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Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1876 Editors: J.-M. Morel, Cachan F. Takens, Groningen B. Teissier, Paris

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Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1876

Editors:J.-M. Morel, CachanF. Takens, GroningenB. Teissier, Paris

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Horst Herrlich

Axiom of Choice


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Horst HerrlichDepartment of MathematicsUniversity of BremenP.O. Box 33 04 4028334 BremenGermanye-mail: [email protected]

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ISSN print edition: 0075-8434ISSN electronic edition: 1617-9692ISBN-10 3-540-30989-6 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New YorkISBN-13 978-3-540-30989-5 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York

DOI 10.1007/11601562

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Dedicated in friendshipto George, Gerhard, and Lamar

It is a peculiar fact that all the trans-finite axioms are deducible from asingle one, the axiom of choice, —the most challenged axiom in themathematical literature.

D. Hilbert (1926)

It is the great and ancient prob-lem of existence that underlies thewhole controversy about the axiom ofchoice.

W. Sierpinski (1958)

Wie die mathematische Analysis gewis-sermaßen eine einzige Symphonie desUnendlichen ist.

D. Hilbert (1926)

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Zermelo’s proof, and especially the Axiom of Choiceon which it was based, created a furor in the inter-national mathematical community.. . .The Axiom of Choice has easily the most torturedhistory of all the set–theoretic axioms.

Penelope Maddy (Believing the axioms I)1

Of course not, but I am told it works even if you don’tbelieve in it.

Niels Bohr (when asked whetherhe really believed a horseshoe hanging over his doorwould bring him luck).2

Without question, the Axiom of Choice, AC (which states that for everyfamily of non–empty sets the associated product is non–empty3), is the mostcontroversial axiom in mathematics. Constructivists shun it, since it assertsthe existence of rather elusive non–constructive entities. But the class of crit-ics is much wider and includes such luminaries as J.E. Littlewood and B.Russell who objected to the fact that several of its consequences such as theBanach–Tarski Paradox are extremely counterintuitive, and who claimed that“reflection makes the intuition of its truth doubtful, analysing it into preju-dices derived from the finite case”4, resp. that “the apparent evidence of the

1 [Mad88]2 c. 1930. Cited from: The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations. Second

Edition with updated supplement. 2004.3 cf. Definition 1.1.4 [Lit26]

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VIII Preface

axiom tends to dissipate upon the influence of reflection”5. (See also the com-ments after Theorem 1.4.) Nevertheless, over the years the proponents of ACseemed to have won the debate, first of all due to the fact that disastershappen without AC: many beautiful theorems are no longer provable, andsecondly, Godel showed that AC is relatively consistent6. So AC could notbe responsible for any antinomies which might emerge. This somewhat op-portunistic attitude, sometimes supported by such arguments as “Even if weknew that it was impossible ever to define a single member of a class, it wouldnot of course follow that members of the class did not exist.”7, led to thesituation that in most modern textbooks AC is assumed to be valid indis-criminately. Still, these facts only show the usefulness of AC not its validity,and Lusin’s verdict8 “For me the proof of a theorem by means of Zermelo’saxiom is valuable only as an indication that it is useless to waste time on anexact proof of the falsity of the theorem in question” is still shared at least bythe constructivists. Unfortunately, our intuition is too hazy for consideringAC to be evidently true or evidently false, as expressed whimsically by J.L.Bona: “The Axiom of Choice is obviously true, the Well–Ordering Principleis obviously false; and who can tell about Zorn’s Lemma”.9

Observe however that the distinction between the Axiom of Choice andthe Well–Ordering Theorem is regarded by some, e.g. by H. Poincare, as aserious one:

“The negative attitude of most intuitionists, because of the existentialcharacter of the axiom [of choice], will be stressed in Chapter IV. Tobe sure, there are a few exceptions, for the equivalence of the axiomto the well–ordering theorem (which is rejected by all intuitionists)depends, inter alia, on procedures of a supposedly impredicative char-acter; hence the possibility exists of accepting the axiom but rejectingwell–ordering as it involves impredicative procedures. This was the at-titude of Poincare.”10

When Paul Cohen demonstrated that the negation of AC is relativelyconsistent too11, and when he created a method for constructing models ofZF (i.e., Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without the Axiom of Choice) in whichnot only AC fails, but in which certain given substitutes of AC — eitherweakening AC or even contradicting AC — hold, he triggered “the post Paul

5 [Rus11]6 [Goed39]7 [Hard06]8 Lusin 1926, cited after [Sie58, p. 95].9 [Sch97, p. 145]10 [FrBaLe73, p. 81]11 [Coh63/64]

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Preface IX

Cohen set–theoretic renaissance”12, and a vast literature emerged in whichAC is not assumed; thus giving life to Sierpinski’s program13:

“Still, apart from our being personally inclined to accept the axiom ofchoice, we must take into consideration, in any case, its role in theSet Theory and in the Calculus. On the one hand, since the axiom ofchoice has been questioned by some mathematicians, it is important toknow which theorems are proved with its aid and to realize the exactpoint at which the proof has been based on the axiom of choice; forit has frequently happened that various authors had made use of theaxiom of choice in their proofs without being aware of it. And after all,even if no one questioned the axiom of choice, it would not be withoutinterest to investigate which proofs are based on it and which theoremscan be proved without its aid.. . .It is most desirable to distinguish between theorems which can beproved without the aid of the axiom of choice and those which weare not able to prove without the aid of this axiom.Analysing proofs based on the axiom of choice we can1. ascertain that the proof in question makes use of a certain partic-

ular case of the axiom of choice,2. determine the particular case of the axiom of choice which is suf-

ficient for the proof of the theorem in question, and the case whichis necessary for the proof . . .

3. determine that particular case of the axiom of choice which is bothnecessary and sufficient for the proof of the theorem in question.”

This book is written in Sierpinski’s spirit, but one more step will be addedwhich occurred neither to Sierpinski nor to Lusin, but was made possible byCohen’s work that opened new doors for set theorists: “Set theory entered itsmodern era in the early 1960’s on the heels of Cohen’s discovery of the methodof forcing and Scott’s discovery of the relationship between large cardinal ax-ioms and constructible sets.”14 Some striking theorems will be presented, thatcan be proved to be false in ZFC (i.e., Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with theAxiom of Choice), but which hold in ZF provided AC is replaced by some(relatively consistent) alternative axiom.

This book is not written as a compendium, or a textbook, or a history ofthe subject — far more comprehensive treatments of specific aspects can befound in the list of Selected Books and Longer Articles. I hope, however, thatthis monograph might find its way into seminars. Its purpose is to whet the

12 J.M. Plotkin in the Zentralblatt review Zbl. 0582.03033 of [RuRu85].13 [Sie58, p. 90 and 96] Cf. also [Sie18]14 [Kle77]

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X Preface

reader’s appetite for studying the ZF–universe in its fullness, and not justits highly interesting but rather small ZFC–part. Mathematics is sometimescompared with a cathedral, the mathematicians being simultaneously its ar-chitects and its admirers. Why visit only one of it wings — the one built withthe help of AC? Beauty and excitement can be found in other parts as well —and there is no law that prevents those who visit one of its parts from visitingother parts, too.

An attempt has been made to keep the material treated as simple andelementary as possible. In particular no special knowledge of axiomatic settheory is required. However, a certain mathematical maturity and a basic ac-quaintance with general topology will turn out to be helpful.

The sections can be studied more or less independently of each other. How-ever, it is recommended not to skip any of the sections 2.1, 2.2, or 3.3 sincethey contain several basic definitions.

A treatise like this one does not come out of the blue. It rests on the workof many people. Acknowledgments are due and happily given:

• to all those mathematicians — living or dead — whose work I have can-nibalized freely, most of all to Paul Howard and Jean Rubin for theirwonderful book, Consequences of the Axiom of Choice,

• to those colleagues and friends whose curiosity, knowledge, and creativ-ity provided ample inspiration, often leading to joint publications: LamarBentley, Norbert Brunner, Marcel Erne, Eraldo Giuli, Goncalo Gutierres,Y.T. Rhineghost, George Strecker, Juris Steprans, Eleftherios Tachtsis,and particularly Kyriakos Keremedis,

• to those who helped to unearth reprints: Lamar Bentley, Gerhard Preuss,and George Strecker,

• to those who read the text carefully to reduce the number of mistakesand to smoothen my imperfect English go very special thanks: LamarBentley, Kyriakos Keremedis, Eleftherios Tachtsis, Christoph Schubert,and particularly George Strecker,

• to Birgit Feddersen, my perfect secretary, who transformed my variouscrude versions of a manuscript miraculously into the present delightfulshape,

• to Christoph Schubert for putting the final touches to the manuscript.

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Preface XI

Let us end the preface with the following three quotes:

“Pudding and pie,”Said Jane, “O, my!”“Which would you rather?”Said her father.“Both,” cried Jane,Quite bold and plain.

Anonymous (ca. 1907)

The Axiom of Choice and its negation cannot coexist in one proof, butthey can certainly coexist in one mind. It may be convenient to accept ACon some days — e.g., for compactness arguments — and to accept somealternative reality, such as ZF + DC + BP15on other days — e.g., forthinking about complete metric spaces.

E. Schechter (1997)16

So you see!There’s no endTo the things you might know,Depending how far beyond Zebra you go!

Dr. Seuss (1955)17

15 DC is the Principle of Dependent Choices; see Definition 2.11.BP stipulates that every subset of R has the Baire property, i.e., can be ex-pressed as a symmetric difference of an open set and a meager set; see [Sch97].

16 [Sch97]17 From On Beyond Zebra.

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1 Origins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Hilbert’s First Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Choice Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.1 Some Equivalents to the Axiom of Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.2 Some Concepts Related to the Axiom of Choice . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Elementary Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.1 Hidden Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.2 Unnecessary Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.3 Concepts Split Up: Compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4 Disasters without Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434.1 Finiteness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434.2 Disasters in Cardinal Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.3 Disasters in Order Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564.4 Disasters in Algebra I: Vector Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664.5 Disasters in Algebra II: Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714.6 Disasters in Elementary Analysis: The Reals and Continuity 724.7 Disasters in Topology I: Countable Sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794.8 Disasters in Topology II: Products

(The Tychonoff and the Cech–Stone Theorem) . . . . . . . . . . . . 854.9 Disasters in Topology III: Function Spaces

(The Ascoli Theorem) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954.10 Disasters in Topology IV: The Baire Category Theorem . . . . 1024.11 Disasters in Graph Theory: Coloring Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

5 Disasters with Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1175.1 Disasters in Elementary Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1175.2 Disasters in Geometry: Paradoxical Decompositions . . . . . . . . 126

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XIV Contents

6 Disasters either way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1376.1 Disasters in Game Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

7 Beauty without Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437.1 Lindelof = Compact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437.2 Measurability (The Axiom of Determinateness) . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Appendix: Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Selected Books and Longer Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

List of Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

List of Axioms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

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In 1904 the powder keg had been exploded through the matchlighted by Zermelo.

A.A. Fraenkel, Y. Bar–Hillel, and A. Levy1

The Axiom of Choice (together with the Continuum Hypoth-esis) is probably the most interesting and most discussedaxiom in mathematics after Euclid’s Axiom of Parallels.

P. Bernays and A.A. Fraenkel2

In particular, since the continuum is virtually the set of allsubsets of a denumerable set, solving the continuum prob-lem possibly requires a more far–reaching characterizationof the concept of subset than obtained above by the Axiomof Subsets and of Choice. What these two axioms furnish,may be separated by a deep abyss from what Cantor had inmind when speaking of s, viz. arbitrary multitudes of ele-ments of s. One cannot expect to determine the number ofthe subsets of s before it is unambiguously settled what theyare.

P. Bernays and A.A. Fraenkel3

1 [FrBaLe73, p. 84]2 [BeFr58, p. 16]3 [BeFr58, p. 26]

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2 1 Origins

1.1 Hilbert’s First Problem

Diese Disziplin ist die Mengenlehre, deren Schopfer Georg Cantor war, . . . ,diese erscheint mir als die bewundernswerteste Blute mathematischen Geistesund uberhaupt eine der hochsten Leistungen rein verstandesmaßiger mensch-licher Tatigkeit. . .Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreibenkonnen.4

D. Hilbert

Everyone agrees that, whether or not one believes that settheory refers to an existing reality, there is a beauty in itssimplicity and in its scope.

P. Cohen5

Cantor, after creating set theory, left two famous conjectures:

• the Continuum Hypothesis (CH), stating that every infinite subset ofthe reals is either countable or has the same cardinality as R itself, and

• the Well–Order Theorem (WOT), stating that every set can be well–ordered,

the latter of these he originally regarded as a self–evident law of thought6,but later convinced himself that it required a proof.

Hilbert considered these problems as so fundamental, in particular for ourunderstanding of the concept of the continuum, that in his 1900 Paris lecture7

— without question the most influential mathematical lecture ever given —he formulated the conjunction of Cantor’s two conjectures as the first of hisfamous problems:

4 This field is the theory of sets, whose creator was Georg Cantor, . . . , this appearsto me as the most marvelous fruit of the mathematical mind, indeed as one ofthe highest achievements of purely rational human activities. . . . Nobody is tobanish us from the paradise created by Cantor. [Hil26].

5 [Coh2002]6 “Daß es immer moglich ist, jede wohldefinierte Menge in die Form einer wohlge-

ordneten Menge zu bringen, auf dieses, wie mir scheint, grundlegende und fol-genreiche, durch seine Allgemeingultigkeit besonders merkwurdige Denkgesetzwerde ich in einer spateren Abhandlung zuruckkommen.” Cantor (1883)

7 [Hil1900]

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1.1 Hilbert’s First Problem 3

Hilbert’s First Problem

1. CANTOR’s Problem of the Cardinal Numberof the Continuum

Two systems, i.e., two assemblages of ordinary real numbers or points, are saidto be (according to Cantor) equivalent or of equal cardinal number, if they canbe brought into a relation to one another such that to every number of the oneassemblage corresponds one and only one definite number of the other. Theinvestigations of Cantor on such assemblages of points suggest a very plausibletheorem, which nevertheless, in spite of the most strenuous efforts, no one hassucceeded in proving. This is the theorem:Every system of infinitely many real numbers, i.e., every assemblage of numbers(or points), is either equivalent to the assemblage of natural integers, 1, 2, 3,. . . or to the assemblage of all real numbers and therefore to the continuum,that is, to the points of a line; as regards equivalence there are, therefore, onlytwo assemblages of numbers, the countable assemblage and the continuum.From this theorem it would follow at once that the continuum has the nextcardinal number beyond that of the countable assemblage; the proof of thistheorem would, therefore, form a new bridge between the countable assemblageand the continuum.

Let me mention another very remarkable statement of Cantor’s which standsin the closest connection with the theorem mentioned and which, perhaps,offers the key to its proof. Any system of real numbers is said to be ordered, iffor every two numbers of the system it is determined which one is the earlierand which the later, and if at the same time this determination is of such akind that, if a is before b and b is before c, then a always comes before c. Thenatural arrangement of numbers of a system is defined to be that in whichthe smaller precedes the larger. But there are, as is easily seen infinitely manyother ways in which the numbers of a system may be arranged.If we think of a definite arrangement of numbers and select from them a par-ticular system of these numbers, a so–called partial system or assemblage, thispartial system will also prove to be ordered. Now Cantor considers a particularkind of ordered assemblage which he designates as a well ordered assemblageand which is characterized in this way, that not only in the assemblage itselfbut also in every partial assemblage there exists a first number. The systemof integers 1, 2, 3, . . . in their natural order is evidently a well ordered assem-blage. On the other hand the system of all real numbers, i.e., the continuumin its natural order, is evidently not well ordered. For, if we think of pointsof a segment of a straight line, with its initial point excluded, as our partialassemblage, it will have no first element.

The question now arises whether the totality of all numbers may not be

arranged in another manner so that every partial assemblage may have a

first element, i.e., whether the continuum cannot be considered as a well or-

dered assemblage — a question which Cantor thinks must be answered in the

affirmative. It appears to me most desirable to obtain a direct proof of this

remarkable statement of Cantor’s, perhaps by actually giving an arrangement

of numbers such that in every partial system a first number can be pointed


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4 1 Origins

Let us pause for a moment and try to reconstruct the ideas that led toCantor’s second conjecture, restricted to the set of real numbers, and to an-alyze the relations between the two conjectures. We may try to well–order R

as follows:Pick a first element x1, then a second x2, then a third x3, and so on, picking

xn for each natural number n different from the ones picked previously. SinceR is uncountable, the xn’s do not exhaust R. So, after infinitely many steps,we have to continue by picking new elements xω, xω+1, . . . , xα, . . . where αruns through the collection of all countable ordinals. Here a serious problemarises: Not only does the ordered set of all countable ordinals have a verycomplicated structure, if considered in ZFC, but — even worse — its structureis not determined by ZF. There are several models for it with quite differentproperties8. Our intuition fails to help us decide on the “right” one — if thereis such a thing at all. Our procedure starts to get somewhat nebulous, evenobscure. But suppose that we can do it anyway. What then? There may stillbe real numbers left unpicked — and, if the first conjecture is false, there willbe. So at least in the latter case, but in general also if CH holds, we will haveto continue with our picking process. How far do we have to continue? Thiswill depend on the size of R, so here Cantor’s first conjecture plays a vitalpart. Modern set theorists consider the size of R to be bigger than ℵ1.

Godel (1947)9 conjectured it to be ℵ2 and wrote:

“Therefore one may on good reason suspect that the role of the con-tinuum problem in set theory will be this; that it will finally lead tothe discovery of new axioms which will make it possible to disproveCantor’s conjecture.”

This is indeed what Woodin and other leading set theorists are trying todo now. Cohen (1966)10 however went even further:

“A point of view which the author feels may eventually come to beaccepted is that CH is obviously false.. . .This point of view regards [the continuum] as an incredibly rich setgiven to us by one bold new axiom [the Power Set Axiom; recall that|R| = |P(N)|], which can never be approached by any piecemeal processof construction.”

8 “If there be two of these postulates neither of which leads to contradiction [whichis indeed the case, provided ZF is consistent], then there are correspondingto them two distinct self–consistent second ordinal classes, just as Euclideangeometry and Lobachevskian geometry are distinct self–consistent geometries,with, however, the difference, that the two second ordinal classes are incapableof existing together in the same universe of discourse.” [Chu27, p. 187–188]

9 [Goed47]10 [Coh66]

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1.1 Hilbert’s First Problem 5

In fact the independence results of Cohen and his successors show thatany ℵ which is not a countable sum of smaller ℵ’s can be made to be thecardinality of the continuum R.

So, can we well–order the reals by means of the above procedure? Unlikely!

Let us return to Hilbert’s First Problem. In 1904 Zermelo provided a pos-itive solution to its second part by showing in a 3–page paper by means of anew axiom, the Axiom of Choice, that every set can be well–ordered.11 Thisresult brought him instant fame, a professorship in Gottingen one year later,and — created a big controversy about the validity of the Axiom of Choice.

Definition 1.1. AC, the Axiom of Choice, states that for each family (Xi)i∈I

of non–empty sets Xi, the product set∏


Xi is non–empty.12

Fact 1.2. For every set X there exists an ordinal α with |α| � |X|.

This fact follows from the observation that there is only a set of possiblewell–orderings of X. We omit the technical details of a proof in ZF. Butwe mention, for later use, that the above fact guarantees the existence of asmallest such α. This must automatically be a cardinal, thus in the infinitecase an ℵ. It has a name:

Definition 1.3. For any infinite set X, the smallest ℵ with ℵ � |X| is calledthe Hartogs–number13 of X.

Theorem 1.4. Equivalent are:

1. AC.2. WOT.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let X be an infinite set (the result is obvious for finite sets).By (1) the family P0X of all non–empty subsets of X, indexed by itself, hasa non–empty product, i.e., there exists a map f : P0X → X with f(A) ∈ Afor each A ∈ P0X. Let ℵ = {α ∈ Ord | α < ℵ} be the Hartogs–number of Xand define, via transfinite recursion, a function g : ℵ → X ∪ {∞} by

g(α) ={

f(X \ {g(β) | β < α}), if X �= {g(β) | β < α}∞, otherwise .

Since ℵ � |X| there exists some α with g(α) = ∞. If γ = min{α <ℵ | g(α) = ∞}, then the restriction of g to a map from γ = {α ∈ Ord | α < γ}to X is a bijection. Thus with γ also X is well–orderable.11 [Zer04]. See also [Zer08] and [Zer08a].12 Note that the elements of the product set


Xi are choice functions (xi)i∈I ,

i.e., functions x : I →⋃


Xi, satisfying x(i) = xi ∈ Xi for each i ∈ I.

13 ℵ = sup{α ∈ Ord | |α| ≤ |X|}. Cf.[Har15].

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6 1 Origins

(2) ⇒ (1) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. Well–order the unionof all the Xi’s, and choose in Xi its smallest member xi. Then (xi) ∈



Observe that the above proof of AC ⇒ WOT is nothing but a formaliza-tion of the naive procedure sketched earlier, where the “picking” of elementsin X is done once and for all by our marvelous and mysterious apparatus, theAxiom of Choice.

Why the objections?

First of all constructivists, particularly intuitionists, deny the existence ofall things that cannot be “constructed”. E.g.:

“A formal system in which ∃xG(x) is provable, but which provides nomethod for finding the x in question, is one in which the existentialquantifier fails to fulfill its intended function.”

R.L. Goodstein (1968)14

However skepticism towards the validity of AC is not restricted to con-structivists, whose idea of “existence” is decidedly narrower than that of themajority of mathematicians, leading them to such extremes as the abolish-ment of the law of excluded middle15, the assertion that all real functions arecontinuous, and the claim that there exist real numbers a and b, different from0, such that the function f : R → R, defined by f(x) = a ·x+ b, has no root16.

Consider, for example, the following statements:

“It [AC] may be true but it lacks obviousness, and the conclusionsdrawn from it are astonishing. In these circumstances I think it wouldbe well to abstain from using it.. . .The apparent evidence of the axiom tends to dissipate upon the influ-ence of reflection.. . .In the end one ceases to understand what it means.. . .In my opinion there is no reason whatsoever to believe the truth of theaxiom.”

B. Russell (1911)17

14 [Goo68]15 W.V.O. Quine comments on this: “The doctrine . . . has led its devotees to such

quixotic extremes as that of challenging the method of proof by reductio adabsurdum — a challenge in which I sense a reductio ad absurdum of the doctrineitself.” Note that AC implies the law of excluded middle (see [GoMy78]).

16 [Hey56]17 [Rus11]

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1.1 Hilbert’s First Problem 7

“The axiom of choice has many elegant consequences, but that is anargument for its mathematical interest, not for its truth.. . .The formal consistency of making this assumption [validity of the Ax-iom of Strong Choice] can hardly be doubted, but it ascribes to us abil-ities which I for one am not aware of possessing.. . .It is dangerous to claim the existence of an object one cannot describe:“Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent”, to hijack a slo-gan (Wittgenstein 1922).”

M.D. Potter (1990)18

Other mathematicians had difficulties deciding for or against the axiom, e.g.,van der Waerden:

“In 1930, van der Waerden published his Modern Algebra, detailingthe exciting new applications of the axiom. The book was very influen-tial, providing Zorn and Teichmuller with a proving ground for theirversions of choice, but van der Waerden’s Dutch colleagues persuadedhim to abandon the axiom in the second edition of 1937. He did so, butthe resulting limited version of abstract algebra brought such a strongprotest from his fellow algebraists that he was moved to reinstate theaxiom and all its consequences in the third edition of 1950.”

P. Maddy (1988)19

After Godel (1938) proved the relative consistency of the Axiom of Choiceby constructing within a given model of ZF a model of ZFC, the proponentsof AC gained ground. Most modern textbooks take AC for granted and thevast majority of mathematicians use AC freely. However, after Cohen (1963)proved the relative consistency of the negation of AC and, moreover, pro-vided a method, called forcing, for producing a plethora of models of ZF thathave or fail to have a wide range of specified properties, a growing numberof mathematicians started to investigate the ZF world by substituting ACby a variety of possible alternatives, sometimes just by weakening AC andsometimes by replacing AC by axioms that contradict it.

All this work demonstrates how useful or convenient such axioms as ACand its possible alternatives are. But the question of the truth of AC is nottouched, and Hilbert’s First Problem remains unanswered. It is conceivable,even likely, that it will never be solved20, despite Hilbert’s optimistic sloganexpressed in his Paris lecture: “in mathematics there is no ignorabimus.”

18 [Pot90]19 [Mad88]20 “And whether, in particular, Zermelo’s axiom is true or false is a question,

which, while more fundamental matters are in doubt, is very likely to remainunanswered.” Russell (1907)

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8 1 Origins

Our inability to decide on such basic questions of set theory, as thoseformulated in Hilbert’s First Problem, leads inevitably to the conclusion for-mulated by Mostowski21 that

“Probably we shall have in the future essentially different intuitivenotions of sets just as we have different notions of space.”

In some of these ZF–worlds Hilbert’s First Problem will have a positivesolution, in others a negative one.

Exercises to Section 1.1:

E 1. Show that, for a set X, the following conditions are equivalent:(1) X is well–orderable.(2) There exists a function f : P0X → X with f(A) ∈ A for each A ∈

P0X.(3) AC(X), i.e.,


Xi �= ∅ for each family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty subsets

Xi of X.[Hint: Analyze the proof of Theorem 1.4.]

E 2. Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. Show that in each of thefollowing situations,


Xi �= ∅:

(1) I is finite.(2) The Xi’s are well–ordered sets.(3) The Xi’s are finite linearly ordered sets.(4) The Xi’s are finite subsets of R.(5) The Xi’s are closed subsets of R.(6) The Xi’s are open subsets of R.(7)


Xi is well–orderable.



Xi is linearly orderable and each Xi is finite.

E 3. 22 Construct a set X with the following properties:(1) X is well–orderable.(2) |X| �< |R|.(3) |R| �< |X|.(4) |X| = |R| iff R is well–orderable.

[Hint: Use Fact 1.2.]

21 [Mos67]22 [Sie21]

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Choice Principles

2.1 Some Equivalents to the Axiom of Choice

We believe that the ZF–axioms describe in a correct way our in-tuitive contemplations concerning the notion of set. The axiom ofchoice (AC) is intuitively not so clear as the other ZF–axioms are,but we have learned to use it because it seems to be indispensable inproving mathematical theorems. On the other hand the (AC) has“strange” consequences, such as “every set can be well–ordered”and we are unable to “imagine” a well–ordering of the set of realnumbers.

U. Felgner1

Once this method for unveiling the truth had been discovered byhim, he found it indispensable.

Ivan Olbracht2

Let us start with some familiar observations:

Proposition 2.1. Equivalent are:

1. AC.2. For every family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty pairwise disjoint sets there exists

a set Y with |Y ∩ Xi| = 1 for each i ∈ I.

Proof. Exercise.

Observe that the above condition (2) has been introduced under the namemultiplicative axiom by Russell, since it allowed the definition of arbitraryproducts


ai of cardinal numbers ai.

1 [Fel71]2 From: The Good Judge (Dobry Soudce).

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10 2 Choice Principles

Though nowadays the proof of the above proposition is a trivial exercise,this was not the case when Russell submitted his paper in 1905 as the followingquote3 reveals4.

“This axiom is more special than Zermelo’s axiom. It can be deducedfrom Zermelo’s axiom; but the converse deduction, though it may turnout to be possible, has not yet, so far as I know, been effected. I shallcall this the multiplicative axiom.”

Theorem 2.2. Equivalent are:

1. AC.2. Hausdorff’s Maximal Chain Condition: Each partially ordered set

contains a maximal chain5.3. Zorn’s Lemma: If in a partially ordered set X each chain has an upper

bound, then X has a maximal element.4. Teichmuller–Tukey Lemma: If a non–empty subcollection U of PX

is of finite character6, then U contains a maximal element w.r.t. theinclusion–order.

5. Each preordered set contains a maximal antichain7.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let X be a partially ordered set without a maximal chain.Then for each chain K in X the set

C(K) = {x ∈ (X \ K) | K ∪ {x} is a chain}

is non–empty. By (1), there exists a map f : P0X → X with f(A) ∈ A foreach A ∈ P0X. Let ℵ be the Hartogs–number of X. Define, via transfiniterecursion, a map g : ℵ → X by

g(α) = f(C{g(β) | β < α}).

Then g is injective, a contradiction.(2) ⇒ (3) Let X be a partially ordered set, satisfying the premise of Zorn’s

Lemma. By (2), X has a maximal chain K. Let x be an upper bound of K.Then x is a maximal element of X.

(3) ⇒ (4) Let U be a non–empty subset of PX that is of finite character.Then every chain in U, ordered by inclusion, has an upper bound, its union.Thus, by (3), U has a maximal element.

3 [Rus07]4 G.H. Hardy made a similar statement: ”. . . but whether or not the latter imply

the former has not yet been decided.” [Hard06]5 X is called a chain iff x ≤ y or y ≤ x for any x and y in X.6

U is called of finite character provided that A ∈ U iff every finite subset of Abelongs to U.

7 X is called an antichain iff x ≤ y implies x = y for any x and y in X.

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2.1 Some Equivalents to the Axiom of Choice 11

(4) ⇒ (5) Let X be a preordered set. The collection U of all antichainsin X is of finite character and non–empty (since ∅ ∈ U). Thus, by (4), thereexists a maximal element of U.

(5) ⇒ (1) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. Preorder the setX = {(x, i) | i ∈ I and x ∈ Xi} by

(x, i) ≤ (y, j) ⇔ i = j.

Then a maximal antichain K of X has the form K = {(xi, i) | i ∈ I}where, for each i ∈ I, xi is a distinguished element of Xi. Thus


Xi �= ∅.

Condition (5) of the above theorem can be weakened by replacing preordersby partial orders. That the resulting condition is in fact equivalent to (5) andthus to AC is not obvious. To show this and some further equivalences to ACwe need the following lemma that we present without proof, since the latterwould require greater familiarity with the axioms of ZF than we presupposefor our text; in particular it rests crucially on the axiom of foundation:

Lemma 2.3. 8 If for every well–orderable set X the power set PX is alsowell–orderable, then every set is well–orderable.

Theorem 2.4. 9 Equivalent are:

1. AC.2. The Axiom of Multiple Choice (AMC): For every family (Xi)i∈I of

non–empty sets there exists a family (Fi)i∈I of non–empty, finite sets Fi

with Fi ⊆ Xi for each i ∈ I.3. Kurepa’s Maximal Antichain Condition: Each partially ordered set

has amaximal antichain.

4. Every chain can be well–ordered.5. The power set PX of each well–orderable set X is well–orderable.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Trivial.(2) ⇒ (3) Let X be a partially ordered set. By (2), there exists a map

f : P0X → PfinX from P0X into the set PfinX of all non–empty, finite subsetsof X with f(A) ⊆ A for each A ∈ P0X. Let g(A) be the set of all minimalelements of f(A). Then each g(A) is a non–empty antichain with g(A) ⊆ A.Define further, for each antichain K of X,

A(K) = {x ∈ (X \ K) | K ∪ {x} is an antichain}.

If X would have no maximal antichain, then all the A(K)’s would be non–empty. Thus we could define an injective map h : ℵ → PX from the Hartogs–number ℵ of PX into PX via transfinite recursion by8 [Rub60], [FeJe73].9 [Rub60], [FeJe73].

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12 2 Choice Principles

h(α) =⋃


h(β) ∪ g


( ⋃




Contradiction.(3) ⇒ (4) Let X be a chain. Define a partially ordered set Y by

Y = {(A, a) | A ⊆ X and a ∈ A} and (A, a) ≤ (B, b) iff (A = B and a ≤ b inX). Then an antichain K of Y has the form

K = {(A, a(A)) | A ∈ P0X}

where each a(A) is a distinguished element of A. Thus X is well–orderable byExercises to Section 1.1, E 1.

(4) ⇒ (5) Let X be well–ordered. Then PX is linearly ordered by

A < B ⇔ ∃a ∈ (A \ B) ∀b ∈ (B \ A) a < b.

Thus, by (4), PX is well–orderable.(5) ⇒ (1) Lemma 2.3 and Theorem 1.4.

Exercises to Section 2.1:

E 1. 10 Show (without using Theorem 2.4) that AC is equivalent to the con-junction of the following 2 conditions:a) OAC: For every family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty sets there exists a family

(Fi)i∈I of finite sets with |Fi| odd and Fi ⊆ Xi.b) EAC: For every family (Xi)i∈I of sets Xi with |Xi| ≥ 2 there exists a

family (Fi)i∈I of non–empty, finite sets Fi with |Fi| even and Fi ⊆ Xi.

E 2. Show that AC is equivalent to the condition

(*) Each set (of sets) contains a subset that is maximal w.r.t. theproperty that its members are pairwise disjoint.

[Hint: For each family (Xi)i∈I of pairwise disjoint non–empty sets, con-sider the set

{{(0, x), (1,Xi)} | i ∈ I and x ∈ Xi}.]

E 3. Show that AC is equivalent to the following version of Zorn’s Lemma:If in an ordered set X a subset A has an upper bound in X whenevereach pair of elements of A has an upper bound in A, then X has amaximal element.

10 [Ker96]

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2.2 Some Concepts Related to the Axiom of Choice 13

E 4. Show the equivalence of:a) AC.b) Every surjection f : X → Y is a retraction, i.e., there exists a map

g : Y → X with f ◦ g = idY (= the identity map on Y ).c) Every set X is projective, i.e., for each map f : X → Y and each

surjection g : Z → Y there exists a map k : X → Z with f = g ◦ k.d) Every set is a subset of some projective set (i.e., there exist arbitrary

large projective sets with respect to the order ≤ of cardinals).e) For every relation ϕ on a set X satisfying ∀x ∈ X ∃y ∈ X xϕy, there

exists a function f : X → X with xϕf(x) for each x ∈ X.[Hint: For (e) ⇒ (a) and a family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty sets, consider(X,ϕ) with X = I �


Xi and ϕ = {(x, x) | x ∈⋃


Xi} ∪ {(i, x) | i ∈ I

and x ∈ Xi}.]

E 5. Show that AC holds iff for each family (Xi)i∈I there exists a family(Yi)i∈I of pairwise disjoint subsets Yi of Xi with


Yi =⋃



2.2 Some Concepts Related to the Axiom of Choice

The last concept [AC] seems to me to be entirely devoid of sense. As regardsa denumerable infinity of choices, they cannot, of course, all be performed, butwe can at least indicate such a procedure that, if we establish it beforehand,we may be sure that each choice will be made within a finite period of time;therefore, if two given systems of choice are different, we are sure to noticethis after a finite number of operations. When an infinite number of choices isnot denumerable, it is impossible to imagine a way of defining it, i.e., distin-guishing it from an analogous infinite number of choices; thus it is impossibleto regard it as a mathematical creation which can be introduced in arguments.

E. Borel11

The notion that there is nothing special about countability, which ismost pervasive in the works of Bourbaki, makes assuming only thatevery countable set has a choice function seem a mite perverse.

M.D. Potter12

Some mathematicians, who reject the Axiom of Choice, still accept someof its weaker forms, e.g., CC, the Axiom of Countable Choice, or DC, thePrinciple of Dependent Choices, while others advocate either all or nothing.

In this section we will formulate several axioms, related to AC, and dis-cuss their mutual relations. Natural ways to weaken AC are obtained by thefollowing procedures:11 [Bor14], quoted from [Sie58].12 [Pot90]

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14 2 Choice Principles

(A) Restrict the size of the indexing set I.(B) Restrict the nature of the single Xi’s.(C) Replace the stipulation that one can exhibit simultaneously in each Xi a

distinguished point xi, equivalently: a one–element subset {xi}, by someweaker requirement.

Procedure (A) gives:

Definition 2.5. CC, the Axiom of Countable Choice, states that for eachsequence (Xn)n∈N of non–empty sets Xn, the product set


Xn is non–empty.

Procedure (B) gives:

Definition 2.6. 1. AC(fin) states that for each family (Xi)i∈I of non–emptyfinite sets Xi, the product set


Xi is non–empty.

2. AC(n), for n ∈ N, states that for each family (Xi)i∈I of n–element sets,the product


Xi is non–empty.

Procedure (C) gives:

Definition 2.7. AMC, the Axiom of Multiple Choice, states that for eachfamily (Xi)i∈I of non–empty sets Xi, there exists a family (Fi)i∈I of non–empty finite subsets Fi of Xi.

Definition 2.8. KW, the Kinna–Wagner Selection Principle, states that foreach family (Xi)i∈I of at least 2–element sets Xi, there exists a family (Yi)i∈I

of non–empty proper subsets Yi of Xi.

Combining the procedures (A) and (B) one obtains:

Definition 2.9. 1. CC(R) states that for each sequence (Xn)n∈N of non–empty subsets Xn of R, the product set


Xn is non–empty.

2. CC(Z) states that for each sequence ((Xn,≤n))n∈N, each (Xn,≤n) beingorder–isomorphic to the ordered set of integers, the product set


Xn is

non–empty.3. CC(fin) states that for each sequence (Xn)n∈N of non–empty, finite sets,

the product set∏


Xn is non–empty.

4. CC(n), for n ∈ N+, states that for each sequence (Xn)n∈N of n–element

sets, the product set∏


Xn is non–empty.

Combining the procedures (B) and (C) one obtains:

Definition 2.10. CMC, the Axiom of Countable Multiple Choice, states thatfor each sequence (Xn)n∈N of non–empty sets Xn, there exists a sequence(Fn)n∈N of non–empty finite subsets Fn of Xn.

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2.2 Some Concepts Related to the Axiom of Choice 15

Closely related to CC are the following two axioms:

Definition 2.11. 1. DC, the Principle of Dependent Choices, states thatfor every pair (X, �), where X is a non–empty set and � is a relation onX such that

for each x ∈ X there exists y ∈ X with x�y,

there exists a sequence (xn) in X with xn�xn+1 for each n ∈ N.2. PCC, the Axiom of Partial Countable Choice, states that for each se-

quence (Xn)n∈N of non–empty sets Xn, there exists an infinite subset Mof N with


Xm �= ∅.

Theorem 2.12. 1. AC ⇒ DC.2. DC ⇒ CC.3. CC ⇔ PCC.

Proof. (1) Let (X, �) be as specified in DC. Then, for each x ∈ X, the setSx = {y ∈ X | x�y} is non–empty. Thus, by AC, there exists an element(sx)x∈X in


Sx. Choose an arbitrary x0 ∈ X and define, via recursion, a

sequence (xn) by: xn+1 = sxn.

Then (xn) has the desired property.(2) Let (Xn)n∈N+ be a sequence of non–empty sets Xn. Define Yn =∏


Xm and

Y =⋃

n∈N+Yn. Let � be the relation defined on Y by:

(x1 . . . , xn)�(z1, . . . , zm) ⇔ (m = n + 1 and xi = zi for i = 1, . . . , n).

By DC, there exists a sequence (yn) in Y with yn�yn+1 for each n ∈ N+.

Assume for simplicity that y1 = (x1), (cf. Exercise E 3). Then each yn has theform (xn

1 , xn2 , . . . , xn

n) ∈∏


Xm. Thus (xnn)n∈N+ is an element of


(3) Obviously CC implies PCC. For the converse consider a sequence(Xn)n∈N+ of non–empty sets. Define Yn =


Xm. Then (Yn)n∈N+ is a se-

quence of non–empty sets. By PCC there exists an infinite subset M of N

and an element (ym)m∈M of∏


Ym. Then ym = (xm1 , . . . , xm

m) ∈∏


Xk. For

each n ∈ N+ let m(n) = min{m ∈ M | n ≤ m}. Then (xm(n)

n )n∈N+ is anelement of


There are many other types of weak choice principles13. Next, we present afew of these, that play a prominent part in subsequent sections of this treatise.13 In [HoRu98] there is a list of 383 such “forms”.

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16 2 Choice Principles

Definition 2.13. 1. Fin states that every infinite set X is Dedekind–infinite14, i.e., allows an injection N → X.

2. Fin(R) states that every infinite subset of R is D–infinite.3. Fin(lin) states that every infinite, linearly ordered set is D–infinite.

Theorem 2.14. 1. CC ⇒ Fin.2. Fin ⇒ CC(fin).

Proof. (1) See Proposition 4.13.(2) Let (Xn)n∈N be a sequence of non–empty, finite sets. Then X =⋃


(Xn×{n}) is an infinite set, thus, by Fin, D–infinite. Let f : N → X be an

injection. Since each Xn is finite, the set M = {n ∈ N | f [N]∩(Xn×{n}) �= ∅}must be infinite. For each m ∈ M , define n(m) = min{n ∈ N | f(n) ∈Xm × {x}}. Then f(n(m)) = (xm,m) for a unique element xm of Xm. Thus(xm)m∈M ∈


Xm. Thus PCC(fin) holds. By Exercise E 5 this implies


Next, we present some maximality principles:

Definition 2.15. 1. PIT, the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem, states thatevery Boolean algebra with 0 �= 1 has a maximal ideal.

2. UFT, the Ultrafilter Theorem, states that on any set every filter can beenlarged to an ultrafilter.

3. UFT(N) states that on N every filter can be enlarged to an ultrafilter.4. WUF, the Weak Ultrafilter Principle, states that every infinite set has a

free ultrafilter.5. WUF(N) states that there exists a free ultrafilter on N.6. WUF(?) states that there exists a free ultrafilter on some set.

Theorem 2.16. 1. UFT ⇔ PIT.2. UFT ⇒ AC(fin).3. UFT ⇒ WUF ⇒ WUF(N) ⇒ WUF(?).

Proof. (1) See Theorem 4.37.(2) See (1) and Exercises to Section 4.8, E 9.(3) Holds trivially.

Next, we present some ordering principles:

Definition 2.17. 1. OP, the Ordering Principle, states that every set canbe linearly ordered.

14 Dedekind–infinite is sometimes abbreviated as D–infinite. Likewise Dedekind–finite (i.e., not Dedekind–infinite) is sometimes abbreviated as D–finite. Cf.Definition 4.1 and Proposition 4.2.

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2.2 Some Concepts Related to the Axiom of Choice 17

2. OEP, the Order Extension Principle, states that every partial order rela-tion on a set can be enlarged to a linear order relation.

Theorem 2.18. 1. UFT ⇒ OEP.2. OEP ⇒ OP.3. KW ⇒ OP.4. OP ⇒ AC(fin).

Proof. (1) and (2): See Proposition 4.39.(3) See Proposition 4.40.(4) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty finite sets. Order X =



linearly. Then each Xi has a smallest element xi w.r.t. this order. Thus(xi)i∈I ∈



Besides conditions weaker than AC there are stronger ones. Let us mentionthe following:

Definition 2.19. 1. GCH, the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, statesthat for infinite cardinals a and b the inequalities a ≤ b < 2a imply a = b.

2. AH, the Aleph–Hypothesis, states that 2ℵα = ℵα+1 for each ordinal α.

The following result, though interesting, we present without proof, sinceeven the special forms of GCH resp. AH, namely

CH, the Continuum Hypothesis: ℵ0 ≤ b < 2ℵ0 ⇒ ℵ0 = b,resp. AH(0), the Special Aleph–Hypothesis: ℵ1 = 2ℵ0 ,

are generally supposed to be false.

Theorem 2.20. 1. GCH ⇒ AC.2. AH ⇒ AC.3. GCH ⇔ AH.

Proof. (1) See [Sie47], [Spe54].(2) Immediate from Theorem 2.4, since AH implies that the power set of

each well–orderable set is well–orderable.(3) Immediate from (1) and (2), since by Theorem 1.4 each set is well–

orderable and thus each cardinal is an Aleph15.

Observe that CH and AH(0) are not equivalent. See Section 7.2.Observe further that the existence of sufficiently many strongly inaccessi-

ble cardinals also implies AC16. However, a discussion of such phenomena isbeyond the scope of this book.15 Alephs are the cardinals of well–orderable sets.16 [Tar39]

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18 2 Choice Principles

The following diagram illustrates the logical relations between the prin-ciples presented in this section: Note that none of the singleheaded arrowsA → B, with the possible exceptions of CC → CMC, CC(fin) → CC(n)and WUF(N) → WUF(?) is an equivalence17.

