lecture 7. computing protein structures

Lecture 7. Computing Protein Structures • Current attempts: • Threading: RAPTOR Consensus: ACE Fragment assembly Can we compute the protein structures eventually? Your projects. CS882, Fall 2006

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CS882, Fall 2006. Lecture 7. Computing Protein Structures. Current attempts: Threading: RAPTOR Consensus: ACE Fragment assembly Can we compute the protein structures eventually? Your projects. Homologous proteins have similar structure and functions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Lecture 7. Computing Protein Structures

Lecture 7. Computing Protein Structures

• Current attempts: • Threading: RAPTOR• Consensus: ACE• Fragment assembly

Can we compute the protein structures eventually? Your projects.

CS882, Fall 2006

Page 2: Lecture 7. Computing Protein Structures

Homologous proteins have similar structure and functions Being homologous means that they have

evolved from a common ancestral gene. Hence at least in the past they had the same structure and function.

Caution: old genes can be recruited for new functions. Example: a structural protein in eye lens is homologous to an ancient glycolytic enzyme.

Homology search is done by BLAST, or PatternHunter for more sensitivity. BLAST will work with over 30% sequence identity.

Page 3: Lecture 7. Computing Protein Structures

Conserving core regions

Homologous proteins usually have conserved core regions.

When we model one protein after a similar protein with known structure, the main problem becomes modeling loop regions.

Modeling loops can also depend on database to some degree.

Side chains: on a few side-chain conformations frequently occur – they are called rotamers, there is a such a database.

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Primary, secondary, and tertiary

There are many secondary structure prediction programs. However, without considering tertiary structure, we will never be correct solely predicting secondary structures.

Most tertiary structure prediction programs today depend on good secondary predictions. This is also not good: you cannot get right tertiary structure with wrong starting information.

They must be done together.

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There are not too many candidates!

There are only about 1000 topologically different domain structures. There is no reason whatsoever that we cannot compute their structures accurately.

Ab initio method – we have heard about it. Another promising method is threading (separate

lecture). After threading, an important step is “refinement”,

perhaps by fragment assembly. This will be a separate topic (Xin Gao).

Folding membrane proteins is a quite different topic (Richard Jang).

Now we go to threading.

Page 6: Lecture 7. Computing Protein Structures

Protein Threading

Make a structure prediction through finding an optimal placement (threading) of a protein sequence onto each known structure (structural template) “placement” quality is measured by some statistics-based

energy function best overall “placement” among all templates may give a

structure prediction


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Threading Example

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Introduction to Linear Program

Optimize (Maximize or Minimize) a linear objective function e.g. 2x+3y+4z

The variables satisfy some linear constraints. e.g.

1. x+y-z >=1

2. 2x+y+3z=3 integer program (IP) =linear program (LP) + integral variables LP can be solved within polynomial time --- Interior point method.

Simplex method also runs fast. We used IBM package. Polynomial time for IP not likely, NP-hard

IP can be relaxed to LP, solve the non-integral version Branch-and-bound or branch-and-cut (may cost exponential


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Why Integer Programming?

Treat pairwise potentials rigorously critical for fold-level targets

Existing Exact algorithms for pairwise potentials High memory requirement, or Expensive computational time

Exploit correlations between various kinds of item scores in the energy function

99% real data generate integral solutions directly, no branch-and-bound needed.

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Different approaches

Approximation Algorithm Interaction-Frozen Algorithm (A. Godzik et al.) Monte Carlo Sampling (T. Madej et al.) Double dynamic programming (D. Jones et al.) Recursive dynamic programming (R. Thiele et

al.) Exact Algorithm

Branch-and-bound (R.H. Lathrop et al.) Exploit the relationship among various

scoring parameters, fast self-threading Divide-and-conquer (Y. Xu et al.)

