lecture - ra no. 7279

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  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279



    "Urban Development andHousing Act of 1992."

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    Declaration of StatePolicy

    • It sall !e te "olicy of teState to #n$erta%e& in

    coo"eration 'it te "ri(atesector& a co)"reensi(e an$contin#in* Ur!an

    De(elo")ent an$ +o#sin*Pro*ra)

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    • -$ Pro(i$e for an e5#ita!le lan$ ten#re

    syste) tat sall *#arantee sec#rity often#re to Pro*ra) !ene6ciaries !#t sallres"ect te ri*ts of s)all "ro"ertyo'ners an$ ens#re te "ay)ent of ,#st

    co)"ensation• -e Enco#ra*e )ore e1ecti(e "eo"les

    "artici"ation in te #r!an $e(elo")ent"rocess an$

    -f I)"ro(e te ca"a!ility of local*o(ern)ent #nits in #n$erta%in* #r!an$e(elo")ent an$ o#sin* "ro*ra)s an$"ro,ects.

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  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    • -a 8A1or$a!le cost8 refers to te )ost reasona!le"rice of lan$ an$ selter !ase$ on te nee$s an$6nancial ca"a!ility of Pro*ra) !ene6ciaries an$

    a""ro"riate 6nancin* sce)es• -! 8Areas for "riority $e(elo")ent8 refers to tose

    areas $eclare$ as s#c #n$er e3istin* stat#tes an$"ertinent e3ec#ti(e iss#ances.

    • -c 8Bli*te$ lan$s8 refers to te areas 'ere te

    str#ct#res are $ila"i$ate$& o!solete an$ #nsanitary&ten$in* to $e"reciate te (al#e of te lan$ an$"re(ent nor)al $e(elo")ent an$ #se of te area.

    • -$ 8Cons#ltation8 refers to te constit#tionally)an$ate$ "rocess 'ere!y te "#!lic& on teir o'n or

    tro#* "eo"les or*ani0ations& is "ro(i$e$ ano""ort#nity to !e ear$ an$ to "artici"ate in te$ecision4)a%in* "rocess on )atters in(ol(in* te"rotection an$ "ro)otion of its le*iti)ate collecti(einterest& 'ic sall incl#$e a""ro"riate$oc#)entation an$ fee$!ac% )ecanis)s

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    • -e 8I$le lan$s8 refers to non4a*ric#lt#ral lan$s #r!anan$ #r!ani0e$ areas on 'ic no i)"ro(e)ents& aserein $e6ne$& a(e !een )a$e !y te o'ner& as

    certi6e$ !y te city& )#nici"al or "ro(incial assessor• -f 8I)"ro(e)ents8 refers to all ty"es of !#il$in*s

    an$ resi$ential #nits& 'alls& fences& str#ct#res orconstr#ctions of all %in$s of a 63e$ caracter or'ic are a$ere$ to te soil !#t sall not incl#$e

    trees& "lants an$ *ro'in* fr#its& an$ oter 63t#restat are )ere s#"eri)"ositions on te lan$& an$ te(al#e of i)"ro(e)ents sall not !e less tan 6fty"ercent -:; of te assesse$ (al#e of te "ro"erty

    • -* 8

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    • - 8Lan$ asse)!ly or consoli$ation8 refers tote ac5#isition of lots of (aryin* o'nersi"tro#* "#rcase or e3"ro"riation of te

    "#r"ose of "lanne$ an$ rational $e(elo")entan$ sociali0e$ o#sin* "ro*ra)s 'ito#tin$i(i$#al "ro"erty !o#n$ary restrictions

    • -i 8Lan$ !an%in*8 refers to te ac5#isition of

    lan$ at (al#es !ase$ on e3istin* #se in a$(anceof act#al nee$ to "ro)ote "lanne$$e(elo")ent an$ sociali0e$ o#sin* "ro*ra)s