Diagram 2.21.



Fin(R) CC(fin) AC(n) WUF(?)

CC(R) Fin AC(fin) WUF(N)





AMC ←→ ZFC ←→ AC


� � �









� �

� �

� �������

17 [HoRu98]

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2.2 Some Concepts Related to the Axiom of Choice 19

Exercises to Section 2.2:

E 1. 18 Show that AC(2) and AC(4) are equivalent.

E 2. Show the equivalence of:(1) DC,(2) DMC (states that for each non–empty set X and each relation � on

X, such that for each x ∈ X there exists some y ∈ X with x�y, thereexists a sequence (Fn) of non–empty, finite subsets of X such that foreach n ∈ N and each x ∈ Fn there exists some y ∈ Fn+1 with x�y)and CC(fin).

E 3. Show that DC is equivalent to the following statement: If � is a relationon a set X such that for each x ∈ X there exists some y ∈ X with x�y,then for any a in X there exists a sequence (xn) in X with x0 = a andxn�xn+1 for each n ∈ N.

E 4. Show that CC is equivalent to the statement: For each sequence (Xn)n∈N

of non–empty sets, there exists a sequence that meets infinitely manyXn’s.

E 5. Define PCC(R), PCC(fin), and PCMC analogously to PCC, andshow:

(1) PCC(R) ⇔ CC(R).(2) PCC(fin) ⇔ CC(fin).(3) PCMC ⇔ CMC.

[Hint: Proceed as in proof of Theorem 2.12 (3) using resp. the facts that:1) Finite products of finite sets are finite.2) There exists a sequence (fn)n∈N+ of bijections fn : R

n → R.]

E 6. Show that CC(R) implies Fin(R).

E 7. 19 Show that each of the following conditions implies the succeeding ones:a) AC.b) There are enough projective sets, i.e., every set is an image of a pro-

jective set (in other words: there exists arbitrary large projective setsw.r.t. the order ≤∗ of cardinals).20

c) DC.

E 8. Show the equivalence of:a) CC.b) N is a projective set.

18 [Sie58]19 [Blass79]20 Cf. with Exercises to Section 2.1, E 4, condition (4). Whether (a) and (b) are

equivalent is not known.

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20 2 Choice Principles

E 9. Show that:a) Every separable pseudometrizable space is second countable.b) Every second countable pseudometric space is separable iff CC holds.

E 10. Show that AC(R) implies UFT(N) and thus WUF(N).[Hint: By Exercises to Section 1.1, E 1 and |R| = |PN|, AC(R) impliesthat PN is well–orderable.]

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Elementary Observations

3.1 Hidden Choice

Experience gained presenting the contents of this paper before alearned audience discloses that the wily, attentive listener will ex-pend more energy searching for the possible hidden presence of theaxiom of choice in the proofs than he will in following the positive,constructive aspects of these proofs.

W.W. Comfort1

It is a historic irony that many of the mathe-maticians who later opposed the Axiom of Choice hadused it implicitly in their own researches.

Gregory H. Moore2

The use of the Axiom of Choice is sometimes hidden, and, even if obvi-ous to the expert, may elude the novice. Even several of those mathematicianswho rejected AC used it unconsciously. Hardy3 pointed out that Borel, thoughstrongly objecting to the use of AC for uncountable indexing sets4, used itfor an indexing set of cardinality 2ℵ0 in his proof that there exist continuousfunctions f : R → R which cannot be represented as double series of polynomi-als. Sierpinski5 demonstrated that Lebesgue, another outspoken critic of AC,used it to show that countable unions of measurable sets of reals are againmeasurable. And Moore6 exhibited a plethora of examples demonstrating that“future critics of the Axiom [of Choice] where freely employing sequences ofarbitrary choices in real analysis before Zermelo’s proof appeared.”

1 [Com68]2 [Moo82, p. 64]3 [Hard06, p. 15]4 See the headquote for Section 2.25 [Sie58, p. 127].6 [Moo82, §17].

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22 3 Elementary Observations

Here follows an instructive example of a proof that appears to be construc-tive, but is not:

Statement 3.1. Countable unions of countable sets are countable.

Proof. Let X =⋃


Xn be a countable union of countable sets Xn. Assume,

without loss of generality, that the Xn’s are pairwise disjoint. Since the Xn’sare countable they can be written in the form

Xn = {xin | i ∈ N} = {x0

n, x1n, x2

n, . . .}.

Define a bijection f : N → X via the following construction:


�� x10











�· · ·











1 · · ·







2 · · ·

x03 x1

3 · · · · · ·��



f(0) = x00, f(1) = (x1

0), f(2) = x01, f(3) = (x2

0), f(4) = x11,

f(5) = (x02), f(6) = x3

0, · · ·

resp. g = f−1 : X → N by the explicit formula:

g(xki ) =



ν + (i + 1) =(i + k) · (i + k + 1)

2+ (i + 1).

Thus X is countable.

Discussion: Once the Xn’s are expressed in the form Xn = {xin | i ∈ N},

the remainder of the above proof is constructive indeed. However, there aremany ways to express each Xn in the above form, i.e., as a counted set insteadof a countable set. Thus the above proof uses CC, the Axiom of CountableChoice.

Let us analyze the situation in more detail by introducing some definitionsfirst:

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3.1 Hidden Choice 23

Definition 3.2. 1. CUT, the Countable Union Theorem, states that count-able unions of at most countable sets are at most countable.

2. CUT(R) states that countable unions of at most countable subsets of R

are at most countable.3. CUT(fin) states that countable unions of finite sets are at most countable.4. CUT(2) states that countable unions of 2–element sets are at most count-


Then the proof given for Statement 3.1 yields:

Proposition 3.3. CC implies CUT.

The next diagram illustrates further relations between the above and someclosely related concepts: note that none of the single–headed arrows A → B,with the possible exception of “Lebesgue measure is countably additive → R

is not a countable union of countable sets” is an equivalence.Note further that none of the conditions entering the diagram holds in

ZF. In particular there exist models of ZF in which R is a countable unionof countable sets7, and models of ZF in which a countable union of certain2–element sets is uncountable8.

The proofs of the two equivalences will follow after the diagram.

Diagram 3.4.





CUT(2) ↔ CC(2)

CUT(fin) ↔ CC(fin)


R is not a countableunion of countable sets

Lebesgue–measure iscountably additive


������� �




7 e.g., in the Feferman–Levy Model A8 (M9 in [HoRu98]).8 e.g., in Cohen’s second model (M7 in [HoRu98]).

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24 3 Elementary Observations

Proposition 3.5. Equivalent are:

1. CUT(fin).2. CC(fin).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xn) be a sequence of non–empty finite sets. By (1),there exists a surjection f : N →


Xn. For each n, define

xn = f(min{m ∈ N | f(m) ∈ Xn}).

Then (xn) ∈∏



(2) ⇒ (1) Let (Xn) be a sequence of finite sets with⋃


Xn = X. Then

the sequence (Yn), defined by Yn = Xn \⋃

m<nXm is a sequence of pairwise

disjoint finite sets with⋃


Yn = X. For each n, the set Ln of linear order

relations on Yn is a non–empty, finite set. By (2), there exists an element (ϕn)in


Ln. Order X as follows

x ≤ y ⇔

x ∈ Yn and y ∈ Ym and n < mor{x, y} ⊆ Yn and xϕny.

If X is infinite, then (X,≤) is order–isomorphic to the set of natural numberswith its canonical order. Thus X is at most countable.

Proposition 3.6. Equivalent are:

1. CUT(2).2. CC(2).

Proof. Analogous to the proof of Proposition 3.5. An alternative proof of theimplication (2) ⇒ (1) is the following:

Let (Xn) be a sequence of 2–element sets with union X: By (2), thereexists an element (xn) in


Xn. For each n, let yn be the unique element

of Xn \ {xn}. Then the function f : N → X, defined by f(2n) = xn andf(2n + 1) = yn, is surjective. Thus X is at most countable.

The use of the Axiom of Choice may also be overlooked in proofs that areso trivial that one does not bother to analyze any details. Here is an example:

Statement 3.7. 1. Finite topological spaces are compact.2. Countable topological spaces are Lindelof.

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3.1 Hidden Choice 25

Proof. Obvious.

Discussion: Although the proofs of the statements (1) and (2) arestraightforward indeed, and very similar too, there is a marked difference.The proof of (1) holds in ZF, the proof of (2), however, makes use of theAxiom of Choice. So (1) is a result in ZF, but (2) fails to be so. In fact, thefollowing holds:

Theorem 3.8. 9 Equivalent are:

1. Countable topological spaces are Lindelof.2. N is Lindelof.3. Q is Lindelof.4. Every unbounded subset of R contains an unbounded sequence.5. CC(R).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (3) since Q is countable.(3) ⇒ (4). Let A be a subset of R, unbounded to the right. Let, for each

a ∈ A, C(a) = {x ∈ Q | x < a}. Then C = {C(a) | a ∈ A} is an open coverof Q. Let C′ = {Cn | n ∈ N} be a countable subset of C that covers Q. Foreach Cn there exists a unique element an in A with Cn = C(an) — sincesupR C(a) = a. Thus (an) is an unbounded sequence in A.

(4) ⇒ (5) Let (Xn) be a sequence of non–empty subsets Xn of R. Letf : R → (0, 1) be a fixed bijection, and, for each n ∈ N, let σn : R → R bedefined by σn(x) = n + x.

Define Yn = σ[f [Xn]]. Then Yn ⊆ (n, n + 1), and Y =⋃


Yn is an un-

bounded subset of R.By (4), there exists an unbounded sequence yn in Y . Thus

M = {m ∈ N | ∃n ∈ N yn ∈ Ym} is an infinite subset of N with∏


Ym �= ∅.

Let (ym)m∈M be an element of this product. Define xm to be the uniqueelement of Xm with σm(f(xm)) = ym. Then (xm) ∈


Xm. Thus (5) follows

via Exercises to Section 2.2, E 5(1).(5) ⇒ (2) Let U be an open cover of N. Then for each n ∈ N the set

Xn = {U ∈ U | n ∈ U} is a non–empty subset of PN, the powerset of N. SincePN and R have the same cardinality, (5) implies that there exists an element(Un) in


Xn. Thus {Un | n ∈ N} is a countable subcover of U.

(2) ⇒ (1) Every countable topological space is a continuous image of N.Since continuous images of Lindelof spaces are Lindelof, (1) follows from (2).

In analogy to Statement 3.7 we obtain:

Statement 3.9. 1. Finite sums of compact topological spaces are compact.2. Countable sums of Lindelof spaces are Lindelof.

9 [Bru82a], [HeSt97].

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26 3 Elementary Observations

Proof. Obvious.

Discussion: Here, as for Statement 3.7, (1) and (2) have trivial and par-allel proofs, but while (1) is a result in ZF, (2) is not. In fact, as will be shownin Theorem 4.62, (2) is equivalent to CC. Not even finite sums of Lindelofspaces need to be Lindelof. Even worse, the sum of a compact space and aLindelof space may fail to be Lindelof, as shown in Remark 4.63.

Exercises to Section 3.1:

E 1. Show that for each natural number n the following conditions are equiv-alent:

(1) CC(≤ n), i.e.,∏


Xi �= ∅ for each sequence (Xi)i∈N of sets with

1 ≤ |Xi| ≤ n.(2) For each sequence (Xi)i∈N of n–element sets there exists a sequence

(≤i)i∈N of linear orders ≤i on Xi.(3) CUT(n), i.e., countable unions of n–element sets are at most count-

able.(4) CUT(≤ n), i.e., the union of each sequence (Xi)i∈N of sets with

1 ≤ |Xi| ≤ n is at most countable.(5) CC(i) holds for each i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}.

E 2. Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) PCC(2), i.e., for each sequence (Xn) of 2–element sets Xn there exists

an infinite subset M of N with∏


Xm �= ∅.

(2) The countable union of pairwise disjoint 2–element sets is Dedekind–infinite.

E 3. Show that, for each at most countable set X, the set⋃


Xn is at most


E 4. Show that the following sets are countable:(1) The set Q of rational numbers.(2) The set



(3) The set of all algebraic real numbers.(4) The set of all algebraic complex numbers.

E 5. 10 Show that the following condition (1) implies all subsequent ones:(1) R is the countable union of countable sets.(2) ω1 is not regular, i.e., there exists a sequence (αn)n∈N of countable

ordinals with ω1 = supn∈N


(3) Fin(R).

10 [Spe57]

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3.2 Unnecessary Choice 27

(4) ℵ1 and 2ℵ0 are incomparable w.r.t. ≤.Moreover11, show that (2) implies that CC(R) fails.[Hint: For (1) ⇒ (2) use Exercise to Section 4.2, E 4.].

E 6. 12 Show that CC(R) implies that the Lebesgue–measure is σ-additive.[Hint: See the proof of Proposition 7.14. Cf. also Exercise to Section 5.1,E 13.]

3.2 Unnecessary Choice

In Section 3.1 it has been shown that several ZFC–theorems may erroneouslybe considered to hold in ZF; due to the fact that the use of AC was hidden.Here we will show that several ZFC–theorems may erroneously be consideredto fail in ZF; due to the fact that their familiar proofs use AC, although thisuse of AC may be only apparent or can be avoided by alternative proofs whichsometimes are drastically different from the familiar ones but more often justrequire a minor adjustment of the latter.

Proposition 3.10. Finite sums of compact spaces are compact.

Proof in ZFC: Let X be the sum of the pairwise disjoint compact spacesX1, . . . , Xn, and let B be an open cover of X. For each i = 1, . . . , n the setBi = {B ∩ Xi | B ∈ B} is an open cover of Xi. By compactness each Bi

contains a finite cover Fi of Xi. For each F in Fi choose an element B(F ) inB with F = B(F ) ∩ Xi.Then the set F = {B(F ) | i ∈ I and F ∈ Fi} is a finite cover of X withF ⊆ B. Thus X is compact.

Observation: In the above proof, choice has been used to select theB(F )’s. However, this use of choice is only apparent, since I and each Fi arefinite, and the axiom of choice for finite indexing sets holds in ZF. Thus theabove is a valid proof in ZF. Observe however that the analogous proof of thestatement

Finite sums of Lindelof spaces are Lindeloffails in ZF, since here countable choice is used. Indeed, the statement aboutLindelof spaces may fail in ZF. See Remark 4.63.

Theorem 3.11. Every bounded, infinite subset X of R has an accumulationpoint13 in R.

11 [Chu27]12 [KeTa2003]13 x is called an accumulation point of X iff every neighborhood of x meets X in

an infinite set.

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28 3 Elementary Observations

Proof in ZFC: Since X is bounded, there exist real numbers a and b withX ⊆ [a, b]. Observe first that [a, b] is compact. Proceed indirectly by assumingthat there exists an open cover B of [a, b] without finite subcover, define x =sup{y ∈ [a, b] | some finite subset of B covers [a, y]}, observe that x ∈ Bfor some B ∈ B, and arrive at a contradiction. Next, assume that X hasno accumulation point in R. Then for each x ∈ [a, b], there exists an openneighborhood B(x) such that X ∩B(x) is finite. Then B = {B(x)∩ [a, b] | x ∈[a, b]} is an open cover of [a, b], and thus has a finite subcover F . ConsequentlyX =

F∈F(X∩F ) is a finite union of finite sets and thus finite, a contradiction.

Observation: In the above proof, choice has been used to select theB(x)’s. This use of choice can be avoided by defining B alternatively as theset of all open subsets of [a, b] that meet only finitely many elements of X.This way a proof in ZF results.

The method, employed above, to modify a ZFC–proof into a ZF–proof,can be applied quite often. Here is another example:

Proposition 3.12. Closed subspaces of compact spaces are compact.

Proof in ZFC: Let X be a closed subspace of a compact space Y , and let Bbe an open cover of X. For each B ∈ B select an open set A(B) in Y withB = X ∩A(B). Define A = {A(B) | B ∈ B}. Then A∪{Y \X} being an opencover of Y , contains a finite cover F . Consequently G = {X∩F | F ∈ (F∩A)}is a finite cover of X with G ⊆ B, Thus X is compact.

Observation: In the above proof, choice has been used to select theA(B)’s. This use of choice can be avoided by defining A alternatively by

A = {A | A open in Y and (X ∩ A) ∈ B}.

Theorem 3.13. 14 [0, 1]N is compact.

Proof in ZFC: It suffices (cf. the remark following Definition 3.21) to showthat in X = [0, 1]N every filter F has a cluster point (xn). Denote the n–thprojection by πn : [0, 1]N → [0, 1], and the neighborhood–filter of a point x in[0, 1] by U(x). Define, by recursion, points xn in [0, 1] and filters Fn on X asfollows:

x0 is a cluster point of the filter {G ⊆ [0, 1] | π−10 [G] ∈ F}.

F0 is the filter on X, generated by the set

F ∪ {π−10 [U ] | U ∈ U(x0)}.

xn+1 is a cluster point of the filter {G ⊆ [0, 1] | π−1n+1[G] ∈ Fn}.

Fn+1 is the filter on X, generated by the set

Fn ∪ {π−1n+1[U ] | U ∈ U(xn+1)}.

14 [Loe65], [DHHKR2003a].

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3.2 Unnecessary Choice 29

Then x = (xn) is a cluster point of⋃


Fn and thus of F in X.

Observation: In the above proof, choice has been used (in fact: dependentchoice) to select the xn’s. This use of choice can be avoided via the observationthat for every filter G on [0, 1] the set of cluster points of G, being a non–empty,closed subset of [0, 1], contains a smallest member. By choosing the xn’s asthe smallest cluster points of the corresponding filters we obtain a proof inZF.

Another such example, using distinguished choices instead of arbitraryones, is the following:

Proposition 3.14. Every continuous function f : [0, 1] → R is uniformly con-tinuous.

Proof in ZFC: Let ε be a positive real number. For every x ∈ [0, 1], select apositive δx such that y ∈ [[0, 1]∩(x−δx, x+δx)] implies |f(y)−f(x)| ≤ ε

2 . Thenthe sets Ux = [0, 1]∩ (x−δx, x+δx) form, for x ∈ [0, 1], an open cover of [0, 1].By compactness, there exists a finite subset F of [0, 1] such that {Ux | x ∈ F}covers [0, 1]. Consider δ = min{ δx

2 | x ∈ F}. Then, for any points x and y in[0, 1] with |x−y| < δ, there exists some z ∈ F with {x, y} ⊆ Uz, which implies|f(x) − f(y)| ≤ |f(x) − f(z)| + |f(z) − f(y)| < ε.

Observation: In the above proof, choice has been used to select the δx’s.However, as in the previous result, choice can be avoided, e.g., by definingδx = 1

nx, where nx = min{n ∈ N

+ | y ∈ [[0, 1]∩(x− 1n , x+ 1

n )] ⇒ |f(y)−f(x)| <ε2}.

Next, an example of a ZFC–proof which requires drastic remodeling.

Theorem 3.15. 15 Every sequentially continuous16 function f : R → R iscontinuous.

Proof in ZFC: Assume that f is sequentially continuous but not continuousat some x ∈ R. Then there exists a positive real number ε such that foreach positive real number δ there exists some y ∈ R with |x − y| ≤ δ and|f(x) − f(y)| > ε. Choose, for every n ∈ N

+, an xn in R with

|x − xn| ≤1n

and |f(x) − f(xn)| > ε.

Then the sequence (xn) converges to x, but the sequence (f(xn)) does notconverge to f(x), contradicting the sequential continuity of f at x.

15 [Sie18]16 f is called sequentially continuous iff (xn) → x implies (f(xn)) → f(x).

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30 3 Elementary Observations

Observation: In the above proof, choice has been used to select the xn’s.This use of choice is essential. In fact, the statement

Every function f : R → R, that is sequentially continuous at somepoint x, must be continuous at x

does not hold in ZF (see Theorem 4.54). However, Theorem 3.15 holds in ZF:

Proof in ZF: Let f : R → R be sequentially continuous. Using the fact thatQ is countable and is dense in R we obtain, as above, that for each x ∈ R therestriction of f to the set Q ∪ {x} is continuous at x. Thus for ε > 0 thereexists δ > 0 such that

(y ∈ Q and |x − y| ≤ δ) implies |f(x) − f(y)| ≤ ε.

Since for each z ∈ R with |x − z| ≤ δ, the restriction of f to Q ∪ {z} iscontinuous, the above implies that |f(x)− f(z)| ≤ ε. Thus f is continuous atx.

Finally, two examples of ZFC–proofs that remain valid only under specialassumptions. If these are not satisfied, another proof has to be constructed.In other words: these results require two distinct proofs, each covering justsome part of the ZF–world:

Theorem 3.16. 17 For subspaces X of R, the following conditions are equiv-alent:

1. X is compact.2. X is sequentially compact and Lindelof.

Proof in ZFC: Obviously (1) implies (2). For the converse, assume that thereexists an open cover B of X without a finite subcover. Since X is Lindelof,we may assume that B is countable, say B = {Bn | n ∈ N}. We may furtherassume that, for each n ∈ N, Bn ⊆ Bn+1 and Bn+1 \ Bn �= ∅. Choose ele-ments xn in Bn+1 \ Bn. Then (xn) is a sequence in X without a convergentsubsequence, contradicting sequential compactness of X. Thus X is compact.

Observation: In the above proof, choice has been used to select the xn’s.Since the sets Bn+1 \ Bn are subsets of R, the proof remains valid providedCC(R) is satisfied. What happens if CC(R) fails? Here a completely differentproof is needed. This will be supplied by Theorem 7.2, where it is shown thatthe failure of CC(R) implies that every Lindelof–subspace of R is alreadycompact.

Theorem 3.17. 18 Countable products of 2–element topological spaces arecompact.17 [Gut2003]18 [HeKe2000]

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3.2 Unnecessary Choice 31

Proof in ZFC: Let (Xn)n∈N be a sequence of topological spaces Xn, eachhaving precisely two points xn and yn. Let 2 be the discrete space with un-derlying set {0, 1}. Then for each n ∈ N, the map fn : 2 → Xn, defined byfn(0) = xn and fn(1) = yn is a continuous surjection. Hence


Xn is a

continuous image of 2N. Since the latter, being a closed subspace of [0, 1]N, iscompact by Proposition 3.12 and Theorem 3.13, so is the former.

Observation: In the above proof choice has been used to define the fn’s,since we have no rule that determines which of the 2 points of Xn is to be calledxn, and which yn. However, the following simple case–distinction provides aZF–proof (each of the 2 cases may indeed occur):

Case 1:∏


Xn = ∅. In this case∏


Xn is trivially compact.

Case 2:∏


Xn �= ∅. In this case, let (xn) be an element of∏


Xn. Then

proceed as in the ZFC–proof, described above.

Observe, however, that in ZF countable products of 3–element spaces mayfail to be compact. See Section 4.8 for more details.

Exercises to Section 3.2:

E 1. Show that every closed subspace of a Lindelof space is Lindelof.

E 2. Show that, in a topological space, a set is open iff it is a neighborhoodof each of its points.

E 3. Show that a topological space X is compact iff each open cover B of Xcontains a finite refinement F (i.e., a finite set F such that

⋃F = X

and for each F ∈ F there is a B ∈ B with F ⊆ B).

E 4. Show that:(a) Every compact Hausdorff space is normal.(b) Every regular Lindelof space is normal.

E 5. Let A be a dense, D–finite subset of R. (Such sets exist, provided thatinfinite, D–finite subsets of R exist19). Define f : R → R by f(x) ={

1, if x ∈ A0, otherwise.

Show that:(a) f is sequentially continuous at x iff x ∈ (R \ A).(b) f is continuous at no point of R.

E 6. 20 Show that [0, 1]I is compact for each well–orderable set I.

19 [Bru82]20 However [0, 1]R may fail to be compact. See [Ker2000] and Exercises to Section

7.2, E 8. Cf. Exercises to Section 4.8, E 13.

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32 3 Elementary Observations

3.3 Concepts Split Up: Compactness

It is a hopeless endeavour, doomed to failure to attempt to proveeither the Stone–Cech compactification theorem or the Tychonoffproduct theorem without invoking some form of the axiom ofchoice, . . . It is my feeling, however, that the definition of com-pactness relative to which the theorems of Stone–Cech and Ty-chonoff are unprovable without the axiom of choice is, from thepoint of view of topological analysis and the theory of rings ofcontinuous functions, unnatural and unsuitable.

W.W. Comfort21

However, this is ‘mere matter of detail’ as the Irishman said whenhe was asked how he had killed his landlord.

Thomas Henry Huxley22

Another problem, encountered when working in ZF instead of ZFC, arisesfrom the fact that various familiar descriptions of a certain concept, equivalentto each other in the presence of AC, may separate in its absence into differentconcepts and that the validity in ZF of familiar results concerning this conceptmay depend crucially on the chosen variant of the concept.

Paradigmatically we will illustrate this situation by analyzing the com-pactness concept. In this section we will present several familiar descriptionsof compactness and investigate the set–theoretical conditions responsible forany pair of these descriptions to characterize the same concept. How certaintheorems, in particular the Tychonoff Theorem and the Cech–Stone Theorem,the Ascoli Theorem, and the Baire Category Theorem, depend on the chosenform will be analyzed in later sections.

Let us start by presenting the definition of compactness (originally termedbicompactness) as given by Alexandroff and Urysohn in their fundamentalpaper23 (in the original French). They start with the definition of completeaccumulation points:

Definition 3.18. Un point est dit point d’accumulation complete de l’ensembleA, si quel-que soi le voisinage V (ζ) la puissance de A∩ V (ζ) est egale a cellede A tout entier.

Next they prove in the following theorem the equivalence of 3 conditions:

Theoreme 3.19. I Les trois proprietes suivantes d’un espace topologique R,sont equivalents:

21 [Com68]22 From a letter of T.H. Huxley to his son, April 21, 1879. Quoted from L. Huxley

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. Vol. II, p. 8 (1901).23 [AlUr29]

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3.3 Concepts Split Up: Compactness 33

(A) Tout ensemble infini situe dans R possede au moins un point d’accumul-ation complete.

(B) Toute suite infinie bien ordonnee d’ensembles fermes decroissants possedeau moins un point appartenant a tous les ensembles de la suite.

(C) De toute infinite de domaines recouvrant l’espace R, on peut extraire unnombre fini de domaines jouissant de la meme propriete.

Finally, after proving the above theorem, they call a space (bi)compactprovided it satisfies one and hence all three of the above conditions:

Le theoreme I justifie, il nous semble la definition fondamentale suivante:

Definition 3.20. Un espace R s’appelle BICOMPACT s’il verifie l’un quel-conque et par suite toutes les trois conditions (A), (B), (C).

This procedure of defining mathematical concepts is not uncommon. Un-fortunately in the present case Theorem 3.19 fails badly in ZF. No two of the3 properties (A), (B) and (C) remain equivalent. Moreover, as we will see ina moment, the equivalence of conditions (A) and (C) holds true if and only ifAC is valid. Furthermore, in the absence of AC condition (B) is somewhatunnatural and impracticable.

So, what should we understand by compactness, when working in ZF? His-torically, condition (A) has been used by early investigators, e.g., Tychonoffand Cech. Most modern books, however, use condition (C). In addition otheruseful descriptions, in particular by means of filters and ultrafilters, haveemerged over the years. Next we are going to investigate the relations be-tween the most familiar compactness concepts; first in the realm of topolog-ical spaces, next in that of completely regular spaces, then for pseudometricspaces, and finally for subspaces of R. Interesting facts will emerge on each ofthese levels.

Definition 3.21. 24 A topological space X is called:

1. Compact provided that in X every open cover contains a finite one.2. Filter–compact provided that in X each filter has a cluster point.3. Ultrafilter–compact provided that in X each ultrafilter converges.4. Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact provided that in X each infinite subset has

a complete accumulation point.

The only implications between the 4 compactness concepts, defined above,are the trivial ones:

compact ⇐⇒ filter–compact =⇒ ultrafilter–compact.

A compact space need not be Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact (see the proof ofTheorem 3.22). Even the closed unit interval [0, 1], which is clearly compact,

24 For further compactness versions see [Com68], [BeHe98], and [DHHRS2002].

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34 3 Elementary Observations

may fail to be Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact (see Theorem 3.32). Conversely,in certain models of ZF there exist Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact spaces thatfail to be ultrafilter–compact.25

Theorem 3.22. 26

1. Equivalent are:a) Compact = Ultrafilter–compact.b) UFT, the Ultrafilter Theorem.

2. Equivalent are:a) Compact = Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.b) Ultrafilter–compact = Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.c) AC.

Proof. (1) (a) ⇒ (b). By Theorem 4.37, it suffices to show that products ofcompact Hausdorff spaces are compact. Since products of ultrafilter–compactHausdorff spaces are ultrafilter–compact, this follows from (a).

(b) ⇒ (a) It suffices to show that each filter F in an ultrafilter–compactspace X has a cluster point. By (b), F can be enlarged to an ultrafilter U .Since every convergence point of U is a cluster point of F , the result follows.

(2) As is well–known, (c) implies (a) and (b). To show that each of (a)resp. (b) imply (c), consider two infinite cardinals a and b. Then there existdisjoint sets A and B with |A| = a and |B| = b. The topological space Xwhose underlying set is A∪B and whose open sets are ∅, A,B, and A∪B, issimultaneously compact and ultrafilter–compact. So each of (a) and (b) implythat X is Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact. Consequently the set A ∪ B has acomplete accumulation point x. If x ∈ A, then a = |A| = |A∪B| ≥ b. If x ∈ B,then b = |B| = |A ∪ B| ≥ a. Thus a ≤ b or b ≤ a. Consequently Theorem4.20, together with the observation that every finite cardinal is comparablewith any other one, implies that AC holds.

More important than compact spaces are compact Hausdorff spaces. Thisis mainly due to two facts. First, compact Hausdorff spaces are regular andsatisfy a property that is analoguous to completeness among metric spaces:they are H–closed, i.e., closed in every Hausdorff space in which they can beembedded; in other words: they cannot be densely embedded into any properlylarger Hausdorff space. In fact, as Alexandroff and Urysohn have shown, theseproperties characterize compact Hausdorff spaces: they are precisely the H–closed regular spaces. This characterization remains valid in ZF (see ExerciseE 2).

Secondly, and even more important, is the fact that compact Hausdorffspaces are normal and hence completely regular, — thus, modulo homeo-morphism, precisely the closed subspaces of powers [0, 1]I of the closed unit

25 [DHHRS2002]26 [How90], [Her96].

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3.3 Concepts Split Up: Compactness 35

interval. Unfortunately, in ZF this characterization breaks down for two rea-sons: On one hand, though compact Hausdorff spaces are still normal, theymay no longer be completely regular27. On the other hand, though spaces ofthe form [0, 1], [0, 1]n, and [0, 1]N are compact28; for arbitrary indexing sets I,the spaces [0, 1]I need no longer be so.

Definition 3.23. A topological space is called Tychonoff–compact provided itis homeomorphic to a closed subspace of some power [0, 1]I of the closed unitinterval.

Proposition 3.24. 29 Equivalent are:

1. Tychonoff–compact = compact and completely regular.2. UFT.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Theorem 4.70, and the fact that all spaces of the form [0, 1]I

are compact implies (2).(2) ⇒ (1) Every completely regular space X can be embedded into

[0, 1]C(X,[0,1]). If X is compact, H–closedness of X implies that the embeddingis closed. Thus X is Tychonoff–compact. Conversely, let X be Tychonoff–compact. Then X is completely regular. By (2) and Theorem 4.70, togetherwith the fact that closed subspaces of compact spaces are compact, X mustbe compact.

Next we proceed to the realm of pseudometric30 spaces. Here, as opposedto the situation with metric spaces, where the relations between the variouscompactness concepts are not yet completely understood, we will be able tosatisfactorily analyze the relations between various familiar descriptions ofcompactness.

Definition 3.25. A pseudometric space X is called:

1. Weierstrass–compact provided in X every infinite set has an accumulationpoint31.

2. Countably compact provided in X every countable open cover contains afinite one.

3. Sequentially compact provided in X every sequence has a convergent sub-sequence.

4. Complete provided in X every Cauchy sequence converges.

27 [Laeu62/63]28 [Loe65]. Cf. Theorem 3.13.29 [Her96]30 Here d(x, y) = 0 is allowed for distinct points x and y.31 x is called an accumulation point of A iff every neighborhood of x meets A in

an infinite set.

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36 3 Elementary Observations

5. Totally bounded provided that for each positive real number r there existsa finite subset F of X such that for each x ∈ X there exists some y ∈ Fwith d(x, y) < r.

Proposition 3.26. 32 Under CC the following conditions are equivalent forpseudometric spaces X:

1. X is compact.2. X is Weierstrass–compact.3. X is countably compact.4. X is sequentially compact.5. X is totally bounded and complete.

Proof. The implications, illustrated in the following diagram, are easily shownto hold even in ZF:





totally boundedand complete





So it remains to be shown that (4) implies (1). This will be done in 2steps:

(4) ⇒ (5) If X is sequentially compact, then X is complete. Assume thatX fails to be totally bounded. Then there exists a positive real number r suchthat for each n ∈ N

+ the set

Xn = {(x1, . . . , xn) ∈ Xn | i �= j ⇒ d(xi, xj) ≥ r}

is non–empty. Under CC there exists an element (an) in∏

nXn. Consider

a1, a2, a3, . . . by concatenation as a sequence in X. This sequence containsarbitrary long strings xn, xn+1, . . . , xn+k such that any two of its membershave a distance d(xn+i, xn+j) ≥ r. This fact immediately implies that (xn)has a subsequence (xν(n)) in which the distance of any two members is at least

32 [BeHe98]

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3.3 Concepts Split Up: Compactness 37

12r. Thus (xν(n)) has no convergent subsequence, contradicting the sequentialcompactness of X.

(5) ⇒ (1) Let X be totally bounded and complete. Assume that U is anopen cover of X without a finite subcover of X. For x ∈ X and r ∈ R

+, defineS(x, r) = {y ∈ X | d(x, y) < r}. By total boundedness of X, for each n ∈ N

+,the set An of all tuples (x1, . . . , xm) in X with X =

⋃mi=1 S(xi,

1n ) is non–

empty. By CC, there exists an element (an) in∏

nAn. Denote each an by

(xn1 , xn

2 , . . . xnm(n)), and define, via recursion, a sequence (yn) in X as follows:

y1 = x1k where k = min{i | no finite subset of U covers S(x1

i , 1)}yn+1 = xn+1

k where

k = min{

i | no finite subset of U covers S(xn+1

i , 1n+1




(yν , 1


)} .

Then (yn) is a Cauchy sequence in X. By completeness, (yn) converges tosome point y in X. Thus there exists some n ∈ N

+ and some U ∈ U withS(y, 1

n ) ⊆ U , providing a contradiction. Thus X is compact.

For the above result to hold, CC is not only sufficient but also necessary.More precisely:

Theorem 3.27. 33 In the realm of pseudometric spaces the following condi-tions are equivalent:

1. CC.2. Compact = sequentially compact.3. Compact = totally bounded and complete.4. Weierstrass–compact = totally bounded and complete.5. Countably compact = totally bounded and complete.6. Sequentially compact = totally bounded and complete.7. Sequentially compact = countably compact.

Proof. By Proposition 3.26, (1) implies all the above conditions. To show thateach of these implies (1), assume that (1) fails. Then, by Theorem 2.12(3),also PCC fails, i.e., there exists a sequence (Xn) of non–empty sets such thateach sequence in

nXn meets only finitely many Xn’s.

Construct a pseudometric space with underlying set X =⋃

n(Xn × {n})

and distance function d, defined by

d((x, n), (y,m)) ={

0, if n = m1, otherwise.

Then (X, d) is sequentially compact, but neither totally bounded nor count-ably compact. Thus (2), (6), and (7) fail. Next, construct a pseudometric spacewith underlying set X as above and distance function a, defined by33 [BeHe98]

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38 3 Elementary Observations

a((x, n), (y,m)) =∣∣∣∣1n− 1


∣∣∣∣ .

Then (X, a) is complete and totally bounded, but fails to be countably com-pact. Thus (3) and (5) fail.

It remains to be shown that (4) implies (1). Assume that (1) fails, choosea sequence (Xn) as above, and construct a space (X, d) as above. Since (X, d)fails to be totally bounded, condition (4) implies that it fails to be Weierstrass–compact. So there exists an infinite subset A of X without an accumulationpoint in X. Define An = A ∩ (Xn × {n}) and M = {n ∈ N | An �= ∅}. Then(Am)m∈M is a countable family of non–empty finite sets.

Assume that no sequence in Z =⋃


Am meets infinitely many Am’s.

Then the pseudometric space (Z, b), defined by

b((x, n), (y,m)) =∣∣∣∣1n− 1



is complete and totally bounded, but not Weierstrass–compact, thus violatingcondition (4). Therefore there exists a sequence in Z which meets infinitelymany Am’s and thus infinitely many Xm’s, contradicting the choice of theXn’s. Thus (1) holds.

Observe that the first part of the proof of (4) ⇒ (1) above also shows thatthe implication

Weierstrass–compact ⇒ countably compact

implies PCMC and thus CMC. This implication is an equivalence, asthe following result, presented here without proof, states:

Theorem 3.28. 34 In the realm of pseudometric spaces the following condi-tions are equivalent:

1. CMC.2. Weierstrass–compact ⇒ countably compact.3. Weierstrass–compact = compact.

Proposition 3.29. 35 In the realm of pseudometric spaces the following con-ditions are equivalent:

1. Fin.2. Weierstrass–compact = sequentially compact.

34 [Ker2000]35 [BeHe98]

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3.3 Concepts Split Up: Compactness 39

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Every Weierstrass–compact space is sequentially compact.For the converse, consider an infinite subset A of a sequentially compact spaceX. By (1), there exists an injective sequence (an) in A. By sequential com-pactness of X, some subsequence of (an) converges to some x ∈ X. Then x isan accumulation point of A. Thus X is Weierstrass–compact.

(2) ⇒ (1) If (1) fails, there exists an infinite, D–finite set X. Then the

pseudometric space (X, d) defined by d(x, y) ={

0, if x = y1, if x �= y

is sequentially

compact, but not Weierstrass–compact. Thus (2) fails.

Finally let us sketch the situation for subspaces of R. More details will bepresented in Section 4.6.

Proposition 3.30. 36 For subspaces X of R, the following conditions areequivalent:

1. X is compact.2. X is countably compact.3. X is closed and bounded in R.4. X is sequentially compact and Lindelof.

Proof. The proof that (1), (2), and (3) are equivalent can be carried out as inZFC. To show that (4) implies (1) consider two cases (cf. Theorem 3.16):Case 1: CC(R) holds.In this case, every sequentially compact space is easily seen to be closed andbounded in R, thus compact.

Case 2: CC(R) fails.In this case, every Lindelof subspace of R is already compact (see Section 7.1).

Proposition 3.31. 37 In the realm of subspaces of R, the following conditionsare equivalent:

1. Sequentially compact = compact.2. Sequentially compact ⇒ closed.3. Sequentially compact ⇒ bounded.4. Complete ⇒ closed.5. R is a sequential space.

Proof. See Theorem 4.55 and Exercises to Section 4.6, E 4.

Theorem 3.32. 1. If there is no free ultrafilter on R, then every subspaceof R is ultrafilter–compact.

2. If there is no free ultrafilter on N, then N is Tychonoff–compact.3. If R has an infinite, D–finite subset X, then the following hold:

36 [Gut2003]37 [Gut2003]

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40 3 Elementary Observations

a) R has compact subspaces that fail to be Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact,e.g., the closed unit interval [0, 1].

b) R has subspaces that are Weierstrass–compact and complete, but failto be Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact or compact, e.g., X itself.

Proof. (1) Immediate.(2) Since N is discrete every subset of N is a zeroset. Thus in N every

zero–ultrafilter is fixed and thus converges. By Exercise E 4 this implies thatN is Tychonoff–compact.

(3) Let R have an infinite, D–finite subset X. Then every proper subsetof X has a smaller cardinality than X. Consequently X has no completeaccumulation point in R. Hence neither X nor any subspace Y of R withX ⊆ Y can be Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact. Let f : R → (0, 1) be somehomeomorphism. Then f [X] is an infinite, D–finite subset of [0, 1]. Thus [0, 1]is not Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.

Being D–finite, X contains no injective sequence. Thus X is complete.X is not closed, since otherwise one could construct an injective sequencein X. Thus X is not compact. However, X is Weierstrass–compact, for theassumption that there exists an infinite subset Y of X without accumulationpoint in X, leads to a contradiction as follows: for each x ∈ X (except for thelargest element of X, if X has one) there exists a largest half–open intervalI(x) = [x, rx) in R with [x, rx)∩Y = ∅. Since these intervals I(x) are pairwisedisjoint and Q is dense in R and countable, it follows that the set of theseintervals and thus X itself must be countable; a contradiction.

Exercises to Section 3.3:

E 1. 38 For topological spaces X, show the equivalence of the following con-ditions:

(1) X is compact.(2) For each topological space Y the projection πY : X × Y −→ Y is a

closed map.

E 2. 39 Show the equivalence of:(1) X is a compact Hausdorff space.(2) X is an H–closed regular space.

E 3. 40 For completely regular spaces X, show the equivalence of the followingconditions:

(1) X is compact.(2) In X, every zero–filter is fixed.

38 [Her96]39 [Her96]40 [Her96]

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3.3 Concepts Split Up: Compactness 41

(3) In the ring C∗(X), every ideal is fixed.(4) In the ring C(X), every ideal is fixed.

E 4. 41 For completely regular spaces X, show the equivalence of the followingconditions:

(1) X is Tychonoff–compact.(2) The canonical map X → [0, 1]C(X,[0,1]) is closed.(3) In X, every zero–ultrafilter converges.(4) In the ring C∗(X), every maximal ideal is fixed.(5) In the ring C(X), every maximal ideal is fixed.

E 5. 42 Show that every Tychonoff–compact space is ultrafilter–compact.

E 6. 43 Show that, in case no free ultrafilters exist:(1) Every space is ultrafilter–compact.(2) Not every completely regular space is Tychonoff–compact.

E 7. 44 Show that in the realm of pseudometric spaces as well as in the realmof Hausdorff spaces the following conditions are equivalent:

(1) Compact = Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.(2) Ultrafilter–compact = Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.(3) AC.

E 8. Show the equivalence of:(1) Every space with a finite topology is Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.(2) AC.

E 9. 45 Call a topological space X• Lindelof, if every open cover of X contains an at most countable sub-

cover of X.• w–Lindelof (= weakly Lindelof), if every open cover of X has an at

most countable open refinement.• vw–Lindelof (= very weakly Lindelof), if every open cover of X has

an at most countable refinement.• s–Lindelof (= strongly Lindelof), if for every extension Y of X, each

open cover of X in Y contains an at most countable subcover of X.Prove that:

(1) s–Lindelof ⇒ Lindelof ⇒ w–Lindelof ⇒ vw–Lindelof.(2) None of the above implications is an equivalence.(3) In ZFC each of the above implications is an equivalence.(4) Lindelof = w–Lindelof ⇔ CC.(5) Lindelof = vw–Lindelof ⇔ CC.

41 [Com68], [Sal74], [BeHe98].42 [Sal74]43 [Her96a]44 [How90]45 [Her2002]

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42 3 Elementary Observations

(6) w–Lindelof = vw–Lindelof ⇔ CMC.(7) Equivalent are:

(a) Lindelof = s–Lindelof for T1–spaces.(b) CC(R) implies CC.

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Disasters without Choice

Absence of choice— in mathematics as in life —may affect outcome.

S. Shelah and A. Soifer1

4.1 Finiteness

Without AC, however, things be-come “sticky”.

J.L. Hickman2

Elementare Begriffe, wie Endlichkeit und Wohlord-nung hangen jeweils vom gewahlten System (Σ1 oderΣ2) ab; und es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, daß diesesAbhangen von wesentlichem Charakter ist: daß eineMenge a im System Σ1 wohlgeordnet (bzw. endlich)zu sein scheint und sich im “feineren” System Σ2 alsnicht wohlgeordnet (bzw. unendlich) herausstellt.3

J. von Neumann

The concept of finiteness, defined as commonly done via natural numbers,is categorical, thus not problematic. If, however, the concept of being finite1 [ShSo2003]2 [Hic76]3 “Elementary concepts such as finiteness and well–order depend on the chosen

system (Σ1 or Σ2) and it is conceivable that this dependence is essential: a setA may appear to be well–ordered (resp. finite) in system Σ1, but turn out not tobe well–ordered (resp. infinite) in the “finer” system Σ2.” [vNeu25]. Note thatvon Neumann’s skepticism, expressed above, uses — independently of Tarski —the finiteness–definition that we present in 4.3.

