lean whitepaper-embracing a lean culture

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  • 8/2/2019 LEAN Whitepaper-Embracing a LEAN Culture














    caReeR tRansition

    & oRganizational




    Think ouTside.

    embracing alean culTure:achieving operationalexcellence in recruitmentthrough a provenmanuacturing philosophy

  • 8/2/2019 LEAN Whitepaper-Embracing a LEAN Culture


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    By embracing the undamentals o Lean manuacturing,

    HR leaders at GE Healthcare realized they could lit

    recruitment to new heights o efciency and quality.

    insighT inTo lean01

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    Few organizations epitomize process excellence as

    succinctly as General Electric, whose global innovations across myriad

    businesses have made the household brand a leader in every one o

    its markets. So it might seem surprising that GE Healthcare, one o

    the companys astest growing divisions, began implementing Lean

    manuacturing methodology within a service line only three and a

    hal years ago, even though manuacturers around the world have

    been involved with Lean or decades. Was this corporate giant simply

    lagging its competitors?

    On the contrary, GE Healthcares use o Lean methodology was

    ar ahead o its timerearming its status as a trailblazer. The

    company had already implemented this highly eective quality

    system throughout its manuacturing acilities long ago. But in 2006,

    GE broke new ground by adopting the basic tenets o Lean within

    its business process services, beginning with the critical unction o


    By embracing the undamentals o Lean manuacturingidentiying

    value-creating activities, eliminating waste, and ocusing on

    continuous improvementHR leaders at GE Healthcare realized that

    they could lit recruitment and other back-oce unctions to new

    heights o eciency and quality. Moreover, the initiative would give

    business partners more insight.

    Ultimately, this has been about providing really smart, deliverabledata to our clients and then saying to them, Here are not only the

    benchmarks we started rom, but here are the additional eciencies

    we can deliver. We have a story we can tell, explained Steven Brown,

    talent acquisition leader at GE Healthcare and one o the architects

    behind the companys Lean recruitment initiative. We are driven by

    improvements. We go over this on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis

    so we expose ourselves to how we are doing.

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    becoming lean:

    how To geT sTarTed in recruiTmenT

    Understanding the Lean philosophy and making a commitment to it in your organization is

    a considerable investment. It requires executive sponsorship, buy-in rom the rank and fle,

    plus the patience and resources to make it successul. However, when executed well, the

    eort can signifcantly improve how you acquire talent.

  • 8/2/2019 LEAN Whitepaper-Embracing a LEAN Culture


    Browns outlook refects the Lean philosophy in every respect. As

    disciples o continuous improvement, practitioners train themselves

    to guard against complacency and remain vigilant in identiying and

    solving breakdowns in their processes. Although many companies

    have applied the methodology to manuacturing, ew have adopted

    it within a business process, where advocates say similar success

    can be achieved. Thats why GE Healthcares eorts are considered

    groundbreaking, especially in the eld o talent acquisition, an

    increasingly strategic service that can give an organization real

    competitive advantage.

    As part o its Lean journey, GE Healthcare enlisted the support o

    its external recruitment service provider, Kelly Outsourcing and

    Consulting Group (KellyOCG), which had been an integral part o the

    companys recruitment services since 1999. As a learning exercise

    or both partners, Lean implementation at GE Healthcare resulted

    in cultural shits not only to its internal processes but also to those

    o KellyOCG. And now the global outsourcing service provider is

    bringing its Lean expertise to other organizations.

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    A philosophy

    o ongoingimprovement

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    A lead HR Outsourcing analyst explained that many

    companies today are considering various ways to

    standardize and streamline their recruitment processes.

    Fad or here To sTay?02

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    But as many industry veterans know, quality systems come

    and go, and there will always be a ad o the day clamoring or the

    attention o operational leaders. Remember ISO 9001? Companies

    couldnt le or registration ast enough, but ISOs lingering impact

    on corporate culture has aded just as quickly. So what makes Lean

    any dierent than previous ads? How can a manuacturing initiative

    improve the workings o a business process? And are the benets o

    implementing Lean methodology worth the eort?

    There is no doubt in my mind that this is a good thing, said Gary

    Bragar, lead HR outsourcing analyst at NelsonHall, a global market

    analyst and advisory rm. He explained that many companies today

    are considering various ways to standardize and streamline their

    recruitment processes as the pressure to acquire top talent intensies.

    Using a disciplined approach such as the Lean methodology is a smart

    way to organize and execute those goals.

