legal technique and logic reviewer sienna flores

  - 1  SIENNA A. FLORES LEGAL TECHNIQUE &  LOGIC CHAPTER 1 PROPOSITIONS 1.1 What Logic Is Logic The study of the methods and principles used to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning 1.2 Propositions Propositions An assertion that something is (or is not) the case All propositions are either true or false May be affirmed or denied Statement The meaning of a declarative sentence at a particular time In logic, the word “statement” is sometimes used instead of  “propositions”  Simple Proposition A proposition making only one assertion. Compound Proposition A proposition containing two or more simple propositions Disjunctive (or Alternative) Proposition A type of compound proposition If true, at least one of the component pro  positions must be true Hypothetical (or Conditional) Proposition A type of compound proposition; It is false only when the antecedent is true and the consequent is false 1.3 Arguments Inference A process of linking propositions by affirming one proposition on the basis of one or more other propositions. Argument A structured group of propositions, reflecting an i nference. Premise A proposition used in an argument to support some other proposition. Conclusion The proposition in an argument that the other propositions, the premises, support. 1.4 Deductive & Inductive Arguments Deductive Argument Claims to support its conclusion conclusively One of the two classes of argument Inductive Argument Claims to support its conclusion only with some degree of probability One of the two classes of argument Valid Argument If all the premises are true, the conclusion must be true (applies only to deductive arguments) Invalid Argument The conclusion is not necessarily true, even if all the premises are true (applies only to deductive arguments) Classical Logic Traditional techniques, based on Aristotles works, for the analysis of deductive arguments. Modern Symbolic Logic Methods used by most modern logicians to analyze deductive arguments. Probability The likelihood that some conclusion (of an inductive argument) is true. 1.5 Validity & Truth Truth An attribute of a proposition that asserts what really is the case. Sound An argument that is valid and ha s only true premises. Relations Between Truth and Validity: 1. Some valid  arguments contain only true propositions  true premises and a true conclusion. 2. Some valid  arguments contain only false propositions  false premises and a false conclusion  3. Some invalid  arguments contain only true propositions  all their premises are true, and their conclusions as well.  4. Some invalid  arguments contain only true premises and have a false conclusion. 5. Some valid  arguments have false premises and a true conclusion. 6. Some invalid  arguments also have a false premise and a true conclusion. 7. Some invalid  arguments, of course, contain all false propositions  false premises and a false conclusion. Notes: The truth or falsity of an arguments conclusion does not by itself determine the validity or invalidity of the argument. The fact that an argument is valid does not guarantee the truth of its conclusion.  If an argument is valid and its premises are true, we may be certain that its conclusion i s true also. If an argument is valid and its conclusion is false, not all of its premises can be true.  Some perfectly valid arguments do have a false conclusion  but such argument must have at least one fal se premise.  CHAPTER 3 LANGUAGE AND ITS APPLICATION 3.1 Three Basic Functions of Language Ludwig Wittgenstein One of the most influential philosophers of the 20 th  century Rightly insisted that there are countless different kinds of uses of what we call „symbols,„words,„sentences.‟  Informative Discourse Language used to convey information  “Information” includes false as well as true propositions, bad arguments as well as good ones Records of astronomical investigations, historical accounts, reports of geographical trivia  our learning about the world and our reasoning about  it uses language in the informative mode Expressive Discourse Language used to convey or evoke feelings. Pertains not to facts, but to revealing and eliciting attitudes, emotions and feelings E.g. sorrow, passion, enthusiasm, lyric poetry Expressive discourse is used either to:

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  • 5/19/2018 Legal Technique and Logic Reviewer SIENNA FLORES




    1.1 What Logic Is


    The study of the methods and principles used to distinguish

    correct from incorrect reasoning

    1.2 Propositions


    An assertion that something is (or is not) the caseAll propositions are either true or falseMay be affirmed or denied


    The meaning of a declarative sentence at a particular timeIn logic, the word statement is sometimes used instead of


    Simple Proposition

    A proposition making only one assertion.

    Compound Proposition

    A proposition containing two or more simple propositions

    Disjunctive (or Alternative) PropositionA type of compound propositionIf true, at least one of the component pro

    positions must betrue

    Hypothetical (or Conditional) Proposition

    A type of compound proposition;It is false only when the antecedent is true and theconsequent is false

    1.3 Arguments


    A process of linking propositions by affirming one proposition

    on the basis of one or more other propositions.


    A structured group of propositions, reflecting an inference.


    A proposition used in an argument to support some otherproposition.


    The proposition in an argument that the other propositions,the premises, support.

    1.4 Deductive & Inductive Arguments

    Deductive Argument

    Claims to support its conclusion conclusively

    One of the two classes of argument

    Inductive Argument

    Claims to support its conclusion only with some degree ofprobability

    One of the two classes of argument

    Valid Argument

    If all the premises are true, the conclusion must be true

    (applies only to deductive arguments)

    Invalid Argument

    The conclusion is not necessarily true, even if all the premises

    are true(applies only to deductive arguments)

    Classical Logic

    Traditional techniques, based on Aristotles works, fanalysis of deductive arguments.

    Modern Symbolic Logic

    Methods used by most modern logicians to adeductive arguments.


    The likelihood that some conclusion (of an indargument) is true.

    1.5 Validity & Truth


    An attribute of a proposition that asserts what really



    An argument that is valid and has only true premises.

    Relations Between Truth and Validity:1. Some validarguments contain only truepropositions

    premises and a true conclusion.2. Some valid arguments contain only false propositi

    false premises and a false conclusion3. Some invalidarguments contain only true proposition

    their premises are true, and their conclusions as well.

    4. Some invalid arguments contain only true premisehave a false conclusion.

    5. Some valid arguments have false premises and aconclusion.

    6. Some invalid arguments also have a false premise

    true conclusion.7. Some invalid arguments, of course, contain all

    propositions false premises and a false conclusion.

    Notes:The truth or falsity of an arguments conclusion does itself determine the validity or invalidity of the argumeThe fact that an argument is valid does not guarante

    truth of its conclusion.

    If an argument is valid and its premises are true, wbe certain that its conclusion is true also.

    If an argument is valid and its conclusion is false, notits premises can be true.

    Some perfectly valid arguments do have a false concbut such argument must have at least one false prem


    3.1 Three Basic Functions of Language

    Ludwig Wittgenstein

    One of the most influential philosophers of the 20thcen

    Rightly insisted that there are countless different ki

    uses of what we call symbols, words, sentences.

    Informative Discourse

    Language used to convey informationInformation includes false as well as true propos

    bad arguments as well as good onesRecords of astronomical investigations, historical accreports of geographical trivia our learning about theand our reasoning about it uses language i


    Expressive Discourse

    Language used to convey or evoke feelings.

    Pertains not to facts, but to revealing and eliciting attiemotions and feelingsE.g. sorrow, passion, enthusiasm, lyric poetryExpressive discourse is used either to:

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    1. manifestthe speakers feelings2. evokecertain feelings in the listeners

    Expressive discourse is neither true nor false.