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44 4 Disasters without Choice

is considered to be more fundamental than that of number, as strongly advo-cated, e.g., by Frege and Dedekind (and natural numbers are defined as thecardinals of finite sets), problems arise. First of all the concept of being finiteloses its absoluteness. Secondly, how should finiteness be defined? There areseveral different descriptions, all equivalent to each other in ZFC, but not soin ZF. Historically the oldest definition is due to Dedekind (1888)4.

It leads to disaster!

Definition 4.1. 5 A set X is called Dedekind–infinite or just D–infinite pro-vided that there exists a proper subset Y of X with |X| = |Y |; otherwise X iscalled Dedekind–finite or just D–finite.

Proposition 4.2. Equivalent are:

1. X is D–infinite.2. |X| = |X| + 1.3. 6 ℵ0 ≤ |X|.

Proof. (3) ⇒ (2) Let f : N → X be an injection, and let ∞ be an element,not contained in X. Then the map g : X → X ∪ {∞}, defined by

g(x) =

∞, if x = f(0)f(n), if x = f(n + 1)x, otherwise


is a bijection.(2) ⇒ (1) Let ∞ be an element, not contained in X, and let

f : X → X ∪ {∞} be a bijection. Then f−1, restricted to X, is an injectionfrom X onto the proper subset X\{f−1(∞)} of X.

(1) ⇒ (3) Let f : X → X be an injection onto a proper subset of X.Choose an element y in X\f [X] and define recursively a map g : N → X byg(0) = y and g(n + 1) = f(g(n)). Then g is an injection.

Disaster 4.3. The following can happen:

1. 7 D–finite unions of D–finite sets may be D–infinite.2. The power set of a D–finite set may be D–infinite.3. A D–infinite set may be the image of a D–finite set.8

4 [Ded1888]5 Cf. Definition 2.13.6 I.e., there exists an injection N → X. Here the natural numbers are supposed

to have their familiar properties, being either defined axiomatically or as thecardinal numbers of finite sets (as defined in 4.4). The cardinal numbers of D–finite sets may contain “infinitely large” members and fail badly to satisfy theprinciple of induction, a real disaster!

7 Contrast this with Exercise E 14a.8 Even worse: any ℵα (no matter how large) maybe the image of some D–finite

set. See [Mon75].

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4.1 Finiteness 45

Proof. Consider a model of ZF with the following property:(F) There exists a sequence (Xn) of pairwise disjoint 2–element sets

Xn = {xn, yn} such that X =⋃

Xn is D–finite(Such models exist9— another disaster). Then(1) For each x ∈ X consider the set Yx = {x, n}, where n is the unique

natural number with x ∈ Xn. Then Y =⋃


Yx is a D–finite union of D–finite

sets, but Y = N ∪⋃

n Xn is D–infinite, since the map f : N → Y , defined byf(n) = n is obviously injective.

(2) Though X is D–finite, the power set PX is D–infinite, since the mapf : N → PX, defined by f(n) =


Xm is injective.

(3) Though X is D–finite, the map f : X → N, defined by

f(x) is the unique n ∈ N with x ∈ Xn

is surjective.

The foregoing disasters show that — in the absence of AC — the abovedefinition of D–finiteness is badly flawed. As satisfactory concept can howeverbe obtained — as shown by Tarski (1924) — in the following way:

Definition 4.4. 10 A set X is called finite, provided that each non–emptysubset of PX contains a minimal element with respect to the inclusion order.Sets that are not finite are called infinite.

Here follow some sample results:

Proposition 4.5. 11 Equivalent are:

1. X is finite.2. If A ⊆ PX satisfies

a) ∅ ∈ A, andb) A ∈ A and x ∈ X imply (A ∪ {x}) ∈ A,

then X ∈ A.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) The collection B = {X\A | A ∈ A} has a minimal elementB. Consequently A has a maximal element A = X\B. Thus (b) implies thatA = X.

(2) ⇒ (1) Let A be the set of all finite subsets of X. Since A satisfies (a)and (b), (2) implies that X ∈ A. Thus X is finite.

9 See, e.g., Model A5 (N2(2) in [HoRu98]).10 [Tar24a]. Cf. also [vNeu25].11 [Tar24a]. Observe that by Proposition 4.5, the definition of finiteness as given

in 4.4 is equivalent to the traditional definition that X is finite iff |X| = n forsome n ∈ N.

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46 4 Disasters without Choice

Proposition 4.6. 12 If X and Y are finite, so is X ∪ Y .

Proof. Let A be a non–empty subset of P(X∪Y ). Then B = {A∩X | A ∈ A}contains a minimal element B, since X is finite; and C = {A∩ Y | A ∈ A andA∩X = B} contains a minimal element C, since Y is finite. Thus B ∪C is aminimal element of A.

Proposition 4.7. 13 Finite unions of finite sets are finite.

Proof. Let M be a finite set of finite sets. Consider

A = {B ⊆ M |⋃

B is finite}.

Then, in view of 4.6, A satisfies the conditions (a) and (b) of 4.5(2). ThusM ∈ A, i.e.,

⋃M is finite.

Proposition 4.8. 14 If X is finite, then so is PX.

Proof. Consider A = {A ⊆ X | PA is finite }. Then, in view of 4.6, A satisfiesthe conditions (a) and (b) of 4.5(2). Thus X ∈ A, i.e., PX is finite.

Proposition 4.9. 15 Images of finite sets are finite.

Proof. Let X be finite, and let f : X → Y be a surjection. If A is a non–emptysubset of PY , then B = {f−1[A] | A ∈ A} is a non–empty subset of PX, andthus contains a minimal element B. Then f [B] is a minimal element of A.

Let us return to Dedekind’s definition of D–finiteness. How are the con-cepts of finiteness and D–finiteness related to each other?

Proposition 4.10. Every finite set is D–finite.

Proof. Assume that X is D–infinite. Then there exists an injection f : N → X.Consequently the collection A = {{f(m) | m ≥ n} | n ∈ N} of subsets of X isnon–empty, but contains no minimal element. Thus X is infinite.

The converse, however, is not true. I.e., there exist models of ZF in whichthere exist infinite, D–finite sets16

When do the two finiteness–concepts coincide? Precisely, if the disastersof 4.3 do not occur. The following Lemma will prepare the ground for thecorresponding Theorem:

12 [Tar24a]13 [Tar24a]14 [Tar24a]15 [Tar24a]16 E.g., in Cohen’s First Model A4 (M1 in [HoRu98]).

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4.1 Finiteness 47

Lemma 4.11. Equivalent are:

1. ℵ0 ≤∗ |X|, i.e., there exists a surjection X → N.2. PX is D–infinite, i.e., there exists an injection N → PX.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let f : X → N be a surjection. Then the map g : N → PX,defined by g(n) = f−1(n), is an injection.

(2) ⇒ (1) Let f : N → PX be an injection. Define recursively a mapg : N → PX such that the g(n)’s are non–void and pairwise disjoint: Forn ∈ N, assume that the g(m)’s are defined for all m < n such that the set{f(k) \

m<ng(m) | k ≥ n} is infinite. Define

n∗ = min{k | k ≥ n and f(k) \⋃


g(m) �= ∅ �= (X \ f(k)) \⋃



In case {f(k) \ (f(n∗) ∪⋃

m<ng(m)) | k > n∗} is infinite, define

g(n) = f(n∗) \⋃

m<ng(m); otherwise define g(n) = X \ (f(n∗) \


The so defined g : N → PX has the required properties. Thus the map h : X →

N, defined by h(x) =

{n, if x ∈ g(n)0, if x �∈


g(n) , is a surjection.

Theorem 4.12. Equivalent are:

1. Finite = D–finite.2. D–finite unions of D–finite sets are D–finite.3. Images of D–finite sets are D–finite.4. The power set of each D–finite set is D–finite.5. For each set X we have ℵ0 ≤ |X| or |X| ≤ ℵ0.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Proposition 4.7.(2) ⇒ (3) Let f : X → Y be a surjection with D–finite domain X. Then

Y =⋃


{f(x)} is a D–finite union of D–finite sets, thus D–finite.

(3) ⇒ (4) Assume that PX is D–infinite. Then, by Lemma 4.11, thereexists a surjection f : X → N. Since N is D–infinite, (3) implies that X isD–infinite.

(4) ⇒ (1) It suffices to show that each infinite set X is D–infinite. Themap f : N → PPX, defined by f(n) = {A ⊆ X | |A| = n} is injective. ThusPPX is D–infinite. Hence (4) implies that PX is D–infinite. Hence, by (4)again, X is D–infinite.

(1) ⇔ (5) Straightforward.

Observe that D–finite sets can possibly be quite “large”. If X is D–finiteand PX is D–infinite, then ℵ0 ≤∗ |X| by 4.11. Moreover, Monro17 has shown

17 [Mon75]

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48 4 Disasters without Choice

that it is consistent to assume that for any ℵα (no matter how large) thereexist D–finite sets X with ℵα ≤∗ |X|.

AC implies that finite = D–finite. CC suffices:

Proposition 4.13. Under CC, finite = D–finite.

Proof. It suffices to show that each infinite set X is D–infinite. If X is infinitethen, for each n ∈ N, the set Xn of all injective n–tuples (x1, . . . , xn) in X isnon–empty. Thus, by CC, there exists an element (yn) ∈

nXn. Concatenation

of the yn’s yields a sequence (xn) in X with infinite range (precisely: if yn =(x1

n, . . . , xnn), then x


2 +k= xk

n+1 for n ∈ N and k ∈ {1, . . . , n + 1}).Cancellation of repeatedly occurring terms yields an injection f : N → X

(precisely: f(n) = xmin{k|xk �∈{f(m)|m<n}}). Thus X is D–infinite.

However, there are models18 of ZF that satisfy the equation finite = D–finite,but fail to satisfy CC. For other models19 the equation finite = D–finite evenfails for subsets of R.

Though in general the classes of all finite sets and of all D–finite sets aredifferent, the first of these classes is completely determined by the latter.

Proposition 4.14. 20 Equivalent are:

1. X is finite,2. PPX is D–finite.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Immediate from Propositions 4.10 and 4.8.(2) ⇒ (1) Assume X to be infinite. Then the map f : N → PPX, defined

byf(n) = {A ⊆ X | |A| = n}

is injective. Thus PPX is D–infinite.

Definition 4.15. Cardinal numbers of infinite, D–finite sets are called Dedek-ind cardinals.

By Proposition 4.13, CC implies that there are no Dedekind cardinals.However, the next result, which we present without proof, shows that if thereis at least one Dedekind cardinal, then there is a multitude of them withrather bizarre properties:

18 E.g., Sageev’s model (M6 in [HoRu98]).19 E.g., in Cohen’s First Model A4 (M1 in [HoRu98]).20 [Tar24a]

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4.1 Finiteness 49

Disaster 4.16. 21

1. If there exists a Dedekind cardinal, then there is a set A of Dedekindcardinals which, supplied with its natural order, is order–isomorphic toR. However, with respect to the order relation ≤∗ any two elements of Aare comparable.

2. If there exist two non–comparable Dedekind cardinals, then there exists acountable set B of Dedekind cardinals that in its natural order forms anantichain.

3. In some models of ZF there are 2ℵ0 non–comparable Dedekind cardinals.

Exercises to Section 4.1:

E 1. Show that a set X is D–infinite iff ℵ0 + |X| = |X|.

E 2. Show that the following conditions are equivalent:a) X is finite.b) There exists an order relation ≤ on X such that (X,≤) and (X,≥)

are well–ordered.c) There exists an order relation on X and each order–relation on X is

a well–ordering.d) There exists an order relation on X and any two order relations on X

are similar to each other (= order–isomorphic).e) In the lattice PX each ideal is principal.

E 3. 22 Investigate the relations between the following statements:a) X is finite.b) PX is D–finite.c) (Y ⊆ X and |X| ≤∗ |Y |) ⇒ Y = X.d) X is D–finite.e) X = ∅ or |X| < 2 · |X|.f) |X| ≤ 1 or |X| < |X|2.g) |X| ≤ 1 or there exists a subset Y of X with |Y | < |X| and

|X\Y | < |X|.h) There exists a map f : X → X such that ∅ and X are the only subsets

S of X with f [S] ⊆ S.

E 4. Show that finite products of finite sets are finite.

E 5. Show that the following conditions are equivalent.a) Finite = D–finite.b) If ℵ0 ≤∗ |X|, then ℵ0 ≤ |X|, (i.e., if there exists a surjection

f : X → N, then there exists an injection g : N → X).c) If X and Y are disjoint infinite sets, then X ∪ Y is D–infinite.

21 [Tar65], [Tru74].22 [Tar38], [Lev58], [HoYo89], [DCr2002].

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50 4 Disasters without Choice

E 6. 23 Show the equivalence of:a) Finite = D–finite for subsets of R.b) R has no dense, D–finite subset.

[Cf. Exercises to Section 4.6, E 5.]

E 7. (a) Show that every non–empty set X with 2 · |X| = |X| is D–infinite.

(b) Show that, if a = 2 ·a for all infinite cardinals, then finite = D–finite.E 8. Show the equivalence of:

a) AC.b) X is finite iff for any well–ordering ≤ of X, the inverse order ≥ well–

orders X, too.E 9. Let PfinX be the set of all finite subsets of X. Show the equivalence of:

a) |X| = |PfinX| for each infinite set X.b) AC.

E 10. 24 Show for infinite cardinals a:a) If a ≤ b and b is a Dedekind cardinal, then so is a.b) If a and b are Dedekind cardinals, then so are a + b and a · b.c) a is a Dedekind cardinal iff a and ℵ0 are incomparable.d) a is a Dedekind cardinal iff a + b = a + c implies b = c.

E 11. An amorphous set is an infinite set which has no infinite subset with aninfinite complement.25 Show that:

a) Each amorphous set is D–finite.b) Under OP there are no amorphous sets.c) If X is amorphous, then X � X is a non–amorphous D–finite set.

E 12. Show the equivalence of:a) AC.b) If |A| < |A ∪ B| and |B| < |A ∪ B|, then A ∪ B is finite.

E 13. 26 Show the equivalence of:a) Finite = D–finite.b)


Xi �= ∅ for each family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty sets, indexed by a

D–finite set I.c)


Xn �= ∅ for each sequence (Xn) of non–empty, D–finite sets.

E 14. Show thata) D–finite unions of pairwise disjoint D–finite sets are D–finite.b) Finite unions of D–finite sets are D–finite.

23 [Bru82a]24 [Tar65]25 Amorphous sets exist in some ZF–models, e.g., in the basic Fraenkel’s First

Model A7 (N1 in [HoRu98]). Cf. also [Hic76].26 [DCr2002]

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4.2 Disasters in Cardinal Arithmetic 51

c) D–finite unions of finite sets may be D–infinite.

E 15. Show the equivalence of:a) Finite = D–finite.b) For each family (Xi)i∈I , indexed by a D–finite set I, there exists a

family (Yi)i∈I of pairwise disjoint subsets Yi of Xi with⋃


Yi =⋃



[Hint: Use Exercise E 14. above and Theorem 4.12.]

4.2 Disasters in Cardinal Arithmetic

What remains is to show that given two sets A and B, one isless than or equal to the other. If one thinks of this problem fortwo “arbitrary” sets, one sees the hopelessness of trying to actuallydefine a map from one into the other. I believe that almost anyonewould have a feeling of unease about this problem; namely that,since nothing is given about the sets, it is impossible to begin todefine a specific mapping. This intuition is, of course, what liesbehind the fact that it is unprovable in the usual Zermelo–Fraenkelset theory.

P. Cohen27

Many interesting and deep investigations on cardi-nal numbers become trivial if the axiom of choice isaccepted.

J. Mycielski28

For cardinals a and b, the order relation a ≤ b, their sum a + b, product

a · b, and power ba are defined in ZF as in ZFC; so are finite sumsn∑


and finite productsn∏

ν=0aν . But neither countable sums


an nor countable



an can be defined as usual, since the following disaster can occur:

Disaster 4.17. 29 In some models of ZF there exist sequences (An)n∈N and(Bn)n∈N of sets such that |An| = |Bn| for each n ∈ N, but |


An| �= |⊎



and |∏


An| �= |∏



Proof. If CC(2) fails there exists a sequence (An)n∈N of 2–element sets An



An = ∅. Let Bn = {0, 1} for each n ∈ N. Then:

1. |An| = 2 = |Bn| for each n ∈ N.27 [Coh2002]28 [Myc64]29 |A| denotes the cardinal number of the set A.

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52 4 Disasters without Choice

2. |∏


An| = 0 �= 2ℵ0 = |∏



3. |⊎


An| �= ℵ0 = |⊎



The unwelcome phenomenon, described above, has been illustrated by Rus-sell by means of a sequence of pairs of boots, where the right and left bootsof each pair are distinguishable, and a sequence of pairs of socks, where theright and left socks of each pair are indistinguishable; and thus in the lattercase “we cannot choose one out of each of an infinite number of pairs unlesswe have a rule of choice, and in the present case no rule can be found.”30

Even more dramatic is the fact that already in the finite case undesiredphenomena may occur. E.g., cardinals may no longer be comparable.

Definition 4.18. 31 Cardinals a and b are called comparable w.r.t. ≤ (resp.w.r.t. ≤∗) iff a ≤ b or b ≤ a (resp. a ≤∗ b or b ≤∗ a).

Disaster 4.19. It can happen that:

1. There are cardinals a and b with a ≤∗ b and a � b.2. There exist cardinals a and b that are incomparable w.r.t. ≤.3. There exist cardinals a and b that are incomparable w.r.t. ≤∗.4. There exist cardinals a and b with a ≤∗ b, b ≤∗ a, and a �= b.

Proof. (1) If in a model of ZF there exists an infinite, D–finite set X (seeSection 4.1), then there exists (see Exercises to Section 4.1, E 5) a cardinala with ℵ0 ≤∗ a and ℵ0 � a. [Hint: If PX is D–infinite, choose a = |X|,otherwise choose a = |PX|.]

(2) Let X be a set that cannot be well–ordered and let ℵ be the Hartogs–number of X. Then ℵ � |X|, by definition; and |X| � ℵ, since otherwise Xwould be well–orderable.

(3) See the following theorem.(4) See Theorem 7.21(3).

Theorem 4.20. 32 Equivalent are:

1. Any two cardinals are comparable w.r.t. ≤.2. Any two cardinals are comparable w.r.t. ≤∗.3. AC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) follows from the trivial fact that a ≤ b implies a ≤∗ b.(2) ⇒ (3) Let X be an arbitrary set. Then |Y | ≤∗ |X| for some set Y

implies |Y | ≤ |PX|. Thus the Hartogs–number ℵ of PX satisfies ℵ �∗ |X|. By

30 [Rus07] Actually, Russell writes of indistinguishable boots, not socks.31 By definition,

• |A| ≤ |B| iff there exists an injection f : A → B,• |A| ≤∗ |B| iff A = ∅ or there exists a surjection g : B → A.

32 [Har15] and [Sie58].

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4.2 Disasters in Cardinal Arithmetic 53

(2), this implies |X| ≤∗ ℵ, i.e., (for X �= ∅) there exists a surjection f : ℵ → X.Define a map g : X → ℵ by g(x) = min f−1(x). Then g is injective. Thus Xis well–orderable. Thus (3) holds.

(3) ⇒ (1) Let X and Y be arbitrary sets. By (3), X and Y can be well–ordered. As well–ordered sets they are either order–isomorphic or one of themis order–isomorphic to an initial segment of the other. Thus |X| = |Y | or|X| ≤ |Y | or |Y | ≤ |X|.

In view of the above theorem, sets of cardinals may fail to be linearlyordered, and thus fail to be well–ordered with respect to either the orderrelations ≤ or ≤∗. Does at least every cardinal have a direct successor?

W.r.t. ≤ the following two theorems, that we include without proof,present two sharply contrasting answers:

Theorem 4.21. 33 Every cardinal a has a minimal successor w.r.t. ≤, namely

• a + 1, if a is finite,• a + ℵ, if a is infinite and ℵ is the Hartogs–number of a.

As we will see in Theorem 7.22, a cardinal may have several minimalsuccessors.

Theorem 4.22. 34 Equivalent are:

1. Every cardinal has a smallest successor w.r.t. ≤.2. AC.

Moreover, in ZF cardinal arithmetic tumbles. Whereas in ZFC, additionand multiplication, restricted to infinite cardinals a and b, are trivial opera-tions satisfying

a · b = a + b = max{a, b}hence in particular

a2 = 2 · a = a,

in ZF addition and multiplication are as simple as above just for Alephs, butno longer so for arbitrary infinite cardinals.

Lemma 4.23. 35 If a · ℵ = a+ℵ for some cardinal a and some Aleph ℵ, thena and ℵ are comparable, w.r.t. ≤.

Proof. Let A be a set with |A| = a, let W be a well–ordered set, disjointfrom A, with |W | = ℵ, and let f : A × W → A ∪ W be a bijection. ConsiderA = f−1[A] and W = f−1[W ]. Then |A| = a and |W | = ℵ.

33 [Tar54]34 [Tar54]35 [Tar24]

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54 4 Disasters without Choice

Case 1: There exists a ∈ A with ({a} × W ) ⊆ A.Then ℵ = |W | = |{a} × W | ≤ |A| = a, thus ℵ ≤ a.

Case 2: For each a ∈ A, Wa = {w ∈ W | (a,w) ∈ W} �= ∅.Then each set Wa has a smallest element wa. Hence:

a = |A| = |{(a,wa) | a ∈ A}| ≤ |W | = ℵ,

thus a ≤ ℵ.

Theorem 4.24. 36 Equivalent are:

1. a2 = a for all infinite cardinals a.2. a · b = a + b for all infinite cardinals a and b.3. AC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) a + b ≤ a · b ≤ a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2 = a + b. Thusa + b = a · b.

(2) ⇒ (3) Let A be an infinite set with |A| = a, and let ℵ be the Hartogs–number of A. By (2), a · ℵ = a + ℵ. Thus by Lemma 4.23, a and ℵ arecomparable w.r.t. ≤. Since ℵ � a, by definition, we conclude that a < ℵ.Thus A is well–orderable. This implies (3).

(3) ⇒ (1) Let A be an infinite set with |A| = a. By (3), A has a countableinfinite subset N . Obviously, there exists a bijection f : N → N2. Consider theset M of all pairs (M, g), where N ⊆ M ⊆ A and g : M → M2 is a bijection.Order M by

(M, g) ≤ (K,h) ⇔ (M ⊆ K and g is a restriction of h).

Then, in the ordered set (M,≤), each chain has an upper bound. Thus (3), viaZorn’s Lemma, implies that (M,≤) has a maximal element (B, g). Consider,C = A \ B, |B| = b, and |C| = c.

Case 1: c ≤ b.Then a ≤ a2 = (b2 + b · c + c · b + c2) ≤ 4b2 = 4b ≤ b2 = b ≤ a.Thus a = a2.

Case 2: b ≤ c.Then there exists a subset D of C with |D| = b. Consider E =(B ∪ D)2 \ B2 and e = |E|. Then b = |D| ≤ |D2| ≤ e = 3b2 =3b ≤ b2 = b.

Thus e = b. Consequently there exists a bijection h = D → E. Thus

the map k : (B ∪ D) → (B ∪ D)2, defined by k(x) ={

g(x), if x ∈ Bh(x), if x ∈ D

, is a

bijection that extends g : B → B2. This contradicts the maximality of (B, g).Thus Case 2 cannot occur.36 [Tar24]. For a historical discussion of this result see [Dei2005].

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4.2 Disasters in Cardinal Arithmetic 55

The above theorem, due to Tarski, has a remarkable history concerningits publication. Moore37 relates in his book, p. 215, the following story com-municated to him by Tarski himself:

“Before these results appeared in Fundamenta Mathematica in 1924,Tarski sent Lebesgue a note showing that (4.3.2) [i.e., condition (1)of the above theorem] is equivalent to the Axiom, and asked him tosubmit it to the Comptes Rendus of the Paris Academy of Sciences.Lebesgue returned the note on the grounds that he opposed the Axiom,but suggested sending it to Hadamard. When Tarski did as Lebesgueadvised, Hadamard also returned the note — saying that, since theAxiom was true, what was the point of proving it from (4.3.2)?”

Exercises to Section 4.2:

E 1. Show that, for cardinals a, b and Alephs ℵ, the following hold:a) a ≤ b ⇒ a ≤∗ b.b) a ≤ ℵ ⇔ a ≤∗ ℵ.c) a ≤∗ b ⇒ a ≤ 2b.d) ℵ0 ≤∗ a ⇔ ℵ0 ≤ 2a [cf. Lemma 4.11].e) a ≤∗ b ⇒ 2a ≤ 2b.

E 2. Show that, for cardinals a, b, the inequalities a ≤ b ≤ a imply a = b.[Hint: Use the proof of Theorem 5.24.]

E 3. 38 Let a be the cardinal number of the set of all well–order relations onN. Show thata) a ≤ 2ℵ0 .b) 2ℵ0 ≤ a.c) a = 2ℵ0 .[Hint: (b) Consider all well–order relations on N for which the subset ofeven numbers and the subset of odd numbers occur each in their naturalorder.(c) Use E 2. above.]

E 4. 39 Show that ℵ1 ≤∗ 2ℵ0 .[Hint: Use E 3. above.]

E 5. Show that |NN| = |RN| = |Rn| = |R| = |PN| = |PQ| = 2ℵ0 for eachn ∈ N


37 [Moo82]38 [Chu27]39 [Chu27]

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56 4 Disasters without Choice

E 6. 40 Show that for cardinals a, the following conditions are equivalent:a) a = 2 · a.b) a = ℵ0 · a.

E 7. 41 Show that the following conditions are equivalent:a) a = 2 · a for infinite cardinals.b) a+b is the least upper bound, w.r.t. ≤ of a and b for infinite cardinals

a and b.

4.3 Disasters in Order Theory

Linearly ordered sets may have unfamiliar properties (cf. Exercise E 1).

Disaster 4.25. The following can happen in a linearly ordered set, even in asubset X of R:

1. X contains no decreasing sequence, but fails to be well–ordered.2. X is infinite but contains neither a decreasing42 nor an increasing42 se-

quence.3. X is non–empty and without a largest element, but contains no increasing


Proof. Let X be an infinite, D–finite subset of R, supplied with its naturalorder43. Then X contains neither an increasing nor a decreasing sequence. Xis not well–ordered, since otherwise we could define an increasing sequence(xn) via recursion by

xn is the smallest element of X \ {xm | m < n}.

In case X has a largest element, there exists a finite set F such thatY = X\F is an infinite, D–finite set without a largest element, since otherwisewe could define a decreasing sequence (xn) in X via recursion by:

xn is the largest element of X \ {xm | m < n}.

Disaster 4.26. A partially ordered set may have neither a maximal chain nora maximal antichain.

40 [HaHo70]41 [Haeu83]42 A sequence (xn) in an ordered set is called decreasing (resp. increasing) provided

that xn+1 < xn (resp. xn < xn+1) for each n ∈ N.43 Such sets exist in certain models of ZF, e.g. in Cohen’s First Model A4 (M1 in


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4.3 Disasters in Order Theory 57

Proof. Immediate from Theorems 2.2 and 2.4.

Next, let us turn our attention to the question whether lattices have maxi-mal filters. For convenience we adopt the following slightly restricted definitionof lattices44.

Definition 4.27. A lattice is a partially ordered set L in which each finitesubset F has an infimum, inf F , and a supremum, supF , (in particular L hasa smallest element, 0 = sup ∅, and a largest element, 1 = inf ∅) and such that0 �= 1.

Definition 4.28. A lattice L is called

1. distributive, provided it satisfies the equation x∧ (y∨z) = (x∧y)∨ (x∧z)for all x, y, and z (and thus also the equation x∨(y∧z) = (x∨y)∧(x∨z)).

2. complete, provided that each of its subsets has a supremum (and thus alsoan infimum).

3. a powerset–lattice, provided L is isomorphic to the lattice of all subsets ofsome non–empty set,

4. an open lattice, provided that L is isomorphic to the lattice τ(X) of allopen sets of some non–empty topological space,

5. a closed lattice, provided that L is isomorphic to the lattice γ(X) of allclosed sets of some non–empty topological space X.

Definition 4.29. 1. A subset F of a lattice L is called a filter in L iff thefollowing two conditions are satisfied:(a) 1 ∈ F and 0 �∈ F .(b) (x ∧ y) ∈ F iff (x ∈ F and y ∈ F ).

2. A filter F in L is called maximal iff L has no properly larger filter thanF .

3. A filter F in L is called prime iff it satisfies the condition(c) (x ∨ y) ∈ F ⇔ (x ∈ F or y ∈ F ).

4. A filter (resp. maximal filter) in the powerset–lattice of a set X is alsocalled a filter (resp. ultrafilter) on X.

Dual concepts: ideal, maximal ideal, prime ideal.

Observe that for distributive lattices every maximal filter is prime. How-

ever, the lattice

◦�� ��

◦ �� ◦ ◦��

has precisely 4 filters, 3 of which are maximal, butnone is prime.

In the lattice τ(R) of open sets in R, for each x ∈ R the filterF (x) = {A ∈ τ(R) | x ∈ A} is prime but not maximal. For Boolean algebras,in particular for powerset–lattices, a filter is prime iff it is maximal.

44 By standard terminology our lattices would have to be called non–trivialbounded lattices.

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58 4 Disasters without Choice

Do lattices have maximal filters? In the case of powerset–lattices of theform P(X) the obvious answer is “yes”, since for each x ∈ X the set

•x =

{F ⊆ X | x ∈ F} is an ultrafilter on X. Ultrafilters F of this simple type arecalled fixed (since

⋂F �= ∅), all others are called free (since their intersection

is empty). Are there any free ultrafilters on X? For finite X, obviously not.However, for infinite X there are 22|X|

free ultrafilters on X — provided thatwe work in ZFC. However, in ZF the situation is very different:

Disaster 4.30. The following might happen:

1. There are no free ultrafilters.2. There are free ultrafilters on some sets, but there is none on N.3. There are free ultrafilters on every infinite set, but not every filter F on

a set X can be enlarged to an ultrafilter on X.4. There are sets with precisely one free ultrafilter.

Proof. (1), (2) see [Bla77] or Pincus–Solovay’s Model A6 (M27 in [HoRu98]).(3) is true in Fraenkel’s First Model A7 (N1 in [HoRu98]).(4) See Exercise E 4.

What about the existence of maximal filters in one of the wider classesof lattices defined above? In the case of all lattices, the following propositionprovides an answer.

Proposition 4.31. 45 Equivalent are:

1. Every lattice has a maximal filter.2. AC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. Consider theset of all pairs (J, x) with J ⊆ I and x ∈


Xj , ordered by

(J, x) ≤ (K, y) iff (J ⊆ K and x is the restriction of y to J).

By adding a largest element 1, a lattice L results. By (1), the dual latticehas a maximal filter, thus L itself has a maximal ideal M . For (J, x) and(K, y) in M , the inequality (J, x) ∨ (K, y) �= 1 implies that xi = yi for eachi ∈ (J ∩K). Thus the union of all the first components of members of M is asubset K of I, and the union of all the second components of members of Mis an element x of


Xk. Maximality of M implies K = I. Thus x ∈∏



(2) ⇒ (1) Immediate via Zorn’s Lemma.

There is a deeper result: In condition (1) of the above proof the collectionof all lattices can be reduced considerably.45 [Sco54]

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4.3 Disasters in Order Theory 59

Theorem 4.32. 46 Equivalent are:

1. Every lattice has a maximal filter.2. Every complete lattice has a maximal filter.3. Every distributive lattice has a maximal filter.4. Every closed lattice has a maximal filter.5. AC.

Proof. In view of Proposition 4.31 and the fact that every closed lattice iscomplete and distributive it suffices to show that (4) implies (5):

(4) ⇒ (5) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. For each i ∈ I, adda new element ∞ to Xi, and consider Yi = Xi ∪ {∞} as a topological spacewhose collection of closed sets is

γ(Xi) = {Yi} ∪ {A ⊆ Xi | A finite}.

Then the product space Y =∏


Yi is non–empty, hence its lattice γ(Y ) of

closed sets contains a maximal filter F . For each i ∈ I denote the i–th pro-jection by πi : Y → Yi, and define Fi = {A ∈ γ(Xi) | π−1

i [A] ∈ F}. Then eachFi is a prime filter in γ(Xi). Define J = {i ∈ I | Fi = {Yi}} and K = I \ J .For each k ∈ K there exists a unique element xk ∈ Xk with {xk} ∈ Fk. Thus(xk)k∈K ∈


Xk. It remains to be shown that K = I, i.e., J = ∅. Define

y = (yi)i∈I ∈ Y by

yi ={

xi, if i ∈ K∞, if i ∈ J


Consider i ∈ I and a neighborhood U of yi in Yi. Then π−1i [U ] meets every

member of F . (This is obvious for i ∈ K. It holds for i ∈ J , since otherwisethere would exist some finite subset A of Xi in Fi, contradicting the definitionof J .) Since F is prime, this implies that every neighborhood of y meets everymember of F . Since F consists of closed sets only, this implies that y ∈


and hence cl{y} ⊆⋂F is the product of the closures of its components47, i.e.,

cl{y} =∏


cli{yi} =∏


Zi, with

Zi ={{xi}, if i ∈ KYi, if i ∈ J


In view of the maximality of F this implies J = ∅, since otherwise for a fixedj ∈ J and a fixed x ∈ Xj the filter in γ(Y ), generated by the set π−1

j (x),would be properly larger than F . Thus y ∈



46 [Kli58], [Ban61], [KeTa99], [Her2003].47 where cl{y} is the closure of {y} in Y

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60 4 Disasters without Choice

Corollary 4.33. Equivalent are:

1. In every lattice each filter can be enlarged to a maximal one.2. In every closed lattice every filter can be enlarged to a maximal one.

Observe that the space Y , constructed in the proof of Theorem 4.32 is aT0–space, but fails to be a T1–space. In fact, for non–empty T1–spaces X thecorresponding closed lattices γ(X) always have maximal closed filters, namely•x = {A ∈ γ(X) | x ∈ A}, for each x ∈ X.

The open lattices τ(X) are just the duals of the corresponding closedlattices γ(X). So one might expect similar results. Surprisingly, however, thestatement that each open lattice contains a maximal filter is weaker than AC.

Definition 4.34. Let X be a topological space and A ∈ τ(X). Then

A∗ = int(X \ A),

the interior of the complement of A, is called the pseudocomplement of A.

Lemma 4.35. Let X be a topological space, A ∈ τ(X), and F a filter in τ(X).Then the following hold:

1. A∗ is the largest element of τ(X) that misses A.2. F is maximal iff the following condition is satisfied:

(*) For each A ∈ τ(X), either A ∈ F or A∗ ∈ F .

Proof. (1) is trivial.(2) Let F be maximal and let A be an element of τ(X) that does not

belong to F . Then, by maximality of F , there exists a member F of F withF ∩ A = ∅. Thus F ⊆ A∗. This implies A∗ ∈ F .

Now, let F satisfy the condition (*) and let G be a filter in τ(X) withF ⊆ G. For G ∈ G we have either G ∈ F or G∗ ∈ F . The latter case G∗ ∈ Fcannot happen, since otherwise G and G∗, and thus ∅ = G∩G∗, would belongto G. Thus G ∈ F , hence G ⊆ F , hence G = F .

Theorem 4.36. 48 Equivalent are:

1. Every open lattice has a maximal filter.2. In every open lattice, every filter can be enlarged to a maximal one.3. UFT, the Ultrafilter Theorem.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let X be a topological space, and let F be a filter in τ(X).Let Y be the topological space, whose underlying set (also denoted by Y )consists of all filters in τ(X) that enlarge F , and whose topology consists ofall subsets of Y that contain with any element G all elements of Y that enlargeG. By (1), there exists a maximal filter M in τ(Y ). For each A ∈ τ(X) define

48 [Rhi2002]

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4.3 Disasters in Order Theory 61

U(A) = {G ∈ Y | A ∈ G}.

Then U = {A ∈ τ(X) | U(A) ∈ M} is an element of Y . Maximality ofU will follow, by 4.35 from the fact that for each A ∈ τ(X) either A or itspseudocomplement A∗ belongs to U . To establish the latter fact, observe firstthat if A �∈ U , i.e., if U(A) �∈ M, maximality of M implies that there is someM ∈ M with M ∩ U(A) = ∅. Thus A �∈ G for each G ∈ M . This impliesA∗ ∈ G for each G ∈ M , since A∗ �∈ G ∈ M would imply that each member ofG would meet A, hence there would exist an enlargement H of G — hence amember H of M — with A ∈ H; a contradiction.Consequently M ⊆ U(A∗). This implies U(A∗) ∈ M, thus A∗ ∈ U .

(2) ⇒ (3) Immediate, since (3) is the restriction of (2) to discrete spaces.(3) ⇒ (1) Let X be a non–empty topological space (whose underlying

set we also denote by X). Consider the filter F ⊆ τ(X) consisting of allF ∈ τ(X) that are dense in the space X. Then F can be enlarged to a filter Gon the set X, and, by (3), we may assume that G is an ultrafilter on X. ThusH = G ∩ τ(X) is a prime filter in τ(X) that enlarges F . For each A ∈ τ(X)the set A ∪ A∗ is dense in X and thus belongs to F , hence to H. Since H isprime, this implies that A ∈ H or A∗ ∈ H. By 4.35, this implies that H ismaximal in τ(X).

For the following result we regard 2 as a Boolean lattice with underlyingset {0, 1} and 0 < 1. Obviously, a subset F of a Boolean algebra B is a prime

filter in B iff the map f : B → 2, defined by f(x) ={

1, if x ∈ F0, otherwise , is a

Boolean homomorphism.

Theorem 4.37. 49 Equivalent are:

1. PIT the Prime Ideal Theorem: every Boolean lattice has a maximalfilter50.

2. In a Boolean lattice, every filter can be enlarged to a maximal one.3. UFT, the Ultrafilter Theorem.4. Products of compact Hausdorff spaces are compact.5. Products of finite discrete spaces are compact.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let F be a filter in a Boolean lattice B. Let f : B → B/Fthe natural map from B onto the corresponding quotient space of B, withf−1(1) = F . By (1), there exists a maximal filter G in B/F . Then f−1[G] isa maximal filter in B that enlarges F .

(2) ⇒ (3) Immediate, since (3) is the restriction of (2) to powerset–lattices.

49 [RuSc54], [LoRy55], [Ban79].50 Since the concept of Boolean lattice is self–dual, and since in Boolean lattices

the concepts of maximal and prime filters coincide, the above formulation isobviously equivalent to the one given in Section 2.2.

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62 4 Disasters without Choice

(3) ⇒ (4) By Theorem 3.22, (3) implies that a topological space X iscompact iff every ultrafilter in X converges. Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of compactHausdorff spaces, let X =


Xi be their product, and let U be an ultrafilter

on X. Then, for each i ∈ I, the set Ui = {A ⊆ Xi | π−1i [A] ∈ U} is an

ultrafilter on Xi (where πi denotes the i–th projection). Since Xi is compactand Hausdorff, Ui converges to a unique element xi in Xi. Thus U convergesto x = (xi)i∈I .

(4) ⇒ (5) Trivial.(5) ⇒ (1) Let B be a Boolean lattice. Consider the set A of all finite

Boolean subalgebras of B. For A ∈ A the set XA of all Boolean homomor-phisms from A to 2 is non–empty (since obviously each finite Boolean latticehas a maximal filter). Consider each XA as a discrete topological space. By(5), the product space X =

A∈AXA is compact and non–empty51. For any

pair (A,B) of elements of A with A ⊆ B the set

C(A,B) = {(xC) ∈ X | xA is the restriction of xB to A}is closed in X, and the sets C(A,B) have the finite intersection property.Since X is compact, there exists an element x = (xC) in the intersectionof all C(A,B)’s. For a ∈ B, let B(a) be the finite subalgebra of B gener-ated by a. Then the map f : B → 2, defined by f(a) = xB(a) is a Booleanhomomorphism. Thus f−1(1) is a maximal filter in B.

Finally, let us investigate the question whether or not every set can benicely ordered. We know already that it may not be possible to well–ordersome set X. But it is easily seen that each set can be partially ordered, evenlattice–ordered, provided it has at least 2 elements (see Exercise E 7). Can itbe linearly ordered?

Disaster 4.38. It can happen that certain sets cannot be linearly ordered.

The next result provides some indication of what may go wrong.

Proposition 4.39. 52 Each of the following conditions implies all subsequentones:

1. UFT.2. OEP, the Order Extension Principle: for each partially ordered set

(X,R) there exists a linear order relation S on X with R ⊆ S.3. OP, the Ordering Principle: each set can be linearly ordered.4. AC(fin): Products of non–empty, finite sets are non–empty.

51 The non–emptiness follows immediately from the fact that the product∏


of the discrete spaces YA = XA ∪ {∞} is compact.52 D. Scott, as quoted from [Jec73].

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4.3 Disasters in Order Theory 63

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (X,R) be an partially ordered set. For each finite subsetF of X let XF be the set of all linear order relation S on F with (R∩F 2) ⊆ S.Then each XF , with F ∈ Pfin(X), is a non–empty finite set (cf. Exercise E9.(2)). Consider it as a discrete topological space. Then, by (1), the spaceY =


XF is — according to Theorem 4.37 — a non–empty compact

space. For any pair (E,F ) of finite subsets of X define a set

A(E,F ) = {(SG)G∈Pfin(X) | SE ∩ (E ∩ F )2 = SF ∩ (E ∩ F )2}.

Then the sets A(E,F ) are non–empty and closed in Y ; and they have thefinite–intersection property. Thus their intersection contains an element(SG)G∈Pfin(X), which implies that S =


SG is a linear order relation

on X with R ⊆ S.(2) ⇒ (3) By (2), the partial order relation on X defined by x ≤ y ⇔ x = y

can be extended to a linear order relation on X.(3) ⇒ (4) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty, finite sets. By (3),

X =⋃


Xi can be linearly ordered. Thus each Xi has a smallest element xi

in X. Consequently (xi) ∈∏



Proposition 4.40. 53 The Kinna–Wagner Selection Principle, KW, impliesthe Ordering Principle, OP.

Proof. Let X be a set. Consider the collection P2(X) of all subsets A of Xwith |A| ≥ 2. By KW, there exists a family (AY )Y ∈P2(X) of non–empty,proper subsets AY of X. Denote X \ AY by BY . Consider the set Z of alllinear preorder relations R on X. For each R in Z and each x in X considerthe component [x]R = {y ∈ X | xRy and yRx} of x in (X,R). Let KR be theset of all components [x]R of (X,R) with at least two elements. Let ℵ be theHartogs–number of Z, and define, via transfinite recursion, a map f : ℵ → Zby

1. f(0) = X × X,2. f(α + 1) = f(α) \

⋃{BK × AK | K ∈ Kf(α)},

3. f(α) =⋂


f(β), if α is a limit ordinal.

Since ℵ � |Z|, f cannot be injective. Thus there exists some α ∈ ℵ withf(α + 1) = f(α). For this α, Kf(α) must be empty, i.e., f(α) is a linear orderrelation on X.

The following self–explanatory table summarizes some of the results of thissection.

53 [KiWa55]

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64 4 Disasters without Choice

Table 4.41. 54

Filters Ideals

maxim. prime maxim. prime maxim. prime maxim. prime

exist exist extens. extens. exist exist extens. extens.

lattice AC False AC False AC False AC False

distributive AC PIT AC PIT AC PIT AC PIT



open PIT True PIT PIT AC True AC PIT

closed AC True AC PIT PIT True PIT PIT

zero56 True True PIT PIT True True ? PIT

powerset True True PIT PIT True True PIT PIT

Exercises to Section 4.3:

E 1. Consider the following conditions:(1) Each non–empty linearly ordered set without a largest element has an

increasing sequence.(2) Each linearly ordered set without a decreasing sequence is well–

ordered.(3) Each infinite linearly ordered set contains an increasing or a decreasing

sequence.(4) Each linearly ordered D–finite set is finite.

