ldcc we are all treaty people

We are all Treaty People Welcome To Our Territory

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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We are all Treaty People

Welcome To Our Territory

We are the Original People of this Land.

Before contact in 1492, we were free to live our lives, with our own

governance structures, economies, languages and belief systems.

1492 Contact

Christopher Columbus believes he’s in India when he lands in the Caribbean,

begins ‘Indian’ misnomer.

Doctrine of Discovery, a decree from the Church gives explorers the right to take

non-catholic lands.

Today, churches denounce the ‘Doctrine of Discovery’

A preliminary study by the UN finds the Doctrine of Discovery to be the root of

human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples around the world.

The 1763 Royal Proclamation gave King George III ownership to over

North America.

To make peace, the King of England initiated the Treaty process, where First Nations and the Crown agreed to serve and protect the other. The 1764

Niagara Treaty was such a peace treaty and is represented by a Wampum Belt.

The Royal Proclamation confirmed Aboriginal title before and after 1763, and declared all

lands would remain Aboriginal land until ceded by treaty.

19 treaties were entered into between First Nations and the Crown within southwestern Ontario. Every treaty ever made has been violated in some way,

often within days and months of being signed.

Treaties are internationally recognized agreements,

between sovereign Nations.

Nation to Nation

Nation to Nation

The War of 1812 saw many Indigenous Nations stand and fall with the British to

prevent American expansion northward.

Treaties are mutually beneficial agreements

to all people of Canada.

Settlers and their descendants benefit from the wealth generated from the land and the foundational rights provided in

the treaties.

We are All Treaty People!

A treaty called the London Purchase in 1796, allowed London to be established within

Indigenous Territory.

Parliament passes the Indian Act, with the goal of treating

Indigenous Peoples as wards or children of the state.

Canada adopted an assimilationist policy based on elements of social

Darwinism, which viewed Indigenous peoples as an inferior race, unfit to

live. Social Darwinism was also embraced by both Nazism and

Apartheid regimes.

Less than 100 years ago, Indigenous farmers out-produced settlers. But without land ownership, we couldn't get bank loans to

keep pace with agricultural advancements and buy combines, tractors and other


The first Indian residential schools open in the 1850’s.

Residential Schools were created to take the Indian out

of the man.

Many residential schools taught First Nations students how to be hired farm hands and

household servants.

Children were severely punished for speaking their languages and practicing

their beliefs in residential schools.

In 1874, Canada makes a critical decision to move away from fostering First Nation

autonomy and sought a path of assimilation.

Before the 1940’s, First Nations were forced to surrender Indian status, to attend college

and university.

In the 1940’s, Canada’s reserve system inspires elements of South

Africa’s apartheid regime.

Between 1946 and 1948, Ottawa lifts bans on traditions such as potlaches and powwows, in order to sign the UN

Declaration on Human Rights.

In 1951, First Nations are allowed to hire lawyers for

the first time.

First Nations are allowed to form political groups for the first time,

beginning in 1951.

In the 1960’s, Indigenous Peoples are given the right to

vote in Canada.

Later coined the 60’s Scoop, child apprehension replaces residential

schools as a new form of ‘cultural genocide’.

The 60’s Scoop saw Indigenous children apprehended by government authorities,

and fostered or adopted out non-Indigenous families around the world.

Many children taken during the 60’s Scoop grew up never knowing they were

Indigenous, having been told they were French or Italian.

Canada introduces the ‘White Paper’ in 1969 which proposed to abolish Indian status in

an effort to create equality for all.

Canada’s ‘White Paper’ is dropped after a massive outcry from Indigenous leaders who saw it as nothing more than an attempt by Ottawa to

walk away from treaty obligations.

Our Aboriginal & treaty rights are recognized and affirmed in

section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.

Our rights are recognized & affirmed internationally by the

United Nations.

We have won 175 court cases,

which affirm our rights!

Through the passage of Bill C-45, Canada today is unilaterally making changes to the Indian Act, which will expedite surrenders of Indian lands.

Indians la

Many First Nations live on reserves, yet we cannot legally own our own land in

Canada, as it is held ‘in trust’ for our use by the


Thru Bill C-45, Canada violates its duty to consult First Nations when it removes many

fish habitat protections and fails to recognize Aboriginal commercial fisheries.

Under Bill C-45 today, the new Navigation Protection Act removes environmental assessments for all but 1% of Canada’s


The new Navigation Protection Act paves the way for development such

as the Northern Gateway pipeline.

Bill C-27 requires First Nation-owned businesses to publicly report income

and expenses, undermining competitiveness. Non-First Nations businesses are not held to the same


There are more then 134 First Nation

communities in Ontario alone.

Chiefs storm the House of Commons in an attempt to speak with the Canadian

government over new legislation, such as Bill C-45.

The grassroots movement, Idle No More is born, to raise awareness about Indigenous

rights, and concerns about dwindling environmental protections.

Attawapiskat Chief, Theresa Spence begins a hunger strike in support of Idle No More, and to secure a meeting with the Prime Minster

and Governor General.

The London District Chiefs Council lends its support to Idle No More and coordinates a massive Day of Action at the Ambassador

Bridge, Windsor Ontario, January 16.

There are almost 60 different Indigenous languages in Canada. Of

these only 3 are considered safe from extinction.

The infant mortality rate for Indigenous Peoples are between 2

and 4 times higher than non-Indigenous people.

Indigenous people account for just 4%

of Canada’s population, yet we make up 23% of the prison


First Nations’ rate of diabetes is triple the national average.

The high school drop out rate for Indigenous students is 60%,

compared to a Canadian national average of 9.5%.

Despite a dark history, and current day challenges ~ we

remain proud Nations!We have persevered!

We look forward to working together to create a better future for our children!

LDCC supports the efforts made by the grassroots movement Idle No More, in raising global awareness about Indigenous rights and our collective responsibility for environmental stewardship.

Moving forward, the LDCC continues to work in conjunction with our political allies, such as the Assembly of First Nations, to negotiate a new treaty relationship with the Government of Canada. This new relationship would fulfill treaty promises to share lands and resources within our territories, respect each other’s sovereign right to govern, and participate as full economic partners to achieve a sustainable future for all.