    • -l 8On4site $e(elo")ent8 refers to te "rocessof #"*ra$in* an$ rea!ilitation of !li*te$

    sl#) #r!an areas 'it a (ie' of )ini)i0in*$is"lace)ent of $'ellers in sai$ areas& an$'it "ro(isions for !asic ser(ices as "ro(i$e$for in Section 2= ereof

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    • -, 8Lan$ s'a""in*8 refers to te "rocess of lan$ac5#isition !y e3can*in* lan$ for anoter "iece oflan$ of e5#al (al#e& or for sares of stoc% in a

    *o(ern)ent or 5#asi4*o(ern)ent cor"oration 'ose!oo% (al#e is of e5#al (al#e to te lan$ !ein*e3can*e$& for te "#r"ose of "lanne$ an$ rational$e(elo")ent an$ "ro(ision for sociali0e$ o#sin*'ere lan$ (al#es are $eter)ine$ !ase$ on lan$

    classi6cation& )ar%et (al#e an$ assesse$ (al#eta%en fro) e3istin* ta3 $eclarations> Pro(i$e$& Tat)ore (al#a!le lan$s o'ne$ !y "ri(ate "ersons )ay!e e3can*e$ 'it less (al#a!le lan$s to carry o#tte o!,ecti(es of tis Act

    • -% 8Lan$ #se "lan8 refers to te rational a""roacof allocatin* a(aila!le reso#rces as e5#ita!ly as"ossi!le a)on* co)"etin* #ser *ro#"s an$ for$i1erent f#nctions consistent 'it te $e(elo")ent"lan of te area an$ te Pro*ra) #n$er tis Act

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    • -) 8Professional s5#atters8 refers to in$i(i$#als or*ro#"s 'o occ#"y lan$s 'ito#t te e3"ressconsent of te lan$o'ner an$ 'o a(e s#?cient

    inco)e for le*iti)ate o#sin*. Te ter) sall alsoa""ly to "ersons 'o a(e "re(io#sly !eena'ar$e$ o)elots or o#sin* #nits !y te@o(ern)ent !#t 'o sol$& lease$ or transferre$ tesa)e to settle ille*ally in te sa)e "lace or in

    anoter #r!an area& an$ non4!ona 6$e occ#"antsan$ intr#$ers of lan$s reser(e$ for sociali0e$o#sin*. Te ter) sall not a""ly to in$i(i$#als or*ro#"s 'o si)"ly rent lan$ an$ o#sin* fro)"rofessional s5#atters or s5#attin* syn$icates

    • -n 8Resettle)ent areas8 refers to areas i$enti6e$!y te a""ro"riate national a*ency or !y te local*o(ern)ent #nit 'it res"ect to areas 'itin its ,#ris$iction& 'ic sall !e #se$ for te relocationof te #n$er"ri(ile*e$ an$ o)eless citi0ens

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    • -o 8Sec#rity of ten#re8 refers to te $e*ree of"rotection a1or$e$ to 5#ali6e$ Pro*ra)!ene6ciaries a*ainst infrin*e)ent or #n,#st&

    reasona!le an$ ar!itrary e(iction or $is"osition& !y(irt#e of te ri*t of o'nersi"& lease a*ree)ent&#s#fr#ct an$ oter contract#al arran*e)ents

    • -" 8Sl#) I)"ro(e)ent an$ Resettle)ent Pro*ra)or SIR8 refers to te "ro*ra) of te National

    +o#sin* A#tority of #"*ra$in* an$ i)"ro(in*!li*te$ s5#atter areas o#tsi$e of etro anila"#rs#ant to e3istin* stat#tes an$ "ertinente3ec#ti(e iss#ances

    • -5 8S)all "ro"erty o'ners8 refers to tose 'ose

    only real "ro"erty consists of resi$ential lan$s note3cee$in* tree #n$re$ s5#are )eters -:: s5.).in i*ly #r!ani0e$ cities an$ ei*t #n$re$ s5#are)eters -:: s5.). in oter #r!an areas