Show that (1) ⇔ (2) ⇒ (3) ⇔ (4).

E 2. Show that UFT(N) implies that there are precisely 22ℵ0 ultrafilters onN.[Hint: Observe that the Cantor cube 2R is a separable Hausdorff space.]

E 3. Show that WUF(N) guarantees the existence of at least 2ℵ0 free ultra-filters on N.[Hint: Use the fact (see the proof of Theorem 7.21(3)) that there existsa set X of infinite subsets of N such that |X| = 2ℵ0 and the intersectionof any two members of X is finite.]

54 Cf. [Her2005]55 See Exercise E 13.56 See Exercise E 6.

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4.3 Disasters in Order Theory 65

E 4. Let X be an amorphous set (see Exercises to Section 4.1, E 11). Showthat:

(1) There is precisely one free ultrafilter on X.(2) There are precisely n free ultrafilters on X × {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}.(3) For each Hausdorff topology τ on X, the space (X, τ) has at most one

non–isolated point.

E 5. Show the equivalence of the conditions:(1) Each distributive lattice contains a prime filter.(2) For distributive lattices each filter is contained in a prime one.(3) UFT.

[Hint: For the implication (3) ⇒ (2) proceed as in the proof of Theorem4.37, (4) ⇒ (1).]

E 6. (1) Show that, for a non–empty topological space X the set Z(X) of allzero–sets (i.e., of all preimages f−1(0) of 0 under some continuousmap f : X → R) forms a lattice.

(2) Call a lattice a zero–lattice provided it is isomorphic to Z(X) forsome non–empty topological space X, and show the equivalence ofthe following conditions:

(a) In a zero–lattice, each filter can be enlarged to a maximal one.(b) In a zero–lattice, each filter can be enlarged to a prime one.(c) UFT.

E 7. Show that each set X with |X| ≥ 2 can be lattice–ordered.

E 8. Can each set be ordered as a distributive lattice?

E 9. Show that:(1) Every finite set can be linearly ordered.(2) For each finite partially ordered set (F,R) there exists a linear order

relation S on F with R ⊆ S.

E 10. A complete lattice L is called completely distributive iff for every family(Ai)i∈I and every function

x :⋃


({i} × Ai) → L

the following equation holds:∧



x(i, a) =∨





x(i, ai).

Show the equivalence of:(a) AC.(b) The chain 2 = {0, 1} is completely distributive.

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66 4 Disasters without Choice

(c) Every complete chain is completely distributive.(d) Every powerset–lattice is completely distributive.

E 11. 57 Construct a chain in PN that is order–isomorphic to R.[Hint: Observe that PN and PQ are order–isomorphic.]

E 12. 58 Let A be a subset of a partially ordered set X. An upper bound s ofA is called a constructive supremum of A provided that there exists afunction f : X → A such that

s ≤ x ⇔ f(x) ≤ x for each x ∈ X.

Show the equivalence of:(1) All suprema are constructive.(2) AC.

E 13. A complete lattice L, satisfying the equation

x ∧ supA = sup{x ∧ a | a ∈ A}

for all x ∈ L and A ⊂ L is called a frame. Show thata) Each open lattice is a frame.b) Each frame L is pseudocomplement, i.e., for each x ∈ L the set {y ∈

L | x ∧ y = 0} has a largest member.

4.4 Disasters in Algebra I: Vector Spaces

In ZFC every vector space is uniquely determined, up to isomorphism, by asingle cardinal number, its dimension. Each of the two fundamental resultswhich together enable us to associate dimension with a given vector space failbadly in ZF.

Disaster 4.42. 59 The following can happen:

1. Vector spaces may have no bases60.2. Vector spaces may have two bases with different cardinalities.

Even stranger phenomena may haunt us:

57 [Sie58, p. 78]58 [Ern2001]59 [Laeu62/63]60 Observe, however, that the existence of a basis for every vector space may,

besides desirable consequences, also have some rather ugly ones. See Section5.1.

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4.4 Disasters in Algebra I: Vector Spaces 67

Disaster 4.43. 61 The following can happen:

1. In a vector space no non–trivial linear subspace need have a complement.2. A vector space may have only finite–dimensional proper subspaces, but

fail to be finite–dimensional itself.

Theorem 4.44. 62 Equivalent are:

1. Every vector space has a basis.2. AC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) In view of Theorem 2.4 it suffices to show that (1) impliesAMC. Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of pairwise disjoint non–empty sets. Consideran arbitrary field k and let k(X) be the field of rational functions in thevariables x ∈ X =


Xi over k. For monomials, i.e., elements of k(X) which

have the form p = α ·xn11 ·xn2

2 · · ·xnmm , we define, for each i ∈ I, the i–degree of

p as di(p) =∑


nk. An element of k(X), α = p1+···+pn

q1+···+qmwhere the pk and qk

are monomials, will be called i–homogeneous of degree d provided that all qk

have the same i–degree, say d1, and all pk have the same i–degree d2 = d1 +d.Then K = {a ∈ k(X) | a is i–homogeneous of degree 0 for each i ∈ I} is asubfield of k(X). Thus k(X) is a vector space over K. By (1), k(X) has a basisB. For each x ∈ X the monomial x can be expressed uniquely in the formx =


ab(x)·b, where B(x) is a finite subset of B and each ab(x) ∈ K\{0}.

Let x and y be elements of the same Xi. Then

y =y

x· x =



x· ab(x) · b =


ab(y) · b.

Since yx ∈ K, this implies B(x) = B(y) and ab(y)

y = ab(x)x for each b ∈ B(x).

Thus the sets B(x) and the elements ab(x)x depend only on i, and not on the

particular x in Xi. Let us call them Bi resp. α(b, i). Since the ab(x) are i–homogeneous of degree 0, the α(b, i) = ab(x)

x are i–homogeneous of degree −1.Thus, if α(b, i) is written as a quotient of polynomials in reduced form, somex ∈ Xi must occur in the denominator. Hence the set Fi, consisting of allx ∈ Xi that occur in the denominator of α(b, i) in its reduced form for someb ∈ Bi, is a non–empty, finite subset of Xi. This establishes AMC.

(2) ⇒ (1) is well known.

Theorem 4.45. 63 For each field k, the following are equivalent:

1. Every subspace S of a vector space V over k has a linear complement S′

(i.e., S ∩ S′ = {0} and S + S′ = V ).2. AC.

61 [Laeu62/63]. See also Exercise E 1.62 [Blass84]63 [Blei64]

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68 4 Disasters without Choice

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) In view of Theorem 2.4 it suffices to show that (1) impliesAMC. Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of pairwise disjoint non–empty sets. For eachi ∈ I let Vi = k(Xi) be the direct sum of Xi copies of k, with the canonical base(ex)x∈Xi

. Let Si be the linear subspace of Vi, consisting of all v =∑



in Vi with∑


αx = 0.

Consider the direct sum S =⊕


Si as a linear subspace of the direct sum

V =⊕


Vi. By (1), there exists a linear subspace S′ of V with S ∩ S′ = {0}

and S + S′ = V For any x ∈ Xi consider the element ex from the canonicalbase of Vi as an element of V . Then there exist unique elements s(x) in S ands′(x) in S′ with ex = s(x) + s′(x). If x and y belong to the same Xi, thens′(x) − s′(y) = (ex − s(x)) − (ey − s(y)) = (ex − ey) + (s(y) − s(x)) belongsto S′ and to S, since (ex − ey) ∈ Si. Therefore s′(x) = s′(y). This elementdepends only on i and not on the particular x in Xi. Let us call it s′i.

Let s′i =∑


vj with vj ∈ Vj , and vi =∑


αxex with αx ∈ k be the

canonical expressions. Then Fi = {x ∈ Xi | αx �= 0} is finite. Since forx ∈ Xi, s(x) = ex − s′i = ex −


vj = (ex − vi) −∑

j �=i

vj ∈ S, we conclude

(ex − vi) ∈ Si, hence 1 −∑


αx = 0, hence Fi �= ∅. This establishes AMC.

(2) ⇒ (1) is well known.

We may ask whether, like in Theorem 4.45, we can restrict attention inTheorem 4.44 to vector spaces over R resp. Q. The answer to these questionsis unknown. However, there is a slightly weaker result in the case of Q.

Lemma 4.46. Let k be a field. If for every vector space V over k every gen-erating set contains a basis, then for each family (Vi)i∈I of vector spaces overk and each family (Gi)i∈I of generating sets Gi of Vi there exists a family(Bi)i∈I of bases Bi of Vi with Bi ⊆ Gi for each i ∈ I.

Proof. Let V =⊕


Vi be the direct sum of the Vi’s, with canonical inclusion

maps ji : Vi → V . Then G =⋃


ji[Gi] is a generating set for V . Let B ⊆ G be

a basis for V . Then Bi = {x ∈ Vi | ji(x) ∈ B} is a basis for Vi with Bi ⊆ Gi

for each i ∈ I.

Theorem 4.47. 64 Equivalent are:

1. In every vector space over Q each generating set contains a basis.2. AC.

64 [Ker98]

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4.4 Disasters in Algebra I: Vector Spaces 69

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Again by Theorem 2.4 it suffices to show that (1) impliesAMC. Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. Assume w.l.o.g. that eachXi contains at least two elements. For each i ∈ I, let Vi be the linear subspaceof the product space Q

Xi , consisting of all (αx)x∈Xithat are almost constant,

i.e., for which there exists a finite subset F of Xi such that (αx)x∈(Xi\F ) is aconstant family. Each Vi is generated by the set Gi, consisting of all elementsv = (αx)x∈Xi

of Vi such that there exists exactly one element x = x(v) in Xi

such that (αy)y∈(Xi\{x}) is a constant family.By (1) and Lemma 4.46 there exists a family (Bi)i∈I of bases Bi of Vi

with Bi ⊆ Gi. For each i ∈ I consider the element ai = (αx)x∈Xiwith each

αx = 1.Then there exists a unique non–empty, finite subset B′

i of Bi such that ai

is expressible as a linear combination

ai =∑


αbb with each αb ∈ (Q \ {0}).

Thus Fi = {x(b) | b ∈ B′i} is a non–empty finite subset of Xi. This establishes

AMC.(2) ⇒ (1) is well known.

Returning to statement (2) of Disaster 4.42, no choice principle is knownthat is equivalent to the statement that any two bases of a vector space havethe same cardinality. However, the latter fact follows already from PIT65.

In ZFC every vector space is injective66 and projective67. Since projectivityof V follows from V being free (i.e., V has a basis), Theorem 4.44 casts doubton the idea that in ZF every vector space is projective. The situation is evenworse:

Disaster 4.48. 1. Vector spaces may fail to be injective.2. Vector spaces, even free ones, may fail to be projective.

Theorem 4.49. For each field k, the following are equivalent:

1. Every vector space over k is injective.2. Every vector space over k is projective.3. Every free vector space over k is projective.4. AC.

65 [Hal66]66 V is called injective iff every linear map f : U → V from a linear subspace U

of a vector space W can be extended to a linear map f : W → V .67 V is called projective iff for every linear map f : V → U and every linear

surjection g : W → U there exists a linear map f : V → W with f = g ◦ f .

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70 4 Disasters without Choice

Proof. Since clearly (4) ⇒ (1), (4) ⇒ (2), and (2) ⇒ (3) it suffices to showthat(1) ⇒ (4) and (3) ⇒ (4).

(1) ⇒ (4) By Theorem 4.45 it suffices to show that every subspace A ofa vector space V has a linear complement. Since A, by (1), is injective thereexists a k–linear map f : V → A such that the diagram





� � �� V





commutes. Then B = {x ∈ V | f(x) = 0} = {x − f(x) | x ∈ V } is a subspaceof V with A ∩B = {0} and A + B = V , since x = f(x) + (x− f(x)). Thus Bis a linear complement of A in V .

(3) ⇒ (4) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. Let X = {(i, x) |i ∈ I and x ∈ Xi} be the disjoint union of the Xi’s. Let F (I) = k(I) resp.F (X) = k(X) be the direct sums of I resp. X copies of k (i.e., the canonicalfree k–vector spaces over I resp. X). Then the map f : X → I, defined byf(i, x) = i, induces a linear map f : F (X) → F (I). Since f is surjective, sois f . Thus, by projectivity of the free vector space F (I), there exists a linearmap g : F (I) → F (X) such that the diagram

F (I)




idF (I)

��F (X)


�� F (I)

commutes. For each i ∈ I consider ei = (δij)j∈I . Then g(ei) = (k(j, x))(j,x)∈X

and ei = f(g(i)) =(


k(j, x))


. The set Fi = {x ∈ Xi | k(i, x) �= 0} is,

by definition of k(X), finite. Moreover, the equation

1 = δii =∑


k(i, x) implies that Fi �= ∅.

Thus (Fi)i∈I is a family of non–empty, finite subsets Fi of Xi. ConsequentlyAMC, holds, and so does AC via Theorem 2.4.

Exercises to Section 4.4:

E 1. 68 Let p be a prime and let X be a vector space over Zp with amorphous69

underlying set70. Show that:68 [Hic76, III.1]69 See Exercises to Section 4.1, E 11.70 Such X exist; see [Hic76, II.2].

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4.5 Disasters in Algebra II: Categories 71

(1) Each finitely generated linear subspace of X is finite.(2) Every proper linear subspace of X is finite.(3) X has no basis.

4.5 Disasters in Algebra II: Categories

Category theory heavily depends on choice principles. In ZF, already the basicAdjoint Functor Theorems fail dramatically:

Disaster 4.50. 71

1. The Adjoint Functor Theorem fails, i.e., there exists a limit–preservingfunctor G : A → B with complete domain which satisfies the solution–set–condition, but has no coadjoint.

2. The Special Adjoint Functor Theorem fails, i.e., there exists a stronglycomplete category A with a coseparator and a functor G : A → B thatpreserves strong limits, but has no coadjoint.

3. There exists a functor G : A → B such that each B–object has a G–universal arrow, carried by a B–identity, but which has no coadjoint, noteven a right inverse.

How can these disasters be prevented? Only by the Axiom of Choice:

Theorem 4.51. 72 Equivalent are:

1. The Adjoint Functor Theorem holds.2. The Special Adjoint Functor Theorem holds.3. Every functor G : A → B, such that each B–object has a G–universal

arrow, has a coadjoint.4. AC for classes.

Proof. That (4) implies (1), (2), and (3) is well known. See, e.g., [AHS2004,18.12, 18.17, and 19.1]

To show that each of the conditions (1), (2), and (3) imply (4), considera family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty sets, indexed by some class I. Construct afunctor G : A → B as follows:

A and B are the categories naturally associated with the preordered classes(A,≤) and (B,≤), where

B = I � {0, 1} is obtained from the discretely ordered class I by adding afirst element 0 and a last element 1,A = {(x, i) | i ∈ I and x ∈ Xi} � {0, 1} is preordered by having 0 as firstelement, 1 as last element and

(x, i) ≤ (y, j) iff i = j.

71 [Den2003]72 [Den2003]

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72 4 Disasters without Choice

G : A → B is defined by G(0) = 0, G(1) = 1, and G(x, i) = i. Then thepremisses of each of the conditions (1), (2), (3) are satisfied. In particularthe G–universal arrows for B–objects have the form idi : i → G(x, i) withx ∈ Xi. Thus there exists a coadjoint F : B → A for G. For each B–object i,F (i) = (xi, i) for a unique element xi of Xi. Thus (xi) ∈



Exercises to Section 4.5:

E 1. Show that AC holds iff every epimorphism in Set is a retraction.

E 2. 73 Show that for a set I the following conditions are equivalent:(1) I is projective.(2) Every epimorphism with codomain I is a retraction.(3)


Xi �= ∅ for every family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty sets.

4.6 Disasters in Elementary Analysis: The Realsand Continuity

Elementary analysis in ZF suffers from various defects. Before we analyzethese, let us first point out several basic properties of the reals and of realfunctions in ZFC that remain valid in the ZF–setting:

Theorem 4.52. 1. R and all its subspaces are metrizable, hence normal.2. R and all its subspaces are second countable, i.e., have at most countable

bases.3. R is separable, i.e., R has an at most countable, dense subset.4. A subspace of R is connected iff it is an interval, i.e., contains with any

elements x and y each element between x and y.5. A subspace of R is compact iff it is bounded and closed in R.6. For each bounded, infinite subset of R there exists an accumulation point

in R.7. R is σ–compact, i.e., a countable union of compact subspaces.8. A function f : R → R is continuous iff it is sequentially continuous.9. A function f : [0, 1] → R is continuous iff it is uniformly continuous.

Proof. In most cases the ZFC–proof carries over to the ZF–setting. However,see Proposition 3.30 for (5), Theorem 3.15 for (8), and Proposition 3.14 for(9).

Unfortunately, however, the close and useful ties that exist in ZFC be-tween static (ε–δ–definitions) and dynamic (use of sequences) aspects break

73 Cf. Exercises to Section 2.1, E 4.

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4.6 Disasters in Elementary Analysis: The Reals and Continuity 73

apart in the ZF–setting, where the construction of sequences — resp. moregenerally: of countable sets — with specified properties in most cases reliesheavily on the condition CC(R). In fact, CC(R) turns out to be equivalentto a surprising number of familiar statements in elementary analysis.

Disaster 4.53. 74 The following can happen:

1. R may fail to be Frechet, i.e., not every accumulation point x of a subsetA may be reachable75 by a sequence (an) in A.

2. R may fail to be sequential, i.e., there may be non–closed, sequentiallyclosed76 subsets of R.

3. R may fail to be Lindelof.4. All Lindelof spaces of R may be compact.5. Subspaces of R may fail to be separable.6. Complete subspaces of R may fail to be closed in R.7. Sequentially compact subspaces of R may fail to be bounded or to be

closed in R.8. 77 Functions f : R → R may be sequentially continuous at some point x,

but fail to be continuous at x.9. 78 Functions f : X → R, defined on some subspace X of R, may be se-

quentially continuous, but fail to be continuous.10. Infinite subsets of R may be D–finite.

Proof. First, consider a model79 of ZF with an infinite D–finite subset X ofR. Assume, without loss of generality, that X is bounded. By Theorem 4.52(6)there exists an accumulation point a of X in R. Assume further, without lossof generality, that a is not contained in X. Then X is sequentially closed,but not closed in R. Thus (1) and (2) may occur. Furthermore, the subspaceX of R is complete and sequentially compact, but fails to be separable or tobe closed in R. Thus (5), (6), and (7) may occur. The function f : R → R,

defined by f(x) ={

1, if x ∈ X0, otherwise , is sequentially continuous at a but fails to

be continuous at a. Its restriction to A = X ∪ {a} is sequentially continuous,but not continuous. Thus (8) and (9) may occur.

That (3) may occur, follows from Theorem 3.8, since with R also its closedsubspace N would be Lindelof. Finally, the possible occurrence of (4) will beshown in Section 7.1. (See Theorem 7.2.)

How much choice is needed to eliminate the above disasters?

74 [Jae65], [Jec68], [Bru82], [Her2002], [Gut2003].75 i.e., (an) → x.76 A is sequentially closed in R iff no point outside A is reachable by a sequence

in A.77 Cf. this disaster with Theorem 3.15.78 Cf. this disaster with Theorem 3.15.79 Such models exist, e.g., Cohen’s First Model A4 (M1 in [HoRu98]).

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74 4 Disasters without Choice

Theorem 4.54. 80 Equivalent are:

1. R is Frechet.2. Each subspace of R is sequential.3. R is Lindelof.4. Each subspace of R is Lindelof.5. Each second countable topological space is Lindelof.6. Each subspace of R is separable.7. Each second countable topological space is separable.8. A function f : R → R is continuous at some point x iff it is sequentially

continuous at x.9. A function f : X → R, defined on some subspace X of R, is continuous

iff it is sequentially continuous.10. CC(R).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) With R each subspace of R is Frechet, and thus sequential.(2) ⇒ (9) If f : X → R is sequentially continuous then the f–preimage

of each closed set in R is sequentially closed in X, thus, by (2), closed in X.Consequently f is continuous. The inverse implication holds trivially in ZF.

(9) ⇒ (10) By Theorem 3.8 it suffices to show that under (9) every un-bounded subset A of R contains an unbounded sequence. Let h : R → (0, 1) bea homeomorphism. Without loss of generality, 0 is an accumulation point of

h[A]. Define X = h[A]∪ {0} and f : X → R by f(x) ={

0, if x ∈ h[A]1, if x = 0 . Then

f is not continuous, thus, by (9), not sequentially continuous. Thus there ex-ists a sequence (bn) in h[A] that converges to 0. Consequently (h−1(bn)) is anunbounded sequence in A.

(10) ⇒ (5) Since R and P(N) have the same cardinal number 2ℵ0 , CC(R)implies CC(P(N)), i.e., countable products


Um of non–empty subset Um

of P(N) are non–empty. Let X be a second countable topological space witha basis B = {Bn | n ∈ N}, and let C be an open cover of X. For each n ∈ N,define Un = {C ∈ C | Bn ⊆ C}. Consider M = {m ∈ N | Um �= ∅}. Thenthere exists an element (Cm)m∈M in


Um. Consequently {Cm | m ∈ M}

is an at most countable subcover of C.(5) ⇒ (4) ⇒ (3) Immediate.(3) ⇒ (10) By (3), N as a closed subspace of R must be Lindelof. Thus,

by Theorem 3.8, (10) holds.(10) ⇒ (7) ⇒ (6) Immediate.(6) ⇒ (1) Let a be an accumulation point of some subset X of R. X, being

separable, contains a countable dense subset C. Consequently a is an accumu-lation point of C. Thus C, being countable, contains a sequence convergingto a.

80 [HeSt97]

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4.6 Disasters in Elementary Analysis: The Reals and Continuity 75

(10) ⇒ (8) Immediate.(8) ⇒ (1) Let a be an accumulation point of some subset X of R. If no

sequence in X converges to a, then a �∈ X and the function f : R → R, defined

by f(x) ={

1, if x ∈ X0, otherwise , is sequentially continuous at a, but not continuous

at a. This contradicts condition (8).

Theorem 4.55. 81 Equivalent are:

1. R is sequential,2. Complete = closed in R, for subspaces of R.3. Compact = complete and bounded, for subspaces of R.4. Compact = sequentially compact, for subspaces of R.5. Complete subspaces of R are separable.6. Complete, unbounded subspaces of R contain unbounded sequences.7. CC(cR), i.e.,


Xn �= ∅ for every sequence of non–empty, complete sub-

spaces Xn of R.8. AC(cR), i.e.,


Xi �= ∅ for every family of non–empty, complete sub-

spaces Xi of R.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Immediate, since every complete subspace of R is sequen-tially closed in R.

(2) ⇒ (8) Immediate in view of Exercises to Section 1.1, E 2(5).(8) ⇒ (7) Obvious.(7) ⇒ (5) Let X be a complete subspace of R. Consider the set M of all

pairs (p, q) ∈ Q2 for which the set C(p,q) = [p, q] ∩ X is not empty. By (7),

there exists an element (xm)m∈M ∈∏


Cm. Consequently {xm | m ∈ M} is

an at most countable, dense subset of X.(5) ⇒ (6) Immediate.(6) ⇒ (1) Let X be sequentially closed in R. Assume that there exists

an accumulation point of X in R with a �∈ X. Without loss of generalitywe may assume that X ⊆ (0, 1) and a = 1. Let h : (0, 1) → R be an order–preserving homeomorphism with |x− y| ≤ |h(x)−h(y)| for each pair (x, y) in(0, 1)2. Then h[X] is complete and unbounded. Thus, by (6), there exists anunbounded sequence (yn) in h[X]. Without loss of generality we may assumethat (yn) is monotone increasing. Thus the sequence (h−1(yn)) converges to1, contradicting the stipulation that X is sequentially closed in R.

(2) ⇒ (3) Immediate in view of Theorem 4.52(5).(3) ⇒ (2) Let X be a complete subspace of R. Then, for each n ∈ N, the

space X ∩ [−n, n] is complete and bounded, thus by (3) compact, thus closedin R. Consequently, X is closed in R.

(3) ⇒ (4) Let X be a sequentially compact subspace of R. Then X iscomplete. Thus, by (3), it suffices to show that X is bounded. Assume that X

81 [Gut2003]

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76 4 Disasters without Choice

is unbounded, then by (6) — which is implied by (3), as shown above — Xcontains an unbounded sequence, and consequently a sequence without con-vergent subsequence. This contradicts the stipulation that X is sequentiallycompact.

(4) ⇒ (3) Immediate since each complete and bounded subspace of R issequentially compact.

If R is Frechet, then R is sequential. Does the converse implication hold?The answer is no, as we will see below.

Definition 4.56. 82 ω–CC(R) states that for every sequence (Xn)n∈N of non–empty subsets of R, there exists a sequence (Cn)n∈N of non–empty, at mostcountable subsets Cn of Xn.

Proposition 4.57. 83 Each of the following statements implies the succeedingones:

1. R is the countable union of countable sets.2. ω–CC(R).3. R is sequential.4. Fin(R).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xn)n∈N be a sequence of non–empty subsets of R andlet R be the union of the sequence (Am)m∈N of countable sets Am. For eachn ∈ N, define

m(n) = min{m ∈ N | (Xn ∩ Am �= ∅}Then, for each n ∈ N, Cn = Xn ∩ Am(n) is a non–empty at most countablesubset of Xn.

(2) ⇒ (3) Let a be an accumulation point of some sequentially closedsubset X of R. Then, for each n ∈ N, the set

Xn = X ∩ [a − 1n + 1

, a +1

n + 1]

is non–empty. Thus, by (2), there exists a sequence (Cn)n∈N of non–empty,at most countable subsets Cn of Xn. Since X is sequentially closed, eachxn = inf Cn belongs to X, and thus a, the limit of (xn), belongs to X as well.Consequently X is closed in R.

(3) ⇒ (4) Immediate, since all infinite, D–finite subsets of R are sequen-tially closed but not closed in R.

Thus we get the following diagram:

82 [KeTa2001], [Gut2003].83 [Gut2003]

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4.6 Disasters in Elementary Analysis: The Reals and Continuity 77

Diagram 4.58.


R is sequential


CC(R) R is the countableunion of countable sets





Remark 4.59. 84 There are models85 of ZF, in which R is the countableunion of countable sets86 but CC(R) fails. Thus in these models R is sequen-tial87, but not Frechet. It is not known whether Fin(R) implies that R issequential.

Exercises to Section 4.6:

E 1. Show that:(1) Every open subspace of R is separable.(2) Every closed subspace of R is separable.(3) Ever Lindelof subspace of R is separable.

E 2. Every infinite, closed subset of R is D–infinite.

E 3. 88 Show that, besides the conditions exhibited in Theorems 3.8 and 4.54,each of the following conditions is equivalent to CC(R):

84 [Gut2003]85 E.g., the Feferman–Levy Model A8 (M9 in [HoRu98]).86 I.e., the negation of Form 38 in [HoRu98].87 Form 74 in [HoRu98].88 [BeHe98], [Ker98], [Gut2004], [GiHe2004].

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78 4 Disasters without Choice

(1) Each subspace of the Cantor Discontinuum is separable.(2) Each subspace of the space of irrational numbers is separable.(3) Each subspace of S

N is separable (where S is the Sierpinski space).(4) All second countable metric spaces are separable.(5) All subspaces of separable metric spaces are separable.(6) All separable metric spaces are Lindelof.(7) All second countable metric spaces are Lindelof.(8) The Sorgenfrey line (i.e., the topological space with underlying set R

and with a base consisting of all half–open intervals [a, b)), is Lindelof.(9) Every second countable T0–space is Frechet.

(10) Every base of R contains a countable base.(11) Every base of a second countable topological space contains an at

most countable base.(12) λ2

X = λX for subspaces X of R,where λX(A) = {x ∈ X | ∃(an) ∈ AN with (an) → x}.

(13) Every subset of R contains a maximal dispersed set (where X is dis-persed if any two of its points have a distance of at least 1).

(14) Suprema in R are constructive89.

E 4. 90 Show that, besides the conditions exhibited in Theorem 4.55, each ofthe following conditions is equivalent to R being sequential:

(1) Every sequentially compact subspace of R is closed in R.(2) Every sequentially compact subspace of R is bounded.(3) Every sequentially compact subspace of R is Lindelof.(4) Every sequentially compact subspace of R is separable.(5) Every complete subspace of R is separable.(6) In every complete subspace of R each Cauchy filter converges.(7) No proper dense subspace of R is complete.

E 5. 91 Show that the following conditions are equivalent.(1) Fin(R).(2) For every sequence (Xn)n∈N of non–empty, D–finite subsets of R, the



Xn is non–empty.

(3) For every family (Xi)i∈I of non–empty, D–finite subsets of R, theproduct


Xi is non–empty.

(4) Every bounded infinite subset of R contains a convergent injectivesequence.

(5) Every D–finite subset of R is bounded.(6) R has no dense D–finite subset.

89 [Ern2001]. Cf. Exercises to Section 4.3, E 12.90 [Gut2003], [Gut2004].91 [Bru82], [Gut2004].

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4.7 Disasters in Topology I: Countable Sums 79

4.7 Disasters in Topology I: Countable Sums

Our result vividly demonstrates the hor-rors of topology without AC.

E.K. van Douwen92

Even the most innocent of topological ques-tions may be undecidable from the Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms alone.

Good, Tree, and Watson93

The formation of countable sums is one of the simplest constructions intopology. In ZFC it preserves most of the familiar properties of topologicalspaces, in particular:

1. metrizability,2. normality,3. separability,4. second countability,5. the Lindelof property,6. dimension zero.

However in ZF — though countable sums of metric spaces are still metrizable(see Exercise E 1) — none of the above 6 properties is necessarily preservedunder the formation of countable sums. Let us stress in particular that thosemathematicians, who have the dangerous habit of not distinguishing betweenthe notions of metric space and metrizable space, live in an inconsistent world,where countable sums of such spaces are metrizable (Exercise E 1) and at thesame time are not necessarily metrizable (Disaster 4.60).

E.K. van Douwen [vDou85] has constructed a model94 of ZF which failsto have the following property:

CC(Z): For each sequence ((Xn,≤n))n∈N of ordered sets, each of which isorder–isomorphic to the set Z of integers with its natural order,we have

nXn �= ∅.

Disaster 4.60. 95 If CC(Z) fails there exists a sequence of separable, metriz-able, compact spaces (Yn) with dim Yn = 0, such that

nYn is neither

92 [vDou85]93 [GoTrWa98]94 Called (N2(LO))in [HoRu98]. See also [HaMo90].95 [vDou85]

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80 4 Disasters without Choice

metrizable, nor normal, nor separable, nor second countable, nor Lindelof,nor with dimension 0.

Proof. Let (Xn) be a sequence of ordered sets, each order isomorphic to theintegers with their natural order, such that

∏Xn = ∅. For each n, obtain a

set Yn by adding to Xn a first element an and a last element bn, and supply Yn

with the corresponding order–topology. Then the Yn are all order–isomorphicand thus homeomorphic to the subspace of R determined by the set

S = {0} ∪{

1n| n ∈ N




2 − 1n| n ∈ N



∪ {2}.

Thus each Yn is a separable, metrizable, compact space with dimension 0,hence also normal, second countable, and Lindelof.

Next, consider the sum Y =∑

nYn of the Yn’s. Assume, for simplicity that

the Yn’s are pairwise disjoint so that the underlying set of Y is just the unionof the Yn’s.

Claim 1: Y is not normal, hence is neither metrizable nor ofdimension 0.

Proof of Claim 1: The sets A = {an | n ∈ N} and B = {bn | n ∈ N} aredisjoint closed subsets of Y . If U and V would be disjoint neighborhoods ofA and B in Y , then, for each n ∈ N, the set U ∩ Xn would be a non–empty,upper–bounded subset of Xn, and would thus contain a largest element xn.Hence (xn) would be an element of

nXn, contrary to the assumption.

Claim 2: Y is neither separable nor second countable.

Proof of Claim 2: Since every dense subset of Y contains every x in⋃


and since every base of Y contains each set {x} with x ∈⋃

nXn, separability

resp. second countability of Y would imply that⋃

nXn is countable which in

turn would imply∏

nXn �= ∅.

Claim 3: Y is not Lindelof.

Proof of Claim 3: Consider the open cover

U = {Yn \ {x} | n ∈ N, x ∈ Xn}

of Y . If U would have a countable subcover

V = {Yn(m) \ {xm} | m ∈ N},

then, for each n ∈ N, there would exist a smallest m = m(n) with n(m) = n.Thus (xm(n))n∈N would be an element of

nXn, contrary to the assumption.

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4.7 Disasters in Topology I: Countable Sums 81

Observe that the spaces Yn, entering in the above construction, are pair-wise isomorphic, but not identical. What happens if we form the sum of count-ably many copies of a fixed space Z, equivalently: the product of Z with acountable discrete space N? It is easy to see that metrizability, separability,and second countability are being preserved under this construction. But theremaining 3 of the above 6 properties may still fail to hold:

Disaster 4.61. If CC(Z) fails there exists a compact Hausdorff space Z withdim Z = 0 such that Z ×N, the sum of countably many copies of Z, is neithernormal, nor Lindelof nor has dimension 0.

Proof. Consider the space Y , constructed in the proof of Disaster 4.60. Beinglocally compact, Y has a 1–point Hausdorff compactification Z = Y ∪ {∞}.Obviously dimZ = 0. Consider the first projection πZ : Z × N → Z. If Z × N

would be normal, then the disjoint closed sets A∗ = {(an, n) | n ∈ N} andB∗ = {(bn, n) | n ∈ N} would have disjoint neighborhoods U∗ and V ∗ in Z×N.Consequently the sets U =

nπZ [(Yn×{n})∩U∗] and V =

nπZ [(Yn×{n})∩

V ∗] would be disjoint neighborhoods of A = {an | n ∈ N} and B = {bn |n ∈ N} in Y , which — according to Claim 1 in the proof of Disaster 4.60 —cannot happen. Thus Z × N fails to be normal, hence also to have dimension0. Moreover, Z × N fails to be Lindelof since the open cover

{(Z\Yn) × {n} | n ∈ N} ∪ {(Yn\{x}) × {n} | n ∈ N and x ∈ Xn}

has no countable subcover.

In Theorem 3.8 we have shown that the sum of countably many copies ofa one–point space, i.e., a countable discrete space, is Lindelof if and only ifCC(R) holds. Thus the Lindelof property can get destroyed by this process.The following result describes the general situation:

Theorem 4.62. 96 Equivalent are:

1. Countable sums of Lindelof spaces are Lindelof.2. The sum of countably many copies of a compact Hausdorff space is Lin-

delof.3. The sum of a compact Hausdorff space with a countable discrete space is

Lindelof.4. CC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) is obvious.(2) ⇒ (3) Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and let N be a countablediscrete space. Then the sum X +N is homeomorphic to a closed subspace of

96 [Bru82], [Her2002], [Ker200?].

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82 4 Disasters without Choice

the sum of countably many copies of the compact Hausdorff space X + {0},the sum of X with a one–point space. Thus (3) follows from (2).

(3) ⇒ (4) Let (Xn) be a sequence of non–empty sets. Let X =⋃


be the one–point compactification of the discrete space⋃

nXn, and let N be

the discrete space of natural numbers. By (3), the sum X + N is Lindelof.Thus the open cover

U = {X} ∪ {{n, x} | n ∈ N and x ∈ Xn}

contains a countable subcover {Un | n ∈ N}.For each n ∈ N define

n∗ = min{m ∈ N | n ∈ Um}.

Then Un∗ = {n, xn} for a unique element xn of Xn. Thus (xn) ∈∏


(4) ⇒ (1) Let X =∑

nXn be a countable sum of (pairwise disjoint) Lindelof

spaces, and let U be an open cover of X. For each n, Vn = {U ∩Xn | U ∈ U}is an open cover of Xn, thus it contains a countable subcover {Vm | m ∈ N} ofXn. For each m ∈ N the set Um = {U ∈ U | U ∩ Xn = Vm} is not empty. So,by CC, there exists a sequence (Um)m∈N in U with Um∩Xn = Vm, hence withXn ⊆

mUm. Using CC again, we obtain a sequence (Un) of countable subsets

of U with Xn ⊆⋃

Un. Using CC a third time, we conclude that V =⋃

nUn is

a countable subset of U that covers X =⋃


Remark 4.63. Observe, that by the above result, even the sum of two Lin-delof spaces may fail to be Lindelof. In fact, if CC(R) holds, but CC fails97,then there exists a compact Hausdorff space (even a one–point compactifi-cation of a discrete space) whose sum with the discrete Lindelof space N ofnatural numbers fails to be Lindelof.

Theorem 4.64. 98 Equivalent are:

1. Countable sums of separable spaces are separable.2. CC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xn) be a sequence of non–empty sets. Assume w.l.o.g.that the Xn’s are pairwise disjoint. Consider each Xn as an indiscrete, henceseparable, topological space. By (1), there exists a sequence (dn) in



such that {dn | n ∈ N} is dense in∑


Xn. Define

xn = dmin{m∈N|dm∈Xn}.

97 E.g., in Fraenkel’s First Model A7 (N1 in [HoRu98]).98 [Ker200?], [KeTa2004].

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4.7 Disasters in Topology I: Countable Sums 83

Then (xn) ∈∏



(2) ⇒ (1) Let (Xn) be a sequence of (non-empty and pairwise disjoint)separable spaces. Then, for each n ∈ N, the set Dn of all maps f : N → Xn

such that f [N] is dense in Xn, is non–empty. By (2), there exists some (fn) ∈∏


Dn. Thus⋃


fn[N] is a countable, dense subset of∑



For a corresponding result about countable sums of normal spaces we needthe following lemma whose interesting combinatorial proof is too long to beincluded here:

Lemma 4.65. 99 Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of infinite sets. Let P0finXi be the

set of all non–empty, finite subsets of Xi, and let Mi be the set consisting ofall pairs (A,B) in (P0

finXi)2 with A �= ∅ �= B and A ∩ B = ∅ for each A ∈ A

and B ∈ B. Then there exists a family (fi)i∈I of functions fi : Mi → P0finXi.

Theorem 4.66. 100 Equivalent are

1. Countable sums of normal spaces are normal.2. CMC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xn)n∈N be a sequence of non–empty sets. To estab-lish CMC we may assume w.l.o.g. that all the Xn’s are infinite. For each nconstruct a normal topological space (Yn, τn) as follows:

Yn the disjoint union of P0finXn and a 2–element set {an, bn}.

τn consists of all subsets A of Yn which satisfy the following two properties:

1. If an ∈ A, then there exists some F ∈ P0finXn such that

F ↑ = {G ∈ P0finXn | F ⊆ G} ⊆ A.

2. If bn ∈ A, then there exists some F ∈ P0finXn such that

F ∗ = {G ∈ P0finXn | G ∩ F = ∅} ⊆ A.

Assume w.l.o.g. that the Yn’s are pairwise disjoint and form the sum Y =∑


Yn. By (1), Y is normal. Thus the disjoint closed sets A = {an | n ∈ N}

and B = {bn | n ∈ N} have disjoint open neighborhoods U and V .Define An = {F ∈ P0

finXn | F ↑ ⊆ U} andBn = {F ∈ P0

finXn | F ∗ ⊆ V }.Then the An’s and Bn’s are non–empty and satisfy F ∩ G �= ∅ for each

F ∈ An and G ∈ Bn. Thus, for each n ∈ N, the pair (An,Bn) belongsto Mn, as defined in Lemma 4.65. Let (fn)n∈N be a sequence of functionsfn : Mn → P0

finXn. Then, for each n, Fn = fn(An,Bn) is a non–empty, finitesubset of Xn. This establishes CMC.

(2) ⇒ (1) Let X =∑


Xn be a countable sum of (pairwise disjoint)

normal spaces and let A and B be disjoint closed subsets of X. Then, for each99 [HKRR98]100 [HKRR98], [HKRR98a].

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84 4 Disasters without Choice

n ∈ N, the sets An = A ∩ Xn and Bn = B ∩ Xn are disjoint closed subsetsof Xn. Thus, by normality of the Xn’s, for each n ∈ N the set Pn, consistingof all pairs (U, V ) of disjoint open neighborhoods of An and Bn in Xn, is notempty. Denote the first and second projection of fn by π1

n resp. π2n. By CMC

there exists a sequence (fn)n∈N of non–empty, finite subsets Fn of Pn. Thus,for each n ∈ N, the sets Un =


n[fn] and Vn =⋂

π2n[fn] are disjoint open

neighborhoods of An and Bn in Xn. Consequently U =⋃


Un and V =⋃



are disjoint open neighborhoods of A and B in X. Thus X is normal.

Exercises to Section 4.7:

E 1. Show that countable sums and countable products of metric spaces aremetrizable.

E 2. Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Countable sums of metrizable spaces are metrizable.(2) Countable products of metrizable spaces are metrizable.

E 3. Show that the product∏

nYn of the Yn’s, constructed in the proof of

Disaster 4.60, is not metrizable.

E 4. Show that the spaces∑

nYn and Z × N, constructed in the proof of Dis-

aster 4.60, respectively 4.61, are orderable101.

E 5. 102 Show that, whenever OP holds and KW fails103, there exists anorderable topological space that is a sum of normal spaces but fails tobe normal itself.

E 6. Show the equivalence of:(1) Finite sums of indiscrete spaces are Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.(2) Finite sums of Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact spaces are Alexandroff–

Urysohn–compact.(3) AC.

E 7. 104 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Sums of normal spaces are normal.(2) AC.

[Hint: Proceed as in the proof of Theorem 4.66 by using Lemma 4.65,and use Theorem 2.4.]

101 A topological space (X, τ) is called orderable iff there exists a linear order (=chain) on X that induces the topology τ .

102 [Kro86]103 E.g., in Howard–Rubin’s First Model A3 (N38 in [HoRu98]).104 [HKRR98], [HKRR98a].

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4.8 Disasters in Topology II: Products 85

E 8. 105 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Countable sums of Lindelof metric spaces are separable.(2) Countable products of Lindelof metric spaces are separable.

E 9. 106 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Countable sums of compact metric spaces are separable.(2) Countable products of compact metric spaces are separable.(3) Countable products of compact metric spaces are compact.(4) Compact metric spaces are separable.(5) Countable products of non–empty compact metric spaces are non–


E 10. 107 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Countable sums of Lindelof metric spaces are Lindelof.(2) Countable sums of Lindelof metric spaces are hereditarily Lindelof.(3) Countable products of Lindelof metric spaces are hereditarily Lindelof.

4.8 Disasters in Topology II: Products(The Tychonoff and the Cech–Stone Theorem)

The theorem just proved [the TychonoffTheorem] can lay good claim to beingthe most important theorem in general(nongeometric) topology.

S. Willard108

The next theorem [the Tychonoff Theorem] is fun-damental in this context and is also one of the mostimportant theorems of general topology.

R. Engelking109

The Tychonoff Product Theorem concerning the stabil-ity of compactness under formation of topological prod-ucts may well be regarded as the single most importanttheorem of general topology.

H. Herrlich and G.E. Strecker110

105 [KeTa2005]106 [KeTa2005]107 [KeTa2005]108 [Wil70]109 [Eng89]110 [HeSt97a]

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86 4 Disasters without Choice

Alas, disaster strikes again:

Disaster 4.67. Products of compact spaces may fail to be compact.

In fact, nothing less than AC itself is needed to prove the Tychonoff The-orem:

Theorem 4.68. 111 Equivalent are:

1. The Tychonoff Theorem: Products of compact spaces are compact.2. AC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets and let ∞ be anelement, not contained in


Xi. Define compact topological spaces (Yi, τi) by

Yi = Xi ∪ {∞} and τi = {∅, Yi, {∞}}. By (1), the space P =∏


(Yi, τi) is

compact. For each i ∈ I, the set Ai = π−1i [Xi] is a non–empty, closed subset of

P (where πi denotes the i–th projection). The collection A = {Ai | i ∈ I} hasthe finite intersection property. Thus


Ai �= ∅ by compactness of P . Since⋂


Ai =∏


Xi, AC follows.

