legal separation notes

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  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes



    Art. 55. A petition for legal separation may be led on any of te follo!ing


    $%& Repeated pysi'al (iolen'e or grossly ab"si(e 'ond"'t dire'ted against te

    petitioner. a 'ommon 'ild. or a 'ild of te petitioner)

    $*& Pysi'al (iolen'e or moral press"re to 'ompel te petitioner to 'ange

    religio"s or politi'al a+liation)

    $,& Attempt of respondent to 'orr"pt or ind"'e te petitioner. a 'ommon 'ild. or a

    'ild of te petitioner. to engage in prostit"tion. or 'onni(an'e in s"'

    'orr"ption or ind"'ement)

    $-& inal /"dgment senten'ing te respondent to imprisonment of more tansi0 years. e(en if pardoned)

    $5& 1r"g addi'tion or abit"al al'oolism of te respondent)

    $2& Lesbianism or omose0"ality of te respondent)

    $3& 4ontra'ting by te respondent of a s"bse"ent bigamo"s marriage. 6eter in

    te Pilippines or abroad)

    $7& Se0"al indelity or per(ersion)

    $8& Attempt by te respondent against te life of te petitioner) or)

    $%9& Abandonment of petitioner by respondent !ito"t /"stiable 'a"se for more

    tan one year. for p"rposes of tis Arti'le te term 'ild: sall in'l"de a 'ild by

    nat"re or by adoption. $83a&

    Art. 52. Te petition for legal separation sall be denied on any of te follo!ing

    gro"nds# E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page %5

    $%& 6ere te aggrie(ed party as 'ondoned te o;ense or a't 'omplained of)

    $*& 6ere te aggrie(ed party as 'onsented to te 'ommission of te o;ense or

    a't 'omplained of)

    $,& 6ere tere is 'onni(an'e bet!een te parties in te 'ommission of te

    o;ense or a't 'onstit"ting te gro"nd for legal separation)

    $-& 6ere bot parties a(e gi(en gro"nd for legal separation)

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    $5& 6ere tere is 'oll"sion bet!een te parties to obtain te de'ree of

    legal separation) or

    $2& 6ere te a'tion is barred by pres'ription. $%99a&

    Art. 53. An a'tion for legal separation sall be led !itin (e years from

    te time of te o''"rren'e of te 'a"se. $%9*a&

    Art. 57. An a'tion for legal separation sall in no 'ase be tried before si0 monts

    sall a(e elapsed sin'e te ling of te petition. $%9,&

    Art. 58. No legal separation may be de'lared "nless te 'o"rt as ta

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    designate eiter of tem or a tird person to administer te absol"te

    'omm"nity or

    'on/"gal partnersip property. Te administrator appointed by te 'o"rt sall

    a(e te

    same po!ers and d"ties as tose of a g"ardian "nder te R"les of 4o"rt. $%9-a&

    Art. 2*. 1"ring te penden'y of te a'tion for legal separation. te pro(isions of

    Arti'le -8 sall li

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    spo"se by intestate s"''ession. =oreo(er. pro(isions in fa(or of te

    o;ending spo"se made in te !ill of te inno'ent spo"se sall be re(o

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    Art. 22. Te re'on'iliation referred to in te pre'eding Arti'le sall a(e te

    follo!ing 'onse"en'es#

    $%& Te legal separation pro'eedings. if still pending. sall tereby be terminated

    in !ate(er stage) and

    $*& Te nal de'ree of legal separation sall be set aside. b"t te separation


    property and any forfeit"re of te sare of te g"ilty spo"se already e;e'ted

    sall s"bsist. "nless te spo"ses agree to re(i(e teir former property regime.