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    • -r 8Sociali0e$ o#sin*8 refers to o#sin* "ro*ra)s an$"ro,ects co(erin* o#ses an$ lots or o)elots only#n$erta%en !y te @o(ern)ent or te "ri(ate sector for

    te #n$er"ri(ile*e$ an$ o)eless citi0ens 'ic sallincl#$e sites an$ ser(ices $e(elo")ent& lon*4ter)6nancin*& li!erali0e$ ter)s on interest "ay)ents& an$s#c oter !ene6ts in accor$ance 'it te "ro(isions oftis Act

    -s 8S5#attin* syn$icates8 refers to *ro#"s of "ersonsen*a*e$ in te !#siness of s5#atter o#sin* for "ro6t or*ain

    • -t 8Un$er"ri(ile*e$ an$ o)eless citi0ens8 refers to te!ene6ciaries of tis Act an$ to in$i(i$#als or fa)ilies

    resi$in* in #r!an an$ #r!ani0a!le areas 'ose inco)e orco)!ine$ o#seol$ inco)e falls 'itin te "o(ertytresol$ as $e6ne$ !y te National Econo)ic an$De(elo")ent A#tority an$ 'o $o not o'n o#sin*facilities. Tis sall incl#$e tose 'o li(e in )a%esift$'ellin* #nits an$ $o not en,oy sec#rity of ten#re

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    • -# 8Unre*istere$ or a!an$one$ lan$s8 refers tolan$s in #r!an an$ #r!ani0a!le areas 'ic are

    not re*istere$ 'it te Re*ister of Dee$s& or'it te city or )#nici"al assessors o?ceconcerne$& or 'ic are #nina!ite$ !y teo'ner an$ a(e not !een $e(elo"e$ or $e(ote$for any #sef#l "#r"ose& or a""ears #n#tili0e$ for

    a "erio$ of tree - consec#ti(e yearsi))e$iately "rior to te iss#ance an$ recei"t of"#!lication of notice of ac5#isition !y te@o(ern)ent as "ro(i$e$ #n$er tis Act. It $oesnot incl#$e lan$ 'ic as !een a!an$one$ !y

    reason of force )a,e#re or any oter fort#ito#se(ent> Pro(i$e$& Tat "rior to s#c e(ent& s#clan$ 'as "re(io#sly #se$ for so)e #sef#l orecono)ic "#r"ose

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    • -( 8Ur!an areas8 refers to all cities re*ar$less ofteir "o"#lation $ensity an$ to )#nici"alities

    'it a "o"#lation $ensity of at least 6(e #n$re$-:: "ersons "er s5#are %ilo)eters

    • -' 8Ur!ani0a!le areas8 refers to sites an$ lan$s'ic& consi$erin* "resent caracteristics an$"re(ailin* con$itions& $is"lay )ar%e$ an$ *reat

    "otential of !eco)in* #r!an areas 'itin te"erio$ of 6(e - years an$

    • -3 8onal I)"ro(e)ent Pro*ra) or IP8 refers tote "ro*ra) of te National +o#sin* A#tority of

    #"*ra$in* an$ i)"ro(in* !li*te$ s5#attersareas 'itin te cities an$ )#nici"alities ofetro anila "#rs#ant to e3istin* stat#tes an$"ertinent e3ec#ti(e iss#ances.

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    • Co(era*e. F Te Pro*ra) sallco(er all lan$s in #r!an an$#r!ani0a!le areas& incl#$in*

    e3istin* areas for "riority$e(elo")ent sites& an$ in oterareas tat )ay !e i$enti6e$ !y

    te local *o(ern)ent #nits ass#ita!le for sociali0e$ o#sin*.

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    • Tose incl#$e$ in te co(era*eof Re"#!lic Act No. HH7&oter'ise %no'n as te

    Co)"reensi(e A*rarian Refor)La'

    • Tose act#ally #se$ for national

    $efense an$ sec#rity of teState

    • Tose #se$& reser(e$ or

    oter'ise set asi$e for

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    • Tose #se$ or set asi$e for "ar%s&reser(es for ora an$ fa#na& forestsan$ 'aterse$s& an$ oter areasnecessary to )aintain ecolo*ical!alance or en(iron)ental "rotection

    • Tose act#ally an$ "ri)arily #se$ forreli*io#s& carita!le& or e$#cational"#r"oses& c#lt#ral an$ istoricalsites& os"itals an$ ealt centers&

    an$ ce)eteries or )e)orial "ar%s.

