learning styles/preferences objective 2.02. what is a learning style a learning style is the way...

Learning Styles/Preferences Objective 2.02

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Learning Styles/Preferences

Objective 2.02

What is a Learning Style

• A Learning Style is the way people think and learn.

Types of Learning Styles

• Auditory Learners• Visual Learners• Tactile Learners

Auditory Learners

• Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. • An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as a

main way of learning.

Learning Strengths: Remember what they hear and say Enjoy class discussions Can remember oral instructions

Teaching Strategies: Structure classroom to minimize

noise/distractions Repeat key points and summarize lessons Write down key words to avoid confusion due

to pronunciation

Teaching with Technology: Incorporate multimedia applications utilizing sounds, music, or speech. Have students use sound or voice recorders on the computer.

Visual Learners

• Visual learning is a teaching and learning style in which ideas, concepts, data, and other information are associated with images and techniques.

Learning Strengths: Remember what they see Enjoy visual projects and presentations Can remember diagrams, charts, maps

Teaching Strategies: Provide interesting visuals to look at Make sure visual presentations (notes, etc.) are

organized Make sure handouts are clearly readable

Teaching with Technology: Incorporate multimedia applications utilizing videos, images, or diagrams. Have students take digital images or videos for use on the computer.

Tactile Learners

• Kinesthetic Learning (also known as Tactile Learning) is a learning style in which learning takes place by the student carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration.

Learning Strengths: Remember what they experience with their

hands or bodies (movement) Enjoy using tools or active lessons Can remember procedures after having done


Teaching Strategies: Incorporate creative or out-of-seat activities

into lessons Encourage students to take their own notes Incorporate computers into student lessons

Teaching with Technology: Incorporate interactive multimedia applications, such as simulations. Have students create their own multimedia presentations.

Learning Preferences/Multiple Intelligences• Verbal-Linguistic• Logical-Mathematical• Visual-Spatial• Bodily-Kinesthetic• Musical• Interpersonal• Intrapersonal• Naturalist


• Verbal-Linguistic: This intelligence relates to language, spoken and written.

Suitable Careers: Author Journalist Lawyer Public Speaker

Behaviors: writes/tells stories enjoys word games effective speaker

Famous Linguists: Abraham Lincoln, 5th U.S.

President Tom Clancy, novelist

Ways to improve this intelligence: read...a lot! practice speaking in public write a poem or story


• Logical-Mathematical: This intelligence relates to numbers, patterns, and inductive and deductive thinking.

Suitable Careers: Accountant Computer Programmer Engineer Scientist

Behaviors: often asks questions enjoys number/logic games organizes

Famous Logicians: Albert Einstein, physicist and

mathematician John Maynard Keynes, economist

Ways to improve this intelligence: predict the ending to movies/stories play games involving patterns practice math word problems


• Visual-Spatial: This intelligence relates to sight and visualization, and internal mental images.

Suitable Careers: Illustrator Artist Architect Craftsman

Behaviors: draws or builds models enjoys picture puzzles is able to visualize things easily

Famous Visualists: Frank Lloyd Wright, architect Gary Larson, cartoonist

Ways to improve this intelligence: draw a picture of something from

memory illustrate a story build a model of someplace


• Bodily-Kinesthetic: This intelligence relates to knowledge and awareness of the body and its movement and abilities.

Suitable Careers: Dancer Actor Sculptor Athlete/Coach

Behaviors: plays sports enjoys physical games uses hands or body while talking

Famous Kinesthetists: Michael Jordan, professional

basketball player Alvin Ailey, choreographer

Ways to improve this intelligence: take a dance class play a sport exercise


• Musical: This intelligence relates to recognizing sound and rhythm patterns.

Suitable Careers: Composer Orchestral Performer Singer Music Critic

Behaviors: can sing or play an instrument enjoys musical or rhythmic games appreciates classical music and

music of other culturesFamous Musicians: Eric Clapton, guitarist John Williams, orchestral

composer and director  

Ways to improve this intelligence: listen for the rhythm of natural

sounds practice playing an instrument sing along with the radio  


• Interpersonal: This intelligence relates to communication and relation to other people.

Suitable Careers: Politician Teacher Psychologist Evangelist

Behaviors: makes friends easily enjoys interaction games shows leadership

Famous Interpersonalists: Sigmund Freud, psychologist John F. Kennedy, U.S. president

Ways to improve this intelligence: concentrate on people's body

language play role-playing games 


• Intrapersonal: This intelligence relates to inner reflection and awareness, and metacognition.

Suitable Careers: Counselor Social Worker Religious Leader

Behaviors: follows hunches or instincts enjoys individual games expresses confidence in self

Famous Intrapersonalists: Mother Teresa, missionary Martin Luther King, Jr., minister

and human rights activist

Ways to improve this intelligence: start a diary concentrate on your feelings during

the day


• Naturalist: This intelligence relates to recognition of order and patterns in nature, such as in plants and animals.

Suitable Careers: Zoologist Conservationist Park Ranger

Behaviors: likes animals enjoys outdoor games likes being outside  

Famous Naturalists: Charles Darwin, biologist Diane Fossey, primate researcher

Ways to improve this intelligence: start a collection of bugs or leaves go camping or hiking for a

weekend get a pet