learning theory

Learning Theory: Cognitivist By K.M.

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Page 1: Learning theory

Learning Theory: Cognitivist

By K.M.

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Cognitive TheoryActivities like thinking and remembering

seem like a behaviorLearner is viewed as an information

processorPeople are not “programmed animals” that

merely respond to environmental stimuliPeople are rational beings that require active

participation in order to learn

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Key People of Cognitivist Theory

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Allan Paivio (1925-)Information presented in visual and verbal form

enhances recall and recognitionDual coding theory: assumes that people process

information in two distinct waysProcessing of imagesProcessing of language

Dual coding identifies three sub processesRepresentational: verbal or nonverbal

representations are directly influenced Referential: verbal system is activated by nonverbal

communication (or vise-versa)Associative: both text-based systems and graphic

representations can trigger mental associations

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Robert Gagne (1916-2002)The development of skills on a building-block principleFive major categories of learning: verbal information,

intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes.

Nine events of instruction:1. Gain attention of the learners2. Inform learners of the objectives3. Stimulate recall of prior learning4. Present the stimulus or lesson5. Provide learning guidance and instruction6. Elicit performance7. Provide feedback8. Assess performance9. Enhance retention and transfer

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Gagne’s Taxonomy

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Nine Events of Instruction

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Howard Gardner (1943-)Theory of multiple intelligencesIntelligence: ability to gain knowledge, apply knowledge,

manipulate one’s environment and think abstractly.Eight different intelligences:


Instructional methods should include a variety of activities

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Multiple Intelligences

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Benjamin Bloom (1913-1999)Classified learning into three domains:

cognitive, affective and psychomotorCognitive domain: student’s intellectual levelAffective domain: student’s emotions, interests,

attitude and awarenessPsychomotor domain: student’s motor skills

and physical abilitiesBloom’s Taxonomy: levels designed to

increase a student’s comprehension

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Classroom ImplicationsTeacher StudentsCareful planning of lessonsVariety of internal (attention,

motivation and recall) and external (timing and place) conditions

Instructional methods should appeal to different intelligences

Variety of assessment methods

Create instructional plans based on state standards, learning objectives and learning theories

Paying attentionRecall of prior learningCan state what has been

learnedCan discriminate

between facts, can identify colors, and can follow directions

All students can learn given the correct conditions

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How I would apply this theoryCater lessons plans to students’ different


Hands on activities Songs Group work Posters

Use images and audio together to increase recallExamples:

Showing an image as a say a new word in Spanish

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Credits "Cognitive Theories." Cognitive Theories of Learning. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012.

<http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/cognitive.htm>. "Cognitivism." Learning Theories. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <http://www.learning-

theories.com/cognitivism.html>. "Erin R. Gunter's Portfolio." Glossary. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012.

<http://arcmit01.uncw.edu/erg1602/Glossary.html>. Gunter, Glenda A., and Randolph E. Gunter. "Learning Theories and Educational

Research." Teachers Discovering Computers Integrating Technology in a Connected World. By Gary B. Shelly. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 261-66. Print.

"I Am the Eternal Student but I Am Not Alone Expand Your Horizons!!!" I Am the Eternal Studentbut I Am Not Alone. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <http://greeneyezwinkin2.wordpress.com/2012/01/22/dr-howard-gardner-on-multiple-intelligences/>.

"Nine Events of Instruction (Gagne)." Nine Events of Instruction (Gagne). N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <http://insdsg619-f09.wikispaces.com/Nine Events of Instruction (Gagne)>.

"Where Grace and Strength Collide." Toseealambatschool: Bloom's Taxonomy. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <http://vaganovaagrippina.tumblr.com/post/14221502634/toseealambatschool-blooms-taxonomy>.