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A new path to Sustainable Grace

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Post on 18-May-2015




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A new path to

Sustainable Grace

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In many ways we are all different,

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but there’s an important idea that most of us agree with . . . .

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. . . It’s that we would prefer to participate in a civilization that we feel deserves to last . . .

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Because, we want a world civilization that’s, worthy, good . . .

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. . .and beautiful, that is to say, ‘graceful’.

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Yet for various reasons most of us are feeling

that might not happen . . .

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There’s a lot of fear and anxiety.

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So if most of us want a gracefully sustainable civilization, why aren’t we

making it happen?

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There are 2

very practical reasons:

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1. The big issues facing our global civilization feel far too big for any one

individual to take on.

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2. No matter what our position on most issues there seems to be an interest

group that opposes it.

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This is where

Sustainable Grace .org

the free non-profit organization comes in:

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You see, no matter what your cultural, religious, or political background is:

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. . . we make it as easy as possible to (1) humanely work together on the big issues facing

our civilization, and (2) compassionately overcome our differences.

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Sustainable Grace offers an amazing tool to help us all use the

untapped power of the internet to improve our civilization . . .

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It’s easy to get started: 1st you click on our VOTE-MATCH link on our website,

and vote; entering your beliefs and values on the 26 key Action Issues facing our civilization ( it takes10 minutes).

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Here are the Action Issues:

14. Biodiversity/Extinction15. Science and Religion16.  Dictatorships/Democracy17. Opt. Population & Consumption18. Weapons of Mass Destruction 19. Education20. Equal Rights21. Renewable Resource Mngmnt.22. Org. Farming & Enviro. Toxins23. Healthcare24. Natural Disasters25. Disease26. Cultural Diversity

1.  Immigration 2. Fossil Fuel 3.  Family Values 4.  Capitalism & Socialism 5.  Abortion 6.  Animal Rights 7.  Crime 8.  Terrorism 9.  Religions & Spiritual Paths10. Technological Change11. War12. Finance13. Poverty

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2nd, you send a personalized version of a chain message to as many people as you are willing.

Hello ____________,

How are you doing?  I’m excited. Please read this story and you'll understand. Rockin RAPA-NUI, or addicted to Moai! “I think this modern world may be like a big Rapa-Nui. You know a thing or two about Rapa-Nui don’t you Artemis?”“ I’ve never heard of it.”The older woman, //Tlili, shifted her position on the rough lava, stopped gazing at the breakers, and looked at the girl . . .“It’s the indigenous Polynesian name for Easter Island. Those ancient south pacific mariners were arguably the greatest explorers the world has ever known. They found that incredibly remote island in the empty south eastern quarter of the ocean and settled there a thousand years ago. Don’t ask me how they did it. It’s just a spec, a few miles wide, with over a thousand miles of water in every direction. And on that remote piece of earth they made quite a civilization. They had it all you know: Eventually that little bit of land, and surrounding ocean, supported thousands of people, enough to build those massive stone statues (the Moai) for which they are famous.”“I’ve heard of those; the big stone heads with giant noses. I remember thin pouty mouths and giant god, or ancestor, eyes.” “Yes. The statues had short bodies and oversized solemn heads, and were carved whole and prone out of single pieces of the island’s volcanic stone, called tuff. And then they hauled them, up to thirty tons each, across the isle and stood them upright. They made over six hundred of the dumb things, and to do all that they obviously needed a fair amount of structure to their society. The elements of true civilization were all there, and I suspect they had the same basic debates that we do now: the proper role of religion, government, and business (such as it was), the rights of the various factions or tribes, taking care of the environment. . . Such subjects, or their parallels, must have come up, particularly when they were building those Moai.But archeologists say it all crashed, collapsed quite suddenly, in a mass of warfare, famine, and eventually cannibalism, such that when European explores arrived a couple hundred years ago there were just a handful of half starved naked wretches on a desolated patch of rock, rimmed by those twenty or even thirty foot tall Moai. -Though many had been tipped over during the war of collapse.”“So you’re saying our global civilization is like that tiny island?”“From space, if you look at us from a neighboring planet, like Mars, it most certainly is. This earth is a very small place in the cosmos.”“If I were to say you are right then what, simply, should we do? Not build Moai? For what it’s worth the Moai are the most interesting thing about Easter island.”“Well yes, but when people try to name ships it’s easy to remember the Titanic, or when they think of cities in Japan it’s easy to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”“But that’s not what I’m saying; most people don’t associate those statues with disaster.”“But they do associate them with disquieting mystery, as in how, or why the hell, did they build the things. The statues create a dark awe.”“So it’s still a big assumption, to say that we are like them.”“But from all sorts of political, religious, spiritual, scientific, and environmental angles a lot of very different people are saying we are like them.”“Well what if we are? Then what is the answer? What should we do differently to avoid their fate?”“That’s a grand question, and I suppose the short answer is to remember that the sky, the ocean, and the land on which the sulking Moai stare vacantly are a greater and brighter source of awe than the Moai are. Don’t be blinded by the worship of false idols, literally or metaphorically, you might say. If you keep that in mind than politics, economics, the environment, and religion all fall in line. We are used to the common aspects of reality,” //Tlili spoke as she looked out at the sea, “but that doesn’t make the larger reality any less beguiling, or worthy or reverence considering the mystery that lies beyond it, if we just leave ourselves open to it.”They both sat silently for a while watching a seagull fly along the shore as the wind off the waves whipped their hair.//Tlili spoke, “But to really take charge of our destiny we humans do need a new way of organizing, and we should use the internet to get it to take off. Such an organization would need to be ‘grass roots,’ honor individual freedom, and set up to emphasize four core action principals: education, convergence of ideals, and real world action on the issues, and all of it steeped in life enriching fun.”“It would be hard to start and get people to join such an organization. They care too much about just getting through the day,” said Artemis“Yes, we do chisel our daily bit of statue; we must build mesmerizing Maoi for our dayly breadfruit and fish. Sure we are mindful that the big picture isn’t looking so promising, but what can just one person do? And the different factions are all arguing anyway. I know the problem. . .” She rolled her eyes. “But let’s try it anyway. Really what could be more important? We’ll send a message out across the internet that asks people to fill out a brief VOTE-MATCH survey on the big issues that face civilization. Then we use an algorithm to suggest local Action Circles formed for like minded friends and neighbors to resolve the big issues using the four core principals. Get the VOTES, and suggest these circles. People can join or not, but if you just get enough people to vote then they will have a chance see it become entertaining and productive enough that it should really take off. I think people would do that, at least that, to show reverence, to care for their children, or other species, to save a civilization they know is in peril of collapse, or just to move towards a society that works a lot better than this one.” “All right, let’s do it!” said the girl. //Tlili and Artemis looked again at the white crested waves, and smelled the damp salted air, elated at the careless beauty of the world. “Yes it can’t hurt to try . . .” said //Tlili. Please start the process of deep positive change. Fill out the VOTE-MATCH survey now, and pass this email on to everyone you know. www.sustainablegrace.org