    Directive Discourse

    Language used to cause or prevent action.Directive discourse is neither true nor false.

    Commands and requests do have other attributes reasonableness, propriety that are somewhat analogous totruth & falsity

    3.2 Discourse Serving Multiple Functions

    Notes:Effective communication often demands combinations offunctions.

    Actions usually involve both what the actor wants and whatthe actor believes.Wants and beliefs are special kinds of what we have beencalling attitudes.Our success in causing others to act as we wish is likely to

    depend upon our ability to evoke in them the appropriateattitudes, and perhaps also provide information that affectstheir relevant beliefs.

    Ceremonial Use of Language

    A mix of language functions (usually expressive anddirective) with special social uses.

    E.g. greetings in social gatherings, rituals in houses ofworship, the portentous language of state d


    Performative Utterance

    A special form of speech that simultaneously reports on, and

    performs some function.Performative verbs perform their functions only when tied inspecial ways to the circumstances in which they are uttered,doing something more than combining the 3 major functions

    of language

    3.3 Language Forms and Language Functions


    The units of language that express complete thoughts4 categories: declarative, interrogative, imperative,

    exclamatory4 functions: asserting, questioning, commanding, exclaiming


    Principal Uses

    1. Informative

    2. Expressive3. Directive

    Grammatical Forms

    1. Declarative

    2. Interrogative3. Imperative4. Exclamatory

    Linguistic forms do not determine linguistic function. Formoften gives an indication of function but there is no sure connectionbetween the grammatical form and the use/uses intended. Languageserving any one of the 3 principal functions may take any one of the 4

    grammatical forms

    3.4 Emotive and Neutral Language

    Emotive Language

    Appropriate in poetry

    Language that is emotionally toned will distractLanguage that is loaded heavily charged w/ emotionalmeaning on either side is unlikely to advance the quest fortruth

    Neutral Language

    The logician, seeking to evaluate arguments, will honor theuse of neutral language.

    3.5 Agreement & Disagreement in Attitude & Belief

    Dis/agreement in Belief vs. Dis/agreement in Attitude

    Parties in Potential Conflict May:

    1. agree about the facts, and agree in their attitude tothose facts

    2. they might disagree about both3. they may agree about the facts but disagree in

    attitude towards those facts4. they may disagree about what the facts are, and ye

    agree in their attitude toward what they believe the fbe.

    Note: The real nature of disagreements must be identified if th

    to be successfully resolved.


    4.1 Disputes and Definitions

    Three Kinds of Disputes

    1. Obviously genuine disputesthere is no ambiguity present and the disputdisagree, either in attitude or belief

    2. Merely verbal disputes

    there is ambiguity present but there is no gedisagreement at all

    3. Apparently verbal disputes that are really genuin

    there is ambiguity present and the disdisagree, either in attitude or belief

    Criterial Dispute

    a form of genuine dispute that at first appears to be mverbal

    4.2 Definitions and Their Uses


    a symbol being defined


    the symbol (or group of symbols) that has the

    meaning as the definiendum

    Five Kinds of Definitions and their Principal Use

    1. Stipulative Definitions

    a. A proposal to arbitrarily assign meaning to a introduced symbol

    b. a meaning is assigned to some symbol

    c. not a reportd. cannot be true or falsee. it is a proposal, resolution, request or instr

    to use the definiendum to mean what is methe definiens

    f. used to eliminate ambiguity

    2. Lexical Definitionsa. A report which may be true or false

    meaning of a definiendum already has in language use

    b. used to eliminate ambiguity

    3. Precising Definitions

    a. A report on existing language usage, additional stipulations provided to rvagueness

    b. Go beyond ordinary usage in such a way

    eliminate troublesome uncertainty regborderline cases

    c. Its definiendum has an existing meaning, bumeaning is vague

    d. What is added to achieve precision is a matstipulation

    e. Used chiefly to reduce vagueness

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    Ambiguity: Uncertainty because a word or phrase has moremeaning than one

    Vagueness: lack of clarity regarding the borders of aterms meaning

    4. Theoretical Definitions

    a. An account of term that is helpful for generalunderstanding or in scientific practice

    b. Seek to formulate a theoretically adequate orscientifically useful description of the objects to

    which the term appliesc. Used to advance theoretical understanding

    5. Persuasive Definitionsa. A definition intended to influence attitudes or stir

    the emotions, using language expressively ratherthan informatively

    b. used to influence conduct

    4.3 Extensions, Intension, & the Structure of Definition

    Extension (Denotation)

    the collection of objects to which a general term is correctlyapplied

    Intension (Connotation)

    the attributes shared by all objects, and only those objects to

    which a general term applies

    4.4 Extension and Denotative Definitions

    Extensional/Denotative Definitions

    a definition based on the terms extensionthis type of definition is usually flawed b

    ecause it is mostoften impossible to enumerate all the objects in a generalclass

    1. Definitions by example

    We list or give examples of the objects denoted bythe term

    2. Ostensive definitions

    a demonstrative definition

    a term is defined by pointing at an objectWe point to or indicate by gesture the extension of

    the term being defined

    3. Quasi-ostensive Definitions

    A denotative definition that uses a gesture and a

    descriptive phraseThe gesture or pointing is accompanied by somedescriptive phase whose meaning is taken as beingknown

    4.5 Intension and Intensional Definitions

    Subjective Intension

    What the speaker believes is the intension

    The private interpretation of a term at a particular time

    Objective IntensionThe total set of attributes shared by all the objects in thewords extension

    Conventional Intension

    The commonly accepted intension of a term

    The public meaning that permits and facilitatescommunication

    Intensional Definitions

    1. Synonymous definitions

    a. Defining a word with another word that has thesame meaning and is already understood

    b. We provide another word, whose meanalready understood, that has the same meanthe word being defined

    2. Operational definitions

    a. Defining a term by limiting its use to situwhere certain actions or operations lea

    specified resultsb. State that the term is correctly applied to a

    case if and only if the performance of spoperations in the case yields a specified resu

    3. Definitions by genus and difference

    a. Defining a term by identifying the larger clasgenus) of which it is a member, anddistinguishing attributes (the difference)

    characterize it specificallyb. We first name the genus of which the s

    designation by the definiendum is a subclasthen name the attribute (or specific diffethat distinguishes the members of that s

    from members of all other species in that gen

    4.6 Rules for Definition by Genus and Difference

    1. A definition should state the essential attributes ospecies

    2. a definition must not be circular3. a definition must be neither too broad nor too narrow4. a definition must not be expressed in ambiguous, ob

    or figurative language5. a definition should not be negative where it ca


    Circular Definition

    a faulty definition that relies on knowledge of what isdefined


    5.1 What is a Fallacy?


    A type of argument that may seem to be correccontains a mistake in reasoning.

