leg of lamb with parsley and bread crumbs

some gourmets accuse the garlic of giving a bitter taste to the meat. Here is a recipe t hat overcomes the problem: The garlic is made into an accompanying sa uce. To serve 6 to 8 6 to 9 1 b. leg of lamb 3 to 4 Y2 kg. 5 tbsp. butter, softened 75 mi. salt and pepper 10 g ar lic cloves 10 1 cup meat stock (recipe, page 164) % liter 2 tbsp. pureed tomato 30 mi. Spread t he leg oflamb with th e butter a nd put it in a baking dish. Roast in a preheated 400° F. [200° C.] oven for 15 min- utes per pound [lh kg .] of meat. Season with sa lt and pepper halfway through the cooking time. While the lamb is cooking, prepare the garlic. Bring a pan of water to a boil, add the garlic cloves and parboil them for three to four minutes. Remove the garlic cloves, cool them under cold water and drain. In a mortar , pound the garlic to a puree. Transfer the puree to a saucepan. When the lamb is roasted, set it on a serving platter. Add to the garl ic puree the stock, the roasting juices and the pureed tomato. Season with salt and pepper, and cook over high hea t for fi ve minutes to reduce the sauce. Serve the leg of lamb accompa nied by the piping hot sa uce in a sauceboat. 6 to 9 1 b. 3 Y2 cup IRENE LABARRE AND JEAN MERCIER LA CUISINE DU MOUTON Leg of Lamb with Garlic Gigot de Mouton a l'Ail To serve 6 to 8 leg of lamb 3 to 4 Y2 kg. garlic bulbs, the cloves separated and 3 peeled salt meat stock (recipe, page 164) 125 mi. Roa st the leg oflamb on a spit or in a preheated 350° F. [180° C.] oven for about one to one a nd a qua rter hours. Mea nwhile, br ing a large pan of water to a boil a nd throw in the ga rlic cloves a nd a little sa lt. Mter four to fi ve min- utes , drain the garlic cloves. Put them in a small saucepan with th e stock and cook them gentl y until they are tender - about five minute s. Place the l eg ofl amb on a serv in g dish, deglaze the roast- ing pan with a littl e of the stock, pour the deg lazing liquid into th e rema ining stock to make a sauce, a nd serve the garlic cloves and sauce with the lamb. CHARLES DURAND LE CUISINIER DURAND Leg of Lamb with Parsley and Bread Crumbs Gepersilleerde Schapebout Serve the meat with green beans, asparagus , fried tomatoes and watercress. 6 to 91b. 6 tbsp. 1 cup Y2 cup 3 tbsp. To serve 6 to 8 leg of lamb butter, melted, or lamb stock (reci pe , page 1 64) fres h white bread crumbs chopped fresh parsley shallot, chop ped leek, trimmed to 1 inch [2Y2 em.] above the white port and chopped prepa red mustard 3 to4Y2 kg . 90 mi. Y4 liter 125 mi. 45 mi. Place the lamb in a roasting pan a nd roast in a preheated 350° F . [180° C. ] oven for about one hour, basting often- fir st with the butter or lamb stock, then with the pan juices. Mix t ogether the bread crumbs, parsley, sh allot and leek. Remove the me at from the oven and coat it first with the mustard, then with the bread-crumb mixture. Return the meat to the oven for another 30 minutes, or until the top- ping is golden . ONSKOOKBOEK Leg of Lamb, Mexican-Style Pierna de Carnero ala Mexicana To serve 6 to 8 6 to 9 1b. leg of lamb 3 to4Y2 kg. 2 garl ic cloves 2 1 tbsp. oregano 15 mi. Y4 tsp. g round cumin (optional) 1 mi. 1 tbsp. chi li powde r 15 mi. 2 tbsp. vinegar 30 mi. 3 tbsp. olive oil 45 mi. salt and pep per Mash the garli c, oregano and cumin, if us ing, into a paste; add the chi li powder and mix well. With a sharp-pointed knife, make incisions in the leg oflamb, and fill the incisions with the paste. Pour t he vinegar and oil over the meat , sea - son t he l amb a nd r ef rigerate overnight. Roast, uncovered, in a prehe ated 350° F. [180° C.] oven for one to one and one half hours, or until the des ired degr ee of doneness is reached. ELENA ZELAYETA ELENA'S SECRETS OF MEXICAN COOKING 103

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Page 1: Leg of Lamb With Parsley and Bread Crumbs

some gourmets accuse the garlic of giving a bitter taste to the meat. Here is a recipe that overcomes the problem: The garlic is made into an accompanying sauce.