    Indeed, a number o world-class organizations now apply Lean

    principles outside o their manuacturing activities. In his book Going

    Lean, author Stephen Rua cites standouts such as Walmart and

    Southwest Airlines as pioneers in adopting Lean to combat a turbulent

    business environment. The lesson here is that even when external

    orces are restless, companies can weather the storm by adhering to

    the stabilizing orces o a Lean culture.

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    Lean is not a ad; Lean is a liestyle. Lean practices enable an organization to reduce development

    cycles, to produce higher quality services and products at a lower cost, and to use resources more

    efciently. The application o Lean is now an integral component o our RPO solutions.

    candy lewandowski:

    v t rpo t ,

    k ot ct g

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    Just as this approach is capable o turning out a

    better car, when applied to recruitment, practitioners

    can expect a more efcient and responsive process

    or fnding candidates.

    lean up close03

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    While the Lean movement within a business process

    remains nascent, its adoption by the manuacturing community

    has been ongoing or decades. Global carmaker Toyota, whose

    production system on which the term Lean was coined, leveraged

    this approach to grow itsel into the worlds leading automobile

    manuacturer. The Toyota Production System (TPS) was so eective

    that it spawned an entire industry based on its study. Today, the Lean

    philosophy has been adopted by organizations around the globe,

    with thousands o trained disciples practicing its methods.

    The benets to HR have been documented. According to a study

    conducted by two researchers at Coventry University1, Lean principles

    applied in a pilot project to improve candidate recruitment at the

    institution helped to signicantly raise outcomes. Involving sta rom

    the universitys HR recruitment team, external recruitment agencies,

    and IT services, as well as customers rom library services, academic

    aculty, and student servicesthe project netted a 20 percent

    reduction in overall time to approve and ll sta positions. More

    importantly, the exercise also helped HR to identiy non-core, ancillary

    activities that occupied their time, enabling them to simpliy and

    expedite the entire process.

    What exactly, then, is the Lean philosophy and how can it be

    leveraged to improve corporate recruitment?

    In essence, Lean manuacturing is a philosophy in which practitionerscommit to continuous improvements using critical tools to help

    them identiy and eliminate waste and irregularities in their

    processes. Although it stemmed rom the automotive shop foor, its

    undamental tenets can be applied to the back oce as well, since all

    organizational activities involve some degree o waste or duplication.

    Just as this management approach is capable o turning out a better

    car, when applied to recruitment, practitioners can expect a more

    ecient and responsive process or nding candidates. Ultimately,

    because practicing organizations reduce waste and non-value-added

    activities, they also cut costs.

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    1 Martin, S. and Arokiam, I. (2008), Investing to Improve OrganisationalDevelopment and the link with Lean or Continuous Quality Improvement,proceedings rom the 11th QMOD Conerence, Helsingborg, Sweden.


    Value Stream


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    Waste, activities

    and results tobe eliminated

    It all starts with Value Stream Mapping (VSM), a process by which

    managers examine all activities that take place to produce a product

    or service. As part o the Lean philosophy, tasks that do not create

    value or the customer are considered wasteul, so in drawing up a

    VSM, practitioners identiy waste to be targeted or elimination.

    In recruitment, or example, an organization may duplicate eorts

    when a candidate slate is presented to the hiring manager. Some

    companies employ multiple applicant tracking systems that might

    require the same inormation to be input several times to meet

    customer needs, compliance requirements, or or data retention. This

    duplication clearly generates wasted time that adds no value to the

    hiring manager or the candidate. By drawing up a comprehensive

    VSM, Lean practitioners can address all the unnecessary eorts in the

    recruitment process. This allows team members to produce a uture-

    state VSM that is ree o the identied waste. Visually, it provides a

    map or any organization to ollow.

    7 Types oF wasTe recruiTmenT process Flow

    Waiting Escalations/approvals, waiting or eedback,

    waiting or oers to be entered

    Inventory Oers to be processed, rsums to

    be reviewed

    Deects Incorrect data, requisition olders not updated

    Extra Processing Updating JobFlow, Brass Ring, or other ATS

    Transportation Shipping oer letters, takes 24 hours

    Overproduction Processing beore next operation is ready,

    processing prior to need

    Motion Tracking down paperwork, walking to and

    rom printer, ax, or ling cabinets

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  • 8/2/2019 LEAN Whitepaper-Embracing a LEAN Culture


    I VSM represents a roadmap or the Lean journey, then the 5 Ss might

    be considered gas or the road. These are ve essential principles or

    operating in a Lean environment to help ensure process consistency.