    When premises of an argument fail to suppoconclusion, we say that the reasoning is bad; the arguis said to be fallacious

    In a general sense, any error in reasoning is a fallacyIn a narrower sense, each fallacy is a type of incargument

    5.2 The Classification of Fallacies

    Informal Fallacies

    The type of mistakes in reasoning that arise formmishandling of the contentof the propositions const

    the argument


    Fallacies of


    The most numerous and

    most frequentlyencountered, are those inwhich the premises aresimply not relevant to

    the conclusion drawn.

    R1: Appeal to

    EmotionR2: Appeal to PityR3: Appeal to ForceR4: Argument Agai

    the PersonR5: IrrelevantConclusion

    Fallacies ofDefectiveInduction

    Those in w/c the mistakearises from the fact thatthe premises of theargument, although

    relevant to theconclusion, are so weak

    D1: Argument fromIgnoranceD2: Appeal toInappropriate

    AuthorityD3: False Cause

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    & ineffectivethat reliance

    upon them is a blunder.

    D4: Hasty


    Fallacies of


    Mistakes that arise

    because too much hasbeen assumed in thepremises, the inferenceto the conclusion

    depending on thatunwarranted assumption.

    P1: AccidentP2: ComplexQuestionP3: Begging theQuestion

    Fallacies ofAmbiguity

    Arise from the equivocaluse of words or phrasesin the premises or in theconclusion of anargument, some critical

    term having differentsenses in different partsof the argument.

    A1: EquivocationA2: AmphibolyA3: AccentA4: CompositionA5: Division

    5.3 Fallacies of Relevance

    Fallacies of Relevance

    Fallacies in which the premises are irrelevant to theconclusion.They might be better be called fallacies of irrelevance,

    because they are the absence of any real connection betweenpremises and conclusion.

    R1: Appeal to Emotion (ad populum, to the populace)A fallacy in which the argument relies on emotion rather than

    on reason.

    R2: Appeal to Pity (ad misericordiam,a pitying heart)A fallacy in which the argument relies on generosity,

    altruism, or mercy, rather than on reason.

    R3: Appeal to Force (ad baculum, to the stick)A fallacy in which the argument relies on the threat of force;threat may also be veiled

    R4: Argument Against the Person (ad hominem)A fallacy in which the argument relies on an attack against

    the person taking a positiono Abusive: An informal fallacy in which an attack is made

    on the character of an opponent rather than on the

    merits of the opponents positiono

    Circumstantial: An informal fallacy in which an attack ismade on the special circumstances of an opponentrather than on the merits of the opponents position

    Poisoning the Well

    A type of ad hominem attack that cuts off rational discourse

    R5: Irrelevant Conclusion (ignaratio elenchi, mistaken proof)A type of fallacy in which the premises support a different

    conclusion than the one that is proposedo Straw Man Policy: A type of irrelevant conclusion in

    which the opponents position is misrepresentedo Red Herring Fallacy: A type of irrelevant conclusion in

    which the opponents position is misrepresented

    Non Sequitor (Does not Follow)

    Often applied to fallacies of relevance, since the conclusiondoes not follow from the premises

    5.4 Fallacies of Defective Induction

    Fallacies of Defective Induction

    Fallacies in which the premises are too weak or ineffective towarrant the conclusion

    D1: Argument from Ignorance(ad ignorantiam)A fallacy in which a proposition is held to be true just because

    it has not been proved false, or false just because it has notbeen proved true.

    D2: Appeal to Inappropriate Authority (ad verecundiam)A fallacy in which a conclusion is based on the judgma supposed authority who has no legitimate cla

    expertise in the matter.

    D3: False Cause (causa pro causa)A fallacy in which something that is not really a cau

    treated as a cause.o Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: After the

    therefore because of the thing; a type of false fallacy in which an event is presumed to have

    caused by another event that came before it.o Slippery Slope: A type of false cause fallacy in

    change in a particular direction is assumed toinevitably to further, disastrous, change in the direction.

    D4: Hasty Generalizations (Converse accident)A fallacy in which one moves carelessly from indcases to generalizationsAlso called the fallacy of converse accidentbecause it

    reverse of another common mistake, known as the of accident.

    5.5 Fallacies of Presumption

    Fallacies of Presumption

    Fallacies in which the conclusion depends on a

    assumption that is dubious, unwarranted, or false.

    P1: Accident

    A fallacy in which a generalization is wrongly appliedparticular case.

    P2: Complex Question

    A fallacy in which a question is asked in a waypresupposes the truth of some proposition buried with

    question.P3: Begging the Question (petitio principii,circular argumen

    A fallacy in which the conclusion is stated or assumed one of the premises.

    A petitio principii is always technically valid, but aworthless, as well

    Every petitio is a circular argument, but the circle th

    been constructed may if it is too large or fuzzyundetected

    5.6 Fallacies of Ambiguity

    Fallacies of Ambiguity (sophisms)

    Fallacies caused by a shift or confusion of meaning an argument

    A1: Equivocation

    A fallacy in which 2 or more meanings of a word or pare used in different parts of an argument

    A2: Amphiboly

    A fallacy in which a loose or awkward combination of can be interpreted more than 1 way

    The argument contains a premise based on 1 interprewhile the conclusion relies on a different interpretation

    A3: Accent

    A fallacy in which a phrase is used to convey 2 dif

    meaning within an argument, and the difference is baschanges in emphasis given to words within the phrase

    A4: Composition

    A fallacy in which an inference is mistakenly drawn froattributes of the parts of a whole, to the attributes whole.The fallacy is reasoning from attributes of the indelements or members of a collection to attributes ocollection or totality of those elements.

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    A5: Division

    A fallacy in which a mistaken inference is drawn from theattributes of a whole to the attributes of the parts of the

    whole.o 1

    st Kind: consists in arguing fallaciously that what is

    true of a whole must also be true of its parts.o 2

    nd Kind: committed when one argues from the

    attributes of a collection of elements to the attributes ofthe elements themselves.


    6.1 The Theory of Deduction

    Deductive Argument

    An argument that claims to establish its conclusionconclusivelyOne of the 2 classes of argumentsEvery deductive argument is either valid or invalid

    Valid Argument

    A deductive argument which, if all the premises are true, theconclusion must be true.

    Theory of Deduction

    Aims to explain the relations of premises and conclusions in

    valid arguments.Aims to provide techniques for discriminating between validand invalid deductions.

    6.2 Classes and Categorical Propositions

    Class: The collection of all objects that have some specifiedcharacteristic in common.

    o Wholly included: All of one class may be included in all ofanother class.

    o Partially included:Some, but not all, of the members of one

    class may be included in another class.o Exclude:Two classes may have no members in common.

    Categorical Proposition

    A proposition used in deductive arguments, that asserts arelationship between one category and some other category.

    6.3 The Four Kinds of Categorical Propositions

    1. Universal affirmative proposition (A Propositions)Propositions that assert that the whole of one class is

    included or contained in another class.

    2. Universal negative proposition (E Propositions)

    Propositions that assert that the whole of one class isexcluded from the whole of another class.

    3. Particular affirmative proposition (I Propositions)

    Propositions that assert that two classes have some memberor members in common.