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    Priorities in te Ac5#isition ofLan$s

    1. idle government lands;2. those owned by the Government of

    or any of its subdivisions,

    instrumentalities, or agencies,including GOCC and theirsubsidiaries;

    3. alienable lands of the ublic domain;!. unregistered or abandoned and idlelands;

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    ". those within the declared #reas for

    $riority %eveloment, &onal'mrovement, $ro(ect sites and )lum'mrovement and *esettlement$rogram sites which have not yet been

    ac+uired;. -agong iunan 'mrovement of )ites

    and )ervices sites which have not yet

    been ac+uired;/. abandoned rivately0owned lands;

    . idle rivately0owned lands.

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    o$es of Lan$Ac5#isition

    a. donation to thegovernment;

    b. land swaing;

    c. communitymortgage;

    d. land assembly;

    e. land baning;f. (oint0venture


    g. negotiated urchase;

    h. eroriation;

    i. transfer to the 45#;

     (. by residentialroclamation

    6. 7roriation shallbe resorted to only

    when other modes ofac+uisition have beenehausted.

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    Utili0ation an$ Dis"osition ofLan$s for Sociali0e$ +o#sin*

    • ands shall be disosed only to +uali8ed $rogram-ene8ciaries; – must be a 9iliino citi:en;

     – must be an underrivileged and homeless citi:en

     – must not own any real roerty whether in the urban or

    rural areas – must not be a rofessional s+uatter or member of s+uatting


    • uali8ed bene8ciaries who are actual occuants ofthe land shall be given the right of 8rst refusal.

    • 4o land for sociali:ed housing, includingimrovements thereon, shall be sold, alienated,conveyed, encumbered or leased by any bene8ciaryof this $rogram ecet to +uali8ed $rogram-ene8ciaries.

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    Basic Ser(ices• -a Pota!le 'ater

    • -! Po'er an$ electricity an$ an a$e5#ate "o'er$istri!#tion syste)

    • -c Se'era*e facilities an$ an e?cient an$a$e5#ate soli$ 'aste $is"osal syste) an$

    -$Access to "ri)ary roa$s an$ trans"ortationfacilities.

    • Te "ro(isions of oter !asic ser(ices an$facilities s#c as ealt& e$#cation&co))#nications& sec#rity& recreation& relief an$

    'elfare sall !e "lanne$ an$ sall !e *i(en"riority for i)"le)entation !y te L@U an$concerne$ a*encies in coo"eration 'it te"ri(ate sector an$ te !ene6ciaries te)sel(es.

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    Action A*ainst ProfessionalS5#atters an$ S5#attin* Syn$icates

    • Te local *o(ern)ent #nits& incoo"eration 'it te Pili""ineNational Police& te Presi$ential

    Co))ission for te Ur!an Poor-PCUP& an$ te PCUP4accre$ite$#r!an "oor or*ani0ation in te area&sall a$o"t )eas#res to i$entify an$

    e1ecti(ely c#rtail te nefario#s an$ille*al acti(ities of "rofessionals5#atters an$ s5#attin* syn$icates&

    as erein $e6ne$.

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    • Any "erson or *ro#" i$enti6e$ as s#c sall!e s#))arily e(icte$ an$ teir $'ellin*s orstr#ct#res $e)olise$& an$ sall !e$is5#ali6e$ to a(ail of te !ene6ts of tePro*ra). A "#!lic o?cial 'o tolerates ora!ets te co))ission of te a!o(e)entione$acts sall !e $ealt 'it in accor$ance 'it

    e3istin* la's.• Jor "#r"oses of tis Act& "rofessional

    s5#atters or )e)!ers of s5#attin* syn$icatessall !e i)"ose$ te "enalty of si3 -H years

    i)"rison)ent of a 6ne of not less tan Si3tyto#san$ "esos -PH:&:::.:: !#t not )oretan One #n$re$ to#san$ "esos -P=::&:::&or !ot& at te $iscretion of te co#rt.