Makao said, “I’d rather feel like a Dolphin then a Lemming, but I believe if we don’t do something different our civilization will collapse. Yet if I try to change, just by myself, I’ll still get pushed off the cliff. . .”*Building the future may seem like quite a challenge, but help is here. Take the 10 minute, no obligation, VOTE-MATCH survey now, your opinion will provide the crucial data we need to get things rolling, and check out the non-profit,SustainableGrace.org -where taking charge of the future can actually be fun and life enhancing.

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When there are over 10,000 votes cast Sustainable Grace will begin to use your vote(s) to create and invite you to an ‘Action Circle’ of 5 to 20 households who voted the same way you

did and who live near you.

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The Action Circles are where it happens; because they will empower us by making action on the key issues

much easier….

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. . . and far more rewarding.

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Each month you and your ‘Action Circle’ can meet and choose an Action Issue to work on. It can be the same issue, or issues, or a different issue

every month.

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When you meet, your Action Circle controls our: entertaining, online, open source, Skype's backed, individual Action Circle webpage's.

Your circle works on the Action Issues by using four, weekly, revolving themes.

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The four revolving Themes are:1. Education: where your circle learns, and teaches, additional information about the Action Issue(s)

4. Celebration / Ritual: The best part; happens in real space at a home, outdoor space, place of worship, etc.

2. Outreach: within and outside of the organization; spreading your circle’s own message rationally and compassionately.

3. Personal Responsibility: where the rubber hits the road; you and your likeminded circle members back each other up, and together you take what actions over time you think will really make a difference.

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With the SG method of using Action Issues, a rich open source program, and the four revolving themes, you and your Circle of friends will have a powerful tool to foment change, but you will also have great freedom to help the world as you see fit. For example:

Freedom -

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With one month’s Action Issue your Circle may choose to help a religious or political organization that you agree with.

But for the next month’s Issue your circle may join a coalition of Circles to help a cause sponsored by a charitable organization.

And for several months after that your Circle may choose to act autonomously on an Issue(s).

And so forth. . . . You are empowered, and you control your agenda.

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Perhaps the most exciting thing about the SG process is that over time the Action Circles can create a convergence of opinions on

currently polarized key issues . . .

Convergence -

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Over time even such intractable Issues as the Capitalism versus Socialism debate may be resolved. Because the theme of1.) education about the issues, is ongoing for all of us, and the theme of 2.) Outreach, particularly to action circles with opposing positions, are themes that will utilize SG’s nonpartisan grass roots process in accordance with SG’s three key bylaws . . .

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The Sustainable Grace Bylaws

Yes we have an agenda, but it’s a broad one: 1. We commit to a compassionate attitude towards our fellow human beings.

2. We commit to being open and active minded, to rational discourse, as the best method to resolve contentious Issues.

3. We commit to creating a gracefully sustainable civilization.

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Imagine it! .

An organization that can grow geometrically and whose agenda and bylaws are so broad that virtually everyone will feel welcome..

An organization of small powerful action circles of your friends and neighbors that will be fun, liberating, and rewarding..

An organization with the holistic action and convergence program to really make a better world.

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Imagine Sustainable

Grace .Why not try it? There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Vote-Match now and send a chain message; a better future is upon us!