    4. Particular negative proposition (O Propositions) Propositionsthat assert that at least on member of a class is excluded from thewhole of another class.

    Standard Form Categorical Propositions

    Name and Type Proposition Form Example

    AUniversal Affirmative All S is P. All politicians areliars.

    EUniversal Negative No S is P. No politicians areliars.

    IParticular Affirmative Some S is P. Some politiciansare liars.

    OParticular Negative. Some S is not P. Some politiciansare not liars.

    6.4 Quality, Quantity, and Distribution


    An attribute of every categorical proposition, determinwhether the proposition affirms or denies some foclass inclusion.

    o If the proposition affirms some class inc

    whether complete or partial, its qualaffirmative. (A and I)

    o If the proposition denies class inclusion, whcomplete or partial, its quality is negative. (



    An attribute of every categorical proposition, determinwhether the proposition refers to all members (univer

    only some members (particular) of the subject class.o If the proposition refers to all members

    class designated by its subject term, its quanuniversal.(A and E)

    o If the proposition refers to only some membthe lass designated by its subject termquantity is particular.(I and O)

    General Skeleton of a Standard-Form Categorical Proposi


    subject termcopulapredicate term


    A characterization of whether terms of a categproposition refers to all members of the class designathat term.

    o The A proposition distributes only its subject o

    The E proposition distributes both its subjepredicate terms.

    o The I proposition distributes neither its subjeits predicate term.

    o The O proposition distributes only its pre


    Quantity, Quality and DistributionLetter Name Quantity Quality Distributio

    A Universal Affirmative S only

    E Universal Negative S and P

    I Particular Affirmative Neither

    O Particular Negative P only

    6.5 The Traditional Square of Opposition


    Any logical relation among the kinds of categ

    propositions (A, E, I, and O) exhibited on the SquaOpposition.


    Two propositions that cannot both be true and cannobe false.A and O are contradictories: All S is P is co ntradict

    Some S is not P.E and I are also contradictories: No S is P is contra

    by Some S is P.


    Two propositions that cannot both be true

    If one is true, the other must be false.They can both be false.


    Propositions that are neither necessarily true

    necessarily false

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    Two propositions that cannot both be falseIf one is false, the other must be true.

    They can both be true.


    The oppositions between a universal (the superaltern) and its

    corresponding particular proposition (the subaltern).In classical logic, the universal proposition implies the truth ofits corresponding particular proposition.

    Square of OppositionA diagram showing the logical relationships among the fourtypes of categorical propositions (A, E, I and O).The traditional Square of Opposition differs from the modernSquare of Opposition in important ways.

    Immediate Inference

    An inference drawn directly from only one premise.

    Mediate Inference

    An inference drawn from more than one premise.The conclusion is drawn form the first premise through themediation of the second.

    6.6 Further Immediate Inferences


    An inference formed by interchanging the subject andpredicate terms of a categorical proposition.Not all conversions are valid.


    Convertend Converse

    A: All S is P. I: Some P is S (by limitation)

    E: No S is P. E: No P is S.

    I: Some S is P. I: Some P is S

    O: Some S is not P. (conversion not valid)

    Complement of a Class

    The collection of all things that do not belong to that class.

    ObversionAn inference formed by changing the quality of a proposition

    and replacing the predicate term by its complement.Obversion is valid for any standard-form categoricalproposition.


    Obvertend Obverse

    A: All S is P. E: NO S is non-P

    E: No S is P. A: All S is non-P.

    I: Some S is P. O: Some S is not non-P.

    O: Some S is not P. I: Some S is non-P.


    An inference formed by replacing the subject term of aproposition with the complement of its predicate term, and

    replacing the predicate term by the complement of its subjectterm.

    Not all contrapositions are valid.


    Premise Contrapositive

    A: All S is P. A: All non-P is non-S.

    E: No S is P. O: Some non-P is not non-S. (by limitation)

    I: Some S is P. (Contraposition not valid)

    O: Some S is not P. O: Some non-P is not non-S.

    6.7 Existential Import & the Interpretation of CategoricalPropositions

    Boolean Interpretation

    The modern interpretation of categorical propositiowhich universal propositions (A and E) are not assumrefer to classes that have members.

    Existential Fallacy

    A fallacy in which the argument relies on the illegitassumption that a class has members, when there

    explicit assertion that it does.

    Note:A proposition is said to have existential import if it typicuttered to assert the existence of objects of some kind.

    6.8 Symbolism and Diagrams for Categorical Propositions

    Form Proposition SymbolicRep,


    A All S is P_

    SP = 0The class of things thaboth S and non-P is emp

    E No S is P SP = OThe class off things thaboth S and P is empty.

    I Some S is P SP 0The class of things thaboth S and P is not em(SP as at least one mem

    O Some S isnot P

    _SP O

    The class of things thaboth S and non-P isempty. (SP has at leas


    Venn Diagrams

    A method of representing classes and categpropositions using overlapping circles.


    7.1 Standard-Form Categorical Syllogism


    Any deductive argument in which a conclusion is infrom two premises.

    Categorical Syllogism

    A deductive argument consisting of 3 categpropositions that together contain exactly 3 terms, ewhich occurs in exactly 2 of the constituent proposition

    Standard-From Categorical Syllogism

    A categorical syllogism in which the premisesconclusions are all standard-form categorical propo

    (A, E, I or O)Arranged with the major premise first, the minor prsecond, and the conclusion last.

    The Parts of a Standard-Form Categorical Syllogism

    Major Term The predicate term of the conclusion.

    Minor Term The subject term of the conclusion.

    Middle Term The term that appears in both premises but

    the conclusion.

    Major Premise The premise containing the major term. In sta

    form, the major premise is always stated 1st.

    Minor Premise The premise containing the minor term.


    One of the 64 3-letter characterizations of categ

    syllogisms determined by the forms of the standardpropositions it contains.The mood of the syllogism is therefore representedletters, and those 3 letters are always given i

    standard-form order.The 1

    st letter names the type of that syllogisms

    premise; the 2nd

    letter names the type of that syllominor premise; the 3

    rd letter names the type

    conclusion.Every syllogism has a mood.

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    The logical shape of a syllogism, determined by the positionof the middle term in its premises

    Syllogisms can have fourand only fourpossible differentfigures:

    The Four Figures

    1stFigure 2ndFigure

    3rdFigure 4thFigure



    M PS M

    .. S P

    P MS M

    .. S P

    M PM S

    .. S P

    P MM S

    .. S P


    Themiddleterm may

    be thesubjectterm ofthe majorpremise

    and thepredicateterm ofthe minor


    Themiddleterm may

    be thepredicateterm ofbothpremises.

    Themiddleterm may

    be thesubjectterm ofbothpremises.

    The middleterm maybe the

    predicateterm ofthe majorpremiseand the

    subjectterm ofthe minorpremise.

    7.2 The Formal Nature of Syllogistic Argument

    The validity of any syllogism depends entirely on its form.

