill it and take the token.

19. Get onto the high ledge as Deku Link, then drop onto the giant vasesbelow as Goron Link. Stand on the second vase and slam down onto it (curlup, then press and hold B) to knock out a Skulltula.

20. Same as #19, but do that on the fourth vase in the row.

21. In the north room on the second floor, activate the crystal switch on theledge to make a ladder appear in this room. Then, drop down to the lowerarea and defeat the Skulltula on the wall, then climb up the ladder andcollect the token.

22. In the same room, shoot down the beehives on the ceiling and defeat theSkulltula that falls from one of them.

23. On the bottom floor of this room, you'll find a Skulltula crawling up anddown a pillar. Wait until it's at the bottom, then kill it.

24. On the north wall, shoot the Skulltula with an arrow. Then, climb theladder to the left ledge and plant a Magic Bean in the soft soil. Waterit with a Bottle of Spring Water, then ride the platform that grows up tothat token.

25. In the same room as above, ride the bean platform over to the middleledge, then go north into the next room. There, shoot down the beehiveson the ceiling and defeat the Skulltula that comes down from one of them.

26. In this room, become Goron Link and punch the tree to knock out 3Skulltulas. Kill them and collect a few more tokens.

27. Same as #26.

28. Same as #26.

29. You'll find a Skulltula creeping around in the tall grass in this room.

30. Same as #29.

======================Oceanside Spider House======================

Requirements: Goron Mask, Hookshot

Found: Next to the Fisherman's Hut on the beach in the Great Bay Coast area.

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Spider Locations----------------

1. At the top of the entrance ramp, use the Hookshot to destroy the Skulltulaon the right wall and take its token.

2. At the bottom of the ramp, look up and hit the Skulltula on the other sidewith the Hookshot and claim its token.

3. After you Hookshot over the fence, look up towards the left corner of theceiling to find a Skulltula hiding behind a cobweb. Burn it with a FireArrow, then use the Hookshot to kill it.

4. In the second room, you'll find the Skulltula on the wall above thestairs.

5. As regular Link, roll into the first vase on the right side of the roomand a Skulltula will pop out.

6. In the corner, you'll see a vase behind a cobweb. Burn it with a FireArrow, then roll into it as regular Link to make the Skulltula come out.

7. Look up towards the ceiling and you should see a Skulltula crawling on topof a beam. Hit its side with the Hookshot and claim the token the sameway.

8. Burn down the cobweb in front of the west door and enter that room. Get tothe upper-right corner of this room and hit the picture on the wall withthe Hookshot to reveal the Skulltula.

9. To your right, pull the middle bookcase away from the wall, then look intothe hole to find the Skulltula.

10. Climb onto the top of the bookcase with the Stalchild sitting on it, thenlook at the space between the ceiling and the top of the wall. You'll seea Skulltula crawling back and forth there. Keep shooting your Hookshot atit until you hit it, then get the token the same way.

11. Jump across the tops of bookcases and get to the lower-left part of thisroom. You'll find a Skulltula on top of an L-shaped bookcase in plainview.

12. Jump across bookcases so you'll directly across from the picture on theleft wall. Hit it with your Hookshot, then use the Hookshot to defeat theSkulltula inside.

13. Drop to the ground and push the bookcase against the north wall to theright to reveal a hidden room. Go in that room and defeat 2 moreSkulltulas.

14. See #13.

15. Get back to the previous room and go about halfway down the stairs. Lookstraight at the ledge between the wall and ceiling to see a Skulltulacrawling there. Hit it with your Hookshot to defeat it, then do thatagain to get the token.

16. Next to the door down here is a torch, then a vase next to that. Rollinto the vase to make a Skulltula come out.

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1. What is the name of the mayor of Clock Town?Answer: Dotour

2. How old is Tingle, the map salesman?Answer: 35

3. Who is the leader of the Bombers gang?Answer: Jim

4. What is the name of Clock Town's inn?Answer: Stock Pot Inn

5. What is the name of the vintage milk sold at the Milk Bar?Answer: Chateau Romani

6. What is the name of the song that Romani, the girl at the ranch, teachesyou?

Answer: Epona's Song7. What time does Romani, the girl at the ranch, go to bed?

Answer: Eight

8. What is the name of the festival that is to be held in Clock Town?Answer: Carnival of Time

9. What is the name given to you by Romani, the girl at the ranch?Answer: Grasshopper

10. Once it's completed, how tall will the festival tower at the carnival be?Answer: Four stories

11. What instrument does the Skull Kid play?Answer: Flute

12. How many tiny cow figurines are there in Clock Town?Answer: Ten

13. What bad habit does Anju, the innkeeper, have?Answer: She's quick to apologize

14. What color of trunks does Tingle the mapmaker wear?Answer: Red

15. What are the magic words that Tingle created? Tingle, Tingle...what?Answer: Kooloo-Limpah!

16. How many balloons does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use duringpractice?

Answer: One

17. What is the name of the singer in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's?Answer: Lulu

18. At what time does Romani, the ranch girl, wake up?Answer: Six

19. How many mailboxes are there in Clock Town?Answer: Five

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20. What weapon does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use in practice?Answer: Bow