(2) ⇒ (1) See any book on general topology.

The situation gets only slightly more pleasant, if we restrict attention toHausdorff spaces or even further to Hilbert cubes, i.e., products of the form[0, 1]I , or to Cantor cubes, i.e., products of the form 2I , where 2 is the discretespace with underlying set {0, 1}. Still, disasters cannot be avoided. Recall,however, that [0, 1]N and 2N are compact (see Theorem 3.13).

Disaster 4.69. 1. Products of compact Hausdorff spaces may fail to be com-pact.

2. Hilbert cubes [0, 1]I may fail to be compact.3. Cantor cubes 2I may fail to be compact.

Theorem 4.70. 112 Equivalent are:

1. Products of compact Hausdorff spaces are compact.2. Products of finite discrete spaces are compact.3. Products of finite spaces are compact.4. Hilbert cubes [0, 1]I are compact.5. Cantor cubes 2I are compact.6. PIT.7. UFT.

111 [Kel50]112 [RuSc54], [LoRy55], [Myc64a], [Her96].

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4.8 Disasters in Topology II: Products 87

Proof. By Theorem 4.37, the conditions (1), (2), (6), and (7) are equivalent.Moreover the implications (1) ⇒ (4) ⇒ (5) and (3) ⇒ (2) are straight-

forward.(5) ⇒ (2) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of finite discrete spaces. For each i ∈ I

letfi : Xi → 2C(Xi,2) be the canonical map. Then each fi and thus

∏fi :


Xi →∏


2C(Xi,2) ∼= 2⊎


are closed embeddings. Thus compactness of∏


Xi follows from that of


C(Xi,2).(2) ⇒ (3) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of finite spaces. For each i ∈ I, let Yi

be the discrete space with the same underlying set as Xi. Then each Xi is acontinuous image of Yi, and thus


Xi is a continuous image of∏


Yi. Thus

compactness of the latter implies compactness of the former.

What happens if we restrict the number of factors and consider only count-able products?

Disaster 4.71. Countable products of compact spaces may fail to be com-pact.

Proposition 4.72. 113 Each of the following conditions implies the subse-quent ones:

1. DC.2. Countable products of compact spaces are compact.3. CC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xn)n∈N be a sequence of compact spaces and let F bea filter on X =


Xn. A cluster point x = (xn)n∈N of F can be constructed

as in the proof of Theorem 3.13, using DC on (Y, �), where:

1. Y is the set of all triples (n, (x0, x1, . . . , xn),G), consisting of an element

n of N, an element (x0, x1, . . . , xn) ofn∏


Xi and a filter G on X such that

F ⊆ G and π−1i [U ] ∈ G for each i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} and each neighborhood

U of xi in Xi (where πi denotes the i–th projection).2. � is defined by:

(n, (x0, . . . , xn),G) � (m, (y0, . . . , ym),H) iff m = n + 1, (x0, . . . , xn) =(y0, . . . , yn), ym is a cluster point of the filter {G ⊆ Xm | π−1

m [G] ∈ G},and H is the filter, generated by the set G∪{π−1

m [U ] | U is a neighborhoodof ym in Xm}.

113 [GoTr95]

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88 4 Disasters without Choice

(2) ⇒ (3) Analogous to the proof of the corresponding implication in Theorem4.68.

Remark 4.73. The implication (1) ⇒ (2) of Proposition 4.72 is a properone, since there exists a ZF–model114 in which PIT and CC, and thus con-dition (2) hold (see Exercise E 4), but DC fails. It is not known whether theimplication (2) ⇒ (3) is also proper.

What happens, if we restrict things further by considering only countableproducts of finite (discrete) spaces?

Disaster 4.74. Countable products of finite spaces may fail to be compact.

Theorem 4.75. 115 Equivalent are:

1. Countable products of finite spaces are compact.2. Countable products of finite discrete spaces are compact.3. CC(fin).

Proof. (1) ⇔ (2) Straightforward.(2) ⇒ (3) Analogous to the proof of the corresponding implication in

Theorem 4.68.(3) ⇒ (2) Let P =


Xn be the product of a sequence (Xn)n∈N of finite

discrete spaces, and let F be a filter on P . Then (3) implies, via Proposition3.5, that


Xn is at most countable, thus well–orderable. Now proceed as

in the proof of Theorem 3.13, by choosing x0 and each xn+1 as the smallestpoint with the desired properties.

Let us go even further and restrict attention, for a given natural numbern, to countable products of spaces with n points each. Then for n ∈ {0, 1}we are on safe and trivial ground, and even for n = 2 we remain safe: seeTheorem 3.17. Moreover, Theorem 3.13 immediately implies, that for eachn ∈ N the space nN is compact (where n is the discrete space with underlyingset {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}116. However:

Disaster 4.76. Countable products of 3–element spaces may fail to be com-pact.

Theorem 4.77. 117 For each n ∈ N the following conditions are equivalent:

1. Countable products of (discrete) spaces with at most n+1 points are com-pact.

114 Howard–Rubin’s First Model A3 (N38 in [HoRu98]). See also [HoRu96].115 [Kro81]116 See also [Bru84].117 [HeKe2000]

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4.8 Disasters in Topology II: Products 89

2. CC(≤ n).3. CUT(n).

Proof. (2) ⇔ (3) See Exercises to Section 3.1, E 1.(1) ⇒ (2) Analogous to the proof of the corresponding implication in

Theorem 4.68.(2) ⇒ (1) Let P =


Xm be the product of a sequence of spaces Xm

with at most n + 1 points each.Case 1: P = ∅. Then P is compact.Case 2: P �= ∅. Let (xm)m∈N be an element of P . Then, for each m ∈ N,

the set Ym = Xm \ {xm} contains at most n elements. Thus, by (3), the setY =


Ym is at most countable. Consequently,⋃


Xm = Y ∪{xm | m ∈ N}

is at most countable, thus well–orderable. Now proceed as in the proof ofTheorem 3.13 resp. Theorem 4.75.

Remark 4.78. Observe that CC(2) may fail in ZF118.

Conclusion: In ZF the Tychonoff Theorem breaks down completely. How-ever, there is still hope: As we have seen in Section 3.2, the compactness con-cept splits in ZF in various, no longer equivalent, variants. Do some of thesevariants behave any better?

Disaster 4.79. Products of ultrafilter–compact spaces may fail to be ultra-filter–compact.

In fact, the Tychonoff Theorem for ultrafilter–compact spaces holds if andonly if either AC holds or AC fails badly. In between these extremes it fails:

Theorem 4.80. 119 Equivalent are:

1. Products of ultrafilter–compact spaces are ultrafilter–compact.2. Either AC holds or WUF(?) fails, i.e., there are no free ultrafilters120.

Let us postpone the proof of Theorem 4.80 until after Remark 4.83 andfirst consider the Hausdorff case. Here the sky brightens:

4.81. Tychonoff Theorem for ultrafilter–compact Hausdorff spaces:Products of ultrafilter compact Hausdorff spaces are ultrafilter–compact.

Proof. Let P =∏


Xi be the product of a family of ultrafilter–compact Haus-

dorff spaces, and let U be an ultrafilter on P . Then, for each i ∈ I, the set{A ⊆ Xi | π−1

i [A] ∈ U} is an ultrafilter on Xi, and thus converges to a uniquepoint xi in Xi. Consequently U converges to the point (xi)i∈I in P .118 E.g., in Cohen’s Second Model (M7 in [HoRu98]) and in Fraenkel’s Second

Model (N2(2) in [HoRu98]).119 [Her96]120 WUF(?) fails, e.g., in the Feferman–Blass Model (M15 in [HoRu98]) and in

Pincus–Solovay’s Model A6 (M27 in [HoRu98]). See also [Blass77].

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90 4 Disasters without Choice

4.82. Cech–Stone Theorem for ultrafilter–compact Hausdorff spaces:121 The ultrafilter–compact Hausdorff spaces form an epireflective subcategoryof the category Haus of Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps.

Proof. Immediate from the fact that a full subcategory A of Haus is epire-flective in Haus if (and only if) A is closed under the formation of productsand closed subspaces. For details see, e.g., [Her68] or [AHS2004].

Remark 4.83. Even though the Cech–Stone Theorem holds for ultrafilter–compact Hausdorff spaces, the situation is not quite as satisfactory as in theZFC–setting. In the latter there exist many detailed descriptions122 of theCech–Stone compactification βX (= the compact Hausdorff reflection) of X,at least for completely regular spaces, whereas in the ZF setting no detaileddescription of the ultrafilter–compact Hausdorff reflection is known — anexception being the discrete case. If X is a discrete space, then its Wallmanextension ωX is an ultrafilter–compact Hausdorff reflection of X. Here followsa simple description of ωX: For each free ultrafilter U on X, add to X a pointpU . Thus the underlying set of ωX has the form X∪{pU | U is a free ultrafilteron X}.

For each subset A of X, define

A∗ = A ∪ {pU | A ∈ U}.

Then {A∗ | A ⊆ X} is a base for the topology of ωX.

Now we are ready to present aProof of Theorem 4.80: (1) ⇒ (2) Assume that there exists a free ultrafilter Uon some set X. To show that AC holds, let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–emptysets. Let ωX be the Wallman extension of the discrete space with underlyingset X. Assume for simplicity that the underlying set of ωX is disjoint fromeach Xi. For each i ∈ I, consider space Yi; obtained from ωX via replacementof the point pU by the set Xi, considered as an indiscrete subspace of Yi. Theneach Yi is ultrafilter–compact and the ultrafilter Ui, generated by U , has Xi

as its set of limit points. By (1), the product space Y =∏


Yi is ultrafilter

compact. Let ∆ : X → Y be the diagonal embedding. Then in Y the filterV, generated by ∆[U ], is an ultrafilter, and thus converges to some point y.Consequently, for each i ∈ I, the filter Ui = {A ⊆ Xi | π−1

i [A] ∈ V} convergesin Yi to πi(y). This implies πi(y) ∈ Xi, thus y ∈


Xi. So AC holds.

(2) ⇒ (1) If AC holds, then (1) follows as in the proof of Theorem 4.81.If WUF(?) fails, then every space is ultrafilter–compact, and thus (1) holdstrivially.

Next, let us turn our attention to Tychonoff–compactness. As we will see,here the situation concerning the Tychonoff Theorem and the Cech–Stone121 [Her96]122 See, e.g., [HeSt97], where 25 different constructions of βX are exhibited.

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4.8 Disasters in Topology II: Products 91

Theorem (and also the theory of rings of continuous functions) is as pleasantas in the ZFC–setting123.

4.84. Tychonoff Theorem for Tychonoff–compact spaces:124

Products of Tychonoff–compact spaces are Tychonoff–compact.

Proof. Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of Tychonoff–compact spaces. Then, for eachi ∈ I, the canonical map

ji : Xi → [0, 1]C(Xi,[0,1]),

defined by πf ◦ ji = f for each f ∈ C(Xi, [0, 1]), is a closed embedding (seeExercises to Section 3.3, E 4). Consequently, the product map


ji :∏


Xi −→∏


[0, 1]C(Xi,[0,1]) ∼= [0, 1]⊎


is a closed embedding, too, and thus∏


Xi is Tychonoff–compact.

Observe that the above theorem could have been included into Section 3.2,since among all the closed embeddings of a Tychnonoff–compact space intopowers [0, 1]I of [0, 1] there exists (according to Exercises to Section 3.3, E 4)a distinguished one.

4.85. Cech–Stone Theorem for Tychonoff–compact spaces125

Tychonoff–compact spaces form an epireflective subcategory of the categoryTych of completely regular spaces and continuous maps. In particular, everycompletely regular space X can be densely embedded into a Tychonoff–compact space βX (its Cech–Stone compactification) such that the followingequivalent properties are satisfied:

1. Every continuous map X → [0, 1] can be extended to a continuous mapβX → [0, 1].

2. Every bounded, continuous map X → R can be extended to a continuousmap βX → R.

3. Every continuous map X → C from X into some Tychonoff–compactspace C can be extended to a continuous map βX → C.

Proof. Let X be a completely regular space. Then the canonical map

j : X → [0, 1]C(X,[0,1])

is an embedding. Factor j through the closure βX = cl[j[X]] of its image j[X]in [0, 1]

Xj→ [0, 1]C(X,[0,1]) = X

β→ βX ↪→ [0, 1]C(X,[0,1]).

Then the dense embedding β : X → βX has the desired properties126.123 See [Com68], [Sal74], [Her96], [BeHe99].124 [Com68], [Sal74].125 [Com68], [Sal74]126 See, e.g., [Her68] for details.

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92 4 Disasters without Choice

Remark 4.86. Alternative constructions of the Tychonoff–compact reflectionX → βX can be found in [Com68] (via rings of continuous functions), in[Cha72] and in [Sal74] (via zero ultrafilters and the Wallman construction).

Theorem 4.87. 127 The Tychonoff–compact spaces form the epireflectivehull128 of the completely regular compact spaces in the category Tych.

Proof. Let A, resp. B, be the class of all completely regular compact, resp. allTychonoff–compact, spaces and let C be the epireflective hull of A in Tych.For each X in A the canonical map

j : X → [0, 1]C(X,[0,1])

is a closed embedding. (Complete regularity implies that j is an embedding,compactness implies that j[X] is closed in [0, 1]C(X,[0,1]), see Exercises to Sec-tion 3.3, E 2). Thus A ⊆ B and thus C ⊆ B. Since [0, 1] belongs to A, allclosed subspaces of powers of [0, 1], i.e., all elements of B, belong to C. ThusB ⊆ C. Consequently B = C.

Finally, let us turn our attention to Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact spaces.Here the Tychonoff Theorem breaks down completely.

Disaster 4.88. Even finite products of Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact spacesmay fail to be Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.

Theorem 4.89. 129 Equivalent are:

1. Products of Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact spaces are Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.

2. Finite products of Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact spaces are Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.

3. Cantor cubes 2I are Alexandroff–Urysohn compact.4. AC.

Proof. Obviously (1) implies (2) and (3).(2) ⇒ (4) By Theorem 4.20 it suffices to show that any two cardinals are

comparable w.r.t. ≤. Let A and B be infinite sets with cardinals |A| = a and|B| = b. Then the indiscrete space X with underlying set A ∪ B, and thediscrete space 2 (with underlying set {0, 1}) are both Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact, and thus — by (2) — so is their product X × 2. Thus the setC = (A×{0})∪ (B×{1}) has a complete accumulation point (x, y) in X ×2.If y = 0, then (A ∪ B) × {0} is a neighborhood of (x, y) that meets C in

127 [Her96]128 The epireflective hull of A in B is the smallest epireflective subcategory of B

that contains A (provided that such an entity exists).129 [Her68]

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4.8 Disasters in Topology II: Products 93

A× {0}. Thus a = |A| = |A× {0}| = |C| = |A ∪B| = a + b, and hence b ≤ a.Likewise y = 1 implies a ≤ b. Consequently a and b are comparable.

(3) ⇒ (4) As above, consider arbitrary infinite sets A and B and let ∞be not contained in A ∪ B. Form I = {∞} ∪ A ∪ B and consider the Cantorcube 2I . For a subset C of I, let χC : I → 2 be the associated characteristic

function, defined by χC(i) ={

1, if i ∈ C0, if i �∈ C


By (3) the{χ{a} | a ∈ A} ∪ {χ{∞,b} | b ∈ B}

has a complete accumulation point in 2I . As above, this implies that thecardinal numbers of A and B are comparable with respect to ≤.

(4) ⇒ (1) is well–known.

Exercises to Section 4.8:

E 1. Show that finite products of compact spaces are compact.[Hint: Proceed as in the proof of Theorem 3.13].

E 2. Show that finite products of ultrafilter–compact spaces are ultrafilter–compact.

E 3. Show that CC implies that countable products of ultrafilter–compactspaces are ultrafilter–compact.

E 4. Show that CC and PIT together imply that countable products of com-pact spaces are compact.

E 5. 130 Let X be a dense subspace of a Tychonoff–compact space Y . Showthat the following conditions are equivalent:

(1) Y is (up to homeomorphism) the Tychonoff–compact reflection βX ofX.

(2) Any two disjoint zero sets in X have disjoint closures in Y .(3) For any two zero sets A and B in X, we have clY (A∩B) = clY A∩clY B.(4) Every point of Y is the limit of a unique zero–ultrafilter in X.

E 6. 131 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Countable products of compact pseudometric spaces are compact.(2) XN is compact for each compact pseudometric space X.(3) CC.

E 7. Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Products of 2–element spaces are compact(2) Products of non–empty compact Hausdorff spaces are non–empty and

compact.(3) PIT.

130 [Sal74]131 [HeKe2000a]

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94 4 Disasters without Choice

E 8. Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Hilbert cubes [0, 1]I are Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.(2) Tychonoff–compact spaces are Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.(3) AC.

E 9. Show that PIT implies AC(fin).[Hint: Use Theorem 4.70 and the proof of Theorem 4.68.]

E 10. 132 A topological space X is called supercompact iff there exists somex ∈ X whose only neighborhood is X itself. Prove that:

(1) Every product of supercompact T0–spaces is supercompact.(2) AC holds iff every product of supercompact spaces is supercompact.

E 11. Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Products of compact T1–spaces are compact.(2) AC.

[Hint: For (1) ⇒ (2) proceed as in the proof of Theorem 4.68 but enrichthe topologies of the spaces (Yi, τi) by substituting σi = τi ∪{Yi \F | Ffinite } for τi.]

E 12. 133 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) In the product topology the closure cl(


Ai) of a product of subsets

Ai of Xi is equal to the product∏


cliAi of the closures of the Ai in

Xi.(2) AC.

[Hint: For (1) ⇒ (2) proceed as in the proof of Theorem 4.68, but useindiscrete topologies τi = {∅, Yi}.]

E 13. 134 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) [0, 1]R is compact.(2) 2R is compact.(3) Products of finite subspaces of R are compact.(4) UFT(N).

132 [Ban93]133 [Sch92]134 [Ker2005]

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4.9 Disasters in Topology III: Function Spaces (The Ascoli Theorem) 95

4.9 Disasters in Topology III: Function Spaces(The Ascoli Theorem)

Mathematics is the art of deductionrather than a list of facts.

V.W. Marek and J. Mycielski135

The Tychonoff Theorem provides the foundation for several importantresults in topology and in functional analysis. One of these is the Cech–StoneTheorem, which has been treated in the previous section. Another one isthe Ascoli Theorem, which will be analyzed in this section. It concerns thecharacterization of compactness among certain spaces of continuous functions.

Unfortunately — even in ZFC — the category Top of topological spacesand continuous maps as well as all its topological subcategories that are closedunder the formation of squares and contain the Sierpinski–space136, fail to becartesian closed137, i.e., none of these categories has function spaces whichhave all the categorically desirable properties. However, the set C(X,Y ) of allcontinuous functions from X to Y carries several canonical topologies. Theweak topology, i.e., the one induced by the product topology on the space Y X ,is for many applications too coarse. A finer and more useful topology, comingclose to satisfying the categorically desirable properties, is the compact–opentopology τco which has as canonical subbase the set of all sets of the form

[K,U ] = {f ∈ C(X,Y ) | f [K] ⊆ U},

where K is compact in X and U is open in Y . The space Cco(X,Y ) =(C(X,Y ), τco) coincides, for discrete spaces X, with the product space Y X .

The Ascoli Theorem takes on various forms. For our purpose the followingversion seems appropriate.

Definition 4.90. The Ascoli Theorem states that for every locally compactHausdorff space X, for every metric space Y , and for every subspace F ofCco(X,Y ), the following conditions are equivalent:

(a) F is compact.(b) (α) For each x ∈ X the set F (x) = {f(x) | f ∈ F} is compact in Y .

(β) F is closed in the product space Y X .(γ) F is equicontinuous, i.e.

∀x ∈ X ∀ε > 0 ∃U ∈ U(x) ∀f ∈ F ∀y ∈ U d(f(x), f(y)) < ε,

135 [MaMy2001]136 The Sierpinski space is the space with underlying set 2 = {0, 1} and open sets

∅, {0}, and 2.137 See, e.g., [Her83].

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96 4 Disasters without Choice

where U(x) is the neighborhood–filter of x in X and d is the distance–function of Y .

Theorem 4.91. 138 Equivalent are:

1. The Ascoli Theorem.2. PIT.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let X be a set and let 2 be the discrete space with under-lying set {0, 1}. Consider X as a discrete space and 2 as a metric space withdistance–function d determined by d(0, 1) = 1. Let F be C(X,2) = 2X . Thencondition (b) of the Ascoli Theorem is satisfied. Thus (1) implies that 2X iscompact. Hence, by Theorem 4.70, PIT holds.

(2) ⇒ (1) Let X,Y , and F be as specified in the Ascoli Theorem.(a) → (b, α) Since F is compact in Cco(X,Y ), it is compact in Y X .

Thus, for each x ∈ X, its image πx[F ] = F (x) under the projection mapπx : Y X → Y is compact.

(a) → (b, β) Again, F is compact in the Hausdorff space Y X , and thus(by Exercises to Section 3.3, E 2) closed in Y X .

(a) → (b, γ) Choose x ∈ X and ε > 0. Then, for each f ∈ F , the setBf = {y ∈ Y | d(f(x), y) < ε

2} is open in Y . Thus, by continuity of f andlocal compactness of X, there exists a compact neighborhood Kf of x withf [Kf ] ⊆ Bf . Thus

Uf = F ∩ [Kf , Bf ] = {g ∈ F | g[Kf ] ⊆ Bf}

is an open neighborhood of f in F . Consider the evaluation map ω : X ×F →Y , defined by ω(y, g) = g(y). Then the above implies ω[Kf × Uf ] ⊆ Bf .Consider the collection C of all triples (f,K,U) with f ∈ F , K a neighborhoodof x in X, and U an open neighborhood of f in F with ω[K×U ] ⊆ Bf . Then,by the above

U = {U ⊆ F | ∃f ∈ F ∃K ⊆ X (f,K,U) ∈ C}

is an open cover of F . Thus, by (a), there exist finitely many membersU1, . . . , Un of U which cover F . For each i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, select fi ∈ F and

Ki ⊆ X with (fi,Ki, Ui) ∈ C. Then U =n⋂


Ki is a neighborhood of x in X.

Claim: ∀f ∈ F ∀y ∈ U d(f(x), f(y)) < ε.

Proof. For f ∈ F there exists some i ∈ {1, . . . , n} with f ∈ Ui. Thus y ∈ Uimplies:

f(y) = ω(y, f) ⊆ ω[U × Ui] ⊆ ω[Ki × Ui] ⊆ Bfi,

i.e., d(fi(x), f(y)) < ε2 . In particular, x ∈ U implies d(fi(x), f(x)) < ε

2 . Thus

138 [Her97]

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4.9 Disasters in Topology III: Function Spaces (The Ascoli Theorem) 97

d(f(x), f(y)) ≤ d(f(x), fi(x)) + d(fi(x), f(y)) < ε.

Consequently F is equicontinuous.

(b) → (a) By (b, α), each F (x) is a compact Hausdorff space. Thus, bycondition (2) and Theorem 4.70,


F (x) is compact. By (b, β), F is closed

in Y X and thus in∏


F (x). Consequently F is compact with respect to the

weak topology τ , i.e., when considered as a subspace of Y X . So it remains tobe shown that (b, γ) implies that τ equals the (generally finer) compact–opentopology σ on F . For this purpose consider an element V = [K,U ]∩F of thecanonical subbase of σ, and let f be an element of V . It remains to be shownthat V is a neighborhood of f in the weak topology. Since f [K] ⊆ U and Uis open in Y , we obtain for each x ∈ K

rx = inf{d(f(x), y) | y ∈ (Y \ U)} > 0.

Then Ux = {z ∈ X | d(f(x), f(z)) < rx

2 } is an open neighborhood of x in X,and U = {Ux | x ∈ K} is an open cover of K. By compactness of K there

exist finitely many members x1, . . . , xn of K such that K ⊆n⋃


Uxi. Thus

r = min{rx1 , . . . , rxn} > 0, and for each x ∈ K and each y ∈ (Y \ U) the

inequality d(f(x), y) ≥ r2 follows; in other words:

x ∈ K and d(f(x), y) < r2 imply y ∈ U . By equicontinuity of F there

exists, for each x ∈ X, some neighborhood W of x in X such that:

(*) ∀g ∈ F ∀z ∈ W d(g(x), g(z)) < r4 .

Consider the set C of all pairs (x,W ) with x ∈ X and W an open neigh-borhood of x in X such that (*) holds. Then

U = {W ⊆ X | ∃x ∈ K (x,W ) ∈ C}

is an open cover of K. By compactness of K there exist finitely many membersW1, . . . ,Wm in U which cover K. For each i ∈ {1, . . . ,m} select some xi with(xi,Wi) ∈ C. Then

B = {g ∈ F | d(f(xi), g(xi)) <r

4for i = 1, . . . , n}

is a neighborhood of f in the weak topology τ .

Claim: B ⊆ V .

Proof. Consider g ∈ B. For each x ∈ K there exists some i ∈ {1, . . . , m} withx ∈ Wi. This implies d(g(xi), g(x)) < r

4 by (*). Since g ∈ B, the inequalityd(f(xi), g(xi)) < r

4 holds. Thus:

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98 4 Disasters without Choice

d(f(xi), g(x)) ≤ d(f(xi), g(xi)) + d(g(xi), g(x)) <r


Consequently, g(x) ∈ U ; hence g[K] ⊆ U ; hence g ∈ V .This completes the proof.

Observe that the implication (a) ⇒ (b) of the Ascoli Theorem holds inZF, and that for the reverse implication (b) ⇒ (a) the only non–ZF require-ment is that products of compact Hausdorff spaces are compact. Since prod-ucts of ultrafilter–compact Hausdorff space are always ultrafilter–compact,we may conjecture that the Ascoli Theorem holds, if we replace the notionof compactness, wherever it occurs (hence particularly in the definition of thecompact–open topology), by that of ultrafilter–compactness. Alas:

Theorem 4.92. 139 Equivalent are:

1. The Ascoli Theorem w.r.t. ultrafilter–compactness.2. PIT.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) By Theorem 4.70 it suffices to show that condition (1)implies that all Cantor cubes 2I are compact. Assume that, for some setI, the space P = 2I fails to be compact. Consider I as a discrete spaceand 2 as a metric space with d(0, 1) = 1. Then there exists a filter F on Pwithout a cluster point. Thus the set X of all clopen140 members of F hasthe finite–intersection–property, but empty intersection. For each A ∈ X, the

map fA : P → 2, defined by fA(x) ={

1, if x ∈ A0, if x �∈ A

, is continuous. Thus the

family (fA)A∈X induces a continuous map f : P → 2X . Let F = f [P ] be theimage of P under f . A simple computation shows that f is an embedding. SoF is homeomorphic to P and thus, by Theorem 4.81, F is ultrafilter–compact.Apply the Ascoli Theorem w.r.t. ultrafilter–compactness to X, considered asa discrete space, Y = 2, and F . Then condition (a) is satisfied. Howevercondition (b β) fails, since the point p = (1)A∈X of 2X whose coordinates areall 1, belongs to the closure of F in 2X , since X has the finite–intersection–property, but not to F , since X has empty intersection. Thus (1) fails, acontradiction.

(2) ⇒ (1) By Theorems 3.22 and 4.37, PIT implies that compact =ultrafilter–compact. Thus (1) follows from Theorem 4.91.

Since for Tychonoff–compact spaces the Tychonoff Theorem and the Cech–Stone Theorem hold, we may expect the Ascoli Theorem for Tychonoff–compact spaces to hold as well. Alas:

139 [Her97a]140 Clopen means closed and open.

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4.9 Disasters in Topology III: Function Spaces (The Ascoli Theorem) 99

Theorem 4.93. 141 Equivalent are:

1. The Ascoli Theorem w.r.t. Tychonoff–compactness.2. PIT.

Proof. Since the proof of Theorem 4.93 parallels that of Theorem 4.92 it isleft as an exercise (see Exercise E 1).

In view of the above facts the following result is no longer surprising:

Theorem 4.94. 142 Equivalent are:

1. The Ascoli Theorem w.r.t. Alexandroff–Urysohn–compactness.2. AC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) By Theorem 4.89 it suffices to show that all Cantor–cubes2I are Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact. Let X be the discrete space with un-derlying set I, Y be the space 2, considered as a metric space with d(0, 1) = 1,and F = 2X . Then condition (b) of the Ascoli–Theorem w.r.t. Alexandroff–Urysohn–compactness is trivially satisfied. Thus, by condition (1), condition(a) holds as well, i.e., 2I is Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact.

(2) ⇒ (1) Under AC, Alexandroff–Urysohn–compactness agrees with com-pactness. Thus (1) follows from Theorem 4.91.

Sadly enough our resume of the above results is this:

Disaster 4.95. The Ascoli Theorem may fail under each of the interpreta-tions of compactness given above.

So there seems no hope left to salvage the Ascoli Theorem. Recall howeverthat the classical form of the Ascoli Theorem is more restricted than the oneformulated in 4.90. Can the former perhaps be saved?

Definition 4.96. The Classical Ascoli Theorem states that for any set Fof continuous maps f : R → R the following conditions are equivalent:

(a) Each sequence (fn) in F has a subsequence f(ν(n)) that converges con-tinuously143 to some map g (not necessarily in F ), i.e.,

141 [Her97a]142 [Her97a]143 Observe:

a) If (fn) converges continuously to g, then g is continuous.

b) If (fn) converges locally uniformly to g, then (fn) converges continuouslyto g.

c) If (fn) converges continuously to g, then (fn) converges pointwise to g.

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100 4 Disasters without Choice

∀x ∈ R ∀(xn) ∈ RN ((xn) → x ⇒ (fν(n)(xn)) → g(x)).

(b) (α) For each x ∈ R the set F (x) = {f(x) | f ∈ F} is bounded.(β) F is equicontinuous.

Disaster strikes even here:

Theorem 4.97. 144 Equivalent are:

1. The Classical Ascoli Theorem.2. CC(R).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) By Theorem 3.8 it suffices to show that each unboundedsubset B of R contains an unbounded sequence. For this purpose, considerfor each b ∈ B the constant map fb : R → R with value b. Then the setF = {fb | b ∈ B} violates condition (b, α) of the Classical Ascoli Theorem.So, by (1) it violates condition (a) as well. Thus there exists a sequence (fbn

)in F that has no continuously convergent subsequence. This fact implies thatthe sequence (bn) is unbounded.

(2) ⇒ (1) Observe first that every continuous map f : R → R is determinedby its restriction f |Q : Q → R to the rationals. This implies that there are only|RQ| = (2ℵ0)ℵ0 = 2ℵ0·ℵ0 = 2ℵ0 = |R| continuous functions f : R → R. HenceCC(R) implies that for every sequence (Fn) of non–empty sets of continuousfunctions f : R → R there exists some choice–sequence (fn) ∈



With this fact in mind let us turn to the proof of the Classical AscoliTheorem: Let F be a set of continuous maps f : R → R.

(a) ⇒ (b, α) Assume that (b, α) fails. Then there exists some x ∈ R suchthat F (x) is unbounded. Thus, for each n ∈ N, the set Fn = {f ∈ F | |f(x)| ≥n} is not empty. Consequently there exists (fn) ∈


Fn. Obviously (fn) has

no continuously convergent subsequence. This contradicts condition (a).(a) ⇒ (b, β) Assume that (b, β) fails. Then there exists some x ∈ R and

some ε > 0 such that, for each n ∈ N, the set

Fn = {f ∈ F | ∃y ∈ R |x − y| <1

n + 1and |f(x) − f(y)| ≥ ε}

is non–empty. Consequently there exists (fn) ∈∏



Obviously (fn) has no continuously convergent subsequence. This contra-dicts condition (a).

(b) ⇒ (a) Let (fn) be a sequence in F . Express the rationals as a sequence(rn) and define, by induction, a sequence of pairs (an, sn) with an ∈ R andsn = (gn

m)m∈N a sequence in F as follows:

144 [Rhi2001]

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4.9 Disasters in Topology III: Function Spaces (The Ascoli Theorem) 101

1. Let a0 be the smallest cluster point of the sequence (fn(r0)).Define s0 = (g0

n)n∈N by induction as a subsequence (fν(n)) of (fn) asfollows:

a) ν(0) = min{m ∈ N | fm(r0) − a0| < 1}b) ν(n + 1) = min{m ∈ N | ν(n) < m and |fm(r0) − a0| < 1


Then s0 = (g0n) = (fν(n)) is a subsequence of (fn), and (g0

n(r0)) → a0.2. Let an and sn = (gn

m)m∈N be defined. Let an+1 be the smallest clusterpoint of the sequence (gn

m(rn+1))m∈N.Define, as above via induction, (sn+1) = (gn+1

m )m∈N as a subsequence of(sn) = (gn

m)m∈N such that (gn+1m (rn+1))m∈N → an+1.

Next, consider the diagonal sequence s = (gnn)n∈N. Then s is a subsequence

of (fn) and is cofinal with each of the sequences sn. Thus, for each n ∈ N,the sequence (s(rn)) =



converges to an. Hence, for eachx ∈ Q, the sequence s(x) = (gm

m(x))m∈N converges in R. Since Q is densein R, G = {gm

m | m ∈ N} is equicontinuous, and R is complete, the familiararguments imply that s converges locally uniformly and thus continuouslyto some map g : R → R with g(rn) = an for each n ∈ N. Consequently (a)holds.

Thus disaster struck again. However, a simple analysis of the above proofimmediately yields the following salvaged form of the Classical Ascoli Theo-rem:

4.98. Modified Ascoli Theorem145 For sets F of continuous mapsf : R → R the following conditions are equivalent:

(a) Each sequence in F has a subsequence that converges continuously tosome map g (not necessarily in F ).

(b) (α) For each x ∈ R and each countable subset G of F the set G(x) ={g(x) | g ∈ G} is bounded.

(β) Each countable subset of F is equicontinuous.

Exercises to Section 4.9:

E 1. Prove Theorem 4.93.

E 2. Prove Theorem 4.98.

145 [Rhi2001]

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102 4 Disasters without Choice

4.10 Disasters in Topology IV: The Baire CategoryTheorem

The applications of topology to analysis are usually manifested inthe form of an “existence theorem” of some sort and the majorshare of the work in this direction is born, directly or indirectly,by two theorems: the Tychonoff theorem and the Baire categorytheorem.

S. Willard146

The category theorem, given by R. Baire in 1899 isone of the principal avenues through which applica-tions of completeness are made in classical and func-tional analysis.

A. Wilansky147

The relevance of the Baire Category theorem to thefundamental metalogical principle of deductive com-pleteness has long been known.

R. Goldblatt148

The above quotes indicate the usefulness of the Baire Category Theoremin different areas of mathematics. Like the Ascoli Theorem it comes in manydifferent forms. We will restrict our attention to the more elementary formsgiven below.

Definition 4.99. A topological space X is called Baire iff in X each countableintersection of dense, open subsets is dense.

Definition 4.100. The Baire Category Theorem states that all com-pletely149 metrizable spaces and all compact Hausdorff spaces are Baire.

Disaster 4.101. 1. There may exist completely metrizable spaces that failto be Baire.

2. There may exist compact Hausdorff spaces that fail to be Baire.

We will start by presenting classes of topological spaces that are Baire inZF and continue by widening these classes by stepwise adding set theoreticalconditions of increasing strength.146 [Wil70, p. 185]147 [Wila70, p. 178]148 [Gol85]149 A pseudometric space is called complete iff in X every Cauchy sequence con-

verges. For a completeness concept based on Cauchy filters see Exercise E 4.

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4.10 Disasters in Topology IV: The Baire Category Theorem 103

Theorem 4.102. 150 Separable completely metrizable spaces are Baire.

Proof. Let X be a topological space with a compatible complete metric d. Let(Bn) be a sequence of dense, open sets in X, let B be a non–empty open setin X, and let {xn | n ∈ N} be dense in X. For each n ∈ N

+ and each x ∈ X,define S(x, n) = {y ∈ X | d(x, y) < 1

n} and T (x, y) = {y ∈ X | d(x, y) ≤ 1n}.

Construct, via recursion, a sequence (yn, rn) of pairs, with yn ∈ X and rn > 0as follows:

y0 = xmin{m∈N|xm∈(B∩B0)}r0 = (min{m ∈ N

+ | T (y0,m) ⊆ (B ∩ B0)})−1.

yn+1 = xmin{m∈N|xm∈(S(yn,rn)∩Bn+1)}.

rn+1 = min{

1n+1 , 1

min{m∈N+|T (yn+1,m)⊆(S(yn,rn)∩Bn+1)}


Then (yn) is a Cauchy–sequence, which thus converges to some point y.By construction,y ∈ (B ∩


Bn). Thus⋂


Bn is dense in X.

Theorem 4.103. 151 Countably compact pseudometrizable spaces are Baire.

Proof. Let X be a countably compact space with a compatible pseudometricd. Let (Bn), B, S(x, n), and T (x, n) be as in the previous proof. Construct,via recursion, a sequence of pairs (kn, An), consisting of positive integers kn

and non–empty, open subsets An of X, as follows:

k0 = min{m ∈ N+ | ∃x ∈ X T (x,m) ⊆ (B ∩ B0)}.

A0 =⋃{S(x, k0) | T (x, k0) ⊆ (B ∩ B0)}.

kn+1 = min{m ∈ N+ | ∃x ∈ X T (x,m) ⊆ (An ∩ Bn+1)}.

An+1 =⋃{S(x, kn+1) | T (x, kn+1) ⊆ (An ∩ Bn+1)}.

Then An+1 ⊆ (An ∩ Bn ∩ B). Thus, by countable compactness of X,

∅ �=⋂


clAn =⋂


An ⊆ (B ∩⋂



. Consequently⋂


Bn is dense in X.

Theorem 4.104. 152 Equivalent are:

1. CC.2. Totally bounded, complete pseudometric spaces are Baire.3. Second countable, complete pseudometric spaces are Baire.

150 [Bru83]151 [HeKe2000a]152 [BeHe98]

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104 4 Disasters without Choice

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) By Proposition 3.26, (1) implies that every totally bounded,complete pseudometric space is compact. Thus (2) follows from Theorem4.103.

(2) ⇒ (3) Immediate via Exercise E 3.(3) ⇒ (1) Assume that CC fails. Then, by Theorem 2.12 resp. by Exercises

to Section 2.2, E 4, there exists a sequence (Xn) of non–empty sets such thateach sequence meets only finitely many Xn’s. Let ϕ : N → {r ∈ Q | 0 ≤ r ≤ 1}be a bijection. Then the space (X, d), defined by:

X =⋃


(Xn × {n})

d((x, n), (y,m)


{|ϕ(n) − ϕ(m)|, if n �= m

0, if n = m,

is a second countable complete pseudometric space that fails to be Baire, sinceeach Bn = X \ (Xn × {n}) is dense and open in (X, d), but


Bn = ∅.

Theorem 4.105. 153 Equivalent are:

1. CC.2. Countable products of compact pseudometric spaces are Baire.3. XN is Baire for each compact pseudometric space X.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let((Xn, dn)

)be a sequence of compact pseudometric

spaces. Then d((xn), (yn)

)= max{min{2−n, dn(xn, yn)} | n ∈ N} defines

a compatible pseudometric on the topological product space X =∏



Since each (Xn, dn) is complete and totally bounded, so is (X, d). Thus, by(1) and Proposition 3.26, X is compact. Consequently Theorem 4.103 impliesthat X is Baire.

(2) ⇒ (3) Obvious.(3) ⇒ (1) Let (Xn)n∈N be a sequence of non–empty sets. Define a compact

pseudometric space (X, d) by:

X = {(0, 0)} ∪⋃


(Xn × {n})

d((x, n), (y,m)


0, if n + m = 01

n+m , if n + m �= 0 and n · m = 0| 1n − 1

m |, if n · m �= 0.

In the product space (X, d)N, for each n ∈ N+, the set Bn =



[Xn ×


(where πm denotes the m–th projection) is dense and open. Thus, by (3),there exists an element (dn) in

n∈N+Bn. Each dn has the form (yk(n), l(n)).

153 [HeKe2000a]

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4.10 Disasters in Topology IV: The Baire Category Theorem 105

Thus (dn) ∈ Bm implies that there exists some n ∈ N+ with (yk(n), l(n)) ∈(

Xm × {m}). Therefore the sequence (yk(n))n∈N+ meets each Xm. Conse-

quently the sequence (xm)m∈N+ , defined by xm = yk(min{n∈N|yk(n)∈Xm}) is anelement of


Theorem 4.106. 154 Equivalent are:

1. DC.2. Complete pseudometric spaces are Baire.3. a) Compact Hausdorff spaces are Baire

and(b) Countable products of compact (Hausdorff) spaces are compact.

4. Countable products of compact Hausdorff spaces are Baire.5. Countable products of discrete spaces are Baire.6. XN is Baire, for each discrete space X.7. (αX)N is Baire, for the 1–point–compactification αX of each discrete space


Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let X be a complete pseudometric space with pseudometricd. For x ∈ X and r > 0, define S(x, r) = {y ∈ X | d(x, y) < r} andT (x, r) = {y ∈ X | d(x, y) ≤ r}. Let (Bn) be a sequence of dense, open setsin X.

Consider:Y = {(n, x, r) ∈ N × X × R | 0 < r < 2−n and T (x, r) ⊆ (B ∩



Define a binary relation � on Y by:

(n, x, r)�(n, x, r) ⇔(n < n and T (x, r) ⊆ S(x, r)


Then, for each y ∈ Y , there exists some y ∈ Y with y�y. Thus, by (1), thereexists a sequence (yn) in Y with yn�yn+1 for each n. This implies that, foryn = (mn, xn, rn), the sequence (xn) is Cauchy and thus converges to somepoint x in


T (xn, rn) ⊆ (B ∩⋂



(1) ⇒ (3) (b) follows from Proposition 4.72. For (a), consider a compactHausdorff space X, let (Bn) be a sequence of dense, open sets in X, andlet B be a non–empty open set in X. Consider the set Y of all pairs (n,A),consisting of n ∈ N and non–empty, open subsets A of X such that clA, theclosure of A, is contained in B ∩


Bm. Define a binary relation � on Y by:

(n,A)�(n, A) ⇔ (n < n and clA ⊆ A).

Then, for each y ∈ Y , there exists y ∈ Y with y�y. Thus, by (1), thereexists a sequence (yn) in Y with yn�yn+1 for each n. This implies that, foryn = (mn, An), we obtain154 [Bla77], [Bru83], [HeKe2000a].

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106 4 Disasters without Choice

· · · clAn+1 ⊆ An ⊆ · · · clA1 ⊆ A0 ⊆ clA0.

Thus there exists some point x ∈⋂


clAn ⊆ (B ∩⋂



(2) ⇒ (5) Immediate, since countable products X =∏


Xn of discrete

spaces Xn are completely metrizable, e.g., by the metric

d((xn), (yn)


{0, if (xn) = (yn)

2−min{n∈N|xn �=yn}, otherwise.

(5) ⇒ (6) Obvious.(6) ⇒ (1) Let X be a non–empty set and � a relation on X that satisfies:

∀x ∈ X ∃y ∈ X x�y.

Consider X as a discrete space. Then, by (6), the product space Y = XN isBaire. For each n ∈ N, define

Bm = {(xn) ∈ Y | ∃n ∈ N xm�xn}.

Then the Bm’s are dense and open in the non–empty space Y . Thus thereexists some point (xn) in


Bm. By construction:

∀n ∈ N ∃m ∈ N xn�xm.

Define, via recursion, a sequence (xn) as follows:

x0 = x0

xn+1 = xmin{m∈N|xn�xm}.

Then x�xn+1 for each n ∈ N.(3) ⇒ (4) ⇒ (7) Obvious.(7) ⇒ (1) Follows precisely as in the above proof of the implication (6) ⇒


Remark 4.107. By the above theorem the complete metric version of theBaire Category Theorem is equivalent to DC. Whether the compact Hausdorffversion is not only implied by DC, but also equivalent to DC (resp., whethercondition (3a) implies (3b) — and thus DC) remains an open question, cf.Exercises E 5. However, it is known that condition (3b) does not imply (3a)— and hence DC, as pointed out in Remark 4.73.