    Valid Syllogisms

    - A valid syllogism is a formal valid argument,

    valid by virtue ofits form alone.

    - If a given syllogism is valid, any other syllogism of the sameform will also be valid.

    - If a given syllogism is invalid, any other syllogism of thesame form will also be invalid.

    7.3 Venn Diagram Technique for Testing Syllogism

    7.4 Syllogistic Rules and Syllogistic Fallacies

    Syllogistic Rules and Fallacies

    Rule Associated Fallacy

    1.Avoid four terms. Four TermsA formal mistake in which a

    categorical syllogism contains more than3 terms.

    2.Distribute the middleterm in at least onepremise.

    Undistributed MiddleA formal mistake in which a

    categorical syllogism contains a middleterm that is not distributed in either


    3.Any term distributed

    in the conclusion mustbe distributed in thepremises.

    Illicit Major

    A formal mistake in which the majorterm of a syllogism is undistributed inthe major premise, but is disturbed inthe conclusion.

    Illicit MinorA formal mistake in which the minor

    term of a syllogism is undistributed inthe minor premise but is distributed inthe conclusion.

    4. Avoid 2 negativepremises.

    Exclusive PremisesA formal mistake in which both

    premises of a syllogism are negative.

    5. If either premise isnegative, the conclusionmust be negative.

    Drawing an Affirmative Conclusionfrom a Negative Premise

    A formal mistake in which onepremise of a syllogism is negative, buthe conclusion is affirmative.

    6. From 2 universalpremises no particularconclusion may be


    Existential FallacyAs a formal fallacy, the mistake of

    inferring a particular conclusion from 2

    universal premises.

    Note: A violation of any one of these rules is a mistake, renders the syllogism invalid. Because it is a mistake of that skind, we call it a fallacy; and because it is a mistake in the fo

    the argument, we call it a formal fallacy.

    7.5 Exposition of the 15 Valid Forms of Categorical Syllog

    The 15 Valid Forms of the Standard-Form Categorical Syllogism

    1stFigure 1. AAA-1 Barbara

    2. EAE-1 Celarent

    3. AII-1 Darii

    4. EIO1 Ferio


    Figure 5. AEE-2 Camestres

    6. EAE-2 Cesare

    7. AOO-2 Baroko

    8. EIO-2 Festino

    3rdFigure 9. AII-3 Datisi

    10. IAI-3 Disamis

    11. EIO-3 Ferison

    12. OAO-3 Bokardo

    4thFigure 13. AEE-4 Camenes

    14. IAI-4 Dimaris

    15. EIO-4 Fresison

    7.6 Deduction of the 15 Valid forms of Categorical Syllogi


    8.1 Syllogistic Arguments

    Syllogistic Argument

    An Argument that is standard-form categorical syllogican be formulated as one without any change in mean

    Reduction to Standard Form

    Reformulation of a syllogistic argument into standard f

    Standard-Form Translation

    The resulting argument when we reformulate a loose

    argument appearing in ordinary language into cla


    Different Ways in Which a Syllogistic Argument in Ord

    Language may Deviate from a Standard-Form CategArgument:

    First DeviationThe premises and conclusion of an argument in orlanguage may appear in an order that is not the orthe standard-form syllogismRemedy: Reordering the premises: the major premise

    the minor premise second, the conclusion third.

    Second DeviationA standard-form categorical syllogism always has exa

    terms. The premises of an argument in ordinary lanmay appear to involve more than 3 terms buappearance might prove deceptive.Remedy: If the number of terms can be reduced to loss of meaning the reduction to standard form m


    Third DeviationThe component propositions of the syllogistic argumordinary language may not all be standardpropositions.Remedy: If the components can be convertedstandard-form propositions w/o loss of meaning

    reduction to standard form may be successful.

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    8.2 Reducing the Number of Terms to Three

    Eliminating Synonyms

    A synonym of one of the terms in the syllogism is not really a4

    th term, but only another way of referring to one of the 3

    classes involved.

    E.g. wealthy & rich

    Eliminating Class Complements

    Complement of a class is the collection of all things that do

    not belong to that class (explained in 6.6)E.g. mammals & nonmammals

    8.3 Translating Categorical Propositions into Standard Form

    Note: Propositions of a syllogistic argument, when not in standardform, may be translated into standard form so as to allow thesyllogism to be tested either by Venn diagrams or by the use of rulesgoverning syllogisms.

    I. Singular Proposition

    A proposition that asserts that a specific individual belongs(or does not belong) to a particular classDo not affirm/deny the inclusion of one class in another, butwe can nevertheless interpret a singular proposition as aproposition dealing w/ classes and their interrelationsE.g. Socrates is a philosopher.

    E.g. This table is not an antique.

    Unit Classo A class with only one member

    II. Propositions having adjectives as predicat

    es, rather thansubstantive or class terms

    E.g. Some flowers are beautiful.o Reformulated: Some flowers are beauties.

    E.g. No warships are available for active dutyo Reformulated: No warships are things available for

    active duty.

    III. Propositions having main verbs other than the copula tobe

    E.g. All people seek recognition.


    Reformulated: All people are seekers or recognition.E.g. Some people drink Greek wine.

    o Reformulated: Some people are Greek-winedrinkers.

    IV. Statements having standard-form ingredients, but not in

    standard form order

    E.g. Racehorses are all thoroughbreds.o Reformulated: All racehorses are thoroughbreds.

    E.g. all is well that ends well.o

    Reformulated: All things that end well are things

    that are well.

    V. Propositions having quantifiers other than all, no, andsome

    E.g. Every dog has its day.o Reformulated: All dogs are creatures that have their

    days.E.g. Any contribution will be appreciated.

    o Reformulated: All contributions are things that are


    VI. Exclusive Propositions, using only or none but

    A proposition asserting that the predicate applies only to thesubject namedE.g. Only citizens can vote.

    o Reformulated: All those who can vote are citizens.E.g. None but the brave deserve the fair.

    o Reformulated: All those who deserve the fair arethose who are brave.

    VII. Propositions without words indicating quantity

    E.g. Dog are carnivorous.o

    Reformulated: All dogs are carnivores.E.g. Children are present.

    o Reformulated: Some children are beings whpresent.

    VIII. Propositions not resembling standard-form proposat all

    E.g. Not all children believe in Santa Claus.o

    Reformulated: Some children are not belieSanta Claus.

    E.g. There are white elephants.o Reformulated: Some elephants are white thin

    IX. Exceptive Propositions, using all except or siexpressions

    A proposition making 2 assertions, that all membsome class except for members of one of its subclaare members of some other class

    Translating exceptive propositions into standard fosomewhat complicated, because propositions of thismake 2 assertions rather than one

    E.g. All except employees are eligible.E.g. All but employees are eligible.E.g. Employees alone are not eligible.

    8.4 Uniform Translation


    An auxiliary symbol that aids in reformulating an ass

    into standard form

    Uniform Translation

    Reducing propositions into standard-form syll

    argument by using parameters or other techniques.

