leawood baptist church 8200 state line road leawood...

www.leawoodbaptist.com Phone: 913/649-0100 Please join your fellow church members in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Feb. 15, immedi- ately following worship as we gather for a Church Forum to discuss the latest news affect- ing the church…and YOU! We will be voting to approve the proposed slate of 2015 Councils and Committees pre- pared by the Leadership Re- sources Committee, as well as obtain an update from our Pastor Search Committee (Dennis Engel, Chair; Rob Overton, Vice Chair; Mike Hoskins, Secretary; members Jackie Boat, Bob Gibbs, Rob Sykes, and Leanna Uniak) and the Fi- nance & Stewardship Com- mittee. During the Open Fo- rum, you’ll have the opportu- nity to discuss any concerns you may have about your church. Our Special Events Committee will offer a deli- cious lunch for $6 per person. If you haven’t signed up yet, please call the church office. Join us for the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, Feb. 8. Adult Bible Study with Dr. Everly continues on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs Conference Room. Feel free to park in the State Line parking lot for easiest access. The church office will be closed on Monday, Feb. 16, in observance of Presidents’ Day Volunteer Schedules February Greeters Mike Hoskins, Rob Sykes, Bob Thompson February Ushers: Mike Hoskins, Susan Nitsch, Johnny Tancredi, Bob Thomp- son, and Melissa Weeks February 2015 February 2015 Love Does Most all of us have attended Bible Study groups, but have you ever been involved in a Bible Doing group? That is, finding out what God has to say, then focusing your attention on what you are going to do about it? Bob Goff, a Christian, an attor- ney, a missionary to Uganda, and author of the best-selling book Love Does , believes that the Bible is not just a book to be read or memorized but is to be lived out in our lives. The sub- title of his book is “Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World.” Join us in a study of Goff’s book, Love Does , on Wednesday eve- nings beginning Feb. 18, going through Easter and into spring. Dr. David Everly will be the group leader. It will meet in the Hearth Room on the lower level each week, 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Books are available for $12.00 each and may be obtained from Pastor Dave. Feel free to attend the meetings whether or not you purchase the book. Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood, Kansas 66206-1246 The Monthly Koinonia

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Page 1: Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood ...storage.cloversites.com/leawoodbaptistchurch/... · studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research

www.leawoodbaptist.com Phone: 913/649-0100

Please join your fellow church members in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Feb. 15, immedi-ately following worship as we gather for a Church Forum to discuss the latest news affect-ing the church…and YOU! We will be voting to approve the proposed slate of 2015 Councils and Committees pre-pared by the Leadership Re-sources Committee, as well as obtain an update from our Pastor Search Committee (Dennis Engel, Chair; Rob Overton, Vice Chair; Mike Hoskins, Secretary; members Jackie Boat, Bob Gibbs, Rob Sykes, and Leanna Uniak) and the Fi-nance & Stewardship Com-mittee. During the Open Fo-rum, you’ll have the opportu-nity to discuss any concerns you may have about your church. Our Special Events Committee will offer a deli-cious lunch for $6 per person. If you haven’t signed up yet, please call the church office.

Join us for the

Lord’s Supper on Sunday, Feb. 8.

Adult Bible Study with Dr. Everly continues on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs Conference Room. Feel free to park in the State Line parking lot for easiest access.

The church  

office will be   closed on Mon‐day, Feb. 16, in observance of 

Presidents’ Day  


Volunteer Schedules 

February Greeters Mike Hoskins, Rob Sykes,

Bob Thompson

February Ushers: Mike Hoskins, Susan Nitsch,

Johnny Tancredi, Bob Thomp-son, and Melissa Weeks

February 2015February 2015

Love Does Most all of us have attended Bible Study groups, but have you ever been involved in a Bible Doing group? That is, finding out what God has to say, then focusing your attention on what you are going to do about it?

Bob Goff, a Christian, an attor-ney, a missionary to Uganda, and author of the best-selling book Love Does, believes that the Bible is not just a book to be read or memorized but is to be lived out in our lives. The sub-title of his book is “Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World.”

Join us in a study of Goff’s book, Love Does, on Wednesday eve-nings beginning Feb. 18, going through Easter and into spring. Dr. David Everly will be the group leader. It will meet in the Hearth Room on the lower level each week, 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Books are available for $12.00 each and may be obtained from Pastor Dave. Feel free to attend the meetings whether or not you purchase the book.

Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road

Leawood, Kansas 66206-1246

The Monthly Koinonia

Page 2: Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood ...storage.cloversites.com/leawoodbaptistchurch/... · studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research

Pearls from Peggy

  It’s amazing to see how faithful God is to keep His promises to us.  I am particularly aware as I am writing this of God’s unfa‐thomable love for us!  Why?  Maybe it’s be‐cause I just saw a premier of a new movie called “Old Fashioned.”  This will be released on Feb. 13, Valen‐tine’s Day weekend.  I encourage you to  see it.  The title may look cheesy, but the topic and story line are NOT.  It’s a very real‐istic portrayal of how difficult it is to keep your heart and life pure in today’s sex‐saturated world.  And who could have pre‐dicted the ending!!  Enough said…  SERVICE PLANNING UPDATE 

Before we turn around, it will be the Lenten season.  Ash Wednesday is on Feb. 18, and Easter is on Apr. 5.  We are in the initial planning stages of a combined ser‐vice with the International Community Church for Palm Sunday.  That’s always such a joyful day, and I am very much looking for‐ward to working with our Russian brothers and sisters again to celebrate Christ to‐gether!  Please keep us in prayer, as there will be many more people (namely chil‐dren!) who will be participating that day. 


We are looking to complete the sound system upgrade as soon as possible.  Please keep us in mind if you have a gift you would like to give in honor of someone or just an anonymous donation; it would be so very welcome! 

www.leawoodbaptist.com Phone: 913/649-0100 Fax: 913/649-4872

“For nothing is impossible with God.”  Luke 1:37.  “Now to Him who is able to do  exceedingly, abundantly, above, all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Je‐sus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen!”  Ephesians 3:20‐21.  These are my scriptures for Leawood Baptist Church for 2015.  Knowing that nothing is impossible with the God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly, above, all that we ask or think, let’s partner together WITH GOD to do things bigger than we are, that He might receive glory in the church!!  

      Blessings to you all, 

     Peggy Forstad         Director, Worship & Music Arts         [email protected]         Office:  913/649‐0100 ext. 11         Mobile:  913/568‐6921 

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Special Needs Enrichment Program Snippet

Come join in the fun at our February SNEP and Sib-Support event on Friday, Feb. 6, 6:00-9:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. SNEP is an important min-istry to children with special needs and their parents in our community. Do you know of any family who could benefit from this program? If so please let me know at 913/220-0294 or email. Also, we could al-ways use volunteers to help and/or do-nate cookies and soda pop to offset ex-penses. Please consider how you can contribute to this special ministry.

Kim Mohart SNEP Coordinator [email protected]

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Do you have need of a Kansas Notary Public? If so, call Jane in the church office to make an

appointment. There is no fee.

Page 3: Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood ...storage.cloversites.com/leawoodbaptistchurch/... · studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research

Do You Need to Contact the Pastor?

Dr. David N. Everly, Intentional Interim Pastor [email protected] 913/649-0100 ext. 13

Dr. Everly maintains weekday office hours on Tuesdays (9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) and

Wednesdays (1:00-8:00 p.m.). You can listen to Dr. Everly’s weekly sermons on

our website under the “Worship/Music” tab.


Join us for Open Prayer every

Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in the Parlor.


Are you artistic? Do you en-joy designing and creating things? If so, the LBC staff could use your expertise in

the reformatting and updat-ing of the large, public bul-letin board in the Rotunda.

If you are interested, please call Jane in the church office.

Please thank the following for volunteering to serve in key leadership roles for 2015:

Church Moderator: Mike Hoskins Church Clerk: Open—help!

Church Treasurer: Dennis Engel

Deacons Chairman: Brock Rowatt

Vice Chairman: John Haley Secretary: Kurt Uniak

Join our new, multi-generational Handbell Choir, in Room 155, rehearsing at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday morning. This is for EVERYONE, regardless of ability. We will begin with basic music skills for those who need it, so that nobody needs to feel like they need to already be a musician to come. Feel free to call me at 913/669-0167 should you have any questions or concerns.

Rob Overton

Homeless Ministries Needs

While working at Bessie’s House at Brighton and Independence Avenues in Kansas City, Mo., which provides a hot meal, shower, and laundry services for the homeless in the area, I noticed an increase in requests for the following items:

Candles (min. 3" diameter, used or new) Warm gloves and sock hats, new or gently used

As the weather gets colder, the homeless live in tents and makeshift cardboard shelters along the Missouri River. They use the candles at night to keep from freezing. The gloves and hats also en-able them to keep warm.

Please help the homeless get through this winter. Bring these items to place in the box so desig-nated in the Narthex.

Many thanks for your kindness.

www.leawoodbaptist.com Phone: 913/649-0100 Fax: 913/649-4872

Bob Gibbs

Page 4: Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood ...storage.cloversites.com/leawoodbaptistchurch/... · studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research

Holistic/alternative medicine is becoming more widely accepted as legitimate treat-ment. Addressing spiritual needs with prayer at the bedside is also becoming more readily acceptable. Through prayer, one feels a part of a commu-nity, and that creates a feeling of connection to something greater than ourselves. That sense of belonging or connection to each other is essential for our well-being, and THAT IS HEALTHY!  If you have any questions or need health-related assistance, please feel free to give me a call at 913/338-3909.