Further variants of the Baire Category Theorem can be obtained by mod-ifying the concept of completeness. For a completeness concept, obtained bymeans of Cauchy filters instead of Cauchy sequences see Exercises E 4. Discus-sions of more complicated completeness concepts such as Cech–completeness,pseudo–completeness, regular–closedness or pseudocompactness are beyond thescope of this book. See in particular [Oxt61], [Gol85], [HeKe99].

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4.10 Disasters in Topology IV: The Baire Category Theorem 107

Let us finally turn to another variant of the compactness concept, namelyto ultrafilter–compactness, in order to demonstrate that even DC may notalways suffice to obtain a suitable variant of the Baire Category Theorem.

Theorem 4.108. 155 Equivalent are:

1. DC and WUF.2. DC and WUF(N)3. Regular, ultrafilter–compact spaces are Baire.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Obvious.(2) ⇒ (1) Let X be an infinite set. By Theorems 2.12 and 2.14, X is

D–infinite, i.e., there exists an injection f : N → X: Let U be a free ultrafilteron N. Then {V ⊆ X | f−1[V ] ∈ U} is a free ultrafilter on X.

(2) ⇒ (3) Let X be a regular ultrafilter–compact space, let (Bn) be asequence of dense, open sets in X, and let B be a non–empty open set inX. Construct — as in the proof of the implication (1) ⇒ (3) of Theorem4.106 — a sequence (An) of non–empty open sets in X with clAn+1 ⊆ An foreach n ∈ N, and


An =⋂


clAn ⊆ (B ∩⋂


Bm). By Theorem 2.12 there

exists an element (an) in∏


An. If A = {an | n ∈ N} is finite, there exists

some a ∈ A that is contained in infinitely many and thus in all Am’s, andconsequently in B ∩


Bm. Otherwise, A is countable, thus there exists a

free ultrafilter U on A. Consequently W = {V ⊆ X | (V ∩ A) ∈ U} is a freeultrafilter on X, and hence converges to some point x. As a cluster point ofW, x belongs to clAn for each n ∈ N, and thus to B ∩



(3) ⇒ (2) Let X be a discrete space, let αX be the 1–point–compacti-fication of X, and let Y = (αX)N be the corresponding product. Then Yis a regular, ultrafilter–compact space, thus, by (3), Baire. Hence DC holdsby Theorem 4.106. If there would be no free ultrafilter on N, then the spaceQ would be a regular, ultrafilter–compact space which fails to be Baire —contradicting condition (3).

Note that the conditions DC and WUF are independent of each other.There exist models156 of ZF that satisfy PIT and hence WUF but not DC;and vice versa, there exist models157 of ZF that satisfy DC, but fail to satisfyeven WUF(?).

Exercises to Section 4.10:

E 1. Show that finite intersections of dense, open sets are dense and open.

155 [HeKe2000a]156 E.g., Cohen’s First Model A4 (M1 in [HoRu98]).157 E.g., Pincus–Solovay’s Model A6 (M27 in [HoRu98]).

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108 4 Disasters without Choice

E 2. 158 Show that, under CC, totally bounded pseudometric spaces are sep-arable.

E 3. 159 Show that if a second countable space X is pseudometrizable thereexists a compatible totally bounded pseudometric for X.

E 4. 160 A pseudometric space X is called filter–complete iff in X everyCauchy filter converges. Show that:a) Every filter–complete pseudometric space is complete.b) Every complete pseudometric space is filter–complete iff CC holds.c) Second countable, filter–complete pseudometric spaces are Baire.

E 5. 161Show the equivalence of:a) Compact Hausdorff spaces are Baire.b) DMC, the Principle of Dependent Multiple Choices, stating that for

every non–empty set X and every relation � on X satisfying

∀x ∈ X ∃y ∈ X x�y

there exists a sequence (Fn) of non–empty finite subsets Fn of X,satisfying

∀n ∀x ∈ Fn ∃y ∈ Fn+1 x�y.

E 6. 162 Show that CC(R) implies that separable, compact Hausdorff spacesare Baire.

E 7. 163 Show the equivalence of:

a) DC.b) Products of compact Hausdorff spaces are Baire.c) Compact Hausdorff spaces and Cantor–cubes 2I are Baire.

E 8. 164 Show the equivalence of:a) CC.b) Sequentially compact pseudometric spaces are Baire.

E 9. 165 Show the equivalence of:a) CC(fin).b) Countable products of finite Hausdorff spaces are Baire.

158 [BeHe98]159 [BeHe98]160 [HeKe2000a]161 [FoMo98]162 [Ker2003]163 [HeKe99], [HeKe99a].164 [HeKe2000a]165 [HeKe2000]

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4.11 Disasters in Graph Theory: Coloring Problems 109

E 10. 166 Show that, for each n ∈ N, the following conditions are equivalent:a) CC(≤ n) [see Exercises to Section 3.1, E 1].b) Countable products of Hausdorff spaces with at most n+1 points each

are Baire.

E 11. 167 Show that the Baire property for Cantor–cubes 2I implies each ofthe following conditions:

a) PX is D–infinite, for each infinite set X.b) CC(fin).c) There are no amorphous sets. [See Exercises to Section 4.1, E 11.]

4.11 Disasters in Graph Theory: Coloring Problems

I am sure that a2 > 4 but cannot prove it.P. Erdos168

To investigate coloring problems in graph theory we need to build up someterminology first:

Terminology 4.109. A graph is a pair (X, �), consisting of a set X, whoseelements are called vertices, and a symmetric, antireflexive binary relation �on X (i.e., x�y ⇒ (y�x and x �= y)), whose elements (x, y) are called edges.

A homomorphism f : (X, �) → (Y, σ) between graphs is a map f : X → Ysatisfying

x�y ⇒ f(x)σf(y).

A graph (X, �) is called a subgraph of a graph (Y, σ) provided that X is asubset of Y and � = σX is the restriction of σ to X × X.

A graph (X, �) is called complete provided that

� = {(x, y) ∈ X × X | x �= y}.

n denotes the complete graph with n = {0, 1, . . . , n− 1} as set of vertices;the elements of n being called colors.

An n–coloration of the graph G is a homomorphism f : G → n.A graph G is called n–colorable provided there exists some n–coloration of

G.A graph (X, �) is called connected provided that for any two distinct ele-

ments x and y of X there exists some tuple (x0, x1, . . . , xn) with

x0 = x, xn = y, and xi�xi+1 for each i = 0, . . . , n − 1.

166 [HeKe2000]167 [HeKe99a]168 [Erd80]. Here a2 is the chromatic number χ(G) of the graph G, described in

Exercise E 9.

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110 4 Disasters without Choice

The problem we are concerned with is whether a given graph is n–colorable, where n is some natural number. Obviously, n + 1 is not n–colorable. A necessary condition for the n–colorability of a graph G is thateach of its finite subgraphs is n–colorable. In ZFC this condition is also suf-ficient:

Theorem 4.110. In ZFC, for each n, the following conditions on a graph Gare equivalent:

1. G is n–colorable.2. Each finite subgraph of G is n–colorable.

Proof. See Theorems 4.113 and 4.115 below.

The above result remains true in ZF only for n = 0 or n = 1.

Disaster 4.111. It may happen that every finite subgraph of some graph Gis 2–colorable, but G fails to be n–colorable for any n.

Proof. Let (Xn)n∈N be a sequence of 2–element sets with∏


Xn = ∅. Consider

the graph G = (X, �) defined by

{X =


(Xn × {n})

� ={((x, n), (y,m)

)∈X2 | n=m and x �=y}


Then every finite subgraph of G is 2–colorable, but G is n–colorable for non ∈ N.

For connected graphs and n = 2, Theorem 4.110 can be salvaged however:

Proposition 4.112. For connected graphs G, the following conditions areequivalent:

1. G is 2–colorable.2. Every finite subgraph of G is 2–colorable.

Proof. Let every finite subgraph of the connected graph G = (X, �) be 2–colorable. If G is empty, nothing more need be said. Otherwise select anelement a in x, and define, for each x ∈ X, n(x) to be the smallest n ∈ N suchthat there exists some (n+1)–tuple (x0, x1, . . . , xn) in X with x0 = a, xn = x,and xi�xi+1 for i = 0, . . . , n − 1. Then the function f : G → 2, defined by

f(x) ={

0, if n(x) is even1, if n(x) is odd,

is a 2–coloration of G. (Cf. Exercise E 1).

Combining the ideas that enter into the proofs of the results 4.111 and4.112, we obtain:

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4.11 Disasters in Graph Theory: Coloring Problems 111

Theorem 4.113. 169 Equivalent are:

1. If every finite subgraph of a graph G is 2–colorable, then so is G.2. AC(2).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of 2–element sets. Consider the

graph G = (X, �), defined by

{X =


(Xi × {i})

� = {((x, i), (y, j)

)∈ X2 | i = j and x �= y}.

Then every finite subgraph of G is 2–colorable. Thus, by (1), G itself is2–colorable. Let f : G → 2 be a 2–coloration of G. Then, for each i ∈ I, thereexists precisely one element xi of Xi with f(xi, i) = 0. Thus (xi)i∈I ∈



(2) ⇒ (1) Let G = (X, �) be a non–empty graph, such that all of its finitesubgraphs are 2–colorable. Call a subset C of X a component of G providedthat the subgraph (C, �C) of G, determined by C, is a maximal connectedsubgraph of G. Let I be the set of all components of G. Then for each C in I,the graph (C, �C) is connected and hence by Proposition 4.112, 2–colorable.Moreover, as can be seen easily (cf. Exercise E 2) for each C in I, the setXC of all 2–colorations of (C, �C) contains precisely 2 elements. Thus, by (2),there exists a family (fC)C∈I of 2–colorations fC : (C, �C) → 2. Consequentlythe function f : G → 2, defined by

f(x) = fC(x), if x ∈ C

is a 2–coloration of G.

As can be seen easily (cf. Exercise E 3), the implication (1) ⇒ (2) of theabove Theorem 4.113 remains valid if the number 2 is replaced by any naturalnumber n ≥ 3. However, the inverse implication (2) ⇒ (1) may fail.

Disaster 4.114. Even under AC(3), there may exist graphs that fail to be3–colorable even though all their finite subgraphs are 3–colorable.

Proof. This follows from the next theorem and the fact 170 that AC(3) doesnot imply PIT.

Theorem 4.115. 171 Equivalent are:

1. If every finite subgraph of a graph G is 3–colorable, then so is G.2. PIT.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let B be a Boolean algebra with 0 �= 1. We will constructa graph G = (X, �) such that

169 [Myc61]170 Pincus’ Model (M43 in [HoRu98]) satisfies AC(fin), but fails to satisfy PIT.171 [BrEr51], [Laeu71].

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112 4 Disasters without Choice

(a) Each finite subgraph of G is 3–colorable.(b) If G is 3–colorable, then B has a maximal ideal.

This then, together with (1), will imply (2).G will be constructed in 3 steps.

Step 1: G1 = (X1, �1) with X1 = B and �1 = {(x, x∗) | x ∈ B}, where x∗

is the complement of x in B.Step 2: G2 = (X2, �2) with X2 = X1 ∪ {a}, where a is some element not

contained in X1 and �2 = �1 ∪ ({a} × X1) ∪ (X1 × {a}).Step 3: Let P be the set of all subsets {x, y} of B such that x and y are

neither comparable nor dual to each other. Associate with each {x, y} ∈ P agraph G(x, y) =

(A(x, y), �(x, y)

)as depicted:

a(x, y)���

b(x, y)

x ∨ y���

G(x, y)

x y

Define the graph G = (X, �) by:

X = X2 ∪⋃


A(x, y)

� = �2 ∪⋃


�(x, y).

Step 1 guarantees that any 3–coloration f of G satisfies f(x) �= f(x∗) foreach x ∈ B.

Step 2 guarantees that every 3–coloration f of G induces a 2–colorationof G1 and that every 2–coloration of G1 can be extended to a 3–coloration ofG2.

Step 3 guarantees that, for each {x, y} ∈ P , a map f : {x, y, x ∨ y} → 3can be extended to a 3–coloration f of G(x, y) if and only if f satisfies thecondition:

(*) If f(x) = f(y) then f is constant.Now we can prove (a) and (b):

Proof of (a): Let H = (Z, �Z) be a finite subgraph of G. Then there exists afinite subalgebra K of B with Z ⊆

(K ∪ {a} ∪


A(x, y)).

As a finite Boolean algebra with 0 �= 1, K has a maximal ideal I. Itscomplement F = K\I has the form F = {x ∈ K | x∗ ∈ I}. We construct a3–coloration G : H → 3 in 3 steps:

Step 1: For x ∈ (Z ∩ X1), define G(x) ={

0, if x ∈ I1, if x ∈ F


Step 2: If a ∈ Z, define G(a) = 2.

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4.11 Disasters in Graph Theory: Coloring Problems 113

Step 3: If z ∈(Z∩A(x, y)

)for some {x, y} ∈ (P∩PK), define g(z) = f(z),

where f is the restriction of g to the set {x, y, x ∨ y} and f is a 3–colorationextension to G(x, y), which exists since f satisfies the condition (*).Proof of (b): Let f : G → 3 be a 3–coloration of G. Assume w.l.o.g. thatf(a) = 2 and f(0) = 0. Define I = B ∩ f−1(0). Then F = B ∩ f−1(1) is thecomplement B\I of I in B. Moreover, �1 ⊆ � implies that F = {x∗ | x ∈ I}.Furthermore, for {x, y} ∈ (P ∩PI) we must have (x∨ y) ∈ I, since otherwisethe restriction of f to {x, y, x∨y} would violate the above condition (*). ThusI is closed under joins x∨y. Analogously F is closed under joins x∨y. Hence,by Exercise E 5, I is a maximal ideal in B.

(2) ⇒ (1) Let G = (X, �) be a graph such that each finite subgraph of Gis 3–colorable. Let I be the set of all finite subgraphs of G. For each K ∈ Ilet CK be the set of all 3–colorations of K. Consider each CK as a finite,discrete topological space. Then, by (2) and Exercises to Section 4.8, E 7,the product space C =


CK is compact and non–empty. For every pair

(L,R) of elements of I with L ⊆ R, the set A(L,R) = {(fK) ∈ C | f |Lis the restriction fR to L} is closed in C. Moreover, the sets A(L,R) havethe finite intersection property. Thus compactness of C implies that thereexists some element (fK)K∈I in the intersection of all the A(L,R)’s. For eachx ∈ X consider the subgraph Kx = ({x}, ∅) of G, and define f : X → 3 byf(x) = fKx

(x). Then f : G → 3 is a 3–coloration of G.

Exercises to Section 4.11:

E 1. Define, for graphs G, the concept of cycles in G, and show that forconnected graphs G the following conditions are equivalent:

(1) G is 2–colorable.(2) G has no odd–numbered cycles.

E 2. Show that a connected graph G has either precisely two 2–colorations ornone at all.

E 3. Show that, for every natural number n ≥ 2, AC(n) is implied by theassumption that a graph is n colorable whenever all its finite subgraphsare so.

E 4. Let n be a natural number ≥ 4. Show the equivalence of:

(1) If every finite subgraph of a graph G is n–colorable, then so is G.(2) PIT.

[Hint: Use Step 2 in the proof of Theorem 4.115.]

E 5. Let I be a subset of a Boolean algebra B, and F = B\I. Show theequivalence of:

(1) I is a maximal ideal in B.

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114 4 Disasters without Choice

(2) I is a prime ideal in B.(3) F is a maximal filter in B.(4) F is a prime filter in B.(5) The following conditions hold:

(a) 0 ∈ I.(b) x ∈ I ⇔ x∗ ∈ F (where x∗ is the complement of x in B).(c) (x ∈ I and y ∈ I) ⇒ (x ∨ y) ∈ I.(d) (x ∈ F and y ∈ F ) ⇒ (x ∨ y) ∈ F .

(6) The map f : B → 2, where 2 is the 2–element Boolean algebra, definedby

f(x) ={

0, if x ∈ I1, if x ∈ F,

is a Boolean homomorphism.

E 6. Consider the category Grph of graphs and homomorphisms. Show that:(1) Grph has products of non–empty families.(2) Grph has no terminal object.(3) Grph has coproducts (called sums).(4) Grph has equalizers but not coequalizers.(5) If (Gi)i∈I is a family of graphs, such that at least one member Gi0 is

n–colorable, then so is their product∏



[Hint: If f : Gi0 → n is an n–coloration of Gi0 and πi0 :∏


Gi → Gi0

is the i0–th projection, then f0 ◦ πi0 :∏


Gi → n is an n–coloration.]

(6) For each n ≥ 2, let Cn = (n, σn) be defined by

mσnk ⇔ (|m − k| = 1 or {m, k} = {0, n − 1}).

Then:(a) For odd n ≥ 3 the graph Cn is not 2–colorable.(b) Under AC(2) or AC(R), the product


C2n+3 is 2–colorable.

(7) Equivalent are:(a) Sums of 2–colorable graphs are 2–colorable.(b) AC(2).

(8) Let f : G → H be a homomorphism. If H is n–colorable, then so is G.(9) Every graph G = (X, �) is a quotient of a 2–colorable graph H =

(Y, σ), i.e., there exists a surjective homomorphism f : H → G suchthat for any pair (x1, x2) ∈ � there exists some pair (y1, y2) ∈ σ withf(y1) = x1 and f(y2) = x2.[Hint: Define Y = X � (� × {0, 1}),σ =

{(((x, y), i

),((x, y), j

))| (x, y) ∈ � and {i, j} = {0, 1}



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4.11 Disasters in Graph Theory: Coloring Problems 115

f : Y → X by f(a) =

a, if a ∈ Xx, if a =

((x, y), 0


y, if a =((x, y), 1


and g : H → 2 by g(a) ={

0, if a ∈ Xi, if a =

((x, y), i



E 7. For each set X, embed the graph G(X) = (PX, {(A,X\A) | A ⊆ X})into a graph H(X) such that for each filter F on X the following condi-tions are equivalent:

(1) There exists a 3–coloration of H(X) that is constant on F .(2) F can be enlarged to an ultrafilter on X.

E 8. Show that a graph G = (X, �) is(1) 0–colorable iff X = ∅.(2) 1–colorable iff � = ∅.

E 9. 172 For any graph G, that is n–colorable for some n, its chromatic numberχ(G) is the smallest n for which G is n–colorable.Consider the graph G = (R2, �), defined by x�y iff the distance betweenx and y is one. Show that:

(1) 4 ≤ χ(G).(2) χ(G) ≤ 7.(3) If χ(G) = 4 and DC holds, then there exist non–Lebesgue–measurable

subsets of R.Further:

(4) Investigate whether χ(G) depends on some choice–principle.[Hints: For (1) consider the Moser Spindle


















•D • G


•E • C

•B • F

as a finite subgraph of G. For (2) tile the plane by regular hexagons ofsuitable size].

172 [Soi2003], [Fal81].

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116 4 Disasters without Choice

E 10. 173 Consider the Shelah–Soifer graph G = (R, �), defined byx�y ⇔ ∃r ∈ Q ∃ξ ∈ {


√2} y = x + r + ξ.

Show that:(1) G has no odd–numbered cycles.(2) Under AC(R) or AC(2), G is 2–colorable.(3) If f : G → 2 is a 2–coloration of G, then the sets f−1(0) and f−1(1)

are non–Lebesgue–measurable.(4) If f : G → n is an n–coloration of G, then at least one of the coloring

sets f−1(i) is non–Lebesgue–measurable.

Non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets

of R exist

Shelah–Soifer Graph

is 2–colorable

AC(R) AC(2)

� �

[Hint: For (3): Use the Exercises to Section 5.1, E 14 and the fact thatthe sets f−1(0) and f−1(1) are congruent to each other via arbitrarysmall shifts.]

E 11. 174

(1) Define, for arbitrary cardinals c, the concepts of c–colorability and ofchromatic number for graphs.

(2) Show that X is well–orderable iff the graph (X ×ℵ, �), where ℵ is theHartogs–number of X and (x, α)�(y, β) iff x �= y and α �= β, has achromatic number.

(3) Show that it every graph has a chromatic number iff AC holds.(4) Show that CC(R) holds and the graph G, defined in E 10. above, is

ℵ0–colorable, then there exist non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R.(5) Is the graph G, defined in Exercise E 10, ℵ1–colorable? Does G have

a chromatic number in each model of ZF?

173 [ShSo2003], [HeRh2005].174 [GaKo91], [ShSo2003], [HeRh2005].

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Disasters with Choice

As is well known there are just as many (Lebesgue–) measurablesets as there are non–measurable ones: namely 2ℵ [where ℵ = |R|].This is peculiar since we are used to the fact that in real analysisthe pathologies predominate.

J. von Neumann1

However, as von Neumann points out, the above anomaly is only appar-ent — caused by the fact that there are so many sets of measure zero (namely2ℵ). If sets A and B are called equivalent provided that their symmetricdifference A∆B is of measure zero, the normal pathology of real analysis inthe ZFC–setting is restored: there are still 2ℵ equivalence classes consisting ofnon–measurable sets (equivalently: containing a non–measurable set) but onlyℵ equivalence classes consisting of measurable sets (equivalently: containing ameasurable set).

Observe further that not even complex analysis is devoid of pathologies.See, e.g., Exercises to Section 5.1, E 7.

5.1 Disasters in Elementary Analysis

Logic sometimes breeds monsters. For half a century there hasbeen springing up a host of weird functions which seems to striveto have as little resemblance as possible to honest functions thatare of some use . . . They are invented on purpose to show ourancestor’s reasonings at fault, and we shall never get anythingmore out of them.

H. Poincare2

1 [vNeu29, p. 86]2 Mathematical definitions and education (1906). Taken from [Fef2000].

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118 5 Disasters with Choice

Though the Axiom of Choice is responsible for many beautiful results, itis equally responsible for the existence of several dreadful monstrosities —unwelcome and unneeded.

Definition 5.1. The equation f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) is called the Cauchy–equation.

Consider a function f : R → R that satisfies the Cauchy–equation for all realx and y. Then it is easily seen that

• f(r · x) = r · f(x) for all rational r and real x, i.e., f is Q–linear.

In particular:

• f(r) = f(1) · r for all rational r.

So continuity of f would imply:

• f(x) = f(1) · x for all x ∈ R.

Are there solutions of the Cauchy–equation that fail to be continuous?None has ever been constructed and in ZF none will ever be, since thereare ZF–models without non–continuous solutions of the Cauchy–equation3.However the Axiom of Choice guarantees the existence of such monsters4;even worse, under AC there are far more undesirable solutions of the Cauchy–equation than there are desirable ones:

Disaster 5.2. In ZFC there are

1. 2ℵ0 continuous solutions f : R → R, and2. 2(2ℵ0 ) non–continuous solutions f : R → R of the Cauchy–equation.

Proof. (1) For each r ∈ R the function f : R → R, defined by f(x) = r · x is acontinuous solution of the equation (1). There are no others, as noted above.

(2) In ZFC, R, considered as a vector space over Q, has a basis B, alsocalled a Hamel basis. Moreover, a simple computation shows that |B| = 2ℵ0 .Since any map B → R can be extended uniquely to a linear map R → R,there are precisely

|RB | = |R||B| = (2ℵ0)2ℵ0 = 2ℵ0·2ℵ0 = 2(2ℵ0 )

solutions to be Cauchy–equation. Since only 2ℵ0 of these are continuous, thereare 2(2ℵ0 ) non–continuous ones.

Moreover, the non–continuous solutions of the Cauchy–equation haverather strange and unwanted features.

3 E.g., Shelah’s Second Model A2 (M38 in [HoRu98]).4 Observe, however that, although AC is the culprit in the present case, similar

monsters can be constructed in ZF. See Exercise E 9.

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5.1 Disasters in Elementary Analysis 119

Definition 5.3. Non–continuous solutions of the Cauchy–equation are calledugly.

Theorem 5.4. 5 If f : R → R is ugly, then its graphG(f) = {

(x, f(x)

)| x ∈ R} is dense in R


Proof. Let (x, y) be an element of R2 and let U be a neighborhood of (x, y)

in R2. Since f is ugly there exist real numbers a �= 0 and b �= 0 such that the

quotients α = f(a)a and β = f(b)

b are different. Consequently, u =(a, f(a)


and v =(b, f(b)

)are linearly independent vectors in the real vector space R

2,and thus form a basis of R

2. Consequently, there exist real numbers6 p and qwith (x, y) = p ·u+ q ·v. Since Q

2 is dense in R2 and the expression p ·u+ q ·v

depends continuously on p and q, there exist rational numbers p and q with(p · u + q · v) ∈ U . However

p · u + q · v =(p · a + q · b, p · f(a) + q · f(b)


(p · a + q · b, f(p · a + q · b)


Thus (p · u + q · v) ∈(U ∩ G(f)


Theorem 5.5. 7 Ugly functions are non–measurable.

Proof. Let f be ugly. Assume8 w.l.o.g. that there exist real numbers a �= 0and b �= 0 with f(a) = 1 and f(b) = 0. For n ∈ Z, define An = f−1[n, n + 1)and choose qn ∈ Q with |n · a − qn · b| < 1

2 . Define B0 = A0 ∩ [− 12 , 3

2 ] and

Bn = B0 + n · a − qn · b = {x + n · a − qn · b | x ∈ B0} for n �= 0.

Then x ∈ (An ∩ [0, 1]) implies that y = x − (n · a − qn · b) ∈ (A0 ∩ [− 12 , 3

2 ]),i.e., y ∈ B0, and thus x = y + (n · a − qn · b) ∈ Bn. Consequently

(An ∩ [0, 1]) ⊆ Bn ⊆ [−1, 2].


[0, 1] = [0, 1] ∩⋃


An =⋃


([0, 1] ∩ An) ⊆⋃


Bn ⊆ [−1, 2].

This implies that B0 (and hence A0) are non–measurable, since otherwisethe Bn’s, being pairwise disjoint and pairwise congruent, would have the samemeasure µ(Bn) = µ(B0) and thus9

5 [Ham05]6 namely p = y−βx

a·(α−β)and q = α·x−y


7 [Sie20], [Bana20], [Kac36/37], [AlOr45], [Halp51].8 If necessary, choose real numbers a = 0 and b = 0 with f(a)

a= f(b)

band replace

f by the function g, defined by g(x) = (b · f(a)− a · f(b))−1 · (b · f(x)− f(b) ·x).9 Here we use σ–additivity of Lebesgue–measure (which requires some choice prin-

ciple, cf. Exercise E 13.). However, our use of choice principles can be avoided.See Exercise E 14.

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120 5 Disasters with Choice

1 = µ([0, 1]



µ(B0) ≤ µ([−1, 2]

)= 3,

which is impossible. Consequently f is not measurable.

This result guarantees the existence of some further monsters:

Disaster 5.6. In ZFC there are

1. 2(2ℵ0 ) non–measurable functions f that satisfy the Cauchy–equation,2. 2(2ℵ0 ) non–measurable subsets of R.

Proof. (1) Immediate from Disaster 5.2 and Theorem 5.5.(2) The existence of non–measurable subsets of R follows immediately

from (1). Their number is computed easily via the following “construction”of the Vitali monsters.

5.7. The Vitali Monsters10 VLet � be the equivalence relation on R, defined by

x�y ⇔ (x − y) ∈ Q.

Then each of the equivalence classes w.r.t. � is dense in R, thus meets theinterval [0, 1]. By AC(R), there exists a subset V of [0, 1] that contains pre-cisely one element of each of these equivalence classes. The set I = Q∩ [−1, 1]is countable. For each r ∈ I define Vr = {v + r | v ∈ V }. Then A =


Vr is

a countable union of pairwise disjoint sets satisfying [0, 1] ⊆ A ⊆ [−1, 2]. If Vwould be measurable then each of the Vr’s would be measurable and wouldhave the same measure as V . Thus A would be measurable and its measurewould be 0, in case V would have measure 0, and ∞, otherwise. The former isnot possible, since [0, 1] ⊆ A; and the latter is not possible, since A ⊆ [−1, 2].Consequently, V is not measurable. Since there are precisely 2ℵ0 equivalenceclasses w.r.t. �, there exist precisely ℵ(2ℵ0 )

0 = 2(2ℵ0 ) Vitali Monsters.

Here follow some different monster productions in ZFC:

5.8. The Bernstein Monsters11 BSince the space of reals has a countable base, it has precisely 2ℵ0 open

sets, and thus precisely 2ℵ0 closed sets. By means of AC(R) it is easily de-duced that each uncountable closed subset of R contains at least two completeaccumulation points, thus a Cantor set, and thus has cardinality 2ℵ0 . Let A

be the set of all uncountable closed subsets of [0, 1]. Then |A| = |R| = 2ℵ0 .By AC(R), 2ℵ0 = ℵ for some Aleph ℵ. Thus A can be expressed in the formA = {Aα | α < ℵ}. Let f : P0(R) → R be a map that satisfies f(X) ∈ X

10 [Vit05]11 [Ber08]. Cf. also [Oxt80].

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5.1 Disasters in Elementary Analysis 121

for each non–empty subset X of R. Construct, via transfinite recursion, atransfinite sequence (xα, yα)α<ℵ in [0, 1]2 as follows:

Assume that α < ℵ, and that (xβ , yβ)β<α have been defined already. Thenthe set F = {xβ | β < α} ∪ {yβ | β < α} has cardinality less than ℵ. ThusAα \ F is not empty, and is in fact of cardinality ℵ. Define:

xα = f [Aα \ F ]yα = f [Aα \ (F ∪ {xα})].

Then the sets B = {xα | α < ℵ} and C = [0, 1] \ B form a partition of [0, 1],and each member of A meets each of the sets B and C. In other words: nomember of A is contained in B or in C. Hence every closed subset of B resp.of C is at most countable, and thus has Lebesgue–measure zero. Thus, if Bwould be Lebesgue measurable, then so would be C and both would haveLebesgue measure zero, which is impossible since their union B ∪ C = [0, 1]has Lebesgue measure one.

5.9. The Sierpinski Monsters12 SConsider a free ultrafilter U on N. Then the following hold:

1. A ∈ U ⇔ (N \ A) �∈ U for each A ⊆ N.2. (A ∈ U and F ⊆ N finite) ⇒ (A∆F ) ∈ U .13

For each A ⊆ N, let χA : N → {0, 1} be the characteristic function of A, i.e.,A = χ−1

A (1). Consider X = {0, 1}N. Define, for x = (xn)n∈N, the elementx∗ = (1 − xn)n∈N. With S = {χU | U ∈ U} the above conditions (1) and (2)translate into

(1*) X \ S = {x∗ | x ∈ S},


(xn)n∈N ∈ S(yn)n∈N ∈ X{n | xn �= yn} finite

⇒ (yn)n∈N ∈ S.

Consider the normed product measure µ on X, invariant under the oper-ation ∗. If S would be µ–measurable, then so would be X \ S and, by (1*),µ(S) = µ(X \ S) would hold. Thus µ(S) = µ(X \ S) = 1

2 .But by (2*), Kolmogoroff’s Zero–One–Law14 would imply that either

µ(S) = 0 or µ(S) = 1; a contradiction. From these observations it followsthat g[S] is not Lebesgue measurable, where g : X → [0, 1] is defined byg(xn) =



2n+1 .

The following diagram illustrates which choice principles suffice to createcertain monsters. For details not covered by the main text see the exercises.

12 [Sie38]13 A∆F = (A ∪ F ) \ (A ∩ F ) = (A \ F ) ∪ (F \ A)14 cf. [HewSt69, Theorem 22.21].

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122 5 Disasters with Choice

In Shelah’s ZF–model15 none of these principles holds, since it containsnone of the above monsters — even though it satisfies a “reasonable” choiceprinciple, namely DC, the Principle of Dependent Choices.

Diagram 5.10.

Non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R exist

Ugly functions exist

R � C as


over Q

R � Q ⊕ R as


over Q


field automorphisms

of C exist



Hamel bases

of R exist

DC and


AC(R) ⇔ R is well–orderable






Besides monstrosities the Axiom of Choice produces also some harmlessbut somewhat bizarre curiosities. Here an example:

Curiosity 5.11. 16 In ZFC there exists a subset of the plane that meetsevery straight line, lying in the plane, in exactly two points.

Proof. The set L of all straight lines l in the plane P has cardinality 2ℵ0 , andso has each of the lines l. By AC, 2ℵ0 is an aleph ℵ. So L can be written in theform L = {lα | α < ℵ}. Also by AC, there exists a function f : P0(P ) → Pwith f(A) ∈ A for each non–empty subset A of P . Via transfinite recursionwe define a transfinite sequence (Cα)α<ℵ of subsets of P such that |Cα| < ℵand |Cα ∩ lβ | ≤ 2 for each α < ℵ and β < ℵ.

Consider α < ℵ, assume that Cβ is defined for all β < α. Let α′ be thesmallest of all γ < ℵ such that |lγ ∩


Cβ | ≤ 1. Since |⋃

γ<α′(lγ ∩ lα′)| < ℵ, the

set Bα = lα′ \ (⋃

γ<α′lγ ∪


Cβ) is non–empty. Define Cα =⋃


Cβ ∪ f(Bα).

Then C =⋃

α<ℵCα meets every l ∈ L in exactly 2 points.

15 A2 (M38 in [HoRu98])16 S. Mazurkiewicz 1914; taken from [Sie58].

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5.1 Disasters in Elementary Analysis 123

Exercises to Section 5.1:

E 1. 17 Show that AC(2) implies that there exist non–Lebesgue–measurablesubsets of R.[Hint: With the notation of 5.9 define an equivalence relation � on Xby (xn)�(yn) ⇔ {n ∈ N | xn �= yn} finite. Let [x]� be the equivalenceclass of x ∈ X. Consider the set M =

{{[x]�, [x∗]�} | x ∈ X

}of 2-

element sets. By AC(2), there exists a set C of equivalence classes thatcontains exactly one element from each of the sets {[x]�, [x∗]�}. ThenS =


[x]� satisfies (1*) and (2*). Proceed as in 5.9.

Alternatively, assume that there exists a set S that contains for eachfunction f : R → R exactly one member of the set {f,−f}. Define foreach irrational number p a function

fp : R → R by fp(x) =

1, if (x − p) ∈ Q

−1, if (x + p) ∈ Q

0, otherwiseand show that X = {p ∈ (R\Q) | fp ∈ S} is non Lebesgue–measurable.]

E 2. 18 Show that AC(R) implies that R � C, i.e., the sets R of all real andC of all complex numbers, considered as additive groups (equivalentlyas vector spaces over Q), are isomorphic.[Hint: Observe that C � R⊕R and that, by AC(R), for any Hamel basis(bi)i∈I we have |I| = 2ℵ0 = 2ℵ0 + 2ℵ0 = |I| + |I|.]

E 3. Show that for any Hamel basis (bi)I the indexing set I is D–infinite.[Hint: Since the algebraic reals are countable, there exist a transcendentalreal t. Thus (tn)n∈N is linearly independent. Consider tn =


α(n, i)bi

withFn = {i ∈ I | α(n, i) �= 0} finite. Then


Fn is infinite. Define

f : N → N by f(n) = min{k ∈ N | (Fk \⋃


Fi) �= ∅} and

g : N → I by g(n) = min(Ff(n) \⋃


Fi). Then g is injective.]

E 4. 19 Show that the existence of a Hamel basis implies that R and R ⊕ Q

are isomorphic as vector spaces over Q (equivalently: as additive groups),i.e., R � R ⊕ Q.[Hint: Apply E 3. above.]

E 5. Show that each of the conditions(1) R � C,(2) R � R ⊕ Q,

17 [Sie27], [Oxt80].18 [Ash75]19 [Ash75]

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124 5 Disasters with Choice

implies the existence of ugly functions.[Hint:

(1) Let h : R → C be an isomorphism. Define f : C → R by f(x+ iy) = x.Consider f ◦ h.

(2) Let h : R → R ⊕ Q be an isomorphism. Define f : R ⊕ Q → R byf(x, q) = x. Consider f ◦ h.]

E 6. Discuss whether it is(1) desirable,(2) undesirable

that there exists a Hamel basis for the reals. Present arguments for (a)and for (b).

E 7. 20 Consider R and C as fields. Show that:(1) There exists precisely one automorphism of R.(2) There exist precisely two continuous automorphisms of C.(3) Under AC(R) there exist 22ℵ0 non–continuous automorphisms of C.(4) If there exist non–continuous automorphisms of C, there exist non–

Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R.[Hint for (1): Observe that, in view of the equation f(x2) =


)2, anyautomorphism of R preserves order. For (4): Observe that whenever f ais non–continuous automorphism of C, then the map g : R → R, definedby21 f(x) = �


)is ugly.]

E 8. Show that in ZFC there exist isomorphisms f : R → R of the vectorspace R over Q into itself whose graphs are dense in R


E 9. Define V = {p + q · π | (p, q) ∈ Q2},

j : Q2 → V by j(p, q) = p + q · π,

f : Q2 → Q

2 by f(p, q) = (2p, q),f : V → V by f(p + q · π) = 2p + q · π. Show that:

(1) The diagram


j ��






�� V


(2) j, f and f are Q–linear isomorphims.(3) j is continuous and f is a homeomorphism.(4) The graph of f , G(f) = {(v, f(v) | v ∈ V } is dense in V 2 hence also

in R2.

[Hint: Cf. the proof of Theorem 5.4.]

E 10. Show that in ZF the vector space Q(N) can be embedded as a Q–linear

subspace of R. [Hint: Cf. the hint for E 3.)

20 [Kes51], [Sie58, p. 443].21 Here is defined by (a + b · i) = b.

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5.1 Disasters in Elementary Analysis 125

E 11. Show that (1) ⇒ (2) ⇒ (3):(1) AC(R).(2) Each linear subspace of the vector space Q

(2ℵ0 ) has a linear comple-ment.



Xi �= ∅ for each family (Xi)i∈I of pairwise disjoint, non–empty

subsets of R.

E 12. 22 Show that, under DC and ℵ1 ≤ 2ℵ0 , there exist non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R.

E 13. 23 Show that each of the following conditions implies the subsequentones:

(1) CC(R).(2) Lebesgue measure is σ–additive.(3) R is not a countable union of countable sets.

[ Hint: For the implication (1) ⇒ (2) consult the proof of Proposition7.14.]

E 14. 24 Show that:(1) If X and Y are subsets of R with positive Lebesgue–measure each,

then there exist x ∈ X and y ∈ Y with (x − y) ∈ Q.(2) Ugly functions are non–measurable.

[Hint: Use (1) to prove (2).]

E 15. Show that under each of the following conditions there exist non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R:

(1) CC(R) holds and the Cantor cube 2R is Weierstrass–compact.(2) The Cantor cube 2R is compact. [Hint: Exercises to Section 4.13, E 8

and E 9 above.]

E 16. 25 Show that:(1) Under AC(R) there exist ugly functions with connected graphs.(2) Graphs of ugly functins are never locally connected.(3) Graphs of ugly isomorphisms are zerodimensional.(4) Removal of any non–vertical straight line from the graph of an ugly

function produces a totally disconnected remainder.

22 [Rai84]23 In the Feferman–Levy Model A8 (M9 in [HoRu98]) R is a countable union of

countable sets.24 [Sie20]25 [Jon42]

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126 5 Disasters with Choice

5.2 Disasters in Geometry: Paradoxical Decompositions

At first glance, the Banach–Tarski Decomposition seems prepos-terous. It blatantly contradicts our intuition about the conservationof mass or volume.

E. Schechter26

It certainly does seem to be folly to claim that a billiard ball canbe chopped into pieces which can be put back together to form alife-size statue of Banach.

K. Stromberg27

I think there is still something very disturbing about the Banach–Tarski paradox.

S. Fefermann28

Intuition is an important guide for mathematicians. However, it is not al-ways a safe one. There exist mathematical results that are counterintuitive.In many of these cases, a culprit can be isolated: the Axiom of Choice, i.e.,many paradoxical results are demonstrable in ZFC, but not in ZF. The moststunning of these is the so called Banach–Tarski Paradox which establishesthe existence of rather bizarre decompositions of the unit ball and of otherheavenly bodies. The construction of these paradoxical decompositions is mo-tivated by measure theoretic considerations. As we have seen in the previoussection, the axiom of choice allows the construction of non–measurable sub-sets of the reals. The main obstacle — besides AC — turned out to be therequirement that the measure–function be σ–additive. What happens, if we re-lax this condition by requiring just additivity, but add the natural requirementthat congruent (i.e., isometric) sets have the same measure? The paradoxi-cal decompositions, unearthed by Hausdorff29and by Banach and Tarski30 bymeans of the Axiom of Choice, demonstrate that in R

3, the 3–dimensionalspace, even such functions, describing the volume of bounded bodies, do notexist. For n = 1 and n = 2 such measures do exist, as shown by Banach31 —however (as we will point out later) they have some rather bizarre properties,as shown by von Neumann32.

26 [Sch97, p. 142]27 [Str79]28 [Fef2000]29 [Hau14]30 [BaTa24]31 [Bana23]32 [vNeu29]

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5.2 Disasters in Geometry: Paradoxical Decompositions 127

To prove these results is beyond the scope of this monograph. However,we will outline the main ideas, referring the interested reader for the moretechnical details to the elegant and “strictly elementary account” given in[Str79] or to the comprehensive book [Wag86], “where this striking theorem[the Banach–Tarski Paradox] and many related results in geometry and mea-sure theory, and the underlying tools of group theory, are presented with careand enthusiasm.”33

To describe the measure–theoretic results, concerning the spaces Rn, we

will use (in this section) the following terminology:

Definition 5.12. For n ∈ N+, an n–dimensional measure is a function

µn : PbRn → R

+, defined on the set PbRn of bounded subsets of R

n, satis-fying the following conditions:

(M1) µn is additive, i.e., µ(A∪B) = µ(A)+µ(B) for disjoint elementsA and B of PbR

n.(M2) µ is invariant, i.e., A ≈ B implies µn(A) = µn(B), where A

and B are called congruent, shortly A ≈ B, iff there exists anisometry34f : R

n → Rn with f [A] = B.

(M3) µn is normed, i.e., µn([0, 1]n) = 1.

NOTE: In this section we work — unless stated otherwise — in ZFC

Hausdorff’s Paradoxical Decomposition of the Sphere

Hausdorff35 was the first to show that 3–dimensional measures (and hencen–dimensional measures for any n ≥ 3; see Exercise E 1) do not exist. Heobtained this result by exhibiting a paradoxical decomposition of the sphere:

5.13. Hausdorff’s Decomposition Theorem for the Unit Sphere36

There exists a partition {A,B,C,D} of the unit sphereS2 = {(x, y, z) ∈ R

3 | x2 + y2 + z2 = 1} such that:

1. A ≈ B ≈ C.2. A ≈ (B ∪ C).3. D is countable.

Later we will indicate the idea of the proof of the above Theorem. First,however, some consequences.33 [Wag86]. From the Foreword by Jan Mycielski.34 In fact, one could restrict attention to orientation–preserving isometries without

changing any of the results in this section.35 [Hau14]36 [Hau14]

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128 5 Disasters with Choice

Corollary 5.14. 37 There is no function µ : PbS2 → R

+ which satisfies (M1),(M2) and (M3’) µ(S2) > 0.

Proof. Assume that a function µ, satisfying (M1), (M2), and (M3’), exists.The countability of D implies that there exists an isometry f of the sphere S2

(in fact a rotation) such that D and f [D] are disjoint. Hence D1 = (D∪f [D]) isa countable subset of S2 with µ(D1) = 2 ·µ(D). By repeating this process oneobtains, for each n ∈ N

+, a countable subset Dn of S2 with µ(Dn) = 2n ·µ(D).Since µ(Dn) ≤ µ(S2) for each n, this implies µ(D) = 0. Consequently: µ(S2) =µ(A)+µ(B)+µ(C) = 3 ·µ(A) and µ(S2) = µ(B∪C)+µ(B)+µ(C) = 4 ·µ(A).Therefore µA = 0, hence µ(S) = 0, a contradiction.