To serve 6 to 8

6 to 9 1b. leg of lamb 3 to 4 Y2 kg.

5 tbsp. butter, softened 75 mi.

salt and pepper

10 garlic cloves 10

1 cup meat stock (recipe, page 164) % liter

2 tbsp. pureed tomato 30 mi.

Spread the leg oflamb with the butter and put it in a baking dish. Roast in a preheated 400° F. [200° C.] oven for 15 min­utes per pound [lh kg.] of meat. Season with salt and pepper halfway through the cooking time.

While the lamb is cooking, prepare the garlic. Bring a pan of water to a boil, add the garlic cloves and parboil them for three to four minutes. Remove the garlic cloves, cool them under cold water and drain. In a mortar, pound the garlic to a puree. Transfer the puree to a saucepan.

When the lamb is roasted, set it on a serving platter. Add to the garlic puree the stock, the roasting juices and the pureed tomato. Season with salt and pepper, and cook over high heat for five minutes to reduce the sauce.

Serve the leg of lamb accompanied by the piping hot sauce in a sauceboat.

6 to 9 1b.


Y2 cup


Leg of Lamb with Garlic Gigot de Mouton a l'Ail

To serve 6 to 8

leg of lamb 3 to 4 Y2 kg.

garlic bulbs, the cloves separated and 3 peeled


meat stock (recipe, page 164) 125 mi.

Roast the leg oflamb on a spit or in a preheated 350° F. [180° C.] oven for about one to one and a quarter hours.

Meanwhile, br ing a large pan of water to a boil and throw in the garlic cloves and a little salt. Mter four to five min­utes, drain the garlic cloves. Put them in a small saucepan with the stock and cook them gently until they are tender­about five minutes.

Place the leg oflamb on a serving dish, deglaze the roast­ing pan with a little of the stock, pour the deglazing liquid into the remaining stock to make a sauce, and serve the garlic cloves and sauce with the lamb.


Leg of Lamb with Parsley and Bread Crumbs

Gepersilleerde Schapebout Serve the meat with green beans, asparagus, fried tomatoes and watercress.

6 to 91b.

6 tbsp.

1 cup

Y2 cup

3 tbsp.

To serve 6 to 8

leg of lamb

butter, melted, or lamb stock (recipe, page 164)

fresh white bread crumbs

chopped fresh parsley

shallot, chopped

leek, trimmed to 1 inch [2Y2 em.] above the white port and chopped

prepared mustard

3 to4Y2 kg .

90 mi.

Y4 liter

125 mi.

45 mi.

Place the lamb in a roasting pan and roast in a preheated 350° F . [180° C.] oven for about one hour, basting often­first with the butter or lamb stock, then with the pan juices.

Mix together the bread crumbs, parsley, shallot and leek . Remove the meat from the oven and coat it first with the mustard, then with the bread-crumb mixture. Return the meat to the oven for another 30 minutes, or until the top­ping is golden .


Leg of Lamb, Mexican-Style Pierna de Carnero ala Mexicana To serve 6 to 8

6 to 9 1b. leg of lamb 3 to4Y2 kg.

2 garlic cloves 2

1 tbsp. oregano 15 mi.

Y4 tsp. g round cumin (optional) 1 mi.

1 tbsp. chili powder 15 mi.

2 tbsp. vinegar 30 mi.

3 tbsp. olive oil 45 mi.

salt and pepper

Mash the garlic, oregano and cumin, if using, into a paste; add the chili powder and mix well. With a sharp-pointed knife, make incisions in the leg oflamb, and fill the incisions with the paste. Pour the vinegar and oil over the meat, sea­son the lamb and refrigera te overnight.

Roast, uncovered , in a preheated 350° F. [180° C.] oven for one to one and one half hours, or until the desired degree of doneness is reached.