Laura Farris, RN, BSN, CRRN LBC Parish Nurse

The next Parish Nurse clinic is scheduled for Sunday,

Feb. 15, at 10:15 a.m. and after Worship. Get your

blood pressure checked and ask health-related questions

of our Parish Nurse.

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Add Some Variety to Your Lives!

The LBC Variety Show is once again being held as a benefit for the Sound System Upgrade. Plan to attend at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 21, in the Sanctuary and be entertained by the likes of “Sonny & Cher,” the Counselors, Delinda Layne, and many others! Bring your wallets and pocket-books, and give generously to this worthy cause.

If you enjoy entertaining others and would like to participate in this fun venture, please contact Peggy Forstad at [email protected] or call 913/649-0100 ext. 11.

www.leawoodbaptist.com Phone: 913/649-0100 Fax: 913/649-4872

Prayer and Healthcare  

V oodoo, hex, spells, magic potions, etc…. We have all heard of these, and are not always sure how much to believe. Recently, from the su-

pernatural, people went far the other direc-tion, not even allowing prayer to be a part of the health and healing process...not allowing nurses to pray with patients even when asked. Fortunately now, that is changing. There are finally studies done by reputable groups that show there’s more to health than the physi-cal. And prayer and its effects are being studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research shows that patients who are

“religious” have quicker recovery after major medical procedures.

MRI brain scans show there are positive physical changes that occur when a person prays or meditates.

”Religious” people tend to live healthier lives - less likely to smoke or drink-and-drive.

People who pray tend to get sick less often.

Older people who never or rarely attend church have a stroke rate double that of people who attend church regularly.

Hospitalized people who never attended church have a much longer hospital stay than those who attend church regularly.

Page 5: Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood ...storage.cloversites.com/leawoodbaptistchurch/... · studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research

H appy New Year!  I wanted to thank all of the church members who helped to move furniture in and out of our class‐rooms over the holidays so that we 

could get new floors.  The floors are nice and bright—and much safer for our students and staff!  

Believe it or not, enrollment time is here again!  Not only are we starting enrollment for this sum‐mer and the next (2015‐2016) school year, but our current enrollment is still increasing.  We enrolled seven new students in January and continue to tour prospective families through our facilities.  We now have over 50 children in our center.  That means our staff is increasing as well.  

We will still operate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays next year, but we will offer a little bit longer hours for our families.  We have transi‐tioned from strictly a Parents Day Out Center to also providing care for children of dual working parents.  To help accommodate the needs of those families, we are offering a little bit longer hours.  

If you know someone who is looking for PDO, part‐time child care, or Preschool for the summer or next school year, please let them know that now is the time to enroll, and ask them to contact me at 913/649‐0921 or [email protected].  

Thank you for all of your continued support of the Weekday Education Program!  

Jamie Sink, Director

Interfaith Hospitality Net-

work - A Community Re-

sponse for Homeless Families

Leawood Baptist Church is a Host Church for the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN). This means we host homeless families in our church overnight for one week every quarter during the year. LBC is a charter member of JoCo IHN. Our next host week is February 22—March 1. Additionally, LBC is collecting Best Choice brand UPC labels for IHN. The boxes for the labels are scattered throughout the church; they look like lit-tle houses without their roofs. Each UPC label from a Best Choice product is worth three cents. At the end of the year, we submit the labels to As-sociated Wholesale Grocers, who then count them, and send a check for our donation to IHN. If you are interested in getting involved or have any questions, please contact Bob Gibbs at 913/649-4762. Also, there is a lot of information about IHN on their website at www.jocoihn.org.

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Your Bible is the most important book you’ll ever own. Please be sure your name is in it in case you accidentally leave it behind.

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The William Jewell Col-lege Handbell Choir will present a concert in the Sanctuary at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 1.

This is the last stop on their spring concert tour,

having performed at churches in Oklahoma and Texas.

A love offering will be collected for the choir at the end of the concert.

www.leawoodbaptist.com Phone: 913/649-0100 Fax: 913/649-4872

Page 6: Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood ...storage.cloversites.com/leawoodbaptistchurch/... · studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research

Sunday Bible ClassesSunday Bible Classes

Try joining one of our Sunday morning Adult Bible Classes! All one-hour classes are studying the Smyth & Helwys UNIFORM series (except where noted) and begin promptly at 9:30 a.m.