Exploit the topological structure of template contact graphs

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Formulating Protein Threading by LP

• Protein Threading Needs: 1. Construction of Template Library2. Design of Energy Function3. Sequence-Structure Alignment4. Template Selection and Model Construction

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Threading Energy Function

how well a residue fits a structural environment: Es

(Fitness score)

how preferable to put two particular residues nearby: Ep

(Pairwise potential)

alignment gap penalty: Eg

(gap score)

E= Ep + Es + Em + Eg + Ess

Minimize E to find a sequence-structure alignment

sequence similarity between query and template proteins: Em

(Mutation score)Consistency with the secondary structures: Ess

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Contact Graph

1. Each residue as a vertex2. One edge between two

residues if their spatial distance is within a given cutoff.

3. Cores are the most conserved segments in the template: alpha-helix, beta-sheet


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Simplified Contact Graph

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Contact Graph and Alignment Diagram

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Contact Graph and Alignment Diagram

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x(i,l) denotes core i is aligned to sequence position l y(i,l,j,k) denotes that core i is aligned to position l and core j is

aligned to position k at the same time.

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Formulation 1





















MinimizeEg , Ep

Es , Ess , Em

Encodes interaction structures: the first makes sure no crosses; the second is quadratic, but can be converted to linear: a=bc is eqivalent to: a≤b, a≤c, a≥b+c-1

Encodes scoring system

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Formulation used in RAPTOR






















MinimizeEg, Ep

Es, Ess, En

Encodes interaction structures

Encodes scoring system

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Solving the Problem Practically

1. More than 99% threading instances can be solved directly by linear programming, the rest can be solved by branch-and-bound with only several branch nodes

2. Less memory consumption

3. Less computational time

4. Easy to extend to incorporate other constraints

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CPU Time for CAFASP3 targets

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Fold Recognition

Support Vector Machines (SVM) Approach Features are extracted from the alignments A threading pair is treated as a positive pattern

only if they are in at least fold-level similarity 60,000 threading pairs are employed to train

SVM model. 5% more targets are recognized by SVM

approach than the traditional z-Score

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Part II. Experiments

Test Evaluator Data Set Blindness public

Lindhal et al.


us large no no

LiveBench third-party small no yes


third-party small yes yes

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Target Category



HM easy

(family level)

HM hard (superfamily


FR (fold level)

# targets 20 12 30

Prediction Difficulty

CM: Comparative Modelling, HM: Homology ModellingFR: Fold Recogniton, NF: New Fold


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Lindahl Benchmark Test

family superfamily fold Top1 Top5 Top1 Top5 Top1 Top5 RAPTOR 84.8 87.1 47.0 60.0 31.3 54.2 FUGUE 82.2 85.8 41.9 53.2 12.5 26.8 PSI-BLAST 71.2 72.3 27.4 27.9 4.0 4.7 HMMER-PSIBLAST 67.7 73.5 20.7 31.3 4.4 14.6 SAMT98-PSIBLAST 70.1 75.4 28.3 38.9 3.4 18.7 BLASTLINK 74.6 78.9 29.3 40.6 6.9 16.5 SSEARCH 68.6 75.7 20.7 32.5 5.6 15.6 THREADER 49.2 58.9 10.8 24.7 14.6 37.7

976*975 threading pairs are tested, the results of other servers are taken from Shi et al.’s paper.

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LiveBench Test

Month Rank

August 3

September 4

October 7

November 14

December 9

Total 6

Easy 6

Hard 5

LiveBench 6Month Rank

Feb 10

March 1

April 3

May 2

June 6

Total 4

Easy 7

Hard 3

LiveBench 7


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62 targets Time allowed for each target:

Individual Servers: 48 hours Meta Servers: 48 hours

Predictors: computer program, no manual intervention (CAFASP3)

Evaluated by computer program RAPTOR was voted by CASP5 attendees as the most novel

approach, at http://forcasp.org

CAFASP3: The Third Critical Assessment of Fully Automated Structure Prediction

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CAFASP3 Evaluation Criteria

Model Only the first submission considered for each target, each server can submit 10 models for each target,

MaxSub (evaluation program) Superimpose the predicted structure with the

experimental structure Calculate the length of maximum superimposable

subsegment within 5Å RMSD one prediction is regarded as correct only if the length

is above a given value.

