lead partner seminar 5 th february,2009 - sundsvall, sweden

Lead Partner Seminar 5 th February,2009 - Sundsvall, Sweden European Union European Regional Development Fund

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European Union European Regional Development Fund. Lead Partner Seminar 5 th February,2009 - Sundsvall, Sweden. Current programme status – “ A Snap shot”. Overview Where are we today! Programme commitment level On-going main projects (Next presentation) Gap analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Lead Partner Seminar  5 th   February,2009 - Sundsvall, Sweden

Lead Partner Seminar

5th February,2009 - Sundsvall, Sweden

European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund

Page 2: Lead Partner Seminar  5 th   February,2009 - Sundsvall, Sweden

Current programme status – “ A Snap shot”


Where are we today! Programme commitment level On-going main projects (Next presentation)

Gap analysis What priority themes need to be addressed

Thinking about the Future....”Starting to promote the “concrete results” – Project products and services and current NPP 2007 - 2013 for future NPP 2014 – 2021”

Page 3: Lead Partner Seminar  5 th   February,2009 - Sundsvall, Sweden

Programme Status – Programme commitment level

To date: 21 main projects and 18 preparatory project approved In total 49% of programme budget committed

Looking a round the room, we can see half of the producers if the project results

Programme partner country Allocated to date

Total available in €

Member State ERDF 45% €18 261 904

• Priority 1 38% €12 312 447

• Priority 2 51% €6 406 154

Faroe Islands 73% €224 239

Greenland 49% €252 538

Iceland 40% €1 672 377

Norway 48% €2 532 911

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Project Gap Analysis

In Priority 1, the Objective ” To facilitate development through the use of advanced information and communication technologies and transportation in the programme area” and the four themes:

i) increased use of ICT to overcome distance

iii) developing innovative product and service solutions for developing and maintaining transport infrastructure with regard to roads, railways, airports and ports under harsh climatic conditions

iv) development of transport schemes that benefit rural communities, such as new maritime routes

v) maritime safety in relation to remote areas with arctic, harsh conditions.

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Project Gap Analysis

In Priority 2, in the Objective ” To improve sustainable development in peripheral regions by strengthening urban-rural relations and enhancing regional heritage” and the theme:

i) urban-rural partnerships for new service solutions


Total of 14 themes 5 are remaining to be addressed and current lead partner present with us are addressing 9 themes of 2 priorities.

The Programme has determined what theme each project is addressing, projects may cover many themes. Although, the Programme views each project by one specific theme.

The Programme expects you to deliver your product(s) and service(s) within your specific theme.

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Thinking about the Future

....”Starting to promote the “concrete results” – Project products and services and current NPP 2007 - 2013 for future NPP 2014 – 2021”....

Next European Commission long term budget will be re-negotiated in 2010 During previous long term budget negotiations, the NPP was not on the map as a

separate programme area Highlight NPP area. Time to demonstrate products and services in NPP projects By promoting tangible products and services as an outcome of the NPP cooperation,

the NPP can disseminate itself as a “best practice area”, is suitable for transnational cooperation. By that viable for the future cooperation and possibly extending the cooperation. Think of promoting regional outcomes, impact of the co-operation in your partnership and communicate this with your Regional Contact Points as well as the secretariat .

Lead partner seminar – including Information and communication training in Finland June 16th- 18th, 2009.

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NPP 2009 annual conference

This year’s annual conference will be on Iceland in November and is aimed at “ Creative Industries”, currently working name is LAVA 09

The conference will be in week 46 and main project exhibitions will most likely be held, please mark this in your calendar.

More details will be made available on the NPP website and communicated to you in e-mail.

On going activities

Partner seminars in programme partners countries hosted by NPP RCPs Lead partner – Information and communication seminar in Finland June 15-16th,

2009 – Venue to be determined.. NPP Annual conference in November 2009 in Iceland – Venue to be determined

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Contact Details – Programme Secretariat

Northern Periphery Programme Secretariat

Strandgade 91, 4. sal

DK-1401 Copenhagen K, DENMARKFax: +45 3283 3775

Niclas Forsling – Head of Secretariat Tel. +45 3283 3786, mobile +45 2511 2344, [email protected]

Christopher Parker – Programme Manger for Project Development Support Tel. +45 3283 3782, mobile +45 2511 2391, [email protected]

Kirsti Mijnhijmer – Programme Manager for Information & Communication Tel. +45 3283 3784, [email protected]

Maxi Nachtigall – Project Officer Tel. +45 3283 3785, [email protected]

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Contact Details – Regional Contact Points

Republic of Ireland

Mr Michael O'Brien

BMW Regional Assembly

The Square


County Roscommon

Tel.:+353 949862970

Fax: +353 949862973

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.bmwassembly.ie

Northern Ireland

Ms Teresa Lennon


6 Cromac Place



Tel.: + 44 28 90 266 723

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.seupb.eu

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Contact Details – Regional Contact Points


Ms Greta Johansen


Sjøgata 3

N- 8002 Bodø

Tel.:+47 75 50 34 20

Fax: +47 75 52 67 25

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.lu.no


Mr Bernt Vedin

Region Västerbotten

Norrlandsgatan 13, Box 443

S-901 09 Umeå

Tel.: +46 90 16 37 17

Fax: + 46 90 16 37 19

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.regionvasterbotten.se

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Contact Details – Regional Contact Points


Ms Greta Johansen


Sjøgata 3

N- 8002 Bodø

Tel.:+47 75 50 34 20

Fax: +47 75 52 67 25

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.lu.no


Mr Bernt Vedin

Region Västerbotten

Norrlandsgatan 13, Box 443

S-901 09 Umeå

Tel.: +46 90 16 37 17

Fax: + 46 90 16 37 19

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.regionvasterbotten.se

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Contact Details – Regional Contact Points

Faroe Islands

Mr Jakup Sørensen

NORA (Nordisk Atlantsamarbejde)

Bryggjubakki 12

Box 259

FO-110 Tórshavn

Tel: +298 30 69 94

Mob: +298 21 29 59

Fax. +298 35 31 01

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.nora.fo


Ms Denise Pirie

Highlands & Islands Enterprise

Cowan House, Inverness Retail & Business Park

IV2 7GF Inverness

Tel: +44 01463 244252

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.hient.co.uk

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Contact Details – Regional Contact Points


Mr Jan Mørch Pedersen

Greenland Tourism and Business Council

Hans Egedesvej 29

PO Box 1615

3900 Nuuk

Tel: +299 34 28 27

Fax: +299 32 28 77

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.greenland.com

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For further information, please visit:


Thank you for listening!