lecture - superfluidity

1 Superconductivity and Superconductivity and Quantum Coherence Quantum Coherence Gil Lonzarich Lent Term 2012 Acknowledgements: Christoph Bergemann, John Waldram, David Khmelnitskii, … and, importantly, former students 12 Lectures: Wednesday & Friday 11-12 am, Mott Seminar Room Three Supervisions, each with one examples sheet Questions and suggestions are welcome Complete versions will be made available on the course web site: www-qm.phy.cam.ac.uk/teaching.php

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Lecture note from Cambrige University.


  • 11

    Superconductivity andSuperconductivity andQuantum CoherenceQuantum Coherence

    Gil Lonzarich Lent Term 2012

    Acknowledgements: Christoph Bergemann,John Waldram, David Khmelnitskii,

    and, importantly, former students

    12 Lectures: Wednesday & Friday 11-12 am, Mott Seminar Room

    Three Supervisions, each with one examples sheet

    Questions and suggestions are welcome

    Complete versions will be made available on the course web site:www-qm.phy.cam.ac.uk/teaching.php

  • 22

    Superconductivity, once called one of the best understoodmany-body phenomenon in physics, became again 100 yearsafter its discovery a problem full of questions, mysteries and


    X.-G. Wen, MITQuantum Field Theory of Many Body Systems,

    Oxford University Press, 2009

  • 33


    JF Annett: Superconductivity, Superfluids andCondensates

    JR Waldram: Superconductivity of Metalsand Cuprates

    AJ Leggett: Quantum Liquids Bose Condensation &Cooper Pairing in Condensed-Matter Systems

    R Feynman: Lectures on Physics Volume III

    A Altland & B Simons: Condensed Matter Field Theory

    CJ Pethick & H Smith: Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases

    M Tinkham: Introduction to Superconductivity

    VV Schmidt: The Physics of Superconductors

    GE Volovik: The Universe in a Helium Droplet

  • 44


    Ginzburg-Landau (GL) Theory of the Superconducting State

    Applications of Superconductivity Bose-Einstein Condensates Superfluidity in 4He

    Quantum Coherence and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) Theory

    Unconventional Superconductivityin Advanced Materials

    PhenomenologicalGL Theory

    MicroscopicBCS Theory


  • 55

    Lecture 1:Lecture 1:

    Historical overview Macroscopic manifestation of superconductivity: ,, C/T

    Meissner effect and levitation Type-I and type-II superconductivity Superconductivity as an ordered state

    introduction to the Ginzburg-Landau theory

    Literature: Waldram ch. 4(or equivalent chapters in Annett, Leggett,Schmidt, or Tinkham)

  • 66


    Unconventional superconductors, Unconventional superconductors, includingincludinghigh temperature superconductorshigh temperature superconductors


    Josephson effect and SQUIDsJosephson effect and SQUIDs1962-641962-64

    Superfluidity in Superfluidity in 33HeHe19711971

    Ginzburg-Landau theoryGinzburg-Landau theorySuperconducting vorticesSuperconducting vortices


    Prediction of Bose-Einstein condensationPrediction of Bose-Einstein condensation19251925

    Superfluidity in Superfluidity in 44HeHeMeissner Meissner effecteffect


    Cold atomic gases, TopologicalCold atomic gases, Topological phases, phases, 1990s-now1990s-now

    BCS & BCS & Bogoliubov Bogoliubov theorytheory19571957

    Superconductivity in mercurySuperconductivity in mercury19111911

    Liquefaction of HLiquefaction of H22 & & 44He - the crucial stepsHe - the crucial stepsDewar & Dewar & OnnesOnnes


  • 77

    Examples of SuperconductorsExamples of Superconductors

    24.5 K

    39 K

    0.5-1.5 K

    10 K

    9.3 K

    4.1 K


    CeCu2Si2 0.5 KCs3C60 up to ~40 KIron Pnictides up to ~60 KCopper Oxides up to ~160 K

    superconducting magnets to ~ 9 TNbTi

    superconducting magnets to ~ 20 T

    high-Tc s-wave superconductor



    spin-triplet superconductors onthe border of ferromagnetism


    highest Tc amongst the elementsNb

    first superconductor Tc =Hg

    many additional important examples exist

    Unconventional spin-singletsuperconductors on border ofMott transitions and/orantiferromagnetism