    They are:

    | sorT separation o necessary items rom unnecessary items

    (identiying waste)

    | seT in order arrange items according to how they will be used

    (an enabler o eciency)

    | shine maintain work area or sorted and set-in-order items

    (maintaining workplace hygiene)

    | sTandardize ensure sort, set-in-order, and shine steps are

    consistently ollowed (reducing process variations)

    | susTain maintain and improve sort, set-in-order, shine, and

    standardize steps (ensuring Lean eorts are ongoing)

    These ve principles set the oundation on which Lean organizations

    execute their operational plans. Each step helps to ensure that

    workfow is not compromised by unanticipated problems. And when

    issues do arise, all team members pitch in to resolve them.

    When the 5 S concept was rst developed, it was aimed at improving

    production fow on the manuacturing foor. However, these ideas

    can be applied with equal success to recruitment, where unnecessary

    activities slow hiring and hinder service delivery to customers. Each

    o these tools acilitates waste elimination and minimizes process


    Think about the 5 Ss in recruitment. How do we take it rom the

    manuacturing foor to the oce? The foor is your desk and ling

    system, where you process your work. It is a sustainable solution. The

    principles have been around orever; its a matter o how to apply

    them, and how to challenge yoursel to continue applying these

    principles to maintain order and eciency daily.

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    The FiVe s:


    Set in orderShine



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    A card used

    to visually faga problem

    As the 5 Ss are implemented, organizations typically assemble kaizen

    teamsstakeholders who help sustain and administer continuous

    improvements. Kaizen, which simply means improvement in

    Japanese, is the practice o making changes, monitoring results, and

    making adjustments as needed. Without this important component,

    Lean would be unsustainable.

    Because o the collaborative environment it creates, Lean encourages

    transparency into every team members role, so others can weigh in

    with suggestions on how to resolve a particular colleagues dicult

    issues. Furthermore, although individuals are highly accountable

    or their work, the culture is less about blame than about problem-

    solving. It also allows or best practices to be more visible, and thus

    shared more readily.

    When a problem is identied, a kanban, or card is used to visually

    fag the problem. For instance, i interview scheduling oten results in

    conficts, a kanban is pulled and a kaizen team member documents

    the nature o the problem, requency o occurrence, the triggering

    mechanism, and other relevant inormation. Are entry errors being

    made in the ATS? Is there a communication breakdown between

    recruiters and candidates? The kaizen team undertakes a three-step

    approach to resolving the issue, including problem identication,

    resolution brainstorming, and validation o the solution.

    Separately, each o these tools contributes incremental changesin workfowbut when implemented cohesively, they can have

    a signicant impact on an organizations culture. However, Lean

    experts caution that new practitioners must be patient and allow it to

    permeate an organization over time. Rushing to judge its eectiveness

    may result in a skewed picture.

    As you go through the Lean journey, some things might not seem

    like they would make a huge impact, but over timemonths or years

    laterthats when you really understand their impact. You must have

    patience, advised Roxanne Kitts, U.S. stang process leader within

    the KellyOCG RPO practice.

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    One o the key benefts or GE Healthcare was

    Leans emphasis on standardization.

    Focus on pracTiTioners04

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    Indeed, even or an organization already obsessed with

    operational excellence, adding Lean made a dierence at GE

    Healthcare. Adopting this philosophy in recruitment was a natural

    progression in the companys pursuit o perection, Steven Brown

    said, adding that even beore the business began investing in Lean,

    it was already practicing Six Sigma, another quality management

    approach. However, Lean methodologies urther elevated the

    companys ability to deliver high-quality candidates in a timely


    One o the key benets or GE Healthcare was Leans emphasis

    on standardization. Because the company had made numerous

    acquisitions over the years, dierent business lines had dierent

    approaches to recruitment. Challenges around compliance, reporting,

    benchmarking, and other issues were inevitable. This created

    tremendous ineciencies in recruitment services and slowed the

    delivery o qualied candidates to hiring managers. For a business

    highly dependent on its human capital, this was a market handicap.

    One o the challenges that we have is the way GE Healthcare has

    evolved through acquisitions. We are made up o many businesses.

    To have dierent processes to manage each became a challenge you

    wouldnt believe, said Brown, recalling the companys recruitment

    problems prior to the start o its Lean journey.

