legal and ethical behavior

Chapter 6 Legal and Ethical Behavior Retailing, 6 th Edition. Copyright ©2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Legal And Ethical Behavior

Chapter 6

Legal and Ethical Behavior

Retailing, 6th Edition. Copyright ©2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.

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Learning Objectives

1. Explain how legislation constrains a retailer’s pricing policies.

2. Differentiate between legal and illegal promotional activities.

3. Explain the retailer’s responsibilities regarding the products sold.

4. Discuss the impact of governmental regulation on a retailer’s behavior with other supply chain members.

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Learning Objectives

5. Describe how various state and local laws, in addition to federal regulations, must also be considered in developing retail policies.

6. Explain how a retailer’s code of ethics will influence its behavior.

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Ethical and Legal Constraints Influencing Retailers

Exhibit 6.1

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Primary U.S. Laws that Affect Retailing

Exhibit 6.2

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Primary U.S. Laws that Affect Retailing

Exhibit 6.2

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Examples of Laws Designed to Protect Consumers

Exhibit 6.3

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Pricing Constraints

Horizontal Price Fixing Vertical Price Fixing Price Discrimination Deceptive Pricing Predatory Pricing

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Pricing Constraints

Horizontal Price Fixing:

Occurs when a group of competing retailers (or other channel members operating at a given level of distribution) establishes a fixed price at which to sell certain brands of products.

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Pricing Constraints

Exhibit 6.4 LO 1

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Pricing Constraints

Vertical Price Fixing:

Occurs when a retailer collaborates with the manufacturer or wholesaler to resell an item at an agreed-on price.

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Pricing Constraints

Price Discrimination:

Occurs when two retailers buy an identical amount of “like grade and quality” merchandise from the same supplier but pay different prices.

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Price Discrimination

Cost justification defense.

Changing market defense.

Meeting competition in good faith defense.

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Pricing Constraints

Deceptive Pricing:

Occurs when a misleading price is used to lure customers into the store; usually there are hidden charges or the item advertised may be unavailable.

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Pricing Constraints

Predatory Pricing:

Exists when a retail chain charges different prices in different geographic areas to eliminate competition in selected geographic areas.

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Promotion Constraints

Deceitful Diversion of Patronage Deceptive Advertising Deceptive Sales Practices

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Promotion Constraints

Palming Off:

Occurs when a retailer represents that merchandise is made by a firm other than the true manufacturer.

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Promotional Constraints

Exhibit 6.5 LO 2

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Deceptive Advertising

Deceptive Advertising:

Occurs when a retailer makes false or misleading advertising claims about the physical makeup of a product, the benefits to be gained by its use, or the appropriate uses for the product.

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Deceptive Advertising

Bait-and-Switch Advertising:

Advertising promoting a product at an unrealistically low price to serve as “bait” and then trying to “switch” the customer to a higher-priced product.

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Deceptive Sales Practices

Failing to be honest or omitting key facts in either ad of the sales presentation.

Using deceptive credit contracts.

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Product Constraints

Product Safety Product Liability Warranties

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Product Constraints

Exhibit 6.6 LO 3

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Product Constraints

Product Liability Laws:

Deal with the seller’s responsibility to market safe products. These laws invoke the “foreseeability” doctrine, which states that a seller of a product must attempt to foresee how a product may be misused and warn the consumer against hazards of misuse.

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Product Constraints

Expressed Warranties:

Are either written or verbalized agreements about the performance of a product and can cover all attributes of the merchandise or only one attribute.

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Product Constraints

Implied Warranty of Merchantability:

Is made by every retailer when the retailer sells goods and implies that the merchandise sold is fit for the ordinary purpose for which the such goods are typically used.

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Product Constraints

Implied Warranty of Fitness:

Is a warranty that implies that the merchandise is fit for a particular purpose and arises when the customer relies on the retailer to assist or make the selection of goods to serve a particular purpose.

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Supply Chain Constraints

Territorial Restrictions Dual Distribution Exclusive Dealing Tying Agreements

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Supply Chain Constraints

Territorial Restrictions:

Are attempts by the supplier, usually a manufacturer, to limit the geographic area in which a retailer may resell merchandise.

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Channel Constraints

Exhibit 6.7 LO 4

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Supply Chain Constraints

Dual Distribution:

Occurs when a manufacturer sells to independent retailers and also through its own retail outlets.

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Dual Distribution

Ralph Lauren has a dual distribution strategy where it markets its Polo brand apparel through its own retail stores as well as through traditional department stores.

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Exclusive Dealing

One-Way Exclusive Dealing:

Occurs when the supplier agrees to give the retailer the exclusive right to merchandise the supplier’s product in a particular trade area.

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Exclusive Dealing

Two-Way Exclusive Dealing:Occurs when the supplier offers the retailer the exclusive distribution of a merchandise line or product in a particular trade if in return the retailer will agree to do something for the manufacturer such as heavily promote the supplier’s products or not handle competing brands.

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Tying Agreements

Tying Agreement:

Exists when a seller with a strong product or service requires a buyer (the retailer) to purchase a weak product or service as a condition for buying a strong product or service.

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Other Federal, State, and Local Laws

Zoning Laws Taxing Laws Franchise Laws Blue Laws Unfair Trade Laws Building Safety Regulations

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State, and Local Regulations Affecting Retailers

Exhibit 6.8 LO 5

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Ethics in Retailing

Ethical Behavior in Buying Merchandise Ethical Behavior in Selling Merchandise Ethical Behavior in Retailer-Employee


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Ethics in Retailing


Is a set of rules for human moral behavior.

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Ethics in Retailing

Explicit Code of Ethics:

Consists of a written policy that states what is ethical an unethical behavior.

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Ethics in Retailing

Implicit Code of Ethics:

Is an unwritten but well understood set of rules or standards of moral responsibility.

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Ethical Behavior in Buying Merchandise

Product Quality Sourcing Slotting Fees Bribery

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Ethical Behavior in Buying Merchandise

Slotting Fees (Slotting Allowances):

Are fees paid by a vendor for space or a slot on a retailer’s shelves, as well as having its UPC number given a slot in the retailer’s computer system.

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Ethical Behavior in Buying Merchandise

Markdown Money:

Is what retailers charge to suppliers when merchandise does not sell at what the supplier intended.

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Ethical Behavior in Selling Merchandise

Products Sold Selling Practices

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Ethical Behavior in Selling Merchandise

Home Depot’s no commission sales approach does not put the sales person at odds with the customer. However, given Home Depot’s self-service operation, paying a commission would be difficult.

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Ethical Behavior in the Retailer-Employee Relationship

Misuse of Company Assets Job Switching Employee Theft

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National Retail Federation Principles on Customer Data Privacy

Exhibit 6.9 LO 6

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Additional Slides

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Price Discrimination

Justifications Meet Competition in Good faith

Changing Market

Cost Justifications

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Promotional Constraints

Promotion Decisions

Deceptive sales practices

Deceitful diversion

of patronage

Deceptive advertising

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Product Constraints





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