    Te 'o"rt order 'ontaining te foregoing sall be re'orded in te proper 'i(il

    registries. $%97a&

    E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page %3

    Art. 23. Te agreement to re(i(e te former property regime referred to in


    pre'eding Arti'le sall be e0e'"ted "nder oat and sall spe'ify#

    $%& Te properties to be 'ontrib"ted ane! to te restored regime)

    $*& Tose to be retained as separate properties of ea' spo"se) and

    $,& Te names of all teir

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    Te agreement of re(i(al and te motion for its appro(al sall be led !it


    'o"rt in te same pro'eeding for legal separation. !it 'opies of bot

    f"rnised to te

    'reditors named terein. After d"e earing. te 'o"rt sall. in its order. ta

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    li(e abroad or tere are oter (alid and 'ompelling reasons for te e0emption.


    s"' e0emption sall not apply if te same is not 'ompatible !it te

    solidarity of te

    family. $%%9a&

    Art. 39. Te spo"ses are /ointly responsible for te s"pport of te family.


    e0penses for s"' s"pport and oter 'on/"gal obligations sall be paid from


    'omm"nity property and. in te absen'e tereof. from te in'ome or fr"its

    of teir

    separate properties. In 'ase of ins"+'ien'y or absen'e of said in'ome or

    fr"its. s"'

    obligations sall be satised from teir separate properties. $%%%a&

    E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page %7

    Art. 3%. Te management of te o"seold sall be te rigt and d"ty of


    spo"ses. Te e0penses for s"' management sall be paid in a''ordan'e

    !it te

    pro(isions of Arti'le 39. $%%5a&

    Art. 3*. 6en one of te spo"ses negle'ts is or er d"ties to te 'on/"gal "nion

    or 'ommits a'ts !i' tend to bring danger. disonor or in/"ry to te oter

    or to te

    family. te aggrie(ed party may apply to te 'o"rt for relief. $%%2a&

    Art. 3,. Eiter spo"se may e0er'ise any legitimate profession. o''"pation.

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    b"siness or a'ti(ity !ito"t te 'onsent of te oter. Te latter may ob/e't only on


    serio"s. and moral gro"nds.

    In 'ase of disagreement. te 'o"rt sall de'ide !eter or not#

    $%& Te ob/e'tion is proper. and)

    $*& enet as a''r"ed to te family prior to te ob/e'tion or tereafter. If


    benet a''r"ed prior to te ob/e'tion. te res"lting obligation sall be

    enfor'ed against te separate property of te spo"se !o as not obtained


    Te foregoing pro(isions sall not pre/"di'e te rigts of 'reditors !o a'ted


    good fait. $%%3a&



    4apter %. General Pro(isions

    Art. 3-. Te property relations bet!een "sband and !ife sall be go(erned


    te follo!ing order#

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    $%& y marriage settlements e0e'"ted before te marriage)

    $*& y te pro(isions of tis 4ode) and

    $,& y te lo'al '"stoms. $%%7&

    E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page %8

    Art. 35. Te f"t"re spo"se may. in te marriage settlements. agree "pon


    regime of absol"te 'omm"nity. 'on/"gal partnersip of gains. 'omplete

    separation of

    property. or any oter regime. In te absen'e of marriage settlements. or

    !en te

    regime agreed "pon is (oid. te system of absol"te 'omm"nity of property as


    in tis 4ode sall go(ern. $%%8a&

    Art. 32. In order tat any modi'ation in te marriage settlements may be (alid.

    it m"st be made before te 'elebration of te marriage. s"b/e't to te

    pro(isions of

    Arti'les 22. 23. %*7. %,5 and %,2 $%*%&

    Art. 33. Te marriage settlements and any modi'ation tereof sall be in

    !riting. signed by te parties and e0e'"ted before te 'elebration of te marriage.


    sall not pre/"di'e tird persons "nless tey are registered in te lo'al 'i(il registry


    te marriage 'ontra't is re'orded as !ell as in te proper registries of property.


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    Art. 37. A minor !o a''ording to la! may 'ontra't marriage may also enter into

    marriage settlements. b"t tey sall be (alid only if te persons designated in

    Arti'le %-

    to gi(e 'onsent to te marriage are made parties to te agreement. s"b/e't

    to te

    pro(isions of Title I of tis 4ode. $%*9a&

    Art. 38. Ior te (alidity of any marriage settlement e0e'"ted by a person


    !om a senten'e of 'i(il interdi'tion as been prono"n'ed or !o is s"b/e't to any


    disability. it sall be indispensable for te g"ardian appointed by a 'ompetent 'o"rt

    to be

    made a party tereto. $%*,a&

    Art. 79. In te absen'e of a 'ontrary stip"lation in te marriage settlement.


    property relations of te spo"ses sall be go(erned by Pilippine la!s.

    regardless of te

    pla'e of te 'elebration of te marriage and teir residen'e.