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    E(iction an$ De)olition•

    E(iction or $e)olition as a "ractice sall !e$isco#ra*e$. E(iction or $e)olition& o'e(er&)ay !e allo'e$ #n$er te follo'in* sit#ations>

    -a Ken "ersons or entities occ#"y $an*erareas s#c as esteros& railroa$ trac%s& *ar!a*e

    $#)"s& ri(er!an%s& sorelines& 'ater'ays& an$oter "#!lic "laces s#c as si$e'al%s& roa$s&"ar%s& an$ "lay*ro#n$s

    -! Ken *o(ern)ent infrastr#ct#re "ro,ects

    'it a(aila!le f#n$in* are a!o#t to !ei)"le)ente$ or

    -c Ken tere is a co#rt or$er for e(iction an$$e)olition.

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    In te e3ec#tion of e(iction or $e)olitionor$ers in(ol(in* #n$er"ri(ile*e$ an$ o)elessciti0ens& te follo'in* sall !e )an$atory>

    -= Notice #"on te e1ecte$

    "ersons or entities at least tirty-: $ays "rior to te $ate ofe(iction or $e)olition

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    • -2 A$e5#ate cons#ltations on te)atter of settle)ent 'it te $#ly

    $esi*nate$ re"resentati(es of tefa)ilies to !e resettle$ an$ tea1ecte$ co))#nities in te areas'ere tey are to !e relocate$

    • - Presence of local *o(ern)ento?cials or teir re"resentati(es$#rin* e(iction or $e)olition

    • - Pro"er i$enti6cation of all"ersons ta%in* "art in te$e)olition

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    • - E3ec#tion of e(iction or $e)olitiononly $#rin* re*#lar o?ce o#rs fro)

    on$ays to Jri$ays an$ $#rin* *oo$'eater& #nless te a1ecte$ fa)iliesconsent oter'ise

    • -H No #se of ea(y e5#i")ent for

    $e)olition e3ce"t for str#ct#res tatare "er)anent an$ of concrete)aterials

    • -7 Pro"er #nifor)s for )e)!ers of te

    Pili""ine National Police 'o sallocc#"y te 6rst line of la' enforce)entan$ o!ser(e "ro"er $ist#r!ance control"roce$#res an$

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    • - A$e5#ate relocation& 'eter te)"oraryor "er)anent> –

    Pro(i$e$& o'e(er& Tat in cases of e(iction an$$e)olition "#rs#ant to a co#rt or$er in(ol(in*#n$er"ri(ile*e$ an$ o)eless citi0ens& relocationsall !e #n$erta%en !y te local *o(ern)ent #nitconcerne$ an$ te National +o#sin* A#tority'it te assistance of oter *o(ern)ent a*encies'itin forty46(e - $ays fro) ser(ice of noticeof 6nal ,#$*)ent !y te co#rt& after 'ic "erio$te sai$ or$er sall !e e3ec#te$>

     – Pro(i$e$& f#rter& Tat so#l$ relocation not !e

    "ossi!le 'itin te sai$ "erio$& 6nancialassistance in te a)o#nt e5#i(alent to te"re(ailin* )ini)#) $aily 'a*e )#lti"lie$ !ysi3ty -H: $ays sall !e e3ten$e$ to te a1ecte$fa)ilies !y te local *o(ern)ent #nit concerne$.

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    • *efers to the immediate dismantlingof new illegal structures by the localgovernment units or government

    agency authori:ed to demolished incoordination with the a any bene8tsof the ?rban %eveloment and5ousing $rogram.

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    • 4ew s+uatter families whose structureswere built after the e,$hiliine 4ational $olice =$4$> and

    accredited ?rban $oor organi:ation =?$O>as rofessional s+uatters or members ofs+uatting syndicates as de8ned in the #ct.