    8.5 Enthymemes


    An argument containing an unstated propositionAn incompletely stated argument is characterized a


    First-Order Enthymeme

    An incompletely stated argument in which the propothat is taken for granted is the major premise

    Second-Order Enthymeme

    An incompletely stated argument in which the propothat is taken for granted is the minor premise

    Third-Order Enthymeme

    An incompletely stated argument in which the propothat is left unstated is the conclusion

    8.6 Sorites


    An argument in which a conclusion is inferred fromnumber of premises through a chain of syllogistic infer

    8.7 Disjunctive and Hypothetical Syllogism

    Disjunctive Syllogism

    A form of argument in which one premise is a disjuand the conclusion claims the truth of one of the disjunOnly some disjunctive syllogisms are valid

    Hypothetical SyllogismA form of argument containing at least one condproposition as a premise.

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    Pure Hypothetical Syllogism

    A syllogism that contains conditional propositions exclusively

    Mixed Hypothetical Syllogism

    A syllogism having one conditional premise and onecategorical premise

    Affirmative Mood/Modus Ponens (to affirm)

    A valid hypothetical syllogism in which the categoricalpremise affirms the antecedent of the conditional premise,and the conclusion affirms its consequent

    Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent

    A formal fallacy in a hypothetical syllogism in which thecategorical premise affirms the consequent, rather than theantecedent, of the conditional premise

    Modus Tollens (to deny)

    A valid hypothetical syllogism in which the categoricalpremise denies the consequent of the conditional premise,and the conclusion denies its antecedent

    Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent

    A formal fallacy in a hypothetical syllogism in which thecategorical premise denies the antecedent, rather than theconsequent, of the conditional premise

    8.8 The Dilemma


    A common form of argument in ordinary discourse in which itis claimed that a choice must be made between 2 (usuallybad) alternatives

    An argumentative device in which syllogisms on the sametopic are combined, sometimes w/ devastative effect

    Simple Dilemma

    The conclusion is a single categorical proposition

    Complex Dilemma

    The conclusion itself is a disjunction

    Three Ways of Defeating a Dilemma

    Going/escaping between the horns of the dilemmaRejecting its disjunctive premise

    This method is often the easiest way to evade the conclusionof a dilemma, for unless one half of the disjunction is theexplicit contradictory of the other, the disjunction may verywell be false

    Taking/grasping the dilemma by its hornsRejecting its conjunction premiseTo deny a conjunction, we need only deny one of its partsWhen we grasp the dilemma by the horns, we attempt to

    show that at least one of the conditionals is false

    Devising a counterdilemmaOne constructs another dilemma whose conclusion is opposed

    to the conclusion of the originalAny counterdilemma may be used in rebuttal, but ideally it

    should be built up out of the same ingredients (categoricalpropositions) that the original dilemma contained


    9.1 Modern Logic and Its Symbolic Language


    Greatly facilitate our thinking about arguments

    Enable us to get to the heart of an argument, exhibiting itsessential nature and putting aside what is not essential

    With symbols, we can perform some logical operalmost mechanically, with the eye, which might othdemand great effort

    A symbolic language helps us to accomplish intellectual tasks without having to think too much

    Modern Logic

    Logicians look now to the internal structure of proposand arguments, and to the logical links very fnumber that are critical in all deductive arguments

    No encumbered by the need to transform ded

    arguments in to syllogistic formIt may be less elegant than analytical syllogistics, more powerful

    9.2 The Symbols for Conjunction, Negation, & Disjunction

    Simple Statement

    A statement that does not contain any other statemencomponent

    Compound Statement

    A statement that contains another statements component2 categories:

    o W/N the truth value of the compound statemdetermined wholly by the truth value components, or determined by anything

    than the truth value of its components

    Conjunction ()

    A truth functional connective meaning andSymbolized by the dot ()

    We can form a conjunction of 2 statements by placinword and between themThe 2 statements combined are called conjunctsThe truth value of the conjunction of 2 stateme

    determined wholly and entirely by the truth values oconjunctsIf both conjuncts are true, the conjunction is otherwise it is false

    A conjunction is said to be a truth-functional compstatement, and its conjuncts are said to be truth-funccomponents of it

    Note:Not every compound statement is truth-function

    Truth Value

    The status of any statement as true or falseThe truth value of a true statement is trueThe truth value of a false statement is false

    Truth-Functional Component

    Any component of a compound statement replacement by another statement having the samevalue would not change the truth value of the com


    Truth-Functional Compound Statement

    A compound statement whose truth function is

    determined by the truth values of its components

    Truth-Functional ConnectiveAny logical connective (including conjunction, disjunmaterial implication, and material equivalence) betwee

    components of a truth-functional compound statement

    Simple Statement

    Any statement that is not truth functionally compound

    p q p


    T T T

    T F F

    F T F

    F F F

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    Negation/Denial/Contradictory (~)

    symbolized by the tilde or curl (~)often formed by the insertion of not in the original


    Disjunction/Alteration (v)

    A truth-functional connective meaning or

    It has a weak (inclusive) sense, symbolized by the wedge(v) (or vee), and a strong (exclusive) sense.2 components combined are called disjunctsor alternatives

    p q p v q

    T T T

    T F T

    F T T

    F F F


    The parentheses brackets, and braces used in symboliclanguage to eliminate ambiguity in meaning

    In any formula the negation symbol will be understood toapply to the smallest statement that the punctuation permits

    9.3 Conditional Statements and Material Implication

    Conditional Statement

    A compound statement of the form If p then q.

    Also called a hypothetical/implication/implicative statementAsserts that in any case in which its antecedent is true, itsconsequent is also trueIt does no assert that its antecedent is true, but only if itsantecedent is true, its consequent is also trueThe essential meaning of a conditional statement is the

    relationship asserted to hold between its antecedent andconsequent

    Antecedent (implicans/protasis)

    In a conditional statement, that component that immediatelyfollows the if

    Consequent (implicate/apodosis)

    In a conditional statement, the component that immediatelyfollows the then

    ImplicationThe relation that holds between the antecedent and the

    consequent of a conditional statement.There are different kinds of implication

    Horseshoe (


    A symbol used to represent material implication, which iscommon, partial meaning of all if-then statements

    p q ~q p~q ~ (p~q) p q

    T T F F T T

    T F T T F F

    F T F F T T

    F F T F T T

    Material Implication

    A truth-functional relation symbolized by the horseshoe ( )that may connect 2 statementsThe statement p materially implies q is true when either pis false, or q is true

    p q p q

    T T T

    T F F

    F T T

    F F T

    In general, q is a necessary condition for pand p only

    if qare symbolized as p q

    In general, p is a sufficient condition for symbolized by p q

    9.4 Argument Forms and Refutation by Logical Analogy

    Refutation by Logical Analogy

    Exhibiting the fault of an argument by presenting a

    argument with the same form whose premises are knoe true and whose conclusion is known to be false.