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CAFASP3 Evaluation Criteria

Sensitivity (N-1 Rule) One miss allowed for each server, i.e., the first

models of N-1 out of N targets ranked Specificity

Rank the first models of all targets according to their zScores

S(M): # Correct before the first M false positives

Average of S(1),S(2),…,S(5)

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Specificity Example

Predicted Model

zScore Correct ?(by MaxSub)

T1 9.1 Yes

T2 8.4 Yes

T3 7.8 No

T4 7.6 Yes

T5 7.5 No

T6 7.4 Yes

… … …

T30 … …



First false positive

Second false positive

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Sensitivity on FR targets (1)

Servers Sum MaxSub Score # correct

3ds5 robetta 5.17-5.25 15-17

pmod 3ds3 pmode3 4.21-4.36 13-14

RAPTOR 3.98 13

shgu 3.93 13

3dsn orfeus 3.64-3.90 12-13

pcons3 3.75 12

fugu3 orf_c 3.38-3.67 11-12

… … …

pdbblast 0.00 0

… … …

blast 0.00 0

(http://ww.cs.bgu.ac.il/~dfischer/CAFASP3, released on Dec., 2002.)

30 FR targets

54 servers

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Sensitivity on FR targets (2)


# Correct 6 4 2 1 0

# Targets 7 7 6 5 5

1. RAPTOR is weak at recognizing FR(A) targets (need improvement )2. RAPTOR cannot deal with NF targets at all (normal)

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Sensitivity on Hard HM targets


Servers Score # Correct

1 3ds5 5.13 12

2 3ds3 shgu 4.93-5.02 12

4 pmod pmod3 4.60-4.68 12

6 orfeus orfb 3dpsm raptor fugu3 pco3 robetta

4.33-4.43 12

8 samt02 4.18 12

… … … …

11 pdbblast 4.28 12

… … … …

blast 0.32 2

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Specificity of Servers

Rank Servers Specificity

1 3ds5 24.8

2 pmodel 3dsn 3ds3 pmodel3


6 pcons3 shgu 21.4-21.6

8 inbgu fugu3 19.0-19.8

10 ffas03 orfeus fugsa 18.2-18.4

13 raptor 3dpsm orf_c 17.4-17.8

… … …

pdbblast 13.0

blast 4.0

Out of 33 Targets

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CAFASP3 Example

Target ID: T0136_1 Target Size:144 Superimposable size

within 5Å: 118 RMSD:1.9Å

Red: Experimental Structure Blue/green: RAPTOR model

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CASP6, T0199-2, ACE buffalo rank: 9th

From RAPTOR rank 1 model. TM=0.4183 MaxSub=0.2857. Good parts: 116-134, 286-332

Left: predicted structure. Right: experimental structure

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CASP6, T0203 ACE buffalo rank: 1st From RAPTOR 2nd model. TM=0.6041, MaxSub=0.3485. Good parts: 19-57, 89-94, 139-178, 224-239, 312-372

Predicted Experimental

RAPTOR firstModel ranks 5th

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CASP6, T0262-2, ACE buffalo rank: 4th From Fugue3 6th model. TM=0.4306, MaxSub=0.3459. Good parts: 162-203

Predicted Experimental

Fugue’s topmodelranks low

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CASP6, T0242, NF, ACE buffalo rank: 1From RAPTOR rank 5 model.TM score=0.2784, MaxSub score=0.1645

However,RAPTOR topmodelranks 44th !Trivial error?

Predicted Experimental

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CASP6, T0238, NF ACE buffalo rank 1st From RAPTOR 8th model TM=0.2748, MaxSub=0.1633Good part: 188-237. High TM score, low MaxSub

Raptortop model ranks 4th

Predicted Experimental

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Jinbo Xu’s Ph.D. thesis work. The RAPTOR system has benefited

significantly from PROSPECT (Ying Xu, Dong Xu, et al).

Currently distributed by BSI. References: J. Xu, M. Li, D. Kim, Y. Xu, Journal of

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 1:1(2003), 95-118. J. Xu, M. Li, PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics,

CASP5 special issue.