    Because GE Healthcare had outsourced its recruitment to KellyOCGor more than a decade, when deciding to adopt a Lean culture,

    it also needed the support o its service provider. In act, it

    shepherded KellyOCG through the process by allocating a trained

    quality black-belt to serve as an advisor or six monthsturning the

    normal customer-vendor relationship on its head. But i it seems GE

    Healthcare was being extraordinarily altruistic, Brown conceded that

    helping KellyOCG was also sel-serving. By improving the workfow

    o its provider, GE Healthcare would ultimately reap the benets.

    Moreover, because the two companies operated synergistically, he elt

    both companies would need to adopt a Lean culture to maximize the

    return on investment.

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    Kelly has been part o our stang organization or 10 years, so they

    had seen our ineciencies too. They had lived through the challenges

    on the operational side, Brown said. We have been in this together

    with Kelly since day one. We have been lucky in that we havent had

    to change partners.

    GE Healthcare began implementation o Lean recruitment in 2006,

    producing its rst VSM in May o that year. Relying on an internal

    expert who had studied Lean at Toyota and General Motors, the

    company moved steadily toward its uture state, building a center o

    excellence along the way and creating a knowledge base shared by

    other GE businesses such as GE Money, the parent companys nance


    Brown said his own team and KellyOCG team members have becomeso immersed in the philosophy that they instinctively tackle problems

    in a highly systematic and standardized way. Today, the impact on

    hiring managers is that they receive better and more consistent

    service, without having to learn about Lean.

    Ultimately I dont think the customers care about how you deliver

    service, as long as you do it well, Brown concluded.

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  • 8/2/2019 LEAN Whitepaper-Embracing a LEAN Culture


    Although Talecris had standardized some o its activities,

    the Lean tools and principles introduced by KellyOCG

    elevated its recruitment to a new level.

    lean on a projecT basis

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  • 8/2/2019 LEAN Whitepaper-Embracing a LEAN Culture


    GE Healthcares implementation is a textbook example o

    a permanent cultural shit, but many companies today outsource

    their hiring on a project basis. How would a service providers

    Lean practices aect them, i at all? For one global organization,

    Lean literally became a matter o lie and death. When Talecris

    Biotherapeutics, a maker o biotherapeutics and biotechnology

    products, needed to open numerous plasma collection centers

    in 2008, company ocials were worried about stang up quickly

    enough to meet their deadlines. Suzanne Eller, the recruiting manager

    and HR business partner, said eective recruitment became an

    imperative to all.

    Our concern was that i we didnt have these plasma centers

    ully staed and trained, the centers would not open, meaning no

    production and no service to patients. I we didnt have donors come

    to donate plasma, the people needing our pharmaceutical products

    would not get them. It was literally a matter o lie and death, she


    Even though Talecris had internal recruitment capabilitieseach o

    the companys three divisions had its own recruiterits sole recruiter

    or the new centers was overwhelmed by the volume o work. It

    quickly became clear to Eller that Talecris needed outside help.

    The company had a successul relationship with Kelly Services

    or temporary hiring, but positions at the plasma centers werepermanent. Nevertheless, Eller said she elt condent the provider

    could help deliver the right candidates. And with a deadline looming,

    Talecris needed to engage external support quickly.

    Although Talecris had standardized some o its activities, the Lean tools

    and principles introduced by KellyOCG elevated its recruitment to a

    new level. In identiying workfow problems and using scorecards to

    evaluate the process, the KellyOCG team helped Eller to better plan

    and set deadlines. Clear timelines were established or each position

    or example, an assistant manager had to be lled three to our months

    prior to a centers opening, while a phlebotomist was to be hired witha three-week lead time. Furthermore, kaizen team members worked

    closely with hiring managers to perorm gap analysis o any bad hires.

    The Lean approach provided Eller with a clear vision o what needed to

    be accomplished.

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    It was an interesting concept. What would happenand the best

    benetwas that we could see how many positions needed to be lled

    in a geographic area. We could set deadlines, she said. The outcome

    was better than I had expected.

    Although Talecris didnt ully adopt Lean within its recruitment

    organization, it was the beneciary o an innovative partner that had. At

    a time when companies are ocused on improving eciencies, its clear

    that a proven management philosophy such as Lean can help recruiters

    achieve this goalregardless o whether they embrace it internally

    or through a provider. By ocusing on waste, keeping team members

    engaged, and promoting continuous improvements, Lean practitioners

    are assured o better outcomes and happier customers. In the end,

    this presents all organizations involved with competitive business


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    There is some conusion over how Lean is implemented in a service

    environment or within a business process, so its important or new

    practitioners to become ully oriented with the concept and how

    it applies to their organizations beore getting started. A myriad o

    courses and educational material are available, as are consultants

    and practice gurus. Companies can send sta to be trained in Lean

    methodologies or invite advisors to walk them through the process. In

    any o these instances, a signicant investment is required.