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    Balance$ +o#sin*De(elo")ent

    $e(elo"ers of "ro"ose$ s#!$i(ision"ro,ects sall !e re5#ire$ to $e(elo" anarea for sociali0e$ o#sin* e5#i(alentto at least t'enty "ercent -2:; of te

    total s#!$i(ision area or totals#!$i(ision "ro,ect cost& at te o"tionof te $e(elo"er& 'itin te sa)e cityor )#nici"ality& 'ene(er feasi!le& an$

    in accor$ance 'it te stan$ar$s set !yte +o#sin* an$ Lan$ Use Re*#latoryBoar$ an$ oter e3istin* la's.

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    o$e of Co)"liance

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    9or main subdivision ro(ects whichare limited to the sale of lots only;

    • =1> and e+uivalent to twentyercent =2AB> of the total area of

    the main subdivision ro(ect shall bedeveloed for sociali:ed housing; or

    • =2> a sociali:ed housing ro(ect

    e+uivalent to twenty ercent =2AB>of the main subdivision total ro(ectcost

    9or main subdivision ro(ects which

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    9or main subdivision ro(ects whichconsist of the sale of house and lot

    acages=1> and e+uivalent to twenty ercent =2AB>of the total area of the main subdivisionro(ect shall be develoed and housing

    units e+uivalent to twenty ercent =2AB>of the aggregate Door area of all housingunits of the main subdivision ro(ect shallbe constructed; or

    =2> # sociali:ed housing ro(ect e+uivalentto twenty ercent =2AB> of the mainsubdivision total ro(ect cost

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    • 9or residential condominium ro(ect

    e+uivalent to 2AB of the totalcondominium ro(ect cost.

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    Other Eodes of Comliance

    4ew )ettlement. %eveloment of an entire newsettlement or a ortion thereof;

    • )lum ?grading. %eveloment, ugrading andimrovement of a slum or blighted area;

    • Community Eortgage $rogram. Fhe develoer shall

    8nance the ac+uisition, develoment and subdivisionof an identi8ed CE$ ro(ect;

    •  oint0Henture $ro(ects. Fhe %eveloer may enter intoa (oint ro(ect or agreement with the concerned local

    government unit or any of the housing agencies todevelo a sociali:ed housing ro(ect. 5isarticiation shall be e+uivalent to 2AB of ro(ectarea or 2AB of the cost of the main subdivisionro(ect.

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    Te Co))#nity ort*a*e Pro*ra) -CP isa )ort*a*e 6nancin* "ro*ra) of teNational +o)e ort*a*e JinanceCor"oration 'ic assists le*ally or*ani0e$associations of #n$er"ri(ile*e$ an$

    o)eless citi0ens to "#rcase an$ $e(elo" atract of lan$ #n$er te conce"t of co))#nityo'nersi".

    • Te "ri)ary o!,ecti(e of te "ro*ra) is to

    assist resi$ents of !li*te$ or $e"resse$areas to o'n te lots tey occ#"y& or 'eretey coose to relocate to& an$ e(ent#allyi)"ro(e teir nei*!oroo$ an$ o)es tote e3tent of teir a1or$a!ility.

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    CP Pri(ile*es or Incenti(es>

    -a @OCC an$ L@Us& )ay $is"ose of teiri$le lan$s s#ita!le for sociali0e$ o#sin*#n$er te CP tro#* ne*otia!le sale at"rices !ase$ on ac5#isition cost "l#s6nancial carryin* costs

    • -! Pro"erties sol$ #n$er te CP sall !ee3e)"te$ fro) te ca"ital *ains ta3 an$

    • -c Bene6ciaries #n$er te CP sall not

    !e e(icte$ nor $is"ossesse$ of teir lan$sor i)"ro(e)ents #nless tey a(einc#rre$ arran*e)ents in "ay)ents ofa)orti0ations for tree - )onts.

    l f l

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    Role of Local@o(ern)ent Units

    Te local *o(ern)ent #nits sall !e car*e$'it te i)"le)entation of tis Act in teirres"ecti(e localities& in coor$ination 'itte +o#sin* an$ Ur!an De(elo")entCoor$inatin* Co#ncil& te national o#sin*a*encies& te Presi$ential Co))ission forte Ur!an Poor& te "ri(ate sector an$ oternon*o(ern)ent or*ani0ations.

