learn how to magnetically explode your network marketing downline

How To Hypnotically Attract Your Leads To You Instead Of Chasing Down Them Written By Tj Gipson

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Explode Your Network Marketing Down-line. Learn How To Add 10-15 Leads For Your Business Per Day


Page 1: Learn How To Magnetically Explode Your Network Marketing Downline

How To Hypnotically

Attract Your Leads To You

Instead Of Chasing Down

Them Written By Tj Gipson

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Page 3: Learn How To Magnetically Explode Your Network Marketing Downline

First off, I would like to thank you for supporting Online Profits Stream. We try really hard to make sure we give you the highest quality value possible. Period. Our goal is to turn newbie Internet, Network and Home-Based Business Marketers who have been online less than 3 months into what we call GENIUS MARKETERS.

Definition of A GENIUS MARKETER: Anyone who successfully creates a thriving business online. Their marketing is masterfully created with such compelling content and offers that they are like magnets to their audience. No steps are glazed over. They do the work others refuse to do making their business/ brand stand out from all the other online chatter.

Why are we focused on New Marketer’s?

There are a ton of new marketers who have big dreams to build a successful home based business. On the Flip-side, the online arena that we play in can be very rewarding to some and devastating to others. Especially, brand new marketers.

However, if we can show you the right path early a lot of dream deflating mistakes can be avoided.

So I hope you have a pen and paper ready because what I am about to share is more than profound, it’s epic! I also will be giving away some GENIUS MARKETING PRINCIPLES away for free in this post.

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That’s not even the best part. The best part is that 95% of marketer’s online or offline don’t practice what I am about to share. Talk about blowing past the competition! After you get through reading this, there will be hardly ANY competition to speak of!

What Does It Mean To Hypnotically Attract Your Audience To Your Offer?

In your business you have sole control over how you market to your audience. From billboards to social media, to radio, TV, newspaper ads etc. The possibilities are endless. And while all these are great resources to use, 95% of businesses miss the most critical step in the marketing process.

Identifying who their ideal customer is! Why is this important?

Well, once you know WHO you want to target you business around, it’s easier to figure out HOW you to get their attention.

Most marketers simply have a product and figure “since I’m excited, I know everyone else will be too!” That leads their marketing campaign to take on a one size fits all approach. However, that is just not right or realistic.


Always know who and what your ideal customer looks like. Get a mental image of who you want them to be and write it down. For example..

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What is their social status? Middle Class? Upper Class? Both?

What is their age demographic? Do they have extra money to spend on your products? Are they looking for guidance in your area or are they a know it all?

Imagine all you can about your ideal customer. Remember, the more detailed the better.

Once you know who your ideal customer is, write it down on a sheet of paper. Then after you complete that you can move on to the next step

Your Offer Needs to Be Mesmerizing! Your Offer Should Make Your Clients Feel Compelled Into Action!

Whenever we create offers it’s easy to have the mindset that our clients are as excited as we are about our products or services. While in a perfect world that would be ideal, sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world. So the mindset of “if we build, they will come” is nothing more than a “mental pep talk” that we like to tell ourselves. In the real world, just because you build it doesn't mean they will come.

That’s why creating an offer that is so compelling that your clients will be literally begging for more information from you is the end result you want to keep in mind. This is where marketers begin to drop the ball.


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In order to have offers so compelling people practically jump in line to get what you have, one campaign isn't enough. To be a GENIUS MARKETER you must create multiple offers aimed towards your ideal clients. Not only that, you must craft those campaigns with the mindset of:

My clients may know nothing about my product or service. It’s fresh to them.

My clients know a little bit but they don’t know everything

What do I mean by multiple campaigns?


Venture with me for a second into the minds of why and when people buy. Understanding why and when people buy is difficult for this reason:

You can’t control when people decide to buy!

There are some who like to believe that it’s possible, but I’m sorry to inform you that it isn't. As human beings we have limitations and one of them is controlling what other people do or think. We can only influence them. The process in which they buy is theirs completely.

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However, what you can do is market to EACH step of the buying process that goes on in their head.

Everyone goes through certain mental steps when a purchase is made.

Some people go from “hmm..I want to buy some new shoes” and skip the other steps and go by shoes that day.

Others take time when deciding to make a purchase.

They go from….

I think I want some shoes?

I wonder what type of shoes I want?

I really like running shoes!

I also like boots!?

Okay, I think it’s time for some nice casual shoes!

Casual shoes it is!

Where do I want to buy them?

I really like Macy’s!

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And so on until they finally decide to buy. Now this process could take minutes, days, weeks or even months or longer for some people. Again that’s something we cannot control.

However, we can make a campaign designed for EACH purchase decision process you customer goes through.

So if running an add with a headline such as

“Thinking About Buying Casual Shoes But Don’t Know From Where?”

will capture their attention because you are focused on THEIR REAL needs.

Your focus should then switch to value. In business, value is an absolute must. They key is to offer them something of value first.

Such as...

“ If you are looking for casual shoes and don’t know where to buy them from, I have something you want to see.

This free report or video will show what types of casual shoes are in style and 2 mistakes to avoid before you buy.”

By doing that it lets your clients know 2 things:

You are worthy of their trust.

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There is more of that great information where it came from. All they need do is ask

Once you put all 3 Genius Mastery Principles together you will come to realize that providing value for you ideal customer is the KEY to success.

I hope that you are soaking up this information and taking it to heart. Trust me when I tell you that what you are reading truly is epic!

Remember, the key to learning and believing is:


2. Application

3. Repetition

It’s hard to learn something by only hearing it 1 time. You have to continually practice and keep improving until you reach what you've set out to complete!

Here's To You


P.S There is a reason we have so many 4 to 5 figure earners in on my team! If you are struggling with getting leads into your business then come " Discover How Empower Network And My "5 Figure Formula" Can Help You Attract Your Leads Not Chase Them"


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