leadership and change management to succeed in process improvement

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Post on 09-May-2015




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This workshop was dedicated to the driving forces of behavioural change and leadership; to maximise skills required to deliver on process improvement and culture change initiatives.


  • 1.The Critical Value of Engagement Leadership and Change Management to Succeed in Process Improvement

2. Change Management, Leadership and Engagement Engagement Theory Benchmarking Your Organisational Engagement Understanding Resistance to Change Quotient of Engagement: Promoting Change Success Enablement Inclusion Corporate Citizenship Change Agent Skills Sets Overcoming Challenges in Engagement/Resistance Agenda 3. Lead and listen Involve the group in achieving insights Genuinely participative Recognise that cognitive redefinition of employees will only happen if they are involved in the process Schein, E. H. (2004). Organisational Culture and Leadership (3 ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Leadership and Change 4. Major impact on culture/climate Change initiative translation throughout organisation What and Why of the change is clear Build inclusivity Change Management/Leadership Impact 5. Clarity of: contribution measures authority reward Engaging Climate Productivity Efficiency Job Satisfaction Safety Engagement in Organisations 6. Uninformed Stakeholders Disconnected Managers etc Change Initiative Fails Reduced or Stagnant Org Performance Apathetic Climate Change Resistance Criticality of Engagement/Leadership 7. 1. What is engagement? - Behaviour, attitude, or outcome 2. What does engagement look like? 3. What does a workforce require to feel engaged? 4. What factors may contribute to different responses? 8. Viljoen (2007) defined engaged commitment as: the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose, a person of energy and commitment and the act of binding oneself to a course of action What is Engagement 9. Virtuous Cycle: EngagedVicious Cycle: Apathetic Unleashing Voice Productivity Staff Retention Employee Satisfaction Creativity And Innovation Value Based Behaviour Safe Behaviour Disengagement Absenteeism Staff Turnover Change Resistance Low Morale Negative Behaviour Poor Service Delivery Incidents And Accidents Engagement Correlation 10. Benchmark of Engagement Quotient: BeQ (Mandala Consulting) This tool measures the level of engagement within an organisation. It is customised to measure unique business needs at a site. Please complete the survey. 11. Sample Result: 76.73% = Engaged (careful engagement) Engagement Quotient 12. The Story of an Organisation 13. I_ENGAGE = .153*ENABLED + .125*INCLUSION + .103*CORPOR_CITIZEN + .089*SUPPORT + 1.405 But we will save this for later... What?! 14. Leaders impact engagement Engagement impacts change resistance Change resistance impacts organisational performance Where are we so far 15. Strikes Sabotage Drop in motivation Insecurity Loss of morale Non-participation in change initiatives Resistance to Change 16. Individual Barriers Economic fears Loss of role identification Organisational Barriers Structural inertia Performance norms (procedures, work agreements etc) Previous unsuccessful changes Reasons for Resistance 17. Whether disconnected or engaged: Will this change cause me to gain or lose something of value? Do I understand the nature of this change? Do I trust the initiators of this change? Do I agree with the advisability of this change? Furnham, A. (2005). The psychology of behaviour at work: The individual in the organization (2 ed.). London: Psychology Press. Acceptance/Resistance 18. Quitting Active resistance Opposition Acquiescence Acceptance/modification Acceptance Active support (Greenberg & Baron, 1992) Disengaged + (-) response Engaged + (+) response Response to Change Decision 19. Engaged employees Management buy-in etc Change Initiative Successful Improved Org Performance Engaged Climate Change Support Criticality of Engagement/Leadership 20. Think of a change you have been involved in at a superficial level, that is, not as the Change Agent. How would you have answered these questions? Will this change cause me to gain or lose something of value? Do I understand the nature of this change? Do I trust the initiators of this change? Do I agree with the advisability of this change? If negative, how do we turn it around? 