  • 88

    Superconducting elements:Superconducting elements:







    - e



    s sh


  • 99

    Basic experimental facts:Basic experimental facts:

    The resistivity of a superconductor drops to zero below sometransition temperature Tc

    Immediate corollary: cant change the magnetic field inside asuperconductor

    B = 0 B

    Switch on external B:

    zero field cooled

    0 since ,0 curl curl ==!"!=#

    #$$% J



  • 1010

    What if we cool a superconductor in a magnetic field and thenswitch the field off do we get something like a permanentmagnet?

    field cooled

    BExperimentally, this does not work even when field cooled, thesuperconductor expels the field!


    field cooled

    This is known as the Meissner effect.Superconductivity arises through athermodynamic phase transition (statedepends only on final conditions, e.g., Tand B).

  • 1111

    The Meissner effect leads to the stunninglevitation effects that underlie many of theproposed technological applications ofsuperconductivity (see examples sheet).

    The superconducting state is destroyedabove a critical field Hc

    Ideal magnetisation curve


    and so-called type-II superconductivity(which well discuss later)

    Hc1 Hc2H


    NB: These curves apply for amagnetic field along a long rod.


  • 1212

    exponential low-Tbehaviour indicative ofenergy gap(explained by BCS)

    power-law behaviour atlow-T in unconventionalsuperconductors(to be discussed later)

    matching areas means entropy is continuous at Tc: consistentwith second order phase transition

    The electronic specific heat around the superconductingtransition temperature Tc:

    exponential in simplesuperconductors

  • 1313

    From the form of C/T we find that the entropy S vs. temperaturehas the following form:



    TcThe superconducting state has lower entropy than the normalstate and is therefore the more ordered state. A general theorybased on just a few reasonable assumptions about the orderparameter is remarkably powerful. It describes not justconventional superconductors but also the high-Tcsuperconductors, superfluids, and Bose-Einstein condensates.This is known as Ginzburg-Landau theory.

    normal state

    superconducting state

  • 1414

    Free energy near a second orderFree energy near a second orderphase transition:phase transition:

    For a second order phase transition, the order parametervanishes continuously at Tc. In the conventional description,known as the Landau model, one assumes that sufficiently closeto Tc the free energy density relative to that of the normal statecan be expanded in a Taylor series in the order parameter,

    This assumes that the order parameter is real and that the freeenergy density is an even function of the order parameter.

    Where is the free energy minimum?


    42)( >+= !"!


  • 1515

    Free energy curves:






    J. S



    > 0 < 0


    The phase transition takes place at (Tc) = 0. Thus, a powerseries expansion of (T ) around Tc may be expected to havethe following leading form:

    f f

    0) ( )( >!= aTTa c"

    This is consistent, in particular, with a specific heat jump thatcharacterizes most superconductors (examples sheet).

  • 1616

    This is appropriate, e.g., for ferromagnetism where in theuniform magnetization along a given axis. In the Ginzburg-Landau(GL) theory, however, is assumed to be complex rather than realas is the case for a macroscopic wave function. We will see how acomplex order parameter arises naturally from a microscopictheory. The assumptions in the GL theory are:

    can be complex-valued

    can vary in space but this carries an energy penaltyproportional to

    Crucially, couples to the electromagnetic field in the sameway as for an ordinary wavefunction (Feynman III, ch. 21)

    Here, A is the magnetic vector potential and q is the relevantcharge, which is found to be q = 2e.


    "2 # "2

    , "4 # "4



  • 1717

    This provides the first clue that superconductivity has gotsomething to do with electron pairs.

    A final part in the free energy is the relevant magnetic fieldenergy density BM2/20, where BM=B-BE is due to currents in thesuperconductor and BE is due to external sources. (Note thatwhen the material is introduced the total field energy densitychanges from BE2/20 to B2/20, but the part BMBE/0 is taken upby the external sources (Waldram, Ch.6)).

    So finally we arrive at the Ginzburg-Landau free energy density:

    We have written the free energy so that the gradient terminvolve an effective mass m = 2me , which is consistent withq = 2e. This represents an effective field theory unifyingmatter field & gauge field A (recall B=curlA) in the static limit.


    f ="#2





    2m(%ih& + 2eA)# 2+


    2o( B % BE )