    To prove the invalidity of an argument, it suffices to form

    another argument that:Has exactly the same form as the firstHas true premises and a false conclusion

    Note:This method is based upon the fact that validity and inv

    are purely formal characteristics of arguments, which is to saany 2 arguments having exactly the same form are either bothor invalid, regardless of any differences in the subject matter they are concerned.

    Statement Variable

    A letter (lower case) for which a statement masubstituted.

    Argument Form

    An array of symbols exhibiting the logical structure

    argument, it contains statement variables, bustatements

    Substitution Instance of an Argument Form

    Any argument that results from the consistent substof statements for statement variables in an argument

    Specific Form of an Argument

    The argument form from which the given argument rwhen a different simple statement is substituted fordifferent statement variable.

    9.5 The Precise Meaning of Invalid and Valid

    Invalid Argument Form

    An argument form that has at least one substinstance with true premises and a false conclusion

    Valid Argument Form

    An argument form that has no substitution instancetrue premises and a false conclusion

    9.6 Testing Argument Validity on Truth Tables

    Truth Table

    An array on which the validity of an argument form mtested, through the display of all possible combinatiothe truth values of the statement variables contained


    9.7 Some Common Argument Forms

    Disjunctive Syllogism

    A valid argument form in which one premise

    disjunction, another premise is the denial of one of thdisjuncts, and the conclusion is the truth of the disjunct

    p v q~ p


    p q p v q ~p

    T T T F

    T F T F

    F T T T

    F F F T

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    Modus Ponens

    A valid argument that relies upon a conditional premise, andin which another premise affirms the antecedent of that

    conditional, and the conclusion affirms its consequent

    p qp


    p q p q

    T T T

    T F F

    F T T

    F F T

    Modus Tollens

    A valid argument that relies upon a conditional premise, andin which another premise denies the consequent of thatconditional, and the conclusion denies its antecedent

    p q


    p q p q ~q ~p

    T T T F F

    T F F T F

    F T T F TF F T T T

    Hypothetical Syllogism

    A valid argument containing only conditional propositions

    p q

    q r

    p r

    p Q r p q q r p r

    T T T T T T

    T T F T F F

    T F T F T T

    T F F F T F

    F T T T T T

    F T F T F TF F T T T T

    F F F T T T

    Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent

    A formal fallacy in which the 2nd

    premise of an argumentaffirms the consequent of a conditional premise and theconclusion of its argument affirms its antecedent

    p q


    Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent

    A formal fallacy in which the 2nd

    premise of an argumentdenies the antecedent of a conditional premise and theconclusion of the argument denies its consequent

    p q~p~q

    Note: In determining whether any given argument is valid, we must

    look into the specific form of the argument in question

    9.8 Statement Forms & Material Equivalence

    Statement Form

    An array of symbols exhibiting the logical structure of astatementIt contains statement variables but no statements

    Substitution Instance of Statement Form

    Any statement that results from the consistent substof statements for statement variables in a statement f

    Specific Form of a Statement

    The statement form from which the given statement rwhen a different simple statement is subst

    consistently for each different statement variable

    Tautologous Statement Form

    A statement form that has only true substitution insta

    A tautology:

    p ~p p v ~p

    T F T

    F T T

    Self-Contradictory Statement Form

    A statement form that has only false substitution instaA contradiction

    Contingent Form

    A statement form that has both true and false substinstances

    Peirces Law

    A tautological statement of the form [(p q) p] p

    Materially Equivalent ( )

    A truth-functional relation asserting that 2 stateconnected by the three-bar sign ( ) have the same


    p q p q

    T T T

    T F F

    F T F

    F F T

    Biconditional Statement

    A compound statement that asserts that its 2 compstatements imply one another and therefore are mat


    The Four Truth-Functional Connective




    (Name ofSymbol)



    Names of


    that Type

    And (dot) Conjunction Conjuncts

    Or V (wedge) Disjunction Disjuncts

    Ifthen (horseshoe) Conditional Antecedent,


    If and only if (tribar) Biconditional Components

    Note:Not is nota connective, but is a truth-function operatois omitted here

    Note: To say that an argument form is valid if, and only expression in the form of a conditional statement is a tautology.

    9.9 Logic Equivalence

    Logically Equivalent

    Two statements for which the statement of their mequivalence is tautology

    they are equivalent in meaning and may replacanother

    Double Negation

    An expression of logical equivalence between a symbthe negation of the negation of that symbol

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    p ~p ~~pT

    p ~~p

    T F T T

    F T F T

    Note: This table proves that p and ~~p are logically equivalent.

    Material equivalence:a truth-functional connective, , which may be

    true or false depending only upon the truth or falsity of the elements itconnects

    Logical Equivalence: not a mere connective, and it expresses a

    relation between 2 statements that is not truth-functionalNote:2 statements are logically equivalent only when it is absolutelyimpossible for them to have different truth values.

    p q p v q ~(p v q) ~p ~q ~p~q ~(p v q) (~p~q)

    T T T F F F F T

    T F T F F T F T

    F T T F T F F T

    F F F T T T T T

    De Morgans Theorems

    Two useful logical equivalenceso (1) The negation of the disjunction of 2 statements

    is logically equivalent to the conjunction of thenegations of the 2 disjuncts


    (2) the negation of the conjunction of 2 statementsis logically equivalent to the disjunction of thenegations of the 2 conjuncts

    9.10 The Three Laws of Thought

    Principle of Identity

    If any statement is true, it is true.Every statement of the formp

    pmust be true

    o Every such statement is a tautology

    Principle of Noncontradiction

    No statement can be both true and false

    Every statement of the form p~p must be falseo Every such statement isself-contradictory

    Principle of Excluded Middle

    Every statement is either true or falseEvery statement of the form p v ~ p must be trueEvery such statement is a tautology


    10.1 Formal Proof of Validity

    Rules of Inference

    The rules that permit valid inferences from statementsassumed as premises

    Natural Deduction

    A method of providing the validity of a deductive argumentby using the rules of inference

    Using natural deduction we can proved a formal proofof thevalidity of an argument that is valid

    Formal Proof of Validity

    A sequence of statements, each of which is either a premiseof a given argument or is deduced, suing the rules of

    inference, from preceding statements in that sequence, suchthat the last statement in the sequence is the conclusion ofthe argument whose validity is being proved

    Elementary Valid Argument

    Any one of a set of specified deductive arguments that servesas a rule of inference & can be used to construct a formalproof of validity



    1. Modus Ponens M.P. p


    2. Modus Tollens M.T. p q~q~p

    3. Hypothetical Syllogism H.S. p q

    q rp r

    4. Disjunctive Syllogism D.S p v q~ p


    5. Constructive Dilemma C.D. (p q) (r sp v rq v s

    6. Absorption Abs. p q

    p (p q)

    7. Simplification Simp. p qp

    8. Conjunction Conj. pqp q

    9. Addition Add. pp v q

    10.2 The Rule of Replacement

    Rule of Replacement

    The rule that logically equivalent expressions may reeach otherNote: this is very different from that of substitution



    10. De Morgans


    De M.~(p q) (~ p v ~q)