    Tis r"le sall not apply#

    $%& 6ere bot spo"ses are aliens)

    $*& 6it respe't to te e0trinsi' (alidity of 'ontra'ts a;e'ting property not

    sit"ated in te Pilippines and e0e'"ted in te 'o"ntry !ere te property is

    lo'ated) and

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    $,& 6it respe't to te e0trinsi' (alidity of 'ontra'ts entered into in te

    Pilippines b"t a;e'ting property sit"ated in a foreign 'o"ntry !ose la!s

    re"ire di;erent formalities for teir e0trinsi' (alidity. $%*-a&)

    Art. 7%. E(eryting stip"lated in te settlements or 'ontra'ts referred to in


    pre'eding arti'les in 'onsideration of a f"t"re marriage. in'l"ding donations

    bet!een te

    prospe'ti(e spo"ses made terein. sall be rendered (oid if te marriage

    does not ta

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    Art. 7-. If te f"t"re spo"ses agree "pon a regime oter tan te absol"te

    'omm"nity of property. tey 'annot donate to ea' oter in teir marriage


    more tan one>ft of teir present property. Any e0'ess sall be 'onsidered (oid.

    1onations of f"t"re property sall be go(erned by te pro(isions on testamentary

    s"''ession and te formalities of !ills. $%,9a&

    Art. 75. 1onations by reason of marriage of property s"b/e't to


    sall be (alid. In 'ase of fore'los"re of te en'"mbran'e and te property is soldfor less

    tan te total amo"nt of te obligation se'"red. te donee sall not be

    liable for te

    de'ien'y. If te property is sold for more tan te total amo"nt of said

    obligation. te

    donee sall be entitled to te e0'ess. $%,%a&

    Art. 72. A donation by reason of marriage may be re(o

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    $,& 6en te marriage is ann"lled. and te donee a'ted in bad fait)

    $-& Bpon legal separation. te donee being te g"ilty spo"se)

    $5& If it is !it a resol"tory 'ondition and te 'ondition is 'omplied !it)

    $2& 6en te donee as 'ommitted an a't of ingratit"de as spe'ied by te

    pro(isions of te 4i(il 4ode on donations in general. $%,*a&)

    E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page *%

    Art. 73. E(ery donation or grant of grat"ito"s ad(antage. dire't or indire't.

    bet!een te spo"se d"ring te marriage sall be (oid. e0'ept moderate gifts

    !i' te

    spo"ses may gi(e ea' oter on te o''asion of any family re/oi'ing. Te


    sall also apply to persons li(ing togeter as "sband and !ife !ito"t a (alidmarriage.


    4apter ,. System of Absol"te 4omm"nity

    Se'tion %. General Pro(isions

    Art. 77. Te absol"te 'omm"nity of property bet!een spo"ses sall 'ommen'e

    at te pre'ise moment tat te marriage is 'elebrated. Any stip"lation.

    e0press or

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    implied. for te 'ommen'ement of te 'omm"nity regime at any oter time sall be



    Art. 78. No !ai(er of rigts. interests. sares and e;e'ts of te absol"te

    'omm"nity of property d"ring te marriage 'an be made e0'ept in 'ase of


    separation of property.

    6en te !ai(er tao!nersip sall apply to te absol"te


    of property bet!een te spo"ses in all matters not pro(ided for in tis 4apter. $n&

    Se'tion *. 6at 4onstit"tes 4omm"nity Property

    Art. 8%. Bnless oter!ise pro(ided in tis 4apter or in te marriage

    settlements. te 'omm"nity property sall 'onsist of all te property o!ned

    by te

    spo"ses at te time of te 'elebration of te marriage or a'"ired tereafter. $%83a&

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    Art. 8*. Te follo!ing be e0'l"ded from tese 'omm"nity property#

    $%& Property a'"ired d"ring te marriage by grat"ito"s title by eiter spo"se. and

    te fr"its as !ell as te in'ome tereof. if any. "nless it is e0pressly pro(ided

    by te donor. testator or grantor tat tey sall form part of te 'omm"nity


    $*& Property for personal and e0'l"si(e "se of eiter spo"se) o!e(er.


    sall form part of te 'omm"nity property)

    E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page **

    $,& Property a'"ired before te marriage by eiter spo"se !o as


    des'endants by a former marriage. and te fr"its as !ell as te in'ome. if any.