    Another option is to engage a recruitment process outsourcing service

    provider with a strong Lean background that is capable o passing on

    its knowledge. This enables the hiring organization to observe Lean in

    practice without having to disrupt its ongoing recruitment work. Using

    Lean-embedded processes, such a provider can help clients to ease

    into the transition and eventually work in lock-step under the same

    Lean culture, sharing all lessons learned and a common vision or a

    uture state. When considering such a relationship, remember to ask the

    ollowing about the vendor:

    | How long has the provider practiced Lean in its own culture?

    | How has it applied Lean to other clients to help improve their

    recruitment eorts?

    | Does the provider have sucient expert resources to help with your


    | What sort o knowledge base does it oer or your use?

    These and other questions will help you identiy the best Lean vendors

    to t your needs, and those that can help you successully engender a

    sustainable cultural shit in your workplace.

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    lean journey checklisT

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    Use this quick and easy ten item checklist as a guideline to put your

    priorities and lean plan into action. Once you have reached the end o

    this list, value stream map your process and repeat!

    Invest time in understanding lean concepts (books, webinars,

    courses, etc.) or engage a consultant.

    Communicate your plan to incorporate lean into the organization as

    a new liestyle. Explain the reason or embarking on this journey.

    Conduct internal team training or the business group implementing

    lean. This should include lean role and responsibility denition,

    timelines and expectations.

    Value stream map your current and uture state process.

    Organize your work and team environment (ie. 5S)

    Create kaizen, audit and change management teams.

    Create visual management tools.

    Review and communicate kaizens, VSM, team roles and goals,

    action items and ollow up.

    Communicate results, ongoing eorts and next steps.

    Celebrate successes! Record and report metrics (ie.return on

    investments and process eciency, value and reductions in waste

    accomplished, customer satisaction, etc.).

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    abouT The auThor

    d. zachary misko

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    D. Zachary Misko is global director o the Recruitment

    Process Outsourcing (RPO) practice o Kelly

    Outsourcing and Consulting Group (KellyOCG). The

    group is part o Kelly Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA,

    KELYB), a leader in providing workorce solutions,

    headquartered in Troy, Michigan.

    In this role, Misko works with Fortune 500 companies throughout the world

    to develop and implement processes that improve and drive recruitment andretention solutions. Misko joined Kelly Services in 2002 with more than 15

    years o human resource and management expertise in areas including direct

    merchant, retail, biotechnology, lie sciences, and stang services. Within

    these industries, Misko held various positions in the areas o recruitment,

    employment law, employee relations, consulting, strategic human resources

    planning, perormance management, training, and compensation. His

    experience includes managerial posts at several companies: Promega

    Corporation, Lands End, and Younkers, Inc.

    Misko has earned many proessional certications, including Certied

    Diversity Recruiter (CDR), Certied Internet Recruiter (CIR), and Proessional inHuman Resources (PHR). He has also completed advanced certication rom

    the Department o Industry, Labor, and Human Relations.

    Misko holds a bachelors degree in business administration with an emphasis

    in human resources rom Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin. He is

    currently a member o the Society or Human Resource Management (SHRM),

    the Employers Management Association (EMA), and the National Association

    o Personnel Services (NAPS). He is a past president o the Metro Milwaukee

    SHRM chapter. He is considered an industry expert in applying Lean

    methodologies in the talent acquisition process.

    Currently, Misko is a senior executive board member o Best Practice Institute

    (BPI) and serves on the Advisory Board or EnticeLabs. He is also co-chair o

    the Human Resource Outsource Association (HROA) Research Committee

    and a member o the Human Resource Outsource Association (HROA)

    Outreach and Education Committee. He has had articles published in many

    print and online publications, including Workorce Management magazine,

    HRO Today, Human Resource Executive magazine, and HR.com. Misko is

    a contributing author to the book, Best Practices in Talent Management,

    published in December 2009.

  • 8/2/2019 LEAN Whitepaper-Embracing a LEAN Culture


    abouT kelly ouTsourcing and consulTing group

    KellyOCG is a global leader in innovative talent management solutions in the

    areas o Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Business Process Outsourcing(BPO), Human Resources Consulting, Career Transition and Organizational

    Eectiveness Consulting, Executive Search and Contingent Workorce

    Outsourcing (CWO), which includes Independent Contractor Solutions. Further

    inormation about KellyOCG may be ound at kellyocg.com.