lec 2 types of research

Lecture 02

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Page 1: Lec 2 types of research

Lecture 02

Page 2: Lec 2 types of research

What Did We Learn In Lecture 01? What Is Research?

What Is Business Research?

What Isn’t Research?

Characteristics Of Research

Kinds Of Research

Basic Or Pure Research

Applied Research

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Exploratory research is most commonly

unstructured, “informal” research that is

undertaken to gain background information about

the general nature of the research problem.

Exploratory research is usually conducted when

the researcher does not know much about the

problem and needs additional information or

desires new or more recent information.

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Initial research conducted to clarify and define

the nature of a problem

Does not provide conclusive evidence

Subsequent research expected

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Why Conduct Exploratory Research

Diagnose a situation

Screening of


Discover new ideas

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Uses of Exploratory Research

Formulate a problem or define a problem more precisely

Identify alternative courses of action

Develop hypotheses

Isolate key variables and relationships for further


Gain insights for developing an approach to the problem

Establish priorities for further research

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Methods For Exploratory Research

A variety of methods are

available to conduct

exploratory research:

Secondary Data Analysis

Experience Surveys

Case Analysis

Focus Groups

Projective Techniques

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Descriptive Research

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Descriptive research is undertaken to provide

answers to questions of who, what, where,

when, and how – but not why.

Describes characteristics of a population or


Some understanding of the nature of the problem

Two basic classifications:

Cross-sectional studies

Longitudinal studies

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Cross-sectional Studies

Cross-sectional studies measure units from a sample

of the population at only one point in time.

Sample surveys are cross-sectional studies whose

samples are drawn in such a way as to be

representative of a specific population.

On-line survey research is being used to collect data

for cross-sectional surveys at a faster rate of speed.

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Longitudinal Studies

Longitudinal studies repeatedly draw sample

units of a population over time.

One method is to draw different units from the

same sampling frame.

A second method is to use a “panel” where the

same people are asked to respond periodically.

On-line survey research firms recruit panel

members to respond to online queries.

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Use of Descriptive Research

To describe the characteristics of relevant groups,

such as consumers, salespeople, organizations, or

market areas.

To estimate the percentage of units in a specified

population exhibiting a certain behavior.

To determine the perceptions of product


To determine the degree to which marketing

variables are associated.

To make specific predictions

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Exploratory Research

Designed to generate basic knowledge, clarify relevant

issues uncover variables associated with a problem,

uncover information needs, and/or define alternatives

for addressing research objectives.

A very flexible, open-ended process.

Descriptive Research (who, what, where, how)

Designed to provide further insight into the research

problem by describing the variables of interest.

Can be used for profiling, defining, segmentation,

estimating, predicting, and examining associative


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Exploratory Descriptive

ObjectiveDiscovery of ideas and


Describe characteristics or

functions marked by the

prior formulation of

specific hypotheses

CharacteristicsFlexible, versatile

Often the front end of

total research design

Preplanned and structured


Methods Expert surveys

Pilot surveys

Secondary data

Qualitative research

Secondary data



Observation and other


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Whether and to what degree variables are related


Determine relationships

Make predictions


Cannot indicate cause and effect

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Correlational research are studies that are often

conducted to test the reliability and predictive validity

of instruments used for division making concerning

selection of individuals for the likely success in a

course of study or a specific job.

Some authors consider this research as a type of

descriptive research, since it describes the current

conditions in a situation. However, the difference lies

in the nature of conditions studies.

A correlational study describes in quantitative terms

the degree to which the variables are related.

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Why the Correlational Research?

Determine the strength

of the relationship

between two or more


Determine the direction

of the relationship.



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Purpose of Correlational Research

Correlational studies are carried out to explain important human behavior or to predict likely outcomes (identify relationships among variables).

If a relationship of sufficient magnitude exists between two variables, it becomes possible to predict a score on either variable if a score on the other variable is known (Prediction Studies).

The variable that is used to make the prediction is called the predictor variable..

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The variable about which the prediction is made

is called the criterion variable.

Both scatter plots and regression lines are used in

correlational studies to predict a score on a

criterion variable

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Correlation Coefficient

Ranges from –1.00 to +1.00

The number indicates the strength of the


The sign indicates whether the relationship is

positive or negative.

Does NOT indicate causality.

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What is the relationship between T.V. violence

and aggressive behavior ?

This study is to determine the predictive abilitypredictive ability of

high school grade point average (GPA) to forecast

first to fourth year College GPA.

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Correlational research is also known as associational research.

Relationships among two or more variables are studied without any attempt to influence them.

Investigates the possibility of relationships between two variables.

There is no manipulation of variables in correlational research.

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A research in which the principal objective is

to know and understand the trait and

mechanisms of the relationship and

association between the independent and

dependent variable.

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Purpose of Explanatory Research

Explain things not just reporting. Why? Elaborate

and enrich a theory's explanation.

Determine which of several explanations is best.

Determine the accuracy of the theory; test a

theory's predictions or principle.

Advance knowledge about underlying process.

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Build and elaborate a theory; elaborate and

enrich a theory's predictions or principle.

Extend a theory or principle to new areas, new

issues, and new topics:

Provide evidence to support or refute an

explanation or prediction.

Test a theory's predictions or principles.

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Lets Put It Together

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