learner’s stages of growth and development

Learner’s Stages of Growth and Development

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Learner’s stages of growth and development

Learner’s Stages of Growth and


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Pre-natal Period• This is from conception to birth.• The inherited characteristics from

the parents are also imparted during this period.

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The Period of Infancy or Babyhood

• From birth to two years• Basic physical and physiological

behavior patterns begin to develop such as rolling, crawling, sitting, walking, laughing, taking solid food, controlling the elimination of wastes, learning sex differences. Etc.

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• The baby begin to learn the rudiments of right and wrong.

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Early Childhood

• From birth to six years.• This is the pre-school age although some

parents are already taking their children to kindergarten.

• This is the exploratory and inquisitive period.

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Late Childhood

• Six or seven years to eleven years (6-11 years old)• This is the elementary school period.• The child learn some manual skills at

home and in school,• (reading, writing, arithmetic, language,


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Puberty Sta

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Puberty Stage

• 12 to 15 years old• Early high school period • This is the stage when the urge of sex

begins itself very rapidly. In fact, man at this stage is already capable of procreation.

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Early Adolescence

• Puberty to 17 years.• Late high school period.• Some young people get married

with this stage. Rapid sex maturation occurs.

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Late Adolescence

• 18 to 21 years old.• The process of development


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Early Adulthood

• From 21 to 40 years.• New life adjustments occurs such as

courtship, marriage, parenthood, employment, recreational hobby, religious affiliation etc. This is the start of productive years.

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Middle Age

• 40 to 65 years.• This year is part of adulthood. • At this stage, man or woman must

achieved most of their life aspirations in life such as well established home and family, stable or lucrative employment or business, creative achievement, even political achievement.

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Old Age

• This period starts at 65 years old.• Period of retirement.• Some claim that old age start at 65 years

old but at this stage men and women are generally strong energetic and mentally alert.

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• Eighty to ninety years old– Some ailments that are characteristics of old age

occurs such as» Deafness» Failing eye sight» Forgetfulness » Baldness » Arthritis» Senility » Loss of Cognitive Ability

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