Corollary 5.15. 38 There is no 3–dimensional measure.

Proof. If µ3 would be a 3–dimensional measure, then the functionµ : PbS

2 → R+, defined by

µ(A) = µ3

({(λx, λy, λz) | (x, y, z) ∈ A and 0 < λ ≤ 1}


would satisfy (M1), (M2), and (M3’), contradicting Corollary 5.14.

Looking back at Hausdorff’s Theorem 5.13 one observes that the existenceof the countable set D somewhat reduces its elegance. Is there a smootherresult? Sierpinski39 showed that there are partitions

P1 = {A1, . . . , A6, B1, . . . , B4},P2 = {C1, . . . , C6} andP3 = {D1, . . . , D4}of the sphere such that

1. Ai ≈ Ci for i = 1, . . . , 6,2. Bi ≈ Di for i = 1, . . . , 4.

Though here the countable set is avoided, the number of pieces is unnec-essary large as shown by Robinson:

5.16. Robinson’s Decomposition Theorem for the Unit Sphere40

There exists a partition {A1, A2, B1, B2} of the unit sphere into con-nected and locally connected pieces such that A1 ≈ A2 ≈ A1 ∪ A2 andB1 ≈ B2 ≈ B1 ∪ B2.

This is, in a way, the best (or worst?) possible result. As Robinson himselfformulates41:

37 [Hau14]38 [Hau14]39 [Sie48]. See also [BrCe75] and [Str79].40 [Rob47], [DekGr56].41 [Rob47]

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5.2 Disasters in Geometry: Paradoxical Decompositions 129

“Thus we may cut S2 into four pieces, and reassemble them in pairsto form two copies of S2. We cannot use fewer than four pieces, sincewe cannot form a copy of S2 out of a single piece which is not all ofS2. Thus for the surface problem, the minimum number of pieces inwhich to cut S2 is four.”

Bad Groups

After Banach and Tarski42 had improved Hausdorff’s construction to obtainsimpler and more striking decompositions of 3–dimensional bodies (see be-low), von Neumann43 showed that — besides AC — the structure of thegroup of isometries of R

3 is responsible for the possibility of such paradoxicaldecompositions and thus the non-existence of 3–dimensional measures. Thisgroup contains a free group on two generators — and this fact causes all thetrouble. In von Neumann’s own words44:

Der Euklidische Raum scheint danach beim Erreichen der Dimensions-zahl 3 jah seinen Charakter zu andern: fur n < 3 laßt er einen allge-meinen Maßbegriff noch zu, fur n ≥ 3 nicht mehr!Daß dem nicht so ist, daß vielmehr der innere Grund dieses son-derbaren Phanomens eine gewisse gruppentheoretische Eigenheit dern–dimensionalen Drehgruppe ist, dies zu zeigen, ist der Hauptzweckder vorliegenden Arbeit.. . .Der plotzliche Charakterwechsel des Euklidischen Raumes beim Erre-ichen und Uberschreiten der Dimensionszahl 3 liegt einfach daran, daßdie — bisher allein berucksichtigte — Gruppe On der langentreuen Ab-bildungen fur n = 1, 2 “auflosbar” ist, fur n = 3, 4, . . . hingegen einefreie Untergruppe mit zwei Erzeugenden σ, τ hat.”

42 [BaTa24]43 [vNeu29]44 Translation: “Apparently Euclidean space changes its character abruptly when

reaching dimension 3: for n < 3 it allows a general concept of measure, forn ≥ 3 this is no longer the case!

To show that this is not so, that rather the deeper reason for this strange phe-nomenon is a specific group theoretic peculiarity of the n–dimensional isometrygroup, is the main purpose of the present article.

. . .

The abrupt change of character of Euclidean space when reaching and passingdimension 3 is simply caused by the fact that the group On of isometries —the only one that has been considered so far — is “solvable” for n = 1, 2, butcontains a free group with two generators σ, τ for n = 3, 4, . . . .”

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130 5 Disasters with Choice

Definition 5.17. 1. The free group F2 on two generators a and b is the setof all words x1x2 . . . xn with letters a, b, a−1, and b−1 such that a and a−1

are never adjacent and neither are b and b−1; supplied with the followingmultiplication: If w = x1 . . . xn and v = y1 . . . ym are elements of F2, thenw · v is obtained in several steps:Step 1: Concatenate w and v to obtain x1 . . . xny1 . . . ym.Step 2: Remove xn and y1 provided that {xn, y1} = {a, a−1} or {xn, y1}

= {b, b−1}.Step 3: Repeat step 2 as often as necessary until an element of F2 is ob-

tained.The empty word, i.e., the word with no letters, denoted sometimes by Λ,is the neutral element of F2.

2. x · Y = {xy | y ∈ Y } for x ∈ F2 and Y ⊆ F2.3. Subsets X and Y of F2 are called congruent, in symbols X ≈ Y , provided

that there exists some z ∈ F2 with Y = z · X.

Theorem 5.18. 45 There exists a partition {A,B,C,D} of the free group F2

such that:

1. A ≈ (A ∪ C ∪ D).2. C ≈ (A ∪ B ∪ C).

Proof. To demonstrate simultaneously the main idea of the proof and thetechnical difficulty that has to be overcome, we present first an argument thatalmost works, next a complete proof.

Attempt: DefineA = {x1 . . . xn ∈ F2 | x1 = a},B = {x1 . . . xn ∈ F2 | x1 = a−1},C = {x1 . . . xn ∈ F2 | x1 = b},D = {x1 . . . xn ∈ F2 | x1 = b−1}.Then {A,B,C,D} is almost a partition of F2. Just the empty word Λ is

missing. Moreover:A ≈ a−1 · A = A ∪ C ∪ D ∪ {Λ},C ≈ b−1 · C = A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ {Λ}.So, the empty word muddles things up and causes a correct proof to be

slightly less symmetric, hence less elegant:

Proof. Define A and B as above, but redefine C and D as follows:C = {x1 . . . xn ∈ F2 | x1 = b} ∪ {b−n | n ∈ N}46,D = F2\(A ∪ B ∪ C) = {x1 . . . xn ∈ F2 | x1 = b−1}\{b−n | n ∈ N}.Then {A,B,C,D} is a partition of F2, and:A ≈ a−1 · A = A ∪ C ∪ D,C ≈ b−1 · C = A ∪ B ∪ C.

45 [vNeu29]46 Here b0 = Λ.

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5.2 Disasters in Geometry: Paradoxical Decompositions 131

Bad groups G that act fixpoint–free (i.e., only the neutral element hasfixpoints) on a set X lead to paradoxical decompositions of X — where A ≈ Bfor subsets of X iff there exists g ∈ G with g[A] = B:

Theorem 5.19. 47 If F2 acts fixpoint–free on X, then there exists a partition{A,B,C,D} of X with

1. A ≈ (A ∪ C ∪ D).2. C ≈ (A ∪ B ∪ C).

Proof. Let {A,B,C,D} be a partition of F2 with A ≈ (A ∪ C ∪ D) and(C ≈ A∪B ∪C). For each x ∈ X let orb(x) = {g(x) | g ∈ F2} be the orbit ofx. Then {orb(x) | x ∈ X} is a partition of X. By AC there exists a subset Sof X that contains exactly one element from each orbit. Define

A∗ = {g(x) | g ∈ A and x ∈ S}

and analogously B∗, C∗, and D∗. Since F2 acts fixpoint–free on X, the set{A∗, B∗, C∗,D∗} is a partition of X. Obviously:

A∗ ≈ (A∗ ∪ C∗ ∪ D∗) and C∗ ≈ (A∗ ∪ B∗ ∪ C∗}.

Paradoxical Decompositions of the Unit Ball

The above observations lead naturally to the following considerations: Thegroup of all isometries of R

3 contains a subgroup that is isomorphic to F2 andacts on the unit ball B3 = {(x, y, z) ∈ R

3 | x2 + y2 + z2 ≤ 1}48.If this acting would be fixpoint–free, then the above results would imme-

diately lead to a paradoxical decomposition of B3 into 4 pieces. The fact,however, that rotations do have fixpoints — fortunately, not too many —causes complications. In fact, a paradoxical decomposition of B3 in 4 piecesis impossible49. However, Banach and Tarski have been able to demonstratethe following:

47 [vNeu29]48 Hausdorff, in his proof of the Decomposition Theorem 5.13, did not use a free

subgroup of the isometry group of S2, but rather one that is almost free, byshowing that there exist rotations α and β of S2 such that α2 = id = β3 arethe only relations in the group G generated by {α, β}. Each element g of G hasprecisely two fixpoints. The union of these fixpoint–sets is Haudorff’s countableset D. Then Hausdorff constructs judiciously a partition {A, B, C} of G suchthat βA = B, β2A = C, and αA = B ∪ C. If X is a set obtained by selectingexactly one element from the orbit of each point x ∈ (S2\D), then the partition{A · X, B · X, C · X} of S2 \ D has the required properties.

49 [Rob47]

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132 5 Disasters with Choice

Theorem 5.20. 50 There exist partitionsP1 = {A1, . . . , An, B1, . . . , Bm},P2 = {C1, . . . , Cn}, andP3 = {D1, . . . , Dm} of the unit ball such that:

1. Ai ≈ Ci for i = 1, . . . , n.2. Bi ≈ Di for i = 1, . . . ,m.

How many pieces n + m are needed to “double” a ball?

• Stromberg51 showed that 40 = 24 + 16 suffice,• Bruckner and Ceder52 used 30 = 18 + 12,• von Neumann53 used 9 = 5 + 4,• Sierpinski54 used 8 = 5 + 3 = 6 + 2, and• Robinson55 supplied the ultimate answer 5 = 3 + 2 :

5.21. Robinson’s Decomposition Theorem for the Unit Ball56

There exist partitionsP1 = {A1, A2, A3, B1, B2},P2 = {C1, C2, C3} andP3 = {D1,D2}of the unit ball into connected and locally connected pieces such that

1. Ai ≈ Ci for i = 1, 2, 3.2. Bi ≈ Di for i = 1, 2.

Moreover, Robinson showed that 4 pieces do not suffice.

The Banach–Tarski Paradox

Since, by the last two theorems, any ball in 3–dimensional space can be “dou-bled”, it follows easily that for any bounded subset A of R

3 and any ball Bin R

3 there exist a partition {A1, . . . , An} of A and a partition {B1, . . . , Bn}of some subset of B such that Ai ≈ Bi for each i = 1, . . . , n (see Exercise E2). Thus for subsets A and B of R

3 that are bounded and contain some balleach, it is possible to decompose each into a finite number of pieces and to“reassemble” these pieces to form a subset of the other set.

The Banach–Tarski Paradox says even more. To state it properly, a defi-nition first:

50 [BaTa24]51 [Str79]52 [BrCe75]. See also [Sie48].53 [vNeu29]54 [Sie45]55 [Rob47]56 [Rob47], [DekGr56].

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5.2 Disasters in Geometry: Paradoxical Decompositions 133

Definition 5.22. 57 Subsets A and B of R3 are called equidecomposable in

symbols, A ∼e B, iff there exist partitions {A1, . . . , An} of A and {B1, . . . , Bn}of B with Ai ≈ Bi for i = 1, . . . , n.

5.23. The Banach–Tarski Paradox58 Any two bounded subsets A and Bof R

3, that contain some ball each, are equidecomposable.

Proof. By the above remarks, each of the sets A and B is equidecomposableto some subset of the other. Thus the result follows immediately from thenext theorem.

Theorem 5.24. 59 If subsets A and B of R3 are each equidecomposable to

some subset of the other, then A and B are equidecomposable.

Proof. Let {A1, . . . , An} be a partition of A and let {B1, . . . , Bn} be a parti-tion of a subset B′ of B with Ai ≈ Bi for each i. Then for each i = 1, . . . , nthere exists an isometry fi : Ai → Bi. Thus the map f : A → B′, defined byf(a) = fi(a) for a ∈ Ai, is a bijection satisfying the condition:

(A) C ∼e f [C] for each subset C of A.Likewise there exists a bijection g : B → A′ from B to some subset A′ of

A, satisfying the condition(B) D ∼e g[D] for each subset D of B.

Define, via recursion, a sequence (Cn) of subsets Cn of A by{

C0 = A \ A′

Cn+1 = g[f [Cn]


Consider C =⋃


Cn. Then a simple computation shows that

A\C = g[B\f [C]

]. Thus condition (B) implies (A\C) ∼e (B\f [C]). Since (A)

implies C ∼e f [C], it follows that A = (A \C)∪C ∼e (B \ f [C])∪ f [C] = B.

AC as the Culprit

As we have seen above, in ZFC one can prove the existence of rather coun-terintuitive and undesirable decompositions of balls and other bodies in 3–dimensional space. Is AC really the culprit or are similar decompositions alsoconstructible in ZF? Since Lebesgue–measure in R

3 is additive, invariant andnormed, the above paradoxes imply that there are bounded subsets of R

3 thatare not Lebesgue–measurable. So the fact that there exist models60 of ZF inwhich all bounded subsets of R

3 are Lebesgue–measurable, shows that hereagain AC is the villain.57 [BaTa24]58 [BaTa24]59 [Bana23]. Observe that this result holds in ZF.60 E.g., Shelah’s Second Model A2 (M38 in [HoRu98]).

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134 5 Disasters with Choice

The following diagram shows how the existence of paradoxical decomposi-tions is related to other axioms, including HBT, the Hahn–Banach Theorem,considered to be “The Crown Jewel of Functional Analysis”:

Diagram 5.25. 61 In ZF the following implications hold:

AC(R)On every Boolean algebrathere exists an additive,normed {0, 1}-valued measure

←→ PIT

On every Boolean algebrathere exists an additive,normed [0, 1]–valued measure


BTP:Banach–Tarski Paradox

There exist non–Lebesgue–measurable sets




All implications with the possible exception of the penultimate one (2) areproper.

Bizarre Decomposition Paradoxes in Dimensions 1 and 2

Although — as Banach62 has shown — there exist measures on R2 (invari-

ant under isometries) — even different ones, some agreeing on all Lebesgue–measurable sets with the Lebesgue measure, others failing to do that; theredo exist paradoxical decompositions — as von Neumann63 has shown — pro-vided we enlarge the isometry group to the group A2 of all area–preservingaffine maps (i.e., those with determinant 1):

5.26. Von Neumann–Lemma A2 contains a subgroup that is free on twogenerators.

61 For (1) see [Lux69]. For (2) see [Paw91] and [FoWe91]. For (3) see [LoRy51].For detailed accounts of the Hahn–Banach Theorem see [Bus93] and [NaBe97].

62 [Bana23]63 [vNeu29]

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5.2 Disasters in Geometry: Paradoxical Decompositions 135

5.27. Decomposition Paradox for the Plane Any two bounded planarsets A and B with non–empty interiors are A2–equidecomposable, i.e., thereexist partitions {A1, . . . , An} of A and {B1, . . . , Bn} of B such that for each i ∈{1, . . . , n} there exists an affine transformation Ti : R

2 → R2 with determinant

1 such that ti[Ai] = Bi.

Even though in R1, i.e., on the real line, the only continuous transforma-

tions that preserve distances are the translations and the reflections, whichdo not give rise to paradoxical decompositions, von Neumann has been ableto unearth the following linear decomposition paradox:

5.28. Von Neumann’s Decomposition Paradox for the Real Line64

For any two bounded linear sets A and B with non–empty interiors thereexist partitions {A1, . . . , An} of A and {B1, . . . , Bn} of B such that for eachi ∈ {1, . . . , n} there exists a bijection fi : Ai → Bi such that for any two pointsx and y of Ai we have |x − y| < |f(x) − f(y)|.

Corollary 5.29. 65 For any 1–dimensional measure µ there exist boundedlinear sets A and B and a bijection f : A → B that increases the distances ofany two points of A, but such that µ(B) < µ(A).

5.30. Sierpinski’s Decomposition Paradox for Disks66

For any pair (r, s) of positive reals there exist partitions {A1, . . . , An} of{(x, y) ∈ R

2 | x2 + y2 ≤ r2} and {B1, . . . , Bn} of {(x, y) ∈ R1 | x2 + y2 ≤ s2}

such that for each i ∈ {1, . . . , n} there exists a bijection fi : Ai → Bi suchthat for any two points a and b of Ai we have d(a, b) < d

(f(a), f(b)


Exercises to Section 5.2:

E 1. Show that, if n ≤ m, then the existence of an m–dimensional measureimplies the existence of an n–dimensional measure in ZF.

E 2. Let A be a bounded subset of R3 and B be a subset of R

3 that containssome ball. Show that A is equidecomposable with some subset of B.

E 3. Show that Banach’s Theorem 5.24 holds in ZF.

E 4. 67 Some Non–paradoxical but peculiar decomposition in ZF.Let P (resp. T) be the set of all irrational (resp. transcendental) realnumbers. Show that:

(1) There exist partitions{R1, R2} of R and {P1, P2} of P with R1 ≈ P1 and R2 ≈ P2.

64 [vNeu29]65 [vNeu29]66 [Sie48]67 [Sie48]

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136 5 Disasters with Choice

(2) There exist partitions{P1, P2} of P and {T1, T2} of T with P1 ≈ T1 and P2 ≈ T2.

(3) There do not exist partitions{Q1, Q2, . . . , Qn} of Q and {A1, A2, . . . , An} of R\T such that Qi ≈ Ai

for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}.[Hint: For a ∈ R let ta : R → R be defined by ta(x) = a + x.Re (1): Observe that for a ∈ R and X =


tna [Q] we get ta[X] = X \Q.

Re (2): Observe that for a ∈ T and X =⋃


tna [R \ (T ∪ Q)] we get

ta[X] = X \(R \ (T ∪ Q)


Re (3): Observe that |x−y| ∈ Q for x and y in Q, but |n ·√

2−m ·√

2 |�∈ Q

for n and m different natural numbers.]

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Disasters either way

There are two kinds of truth. To the one kind belong statementsso simple and clear that the opposite assertions obviously couldnot be defended. The other kind, the so-called “deep truths”, arestatements in which the opposite also contains deep truth.

Niels Bohr1

6.1 Disasters in Game Theory

The axiom of choice may well be regarded as such a “deep truth”. Its Janus–faced nature is dramatically revealed by the theory of games. On one handAC guarantees the existence of winning strategies for certain deterministic2–person games with complete information; on the other hand AC allows the“construction” of similar deterministic 2–person games with complete infor-mation that lack winning strategies.

Let us start by introducing the relevant concepts via the description of thefollowing simple games:

Definition 6.1. The 2–player game

G = G(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . Yn), A



• n is a positive integer, the number of moves of each of the two players.• (X1, . . . , Xn) (resp. (Y1, . . . , Yn)) is an n–tuple of non–empty sets Xi (resp.

Yi) whose elements are the possible i–th moves of the first (resp. second)player.

• A is a subset ofn∏


(Xi × Yi), called the winning set for the second player.

1 [Boh49]. See also [Myc66].

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138 6 Disasters either way

The game G is played as follows: The players choose successively elements

x1 ∈ X1, y1 ∈ Y1, x2 ∈ X2, . . . , yn ∈ Yn

at each step knowing all the previous steps. The 2n–tuple (x1, y1, x2, . . . , yn)is called the outcome of the game.

The second player wins if the outcome belongs to A; otherwise the firstplayer wins.

A strategy for the first player is an n–tuple σ = (σ1, . . . , σn) of functions2

σi :∏


(Xj × Yj) → Xi.

A strategy σ is called a winning strategy for the first player provided that for

any n–tuple (y1, . . . , yn) ∈n∏


Yi the 2n–tuple (x1, y1, x2, . . . , yn), defined by

x1 = σ(∅) and xi+1 = σ(x1, y1, x2, . . . , yi) for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1, does notbelong to A, i.e., that the first player wins the game provided that he uses thestrategy σ, no matter what the second player does.

Similarly strategies and winning strategies are defined for the secondplayer.

The game G is called determinate provided that one of the players has awinning strategy.

For finite games of the above form3 all is well:

Theorem 6.2. The game G = G(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . , Yn), A

)is deter-

minate if all the Xi’s and Yi’s are finite.

Proof. We proceed by induction.Step 1: n = 1.Two cases are possible:Case 1: There exists x1 ∈ X1 with ({x1} × Y1) ∩ A = ∅. Then the first

player has a winning strategy by choosing such an x1.Case 2: For each x1 ∈ X1 there exists some y1 ∈ Y1 with (x1, y1) ∈ A.

Since X1 is finite, there exists a function σ : X1 → Y1 such that(x, σ(x)) ∈ A for each x ∈ X. Such σ provides a winning strategyfor the second player.

Step 2: Assume that each game G = G(n, . . .) with n ≤ k is determi-nate. Consider a game G = G(k + 1, (X1, . . . , Xk+1), (Y1, . . . , Yk+1), A).Then for each pair (x, y) ∈ (X1 × Y1) we get a new game G(x, y) =G(k, (X2, . . . , Xk+1), (Y2, . . . , Yk+1), A(x, y)

), where

2 {∅} is the empty product.3 Many familiar deterministic 2–person games with complete information can be

represented in the above form. If ties are possible, like in chess, minor adjust-ments are needed. See Exercise E 3.

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6.1 Disasters in Game Theory 139

A(x, y) ={(

(x2, y2), . . . , (xk+1, yk+1))∈



(Xi × Yi) |((x, y), (x2, y2), . . . , (xk+1, yk+1)

)∈ A


Then two cases are possible:Case 1: There exists x1 ∈ X1 such that for each y ∈ Y1 the first player

has a winning strategy σ(y) for the game G(x1, y).Since Y1 is finite, this implies that the first player has a winningstrategy for the original game G.

Case 2: For each x ∈ X1 there exists some y ∈ Y1 such that the secondplayer has a winning strategy σ(x, y) for the game G(x, y).Since X1 × Y1 is finite, this implies that the second player has awinning strategy of the original game G.

Problems arise when we pass from finite to infinite games. There are twonatural ways to do this. We may allow, for each player, ω moves instead of afinite number n only or we may allow the players an infinite number of optionsfor some of their moves, i.e., we may allow the Xi’s and Yi’s to be infinite. Inboth cases the games may loose their determinateness:

Disaster 6.3. Infinite games of the form

G(ω, (Xn)n∈ω, (Yn)n∈ω, A

)resp. G

(n, (Xi)i≤n, (Yi)i≤n, A


may fail to be determinate.

The reasons for the disaster concerning the two types of infinite gamesdescribed above are decidedly complementary to each other.

Theorem 6.4. Equivalent are:

1. Each game of the form G(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . , Yn), A

)is determi-

nate.2. Each game of the form G

(1, (X1), (Y1), A

)is determinate.

3. AC.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Obvious.(2) ⇒ (3) Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of non–empty sets. Consider X =



and A = {(i, x) | i ∈ I and x ∈ Xi}. Then the game G = G(1, (I), (X), A


determinate, by (2). Since for every i ∈ I there exists x ∈ X with (i, x) ∈ A,the first player can have no winning strategy. Thus the second player musthave a winning strategy, i.e., a function σ : I → X such that

(i, σ(i)

)∈ A for

each i ∈ I, — in other words: σ ∈∏


Xi. Thus AC holds.

(3) ⇒ (1) This implication is verified as in the proof of Theorem 6.2, sincein the presence of AC the finiteness–assumptions are not needed.

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140 6 Disasters either way

Theorem 6.5. 4 In ZFC there exists a subset A of ({0, 1}2)N such that thegameGA = (ω, {0, 1}N, {0, 1}N, A) is not determinate.

Proof. 5 Independently of A, each player has at each step precisely 2 optionsto play, namely 0 and 1, thus altogether 2ℵ0 options. Since (2ℵ0)ℵ0 = 2ℵ0 ,a simple computation shows that each player has — independently of A —precisely 2ℵ0 possible strategies to play the game. By AC, 2ℵ0 = ℵγ for someordinal γ. Thus the possible strategies for the first (resp. second) player canbe arranged in the form (σα)α<ℵγ

(resp. (τα)α<ℵγ). By transfinite recursion

we will construct, for α < ℵγ , subsets Aα and Bα of ({0, 1}2)N such that

1. α < β ⇒ (Aα ⊆ Aβ and Bα ⊆ Bβ),2. |Aα| ≤ |α| and |Bα| ≤ α,3. Aα ∩ Bα = ∅,

such that the game GA with A =⋃


Aα is not determinate.

Let us assume that the Aα’s and Bα’s are constructed for α < β accordingto the above restrictions:

Case 1: β = 0Choose A0 = B0 = ∅

Case 2: β is a limit ordinal.Choose Aβ =


Aα and Bβ =⋃



Case 3: β = α + 1 for some α.If the first player plays according to the strategy σα and the secondplayer plays y = (y1, y2, . . .) for some y ∈ {0, 1}N the outcome willbe of the form 0(σα, y) = (x1, y1, x2, y2, . . .). Since |{0, 1}N| =2ℵ0 and |Bα| < 2ℵ0 , there exist some y(σα) in {0, 1}N such that0(σα, y(σα)

)�∈ Bα. Select such an element y(σα) and define Aβ =

Aα∪{0(σα, y(σα)

)}. This implies that σα is not a winning strategy

of the first player for the game GAβ, and thus also not for the

original game GA. Similarly there exists some x(τα) in {0, 1}N

such that, if the first player plays x(τA) and the second playerplays according to the strategy τα, the outcome 0

(x(τα), τα


not belong to Aβ . Define Bβ = Bα ∪{0(x(τα), τα

)}. This implies

that τα is not a winning strategy of the second player for the gameG({0,1}2)N\Bβ

, and thus also not for the game GA. Consequentlythe game GA is not determinate.

The Axiom of Determinateness, AD, stating that the above game GA is de-terminate for each A, will be investigated further in Section 7.2.

4 [Myc64]5 [Jec73]

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6.1 Disasters in Game Theory 141

Exercises to section 6.1:

E 1. Show that if in a game of the form G(1, (X1), (Y1), A

)the first player

has no winning strategy, then the second player can always win, eventhough he may not have a winning strategy.

E 2. Show the equivalence of:(1) The game G(1, (N), (R), A) is determinate for each set A ⊆ (N × R).(2) CC(R).

E 3. Consider the following modifications of the gameG(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . , Yn), A

): Replace A by a partition (A,B,C)

of the setn∏


(Xi × Yi), and stipulate that

• the second player wins, if the outcome of a game belongs to A,• the first player wins, if the outcome of a game belongs to B,• there is a tie, if the outcome of the game belongs to C.Show that for this game:

(1) The second player has a winning strategy iff he has a winning strategyfor the game G

(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . , Yn), A


(2) The first player has a winning strategy iff he has a winning strategyfor the game G

(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . , Yn), A ∪ C


(3) Both players have strategies guaranteeing at least a tie iff the secondplayer has a winning strategy for the gameG(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . , Yn), A ∪ C

)and the first player has a

winning strategy for the game G(n, (X1, . . . , Xn), (Y1, . . . , Yn), A


E 4. Consider the constant sequence (0) with value 0 and the setA = {(xn, yn) ∈

({0, 1}2)N | ∀n yn = xn

}. Show that:

(1) The second player has a winning strategy for the game(ω, {0, 1}N, {0, 1}N , A


(2) The first player has a winning strategy for the game(ω, {0, 1}N, {0, 1}N, A ∪ {(0)}


E 5. Consider the following 2–person game HA, where A is a subset of theinterval [0, 2]: Both players choose successively elements x0, y0, x1, y1, x2,

y2, . . . of {0, 1}. The second player wins, if∞∑



22n + yn


)belongs to

A; otherwise the first player wins. Use Theorem 6.5 to show that in ZFCthere exist subsets A of [0, 2] such that HA is not determinate.

E 6. Discuss, whether a game of the form G(ω, (Xn)n∈N, (Yn)n∈N, A) “canbe played” in ZF if


Xn or∏


Yn happens to be empty.

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Beauty without Choice

It seems that the well–known arguments against theaxiom of choice have been exploited until today onlyin a negative sense.

J. Mycielski and H. Steinhaus1

The analogy with Geometry, . . . , suggests the question: what shapewill analysis and set theory assume by accepting a principle con-tradicting the axiom of choice? Such a “non–Zermelian” theoryin some sense corresponds to non–Euclidean geometry.

A.A. Fraenkel, Y. Bar–Hillel and A. Levy2

7.1 Lindelof = Compact

For me the proof of a theorem by means of Zermelo’s axiom isvaluable only as an indication that it is useless to waste time onan exact proof of the falsity of the theorem in question.

N. Lusin3

Aber hier, wie uberhaupt, kommt es an-ders, als man glaubt.

Wilhelm Busch4

1 [MySt62]2 [FrBaLe73, p. 85/86]3 Cited after [Sie58, p. 95].4 From: Plisch und Plum.

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144 7 Beauty without Choice

You have only to show that a thing is impossible and some math-ematician will go and do it.

A saying5

In this section will be demonstrated that Lusin’s verdict above is false,when reformulated as follows:

The proof of the falsity of some statement by means of the Axiom ofChoice is valuable only as an indication that it is useless to waste timeon an exact proof of the statement itself.

In fact, it will be shown that the following statements, each being falsein ZFC, will become true theorems under the assumption that AC is badlyfalse:

Disaster 7.1. The following statements are false in ZFC:

1. Products of Lindelof T2–spaces are Lindelof.2. Finite products of Lindelof T1–spaces are Lindelof.3. Lindelof T2–spaces are regular.4. Totally disconnected Lindelof T2–spaces are zerodimensional.

Proof. See [Eng89] or the Theorems 7.4, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 below.

The above failures of the Lindelof property to behave nicely are partic-ularly unfortunate in view of the fact that the Lindelof property occupies aprominent place in ZFC–topology, in particular6

(a) All compact spaces (more generally: all σ–compact spaces7) and all sec-ond countable spaces in particular, all separable metrizable spaces (moregenerally: all separable, paracompact spaces) are Lindelof.

(b) All regular Lindelof spaces are paracompact and realcompact.(c) Every locally compact, paracompact space is a sum of locally compact,

Lindelof T2–spaces, and vice versa.(d) For metrizable spaces: Lindelof = separable.(e) Continuous images, closed subspaces and countable sums of Lindelof

spaces are Lindelof.

As the above observations indicate, the Lindelof property behaves almostas compactness, one of the main differences being that compactness behavesmuch better than the Lindelof property with respect to the formation of prod-ucts.

Here now a big surprise:5 Taken from [Saw82, p. 167].6 See, e.g., [Eng89].7 See Exercise E 1.

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7.1 Lindelof = Compact 145

Theorem 7.2. 8 Equivalent are:

1. For T1–spaces: Lindelof = compact.2. For subspaces of R: Lindelof = compact.3. CC(R) fails.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Trivial.(2) ⇒ (3) If (2) holds, then N is not Lindelof. Thus, by Theorem 3.8,

CC(R) fails.(3) ⇒ (1) We need only show that failure of (1) implies CC(R). So let X

be a non–compact, Lindelof T1–space. Let C be an open cover of X that hasno finite subcover. Since X is Lindelof we may assume C to be countable. Byforming finite unions and deleting superfluous members we obtain an opencover L = {Bn | n ∈ N} of X such that

• Bn ⊆ Bm for n ≤ m and• Cn = (Bn \

m<nBm) �= ∅ for each n ∈ N.

Define, for each n ∈ N and each x ∈ Cn, the set

A(n, x) = Bn \ {x}

and consider the open cover

A = {A(n, x) | n ∈ N and x ∈ Cn}

of X. Then there exist unique maps α : A → N and β : A → X such thatA = A

(α(A), β(A)

)for each A ∈ A.

Since X is Lindelof, A has a countable subcover {An | n ∈ N}. The setM = {α[An] | n ∈ N} is an unbounded, thus countable subset of N. For eachm ∈ M define xm = β(Amin{n∈N|α(An)=m}). Then xm ∈ Cm. The subspace Yof X with underlying set {xm | m ∈ M} is countable and discrete, since foreach m ∈ N

(a) the set {xn | n ≤ m} = Bm ∩ Y is open in Y ,(b) the set {xn | n < m} is closed in Y as a finite subset of a T1–space,

and thus

(c) {xm} is open in Y .

Consequently Y is homeomorphic to the discrete space N. Moreover, eachelement x of X is contained in some Bn, and thus has a neighborhood thatmeets Y in a finite set. Hence the T1–property of X implies that Y is closedin X and thus Lindelof (cf. Exercises to Section 3.2, E 1). Consequently N isLindelof, and Theorem 3.8 implies that CC(R) holds.

8 [Her2002]

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146 7 Beauty without Choice

Corollary 7.3. 9 Every ZF–model satisfies exactly one of the following twoalternatives:

1. Every subspace of R is Lindelof.2. For subspaces of R: Lindelof = compact = closed and bounded.

Proof. If CC(R) holds then, by Theorems 4.54, condition (1) holds true.If CC(R) fails then, by Theorems 7.2 and 4.52, condition (2) holds true.

As pointed out earlier each of the two above cases can occur.

Theorem 7.4. 10 Equivalent are:

1. Products of Lindelof T2–spaces are Lindelof.2. PIT holds and CC(R) fails.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Consider the space NR. Let P2R be the set of all subsets of

R with exactly two elements. For D = {a, b} in P2R define

C(D) = {(nx) ∈ NR | na = nb}.

Since R is uncountable, the set C = {C(D) | D ∈ P2R} is an open coverof N

R. However C has no countable subcover of NR. To see this, consider a

sequence (Dn) in P2R. Then D =⋃


Dn is at most countable. Thus there

exists an injective map f : D → N. Consequently the point (nx) of NR, defined

by nx ={

f(x), if x ∈ D0, otherwise does not belong to


C(Dn). This fact implies

that NR fails to be Lindelof. Thus (1) implies that N fails to be Lindelof.

So, by Theorem 3.8, CC(R) fails. Consequently, by Theorem 7.2, the equalityLindelof = compact holds for T1–spaces and thus in particular for T2–spaces.So, by (1) products of compact T2–spaces are compact. Thus Theorem 4.70implies that PIT holds.

(2) ⇒ (1) If CC(R) fails, Theorem 7.2 implies, as above, that Lindelof =compact for T2–spaces. Thus PIT implies, via Theorem 4.70, that productsof Lindelof T2–spaces are Lindelof.

Remark 7.5. 11

1. Observe that there exist models12 of ZF in which PIT holds but CC(R)fails. Thus in these models the theorem

Products of Lindelof T2–spaces are Lindelofholds true. Since the Lindelof–property is closed–hereditary (cf. Exercisesto Section 3.2, E 1), in the above models the Lindelof T2–spaces form an

9 [Her2002]10 [Her2002]11 [Her2002]12 Cohen’s First Model A4 (M1 in [HoRu98]).

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7.1 Lindelof = Compact 147

epireflective subcategory, i.e., — besides a Tychonoff Theorem — thereis also a Cech–Stone Theorem for Lindelof spaces. In particular, in thesemodels, the familiar Cech–Stone compactification N ↪→ βN of N is theLindelof–T2–reflection of N — somewhat surprising, perhaps.

2. Note further that there is no model of ZF in which products of LindelofT1–spaces are always Lindelof. This can be seen as follows: By Theorem7.4, in such a model CC(R) must fail and products of compact T1–spacesmust be compact. Hence (see Exercises to Section 4.8, E 11) AC musthold. But if AC holds, then CC(R) cannot fail, a contradiction.

The situation is even worse for T0–spaces. See Exercise E 2.

What about finite products?

Theorem 7.6. Equivalent are:

1. Finite products of Lindelof T1–spaces are Lindelof.2. CC(R) fails.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Consider the Sorgenfrey line S = (R, σ), i.e., the topologicalspace that has R as underlying set and the collection of all intervals of theform

[a, b) = {x ∈ R | a ≤ x < b}as a base for the topology σ. Then σ is finer than the canonical topology τ onR. In particular S is a T1–space. Moreover, the space S2 fails to be Lindelof,since the uncountable open cover C = {C} ∪ {Ca | a ∈ R} of S2, whereC = {(x, y) ∈ R

2 | x + y < 0} and Ca = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | a ≤ x and −a ≤ y},

contains no proper subcover of S2. (Draw a picture to see this.) Thus, by (1),S is not Lindelof. To show that (2) holds it suffices to demonstrate that underCC(R) S is Lindelof. For this purpose we will show first that:(A) |σ| ≤ |R|Since (R, τ) is second countable it follows immediately that(B) |τ | ≤ 2ℵ0 .Moreover the set D of all at most countable subsets of R satisfies(C) |D| ≤ |RN| = |R|N = (2ℵ0)ℵ0 = 2ℵ

20 = 2ℵ0 .

Every A ∈ σ can be decomposed in the formA = intτA∪(A\intτA), where A\intτA is easily seen to be at most countable.Thus (B) and (C) imply:

|σ| ≤ |τ | · |D| ≤ 2ℵ0 · 2ℵ0 = 2ℵ0+ℵ0 = 2ℵ0 = |R|.

Hence (A) holds. This fact implies, via CC(R), that:CC(σ) :


Un �= ∅ for every sequence of non–empty subsets Un of σ.

Finally let us consider an open cover U of S. Then W = {intτU | U ∈ U}is an open cover of the open subspace X =

⋃W of (R, τ). Since X is second

countable, Theorem 4.54 implies that there exists a subset {Vn | n ∈ N}

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148 7 Beauty without Choice

of W that covers X. By CC(σ) there exists a sequence (Un)n∈N in U withVn = intτUn for each n ∈ N. Again it is easily seen that R \ X is at mostcountable. Thus, by CC(σ), there exists a subset {Wn | n ∈ N} of U thatcovers R \ X. Consequently {Un | n ∈ N} ∪ {Wn | n ∈ N} is an at mostcountable subcover of U. Thus S is a Lindelof space.

(2) ⇒ (1) Immediate from Theorem 7.2 and the fact that finite productsof compact spaces are compact (see Exercises to Section 4.8, E 1).

Theorem 7.7. Equivalent are:

1. Every Lindelof T2–space is paracompact.2. Every Lindelof T2–space is normal.3. Every Lindelof T2–space is regular.4. CC(R) fails.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) ⇒ (3) Immediate.(3) ⇒ (4) Enrich the canonical topology τ of the reals by adding the set

B = R \ { 1n | n ∈ N

+} as an open set, i.e., by considering the topology σgenerated by τ ∪{B}. Then the space (R, σ) is a non–regular T2–space. Thus,by (3), (R, σ) fails to be Lindelof. Since (R, σ) is second countable, Theorem4.54, implies that CC(R) fails.

(4) ⇒ (1) By Theorem 7.2, (4) implies that Lindelof T2–spaces are com-pact, thus paracompact.

Theorem 7.8. 13 Equivalent are:

1. Every totally disconnected Lindelof T2–space is zerodimensional.2. CC(R) fails.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Consider the topological space (X, τ), whose underlying setis defined by

X = {(xn) ∈ QN |


x2n < ∞}

and whose topology τ is induced by the metric d, defined by

d((xn), (yn)




(xn − yn)2.

Then (X, τ) is easily seen to be a totally disconnected, second countable T2–space. However, (X, τ) fails to be zerodimensional. To see this, consider thepoint x = (0, 0, 0, . . .) and its neighborhood

U = {y ∈ X | d(x, y) < 1}.

We will show that there is no clopen neighborhood V of x with V ⊆ U . LetV be a neighborhood of x with V ⊆ U . Via recursion we will construct an13 [Erd40], [Her2002].

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7.1 Lindelof = Compact 149

element x = (xn) of X with the following property:

(P) ∀n∈N yn = (x0, x1, . . . , xn, 0, 0, . . .) ∈ V and dist(yn,X \ V ) < 12n

as follows:

1. x0 = 02. Let (x0, . . . , xn) be defined such that the corresponding point yn =

(x0, . . . , xn, 0, 0, . . .) satisfies condition P . Define xn+1 to be the small-est element of the set, consisting of all fractions m

2n+1 such that:a) m ∈ {0, 1, . . . , 2n+1}.b) (x0, . . . , xn, m

2n+1 , 0, 0, . . .) ∈ V .c) (x0, . . . , xn, m+1

2n+1 , 0, 0, . . .) �∈ V .

Then x is an element of X that belongs to the closure of V and to the closureof (X \ V ). Thus V is not clopen.

By (1), the above implies that (X, τ) is not Lindelof. Thus, by Theorem4.54, CC(R) fails.

(2) ⇒ (1) If CC(R) fails then, by Theorem 7.2, every totally disconnectedLindelof T2–space is compact and thus zerodimensional.

Exercises to Section 7.1:

E 1. 14 Show the equivalence of the following statements:(1) All σ–compact spaces, (i.e., spaces that are countable unions of com-

pact spaces) are Lindelof.(2) CC.

E 2. 15 Let Nl be the space of natural numbers with the lower topology (i.e.,A ⊆ N is open in Nl iff m ≤ n ∈ A implies m ∈ A). Show that

(1) Nl is a Lindelof T0–space.(2) N


l fails to be Lindelof.

E 3. 16 Show the equivalence of the following conditions:(1) Finite sums of Lindelof T1–spaces are Lindelof.(2) Products of Lindelof T1–spaces with compact T1–spaces are Lindelof.(3) CC(R) implies CC.

E 4. 17 Show that every unbounded Lindelof subspace of R contains an un-bounded sequence. (Contrast this with Theorem 3.8.)

14 [Bru82]15 [Boer2002]16 [Her2002]17 [Gut2003]

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150 7 Beauty without Choice

7.2 Measurability (The Axiom of Determinateness)

Why were set theorists so drawn to study this ax-iom [of determinateness], drawn, in fact, to the pointwhere it became the key area of research for all but afew of the best in the field?

E.M. Kleinberg18

If a model of ZF satisfies AD, then this model iscloser to physical reality than any model of ZFC.For example, the Banach–Tarski paradoxical decom-position of a ball is impossible.

V.W. Marek and J. Mycielski19

Among all alternatives to the axiom of choice ACthe axiom of determinateness AD undoubtedly is themost interesting.

U. Felgner and K. Schulz20

As we have seen in previous sections the Axiom of Choice is not onlyresponsible for some beautiful theorems but also for the creation of someunwelcome monsters, like non–measurable sets of reals. “It was felt that thesechoice–generated oddities should not appear among the simpler sets, that theyshould probably not be definable at all.”21

In 1962 Mycielski and Steinhaus22 introduced a new axiom, the Axiom ofDeterminateness, AD, which stipulated that certain infinite, deterministic2–person games with complete information (cf. Section 6.1) are determinate,i.e., that one of the players has a winning strategy. The authors did not claimthis new axiom to be intuitively true, but stated that the purpose of theirpaper is “only to propose another theory which seems very interesting althoughits consistency is problematic.”23 The consistency problem (i.e., the questionwhether ZF + AD is consistent, provided ZF is) is still unsettled24. But settheorists are fairly convinced that AD is relatively consistent. In fact theyhave shown that ZF + AD is consistent iff ZFC and the assumption thatinfinitely many Woodin cardinals exist, is consistent; and the existence of suchlarge cardinals is one of set theorists’ pet beliefs. Though AD is incompatible18 [Kle77]19 [MaMy2001]20 [FeSch84]21 [Mad88a]22 [MySt62]23 [MySt62]24 However consistency of ZF+AD is known to imply consistency of ZF+AD+

DC as well as of ZF + AD+ not CC. See [Kec84] and Model A1.

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7.2 Measurability (The Axiom of Determinateness) 151

with AC, as Theorem 6.5 shows, its consequences are amazing. There arehighly desirable results, e.g., the theorem that all sets of real numbers areLebesgue–measurable. Moreover, there are deep and surprising connectionsbetween determinateness of games and the theory of large cardinals. It isthe “richness and internal harmony of these consequences”25 that caused theaxiom of determinateness “to have an extraordinary impact on modern settheory”26 and has led to a “very rich and intriguing theory.”27 Naturally, thistheory cannot be presented here. We restrict our attention to outlining thebasics and stating some of the consequences without proofs.

Definition 7.9. Let X be a non–empty set and A a subset of XN. The gameG(X,A) is played as follows:

Two players choose alternately consecutive elements x0, x1, x2, . . . in X,such that each player knows, (besides X and A), whenever it is his term, thetuple of previously choosen elements. The first player (i.e., the one choosingx0, x2, x4, . . .) wins if the resulting sequence (xn) belongs to A. Otherwise thesecond player (i.e., the one choosing x1, x3, x5, . . .) wins.