    of s"' property. $*9%a&

    Art. 8,. Property a'"ired d"ring te marriage is pres"med to belong to te

    'omm"nity. "nless it is pro(ed tat it is one of tose e0'l"ded terefrom. $%29a&

    Se'tion ,. 4arges Bpon and Obligations of te Absol"te 4omm"nity

    Art. 8-. Te absol"te 'omm"nity of property sall be liable for#

    $%& Te s"pport of te spo"ses. teir 'ommon 'ildren. and legitimate 'ildren of

    eiter spo"se) o!e(er. te s"pport of illegitimate 'ildren sall be go(erned

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    by te pro(isions of tis 4ode on S"pport)

    $*& All debts and obligations 'ontra'ted d"ring te marriage by te


    administrator>spo"se for te benet of te 'omm"nity. or by bot spo"ses. or

    by one spo"se !it te 'onsent of te oter)

    $,& 1ebts and obligations 'ontra'ted by eiter spo"se !ito"t te 'onsent of


    oter to te e0tent tat te family may a(e been beneted)

    $-& All ta0es. liens. 'arges and e0penses. in'l"ding ma/or or minor repairs. "pon

    te 'omm"nity property)

    $5& All ta0es and e0penses for mere preser(ation made d"ring marriage "pon te

    separate property of eiter spo"se "sed by te family)

    $2& E0penses to enable eiter spo"se to 'ommen'e or 'omplete a

    professional or

    (o'ational 'o"rse. or oter a'ti(ity for self>impro(ement)

    $3& Anten"ptial debts of eiter spo"se insofar as tey a(e redo"nded to te

    benet of te family)

    $7& Te (al"e of !at is donated or promised by bot spo"ses in fa(or of


    'ommon legitimate 'ildren for te e0'l"si(e p"rpose of 'ommen'ing or

    'ompleting a professional or (o'ational 'o"rse or oter a'ti(ity for self>

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes



    $8& Anten"ptial debts of eiter spo"se oter tan tose falling "nder paragrap $3&

    of tis Arti'le. te s"pport of illegitimate 'ildren of eiter spo"se. and

    liabilities in'"rred by eiter spo"se by reason of a 'rime or a "asi>deli't. in

    'ase of absen'e or ins"+'ien'y of te e0'l"si(e property of te debtor>

    E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page *,

    spo"se. te payment of !i' sall be 'onsidered as ad(an'es to be ded"'ted

    from te sare of te debtor>spo"se "pon li"idation of te 'omm"nity) and

    $%9& E0penses of litigation bet!een te spo"ses "nless te s"it is fo"nd to



    If te 'omm"nity property is ins"+'ient to 'o(er te foregoing liabilities. e0'ept

    tose falling "nder paragrap $8&. te spo"ses sall be solidarily liable for

    te "npaid

    balan'e !it teir separate properties. $%2%a. %2*a. %2,a. *9*a>*95a&

    Art. 85. 6ate(er may be lost d"ring te marriage in any game of 'an'e.

    betting. s!eepsta

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    Art. 82. Te administration and en/oyment of te 'omm"nity property sall

    belong to bot spo"ses /ointly. In 'ase of disagreement. te "sband?s

    de'ision sall

    pre(ail. s"b/e't to re'o"rse to te 'o"rt by te !ife for a proper remedy.

    !i' m"st be

    a(ailed of !itin (e years from te date of te 'ontra't implementing s"'


    In te e(ent tat one spo"se is in'apa'itated or oter!ise "nable to parti'ipate in

    te administration of te 'ommon properties. te oter spo"se may ass"me

    sole po!ers

    of administration. Tese po!ers do not in'l"de te po!ers of disposition or

    en'"mbran'e !i' m"st a(e te a"tority of te 'o"rt or te !ritten

    'onsent of te

    oter spo"se. In te absen'e of s"' a"tority or 'onsent. te disposition or


    sall be (oid. @o!e(er. te transa'tion sall be 'onstr"ed as a 'ontin"ing

    o;er on te

    part of te 'onsenting spo"se and te tird person. and may be perfe'ted

    as a binding

    'ontra't "pon te a''eptan'e by te oter spo"se or a"toriation by te 'o"rt

    before te

    o;er is !itdra!n by eiter or bot o;erors. $*92a&

    Art. 83. Eiter spo"se may dispose by !ill of is or er interest in te

    'omm"nity property. $n&

    Art. 87. Neiter spo"se may donate any 'omm"nity property !ito"t te

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    'onsent of te oter. @o!e(er. eiter spo"se may. !ito"t te 'onsent of te oter.