Better Together Class: Reading The Final Week, a 13-week study of Jesus’ final week and after the Resurrection. Led by rotating teachers. Meets in the Conference Room.

The Seekers: Led by rotating teachers. Meets in Room 155.

Middle Adult II: Studying the book On Guard—Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision by William Lane Craig. Led by Rev. Ken Simpson. Meets in the north end of the Multi-Purpose Room.

The Eclectics: Studying the Book of Romans using text by John Stott. Led by Dave Bradshaw and Randy Cooper. Meets in the Parlor.

Young Adults: Led by rotating teachers. Meets in the south end of the Multi-Purpose Room.

Senior Adults: Led by Helen Watson and Helen Nahrstedt. Meets in the Hearth Room.

Weekly Discipleship ClassesWeekly Discipleship Classes

If you feel a need for worship and discipleship at other times of the week in addition to Sundays, please con-sider:

Adult Bible Study: Every Tuesday morning in the Conference Room at 10:00 a.m. with Dr. David Everly, continuing their study of Philippians.

Wednesday Night Service - “Love Does”: Every Wednesday in the Hearth Room at 6:30 p.m. Led by Dr. David Everly. See Page 1 for additional information


We are an SBC/CBF church, centrally located in Kansas City that is prayerfully seeking a full-time pastor who is Bible-based, Spirit-led, and Mis-sion-minded. Bible college degree or seminary training is preferred. Please submit resumes to the Pastor Search Committee in care of the church or via e-mail at [email protected].

www.leawoodbaptist.com Phone: 913/649-0100 Fax: 913/649-4872


(as of Jan. 28, 2015)

Jackie Boat (church member)

Carol Carey, neighbor of church member Jean Christensen

Jason Choi (former church member) Jean Christensen (Charter Member) Heather Daniel, daughter of church

members Peggy & Paul Forstad Bob Davis, friend of church

members Lana and Sam Gill Jamie Deneau, girlfriend of Andrew Gill, son of

church members Lana and Sam Gill The family of the late Maxine Denton

(Charter Member) Ricky Joe Dorsey, brother of Lesa Young Phyllis & Don Evans (church members)

Ernie & Jim Evans (church member) Peggy Forstad (church member)

Rich Fox, grandson of church member Susan Fox Bea & Charlie Francis (church members)

Ron Hicks (day custodian) Nathan Jackson, 16-year-old nephew of church

member Carol Ann Sykes Ellen Jones, mother of church

member Carol Ann Sykes Millie & Richard Keene (church member)

Charlie Keller (church member) Lee Lamar (church member)

Helen Lewis (homebound church member) Vera McCoy (church member)

Fran Miller (homebound church member) Steve Nahrstedt (church member) Natalie, Iowan cousin of church

member Liz Bradshaw Virginia Norfleet (church member) Milton Overby (church member)

Colton Perkins, nephew of church members Susie & Aaron Perkins Bill & Ida Pitts (church members)

Dorothy Plattner (homebound church member) Jennie Reid Russell (Charter Member)

Frank Smist (church member) Donna Spencer, sister of church member Susan Fox

John Stone (Charter Member) Brandon Vaughan, nephew of church

member Fannie Vaughan Cherie Whitlow, mother-in-law

of Peggy Forstad’s daughter Dorothy Williams (Charter Member)

Walter Wilson, son of church member Ernestine Wilson

Lydia Youngblood (homebound church member)

Page 7: Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood ...storage.cloversites.com/leawoodbaptistchurch/... · studied formally. Here are some interesting facts that studies show: Research

The Koinonia Leawood Baptist Church 8200 State Line Road Leawood KS 66206-1246

Feb. 26—Susie & Aaron Perkins

If you’d like your anniversary listed, please call Jane in the church office or e-mail [email protected].

Feb. 2—John Stone Feb. 3—Bruce Deering Feb. 3—Amee Rosales Feb. 5—Meredith Ibarra Feb. 5—Ruth Sherrill Feb. 6—Betty Pitts Feb. 7—Paul Forstad Feb. 8—Brian Overton Feb. 11—Richard Schneider Feb. 12—Richard Keene Feb. 13—Isaac Young Feb. 14—Mary Cook Feb. 15—John Erb Feb. 16—Parker Bradshaw Feb. 18—Don Evans Feb. 18—Ernie Evans Feb. 21—Carol Ann Sykes Feb. 24—Banks McCoy Feb. 26—Linda Keller Feb. 27—Dorothy Williams Feb. 28—Bonnie Lamar

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter in the mail, please advise the Church Office.

This newsletter is available online—and in color—under the “Publications” tab on our website: www.leawood

baptist.com. You can also pick up an individual copy on Sundays in the Narthex. If you would like to help the

church save money, please let the church office (913/649-0100) know to not mail you any future issues.