    ~(p v q) (~ p ~q)

    11. Commutation Com.(p v q) (q v p)

    (p q) (q p)

    12. Association Assoc.[p v (q v r)] [(p v q) v

    [p (q r)] [(p q)

    13. Distribution Dist.[p (q v r)] [(p q) (p

    [p v (q r)] [(p v q) (p

    14. Double


    D.N.p ~~ p

    15. Transpor-


    Trans.(p q) (~q ~p)

    16. MaterialImplication Imp. (p q) (~p v q)

    17. Material


    Equiv.(p q) [(p q) (q p

    (p q) [(p q) v (~p ~

    18. Exportation Exp.[(p q) r] [p (q r

    19. Tautology Taut.p (p v p)

    p (p p)

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    The 19 Rules of Inference

    The list of 19 rules of inference constitutes a complete systemof truth-functional logic, in the sense that it permits the

    construction of a formal proof of validity for anyvalid truth-functional argument

    The first 9 rules can be applied only to whole lines of a proof

    Any of the last 10 rules can be applied either to whole lines or

    to parts of lines

    The notion of formalproof is an effectivenotion

    It can be decided quite mechanically, in a finite number of

    steps, whether or not a given sequence of statementsconstitutes a formal proofNo thinking is requiredOnly 2 things are required:

    o The ability to see that a statement occurring in one

    place is precisely the same as a statement occurringin another

    o The ability to see W/N a given statement has acertain pattern; that is , to see if it is a substitutioninstance of a given statement form

    Formal Proof vs. Truth Tables

    The making of a truth table is completely mechanicalThere are no mechanical rules for the construction of formalproofsProving an argument valid y constructing a formal proof of itsvalidity is much easier than the purely mechanical

    construction of a truth table with perhaps hundreds orthousands of rows

    10.3 Proof of Invalidity

    Invalid Arguments

    For an invalid argument, there is no formal

    proof of invalidityAn argument is provided invalid by displaying at least onerow of its truth table in which all its premises are true but its

    conclusion is falseWe need not examine allrows of its truth table to discover anarguments invalidity: the discovery of a single row in whichits premises are all true and its conclusion is false will suffice

    10.4 Inconsistency

    Note:If truth values cannotbe assigned to make the premises true

    and the conclusion false, then the argument must be validAny argument whose premises are inconsistent must be validAny argument with inconsistent premises is valid, regardlessof what its conclusion may be


    Inconsistent statements cannot both be trueFalsus in unum, falsus in omnibus (Untrustworthy in onething, untrustworthy in all)

    Inconsistent statements are not meaningless; their troubleis just the opposite. They mean too much. They meaneverything, in the sense of implying everything. And ifeverythingis asserted, half of what is asserted is surely false,

    because every statement has a denial

    10.5 Indirect Proof of Validity

    Indirect Proof of Validity

    An indirect proof of validity is written out by stating as anadditional assumed premise the negation of the conclusionA version of reductio ad absurdum(reducing the absurd)

    with which an argument can be proved valid by exhibiting thecontradiction which may be derived from its premisesaugmented by the assumption of the denial of its conclusionAn exclamation point (!)is used to indicate that a given stepis derived after the assumption advancing the indirect proofhad been madeThis method of indirect proof strengthens our machinery fortesting arguments by making it possible, in some

    circumstances, to prove validity more quickly than wopossible without it

    10.6 Shorter Truth-Table Technique

    Shorter Truth-Table Technique

    An argument may be tested by assigning truth

    showing that, if it is valid, assigning values that wouldthe conclusion false while the premises are true woulinescapably to inconsistencyProving the validity of an argument with this shorter

    table technique is one version of the use of reducabsurdum but instead of suing the rules of infereuses truth value assignmentsIts easiest application is when Fis assigned to a disju(in which case both of the disjuncts must be assigned

    to a conjunction (in which case both of the conjunctsbe assigned)

    o When assignments to simple statements arforced, the absurdity (if there is one) is qexposed

    Note: The reductio ad absurdummethod of proof is often theefficient in testing the validity of a deductive argument

    CHAPTER 11


    11.1 The Need for Quantification


    A method of symbolizing devised to exhibit the inner structure of propositions.

    11.2 Singular Propositions

    Affirmative Singular Proposition

    A proposition that asserts that a particular individusome specified attribute

    Individual Constant

    A symbol used in logical notation to denote an individu

    Individual Variable

    A symbol used as a place holder for an individual cons

    Propositional Function

    An expression that contains an individual variablebecomes a statement when an individual consta

    substituted for the individual variable

    Simple Predicate

    A propositional function having some true and somesubstitution instances, each of which is an affirm

    singular proposition

    11.3 Universal and Existential Quantifiers

    Universal Quantifier

    A symbol (x) used before a propositional function to that the predicate following is true of everything


    The process of forming a proposition from a proposfunction by placing a universal quantifier or an exisquantifier before it

    Existential Quantifier

    A symbol (

    x) indicating that the propositional futhat follows has at least one true substitution instance


    The process of forming a proposition from a proposfunction by substituting an individual constant findividual variable

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    11.4 Traditional Subject-Predicate Propositions

    Normal-Form Formula

    A formula in which negation signs apply only to simplepredicates

    11.5 Proving Validity

    Universal Instantiation (UI)

    A rule of inference that permits the valid inference of any

    substitution instance of a propositional function from itsuniversal quantification

    Universal Generalization (UG)

    A rule of inference that permits the valid inference of a

    universally quantified expression from an expression that isgiven as true of any arbitrarily selected individual

    Existential Instantiation (EI)

    A rule of inference that permits (with restrictions) the valid

    inference of the truth of a substitution instance (for anyindividual constant that appears nowhere earlier in thecontext) from the existential quantification of a propositionalfunction

    Existential Generalization (EG)

    A rule of inference that permits the valid inference of the

    existential quantification of a propositional function from anytrue substitution instance of that function

    Rules of Inference: Quantificatio



    UI (x) ( x)

    v(where v is anyindividual symbol)

    Any substitution instance

    of a propositionalfunction can be validlyinferred from itsuniversal quantification


    UG y

    (x) ( x)(where y denotes

    any arbitrarilyselected individual)

    From the substitutioninstance of a

    propositional functionwith respect to the nameof any arbitrarily selectedindividual, one may

    validly infer the universal

    quantification of thatpropositional function


    EI ( x)( x)

    v(where v is anyindividual

    constant, otherthan y, having nopreviousoccurrence in thecontext)

    From the existentialquantification of apropositional function,we may infer the truth of

    its substitution instancewith respect to anyindividual constant (otherthan y) that occurs

    nowhere earlier in thecontext.



    EG v

    ( x)( x)(where v is anyindividualconstant)

    From any truesubstitution instance of apropositional function,we may validly infer the

    existential quantificationof that propositionalfunction.

    11.6 Proving Invalidity

    11.7 Asyllogistic Inference

    Asyllogistic Arguments

    Arguments containing one or more propositions morelogically complicated than the standard A, E, I or O