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    $*& 6en te 'onsent of one spo"se to any transa'tion of te oter is re"ired by

    la!. /"di'ial a"toriation sall be obtained in a s"mmary pro'eeding)

    $,& In te absen'e of s"+'ient 'omm"nity property. te separate property of bot

    spo"ses sall be solidarily liable for te s"pport of te family. Te spo"se

    present sall. "pon proper petition in a s"mmary pro'eeding. be gi(en /"di'ial

    a"tority to administer or en'"mber any spe'i' separate property of te oter

    spo"se and "se te fr"its or pro'eeds tereof to satisfy te latter?s sare.


    Art. %9%. If a spo"se !ito"t /"st 'a"se abandons te oter or fails to 'omply !it

    is or er obligations to te family. te aggrie(ed spo"se may petition te

    'o"rt for

    re'ei(ersip. for /"di'ial separation of property or for a"tority to be te sole

    administrator of te absol"te 'omm"nity. s"b/e't to s"' pre'a"tionary 'onditions

    as te

    'o"rt may impose.

    Te obligations to te family mentioned in te pre'eding paragrap refer to

    marital. parental or property relations.

    A spo"se is deemed to a(e abandoned te oter !en e or se as left


    'on/"gal d!elling !ito"t any intention of ret"rning. Te spo"se !o as

    left te

    'on/"gal d!elling for a period of tree monts or as failed !itin te same

    period to

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    gi(e any information as to is or er !ereabo"ts sall be SBLP1 I1L@ pres"med

    to a(e

    no intention of ret"rning to te 'on/"gal d!elling. $%37a&

    E0e'"ti(e Order No. *98 page *5

    Se'tion 2. Li"idation of te Absol"te 4omm"nity Assets and Liabilities

    Art. %9*. Bpon dissol"tion of te absol"te 'omm"nity regime. te follo!ing

    pro'ed"re sall apply#

    $%& An in(entory sall be prepared. listing separately all te properties of te

    absol"te 'omm"nity and te e0'l"si(e properties of ea' spo"se.

    $*& Te debts and obligations of te absol"te 'omm"nity sall be paid o"t

    of its

    assets. In 'ase of ins"+'ien'y of said assets. te spo"ses sall be solidarily

    liable for te "npaid balan'e !it teir separate properties in a''ordan'e !it

    te pro(isions of te se'ond paragrap of Arti'le 8-.

    $,& 6ate(er remains of te e0'l"si(e properties of te spo"ses sall tereafter be

    deli(ered to ea' of tem.

    $-& Te net remainder of te properties of te absol"te 'omm"nity sall 'onstit"te

    its net assets. !i' sall be di(ided e"ally bet!een "sband and !ife.

    "nless a di;erent proportion or di(ision !as agreed "pon in te marriage

    settlements. or "nless tere as been a (ol"ntary !ai(er of s"' sare as

    pro(ided in tis 4ode. Ior p"rposes of 'omp"ting te net prots s"b/e't to

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    forfeit"re in a''ordan'e !it Arti'les -,. No. $*& and 2,. No. $*&. te said

    prots sall be te in'rease in (al"e bet!een te mar

  • 8/11/2019 Legal Separation Notes


    !it te foregoing re"irements. a mandatory regime of 'omplete separation of


    sall go(ern te property relations of te s"bse"ent marriage. $n&

    Art. %9-. 6ene(er te li"idation of te 'omm"nity property of t!o or more

    marriages 'ontra'ted by te same person before te e;e'ti(ity of tis 4ode is

    'arried o"t

    sim"ltaneo"sly. te respe'ti(e 'apital. fr"its and in'ome of ea' 'omm"nity

    sall be

    determined "pon s"' proof as may be 'onsidered a''ording to te r"les of

    e(iden'e. In

    'ase of do"bt as to !i' 'omm"nity te e0isting properties belong. te

    same sall be

    di(ided bet!een or among te di;erent 'omm"nities in proportion to te

    'apital and

    d"ration of ea'. $%78a&