21. Where does Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch, try to deliver her milk?Answer: Milk Bar

22. What does the owner of the Bomb Shop call his mother?Answer: Mommy

23. Mikau is of which race?Answer: Zora

24. Darmani is of which race?Answer: Goron

25. How many cows are there at Romani Ranch?Answer: Three

26. How many members are there in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's?Answer: Five

27. Is Tingle the mapmaker left-handed or right-handed?Answer: Right-handed

28. How many cuccos are there in the barn at Romani Ranch?Answer: One

29. What is Anju, the innkeeper, bad at doing?Answer: Cooking

30. What is the name of Anju's father?Answer: Tortus


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

===============================Anju and Kafei Trading Sequence===============================

You may have noticed that in order to obtain some masks, I may have mentioneda trading sequence you must do in order to reunite Anju and Kafei. You gothrough this sequence to get the Keaton Mask, and several other masks/itemsas well. Here's a quick rundown of the full trading sequence for futurereference:

1. On Day 1 (between 10AM-8PM), go to the Mayor's Residence in East ClockTown. Talk to Madame Aroma and get Kafei's Mask.

2. Between 1:50-4:10PM, go to the Stock Pot Inn and talk to Anju. Tellher you have a reservation and she'll give you a Room Key.

3. After the postman comes to and leaves Stock Pot Inn, put on Kafei'sMask and talk to Anju. She'll tell you to come back at 11:30PM.

4. At around 11PM outside of the inn, become Deku Link and use the nearby

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Deku Flower to get onto the inn's roof. Go through the open door thereand meet Anju as regular Link in the kitchen downstairs. Talk to herand choose to mail her letter in the morning.

5. That night (or the next morning), go to a postbox in Clock Town andmail the letter.

6. On Day 2 after mailing the letter, head to the Laundry Pool (get therefrom South Clock Town) at around 3PM. After the postman gives themasked child the letter, follow the child into the building.

7. Go upstairs and talk to the child to find out he's Kafei. He'll tellyou what happened and give you a Pendant of Memories for Anju.

8. Go to the Stock Pot Inn and give Anju the pendant, then leave the innand wait for the Final day.

9. At around 3PM on the Final day, go to the Laundry Pool and enter thatbuilding. Talk to the Curiosity Shop owner in the room and he'll give

you the Keaton Mask and a Special Letter to Mama.10. Go to Sakon's Hideout in the Ikana Canyon and talk to Kafei there.

11. Between 4-6AM on the Final night, get into the Stock Pot Inn and enterthat Employees Only room on the second floor, then talk to Kafei andAnju to get the Couples Mask.

=================Bomb Bag Upgrades=================

Big Bomb Bag: On the first night at around 12AM, head to north Clock Town tofind an old lady walking up the path. Wait until 12:30 and astrange man will appear and steal her bag. Chase the man downand use the sword to make him drop the package and run away.On the next day, go to the Bomb Shop and buy this new Bomb Bagfor 90 rupees (provided you already bought the first Bomb Bag).

Biggest Bomb Bag: In Goron Village after you get the Goron Mask, talk to theDeku salesman and buy this bag for 200 rupees. You can onlyget it after you've obtained the first Bomb Bag upgrade.

==========================Change Seasons in Snowhead==========================

Each time you play the Song of Time and revisit the villages in the Snowheadarea, you'll find that they're icy and cold again. To make it spring again,go all the way up and into the Snowhead Temple. Go up and into the light inthe first room to be warped to the boss room. Defeat the boss (Goht) againand the season will become spring.

==========================Frogs for Don Gero's Choir==========================

In the Mountain Village during the spring, there is a frog choir that

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Woodfall by the owl statue and play the Sonata of Awakening again to make thetemple appear. Enter the temple and walk into the light to reach the boss'sroom. Defeat the boss again and the water will be pure until the next timeyou warp back to Day 1.

===============Quiver Upgrades===============

Large Quiver: Win this quiver by shooting a perfect game in the SwampShooting Gallery in the Southern Swamp.

Largest Quiver: Win this quiver by beating the high score in the TownShooting Gallery in East Clock Town.

===================Revive Broken Signs

===================To revive a sign you cut in half with your sword, play the Song of Healingand the sign will become reassembled.

=============Secret Rupees=============

In Termina Field, you'll notice that there are music notes for the Ocarinapainted onto some walls. To get some quick rupees, play the song on the walland some rupees will fall down for you to collect.

===============Wallet Upgrades===============

Adult Wallet: Go to West Clock Town and talk to the guy in the middle of thatarea. Deposit a total of 200 rupees with him (this will involvecollecting them, depositing them, and so on), and he'll giveyou an Adult Wallet, which can hold up to 200 rupees at once.

Giant Wallet: After you get the Goron Mask and the Hookshot, go to the GreatBay Coast and enter the Oceanside Spider House. Defeat all 30Golden Skulltulas and get their tokens, then talk to the guy atthe entrance to get the Giant Wallet.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 17. Credits -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Matt Williams (largeluva420(at)yahoo.com): For letting me know that the codefor the Bomber's Hideout is randomly generated.

Brett Franklin/Nemesis (nemesis(at)flipmode.com): For letting me use the 30thKeaton question from his FAQ!

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