The game G(X,A) is called determinate provided that one of the playershas a winning strategy (see Definition 6.1).

Recall that 2 = {0, 1}.

Definition 7.10. Let A be a subset of the unit interval [0, 1]. The game G(A)is played the same way as the game G(2, A). However, the first player wins if∑



2n+1 ∈ A. Otherwise the second player wins.

The game G(A) is determinate provided that one of the players has awinning strategy.

Proposition 7.11. 28 Equivalent are:

1. For each subset A of NN, the game G(N, A) is determinate.

2. For each subset A of 2N, the game G(2, A) is determinate.3. For each subset A of [0, 1], the game G(A) is determinate.

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2) Let A be a subset of 2N. DefineB = {(xn) ∈ N

N | (xn) ∈ A or ∃n x2n+1 �∈ 2}. Then — for either player — awinning strategy for the game G(N, B) provides easily a wining strategy forG(2, A).

(2) ⇒ (3) Let A be a subset of [0, 1]. Consider the map f : 2N → [0, 1],defined by f(xn) =



2n+1 . Then — for either player — a winning strategy

for the game G(2, f−1[A]) is a winning strategy for G(A).25 Cited from [Mad88a].26 [Kle77]27 [Jen98]28 [Myc64]

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152 7 Beauty without Choice

(3) ⇒ (2) Since the map f , defined above, is not injective, we need toapply a small trick. Let A be a subset of 2N. Consider the set M = {(xn) ∈2N | ∀n x6n = 0 and x6n+3 = 1}. Then the map g : M → 2N, defined by


)= (yn) with

{y2n = x3n+1

y2n+1 = x3n+2



is a bijection. Consider the setB = g−1[A] ∪ {(xn) ∈ 2N | (xn) is not finally constant and

∃m ∀k ≤ m x6k = x6m+3 = 0}.As can be seen easily, determinateness of the game G(2, B) implies deter-

minateness of the original game G(2, A). So it suffices to verify the former.This follows immediately from the fact that B is saturated with respect tothe map f : 2N → [0, 1] defined above (i.e., from the equation f−1[f [B]] = B)and the fact that, by (2), the game G(f(B)) is determinate.

(2) ⇒ (1) Let A be a subset of NN. Consider the following partition

{X,Y,Z} of 2N:X = {(xn) ∈ 2N | {n ∈ N | x2n = 0} is finite},Y = {(xn) ∈ (2N \ X) | {n ∈ N | x2n+1 = 0} is finite},Z = 2N \ (X ∪ Y ).

Consider further the bijection g : Z → NN, defined as follows:

y0 = min{k ∈ N | x2k = 0}, i.e., y0 is the number of consecutive choicesof 1’s by the first player at the beginning of the game.

y1 = min{k ∈ N | x2y0+2k+1 = 0}, i.e., y1 is the number of consecutivechoices of 1’s by the second player after the first choice of 0 bythe first player.

y2 = min{k ∈ N | x2y0+2y1+2(k+1) = 0},etc.Define B = (g−1[A] ∪ Y ) \ X. Then it is seen easily that — for either player— a winning strategy for the game G(2, B) provides a winning strategy forthe game G(N, A).

Definition 7.12. AD, the Axiom of Determinateness, states that the equiv-alent conditions of the preceding proposition are satisfied.

An impressive consequence of the Axiom of Determinateness is the follow-ing result that we present without proof:

Theorem 7.13. 29 Under AD every subset of R is Lebesgue–measurable.

The above results indicates that Lebesgue measure for subsets of R isbetter behaved under AD than under AC. However, it is known that in ZFLebesgue measure may fail to be σ–additive. So immediately the questionpops up whether by gaining something (the measurability of all subsets of R)one looses something else (the σ–additivity of Lebesgue measure). Fortunatelythis is not so:

29 [MySw64]. For improved proofs see, e.g., [Jec73], [Kle77] or [Mar2003].

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7.2 Measurability (The Axiom of Determinateness) 153

Proposition 7.14. 30 Under AD Lebesgue measure is σ–additive.

Proof. The familiar proof of σ–additivity of the Lebesgue measure uses, inseveral places, the following weak choice principle, where τ denotes the topol-ogy of R


CC(τ): For each sequence (Xn) of non–empty subsets Xn of τ , the product∏


Xn is not empty.

The fact that τ has a countable base immediately implies |τ | = 2ℵ0 = |R|.Thus CC(τ) is equivalent to CC(R). Thus CC(τ), and hence the σ–additivityof Lebesgue measure follows from AD via the next proposition.

Proposition 7.15. 31 Under AD

1. CC(R) holds,2. AC(R) fails.

Proof. (1) Consider M = {2n + 1 | n ∈ N}. Then |NM | = 2ℵ0 = |R| impliesthat it suffices to show that


An �= ∅ for each sequence (An) of non–empty

subsets An of NM . Consider the game G(N, A), where A = {(xn) ∈ N

N | ∀n ∈N (x2n+1) �∈ Ax0}. Since the sets An are non–empty the first player has nowinning strategy. Thus, by AD, the second player has a winning strategy.This provides him with a function that associates with each strategy σm ofthe first player, of the form play “x0 = m and x2n = 0 for n ≥ 1”, a sequencesm = (x2n+1) in Am. Thus (sm) ∈



(2) In Theorem 6.5 it has been shown that AC implies the existence of asubset A of 2N such that the game G(2, A) is not determinate. A straightfor-ward analysis of the proof reveals that only AC(R) is needed. Thus AC(R)implies the failure of AD. By contraposition AD implies the failure of AC(R).An alternative proof can be obtained by means of theorem 7.13 via the con-struction 5.7 of non–measurable Vitali Monster.

Proposition 7.16. 32 Under AD there is no free ultrafilter on N.

Proof. This follows immediately from Theorem 7.13 via the construction 5.9of non–measurable Sierpinski Monsters by means of WUT(N).

30 [Myc64]31 [Myc64]32 [Myc64]. Note, however, that there are even σ–complete free ultrafilters on ℵ1.

[Mig81], [Ver94].

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154 7 Beauty without Choice

Corollary 7.17. Under AD the discrete space of natural numbers is ultra-filter–compact and Tychonoff–compact.

Proof. Immediate from Proposition 7.16 and Theorem 3.32(2).

Proposition 7.18. Under AD all solutions of the Cauchy–equation are con-tinuous.

Proof. Immediate from Theorems 7.13 and 5.5 in view of Exercises to Section5.1, E 7.

Corollary 7.19. 33 Under AD the additive group R has no non–trivial directsummand.

Proof. Assume that R can be expressed as a direct sum A⊕B of two non–zerosubgroups. Then the map f : R → R, defined by f(a + b) = a for a ∈ A andb = B, is a non–continuous solution of the equation f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y),contradicting Proposition 7.18.

Corollary 7.20. 34 Under AD, R considered as vector space over the field Q

has no basis.

Proof. If B would be a basis of the vector space R over Q, then for any b ∈ Bthe set Q · b = {r · b | r ∈ Q} would be a non–trivial direct summand of theadditive group of R, contradicting Corollary 7.19.

Theorem 7.21. 35 Consider K = X/� where X = {0, 1}N and � is the equiv-alence relation on X, defined by

(xn)�(yn) iff {n ∈ N | xn �= yn} is finite.

Under AD the following hold:

1. There exists a family (Fi)i∈I of 2–element subsets Fi of K with∏


Fi = ∅.

2. K is not linearly orderable.3. |R| < |K| and |K| <∗ |R|.

Proof. (1) For each x = (xn) in X define x∗ = (1 − xn). Denote further,for each x in X, its equivalence class with respect to � by [x]�. Then the

33 [FeSch84]34 [Sie27], [Sie30], [Sie58, p. 77], [Myc64]. Observe also that under AD the factor

group R/Q of the additive group R fails to be linearly orderable. See [FeSch84].35 [Myc64]

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7.2 Measurability (The Axiom of Determinateness) 155

set{{[x]�, [x∗]�} | x ∈ X

}of 2–element subsets of K, considered as family

indexed by itself, has an empty product, since otherwise (see Exercises toSection 5.1, E 1) there would exist a non–measurable subset of R, contradictingTheorem 7.13.

(2) Immediate from (1) and Exercises to Section 1.1, E 2 (8).(3) Observe first that |K| �= |R|, since R is linearly orderable but, by (2), K

fails to be linearly orderable. Observe next that |K| ≤∗ |R|, since there existsa bijection b : R → X, and a surjection p : X → K, defined by p(x) = [x]�.Thus it remains to be shown that |R| ≤ |K|. Here the crucial observation,due to Sierpinski36, is the fact that the function f : (0, 1) → P(N2), definedby f(x) = {

(n, int(n · x)

)| n ∈ N}, where

int(a) = max{n ∈ N | n ≤ a},

has the following property:

(•) If x �= y, then f(x) ∩ f(y) is finite.

To see this, let x and y be different elements of (0, 1), and let(n, int(nx)


m, int(my))

be an element of f(x)∩f(y). Then n = m and int(nx) = int(ny).The latter implies |nx − ny |< 1 and thus n < 1

|x−y| . Thus f(x) ∩ f(y) hasat most int



members. Let g : R → (0, 1) and h : N2 → N be arbitrary

bijections and let χ : P(N) → X be the map associating with any A ⊆ N itscharacteristic function χA. Then the map k = χ ◦ P(h) ◦ f ◦ g : R → X hasthe property (•) and thus the map p ◦ k : R → K is injective.

Finally, let us mention without proof the following remarkable results con-cerning the Continuum Hypothesis.

Theorem 7.22. 37 Under AC the following hold:

1. 2ℵ0 and ℵ1 are w.r.t. ≤ incomparable minimal successors of ℵ0. Thus• CH, the Continuum Hypothesis, holds.• AH(0), the Special Aleph–Hypothesis, fails.

2. ℵ0 <∗ ℵ1 <∗ 2ℵ0 .Thus, w.r.t. ≤∗ the Continuum Hypothesis fails.

3. W.r.t. ≤ there are at least 3 cardinals between 2ℵ0 and 2(2ℵ0 ):2ℵ0 < (2ℵ0 + ℵ1) < 2ℵ1 < (2ℵ1 + |K|) < 2(2ℵ0 )

(where K is defined in Theorem 7.21).

36 [Sie58, p. 77]37 [Myc64]

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156 7 Beauty without Choice

The following diagram summarizes results from Sections 4.11 to 7.2 con-cerning the production of mathematical monsters:

Diagram 7.23.

∃ non–determinate games G(A)

∃ non–Lebesgue–measurable setsℵ1 ≤ 2ℵ0

∃ non–continuous f : R → R

with f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)

R � C

∃ non–conti–nuous automor–phisms for C

Shelah–Soifergraph is2–colorable

R � R ⊕ Q∃ free ultra–filters on N

2R compact



∃ Hamel–basesfor R


Boolean PrimeIdeal Theorem

R is well–orderableDC andℵ1 ≤ 2ℵ0

Axiom of Choice

� �













� � �

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7.2 Measurability (The Axiom of Determinateness) 157

Exercises to Section 7.2:

E 1. Show that, for every countable (resp. cocountable) subset A of 2N, thesecond (resp. first) player has a winning strategy for G(2, A).

E 2. Consider A = {(xn) ∈ 2N | ∀n x2n+1 = x2n} and the constant sequence(0). Show that:

(1) The second player has a winning strategy for G(2, A).(2) The first player has a winning strategy for G(2, A ∪ {(0)}).

E 3. Consider A = {(xn) ∈ 2N | x0 = 0}. Show that the first player haswinning strategies for G(2, A) and for G(2, 2N \ A).

E 4. Construct a subset A of 2N such that the second player has winningstrategies for G(2, A) and for G(2, 2N \ A).

E 5. Let X be a non–empty subset of Y . Show that determinateness of allgames of the form G(Y,A) implies determinateness of all games of theform G(X,B).

E 6. 38 Show that the following condition (1) implies the conditions (2) and(3):

(1) For cardinals a and b the inequalities a ≤ b and b ≤∗ a imply a = b.(2) ℵ1 ≤ 2ℵ0 .(3) There exist non–Lebesgue–measurable subset of R.

E 7. 39 Show that under AD, the Shelah–Soifer Graph G defined in Exercisesto Section 4.11, E 10, is not ℵ0–colorable.

E 8. Show that, under AD, the Cantor cube 2R fails to be Weierstrass–compact.[Hint: Consult Exercises to Section 5.1, E 15.]

38 [Sie47a]39 [HeRh2005]

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Appendix: Models

In the main text several ZF–models and some of their properties have beenmentioned. In this Appendix we illustrate properties of some of these modelsby means of diagrams, where for a model M

• P means that M has property P .

• P means that M fails to satisfy P .

• P means that we do not know whether M satisfies P .

Most of the data presented here are taken from [HoRu98] where these andmany other models are described and analyzed most thoroughly and in greatdetail.

A.1 AD and DCThough no models for AD have been constructed so far, it is known40

that if there exists a ZF–model that satisfies AD, then there also existsa ZF–model that satisfies AD and DC. For properties of any such modelsee Diagram A.1.Note in particular that DC ensures the validity of• most results from elementary analysis (Section 4.6),• σ–additivity of Lebesgue–measure (Exercises to Section 5.1, E 13 resp.

Proposition 7.14),• the Baire Category Theorem for complete metric and for compact

Hausdorff spaces (Theorem 4.106).Moreover, AD implies that• all subsets of R (resp. of R

n) are Lebesgue–measurable (Theorem 7.13),• all real solutions of the Cauchy–equation f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) are

continuous (Proposition 7.18),• no paradoxical decompositions exist (Section 5.2).On the other hand:

40 see [Kec84]

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160 Appendix

• WUF(N) fails (Proposition 7.16), hence– the discrete space N is ultrafilter–compact and Tychonoff compact

(Theorem 3.32),– the Baire Category Theorem fails for ultrafilter–compact T3–spaces

(Theorem 4.108).• PIT fails, thus

– the Tychonoff Theorem fails even for Cantor cubes 2I (Theorem4.70); moreover 2R fails to be Weierstrass–compact (Exercises toSection 7.2, E 8),

– the Ascoli Theorem fails (Theorem 4.91).• AC(2) fails (Exercises to Section 5.1, E 1), thus

– for every natural number n ≥ 2 there exists a graph that fails tobe n–colorable, though each of its finite subgraphs is n–colorable(Theorems 4.113 and 4.115),

– R, considered as a vector space over Q, has no basis (Proof ofDisaster 5.2 (2)).

– The Adjoint Functor Theorem fails (Theorem 4.51).Finally, since AC fails but WUF(?) holds:

• The Tychonoff Theorem fails even for ultrafilter–compact spaces (The-orem 4.80).

A.2 Shelah’s Second Model41

In this model, DC holds and any subset of R is Lebesgue–measurable. AsDiagram A.2 shows this model shares many of the features of A.1–models.

A.3 Howard–Rubin’s First Model42

In this model, AC(R), CC, and PIT hold, but DC and KW fail. SeeDiagram A.3. Note in particular that here:• Most results from elementary analysis are valid (Section 4.6)• The Tychonoff Theorem holds for Hausdorff spaces (Theorem 4.70),

and for countable products (Exercises to Section 4.8, E 4), but not infull generality (Theorem 4.68).

• The Cech–Stone Theorem holds (Theorems 3.22 and 4.8).• The Ascoli Theorem holds (Theorem 4.91).• The Baire Category Theorem holds for totally bounded or second

countable complete metric spaces (Theorem 4.104) and for countableproducts of compact metric spaces (Theorem 4.105), but fails for com-plete metric spaces and for compact Hausdorff spaces (Theorem 4.106).

• The Hahn–Banach–Theorem holds (Diagram 5.25).• Every open lattice has a maximal filter (Theorem 4.36), but not every

closed lattice has a maximal filter (Theorem 4.32).

41 M 38 in [HoRu98]. A similar model has been constructed earlier by Solovay[Sol65]. These constructions assume that in some ZF–models, inaccessible car-dinals exist.

42 N 38 in [HoRu98].

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Appendix 161

• For every n, a graph is n–colorable provided that each of its finite sub-graphs is n–colorable (Theorems 4.113, 4.115 and Exercises to Section4.11, E 4).

• Countable sums of normal spaces are normal (Theorem 4.66); howeverthere exists an orderable space that is a sum of normal spaces but failsto be normal itself (Exercises to Section 4.7, E 5).

A.4 Cohen’s First Model43

In this model PIT holds, but Fin(R) and thus CC(R) fail. See DiagramA.4.Note in particular that here:• Lindelof = compact for T1–spaces (Theorem 7.2).• Finite products of Lindelof T1–spaces are Lindelof (Theorem 7.6).• Arbitrary products of Lindelof T2–spaces are Lindelof (Theorem 7.4).• The Cech–Stone Theorem for Lindelof spaces holds: Lindelof T2–spaces

form an epireflective subcategory of the category of T2–spaces (Remark7.5).

• Lindelof T2–spaces are normal (Theorem 7.7).• Totally disconnected Lindelof T2–spaces are zerodimensional (Theo-

rem 7.8).Moreover, due to PIT alone:• The Tychonoff Theorem holds for Hausdorff spaces (Theorem 4.70).• The Cech–Stone Theorem holds (Theorems 3.22 and 4.8).• The Hahn–Banach theorem holds (Diagram 5.25).• Every open lattice has a maximal filter (Theorem 4.36).• For every n a graph is n–colorable provided each of its finite subgraphs

is n–colorable (Theorems 4.113, 4.115, and Exercises to Section 4.11,E 4).

However, since Fin(R) fails:• Many results in elementary analysis fail (Section 4.6).• [0, 1] fails to be Alexandroff–Urysohn compact (Theorem 3.32).• There exist infinite subsets of R without any decreasing or increasing

sequences (Disaster 4.25).

A.5 Fraenkel’s Second Model44

In this model AC(R) holds, but AC(2), CC(2), and even PCC(2) fail.See Diagram A.5.Observe in particular that here• The discrete space N is Lindelof, but the sum of N with a suitable

compact T2–space fails to be Lindelof (Remark 4.63).• A countable union of pairwise disjoint 2–element sets can fail to be

countable, even D–infinite (Proposition 3.6).• D–finite unions of D–finite sets can be D–infinite (Disaster 4.3).

43 M1 in [HoRu98].44 N2(2) in [HoRu98].

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162 Appendix

• Images of D–finite sets can be D–infinite (Disaster 4.3).• The power set of a D–finite set can be D–infinite (Disaster 4.3).• Countable products of 3–element spaces can fail to be compact (The-

orem 4.77) or Baire (Exercises to Section 4.10, E 10).

A.6 Pincus–Solovay’s First Model45

In this model there are no free ultrafilters (i.e., WUF(?) fails), but DCholds. See Diagram A.6.So here:• The Tychonoff Theorem holds for ultrafilter–compact spaces (Theorem

4.80),and for countable products of compact spaces (Proposition 4.72),but fails for compact Hausdorff spaces (Theorem 4.70).

• The Ascoli Theorem fails (Theorem 4.91).• The Baire Category Theorem holds for complete metric and for

compact Hausdorff spaces (Theorem 4.106), but fails for ultrafilter–compact T3–spaces (Theorem 4.108).

A.7 Fraenkel’s First Model46

In this model, there exist amorphous sets. See Exercises to Section 4.1, E11; Section 4.3, E 4 and Section 4.10, E 11.

A.8 Feferman–Levy Model47

In this model, R is the countable union of countable sets.Consequently here:• R is a sequential space (Proposition 4.57).• R is neither Frechet nor Lindelof (Theorem 4.54).• Lebesgue measure fails to be σ–additive (Exercises to Section 5.1, E


A.9 Howard–Rubin’s Second Model48

In this model, AC(R), DC and PIT hold, but KW fails.

45 M27 in [HoRu98].46 N1 in [HoRu98].47 M9 in [HoRu98].48 N40 in [HoRu98].

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Appendix 163

Diagram A.1: ZF-Models satisfying AD and DC

∃ non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R

Ugly functionsexist PCC(2)

∃ Hamelbasis for R


R is not acountableunion ofcountablesets

CC(2) WUF(?)

R sequential CUT(R) CC(fin) AC(2) WUF(N) BTP

CC(R) Fin CUT AC(fin)





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164 Appendix

Diagram A.2: Shelah’s Second Model

∃ non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R

Ugly functionsexist PCC(2)

∃ Hamelbasis for R


R is not acountableunion ofcountablesets

CC(2) WUF(?)

R sequential CUT(R) CC(fin) AC(2) WUF(N) BTP

CC(R) Fin CUT AC(fin)





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� � �

� �





� ����






� �

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Appendix 165

Diagram A.3: Howard–Rubin’s First Model

∃ non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R

Ugly functionsexist PCC(2)

∃ Hamelbasis for R


R is not acountableunion ofcountablesets

CC(2) WUF(?)

R sequential CUT(R) CC(fin) AC(2) WUF(N) BTP

CC(R) Fin CUT AC(fin)





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� � �

� �





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� �

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166 Appendix

Diagram A.4: Cohen’s First Model

∃ non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R

Ugly functionsexist PCC(2)

∃ Hamelbasis for R


R is not acountableunion ofcountablesets

CC(2) WUF(?)

R sequential CUT(R) CC(fin) AC(2) WUF(N) BTP

CC(R) Fin CUT AC(fin)





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� � �












� � �

� �





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� �

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Appendix 167

Diagram A.5: Fraenkel’s Second Model

∃ non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R

Ugly functionsexist PCC(2)

∃ Hamelbasis for R


R is not acountableunion ofcountablesets

CC(2) WUF(?)

R sequential CUT(R) CC(fin) AC(2) WUF(N) BTP

CC(R) Fin CUT AC(fin)





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� � �












� � �

� �





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� �

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168 Appendix

Diagram A.6: Pincus–Solovay’s First Model

∃ non–Lebesgue–measurable subsets of R

Ugly functionsexist PCC(2)

Hamel basesexist


R is not acountableunion ofcountablesets

CC(2) WUF(?)

R sequential CUT(R) CC(fin) AC(2) WUF(N) BTP

CC(R) Fin CUT AC(fin)





� �

� � �












� � �

� �





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� �

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Selected Books and Longer Articles

Felgner, Ulrich1971 Models of ZF Set Theory.

Springer Lectures Notes Math., 233

Howard, Paul, and Jean E. Rubin1998 Consequences of the Axiom of Choice.

Amer. Math. Soc. Math. Surveys and Monogr. 59.Jech, Thomas J.1973 The Axiom of Choice.

North Holland Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Math. 75.Kanovej, V.G.1984 The Axiom of Choice and the Axiom of Determinateness (Russian)

Zbl. 0599.03053; MR0767 261 (86h:03085).

Keremedis, Kyriakos and Eleftherios Tachtsis2004 Topology in the absence of the Axiom of Choice.

Mathematica Japonica Scientia, 59, 357–406.Moore, Gregory H.1982 Zermelo’s Axiom of Choice, its Origins, Development, and Influence.

Springer Studies in the History of Mathem. and Physics. Sci. 8.Oxtoby, John C.1980 Measure and Category.

Second Edition. Springer Graduate Texts in Math.Rubin, Herman, and Jean E. Rubin1985 Equivalence of the Axiom of Choice, II.

North Holland Studies in Logic and the Found. of Math. 116.Schechter, Eric1997 Handbook of Analysis and its Foundations.

Acad. Press.

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182 Selected Books and Longer Articles

Sierpinski, Waclaw1918 L’axiome de M. Zermelo et son role dans la Theorie des Ensembles

et l’analyse. Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 97–152.1958 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers.

Polska Akad. Nauk. Monogr. Mathem. 34.Wagon, Stan1986 The Banach–Tarski Paradox.

Cambr. Univ. Press. Encycl. Mathem. and its Appl. 24.

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List of Symbols

|X| cardinality of the set XOrdering of cardinals:|X| = |Y | ⇔ ∃f : X → Y bijective|X| ≤ |Y | ⇔ ∃f : X → Y injective|X| < |Y | ⇔ |X| ≤ |Y | and |X| �= |Y ||X| ≤∗ |Y | ⇔ X = ∅ or ∃f : Y → X surjectiveetc.

ℵ Aleph (cardinal of a well–orderable infinite set)ℵ0 = |N|Ord = Class of all ordinalsα = {β ∈ Ord | β < α} for ordinals α2 = {0, 1}2 is the discrete topological space (or, sometimes, the lattice) with

underlying set 2.

Special sets:N = set of natural numbers 0, 1, 2, ...N

+ = N\{0}Z = set of integersQ = set of rational numbersR = set of real numbersC = set of complex numbers

[a, b] = {x ∈ R | a ≤ x ≤ b}[a, b) = {x ∈ R | a ≤ x < b}(a, b) = {x ∈ R | a < x < b}

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184 List of Symbols

PX = {A | A ⊆ X} powerset of XP0X = PX\{∅}PfinX = {A ∈ PX | A finite}X ∩ Y = {z | z ∈ X and z ∈ Y } intersectionX ∪ Y = {z | z ∈ X or z ∈ Y } unionX

⊎Y = (X × {0}) ∪ (Y × {1}) disjoint union

X\Y = {z | z ∈ X and z �∈ Y } differentX∆Y = (X\Y ) ∪ (Y \X) symmetric difference⋃


Xi = {z | ∃i ∈ I z ∈ Xi} union⊎


Xi =⋃


(Xi × {i}) disjoint union, sum∏


Xi = {f : I →⋃


Xi | ∀i ∈ I f(i) ∈ Xi} product

[0, 1]I = Hilbert cubes2I = Cantor cubesC(X,Y ) = {f : X → Y | f continuous}Cco(X,Y ) = (C(X,Y ), τco)C(X) = C(X, R)C∗(X) = {f ∈ C(X) | f bounded}τco compact open topology on C(X,Y )A ≈ B A congruent with BA ∼e B A equidecomposable with B

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List of Axioms

In brackets the corresponding form numbers in [HoRu98]. Diagrams showingimplications between some of the axioms can be found in 2.21, 3.4, 4.58, 5.10,5.25, and in A1 – A6.

AC Axiom of Choice 1.1 [1]AC(cR) 4.55AC(fin) 2.6 [62]AC(n) 2.6 [45]AC(R) E 1.Sec.1.1 [79]AC(X) E 1.Sec.1.1AD Axiom of Determinateness 7.12AH Aleph–Hypothesis 2.19AH(0) Special Aleph–Hypothesis 2.19AMC Axiom of Multiple Choice 2.4 and 2.7 [67]BTP Banach–Tarski Paradox 5.23 [309]BP Baire Property for subsets of R, Preface

(footnote 15) [-142]CC Axiom of Countable Choice 2.5 [8]CC(cR) 4.55CC(fin) 2.9 [10]CC(n) 2.9 [288]CC(≤ n) E 1.Sec. 3.1 [374]CC(R) 2.9 [94]CC(Z) 2.9 and Sec. 4.7 [119]CC(2) 3.4 [80]CH Continuum Hypothesis 2.19CMC Axiom of Countable Multiple

Choice2.10 [126]

CUT Countable Union Theorem 3.2 [31]CUT(fin) 3.2 [10]CUT(n) E 1.Sec.3.1 [374]

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186 List of Axioms

CUT(≤ n) E 1.Sec.3.1CUT(R) 3.2 [6]CUT(2) 3.2 [80]DC Principle of Dependent Choices 2.11 [43]DMC Principle of Dependent Multiple

Choices E 2.Sec.2.2and E 5.Sec.4.10 [106]

EAC Axiom of Even Choice E 1.Sec.2.1Existence of a Hamel bases for R Section 5.1 [367]Existence of non–measurable sets Section 5.1 [93]Existence of ugly functions Section 5.1 [366]

Fin finite = D–finite 2.13 [9]Fin(lin) 2.13 [185]Fin(R) 2.13 [13]GCH Generalized Continuum Hypoth-


HBT Hahn–Banach Theorem 5.25 [52]Hausdorff’s Maximal ChainCondition

2.2 [1]

Kurepa’s Maximal AntichainCondition

2.4 [1]

KW Kinna–Wagner Selection Princi-ple

2.8 [15]

Lebesgue–measure is σ–additive E 3.Sec.5.1 [37]m = 2m for infinite cardinals E 7.Sec.4.1,

E 3.Sec.4.2 [3]No amorphous sets exist E 11.Sec.4.1 [64]

OAC Axiom of Odd Choice E 1.Sec.2.1OEP Order Extension Principle 2.17 [49]OP Ordering Principle 2.17 [30]ω − CC(R) 4.56PCC Axiom of Partial Countable

Choice2.11 [8]

PCC(fin) E 5.Sec.2.2 [10]PCC(R) E 5.Sec.2.2 [94]PCC(2) E 2.Sec.3.1 [373(2)]PCMC E 5.Sec.2.2 [126]PIT Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem 2.15 [14]

R is not a countable union ofcountable sets 4.58 [38]R ∼= C 5.1 [251]R ∼= R ⊕ Q 5.10 [252]R is sequential 4.55 [74]Teichmuller–Tukey Lemma 2.2 [1]

UFT Ultrafilter Theorem 2.15 [14]

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List of Axioms 187

UFT(N) 2.15 [225, 139]WOT Well–Order Theorem Section 1.1, p. 2 [1]WUF Weak Ultrafilter Principle 2.15 [63]WUF(N) 2.15 [70]WUF(?) 2.15 [206]ZF Zermelo–Fraenkel Axioms with-

out AC,Preface, p. viii

ZFC Zermelo–Fraenkel Axioms withAC

Preface, p. ix

Zorn’s Lemma 2.2 [1]

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Aaccumulation point, 3.11, 3.25accumulation point, complete, 3.18Adjoint Functor Theorem, 4.50Aleph, 2.20Aleph–Hypothesis, AH, 2.19–, Special AH(0), 2.19Alexandroff–Urysohn–compact, 3.21amorphous set, E 11. in Section 4.1antichain, 2.2area preserving affine maps, 5.18Ascoli Theorem, 4.90–, Classical, 4.96–, Modified, 4.98automorphism, E 7. in Section 5.1Axiom of Choice, AC, 1.1Axiom of Countable Choice, CC, 2.5Axiom of Countable Multiple Choice, CMC, 2.10Axiom of Determinateness, AD, 7.12Axiom of Even Choice, EAC, E 1. in Section 2.1Axiom of Multiple Choice, AMC, 2.7Axiom of Odd Choice, OAC, E 1. in Section 2.1Axiom of Partial Countable Choice, PCC, 2.11

BBaire Category Theorem, 4.100Baire space, 4.99Banach–Tarski Paradox, BTP, 5.23Bernstein Monsters, 5.8Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem, PIT, 2.15

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190 Index

CCantor cubes, 2I , 4.70cartesian closed, Section 4.9Cauchy–equation, 5.1Cech–Stone Theorem, 4.82, 4.85chain, 2.2chromatic number, E 9, E 11. in Section 4.11closed lattice, 4.28colorable, n−, 4.109coloration, c−, E 11. in Section 4.11coloration, n−, 4.109compact, 3.21–, Alexandroff–Urysohn–, 3.21–, countably, 3.25–, filter–, 3.21–, sequentially, 3.25–, Tychonoff–, 3.23–, ultrafilter–, 3.21–, Weierstrass–, 3.25compact–open topology on C(X,Y ), τco, Section 4.9, before 4.90comparable w.r.t ≤, 4.18comparable w.r.t ≤∗, 4.18complete graph, 4.109complete pseudometric space, 3.25completely distributive, E 9. in Section 4.3congruent, ≈, 5.1connected graph, 4.109constructive suprema, E 12. in Section 4.3Continuum Hypothesis, CH, 2.19– Generalized, GCH, 2.19Countable Union Theorem, CUT, 3.2cycle, E 1 in Section 4.11

DDecomposition Paradox, von Neumann’s, 5.27, 5.28Decomposition Theorem, Hausdorff’s, 5.13–, Robinson’s, 5.16, 5.21–, Sierpinski’s, 5.30decreasing sequence, 4.25Dedekind cardinal, 4.15Dedekind–finite = D–finite, 2.13, 4.1Dedekind–infinite = D–infinite, 2.13, 4.1determinate game, 6.1, 7.9

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Index 191

Eenough projective sets, E 7. in Section 2.2epireflective, 4.82epireflective hull, 4.87equicontinuous, 4.90equidecomposable, ∼e, 5.22

Ffinite, 4.4finite character, 2.2filter, 4.29–, maximal, 4.29–, prime, 4.29filter–compact, 3.21filter–complete, E 4. in Section 4.10frame, E 13 in Section 4.3Frechet space, 4.53free group F2, 5.17

Ggame, 6.1, 7.9graph, 4.109Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, GCH, 2.19Grph, E 6. in Section 4.11

HHahn–Banach Theorem, HBT, 5.25Hamel basis, 5.2 (Proof)Hartog’s number, 1.3Haus = category of Hausdorff spaces, 4.72Hausdorff’s Decomposition Theorem, 5.23Hausdorff’s Maximal Chain Condition, 2.2H–closed, between 3.22 and 3.23Hilbert cubes, [0, 1]I , 4.70homomorphism for graphs, 4.109

Iideal, 4.29–, maximal, 4.29–, prime, 4.29increasing sequence, 4.25infinite, 4.4injective vector space, between 4.47 and 4.48

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192 Index

KKinna–Wagner Selection Prinicple, KW, 2.8Kurepa’s Maximal Antichain Condition, 2.4

Llattice, 4.27–, closed, 4.28–, powerset–, 4.28–, open, 4.28law of excluded middle, after 1.4Lindelof space, E 9. in Section 3.3linear order (= chain), 2.2

Mmaximal filter, 4.29maximal ideal, 4.29measure, n–dimensional, 5.12Monsters, Bernstein, 5.8–, Siepinski, 5.9–, Vitali, 5.7Moser Spindle, E 9. in Section 4.11move, 6.1Multiplicative Axiom, 2.1

Nvon Neumann’s Decomposition Paradox (plane), 5.27–, (real line), 5.28

Oopen lattice, 4.28orderable topological space, E 4. in Section 4.7Order Extension Principle, OEP, 2.17Ordering Principle, OP, 2.17outcome, 6.1

Ppowerset–lattice, 4.28prime filter, 4.29prime ideal, 4.29Principle of Dependent Choices, DC, 2.11Principle of Dependent Multiple Choices, DMC, E 2 in Section 2.2 and E 5.in Section 4.10projective set, E 4. in Section 2.1projective vector space, between 4.47 and 4.48

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Index 193

pseudocomplement, 4.34pseudometric, 3.25

Rretraction, E 4. in Section 2.1Robinson’s Decomposition Theorem (unit ball), 5.21– (unit sphere), 5.16

Ssequential space, 4.53sequentially compact, 3.25sequentially continuous, 3.15Shelah–Soifer Graph, E 10. in Section 4.11Sierpinski’s Decomposition Theorem for Unit Disks, 5.30Sierpinski Monsters, 5.9Sierpinski space, before 4.90 footnote 136σ–compact, E 1. in Section 7.1Sorgenfrey line, E 3.(8) in Section 4.6Special Aleph–Hypothesis, AH(0), 2.19stragety, 6.1supercompact, E 10. in Section 4.8

TTeichuller–Tukey Lemma, 2.2totally bounded, 3.25Tych = category of completely regular spaces, 4.85Tychonoff–compact, 3.23Tychonoff Theorem, 4.68, 4.81, 4.84

Uugly, 5.3ultrafilter–compact, 3.21Ultrafilter Theorem, UFT, 2.15–, Weak, WUF, 2.15

Vvector space, Section 4.4vertex, 4.109Vitali Monsters, 5.7

Wweak topology on C(X,Y ), before 4.90Weak Ultrafilter Principle, WUF, 2.15Weierstrass–compact, 3.25Well–Order Theorem, WOT, Section 1.1, page 2winning set, 6.1winning strategy, 6.1

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194 Index

ZZermelo–Fraenkel set theory with AC, ZFC, Preface page XIZermelo-Fraenkel set theory without AC, ZF, Preface page VIIIzero–lattice, E 6. in Section 4.3zero–set, E 6. in Section 4.3Zorn’s Lemma, 2.2

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Vol. 1810: J. Wengenroth, Derived Functors in FunctionalAnalysis (2003)Vol. 1811: J. Stevens, Deformations of Singularities(2003)Vol. 1812: L. Ambrosio, K. Deckelnick, G. Dziuk, M.Mimura, V. A. Solonnikov, H. M. Soner, MathematicalAspects of Evolving Interfaces. Madeira, Funchal, Portu-gal 2000. Editors: P. Colli, J. F. Rodrigues (2003)Vol. 1813: L. Ambrosio, L. A. Caffarelli, Y. Brenier, G.Buttazzo, C. Villani, Optimal Transportation and its Ap-plications. Martina Franca, Italy 2001. Editors: L. A. Caf-farelli, S. Salsa (2003)Vol. 1814: P. Bank, F. Baudoin, H. Föllmer, L.C.G.Rogers, M. Soner, N. Touzi, Paris-Princeton Lectures onMathematical Finance 2002 (2003)Vol. 1815: A. M. Vershik (Ed.), Asymptotic Combina-torics with Applications to Mathematical Physics. St. Pe-tersburg, Russia 2001 (2003)Vol. 1816: S. Albeverio, W. Schachermayer, M. Tala-grand, Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics.Ecole d’Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXX-2000.Editor: P. Bernard (2003)Vol. 1817: E. Koelink, W. Van Assche(Eds.), OrthogonalPolynomials and Special Functions. Leuven 2002 (2003)Vol. 1818: M. Bildhauer, Convex Variational Problemswith Linear, nearly Linear and/or Anisotropic GrowthConditions (2003)Vol. 1819: D. Masser, Yu. V. Nesterenko, H. P. Schlick-ewei, W. M. Schmidt, M. Waldschmidt, Diophantine Ap-proximation. Cetraro, Italy 2000. Editors: F. Amoroso, U.Zannier (2003)Vol. 1820: F. Hiai, H. Kosaki, Means of Hilbert Space Op-erators (2003)Vol. 1821: S. Teufel, Adiabatic Perturbation Theory inQuantum Dynamics (2003)Vol. 1822: S.-N. Chow, R. Conti, R. Johnson, J. Mallet-Paret, R. Nussbaum, Dynamical Systems. Cetraro, Italy2000. Editors: J. W. Macki, P. Zecca (2003)Vol. 1823: A. M. Anile, W. Allegretto, C. Ringhofer,Mathematical Problems in Semiconductor Physics. Ce-traro, Italy 1998. Editor: A. M. Anile (2003)Vol. 1824: J. A. Navarro González, J. B. Sancho de Salas,C ∞ – Differentiable Spaces (2003)Vol. 1825: J. H. Bramble, A. Cohen, W. Dahmen, Mul-tiscale Problems and Methods in Numerical Simulations,Martina Franca, Italy 2001. Editor: C. Canuto (2003)Vol. 1826: K. Dohmen, Improved Bonferroni Inequal-ities via Abstract Tubes. Inequalities and Identities ofInclusion-Exclusion Type. VIII, 113 p, 2003.Vol. 1827: K. M. Pilgrim, Combinations of Complex Dy-namical Systems. IX, 118 p, 2003.Vol. 1828: D. J. Green, Gröbner Bases and the Computa-tion of Group Cohomology. XII, 138 p, 2003.Vol. 1829: E. Altman, B. Gaujal, A. Hordijk, Discrete-Event Control of Stochastic Networks: Multimodularityand Regularity. XIV, 313 p, 2003.Vol. 1830: M. I. Gil’, Operator Functions and Localizationof Spectra. XIV, 256 p, 2003.Vol. 1831: A. Connes, J. Cuntz, E. Guentner, N. Hig-son, J. E. Kaminker, Noncommutative Geometry, MartinaFranca, Italy 2002. Editors: S. Doplicher, L. Longo (2004)Vol. 1832: J. Azéma, M. Émery, M. Ledoux, M. Yor(Eds.), Séminaire de Probabilités XXXVII (2003)Vol. 1833: D.-Q. Jiang, M. Qian, M.-P. Qian, Mathemati-cal Theory of Nonequilibrium Steady States. On the Fron-tier of Probability and Dynamical Systems. IX, 280 p,2004.

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Vol. 1834: Yo. Yomdin, G. Comte, Tame Geometry withApplication in Smooth Analysis. VIII, 186 p, 2004.Vol. 1835: O.T. Izhboldin, B. Kahn, N.A. Karpenko, A.Vishik, Geometric Methods in the Algebraic Theory ofQuadratic Forms. Summer School, Lens, 2000. Editor: J.-P. Tignol (2004)Vol. 1836: C. Nastasescu, F. Van Oystaeyen, Methods ofGraded Rings. XIII, 304 p, 2004.Vol. 1837: S. Tavaré, O. Zeitouni, Lectures on Probabil-ity Theory and Statistics. Ecole d’Eté de Probabilités deSaint-Flour XXXI-2001. Editor: J. Picard (2004)Vol. 1838: A.J. Ganesh, N.W. O’Connell, D.J. Wischik,Big Queues. XII, 254 p, 2004.Vol. 1839: R. Gohm, Noncommutative StationaryProcesses. VIII, 170 p, 2004.Vol. 1840: B. Tsirelson, W. Werner, Lectures on Probabil-ity Theory and Statistics. Ecole d’Eté de Probabilités deSaint-Flour XXXII-2002. Editor: J. Picard (2004)Vol. 1841: W. Reichel, Uniqueness Theorems for Vari-ational Problems by the Method of TransformationGroups (2004)Vol. 1842: T. Johnsen, A.L. Knutsen, K3 Projective Mod-els in Scrolls (2004)Vol. 1843: B. Jefferies, Spectral Properties of Noncom-muting Operators (2004)Vol. 1844: K.F. Siburg, The Principle of Least Action inGeometry and Dynamics (2004)Vol. 1845: Min Ho Lee, Mixed Automorphic Forms, TorusBundles, and Jacobi Forms (2004)Vol. 1846: H. Ammari, H. Kang, Reconstruction of SmallInhomogeneities from Boundary Measurements (2004)Vol. 1847: T.R. Bielecki, T. Björk, M. Jeanblanc, M.Rutkowski, J.A. Scheinkman, W. Xiong, Paris-PrincetonLectures on Mathematical Finance 2003 (2004)Vol. 1848: M. Abate, J. E. Fornaess, X. Huang, J. P. Rosay,A. Tumanov, Real Methods in Complex and CR Geom-etry, Martina Franca, Italy 2002. Editors: D. Zaitsev, G.Zampieri (2004)Vol. 1849: Martin L. Brown, Heegner Modules and Ellip-tic Curves (2004)Vol. 1850: V. D. Milman, G. Schechtman (Eds.), Geomet-ric Aspects of Functional Analysis. Israel Seminar 2002-2003 (2004)Vol. 1851: O. Catoni, Statistical Learning Theory and Sto-chastic Optimization (2004)Vol. 1852: A.S. Kechris, B.D. Miller, Topics in OrbitEquivalence (2004)Vol. 1853: Ch. Favre, M. Jonsson, The Valuative Tree(2004)Vol. 1854: O. Saeki, Topology of Singular Fibers of Dif-ferential Maps (2004)Vol. 1855: G. Da Prato, P.C. Kunstmann, I. Lasiecka,A. Lunardi, R. Schnaubelt, L. Weis, Functional AnalyticMethods for Evolution Equations. Editors: M. Iannelli, R.Nagel, S. Piazzera (2004)Vol. 1856: K. Back, T.R. Bielecki, C. Hipp, S. Peng,W. Schachermayer, Stochastic Methods in Finance, Bres-sanone/Brixen, Italy, 2003. Editors: M. Fritelli, W. Rung-galdier (2004)Vol. 1857: M. Émery, M. Ledoux, M. Yor (Eds.), Sémi-naire de Probabilités XXXVIII (2005)Vol. 1858: A.S. Cherny, H.-J. Engelbert, Singular Stochas-tic Differential Equations (2005)Vol. 1859: E. Letellier, Fourier Transforms of InvariantFunctions on Finite Reductive Lie Algebras (2005)

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