21. I_ENGAGE = .153*ENABLED + .125*INCLUSION + .103*CORPOR_CITIZEN + .089*SUPPORT + .1.405 Engagement v. Resistance to Change 22. Information flows freely and appropriately Employees have the necessary information to work within the organisation (clarity) Employee fear reduced/managed Management able to make correct decisions Management able to make timely decisions Enable 23. Contributors to low levels of enablement: ineffective communication flow lack of transparent information-sharing lack of consultation about changes Leads to: Frustration Lack of energy for change Feeling isolated within the organisation Rumour mill Enable 24. Leadership impact through communication processes and style What then defines good communication to assist managing stakeholders? Enable 25. Descriptive (not evaluative) speech Present feelings and perceptions that do not imply that others need to change Problem orientation - implies a desire to collaborate in exploring a mutual problem rather than trying to alter colleagues or subordinates Convey empathy for the feelings of stakeholders, rather than appearing unconcerned or neutral about the listeners welfare Do not give the impression of knowing all the answers and do not need help from anyone Cooperative Communication 26. Generation, Implementation and Diffusion Enabling stakeholders throughout the change process What type of information would we present at each stage the change process and to whom? Continual Communication 27. Enablement is part of engagement equation Information on its own has merit Information on its own may appear coercive or lacking empathy Inclusion 28. Stakeholders need to feel included in the change process Inclusion techniques should be applied at various stages of the change process Consideration of different levels of stakeholders Inclusion 29. Organisational transformation methodology which aligns the doing and the being side of the organisation Focuses on underlying beliefs and assumptions Leads to spending energy and engaging in a sustainable, inclusive manner with the purpose to achieve shared consciousness Co-create values and principles (Viljoen, 2007) Inclusivity 30. A B C D ABCD Framework 31. Clear understanding of the change objectives leads to management buy-in and commitment to change Resourcing issues occur with lack of commitment Without management commitment, change is unlikely to succeed or be sustainable What are some inclusion techniques to gain management buy-in of change objectives? Generation, Implementation, Diffusion Inclusion 32. What are some bottom-up inclusion techniques to build employee engagement to changes in an organisation? Generation, Implementation, Diffusion Inclusion Employees support of change is critical to success Engagement relies in large part on inclusion 33. Building an Inclusive Style Inclusion is a critical variable for change management Managers and change agents can build skills to create more inclusive styles Professional development (BarOn Emotional Intelligence) 34. Enablement/Inclusion not critical to develop sense of corporate contribution But it certainly helps! Apply systems thinking when working with organisational change each variable of the org engagement quotient is not successful stand alone Corporate Citizenship 35. Feeling of ownership within the organisation Treat the company as their own Strong sense of contribution Adapt and support change initiatives Create ownership in the change and align stakeholders to the big picture - (requires enablement and inclusion) Corporate Citizenship 36. Old fashioned hand-hewn coal mine to long-wall High level of Corporate Citizenship Attitudes of the workers Identification with the work Family/kinship connections Trist, E.L., & Bamforth, K.W. Some social psychological consequences of the long-wall method of coal-getting. Human Relations, 1951, 4, 3-38 Corporate Citizenship 37. Change of coal-mining techniques from hand-held to modern machinery Men lost identification with their jobs New shift work meant loss of close relationships Workers not consulted of the changes Not conditioned to accept the change Not surprising, active resistance/opposition with no increase in productivity. Systems thinking enable, include, build corporate citizenship Corporate Citizenship 38. Overcoming Challenges - Resistance 39. Use during selection phase for change management roles Use in role-profiling for development requirements Dont ignore the characteristics/behaviours over technical skills Change Agent Skills Sets 40. Other than systems thinking, technical change management skills, strategy development etc, 1. What are the characteristics that are essential for change agents? - Consider need to build trust, gain commitment etc 2. What other skills/capabilities are essential for successful change agents? - Consider what needs to be managed during change Change Agent Skills Sets 41. 