    • Tey sall "re"are a co)"reensi(e lan$

    #se "lan for teir res"ecti(e localities inaccor$ance 'it te "ro(isions of tis Act.

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    Role of @o(ern)ent +o#sin*


  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    +o#sin* an$ Ur!an De(elo")entCoor$inatin* Co#ncil

    - Jor)#lation of stan$ar$s an$ *#i$elines as 'ellas "ro(i$in* tecnical s#""ort in te "re"arationof to'n an$ lan$ #se "lans

    - "ro(i$e $ata an$ infor)ation for for'ar$4

    "lannin* !y te local *o(ern)ent #nits in teirareas& "artic#larly on "ro,ections as to te"o"#lation an$ $e(elo")ent tren$s in teirlocalities an$ te corres"on$in* in(est)ent"ro*ra)s

    - Assistance in o!tainin* f#n$s an$ oter reso#rcesnee$e$ in te #r!an $e(elo")ent an$ o#sin*"ro*ra)s in teir areas of res"onsi!ility.

    N ti l + i

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    National +o#sin*A#tority

    • sall "ro(i$e tecnical an$ oterfor)s of assistance in tei)"le)entation of teir

    res"ecti(e #r!an $e(elo")entan$ o#sin* "ro*ra)s 'it teo!,ecti(e of a#*)entin* an$

    enancin* local *o(ern)entca"a!ilities in te "ro(ision ofo#sin* !ene6ts to teir


  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    National +o)e ort*a*eJinance Cor"oration

    • sall a$)inister te Co))#nityort*a*e Pro*ra) #n$er tis

    Act an$ "ro)#l*ate r#les an$re*#lations necessary to carryo#t te "ro(isions of tis Act

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    +o)e Ins#rance @#arantyCor"oration

    • sall $esi*n an a""ro"riate

    *#arantee sce)e to enco#ra*e6nancial instit#tions to *o into$irect len$in* for o#sin*.

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279



    A )ini)#) of 6fty "ercent -:; fro)te ann#al net inco)e of te P#!licEstate A#tority& to !e #se$ !y teN+A to carry o#t its "ro*ra)s of lan$

    ac5#isition for resettle)ent "#r"oses• Procee$s fro) te $is"osition of ill4

    *otten 'ealt& not oter'ise"re(io#sly set asi$e for any oter

    "#r"ose& sall !e a""lie$ to tei)"le)entation of tis Act sall !ea$)inistere$ !y te N+JC

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    • Loans& *rants& !e5#ests an$ $onations&'eter fro) local or forei*n so#rces

    Jlotation of !on$s& s#!,ect to te *#i$elinesto !e set !y te onetary Boar$

    • Procee$s fro) te social o#sin* ta3 an$&s#!,ect to te conc#rrence of te local*o(ern)ent #nits concerne$& i$le lan$s ta3 as

    "ro(i$e$ in Section 2H of te Local@o(ern)ent Co$e of =99= an$ oter e3istin*la's

    • Procee$s fro) te $ate or $is"osition of

    aliena!le "#!lic lan$s in #r!an areas an$• Do)estic an$ forei*n in(est)ent or 6nancin*

    tro#* a""ro"riate arran*e)ents li%e te!#il$4o"erate4an$4transfer sce)e.

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    Sociali0e$ +o#sin* Ta3

    • Consistent 'it teconstit#tional "rinci"le tat teo'nersi" an$ en,oy)ent of

    "ro"erty !ear a social f#nctionan$ to raise f#n$s for tePro*ra)& all local *o(ern)ent

    #nits are ere!y a#tori0e$ toi)"ose an a$$itional one4alf"ercent -:.; ta3 on te

    assesse$ (al#e of all lan$s in

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture - RA NO. 7279


    Tan% Mo# @oo$