1. Benchmark engagement level in the organisation 2. Establish organisational gaps (outcome compromisers) 3. Include techniques to suit the engagement quotient for your organisation in change management plans 4. Apply appropriate methods for reducing resistance change 5. Build on/use non-technical skills as change agent (EQ, communication, resilience etc) Proactively Manage Change Resistance 42. Establish upfront Major requirements for the change imitative are addressed with management and other stakeholders (R. Heller, 2000) Assessment of Change Checklist 43. Building Commitment to Change Build the support of key power groups Use leader behaviour to generate support Use symbols and language deliberately Define points of stability Create dissatisfaction with the current state Build participation in planning and implementing change Reward behaviour in support of change Provide people with the time and opportunity to disengage from the old Develop and communicate a clear image of the future state Use multiple leverage points Develop transitional management structures Collect and analyse feedback Nadler & Nadler (1998) Appendix 1: Building Commitment to Change 44. Approach Situational use Advantages Drawbacks Education and communication Where there is lack of information or inaccurate information about change Once persuaded, people often will help with the implementation of the change Can be very time consuming if many people are involved Participation and involvement Where the initiators do not have all the information they need to design the change, and where others have considerable power to resist People who participate will be committed to implementing change, and any relevant information they have will be integrated into the change plan. Can be very time consuming if participators design an inappropriate change Facilitation and support Where people are resisting because of adjustment problems No other approach works as well with adjustment problems Can be time-consuming, expensive, and still fail Negotiation and agreement Where someone or some group will clearly lose out in a change, and where that person/group has considerable power to resist Sometimes it is a relatively easy way to avoid major resistance Can be too expensive for others to negotiate for compliance Manipulation and co- optation Where other tactics will not work or are too expensive It can be a relatively quick and inexpensive solution to resistance problems Can lead to future problems if people feel manipulated Explicit and implicit coercion Where speed is essential, and the change initiators possess considerable power It is speedy and can overcome any kind of resistance Can be risky if it leave initiators discredited Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) Appendix 2: Reducing Resistance to Change 45. Definition of the dilemma to be resolved or opportunity to be taken Is there a clear statement setting out what is to be changed and why? Has this been discussed with all involved to gain understanding and agreement> Is the focus on problems, not symptoms? Statement of the desired outcomes Is there a clear statement setting out what will be different at the end of the change process? Has this been discussed with all involved to gain understanding and agreement? Has a benchmark organisation been identified? Commitment of the senior management team to the leadership of the initiative Is the senior management team really committed to change? Do all members understand the implications for them> Will they all survive the process? Does the desired outcome have a direct relationship to a valued business goal? Appendix 3: Assessment of Change Checklist p1 46. Stakeholder involvement through creating the motivation and commitment to change Have the key stakeholders been identified? Have they been involved in designing the change? Is there evidence of this? Is it likely they will cooperate? Is there evidence that their views have been taken into account? Have both plus and minus motivators been identified and built into the plan? Choice of the tool Has the change been categorized as innovative or strategic? Has a suitable tool been selected to implement the change? Does everybody know what it is? Does everybody know how it will work? Is it known who has used it before? Is it known what their experience was like? Would you recommend it? Appendix 3: Assessment of Change Checklist p2 47. Use of a disciplined, action learning-based implementation strategy Is there a composite programme covering the change? Does it have milestones, time-scales, costs? Has it been communicated to all concerned? Is someone at senior level taking responsibility for managing the implementation? Does it embrace learning opportunities and have the capability for change? Is it based on action learning? Focus on measuring success Have performance indicators been identified and targets agreed? Is there an effective monitoring and control structure in place? Is the information being used to control the implementation? Are the necessary changes being made? Appendix 3: Assessment of Change Checklist p3 48. For More Information Change is inevitable and sometimes painful. For every leader who has every sat in their office and thought Why are they fighting this?, hopefully this presentation will provide insight. If you have any questions about detail, additional and supporting materials or implementation assistance, please contact me at [email protected]. Finally, you cannot over-estimate the analytical power of the BeQ . Understand where you are before you plan to go somewhere else. 49. A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu The Ultimate Change Challenge